-j~ - .2.7 74
Q4 7---~10&(i
-AP6013273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0074/0074
AUTHORS: Zverev, 1, No; Cherrqshov, A* N#
ORG: -none.
TITLE: A method for producing concrete slabs and similarlproducts subject.to elec-
trio heating. Class 37j No. 18078j-
SOURCE-: Izobreteniyaj, proqrshlennyye obraztsy,, tovarnvye znaki,, no. 8, 1066" .14
TOPIC TAGSt concrete, reinforced concrete, heating
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method forlprodticing concrete slabs
and similar products subject to electric heating botween:parallel eleotr6des,iwith
the current passing in the direction of the slab's thickness (see Fig. 1)0:. To
manufacture reinforced products and to increase simultaneously the effectiveness of
the electric heating,, the reinforcement is composed of compounded sections, V10
separate portions of which are interconnected by dielectric rods,
Card 1/2 UDCt 691 87-427i666M*035.5.Q4J
L 04277-67
ACC NR: AP6013273
Fig. 1. .1 reinforcoment rods;
2 dielectric rods
Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
7, 911dMil TAkOVISVIGhl BOOFSBOV, #Iokaay Awitollyovichl MIAZOTj
Ntko~47 Nikolayevioh;'Z.0311111.B.P..#.kardidat tekbuicAeskilch asuk,
retsonsent; BQWSUT# A'A.p dotsent, otwetatyean" redahorl
TOMAYS11Y, L.H.0 tushou"ri r"akt6r; OZKO$'MV.'V.R.i- 4shanerf
redakto~: MWAIOT,,A.lr., iash4osl~, r~dattor;'2AXHAMW,' D.P. ., kasheor.
re4akt4r 0 rvww.~- us narl rodaktor; KOM=, A.S., inshenar,
ra4akior;~~~, A.l, inthanor$ rodaktqr4 RAZWOVAO M.S,l, inshenere
redaktor;' SIDQStX=# R.A., inshener, redaktor; ROMORUM, I.A,,, imndi-r
dat tokhnicheakikh nmk, radaktor.- DUGIMA, N.A.. takhatchaskir
roda Ictor
Elountry workerls bandbookj Spravochnik rabbehago-litsishcVAloi,
Imit 2-ise-91 dope i perer, Mook,va, Goes mattablic'-takha. Isd-vo
oit " lit-4. 1956. 634 P. (KIRA ldt4
Rasvrostranenie vowushchenii v viazkouprugom i viazko-~Plastlaheskom
sterzhne. (Prikladnaia matermtika i rwkhanika., 195o, v. lh'j,.P. 295-302)
Title tr.: The propagation of-a disturbance in a visco-elastic and
visco-plastic bar.
QA801- P7 1950
SO: Aeronautical Scimces and Aviation in the Soviet Unionj Libr=7 'of
Congress, 1955.
I" ~; 7 UR/0 1 49,106 100C1,1001 1011VAplo
AUTHORt Mal'taev, M. V.; RoroEov, L. N.;'Zverevj K. LVI- YU -.I;
ORG:. none
.TITLE,. Oxid ti n f beryllium' in*, air- at high temipelratuici;
3," "on
SOURCE lyv~u5zi?Tslva Maya metallurgiyq,~no. 1 1066,':116--~',A
TOPIC TAGS: -beryllium, beryllium: orcidatidn, oxidation k16e- ties:
mat in: diaitrk'i'er "And :5 mm
ABSTRACT: -Disk-.!sh ped beryil 6 thi ki-cut
from hot-compactidjand extrude 'eryflium bars which wai4i vacudti"afinealed t 850C
-for 2 hr, were tested for oxilatioubehaAor at 300 400,: 600,~800, 900. 0
1000C for 0.5 1- 5, 10-,-30, 6Q, or i20 min'. Visuai examli6atida reveale4 110"clotaLges
in the surface of tested specimens after 120-min testing at ten-pdratura3,uo to!400C;~:
the surface darkened slightly after testing at 600C, and lo 'at brightnens aEter
testing at 800C, A thick -khite I&yer easily separated ftoin thd surface wag Cormed
within 5 min at 100C. The wel,ght gain (see Figo 1) in the firat.period of,tes,ting I?
Cdrd 1/2
Pi 1 Efiec~ bi~,~w:e a
AV -1
yllium' Ip
idati; it
time 6n, bar.
.:'insignificant because the'first.-,oxidei film formed
---600C ronowditfractiah I liat no 6xid6 m1o :on speoineAs
an sis -S iowe ~t i
tested at 300C for 2 hr 0 Beginning with'4OaC, an:oxide M i2 be~,ims to foft~. T~e
oxide and the beryllium moqoxide have a hexagonal laittico with par=eters i
a a 2.694 A and a.- 4.392 At The oxide fortiad at 600, 8040. or Wee has 4
grained structure; the -grain size Increases- with- increasiTig teaJerature and hoLlIng
time.. Orig., art. hast. 2 figures. (A41 -
SUB COM 11, 07 SUBM DATH.,:. 20oc-t64/ OIU-,REF-.-- 0021! :4TD PiXsst
Card - 2/2
le -. . I : I 1~ 541r;15
i I I
Dquilmitlation of gold In matools vroetio
A diffid4k 13 W4. 111c thoi. ;I
-4 An
dill- INICIIII-914 14,44.41 mulvt milklow1mill whilsiloo14 14,11
0. A. PA-hin.
twing $tomc having It Und- 04 de-0 strvj=um comi co 0
f (mm s w1U. of qmwu wind, da&xWft. NXIMICOMOr nubkp coo
0ow wd st appm, 13ao*. A -p4t
duariw or Apdtite 11L metblo f '00
charge is 63.9. ddondto 39-3.
"d te 4.0 ks.
to 0
it -- -- - ----
c., 0"i sit
it 4 14 %-PC ft i it 49 mw:fk I tMA A s a NID is V-1*ff 0 9 a 4
0.0 0 0 Of 0 0
764; 0 *-* 0 WO 0-9 0 *-* 0 *_G 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 V14010 0 0 0
V It- 11 t V P/
LADT7.11NNSKlYp Boris Nilcolayevich; TUNKOV, Vladimir
iazh.. retsenzent; EMSHCHANOVSKIY, U.S.. kond.tekhn.i~ukv retosnxe~t;
TAIANOT. P.I.. prof., red.; SIROTIN. A.I., intho, redAzd-va-,
SLIKIND, V.D., tekhn.red.
[Tachnolog7 of preparing steel castings] Tekhnologita irgotovlariiia,
stallnykh otlivok. Moskva, Goo. nauchao-tekhn" Izd-vo mashinoStroit.
lit-ry, 1958, 255 p- (HMA 11:4):
(Steel castings)
'%~Jl N1.14 .11111TO 4114211111.1 Flu?] nil I I I MIS; 111141! 1 Ili -III
Crane tracks free of-joints Jil plants of a Motallurgical commie.
Stall 21 no.5:477-478 My 161. (MIR& 3-4: 5)
1. Nauohno-iosledovatellokiy inatitut po atrolitellatvu v goSvelrdlolvske
Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR i Nizlme-Tagillskiy
motallurgicheakiy kombinate
(Metallurgical plants-Equipment and supplies)
(Granes, derrickov Ad.)
~4 111Q! 11'. j!; 1! 11
N ];14
GOROZIUMINOV, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAPYAYEV, A.L., inzh.; Z"; IK-,'VP
L.I., inzh.
Submerged molt welding of Lhe rails of crane tracks~ 3var.
proizv. no.9:35 S 165.
1. Urallskiy "ProT--stroyniJproyukV (for GcrogLanlnov),
2. hignitogorskiy inettL11urgichaskly korabinat (eor
3. Mzhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskly kombir,&~ (f0;.
R 16 7 70 0 (40 IV3 B019/BO56
AUTHORS:~ - Zverev, L. P., Noskov, M. M I and Shu''rq U., Ya.
TITLE- On the Contour of the ExoitonlAbso I~tion,!Binds in Cuprouo
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela,'1960, Vol. 212 No.,10, pp. 2643- 2646
TEXT: In the introduction the results*obtained by investigations of the
optical propertfes' of crystalst especially of t.he abloo rption sp~ctr)o,,
are discussed. Among othersy E. Is Rashba2 A*.$. Da dov, and Ye. F.
Gross are mentioned. The authors,of the present paperexperim.entally
investigated the contour of the second band of the yellow series of ex_/
citon absorption bands and of thin'cuprous oxide single crystals at
temperatures ~f from 4.2 - 1900K. The measurements: were carried out on
a diffraction speotograph of the type Ajr_-4 (AFS-4) with high dispersion
and photoelectric iedording. The three samples investigated had a thick-
ness of 9, 30, and 110 p2 respootivelyioand,were produced from thin
copper foils by oxidation in air at 10 OC.,The contours of,the exciton
On the Contour of the Exoiton Absorption S/18Y616/002/0i0/049/0.5i
Bands in'Cup.rous Oxide B019
2 -igatizd showed:good;
absor~tion.bands (n in all three samples invest
agreement. The maximum absorption coefficient was,measured at 77-30K ai
amounting roughly to 180 cm-l. The tet:i erature dep6ndence of the exciton
absorption line width is graphically represented in Fig.; 1p.and fr'oim the
contour of the absorption line showed in Fig. 2 the goo& agreementl~of
the measured results with those obtained from the formula (1),given by
Toyozawa (R6f-3) for the absorption coefficient.mav be recognized.,Thus2
the opinion expressed by Toyozawa that the broadening of the exciton
..absorption lands is caused by the exciton-phonon interactiong is con-
firmed. Furthermoreg.it is also confirmed that the'life.time of the:
photoexcitons at temperatures below 55oK,is prin6ipally- -(ietermined-byo~
zero-vibrations of the lattice. From:the good agreemeni.betw'een the
experimental data with the theoryq the conclusion':,~rjay ~e.~drawn that
only the acoustic branch of the lattice-vibrati n.apeatrum plays.'an es-
sential part in excitozi-phonon interaction. The aulhor4 thank
-11 V. VoliLenshtayn for his assistance in the experiments and G. G.
Taluto for discussing the results obtained. There, are 2 figures and 10
references: 5 Soviet, 4 US, and I German.
Card 2/3
. ...... - --------
Photomagnetoelectric effect and zone atructure in'~coppar oxide.
Fis.tver.tela 3 no.U:3556-3558 N 161s: (MM 14:10)
1. Urallskiy gosudarstvemiyy universitat im. A.M.Gorikogo,
(Pnotomagnotic effect) (Copper oxide)
24.3�00 6P07
Zverev# LoPso Noskovs M.M. and ahurj
TITLEs ----- soonse
The Effects of an Blectric;riold on thin Spictral Re
Curve for Photoconductivity in Cuprousloxi4e., a
PERIODICAL: Iz vestiya v-ysshikh uchebuykh znvedenly,j Fizika, 195910
Nr 2, pp 39-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Polycrystalline,Cu - is used at 77 *K: in this work.~
The spectral response is.examined at.high dispei'sion
/mm) with a grating spectrograph4nd the absorption
spectra are also recorded., Only two::tield,strengths
(300 and 600o V/cm) are used. , Fig 1 shows'.spectral
response curves (uncorrected for the enera.distribution
in the exciting spectrum)l, the wavelengthiicale is in i%k;
Fig 2 shows a small region at higher resolution. Fig 31L
shows the effect of the field for one specimen; curve I
relates to 300 V/cm and curve 11 to 6000 V/cm, The fir Ist
exciton line occurs in absorption at 612.53 m1i but it c~~in
be detected only in thick specimensl it is~not seen in
Fig 4b. (Fig 4a is merely :Fig 3 on a larger.Lscale. )
Figure 4c is at the top right and relites to 6000 V/cm;:
Fig 4b is at the bottom right (300 V/6m). ~The second and
Card 1/2 third exciton lines lie at 579.2 an&575.61 mp respectively
V/ 7 t( (/0 3 9j/// V,
AUTHORS: Zverev, L. P., Noskov, M. M., and Shur, M. ya.,
TITLE: Photomagnetoelectric effect and band stractur'll inicuprous
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3., no. 11,J96ji 35516-3558
TEXT: Owing to the lack of an appropriate.monochromatic.light source the
spectral behavior of the photomagnetoelectric effect~(PME) could so' farnot
be sufficiently studied. These difficulties could be overcome by using
aA -3 (D-3) lamp with st.rong monochromators(pass band .15'tc~40R)& The
measurements were made with 150-300-micron.thick ouprous oxide platelets
at 77. 0K in 25-koe fields between 4000 and 7000 R. :in thip case the 'dark
conductivity was much lower than photoconductivity..:Fig.~l shows the -
measurement results which clearly indicate three spectral ranges: 0
(1 N
PME occurs above 5800 a. This can be explained by the fact that ele,atronDi
are produced in the polaron state. As compared to the free electrons LY
their mobility is lower and their diffusion length is shorter. (2)
Card 1'
Photomagnetoelectric effect and band ... B109/B102
Between 5800 and 4900 R the PKE is due to 'the production of free carriets.
Its monotonic rise is determined by the dispersion of the aboorptidn :
coefficient and the quantum yield of the internal photoeftect. (3) Below
4900 R the behavior of the PME corresponds to the wavelength dependence'.
of the PME near the fundamental absorption edge,'which is typical of
semiconductors. This phenomenon is connected with the abrupt increase of
the diffusion lengthp in this case determined by th6 electron param~ter6,
ani~ suggests the existence of a new band-to-band transition in which
electrons with other diffusion characteristics are produced. The
conduction band splitting in Cu 0 was suspected already by S. A.
Moskalenko (FTT, .2.1 1755, 1960)~ Also the data by I. Pastrnyak, P. IA.
Titov (FTT, 961), 1. Pastrnyak (FTT,
9 861, 1 It 9711 1959), A. L.
Rvachev (ZhTF, 28, 45P 1958),and N. B. Gornyy (ihFT:P,, J~P nit 195P) speak
in favor of this assumption. The authors thank 1. R. Taidillkovskiy for
discussions. There are 1 figure and 9 references: 7 Soviet and 2 non-
Soviet. The two references to Englieb-language publications read as
follows: I. Kikoni, M. Noskov. Nature, 151, 725, ~193-3;.-.,W," Gartner. Phys.'
Rev., 10
a23, 1957
"dard 2/0
; I I a A # 1 8 0 a Is ty to "
A 1 1, 1_4 Avu,
x PPJX &,..A T. v
IN, 110
nd aLi % Zvmv, I No, h. ia-O,-
4MVW4"jW'%`O&wovk-h (et. C. A. 27, .144"t)
gliff retwivilil In tfw fiquid "m Win
nd CmAswifts of a Ciff
it told" 41f t to. In 411". viwmily of filliVN
of ris"d I Mort* of limlinwry;sLit;
sup. Two sattWes
I temed ofta tile
froft tk* mavo~ Kpik blam lwmv wqg
Tbe makhrW anal)-mll t V %60 Km I
18.47 M%-12M AlA, 32.26 TiOp 14-4-11 CaO, Wy-'
MSO, lj*lP*O, 8.40 NNO, 2..M NmO sild O-Mll 8;
"I'l 4ing NP.1 20.(X) .40,, 11A.&I AhCh. 3 I.A2 TiO,13.41%
CoO, 10.61 McO, 2-29 FcO, A.N MO. 2A:J1 NO) And
0.46% S: ordinary rJag. 31.fM siO,, 1.S,.t1h1 AI,O,~41,.:Yl
00 CRO, 129 FtO, 1.38% WO, N(CO tint det'j. 'rh~ rr-
1011% Of MrSMIT11WIlIS, in 210, llnitS (11 Vi-WOIRV, IM.
*41 (iv T1 rJug No. 1. < 6. < 6. < n, It, 112.7t and 113P) fw
00.2 tellit". 11,74% 0761. Mvi", UY-11, "114 124", zoo
N .2, -, 7, < 7, < 7, r$ 1110
fnr,ri shir NO , 7"
or tempi. 11011", 137W, 1:121" 1270, C0,01, 11 1")
41 1
I I' and U-1P. rest).: bw ,r,fium;y 41#kt.* ta.7;, llk-3",1211.4
and'.110 for 1444'. VOW.
AAg d involispli-,itat: hilgh~r
mIIALLt,&rKAL Lill
s v 44L,, .. .....
.... .. tole'
.4,, a.. cot
u Is Av 10 Ir
It at oll III br x It It t
Ail A I rt, 'I %r Its
0 00 0 6;0 1 09
lose 4b If
T 7,
Val Ot bo"Wgi~is"* w4he bl"I low.
90 Skmtmeldmv QFW L, ml., me W(ra, "Cuff'o 9. Nil.
C'skms. show Out tht omsullit).
00 tkis of coke COIN b0 teduced W20% by tbe usa 0 buxntd Zoo
IFY tht Pmvu ill Haustivartner, C. A. n.
00 50111; Ftemb Pill. 6W,67FL ro...
".:j! itoo 0
W ITI;i -------
vf? 84 s a s ~ 4 c ' A
It tt M no
.91 Z11 At
0 0 0 0 * o
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II Ij :1 J4 a it it .1 A lu I
A A 00
'D 1~ 4~.vtbt '~* 0
via-colt"y W0141INI lilt.
dt tv tTjJ AsId -40
123 tytil- SIACS I
Of a acid flags.
0 tduftd tht Till"
$04411.1 it '%v Oki
IF, r ' Ir-
_W m a " of
if r# 10 XTI" I wo
0 0 0 06 a oil 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0' 4) a 0 a 0 0
00 4 wa 0 4 0
SOOMS(I. ..P 1`1101#M'll ."Vol
racwty of titanium -containing &I"$. _jxplaoced by Ti(h, 1.2 poi-A-r; iing cllnlg~ 0% "Ot
00 Mad. Xash S.S.S.R., (wit. Tekk- Nauk. Imast. Maikisso. Ti0i,. Its approg. tolual pmporti(mi, at 1410% 1.1 poim~~
00 the unne slag with 6574 SO, wool no) I it), ivoulA be alm. i
loosilomijo. &mAwhasoje t-valko,li ZhijkAtitl I K,,U,,id.
0 Rash-- (CO481'"'Iff 04 '17,0111Y of Loquidi 4xd Cod. gethorrillyrifluitlat that tcmil. Tbiskrxlilyr%Pl.in-lhr
tOW Solou.) 1, 271-7(1941)(in Ruman).-Slap lich it, the specifically rittifying effa7t. of SiO, Nitir typie-Al
TiOm, 10% and up to36%, uccurin theextil. 4 iron front -contg. slats were nimiured in4n tippAsswilondimi,-
11 Ing of owillations, and suitabir f(w visctysitit., a the ord<
w I -r
titanomagnetiteorm. Contrary to often -cxptrs.%cdH,w,,
the TiOt content doom not give rise to almortually high vIs. 4 trroths of a foo6c. FtlanipIrs (conto,ntl of TiO, SO,,
"115 .
v. ; I ,
ccrjty. With sto 13110difiril Volarovich high-ternp. vis- AlzO., C, MgO, tesp.): (1) 217AXI, 21.311, 18.41). 21 .!Ow.
cometer. with collial orylindt-rot (outcor cylinder 4n nor". 11.2o; (1*11 29.30, ZJ.80. 10.M, 111.43. 11.111); Ml;
00 dimm.,inner2untra.dism,Wgist 20.70, 16.210. 13M, 40AX). S. 10; vio~iliro,: 1, at 1,140',
30 raw J. the lower limit
S op 3 of accuracy could be brought to I poW; messufenwnts an 1370'. 149)'. resp.. 2.2, 0.4, 0.2 [flise; 11, at 1410',
-dc s1'19% &howl the vL1(-mitY to be a function of the 1425'. 15251. resp., M, 0.11. 01. 11, at 14110', 1550.
00 U . ;:
SiOlc*mtt'nt. ThMi'loallran insignificant variation Uri ~mp., 2.7 1 ~S Ali, C11171.6TS lla%,4~ I Ile tvilical 'Nape 44 V44.
nail vi;.
to about 35% SiO,. _ty cu i with a V~~ m
ffrons that interval on. further incrmu C2~s
cty grssll~nt a in wrort. Atuf 4arto li~ r
I" Sifh is a""nRanicot by a sharp rile in viscosity, e.g.. I, V.4ret. d the
up to about 357c Siol, 1-1_5 prAm2; at 40% &no, 4!joy visco"it Ow that te .. P, All slaC4 4111VT VI-Ty low vi4-
lot tb 40
SiOv. resp.. 3 and In prtist.j. clWtletl~ c urder ~ ten its of $1 21"'Ve that tvlop
Slags -with le, thm, 35e. I
i SICh are rathro, cryst. in citaractef, lhfpw richer in Si t I., not clear as y t low this temp. of 1elin"iflog
Aill ('11
0 1 "thickelling" correqx,mlm to she temp. 1.1 avillsil cmiln.
0; t sort' 111,14'41 914-s. Nrilal replacentent of SI(A toy Tifh far
w rorsultt in substantial lowrfing of the VLWC*ity, exAmploc: N. Thwi
-M'7ip Si(14. not Tio,. 21 jxL" as 14M#: with 12% ~qjo, 70 0
AV 00 is .19
IF 11 tI It Lv it N a R ;r It it a it at WO 1 615 dl ti
:110 0 0 0 004000000 4 Go ego* 0000
0 Vlo 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 111111 010 0 see
*.A *.j!k4 A P .0
Geography and Geology
Requirements of industry. as to the quality of mineral
raw materials. Handbook for geologists--Eoskva, Gos.
izd-vo geologicheskoi lit-ry Komiteta po delam geologii
~pri SNK SSSR, No. 24, Manganese, 1947.
Month?Z List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congre.ss,
October., 1952. UNCLASSIFIM,
D 11
A- P-
ACC NRt AT7007280 Swim CODE, ~UR/)249/66 0001013
10001013 27/0034
AUTHORSs Zvem...bo V,; Petrovaj No V.; Murali., 0. No;: Makarova, No P~or
OR03 none
TITLEi The use of water-soluble amines in treating tantabim-niobium materials*
SOURCEt Moscow. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut ainerallhogo syriya.
Minerallnoye syriye, no. 13, 1966. Obogashcheniye i perarabotka mineralt=gO syrlya
(Concentration and processing of minerals), 27-34
TOPIC TAGS: metallurgy, tantalum compound, niobium compouind, amine
ABSTRACT: The authors have found that the use of oxalie acid or hydrogen peroxide in
forming Ta and Nb complexes is unsatisfactory because of instability and other factorai
The use of water-soluble amines is suggested. The present paper outlines the,optimal
conditions for leaching Nb and Ta from sulfate cake by using as complexing agents
methylaminep monoethanolaminej and triethanolamine. Colambiteiconcentrates w,.- -.--a
in the test. The technique found to be most satisfactory is the one part
(by weight) of the concentrate is* added to 2.5--3 parts of H004, --"- Dhd mix 'a
held for two hours at 350C. The material is then washed,with water and treated with
methylamine for 30 minutes at 40C. The Nb and Ta are now in solutioa and maybe
Iremoved. Neutralization with a weak mineral acid precipitates,Nb and Ta pentoxides
Card 11
ACC NRz AT7007280
(with a purity of 99%). After the precipitabe*is filtered off,'i the amino may be
regenerated by addition of CaO, which combines with the sulfate. radical to'form,
CaSO4- This may be removed, and the pure amine is ready.for riil-use in the procens.
Orig. art. hass 8 figures and 6 tables.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATEt nono/ ORIG WI *)61 OTH W: :002
Card 2/2
KIWTANOT, G.H.; CiMU-IOSVITOT. Yu.L.; GTHOURG, A.1 nauchnyy red.;
YZMOV, A.D., glavnyy red.,-i,?W L T ad.; MAW, VjH.,~red.;
KMTHR, VH* , red, - ,OROUOV" D.T., red.;
SHCHOV, N.A., r;d.; WWAil~IXOV, I.V., red.; IZRAUMA, G.A.p
red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn.red.
[IndDstry's requirements as to the qttality; of mineral rav m6terial;
harewook for geologists] Trabovaniin provWshlonnosti k k9chestyu
minerallnogo syriia; spravochnik dlin geologov. Moskva, Goo.nafichno-
tekha.1zd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrene nedr. No.51. [Rare earih
elements] Rodkozemelinye elementy. Izd.2.~, perer. 1959. 58 p.
(HMA 12.
1. Hoscov. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-losledovatellakly Institut mineral'-
nogo syrlya.
(Rare earths)
STOLYAROV, A.G., red.lod-vao BYKOVA,.V.Vo tekhn. re'd,
(Industry's requirements as to the quality ot'mineral raw
materials]Trebovanlia promyehlennooti k kach"*tvu mineralf-
nogo syrlia; spravochrtik dlia geoloEpv. lzd.2., perer. Mo-
skva, Gosgeoltekhizdat. No.24. (ManganeselMarganets. 1960. 57 p.
(MIRA 16.13)
1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mine.~
rallnogo syrlia.
MMESLAVSKIr, S.I.; GORETSKIY, Yu. K. [deceased 11_ ZVEREvt L.V.;
SOSIDIINOVA M,Ssj naucYmyy red,; GRISHINA, ToOty redo
izd-va; BYKOVAI V.V., tekhn, red,
(Industry's requir~~ments as to the quality of~minoral raw
materials] Trebovaniia pronjohlennouti k kaefieAvulmine-
rallnogo syrtia; spravochnik dlia geologov, NoBkvqj,Goa-
geoltekhizdat, No,35- [Alumim=] Ali=inil. ~1962, P.
(NIRA 15s7)
1e Moscov. VsesoyuzWy nauchwj~ nauchno-insladovatollskiy
GLAZKOVSK3Y, A.A.; KRUTOV) G.A.$ naudhW red, I_2NER7U,,_1a._,,_nauchW
red.; MATIS, T.L., red. izd-,~va; BYKGVA, V.V4, fqkhn. red.
(Industry '6 requirements as to the quality !of mineIral raw
materials] Trebovaniia proLVahlennosti k kachestvu minerall-
nogo syrliaj oprevochnik dlia Goologov. Yioslcm, Qoe. naucbrio-
'tekhn. izd-vo lit-py po geol. i okhr&na ne(Iro No.55.[Cobalt)
Kobal't. Nauch. rod. G.A.Krutov i L.V.Zverev. :Izd.2.t perer.
1961. 49 p. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Moscow. Vsesoyu=yy nauohno-isslodovatsllskiy institut mine-
rallnogo syrlya,
VASIL'YEVv p.V.; yMSgOVj A.D,, I glavW red.; GHEIUIOSVITOVO Yu.Lt zam,
glavnogo red*; SHMMIKOV9 LV#p zm,glavno &,~red,,,t KUKKOVP G.Se;j
nancbzV7 red.j GINZBURGp A*I.p redej,25Ms,-L.14~-red.; ZUBA=f
N.N.v red.; VMTER, V.M f red.; MOKROUSCV,' V.A.p tred.; SOWVrYLY,
D.V.9 red.; URUSHCHOV-P i.A.p red.-I FEPOROVA~ L.N.'v red.iod-va;
IVANOVA9 A.G., tekbn.red.
[Industry's requirements as to quality in mi~eral.~vnw materials;
a handbook for geologists) Trebovanlia prorqshlennosti k kachestva
minerallnogo syrtia; spravochnik dlia goologov. izd.2.0 perer.
Moskvag Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-Ty po,&cl. -1 okbrane nedr.
No.66. [Coal) Ugoll. Naucbn.red*G.S.Xa1rWkov. 1960. 110 pa
(MIRA 34:6)
1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy,institut miabrall-
nogo syr1ya.
VINoGWOV, S.S.; ZUBPMVy N.Np muchr" red.j YERSHOV~ A.D.. j, glav. red.;
MMOSVITOV, Yu.L., zams glavo red.; SaMENYO, I*v*) zom, glav,
red.; GINZBURG, A.I.p red.; ZVEM, L.V., red. 1. WKWUSOV, V.A*
red.j SOLOVIYEV, D.V.p redT.-j-"-CffA-NOV-x-r.T.-, rod.; M'USHCHOV, N.A.;
red.; LYUBCHENKO~ Ye.K., red. izd-va; BYKOVA, Y.Vo, ti6khn#redo~
[Industry's requirevmvta-~as to the quality of inineral raw
materials) Tre~oi i'a'PrioiVoblennosti k kachesltvu ulneralinogo:
syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. lid,2*., perer. Moskva, Gosi
nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry- poigeollogii i okhTane ne(Ir, Ho.10[Lime~-
stones)Izvestniaki. Rauch. red, N.N.Zubarev. 196L 61 P.
(NIRA 14:10)
1, Moscow, Vsesoymm7y naucImo-isslodovatel'My inotitut mineralv-~:
nogo gyrIya.
BUMMIGH, T.T.; YnSHOV, A.D glnv. red.; C.--MUOSTi.TOT, ru.L..
20mootitell glav. red.,; SWIMMOV, I.Y., ZOM6.8titol"gla'Y'
red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red,*,,,,Z -TL.Y red.~; MMAMV, U.N.,
red.; KOKROUSOY, V.A., red.; SOLOVI YV , D.Y.. red.:~TROYANOY,
A.T., red.; MMUSHCHST, N.A., red.; STSPANOV, 1.8.,: nmuohnyy
red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G., red. izd-vs.; -1YERUSALIHMAYA. Ye.S.,
tekhn. rea.
(Industry's requirements as'.to the quality of~tmineral:raw
materi.ale; handbook for ~eologisi~] Trebovanli6 proAvBhIlen-
nosti k k6ohestvu mineraltnogo :syrlia; sprav,o6hnik d1la geolo-
gov. Izd. 2., parer. Koakvn, Goa. asuchno-tekhn. izd-.!vo lit- ry
po geol. i okhrone.nedr..No. 43, [Tugatenj V611fram, 1960 61t'
(141RA 14.
1. Moscow.-YeasoyuzrWy nauchno-lealedovatel'Aiy inntitut mi-~
SMWENKCV# I.V.p red.;_ZITRKtI_V_,_xed.; KOVALMIXOP O.V.p red.;
SOKOWVp I.Yu.t rod.j EYGEWj K.A.p red.; Prinyab. uchastiye;
BA34MOV9 V.A.p red.; KAMINSWA, 1,.S.p reds'; KOTSp G.A.p redo'i
LEVIUSHp I.T.f red.-; MOKROUSOVt- VO'A.p red.; NDKOSOV, L.G.s .1
red.; ROZHKOVAj, le.Vq SOIDVIYBV# P.Ty red.4 FFWAOVt ?.N.# red.;
izd-va; GUitOVAp O.A.P tekbn. red#
IStu4ies on the dressing and industrial prp6essing of mineraiel
Issledovaniia po obogashchen*ilu i tekbmologii poloznykb iskopae%Vkh.
Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-Ty po geol. i okbrane mecIr,
1961. 131 p. (MM~14:7)
1 Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) Miniaterstvo.geologii i okbrary nedre'
2: Voeooyuznyy nauchno-issledo-vatellskiy inn'titut minera.11nogo
syrtya (for Eygelest Laviush)
YERSHOT, A.D., glavw red.; CHIRROSTITCY, Tu.L., zem. glavnogo
red.; SHKANMKOV, I.V., zam.glavno6 red.,-.
ZUBARX'V, N.H.* red.; MITER, V.K.,; red.; MOKROUSOV, 'V.A., redo;
red.izd-va; IVANOYA, A.G., tekha. d,
[Industrial requirementp for the quality of mineral raw materials;
handbook for geologiatoj Trebovenila promyshlennosti k k9chestvu
minerallnogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. lzd,g,, parer.'
Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-yO lit-ry po geol. i.okhrane nedr*
No.71. [Selenium and tellurium] Selen I tellux. Nauchn.red. A. II,
Ginzburg. 1960. 4-51 p. (KIRA 14a)
10 Hoscowq VOSSOYU2nyy nauchno-lissledovatellskly In stitut mine-
rallnogo syriya.
(selenium ores) (Tellurium ores)
RAHZES, B.Ta.; ZUBAHST,~ N.N.; CHMMOSTITOY, Tu.L., nauchnyy red.; TER OT,
A.D., glavnyy red.; SM(UaMT, I.T., zan.glsib~ogo red,; GINZBM,
A.I., red*; ZTXW,,,j6_,T.., red.; IWITIR, Y.M., red. I 1401ROUSOV. I V.10
red.; SCLOVOYST, D.Y., red.; KWSHC11OT, N.A,$ re4.; IZItAILETA,
G.A., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, T.Y., tekhn.rede
[Industrial apecifications for the quality of raw minerals; handbook
for geologists] Trabovanila promysh1ennost1:k:ka,ahOstvu mineral$-
nogo syriia; spravochnik dlia geologov, Izd*2,o perer. Moskva,
Gon.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologii 1'~okhrane nedr. 9o.2.
Nuartz sand] Pesok kvartnevyi. Wauchn.red IW.L.Ohlernosvitov.
1955. 35 P. (MIRA I~Z7)
1. Moscow. Vaesoyuz n.yy nauchno-isoledovatellakly institut mineral'-
nogo syriya.
BORZUKOV, T.M.; PWROV, V.P., nauchn" red.; Y=HOT,,:A.D.,. glavnyy rod,;
CHMOSVITOT, Yu*L,# zamoglavnogo red.; 5WX=XOV,,1.T., Sam*.
glavnogo red.; GIVZBURG, A.I., red.; _zvNRW,. red.; VJBAW,
M.N.. red.; KREYTICR, V.H.. red.; KOKR A,, red.; SOLOVIYBV,
D.V., red.; KHRUSHCHOT, H.A., red.; STCLTAROV, A.G.:, red.lzd-va;
IVANOVA, A#G., tekhnored,
(Industry's requirements as to the quality ofimineral raw materials;
handbook for geologists] Trobovaniia promyshlennos.ti k kachestyu
minerallnogo syriiao, opravochulk dlia geologovd Izd*2,t perere'
Koskva, Gosjmuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. 1,okhrane nedr,
go.12. [Paldspsr4l Polevoshpatovos syr1e. Nauchn.red. V,PPettovo~
1960. 25 pe (KIRA 1~19)
1. Moscow, Voeaoyusnyy nauchn6-iseledovatellokiy Institut min$-
rallnogo syr1ya.
STEPANOV. L S.; CIUMOSVITOV, Tu.t. , nouchnyy red.; UILMOT.: A'De p glavnyy
red.; GINZBURG, A.I., LV , red. ZUBMT. M.N., red, I
KREYM, T.K., red.; KOKROUSOV, T.A., red.; SOLOVIYXV, D.T., red.;
KMUSHCHOV. N.A., red.; SWMKOV, I.V., red.t hVOLYAROV. A.G.,
red.; ITANOVA, A.G., tekhn.red.
(Industrial requirements as to the quality of mineral raw mater'ials-'
bandbook for geologists] Trebovaniia promyshl.ennosii k kachestvu
minerallnogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov, Izd,2,o perer,
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedri
No.46. (Rubidium and cesium) Rtibidii i tsezii* Hau'chn.red. W.L.
Chernosvitov. 1960. 33 p. (MIRA 14:2)1.
1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skly institut mine"!
rallnogo syr,ya.
(Rubidium) (Go a 111m)
VBS=VfiKIY, V.S.; BERLING, N.I., nauchnyy.red.; YERMOT, AOD., glavnv7 red,;
CHMOSVITOV. Yu.L., som.glavnogo red,; MWMWffV,,IOV.1O iome glffvnO--
go red.; GINZBURG, A,I,., rod~;-2R3R&V,-L.V,, rod,; 2U)JAREV,'N.N.,
.red.; KHEYTHR, V.M., red.; KOKROUSOV, V.A., red.; SCMVIYEV, D.V.#
red.; KHRTYRHCHOT, N.A., red.; ST(MYAROT, A*G#,' red,izd-va; IVANOVA,
A.G., tokhn.red.
(Industry's requirements as to the quality of mineral raw materials,,
handbook for geologists] Trebovaniia promyehl IennosWk'kachest~u
mineralinogo syrlia; spravochnik.dlia goologo'v. Izd.2.0 parer*,
Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gool. i okhrane nedr.
NoJ, [Graphite] Grafita Hauchn.red, N,I.Borling., ig6o. 44
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Moscow. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy Insbitut mine
rallnogo syriya.
C-REAMOSVITOT, Tu.L.; KONSTANTIMOV, N.M., nauchnyy reid.~, TO OV, A.D.111
glavnyy red SHMANUKOV, I.T.,.zam.glevnogo red.;~GINZBURG#
A.I., red.; 130~v V.M red MOMUSOV
V.A., red.; D.V., red.; KHRUSHCHOY, II.Ad:, red.; NEM-
$OVA, H.B., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn~red'
[Industrial requirements for the quality of 26w minerals; hsndbook~
for goologistaj Treb,ovaniia promyshlennosti k kcacheatvu minerall-
nogo eyrlial spravochnik dlia geologov. Koskva, ke na hno-tokhnbo
izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. Ho.67- lurani umjc Uran.' Nauchn.
r6d.H.M.Konstantinov. Izd.2., perer. 1959. 65 p. (MIRA 13ti)
1. Moscow. Vsasoyu2nyy nauchno-iseledovetallakiy institut minerallnogo
AUTHORS: Zverev L V Petrova, N.V.
TITLE: A New Method for the De-terml-wtion of Lead Sulphidea in Ores
(Novyy metod opredelenlyn sullfidnov olcva V rudakh).
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Labomtorlya 19,57, Vol.. 23) Nr 12, pp. 1403-1405 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; "USSR above,are base .d
The methods hitherto published irt tba
upon the property of the lead sulphiden of!disiolyilla in acids,
whilst lead oxides remain undissolved, Tlarmethods dev4lopkta by
Hirsch, Dolinivo)Dobrow.Wakiy (Klljn ,6r.1w) Sidorkin are compama
with one another and eventually all three are declarv4 to,:~be fauliy
in this paper. As is stated hitre, p9acticlal results;can be obtained
in this case by the application of 6blor1rA (gas), ~~ dissol-ring
the chlorinated lead'sulphides in carbon:'tet rachlo ride with a slight
addition of elementary -3ulphur ana;,!'t~ie 1~.had oxids.- here remaining
--.ourse of!the.-work ill 'A..,)
unch-romed and undissolved. In the furt'hqr
how-aver, recommended to replace chroming in this base b~ brornina-
tion, which is supposed -1-0 facilitate the piveess of ana yzation
considerably. The proceso of analyration Is described ind Lthe re-
sults are showa in'a table. Anottier -cable coppareat the: msult3
Card 11/2 obtained accr~rding 'to the mthols 'by Hirscli, Dolinovo-Dobmvoll-~-11-1,r
A No-r Method for the Determination of Lead 32-12-1/71
Sulphides in Ores
with the method suggested here. Exwnplev. at,a 20,03% con"Ient, nfA Sn
in quartz ore: 1,9211, dissolved and undil-silvea vas dbtairr~d
in case 1; 2,07,1 dissolved and V,96~j undipsolved w&s cbtain~d In
cas e 11; 0,01;5raulphide vith 22O.OV% oxid-a of" Sn was obtained in
case III (aocori3ing to tbp method augges'tad). There ave 2, tables a.,^0
6 slavio references.
ASSOCIVION1. All-Union Institute for MinDral Raw YateriaI3 (VseM::-Y-U7,W institut
minerallnogo. syr1ya).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Cara V2 1. Ores-Lead sulfides-Determination,
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Meta llurgiya, 19581 Nr 5, p 72, (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zverev, L. V.
TITLE- Speiss Smelting of Lean Cobalt Ores (Plaivka bepdhykh koba Vto-'
vykh rud na shpeyzu)
PERIODICAL: Byul. 'Tsentr, in-t inform. 1~4-va tsvetn metallurgii SSSA,
Nr 6, pp 15- 16,
ABSTRACT: A method of ~Sipeiss smelting of lean Co ores atincreased
temperatures, in a mildly reducing atmosphere,' and on slags
with small Fe content wa's investigated under laboratory condi-.
tions. The loss of Co in the slags is a direct and well-defin.ed
function of the degree of Fe transition into'ithe slag. By em-
ploying speiss smelting followed up by two~stages of concentra-i
tion smelting of ore, in which the Co/1-bratio is equal to o.z.65,
it is possible to obtain a speiss product in W~icli this ration is
equal to 2.14. Co losses in the waste slags are"lless than 10%.
The smelting was conducted at a temperature of: :1420-15000C.
An addition of CaF2 (3%) improves the progress of the pro-~
cess by lowering the viscosity of slags. Results of laboratory
Card 1/1 smelting of ores with various Co content are shown. G..S.
1. Cobalt ores-Proct-solng 2. Slag.-3---Properties
Zvmxv, M.; POPOVA, Z.T., red.; GIRICLWp Vog tokhe red.
[Alia-Ata nature calendar] Xalendarl Alm-Aiiuskol pr1rody. ilmEL-
Ata, Xazakhakoe goo. Izd-vo khudozh, lit-ry, '1955'01 15 P,
(Alm-Ata Provinee-Naturs) (MM U:8)
ZVrjRl,',V, 14-6. D.
PING3MOT, Konstantin Rikolayevich, ZY Y M.P redaktor-, HIIASHKO, X.L.,
rodaktorl ZLOBIN, X.T., takholmse*-78 ktor
[Al9ng desert paths] Trepaml pustyni. Almm-Atuo Karakhokoe goo'*
iid-vo, 1950- 103 P- (HIaA 10:9)
(Bi4t-Pak4ala-Deocription aid travel)
ZVXM, Kakein Dmitriyevich; RUDXNSX&TA, L.T., rodaktor; SAXWOVA,
KOZIOYS'XATA, M.D., tak,halchaskly redaktor
[Birds and animals of our country; for extractaTicalar reading in
secondary schools] 0 ptiteakh I sveriakh nasbal rodIny; dlia ~
vanklasonogo chteniia, ucbashchikhola srednei'sbkoly. Koakwa. Gos.
uchabno-padagog, isd-vo Ministerstva proaveshchaniia RSPSR, 19560
172 ps (MM 9:7)
(Rusoia-Birds) (Russia--Kammals)
ZIUMEV Maksim Dmitriyevich; KMOT, N.G., red.; TWFO, R.Y.,
[Birds and animals of our country; supplawntary reading for,
secondary schoolIstudents] 0 ptiteakh i zveriakh naahei.rodiny;
dlia vneklasenogo chteniia uchashchikhaia oredwi shkoly. 12d.2.
Moskva, Gmuchobno-pedagog.W-vo X-va proovaspsR, 196o. 174
(KIRA 13, :~01.
(Animals, Habits and behavior of)
0 0
Abs Jour I Rof Zhur Biol.t 110- 8 rIZ8t 116 33942
Author Bondaroval V. L, Zvorov, M. D.
Inst i Not given
Title Exrorinontal Infection of by Costodc'
multicops Multicops. -- Ekaperimontaln6o zerazhonie lisits i.
shakalov taostodoy Multicops nultieops~~
Orig Pub Tr. In-ta zool. AN KnzSSRp 1957, 7. 237-1,!4o,
Abstract n In fooding larvocystocoanuro.0) vbsicld~u frclil a sheer-
brein to 3 jackals, 4 foxost 3 PUPS ana*O~o badger, semi-1
ripened 11. multicops wore found'in 2 j mck.~l s, ,2,pups, and.
one young fox. The apizootological signift anco of jeckels
in spreading shear cconurosis and coanuromis of Irrge
horned cattle is distinguishod fron foxety,tho,rolo ef
which is evidently insignifiernt.
L 44592=�6 Eva(l)ANT(WEEG (k
-2,/I/EJT_W A IV Pf+ I
ErC DE: _M )/2548
ACC NR; AP6030950 SOURC 0, UR/018IF6 7t08/ ~RA
AUTHOR: Bogdankevich, 0. V Zverg, M. M.4 Pechenov, At N.; Sy A. f17
ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. LebedevWSSSR, lFizicheakiy institut
TITLE: Recombination radiation of ZnS single crystals excited,by,fast ektrons
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9. 1966, 2547-2548
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, zinc sulfid: e, ultraviolet~~leiserIrecombination, radia-
tjon, electron beam pwiping, r1-6'C7-X49,v
ABSTRACT: Laser4tion was reported in electron-beam-pumpEed ZnS single crjetals with.
a large forbidden gap. High-purity hexagonal ZnS specime6s were soldere&vith:~indium
to a copper heat sink kept at liquid N temperature (except in the case of ome'exper~-
ments conducted at room temperature). The'electron beam waij focused on the polished:
surface of qhe specimen L right angles to 'the two poiWed end3. 'The emission recorded
by a ZIM-3 it s
Ymonochromatorland an FEU-18A photomultiplier was ob erved in the direction
perpendicular to the incident beam.~~Recombination radiation was observed in the
ultraviolet region when ZnS was excited by a pulsed beam of 50-;kv electron$ at':current
densities up to 6 amp-cm7-2. At increased cu rent densities (6~aiap-cm-2 and up) and
80K, emission of a line (14 A wide) at 3300 1 was predominant.' The shapes:of the
light and current pulses were coincident, which would seem to indicate that the life-
LCard 1/2
ACC NRs AP70039W SOURCE CODE; GX/0036/07/0~01001/K005/Kd66
AUTHORi Dogdankevich, O.V. ;_A." rly krao 11it ikov A, 1, Pechenoy,,
A01 .
ORG: Physical Institute Academy of Sciences o~
f 1he VS$R, M0866V
TITLE: Laser emiss:ion in electron-be aln-e xcited 'in: S e
SOURCE: Physics, status siolidi:.' V~~-19, not 114~7, K5-Y.6
TOPIC TAGS: semi con ductor':lase r electron, beam5vkazp=L-Z~~,
zinc MmAwi
se-lani de , iorlex, F-J);/ S S/ o0. 4 073 FC P01) ~tljv 6-
Laser action in ele~tron'-b'eam-pumped ZnSe at 4600 ~was observed "Perir
mentally. The We crystals were pr Iepared under U.Sh-ftessure, gas phase
13. *(skjxO.51x O'~8 MMI
,reaction and subsequent crystallization. 7hesampW - were,
and the spacing between the cavity mirrors was'0-8:Mm,. -The operating
'temperature was 100K, rising to 150K during pumping, The experimental
i;amples were pumped by. 150-nanosee 4.5-150 keV electron !pulses. Red-
light emission was observed at small curx t~denditiea,-:blud-line emission
-at 4570 was observed at ~,,~cuxrent densitiei~gieii~r than'several "pjc~12
Card 1/2
ACC NRg AP7003904
creises in'the current dei _'k;rii -am
Further in asity P/Cm
resulted in a sharp. rive in the line (46001A)-Jntensityl(by.a factor of 10),
a sharp narrowift of ite,width (from .70 . to ~ 11; A) , isznd a ~- directional. eff ~ct.
Although the mode wtructure was nolt.res iv~d'.Var tie r'diative directions,
o 16 a
-with a 7! bead aperture, could be identifiedi , Thd~ result6 indicate that
the large threshold densities may be causel by the:~cryutal inhomogeneity
and/or a high spontaneous recombination.c as section..,
AUTHORS; Zvere~r, It. Pl~ Ruoht"kf~t S. P~,: gub6~lro' El IV
6 6, u I rA.
TITLEt Ma~dnde~0;4 ot:~'thc hdat 6 pal$~Imlisac,
:D la _i 136: -
h fv0iAiV_4t
U X022 e&L:,:: 0.
TEM Thii ~dia6ol t
6-: (Sbt-96)7:' rk i i *dr~)ui th
and -2 i~j +
dit; ljl~imietwitio-; Oct 6
th contraction Mi of lh so u ow I
;-yl sebr-_ --'n,- te ;md d1butyl TyInthal ate. Thl,,, e,vula4ion
2:, *21,' vrh-~re :-;
If2 1 4
-lcll-)n th- ino'eculas F th e a. cv (i n tt;n e 3c),y-:z,?r and the- solvent.
JXS--'~A EhD'Teui h. ~t
n,:: -id ed tr,&~
af t'-cl
y -~-.emb-r -11 I.::p ~rierjzj-
I 'ill) n d aform i ng Ix! tireen -, ae mac romo le 1 i:ikil :-r. the soulion.
Card 1/2
Dw- --n~enc-- .3 7j t
2 4,
i 5 J. ftnifest,
n -
v fin t
3 :13 r In ~,!lg nt ~,:Scuqseft.
tmd for
1"Ure are I figure an4 2 tablon
,'~S33CIATION: Mookovskiy institut, tonkoy khimirbile.1-Y t~,khn i1n.
Y. V. iwawnosova (Mcaa--w 1rstituto of Vine Chemio'Al T~chno-'
logy imeni 'Ili. V. Lomonosov) ; Imstitut. fj,zichelk,)y 1,,himii
Akademii nauk SSSR ('-nst itute of ',:-iyF: c---1- of t~ie
~Cu3l .11), 19652, b~
::7 iarj,~ ri, ric. 9n
D, 1962
%ff W`A4WFj W`j'j_' -WWI U1W-4tWW1kWF WW4,W
AWHORS; Mchurina, G, A I Vveriby Y. P. BXt. kairl!" A W1
TITIZi Formul&tion of polypropylene ftbevg(from a Polytmipr solatlQn,
BOURCEt, Khimialreakiya 1A3
9r -~14q
TAGSr- :pol n '90 YM .i"i"
-ABVj. RAM s' 'plypro yj
-,,upon- -G'GrUOr
'the:~ t re 4r*. is.
dence.. _'.'zh97 A4~
W Mul eme, 6-
Tor at i on, di: - P vianooi n thi*_
t-Y I
poiymer-solvent system upon the tImpereiture azd7the intemaity of the shift N4
also been studied. High-boiling Bydrocarbons with boiling peints bet-ween 200 ~n&
250C were used as solvents. Various- polymeric ApAoturfon were esparated b,7 the
method described by 1. ",atta at &I (J. AM* Chem* 600.1. r, 195.iq 1-(06). it wart
found that the polyproVylene vAutlans or ttaoti a and sterecibloolt-copolymer
tructures become fluid at various ethift Wtenaitieo enA temperatureso ThO VI It-
oot3ity of tlhe systen chan~,-ae vary little be,woen 20 EuAL SCY".. 'Eaviever, it in-
creases &.arply with further increase in tempeTaturet reaching a maximum mi. 12%.
The crystalline structure of the polymer io deatroyed titityiDen 1-50 and 160P4,
1-~~ YI:
it's show that forwalati6n, P
esU C
lbe.accomplished only at -a uxe&olose to tile meltiyq Voin,., *f the pot~MO.IZ4
:The presence of solvent in the polypropylene Mers at th* moment of extruAlon
resul'IB in the mroduction af fibers with better physical iind me:ha-nical
Crig. Par' . ~ -~si 4
A S '-- I-"c-. 97 77-IT-7 ',A.!-7nior iicie-tiftc rL-seaxch institixte for synthetic fibers)
A C'-,
Card 2/~
YO REP. SC;7t 004
OrHER.- 003
:2 _9_3 0 S10631601022100619061.008
A100 BO 1 3/BC, 6.6
AUTHORS: Zverev, M. P. and Zubov, P. I.
TITLE: Interaction of Plasticizers With Fillers
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 22, No'. 6, Pp- 756-75'
TEXT: In the present letter to the editor the authors retort on the
determination of the wetting heat of carbon black with plasticizers;. of;
different polarity. The followins fillers were used: gas-c Ihannel blacki
and 4.8% oxygen~66nten,L ' 1 7
with a specific surface of 110 m ana gas-:
channel lack without oxygen-containirig groups with~,a spocific sur T ace
of 100 M , which was annealed at 9000C in the hydrogen current. The'
wetting heat was measured on an adiabatic calorimeter (Ref. 2). The;, table
gives the values of the wetting heat obtained. The evolution of heat
occurring during the wetting of gas-channel black with molecules of,pollar
lasticizers 2 (dibutyl sebacate, dibuty! phthalate) is about twice as high
~0,055 cal/m as in the wetting with mQlerules of non-polar plasti(~ize~rs
(0.035 cal/m As a result, the surface of the 5as-chanrel black b0com'es
Card 1/2
t ;r i I!.
Interaction of Plasticizers With Fillers S/069/60/027/006/006/008
hydrophobic by the incorporation of po'lar-plasticitiors. As was shbwn.ih
Ref. 1, the sorption of macromolecules of divinyl: o tyreno 'rubber ;On the
surface of the filler is thus increase:d. It was fuli'ther f6und thab,the*
evolution of heat during the wetting of fillers which ccntain no
functional groups is practically independent of the dipole moment of the
plasticizer. It may be assumed from the data obtained, that the better,
mechanical properties of filled divinyl styrene rubbers in the presence
of polar plasticizers are due to the screening of iunctional groups of:
carbon black by polar molecules of the plasticizer. According to the
authors, this fact might be of interest in connecti.on with the problem
of obtaining oil-filled divinyl 3tyrene rubbers. N.:V. Mikhaylov and
E. Z. Faynberg are thanked for assistancein the thermochemical experiments,
There are I table and 2 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii.AN SSSR'(Institute of Physical
Chemistry AS USSR). Institut tonkoy khiiriche3koy tekh,nologii
im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moskva (Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Md6cow)
SUBMITTED: May 17, 1960
Card 2/2
...... pi
ACCESSION WH: AP4039348 S/O183/64/0OO1/OO3/O0:l$/OOi9
'AUTHOR: Zverev, M. P.; Bv*chkov., He Av; Kostinap To F.; Klimen]cov, V, Be
TITLE: Modification.of polypropylene fiber properties*
SOURCE: Khimlcheskiye voloknal;no. 3p 1.964., 15-19
TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene fiberp polypropylene polystyreh,e fibew,, polypropylenIe
polystyrene compatibility, IR spectra, deformation.. mechanical istrength., polymer
i amorphination, structure breakdown, relative elongation, iootactic polypropylene,
ii3otactic polyntyrenej, sterio hindrance.. structure mobilit.7
iABSTRACT: The compatibility and properties of fibers made of' mLxtures of
.'PrOpylene and polvotyrene were investigated. The densities of -the polymer
mixtures and the contractlon were determ.inede IR spectra were 13ritically examIned
and thermomechanical properties (deformation strength) wore do-termined. IncreIas-
ing the amount of polystMne in polypropylene caused partial, enorphization of,the
polymers. The two polymers are not microcompatible, as shown by IR data and the
presence of 2 melting regions in mixtures containing over12 weight% polystyrene,
The positive value of the amount of contraction is not a oritArLa for determining
Acassio ,N NR: AP4039348
microcompatibility. It is'propooed that the geometric dljm~nsiomo'of the macro-~
molecules of the initial polymers and the different dimensions or the secondary:
structures affect the amount of specific volume contraction. The formatiohlof
defects in the secondary structure of polystyrene is greater -then in polnropylene,*,
a small amount of the latter in polystyrene causes contraction of the polystyrene*
Additiou of sma13 amounts of polystyrene caused the polypropylene structure to
'break down. Inctreasing the amount of polystyrene in polypropylene reduced the
relative elongation and the mechanical strength of the latter duz to the micro-,
~,hctcrogencity of the system and the increased hardness of t
he polypropylene strue-,
Iture. Mixtures of isotactic polypropylene and polyatyrene'~:bwve satisfactory
~phyaical-mechanical properties if the amount of polystyrene does not exceed!12~4~
The energy of activation of creep increased with increase in polystyrene content;.
this was explained by steric hindrances created by the polystyrene uhich impcde~
the mobility of the polypropylene structure. "In conclusion we 1.,onaider It our,
;obligation to thank K. So Minsker for supplying us the isotactic polystyrene."
Orig. art, has 7 figures and 2 tableus
B/ '19,0/,50/'002/011/065/027,
AUTHORS: Zverev, M. P., Klimenkov, VO.S., Kostjn,jLj~
TITLE: Dependence.of the Themomechanioal Prpperties of
propylene on Its Structural: Composition. II
FERIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya. 1060, ';ol,: 2, No 11
pp. 1620 1624
TEM The authors dealt with the problem of theAnterdation between':
atactic and isotactic m .acramolecules of,polypropylerte. In:the article
under consideration, they report on:the. effect, of fractional cot4osiiion
on strength relative prolongation, and modulus of elaoticity of poly.
propylene at 300C. Specimens prepared by Etlis and Mirsker, withra ~ r-
molecular weight of 120,000, were used for the te~sto. The atactio' fraction
was either extracted by means of ether or by means of haptane, Aj*three-
'caise, whose
dimensional copolymer was obtained in the latterly molecules
were found to consist of atactic and isotactic linkti~ The production.of
fibers of different fractio .nsl compositions has' already been described
by the authors in Ref. 3. Fi .bers elongated by 360~ at 30 100 OC:were
Card 1/3
Dependence.of the Thermomechanical P .roperties S/1~6/60/062/011/005/027
of Polypropylene on Its Structural B00.4/B060
Composition~ II
investigated here; they consi sted 1Y,of isotactic,lipolypropylene, of
93% laotacticand 7% atactic polypropylene, 3) of,~'q~klgjj.6
a tactic poly-'
prapylene and 7% three-dimensional copolymer., The'author$! reached .the
following conclusions: .1) Due to recrystallizati.on and orientation, the
fiber stability increases with the temperature at~~whieh the fibers were
elongated.. 2) The modulus of e;asticity shows a maxiialzt of fibers*,
elongated between 1000 and 110 0~ The different values of the modulus of
elasticity at different polypropylene composition6 are' explained:by the
fact that on stretching, there occurs. besides re-drystallization~~ also a
translation of crystals without appreciable deforpatiori,.so that.the
atactic structures in-between have an 0elasticizing effect. The msdulU6 of
elasticity of fibers stretched at 100 C was examiaed between -40-1and'
+120 C, and it was found that a) in the range -401 to -20 C, viz;.:in the
vitrified state, the modulus of elasticity is not;deperident on th+
fractional oompositionj b) on the transition to the high-;elastic'atate,
the modulus of elasticity varies in dependence on~,the fractional,com-.
positionj the fibers with atactic fraction exhibiting Creater cbap:g~esi,
Crystallinity can be estimated on the' basis of th6ee effpcts on the
Card 2/3
BARZ11, A.1%; 1.5X;1
CX 1~.Ved Id. tat -"(--n Of r.'J'Ayaor. (3
-L(Y-, L 18 t2
1. K-~okovsllvdy alijtltut, ttunkuy 10~f--~"1~~huokoy L"r.. -T, o: ot;i-, jvvn,~
L)iTi:-q-i,: o )v-a
ACC NR, Am6o33433 Monogreph
Konkin, Aleksnndb A r.-, e n f yo vie h; AWXIE~yj
:~olyolefin fiberA-(Poliolefinovyye volokna), Moncow., Izd-vo "Miimiyn", 1966. 278 Pd
illus., biblid., index. 3TOO, copies printed.
TOPIC TAG*: conj gated polyolefin hydrocarboni, synthetial;'fiber:, fiber
SMOSE AND COVEFAGE: This book is intended for scientific iind. engineering worikers
in the syntlhet-~c fiber indu.-,try and in associated branches of industry concitrned
with synthetic fibers. It can also be used as a,textbook by students or chemical-
engineering and textile institutes.of higher education, The book discubses,the
basic principles for-synthesizing polyoleAns (polypropylene and polycithylene) ond
their most imiprtant properties, and describes the effect o;.,i the proces~s for pro-
ducing polyolefin fibers. Also described are the rheological characteristics of
polymer melts,!the fiber-formation processen and the draving and thermal fixing
-of the thread.:'! The properties, means of modification, . and possible fi4lds,of
polyolefin fiber application are examined. Chapters 1, 11, rV and V Vere written'
by M. P. Zvere.y. and the introductionj, Chapters III, VI, ar,d VII by Ai.4. KOnkin.
The authors express gratitude to Doctor of Technical Sciencen K. Ye. Pflrepelkln,
Candidate of Technical Scienceg, T. V. Druzhinina and A. Ya., 14aUn,, an'd! to;
A, R. Gantmakh~r for their helpful advice. There are 395 refe~rences:~219 of which
are Soviet.
r,d 1/2 UW: '677.494.742.2/.3
-j~ - .2.7 74
Q4 7---~10&(i
-AP6013273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0074/0074
AUTHORS: Zverev, 1, No; Cherrqshov, A* N#
ORG: -none.
TITLE: A method for producing concrete slabs and similarlproducts subject.to elec-
trio heating. Class 37j No. 18078j-
SOURCE-: Izobreteniyaj, proqrshlennyye obraztsy,, tovarnvye znaki,, no. 8, 1066" .14
TOPIC TAGSt concrete, reinforced concrete, heating
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method forlprodticing concrete slabs
and similar products subject to electric heating botween:parallel eleotr6des,iwith
the current passing in the direction of the slab's thickness (see Fig. 1)0:. To
manufacture reinforced products and to increase simultaneously the effectiveness of
the electric heating,, the reinforcement is composed of compounded sections, V10
separate portions of which are interconnected by dielectric rods,
Card 1/2 UDCt 691 87-427i666M*035.5.Q4J
L 04277-67
ACC NR: AP6013273
Fig. 1. .1 reinforcoment rods;
2 dielectric rods
Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
7, 911dMil TAkOVISVIGhl BOOFSBOV, #Iokaay Awitollyovichl MIAZOTj
Ntko~47 Nikolayevioh;'Z.0311111.B.P..#.kardidat tekbuicAeskilch asuk,
retsonsent; BQWSUT# A'A.p dotsent, otwetatyean" redahorl
TOMAYS11Y, L.H.0 tushou"ri r"akt6r; OZKO$'MV.'V.R.i- 4shanerf
redakto~: MWAIOT,,A.lr., iash4osl~, r~dattor;'2AXHAMW,' D.P. ., kasheor.
re4akt4r 0 rvww.~- us narl rodaktor; KOM=, A.S., inshenar,
ra4akior;~~~, A.l, inthanor$ rodaktqr4 RAZWOVAO M.S,l, inshenere
redaktor;' SIDQStX=# R.A., inshener, redaktor; ROMORUM, I.A,,, imndi-r
dat tokhnicheakikh nmk, radaktor.- DUGIMA, N.A.. takhatchaskir
roda Ictor
Elountry workerls bandbookj Spravochnik rabbehago-litsishcVAloi,
Imit 2-ise-91 dope i perer, Mook,va, Goes mattablic'-takha. Isd-vo
oit " lit-4. 1956. 634 P. (KIRA ldt4
Rasvrostranenie vowushchenii v viazkouprugom i viazko-~Plastlaheskom
sterzhne. (Prikladnaia matermtika i rwkhanika., 195o, v. lh'j,.P. 295-302)
Title tr.: The propagation of-a disturbance in a visco-elastic and
visco-plastic bar.
QA801- P7 1950
SO: Aeronautical Scimces and Aviation in the Soviet Unionj Libr=7 'of
Congress, 1955.
I" ~; 7 UR/0 1 49,106 100C1,1001 1011VAplo
AUTHORt Mal'taev, M. V.; RoroEov, L. N.;'Zverevj K. LVI- YU -.I;
ORG:. none
.TITLE,. Oxid ti n f beryllium' in*, air- at high temipelratuici;
3," "on
SOURCE lyv~u5zi?Tslva Maya metallurgiyq,~no. 1 1066,':116--~',A
TOPIC TAGS: -beryllium, beryllium: orcidatidn, oxidation k16e- ties:
mat in: diaitrk'i'er "And :5 mm
ABSTRACT: -Disk-.!sh ped beryil 6 thi ki-cut
from hot-compactidjand extrude 'eryflium bars which wai4i vacudti"afinealed t 850C
-for 2 hr, were tested for oxilatioubehaAor at 300 400,: 600,~800, 900. 0
1000C for 0.5 1- 5, 10-,-30, 6Q, or i20 min'. Visuai examli6atida reveale4 110"clotaLges
in the surface of tested specimens after 120-min testing at ten-pdratura3,uo to!400C;~:
the surface darkened slightly after testing at 600C, and lo 'at brightnens aEter
testing at 800C, A thick -khite I&yer easily separated ftoin thd surface wag Cormed
within 5 min at 100C. The wel,ght gain (see Figo 1) in the firat.period of,tes,ting I?
Cdrd 1/2
Pi 1 Efiec~ bi~,~w:e a
AV -1
yllium' Ip
idati; it
time 6n, bar.
.:'insignificant because the'first.-,oxidei film formed
---600C ronowditfractiah I liat no 6xid6 m1o :on speoineAs
an sis -S iowe ~t i
tested at 300C for 2 hr 0 Beginning with'4OaC, an:oxide M i2 be~,ims to foft~. T~e
oxide and the beryllium moqoxide have a hexagonal laittico with par=eters i
a a 2.694 A and a.- 4.392 At The oxide fortiad at 600, 8040. or Wee has 4
grained structure; the -grain size Increases- with- increasiTig teaJerature and hoLlIng
time.. Orig., art. hast. 2 figures. (A41 -
SUB COM 11, 07 SUBM DATH.,:. 20oc-t64/ OIU-,REF-.-- 0021! :4TD PiXsst
Card - 2/2
le -. . I : I 1~ 541r;15
i I I
Dquilmitlation of gold In matools vroetio
A diffid4k 13 W4. 111c thoi. ;I
-4 An
dill- INICIIII-914 14,44.41 mulvt milklow1mill whilsiloo14 14,11
0. A. PA-hin.
twing $tomc having It Und- 04 de-0 strvj=um comi co 0
f (mm s w1U. of qmwu wind, da&xWft. NXIMICOMOr nubkp coo
0ow wd st appm, 13ao*. A -p4t
duariw or Apdtite 11L metblo f '00
charge is 63.9. ddondto 39-3.
"d te 4.0 ks.
to 0
it -- -- - ----
c., 0"i sit
it 4 14 %-PC ft i it 49 mw:fk I tMA A s a NID is V-1*ff 0 9 a 4
0.0 0 0 Of 0 0
764; 0 *-* 0 WO 0-9 0 *-* 0 *_G 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 V14010 0 0 0
V It- 11 t V P/
LADT7.11NNSKlYp Boris Nilcolayevich; TUNKOV, Vladimir
iazh.. retsenzent; EMSHCHANOVSKIY, U.S.. kond.tekhn.i~ukv retosnxe~t;
TAIANOT. P.I.. prof., red.; SIROTIN. A.I., intho, redAzd-va-,
SLIKIND, V.D., tekhn.red.
[Tachnolog7 of preparing steel castings] Tekhnologita irgotovlariiia,
stallnykh otlivok. Moskva, Goo. nauchao-tekhn" Izd-vo mashinoStroit.
lit-ry, 1958, 255 p- (HMA 11:4):
(Steel castings)
'%~Jl N1.14 .11111TO 4114211111.1 Flu?] nil I I I MIS; 111141! 1 Ili -III
Crane tracks free of-joints Jil plants of a Motallurgical commie.
Stall 21 no.5:477-478 My 161. (MIR& 3-4: 5)
1. Nauohno-iosledovatellokiy inatitut po atrolitellatvu v goSvelrdlolvske
Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR i Nizlme-Tagillskiy
motallurgicheakiy kombinate
(Metallurgical plants-Equipment and supplies)
(Granes, derrickov Ad.)
~4 111Q! 11'. j!; 1! 11
N ];14
GOROZIUMINOV, N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAPYAYEV, A.L., inzh.; Z"; IK-,'VP
L.I., inzh.
Submerged molt welding of Lhe rails of crane tracks~ 3var.
proizv. no.9:35 S 165.
1. Urallskiy "ProT--stroyniJproyukV (for GcrogLanlnov),
2. hignitogorskiy inettL11urgichaskly korabinat (eor
3. Mzhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskly kombir,&~ (f0;.
R 16 7 70 0 (40 IV3 B019/BO56
AUTHORS:~ - Zverev, L. P., Noskov, M. M I and Shu''rq U., Ya.
TITLE- On the Contour of the ExoitonlAbso I~tion,!Binds in Cuprouo
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela,'1960, Vol. 212 No.,10, pp. 2643- 2646
TEXT: In the introduction the results*obtained by investigations of the
optical propertfes' of crystalst especially of t.he abloo rption sp~ctr)o,,
are discussed. Among othersy E. Is Rashba2 A*.$. Da dov, and Ye. F.
Gross are mentioned. The authors,of the present paperexperim.entally
investigated the contour of the second band of the yellow series of ex_/
citon absorption bands and of thin'cuprous oxide single crystals at
temperatures ~f from 4.2 - 1900K. The measurements: were carried out on
a diffraction speotograph of the type Ajr_-4 (AFS-4) with high dispersion
and photoelectric iedording. The three samples investigated had a thick-
ness of 9, 30, and 110 p2 respootivelyioand,were produced from thin
copper foils by oxidation in air at 10 OC.,The contours of,the exciton
On the Contour of the Exoiton Absorption S/18Y616/002/0i0/049/0.5i
Bands in'Cup.rous Oxide B019
2 -igatizd showed:good;
absor~tion.bands (n in all three samples invest
agreement. The maximum absorption coefficient was,measured at 77-30K ai
amounting roughly to 180 cm-l. The tet:i erature dep6ndence of the exciton
absorption line width is graphically represented in Fig.; 1p.and fr'oim the
contour of the absorption line showed in Fig. 2 the goo& agreementl~of
the measured results with those obtained from the formula (1),given by
Toyozawa (R6f-3) for the absorption coefficient.mav be recognized.,Thus2
the opinion expressed by Toyozawa that the broadening of the exciton
..absorption lands is caused by the exciton-phonon interactiong is con-
firmed. Furthermoreg.it is also confirmed that the'life.time of the:
photoexcitons at temperatures below 55oK,is prin6ipally- -(ietermined-byo~
zero-vibrations of the lattice. From:the good agreemeni.betw'een the
experimental data with the theoryq the conclusion':,~rjay ~e.~drawn that
only the acoustic branch of the lattice-vibrati n.apeatrum plays.'an es-
sential part in excitozi-phonon interaction. The aulhor4 thank
-11 V. VoliLenshtayn for his assistance in the experiments and G. G.
Taluto for discussing the results obtained. There, are 2 figures and 10
references: 5 Soviet, 4 US, and I German.
Card 2/3
. ...... - --------
Photomagnetoelectric effect and zone atructure in'~coppar oxide.
Fis.tver.tela 3 no.U:3556-3558 N 161s: (MM 14:10)
1. Urallskiy gosudarstvemiyy universitat im. A.M.Gorikogo,
(Pnotomagnotic effect) (Copper oxide)
24.3�00 6P07
Zverev# LoPso Noskovs M.M. and ahurj
TITLEs ----- soonse
The Effects of an Blectric;riold on thin Spictral Re
Curve for Photoconductivity in Cuprousloxi4e., a
PERIODICAL: Iz vestiya v-ysshikh uchebuykh znvedenly,j Fizika, 195910
Nr 2, pp 39-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Polycrystalline,Cu - is used at 77 *K: in this work.~
The spectral response is.examined at.high dispei'sion
/mm) with a grating spectrograph4nd the absorption
spectra are also recorded., Only two::tield,strengths
(300 and 600o V/cm) are used. , Fig 1 shows'.spectral
response curves (uncorrected for the enera.distribution
in the exciting spectrum)l, the wavelengthiicale is in i%k;
Fig 2 shows a small region at higher resolution. Fig 31L
shows the effect of the field for one specimen; curve I
relates to 300 V/cm and curve 11 to 6000 V/cm, The fir Ist
exciton line occurs in absorption at 612.53 m1i but it c~~in
be detected only in thick specimensl it is~not seen in
Fig 4b. (Fig 4a is merely :Fig 3 on a larger.Lscale. )
Figure 4c is at the top right and relites to 6000 V/cm;:
Fig 4b is at the bottom right (300 V/6m). ~The second and
Card 1/2 third exciton lines lie at 579.2 an&575.61 mp respectively
V/ 7 t( (/0 3 9j/// V,
AUTHORS: Zverev, L. P., Noskov, M. M., and Shur, M. ya.,
TITLE: Photomagnetoelectric effect and band stractur'll inicuprous
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3., no. 11,J96ji 35516-3558
TEXT: Owing to the lack of an appropriate.monochromatic.light source the
spectral behavior of the photomagnetoelectric effect~(PME) could so' farnot
be sufficiently studied. These difficulties could be overcome by using
aA -3 (D-3) lamp with st.rong monochromators(pass band .15'tc~40R)& The
measurements were made with 150-300-micron.thick ouprous oxide platelets
at 77. 0K in 25-koe fields between 4000 and 7000 R. :in thip case the 'dark
conductivity was much lower than photoconductivity..:Fig.~l shows the -
measurement results which clearly indicate three spectral ranges: 0
(1 N
PME occurs above 5800 a. This can be explained by the fact that ele,atronDi
are produced in the polaron state. As compared to the free electrons LY
their mobility is lower and their diffusion length is shorter. (2)
Card 1'
Photomagnetoelectric effect and band ... B109/B102
Between 5800 and 4900 R the PKE is due to 'the production of free carriets.
Its monotonic rise is determined by the dispersion of the aboorptidn :
coefficient and the quantum yield of the internal photoeftect. (3) Below
4900 R the behavior of the PME corresponds to the wavelength dependence'.
of the PME near the fundamental absorption edge,'which is typical of
semiconductors. This phenomenon is connected with the abrupt increase of
the diffusion lengthp in this case determined by th6 electron param~ter6,
ani~ suggests the existence of a new band-to-band transition in which
electrons with other diffusion characteristics are produced. The
conduction band splitting in Cu 0 was suspected already by S. A.
Moskalenko (FTT, .2.1 1755, 1960)~ Also the data by I. Pastrnyak, P. IA.
Titov (FTT, 961), 1. Pastrnyak (FTT,
9 861, 1 It 9711 1959), A. L.
Rvachev (ZhTF, 28, 45P 1958),and N. B. Gornyy (ihFT:P,, J~P nit 195P) speak
in favor of this assumption. The authors thank 1. R. Taidillkovskiy for
discussions. There are 1 figure and 9 references: 7 Soviet and 2 non-
Soviet. The two references to Englieb-language publications read as
follows: I. Kikoni, M. Noskov. Nature, 151, 725, ~193-3;.-.,W," Gartner. Phys.'
Rev., 10
a23, 1957
"dard 2/0
; I I a A # 1 8 0 a Is ty to "
A 1 1, 1_4 Avu,
x PPJX &,..A T. v
IN, 110
nd aLi % Zvmv, I No, h. ia-O,-
4MVW4"jW'%`O&wovk-h (et. C. A. 27, .144"t)
gliff retwivilil In tfw fiquid "m Win
nd CmAswifts of a Ciff
it told" 41f t to. In 411". viwmily of filliVN
of ris"d I Mort* of limlinwry;sLit;
sup. Two sattWes
I temed ofta tile
froft tk* mavo~ Kpik blam lwmv wqg
Tbe makhrW anal)-mll t V %60 Km I
18.47 M%-12M AlA, 32.26 TiOp 14-4-11 CaO, Wy-'
MSO, lj*lP*O, 8.40 NNO, 2..M NmO sild O-Mll 8;
"I'l 4ing NP.1 20.(X) .40,, 11A.&I AhCh. 3 I.A2 TiO,13.41%
CoO, 10.61 McO, 2-29 FcO, A.N MO. 2A:J1 NO) And
0.46% S: ordinary rJag. 31.fM siO,, 1.S,.t1h1 AI,O,~41,.:Yl
00 CRO, 129 FtO, 1.38% WO, N(CO tint det'j. 'rh~ rr-
1011% Of MrSMIT11WIlIS, in 210, llnitS (11 Vi-WOIRV, IM.
*41 (iv T1 rJug No. 1. < 6. < 6. < n, It, 112.7t and 113P) fw
00.2 tellit". 11,74% 0761. Mvi", UY-11, "114 124", zoo
N .2, -, 7, < 7, < 7, r$ 1110
fnr,ri shir NO , 7"
or tempi. 11011", 137W, 1:121" 1270, C0,01, 11 1")
41 1
I I' and U-1P. rest).: bw ,r,fium;y 41#kt.* ta.7;, llk-3",1211.4
and'.110 for 1444'. VOW.
AAg d involispli-,itat: hilgh~r
mIIALLt,&rKAL Lill
s v 44L,, .. .....
.... .. tole'
.4,, a.. cot
u Is Av 10 Ir
It at oll III br x It It t
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0 00 0 6;0 1 09
lose 4b If
T 7,
Val Ot bo"Wgi~is"* w4he bl"I low.
90 Skmtmeldmv QFW L, ml., me W(ra, "Cuff'o 9. Nil.
C'skms. show Out tht omsullit).
00 tkis of coke COIN b0 teduced W20% by tbe usa 0 buxntd Zoo
IFY tht Pmvu ill Haustivartner, C. A. n.
00 50111; Ftemb Pill. 6W,67FL ro...
".:j! itoo 0
W ITI;i -------
vf? 84 s a s ~ 4 c ' A
It tt M no
.91 Z11 At
0 0 0 0 * o
:iv 0
II Ij :1 J4 a it it .1 A lu I
A A 00
'D 1~ 4~.vtbt '~* 0
via-colt"y W0141INI lilt.
dt tv tTjJ AsId -40
123 tytil- SIACS I
Of a acid flags.
0 tduftd tht Till"
$04411.1 it '%v Oki
IF, r ' Ir-
_W m a " of
if r# 10 XTI" I wo
0 0 0 06 a oil 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0' 4) a 0 a 0 0
00 4 wa 0 4 0
SOOMS(I. ..P 1`1101#M'll ."Vol
racwty of titanium -containing &I"$. _jxplaoced by Ti(h, 1.2 poi-A-r; iing cllnlg~ 0% "Ot
00 Mad. Xash S.S.S.R., (wit. Tekk- Nauk. Imast. Maikisso. Ti0i,. Its approg. tolual pmporti(mi, at 1410% 1.1 poim~~
00 the unne slag with 6574 SO, wool no) I it), ivoulA be alm. i
loosilomijo. &mAwhasoje t-valko,li ZhijkAtitl I K,,U,,id.
0 Rash-- (CO481'"'Iff 04 '17,0111Y of Loquidi 4xd Cod. gethorrillyrifluitlat that tcmil. Tbiskrxlilyr%Pl.in-lhr
tOW Solou.) 1, 271-7(1941)(in Ruman).-Slap lich it, the specifically rittifying effa7t. of SiO, Nitir typie-Al
TiOm, 10% and up to36%, uccurin theextil. 4 iron front -contg. slats were nimiured in4n tippAsswilondimi,-
11 Ing of owillations, and suitabir f(w visctysitit., a the ord<
w I -r
titanomagnetiteorm. Contrary to often -cxptrs.%cdH,w,,
the TiOt content doom not give rise to almortually high vIs. 4 trroths of a foo6c. FtlanipIrs (conto,ntl of TiO, SO,,
"115 .
v. ; I ,
ccrjty. With sto 13110difiril Volarovich high-ternp. vis- AlzO., C, MgO, tesp.): (1) 217AXI, 21.311, 18.41). 21 .!Ow.
cometer. with collial orylindt-rot (outcor cylinder 4n nor". 11.2o; (1*11 29.30, ZJ.80. 10.M, 111.43. 11.111); Ml;
00 dimm.,inner2untra.dism,Wgist 20.70, 16.210. 13M, 40AX). S. 10; vio~iliro,: 1, at 1,140',
30 raw J. the lower limit
S op 3 of accuracy could be brought to I poW; messufenwnts an 1370'. 149)'. resp.. 2.2, 0.4, 0.2 [flise; 11, at 1410',
-dc s1'19% &howl the vL1(-mitY to be a function of the 1425'. 15251. resp., M, 0.11. 01. 11, at 14110', 1550.
00 U . ;:
SiOlc*mtt'nt. ThMi'loallran insignificant variation Uri ~mp., 2.7 1 ~S Ali, C11171.6TS lla%,4~ I Ile tvilical 'Nape 44 V44.
nail vi;.
to about 35% SiO,. _ty cu i with a V~~ m
ffrons that interval on. further incrmu C2~s
cty grssll~nt a in wrort. Atuf 4arto li~ r
I" Sifh is a""nRanicot by a sharp rile in viscosity, e.g.. I, V.4ret. d the
up to about 357c Siol, 1-1_5 prAm2; at 40% &no, 4!joy visco"it Ow that te .. P, All slaC4 4111VT VI-Ty low vi4-
lot tb 40
SiOv. resp.. 3 and In prtist.j. clWtletl~ c urder ~ ten its of $1 21"'Ve that tvlop
Slags -with le, thm, 35e. I
i SICh are rathro, cryst. in citaractef, lhfpw richer in Si t I., not clear as y t low this temp. of 1elin"iflog
Aill ('11
0 1 "thickelling" correqx,mlm to she temp. 1.1 avillsil cmiln.
0; t sort' 111,14'41 914-s. Nrilal replacentent of SI(A toy Tifh far
w rorsultt in substantial lowrfing of the VLWC*ity, exAmploc: N. Thwi
-M'7ip Si(14. not Tio,. 21 jxL" as 14M#: with 12% ~qjo, 70 0
AV 00 is .19
IF 11 tI It Lv it N a R ;r It it a it at WO 1 615 dl ti
:110 0 0 0 004000000 4 Go ego* 0000
0 Vlo 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 111111 010 0 see
*.A *.j!k4 A P .0
Geography and Geology
Requirements of industry. as to the quality of mineral
raw materials. Handbook for geologists--Eoskva, Gos.
izd-vo geologicheskoi lit-ry Komiteta po delam geologii
~pri SNK SSSR, No. 24, Manganese, 1947.
Month?Z List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congre.ss,
October., 1952. UNCLASSIFIM,
D 11
A- P-
ACC NRt AT7007280 Swim CODE, ~UR/)249/66 0001013
10001013 27/0034
AUTHORSs Zvem...bo V,; Petrovaj No V.; Murali., 0. No;: Makarova, No P~or
OR03 none
TITLEi The use of water-soluble amines in treating tantabim-niobium materials*
SOURCEt Moscow. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut ainerallhogo syriya.
Minerallnoye syriye, no. 13, 1966. Obogashcheniye i perarabotka mineralt=gO syrlya
(Concentration and processing of minerals), 27-34
TOPIC TAGS: metallurgy, tantalum compound, niobium compouind, amine
ABSTRACT: The authors have found that the use of oxalie acid or hydrogen peroxide in
forming Ta and Nb complexes is unsatisfactory because of instability and other factorai
The use of water-soluble amines is suggested. The present paper outlines the,optimal
conditions for leaching Nb and Ta from sulfate cake by using as complexing agents
methylaminep monoethanolaminej and triethanolamine. Colambiteiconcentrates w,.- -.--a
in the test. The technique found to be most satisfactory is the one part
(by weight) of the concentrate is* added to 2.5--3 parts of H004, --"- Dhd mix 'a
held for two hours at 350C. The material is then washed,with water and treated with
methylamine for 30 minutes at 40C. The Nb and Ta are now in solutioa and maybe
Iremoved. Neutralization with a weak mineral acid precipitates,Nb and Ta pentoxides
Card 11
ACC NRz AT7007280
(with a purity of 99%). After the precipitabe*is filtered off,'i the amino may be
regenerated by addition of CaO, which combines with the sulfate. radical to'form,
CaSO4- This may be removed, and the pure amine is ready.for riil-use in the procens.
Orig. art. hass 8 figures and 6 tables.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATEt nono/ ORIG WI *)61 OTH W: :002
Card 2/2
KIWTANOT, G.H.; CiMU-IOSVITOT. Yu.L.; GTHOURG, A.1 nauchnyy red.;
YZMOV, A.D., glavnyy red.,-i,?W L T ad.; MAW, VjH.,~red.;
KMTHR, VH* , red, - ,OROUOV" D.T., red.;
SHCHOV, N.A., r;d.; WWAil~IXOV, I.V., red.; IZRAUMA, G.A.p
red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn.red.
[IndDstry's requirements as to the qttality; of mineral rav m6terial;
harewook for geologists] Trabovaniin provWshlonnosti k k9chestyu
minerallnogo syriia; spravochnik dlin geologov. Moskva, Goo.nafichno-
tekha.1zd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrene nedr. No.51. [Rare earih
elements] Rodkozemelinye elementy. Izd.2.~, perer. 1959. 58 p.
(HMA 12.
1. Hoscov. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-losledovatellakly Institut mineral'-
nogo syrlya.
(Rare earths)
STOLYAROV, A.G., red.lod-vao BYKOVA,.V.Vo tekhn. re'd,
(Industry's requirements as to the quality ot'mineral raw
materials]Trebovanlia promyehlennooti k kach"*tvu mineralf-
nogo syrlia; spravochrtik dlia geoloEpv. lzd.2., perer. Mo-
skva, Gosgeoltekhizdat. No.24. (ManganeselMarganets. 1960. 57 p.
(MIRA 16.13)
1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mine.~
rallnogo syrlia.
MMESLAVSKIr, S.I.; GORETSKIY, Yu. K. [deceased 11_ ZVEREvt L.V.;
SOSIDIINOVA M,Ssj naucYmyy red,; GRISHINA, ToOty redo
izd-va; BYKOVAI V.V., tekhn, red,
(Industry's requir~~ments as to the quality of~minoral raw
materials] Trebovaniia pronjohlennouti k kaefieAvulmine-
rallnogo syrtia; spravochnik dlia geologov, NoBkvqj,Goa-
geoltekhizdat, No,35- [Alumim=] Ali=inil. ~1962, P.
(NIRA 15s7)
1e Moscov. VsesoyuzWy nauchwj~ nauchno-insladovatollskiy
GLAZKOVSK3Y, A.A.; KRUTOV) G.A.$ naudhW red, I_2NER7U,,_1a._,,_nauchW
red.; MATIS, T.L., red. izd-,~va; BYKGVA, V.V4, fqkhn. red.
(Industry '6 requirements as to the quality !of mineIral raw
materials] Trebovaniia proLVahlennosti k kachestvu minerall-
nogo syrliaj oprevochnik dlia Goologov. Yioslcm, Qoe. naucbrio-
'tekhn. izd-vo lit-py po geol. i okhr&na ne(Iro No.55.[Cobalt)
Kobal't. Nauch. rod. G.A.Krutov i L.V.Zverev. :Izd.2.t perer.
1961. 49 p. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Moscow. Vsesoyu=yy nauohno-isslodovatsllskiy institut mine-
rallnogo syrlya,
VASIL'YEVv p.V.; yMSgOVj A.D,, I glavW red.; GHEIUIOSVITOVO Yu.Lt zam,
glavnogo red*; SHMMIKOV9 LV#p zm,glavno &,~red,,,t KUKKOVP G.Se;j
nancbzV7 red.j GINZBURGp A*I.p redej,25Ms,-L.14~-red.; ZUBA=f
N.N.v red.; VMTER, V.M f red.; MOKROUSCV,' V.A.p tred.; SOWVrYLY,
D.V.9 red.; URUSHCHOV-P i.A.p red.-I FEPOROVA~ L.N.'v red.iod-va;
IVANOVA9 A.G., tekbn.red.
[Industry's requirements as to quality in mi~eral.~vnw materials;
a handbook for geologists) Trebovanlia prorqshlennosti k kachestva
minerallnogo syrtia; spravochnik dlia goologov. izd.2.0 perer.
Moskvag Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-Ty po,&cl. -1 okbrane nedr.
No.66. [Coal) Ugoll. Naucbn.red*G.S.Xa1rWkov. 1960. 110 pa
(MIRA 34:6)
1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy,institut miabrall-
nogo syr1ya.
VINoGWOV, S.S.; ZUBPMVy N.Np muchr" red.j YERSHOV~ A.D.. j, glav. red.;
MMOSVITOV, Yu.L., zams glavo red.; SaMENYO, I*v*) zom, glav,
red.; GINZBURG, A.I.p red.; ZVEM, L.V., red. 1. WKWUSOV, V.A*
red.j SOLOVIYEV, D.V.p redT.-j-"-CffA-NOV-x-r.T.-, rod.; M'USHCHOV, N.A.;
red.; LYUBCHENKO~ Ye.K., red. izd-va; BYKOVA, Y.Vo, ti6khn#redo~
[Industry's requirevmvta-~as to the quality of inineral raw
materials) Tre~oi i'a'PrioiVoblennosti k kachesltvu ulneralinogo:
syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. lid,2*., perer. Moskva, Gosi
nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry- poigeollogii i okhTane ne(Ir, Ho.10[Lime~-
stones)Izvestniaki. Rauch. red, N.N.Zubarev. 196L 61 P.
(NIRA 14:10)
1, Moscow, Vsesoymm7y naucImo-isslodovatel'My inotitut mineralv-~:
nogo gyrIya.
BUMMIGH, T.T.; YnSHOV, A.D glnv. red.; C.--MUOSTi.TOT, ru.L..
20mootitell glav. red.,; SWIMMOV, I.Y., ZOM6.8titol"gla'Y'
red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red,*,,,,Z -TL.Y red.~; MMAMV, U.N.,
red.; KOKROUSOY, V.A., red.; SOLOVI YV , D.Y.. red.:~TROYANOY,
A.T., red.; MMUSHCHST, N.A., red.; STSPANOV, 1.8.,: nmuohnyy
red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G., red. izd-vs.; -1YERUSALIHMAYA. Ye.S.,
tekhn. rea.
(Industry's requirements as'.to the quality of~tmineral:raw
materi.ale; handbook for ~eologisi~] Trebovanli6 proAvBhIlen-
nosti k k6ohestvu mineraltnogo :syrlia; sprav,o6hnik d1la geolo-
gov. Izd. 2., parer. Koakvn, Goa. asuchno-tekhn. izd-.!vo lit- ry
po geol. i okhrone.nedr..No. 43, [Tugatenj V611fram, 1960 61t'
(141RA 14.
1. Moscow.-YeasoyuzrWy nauchno-lealedovatel'Aiy inntitut mi-~
SMWENKCV# I.V.p red.;_ZITRKtI_V_,_xed.; KOVALMIXOP O.V.p red.;
SOKOWVp I.Yu.t rod.j EYGEWj K.A.p red.; Prinyab. uchastiye;
BA34MOV9 V.A.p red.; KAMINSWA, 1,.S.p reds'; KOTSp G.A.p redo'i
LEVIUSHp I.T.f red.-; MOKROUSOVt- VO'A.p red.; NDKOSOV, L.G.s .1
red.; ROZHKOVAj, le.Vq SOIDVIYBV# P.Ty red.4 FFWAOVt ?.N.# red.;
izd-va; GUitOVAp O.A.P tekbn. red#
IStu4ies on the dressing and industrial prp6essing of mineraiel
Issledovaniia po obogashchen*ilu i tekbmologii poloznykb iskopae%Vkh.
Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-Ty po geol. i okbrane mecIr,
1961. 131 p. (MM~14:7)
1 Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) Miniaterstvo.geologii i okbrary nedre'
2: Voeooyuznyy nauchno-issledo-vatellskiy inn'titut minera.11nogo
syrtya (for Eygelest Laviush)
YERSHOT, A.D., glavw red.; CHIRROSTITCY, Tu.L., zem. glavnogo
red.; SHKANMKOV, I.V., zam.glavno6 red.,-.
ZUBARX'V, N.H.* red.; MITER, V.K.,; red.; MOKROUSOV, 'V.A., redo;
red.izd-va; IVANOYA, A.G., tekha. d,
[Industrial requirementp for the quality of mineral raw materials;
handbook for geologiatoj Trebovenila promyshlennosti k k9chestvu
minerallnogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. lzd,g,, parer.'
Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-yO lit-ry po geol. i.okhrane nedr*
No.71. [Selenium and tellurium] Selen I tellux. Nauchn.red. A. II,
Ginzburg. 1960. 4-51 p. (KIRA 14a)
10 Hoscowq VOSSOYU2nyy nauchno-lissledovatellskly In stitut mine-
rallnogo syriya.
(selenium ores) (Tellurium ores)
RAHZES, B.Ta.; ZUBAHST,~ N.N.; CHMMOSTITOY, Tu.L., nauchnyy red.; TER OT,
A.D., glavnyy red.; SM(UaMT, I.T., zan.glsib~ogo red,; GINZBM,
A.I., red*; ZTXW,,,j6_,T.., red.; IWITIR, Y.M., red. I 1401ROUSOV. I V.10
red.; SCLOVOYST, D.Y., red.; KWSHC11OT, N.A,$ re4.; IZItAILETA,
G.A., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, T.Y., tekhn.rede
[Industrial apecifications for the quality of raw minerals; handbook
for geologists] Trabovanila promysh1ennost1:k:ka,ahOstvu mineral$-
nogo syriia; spravochnik dlia geologov, Izd*2,o perer. Moskva,
Gon.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologii 1'~okhrane nedr. 9o.2.
Nuartz sand] Pesok kvartnevyi. Wauchn.red IW.L.Ohlernosvitov.
1955. 35 P. (MIRA I~Z7)
1. Moscow. Vaesoyuz n.yy nauchno-isoledovatellakly institut mineral'-
nogo syriya.
BORZUKOV, T.M.; PWROV, V.P., nauchn" red.; Y=HOT,,:A.D.,. glavnyy rod,;
CHMOSVITOT, Yu*L,# zamoglavnogo red.; 5WX=XOV,,1.T., Sam*.
glavnogo red.; GIVZBURG, A.I., red.; _zvNRW,. red.; VJBAW,
M.N.. red.; KREYTICR, V.H.. red.; KOKR A,, red.; SOLOVIYBV,
D.V., red.; KHRUSHCHOT, H.A., red.; STCLTAROV, A.G.:, red.lzd-va;
IVANOVA, A#G., tekhnored,
(Industry's requirements as to the quality ofimineral raw materials;
handbook for geologists] Trobovaniia promyshlennos.ti k kachestyu
minerallnogo syriiao, opravochulk dlia geologovd Izd*2,t perere'
Koskva, Gosjmuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. 1,okhrane nedr,
go.12. [Paldspsr4l Polevoshpatovos syr1e. Nauchn.red. V,PPettovo~
1960. 25 pe (KIRA 1~19)
1. Moscow, Voeaoyusnyy nauchn6-iseledovatellokiy Institut min$-
rallnogo syr1ya.
STEPANOV. L S.; CIUMOSVITOV, Tu.t. , nouchnyy red.; UILMOT.: A'De p glavnyy
red.; GINZBURG, A.I., LV , red. ZUBMT. M.N., red, I
KREYM, T.K., red.; KOKROUSOV, T.A., red.; SOLOVIYXV, D.T., red.;
KMUSHCHOV. N.A., red.; SWMKOV, I.V., red.t hVOLYAROV. A.G.,
red.; ITANOVA, A.G., tekhn.red.
(Industrial requirements as to the quality of mineral raw mater'ials-'
bandbook for geologists] Trebovaniia promyshl.ennosii k kachestvu
minerallnogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov, Izd,2,o perer,
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedri
No.46. (Rubidium and cesium) Rtibidii i tsezii* Hau'chn.red. W.L.
Chernosvitov. 1960. 33 p. (MIRA 14:2)1.
1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skly institut mine"!
rallnogo syr,ya.
(Rubidium) (Go a 111m)
VBS=VfiKIY, V.S.; BERLING, N.I., nauchnyy.red.; YERMOT, AOD., glavnv7 red,;
CHMOSVITOV. Yu.L., som.glavnogo red,; MWMWffV,,IOV.1O iome glffvnO--
go red.; GINZBURG, A,I,., rod~;-2R3R&V,-L.V,, rod,; 2U)JAREV,'N.N.,
.red.; KHEYTHR, V.M., red.; KOKROUSOV, V.A., red.; SCMVIYEV, D.V.#
red.; KHRTYRHCHOT, N.A., red.; ST(MYAROT, A*G#,' red,izd-va; IVANOVA,
A.G., tokhn.red.
(Industry's requirements as to the quality of mineral raw materials,,
handbook for geologists] Trebovaniia promyehl IennosWk'kachest~u
mineralinogo syrlia; spravochnik.dlia goologo'v. Izd.2.0 parer*,
Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gool. i okhrane nedr.
NoJ, [Graphite] Grafita Hauchn.red, N,I.Borling., ig6o. 44
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Moscow. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy Insbitut mine
rallnogo syriya.
C-REAMOSVITOT, Tu.L.; KONSTANTIMOV, N.M., nauchnyy reid.~, TO OV, A.D.111
glavnyy red SHMANUKOV, I.T.,.zam.glevnogo red.;~GINZBURG#
A.I., red.; 130~v V.M red MOMUSOV
V.A., red.; D.V., red.; KHRUSHCHOY, II.Ad:, red.; NEM-
$OVA, H.B., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn~red'
[Industrial requirements for the quality of 26w minerals; hsndbook~
for goologistaj Treb,ovaniia promyshlennosti k kcacheatvu minerall-
nogo eyrlial spravochnik dlia geologov. Koskva, ke na hno-tokhnbo
izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. Ho.67- lurani umjc Uran.' Nauchn.
r6d.H.M.Konstantinov. Izd.2., perer. 1959. 65 p. (MIRA 13ti)
1. Moscow. Vsasoyu2nyy nauchno-iseledovetallakiy institut minerallnogo
AUTHORS: Zverev L V Petrova, N.V.
TITLE: A New Method for the De-terml-wtion of Lead Sulphidea in Ores
(Novyy metod opredelenlyn sullfidnov olcva V rudakh).
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Labomtorlya 19,57, Vol.. 23) Nr 12, pp. 1403-1405 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; "USSR above,are base .d
The methods hitherto published irt tba
upon the property of the lead sulphiden of!disiolyilla in acids,
whilst lead oxides remain undissolved, Tlarmethods dev4lopkta by
Hirsch, Dolinivo)Dobrow.Wakiy (Klljn ,6r.1w) Sidorkin are compama
with one another and eventually all three are declarv4 to,:~be fauliy
in this paper. As is stated hitre, p9acticlal results;can be obtained
in this case by the application of 6blor1rA (gas), ~~ dissol-ring
the chlorinated lead'sulphides in carbon:'tet rachlo ride with a slight
addition of elementary -3ulphur ana;,!'t~ie 1~.had oxids.- here remaining
--.ourse of!the.-work ill 'A..,)
unch-romed and undissolved. In the furt'hqr
how-aver, recommended to replace chroming in this base b~ brornina-
tion, which is supposed -1-0 facilitate the piveess of ana yzation
considerably. The proceso of analyration Is described ind Lthe re-
sults are showa in'a table. Anottier -cable coppareat the: msult3
Card 11/2 obtained accr~rding 'to the mthols 'by Hirscli, Dolinovo-Dobmvoll-~-11-1,r
A No-r Method for the Determination of Lead 32-12-1/71
Sulphides in Ores
with the method suggested here. Exwnplev. at,a 20,03% con"Ient, nfA Sn
in quartz ore: 1,9211, dissolved and undil-silvea vas dbtairr~d
in case 1; 2,07,1 dissolved and V,96~j undipsolved w&s cbtain~d In
cas e 11; 0,01;5raulphide vith 22O.OV% oxid-a of" Sn was obtained in
case III (aocori3ing to tbp method augges'tad). There ave 2, tables a.,^0
6 slavio references.
ASSOCIVION1. All-Union Institute for MinDral Raw YateriaI3 (VseM::-Y-U7,W institut
minerallnogo. syr1ya).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Cara V2 1. Ores-Lead sulfides-Determination,
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Meta llurgiya, 19581 Nr 5, p 72, (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zverev, L. V.
TITLE- Speiss Smelting of Lean Cobalt Ores (Plaivka bepdhykh koba Vto-'
vykh rud na shpeyzu)
PERIODICAL: Byul. 'Tsentr, in-t inform. 1~4-va tsvetn metallurgii SSSA,
Nr 6, pp 15- 16,
ABSTRACT: A method of ~Sipeiss smelting of lean Co ores atincreased
temperatures, in a mildly reducing atmosphere,' and on slags
with small Fe content wa's investigated under laboratory condi-.
tions. The loss of Co in the slags is a direct and well-defin.ed
function of the degree of Fe transition into'ithe slag. By em-
ploying speiss smelting followed up by two~stages of concentra-i
tion smelting of ore, in which the Co/1-bratio is equal to o.z.65,
it is possible to obtain a speiss product in W~icli this ration is
equal to 2.14. Co losses in the waste slags are"lless than 10%.
The smelting was conducted at a temperature of: :1420-15000C.
An addition of CaF2 (3%) improves the progress of the pro-~
cess by lowering the viscosity of slags. Results of laboratory
Card 1/1 smelting of ores with various Co content are shown. G..S.
1. Cobalt ores-Proct-solng 2. Slag.-3---Properties
Zvmxv, M.; POPOVA, Z.T., red.; GIRICLWp Vog tokhe red.
[Alia-Ata nature calendar] Xalendarl Alm-Aiiuskol pr1rody. ilmEL-
Ata, Xazakhakoe goo. Izd-vo khudozh, lit-ry, '1955'01 15 P,
(Alm-Ata Provinee-Naturs) (MM U:8)
ZVrjRl,',V, 14-6. D.
PING3MOT, Konstantin Rikolayevich, ZY Y M.P redaktor-, HIIASHKO, X.L.,
rodaktorl ZLOBIN, X.T., takholmse*-78 ktor
[Al9ng desert paths] Trepaml pustyni. Almm-Atuo Karakhokoe goo'*
iid-vo, 1950- 103 P- (HIaA 10:9)
(Bi4t-Pak4ala-Deocription aid travel)
ZVXM, Kakein Dmitriyevich; RUDXNSX&TA, L.T., rodaktor; SAXWOVA,
KOZIOYS'XATA, M.D., tak,halchaskly redaktor
[Birds and animals of our country; for extractaTicalar reading in
secondary schools] 0 ptiteakh I sveriakh nasbal rodIny; dlia ~
vanklasonogo chteniia, ucbashchikhola srednei'sbkoly. Koakwa. Gos.
uchabno-padagog, isd-vo Ministerstva proaveshchaniia RSPSR, 19560
172 ps (MM 9:7)
(Rusoia-Birds) (Russia--Kammals)
ZIUMEV Maksim Dmitriyevich; KMOT, N.G., red.; TWFO, R.Y.,
[Birds and animals of our country; supplawntary reading for,
secondary schoolIstudents] 0 ptiteakh i zveriakh naahei.rodiny;
dlia vneklasenogo chteniia uchashchikhaia oredwi shkoly. 12d.2.
Moskva, Gmuchobno-pedagog.W-vo X-va proovaspsR, 196o. 174
(KIRA 13, :~01.
(Animals, Habits and behavior of)
0 0
Abs Jour I Rof Zhur Biol.t 110- 8 rIZ8t 116 33942
Author Bondaroval V. L, Zvorov, M. D.
Inst i Not given
Title Exrorinontal Infection of by Costodc'
multicops Multicops. -- Ekaperimontaln6o zerazhonie lisits i.
shakalov taostodoy Multicops nultieops~~
Orig Pub Tr. In-ta zool. AN KnzSSRp 1957, 7. 237-1,!4o,
Abstract n In fooding larvocystocoanuro.0) vbsicld~u frclil a sheer-
brein to 3 jackals, 4 foxost 3 PUPS ana*O~o badger, semi-1
ripened 11. multicops wore found'in 2 j mck.~l s, ,2,pups, and.
one young fox. The apizootological signift anco of jeckels
in spreading shear cconurosis and coanuromis of Irrge
horned cattle is distinguishod fron foxety,tho,rolo ef
which is evidently insignifiernt.
L 44592=�6 Eva(l)ANT(WEEG (k
-2,/I/EJT_W A IV Pf+ I
ErC DE: _M )/2548
ACC NR; AP6030950 SOURC 0, UR/018IF6 7t08/ ~RA
AUTHOR: Bogdankevich, 0. V Zverg, M. M.4 Pechenov, At N.; Sy A. f17
ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. LebedevWSSSR, lFizicheakiy institut
TITLE: Recombination radiation of ZnS single crystals excited,by,fast ektrons
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9. 1966, 2547-2548
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, zinc sulfid: e, ultraviolet~~leiserIrecombination, radia-
tjon, electron beam pwiping, r1-6'C7-X49,v
ABSTRACT: Laser4tion was reported in electron-beam-pumpEed ZnS single crjetals with.
a large forbidden gap. High-purity hexagonal ZnS specime6s were soldere&vith:~indium
to a copper heat sink kept at liquid N temperature (except in the case of ome'exper~-
ments conducted at room temperature). The'electron beam waij focused on the polished:
surface of qhe specimen L right angles to 'the two poiWed end3. 'The emission recorded
by a ZIM-3 it s
Ymonochromatorland an FEU-18A photomultiplier was ob erved in the direction
perpendicular to the incident beam.~~Recombination radiation was observed in the
ultraviolet region when ZnS was excited by a pulsed beam of 50-;kv electron$ at':current
densities up to 6 amp-cm7-2. At increased cu rent densities (6~aiap-cm-2 and up) and
80K, emission of a line (14 A wide) at 3300 1 was predominant.' The shapes:of the
light and current pulses were coincident, which would seem to indicate that the life-
LCard 1/2
ACC NRs AP70039W SOURCE CODE; GX/0036/07/0~01001/K005/Kd66
AUTHORi Dogdankevich, O.V. ;_A." rly krao 11it ikov A, 1, Pechenoy,,
A01 .
ORG: Physical Institute Academy of Sciences o~
f 1he VS$R, M0866V
TITLE: Laser emiss:ion in electron-be aln-e xcited 'in: S e
SOURCE: Physics, status siolidi:.' V~~-19, not 114~7, K5-Y.6
TOPIC TAGS: semi con ductor':lase r electron, beam5vkazp=L-Z~~,
zinc MmAwi
se-lani de , iorlex, F-J);/ S S/ o0. 4 073 FC P01) ~tljv 6-
Laser action in ele~tron'-b'eam-pumped ZnSe at 4600 ~was observed "Perir
mentally. The We crystals were pr Iepared under U.Sh-ftessure, gas phase
13. *(skjxO.51x O'~8 MMI
,reaction and subsequent crystallization. 7hesampW - were,
and the spacing between the cavity mirrors was'0-8:Mm,. -The operating
'temperature was 100K, rising to 150K during pumping, The experimental
i;amples were pumped by. 150-nanosee 4.5-150 keV electron !pulses. Red-
light emission was observed at small curx t~denditiea,-:blud-line emission
-at 4570 was observed at ~,,~cuxrent densitiei~gieii~r than'several "pjc~12
Card 1/2
ACC NRg AP7003904
creises in'the current dei _'k;rii -am
Further in asity P/Cm
resulted in a sharp. rive in the line (46001A)-Jntensityl(by.a factor of 10),
a sharp narrowift of ite,width (from .70 . to ~ 11; A) , isznd a ~- directional. eff ~ct.
Although the mode wtructure was nolt.res iv~d'.Var tie r'diative directions,
o 16 a
-with a 7! bead aperture, could be identifiedi , Thd~ result6 indicate that
the large threshold densities may be causel by the:~cryutal inhomogeneity
and/or a high spontaneous recombination.c as section..,
AUTHORS; Zvere~r, It. Pl~ Ruoht"kf~t S. P~,: gub6~lro' El IV
6 6, u I rA.
TITLEt Ma~dnde~0;4 ot:~'thc hdat 6 pal$~Imlisac,
:D la _i 136: -
h fv0iAiV_4t
U X022 e&L:,:: 0.
TEM Thii ~dia6ol t
6-: (Sbt-96)7:' rk i i *dr~)ui th
and -2 i~j +
dit; ljl~imietwitio-; Oct 6
th contraction Mi of lh so u ow I
;-yl sebr-_ --'n,- te ;md d1butyl TyInthal ate. Thl,,, e,vula4ion
2:, *21,' vrh-~re :-;
If2 1 4
-lcll-)n th- ino'eculas F th e a. cv (i n tt;n e 3c),y-:z,?r and the- solvent.
JXS--'~A EhD'Teui h. ~t
n,:: -id ed tr,&~
af t'-cl
y -~-.emb-r -11 I.::p ~rierjzj-
I 'ill) n d aform i ng Ix! tireen -, ae mac romo le 1 i:ikil :-r. the soulion.
Card 1/2
Dw- --n~enc-- .3 7j t
2 4,
i 5 J. ftnifest,
n -
v fin t
3 :13 r In ~,!lg nt ~,:Scuqseft.
tmd for
1"Ure are I figure an4 2 tablon
,'~S33CIATION: Mookovskiy institut, tonkoy khimirbile.1-Y t~,khn i1n.
Y. V. iwawnosova (Mcaa--w 1rstituto of Vine Chemio'Al T~chno-'
logy imeni 'Ili. V. Lomonosov) ; Imstitut. fj,zichelk,)y 1,,himii
Akademii nauk SSSR ('-nst itute of ',:-iyF: c---1- of t~ie
~Cu3l .11), 19652, b~
::7 iarj,~ ri, ric. 9n
D, 1962
%ff W`A4WFj W`j'j_' -WWI U1W-4tWW1kWF WW4,W
AWHORS; Mchurina, G, A I Vveriby Y. P. BXt. kairl!" A W1
TITIZi Formul&tion of polypropylene ftbevg(from a Polytmipr solatlQn,
BOURCEt, Khimialreakiya 1A3
9r -~14q
TAGSr- :pol n '90 YM .i"i"
-ABVj. RAM s' 'plypro yj
-,,upon- -G'GrUOr
'the:~ t re 4r*. is.
dence.. _'.'zh97 A4~
W Mul eme, 6-
Tor at i on, di: - P vianooi n thi*_
t-Y I
poiymer-solvent system upon the tImpereiture azd7the intemaity of the shift N4
also been studied. High-boiling Bydrocarbons with boiling peints bet-ween 200 ~n&
250C were used as solvents. Various- polymeric ApAoturfon were esparated b,7 the
method described by 1. ",atta at &I (J. AM* Chem* 600.1. r, 195.iq 1-(06). it wart
found that the polyproVylene vAutlans or ttaoti a and sterecibloolt-copolymer
tructures become fluid at various ethift Wtenaitieo enA temperatureso ThO VI It-
oot3ity of tlhe systen chan~,-ae vary little be,woen 20 EuAL SCY".. 'Eaviever, it in-
creases &.arply with further increase in tempeTaturet reaching a maximum mi. 12%.
The crystalline structure of the polymer io deatroyed titityiDen 1-50 and 160P4,
1-~~ YI:
it's show that forwalati6n, P
esU C
lbe.accomplished only at -a uxe&olose to tile meltiyq Voin,., *f the pot~MO.IZ4
:The presence of solvent in the polypropylene Mers at th* moment of extruAlon
resul'IB in the mroduction af fibers with better physical iind me:ha-nical
Crig. Par' . ~ -~si 4
A S '-- I-"c-. 97 77-IT-7 ',A.!-7nior iicie-tiftc rL-seaxch institixte for synthetic fibers)
A C'-,
Card 2/~
YO REP. SC;7t 004
OrHER.- 003
:2 _9_3 0 S10631601022100619061.008
A100 BO 1 3/BC, 6.6
AUTHORS: Zverev, M. P. and Zubov, P. I.
TITLE: Interaction of Plasticizers With Fillers
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 22, No'. 6, Pp- 756-75'
TEXT: In the present letter to the editor the authors retort on the
determination of the wetting heat of carbon black with plasticizers;. of;
different polarity. The followins fillers were used: gas-c Ihannel blacki
and 4.8% oxygen~66nten,L ' 1 7
with a specific surface of 110 m ana gas-:
channel lack without oxygen-containirig groups with~,a spocific sur T ace
of 100 M , which was annealed at 9000C in the hydrogen current. The'
wetting heat was measured on an adiabatic calorimeter (Ref. 2). The;, table
gives the values of the wetting heat obtained. The evolution of heat
occurring during the wetting of gas-channel black with molecules of,pollar
lasticizers 2 (dibutyl sebacate, dibuty! phthalate) is about twice as high
~0,055 cal/m as in the wetting with mQlerules of non-polar plasti(~ize~rs
(0.035 cal/m As a result, the surface of the 5as-chanrel black b0com'es
Card 1/2
t ;r i I!.
Interaction of Plasticizers With Fillers S/069/60/027/006/006/008
hydrophobic by the incorporation of po'lar-plasticitiors. As was shbwn.ih
Ref. 1, the sorption of macromolecules of divinyl: o tyreno 'rubber ;On the
surface of the filler is thus increase:d. It was fuli'ther f6und thab,the*
evolution of heat during the wetting of fillers which ccntain no
functional groups is practically independent of the dipole moment of the
plasticizer. It may be assumed from the data obtained, that the better,
mechanical properties of filled divinyl styrene rubbers in the presence
of polar plasticizers are due to the screening of iunctional groups of:
carbon black by polar molecules of the plasticizer. According to the
authors, this fact might be of interest in connecti.on with the problem
of obtaining oil-filled divinyl 3tyrene rubbers. N.:V. Mikhaylov and
E. Z. Faynberg are thanked for assistancein the thermochemical experiments,
There are I table and 2 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii.AN SSSR'(Institute of Physical
Chemistry AS USSR). Institut tonkoy khiiriche3koy tekh,nologii
im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moskva (Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Md6cow)
SUBMITTED: May 17, 1960
Card 2/2
...... pi
ACCESSION WH: AP4039348 S/O183/64/0OO1/OO3/O0:l$/OOi9
'AUTHOR: Zverev, M. P.; Bv*chkov., He Av; Kostinap To F.; Klimen]cov, V, Be
TITLE: Modification.of polypropylene fiber properties*
SOURCE: Khimlcheskiye voloknal;no. 3p 1.964., 15-19
TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene fiberp polypropylene polystyreh,e fibew,, polypropylenIe
polystyrene compatibility, IR spectra, deformation.. mechanical istrength., polymer
i amorphination, structure breakdown, relative elongation, iootactic polypropylene,
ii3otactic polyntyrenej, sterio hindrance.. structure mobilit.7
iABSTRACT: The compatibility and properties of fibers made of' mLxtures of
.'PrOpylene and polvotyrene were investigated. The densities of -the polymer
mixtures and the contractlon were determ.inede IR spectra were 13ritically examIned
and thermomechanical properties (deformation strength) wore do-termined. IncreIas-
ing the amount of polystMne in polypropylene caused partial, enorphization of,the
polymers. The two polymers are not microcompatible, as shown by IR data and the
presence of 2 melting regions in mixtures containing over12 weight% polystyrene,
The positive value of the amount of contraction is not a oritArLa for determining
Acassio ,N NR: AP4039348
microcompatibility. It is'propooed that the geometric dljm~nsiomo'of the macro-~
molecules of the initial polymers and the different dimensions or the secondary:
structures affect the amount of specific volume contraction. The formatiohlof
defects in the secondary structure of polystyrene is greater -then in polnropylene,*,
a small amount of the latter in polystyrene causes contraction of the polystyrene*
Additiou of sma13 amounts of polystyrene caused the polypropylene structure to
'break down. Inctreasing the amount of polystyrene in polypropylene reduced the
relative elongation and the mechanical strength of the latter duz to the micro-,
~,hctcrogencity of the system and the increased hardness of t
he polypropylene strue-,
Iture. Mixtures of isotactic polypropylene and polyatyrene'~:bwve satisfactory
~phyaical-mechanical properties if the amount of polystyrene does not exceed!12~4~
The energy of activation of creep increased with increase in polystyrene content;.
this was explained by steric hindrances created by the polystyrene uhich impcde~
the mobility of the polypropylene structure. "In conclusion we 1.,onaider It our,
;obligation to thank K. So Minsker for supplying us the isotactic polystyrene."
Orig. art, has 7 figures and 2 tableus
B/ '19,0/,50/'002/011/065/027,
AUTHORS: Zverev, M. P., Klimenkov, VO.S., Kostjn,jLj~
TITLE: Dependence.of the Themomechanioal Prpperties of
propylene on Its Structural: Composition. II
FERIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya. 1060, ';ol,: 2, No 11
pp. 1620 1624
TEM The authors dealt with the problem of theAnterdation between':
atactic and isotactic m .acramolecules of,polypropylerte. In:the article
under consideration, they report on:the. effect, of fractional cot4osiiion
on strength relative prolongation, and modulus of elaoticity of poly.
propylene at 300C. Specimens prepared by Etlis and Mirsker, withra ~ r-
molecular weight of 120,000, were used for the te~sto. The atactio' fraction
was either extracted by means of ether or by means of haptane, Aj*three-
'caise, whose
dimensional copolymer was obtained in the latterly molecules
were found to consist of atactic and isotactic linkti~ The production.of
fibers of different fractio .nsl compositions has' already been described
by the authors in Ref. 3. Fi .bers elongated by 360~ at 30 100 OC:were
Card 1/3
Dependence.of the Thermomechanical P .roperties S/1~6/60/062/011/005/027
of Polypropylene on Its Structural B00.4/B060
Composition~ II
investigated here; they consi sted 1Y,of isotactic,lipolypropylene, of
93% laotacticand 7% atactic polypropylene, 3) of,~'q~klgjj.6
a tactic poly-'
prapylene and 7% three-dimensional copolymer., The'author$! reached .the
following conclusions: .1) Due to recrystallizati.on and orientation, the
fiber stability increases with the temperature at~~whieh the fibers were
elongated.. 2) The modulus of e;asticity shows a maxiialzt of fibers*,
elongated between 1000 and 110 0~ The different values of the modulus of
elasticity at different polypropylene composition6 are' explained:by the
fact that on stretching, there occurs. besides re-drystallization~~ also a
translation of crystals without appreciable deforpatiori,.so that.the
atactic structures in-between have an 0elasticizing effect. The msdulU6 of
elasticity of fibers stretched at 100 C was examiaed between -40-1and'
+120 C, and it was found that a) in the range -401 to -20 C, viz;.:in the
vitrified state, the modulus of elasticity is not;deperident on th+
fractional oompositionj b) on the transition to the high-;elastic'atate,
the modulus of elasticity varies in dependence on~,the fractional,com-.
positionj the fibers with atactic fraction exhibiting Creater cbap:g~esi,
Crystallinity can be estimated on the' basis of th6ee effpcts on the
Card 2/3
BARZ11, A.1%; 1.5X;1
CX 1~.Ved Id. tat -"(--n Of r.'J'Ayaor. (3
-L(Y-, L 18 t2
1. K-~okovsllvdy alijtltut, ttunkuy 10~f--~"1~~huokoy L"r.. -T, o: ot;i-, jvvn,~
L)iTi:-q-i,: o )v-a
ACC NR, Am6o33433 Monogreph
Konkin, Aleksnndb A r.-, e n f yo vie h; AWXIE~yj
:~olyolefin fiberA-(Poliolefinovyye volokna), Moncow., Izd-vo "Miimiyn", 1966. 278 Pd
illus., biblid., index. 3TOO, copies printed.
TOPIC TAG*: conj gated polyolefin hydrocarboni, synthetial;'fiber:, fiber
SMOSE AND COVEFAGE: This book is intended for scientific iind. engineering worikers
in the syntlhet-~c fiber indu.-,try and in associated branches of industry concitrned
with synthetic fibers. It can also be used as a,textbook by students or chemical-
engineering and textile institutes.of higher education, The book discubses,the
basic principles for-synthesizing polyoleAns (polypropylene and polycithylene) ond
their most imiprtant properties, and describes the effect o;.,i the proces~s for pro-
ducing polyolefin fibers. Also described are the rheological characteristics of
polymer melts,!the fiber-formation processen and the draving and thermal fixing
-of the thread.:'! The properties, means of modification, . and possible fi4lds,of
polyolefin fiber application are examined. Chapters 1, 11, rV and V Vere written'
by M. P. Zvere.y. and the introductionj, Chapters III, VI, ar,d VII by Ai.4. KOnkin.
The authors express gratitude to Doctor of Technical Sciencen K. Ye. Pflrepelkln,
Candidate of Technical Scienceg, T. V. Druzhinina and A. Ya., 14aUn,, an'd! to;
A, R. Gantmakh~r for their helpful advice. There are 395 refe~rences:~219 of which
are Soviet.
r,d 1/2 UW: '677.494.742.2/.3