polymerization kinetics of 2-chloro-1,3-butadione an the &J-f orn
of polychloroprene, Ukr, khim.zhur. 23 no.6:734-73'7 '57.
(HIM 11W
l.Dnepropetrovsk:i7 khimiko-takhnologicheakir~'inatitut im.
Dzerzhinakogo I. Moskovskiy Institut tonkoy khimichaskor tekhno logi
ime Lomonosovao
(Polymeri%ation) (Chloroprene)
DR,grimental infection of foxes and jackals wLth the cestdd~...
Multiceps multIceps, Trudr Inst. zool. AN Kazakh.:SSR 7:237440"
157. NLUt 100)
(Tapeworms) (Farasites--Jackals) (Parail-ites--Poxes) i
F pit 6 V
Copolymerization of 2,~ehlor6butadisne-1,3 'With aer
yjonltriI4~ Ulir.
(.NZRA 266)
i'stitut issit V.A.
Dsershlm 'Hovko~ikiy'lnstitut tlnkoT7khi*t hook tekhholocti
imeni Losonosova,;.
(PoIx*ris4tion) (B-oadiens) (Acry -10
tova, M"
AUTHOR: 11argari and' Zverevt. 73-1-13/26
TITLE; Copolywrisation:of 2- lovobutadiene-LO and Acj~yloni-
trile. - (SovMestiaya Polimerizat6f~a 2--.Xhlorbuta!diypna_,
10 s Akrilonitrilom-.)
PERIODICAL: Ukiainisidy., Khatm16 he skiy:Zhurnal 1i2
'1957 P Vo 39? No,l,
75 78', VASR)
ABSTRACT; Investigationsweve c.4rxie d outs thb~~m~6hani~~'6'f the
4 -sets if tests'~a!re di-'s .cusse With
above reaction. 0 d
starting solutions.of~vax7ing m,)~6mer f concentrations.
Results of the se. te st s~' are - tabulat6 dine tablel,~, The
pj.,6~6nce of,,, M
experiments were carried',out in,
can beise I !the' depth Of
benzoyl peroxide it
polymerisation decreases. with itdieasing acryl6nitrile
content in*the starting Mixture i a`nd the produced copolymers
have:a hig~ier 2_-~vchlorobutadiene ~,3 coiitent. ;'This shows
tj~dtyL of ;~_Chloro;j
the higher ac tadjehe~-1,3-; !On tVie
t basis of the c~polymorisatioh constants
were calculated and it was foundj.that~a(for _chl6robuta-
diene-1, 3) = 6.22;, P (for acrylo.hitrile) ~= 0,15:4 , Diagram 1
illustrates the compositions for, 2-chlorobutadiene-1,3 -
acrylonitrile , the clomposition tho starting. mixture,
position of;t
-6he differential com he j olyr4e rs :them integral
Card 1/2
Z"-REV, m,. P.
MERV. M. P. "Investigation of fho pi6cess of plastifAcatlon~.of divln~l-
styrol rubbers".. Mosccw, 1955. ~Mifi Higher Ed6catlon U.-~'A. M( scow'Inst of
Fine Chemical Technologjt imeni M. V. 1,omonosov. (Dissertation for the Degree
of of.-Candidate of-Chemical-Sciences)
SO: Knighnaya leto-~)isl lb 46~ 12 lkmember 1955. 1~~oscow
AUTHORS: Zverev, M.P.; Yeroshkina, Ye-A.; Zubov, 11.1.
TITLE: The Structure of Gels (Stroyeniye studner). 14. The Effect
of the Nature of Plasticizer on the,Physl.c~l-Mechanical'Pro-
perties of Filled Divinylstyrene Rubber (14. Vliyaniye pri-
rody plastifikatora na fiziko-mekhahichenkiye evoystva na-
polnennogo divinilstirollnogo kauchuka)
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, vol XX, Nr 3, i)p 329-3311 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It io known thnt divinyletyrene rube or 01ruicanizod. W~ t thou t
filler and in the presence of non-pol-ar plasticizers, has
better mechanical properties than rubber!3 plasticized by
polar substances. In the article, .these properties~are, in-
vestigated in filled rubbers. Figurel i3hows the 'properties
of vulcanizates SKS-30A at a deformation speed of 50 and
500 mm/min. It is evident that the~rubbers with polar'
plasticizers have better mechanical, than: those
with non-polar subs
tances.~ This result is explained by the
blocking of the polar groups of the,fillor by the polar
plasticizers, facilitating the adsorption of macromolecules
Card 1/2 on the surface of its particles.
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. P.
TITLE: On the Problem of the Production of Fib ors; From Polyole~fins
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, 1960, No. 6,!pp. 3-9
TEXT: This is a review of publications.on the production'and proport 11'es
of po'iyolefins, the.fibers made from them as -well as tlie problems;connect-
ed with the shaping of the fibers, and -the mo,dif ic0ion of their proper
ties, with a view to extending their range of.application. The synthedis
of polyethylene by means of the Ziegler catalyst as,: well as the stereorega-
lar'polypropylene showed that synthetic fibers can'be pxoduced, having
valuable physical and chemical properties~ without containing polar~~ grdups
or hydrogen bonds. This is explained b y the fact that these materials have
a high degree of crystallinity with a high melting point of the crystals.
The specific weights and melting points of the poly-a-.o'Lef ins are listed
in Table 1* It may be seen from Table 1 that polyethylene can be produced
according to the ionic and radical mechanisms, while tha remaining:
crystalline polymers can only be produced according to the ionic mechanism.
The (high-density) polyethylene produced according to t"Ieradical mechanism
Card 1/3
On the Problem of the Production of Fibers B/163/60/0-00/006/001/005:
From Polyolefins B020058
is branchedv while the (low-density) one pFoduoed~aq,pording to the ionic
mechanism is a linear polymer. Thedegree of crystallinity.of high-density
nolyethylene is not higher than 60%, while that of tho lo-N-density poly '
dthylene amounts to from 65 to 85%- Complex catalysts (halides of the mdtalB
of the Nth to Mth groups, alkyls of the metals of~the Und and Mrd,
groups) and chromium oxide applied on aluminum silica:te axe used f or~~ poly-
according to the ionic mechanism. In the:polymerization 'of the
cc-6lefins on a stereospecific catalyst, several linear isomers can b1p form-
ed', i.e., isotactict syndiotactio, and ataotio ones.:The propertieslof the
synthetic fibers are determined by the properties of~the polymer, which
oft-their part depend on the chemical character of the monomer and the
polymerization cohditions. The ratio between viucoel~y of the malt and the
molecular weight of the polymer is described with the aid of the melting;'
index which is 0-7 for linear polyethylene, representing the lower b6undary
of workability. The upper boundary of workability is~aharacterized by a
melting index of 0.2. Table 2 gives data on the degree of polymerization,
the upper limit of the melting index of, polyolefins~,:: and the strength of..
fibers made from them. Figeo I and 2 give data on the affEct of ultraviolet
irradiation on monofilaments from polyethylene and polypropylene. The
Card 2/3
From Polyolefins B020/,BO58
effect of high-energy irradiation becomes apparent b,*, den"'Otuction and'
-simultaneous oross-linking of the macromolecules. The forning of fibers
from thermoplasts is usually made from the melt, mon6filanents with a
diameter of from 0,004 to 0.020 mm being obtained from polyethyl6ne and
polypropylene, and filament fibers with a diameter of fron, 0-003 to,~
0.008 mm from polypropylenel a am-es-typq extruder of special design,bejng
used. The physical and mechanical propertles of fibers on the basisipf
various polymers are shown in Table 3. V. V. Yurlyev at al (Ref. 29),~.~
S E. Bresler at al (Ref. 27), V- S. Kli -menkov and T.iF. Kostina. (Ref- 56),
S: A. Nechayeva and Z. A. Rogovin (Ref.3.55) are mentioned. There are,
2 figures, 3 tables, and 61 references: 23 Soviet, 19~Us, British,
4 German, 2 French, and 4 Italian.
ASSOCIATION: VNIIV (All-Union Scientific Research 'Ins t I tut0of Synthetic
Card 3/3
Tt =I
On the Problem of the Produc tion of Fibers
V J~UBS8 6oo
1. _LVERiv, N. S.
2. USSR (600)
"Catalog of faint stars," Astron. Zhur 17, No 5. 1940. Asironomical Institute iieni
Shteinberg. (submitted May 1940, Moscow)
Time Signals
qiimmnrv TnnTrtAn+.%% nf rh-t,+.hpi +imA -ti"On feir +.hp P.Prnnd ~hAlf nf 1-01. 1 iTrudV GATSh
zvlA4L--V, I.I.S. 1 J~A15(,Tb
V 7,Z7w 1.1 OB,'~JUIWM, A. G. and 101,:7,;111.11;
113tar Catalog FK3Z in the FK3 System ComTliwA Froi~ Observations on the Ho s c o'er
Transit Instrument in 1940-41,11 Soobshch. Gos. astvan. An-ta .1m. K. Shbernberga,
No 97-98, pp 3-k,6, 1954.
In 1939 the Third Actmaetric Conference at tile'. "Altonberg National Astro-
nomic Institute (GAISh) ordered a star catalog FKSZ compiled, containing stars of
7.5-8.5 magnitudes of K and M spectral classes and with proper ~.-.otions not exceeding
0.04". This catalog was approved by the Fourth Astrometl~ic Conference in'1939~and
it was adjusted to be used with the system FK3. Observat.i.ons ware carried out -at
PuLkovo, Moscow, Kazan, Tashkent and Odessa. The entalog. contains 545 stars for
the equinox 1950.0 and for the time3 of observations. (RZhAstr, No 11, 1955),
SO: Sum. No. 812, 6 Feg 1956.
0 OBO' N
and I 271A) A. Go
"Catalo.,r of 180 Declinations f Zenithal 36: s at Pulkovo Observator"jlt,
Soobshch. Cos. astron. in-ta im. P. K. Shtemberga, llo.~ ()'7-98) p~ 47-55, 1954-~
Latitude variation of:Pulkovo Observatory was invostA6~lated.
Pulkovo zenithal stara were siraultaneously~obs,arved by the Pulkovo zertith telescope
and Moscow transit instrutnent. A periodic variation of declim.ition of a 0"211
amplitude could be noticed. (RZhAstr, No 11, 1955)
SO: Sum Ho. 812, 6 Fab 1956.
ItTables of ec San ions: ~Or 61;.,; ~'Xarr, YUZI~ Vorth
8 d tanS.With Annual 'lariat
of -30 Declination (for 1950.-0)"', Soobshch. Pjo3..astrqh- in--ta i.,,i. P.K
Shternberga, No 97-98, PP 56-72, 1954-7
These tables facilitate the processirZ of.trowisit observations of
FKSZ stars. They contain the No of the star according to, FKSZ,and roughlY
approximated coordlnatesd~and seaUsee tan 4 tan tip 'Clo 0.001 ~accuracy
(RZhAstr, No 11, 1955)
SO: Sum No 812, 6 Feb 1956.
ZVEM,M.S., redaktor; OLI,A.I., redaktor; XMARSKAYA,,A.A., teldmiche-
[Proceedings of the 11th Aatrometrical Confp;rence!of the U.SA.R.0
I-vllrovo, ?toy 21L-26, 1954.1 Trudy 11-1 astrolk'Ouic6skoi konfera'ateli
SSSR; 24-26 mia 1954 g. leningrad, Izd.G1n,v.astronomicbeuko1
observatorii v Pulkove,. 1955. 269 p. (MLRA 9:2)
1. VBesoy-usnaya aetrometricheskaya konforentsiya. 11th, Pulkovo,
1954. 2. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Zverev).'
jj' j 14 ill!
0. Wo
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, 'Astronomiya i Geode2'lya, 1959,'Nr'll, p 12,
AUTHORS: "verev, M.S., Timashkova, G.M.
..TITLE: The Next Problems.of Transit Astro.
PERIODICAL: Tr. 13-y Astrometr, konfer4ntsil USSR 1956", Mouow-Leninp;r4d, AS USSR,
1958, Nr 35 46. Diskus; 46 (res.Eng1j
ABSTRACT: Various studies are enumerated.., and the, nierits of observatbries are noted
tion of co:'ordinates; of slam , ~observations
in the field of exact determina k,
of the sun,.photographic and visual observatiatis of the moon'and large
planets. The visual. observations of bright stars will expediently limit
by stellar magnituder36.0 -6111.5. rnie w"Iier stars can be observed better
with the help of phutographic instruments The wish is sixpreflised that
the catalogue of geodesic stars.(CGS), ati well as the stars of the M,
supplement be,re-observed.' The observatories of the nor-We rn! heird sphere
dealing with observations of the reference weoker stars, for -photographic
zonal catalogues AGKZ, have started working with success--1vis desirable
Card 1/2 to extend this type of work to the southern hemisphere as well. Special
The Next Problems of Transit Astrometry 2
attention Is paid to new programmes of the meridional clr~~ieC. Two programmes are
proposed: listing the .latitudinal.stars and listing the bright stars. ,The ~eaond
programme is being considered in detail In two versicns kilia limi ,ting magn-itude of
stars 6m.0 and 6m.5 with a declination from -10o to +90o; ~ To this programme;lists
of FK3 stars, (as reference stars) FK3 supp; YGZ, llst:~of stars Blau as;well as the
2nd and 3rd parts of the lis. of Parenago (it is expedient; to observe th6.1st part
of the list photographically) are to be added. The total number of stars' in the two
versions of the programme of bright sta-rs totals about 4,332 and 5,730 stars, Graphs
of the distribution of stars over right ascension are cited. The authors giVe their
preference to the first version of.the programme. To the afore -mentioned *proIgre-Mles
can be added lists of double stars, stars for observing !:throq3h, zenith telescopes and
several others. The further development of trans it-as trometri, the heightened accuracy
of observations and the simplification of the processing' will result frorti mas .teIringa
horizontal meridional Instrument of the Sukharev or AtXitiklon type, the la.tro6ction
into observation practice of modem photo-olectric methods and the utilization of a new
calculation technique for processing the observations.
'K.G. Onev yshe'v
Card 2/2
Observing the brightness of the rocket carrier o .f the third.
artificial earth satellite at the PalkoY6 DbeervI,xtoi7. Mule
,~sta.optona,bl.isk.sNtAem, noAslz-16(~590
BA 13--6)
1. Q1avnsV& (PullcovskVa) astronomicheekaya observatorlya
(Artificial satellites-Tracking)
AUTHOR: Zve--re-v,M.S.,Predsedatell Astrometri'l IV/33-
cheskdy SC '36-~-29 31
'istrosoveta AN SSSR (Presil~
i !~ dent 6f:the
Astronomical Cowiittce of the Astron6r~W' Coxalcil
TITLE: Remarks on the Chronicle of Y.Y.Podobed "Fourteenthlistionomical
PERIODICAM Astronomichookiy zhurnal, 1959,vol" 36,Nr .1 194 081
ABSTRACT: The author criticizes .1 -1 the!1inoompleteness,bf the above.
report of Podobed (Astronomicheskiylllzhurrtal,1958,voi35,~Nr 5,
p 822). ',Is states that Podobed-has not montioned t6f;?r6~0,rts
of Chang Professor, Director of the Observatory on
the.Purpur Hili near Nanking;of the'President of th~ Astronomical
Assembly of Poland, Director of the..10bservatory of,?Oznan';
nor the assistance of Professor I,'e.V.Rybka,;Dir'ector of
the Observatory, of Krakewj or the role of. the
astronomers V.I.Sakharov and I.F.Korbut of Pulkovo during the
production of now zenith-telescopes~:
SUBMITTEDt November 17, 1958
Card 1/1
Vsesoyuznaya astrometrichaskeya konferentsiya.
Trudy 14-y Astrometricheakoy konferentsii SSSR K:Lyev' 14 ~30:miyai 1958!1
(Transactions of the 14th Astrometrical Confereace'~of thig USSRR.Held in Kiyev
2T-30 May 1958) Moscow,, Izd,-vo AN SISSR, 1960. V. 19rrat a slip inse rted.
1000 copies printede
Sponsoring Agency, Akademiya nauk BSSR., Glavnaya astronomi-Ih6skays obserntoriya
Resp. Eds.- M~ S. Zverev, Corresponding Member Aca&4 of Saleades USSR; Ede Of.
Publishing House: N. K* Zaychik; Tech. Ed.; R. A4 Zummyeva.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for astro6cmers:and astrophyBidists, Particularly
hose interested in astrometrical researcho
COVERAGE: This publication:presents the: Tremsactioni of the, 14th Astraietrical
Conference of the 30 May 19~8. It Includes 11 - 'Wrts
eUSSR, held in Kiyev 27- 7 r4
and 55 scientific papers presented at the plenarj meeting of the Conierence
Card k1-16
Transactions'of the 14th Astrometrical.(Cont.). SOV157PI
and at the special sectional meetings, An,appendlii conWns* the re6olut Iions
adapted by the Conference,, the composition of the'domit:tOes, the mg'ends,end
the list of participants at the Conference. A brief sunnary in EnglishIs
given at the end of each article. References follw individual articles
The Presidium of the Astronetrical Coamittee (Chairtman Ms 8, Zverev), which
,supervised the preparation of this publication, "presses thanks to the:
members of the secretariat: V. M. Vasillyevi, 1. G. Kollchinskiy, A. B. One-
gina~ and Kh. I. Potter.
e As ~l Covn'
Address by A. A. Mikhaylov., Chairman of th tronomie, cil ~'t the!
Academy of Sciences USSR
card 2/16
.Transactions of the 14th Astronetrical (Coat.), SOV/5721
Scientifid Research Workof the Department of.Astronomy;at the,
Moscow Institute for Engineers of Geo6sy,.Aerial hjotog~_Wphyj.
and Cartogrs~;hy (A. N. Kuznertsov) 90
Develojiment of Astrometry in China (Chang Y&Che) 93
Works, on Latitude and Longitude at the Astrononical Staiion of the
Polish Acedwy of Sciences in Borowiec (Ja 41tkwsk~)
Discussichs of Reports 103
M. S* and DvDa Polozhentsev, Study.of the Syttem of the
Preliminary Composite Catalogue of FundamentAl Faint'.Btexs, 107
Gulysyev, A. P. Study of the System of Right Aseensions of FF.3 Stare
in the Circumpolar Region Acoording to Observations (to the Moscow
Merldlan Circle 116
card 7/16
Astronomiya v SSSR zasorok let 1917 - 1957; sbornik statey prty Years- 6f
Astronomy in the USSR 1917-1957; Collection of Articles Moscow, Fi;zmtgiz.,
1960- 728 p. 2,000 eYopies printed.
Ed.: L. V. Samsonenko; Tech. Ed.: H. A. Tumaxkina; Editorial Board: A. A. Mik-
haylov (Resp. Ed.), M. S. Zverev, P. G6 Kulikovski~rp A. 0. Yhsevich,~JE. R.
Mustell; V. V. Sobolev, and M. F. Subbotin.
.PURPOSE: This book is intended for astronomers, astrophysicists., and othersl
interested in the history of astronomy in the USSR.
COVERAGE: This major work on the history of astronomy in the USSR Consists of
two parts, review articles and bibliographies. Part I contains a collect.i6a of
articles on various facets of astronomical research vritte'n by leading Soviet
specialists in the field. Chief emphasis is placed on developments of th6
last ten years. The research activities and equipment of 23 Soviet obsel"va-
tories and institutes are described, and the leading scientific personalities
of each mentioned. The geograp1aie coordinates and elevations of 41 astroho-
mical centers are listed. Individual articles discuss prDblems dealing with
Forty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) SOV/4374
theoretical astronomy, minor planetscomets and meteorsp the physics.Qf
stellar atmospheres and gaseous nebulAe.,-cosmogony, and radioastronomy.
Part, II contains a comprehensive bibliography (over Mbo items)-of Soviet
astronomical publications from 1917 to 1957. An author index lists some
1,800 astronomers 'with references to their contributions. 7he bibUo.'
graphic part was compiled by N. B. Lavrova, N. D. Petrova, Ya. G.'Perel't
and T. A. ZaUind.~
Mikhaylov, A. A. Forty Years, of Soviet Astronomy 9
Mellnikov, 0. A. Observatories and Instruments 19
Zverev, M. S. Fundamental Astrometry 51~
Deych., A. N. Photographic Astrometry
H_ jj
Forty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) sov/4374'
Pavlov, N. No Time Service 87
.,,Ye. P. Iatitude Service
Subbotin, M. F. Theoretical Astronomy 113
Bambashov, N. P. Physical Conditions on the Moon and:'Planets 135
Samoylova-Y&khoutova, No So Minor Planets 157
Orlov, So V. (Deceased)p and So M. Poloskov. Comets 165
Fedynskiy,, V. V. Meteors 175
Krinov,, Ye. L. Meteorites 187
Vyazanitsyn, V. P. The &w 207
Parenago., P. P. (Deceased)*~-Stellar Astronomy 227
]Fbrty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) -90V/4374
Kukarkin', B. V. Variable Stars 261
M%rtynov, D. Ya. Eclipsed Variable Stars 283
Vorontsov-Velyaminov,, B. A. Physics of Stellar Atmospheres
(Observational Part) 289
Sobolev, V. V. Physics of Stellar Atmospheres (Theoretical Firt) 257
Severnyy., A. B. Stellar Constitution and Evolution 307
Voronteov-Velyaminov, B. A. Gaseous Nebulae and Nonstationexy Stars 313
Shklovskiy, 1. S. Radio Astronomy 339
Ambartsumyan, V. A. Cosmogony 347
Kulikovskiy, P. G. History of Astronomy 365
j: 13 .1
Forty Years of Astronomy (coat.) soV4374.
Bibliography of kationomical, Works Written in the'USSR During 1917-1957.
Period. Compiled Under the Direction of N. B. lavrovt~ 371
Alphabetical Index of Authors in the Bibliography 701
Author Index to the Collection of Articles 724
Fore,word 373:
.List of Abbreviations Used for Publications Titles 374:
List of Serial Publications .375~
Writings of a General Character
Popular literature 383.
S/035,ti/boo/689/00, 1/036
AUTHOR- Zverev M S
TITIE- Report of the Presidium of the Astrometric Comriss ion of the
..Astronomical Council, AS USSR
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodetiya, n6. 9, 1961J 3,';
abstract 9A22, ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konfe.rentzili SSSR, 1958".1
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 11-18. Discuss., i8, EngV
TEXT: Development of astrometric work in,the USSR during 1955-1,958 is
characterized by the wide participation'of the observatorie13 in IGY. Investi-
gations are conducted according to co-ordinated programs and methods.. Arti 'Ticial
Earthts satellites are observed photographically and visually. The works o 'n
the catalog of weak stars and meridian observations are continued. A decision
was adopted on organization of an expedition to the southera hemisphere During
the recent years, observations of the Moon have developed witn the purpose of
determining its shape and ephemeris time. The observatories were complemented
with new equipment: zenith telescopes STW-i8o (vm-i8o), zenith photographic
Card 1/2
Report of the Presidium of the Astrometric ... A001^101
tubes, etc. Modern computing techniques, including el4otronic computers, find
ever wider application in astrometric studies. Soientific cooperationvith.
observatories of other countries became closer. Twenty fore,.1
,&n aetrometrists
visited the USSR during the period under, review; at the saine time, 7 Soviet"
astronomers visited observatories of China, Rumania, Yugoslavia and England.
The Commission has performed a great work on preparing to the 10th Congress of
the International Astronomical Union. A series of conferences were organized,
in particular the 13th Astrometrio Conference of USSR which was dedicated to
problems of meridian and photographic astrometry.
D. Polozbentsev
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE- On astrometric work at the Pulkovo Observatory from December 1955 to
may 1958
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 9, 196i, 3-4,
abstract 9A23 ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konfarerts1i SSSR, 1958".
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 31-40, Engl. summary)
TEXT: Section of fundamental astrometry. Absolute observations I of 1,046
bright and weak stars have continued, as well as of the Sun and Polarlssima
by means of a great transit telescope and a vertical circle ' 9,500 observations
of 06 and 6,300 observations of 1Y were performed. A.. A. Nemiro completed the
investigation of a 100-year series of Pulkovo observations with the great transit
telescope. Since 1956 observations of AGK3R stars from +900 to +25 0 have been
conducted with a meridian circle, 19,000 observations'were made. All the
instruments are Investigated. In 1956-1958 a series of test observations of
right ascensions of 120 circumpolar stars were performed with a model of Sukharev
horizontal meridian instrument. Several works were accomplished by the
%Card 1/3
On astrometric work at the Pulkovo
S/035/6 1/000/06 9/00 2/0 36
metric laboratory. A pendulum horizon was consluructed.!~ the model of horizontal
meridian instrument was investigated. The following devices, were cons trij cted
a model of the transit telescope with a tube in the first vertical, a photo-,
electrical device for taking a reading of circles, an an lntOrference examiner.
In 1956 a computing laboratory was established. The catalog: of Fj(5KC3 (PFKSZ)
was compiled with participation of the laboratory, and ~,the working lists~~ of
AGK3R and KC3 (KSZ) were prepared for Pulkovo, Nikola~ev anti Moscow, visible
positions of PFKSZ are calculated, and meridian and other ob~,ervations
processed. Section of astronomical constants and latitude servioe. Observations
according to an enlarged program were conducted with a Ftelb~erg zenith-telescope;
10,100 observations of pairs were made In 2.5 years. SInce 'the mid-yeav.of
1957 the work is incorporated Into the program of IGY. ~Disi2uss ions of observa-
tions of 1904 - 1915 series (I. F. Korbut) and 1948 - 1955 series (V. I~ Sakharov)
have been completed. Since the beginning of IGY, observations have been~conduct-
ed with a new !3TJI-180 (ZM-180) telescope. In 1957 a zienith photographia
telescope was mounted, regular observations are continued with a polar telescope
(160 photographs), and its remote control was put into operatlon. Photographing
of the Moon against the background of' stars was organized with -the purpose of~
determining ephemeris time. A latltiide station was established at the town of,
Card 2/3
on astrometric work at the Pulkovo ... AOO1/A1O1
Blagoveshchensk. Section of time service. The work i8i'jconslde~ably expanded in
connection with IGY. Since 1956 obBervations have been condutited with two
photoelectric transit telescopes, 28,707 observations have be(ni made. Viienumber
of receptions of time radio signals was increased to 6._The ,.York was conducted
on compiling the catalogs on the basis of observations of the~ltlme service.
Thermal effects on results of astronomical observations were investigated;
Sections of photographic astrometry and stellar astronomy. Photographic Oserva-
tions of galaxies were continued (first epochs were completed,'over 500 plates,
were taken), as well as planetoids (106 plates) accordir$ to Lie KSZ plan with. a
normal astrograph. Uranus and Pluto were observed. A new Investigation of the
Invisible satellite of 61 Cyg has been completed (A. N. Deych), Regular photo-
graphle (150 photographs) and visual observations of artificial Earth's satellites
were carried out.
D. Polozhentsev
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 3/3
S/025/61 /,000/003/b66~61 2
Al 66/.Al 2t-
Corresponding~ Member (see s.~
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S. As
TITLE: Three questions. twenty-f our, aniiwers
PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl/fn,,
0. 3, 1961 23
TEXT: The author, a participant inthe.International
Symposium "The Moon" comments on the significance of the photos
of the reverse side of the Moon. He believe:s.that ~the reve;ree:side
must differ somewhat from the visible side.because of the absenc&
of the solar eclipses there, which lead to extremely sevese tem-
perature changes on the Moon's visible surf~oe~(up to 150 in :I
hr). The photos.should give valuable data on the structure and
physical state of the surface layers. The Moon might eventually
become a valuable intermediary space flight'station which'could
be used for refueling of spaceships or might be consider6d an:
intermediary launching platform.for space rockets in view,of its
lower gravity, and consequently$ lower escape velocity. Rockets
Card 1/2.
Three questions twenty-four answers A166/A127
being launched from the reverse side would be shielded.fro% the
perturbing influence of the Earth's gravitation. A Mars-bo4nd.rock-
et could be launched vertically from the cehtral;portion of the
reverse side at a speed of around, 4.5 km/seic. .:'Laun6hing time would
be most favorable when the Moon is in its la6t quarter for;Earth.
A Venus-bound rocket would be launched at approximately the same
side when the Moon is in its first quarter. An astronomical ob-
servatory sited on the Moon would help to eliminate the distortion
caused by the fluctuation of the air masses I,experienced by ob-
servatories on the Earth. Such an observatory could initially be
of the unstaffed;robot type.
Card 2/2
S /0 351/6' 2/0 00/dO 9/dO 5/060
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE. New fundamental --syatbMt
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geode~iya;: po, 9,: 1962,~' 14,!
abstract 9A129 ("Tr., 37~O s"yezda Vses.'a6tron.-geod. o-va,7 1960",
MI., AN S~SR, 1962, .94 -.,lbo, Discuss'., 1~5 168Y
TEXT: This is a short s0rvey of'work' on compilitt fundamental catalogues.oj~
scars. Th FK3 cata~?gue, very-accurate for epooh V
P, AO~~ revealed by 1950 very narkfil
systematin errors,due to errors Inproper motionsl-therofore, the work Is going on
since 1()50 on Improvemant~of the FK3. This work has been considerably delayed be-:
cause of the insuffIcient amount-of obsei7vational ddta,,:especially for the southern
hemisphere. Of the other works, the following fundamental sy~stems can be noled:'N30
compiled by Morgan and Pu cX 1 compiled by A. A. Nemir6: For improvement of fundamen-
tal systems, new observational data are needed which are obtalned'by both classical
meridian methods and fr *om observations with-a Danjon ar:,trolabe, fro-i.the data of
time serv *ices and by other methods. Information is given on the progresilng in com-
p1l1ng tht,-.- catalogues of faint stars, and in particula,x, I= the rl(.DKC3 (Prwz) ca-
talogue. It Is planned to carry out anew observations for the,catalogue.of bright
Card. 1/2
New fundamental systems of stellar positions AOOI/A1O1
gcodetIc stars; this work Is being conducted on the internationfil scale. The sout)~-
ern hemisphere should be paid more attention; In partidu1aP,'AS,USSR is planning an,
expedition into the southern hemisphere for determination of i-.b8olute an&relatlve'
coordinates of bright and faint stars from the list of Backlur,d-lioff, compiled In
Melburn. The development of astrometr7laepends on the Iriereasing accuracy~of obser-
vations, and at present several new instruments have been designed or proposed for
determination of coordinates of luminaries,
D. Polozhentzev:
rAbstracter's note% Completetranslati,
6ard P/2
Preiliminary determination of diameter corrections of the Toep~fer:
meridian circle. Izv.GAO 23 no.1:85-98 0620 (MIRA 16il2)
"TAC~~SION' NR: AR4042147 G/026q/64/0W/0O6q/06Y+/b004: i
ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Aotronomiya. Otdellny*y vy*pusk, Abe. 60'51.31
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE#. Summary report of the preeidium of the aotrometry corcliesion of oil:
astronomy council of the Acadery of Sciencea of the USSR
CITED SOURCE: Tr. 15-y Aetrometr. kohferentaii BSSR, 19600' M04-0 AN SSSRO'.
1963, 7-19
TOPIC TAGS: alstrometry, stellar position a.-Istem, Earth rotation
n and:
TRANSLATION: An account of work the Aetrometry Commissio !ite'sub-1.
committees during 1959-1960. Work was conducted in the solution of two basid co'ntempo
Faq problems of astrometry: 1) creation offundamental, systems of stellar posiltions'
and proper motionst and 2) itudy of i;~ta1;icn of E~Ah."-di-ihe-ffjA'-' 4
piotilisci t e
fonewing work was done; absolute determinations of coordinates of bright:and
taint, fuWamontal.staram, observation of Sun and*major planets# determination of
qoordinates of weak reference starsp determination of r1ght as ensions oficir-
cumpoUr stars, determination of declinations of stars of the latitudinaliprogransp
otographic observations of selected areas with galwdes &,A with FKSZ (runda-
imental Catalog of Faint Stars] stars in the center, aM jiiotographic observations.,~,;:
of selected minor planets. For solution of the second problem there wereidaveloped-'
nore than 10 subjects connected with the work of the time services, latitude
services, and also certain other branches of a3tranomq. Aher4a were processed~& i
Geophysical Year' 414. the
series of observations obtained during the InternationaV
International Tear of the Quiet Sun., In detaU there are 111vainated, quebtiohe
about the Instruments available to aatrometrists of difforeat sootionst about'
International communication wd collective worksp aW on~ the ;rospects for the
development o k&stromatr7.-.-;
09 CODE: AA .00
TITLE: Program of meridian observations of latitude stais,
0 izut"hanlyu V~
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Astronomicheskly sovet. Komlsslya P
1; Zernli. Plenum. lat, Kiev, 196Z. Vrashchenlyo Zowlt (R~tatiofi~of the Earth~);
materialy* plenuma. Kiev, Izd-vo, AN USSR, 1963, 27-31,
TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, latitude 'Start, latitude servi oj~.'War catalogue, International
Latitude Service, star, zenith telescope
ABSTRACT; Meridian observation of staris of latitude piogramn and the compiladuIn
of working catalogues from these observations have three principal objectivesi 1. ~to
make it possible to compute the latitudes of different observatories In a single' system
of declinatione, making it possible to obtain the coordinates of the pole Independently of 1-
systematic errors of declinations; 2., to provide a mean'o for comparison of annual
nonpolar changes In the latttudbs of different observatories; and .3. to provide ameans
for studying the slow changes in latitude and the secular motion of the pole on the basis oV ---
observational data from different observatories. lbo inoons by w1dch these objectives
.. ........ ...... ...... ..........
are being achieved are discussed. Particular attention is given tothb merldianiVrogram
of latitude stars prepared at GAISh. This program includes'tbe majority of stars from
12 zenith telescope programs and 8 zenith tube programs and contains about 3, 000
stars. The number of stars in the various programs varies from (4 to, 300. The GAISh
list contains only 155 FK3 stars, of which only 13 are in the zone of declinations from
+20 to 300 and only 17'in the zone from 70 to 800. Such a small number of stars Is ob-
viously Inadequate for a tie-in to the international basic list.: Although there are 278
stars from the Catalogue of Faint Stars, which Is close to th desi'c
6 ed minimum (288),
their distribution by right ascension, and especially declination, is extremely uneven.
With respect to the fundamental stars in the GAP_';n list, in 50 areas of the sky measuring
1 hour in right ascension and Mr in declinatlea (there are 144 such areas) there, is not a
single FK3 star, In 42 there are no stars from the Catalogue, of Faint Stars, and in 18
there are no stars from either list. For each area to contain not less than 2 FK3 stars
and 2 stars from the Catalogue of Faint Stars it would be ncc6esary to add 154 stars,
and 115 stars frim the Catalogue of Faint Stars to the GAISh list. At the same time,
the author recommends the elimination'of certain stars now in the Ust., The principles
L 06154-6 GW
VC -NR- !R-6025334 SOURCE CODE: U.VO269/66/000/004/0011/0()ll
AUTHOR: Zverev,.M, S,
TITLE: The beginning dPulkovo astronomers work in Chile:
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs, 4,51.94
REP SOURCE: Tr. 16-y Astromet r, konferentsii SSSR, 6 'M.-L., Nauka, 1965, 18-25
TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, astronomic observatory, Z 7qp- 6209,419.0'rze NE45(JI-1-11
C eL ej 7764- rj?'f~-qN ie-s
ABSTRACT: The astronomic expedition of the Pulkovo observatory tn Chile has started
work in the observatory of the National university, P- rro Xalan on the 12th:October,
1962. The plan of studies includes observations of",atars K$Z and southern'basis stars,
determination of the absolute constants of bright and faint stars and photographic ob-
servations of extragalactic nebulae, with the aim of subsequent determination of the
stars own motions. The work is done jointly by soviet and chilean astronomers, with irj~
struments of both countries (SSSR and Chile).-. meridional circle of Repsold~(see ref.96
photographic vertical circle of Zeiss. Constructional features of the instruments are
given. A high luminosity double meniscus astrograph has be~en sent to Chile,an
of a large transit instrument is in preparation. A transit instrument of Zeiss is
operation. Work proceeds successfully. Brief informution on the history of the Serro-
Kalan observatory is given. rm-anslation of abstrac
VL t3
"I 110DEz 03 UDCs' 122JD: 5
v I Y
Rub* MAWW for ft amulmiduft,
10 11
00 - ,
so .01mle"ll N"h4dra4ir the mAl." matrrial. INY t.% I jj
00 bri, Tlwn Imi with 1101o. The t(stal tinic k 0-7 llt-~ .06
00 A. lk-owl
00 w
........... L-4 A
181O.J 441 431111:4.1 Q-V &It
u tv No I
It It a
, 1
1 r CWa I w SO 2 a 4.
11 1 , 1 4
0 0 0 0,19 me
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 40 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 4 9 00 0 00 00 0.0 0
~TI-00,00*4 0000
[Great possibilltle a-] Roloshie vozmozhnosti.' *okvat Goo. izd;-vo
polit. lit-ry, 1957. 61 po (MIRA litq)
(Kazakhstan-Stock and stack'b:reeding)
MEREVt i~l,
Zverev, N. - "The Petr. 1,,'uzylf.-- Combiner (At Lhe expense of I'L.
J, Lczov rayon of
the Pavlrflnx,-,]c oblast),11 Slimnary. flank-listan,12, 19483t p. 161-75.
SO: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Letopis lZhurnal. tnylh Stafey, No. 5,
AMMAZI# Tolona Unstantinwrnao kand.tekhn.nauk. Orini6.ill UA&Itly'so
POZDVTAKOV, i nsh, ;. KMsOv, B, A, 0 insit, -,, xrosor, A. in
BUROT9 .14,t student; student; RAMArET, T., student-
ROBUSE~ 0,, studentl SM(SONOVA, studentil NUSHIM, R.G.,i red.;
GTIRTS, V.L., red.lzd-Ta
[Anisotropy of mechanical properti a of eome:~glass' plastics; verbatim
report of a lecture] Anizotroplia zekhanichookil-h sTolety nslio-
torykh stakloplaatikov; stenogra=& lektaii, Leuiwad,.Leuipgre:
Dom nauchDo-takhnpropagandys ~1961, 62 p. :(NIRI 14112)
(Anisotropy) (Glass reinforced plastics).
KRUCIM'~ X.I.- ZVEREV N Be# nauchno-tekbn. red.; RODOVSKAtAj M,V,, red,
(ROY-0 uie.,-~- red,
(Conti=ous track; bibliograpiq of Russian ahd foreign pub3.ica'r--
tions 1884-19601 Besstykovoi put'; biblio&aficheakii ukazat6if
otachestve=oi i inostramoi literaturys lftv-1966. Moskval
Vaes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"e'dinenie M-va putei c4obsbchemial',,
1961. 85 p. OMU 15:2)
1. Rqp~ia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo putcy soobobcberdyae
TSeAtr4lInaya. nfMfto-tekbnicheAkqya bibliot6ka,
B. (translator]; TUIMEBA."EV, N.,~ red.
ZvEfw2ji.- MAZITOV
KUZIMIN, Ye., red.
(Guide to the Exhibition of 'the Hational. Economy of the
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic] Putevoditell Naiodno-
khozialstvennol vystavkI Kazakhalcoi Sovetskol Sot6lali-
sticheskoi Respubliki. Almaty, 1961. 156 p. (1-n
Kazakh and Russian] (MIRA 180)
1. Alma-Ata. Narodnokhozyaystvermaya vystavka Kazukhekoy
Sovetskoy So-tsialisticheskay Respubliki.
ZVEREV., Nikolay Borisovichp lnzh.; PETHO'A, V.L.p red.
[Con Itinuous raTTVrrci11i'h` various types of fastenings]
Besstykovyl put' so skrepleniiard rs,z1ichTqkh,Lipov. Mo-
Am, Transportj 1965, 29 p, (MIRA 18*43)
7 7 7 7 _Tj 1 7
-4r "i 11, 1 1-1 11: A V 51, 1 H I Tp IIIM1111 it] 1110iA 1491 ill! 11121111! 1 N Nil: H I-
.41" dallur." Use ftKedw. N, "04,
a., V,
4 Z
so do 4i
goo -Moo
ILA &IIAkLUkdl(4& L1111101,41 CtAHOWAINO
11140 sirstil"I ll;~* OWAA
air , r
leftso a# ago mlw- 4 4A .4mv ItI
U a AV 00 kg I It 0 0 A 4 3
it ep to 0 a OK
46 0 so .14 4 it 0.0 's
~dohig got 0
of 00 ~ 10 a WA
6 dh j~
00 A
11904 WALL-SUR Mmm~iyli OiliT ~~-LLWTW. 11. 1. 100'
00 1~ (izvest. vn (vssxOyv"2. Toplotakh. last. , rz.r. Do tgbEi~olgo)
2-151 Chen. Ab6tr..
;0 1946, ]j, No.3i 1 1946, 4o, 6303)~.
00 -00
00 The construction ehd ciperation ot a mam.U-sl2e. 4unt collilctor
*0 for removing solids from moke PAre described,
i too
4. J=yj too
014 d"
U 6 AV so F FA g eW #1 j a 1~
0 of x m A w is,; R'.
0 0
0 0 00 0 0 0 0
00007000,0.6.0 4.4 ~,* 0 0 0 4)
nJ - - - - - - -
shutter. that Collector of Small DituenWa. =so
ft r-pai4tert' f#f (American Edlt1Oal.v.--U'
oft 1 0. P. 567-6 V, Contfensed from 1*VQ1
WerAnkheskoga heatian, T. 16, no. 311 r4
Isis. 9
WO M'scribes collector ior removal of flyf
WO 0
0.0a fla# gras to r*duee.wear of 1d..4 draft fnnrof'n
Soviet power stations, 9of vaktious factoto on
collecting tftfcncy Is xhatm Xrsphlcally.~
t 3
I d a TA
01~PT; ~;-' Mi~i~ 0 0 0 Ole 00 0 0
it6 as 0
W s
sa-0 --NOMINUM JiI
Z"Emnry N. I. I Z n,-r.. Cvnd. Tech. Sci.
Dissertatinn: "Louver-Type Ash T-rnp.- 11 AIA-Ublor: Order of Une izb~-r Red Fi,,xaner H-Mat
Ergifteering In-st irmeni F.'E. Dzerzhinskiy, 2 Jul 47.
SO: vechernvay-a 'L,,osl-va,, Jul, IIQ47 (Project #17P36)
Preliminary general catalog Of fundamental faint stare vlth.~
declinations from + 900 to - 200 (MSZ). Trudy Glav. astron.
pbser. Ser. 2 72:5-76 '58. (JIMA 13 1j)
polymerization kinetics of 2-chloro-1,3-butadione an the &J-f orn
of polychloroprene, Ukr, khim.zhur. 23 no.6:734-73'7 '57.
(HIM 11W
l.Dnepropetrovsk:i7 khimiko-takhnologicheakir~'inatitut im.
Dzerzhinakogo I. Moskovskiy Institut tonkoy khimichaskor tekhno logi
ime Lomonosovao
(Polymeri%ation) (Chloroprene)
DR,grimental infection of foxes and jackals wLth the cestdd~...
Multiceps multIceps, Trudr Inst. zool. AN Kazakh.:SSR 7:237440"
157. NLUt 100)
(Tapeworms) (Farasites--Jackals) (Parail-ites--Poxes) i
F pit 6 V
Copolymerization of 2,~ehlor6butadisne-1,3 'With aer
yjonltriI4~ Ulir.
(.NZRA 266)
i'stitut issit V.A.
Dsershlm 'Hovko~ikiy'lnstitut tlnkoT7khi*t hook tekhholocti
imeni Losonosova,;.
(PoIx*ris4tion) (B-oadiens) (Acry -10
tova, M"
AUTHOR: 11argari and' Zverevt. 73-1-13/26
TITLE; Copolywrisation:of 2- lovobutadiene-LO and Acj~yloni-
trile. - (SovMestiaya Polimerizat6f~a 2--.Xhlorbuta!diypna_,
10 s Akrilonitrilom-.)
PERIODICAL: Ukiainisidy., Khatm16 he skiy:Zhurnal 1i2
'1957 P Vo 39? No,l,
75 78', VASR)
ABSTRACT; Investigationsweve c.4rxie d outs thb~~m~6hani~~'6'f the
4 -sets if tests'~a!re di-'s .cusse With
above reaction. 0 d
starting solutions.of~vax7ing m,)~6mer f concentrations.
Results of the se. te st s~' are - tabulat6 dine tablel,~, The
pj.,6~6nce of,,, M
experiments were carried',out in,
can beise I !the' depth Of
benzoyl peroxide it
polymerisation decreases. with itdieasing acryl6nitrile
content in*the starting Mixture i a`nd the produced copolymers
have:a hig~ier 2_-~vchlorobutadiene ~,3 coiitent. ;'This shows
tj~dtyL of ;~_Chloro;j
the higher ac tadjehe~-1,3-; !On tVie
t basis of the c~polymorisatioh constants
were calculated and it was foundj.that~a(for _chl6robuta-
diene-1, 3) = 6.22;, P (for acrylo.hitrile) ~= 0,15:4 , Diagram 1
illustrates the compositions for, 2-chlorobutadiene-1,3 -
acrylonitrile , the clomposition tho starting. mixture,
position of;t
-6he differential com he j olyr4e rs :them integral
Card 1/2
Z"-REV, m,. P.
MERV. M. P. "Investigation of fho pi6cess of plastifAcatlon~.of divln~l-
styrol rubbers".. Mosccw, 1955. ~Mifi Higher Ed6catlon U.-~'A. M( scow'Inst of
Fine Chemical Technologjt imeni M. V. 1,omonosov. (Dissertation for the Degree
of of.-Candidate of-Chemical-Sciences)
SO: Knighnaya leto-~)isl lb 46~ 12 lkmember 1955. 1~~oscow
AUTHORS: Zverev, M.P.; Yeroshkina, Ye-A.; Zubov, 11.1.
TITLE: The Structure of Gels (Stroyeniye studner). 14. The Effect
of the Nature of Plasticizer on the,Physl.c~l-Mechanical'Pro-
perties of Filled Divinylstyrene Rubber (14. Vliyaniye pri-
rody plastifikatora na fiziko-mekhahichenkiye evoystva na-
polnennogo divinilstirollnogo kauchuka)
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, vol XX, Nr 3, i)p 329-3311 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It io known thnt divinyletyrene rube or 01ruicanizod. W~ t thou t
filler and in the presence of non-pol-ar plasticizers, has
better mechanical properties than rubber!3 plasticized by
polar substances. In the article, .these properties~are, in-
vestigated in filled rubbers. Figurel i3hows the 'properties
of vulcanizates SKS-30A at a deformation speed of 50 and
500 mm/min. It is evident that the~rubbers with polar'
plasticizers have better mechanical, than: those
with non-polar subs
tances.~ This result is explained by the
blocking of the polar groups of the,fillor by the polar
plasticizers, facilitating the adsorption of macromolecules
Card 1/2 on the surface of its particles.
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. P.
TITLE: On the Problem of the Production of Fib ors; From Polyole~fins
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, 1960, No. 6,!pp. 3-9
TEXT: This is a review of publications.on the production'and proport 11'es
of po'iyolefins, the.fibers made from them as -well as tlie problems;connect-
ed with the shaping of the fibers, and -the mo,dif ic0ion of their proper
ties, with a view to extending their range of.application. The synthedis
of polyethylene by means of the Ziegler catalyst as,: well as the stereorega-
lar'polypropylene showed that synthetic fibers can'be pxoduced, having
valuable physical and chemical properties~ without containing polar~~ grdups
or hydrogen bonds. This is explained b y the fact that these materials have
a high degree of crystallinity with a high melting point of the crystals.
The specific weights and melting points of the poly-a-.o'Lef ins are listed
in Table 1* It may be seen from Table 1 that polyethylene can be produced
according to the ionic and radical mechanisms, while tha remaining:
crystalline polymers can only be produced according to the ionic mechanism.
The (high-density) polyethylene produced according to t"Ieradical mechanism
Card 1/3
On the Problem of the Production of Fibers B/163/60/0-00/006/001/005:
From Polyolefins B020058
is branchedv while the (low-density) one pFoduoed~aq,pording to the ionic
mechanism is a linear polymer. Thedegree of crystallinity.of high-density
nolyethylene is not higher than 60%, while that of tho lo-N-density poly '
dthylene amounts to from 65 to 85%- Complex catalysts (halides of the mdtalB
of the Nth to Mth groups, alkyls of the metals of~the Und and Mrd,
groups) and chromium oxide applied on aluminum silica:te axe used f or~~ poly-
according to the ionic mechanism. In the:polymerization 'of the
cc-6lefins on a stereospecific catalyst, several linear isomers can b1p form-
ed', i.e., isotactict syndiotactio, and ataotio ones.:The propertieslof the
synthetic fibers are determined by the properties of~the polymer, which
oft-their part depend on the chemical character of the monomer and the
polymerization cohditions. The ratio between viucoel~y of the malt and the
molecular weight of the polymer is described with the aid of the melting;'
index which is 0-7 for linear polyethylene, representing the lower b6undary
of workability. The upper boundary of workability is~aharacterized by a
melting index of 0.2. Table 2 gives data on the degree of polymerization,
the upper limit of the melting index of, polyolefins~,:: and the strength of..
fibers made from them. Figeo I and 2 give data on the affEct of ultraviolet
irradiation on monofilaments from polyethylene and polypropylene. The
Card 2/3
From Polyolefins B020/,BO58
effect of high-energy irradiation becomes apparent b,*, den"'Otuction and'
-simultaneous oross-linking of the macromolecules. The forning of fibers
from thermoplasts is usually made from the melt, mon6filanents with a
diameter of from 0,004 to 0.020 mm being obtained from polyethyl6ne and
polypropylene, and filament fibers with a diameter of fron, 0-003 to,~
0.008 mm from polypropylenel a am-es-typq extruder of special design,bejng
used. The physical and mechanical propertles of fibers on the basisipf
various polymers are shown in Table 3. V. V. Yurlyev at al (Ref. 29),~.~
S E. Bresler at al (Ref. 27), V- S. Kli -menkov and T.iF. Kostina. (Ref- 56),
S: A. Nechayeva and Z. A. Rogovin (Ref.3.55) are mentioned. There are,
2 figures, 3 tables, and 61 references: 23 Soviet, 19~Us, British,
4 German, 2 French, and 4 Italian.
ASSOCIATION: VNIIV (All-Union Scientific Research 'Ins t I tut0of Synthetic
Card 3/3
Tt =I
On the Problem of the Produc tion of Fibers
V J~UBS8 6oo
1. _LVERiv, N. S.
2. USSR (600)
"Catalog of faint stars," Astron. Zhur 17, No 5. 1940. Asironomical Institute iieni
Shteinberg. (submitted May 1940, Moscow)
Time Signals
qiimmnrv TnnTrtAn+.%% nf rh-t,+.hpi +imA -ti"On feir +.hp P.Prnnd ~hAlf nf 1-01. 1 iTrudV GATSh
zvlA4L--V, I.I.S. 1 J~A15(,Tb
V 7,Z7w 1.1 OB,'~JUIWM, A. G. and 101,:7,;111.11;
113tar Catalog FK3Z in the FK3 System ComTliwA Froi~ Observations on the Ho s c o'er
Transit Instrument in 1940-41,11 Soobshch. Gos. astvan. An-ta .1m. K. Shbernberga,
No 97-98, pp 3-k,6, 1954.
In 1939 the Third Actmaetric Conference at tile'. "Altonberg National Astro-
nomic Institute (GAISh) ordered a star catalog FKSZ compiled, containing stars of
7.5-8.5 magnitudes of K and M spectral classes and with proper ~.-.otions not exceeding
0.04". This catalog was approved by the Fourth Astrometl~ic Conference in'1939~and
it was adjusted to be used with the system FK3. Observat.i.ons ware carried out -at
PuLkovo, Moscow, Kazan, Tashkent and Odessa. The entalog. contains 545 stars for
the equinox 1950.0 and for the time3 of observations. (RZhAstr, No 11, 1955),
SO: Sum. No. 812, 6 Feg 1956.
0 OBO' N
and I 271A) A. Go
"Catalo.,r of 180 Declinations f Zenithal 36: s at Pulkovo Observator"jlt,
Soobshch. Cos. astron. in-ta im. P. K. Shtemberga, llo.~ ()'7-98) p~ 47-55, 1954-~
Latitude variation of:Pulkovo Observatory was invostA6~lated.
Pulkovo zenithal stara were siraultaneously~obs,arved by the Pulkovo zertith telescope
and Moscow transit instrutnent. A periodic variation of declim.ition of a 0"211
amplitude could be noticed. (RZhAstr, No 11, 1955)
SO: Sum Ho. 812, 6 Fab 1956.
ItTables of ec San ions: ~Or 61;.,; ~'Xarr, YUZI~ Vorth
8 d tanS.With Annual 'lariat
of -30 Declination (for 1950.-0)"', Soobshch. Pjo3..astrqh- in--ta i.,,i. P.K
Shternberga, No 97-98, PP 56-72, 1954-7
These tables facilitate the processirZ of.trowisit observations of
FKSZ stars. They contain the No of the star according to, FKSZ,and roughlY
approximated coordlnatesd~and seaUsee tan 4 tan tip 'Clo 0.001 ~accuracy
(RZhAstr, No 11, 1955)
SO: Sum No 812, 6 Feb 1956.
ZVEM,M.S., redaktor; OLI,A.I., redaktor; XMARSKAYA,,A.A., teldmiche-
[Proceedings of the 11th Aatrometrical Confp;rence!of the U.SA.R.0
I-vllrovo, ?toy 21L-26, 1954.1 Trudy 11-1 astrolk'Ouic6skoi konfera'ateli
SSSR; 24-26 mia 1954 g. leningrad, Izd.G1n,v.astronomicbeuko1
observatorii v Pulkove,. 1955. 269 p. (MLRA 9:2)
1. VBesoy-usnaya aetrometricheskaya konforentsiya. 11th, Pulkovo,
1954. 2. Chlen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Zverev).'
jj' j 14 ill!
0. Wo
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, 'Astronomiya i Geode2'lya, 1959,'Nr'll, p 12,
AUTHORS: "verev, M.S., Timashkova, G.M.
..TITLE: The Next Problems.of Transit Astro.
PERIODICAL: Tr. 13-y Astrometr, konfer4ntsil USSR 1956", Mouow-Leninp;r4d, AS USSR,
1958, Nr 35 46. Diskus; 46 (res.Eng1j
ABSTRACT: Various studies are enumerated.., and the, nierits of observatbries are noted
tion of co:'ordinates; of slam , ~observations
in the field of exact determina k,
of the sun,.photographic and visual observatiatis of the moon'and large
planets. The visual. observations of bright stars will expediently limit
by stellar magnituder36.0 -6111.5. rnie w"Iier stars can be observed better
with the help of phutographic instruments The wish is sixpreflised that
the catalogue of geodesic stars.(CGS), ati well as the stars of the M,
supplement be,re-observed.' The observatories of the nor-We rn! heird sphere
dealing with observations of the reference weoker stars, for -photographic
zonal catalogues AGKZ, have started working with success--1vis desirable
Card 1/2 to extend this type of work to the southern hemisphere as well. Special
The Next Problems of Transit Astrometry 2
attention Is paid to new programmes of the meridional clr~~ieC. Two programmes are
proposed: listing the .latitudinal.stars and listing the bright stars. ,The ~eaond
programme is being considered in detail In two versicns kilia limi ,ting magn-itude of
stars 6m.0 and 6m.5 with a declination from -10o to +90o; ~ To this programme;lists
of FK3 stars, (as reference stars) FK3 supp; YGZ, llst:~of stars Blau as;well as the
2nd and 3rd parts of the lis. of Parenago (it is expedient; to observe th6.1st part
of the list photographically) are to be added. The total number of stars' in the two
versions of the programme of bright sta-rs totals about 4,332 and 5,730 stars, Graphs
of the distribution of stars over right ascension are cited. The authors giVe their
preference to the first version of.the programme. To the afore -mentioned *proIgre-Mles
can be added lists of double stars, stars for observing !:throq3h, zenith telescopes and
several others. The further development of trans it-as trometri, the heightened accuracy
of observations and the simplification of the processing' will result frorti mas .teIringa
horizontal meridional Instrument of the Sukharev or AtXitiklon type, the la.tro6ction
into observation practice of modem photo-olectric methods and the utilization of a new
calculation technique for processing the observations.
'K.G. Onev yshe'v
Card 2/2
Observing the brightness of the rocket carrier o .f the third.
artificial earth satellite at the PalkoY6 DbeervI,xtoi7. Mule
,~sta.optona,bl.isk.sNtAem, noAslz-16(~590
BA 13--6)
1. Q1avnsV& (PullcovskVa) astronomicheekaya observatorlya
(Artificial satellites-Tracking)
AUTHOR: Zve--re-v,M.S.,Predsedatell Astrometri'l IV/33-
cheskdy SC '36-~-29 31
'istrosoveta AN SSSR (Presil~
i !~ dent 6f:the
Astronomical Cowiittce of the Astron6r~W' Coxalcil
TITLE: Remarks on the Chronicle of Y.Y.Podobed "Fourteenthlistionomical
PERIODICAM Astronomichookiy zhurnal, 1959,vol" 36,Nr .1 194 081
ABSTRACT: The author criticizes .1 -1 the!1inoompleteness,bf the above.
report of Podobed (Astronomicheskiylllzhurrtal,1958,voi35,~Nr 5,
p 822). ',Is states that Podobed-has not montioned t6f;?r6~0,rts
of Chang Professor, Director of the Observatory on
the.Purpur Hili near Nanking;of the'President of th~ Astronomical
Assembly of Poland, Director of the..10bservatory of,?Oznan';
nor the assistance of Professor I,'e.V.Rybka,;Dir'ector of
the Observatory, of Krakewj or the role of. the
astronomers V.I.Sakharov and I.F.Korbut of Pulkovo during the
production of now zenith-telescopes~:
SUBMITTEDt November 17, 1958
Card 1/1
Vsesoyuznaya astrometrichaskeya konferentsiya.
Trudy 14-y Astrometricheakoy konferentsii SSSR K:Lyev' 14 ~30:miyai 1958!1
(Transactions of the 14th Astrometrical Confereace'~of thig USSRR.Held in Kiyev
2T-30 May 1958) Moscow,, Izd,-vo AN SISSR, 1960. V. 19rrat a slip inse rted.
1000 copies printede
Sponsoring Agency, Akademiya nauk BSSR., Glavnaya astronomi-Ih6skays obserntoriya
Resp. Eds.- M~ S. Zverev, Corresponding Member Aca&4 of Saleades USSR; Ede Of.
Publishing House: N. K* Zaychik; Tech. Ed.; R. A4 Zummyeva.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for astro6cmers:and astrophyBidists, Particularly
hose interested in astrometrical researcho
COVERAGE: This publication:presents the: Tremsactioni of the, 14th Astraietrical
Conference of the 30 May 19~8. It Includes 11 - 'Wrts
eUSSR, held in Kiyev 27- 7 r4
and 55 scientific papers presented at the plenarj meeting of the Conierence
Card k1-16
Transactions'of the 14th Astrometrical.(Cont.). SOV157PI
and at the special sectional meetings, An,appendlii conWns* the re6olut Iions
adapted by the Conference,, the composition of the'domit:tOes, the mg'ends,end
the list of participants at the Conference. A brief sunnary in EnglishIs
given at the end of each article. References follw individual articles
The Presidium of the Astronetrical Coamittee (Chairtman Ms 8, Zverev), which
,supervised the preparation of this publication, "presses thanks to the:
members of the secretariat: V. M. Vasillyevi, 1. G. Kollchinskiy, A. B. One-
gina~ and Kh. I. Potter.
e As ~l Covn'
Address by A. A. Mikhaylov., Chairman of th tronomie, cil ~'t the!
Academy of Sciences USSR
card 2/16
.Transactions of the 14th Astronetrical (Coat.), SOV/5721
Scientifid Research Workof the Department of.Astronomy;at the,
Moscow Institute for Engineers of Geo6sy,.Aerial hjotog~_Wphyj.
and Cartogrs~;hy (A. N. Kuznertsov) 90
Develojiment of Astrometry in China (Chang Y&Che) 93
Works, on Latitude and Longitude at the Astrononical Staiion of the
Polish Acedwy of Sciences in Borowiec (Ja 41tkwsk~)
Discussichs of Reports 103
M. S* and DvDa Polozhentsev, Study.of the Syttem of the
Preliminary Composite Catalogue of FundamentAl Faint'.Btexs, 107
Gulysyev, A. P. Study of the System of Right Aseensions of FF.3 Stare
in the Circumpolar Region Acoording to Observations (to the Moscow
Merldlan Circle 116
card 7/16
Astronomiya v SSSR zasorok let 1917 - 1957; sbornik statey prty Years- 6f
Astronomy in the USSR 1917-1957; Collection of Articles Moscow, Fi;zmtgiz.,
1960- 728 p. 2,000 eYopies printed.
Ed.: L. V. Samsonenko; Tech. Ed.: H. A. Tumaxkina; Editorial Board: A. A. Mik-
haylov (Resp. Ed.), M. S. Zverev, P. G6 Kulikovski~rp A. 0. Yhsevich,~JE. R.
Mustell; V. V. Sobolev, and M. F. Subbotin.
.PURPOSE: This book is intended for astronomers, astrophysicists., and othersl
interested in the history of astronomy in the USSR.
COVERAGE: This major work on the history of astronomy in the USSR Consists of
two parts, review articles and bibliographies. Part I contains a collect.i6a of
articles on various facets of astronomical research vritte'n by leading Soviet
specialists in the field. Chief emphasis is placed on developments of th6
last ten years. The research activities and equipment of 23 Soviet obsel"va-
tories and institutes are described, and the leading scientific personalities
of each mentioned. The geograp1aie coordinates and elevations of 41 astroho-
mical centers are listed. Individual articles discuss prDblems dealing with
Forty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) SOV/4374
theoretical astronomy, minor planetscomets and meteorsp the physics.Qf
stellar atmospheres and gaseous nebulAe.,-cosmogony, and radioastronomy.
Part, II contains a comprehensive bibliography (over Mbo items)-of Soviet
astronomical publications from 1917 to 1957. An author index lists some
1,800 astronomers 'with references to their contributions. 7he bibUo.'
graphic part was compiled by N. B. Lavrova, N. D. Petrova, Ya. G.'Perel't
and T. A. ZaUind.~
Mikhaylov, A. A. Forty Years, of Soviet Astronomy 9
Mellnikov, 0. A. Observatories and Instruments 19
Zverev, M. S. Fundamental Astrometry 51~
Deych., A. N. Photographic Astrometry
H_ jj
Forty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) sov/4374'
Pavlov, N. No Time Service 87
.,,Ye. P. Iatitude Service
Subbotin, M. F. Theoretical Astronomy 113
Bambashov, N. P. Physical Conditions on the Moon and:'Planets 135
Samoylova-Y&khoutova, No So Minor Planets 157
Orlov, So V. (Deceased)p and So M. Poloskov. Comets 165
Fedynskiy,, V. V. Meteors 175
Krinov,, Ye. L. Meteorites 187
Vyazanitsyn, V. P. The &w 207
Parenago., P. P. (Deceased)*~-Stellar Astronomy 227
]Fbrty Years of Astronomy (Cont.) -90V/4374
Kukarkin', B. V. Variable Stars 261
M%rtynov, D. Ya. Eclipsed Variable Stars 283
Vorontsov-Velyaminov,, B. A. Physics of Stellar Atmospheres
(Observational Part) 289
Sobolev, V. V. Physics of Stellar Atmospheres (Theoretical Firt) 257
Severnyy., A. B. Stellar Constitution and Evolution 307
Voronteov-Velyaminov, B. A. Gaseous Nebulae and Nonstationexy Stars 313
Shklovskiy, 1. S. Radio Astronomy 339
Ambartsumyan, V. A. Cosmogony 347
Kulikovskiy, P. G. History of Astronomy 365
j: 13 .1
Forty Years of Astronomy (coat.) soV4374.
Bibliography of kationomical, Works Written in the'USSR During 1917-1957.
Period. Compiled Under the Direction of N. B. lavrovt~ 371
Alphabetical Index of Authors in the Bibliography 701
Author Index to the Collection of Articles 724
Fore,word 373:
.List of Abbreviations Used for Publications Titles 374:
List of Serial Publications .375~
Writings of a General Character
Popular literature 383.
S/035,ti/boo/689/00, 1/036
AUTHOR- Zverev M S
TITIE- Report of the Presidium of the Astrometric Comriss ion of the
..Astronomical Council, AS USSR
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodetiya, n6. 9, 1961J 3,';
abstract 9A22, ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konfe.rentzili SSSR, 1958".1
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 11-18. Discuss., i8, EngV
TEXT: Development of astrometric work in,the USSR during 1955-1,958 is
characterized by the wide participation'of the observatorie13 in IGY. Investi-
gations are conducted according to co-ordinated programs and methods.. Arti 'Ticial
Earthts satellites are observed photographically and visually. The works o 'n
the catalog of weak stars and meridian observations are continued. A decision
was adopted on organization of an expedition to the southera hemisphere During
the recent years, observations of the Moon have developed witn the purpose of
determining its shape and ephemeris time. The observatories were complemented
with new equipment: zenith telescopes STW-i8o (vm-i8o), zenith photographic
Card 1/2
Report of the Presidium of the Astrometric ... A001^101
tubes, etc. Modern computing techniques, including el4otronic computers, find
ever wider application in astrometric studies. Soientific cooperationvith.
observatories of other countries became closer. Twenty fore,.1
,&n aetrometrists
visited the USSR during the period under, review; at the saine time, 7 Soviet"
astronomers visited observatories of China, Rumania, Yugoslavia and England.
The Commission has performed a great work on preparing to the 10th Congress of
the International Astronomical Union. A series of conferences were organized,
in particular the 13th Astrometrio Conference of USSR which was dedicated to
problems of meridian and photographic astrometry.
D. Polozbentsev
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE- On astrometric work at the Pulkovo Observatory from December 1955 to
may 1958
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 9, 196i, 3-4,
abstract 9A23 ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konfarerts1i SSSR, 1958".
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 31-40, Engl. summary)
TEXT: Section of fundamental astrometry. Absolute observations I of 1,046
bright and weak stars have continued, as well as of the Sun and Polarlssima
by means of a great transit telescope and a vertical circle ' 9,500 observations
of 06 and 6,300 observations of 1Y were performed. A.. A. Nemiro completed the
investigation of a 100-year series of Pulkovo observations with the great transit
telescope. Since 1956 observations of AGK3R stars from +900 to +25 0 have been
conducted with a meridian circle, 19,000 observations'were made. All the
instruments are Investigated. In 1956-1958 a series of test observations of
right ascensions of 120 circumpolar stars were performed with a model of Sukharev
horizontal meridian instrument. Several works were accomplished by the
%Card 1/3
On astrometric work at the Pulkovo
S/035/6 1/000/06 9/00 2/0 36
metric laboratory. A pendulum horizon was consluructed.!~ the model of horizontal
meridian instrument was investigated. The following devices, were cons trij cted
a model of the transit telescope with a tube in the first vertical, a photo-,
electrical device for taking a reading of circles, an an lntOrference examiner.
In 1956 a computing laboratory was established. The catalog: of Fj(5KC3 (PFKSZ)
was compiled with participation of the laboratory, and ~,the working lists~~ of
AGK3R and KC3 (KSZ) were prepared for Pulkovo, Nikola~ev anti Moscow, visible
positions of PFKSZ are calculated, and meridian and other ob~,ervations
processed. Section of astronomical constants and latitude servioe. Observations
according to an enlarged program were conducted with a Ftelb~erg zenith-telescope;
10,100 observations of pairs were made In 2.5 years. SInce 'the mid-yeav.of
1957 the work is incorporated Into the program of IGY. ~Disi2uss ions of observa-
tions of 1904 - 1915 series (I. F. Korbut) and 1948 - 1955 series (V. I~ Sakharov)
have been completed. Since the beginning of IGY, observations have been~conduct-
ed with a new !3TJI-180 (ZM-180) telescope. In 1957 a zienith photographia
telescope was mounted, regular observations are continued with a polar telescope
(160 photographs), and its remote control was put into operatlon. Photographing
of the Moon against the background of' stars was organized with -the purpose of~
determining ephemeris time. A latltiide station was established at the town of,
Card 2/3
on astrometric work at the Pulkovo ... AOO1/A1O1
Blagoveshchensk. Section of time service. The work i8i'jconslde~ably expanded in
connection with IGY. Since 1956 obBervations have been condutited with two
photoelectric transit telescopes, 28,707 observations have be(ni made. Viienumber
of receptions of time radio signals was increased to 6._The ,.York was conducted
on compiling the catalogs on the basis of observations of the~ltlme service.
Thermal effects on results of astronomical observations were investigated;
Sections of photographic astrometry and stellar astronomy. Photographic Oserva-
tions of galaxies were continued (first epochs were completed,'over 500 plates,
were taken), as well as planetoids (106 plates) accordir$ to Lie KSZ plan with. a
normal astrograph. Uranus and Pluto were observed. A new Investigation of the
Invisible satellite of 61 Cyg has been completed (A. N. Deych), Regular photo-
graphle (150 photographs) and visual observations of artificial Earth's satellites
were carried out.
D. Polozhentsev
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 3/3
S/025/61 /,000/003/b66~61 2
Al 66/.Al 2t-
Corresponding~ Member (see s.~
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S. As
TITLE: Three questions. twenty-f our, aniiwers
PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl/fn,,
0. 3, 1961 23
TEXT: The author, a participant inthe.International
Symposium "The Moon" comments on the significance of the photos
of the reverse side of the Moon. He believe:s.that ~the reve;ree:side
must differ somewhat from the visible side.because of the absenc&
of the solar eclipses there, which lead to extremely sevese tem-
perature changes on the Moon's visible surf~oe~(up to 150 in :I
hr). The photos.should give valuable data on the structure and
physical state of the surface layers. The Moon might eventually
become a valuable intermediary space flight'station which'could
be used for refueling of spaceships or might be consider6d an:
intermediary launching platform.for space rockets in view,of its
lower gravity, and consequently$ lower escape velocity. Rockets
Card 1/2.
Three questions twenty-four answers A166/A127
being launched from the reverse side would be shielded.fro% the
perturbing influence of the Earth's gravitation. A Mars-bo4nd.rock-
et could be launched vertically from the cehtral;portion of the
reverse side at a speed of around, 4.5 km/seic. .:'Laun6hing time would
be most favorable when the Moon is in its la6t quarter for;Earth.
A Venus-bound rocket would be launched at approximately the same
side when the Moon is in its first quarter. An astronomical ob-
servatory sited on the Moon would help to eliminate the distortion
caused by the fluctuation of the air masses I,experienced by ob-
servatories on the Earth. Such an observatory could initially be
of the unstaffed;robot type.
Card 2/2
S /0 351/6' 2/0 00/dO 9/dO 5/060
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE. New fundamental --syatbMt
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geode~iya;: po, 9,: 1962,~' 14,!
abstract 9A129 ("Tr., 37~O s"yezda Vses.'a6tron.-geod. o-va,7 1960",
MI., AN S~SR, 1962, .94 -.,lbo, Discuss'., 1~5 168Y
TEXT: This is a short s0rvey of'work' on compilitt fundamental catalogues.oj~
scars. Th FK3 cata~?gue, very-accurate for epooh V
P, AO~~ revealed by 1950 very narkfil
systematin errors,due to errors Inproper motionsl-therofore, the work Is going on
since 1()50 on Improvemant~of the FK3. This work has been considerably delayed be-:
cause of the insuffIcient amount-of obsei7vational ddta,,:especially for the southern
hemisphere. Of the other works, the following fundamental sy~stems can be noled:'N30
compiled by Morgan and Pu cX 1 compiled by A. A. Nemir6: For improvement of fundamen-
tal systems, new observational data are needed which are obtalned'by both classical
meridian methods and fr *om observations with-a Danjon ar:,trolabe, fro-i.the data of
time serv *ices and by other methods. Information is given on the progresilng in com-
p1l1ng tht,-.- catalogues of faint stars, and in particula,x, I= the rl(.DKC3 (Prwz) ca-
talogue. It Is planned to carry out anew observations for the,catalogue.of bright
Card. 1/2
New fundamental systems of stellar positions AOOI/A1O1
gcodetIc stars; this work Is being conducted on the internationfil scale. The sout)~-
ern hemisphere should be paid more attention; In partidu1aP,'AS,USSR is planning an,
expedition into the southern hemisphere for determination of i-.b8olute an&relatlve'
coordinates of bright and faint stars from the list of Backlur,d-lioff, compiled In
Melburn. The development of astrometr7laepends on the Iriereasing accuracy~of obser-
vations, and at present several new instruments have been designed or proposed for
determination of coordinates of luminaries,
D. Polozhentzev:
rAbstracter's note% Completetranslati,
6ard P/2
Preiliminary determination of diameter corrections of the Toep~fer:
meridian circle. Izv.GAO 23 no.1:85-98 0620 (MIRA 16il2)
"TAC~~SION' NR: AR4042147 G/026q/64/0W/0O6q/06Y+/b004: i
ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Aotronomiya. Otdellny*y vy*pusk, Abe. 60'51.31
AUTHOR: Zverev, M. S.
TITLE#. Summary report of the preeidium of the aotrometry corcliesion of oil:
astronomy council of the Acadery of Sciencea of the USSR
CITED SOURCE: Tr. 15-y Aetrometr. kohferentaii BSSR, 19600' M04-0 AN SSSRO'.
1963, 7-19
TOPIC TAGS: alstrometry, stellar position a.-Istem, Earth rotation
n and:
TRANSLATION: An account of work the Aetrometry Commissio !ite'sub-1.
committees during 1959-1960. Work was conducted in the solution of two basid co'ntempo
Faq problems of astrometry: 1) creation offundamental, systems of stellar posiltions'
and proper motionst and 2) itudy of i;~ta1;icn of E~Ah."-di-ihe-ffjA'-' 4
piotilisci t e
fonewing work was done; absolute determinations of coordinates of bright:and
taint, fuWamontal.staram, observation of Sun and*major planets# determination of
qoordinates of weak reference starsp determination of r1ght as ensions oficir-
cumpoUr stars, determination of declinations of stars of the latitudinaliprogransp
otographic observations of selected areas with galwdes &,A with FKSZ (runda-
imental Catalog of Faint Stars] stars in the center, aM jiiotographic observations.,~,;:
of selected minor planets. For solution of the second problem there wereidaveloped-'
nore than 10 subjects connected with the work of the time services, latitude
services, and also certain other branches of a3tranomq. Aher4a were processed~& i
Geophysical Year' 414. the
series of observations obtained during the InternationaV
International Tear of the Quiet Sun., In detaU there are 111vainated, quebtiohe
about the Instruments available to aatrometrists of difforeat sootionst about'
International communication wd collective worksp aW on~ the ;rospects for the
development o k&stromatr7.-.-;
09 CODE: AA .00
TITLE: Program of meridian observations of latitude stais,
0 izut"hanlyu V~
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Astronomicheskly sovet. Komlsslya P
1; Zernli. Plenum. lat, Kiev, 196Z. Vrashchenlyo Zowlt (R~tatiofi~of the Earth~);
materialy* plenuma. Kiev, Izd-vo, AN USSR, 1963, 27-31,
TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, latitude 'Start, latitude servi oj~.'War catalogue, International
Latitude Service, star, zenith telescope
ABSTRACT; Meridian observation of staris of latitude piogramn and the compiladuIn
of working catalogues from these observations have three principal objectivesi 1. ~to
make it possible to compute the latitudes of different observatories In a single' system
of declinatione, making it possible to obtain the coordinates of the pole Independently of 1-
systematic errors of declinations; 2., to provide a mean'o for comparison of annual
nonpolar changes In the latttudbs of different observatories; and .3. to provide ameans
for studying the slow changes in latitude and the secular motion of the pole on the basis oV ---
observational data from different observatories. lbo inoons by w1dch these objectives
.. ........ ...... ...... ..........
are being achieved are discussed. Particular attention is given tothb merldianiVrogram
of latitude stars prepared at GAISh. This program includes'tbe majority of stars from
12 zenith telescope programs and 8 zenith tube programs and contains about 3, 000
stars. The number of stars in the various programs varies from (4 to, 300. The GAISh
list contains only 155 FK3 stars, of which only 13 are in the zone of declinations from
+20 to 300 and only 17'in the zone from 70 to 800. Such a small number of stars Is ob-
viously Inadequate for a tie-in to the international basic list.: Although there are 278
stars from the Catalogue of Faint Stars, which Is close to th desi'c
6 ed minimum (288),
their distribution by right ascension, and especially declination, is extremely uneven.
With respect to the fundamental stars in the GAP_';n list, in 50 areas of the sky measuring
1 hour in right ascension and Mr in declinatlea (there are 144 such areas) there, is not a
single FK3 star, In 42 there are no stars from the Catalogue, of Faint Stars, and in 18
there are no stars from either list. For each area to contain not less than 2 FK3 stars
and 2 stars from the Catalogue of Faint Stars it would be ncc6esary to add 154 stars,
and 115 stars frim the Catalogue of Faint Stars to the GAISh list. At the same time,
the author recommends the elimination'of certain stars now in the Ust., The principles
L 06154-6 GW
VC -NR- !R-6025334 SOURCE CODE: U.VO269/66/000/004/0011/0()ll
AUTHOR: Zverev,.M, S,
TITLE: The beginning dPulkovo astronomers work in Chile:
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs, 4,51.94
REP SOURCE: Tr. 16-y Astromet r, konferentsii SSSR, 6 'M.-L., Nauka, 1965, 18-25
TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, astronomic observatory, Z 7qp- 6209,419.0'rze NE45(JI-1-11
C eL ej 7764- rj?'f~-qN ie-s
ABSTRACT: The astronomic expedition of the Pulkovo observatory tn Chile has started
work in the observatory of the National university, P- rro Xalan on the 12th:October,
1962. The plan of studies includes observations of",atars K$Z and southern'basis stars,
determination of the absolute constants of bright and faint stars and photographic ob-
servations of extragalactic nebulae, with the aim of subsequent determination of the
stars own motions. The work is done jointly by soviet and chilean astronomers, with irj~
struments of both countries (SSSR and Chile).-. meridional circle of Repsold~(see ref.96
photographic vertical circle of Zeiss. Constructional features of the instruments are
given. A high luminosity double meniscus astrograph has be~en sent to Chile,an
of a large transit instrument is in preparation. A transit instrument of Zeiss is
operation. Work proceeds successfully. Brief informution on the history of the Serro-
Kalan observatory is given. rm-anslation of abstrac
VL t3
"I 110DEz 03 UDCs' 122JD: 5
v I Y
Rub* MAWW for ft amulmiduft,
10 11
00 - ,
so .01mle"ll N"h4dra4ir the mAl." matrrial. INY t.% I jj
00 bri, Tlwn Imi with 1101o. The t(stal tinic k 0-7 llt-~ .06
00 A. lk-owl
00 w
........... L-4 A
181O.J 441 431111:4.1 Q-V &It
u tv No I
It It a
, 1
1 r CWa I w SO 2 a 4.
11 1 , 1 4
0 0 0 0,19 me
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 40 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 4 9 00 0 00 00 0.0 0
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[Great possibilltle a-] Roloshie vozmozhnosti.' *okvat Goo. izd;-vo
polit. lit-ry, 1957. 61 po (MIRA litq)
(Kazakhstan-Stock and stack'b:reeding)
MEREVt i~l,
Zverev, N. - "The Petr. 1,,'uzylf.-- Combiner (At Lhe expense of I'L.
J, Lczov rayon of
the Pavlrflnx,-,]c oblast),11 Slimnary. flank-listan,12, 19483t p. 161-75.
SO: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Letopis lZhurnal. tnylh Stafey, No. 5,
AMMAZI# Tolona Unstantinwrnao kand.tekhn.nauk. Orini6.ill UA&Itly'so
POZDVTAKOV, i nsh, ;. KMsOv, B, A, 0 insit, -,, xrosor, A. in
BUROT9 .14,t student; student; RAMArET, T., student-
ROBUSE~ 0,, studentl SM(SONOVA, studentil NUSHIM, R.G.,i red.;
GTIRTS, V.L., red.lzd-Ta
[Anisotropy of mechanical properti a of eome:~glass' plastics; verbatim
report of a lecture] Anizotroplia zekhanichookil-h sTolety nslio-
torykh stakloplaatikov; stenogra=& lektaii, Leuiwad,.Leuipgre:
Dom nauchDo-takhnpropagandys ~1961, 62 p. :(NIRI 14112)
(Anisotropy) (Glass reinforced plastics).
KRUCIM'~ X.I.- ZVEREV N Be# nauchno-tekbn. red.; RODOVSKAtAj M,V,, red,
(ROY-0 uie.,-~- red,
(Conti=ous track; bibliograpiq of Russian ahd foreign pub3.ica'r--
tions 1884-19601 Besstykovoi put'; biblio&aficheakii ukazat6if
otachestve=oi i inostramoi literaturys lftv-1966. Moskval
Vaes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"e'dinenie M-va putei c4obsbchemial',,
1961. 85 p. OMU 15:2)
1. Rqp~ia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo putcy soobobcberdyae
TSeAtr4lInaya. nfMfto-tekbnicheAkqya bibliot6ka,
B. (translator]; TUIMEBA."EV, N.,~ red.
ZvEfw2ji.- MAZITOV
KUZIMIN, Ye., red.
(Guide to the Exhibition of 'the Hational. Economy of the
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic] Putevoditell Naiodno-
khozialstvennol vystavkI Kazakhalcoi Sovetskol Sot6lali-
sticheskoi Respubliki. Almaty, 1961. 156 p. (1-n
Kazakh and Russian] (MIRA 180)
1. Alma-Ata. Narodnokhozyaystvermaya vystavka Kazukhekoy
Sovetskoy So-tsialisticheskay Respubliki.
ZVEREV., Nikolay Borisovichp lnzh.; PETHO'A, V.L.p red.
[Con Itinuous raTTVrrci11i'h` various types of fastenings]
Besstykovyl put' so skrepleniiard rs,z1ichTqkh,Lipov. Mo-
Am, Transportj 1965, 29 p, (MIRA 18*43)
7 7 7 7 _Tj 1 7
-4r "i 11, 1 1-1 11: A V 51, 1 H I Tp IIIM1111 it] 1110iA 1491 ill! 11121111! 1 N Nil: H I-
.41" dallur." Use ftKedw. N, "04,
a., V,
4 Z
so do 4i
goo -Moo
ILA &IIAkLUkdl(4& L1111101,41 CtAHOWAINO
11140 sirstil"I ll;~* OWAA
air , r
leftso a# ago mlw- 4 4A .4mv ItI
U a AV 00 kg I It 0 0 A 4 3
it ep to 0 a OK
46 0 so .14 4 it 0.0 's
~dohig got 0
of 00 ~ 10 a WA
6 dh j~
00 A
11904 WALL-SUR Mmm~iyli OiliT ~~-LLWTW. 11. 1. 100'
00 1~ (izvest. vn (vssxOyv"2. Toplotakh. last. , rz.r. Do tgbEi~olgo)
2-151 Chen. Ab6tr..
;0 1946, ]j, No.3i 1 1946, 4o, 6303)~.
00 -00
00 The construction ehd ciperation ot a mam.U-sl2e. 4unt collilctor
*0 for removing solids from moke PAre described,
i too
4. J=yj too
014 d"
U 6 AV so F FA g eW #1 j a 1~
0 of x m A w is,; R'.
0 0
0 0 00 0 0 0 0
00007000,0.6.0 4.4 ~,* 0 0 0 4)
nJ - - - - - - -
shutter. that Collector of Small DituenWa. =so
ft r-pai4tert' f#f (American Edlt1Oal.v.--U'
oft 1 0. P. 567-6 V, Contfensed from 1*VQ1
WerAnkheskoga heatian, T. 16, no. 311 r4
Isis. 9
WO M'scribes collector ior removal of flyf
WO 0
0.0a fla# gras to r*duee.wear of 1d..4 draft fnnrof'n
Soviet power stations, 9of vaktious factoto on
collecting tftfcncy Is xhatm Xrsphlcally.~
t 3
I d a TA
01~PT; ~;-' Mi~i~ 0 0 0 Ole 00 0 0
it6 as 0
W s
sa-0 --NOMINUM JiI
Z"Emnry N. I. I Z n,-r.. Cvnd. Tech. Sci.
Dissertatinn: "Louver-Type Ash T-rnp.- 11 AIA-Ublor: Order of Une izb~-r Red Fi,,xaner H-Mat
Ergifteering In-st irmeni F.'E. Dzerzhinskiy, 2 Jul 47.
SO: vechernvay-a 'L,,osl-va,, Jul, IIQ47 (Project #17P36)
Preliminary general catalog Of fundamental faint stare vlth.~
declinations from + 900 to - 200 (MSZ). Trudy Glav. astron.
pbser. Ser. 2 72:5-76 '58. (JIMA 13 1j)