Conductancl and activation energy.of chola-te'foompounds of
ditUocarbdnates aiR thioanidesp derivativ es of pyridine.
Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no,5%1094-1097 D t62. (KIRA 16:2)
1 ~iwiko--~himicheskiy institut im. LeYa. Karpovai]Mbskovskiy
g;sudars universitat im. R.V. Lcmonos6va. 2. Mlen-korres-
I Y ,y
pondent " SSSR (for Terentlym).
(Chelates) (Carbamic acid) (Amidem)
Z-V- Zvonkova and G. S. Zhdanov, The cr;rstal 'structure of A97"Oll- PP. 1284-9
The authors have made an independent investigation of the structure of the AOrOll
crystal. There are tables of a Debye crystallogram, struct4ral timplitudes, function
of the electron density.
The Karpov Physical Chemil cA1 Inst.
X-Ray Laboratory, Moscowt
April 21, 1948
SO: Journal. of Physical Chemistry (USSR) 22, No. 11, 1948
two of KX00(csVilfo, 0. s. z"..
Z"Mkuva (Knfpav' Phrs.wChem. last., Uopeqm).~
ef CA 44 2319t.-Crys.
tab of MAN.NCS~.all.0 (w9to; jj -'j. 4"j broa# to
the rhormble o)mtetu. The sf1we cm Is 01 - P2M,.'
TIM dimensions at the unit tv tc NCShAlftO (1) at
Thottoicimt* hit
cell Is it - 2. IVA pycoomeile vid X-fty do. gre't."gi '.,j
1.97. nV. Weltsemberg pW pba (Cm radfad") at j
taken and the exptl. nbw)#Ad O*I)Cfvm. Tloostructem
H dctd. by the nMW of the M
I )and RM) secift with
the help of the homorptsm H, lat. Tetrghtdms of
tc4f&kVdfO'n R" surrounded by the K 0 ocUkedrom. Tka
Iml to 0 1 h of the ant'rUtilt tY" A43- Tk OffedtAlift
Of the tatrahedroMs it detd, by the distxoge St - Scg, o# the
order of an Intantol. distance (3,45 A.). IM tetrojLedtom
aft we&* bo=W together by mcAao ef the tiamwtatic
lufflAction between 8 and X. FAch X k Amunded by
4 S atom (3.67.3-60. SAPOs 3.76 A.) vW;i N atom sm
Sftd 3.97 A.). The 11,0 Wob. we in the ,tjdM =
O(UWcublcktlk`f- TboC,0-NdftIaomiI2.l5Ad~mmrx-
rted $we boad with high lonjeity, W. 3[.Mt"yqj-
3~ IH'O ar-We, r. V. iWIN664"A' '-A'fA CI 'S.
AIAAMr (KA"IOv 11%kc%em 11M., M-)' 144,
,V.Iqh:Ml,o ~1) are nm"Altic
l34&4.-4CM(fh 01 ~4
with a unit c4 of dimmiass I - 14, 8, b - 4.26.: r. -
13MA.~,I - 104*30'(Wom9mP CVm)an'tP9VmmTAfic
aml x-ny do. 2. 19 and 2,21, reop. i T" mv. 4 moll. J*r
mail "I The 41, pommolten at ded, by augm of Pand
p oeeI, ft. WIMherg pWncnlA4 taken with
Go OW Me radlatom; i the palume" of 84, ~Ih' and S, I
W. felp.. 0.194% :* 00)(122t. 01400 + O.M. 4nd
0..I= * 0.00M. the ptmislom *( thotse data h divutwd.
The j~W, of g I% deld. by IN arrangement in p[Ane
double Up" of the llnc"r kx - Impope, Rach 11m* f iA
ourromaded by 4 N, 2 S. ond 2 0. ~Thc ndn, iffective kink
rodil of 3 and N us. retv., 2.01 and 1.47 A. Sia" the
radius *md slectrac"julvity of 5 end N at difflatmt, them
gto= me acuequiv. in the sCX Ovup. This remlit tras
already found with NII.SC.V (forat"a at It boads VH...
N) (d. C.A. 43.2484,1) arml with RtCo(%'CS.% (for"jotlem c.(
Ce-N bmdo). Raudirt.
I . I . . . j " -
. . I . , .. . . .
11 . 3 11 . . .. . j I r - ,
, .. ~il - .: - ~l . . . . .
- - r;~.- G.- %N-wCffmn-yT-t--'D-a=v !r4w V, J ~ ii ~ ,4-, fmt -hq w4!.4 nvt,~,.Ilttlir ambijI-ninhii , and =!~fr ~.G4--~
I I . . - ~ - - . - I I.... I- ~ - . . I .. ~ I il - . .
I - ~ I , I
ox lim t
3-11111c, r"tr-WIT98MI,
.1, 1 Ul
4 04 Woo 0&1
gavc*006 4 Oll " 741- 6
C"" leflo" "Ss.S.X. 11
Q;_"l ~'.h .,AN has A
bd M 6 44 A., Vith
_SV %-my. . patle" at werat.,
(low) of I, -'xcl Me.
ccnt;;~d cak tlttwe beriml %Ymaw"Y' be diAad'v
ion ba"i"S S W 6 1.31 0.03 A,; t the
, jwcr tct"~6;
,be 01; ithit, the of - 'on
di.tanc 1,, 1.24 A Al
cakd for IL 0 ... 0 Ixod O'l ;;n is W: at
rpid lmd into
a Tbew UjW clLn
0. gives add, . ines sitb
itig to the %Scl-typt tattice. . With KO" them is aw a
, with 4, . 330 A 0 Moi-
into the high-tewV,
A cubic latme
low"Mp'o with 0- - - bmiml
rWj4jtWO (FOW the N 02 104WO
-so, the vp
the latter is ~K~_. I N
ficat j.W*artd6.12A-Rt3OD - a. iir to 173 A.
(s 0 A. It froca 177 A. It
";1j.j. of the Ch- " chances &_ 10 1.-'0 '%. It* ISO*.
C'j jh~ 0.- u1n. men-
Ko, the raAk" I
Tbw,clnt""I.'A'6 "Ponds to a cumt,"'w. f
in KOS and in Na
44 V
the WVw W:
rhe Mao! tue 104i~
dtl zroz,;ll
NAOs Is OMM"Y in 'Ito
tkv " Ow phase 4 Kt%
nVKt& lRe,
ra'a; it m+A oft
pbom uWaski= - 6 that ow"Ved In
of the walp-c 01= ity am A.
Wralul .01 a 0,003
Dambem (C-1
reported fur by!T PIctoll'Am
44. 71 ge) it grubW istit rij by Wjimilim- For Od
WAN I the 0-0 disciam of M * 0.00 A. is to-t
kigb, and the pvpxw ipwt lompi Ir AW (V (pyritt
Irmt SPOM group
am wrws. T*"Pilly
2,11 'Imt. i.L
OSa% is 01. The dkctd.;4 pma
d-%'&Oo "It Oxima p"fe"tial ldatt%dad distlibutiam 4 04-
kox aloug the said dkVnFj n'L"W CUtM in ulumbstoutiated,
The gom"Tuctim of lintar vtwDw WMI445 llemoth to Ver IV"
act"Up"t with the model or lfa*dw lp"ca"ry of & (h
x cot" 44"t as 0 9""
lom. Thu spkqw lim"t It CA 4k
(me rutution of the" Wo 1&2&4. N. Tbm
-~- . . - - - - . - . '-- .- 4 , , . - , ; ~ - i , 1 , , . ., , . . . : :- , ~ . ~ - 1 1 ~ ~ ~ . 1 ; ~ c , - . .-I . , ! 1 : , ~ : , - : I , f I 1 1 ~ ; . I ~ : I i , ; . i , - I - ! :-7 - - ~ ;-_ I ~, --,- -- - -
U~SR/Cfidmlstr Su' rOx* as,, '.i
7 Pe
"The Crystal Structure.,of'the,11.1gher Oxideu of,
Group I Metals from the Periodic,, Table," G. Sk
Zhdanov and S. V. Zvo4kov
"DAN SSSR" Vol 87, No 5, pP 743-746
Sodium and potassium superoxides, (beta-XaO2~land
beta-KO2) were studied by means of X-ray Wirac-
tion. A brief review of USSR ~6rk~ (by X. Y.i!-I,
Kagarnovskiy etyal.) on the-structures of Srfi~;
BaO~, CaO~, alpha-KO~, beta-NaO2 and KO~ is"41ven,l
in the introduction. Higher silver
discussed. Presented by Academician A. N.I,rumki~
13, Dec 51,
Crystal structure of thiocyanates. Part 9. X-ray investigation 1s of crystals of
complex hexathiocyanates of chromiumv nickel and platinum.,, Zhur. fiz. khim.~ 27;
no. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953 Un
i. LI 7w;'511',~1,1,--,*;~-~_1 1,11 ii6A" 11 Fin!
IV '. .1 - - 1-1 1
USSR (600)
I+. Radiography
7. Radiographic determination of the chemical f orzaila of sodium salts of the 'nickel
thiocynate complex. Dokl. AN SSSR 88j No. 4, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,~ Mayl
1953. "Unclassified.
"Developments of Crystalls-chemical representations regarding tht~nature
of the inter-molecular relationship and Inter-molecular speces bued on
rof,nteeno-stractrual analysis," by G.V. Zvonkov., pp. 71-78.
SO: WoLks of the Inst of 2astallograph-v, Issue #10, (Reports submitted at
po the
3rd International Congress-of Cryetallograpby; published by the Acad,
Sci USSR, Moscov, 1954)~
--.';UbUNf:.VnYfljC5~- urya-pal.VD -r Pn
; `4
Auth a
Tob lko, r; I- Yor
Oid 2 Man
Vi G 3
cture of r a Sar:a
The a-tru
r& 0,
xit 'ra
d ual'of I
Dold. AN SSSR Edo~ '49: -- 752 4uno 19',54,
Aba ac -Peculi4rltie6, -
instability under ligfit, 'Of 1-
Mineral rb
r"by the f4~'W
Its having large Intermolecu lar dista-,-,cos wbich leadds to a
loose coupling of the As-As -toms anfl, theIr substit-ation by
more stnble ones, i. e., As- S. This was proved by tl~e method
of statistical equrlittes. Fifteen rilforonces. Table, -raplh.
Institution The L. Ya. Karpov 'S:'c ientif to-Re search Vi-~sico-Chemtcv-l Tnst-',-
z __v
Card III
Author Zvortkova, Z. V,
C stalline:structuedior Fo 'B 16H;
'Title ry
3 0
Periodical _t Pi,
Abstract Crystals of Fegr8*16H20 belong to the manociWe syngony. Deter-
mined were , e elementary nucleus a= 8 -.74, b= 7,26; cv 22.% R,
spatial group Ct - P21/C, number of weight rarticles in the nucleus
z= 2 and the x-ray densityd xv 2.50. X-VaT imie atl;ration of the
Fe3Br -16H20 crystals established an entiri*ly neir tym of atomic
new chenucal and 5truct-jral. fommilii for the comc*und
e kr lig tar8(H20 61 was set tit . 9j.pht r-irtrences. Tables,
The L. Ya. Karpov Physico-Chemica.1 Institmte, Mo-scow, USSR
June 5, 1953
!I;;! 77.,tJA
Card 1/1
kuthors t Zhdanov# G. S.,, and Zvordcovajs Z, V,
Title t Problem of crystaUachemleal inveattgation of A&41NOU compounds
Periodic&l t Zhure Fin. Khim,, 281, M. 31, 564,.5650, Harch 19%
Abstract : One of the methodical problem of a majority of structural Investi-
gationa of complex compounds iv not onlar to find the positions of
light atoms in the prosenc* of heavy onns, but thesequamt stage of
the x-ray analyzis nawly, tho, derivation of ace-wate tnteratomic
npacea. The authors point cout, the inethodictLl ina,ccuriuri,pq Ln the
Bokip-Smirnov '1953' vork which led to an cmtirol.y bantlvss and i.n-
correct ions (4, In t'h-v A&V7.1*11 Btructure Inoyitution tuW to writLng
a formu.1a for this oompoLmd in t?,e fom of Ag Afq~ 04 Pi"
reforences. rable.
Institution t The L. Ya. Karpov Physilcc-Chemical Institutop Mosicow, MSR.
Submitted v September 17v 1953
New data on the cryetallochemistry of complex misreury Wide com-
pounds. Dokl. AN SSSR 102 no.6:1115-1118 Je'55. (MLRA 8:10)
1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy fi%iko-khimicheskI7 institut imeni
L.Ta.Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom N.V.Belovym
(Crysta,lloehemistry) (Mercury haloids),
USM/ Physical Chemistry - Crystals
Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimi7s., No 4., 1957, 10974
Author zhdanov Gx.,, :Ovs, Z.V., Vorontsova L.G.
Title X-Ray Investigation of the.~tructure of Methylene i-Blue,Dyestuff
Orig Pub Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 1., 61-65
Abstract An investigation vas made of the crystalline structure of VAthylew Blue
dye (0 H 8N 8) * Cl nH20,, vhich crystallizes in 16ng dark-blue seeales'. ha-
ving nine lu3ter. Ascertained k-ere the lattice parameters: Ia 9-*866)
b 31-86 Y ~- a 7 07 A, 970111 . , From e-dertes data and by means of ; isomor-
phous r2placQA of Cl atom, by a Br atom., projection of electron density
on ~001) planTj,~vAsiiylbtted.-e,-,,Ab,,,a.'red~dt7,.'.a:,.~funda~tmataluodel of structure,
in 001).ProJection, has been derived, vhich vas confirmed by geometric
an ysis. Nearest S-01 distande, equal to 2.8 A in projection) exceeds
considerably lengft of covalent bond, vhich provides a confirmation of an
ionic model of structure. It vas ascertained that the nearest to the bplo-
gen atom of the complex ion is the S atom and not the wthyl groups as was
previously reported (Taylor W.H., Z. Kristallogr., 1935y k9l, 450-4450) -
This is explained by concentration of positive cbarge at S aton. Taylor's
Card 1/2
Z' V,
tfsSR/Physical temistr Crystals.
Abs Jour Referat Zhur Rhimiya, No 1, 1958, 212
Author Z.V. Zvonkova.
Title Crystallochemical Study of Nature of Donor-Acceptor Bond
in Complex Boron Compounds.
Orig Pub Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 1, 73-8o
Abstract An x-ray-structural study of the compound of F B,with
NC H was carried out. The parameters of tIIie Aonoclinic
aMce are: a - 1.7.71, b -'5.89, c 14 7034 A, fS
1180421, Z - 8, f. f. P21/c;;.f (meas.) - 1"48. At the
structure deciphering, the method of statiatical~equa-
tions was used for the determination of the siGas of struc-
tural amplitudes, as well as the method ofUree,;-aimensio:-
nal sections and projection of electronic density. Pboto-
graphing was carried out by the x-ray goniometric method.
The interatomic distances are
Card 1/2
USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 1, 1958~ 212
B-F - 1.41. B-N - 1.53, P-F - 2.30, N-c - 1.36) C-Q - 1-39
A; the valence angles are: FBF - 109-50; ~ 1W - 108.50;
C(i)NC(2) - 117-50; WC(l)C(3) - 1230; C(l)'!(3)C(5) -
118-50. The exactitude of the deter-
1190; C,(3)C(5)C(4)
mination of interatomic distances was 0.01,to, A. The
deform tion of the valence angles in the pyridine molecule
agrees with radiospectroscopical data. The planes of the
pyridine rings are perpendicular to the plane ~(0,1,0). A
considerable reduction of the internolecular radius of
Card 2/2
the hydrogen atom (r = 0 80 A) was established in'the
structure by the disKcez' II-H between molecules fr6m,
neighboring cells. The crystallochemical the6ry of the
donor-acceptor bond is discussed.
Va /V t~ 0 vt-?
Category: USSR Physical Chemistry Crystals
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Ehindya, No 9, 1957., 29675
Author : Zhdanov G. S.t Zvonkova Z. V., Rannev N. V.
List : not given
Title : X-Ray Diffraction Study of Diethyl-Dithiocarbamate of Lead
Orig Pub: Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 5, 514-519
Abstract: Monocrystals of C(CH-)._NCSJ.Pb were obtainedIn the form of color-
less hexagonal prisms. X-ray determinations were made of the parame-
ters ofmonoclinic lattice: a 9-55, b 11,75, c,14.72,A, P 960, Z = 4.1
F. gr. P2,/c. By means of F series pyramidal configuration of Pb-S
bonds (tetragonal pyramid) was ascertained. From projection of elec-
tron density (100) and (010) the coordinates of Pb, S,-,,) atoms were.
obtained. Interatomic distancea in the pyramidal complex: Pb-S 2-7-
2-8), S-S, 3-3-3-5, Pb-Pb 4.25 A. Pb-S bonds are of pro-dominantly co-
valent nature. Structural data are cmpared with change in dipole
moments in the series of dithiocarbamates of Zn, Hi, Pb, Bi.
Card 1/1 -14-
Using direct methods of X-ray structural analysis for
crystallochenical examinations, Kristallogisfiis! I no.6:
611-633 156, (MLRA 10:5).
1.7isiko-khimichaskir insti~ut Ig. L.Ta. Kaxpovao.
(X-ray crystallOgra
jj~ lift I I Lill
-ii j1pIly,
AUTHOR: Zvonkova, Z.V.
TITLE: Development of the crystal-chemical.theory of structural
compounds. (Kristallokhimichoskiyei6sledovan:lya stroyeniya
nekotoTykh kompleksnykh soyedineniy)
PERIODICAL: "Kri 1 195?9
--- stallograf 7a" -(Crystallogra hy)
V~*2, No-3, pp. 408 - 413 (UOSXR.~
ABSTRACT: Crystal-chemical research on the later-molecular inter-
action shows some interesting and signiXicant features of the
nature of the hydrogen bond. The now: values obtained for
inte I u1 radii of t4e hydrogen atom in the structure
r,,iTl'(CmHo = 0.74 A) and in the structure
%W_ - ~ 6 51 H
F3B - NC5 H5 (rH = 0.80 A)'are smaller than the generally
accepted valUe r. = 1.17 1.20 1. The int6r-molecular
distance H ... F.(1-93 1) is shorter than the m,Tn of he
inter-molecular radii of hydrogen and fluorine (2-521). A
strong hydrogen bond N - H ... S has been found in the struc-
ture of captax. Strong hydrogen bonds are due to electro-
Card 1/3 static attraction and can be obtained in two cases:''1).along
the line of polar covalent a-bond and 2) for groups.of.double-
bond character, for example S = C
120'. There are 1 figure and 1 table and 18-references, of
which 10 are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Physico-Chemical Institut im. LPYa. Karpov.
(Fiziko-khimicheskiy Institut ia,. LYa. Karpova)
SUBMITTED: February 20, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Crystallochemical studies of tho nature of Idonor-naceptor bondA
in.complex compounds. Zhur. neorg. khIm. 2 :10.'2314-2345 O~ "57.
(H]3iA lio)
1. Fisiko-khimicheakiy inatitut im. L. Yn.Urpova.
(Ci7stallochemistry) (GOemicnl bonds) (Comolex compounds)
t e- L-"
The nature of the chemical bonds in thiocyapiite complexes of
metals [vith summary in English]. Zhur.fig.khim. 31 no.9:2074-2077
S '57. (MIRA 11:1)
1,Fisiko-khimichaskiy institut im. L.T&. Karjova, Moskva.
(Chemical bonds) (Complex compounds) (Thicyanates)
AUTHORS: Zvonkova, Z.V. and Tashpulatov, Yu~
TITIS: -New-D-et-erm-In-a-vion of, the CrystaliStrueture of Thiourea
(N6voye opredeleniye kristallicheskogo~stroyeniya
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3,,Nr 5,~pp 553-558 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The structure of thiourea was first determined in 1928
and 1931,, so that a re-investigation to wasure the
bond lengths by modern methods was called for. The
crystals are orthorhombic with space group
PnMa = 16 a = 7.66, b = 8.54t;c =5 52 A, Z 49
d and d = 1.4054/=3
cale. 1.39
The co-ordinates of,the S and I atoms were determined
from Patterson projections. The~.'xy0r' and Oyz ' Jourier
projections were then. calculated (23 and 29 ind.epeadent
reflections, respectively). 210:general reflections
were obtained with a Weissenberg~camexa designed by
M.M. Umanskiy. A section (x, 1/4, 0~was then.c(Al'culated.
-The co-ordinates finally obtaineddiffer from
those found earlier (SB 11) 805 ~882)~ and are
'Cardl/3 So (0-999, 0-250, 0.886); d, -64099, 0-250, 00145);
A New Determination of the Crystal Structure of Thiburea
N, (0-1341 0.116, 0.234)., From theseldata'I the bond
lengths are S-C - 1.61 + 0.01 A a4d 01,~N = 1.128 + Q.01
and the angles are K-C-17 1291, + lv , and S-C-N. 116".- + 1L'
The shortest intra-molecular d1stance6 are,S-N 2.46-and
N-N 2.30 and the shortest inter-molecular S-N 3.36 ands
N-W 3.84 A. These are about 0.05 A less than obtained
earlier. There are weak H-bonds assooJAed with thet'inter-
action of the H-atoms with the P p -electrons of the
electron cloud. The characteristic MOleCular symmetry:in
isolation is mm but in the crystal is only m . Them:
distortions found in the earlier deteimination were'not
confirmed and the molecule appears aliaost~planar, the
displacement of the N atom being 0.01;A. The bond angles
and lengths are related to those in captax.
There are 7 figures and 13 references, 7 of which ate
Soviet and 3, English, 2 German andl Scandinavian.'
Card 2/3
A New Determination of the Crystal.Structure Of Thiourea
ASSOOIATION: Fiziko-khladcheakiy lastitut im.: L. Yq. KarpoA
(hWico-chemical Institute *im* L#'Ya'., Mirpov)
SUBMITTED: January 28, 1958
sov/70-3-5 5/24
AUTHORS: Zvonkova Z.V. and Glushkova,, V.P.
TITIE: The Crystal of.p-bromphenylboric Acid
(Kristallicheskoye stroyeniye p.-bromfenilbbrnoy
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958', Vol 3, Nr . Pp 559-563 (USS*)
ABSTRACT: 40 crystals of p-Br%H~B(OH)2 from:varioas solvents
were examined by X-ray diffraction. There. appeared to
be no piezoelectric effect. The cell wa6found to, be
hexagonal with a - 28.73 and c -i~9.74 A and space,
group C6/mCC M C 2 with Z = 36 and d
64 Cale. Z! 1'72
dobs. = 1.67 g/cm?. There are 576,atoma in the unit,
2 20 1)
cell. The Patterson functions F and F bk
were constructed which showed only peaks corresponding
to Br-Br vectors. The: Br atoms were~found to lie:
in mirror planet with z - 0 and.':.z = 1/2 It was.
assumed that theatoms Br, C11 04 and,* B lie trip ly
in the positions 12(e). The atomrs C2 .1C31 C 5**061
Cardl/5 011 02 and H =upy the general~positions 24(m) The
The Crystal Structure of p-bromphenylboric Aci-6
co-ordinates of the three independent Br atoms were
found from F series. :Weissenberg.photographE; weref:
taken for ? layers about the a axis and these werei
connected by a axis photographs.' In ally 588
independent reflections'were colleated., The sections
at xyO and x, 7, 0.123. were calculated. The heights
of the three Br peaks were 85, gl:and;'82 and of the
C atoms were 16-20. The Br peaks wer.e; thought to
be slightly lowered by-their antisImmetric arrangement.
The final co-ordinates are entered'in Table 2, P1560;
When a temperature factor of B=4 'was:applied, a final
reliability factor of R=24% was obtained. The'angles
relating the 0 plane of t9e molecule,to the 010 plane'
are 0, - 41 52 and 0 50 The bond'
lengths and angles are:
Card 2/5
The Crystal Structure of p-bromphenylboric Acid
2' 3
0 H
1. 8 .37