SOURCE CODE UR/0056/66/061/003/0819/0824
AUTHOR: Zvezdin. A. K
ORG: none
TITLE: The theory otou lear spin v nduced by hot electrons
SOURCE; Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy t teoreticheakoy fiziki,, v. 51, no. 3, 19 .66,
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear spin, electron polarization, electron distribution, hot
ABSTRACT: Nuclear spin polarization due to hot electr6 hs (Feher effect)
studied theoretically for a case where the electron distribution function differs from
the Boltzmann or Fermi distributions. The possible shape of the hot electron
distribution with respect to spin sublevels is investigated. The dependence of the
nuclear polarization on the diatribution function parameters to'clucidated. The
author expresses his gratitude to V. M, Yeleg-nWijy, and'K. K. Svidzinskly for
discussing the work. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas. [Author's abstract]
SUB CODE: 20/SUBM 16ATE: 31JAnWORIG REF: 004/13TH REF: 004/
Tmnsfer cffsc~.a in n-1n3b In Inelast-1- polar zcal-ering or
electrons. Fiz. tvpr. tola 7 jF~ f6rZ
1. Institut, fiziki metallov AN SSSRI.
1~ 7,
L 12799-66: EWT(I)/EWA(UI)-2, IJP(c) At
AOC NR: AP5026625 -sowcr: cot) 'tR/(JQ56#Vjb49/OQ4'/l3'l3 1395
zdini A~ K
q6 I-
ORG: None
TITLE: Nuclear polarization in semiconductors. and: ieiplme~i* bjli~ direct cuir4~t
J~CE: ZhurnaV.eksperi-mentalrnoy fteoretionesk6y f1tikii:4
4. 1905~
TrI?T-C TAM: semiconductor theoty, nuclear spin electron dOIn,4,p4n!.phonon Rter-
ar:ti~~rn, nuclear magnetic moment~~.rel4xatlon. process
is i~
'IS -:ACT: The effect of the dif ference betw4en.the soin~in ~eleiotrion temperatures,
I-rO!::-ht about by an elcctric current. in a setilconductor or and ii*''
-ence on the magnetization of the electron and nuclear Op1q;.Aubsystems 4ie
'f-'vv-.--tIgated. Two possible mechanisffis for es ~.C06r :
tablighinq a'
v!n~,e between !the;
~");r and electron temperatures, interaction with acoustic a6d op~tcat phonons,
considered and an analysis is made of the resulting nuclear vAg-netization of
ie rystem in the presence of drift and heating of the electron g-dir. 7he spin re-
li--',~'.ion time of the conduction electrons, associated with their J~nteraction
-C 11R-s: AM26625
ate- illbit
optical phonons Irx,calcui Cfor dqu
is slliowni that Interaction wi 41 SOChaniom
th apti ~al P60n~ns Inq
3 16
V-- establishment of nuclear and e1ectroa
Mtidn, :A oli nki; p, T,,
Zviyapov and V. P. Silin for
cueslans7 Mable c
As and va
s-and:61 formulias':
00 art. he-;7 I figure
S ICO 1) E t20/ SU13M DATE - I IVA y!s~/ ~'NR OF sovs 0041" am 4ii 11 -do
2/2 hW
ALEKSEYEVA, G.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk$ dote.; I-WLESHU11A, L.P.,
dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BALUYEV, V.K.j, in~zh.; BL14DAS,
A.M., prof,, doktor tekhn. nauk; VMIK(A) tLy prof.,
doktor tekhn. iiauk3 YEZHKOV,,V.V., kand, tekbn. Ahuk;
ANISIV-OVA, N.D., dots.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; VANTVW, S.1.0
kand. khim. nauk; GLAZUNOV, A.A.p dots., kana. taklin,
nauk; GOGUA, L.I~p inzh.; GREBEMIICIIENKO, V.T.p linh.;
A L inzh,; KAZANOVICH, G.Ya., inzh.; MA~XVSKIY, B.A.,
d-olbs-.-, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOSAREV, G.V.p dote., ~szd. tekhn.
nauk; MESSEIZIAN, S.M., kand. teklin. nauk, dots.1 XOKUNJ
N.D.9 inzh.1 KUVAYEVA, A.P., dots., kwud. iekbn.naa-
SOKOLOV, M.M.9 dote.., kand. tekhn. nauk-, LASHKOV, F.P.9 dots.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; LAZE-1, A.I., Inzh.- YUD121, F.I., inzh.;
LIVSHITS, A.L.., kanda tekhn, nauk; METELITSIN, F.G., lnzh.;
NEKRASOVA, N.M.$ dots.9 kand. tokY.n. nauk,~ OLISHANSKU, N.Av')
dots.9 kand. tekbn, nauk; POLEVAYA,, I.V.~ dots v kand. telcim,
nauk; POLEVOY, V.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nijuk [deceased);
RAZEVIGI D.V., prof., doktor tekkw. nauk-; BAKOVICII, I.I.j
Inzh.; SOLDATKINA, L.A., dots., kand. tekhn. na-uk- TREMBACH,
V.V.p dots,q kund, tekhn., nauk; VEDOROV, AJ., Vrof., kand#
tekhn. nauk; FINGER, L.M.., inzh.; CHILIKE1, M.G.*j. prof,,
doktor tekhn. nauk, glav. red.; RITIK, 1.11o., inzh,, red.
GOLOVAN,A.T,,, prof.,red.; PETROV, GJIsp prof.p r6da;
FEDOSEYEV A.M., prof.. red.
(Continued on~xiext card)
ALEKSEYEVA, G.Ye.- (continued). Card 2.
(Electrical engineering manua).] Elektrotekhnicheakii
spravochnik. Pod obahchei red. A.T. Golovana I dr. Moskva,
Energiia. Vol.2. 1964. 758 p. IRA I.PsI2)
-2;--MoscbV- Bnergeticbes3dy institut. 2. Mos~ovak-ly energe-
ticheskiy inatillut (for Goloyan, Grudinskiy, Petrovp
Fedoseyev, Chilikin, Venikov). 3. Ghlen-korrespondent AN
SSR (for Petrov).
ACC NR1 Ap6o.19755 T A SOURCE cow: UR/0ll3/66/00o/oo6/dooT/pooq
AUTHOR: Zvezdin_, A. Ya. (Candidate of technical sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE, Determining the stationary power output and service life of truck engines
SOURCE: AvtowbilInaya,prorUshlennostf, no. 6, 1966, 7-9
TOPIC TAGS: vehicle engine, internal combustion engine, power takeoff, stationary
truck engine, vehicle engine cool'7ng system,'engine perforinance characteristic/'
ZIL-157 vehicle engine
A13STRACT: To determine the advantage of using truck engines for stationar
applications, a preliminary study of the tifficiency of the zLauidard cooling system
for the ZIL-157 truck engine was carried out. A complex e)q~erimental and theoretioatl
study showed that the stationary power of the ZIL-157 engine does not exceed
its rated power, being only 52 hp at 2200 crankshaft rpm at an ambient air tempera-
ture of 400; Based on data obtained by the Gorlkiy Automobile PlAint, Table I-presenti
the recommended stationa47-engine power-output values for tt,number of engines. It
is suggested that a section be Included in the GOOT covering, truck-angine testing,
which would indicate their stationary output.. To attain the Inecessary engine,
Card I P) r'rj1 1111 hf~
Table 1. Recommended station _~~nx lne al!lLut values.
Make of Rated out-
engine put. in hp
Percent of
GAZ -51
70 18 25
GAZ-66 320 50 h2
ZIL-15T 101, 52 50
URAL-375 180 68 38
-2 6 . . . 24o -U 11 1 48
::durability and cost eifectivn"ess, recomend iations are mile to aid the orgiI3niiations
producing power-takeoff units and to assure correct'engo'e operation.. Orig. art&
has: 5 figures and 211tables.
W: none/ OHIO REF 003/
improve the quality of correspondence courses. Pbor.dalo 5
no.4:18 Ap ,59. (MiRA 12:5)
(Fire prevention--Study and teaching)
ZVEZDIN, V,, inshener,
Gigantic thermometer, Tekhsmels24 no,6:19 Ja 156. (HMA 9". q)*
L-1316, d)/EPV(c'Y/E)1A P
ez ITP fkV
9 .1
AUTHOR: Helvakov,, Yu I dLiki Yuq jo~.
TITLEt Mass-spectrometricwthad 0 hydo C~esbilityvll -V
heat-restataft materials
SOURCE Zavodskaya .6
--laboratoript V. 31 ~n "-.9 19 .01-1109!
trow-t; 6 aaba iti ~ch'c~i-
TOPIC TAGS., amass sped ry.'hydrogen metal hydrooe r Lim
steel, heat resistant steel
ABSTRACT: An DIS nonmagne plao da spectrog6:6a I cc
p ~Ilusai easup lth6
permeability and diffusionK! t%., e1
I ' I '6eel'in the
of hyc rbu a spectmen of ~ rhl&410T
form of a membrane at 450-950C. A diagram of the diffisaion '~Wfl -employed is given
iThe permeab I d incjja e vith the temper!Lture UL accordance with
the exponer r:n1atdLcnfsfuPi%Q'nP(j, e PXT and D -- Do e-KIPM. Values of the qctivjt-i
tion energies and Kj) and the constants P. and Do, c4culat ed Ly a grsphic
!analytic method-, are tabulatiad. The presence of weld Joints holding the steel !
I membrane between the ends of thlWOT tube holders is found to have no off ect on
Ithe permeability of hydrogen, 7he mass spectrometric method diakes it podsible to
Haas-spectroacopic method for studying the hydrogen permeability of
refractory materials. Zav. lab. 31 no.9.-Ilo'j-1109 165. (MIRA 18*.10)
zvxz~ nauchnyv sotrmdnik;.ROGACH3VSXAYA, L.84, nauchuyy sotrudnik;
VOLXOTA, N.Y., uladahly nauchnyy sotrudnik; XIM, X.P., doktor
istorichaskikh nauk, red.; PMITOT, Z., r~d..; TTUVXMA, A.,
[first steps in the industrialisation of the U.S.S.R., 1926-19271
Pervye shagi industrializatsii SSSR, 1926-1027 gg. Koskvs, 0o9.
iad-vo, polit.lit-ry, 1959. 532 p. (MIRA 120Y
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut istorii. .2,0 TSentrallnyy gqsu-
darstvennyy arkh1v Oktyabrlskoy revolyutail i sotsialistichookogo
stroitelletva 630 (for Zvesdin). 3, Insti.tut istorli AN SSSR
(for Rogachavakaya, Volkova).
........ .......................
Revolving cre ed.,17 no.409-61. Ap ~59.
(141PA 120)
Catalytic oxidation of propylene to acrolein in the presence',of
water vapors. Kin.i kat. 3 no.2:257-260 Mr-Ap 162.
1. Novokuybyshevskiy filial Nauchno-issledovatelf,skogo institdta'
sinteticheskogo spirta.
(Propene) (Acrolein) (Water vapors)
f I
L 3)4624-66.: W(1)
ACC NR- AP5025303 SOURCE!CoDt-1
AUTHOR! Men'. A.N Sokolmr A.Y.: Zvetdina, N. A Hurushill, Vu. N.,-_
Nekoshriov, B. M. ; Chudakov, V! R.
ORG: none
nation of the energy spectrum of an impuett~ ton Mth an unfill4d d~shell
TITLE- Determi
in a crystal
SOURCE: Optlka I spelctroakoptya, v. 19, no. 4, 1966, asil-696
Y. E Ft spectrum, line splitHilq
TOPIC TAGS- crystal impurit P
ABSTRACT: The interpretation of energy spectra and EPR -4;pectrti of ions in vitrioas
crystals requires the solution of a secular equation wldch takes inlo account the configura-
tion of the ion and the symmetry of the intracrystallind, field, In this paper, tables of
matrix elements have been compiled which make it poosible to write a secular 4-qualion
at once for any term of any configuration in Me case (d an iinipurttjr ion with an unfillesi d
&hell. These tables can also be used in studying EPR stiectra if the field of lower sym-
metry produces a splitting comparable in order of magniitudi! to otheT perturbations (spin-
orbital and exchange perturbations, etc.). As an exampLe, the spalfting of the priincipal
card 1/2 UDC: 539.184. 2:548. 0. 00 1. 1
M-MMON M-1.11-111112111-1111111111!I
. I
..... ....
I I cafd ?./2
~. I . " "7:, - . I . .
I ., -71-11
i~~ -- --- -
.:.. ~ : ;_ - ... .. ~ - -1. -, ~. '. : - , ~ L~ ~ .,. - '. .,;-, I IlL, ~ .! it 11 4- ii . I - '~ '.
NOSKOV, N.S.,, kand.',ekhn.nhWk,, T:JA,P-Fflk(,,, Yc.F., kiind.tvkhn.rauk,
Zlj,~~,4)~.'IN, A.S., inzh.-, fiR0,03KIY, Z.I.; inzh,
Control of liquid flow Into a -vuiael, u3ing olsictrodma. Prom. energ I
17 no.12:26-31. D '62. (MIRA 1'~-4)
ZVEZDXIN, S.N., insh.
Zt'b o do- for drying,peat fields for the wInh'IIqF. Ofailled pent,
and means for their improvement. Torf.prom. no0,17-20
159. 12:7)
nzh,',"HA1R ISON, R.G., inzh.
Effect of the dielectric properties of transformer oil
on the strength of electric insulation of transformers.
Blek.sta. 31 no.4:60-64 Ap 160. (Mnu 13S7)
(Blectrio traneformers) (Insulating oils)
SMRIK, u.S., inxhener; TSWMUIX, S-V-, inzhenir; LT4KOVSKIT, G. 1.
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; i'nzb,oner; UUMIT,
G.B., inshener; KOZYM, N.A.. kandidat ich*okikh nauk;
K=KOV"IY, V.B., kandidat tekhnichaskikh umuk; MIAHZIN, L.P.,
inshener; ALMZS~Y&V, S.V., inzhener.
Electrical strength of stator winding insulation In 6-6. 6kv~
electric machines. Vlek.sta. 27 no.4:38-51 Ap 156., (MSA~ 9:8)
1. Kharlkovskiv slektromekhanicheskiy zavod (for TSukernik)-,
2. Donbaaasnergo (for Lyeakoviskiy); 3. Leneaergo* (for Itrayelit);
4. LPI (for Kozyrev); 5. TSentrallnaya nauc4to-iseledovatellsbaya
alektrotekhnichaskaya laboratoriya (for Xulalcovekiy); 6. Sverdlov-
energo (for Karamzin): ?. Mc;genergo. (for Alsksayev).
(Electric insulators and insulatiod--Testing)
AUTHORS: _Zvezdkin V.I., Engineer, lzrayelit, G.B.' Engineer,
Engineer and Nadellson, R.G.,
TITLE: The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Transf,ormer
Oil on the Electric Strength of Transformer Ins alation
PERIODICAL: Elektricheskiye Stantsii, 196o, No.4, pp.6o-64
TEXT: Study of the insulation 'of transformers in,service shows
that the insulating properties often deteriorate quite quickly,:
although the electric strength remains high the power factor,;
increases and the insulation z~esistance diminishes As this has
been due to impaired characteri.stics of the oLl t]Itermo-syphon
filters have been fitted to many transformers or the oil has been
changed. However, these are both temporary or inadequate
solutions and it was decided to study whether it -tias safe to~leave
transformers in service with oil of poor dielectric properties*,
increase in the dielectric loss angle of transforme 'r insulation
caused by deterioration in the electrical proplerties of the oil.
causes additional heating of the insulation which could leaa:to,
Card 1/5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of ,iTransformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
breakdown. Normally dielectric losses in transformers are'so
small that they may be neglected in comparisoxi with the iron and
copper losses; however, these dielectric losses increase
considerably as the power factor of the oil deteriorates in'service,
Calculations were made for a transformer of 100 MVA, 220/110/10 kV
which showed that with new oil the losses of the slolid dielectric
were 5.22 kW and of the oil 0.763 k1f, whilst with oil of
tan 6 = 93% the losses of the solid insulation were,10.6 kW and of
the oil 54 W. It is considered that losses,of this magnitude
are not dangerous in a transformer of this size particularly as
most of them occur within the oil where heat transfer conditions
are good. Deterioration of the electrical properties of the oil
has no influence on the short term electric strength. Howe'ver
impairment of the electrical properties of the o:Ll is accomp anied
by increase in the permittivity and calculations are made on the
assumption that the permittivity of the oil rises from 2.1~ to, .4.5
at Wc. It is shown that whereas the voltage gradient in the;'oil
Card 2/ 5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of~*,Transformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
then diminishes from 38 to 35 kV/c*m the gradient in the
bakelite rises from 16.1 to 31'4 kV/cm. 11ow4ve r, this ishot
considered to be dangerous. ;~e increased 6t'ress~in paper board
is less because it is more highly impregnated with.oil. Thus,~the
calculations reveal no special risk in allowing transformers~with
oil of high power factor or low resistivity to'continue in service.
Tests were made on var 'ious transformers filled alternatively:
with fresh and deteriorated oil, large power transformers could'not
be used for these tests but instrument transformers and a smaller
power transformer were used. The~values of breakdown voltage
were determined for the case of thermal breakdown with the
transformer insulation at a temperature not below 95*C. The
temperature was maintained by the use of a special heated chamber.
At 200C, the properties of the used oll were tan 6, 7%,
resistivity 4.55 x 1011 ohm cm and at 80% tan 6 90%,
resistivitY 3.2 x 1010 ohm cm, the corresponding values for fre sh
oil were; at 200C, tan 6 = 0.1%, resistivity 3 2~~ x 1014 ohm cm
Card 3/5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Transformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
0 13
and at 800C, tan 6 = 0.57', . resistivity = 1.88.:x 10 ohm cm'.
The tests on the two types of instruments, transformer and the
power-transformer, are described and tests results,are plotted in
Fig-2, 3, 4 and 5. It is concluded that in each c'ase, the
minimum value of voltage at which thermal breakdown would commence
with fresh and used oil is either the same or so little different
as not to matter. Where there is a differencei, theinsulation
temperature is in fact much higher than would be observed in
service. It is concluded that power transformers in service.have
sufficient reserve of insulation strength for.there to be no
special risk in continuing to uso oil of impaired properties.
The above calculated and experimental data are confirmed by
reliable service experience of a number of large transformers,
details of which are given. Table~2 gives properties of the~oil in
a number of German transformers both initially and after six,years
operation before major overhaul. During this servi ca period'the
dielectric properties of the winding insulation had deteriorated
Card 4/ 5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of~Transfornier Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
a factor of 5 to 8 as compared with the initial values. The
power system still has in service 7 large transformers in which the
power factor of the oil is greatly in excess of the standard value.
It is concluded that it is permissible to leave large transforr~.ers
in service.if the oil has high power factor or low~resistivity,,but
is not wet, until the next major overhaul. However, this is no
justification either for not replacing such deteriorated oil in
transformers after overhaul or in relaxing the requirements~on the
oil refineries. There are 5 figures, 3 table's and 7 references:
4 Soviet, 2 English and I German.
Card 5/5
GZRASIMOV, T.N., inish.; ZVZZD9LV.JJ4,,4,,inzh.; NPAYELIL G.Be, lnzh'o
electric mchines.~
More on the testing of insulation of largele
Zlek.sta. 29 no*6-.67-70 Je' 058. (MIU 149)
(Illectrio insulators and insulatiom-~-T.emtlvg)
ZVBZDIN& Z-K., nauchnyy sotrudnik; ROGACHNYSKATA, mikuchny7 sotr~dnik;
IT, D.A., redaktor; POLTAKOVA, V., rodaktor; NUMIN, Tu.,'
tekhnicheskiy reUktor
[Political and industrial gains of the workin4 clase.of the Soviet',
Union (1928-1929); a collection of docunents1polliiebookii i
trudovoi pod*em rabochego klasoa SBSR (1928-1929 gg.); [obornik
dokumentov. Pod red. D.A.Baevokogo.) Konkva, Goo. 12a-vo polit.
lit-Ty. 1956. 611 p. (MLRA 0:9)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii. 2~ TSentrall w aos~aarr
otveanyy arkhiv,Oktyabriskoy revolyutaii i motatalistichookogo'
stroitel'stva (for Zvezdin) 3- Institut isto'rii Akadenil nauk:SSSJ1
(for Rogachevskaya)
(labor and laboring classes)
Yused iron catalysts in the syntbesis of higher alcohols fron carbon
monoxide and hydrogen. Trudy Inst.nefti 12:200-212 158.
(XIRA 12:3)~
(Alcohols) (Catalysts)
BIN factory practices. Tekst.prom. 16 no,11:44-46 K 156,
(14LRL 9-.iz)
1. Direktor fabriki Bol I shaya Ivanovskaya manufak-tura (for, Evemd'ina)
2o Glavnyy in2hener fabriki Bollshaya Ivanovska7a manufaktura (for
(istitile indimtry)-.
Ph"ocidal action of some acaricides and insecticides on the
cotton plant. Trudy. XpA~,,zo.ol...i p~Lraz.., Alt t-Tz, SSR L65-75
156. (MM 10:6)
-0-1-auts, Effect of insecticides on)
(Vzbekistan-Gotton-Diseasos and pests)
AID P -~629
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 33/35
Authors Volobrinskiy, S. D., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Dotsent
and Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng., Leningrad
4 '1 t*wr. izri 1 C-7~--V4
Title I. Ya Ryshkovskiy and K. G. Kuchma-r- "Traction
Subst;tions", 487 PP., 1953 (Biblioj~aphy)
Periodical ElektricheBtvo, 8, 94-95, Ag 1954
Abstract : An extensive review of the book with some criticism
is presented.
Institution : Leningrad Institute of Engifieers-of Railroad Transportation
Submitted : No date
V C: /V.
AID.~ P. 2019
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 23/31
Authors t Volobrinskiy, So Do, Kand. of Tech.'Sci..O;Dotsentj
Zvezdkin, M. No$ Eng., Leningrad
title Book Traction Substatio Ino (Book Review !by
So Do Volobrinskiy and M. No Zvezdkiii.. this journal,
No.8. 1954) (Discussion)
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 4, 82.-83, Ap 1955
Abstract The authors repeat their previous critidisms of this
book. They point out, for example,~that some of the
illustrations in the book were tak6n.frdm'out of,date
foreign literature. They sustain their,original
criticism and evaluate the book as hot corresponding,
to the requirements of a textbook for higher institutes
of learning.
Institution: Leningrad Institute of Engineers oE;Railway,Transportation
Submitted No date
A ID P; 2950
Su'bject USSR/Electricity
C*'1/1 Pub. 27 15/15
Author Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng.
Title Scientific-technical conference on railroad electri-
Periodical Elektrichestvo., 8, 861 Ag 1955
Abstract The conference took pla.ce in the Leningrad Ine.01tute
of Engineers of Railroad Transportation in Juno 1955.
The author summarizes the discussions and gives a
list of reports with the names of reporters.
Institution None
Submitted No date
_~Afliii~ H -F. I, k~7
ij h,
The use of OPlans of the arable land of collective farmsO in
physical geography classwork. Geog. v ahkola 21 no. 101-52 -TA-F 158.
(MIRA 11:1)
1. Dabrovinskays ahknla Kostromakoy oblasti.
(Physical gaqgrapIW--Study and tesobing)
UZZIMIN, Y.N., inzhener; URAYSLIT. G.B., inshener,
Problem of testing the insulation of large electrical machines.
Slaktrichestvo no.2:&4-67 F 154. (KIRA 7:2)
1. Lenenergo. (Alectric Insulators and I ~sulatfon--Tastlng)
ZVEZDKIN, V. N. and IUDELISONp R. G. Calculating Leakage Currentg in Transformers
(Ob Izmerenii Tokov Utechki v Transformatorakh)x PP. 32-34
The authors, analyzing many high-voltage laboratory experiments -,dth transformer
insulation,, conclude that the leakage measurements do not pt,esent.arw advantage
over the insulation resistance tests made with a megger. (Graphiand tables).
SO: MEKTRICHESK37 E STANTSII, No. 12, Dec. 1952, Moscow (iW306)
ZVZZEKIN, V.N., inshener; IZRAULIT, G.B., inzhener.
Problem of testing the-insulation of large electrical machines.
Elektricheetvo no.2:64-67 F 154. (KLRA 71.2)
1. Lenenergo. (Zlectric insulators and in~wulation--Testing)
USSR/Chemistry Isotopes 11 SOP 53
"The Influence of Pressure on the Velocity of Ionic Reactions of Isotope Ex-~
change," M. B. Neyman, M. G. Gonikberg, V. B. Miller, Yu4'M. Shapovalov and
V. S. Zvezdkin, Inst Of Chem Phys " Inst of Org Chem, Adad Sei USSR
DAN SSSR, Vol 92, No 2. pp 365-368
Studied the effect of pressure on the reaction velocity of isotope exchange
in reactions of propyl Iodide with acttva iodide ions andiof pr6pyl bromidi
with active bromide ions at a and pressures of lp 1500,4nd 2400 atn- Used
ala solns of N&1131 and N&Br as source of halogen ions.: Found that the
formation of an activated complex in these reactions is associated with al
decrease in the volume of the complex characteristic for normal'bimolecular
Defects of bituminous comDooitlona for high-voltage bushings*,'
Blek.sta.29 no-3:62-64 Kr 15~. (MMA 1i-.5):
(Polectric insulators ond infiUlAti0n).
Z~~- ~A.-S.#-,K-otarshty nauchw sotrudnik
Effect of imolybdenum on spring and wintor veteb yields. Zemledlie;~
7 no-7:48-49 J1 '59- 041RA 12:9)
1. Vladizirsk-ays, gosudaretv.seltakokh02.OpytlVqEt ntantniya*
(Vetch) (Molybdenum)
is :'I ft 4 -0 a 'S V
04 1.
d All p
Y~- I,;)- lit
DA giI j r1l
USENKO, Vladimir Andreyevicho prof., doktor tekIx.:fi&uk; ~ABELOTSKIIp.
Lazarl Markovichp kand. tek.1-m. nauk; KUNTS.EVICII,: V.A.., inzh.,,
retsonzent; ZVEZDKINAI_Yq. inzh. , retn(juzent;: IBRAGIFOV
S.S., kand, tekhne naukj retsenzent; SHMIGART, M.D., red.;
BAT M VAI G.G., tekbn. red.
(Silk tecbnology] Toldmologiia shelka. Pott:xed. 'V.A.Usenkoo~
Moskva, Izd-vo naucho-takim. lit-ry HUSUO, Pt.2 (Silk spin-
ning] Shelkopriadenie. 1961. 343 P. (MIRA 15:2)
(Silk) (Spinning)
Tlmfian 4"d ToPlInn f
or 51
(Potential interference rejection of Velecom'Mnication
systems] Potentsiallnaia pomekhoustoichivast' sistem
sviazi; lichebnoe posobie. Leningrad, Leningr. alektro-
tekhn. in-t sviazi, 1962. 78 p. .,(MIR& 16-10)
(Telecommunication) (Information theory)
WIN 1111 1
810441601060 03/008/612
AUTHORt Zvezdnyyt A.M.
Ass X 6- " in a
TITLEs The representation of t he as r CTS
:a n nx
closed orm n-1
PERIODICALS Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no':3, 1160, 161,
abstract 3492 (Tr. Leningr.~ elektrotakhn. in-ta av7azi,
19581 vyp-3 (36)9 105-11
TEM The following approximate formulas are givent
Cos M.-
or T &-U-2e-!VCo;-X, -r
sin nit sin 9
Cos n-r (I + + x e-Iml Cos 2r-f~or
U-01 Cos x
sin nX - [I
Cos X
ijn-*'-o';T 'the :'transition
Theso~ formulas can be used for he ca ;illii
''in long circuits with losses.
Card 1/1. -[Abstracter's notes Complete translatio.n.1
ec Vol 13 5 Internal Med. Kk
'Y 59
THYROTOXICOSIS (Russian text) - Zviadadze G. A..- PR0UL.ENDOKR.
1958, 4/2 (60-65) Tables 5
The changes of the peripheral blood and bone marrow which take place before and
ft the surgical treatment of thyrotoxicasis were studied. Hypochromic anaemia
I. ,,,-tr tue nt symptom In thyrotoxicosis. Lymphocytosis and thrombocytopenia
are, likewise, noted. The ESH is usually Increased. An increaned number of Ituco-
blasts is found in the bone marrow. The number of normoblasts is either normal
or diminished. Megakaryocytes are frequently absent. Both the peripheral blood
and the bone marrow return to a norrnal condition after the surgical treatment of
Chn4ea in the bone-narrow following tbyrotaxicosis, Soob. AIF
Gruz.SSR 18 no.2:237-24o]r 1-57. (KUA 10: 7)
1. Akademlys nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Inetttut Overimistalluor I
klinichookor khlrurg~l I gomatologii, Tbilisi. Predstsfleno
akadmikom K.D. Bristivi.
Cha nge sin peripheral blood during th3rrotnxicosts. Soob. AN Gruz,,
SSR 20 no. 2 -.24i-243 - F. 15 8 (MIRA 11:7)
1. AN GruzSSR; rnatitut ekapartman'tallnoy.t klinichn'ikoy khirurgii.
i gematologit, Tbilisi. Pradstavlono akedamikom K.D.Hrtstavio'
Uhanges in the peripheral blood following surgieAl treatment of
thyrotoxicosin. Soob. All Grur. SSR 20 no. 4605-506 Ap 158.
(it IRA 11 7)
1. I-astitut eksperim4ntallney i klinichaskoykhir~rgli i genstologii
AN GruzM, Tbilisi. Pradotavlano skstdemjk~u K.D.IrIctovi.
AUTHORS: Zviadadze, G.N. and Chlzhikovg,,D*Mo
TITLE: Study of cathode polarization in NaCl-.CKI-TiCl melts
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii.- Titan i yego
splavy. No. 4* Moscow, 1960. Metallurg'iya. t1tana, 153-1577
TEXI!: The polarization during electrolysis of a, solution' of TiCl in
an equimolecular solution of NaCl and KC1 was determined by plotting
I-V curves. The purpose of this work-was to study the polarization for
those cathode current densities within the limit of whickelectrolysis
in titanium chloride melts is carried out in laboratory and industrial
vats. The apparatus for plotting I-V curves is shown in Fig. 1. The
cell for taking measurements was placed in a steel container with a
water-cooled flange and lid. A mixture of NaCl and XCI was melted and
a vapor-gas mixture of TiCl 4 and argon was introduced intothe cell.
containing the meltq on the bottom of which a weighed quantity of Ti
Card 1/4
Study of cathode
powder had been placed. After adding the required Weij!:hi of TiCl the
thermocouple and sheath were removed from the container and some of.the
melt was sucked into an opening in the.porcelain t'ubeq w6ere it frozeq
and was removed for analysis. During t.his period.,~O'Xcess argon wash
supplied to the container in order to ensure betteic,!'Protection of the
metal against oxidation. After preparing the melt,lelectrodes were
lowered into the cellg connected up, and measurements "ere startedo~
The accumulator voltage was supplied to the commutator terminals, and
from there, through a rheostat and a potentiometer to the electrodes.
After the measurements were completedg the melts were re-analyzed to"
estimate the change in composition occurring within~~,the period of ex-
periment.. The temperature in the furnace was kept clonatant by the
potentiometer. The geometrical dimensions of cathode and anode and
their the cell usedo corresponded to the cathade polarization
study.. A molybdenum wire of 1.6 cm diameter was usod iis the cathode,
this was placed along the vertical axis inside a graphite' cylinder 01
7.3 cm diameter and 19 cm lengthl which was made the anode. The ratio
Card 2/4
Study of cathode D217/D302
between anodeand cathode surface area wasjVo Owing to.the insigni-
ficantly low anodic current density, the anode behav'" as~a virtually
non-polarizing electrode, and it want.therefore, used as ii reference
electrode. The electrodes were separated by means of a bung having an
opening at the bottom and being concentrically placed between the:an6de
and the cathode. Measurements were carried out at 730~ and 8500C, these
being the most characteristic temperatures for the electrolysis of so-
dium, potassium and titanium chloride solutions.. The concentration of
lower-valency Ti in the melt did not exceed 3-4 wt.76. It was found thati
the potential, extrapolated to zero current dbnsity,,decr6ased with in-
creasing temperature. The influence of.the lowest valency Til parti-L-
cularly at 83001 is insignificant.. It is suggested that discharge of
Ti ions and alkali metal occurs alternately during electrolysis at the
cathode current densities investigated. There are 3Jigures, 2 tables
and I Soviet-bloc referenceo
Card 3/4
S/ 51)8/60/000/004/017/020
Study of cathode D217/0302
Layout of apparatus for plotting I-V curves:
1 - cell; 2 - hermetic steel container; 3- cathode-, :4 anode wire;
5 -.diaphragm; 6 - tube for supplying the tetrachloride; 7.~- container i
with tetrachloride; 8 - oil bath; 9 - furnaces for the purification:of
argon; 10 - galvanometer; 11 argon bomb; 12 furnace; 13
tor; 14 - key; 15 rheostat; 16 ammeter; 17 voltmeter.
- -L-T-
Card 4/4
tion mid the condensation cf its vdpors. SoA. AN Gmz. 31,
no.l:IZ7-134, AP16. (W 10. 17 " .7
AUTHORS: Zviadadze, G.N., Karyazina, I.N. and',:~Chizhikovj B. b1i
TITLE- On studying the cyclic electrolysis'.0f titanium
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk,SSSR9 Institut metalltirfjii'a,~: Titan i:Y09P
splavya No. 4, Moscow, 1960. Metallt'ir'gi3ia 1itana, 184-190
TEXT: Electrolytes containing lower-valency titahfum.chl6ride were'
prepared in graphite vessels, in which mixtures oi'~titatdu~m chloride i
and powder were placed. After melting the chlorides andiubsequently
blowing argon through the melt, a vapor-gas mixturelof argon and titani-
um tetrachloride was supplied to the bottom of thd~graphlte vessel.; In
a number of experimentag TiCl 4 without argon was supplied to the melt*
In this case, TiCl was delivered throumli a buret
4 1.3 , te~q whose end was joined
to a graphite tube which was immersed in the melt, ~ la these experiments,
the surface of the melt was protected with argono~ On finishing the' ex":
periments, the melt was allowed to freeze under an argon atmosphere,and
Card 1/4
On studying the cyclic D217/D302':
was submitted to chemicali analysis. Di- and trivaleat Lita:nium wIere
analyzed as follows: After grinding and mixing the electrolyte, two
portions were withdrawn and weighed. The first was (Ussolved in a120%
solution of iron-ammonium alum, and the second was.dissolved in 10,N HC1
(or in 5% 11CI with subsequent acidification with lb N 11CI)o To tile' first
solution, H SO (1:3) was added until the color of,the solution changed
?o 4
from brown green, after which this solution was titrated with .0.1 N
K CrO solution in the presence of phenyl antropin,kc acid. The second
2 4
solution, after addition of 11 so (1:3) was also'titrated with O.I~N
2 4
K CrO solution in the presence of the same indicator. 'If V is the
2 4
volume, in ml, of K rO solutiong used up in the titration of th,e~first
2C 4
solution (calculated per gram of the weighed portio:n) and V is the
volume, in ml, of K2CrO4 solution used up in the titration of the: second
solution (also as calculated per I g of the weighed portion), then,:the~
following equation can be set up2 0.0024x 0.0049(V _x) 0.00413V:
Card 22/ 4
On studying the cyclic D217/0302
where x is the volume of K 2CrO 4 solution, (in ml) used up in the t1tra-
tion of the divalent titanium only. For investigating the electrolysis
of melts produced by chlorination of titanium by its tetrachloride '
tworstage scheme was adopted, i.e. titanium was atJirst chlorinated
and then electrG' 'ytically deposited from the melts producied in thdi
same vessel. Graphi 'te vessels were used,for the explerfinents, which
were charged with a mixture of NaCl, KCI and Ti. After melting the elec-
trolyte and supplying the vessel with the required quantity of TiCl 4#
the melt obtained was electrolyzed without a furtherjiCl supply.'
Molybdenum wire of 2 mm diameter was used as the cathode and the non~-
working portion was protected by a porcelain tube. Initially a graphite
rod of 15 mm diameter was used as the anodes Subsequentlyl.the surface
of the graphite vessel was used as the anodes After~~the experiment,,the,
melt together with the products of electrolysis werefrozen and sub..
jected to phase separation. The experiments have shown that it is
possible to obtain titanium by electrodeposition front melts.produced by
chlorination of titanium by its tetrachloride. An X-ray analysis of the.
Card 3/4
On studying the cyclic .. P217/D302
electrodeposited powders, after treatment of the Latter with a 5% HPI
solution, confirms that they consist of metallic titaniuni and donoi
contain metallic oxides. There are 5 tables mid 2 Soviet-bloc referenceso
8 626/62/000/000/006/007-
AUTHORS: Budnevskiy, A.M.,, Li Hai-ch'anet Chizhikov, D.M.,
and Zviadadze, G.N.
TITLEs Special features of the behavior or,molten titanium
dichloride and its role during,,electrolysis
SOURCE: Fizicheskaya khimiya rasplavlennykh',soley i shlakoy;
trudy Vses. soveshch. 'po fiz.,khimii raspl. soley
i ablakov, 22 - 25 noyabrya 1960 g. Moscow. Metall-
urg,izdat, 1962, 344 - 352
TLXTz The properties of'KCI~-Naql ifielts containing TiC12,'
their stability in the presence of quartz, graphite, Fe and Ti-and
their behavior during electrolysia,were studied,, since such melts
facilitate the production of large Ti crystals. TiC12~vas prepared
in an apparatus consisting mainly of a quartz tube divided into twos,
chambers by a p erforated plate, the upper chamber being heated.,t,o
1050 - 10700C a nd the lower to 8000C. Argon and TiC14.were introduced,
into the upper chamber which contained compressed Ti shavings., The,
Card 1/3
Special features ... D408/D307
produced molten TiC12 pas4,ed through the perforated plate and was
collected in a Graphite beaker in which it soliAified. Analysis,.
showed that the TiC12 was free from trichloride.~ Stability of the
malts was investigated in,crucibles made from the test materialat
finding that it was leas,t:in quartz and greatest, in Ti crucibles.
A portion of the 01-TiCl system (up to 20 mo1% TiC12) was ther-
mographically investigateg both in Fe and in Ti'crucibles; the
results obtained in Fe crucibles were different from
those obtained in Ti-crucibles. The stabilizing effect of Ti was
used for the development of a method for the ele'!ctrolytic produo-
tion of Ti; lower chlorides of Ti in a molten alkali metal,chloride
melt are electrolyzed, the melt composition beizig maintained con-
stant by reduction of TiC14 with metallic Ti. The elec.trode pro-
cesses consist of discharge of Cl and Ti2+ or TO+ ions.; inthe
first case# 1 of each 2 g-atoms of obtained Ti, and in the second
case, I in every 4 g-atoms, is returned to the cycle.:In either'
case, four Paradays of eledtricity and one mole o,f TiC14, as
also during the electrolysis of TiCl , are consumed in the pro-
duction of one g-atom of non-recycle~ Ti. During the 'electrolysis
Card 2/3
Special features ... D408/D307:
the TiC12 content of the melt remained approximaitely~constant,
whereas the TiC13 content decreased continuouslyl thin was due,
to the presence of the metallic phase in the catholyiep enabling.
the reaction Ti + 2TiCl 3 --~ 3TiCl. to proooed, The cathodic de-
posit consisted of an inner bright spongy IaXerf~ almost free from
salts, of relatively coarse particles which adhered together com-
paratively strongly, and of an external dark grey spongy layer
impreghated with salts, which crumbled'into fine powder when Ue
salts were washed away. There are,5 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgii AN SSSH (Institute of
Metallurgy AS USSR)
Card 3/3
.. ... ......
A. A. B-ykov AS USSR)
"The Use of Radioactive Seleniwa for Investigating the Sulfur-selenium Syitem"
Tootopes and Pndlatlon in Memletry, Collection of "?rs t)f
2nd =-11n1on Scl. Tech, Conf. on Use of Ra&jbactlve mid DtAble ligotoPeu and
Radintlon In Hational &owqr and.Sclence, Moaww, lzd-wi Ali Ss."O, 19%, ~ft)pv.
ThIs volume publiahed the reports of the Ctemistry Sect ion ~01' t1w.
2nd AU Sci W-ch Conf on Use or FoLowtive and Stable Isotopes =1 Pa&atioll
in Scienee and the National BL=Amy, spoiwored by Acad Set" MkSH,wul main
Admin for Utilization of Atomic Enejrfg wider Courical of Klt,~Isterlitmll
Macow 4-12 Apr 1957.
-7 I-TI
, !I i IT
-lift ........
Reaction of titanium with titanium tetrachloride. Trudy
AN BSSR no.1:85-92 '57. (MIRA 10:11)
(Titanium) (Titanium chlorides)
zVIADADZE, G.A. (Tbilisi)
Changes in the eripherAl blood and in th~ bone mnrrow in.
thyrotoxicoeis Ewith summqry in English1.'Pro)l.iDndok. I go;m,;:
4 no.2.:6o-65 Mr-Ap '58 (MIRA 110)
1, Iz gos-pitallnoy khirurgiabeskoy klinilri 7311isekopgo meaitainakogo
inatituta ~zav. -akad. K.D. Rristavi)
(HEPERTHYROMISM, 'complication
blood & bone marrow ohnngen,: PHthal. .(Rug))
(BOn RARROW, In vnrious diseases,
hyperthyroidism. pathol, choriges (Rus)
(BLOOD, in vnrious diseaneB
hyperthyroidism, pathol. chnzm,es (RUFO)
SOURCE CODE UR/0056/66/061/003/0819/0824
AUTHOR: Zvezdin. A. K
ORG: none
TITLE: The theory otou lear spin v nduced by hot electrons
SOURCE; Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy t teoreticheakoy fiziki,, v. 51, no. 3, 19 .66,
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear spin, electron polarization, electron distribution, hot
ABSTRACT: Nuclear spin polarization due to hot electr6 hs (Feher effect)
studied theoretically for a case where the electron distribution function differs from
the Boltzmann or Fermi distributions. The possible shape of the hot electron
distribution with respect to spin sublevels is investigated. The dependence of the
nuclear polarization on the diatribution function parameters to'clucidated. The
author expresses his gratitude to V. M, Yeleg-nWijy, and'K. K. Svidzinskly for
discussing the work. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas. [Author's abstract]
SUB CODE: 20/SUBM 16ATE: 31JAnWORIG REF: 004/13TH REF: 004/
Tmnsfer cffsc~.a in n-1n3b In Inelast-1- polar zcal-ering or
electrons. Fiz. tvpr. tola 7 jF~ f6rZ
1. Institut, fiziki metallov AN SSSRI.
1~ 7,
L 12799-66: EWT(I)/EWA(UI)-2, IJP(c) At
AOC NR: AP5026625 -sowcr: cot) 'tR/(JQ56#Vjb49/OQ4'/l3'l3 1395
zdini A~ K
q6 I-
ORG: None
TITLE: Nuclear polarization in semiconductors. and: ieiplme~i* bjli~ direct cuir4~t
J~CE: ZhurnaV.eksperi-mentalrnoy fteoretionesk6y f1tikii:4
4. 1905~
TrI?T-C TAM: semiconductor theoty, nuclear spin electron dOIn,4,p4n!.phonon Rter-
ar:ti~~rn, nuclear magnetic moment~~.rel4xatlon. process
is i~
'IS -:ACT: The effect of the dif ference betw4en.the soin~in ~eleiotrion temperatures,
I-rO!::-ht about by an elcctric current. in a setilconductor or and ii*''
-ence on the magnetization of the electron and nuclear Op1q;.Aubsystems 4ie
'f-'vv-.--tIgated. Two possible mechanisffis for es ~.C06r :
tablighinq a'
v!n~,e between !the;
~");r and electron temperatures, interaction with acoustic a6d op~tcat phonons,
considered and an analysis is made of the resulting nuclear vAg-netization of
ie rystem in the presence of drift and heating of the electron g-dir. 7he spin re-
li--',~'.ion time of the conduction electrons, associated with their J~nteraction
-C 11R-s: AM26625
ate- illbit
optical phonons Irx,calcui Cfor dqu
is slliowni that Interaction wi 41 SOChaniom
th apti ~al P60n~ns Inq
3 16
V-- establishment of nuclear and e1ectroa
Mtidn, :A oli nki; p, T,,
Zviyapov and V. P. Silin for
cueslans7 Mable c
As and va
s-and:61 formulias':
00 art. he-;7 I figure
S ICO 1) E t20/ SU13M DATE - I IVA y!s~/ ~'NR OF sovs 0041" am 4ii 11 -do
2/2 hW
ALEKSEYEVA, G.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk$ dote.; I-WLESHU11A, L.P.,
dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BALUYEV, V.K.j, in~zh.; BL14DAS,
A.M., prof,, doktor tekhn. nauk; VMIK(A) tLy prof.,
doktor tekhn. iiauk3 YEZHKOV,,V.V., kand, tekbn. Ahuk;
ANISIV-OVA, N.D., dots.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; VANTVW, S.1.0
kand. khim. nauk; GLAZUNOV, A.A.p dots., kana. taklin,
nauk; GOGUA, L.I~p inzh.; GREBEMIICIIENKO, V.T.p linh.;
A L inzh,; KAZANOVICH, G.Ya., inzh.; MA~XVSKIY, B.A.,
d-olbs-.-, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOSAREV, G.V.p dote., ~szd. tekhn.
nauk; MESSEIZIAN, S.M., kand. teklin. nauk, dots.1 XOKUNJ
N.D.9 inzh.1 KUVAYEVA, A.P., dots., kwud. iekbn.naa-
SOKOLOV, M.M.9 dote.., kand. tekhn. nauk-, LASHKOV, F.P.9 dots.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; LAZE-1, A.I., Inzh.- YUD121, F.I., inzh.;
LIVSHITS, A.L.., kanda tekhn, nauk; METELITSIN, F.G., lnzh.;
NEKRASOVA, N.M.$ dots.9 kand. tokY.n. nauk,~ OLISHANSKU, N.Av')
dots.9 kand. tekbn, nauk; POLEVAYA,, I.V.~ dots v kand. telcim,
nauk; POLEVOY, V.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nijuk [deceased);
RAZEVIGI D.V., prof., doktor tekkw. nauk-; BAKOVICII, I.I.j
Inzh.; SOLDATKINA, L.A., dots., kand. tekhn. na-uk- TREMBACH,
V.V.p dots,q kund, tekhn., nauk; VEDOROV, AJ., Vrof., kand#
tekhn. nauk; FINGER, L.M.., inzh.; CHILIKE1, M.G.*j. prof,,
doktor tekhn. nauk, glav. red.; RITIK, 1.11o., inzh,, red.
GOLOVAN,A.T,,, prof.,red.; PETROV, GJIsp prof.p r6da;
FEDOSEYEV A.M., prof.. red.
(Continued on~xiext card)
ALEKSEYEVA, G.Ye.- (continued). Card 2.
(Electrical engineering manua).] Elektrotekhnicheakii
spravochnik. Pod obahchei red. A.T. Golovana I dr. Moskva,
Energiia. Vol.2. 1964. 758 p. IRA I.PsI2)
-2;--MoscbV- Bnergeticbes3dy institut. 2. Mos~ovak-ly energe-
ticheskiy inatillut (for Goloyan, Grudinskiy, Petrovp
Fedoseyev, Chilikin, Venikov). 3. Ghlen-korrespondent AN
SSR (for Petrov).
ACC NR1 Ap6o.19755 T A SOURCE cow: UR/0ll3/66/00o/oo6/dooT/pooq
AUTHOR: Zvezdin_, A. Ya. (Candidate of technical sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE, Determining the stationary power output and service life of truck engines
SOURCE: AvtowbilInaya,prorUshlennostf, no. 6, 1966, 7-9
TOPIC TAGS: vehicle engine, internal combustion engine, power takeoff, stationary
truck engine, vehicle engine cool'7ng system,'engine perforinance characteristic/'
ZIL-157 vehicle engine
A13STRACT: To determine the advantage of using truck engines for stationar
applications, a preliminary study of the tifficiency of the zLauidard cooling system
for the ZIL-157 truck engine was carried out. A complex e)q~erimental and theoretioatl
study showed that the stationary power of the ZIL-157 engine does not exceed
its rated power, being only 52 hp at 2200 crankshaft rpm at an ambient air tempera-
ture of 400; Based on data obtained by the Gorlkiy Automobile PlAint, Table I-presenti
the recommended stationa47-engine power-output values for tt,number of engines. It
is suggested that a section be Included in the GOOT covering, truck-angine testing,
which would indicate their stationary output.. To attain the Inecessary engine,
Card I P) r'rj1 1111 hf~
Table 1. Recommended station _~~nx lne al!lLut values.
Make of Rated out-
engine put. in hp
Percent of
GAZ -51
70 18 25
GAZ-66 320 50 h2
ZIL-15T 101, 52 50
URAL-375 180 68 38
-2 6 . . . 24o -U 11 1 48
::durability and cost eifectivn"ess, recomend iations are mile to aid the orgiI3niiations
producing power-takeoff units and to assure correct'engo'e operation.. Orig. art&
has: 5 figures and 211tables.
W: none/ OHIO REF 003/
improve the quality of correspondence courses. Pbor.dalo 5
no.4:18 Ap ,59. (MiRA 12:5)
(Fire prevention--Study and teaching)
ZVEZDIN, V,, inshener,
Gigantic thermometer, Tekhsmels24 no,6:19 Ja 156. (HMA 9". q)*
L-1316, d)/EPV(c'Y/E)1A P
ez ITP fkV
9 .1
AUTHOR: Helvakov,, Yu I dLiki Yuq jo~.
TITLEt Mass-spectrometricwthad 0 hydo C~esbilityvll -V
heat-restataft materials
SOURCE Zavodskaya .6
--laboratoript V. 31 ~n "-.9 19 .01-1109!
trow-t; 6 aaba iti ~ch'c~i-
TOPIC TAGS., amass sped ry.'hydrogen metal hydrooe r Lim
steel, heat resistant steel
ABSTRACT: An DIS nonmagne plao da spectrog6:6a I cc
p ~Ilusai easup lth6
permeability and diffusionK! t%., e1
I ' I '6eel'in the
of hyc rbu a spectmen of ~ rhl&410T
form of a membrane at 450-950C. A diagram of the diffisaion '~Wfl -employed is given
iThe permeab I d incjja e vith the temper!Lture UL accordance with
the exponer r:n1atdLcnfsfuPi%Q'nP(j, e PXT and D -- Do e-KIPM. Values of the qctivjt-i
tion energies and Kj) and the constants P. and Do, c4culat ed Ly a grsphic
!analytic method-, are tabulatiad. The presence of weld Joints holding the steel !
I membrane between the ends of thlWOT tube holders is found to have no off ect on
Ithe permeability of hydrogen, 7he mass spectrometric method diakes it podsible to
Haas-spectroacopic method for studying the hydrogen permeability of
refractory materials. Zav. lab. 31 no.9.-Ilo'j-1109 165. (MIRA 18*.10)
zvxz~ nauchnyv sotrmdnik;.ROGACH3VSXAYA, L.84, nauchuyy sotrudnik;
VOLXOTA, N.Y., uladahly nauchnyy sotrudnik; XIM, X.P., doktor
istorichaskikh nauk, red.; PMITOT, Z., r~d..; TTUVXMA, A.,
[first steps in the industrialisation of the U.S.S.R., 1926-19271
Pervye shagi industrializatsii SSSR, 1926-1027 gg. Koskvs, 0o9.
iad-vo, polit.lit-ry, 1959. 532 p. (MIRA 120Y
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut istorii. .2,0 TSentrallnyy gqsu-
darstvennyy arkh1v Oktyabrlskoy revolyutail i sotsialistichookogo
stroitelletva 630 (for Zvesdin). 3, Insti.tut istorli AN SSSR
(for Rogachavakaya, Volkova).
........ .......................
Revolving cre ed.,17 no.409-61. Ap ~59.
(141PA 120)
Catalytic oxidation of propylene to acrolein in the presence',of
water vapors. Kin.i kat. 3 no.2:257-260 Mr-Ap 162.
1. Novokuybyshevskiy filial Nauchno-issledovatelf,skogo institdta'
sinteticheskogo spirta.
(Propene) (Acrolein) (Water vapors)
f I
L 3)4624-66.: W(1)
ACC NR- AP5025303 SOURCE!CoDt-1
AUTHOR! Men'. A.N Sokolmr A.Y.: Zvetdina, N. A Hurushill, Vu. N.,-_
Nekoshriov, B. M. ; Chudakov, V! R.
ORG: none
nation of the energy spectrum of an impuett~ ton Mth an unfill4d d~shell
TITLE- Determi
in a crystal
SOURCE: Optlka I spelctroakoptya, v. 19, no. 4, 1966, asil-696
Y. E Ft spectrum, line splitHilq
TOPIC TAGS- crystal impurit P
ABSTRACT: The interpretation of energy spectra and EPR -4;pectrti of ions in vitrioas
crystals requires the solution of a secular equation wldch takes inlo account the configura-
tion of the ion and the symmetry of the intracrystallind, field, In this paper, tables of
matrix elements have been compiled which make it poosible to write a secular 4-qualion
at once for any term of any configuration in Me case (d an iinipurttjr ion with an unfillesi d
&hell. These tables can also be used in studying EPR stiectra if the field of lower sym-
metry produces a splitting comparable in order of magniitudi! to otheT perturbations (spin-
orbital and exchange perturbations, etc.). As an exampLe, the spalfting of the priincipal
card 1/2 UDC: 539.184. 2:548. 0. 00 1. 1
M-MMON M-1.11-111112111-1111111111!I
. I
..... ....
I I cafd ?./2
~. I . " "7:, - . I . .
I ., -71-11
i~~ -- --- -
.:.. ~ : ;_ - ... .. ~ - -1. -, ~. '. : - , ~ L~ ~ .,. - '. .,;-, I IlL, ~ .! it 11 4- ii . I - '~ '.
NOSKOV, N.S.,, kand.',ekhn.nhWk,, T:JA,P-Fflk(,,, Yc.F., kiind.tvkhn.rauk,
Zlj,~~,4)~.'IN, A.S., inzh.-, fiR0,03KIY, Z.I.; inzh,
Control of liquid flow Into a -vuiael, u3ing olsictrodma. Prom. energ I
17 no.12:26-31. D '62. (MIRA 1'~-4)
ZVEZDXIN, S.N., insh.
Zt'b o do- for drying,peat fields for the wInh'IIqF. Ofailled pent,
and means for their improvement. Torf.prom. no0,17-20
159. 12:7)
nzh,',"HA1R ISON, R.G., inzh.
Effect of the dielectric properties of transformer oil
on the strength of electric insulation of transformers.
Blek.sta. 31 no.4:60-64 Ap 160. (Mnu 13S7)
(Blectrio traneformers) (Insulating oils)
SMRIK, u.S., inxhener; TSWMUIX, S-V-, inzhenir; LT4KOVSKIT, G. 1.
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; i'nzb,oner; UUMIT,
G.B., inshener; KOZYM, N.A.. kandidat ich*okikh nauk;
K=KOV"IY, V.B., kandidat tekhnichaskikh umuk; MIAHZIN, L.P.,
inshener; ALMZS~Y&V, S.V., inzhener.
Electrical strength of stator winding insulation In 6-6. 6kv~
electric machines. Vlek.sta. 27 no.4:38-51 Ap 156., (MSA~ 9:8)
1. Kharlkovskiv slektromekhanicheskiy zavod (for TSukernik)-,
2. Donbaaasnergo (for Lyeakoviskiy); 3. Leneaergo* (for Itrayelit);
4. LPI (for Kozyrev); 5. TSentrallnaya nauc4to-iseledovatellsbaya
alektrotekhnichaskaya laboratoriya (for Xulalcovekiy); 6. Sverdlov-
energo (for Karamzin): ?. Mc;genergo. (for Alsksayev).
(Electric insulators and insulatiod--Testing)
AUTHORS: _Zvezdkin V.I., Engineer, lzrayelit, G.B.' Engineer,
Engineer and Nadellson, R.G.,
TITLE: The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Transf,ormer
Oil on the Electric Strength of Transformer Ins alation
PERIODICAL: Elektricheskiye Stantsii, 196o, No.4, pp.6o-64
TEXT: Study of the insulation 'of transformers in,service shows
that the insulating properties often deteriorate quite quickly,:
although the electric strength remains high the power factor,;
increases and the insulation z~esistance diminishes As this has
been due to impaired characteri.stics of the oLl t]Itermo-syphon
filters have been fitted to many transformers or the oil has been
changed. However, these are both temporary or inadequate
solutions and it was decided to study whether it -tias safe to~leave
transformers in service with oil of poor dielectric properties*,
increase in the dielectric loss angle of transforme 'r insulation
caused by deterioration in the electrical proplerties of the oil.
causes additional heating of the insulation which could leaa:to,
Card 1/5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of ,iTransformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
breakdown. Normally dielectric losses in transformers are'so
small that they may be neglected in comparisoxi with the iron and
copper losses; however, these dielectric losses increase
considerably as the power factor of the oil deteriorates in'service,
Calculations were made for a transformer of 100 MVA, 220/110/10 kV
which showed that with new oil the losses of the slolid dielectric
were 5.22 kW and of the oil 0.763 k1f, whilst with oil of
tan 6 = 93% the losses of the solid insulation were,10.6 kW and of
the oil 54 W. It is considered that losses,of this magnitude
are not dangerous in a transformer of this size particularly as
most of them occur within the oil where heat transfer conditions
are good. Deterioration of the electrical properties of the oil
has no influence on the short term electric strength. Howe'ver
impairment of the electrical properties of the o:Ll is accomp anied
by increase in the permittivity and calculations are made on the
assumption that the permittivity of the oil rises from 2.1~ to, .4.5
at Wc. It is shown that whereas the voltage gradient in the;'oil
Card 2/ 5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of~*,Transformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
then diminishes from 38 to 35 kV/c*m the gradient in the
bakelite rises from 16.1 to 31'4 kV/cm. 11ow4ve r, this ishot
considered to be dangerous. ;~e increased 6t'ress~in paper board
is less because it is more highly impregnated with.oil. Thus,~the
calculations reveal no special risk in allowing transformers~with
oil of high power factor or low resistivity to'continue in service.
Tests were made on var 'ious transformers filled alternatively:
with fresh and deteriorated oil, large power transformers could'not
be used for these tests but instrument transformers and a smaller
power transformer were used. The~values of breakdown voltage
were determined for the case of thermal breakdown with the
transformer insulation at a temperature not below 95*C. The
temperature was maintained by the use of a special heated chamber.
At 200C, the properties of the used oll were tan 6, 7%,
resistivity 4.55 x 1011 ohm cm and at 80% tan 6 90%,
resistivitY 3.2 x 1010 ohm cm, the corresponding values for fre sh
oil were; at 200C, tan 6 = 0.1%, resistivity 3 2~~ x 1014 ohm cm
Card 3/5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Transformer Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
0 13
and at 800C, tan 6 = 0.57', . resistivity = 1.88.:x 10 ohm cm'.
The tests on the two types of instruments, transformer and the
power-transformer, are described and tests results,are plotted in
Fig-2, 3, 4 and 5. It is concluded that in each c'ase, the
minimum value of voltage at which thermal breakdown would commence
with fresh and used oil is either the same or so little different
as not to matter. Where there is a differencei, theinsulation
temperature is in fact much higher than would be observed in
service. It is concluded that power transformers in service.have
sufficient reserve of insulation strength for.there to be no
special risk in continuing to uso oil of impaired properties.
The above calculated and experimental data are confirmed by
reliable service experience of a number of large transformers,
details of which are given. Table~2 gives properties of the~oil in
a number of German transformers both initially and after six,years
operation before major overhaul. During this servi ca period'the
dielectric properties of the winding insulation had deteriorated
Card 4/ 5
The Influence of the Dielectric Properties of~Transfornier Oil on
the Electric Strength of Transformer Insulation
a factor of 5 to 8 as compared with the initial values. The
power system still has in service 7 large transformers in which the
power factor of the oil is greatly in excess of the standard value.
It is concluded that it is permissible to leave large transforr~.ers
in service.if the oil has high power factor or low~resistivity,,but
is not wet, until the next major overhaul. However, this is no
justification either for not replacing such deteriorated oil in
transformers after overhaul or in relaxing the requirements~on the
oil refineries. There are 5 figures, 3 table's and 7 references:
4 Soviet, 2 English and I German.
Card 5/5
GZRASIMOV, T.N., inish.; ZVZZD9LV.JJ4,,4,,inzh.; NPAYELIL G.Be, lnzh'o
electric mchines.~
More on the testing of insulation of largele
Zlek.sta. 29 no*6-.67-70 Je' 058. (MIU 149)
(Illectrio insulators and insulatiom-~-T.emtlvg)
ZVBZDIN& Z-K., nauchnyy sotrudnik; ROGACHNYSKATA, mikuchny7 sotr~dnik;
IT, D.A., redaktor; POLTAKOVA, V., rodaktor; NUMIN, Tu.,'
tekhnicheskiy reUktor
[Political and industrial gains of the workin4 clase.of the Soviet',
Union (1928-1929); a collection of docunents1polliiebookii i
trudovoi pod*em rabochego klasoa SBSR (1928-1929 gg.); [obornik
dokumentov. Pod red. D.A.Baevokogo.) Konkva, Goo. 12a-vo polit.
lit-Ty. 1956. 611 p. (MLRA 0:9)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii. 2~ TSentrall w aos~aarr
otveanyy arkhiv,Oktyabriskoy revolyutaii i motatalistichookogo'
stroitel'stva (for Zvezdin) 3- Institut isto'rii Akadenil nauk:SSSJ1
(for Rogachevskaya)
(labor and laboring classes)
Yused iron catalysts in the syntbesis of higher alcohols fron carbon
monoxide and hydrogen. Trudy Inst.nefti 12:200-212 158.
(XIRA 12:3)~
(Alcohols) (Catalysts)
BIN factory practices. Tekst.prom. 16 no,11:44-46 K 156,
(14LRL 9-.iz)
1. Direktor fabriki Bol I shaya Ivanovskaya manufak-tura (for, Evemd'ina)
2o Glavnyy in2hener fabriki Bollshaya Ivanovska7a manufaktura (for
(istitile indimtry)-.
Ph"ocidal action of some acaricides and insecticides on the
cotton plant. Trudy. XpA~,,zo.ol...i p~Lraz.., Alt t-Tz, SSR L65-75
156. (MM 10:6)
-0-1-auts, Effect of insecticides on)
(Vzbekistan-Gotton-Diseasos and pests)
AID P -~629
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 33/35
Authors Volobrinskiy, S. D., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Dotsent
and Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng., Leningrad
4 '1 t*wr. izri 1 C-7~--V4
Title I. Ya Ryshkovskiy and K. G. Kuchma-r- "Traction
Subst;tions", 487 PP., 1953 (Biblioj~aphy)
Periodical ElektricheBtvo, 8, 94-95, Ag 1954
Abstract : An extensive review of the book with some criticism
is presented.
Institution : Leningrad Institute of Engifieers-of Railroad Transportation
Submitted : No date
V C: /V.
AID.~ P. 2019
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 23/31
Authors t Volobrinskiy, So Do, Kand. of Tech.'Sci..O;Dotsentj
Zvezdkin, M. No$ Eng., Leningrad
title Book Traction Substatio Ino (Book Review !by
So Do Volobrinskiy and M. No Zvezdkiii.. this journal,
No.8. 1954) (Discussion)
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 4, 82.-83, Ap 1955
Abstract The authors repeat their previous critidisms of this
book. They point out, for example,~that some of the
illustrations in the book were tak6n.frdm'out of,date
foreign literature. They sustain their,original
criticism and evaluate the book as hot corresponding,
to the requirements of a textbook for higher institutes
of learning.
Institution: Leningrad Institute of Engineers oE;Railway,Transportation
Submitted No date
A ID P; 2950
Su'bject USSR/Electricity
C*'1/1 Pub. 27 15/15
Author Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng.
Title Scientific-technical conference on railroad electri-
Periodical Elektrichestvo., 8, 861 Ag 1955
Abstract The conference took pla.ce in the Leningrad Ine.01tute
of Engineers of Railroad Transportation in Juno 1955.
The author summarizes the discussions and gives a
list of reports with the names of reporters.
Institution None
Submitted No date
_~Afliii~ H -F. I, k~7
ij h,
The use of OPlans of the arable land of collective farmsO in
physical geography classwork. Geog. v ahkola 21 no. 101-52 -TA-F 158.
(MIRA 11:1)
1. Dabrovinskays ahknla Kostromakoy oblasti.
(Physical gaqgrapIW--Study and tesobing)
UZZIMIN, Y.N., inzhener; URAYSLIT. G.B., inshener,
Problem of testing the insulation of large electrical machines.
Slaktrichestvo no.2:&4-67 F 154. (KIRA 7:2)
1. Lenenergo. (Alectric Insulators and I ~sulatfon--Tastlng)
ZVEZDKIN, V. N. and IUDELISONp R. G. Calculating Leakage Currentg in Transformers
(Ob Izmerenii Tokov Utechki v Transformatorakh)x PP. 32-34
The authors, analyzing many high-voltage laboratory experiments -,dth transformer
insulation,, conclude that the leakage measurements do not pt,esent.arw advantage
over the insulation resistance tests made with a megger. (Graphiand tables).
SO: MEKTRICHESK37 E STANTSII, No. 12, Dec. 1952, Moscow (iW306)
ZVZZEKIN, V.N., inshener; IZRAULIT, G.B., inzhener.
Problem of testing the-insulation of large electrical machines.
Elektricheetvo no.2:64-67 F 154. (KLRA 71.2)
1. Lenenergo. (Zlectric insulators and in~wulation--Testing)
USSR/Chemistry Isotopes 11 SOP 53
"The Influence of Pressure on the Velocity of Ionic Reactions of Isotope Ex-~
change," M. B. Neyman, M. G. Gonikberg, V. B. Miller, Yu4'M. Shapovalov and
V. S. Zvezdkin, Inst Of Chem Phys " Inst of Org Chem, Adad Sei USSR
DAN SSSR, Vol 92, No 2. pp 365-368
Studied the effect of pressure on the reaction velocity of isotope exchange
in reactions of propyl Iodide with acttva iodide ions andiof pr6pyl bromidi
with active bromide ions at a and pressures of lp 1500,4nd 2400 atn- Used
ala solns of N&1131 and N&Br as source of halogen ions.: Found that the
formation of an activated complex in these reactions is associated with al
decrease in the volume of the complex characteristic for normal'bimolecular
Defects of bituminous comDooitlona for high-voltage bushings*,'
Blek.sta.29 no-3:62-64 Kr 15~. (MMA 1i-.5):
(Polectric insulators ond infiUlAti0n).
Z~~- ~A.-S.#-,K-otarshty nauchw sotrudnik
Effect of imolybdenum on spring and wintor veteb yields. Zemledlie;~
7 no-7:48-49 J1 '59- 041RA 12:9)
1. Vladizirsk-ays, gosudaretv.seltakokh02.OpytlVqEt ntantniya*
(Vetch) (Molybdenum)
is :'I ft 4 -0 a 'S V
04 1.
d All p
Y~- I,;)- lit
DA giI j r1l
USENKO, Vladimir Andreyevicho prof., doktor tekIx.:fi&uk; ~ABELOTSKIIp.
Lazarl Markovichp kand. tek.1-m. nauk; KUNTS.EVICII,: V.A.., inzh.,,
retsonzent; ZVEZDKINAI_Yq. inzh. , retn(juzent;: IBRAGIFOV
S.S., kand, tekhne naukj retsenzent; SHMIGART, M.D., red.;
BAT M VAI G.G., tekbn. red.
(Silk tecbnology] Toldmologiia shelka. Pott:xed. 'V.A.Usenkoo~
Moskva, Izd-vo naucho-takim. lit-ry HUSUO, Pt.2 (Silk spin-
ning] Shelkopriadenie. 1961. 343 P. (MIRA 15:2)
(Silk) (Spinning)
Tlmfian 4"d ToPlInn f
or 51
(Potential interference rejection of Velecom'Mnication
systems] Potentsiallnaia pomekhoustoichivast' sistem
sviazi; lichebnoe posobie. Leningrad, Leningr. alektro-
tekhn. in-t sviazi, 1962. 78 p. .,(MIR& 16-10)
(Telecommunication) (Information theory)
WIN 1111 1
810441601060 03/008/612
AUTHORt Zvezdnyyt A.M.
Ass X 6- " in a
TITLEs The representation of t he as r CTS
:a n nx
closed orm n-1
PERIODICALS Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no':3, 1160, 161,
abstract 3492 (Tr. Leningr.~ elektrotakhn. in-ta av7azi,
19581 vyp-3 (36)9 105-11
TEM The following approximate formulas are givent
Cos M.-
or T &-U-2e-!VCo;-X, -r
sin nit sin 9
Cos n-r (I + + x e-Iml Cos 2r-f~or
U-01 Cos x
sin nX - [I
Cos X
ijn-*'-o';T 'the :'transition
Theso~ formulas can be used for he ca ;illii
''in long circuits with losses.
Card 1/1. -[Abstracter's notes Complete translatio.n.1
ec Vol 13 5 Internal Med. Kk
'Y 59
THYROTOXICOSIS (Russian text) - Zviadadze G. A..- PR0UL.ENDOKR.
1958, 4/2 (60-65) Tables 5
The changes of the peripheral blood and bone marrow which take place before and
ft the surgical treatment of thyrotoxicasis were studied. Hypochromic anaemia
I. ,,,-tr tue nt symptom In thyrotoxicosis. Lymphocytosis and thrombocytopenia
are, likewise, noted. The ESH is usually Increased. An increaned number of Ituco-
blasts is found in the bone marrow. The number of normoblasts is either normal
or diminished. Megakaryocytes are frequently absent. Both the peripheral blood
and the bone marrow return to a norrnal condition after the surgical treatment of
Chn4ea in the bone-narrow following tbyrotaxicosis, Soob. AIF
Gruz.SSR 18 no.2:237-24o]r 1-57. (KUA 10: 7)
1. Akademlys nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Inetttut Overimistalluor I
klinichookor khlrurg~l I gomatologii, Tbilisi. Predstsfleno
akadmikom K.D. Bristivi.
Cha nge sin peripheral blood during th3rrotnxicosts. Soob. AN Gruz,,
SSR 20 no. 2 -.24i-243 - F. 15 8 (MIRA 11:7)
1. AN GruzSSR; rnatitut ekapartman'tallnoy.t klinichn'ikoy khirurgii.
i gematologit, Tbilisi. Pradstavlono akedamikom K.D.Hrtstavio'
Uhanges in the peripheral blood following surgieAl treatment of
thyrotoxicosin. Soob. All Grur. SSR 20 no. 4605-506 Ap 158.
(it IRA 11 7)
1. I-astitut eksperim4ntallney i klinichaskoykhir~rgli i genstologii
AN GruzM, Tbilisi. Pradotavlano skstdemjk~u K.D.IrIctovi.
AUTHORS: Zviadadze, G.N. and Chlzhikovg,,D*Mo
TITLE: Study of cathode polarization in NaCl-.CKI-TiCl melts
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii.- Titan i yego
splavy. No. 4* Moscow, 1960. Metallurg'iya. t1tana, 153-1577
TEXI!: The polarization during electrolysis of a, solution' of TiCl in
an equimolecular solution of NaCl and KC1 was determined by plotting
I-V curves. The purpose of this work-was to study the polarization for
those cathode current densities within the limit of whickelectrolysis
in titanium chloride melts is carried out in laboratory and industrial
vats. The apparatus for plotting I-V curves is shown in Fig. 1. The
cell for taking measurements was placed in a steel container with a
water-cooled flange and lid. A mixture of NaCl and XCI was melted and
a vapor-gas mixture of TiCl 4 and argon was introduced intothe cell.
containing the meltq on the bottom of which a weighed quantity of Ti
Card 1/4
Study of cathode
powder had been placed. After adding the required Weij!:hi of TiCl the
thermocouple and sheath were removed from the container and some of.the
melt was sucked into an opening in the.porcelain t'ubeq w6ere it frozeq
and was removed for analysis. During t.his period.,~O'Xcess argon wash
supplied to the container in order to ensure betteic,!'Protection of the
metal against oxidation. After preparing the melt,lelectrodes were
lowered into the cellg connected up, and measurements "ere startedo~
The accumulator voltage was supplied to the commutator terminals, and
from there, through a rheostat and a potentiometer to the electrodes.
After the measurements were completedg the melts were re-analyzed to"
estimate the change in composition occurring within~~,the period of ex-
periment.. The temperature in the furnace was kept clonatant by the
potentiometer. The geometrical dimensions of cathode and anode and
their the cell usedo corresponded to the cathade polarization
study.. A molybdenum wire of 1.6 cm diameter was usod iis the cathode,
this was placed along the vertical axis inside a graphite' cylinder 01
7.3 cm diameter and 19 cm lengthl which was made the anode. The ratio
Card 2/4
Study of cathode D217/D302
between anodeand cathode surface area wasjVo Owing to.the insigni-
ficantly low anodic current density, the anode behav'" as~a virtually
non-polarizing electrode, and it want.therefore, used as ii reference
electrode. The electrodes were separated by means of a bung having an
opening at the bottom and being concentrically placed between the:an6de
and the cathode. Measurements were carried out at 730~ and 8500C, these
being the most characteristic temperatures for the electrolysis of so-
dium, potassium and titanium chloride solutions.. The concentration of
lower-valency Ti in the melt did not exceed 3-4 wt.76. It was found thati
the potential, extrapolated to zero current dbnsity,,decr6ased with in-
creasing temperature. The influence of.the lowest valency Til parti-L-
cularly at 83001 is insignificant.. It is suggested that discharge of
Ti ions and alkali metal occurs alternately during electrolysis at the
cathode current densities investigated. There are 3Jigures, 2 tables
and I Soviet-bloc referenceo
Card 3/4
S/ 51)8/60/000/004/017/020
Study of cathode D217/0302
Layout of apparatus for plotting I-V curves:
1 - cell; 2 - hermetic steel container; 3- cathode-, :4 anode wire;
5 -.diaphragm; 6 - tube for supplying the tetrachloride; 7.~- container i
with tetrachloride; 8 - oil bath; 9 - furnaces for the purification:of
argon; 10 - galvanometer; 11 argon bomb; 12 furnace; 13
tor; 14 - key; 15 rheostat; 16 ammeter; 17 voltmeter.
- -L-T-
Card 4/4
tion mid the condensation cf its vdpors. SoA. AN Gmz. 31,
no.l:IZ7-134, AP16. (W 10. 17 " .7
AUTHORS: Zviadadze, G.N., Karyazina, I.N. and',:~Chizhikovj B. b1i
TITLE- On studying the cyclic electrolysis'.0f titanium
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk,SSSR9 Institut metalltirfjii'a,~: Titan i:Y09P
splavya No. 4, Moscow, 1960. Metallt'ir'gi3ia 1itana, 184-190
TEXT: Electrolytes containing lower-valency titahfum.chl6ride were'
prepared in graphite vessels, in which mixtures oi'~titatdu~m chloride i
and powder were placed. After melting the chlorides andiubsequently
blowing argon through the melt, a vapor-gas mixturelof argon and titani-
um tetrachloride was supplied to the bottom of thd~graphlte vessel.; In
a number of experimentag TiCl 4 without argon was supplied to the melt*
In this case, TiCl was delivered throumli a buret
4 1.3 , te~q whose end was joined
to a graphite tube which was immersed in the melt, ~ la these experiments,
the surface of the melt was protected with argono~ On finishing the' ex":
periments, the melt was allowed to freeze under an argon atmosphere,and
Card 1/4
On studying the cyclic D217/D302':
was submitted to chemicali analysis. Di- and trivaleat Lita:nium wIere
analyzed as follows: After grinding and mixing the electrolyte, two
portions were withdrawn and weighed. The first was (Ussolved in a120%
solution of iron-ammonium alum, and the second was.dissolved in 10,N HC1
(or in 5% 11CI with subsequent acidification with lb N 11CI)o To tile' first
solution, H SO (1:3) was added until the color of,the solution changed
?o 4
from brown green, after which this solution was titrated with .0.1 N
K CrO solution in the presence of phenyl antropin,kc acid. The second
2 4
solution, after addition of 11 so (1:3) was also'titrated with O.I~N
2 4
K CrO solution in the presence of the same indicator. 'If V is the
2 4
volume, in ml, of K rO solutiong used up in the titration of th,e~first
2C 4
solution (calculated per gram of the weighed portio:n) and V is the
volume, in ml, of K2CrO4 solution used up in the titration of the: second
solution (also as calculated per I g of the weighed portion), then,:the~
following equation can be set up2 0.0024x 0.0049(V _x) 0.00413V:
Card 22/ 4
On studying the cyclic D217/0302
where x is the volume of K 2CrO 4 solution, (in ml) used up in the t1tra-
tion of the divalent titanium only. For investigating the electrolysis
of melts produced by chlorination of titanium by its tetrachloride '
tworstage scheme was adopted, i.e. titanium was atJirst chlorinated
and then electrG' 'ytically deposited from the melts producied in thdi
same vessel. Graphi 'te vessels were used,for the explerfinents, which
were charged with a mixture of NaCl, KCI and Ti. After melting the elec-
trolyte and supplying the vessel with the required quantity of TiCl 4#
the melt obtained was electrolyzed without a furtherjiCl supply.'
Molybdenum wire of 2 mm diameter was used as the cathode and the non~-
working portion was protected by a porcelain tube. Initially a graphite
rod of 15 mm diameter was used as the anodes Subsequentlyl.the surface
of the graphite vessel was used as the anodes After~~the experiment,,the,
melt together with the products of electrolysis werefrozen and sub..
jected to phase separation. The experiments have shown that it is
possible to obtain titanium by electrodeposition front melts.produced by
chlorination of titanium by its tetrachloride. An X-ray analysis of the.
Card 3/4
On studying the cyclic .. P217/D302
electrodeposited powders, after treatment of the Latter with a 5% HPI
solution, confirms that they consist of metallic titaniuni and donoi
contain metallic oxides. There are 5 tables mid 2 Soviet-bloc referenceso
8 626/62/000/000/006/007-
AUTHORS: Budnevskiy, A.M.,, Li Hai-ch'anet Chizhikov, D.M.,
and Zviadadze, G.N.
TITLEs Special features of the behavior or,molten titanium
dichloride and its role during,,electrolysis
SOURCE: Fizicheskaya khimiya rasplavlennykh',soley i shlakoy;
trudy Vses. soveshch. 'po fiz.,khimii raspl. soley
i ablakov, 22 - 25 noyabrya 1960 g. Moscow. Metall-
urg,izdat, 1962, 344 - 352
TLXTz The properties of'KCI~-Naql ifielts containing TiC12,'
their stability in the presence of quartz, graphite, Fe and Ti-and
their behavior during electrolysia,were studied,, since such melts
facilitate the production of large Ti crystals. TiC12~vas prepared
in an apparatus consisting mainly of a quartz tube divided into twos,
chambers by a p erforated plate, the upper chamber being heated.,t,o
1050 - 10700C a nd the lower to 8000C. Argon and TiC14.were introduced,
into the upper chamber which contained compressed Ti shavings., The,
Card 1/3
Special features ... D408/D307
produced molten TiC12 pas4,ed through the perforated plate and was
collected in a Graphite beaker in which it soliAified. Analysis,.
showed that the TiC12 was free from trichloride.~ Stability of the
malts was investigated in,crucibles made from the test materialat
finding that it was leas,t:in quartz and greatest, in Ti crucibles.
A portion of the 01-TiCl system (up to 20 mo1% TiC12) was ther-
mographically investigateg both in Fe and in Ti'crucibles; the
results obtained in Fe crucibles were different from
those obtained in Ti-crucibles. The stabilizing effect of Ti was
used for the development of a method for the ele'!ctrolytic produo-
tion of Ti; lower chlorides of Ti in a molten alkali metal,chloride
melt are electrolyzed, the melt composition beizig maintained con-
stant by reduction of TiC14 with metallic Ti. The elec.trode pro-
cesses consist of discharge of Cl and Ti2+ or TO+ ions.; inthe
first case# 1 of each 2 g-atoms of obtained Ti, and in the second
case, I in every 4 g-atoms, is returned to the cycle.:In either'
case, four Paradays of eledtricity and one mole o,f TiC14, as
also during the electrolysis of TiCl , are consumed in the pro-
duction of one g-atom of non-recycle~ Ti. During the 'electrolysis
Card 2/3
Special features ... D408/D307:
the TiC12 content of the melt remained approximaitely~constant,
whereas the TiC13 content decreased continuouslyl thin was due,
to the presence of the metallic phase in the catholyiep enabling.
the reaction Ti + 2TiCl 3 --~ 3TiCl. to proooed, The cathodic de-
posit consisted of an inner bright spongy IaXerf~ almost free from
salts, of relatively coarse particles which adhered together com-
paratively strongly, and of an external dark grey spongy layer
impreghated with salts, which crumbled'into fine powder when Ue
salts were washed away. There are,5 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgii AN SSSH (Institute of
Metallurgy AS USSR)
Card 3/3
.. ... ......
A. A. B-ykov AS USSR)
"The Use of Radioactive Seleniwa for Investigating the Sulfur-selenium Syitem"
Tootopes and Pndlatlon in Memletry, Collection of "?rs t)f
2nd =-11n1on Scl. Tech, Conf. on Use of Ra&jbactlve mid DtAble ligotoPeu and
Radintlon In Hational &owqr and.Sclence, Moaww, lzd-wi Ali Ss."O, 19%, ~ft)pv.
ThIs volume publiahed the reports of the Ctemistry Sect ion ~01' t1w.
2nd AU Sci W-ch Conf on Use or FoLowtive and Stable Isotopes =1 Pa&atioll
in Scienee and the National BL=Amy, spoiwored by Acad Set" MkSH,wul main
Admin for Utilization of Atomic Enejrfg wider Courical of Klt,~Isterlitmll
Macow 4-12 Apr 1957.
-7 I-TI
, !I i IT
-lift ........
Reaction of titanium with titanium tetrachloride. Trudy
AN BSSR no.1:85-92 '57. (MIRA 10:11)
(Titanium) (Titanium chlorides)
zVIADADZE, G.A. (Tbilisi)
Changes in the eripherAl blood and in th~ bone mnrrow in.
thyrotoxicoeis Ewith summqry in English1.'Pro)l.iDndok. I go;m,;:
4 no.2.:6o-65 Mr-Ap '58 (MIRA 110)
1, Iz gos-pitallnoy khirurgiabeskoy klinilri 7311isekopgo meaitainakogo
inatituta ~zav. -akad. K.D. Rristavi)
(HEPERTHYROMISM, 'complication
blood & bone marrow ohnngen,: PHthal. .(Rug))
(BOn RARROW, In vnrious diseases,
hyperthyroidism. pathol, choriges (Rus)
(BLOOD, in vnrious diseaneB
hyperthyroidism, pathol. chnzm,es (RUFO)