Glutathions reductase system of pea seeds at O~rloua!rlpenlng
stages. Blokhim. zer. i khlebopech. no.TM-9~ 164i.
Glutathione reductase system of pea seeds at vsrious;g-ormi-
nation stages in the darkness atd in the llghb#~ Blokhtmi. zer.
i khlebopech. no.703-100 164. (PJRA 170)
1. Biologo-poahvennyy fakiLlltet Mookovskogo godi.idardtvitnnogo
universiteta Imeni Lomonosova,
Fnzymattc reduation of d1sulfide beindis in~ I~cv mo~evule and
prot-jin subettances during germinAtIon and maturat-Abn of wheat
seeds. Prik-1. biokhIm. I mikrobiol, I noo~000--504 M 165'.
(HMA 16ill)
1. Biologo-pachvennyy t&kullbet Moskavakogo gosuaarstvennogo
univeralteta Imani M.V. LomoAcsova.
7EXYASHEVA,# Z.Is; STIML,tKIK%"YW7$Al.$A.!ItilBUNArimvj Kh.Z.
Expirienee in tho organization of tas 0110816 control
directed at its liquidation, Med, parais, i.pantz.,bol. 34
no.2tI33-139 Mr-Ap 165. 18 111)
1. Uzbek8kiy inBtitut eksperiwantalluor meditsinqUoy parazitol.ogii.
i geltmintologii, g. Samarkand. i Gorodskqa W11:nItmaj RayonrAju
sanitarno-opidesiologicheakays stantsiya, ge'latta-Kurgaw.
natection of a specific antigen In the tiso0es of,mlae w1th!
leukemia Induced by Mazuranko's virus with this &A of the
ft.ytotoxic reaction in vitro. Vest. AMN SSSA 19 nb.11451-541;'6,4,,
(MIRA 181 ')~
1. institut eksperimentalinoy I klinicheakDr onkologii AMN =MO
PUCHKOVSKIT, V.T., dotoent, kand.takhn.nauk; Z"A,
Electric strengtb of a laminated dieloctricroubjected to a volt-:
age of a coriplicated curve* 12v.vye.ucheb.%IftV4; energ, 2 noAt
38-42 Ap '59. (WRA 1219)
1. Cbelyabinskiy institut elek-trifikatsit i makhanizateli sal.'skogo
"We"MM I L i.~. 44'k~ 4,1Y&,f4A!A meillixm ~1'1 -;i11 1 111 1
ye! E PS C
AUTHORS: Puchkovskiyj V.V., Candidate of Te~phnical Sciences,,
Docent, and Zuyevat Z.G., Engineer,
TITLE: Breakdown Strength of Laminated Dielectrics During the
Application of Complex-Wave Voltage,'
PEaIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny.k-h- z-ave-delniy Energetika:
1959, Nr 4, pp 38-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with~ the;breakdow.n. strength of~ ila--~,
minated media, which were exposed t6 voltages who6e I
curves showed a complicated coursd',~ The'graphs Oho*
the results of tests which were carried. out withi'dotib-
le-layer media. The dielectric strength under compli-
cated voltage conditions is then discusqed in thL,,or~,
As a result it was found that the breakdown strength!
of a laminated' dielectric is depe"Xident on the cour8e
of the curve of the voltage and that the maximuzzi di_#~-
electric strength is contained in ~this!dependency. ,
This means that under certain conditiotis the dielec-;
tric strength is larger, if the valtage curve i's co
Card 1/2 plicated, than if it is simple. 'A double-layer di-
Witeakdown '.8t;!jngth -of Laminkt6d'Dieleati-ide Duri~g thd! A~plfcation
-,"bf Voltage
electric, which is.exposed to a continuously changing
voltage, has a curve of'its dielectric strength which
has two branches and a maximum, There tire 6 graphs
and 2 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinakiy institut elektrifikatsii i mekhanizilts1i
sellskogo khozyaystva (Chelyabinsitnstitute for Med-
trification and Mechanization of Agriculture)
Card 2/2
AID P 4026
Subject USSR/Power
Card 1/1 Pub. 26 9/31
Authors Zuyeva, Z. G. and V. V. Puchkovskiy,11and, Tech. Sci.
Title More on testing electric machine;,InsUlation.
Periodical ; Blek, sta., 11) 33-35o N:1955
Abstract : Tests on 3.15 kv motor insulation were.made on,;:a-c' and
rectified voltage. Coil insulation tests are discussed..
Four diagrams present test curves. Two Russian sources,
Institution None
Submitted No date
ZUY]ffA,IoGo, inshenere, FUGHKOVSKIT,V.Vo, kandidat Wdibich6skikh. nauk
More on the testing of insulation of electric machinery, Blek.
sta~26 no.11:33-35 N155. (HLRA 9:1),
(Electric insulators and Insulation-Tastin;)
SOMOV9 U.S., kand,ekonomonauk; LAPM, Ya*N.l UUNSBY; A.I.v kandi
okonom.nauk; ~ ~; , W"711HR, I. I. ,
kand.ekonom.n!ffe; I.P.; UM-
NYAMWA, L., red.; TELIGINA, T., takhn.red.
[Payments In Indus tryl Reachety v promyshlenzionti.1 Xoakva,
Gonfinisdat, 19590 125 P. (min nal)
1. Moscow. Nouchno-iseledovateliskiy finantsoyy i~ebitut. 2.~Zale-
duyushchiy otdoleniyam llauchno-issledovateltakogo ti*Mauaovog6 inliti-
tuts Hiniaterstva finansov SSSR (for M=movL!i3. Starshir ekonomist
Nauchno-looledovatellskogo fitansovogo instlt4ta Miniaterstva finansoy
MR (for Laptev). 4. Nachaltnik upravloniya kToditovaniya promysh
lennoati sovnerkhozov Pravleniya Goebanka 052 (for lazantsevL 5.'Na-
challnik planovo-okonomicheakogo otdola Kozkovukoy~gorodekoy kontory
Oosbanka (for Zhyev). 6. Hkonomist Xoskovsko7,gorod~vkoy kontory' Gos-
banka (for Kochagarova). 7. Sameatitell nachnitnika planovo-okonomi-
cheakogo upravlaniya Roesiyekoy reepublikanskol kontory God'banka (for
Shrayber). B. Glavn" bukhgalter mogkovskogo klilebotavoda lto.4 (for
TSapin). 9. 3kepert otdala kradita I deneslinogo obrsahchenlya Ml-
nisteretva finansov SSSR (for Kitaygorodakiy).11
Use or vitamin B6 and 1~2 in compound troatmont O~f stomach
and duodenal ulcer. Veal. AMN SSSR 18 no.205-87~: ~63-
(MIRA 1715)
1. Nauchno-losladovatellaU.y Institut vitamknologii, HinisteratVa
%dravookhranenlya WSR.
Zu"'kinal G. Al
TITLE: Maxim= Exactitudes of Radio Navigational Sy6tems As Regardd Remote
Effect and Phase Reading' (Pr(A IA I 11,yye Walifiwoti
ri dsten dallne(;o Joyitviya a f 0 Vj iq
P?-RIOI)ICAL: Radioteklinika, 1957, Vol- 12, IIr 12,: pl). 19-28 (USSR)
L 3-J: 21RA C T The problem of the influence of pro a.Eattn4,r conditiOnr on the
,hase and the pliaso velocity of rad o,,,itvijs of the r ne,~ef of
100-150 kiloc' cles por second is i The~rcsults
obtained froin coiqAt Lion carried Oat for !;he correqUoll of
the vhase and phatie vulocity for varioua kizt,li of "round are
6ivfni. I)ia-Crans are conotriiated wiiNl tile aid of which it is
poutjiblo to determine pha in -~Olaftdellco on tile
so velocity 1. )
nature of the soil (or 11-round). The iovaltiation of the b6undary
accuracy of Radio Navi~iation Sy.3tems, with Remote Ef teat' and
Phase Reading, which 13 due to theiinfluence of tho ~surface
extending boneath it, ia (3ivan. The
' ~folltyville Dwi..Mixty its
given: Up to recent timen the antir4 praetice of dlotanCe
measurini, bY metins of the phane method ba'sed ort the.,
-iumption that the phaue velocity o~f the prope8ation of
Card 1/3 r-Clio waves Jof-.El riot du,)ond on the proportlies of the surface
Maxim;m Exactitudes of Radio Navigatlona3. Systems An'Begards 0
Remote Effect and Phase Reading
axtendin-- beneath it as woll as on the a.n!!ur%7.,tiLn that'the
I li-ht (whicli was
phase velocity is equal to the velocity of
first stated by Mandel'slitan and P&puleoki, 9nd wo-d
theoretically confirmed b;r Ryuzin).~ Howel.rer, when invepti,,,atinj;
this que-~tion with reapect to applicuti~oa to lftuzf-$.~
nerjn,urinf,,-%,9temn for lareor diota,n6un, Ithich wor% in the
1C0 ko rant;e, it rma found thUt tille, cori(:lusion (Irawnlin
I . zin's. work ir, much too reneriLl 41111 iq' correct only in
.irincipl,3, and that it is of theoretical! value only,. For the
practice Of rIII.LS0 %(StOnq -f~ect the concli.ision
with reipote e
.;rawn is wieluss, for,' as is rihown )iore,: phase velocitj
adjusts ituolf ao slowly in tho 100 - 150 kc theAt,
4ith the nuawring accuruoy of modv~rn aw-,aratus, it-, is,
; 1j,
impousible to iijiore the difforence~ betw-.-on phase Ivelooity
Mid the velocity of' lij;ht. At lonp,0 ilinLatwwi from tho
tramsmitter diffraction accursp U11:(11' ill tIlUt CUSG it io~.
entirol,y im:)ossi~le to, ripeak of phape, wj~qcity beirlu
indc. -:indent of the oro,)ertieu of hIL, :iur-a-ce W,
t endin6 below
or of ita beillL equal to tho velocity of lit,-ht. Ja the, Crise
G;-, rd 2/
Maximum Exactitudes of Radio ftrigational 8yotems As RI!prdO I Oc- I ~-31 10
Remote Effect and Phase Heading
of existinL diffraction the phase volocity of the
propagation of radio `kWes dopenda o6 the propertie.6 of the
Lround (or soil) above vhich propaUation tlikes place-'
According to its absolute order, pha6 10 Velbaity is not as
high as the velocity of lii!,ht, and itrj difrurence from
it increases with a deCT-case of the d6riductivity of the
t-~round (or soil).
'ihere are 2 figures, 1 table and 3 referunces, all of which
are Slavic.
SUKITTED: April 12, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Radio waves-Phase velocity 2, Xatbamatica-Theoz7 Radio
navigation systems
card 3/3
MTRTAXOT, T.B. ~~WUINA G.'~,, Etranslat
orlj V=OYSIUT, SoA, [translator];
DANW, Y.As re e;."UtOMOVA, A.G., tskMlillred,
(ProPagation of radjowaves of low and very low frequencies;
ciallection of articiss] Raeptostronsule dlin!Aykh i sverkh-
dlinnykh radiovoln; abomik statei. Moskva, 12d-vo iftostr.llt-r7:'
1960. 260 p. (MIRA 13:6)
P. rift
- - ----------
ZUYK07, A. I.
ZUYKOV, A. I. -- "The Selection of Rational Location ~dr Drifto Adapted to
Existing Systems of Working Thick Inclifidd and Sloping'Coal'Uam. in t6
Chelyabinsk Brown-Coal Basin.". Kin Higher Education U~SSR. 116scov Mining
Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertationjor the Degree of
Candidate of Technical Scienceno)
SOt Knizhna,,Ya let2gla', No. 4, Roacow, 1956
AUTHORS: Zuykov, F. If., Khozhainov, A. I. (LO'ningrad)
TITLE: Con3 ruc -n'-of Circle Dinerams for sin Induetion. Motor With
.,elk etr'
Biased Reactor Coil (Poshroyeniye p l,111 icheakikh t1st
asinkhronnogo dvigatelya a droaselyathi naayshcheniyn
PERIODICAL: Elektricht.,stvo, 1958., Nr 11, pp 14-10 (MM"
ABSTRACT: This is an investigation of the cir4le dlae.,,,rani of an inauc-
tion motor with biased reactors in tko stator circuit tinder
the contlition that voltage and curredt maintain their siftusoidal
shape under all operational conditioils. "d-twithatanding the
circumstance that a precise equivaliint alri.,uit dia&am ~a
used as a basis of the construction tif thli i.,ircle d4grain,it
.;le%l~t the phnic aista'hce
proves to be more expedient to ne- re
of the choke as this does not falsify the.resulta. It is:~also
expedient to add I the inductive resintance of the choke x Ch i
to the inductive resistance of the n6in stafor circuit. Equa-
tion (1) ia then written dovin holdinj for the entirj-~:equi-
valent resistance of the main stator:circvit. The procedure
Card 1/3 of constructing, the circle diagram ill praijanted. Generally
$0V/1 05~50- 11 -4/0
Construction of Circle Diagrams for an Indii(-Aion 1rutcr,',1,'1t1j nif.130d Hea'ctor
the inductive resistance of the-choko; varien pronouu6edly with
the slip at a constant bias magnetir.~~ion.~ it t-raphic ~ tie thod
of analysis Is preoented for the det4irmination of the variation
of X witli the slip .9 at different values of I const.
Ch I n'
(I denoting the bias matmeti.4,ation ourrent). The diagram ob-
tained by this way ahowOl that x 14.3independent of, :0 prac-
Ch I i
tically only at a very high bias ningTetization. Tn ot'her.cases
the non-linearity of the choke must be taken into aCdount.
The influence of this non-linearity,pf the choke coil is!
illustrated by two circuits which correspond to X and
Ch ~ imax
XCh i min' at I n - conat. The circle diagram of thelinduction
motor at different values of X is presented. The;vector
Ch ij
OA represents the stator current I'.,' 'he parameternichaiacteriz-
ing the operation of the induction iii6tor a ulonsL. are
xCh i
determined from the current circle ~y the %i.,;iual methods (Ref 1).
The functions describinf,, I, - T(a) il~t difff~rent val~les of I n-
Card 2/3 constant which were obtained aither.by calculation or experimen-
130V 1 05~5$-l 1 -4/28
Construction of Circle Diagrarsfor an Induction Motor With Biased Reactor
tally are compared In a pertaining dim,,tram. 11; demon utVateil
that both sets of values show a good aTrecment. Thin is also
true of the efficiency of the motor as obtnined from the
circle diagran. and by experimont. Ther6 ure f) f i6pires and Soviet
SUBMITTED: June 11, 1950
Card 313
KHOZHAINOV, Anatoliy Ivanavich# kand. tekhn. nauk; MkOV, Fedor Rkol ayevicho
kand. tekhn. nauk
Determination of the permissible numbor of starts of1moynchronous
motors with saturable reactors within,one hours'l time. Izv. v-p.
uoheb. zav.; elektromekh. 7 no.9tlO88-1095 14 (HTRA 1811)
034ANOV~ N.N.; DUDAK, N. a, V.A: Z.1.,,!red.
[Improving the properties of cersents and con~.,reted by the
addition of synthetic products from petroleum ~ chellis try;
a contribution to the problems of using chemital retiources
In construction) Uluchshenie svoistv tsemefitOv I ~etonov
dobavkami sinteticheakikh produktov neftekhi~li- k 1ropro-
P .
sam khimi2atsii stroitellotva# [By) M.I.Khl Wlovi~h I dr.
Moskva, 1964. 3P, P. I V111A AiO
1. Moscow. Inzhenerno-stroitellrqy instituts,
ZAKMOV, Anatolly Ivanovich; ZUYKGV, Ivan Ivanovich- YELISEYEVp
S.V., red.
(Medium-precision theodolites and optical telem6ters)
Teodolity arednel toohnosti i opticheakle dallnomery.
Moskva, Nedrap 1965. 171 p, (MIRA :L911)
ALMIOR.' Zuykov, N. V,1, TsvfAMyevt,-A, A.
K. I
it 0 Indt Il'u,
ona: Moscow Power ELivineerhy 1not, ute.__(MoAb1v k
TIM: Thermocouple for measuring tomperiAuke's up to
SOURCE., Teplofizika vyaokikhtemperatur,~V. 3V no. il~635, ill$
.-TOPIC TAGS: e I cherAl): i'u id
,~hermocauple t~Merature me4sul.1 _n~4 cl
ABSTRACT: A graphite-carbon thermocouple. (see Flg~ 1) ba~ m0soring tetoi-rrit1iiee
from 1200 to 2900K in a carbonized media 6f Inort gam lift betitt ite*elope4 itt ti
cow Power Engineering lnstt~ute. In ordet to remove the tLir from the Pa- e bi!tveen
the external and internal eld&.tr to diirf0g, heatinfr -al liohea* 1.
04 ,, toovim iW
eter , were made In the Kl~aaate, bushin(e,.\~!he - therni,couptiD I a orct va temperiitur4t curve
obtained during three consecutive heatings up to temperaturem ot 30WK indicates
noticeable variations In the on? at temperatures up, to 2340-95410it; f'urth+r htatiag
to 2900-3000K produced no erfecto. The thermocouple as.3 thua lie used fot Vir olonged
I 5~6
i.jI I I kf-A ,
t. - - - ..
I : 1.1 1 1 . . , . i - I -~ -, ,
:1 : . I I I ! , . . 1. ,
I ,
-TtoAl, 7
ACC Nto -AP5025997
measurements of temperatluee 16 axi lnert.Lgq~s, %Wt~12 OOK
also capable of withatenflog shoA periodo at up to' 360 011,i,- art
608 CODE: TO SUBM DATE: 31kar65/ OR-td 001 mit, 600/ kib
ZtVkovp V. - *Spectrophotometry of solar floccula in the I"lphs and N-Wa + lineellp
rzvestiya Glav. astron. observatorii v Pulkovo, vol, xvii4l, lf~- 142, 1949o p.:83-93p
- Bibliogi 12 itemse
SO: U-411, 17 JulY 531 (lostopis Ifturnal 'n7kh Statey, Rbdi2op 1949).
TochrAcal and economic indic~ls or the operation al yarious
construction tomiautmatie. elevatorp of
vertical and inclined borei,.oles. Roved. I Orh. v-60.1. 30 no.2,:
50-52 F (ITKjol 17:8)
1. Gosudamovennyy geologichrsalti.y Ic ou, L to t, 134-BR.
NOV, 41,
nomy Solar Studies
Spectrograph, Diffraction
Floccults I., ~- 2~uy 6 pp
-90 11
discussion of bright floc~cules)--irhich
t regions on spectraheliograms corresponding to
too reviev
__gues of flame on the sun's surface, and
~.~pyiet vbtk on: tbis -pbenomenon. in 1940 j V. P.,
T3-szaniti~.,;a'-bbtai-ned: nuc:bexr_o~~-;~pe ctrae;re of briz-h
jrl!_~ccules in the lines R - -.--,Ca+ .. .....
Epectrograph of Pulkovo Obs. Includes
table of reliti ti:es L Lzhz floc
UWR/Ast.ronovW - Solar Studies (Contd) Ncrv,
~~iWjch ZWkov constructed from spectroheliogr=s
obtained by Vyazenitsyn in 1939.
SO, SUH 393, 29 Fab 1955
Translation froi Referativnyy zhurnal, Geoflzika, 1959, Nr'4, p 124 (usw)~,
Zuykov, V.N..
TIMM On the,Kinstla Temperature 01 A-oases in 361it~ Px~mineinoes
erv. v Pulkove,
PERIODICAM Izv. 01. astron. obs 1958,1Y61 20., Nr 6, pp~ -65
ABSTRAC`r; This is a discussion of the problem of th6~!kinet~o temperature
and some other physical cbarActeristics oft,~promfhences, detetv-
mined by the contours of H(Xi, H and K lines of tonized calcium.'
In so far as these lines poisses self-absorption, the observed
contours were corrected for this effect. i temporature Tkin -
63700C was found on the average for the thr6e aforementioned,
lines. The quantity of hydrogen 41oms in tj. seoond quantum
state Is equal to NZ,H - 1.5 x 101-1 atoms/4, and the quant#y
of Ca'~ atoms in the ground state amounts t6iNCa + 1-2 x 1013
Card 1/1 Author" 1; r6sumb,
73 060
KrasovskiX, A,,A# and
Limiting Threshold of Slensitivity'o; Thit.rmal Radi'*-
Radiation Reoeption
Radiotekhnika i elektronika. ig6o,. 'Vol Nr
PP 544-550 (USSR)
On the basis of Einstein's formula~:;ror radiation-*~ner~gy
fluctuations, an expression is ob-tained'Ear the limiting
threshold of sensitivity of thermaJll,radip-radiatidn,,b~
receivers. The wavelength brightneos teeperature plane
is divided into two regions. In th4 firut the usual
formulae for threshold of sensitivity aro valid and in
the second region that of short wavelengths and low
temperatures, the present formulae a~e valid. The',
expressions are valid for arbitrary types; of receiver
structure (with antenna, absorption cell etc). There.are
I figure and 12 references, 3 of wh#h are Soviet &nd,
9 English.
SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959
Card 1/1
Sverdlovsk, Russia. Institut istorii partii
Sotsialisticheskoye stroitelstvo na Urale; abomik Aatey (Socialist'Con4truction
in the Ural Industrial Area; Collection of ArticUs) [S4erdlovsk] Iver'dlovskoye
knizhnoye izd-vo, 1957. 345 P. 5,000 copies printed.
Ed. (front of book): Zu3rkov, V-N., Candidate of Historical Sciences; 1 9d. (back of
book): Getling, Yu.,* Tech. Ed.: Pallmina, N.
PURP099: This collection of articles is intended for the general reader.
COVERAGE: The collection contains reports on the ecolnomle growth of the Ural
Industrial Area, including the development of farilting. Particular attention is
given to the role played bythis region during tbe" 2nd World War'L 'Felitively
little space is devoted to the current Five fear Plan. There are ~O pboto-
graphs in the text, some of which show induntriai~objects.
Bazunov, Me. Defeat of the International Intervention and of the K~lcbsk
Movement In the Ural Region 5
Card 1/3
Socialist Construction in the Ural (cont.) 951
Nirenburg, Ya.L. Restoration and Consolidation of A%vleti Power in the Ural
Region Following the Defeat of Kolchak (1919-1920),i 43
Plotichkin, V.A. The Ural Party Organization in the Struggle to Restore the
National Economy (1921-1925) 79
Kalikov, V.M. The Ural Party Organization in -the Struggle for the Socialist Indus-
trialization Policy (1926-1929) 110
-Zuykov, V.N. Contributions to the History of the C]"aticaft Of UM:L Heavy
ruggle for the Victor'Y
Zuykov, V.N. The Ural Party Organizations in the St
of CoIlective 'Farming (199-7-1934) 177
Nesterenko, M.S. Heroic Feats of Ural Workers During the Great Patriotic
War 21-1
Card 2/3
socialist Construction in theUral (Coat-) 951
Samatov, V.A. Technological Advances in Ural IndustrIes baring the Fourth
Five Year Plan (1946-1950) 244
Yemellyanov, V.P. and Zinochkin, A.G. Organizational and tconomic Stxength-
ening of KaMozee,in Sver%Uovskaya Oblastlin the'Postvar Nriod (194649511) 269
Minayev, L.,, and Cherezov, B. Th* Struggle Nr Grestar Labor Productivity, 314
Savin, A.0. Towards a Steep Rise in Farm Production 329
AVAILA13IZ: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 J-9-59
AUTHOR: Zuykov,,V.P.
TITI74 On some peculiaritiet of a metallic. prominence
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Astronomiya i Geodeziya, tick. 10, 196114 55-56,
abstract 1OA401 ("lzv. G1. astron,oboerv. v Pulkove", iq6i, V# P2j
no. a, 86 - 94, EnSL. summary)
TMt The author discusses some peculiarities of a mo~allio prominence
whose spectrum was obtained at Pulkovo.in 1956 by meahi of Whorizontal solar'
telescope. It is shown that the height of the metallio proteinance-is different
in different spectral lines. Doppler half-widths of lines &A, decrease with
the number.of the line in the Balmer series, The central intensity of1lne "t
is higher by l..5 timesthan the central intensity of,the Call Line H. The total
number of calcium atoms nCa - W07, which is more by i facttir of about'100ihan
the number of-CaII atoms. Since the kinetic temperatur *a of the metallio prom'in-
enae. turned out ta be high ( rj 14,OOOOK) , hydrogen ionization must be suf ficient-
ly complete; therefore, approximately n ne -j n 2 x 1011, where n (H)
Card 1/2
On some peculiarities of a metallic prominence AOOI/Alol'-,
is density of hydrogen. The relative abundance of hydrogen and calcium In' the
n (H) 4. ' . i
prominence n (M) 2%10 Kineti a temperature of bothihydrolgen and helium may
be the same and equal to 12-,000 14,8000K. There are 13 referenoes.
From author's summary
[Abstracter's note: Cumplete translation]
Card 2/2
J, /614/0 006),J
Tkanslatlon fromr Referativnyy zhurnal,
p..68, # 7789
~03 '000/008/,006/1007
Astronomiya-liGeode'zlya, 1960,_1:No.!8, p
AUTHOR:. Zuykov,.V. N.
TITLE; Concentrationot Calcium and Helium,Atomi in M4-tmllie Prominences
PERIODICAL: Solnechnyye, dannyye, 1959,. No..?, pp, 87-89
TM'. The final- results of processing the speotirograis of a metallici
prominence are reported. Precise profiles of tha lih6'"ndit-quivalent widths
!jil.ium i and calci atwas
have been obtained. The concentrations of hydrogen,;,h ~M:
have been determined. The problem, of calcium and belliam ic mlization hU; been
considered. The number of CaII atoms and the total nuinber 6-f Cal and C41 Atoms
In the prominence have been calculated.~ On the aasumptlon i;hivlt, hydrogen is~ a
supply s rce of free-electrons, eleo;ron density hasibeen 41stimated to;' be 1
PJ6 x 10%. The concentration of ionized helium has4"n-d4tormined, ;wh ich;
proved to be equal to 1.5 x 109. Accord to the aulbor astimato the total
number of helium atoms amounts to 1.2 x ""1 0
10 , i. e. the -ratto of ionized hellum
Card 1/2
S/035 00/000/00
Concentration of-Calolum.and Helium Atoms in M9WliO:,IPfromiO:'*A"s
to-neutral'one amounts:to.l,-.- 10. -This value agrees,4911 with theorati.cal,
calculations. The table of concentration of various 6~toms in the pronliftencig is
.presented. There are 5 references.
F~. yesipov
Translatorts note; This is the full translation of the orloinal Russian A~stract.
Card 2,/2
S/035/60/000/0 11/05/q 17
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomkjai.iaeodeiriya, 1960o No.14,
P. 42, # 3167
AUTHORi Zuykov, V. N.
TITLE: Chromospherie es Over the S e
.jun Edg
PERIODICAL: Solnechnyye dannyye, 1959, 'No. 1. PP. 83-$5
TEXT: During the summer of 1958, M spectrograulins of 'fou-- chromospheric
flares over the Sun disk edge were obtained by means 0'~;thelhtlkovo horizontal
telescope. A list of 80 lines of various elements is~Ziven In the ran*e ot
wavelengths AA3213-6848. The spectrograph dispobrsim, amo=tts to 2.05 and 2.09
A/m for H.I. and H (?), respectively. A decrease in Ooppl(tr widths ofithe'lines
in the Balmer seri2s has been discovered. A similar:phonomonon, altho .ugh je---
pronounced considerably less, was found by the author eiLr1lor.in the epoctnun
of a metallic prominence.
R. B. T,
Card 1/1
00111A00 I
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya Ideodeziya, 1960, No. 6,
P. 53, # 5229
MTHORt Zuykov, T. N.
TIM. Chromospherio Flares Over the Sim's Edge
PMIODICAL: Astron. tsirku3yar, 1959, Yanv.,30, No. 1k. pp. 11- 12
TEXT: In summer 191->8, 120 spectrograms were tak6n.of f1jur chromoipherl'!^-
flares over the Sun's edge (AA 6847.6 - 32133). Disp'46' lomij in the I 'odder.
were 2.05 and 2.09 A in the regions of Ha6 and H a re4el3tiV61y. Elghty~ UrAs
of various elements were identified. It was &A out'that U& widths of
hydrogen lines (AAD) in flares dearease with an in*reus, in his tumber of tljb
lint. The same regularity holds also for Ike ratios
Vii P. F~
Translator's note: This Is the full translation of ,a orlgiinal Russian
Card 1/1
Speotrophotometry of solar prominences.
s0imlynx V.N.;
'~Mj !.-S KONTAM G.A.
Nsibanism of the weakening of the antir46irobW action
of tetracieline in supp=ative emidate.: A~kttibiatikl. 6
no.8:715-720 Ag 161. (NIRA 15:'6)
1, Otdel khimioterapii (7AV* prof, A01,** Charmikh)
Instituta, farmakologii i khimi -ra-lpii AM SSSA.
TITLE., Some peculiarities of a metallic prombience .1,
SOURCEt Pulkovo. Astronomicheakaya obser~ 'torlya. lzvo~tiia.
v. 22, no. 2 (167) - 1961, 86 94
TEXTs A total of 22 spectrograntS of a meltallfc~ promizi44twWas
obtained at I-,ulkovo in 1956, using a horizonf,al a'61ar telescopt
and a diffraction spectrograph having a disper ion i n the flrat_
order of 2.08 A in the H and K region of t he,i~Ispectrum of lonised
calcium. Altogether, 41 lines of metals wero recorded. -. Afi~ a
result of the analyfiia of the data, very~.-acourate~ line prof ilea'
con'tkal~ ntensitj ofi the
were obtained for muny of the Aines, Tile
HC line was found to be greater than that of the; H, line of C&+
by a factor of 1.5. The Dopplerlhalf widthsJor the metal i1iriez,
and also for the lines of heliunt nnd hydrogeft,were idetermili dp' and,
1 10
hence the kinetic temperature of the prolnino6de was calculated.
It was found that the Doppler widths of, the, i5almer, lines. d4cr-6amed
with the number of the line in* the Be ries 111le reason ~-tor ~this
is so far not clear. A851,11ning that the libei; broaidsni ng.is;,due to
Card 1/2
Some peculiarities of a metallic S/797
the Doppler effect, it is concluded that the','kinei~ temperalture
of hydrogen lies between 12 000 and 14 800%. !The 4ensity 6f
1jelec :tkon d
hydrogen atoms (which is assumed 1t0 the ens
#quo city)
the density of Ag+ atoms and the density of d6ubly, ionised C& atoms
are estimated as 2 x .10111 x 108, and ~11.06' x., 10 em-3
respectively. The density of Ca atoms is-estimatedits W cim-31~
!in the.
and the relative abun ance of hydrogen and calcium,.
prominence is 2 x log 'sults ryl
Some of ~ the re are only, prelimina'
further data will be reported later,
There are 2 figures and 7 tables.
SUBMITTED: April 1960
Card 2/2
V--7--;i&iKOVf G.A.; KRIKUROV, A.Ye.1 red.; SZE:65ICIV, Y.M.) red4;
SIWVALOVAp U.S., red.; ZORDIAt G.V.j red.,- VDI,M"V, Ye.A..,
tekhn. red.
[Liquid sepprators for the food industry; m~book~c4ttalog]Se-
paratory zhidkoatnye d1la pishchevoi. proryahlj)mosti; katalo~"~
Spravochniko Voskva, 1962. 86 p. (HIRA 15:10
1. I-loacow. TSentral'W institut nauchno-tall"Llchoakay infoma-
tsii mashinoatroyeniya, 2. Vseeoyuznyy naudlin4,i...issl.it,,'.t'ovatol'Oiy
i eksperiraentallno-konstruktorakiv institut prodowillotvennogt)
n, ashinostr eni a (for Ztqtovp- Ivanov, Yalistall, Malmimova,
OY 13.
Ilovikov, Potkov
(Separators (Machinea))~i
How we are improving the vor*k of public bath establishments.,
(WAA 9 8:)
Zhil.-kam.khos. 6 o.4:9-10 156.
1. Direktor bant No. 1 goroda Vladimim (for Shchukin)-,
2. Starshiy inshener Vladimirskogo oblko*haza (for ZuykoviY
(Vladizoir-Baths, Public)
Category , USSR/Sclid State Physics Phase Transfoxmatioa in Solid Bodies E-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhu~ ?1zlka" N!~; 1
957 No 3856,
Author . Uzhik,, G,V,,, Zo.yk,:ve,. A.A.
Inst . Institute of -a~l--etce, Academy of sclem-es USSR
Title , Oa the Mechavy-11cal Nature of Tm,.p-r Brittleness),
Orig Pub Mdtallrv-Pde7,.iye I obrabctka metal.,lov) 19%, Ito: 4) 26-34
Abstract Explanation of the mechanical nature of temper'brittlOness and -~he
cause of the txaasittrn cf the material at a c6rtairi tempering tevi-~
perature Jxto a brittle state. The investigaUon was made on 36 MIGS
steel.. It in shown that the'me-chanical ratur6 of t4e, tftptr brittle-
ness lies p~iacipally 1.rx the different abillty'~ of tke steels to form
the initial plaBtic def(=ation In the brittle and Yiacous states under
conditiors that &re created after the start 6f the dainage., i.e., after
the appewance r)f the crack6, atA ta connection with this in the dif-
ferent ability of the material in the brittle'and viscous state to resist
the developmett of the already initiated damate'e, VrAi-,r conditions ~4hen