ZVOLIMKIY V.P., nauchWy sotrudnik
Lomonosov on petroleum. Naukd i zhizn' 30 n.0,6:1-5 Je 163
(MM 16:7)
1. Inatitut istorii yostestvozneni-ya i tek~n-jld Ali &MR.
(Petroleum PoXo~y)
(Lomonosov.. mikhad vasaseviahs rn-1765)
AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. P.9 Gromov, K. Ya., Dzhelepov, B. S.,
7 Corres onding Member of~the AS USSR
P U. .
Zolotavin, A. V.t Veye, M., and Van Yun-y~y
TITLE: The Decay of the Two-hour Isc4ope Lu~
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 325-328
TEXT: In the lutetium fraction forming in the cour7se of 'an irradiation
of tantalum with 660-Mev protons, conversion lineo'';were;discovered, which
had a period of two hours. The authors investigated the;:lutetium isotope
to which these lines belong. For this.purpone thoy.uaed'a~p-spectromster
with double focusing, the magnetic field was measured by means of proton
resonance, and calibration was carried out according to exactly known
lines. Recording was carried out by means of two daiger.:HUller counters.
Three conversion lines with a period of (2.15 + 0-20) hours were dis-
covered; closer details are given in Table 1. By comparing the energy
differences between these -three lines with X-ray data, It was found that
the Lu-isotope goes over into an ytterbium isotope. Prom the close study
The Decay of the Two-hour Isotope Lu168 S/020/61/1136/002/014/034
of the known Lu-isotopes, of their decays, and their spectra, the authors
come to the conclusion that the required isotope with a'period of 2.15
hours must be Lu which has an odd-odd deformed nuoleuse' Fig-~3
shows the decay scheme of this isotope. There are,3 figures, 3 tables,,
and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I US.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarsivennyy universitet:im. A. A. Zhdanova
(Leningrad State University imeni lt.;A. Zhdanov)
Ob"yedinennyy institut yadern~kh ins'ledoviiniy (Joint
Institute of Nuclear Researo
SUBMITTED; October 6, 1960
Card 2h&
AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye P., DLzheZvpv, B. S., zvolLakzl__V~, Zolotavln,
. V.~ A:-, 'and Ada*m, I.
A. V., Malysheva, T V.. o
TITLE: Conversion electrons of the short-lived ~platinum and tungsten
PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk 8SS11. Izvestiya. 86riya*fizicheskaya, v. 26,
no. 1, 1962, 120 - 124
TEXT: The conversion electron spectra of the platinum and the tungsten
fractions were measured by a P-spectrometer with double focusing by the
method of nuclear resonance in the intervals 68 - 106 kev, and 70 -90
kev, respectively. The neutron-deficient platinum and tungsten isotopes
were produced by bombarding gold with 660-Mev protons. Table 1 gives the
parameters of the 16 lines obtained for the plalinum~fraction. 7 of
these lines have been newly discovered. The 106.43-ke* transition cannot
be attributed to one of the Pt isotopes but only to an Ir isotope. The
intensity ratio of the lines L and LIII suggests ar. E2 or E3-type,
transition. Also for the 110.T6-kev transition in at iridium nucleus
Card 1
Conversion electrons of the... B125/BliO2
the isotope on whose decay transition takes place cannot be determined,
due to its insufficiently accurate half line. The L II LIII LIII lin.es
with the energies 96.71, 97.25 and 98.87 kev of the liO.10-kev transition
have a half life of (20�0.3) hr. The ratio of the line intensities of
inner conversion on the L-subshells suggests a transition of type El, or
E2+M1. Also the 93.94-kev transition mentioned in 1960 at the X:
Soveshchaniye po yadernoy spektroskopii (Tenth Congress on Nuclear
Spectroscopy) in Moscow takes place in an iridium! nucleus , The three
conversion lines with the half life (2.6tO.6) hr and the energiab 72A,
74.3, and 83.2 kev which the authors studied in the 70 - 90-kev~~S;pectral
range belong to the decay of W176 or W177. The first,two lines are
7,1- and N-lines of the 74.9-kev transition in Ta, The~intensitiez of the
(LI+Lii)t Ljjjj M, and N conversion lines of the viell-known tran~iti6n
with ho = 88-35 kev (2+-;,0+) in Hf 176 initially increasp withthe hg If
life (2-5t0-4) hr and then decrease with the hall' liCe 6 hr of Tft17 ~
The half life 2.5 hr of W176 obtained by the author differn essen~tilally
from the value obtained by G. Wilkinson. There are 2 figures, 7jables,
Card 21X,3
Conversion electrons of the... B125/11102i
and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-
language publication reads an follors: G. Wilkinnon, Phys. Rev., 60, 495
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isr.'edovatell-skiy fiziche,skiy institut Leningrad-
skogo gas. universiteta im. A. A.'Vidanova (Sclentifio
Research Institute of'Physics of ttiningiad State UniversIty
imeni A. A. Zhdanova)" Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh
issledovaniy (Joint Institute of llu~!'clear Research).~ Inatitut
geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii I,m. V.: 1. Vernadekogo
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytionq]. Chemistry imani
V. I. Vernndakiy)
Table 1. Energies and half liven of the intensity decrease of some
conversion lines of the ~Iatinum fraction.
Legend: (1) T1/2 (hr)i (2 identification; (3 1uo:,tope.
AUTHORS. Grom.Ov DzhelepoVj B.' So*'-ZXollaka ZvoV' kiy'
K, Ya.
Lebedev, and Urbanetst Ya.;,
167 decay scheme
TITLE: The T~i
PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestlya, SdViya fizichaskayal v.- 24
no. 8,,1962, 1019 1026
TEXT; To improve thedecay scheme of Tu the t-spectrum wad studied:
with a single-or~stal,, !scintillation spectrometer having a~100-ohanrieil
p tand the spectrum of~the conve.rhion electrons of
ulse-height analyzer
Tu with a double fga-using ~-spectrometer. The latter had a device for
mWsuring the electric4ield by th6 proton resonance method for*ele6tron
erj~6rgies >56 kev; whergAs for E 56 kev; wherejLs for E 56 kev; whergAs for E 56 kev; wherejLs for E