Problems of,sanitary bacteriology. TJob.ftp*,j"k4nd*ChAOOI*1W'-
i Sig. no,4t Frontpage OMA 161A)
Beb~vlor of' in an external. medium. Ibid.0-10
E 0 1 5j"11 4 5,;
t., r s 11. maiR13 8 e L i t< oA,A I) r e , aA
~I S 1 ~ Y -I va S I-,
of cententito af ter IsolatLon from allay
Curic points
S t e e I S
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iz-vestiy&. Otdelen_iya
tekhnicheskikh riauk. Metallur~~iya. i. g.-irnove delo.
no.1, 1963, 119-120
TEXT: Since the magnetic properties of isolated alloyed
cementite have not been. adequatoly studied and. exi-sting literatLAre
data are contradictory, the authors determinel the Curie points of
I _( steels (coinpcsi.tj 'z3.v(tr
cementite isolated from seven allo, 'j n n
; :! into rods
71~r- steel -i weriw ;,nI.u_tion aelte(i and' the ingo'llit; fors it,
fr:.D.r. specimens were prepared, The specAmens were homagenized
anc T-~arcened from '~50 or 1300*C in a 10% potai;iiiurn n)idrO\ido
a:-,ueo,.~s solutior, or 3il . Fach type of steel ira.,i annealed by
tu (_~ different method- to obtain the maximum content of' the allay
element in camentite. The cementites were ii;o1ated alectralytic-
a I I V .The proportions of th,,,i al.LoyLng el-emeitts izi lh,.~ carbide
rcsidijes wern determined chernically and the amount:i dissolved in a
Card 1/2
Curie points of cementite E075/11452
-31-bide were determi-ned from changes ji. t-oluzuti of the
or t rom tlie Spac-Ing. T~i p f I e) c t of temperature
I,' W I h
mazr,etic ualance ~zi S
-at tho Lurie poxnz o-f the camontlt,-,~ 'Af,ij
1 1. kLloyinj, the
'r(. e t I I c) tI (Im o r- %1 -4 fl.1
-j Li 1. 1? in 1) e ra t uj
r, Urn r- e
j 1 ti s ,
a v r j a c r e a Ey 1 i r 1 :1 1 lv- I e r- a 1 .1 r,
;% I f i g ur e a r. d 2 t a b 14? s
.L L kp rl I 2-t , 190 2
Card 2/2
(Aid) SOURCE COM UR/04131661000/019/0026/0026
INVENTOR: Simonov, V. D.; Shakirova, A. It.; Saving V, P*.; zvereva,-...
V, V. RomanoVich, V, 1,; Naumkin, P. Vol
ORG: none
.TITLE: Preparation of thiolcarbamates. Class 12, No. 1'86437 [afinoulacea
by Ufa Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Inatitute of'Chetii-
caln for Plant Protection (Ufimskiy filial Vaenoyuznogo nauchno-Loaledoi
vatel'skogo inatituta khimicheakikh aredstv zashchity inateniy))
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy,, covarnyye zaakig~
no. 19, 1966. 26
TOPIC TAGSt thiolcarbamate,*Carbamic acid Ynalt, alkyl. halide
ABSTRACT: In the proposed method for preparing thiolca'rbamates of.the
general formula
(where R' 0 R"g, and R" are antur4ted alkylij) by tha raa~%tion of fl~41to
of thiocarbamic acid with alkyl halides on heatingg, naturatod alkyl
halides are used as the alkylation reagents and tho process in conducted-
GODLEVSKIY,, M.N., doktor geol.-mineral. naukj,ZVEREVA,,,Y A.;
Illia Isaakovich Ginzburg, 1881?-1965; an obituary.
Zap. Vees. min. ob--;va 94 no.5t621-622 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Deystvitellnyy cblen Vaesoyuznogo minerallnogo obohehostva
(for Godlevskiy).
Illia Isaakovich Ginzburg, 1882?-1965; Qbitu&T7, Gool.rud.mestorozb*
7 no.4:109-3-10 Jl-Ag 165# (KMAIM)
Manges in the membrane permeability of t1nowi cultuxe cellgw
during tho reproduction of virusss. TSitologil.rk 7410.3056-36~1'
165o 18:10)
1. Laboratari7a vlrusnyVi L
sVurotak i Iabnrs:tqPIya bI*khtnIQhAjkt)y P,- Vi ta
eksperimenta,Vzoy madit-aivy AEN E.SSR., Iardrigj-ad.
Change in cellular permeability in the procesq, of symplasm
formation induced by some viruses in the tipa~e. Vop. virus,
10 no.5044-550 S-0 165. (WRA 18:11)
1. Nauchno-issiodovateliskiy institjit'vaktain i sTvorotok
i Institut eksperimentallnoy medits'iny AMN SSSR, Leningrad.
ACCESSION NR; AT4028301 S/2667/63/000/024/0066/0091 7
AUTHOR: Guterman, 1. G.; Ounayev4p S. I.; zverevat, ya.._P.; Marehsnka, A., S.
.-TITLE: Climatic characteristics of the wind in a model of the itandard atmosph ere
SOURCE: Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut aeroklimatolooll. Tru4*,
no. 24, 1963, 66-91
TOPIC TAGS: standard atmosphere, meteorology,. ;Ilmato og wind, wind velocit
.. I
wind direction, troposphere, stratosphere
ABSTRACT: A method has been developedfor processing aer6loqlc4il 66servattions for
a 10-year period (1950-1959) to the 30-mb Isobaric sWace1or-the determtnation,
of wind characteristics, averaged over large regions and 'the hemisphere. The de-
termined characteristics are recommended as the first variant of a model of a ~
standard atmosphere for the northern hemisphere. Wind pa0ameters,were determined
for January, for July and for the year to a height of 25 km. The pr1ncipat par Ia-
meters used for this model were the mean scalar veloclty~o~f the~,wlnd for the month
and the year and the resultant wind vector (value and dir6ction). doth character-I
Istics were determined using data for 200 stations, a total of 1#70,000 observa.
tions, processed by electronic computer. Principles:and methods employed' In this
study aje described fully.* The many difficulties in handling this complex problem';
Card /3
i are discussed. Wind parameters are summarized and analyz6d for six geographic;
regions within which the character of wind~distributlon c~n be;considered homo.:
geneous in the first approximation. Nonuniformity of station dis ItributioM:an&de-;
creasing number of observations at greater heights are taken Into account'.~ In:thIs,
process data were averaged for 206 equal-area squarts In the northern hemistphere.
The six regions for which data are generalized are: polar regions; Europelan&part
of Asia; North America and the North Atlantic; North Africa and Central Asia;
North Pacific Ocean and the Far East; and the equatorial and tropical regions.. The
following section headings Indicate the nature of the develop *mek, of the paper:
Introduction; characteristics of the data used; prlnicipaV.qeogr~4phic regions defin-,
ed for the purpose of description of wind over the northern hemisphere; the wind
vector as a random value; determination of the climatic character.istics of.the.
wind; general principles for determining mean parameters.for regions and*the hemi-i
sphere; averaging data for stations; averaging data for regions;and the he~lsplierees'
determination of wind characteristics for standard heights; practical computation
of derivatives of wind parameters at standard heights. Orlg. art., has: 29 for,
las, 11 figures and 3 tabless
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-Issladovatellikly Institut aeroklimatologil, Mscow,
(Scientific Research Institute of Aeroolimatology)
J card 2/3-,
Zvereva, Ye. P.
Int U.
erdiurnal ve'riability of pressurej temperstiwe a~d ;Axj~i.a OV~
(Mez-hduautochnoya izmendhi-Yoat.1 davleniya) ~te*e~atioyIvatra adi:
Gidrometeoizdst, 1964. 0081 p. Illus., bibito. 630 copi", :prinl~~~ h, or
ed (At
!title: Glavnoye upravlenlye g1drometeorologicheskoy sluzU.,)y pwi SOV45te K1,~Llsttov
SSSR) bibacow. 11suchno-issledovat 11skly institut Ewroklinatologii. 1,1*t* vyp* 22
TOPIC TAGS: atnoapheric temperst-arej vind directiono
~presswe, wind velocity, troposphere, weather map, diurnal varIN-11,1on
JPURPOSE fillD COVERAGE: The book exualnea the distribution: PectL%&iUes of ebs,61ute
interdJm-nal variations in temperature, pressure, w1nd velocity and direction at
'different le"la of troposphere over the USSR. Maps of interdiurnel variation-a
are included. They contain elements of four central seewmal, months, T-fhieh Stve
a picture of the peculiarities of seasonal and geographinal varlations, 1he boolk.
is intended for scientific and opeTative! vwkexe in metawdlog;y mid aerocliluatology..1-
lCard 1/2
ZVEREVA~ Ye*P,; GlUIT;',~'HIU', naizk~ red.1 KOHKOVSKAY'A, A*B.,
[Du-to-anv -,r i;, i ri smre.) 'V;- -Imerattm) an-~ wind ovDr the
U.S.S.R. lfezhdusatochnaia i=enckdvos tt davleriiia, tom,ceratury, i
vetra nad SSSR' Lenin&ad., Gidromo tool zriat p 8:1 p. (Moscow.
klauchno-loaled;vatelfskli institut aerok-limatalogii. Trudy pc.22)..
v: 10)
New developments in research. Stall 23 no~~9:858 S 163.
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal. KhimiYa,.1959*,Nr:16, pp 407-408 WSSR)
AUMORS: Nikolayeva, V.0., ZVereva' YeN.
TITLE3 The Intensified Investigation of Kerosene-Gag:Oil Fractions of Direct
Distillation and Catalytic Cracking
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Sostav i svoystva neftey i benzino-kerosinovykh fraktsiy. Moscow,
AN SSSR, 1957, pp 467-497
ABSTRACTt Kerosene-gas oil fractions of 200 3500C of'Romashkino Devon petroleum
(R), 2oo - 4oooc of Taymazy Devon petroleum (T) and gas oil of,~cat~,lytic
cracking of Romashkino petroleum (C) were investigated by a oo 'mbin ation
of the methods of exact rectifleation, deparaffination by carbide,, chro-
matography on S102, catalytic dehydrogenation atul structure-group analysis
of narrow fractions (with the application of,, ~infrared spectroscopy to
n-paraffins). In R, 14% of n-paraffirs and 3E% of aromatic hydrocarbons
(H) were found, in T-14 and 33%, respectively. The monocyclic Baid bi-
cyclic aroMatic H of both fractions contain ~aaphtbene rings and S.-com-
pounds. The total quantity of naphthenes in R ia:19%, in T - 24% (8.8%
Card 1/2 six-membered naphthenes). In C 14% n-paraffins, 66% aromatic 4- Unsaturated
The Intensified Investigation of Kerosene-Gas Oil Fractions of Direct Distillation and
Catalytic Cracking
paraffins are contained (11.5% unsaturated). Mono~-, bi-, tri- and polycyclic.aromatic
H have been found; the naphthene rings contain only monoayclic H,~Ahe S content reaches
5.4%. The content of naphthenes is 5 - 6% (in Individual fraictiona 10 - 15%).~ The in-
dividual n7paraffins of all three fractions can be separated with it high degree of puri-
Ye. Pokrovska~a.
Card 2/2
Differentiation n-06 cultivation measures appliad for;tbe improvement
of various Solonots soils. Dokl. Akad. eellkboz., 23 no.10:35-41
158. (MIRA 11:10)
1. Vaeaoyusnyy nauabno-imaledovatelskly Ingtitut udobredy 119&o-
pochvovedontya. Prodstavlena akademikoo P.V. Barantivym.
-(Solonotz. soils)
Our experience in the preparation of the transition to
a seven-hour work-dAy. Tekst.prom. 20 no.5.19-10,
Vg 160, (MEU 1398)
1. Direktor leningradekogo pr7adilluo-nitoohnog'o kombinALta
.(leningrad-Textile lndtxetr7)
(Hours of labor)
Jill !,Stj
tt 4
vi EV4
If g
~lI a
LUTHORSt Nikolayevaq Vo Got Zverevao Ye._I,--.
TITLEs Effect of refi,ning processes on the hydrocarbon compo Isition
of fractions containing organic sulfur compounds
PERIODICALj Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaq no. 1 9, 19619 421, abs tract
19M155 (Bb. "Khimiva sera- i azotorgan,. soyedineniY9,
soderzhashchikheya v neftyakh i neftdptoduktakh". Ufa, Y-i3,
1960p 397 - 405)
TEILTs Fractions of monocyclic and bicyclic aromatics whi,ch were se Iparated
from gas oil obtained by direct distillation and by oatalytio oraok,ingi
were purified from sulfur compounds by adsorption on ACV,(ASK) silica gel.
Refining was conducted by two methodas (a) oxidatilo~,with H 0 in Iacetic
k .'. ~ 2 2
mediumq (b) by hydrogenation on an aluminum - cobalt - m9lybdenum,oatalyst.
Aromatic hydrocarbons were oxidized within 8 hr at 700C. The total con-
tent of aromatic hydrocarbons in the fractions proieel to be unchanged after
refining by oxidation. The number of aromatic ring s cal culated by the,
method n = d - M was somewhat reducedo especially as regards bicyclic
aromat cs. The elementary composition of oxidized organic sulfur.compounds
Card ~2
Effect of refining ...
was studied. Hydrogenation of the benz
of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was
cobalt - molybdenum catalyst at an init 4
temperature of 350OC- In hydrogenetive
considerable amounts of tatralin derivat
notes Complete translation.)
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4043066 034
8/2834/63/04 /003/0025/0
AUTHOR: Maslenitskly, 1. N., Zverevich, N, V.
TITLE: Amalgamation of Fe-NI alloys
1,1 SOURCE: Leningrad. Gorny*y Institut. Zapiski, v. 42, no. 3, 1963. KIAMLYRO,
metallurgiya, obogashchenlye (Chemistry, metallurgy, ore concentration), 25-34
TOPIC TAGS: nickel iron alloy, permallby, kovar, alloy E19DO, platinum, Armco Iron,
nickel iron alloy amalgamation, zinc amalgam, a.1loy surface vettability, oxide fibn
effect, amalgamation
ABSTRACT: Amalgamation of Permalloy, Kovar (18% Co, 29% NI,'53% Fe), alloy E1996
(2% Be, 98% NQ, platinum and "Armco" iron was studied by measuring wettability by
mercury under various conditions calculated to prevent formation of oxide films. Theo
included hydrogen reduction of the test plater, and wetting under an acid layer following
electrolytic reduction of oxide films. Surface preparation and experimental techniques
are described. Other experiments involved effects of temperature, onviromuent,
hydrogen pressure and the Hg-Pd contact period on solubility of Pd coatings In mercuryl
as well as the wetting of these metal and alloy surfaces by zinc, ammonium and sodium
amalgams. The results Indicate that amalgamation of Iron-nickel alloys cannot be effected
by standard methods, as wetting of the metal surface by m is' obstructed by the I-a-
Btantaneous Idrmation of oxide films. Hidrogen reduction =as' was Ineffective due to
immediate reoxidation and even contacts in a hydrogen atmosphere did not insure good
results in most cases. However, exposure of the metal surface to zinc amalgam in an acid
medium insured good amalgamation. Orig. art. has I tablep 5 graphs, 3 chemical equa-,
tions and 1 diagram.'
ASSOCIATION: Leningradiddy ordenov Lenina I Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni gorny*y i
.11pirovich - PEROY'
A14DREM, Sergey.7efimovich; Zg=- 1CH.-ViktQr--'U.Ar
Valentin AlekBandrovich; VMEHOVSKIY., I.140'~j retsenzent;
PMGERZON) G.L. dots*, reteenzent; RUDENKO, K~G.,f dots.q~
retsenzent; OIEVSM I V.A.p kand. tekhn.. nduk, reteenzent;
RYKCYV, N.A., otv. red.; GARBER, T.N.,, red., izd-va,- ILI HfSk&A..
G.M.; telft. red.
(Crushing., millingq and screening minerals: ID11oblenie, izmelI-
chenie i grokliochenie polezrqkh iskopapnW4i. Msl~va, Gosgor--~
talchizdat,, 3.961. 384 P. (DORA
(Ore dressing)
ANDMEV Sergey Yefimovich; _ZYLIJ~=4
Valentin Aleksandrovich; VERKIIOVSKIY, I.M., prof.,,: retsen-
zent; FIMGERZON, G.Lp dots.p retsenzent; RUDE31MO, K.G.p
dots., retsenzent; OLEVSKrY, V.A., kand. tekhn. nduk, re-
tsenzent; RYKOV, N.A., otvi red.; GARBM, TJI., red. izd-va;
ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red.~
[C-rushingp millingp and screening of minera.161 Droblenie, iz-~
melt chelde'l grokhochenie polezrqkh iskopaemWih. mosiva, Gos#
nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu daluj.lS,61. ~ 394 Po
(Ore dressing) (KIRA. 15, 3)
PARAIL, Vladimir Alekseyevich, kand. tekbn. aauk,,dotsent; PODZOLO.VII
V.H., prof., doktor sell skokhoz.nauk-, EMMMM, L.K.; YAKHONTOT
1 0
V.V#; REMSKAYA 9 OeTe red. CHMAYINA, Z.V. teklm. red.
(Classification of insects on the ba Sin of damage to crops] Opre-
dillitell nasekomykh po povrezhdaniiam kalIturnylth reatenli. Izd#4o
parer. i aop. Leningrad, Goa.-izd-vo sellkhoi.lit-ry, 1960. 607 p.
(KM 14:1)
(Insects, InJurious and beneficial),
ZHITKIWICH, Ye.N., starahiy nauchnyy ootrudnik; PEWEXHA, Ye.l., kand.
biolog.nauk; POZHAR, Z.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; SHKVCHMO,
V.H., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; BUTOVSKIY, A,P., atershiy nauchnyy
sotrudnik. spetsialist entomolog i fitopatblog;~GRCKAKOV, P.M.j
starshiy nouchnyy sotrudnik, apetsialist antomolog i fitopatolog
CdeceaoedJ; KARKOV, F.I., kand.biolog.naWc, spe.taislist entomolog
i fitopatolog; PUGHKOV, V.G., kand.biolog.nauk, spetsialist an Itomolog
i fitopatolog; PALIY, V.F., doktor biolog*nn-ak, spetsialist entomolog
i fitopatolog; POLEVOY, V.V., starshiy nauchayy motrudniko'spetsialint
entomolog i fitopatolog; SORMA, V.A., knnd.biolog.nauk* spetaia-
list entomolog i fitopatolog; ZVEREZOMB-ZMOVSKIY, Ye.V., prof.,
doktor sell skokhoz.nouk; KORJU~~ -`r6f "'-f'skokhoz.nauk;
MOROCHKOVSKIT, S.F., prof., doktor biolog.Dauk; MURAVlY3V,:V.P.. prof.;
SAUJITSKATA, N.I., kand.biolog.nauk; SAVGFOMKO, U.N., red.; ZUBAREV,
A.S.. khudosh.-tokhn.red.
[Sagar beet growing] Sveklovodetvo. Izd.2., parer. i dop, Kiev,
GosAzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry.IUSSR. Vol-3- Pt-l- (3agar beet pepte
and their control] Vrediteli oakharnol aveldy i wry bor:'by m. nimi.
Pt.2. [Sugar beet diseases and their control) Bolazni eakharnoi
evekly i mary bor'by a nimi. 1959. 642 y. (MIRA 12:11)
(Continued on next card)
ZHITXEVICH, Ye.Y.---(continued) Card 2.
1. Kiyov. Ymoooyuxnyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skik institut~vakharnojv
avekly. 2. Veasovuznyy nauchno-i sale dovatel I skLy institut sakharnoy
evokly.(for Zhitkevichi Petrukha, Pomharl.6hevchatko). 3. Madovo-
Winetakaya opytno-selektoionnaya stantsiya Vnesoyusnogo nauohno-
iseledovateltakogo instituta, sakharnoy evskly (for Butovokiy). 4. Iva-
novakaya opytno-selakto.otentoiya Vseso7umogo nauchno-iseledov.insti-
tuta sakharnoy evekly (for Gromakov). 5. Xurgizokaya opytno-solakta.
stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledov.inatituts, ankharnoT avekly (for
Markov, Polevoy).6.'Tboo~lopodolyanakays op7tao-nal..stantsiya Vsesoyuz-
nogo nouchno-iseledov.inatituta aakharnoy avekly (for Puchkov). 7. Ra-
monskaya opytno-selakto.stantsiya Voesoyuzn.nouchno-iseledov.instituta
makharnoy avokly (for Paliv)o 8. Pervomayakaya, opytno-seIaktq.GtBntsi_
Is Vpecoyusnogo naitohno-iselodmit3atitutik so Iler'no evokly kfo*r Shme-
eva). 9. Chlany-korreep. AN V$Mt (for Z"rigiomb-Outovskly. *jmvlyev).
(Sugar beets--Diseases and-posts) :I
ZV OMB-SUBOWSKrr, Ye.T.; TUMOA, N.A.. professor.
VaP.Pospoloy's role in developing b1olft4cal control methods for
harmful Insects of the U.S.S.R. Nsuch.trudy.last.01itil fit* 24-
21 150, (KM 9:2)
I.Chlea-korrespandent Akadenii nauk Ukralnsk4 PERIfor Zveresoub-,
(Insects, Injurious and bonsfioial--Biole gical control)
Phytoncides and plant protection. ITmich.trudy lnet.ont.i fit.
no#4:173-187 153. gt4)
l.Chlen-'korr,eapondent AN USSR.
(Phytoncides) (Plants, Protection of)
V. SKORPIL and Z. ZVFRIJL~,,Neurosurgical Clinic Faculty Ceneral Medicine
Charles University in Prague.
"Conduction Speed in Cranial Nerves in Man."
Prague, Ceskoslovenska Neurologie, Vol 26(59), No 3,. 'Llfay 63; pp 152-155.
Abstract. rEnglish summary modified] : Stimulation electromyography of
facial nerve revealed conduction speed to be 42U (40-50) m/sec for m..
frontalis, 43 4 (34-46) for m. zygomaticus; of accesjory spinal nerve
71111 (50-89) for m. trapezius and of hyroglossal 57T12 (40-75) for
the lingual muscles. Two electromyograms and diagram showing placements
of stimulating and recording electrodes for each of the 3 cranial nerves
studied. Three references: US thesis, British, Czech.
Quantitative evaluation of denervation fibrillations in
electrmqography with an electronic impuls6 counter. Cask.
neurol. 26 no.3:157-159 W 163.
1. Hauroobirurgicka klinika fakulty vasobseneho lekarstvi KU
v Praze, prednasta prof. dr. Z. Kuno,, DrSal
V. SKORPIL and E. ZVERINA, Neurosurgical Clinic of Faculty of General
Medicine of Charles University, Prague (NeurochirurgickaAlinika
fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlove University) Head (prednosta)
Prof Or Z. KUNC, DrSc; Prague.
"Quantitative Evaluation of Dencrvation Fibrillations in Electromyography
by Means of an Electronic Impulse Counter."
Prague, Ceskoslovenska Neurolonie, Vol 26(59), No 34 May 63; pp 157-159,
Abstract (English summary modified]: Needle-electrode direct stimulation
of 23 denervated muscles in 16 patients with lesions of p~eripheral
neurons 2.5 months to 6 years after denervation with electronic counter
to define fibrillations quantitatively in time. Impulse; amplitude and
frequency varied generally being highest immediately after needle
insertion, decreasing then rapidly. One diagram, 111estern and 8 Czech
(including 1 unpublished, senior author's 1962 thesis) references.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The significance of electranyography of the Oculopator
muscles for clinical practice,,:Cesk. oftal. 19 noj~:166-170
W 963.
1. Neurochirurgteka klinika fakulty vaeobeenoho leWratv1'K1U
v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc, DrSc. Ocni o'ddeleni
UV71 v Praze, vedouci doc. dr. V. lensi.
Research on the conduction velocity of the'u1nar nerve in man
during general hypothermia. Cesk. neurol. 27 na.6:361-365,.
N 164.
1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecnehoIekarstvi
Karlovy University v Praze, (prednosta dr.~Z. Kuno. DrSc.).
On the surgical treatment of'facial nerve:paralpis with theluue~
of tissue adhesivese Cas. lek. cesk. 102 nd.440-M-1219 1 N 163.
1. Nourochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU,v
Praze Ustredni vojenska nemoqnices (prodno ,sta prof. dr. Z. Kwict
DrSce~ a Fyziatricke oddeleni UVN v Praze) hacelnii MUDr, Vo.
Possibilities of the quantitative evaluation of M activity'
with4n electronic impulse counter in clinic.al practice'. Cas,
lek.aeak., 103 no,0152-156 7 Mr 164
1, Netmochirurgicka klinika FVL KU Praha-Stresovieet pIred-
nostat prof.dr. Z'*Kunco
G Z,~Cf' io" j L~WA',. !A
., clinic of !;en1ro,,,urf;ery
Z;Y'uI!:'T-T' V. and
klinika), Vacu'10 o" General -od'eine (i-'akulta vsabbacacho
. L. - - V
t,harles University, ?rague, ?rof. Dr. Z. KUKG~ Dr of bcIw-,co*, dirt~(Aor.
"A "~uthod of the Ev--luat-Jon ol' Per Ipheral 4-'mi ~;unt-ral Aoch.~iismx of.
,t,lotor Recovery in Anastomaosis of the ~'aacial and
PmLme, Ceskoslovonska i~jeurolode, Vol L(VI(LD.), No "j 632
pp 317-320.
,'~bs7xact CAuthors' :;aglish swi-mA:71.- meLtiod is described of L*~O'
quantitative electrozayograiphic evaluaLion o--:' zaotor aactivi-,,y in tha
t-weL'th cranial
.ac:Lai tauseles aZLer *nnastono5iz of thu suventa aiW
.-ItXves, by i,,,hich it is possiiolo to a5s=; the mot6r ralvin,xv-ation'uid
relation of tht~ perinnera-I and comral factors in~thu resulting recovex-f
a r anastomosis. lhe metima is graphically detaomtrawd in Vao casu-S.
Six references, includiiZ, Czech.
Some aloctrophysiological findings In diskleBions. Ceak,,
neurol. 27 no.5t281-284 S 164,
1. Nearoohirurgidka klinika fakulty vadobooneho lekaratvi
Karlovy University v Prate, (prednioste. prof,* dr t. Ktmcp Dr.!Bo.)
MOTILEV, Yu,L,,, kpndo tekhn. nauk) ZALESSKIY~ Ye.P.' pror.; XALYUZMY,
I.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOV., A.A.., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.;
POLETAXTI, A.V.,, kand. kbim. nauk; ABRUTSKAYA,Te.G., mlad,
nauchnyy sotr. Frinimali uchaatiye: HUTLITSK1Y,'Y'u.V,, mladlo~
nauchnyy sotr.; FEDOSEM. A,, T.I.0mlad. naochmyy mtr.; WAOV,A.K.,
prof., doktor tekhn. nauks retsenzent; ZVERIILSO G.I.s insh,
retsenzent; KOVAIEV,T.G., inzh., retsenzent-1
.. lnzb... re-
tsonzent; DEBERDEYEV, B.S., red.* DOVSKAYA, G.D.,,tekhn. red.
(Stability of earth roadbed,and road mate is regions with arti-'
ficial irrigation] Ustoichivoot' zemlianogb polatna i dombMIch
odezhd v raionakh lskusstvennogo oroaheniia. [PY] N.L.Motylev i dr.
1"ioskva, Nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo 14-va avtorooillnogo ,ransp.1 shos. dorog
RSFSR, 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 1$-2),
(Uzbekistan-Road C'onstiAictlon) (Uzbekistan--Irrigation),
Application of chen-cliu therapy to disoaaed condItiona of t
peripheral nervous system. Zdrav. Kazakh.: 21 n6.8:27-31 161
1. Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney.(zav. - dotsent R.G.Mandryko)
Karagandinskogo meditsinsko& instituta.~
N.A.; FROTSEROVp A.V., naucbn~rr;d- Pir AX.., red.1
7A24TSUVAp T.Ye.p teYJ-m. red.
[Applicability of agrometeorological forecasting methods in dif-I
ferent regions of the U-S-S-R-; results of field test sl Primeni-
most' metodov agrometeorologichaskikh prognazov v razlichxwkh
raionakh SSM; rezulItaty proizvodstvennykh,ispytanU. Pod.rea.
A.V.Protserova, B.S.Ulanovol. Yoskvap Gidrorieteor. izd-vo,
1961. 156 p. (14M 15:2)
1. Moscow. TSentrallrWy institut prognozov
(Meteorology, Agricultural)
ZVERK11"i, A,M.; YA'oEIS.KIY, G.A.; PKI'l , S. B.; ELI
Differential ealiations !41th 6-A,11.7. flur 2. Se-m. po t.-I
diff. urav. v otklor.. arg, 2:3-49 163.
(1111PU 18
ZVERK1111 A.M.
Completeness of a system of partial solutlo-i to a differential
equation with time lag and periodic coofficienta. I'midy Sam.: po
toor. difV. urav. u otklon. arg. 2:93-11,~ :163.
Solution of linear equations wlth deltay usilig the me thod of
successive integration. lbid.:346-161
Exceptional case of the location of thn root.-3 of a quasi-polynomial.
Ibid. ;238-21,.2- i
It M11 11MIUMPIM,1*010i" 11~j .11
AUTHOR: Zverkint A.M. SOV/~0-126-5-4/(7 p:
TITLEs On the Theory of Linear Differential,Equati ons Having a
Lagging Argument and Periodic Coefficients
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 1260Nr5,PP 882-885(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author states that not e very linear .differential; equation
with constant lagging of the argument,can be,reduced:by
linear transformation to an equation with constant coeffi-
cients. On the other hand there exists a class of irreducible
equations, the partial solutions of which can be determined
by means of the roots of a characteristic quasipoI lynomial.
The author proposes a method which pe~mits'to obtain in this
way a partial solution of
(6) yo W a t)y(t-kT)p
k-o k(
where ak(t+T)-a k(t). He discuss es the transfer of the method
to systems. The obtained particular solutions form ajunda-
mental system (sufficient condition), if the given system
of equations is reducible to a system with constant coeffi-
Card 1/2 cients. The author formulates a theorem on the stability of
On the Theory of Linear Differential Equations Hav'ing a Lagging Argumfent
and Periodic Coefficients
the solutions of (6) without.proof.
There are 2 references, 1 of which is~Soviet, and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitdt~~IimenL M.V.Lomo.nosova
(Moscow State University imeni TT.V.Lom(onoaoV')
PRESENTEDi June 9, 1950
/I by I.G.Petrovskiyj Academician
SUB14ITTED: June 5, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORI Zverkin.--A, MP_
TITLE,.' A Per6s.exponsion for the solution of linear,differential difference equa-
tions, Part lo quasi polynomials
soURCEt Ref zh. Hatem, Abs. 2B311
i Sb..Tr. Seminars, po teorii differents. uravn. 9 otklo
ROF SOURM5 n. argumentom. T. 3.
M,, 196.1, 3-38
7o,.,-1C TAGS*. linear differential equation, differentiai equation solution, difference
equation, asymptotic expansion.
ABSTRACT: The properties of the quasi-polynomials
r-0 P-0
are studied with arp and Tp constantsi Some peculiarities of the distribution of th6
roots of quasi-polynomiala D(k) are established together with their asymptotic be-
it contains
proofs of car-
havior. The paper is basically a survey
tain theorems (estimates from below of the distance between, the roots of the quas
polynomial; the maximum possible multiplicity of the roots of the quasi-polynomial;
the establishment of the fact that there exists only a single root with ou;h,a multi
Card - 1/2
CC NRi AR6020782
plicity, and the method is given for its finding; the astimdtas of the number of roots
T/ithin the bends parallel to the real axis are also ref ined~. 'Numeroust already known
theorems are proved by new methods. It is noted that the second part of the paper
will be devoted to the expansion of the solution of linear stationary equations with
varying arguments into series over the basic solutions'of the form P(tIexit', where
P(t) is a polynomial, and Ai is the root of the characteristic quaoi-polynomial.
(Translation of abstract]o- L.,Hl'sgol'ts
Card 2/2,
11; ti 4 1-11+71 if!] IMITI I If I l[Whil illin I fig I Ill.] 11:, IN 1;
Modified Adams formula for integrating equations with deviatIng
argument. Trudy Sam. po teor. diff. urav. s otklon. arg. 3:
221-232 f65. (KIRA 191.1)
Let's ga--v-e'*more of the now and practical textiles of good
appearance, Sov*torg- 33 no.9:14-19 S! .159.
(MIRA 121.12)
(Textile industry)
Wstence and uniquenese theorems for an eq4~lon wi th dovia~'
argumbnt in the critical. -Otwe.'Trudy Sem. po toor. d:L a
otk1on. arg. 107-46 162,
Equivalence of various ~lassas' of irAtial con,ditions for e uations
with deviating argument, IbId.:63-68 IMIRA 16:22)
AUTHOR: Zverkin, A. M.
TITLE: The Dependence of-the tability of Solutionsbf Linear.
Differential E uatio Aith Lageing Argument:'on the
Choice of the Initial Moment
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Noskovskogo universite4a. Seriya matematikil
mekhaniki,. astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959,W0. 5,PP-15-20
TEXTt The author considers equations of the type
(1) Y'(X) - ~y(x - a) dr(x,s)' A Ot
where the integration in the Stieltjes integral is carried out with~~I
respect to a. The author-investigates the dependence of-the-stab ility
of the solution on the initial moment of-the perturb&tions.,Especially
the author considers cases, where the stability.does not depend on
the moment of the disturbing influence.
Theorem 1: For the stability of the,trivial sol4tionwof (1), where
r(x,s) iB.a nondecrea3ing function of s for arbitrary x, A x < 00:
it is necessary and sufficient that the integral
r (x, L\ (x) r(x,O) (IX
Card 1/2
The Dependence of the Stability of Solutions of.Linear.Differential
Equations With Lagging Argument on the Choice of,tbe Initial moment
Theorem 4; If in the equation
(5) yl(x) Ut a(x)y(x) + b(x)y(x T,(x)), -c(x) 0
it is b(x) > 0, for x V -and -b (x) ~ 0 in [A, KI -u(x) > c< > 0 and'
-c (x) > 0, then from the stability under perturba-
tions in the-point A it follows the stability under perturbations
in an arbitrary point.
'Phere are,2 Soviet references.
SUBI-FITTED: October 4, 1955
Card 2/2
5(2) :SPV/09-5-5"7/27
AUTHORS: Sarkisov, E. S., Chebotarev$ N. T.; Ifevzorova, A. A.,
TITLE: The Oxidation of Zirconium at High Temperatures ani,the
Structure of the Primary Oxide Films (Okieleniye ts'irkoniya
pri vysokikh temperaturakh i struktura pervichnvkh oksidnykh
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1956, Vol 5, Nr ~5, PP 550--553 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out with two different layers
of zirconium. In the first case, a small girconiumi
(dimensions: 8 . 15 . 0,5 mm) was used, vlaich was prodUced
by hot rolling. The plate was then Iannea'led for one hou'r
at a temperature of 700 0C. Before oxidation the plate was
chemically polished in a solution of 401.% nitric aa'id,.5
hydrofluoric acid, and 55 % water.
Oxidation took place in steam and dry o:Fygen at temper atures
of from 150 to 800 C and under atmbspheric pressure.
The time of exposure varied between 15 minutes and, 10 hours.
By means of the scattering method the electrograms were
Card 1/3 taken on an elootronograph of the ty-pe ~EM-4-
~SOV/89-5 5-7/1
The Oxidation of Zirconium at High Temperatures and the Structure of~the
Primary Oxide Films
In the second case the zirconium foils were produced by
evaporation of.the zirconium in a vacuum on a mica base.
The'foils produced were removed froin the'mica base in'
distilled water. Oxidation was carried out as described above.
The radiographic investigations were carried out by- means
of a camera of the type MW-86 (Cr *radiiition).
It was found that oxidation develops in ntages. During,the
first stage of oxidation a thin layer with a marked.textured
cubic modification and. characterized by very considerable
passivation forms. The second stage is characterized by
the occurrence of a textured monoclinic L~odification, w hich
is located above the cubic modification. A furtherincrease
of the thickness of the foil is postible,only at the ex-
pense of the increase of the internal monoclinic modification.
The third stage of oxidation is characterized by the vanish-
ing of the textured black oxidation'layer which cohoist a Of
the cubic and monoclinic modifications. The black layer goes
over into a white one. At this inotant the rate of oxidation
of zirconium increases very consideiably*'
Card 2/3 The resistance to corrosion of the black layer might bei
501r/69 - 5- 5-7/2T
The Oxidation of Zirconium at Hi6ii Teraperatures anal t-he Structure of the
Primary Oxide Fl' 1ris
brought- into connection with the presence o-, a textured.6olid
solution of zirconium in ZrO2. It w4g pocsible to show that
the protective properties of the black layer apparently
vanish aa socn as a maximun of saturdtion,of this solid
solution with oxygen is attained. The consequence isithat a
non-textured white zirconium oxide with the.well-known
stoichiometric composition ie formed. There are 6 figures,
2 tables, and 6 =eferenceiri, 0 of wlhilMl U3 Soviet.
Card 3/3
. i ~ I j~~
LEVCHANOVSM., G.N.v kand.tekhn.uauk;lEGOROVA, Z.P.,! inzh.i ZMIJKOV.p Me.
AJ f,
j Jill
AUTHOR: Zver1kov, B. V. SOV/32-24-12~~.37/45
-rITLE: Machine for Studying the Endurance of Tubes Under Pressure
With Cyclic Deflection (Mashina dlya isal Iedovaniya -
dlitellnoy prochnosti trub pod davloniyem a taiklicheskim
PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriyal 1958, Vol 24, Nr' 12,
pp 1514 - 1516 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The machine mentioned in the title-was developed, produced,
and used In the institute mentioned~in the,association
in the beginning of 1957. The testing conditions
correspond to the working conditions of tubes and vapor.
conductors in boiler works. The diagram given (Fig 1) L
indicates that the tube sample is located in an electric
furnace. The loading for the oyclio~bendibg of the ;
sample is carried out using an aleotric motor over an
eccentric wheel. The pressure within 'the system is
achieved in the same way as in the TsKTI apparatus,
Card 1/2 used for testing the endurance of tubes toward internal
Ma,chine for Studying the Endurance of Tubes Under SOV/32-2441 2-~37/45
Pressure With Cyclic Deflection
pressure (Ref 1). The error in measurement in relation
to the bending moment is about 3%. The placing of the
machine on the desired loading cycle'is carried out
by using cells attached to the lever. 15, 36, and
60 cycles per minute are proposed. Two samples can be'
determined simultaneousiy on the machine.wThere are
2 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut~im.I. 1. Polzunova~
(Central Boiler-Turbine Institute imeni I. I. Polzunov)
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zver1kov B.V. (Engineer)
TITLE: The long term strength of tubes with complex IIoading. (Dlitel"naya
prochnost' trub pri;slozhnykh nagruzkal[b.)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, No. 3. 51' 54 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:- An installation for testing the long tom str6ngtth of tubis with
combined internal pressure and banding:is illustrated dia4rw~nat-
ically in Fig.1 and a corresponding ins6allat*oa for combined .
pressure and torsionju Fig.2. The test section of the iube4as
contained in an electric furnace. The accura.4y of the test data
was of the order of 3-- The test specimens were made of"
austenitic steel M-69,,l k1XIM/96). ~ For long' term ten4ile;,tests
the samples were m"6 in the form of cylladernvf 4.6 -~ $.I &a
diameter with a length to diameter ratio of about 10 cut~from the
wall of the tube. For the main tests the specimens were~pieces of
steam superheater tubes of 32: x 5. 5 mm ''in the conditiod, its dblivered.
Tables I & 2 give data on long term stiength;.tests on sp6cimens ir
tonsior. and tubes under pressure. Tabilo.3 gives'data for tubes
subject only to torque and they lost their sLability, lairge cracks
were formed on the surface of the specimeus.,' The result a of tests
with combined pressure and twisting are giveti in Table.14
. There
were individual cracks formed on the outer surface of the specimens
and on the internal surface there was a network of fine cracks.
Card 1/2 (See illustrations in Figs.3 & 4). Me results of tests on.tubes
ZVERIKOV, S.H., gcrnyy Inzh.
;Arge-Ocale hole firing in an open-pit mine'beyorA bhe Arctic:
Circle. dor. zhur. no.12:27-29 D 160. (HIRA 13112)
1. Norillskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy kombinat.
(Norillsk-Strip mining) (Blasting)
ZVERIZOV, S.H.. gorny7 inzh.; LOMONOSOV, G.G., gornyy izLzh.
Kind of explosives needed by the 59edvashiV Ruchey" mine. Gors
shur. no.10:41-43 0 158- OIRA 11:10)
1. Rudnik nMadvembiy, ruchay."
(Narillsk-Mining engineering) (lbrplosives)
L0140HOSOVY GA., gorzWy inaho ZVERION, S,N.
Water blasting method of breaking overo4rd rocks In open pIU. Gore shul.,
nq.4s35-37 Ap 163. (MIRA 1634)
I* Moskovskiy inatitut radioelektroniki i gornoy plektromekba-mild
(for Lajiaefsov). 2. Glavnyy inzh. rudniks. "Tuzw" (for Zvertkov.).
ZVERKOVA, A. S. Cand Mad Soi "Role of auto-antibodle.s in the pathogenesi's
of agranulocycosis and other types of AmmhmmdmmMK leukopeida." KieT, 1961
(Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Mad Inst im Academioian A. A. Bogomolets).
M, 4-61, 209)
CAT.E(MY '-Human.,and Animal Physiology, Bloo&
A&9. JOUR. R7,4131riLy Ne. 5 19,57, Ni. 21096:
'AUTHon- tiverkova, A.S.
TI-TLE -.The Role of Autoantibodies in the "Outhp
genesis of
Agran-ulocytosis aud other Typos of: Leukolponia.
OPIG. PUB. :Vrachebn. delo, 1957, No. 4, 347--350
A BZT- FZACT Of the 75 patients fcillowedp~ !~!14 hsi& agranul6c
tosis, 37 had other t 'U~b~enisi
ypes of le land 24iha
normal leukoc-yte- levels. . Autoantibbdid's, (!Ieuko-,
ag~glutinins:;and.-leukolysiiis). w:ere a
ted In the
; ~. 7~ The
serum of the patients-with.agranulocytogis
serum of these patient,s . a.ggluI:tinafe"d fhe' granulo-
cytes in the blood oflheilthy subj'6cts:and patient
with myeloid leukemia,~ bu
t did nd~'aggiutinate
lymphocytes and monocytes. A~relition~hip was
%, '~Iof aftlutination
establislied:between -he intensity.
and leukolysis and the clinical state of the
lCard: 1/2
EYCERPTA M_ ICA See 7 Vol 13/) 09districs Mar 59
IN*FAN'TS IN' THEIR FIRST YEAR OF LIFE (Russian text) - ;1. ve rko va
F. A. - VOPR.OKtIR.j%IATER. I DETS. IP57, 2 (W-27) -
Blood 'concentration of vit. A and carotene of breast-fed infantq suffering froln
various skin diseases and of their mothers was studied. A control groop of heal.
thy babies and their mothers was also investigated. It was found that: (1) Vit. A init
carotene contents of the blood of healthy infants under one year of age Miow
seasonal variation and changes dependent on the type of reeding. (2) In the ease of
erythroderma desquamativum the blood level of those substances is greatly lower-
ed. (3) This fall depends on both exogenic and endogenic factorn (gastro-Intestinal
disorders, disorders of liver function). (4) Vit.A anti carotene concentration ill the
blood and milk of mothers breastfeeding babies suffering front 6,ythi-odevnia
desquamativum is low. Addition of those substances to the diet of the mothers Von-
stitutes an integral part of the treatment. (5) In dermatitis herpetiforniis of the
newborn the blood levels of vit.A and carotene are low. This fall Ileconleti evell
more accentuated in exfoliative dermqtitis. (6) In case.; of infantile ccZellin the
amounts of circulating vit. A and carotene are larger than normal as a result or
Interference with general metabolism. (7) Administration of vit. A to infants
suffering from eczema helps in restoration of normal metaliolism. Administration
of vit. A during pregnancy. especially In cases of toxaemia of pregnancy, is an
important factor in prevention of skin disease in infants. (S)
34-cru 11i. i ':11 i
KNIM kt 11mquminni'l. 11111hii!;1111111il; 1'~i'1
Problems of,sanitary bacteriology. TJob.ftp*,j"k4nd*ChAOOI*1W'-
i Sig. no,4t Frontpage OMA 161A)
Beb~vlor of' in an external. medium. Ibid.0-10
E 0 1 5j"11 4 5,;
t., r s 11. maiR13 8 e L i t< oA,A I) r e , aA
~I S 1 ~ Y -I va S I-,
of cententito af ter IsolatLon from allay
Curic points
S t e e I S
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iz-vestiy&. Otdelen_iya
tekhnicheskikh riauk. Metallur~~iya. i. g.-irnove delo.
no.1, 1963, 119-120
TEXT: Since the magnetic properties of isolated alloyed
cementite have not been. adequatoly studied and. exi-sting literatLAre
data are contradictory, the authors determinel the Curie points of
I _( steels (coinpcsi.tj 'z3.v(tr
cementite isolated from seven allo, 'j n n
; :! into rods
71~r- steel -i weriw ;,nI.u_tion aelte(i and' the ingo'llit; fors it,
fr:.D.r. specimens were prepared, The specAmens were homagenized
anc T-~arcened from '~50 or 1300*C in a 10% potai;iiiurn n)idrO\ido
a:-,ueo,.~s solutior, or 3il . Fach type of steel ira.,i annealed by
tu (_~ different method- to obtain the maximum content of' the allay
element in camentite. The cementites were ii;o1ated alectralytic-
a I I V .The proportions of th,,,i al.LoyLng el-emeitts izi lh,.~ carbide
rcsidijes wern determined chernically and the amount:i dissolved in a
Card 1/2
Curie points of cementite E075/11452
-31-bide were determi-ned from changes ji. t-oluzuti of the
or t rom tlie Spac-Ing. T~i p f I e) c t of temperature
I,' W I h
mazr,etic ualance ~zi S
-at tho Lurie poxnz o-f the camontlt,-,~ 'Af,ij
1 1. kLloyinj, the
'r(. e t I I c) tI (Im o r- %1 -4 fl.1
-j Li 1. 1? in 1) e ra t uj
r, Urn r- e
j 1 ti s ,
a v r j a c r e a Ey 1 i r 1 :1 1 lv- I e r- a 1 .1 r,
;% I f i g ur e a r. d 2 t a b 14? s
.L L kp rl I 2-t , 190 2
Card 2/2
(Aid) SOURCE COM UR/04131661000/019/0026/0026
INVENTOR: Simonov, V. D.; Shakirova, A. It.; Saving V, P*.; zvereva,-...
V, V. RomanoVich, V, 1,; Naumkin, P. Vol
ORG: none
.TITLE: Preparation of thiolcarbamates. Class 12, No. 1'86437 [afinoulacea
by Ufa Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Inatitute of'Chetii-
caln for Plant Protection (Ufimskiy filial Vaenoyuznogo nauchno-Loaledoi
vatel'skogo inatituta khimicheakikh aredstv zashchity inateniy))
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy,, covarnyye zaakig~
no. 19, 1966. 26
TOPIC TAGSt thiolcarbamate,*Carbamic acid Ynalt, alkyl. halide
ABSTRACT: In the proposed method for preparing thiolca'rbamates of.the
general formula
(where R' 0 R"g, and R" are antur4ted alkylij) by tha raa~%tion of fl~41to
of thiocarbamic acid with alkyl halides on heatingg, naturatod alkyl
halides are used as the alkylation reagents and tho process in conducted-
GODLEVSKIY,, M.N., doktor geol.-mineral. naukj,ZVEREVA,,,Y A.;
Illia Isaakovich Ginzburg, 1881?-1965; an obituary.
Zap. Vees. min. ob--;va 94 no.5t621-622 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Deystvitellnyy cblen Vaesoyuznogo minerallnogo obohehostva
(for Godlevskiy).
Illia Isaakovich Ginzburg, 1882?-1965; Qbitu&T7, Gool.rud.mestorozb*
7 no.4:109-3-10 Jl-Ag 165# (KMAIM)
Manges in the membrane permeability of t1nowi cultuxe cellgw
during tho reproduction of virusss. TSitologil.rk 7410.3056-36~1'
165o 18:10)
1. Laboratari7a vlrusnyVi L
sVurotak i Iabnrs:tqPIya bI*khtnIQhAjkt)y P,- Vi ta
eksperimenta,Vzoy madit-aivy AEN E.SSR., Iardrigj-ad.
Change in cellular permeability in the procesq, of symplasm
formation induced by some viruses in the tipa~e. Vop. virus,
10 no.5044-550 S-0 165. (WRA 18:11)
1. Nauchno-issiodovateliskiy institjit'vaktain i sTvorotok
i Institut eksperimentallnoy medits'iny AMN SSSR, Leningrad.
ACCESSION NR; AT4028301 S/2667/63/000/024/0066/0091 7
AUTHOR: Guterman, 1. G.; Ounayev4p S. I.; zverevat, ya.._P.; Marehsnka, A., S.
.-TITLE: Climatic characteristics of the wind in a model of the itandard atmosph ere
SOURCE: Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut aeroklimatolooll. Tru4*,
no. 24, 1963, 66-91
TOPIC TAGS: standard atmosphere, meteorology,. ;Ilmato og wind, wind velocit
.. I
wind direction, troposphere, stratosphere
ABSTRACT: A method has been developedfor processing aer6loqlc4il 66servattions for
a 10-year period (1950-1959) to the 30-mb Isobaric sWace1or-the determtnation,
of wind characteristics, averaged over large regions and 'the hemisphere. The de-
termined characteristics are recommended as the first variant of a model of a ~
standard atmosphere for the northern hemisphere. Wind pa0ameters,were determined
for January, for July and for the year to a height of 25 km. The pr1ncipat par Ia-
meters used for this model were the mean scalar veloclty~o~f the~,wlnd for the month
and the year and the resultant wind vector (value and dir6ction). doth character-I
Istics were determined using data for 200 stations, a total of 1#70,000 observa.
tions, processed by electronic computer. Principles:and methods employed' In this
study aje described fully.* The many difficulties in handling this complex problem';
Card /3
i are discussed. Wind parameters are summarized and analyz6d for six geographic;
regions within which the character of wind~distributlon c~n be;considered homo.:
geneous in the first approximation. Nonuniformity of station dis ItributioM:an&de-;
creasing number of observations at greater heights are taken Into account'.~ In:thIs,
process data were averaged for 206 equal-area squarts In the northern hemistphere.
The six regions for which data are generalized are: polar regions; Europelan&part
of Asia; North America and the North Atlantic; North Africa and Central Asia;
North Pacific Ocean and the Far East; and the equatorial and tropical regions.. The
following section headings Indicate the nature of the develop *mek, of the paper:
Introduction; characteristics of the data used; prlnicipaV.qeogr~4phic regions defin-,
ed for the purpose of description of wind over the northern hemisphere; the wind
vector as a random value; determination of the climatic character.istics of.the.
wind; general principles for determining mean parameters.for regions and*the hemi-i
sphere; averaging data for stations; averaging data for regions;and the he~lsplierees'
determination of wind characteristics for standard heights; practical computation
of derivatives of wind parameters at standard heights. Orlg. art., has: 29 for,
las, 11 figures and 3 tabless
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-Issladovatellikly Institut aeroklimatologil, Mscow,
(Scientific Research Institute of Aeroolimatology)
J card 2/3-,
Zvereva, Ye. P.
Int U.
erdiurnal ve'riability of pressurej temperstiwe a~d ;Axj~i.a OV~
(Mez-hduautochnoya izmendhi-Yoat.1 davleniya) ~te*e~atioyIvatra adi:
Gidrometeoizdst, 1964. 0081 p. Illus., bibito. 630 copi", :prinl~~~ h, or
ed (At
!title: Glavnoye upravlenlye g1drometeorologicheskoy sluzU.,)y pwi SOV45te K1,~Llsttov
SSSR) bibacow. 11suchno-issledovat 11skly institut Ewroklinatologii. 1,1*t* vyp* 22
TOPIC TAGS: atnoapheric temperst-arej vind directiono
~presswe, wind velocity, troposphere, weather map, diurnal varIN-11,1on
JPURPOSE fillD COVERAGE: The book exualnea the distribution: PectL%&iUes of ebs,61ute
interdJm-nal variations in temperature, pressure, w1nd velocity and direction at
'different le"la of troposphere over the USSR. Maps of interdiurnel variation-a
are included. They contain elements of four central seewmal, months, T-fhieh Stve
a picture of the peculiarities of seasonal and geographinal varlations, 1he boolk.
is intended for scientific and opeTative! vwkexe in metawdlog;y mid aerocliluatology..1-
lCard 1/2
ZVEREVA~ Ye*P,; GlUIT;',~'HIU', naizk~ red.1 KOHKOVSKAY'A, A*B.,
[Du-to-anv -,r i;, i ri smre.) 'V;- -Imerattm) an-~ wind ovDr the
U.S.S.R. lfezhdusatochnaia i=enckdvos tt davleriiia, tom,ceratury, i
vetra nad SSSR' Lenin&ad., Gidromo tool zriat p 8:1 p. (Moscow.
klauchno-loaled;vatelfskli institut aerok-limatalogii. Trudy pc.22)..
v: 10)
New developments in research. Stall 23 no~~9:858 S 163.
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal. KhimiYa,.1959*,Nr:16, pp 407-408 WSSR)
AUMORS: Nikolayeva, V.0., ZVereva' YeN.
TITLE3 The Intensified Investigation of Kerosene-Gag:Oil Fractions of Direct
Distillation and Catalytic Cracking
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Sostav i svoystva neftey i benzino-kerosinovykh fraktsiy. Moscow,
AN SSSR, 1957, pp 467-497
ABSTRACTt Kerosene-gas oil fractions of 200 3500C of'Romashkino Devon petroleum
(R), 2oo - 4oooc of Taymazy Devon petroleum (T) and gas oil of,~cat~,lytic
cracking of Romashkino petroleum (C) were investigated by a oo 'mbin ation
of the methods of exact rectifleation, deparaffination by carbide,, chro-
matography on S102, catalytic dehydrogenation atul structure-group analysis
of narrow fractions (with the application of,, ~infrared spectroscopy to
n-paraffins). In R, 14% of n-paraffirs and 3E% of aromatic hydrocarbons
(H) were found, in T-14 and 33%, respectively. The monocyclic Baid bi-
cyclic aroMatic H of both fractions contain ~aaphtbene rings and S.-com-
pounds. The total quantity of naphthenes in R ia:19%, in T - 24% (8.8%
Card 1/2 six-membered naphthenes). In C 14% n-paraffins, 66% aromatic 4- Unsaturated
The Intensified Investigation of Kerosene-Gas Oil Fractions of Direct Distillation and
Catalytic Cracking
paraffins are contained (11.5% unsaturated). Mono~-, bi-, tri- and polycyclic.aromatic
H have been found; the naphthene rings contain only monoayclic H,~Ahe S content reaches
5.4%. The content of naphthenes is 5 - 6% (in Individual fraictiona 10 - 15%).~ The in-
dividual n7paraffins of all three fractions can be separated with it high degree of puri-
Ye. Pokrovska~a.
Card 2/2
Differentiation n-06 cultivation measures appliad for;tbe improvement
of various Solonots soils. Dokl. Akad. eellkboz., 23 no.10:35-41
158. (MIRA 11:10)
1. Vaeaoyusnyy nauabno-imaledovatelskly Ingtitut udobredy 119&o-
pochvovedontya. Prodstavlena akademikoo P.V. Barantivym.
-(Solonotz. soils)
Our experience in the preparation of the transition to
a seven-hour work-dAy. Tekst.prom. 20 no.5.19-10,
Vg 160, (MEU 1398)
1. Direktor leningradekogo pr7adilluo-nitoohnog'o kombinALta
.(leningrad-Textile lndtxetr7)
(Hours of labor)
Jill !,Stj
tt 4
vi EV4
If g
~lI a
LUTHORSt Nikolayevaq Vo Got Zverevao Ye._I,--.
TITLEs Effect of refi,ning processes on the hydrocarbon compo Isition
of fractions containing organic sulfur compounds
PERIODICALj Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaq no. 1 9, 19619 421, abs tract
19M155 (Bb. "Khimiva sera- i azotorgan,. soyedineniY9,
soderzhashchikheya v neftyakh i neftdptoduktakh". Ufa, Y-i3,
1960p 397 - 405)
TEILTs Fractions of monocyclic and bicyclic aromatics whi,ch were se Iparated
from gas oil obtained by direct distillation and by oatalytio oraok,ingi
were purified from sulfur compounds by adsorption on ACV,(ASK) silica gel.
Refining was conducted by two methodas (a) oxidatilo~,with H 0 in Iacetic
k .'. ~ 2 2
mediumq (b) by hydrogenation on an aluminum - cobalt - m9lybdenum,oatalyst.
Aromatic hydrocarbons were oxidized within 8 hr at 700C. The total con-
tent of aromatic hydrocarbons in the fractions proieel to be unchanged after
refining by oxidation. The number of aromatic ring s cal culated by the,
method n = d - M was somewhat reducedo especially as regards bicyclic
aromat cs. The elementary composition of oxidized organic sulfur.compounds
Card ~2
Effect of refining ...
was studied. Hydrogenation of the benz
of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was
cobalt - molybdenum catalyst at an init 4
temperature of 350OC- In hydrogenetive
considerable amounts of tatralin derivat
notes Complete translation.)
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4043066 034
8/2834/63/04 /003/0025/0
AUTHOR: Maslenitskly, 1. N., Zverevich, N, V.
TITLE: Amalgamation of Fe-NI alloys
1,1 SOURCE: Leningrad. Gorny*y Institut. Zapiski, v. 42, no. 3, 1963. KIAMLYRO,
metallurgiya, obogashchenlye (Chemistry, metallurgy, ore concentration), 25-34
TOPIC TAGS: nickel iron alloy, permallby, kovar, alloy E19DO, platinum, Armco Iron,
nickel iron alloy amalgamation, zinc amalgam, a.1loy surface vettability, oxide fibn
effect, amalgamation
ABSTRACT: Amalgamation of Permalloy, Kovar (18% Co, 29% NI,'53% Fe), alloy E1996
(2% Be, 98% NQ, platinum and "Armco" iron was studied by measuring wettability by
mercury under various conditions calculated to prevent formation of oxide films. Theo
included hydrogen reduction of the test plater, and wetting under an acid layer following
electrolytic reduction of oxide films. Surface preparation and experimental techniques
are described. Other experiments involved effects of temperature, onviromuent,
hydrogen pressure and the Hg-Pd contact period on solubility of Pd coatings In mercuryl
as well as the wetting of these metal and alloy surfaces by zinc, ammonium and sodium
amalgams. The results Indicate that amalgamation of Iron-nickel alloys cannot be effected
by standard methods, as wetting of the metal surface by m is' obstructed by the I-a-
Btantaneous Idrmation of oxide films. Hidrogen reduction =as' was Ineffective due to
immediate reoxidation and even contacts in a hydrogen atmosphere did not insure good
results in most cases. However, exposure of the metal surface to zinc amalgam in an acid
medium insured good amalgamation. Orig. art. has I tablep 5 graphs, 3 chemical equa-,
tions and 1 diagram.'
ASSOCIATION: Leningradiddy ordenov Lenina I Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni gorny*y i
.11pirovich - PEROY'
A14DREM, Sergey.7efimovich; Zg=- 1CH.-ViktQr--'U.Ar
Valentin AlekBandrovich; VMEHOVSKIY., I.140'~j retsenzent;
PMGERZON) G.L. dots*, reteenzent; RUDENKO, K~G.,f dots.q~
retsenzent; OIEVSM I V.A.p kand. tekhn.. nduk, reteenzent;
RYKCYV, N.A., otv. red.; GARBER, T.N.,, red., izd-va,- ILI HfSk&A..
G.M.; telft. red.
(Crushing., millingq and screening minerals: ID11oblenie, izmelI-
chenie i grokliochenie polezrqkh iskopapnW4i. Msl~va, Gosgor--~
talchizdat,, 3.961. 384 P. (DORA
(Ore dressing)
ANDMEV Sergey Yefimovich; _ZYLIJ~=4
Valentin Aleksandrovich; VERKIIOVSKIY, I.M., prof.,,: retsen-
zent; FIMGERZON, G.Lp dots.p retsenzent; RUDE31MO, K.G.p
dots., retsenzent; OLEVSKrY, V.A., kand. tekhn. nduk, re-
tsenzent; RYKOV, N.A., otvi red.; GARBM, TJI., red. izd-va;
ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red.~
[C-rushingp millingp and screening of minera.161 Droblenie, iz-~
melt chelde'l grokhochenie polezrqkh iskopaemWih. mosiva, Gos#
nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu daluj.lS,61. ~ 394 Po
(Ore dressing) (KIRA. 15, 3)
PARAIL, Vladimir Alekseyevich, kand. tekbn. aauk,,dotsent; PODZOLO.VII
V.H., prof., doktor sell skokhoz.nauk-, EMMMM, L.K.; YAKHONTOT
1 0
V.V#; REMSKAYA 9 OeTe red. CHMAYINA, Z.V. teklm. red.
(Classification of insects on the ba Sin of damage to crops] Opre-
dillitell nasekomykh po povrezhdaniiam kalIturnylth reatenli. Izd#4o
parer. i aop. Leningrad, Goa.-izd-vo sellkhoi.lit-ry, 1960. 607 p.
(KM 14:1)
(Insects, InJurious and beneficial),
ZHITKIWICH, Ye.N., starahiy nauchnyy ootrudnik; PEWEXHA, Ye.l., kand.
biolog.nauk; POZHAR, Z.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; SHKVCHMO,
V.H., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; BUTOVSKIY, A,P., atershiy nauchnyy
sotrudnik. spetsialist entomolog i fitopatblog;~GRCKAKOV, P.M.j
starshiy nouchnyy sotrudnik, apetsialist antomolog i fitopatolog
CdeceaoedJ; KARKOV, F.I., kand.biolog.naWc, spe.taislist entomolog
i fitopatolog; PUGHKOV, V.G., kand.biolog.nauk, spetsialist an Itomolog
i fitopatolog; PALIY, V.F., doktor biolog*nn-ak, spetsialist entomolog
i fitopatolog; POLEVOY, V.V., starshiy nauchayy motrudniko'spetsialint
entomolog i fitopatolog; SORMA, V.A., knnd.biolog.nauk* spetaia-
list entomolog i fitopatolog; ZVEREZOMB-ZMOVSKIY, Ye.V., prof.,
doktor sell skokhoz.nouk; KORJU~~ -`r6f "'-f'skokhoz.nauk;
MOROCHKOVSKIT, S.F., prof., doktor biolog.Dauk; MURAVlY3V,:V.P.. prof.;
SAUJITSKATA, N.I., kand.biolog.nauk; SAVGFOMKO, U.N., red.; ZUBAREV,
A.S.. khudosh.-tokhn.red.
[Sagar beet growing] Sveklovodetvo. Izd.2., parer. i dop, Kiev,
GosAzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry.IUSSR. Vol-3- Pt-l- (3agar beet pepte
and their control] Vrediteli oakharnol aveldy i wry bor:'by m. nimi.
Pt.2. [Sugar beet diseases and their control) Bolazni eakharnoi
evekly i mary bor'by a nimi. 1959. 642 y. (MIRA 12:11)
(Continued on next card)
ZHITXEVICH, Ye.Y.---(continued) Card 2.
1. Kiyov. Ymoooyuxnyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skik institut~vakharnojv
avekly. 2. Veasovuznyy nauchno-i sale dovatel I skLy institut sakharnoy
evokly.(for Zhitkevichi Petrukha, Pomharl.6hevchatko). 3. Madovo-
Winetakaya opytno-selektoionnaya stantsiya Vnesoyusnogo nauohno-
iseledovateltakogo instituta, sakharnoy evskly (for Butovokiy). 4. Iva-
novakaya opytno-selakto.otentoiya Vseso7umogo nauchno-iseledov.insti-
tuta sakharnoy evekly (for Gromakov). 5. Xurgizokaya opytno-solakta.
stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledov.inatituts, ankharnoT avekly (for
Markov, Polevoy).6.'Tboo~lopodolyanakays op7tao-nal..stantsiya Vsesoyuz-
nogo nouchno-iseledov.inatituta aakharnoy avekly (for Puchkov). 7. Ra-
monskaya opytno-selakto.stantsiya Voesoyuzn.nouchno-iseledov.instituta
makharnoy avokly (for Paliv)o 8. Pervomayakaya, opytno-seIaktq.GtBntsi_
Is Vpecoyusnogo naitohno-iselodmit3atitutik so Iler'no evokly kfo*r Shme-
eva). 9. Chlany-korreep. AN V$Mt (for Z"rigiomb-Outovskly. *jmvlyev).
(Sugar beets--Diseases and-posts) :I
ZV OMB-SUBOWSKrr, Ye.T.; TUMOA, N.A.. professor.
VaP.Pospoloy's role in developing b1olft4cal control methods for
harmful Insects of the U.S.S.R. Nsuch.trudy.last.01itil fit* 24-
21 150, (KM 9:2)
I.Chlea-korrespandent Akadenii nauk Ukralnsk4 PERIfor Zveresoub-,
(Insects, Injurious and bonsfioial--Biole gical control)
Phytoncides and plant protection. ITmich.trudy lnet.ont.i fit.
no#4:173-187 153. gt4)
l.Chlen-'korr,eapondent AN USSR.
(Phytoncides) (Plants, Protection of)
V. SKORPIL and Z. ZVFRIJL~,,Neurosurgical Clinic Faculty Ceneral Medicine
Charles University in Prague.
"Conduction Speed in Cranial Nerves in Man."
Prague, Ceskoslovenska Neurologie, Vol 26(59), No 3,. 'Llfay 63; pp 152-155.
Abstract. rEnglish summary modified] : Stimulation electromyography of
facial nerve revealed conduction speed to be 42U (40-50) m/sec for m..
frontalis, 43 4 (34-46) for m. zygomaticus; of accesjory spinal nerve
71111 (50-89) for m. trapezius and of hyroglossal 57T12 (40-75) for
the lingual muscles. Two electromyograms and diagram showing placements
of stimulating and recording electrodes for each of the 3 cranial nerves
studied. Three references: US thesis, British, Czech.
Quantitative evaluation of denervation fibrillations in
electrmqography with an electronic impuls6 counter. Cask.
neurol. 26 no.3:157-159 W 163.
1. Hauroobirurgicka klinika fakulty vasobseneho lekarstvi KU
v Praze, prednasta prof. dr. Z. Kuno,, DrSal
V. SKORPIL and E. ZVERINA, Neurosurgical Clinic of Faculty of General
Medicine of Charles University, Prague (NeurochirurgickaAlinika
fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlove University) Head (prednosta)
Prof Or Z. KUNC, DrSc; Prague.
"Quantitative Evaluation of Dencrvation Fibrillations in Electromyography
by Means of an Electronic Impulse Counter."
Prague, Ceskoslovenska Neurolonie, Vol 26(59), No 34 May 63; pp 157-159,
Abstract (English summary modified]: Needle-electrode direct stimulation
of 23 denervated muscles in 16 patients with lesions of p~eripheral
neurons 2.5 months to 6 years after denervation with electronic counter
to define fibrillations quantitatively in time. Impulse; amplitude and
frequency varied generally being highest immediately after needle
insertion, decreasing then rapidly. One diagram, 111estern and 8 Czech
(including 1 unpublished, senior author's 1962 thesis) references.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The significance of electranyography of the Oculopator
muscles for clinical practice,,:Cesk. oftal. 19 noj~:166-170
W 963.
1. Neurochirurgteka klinika fakulty vaeobeenoho leWratv1'K1U
v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc, DrSc. Ocni o'ddeleni
UV71 v Praze, vedouci doc. dr. V. lensi.
Research on the conduction velocity of the'u1nar nerve in man
during general hypothermia. Cesk. neurol. 27 na.6:361-365,.
N 164.
1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecnehoIekarstvi
Karlovy University v Praze, (prednosta dr.~Z. Kuno. DrSc.).
On the surgical treatment of'facial nerve:paralpis with theluue~
of tissue adhesivese Cas. lek. cesk. 102 nd.440-M-1219 1 N 163.
1. Nourochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU,v
Praze Ustredni vojenska nemoqnices (prodno ,sta prof. dr. Z. Kwict
DrSce~ a Fyziatricke oddeleni UVN v Praze) hacelnii MUDr, Vo.
Possibilities of the quantitative evaluation of M activity'
with4n electronic impulse counter in clinic.al practice'. Cas,
lek.aeak., 103 no,0152-156 7 Mr 164
1, Netmochirurgicka klinika FVL KU Praha-Stresovieet pIred-
nostat prof.dr. Z'*Kunco
G Z,~Cf' io" j L~WA',. !A
., clinic of !;en1ro,,,urf;ery
Z;Y'uI!:'T-T' V. and
klinika), Vacu'10 o" General -od'eine (i-'akulta vsabbacacho
. L. - - V
t,harles University, ?rague, ?rof. Dr. Z. KUKG~ Dr of bcIw-,co*, dirt~(Aor.
"A "~uthod of the Ev--luat-Jon ol' Per Ipheral 4-'mi ~;unt-ral Aoch.~iismx of.
,t,lotor Recovery in Anastomaosis of the ~'aacial and
PmLme, Ceskoslovonska i~jeurolode, Vol L(VI(LD.), No "j 632
pp 317-320.
,'~bs7xact CAuthors' :;aglish swi-mA:71.- meLtiod is described of L*~O'
quantitative electrozayograiphic evaluaLion o--:' zaotor aactivi-,,y in tha
t-weL'th cranial
.ac:Lai tauseles aZLer *nnastono5iz of thu suventa aiW
.-ItXves, by i,,,hich it is possiiolo to a5s=; the mot6r ralvin,xv-ation'uid
relation of tht~ perinnera-I and comral factors in~thu resulting recovex-f
a r anastomosis. lhe metima is graphically detaomtrawd in Vao casu-S.
Six references, includiiZ, Czech.
Some aloctrophysiological findings In diskleBions. Ceak,,
neurol. 27 no.5t281-284 S 164,
1. Nearoohirurgidka klinika fakulty vadobooneho lekaratvi
Karlovy University v Prate, (prednioste. prof,* dr t. Ktmcp Dr.!Bo.)
MOTILEV, Yu,L,,, kpndo tekhn. nauk) ZALESSKIY~ Ye.P.' pror.; XALYUZMY,
I.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOV., A.A.., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.;
POLETAXTI, A.V.,, kand. kbim. nauk; ABRUTSKAYA,Te.G., mlad,
nauchnyy sotr. Frinimali uchaatiye: HUTLITSK1Y,'Y'u.V,, mladlo~
nauchnyy sotr.; FEDOSEM. A,, T.I.0mlad. naochmyy mtr.; WAOV,A.K.,
prof., doktor tekhn. nauks retsenzent; ZVERIILSO G.I.s insh,
retsenzent; KOVAIEV,T.G., inzh., retsenzent-1
.. lnzb... re-
tsonzent; DEBERDEYEV, B.S., red.* DOVSKAYA, G.D.,,tekhn. red.
(Stability of earth roadbed,and road mate is regions with arti-'
ficial irrigation] Ustoichivoot' zemlianogb polatna i dombMIch
odezhd v raionakh lskusstvennogo oroaheniia. [PY] N.L.Motylev i dr.
1"ioskva, Nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo 14-va avtorooillnogo ,ransp.1 shos. dorog
RSFSR, 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 1$-2),
(Uzbekistan-Road C'onstiAictlon) (Uzbekistan--Irrigation),
Application of chen-cliu therapy to disoaaed condItiona of t
peripheral nervous system. Zdrav. Kazakh.: 21 n6.8:27-31 161
1. Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney.(zav. - dotsent R.G.Mandryko)
Karagandinskogo meditsinsko& instituta.~
N.A.; FROTSEROVp A.V., naucbn~rr;d- Pir AX.., red.1
7A24TSUVAp T.Ye.p teYJ-m. red.
[Applicability of agrometeorological forecasting methods in dif-I
ferent regions of the U-S-S-R-; results of field test sl Primeni-
most' metodov agrometeorologichaskikh prognazov v razlichxwkh
raionakh SSM; rezulItaty proizvodstvennykh,ispytanU. Pod.rea.
A.V.Protserova, B.S.Ulanovol. Yoskvap Gidrorieteor. izd-vo,
1961. 156 p. (14M 15:2)
1. Moscow. TSentrallrWy institut prognozov
(Meteorology, Agricultural)
ZVERK11"i, A,M.; YA'oEIS.KIY, G.A.; PKI'l , S. B.; ELI
Differential ealiations !41th 6-A,11.7. flur 2. Se-m. po t.-I
diff. urav. v otklor.. arg, 2:3-49 163.
(1111PU 18
ZVERK1111 A.M.
Completeness of a system of partial solutlo-i to a differential
equation with time lag and periodic coofficienta. I'midy Sam.: po
toor. difV. urav. u otklon. arg. 2:93-11,~ :163.
Solution of linear equations wlth deltay usilig the me thod of
successive integration. lbid.:346-161
Exceptional case of the location of thn root.-3 of a quasi-polynomial.
Ibid. ;238-21,.2- i
It M11 11MIUMPIM,1*010i" 11~j .11
AUTHOR: Zverkint A.M. SOV/~0-126-5-4/(7 p:
TITLEs On the Theory of Linear Differential,Equati ons Having a
Lagging Argument and Periodic Coefficients
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 1260Nr5,PP 882-885(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author states that not e very linear .differential; equation
with constant lagging of the argument,can be,reduced:by
linear transformation to an equation with constant coeffi-
cients. On the other hand there exists a class of irreducible
equations, the partial solutions of which can be determined
by means of the roots of a characteristic quasipoI lynomial.
The author proposes a method which pe~mits'to obtain in this
way a partial solution of
(6) yo W a t)y(t-kT)p
k-o k(
where ak(t+T)-a k(t). He discuss es the transfer of the method
to systems. The obtained particular solutions form ajunda-
mental system (sufficient condition), if the given system
of equations is reducible to a system with constant coeffi-
Card 1/2 cients. The author formulates a theorem on the stability of
On the Theory of Linear Differential Equations Hav'ing a Lagging Argumfent
and Periodic Coefficients
the solutions of (6) without.proof.
There are 2 references, 1 of which is~Soviet, and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitdt~~IimenL M.V.Lomo.nosova
(Moscow State University imeni TT.V.Lom(onoaoV')
PRESENTEDi June 9, 1950
/I by I.G.Petrovskiyj Academician
SUB14ITTED: June 5, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORI Zverkin.--A, MP_
TITLE,.' A Per6s.exponsion for the solution of linear,differential difference equa-
tions, Part lo quasi polynomials
soURCEt Ref zh. Hatem, Abs. 2B311
i Sb..Tr. Seminars, po teorii differents. uravn. 9 otklo
ROF SOURM5 n. argumentom. T. 3.
M,, 196.1, 3-38
7o,.,-1C TAGS*. linear differential equation, differentiai equation solution, difference
equation, asymptotic expansion.
ABSTRACT: The properties of the quasi-polynomials
r-0 P-0
are studied with arp and Tp constantsi Some peculiarities of the distribution of th6
roots of quasi-polynomiala D(k) are established together with their asymptotic be-
it contains
proofs of car-
havior. The paper is basically a survey
tain theorems (estimates from below of the distance between, the roots of the quas
polynomial; the maximum possible multiplicity of the roots of the quasi-polynomial;
the establishment of the fact that there exists only a single root with ou;h,a multi
Card - 1/2
CC NRi AR6020782
plicity, and the method is given for its finding; the astimdtas of the number of roots
T/ithin the bends parallel to the real axis are also ref ined~. 'Numeroust already known
theorems are proved by new methods. It is noted that the second part of the paper
will be devoted to the expansion of the solution of linear stationary equations with
varying arguments into series over the basic solutions'of the form P(tIexit', where
P(t) is a polynomial, and Ai is the root of the characteristic quaoi-polynomial.
(Translation of abstract]o- L.,Hl'sgol'ts
Card 2/2,
11; ti 4 1-11+71 if!] IMITI I If I l[Whil illin I fig I Ill.] 11:, IN 1;
Modified Adams formula for integrating equations with deviatIng
argument. Trudy Sam. po teor. diff. urav. s otklon. arg. 3:
221-232 f65. (KIRA 191.1)
Let's ga--v-e'*more of the now and practical textiles of good
appearance, Sov*torg- 33 no.9:14-19 S! .159.
(MIRA 121.12)
(Textile industry)
Wstence and uniquenese theorems for an eq4~lon wi th dovia~'
argumbnt in the critical. -Otwe.'Trudy Sem. po toor. d:L a
otk1on. arg. 107-46 162,
Equivalence of various ~lassas' of irAtial con,ditions for e uations
with deviating argument, IbId.:63-68 IMIRA 16:22)
AUTHOR: Zverkin, A. M.
TITLE: The Dependence of-the tability of Solutionsbf Linear.
Differential E uatio Aith Lageing Argument:'on the
Choice of the Initial Moment
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Noskovskogo universite4a. Seriya matematikil
mekhaniki,. astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959,W0. 5,PP-15-20
TEXTt The author considers equations of the type
(1) Y'(X) - ~y(x - a) dr(x,s)' A Ot
where the integration in the Stieltjes integral is carried out with~~I
respect to a. The author-investigates the dependence of-the-stab ility
of the solution on the initial moment of-the perturb&tions.,Especially
the author considers cases, where the stability.does not depend on
the moment of the disturbing influence.
Theorem 1: For the stability of the,trivial sol4tionwof (1), where
r(x,s) iB.a nondecrea3ing function of s for arbitrary x, A x < 00:
it is necessary and sufficient that the integral
r (x, L\ (x) r(x,O) (IX
Card 1/2
The Dependence of the Stability of Solutions of.Linear.Differential
Equations With Lagging Argument on the Choice of,tbe Initial moment
Theorem 4; If in the equation
(5) yl(x) Ut a(x)y(x) + b(x)y(x T,(x)), -c(x) 0
it is b(x) > 0, for x V -and -b (x) ~ 0 in [A, KI -u(x) > c< > 0 and'
-c (x) > 0, then from the stability under perturba-
tions in the-point A it follows the stability under perturbations
in an arbitrary point.
'Phere are,2 Soviet references.
SUBI-FITTED: October 4, 1955
Card 2/2
5(2) :SPV/09-5-5"7/27
AUTHORS: Sarkisov, E. S., Chebotarev$ N. T.; Ifevzorova, A. A.,
TITLE: The Oxidation of Zirconium at High Temperatures ani,the
Structure of the Primary Oxide Films (Okieleniye ts'irkoniya
pri vysokikh temperaturakh i struktura pervichnvkh oksidnykh
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1956, Vol 5, Nr ~5, PP 550--553 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out with two different layers
of zirconium. In the first case, a small girconiumi
(dimensions: 8 . 15 . 0,5 mm) was used, vlaich was prodUced
by hot rolling. The plate was then Iannea'led for one hou'r
at a temperature of 700 0C. Before oxidation the plate was
chemically polished in a solution of 401.% nitric aa'id,.5
hydrofluoric acid, and 55 % water.
Oxidation took place in steam and dry o:Fygen at temper atures
of from 150 to 800 C and under atmbspheric pressure.
The time of exposure varied between 15 minutes and, 10 hours.
By means of the scattering method the electrograms were
Card 1/3 taken on an elootronograph of the ty-pe ~EM-4-
~SOV/89-5 5-7/1
The Oxidation of Zirconium at High Temperatures and the Structure of~the
Primary Oxide Films
In the second case the zirconium foils were produced by
evaporation of.the zirconium in a vacuum on a mica base.
The'foils produced were removed froin the'mica base in'
distilled water. Oxidation was carried out as described above.
The radiographic investigations were carried out by- means
of a camera of the type MW-86 (Cr *radiiition).
It was found that oxidation develops in ntages. During,the
first stage of oxidation a thin layer with a marked.textured
cubic modification and. characterized by very considerable
passivation forms. The second stage is characterized by
the occurrence of a textured monoclinic L~odification, w hich
is located above the cubic modification. A furtherincrease
of the thickness of the foil is postible,only at the ex-
pense of the increase of the internal monoclinic modification.
The third stage of oxidation is characterized by the vanish-
ing of the textured black oxidation'layer which cohoist a Of
the cubic and monoclinic modifications. The black layer goes
over into a white one. At this inotant the rate of oxidation
of zirconium increases very consideiably*'
Card 2/3 The resistance to corrosion of the black layer might bei
501r/69 - 5- 5-7/2T
The Oxidation of Zirconium at Hi6ii Teraperatures anal t-he Structure of the
Primary Oxide Fl' 1ris
brought- into connection with the presence o-, a textured.6olid
solution of zirconium in ZrO2. It w4g pocsible to show that
the protective properties of the black layer apparently
vanish aa socn as a maximun of saturdtion,of this solid
solution with oxygen is attained. The consequence isithat a
non-textured white zirconium oxide with the.well-known
stoichiometric composition ie formed. There are 6 figures,
2 tables, and 6 =eferenceiri, 0 of wlhilMl U3 Soviet.
Card 3/3
. i ~ I j~~
LEVCHANOVSM., G.N.v kand.tekhn.uauk;lEGOROVA, Z.P.,! inzh.i ZMIJKOV.p Me.
AJ f,
j Jill
AUTHOR: Zver1kov, B. V. SOV/32-24-12~~.37/45
-rITLE: Machine for Studying the Endurance of Tubes Under Pressure
With Cyclic Deflection (Mashina dlya isal Iedovaniya -
dlitellnoy prochnosti trub pod davloniyem a taiklicheskim
PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriyal 1958, Vol 24, Nr' 12,
pp 1514 - 1516 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The machine mentioned in the title-was developed, produced,
and used In the institute mentioned~in the,association
in the beginning of 1957. The testing conditions
correspond to the working conditions of tubes and vapor.
conductors in boiler works. The diagram given (Fig 1) L
indicates that the tube sample is located in an electric
furnace. The loading for the oyclio~bendibg of the ;
sample is carried out using an aleotric motor over an
eccentric wheel. The pressure within 'the system is
achieved in the same way as in the TsKTI apparatus,
Card 1/2 used for testing the endurance of tubes toward internal
Ma,chine for Studying the Endurance of Tubes Under SOV/32-2441 2-~37/45
Pressure With Cyclic Deflection
pressure (Ref 1). The error in measurement in relation
to the bending moment is about 3%. The placing of the
machine on the desired loading cycle'is carried out
by using cells attached to the lever. 15, 36, and
60 cycles per minute are proposed. Two samples can be'
determined simultaneousiy on the machine.wThere are
2 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut~im.I. 1. Polzunova~
(Central Boiler-Turbine Institute imeni I. I. Polzunov)
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zver1kov B.V. (Engineer)
TITLE: The long term strength of tubes with complex IIoading. (Dlitel"naya
prochnost' trub pri;slozhnykh nagruzkal[b.)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, No. 3. 51' 54 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:- An installation for testing the long tom str6ngtth of tubis with
combined internal pressure and banding:is illustrated dia4rw~nat-
ically in Fig.1 and a corresponding ins6allat*oa for combined .
pressure and torsionju Fig.2. The test section of the iube4as
contained in an electric furnace. The accura.4y of the test data
was of the order of 3-- The test specimens were made of"
austenitic steel M-69,,l k1XIM/96). ~ For long' term ten4ile;,tests
the samples were m"6 in the form of cylladernvf 4.6 -~ $.I &a
diameter with a length to diameter ratio of about 10 cut~from the
wall of the tube. For the main tests the specimens were~pieces of
steam superheater tubes of 32: x 5. 5 mm ''in the conditiod, its dblivered.
Tables I & 2 give data on long term stiength;.tests on sp6cimens ir
tonsior. and tubes under pressure. Tabilo.3 gives'data for tubes
subject only to torque and they lost their sLability, lairge cracks
were formed on the surface of the specimeus.,' The result a of tests
with combined pressure and twisting are giveti in Table.14
. There
were individual cracks formed on the outer surface of the specimens
and on the internal surface there was a network of fine cracks.
Card 1/2 (See illustrations in Figs.3 & 4). Me results of tests on.tubes
ZVERIKOV, S.H., gcrnyy Inzh.
;Arge-Ocale hole firing in an open-pit mine'beyorA bhe Arctic:
Circle. dor. zhur. no.12:27-29 D 160. (HIRA 13112)
1. Norillskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy kombinat.
(Norillsk-Strip mining) (Blasting)
ZVERIZOV, S.H.. gorny7 inzh.; LOMONOSOV, G.G., gornyy izLzh.
Kind of explosives needed by the 59edvashiV Ruchey" mine. Gors
shur. no.10:41-43 0 158- OIRA 11:10)
1. Rudnik nMadvembiy, ruchay."
(Narillsk-Mining engineering) (lbrplosives)
L0140HOSOVY GA., gorzWy inaho ZVERION, S,N.
Water blasting method of breaking overo4rd rocks In open pIU. Gore shul.,
nq.4s35-37 Ap 163. (MIRA 1634)
I* Moskovskiy inatitut radioelektroniki i gornoy plektromekba-mild
(for Lajiaefsov). 2. Glavnyy inzh. rudniks. "Tuzw" (for Zvertkov.).
ZVERKOVA, A. S. Cand Mad Soi "Role of auto-antibodle.s in the pathogenesi's
of agranulocycosis and other types of AmmhmmdmmMK leukopeida." KieT, 1961
(Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Mad Inst im Academioian A. A. Bogomolets).
M, 4-61, 209)
CAT.E(MY '-Human.,and Animal Physiology, Bloo&
A&9. JOUR. R7,4131riLy Ne. 5 19,57, Ni. 21096:
'AUTHon- tiverkova, A.S.
TI-TLE -.The Role of Autoantibodies in the "Outhp
genesis of
Agran-ulocytosis aud other Typos of: Leukolponia.
OPIG. PUB. :Vrachebn. delo, 1957, No. 4, 347--350
A BZT- FZACT Of the 75 patients fcillowedp~ !~!14 hsi& agranul6c
tosis, 37 had other t 'U~b~enisi
ypes of le land 24iha
normal leukoc-yte- levels. . Autoantibbdid's, (!Ieuko-,
ag~glutinins:;and.-leukolysiiis). w:ere a
ted In the
; ~. 7~ The
serum of the patients-with.agranulocytogis
serum of these patient,s . a.ggluI:tinafe"d fhe' granulo-
cytes in the blood oflheilthy subj'6cts:and patient
with myeloid leukemia,~ bu
t did nd~'aggiutinate
lymphocytes and monocytes. A~relition~hip was
%, '~Iof aftlutination
establislied:between -he intensity.
and leukolysis and the clinical state of the
lCard: 1/2
EYCERPTA M_ ICA See 7 Vol 13/) 09districs Mar 59
IN*FAN'TS IN' THEIR FIRST YEAR OF LIFE (Russian text) - ;1. ve rko va
F. A. - VOPR.OKtIR.j%IATER. I DETS. IP57, 2 (W-27) -
Blood 'concentration of vit. A and carotene of breast-fed infantq suffering froln
various skin diseases and of their mothers was studied. A control groop of heal.
thy babies and their mothers was also investigated. It was found that: (1) Vit. A init
carotene contents of the blood of healthy infants under one year of age Miow
seasonal variation and changes dependent on the type of reeding. (2) In the ease of
erythroderma desquamativum the blood level of those substances is greatly lower-
ed. (3) This fall depends on both exogenic and endogenic factorn (gastro-Intestinal
disorders, disorders of liver function). (4) Vit.A anti carotene concentration ill the
blood and milk of mothers breastfeeding babies suffering front 6,ythi-odevnia
desquamativum is low. Addition of those substances to the diet of the mothers Von-
stitutes an integral part of the treatment. (5) In dermatitis herpetiforniis of the
newborn the blood levels of vit.A and carotene are low. This fall Ileconleti evell
more accentuated in exfoliative dermqtitis. (6) In case.; of infantile ccZellin the
amounts of circulating vit. A and carotene are larger than normal as a result or
Interference with general metabolism. (7) Administration of vit. A to infants
suffering from eczema helps in restoration of normal metaliolism. Administration
of vit. A during pregnancy. especially In cases of toxaemia of pregnancy, is an
important factor in prevention of skin disease in infants. (S)
34-cru 11i. i ':11 i
KNIM kt 11mquminni'l. 11111hii!;1111111il; 1'~i'1