ACC NRI AP6004913
increased by chopping off the exponentia :1 ld~di~g ~edoe. bfI ~10e. By us n L
'second Kerr cell, the duration of 'the pulse iwas shortend4irf;~~ 6,.7. * 0.5 3'ec
to 4.7 -t 0.5 nsec. and the titne from 3.7 0.5 nsee to 1.9 0.5 r1aft, The Meo-,
retical analysis of nonlinear amplification predicts both d the bbserved a ctil.
Orig. art. has: 19 formulas and 8 figures.I
o rj,,
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3 IJul65 6RId REF: 61 -1 nEF: 0 a
7- --~7
2/2 nat
'Sb(Maz cdm WVO~6~/66/CQ4/06i/ooiql
L. _V] L 11 r,"-. 74 It-0 4 EWJ-
i-A.-Oo ~mlu'yq" clo 1~0
titute M. F. It, de in-
Phisice Ina jQ&
etitut Mmdemii nauk WSW
TITLE, Propagation of a 1i Lie in ei nunlinearly MMpV1Vjr1Aj; and abaorbing i2jadjum
6-t- e-191
SOURCE: Zhurnal ekapertmentalt'noy t toorcytiohookay I'MkIL, 1111i'mit v roUltelym.
Prilothenlye, V. 4., no. 1, 19660
TOPIC TAGS: coherent light, light pulse, laner beam, laza r &W. d, pttlse dhapo, ruby
optic material
ABSTRACT: Min is a continuation of ewlier work by this. 4miltlitordi! (1191fF V. '101 050
1966),, vhere propagation of coherent light in a medium uitAi nord.11near gain ums investi-
gated and the possible shortening of light pulses in such at medilim predicted. The
present letter reports on succesuflul experivAmts in this d1rectiont slunrinsi that to
obtain compression of a propMating light pulze It in necemnary to eUnin&be the trwis.,
verse structure that is pToduced in the light pulse when the lattex to produced, for
example, by a q-switched
., laser. In the test netup (Fig. 1) the i1zjj)l1f'.jing cina)ulaerft
consisted of threeruhyf-~crystals an" the W 0"tbiug caqponitaill. vaii two cirvetbeii; flitUd
with a solution of vanadium phtheaocyanine toluene. 19t Ljie 111PLial exper1rml.,nto the
pulse compression cou-IT-H-6~e 3Fe-a1U6d-beE41we of tbo tramitivertiol) ititmicture renuIting
Fig# 1. Diagram of experi..'
I - TAaerp 2 - Kerr,
shutterp euvettep 4 01
rub crystal
* ~ ~ I-
from -the fact that the developr4ant of rAtIne denaratiom IM tjjWi poiftj)hdz*1 pa ;a a.
crystal in delWed by a time' of the order of the yuls* dWall;fon. duaceas Vill) atfained
when this structure was ellminated by meaw of a second Xari* shuMtor that. cut OTI, the
leading front of the generator pulse. The p-~Ise vidth und ij!j-d-u,,xkI front aboat 11 nse-3
at 0.5 J energy) past the Kerr shutter and the first abscIrIbIng aftmette to 5,,7 nitec
J) past the second amplifyirg ct-j&.al, and 2 nsec (15 J3 jutat the third, A Ught
output of 7 - 8 G14 (3 GWlcvF) Was attained._ The pulso powest, is moh hIgher than the
power causing (Is, e in ruby crystals at 20 a see dia,&Uon ell GW/i=?). Although
damage to the cryntal is hindered by the abort duration of i1be pulne, it do4wn not Pre-
vent generation of powerful light prilsea nboirter LIzn 10'9 ace. :It in concluded that
extremely short light pulses are obtainable with Wo-cam;o1vint m-ailia, in wbieb the ab-
sorbing component has a iraturation energy much lower and a botmgenomm Line width much
larger than the amplAfying medf=- Orig. axt. I=&: 2 figuritim. [021
SUB CODE: P-o/ am nm.- o3vxw661 ORIO RM 0031 GM IIEN 001/ ATD PRESS;
L 44793-6_ E.4T(1)/EWP e)/~WT(m)/0,EC00-2/T/EWP(k) W(c) WG/WH
........ ... . ..... I;--- . ~ --' - -- -......-
ACC NR, AP6031433 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/002/0406/0411
AUTHOR: Ambartsumyan, R. .; Basov, N. G.;.zuyP'V.'..V. S.
.j'iXrXuk6v, P.
L tokhov, V. S.: Shatberashvili, 0. B.
ORG: Physics Institute im. P.-N. Lebedev, Academy oK Scjqi%ces,SSSR (Fizicheskiy
institut Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: The structure of a giant pulse of a Q-awitched 110'er.,
SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 406-411
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, ruby laser, giant pulse laser, Q pwitched laser,
14ser output
ABSTRACT: The spatial and temporal development of a giant1pulsa of a Q-switched rub
laser in a transverse direction and,the effects of the -cavity oil it were inv'estigated
experimentally by means of the setup shown in Fig. 1. A,n'lby rod in diameter
and 120 mm long with dull lateral surfaces i4as placed in aireflector with a.helical
IFK-15000 flashlamp. For an 8-kj pump the gain per pass.wAd approximately 12. :A
1.5-j single laser pulse was getterated with a duration of 10-15 ttanosec. 0-switchin a
was done by means of a Kerr cell or a vanadium phthalocyanin solution. The',exp6nen-
tial results indicate that generation commences In the center of the crystal and
spreads transversely over the entire cryscal in 3-10 nano$ac, i.e., in a time com-
parable to the duration of the integral pulse. The spatial development of generation
L 44793-66
13 :Fig. 1. ~The experimental's .etuo
.1 - Wrroli 99% reflective4 2 polav-
/0 izer; 3 Kerr cell; 4 - ruby cryst4~;
semitransparent plate;~*
12 5 - lens;,
7 - screen with dlaphragms~ 8 - inWr-
ference filter;~9 - dull glass*
10-12 - co:axial'photocells;
4 516
13 - multibeam oscillograph.
depends essentially on'the density distribution of population Inversion in:the
crystal and on its refractive index. The experimental data agree fully with theore-
tical data presented elsewhere (V. S. Letokhov and A. F. Suchkav, ZhETF, 50, 1966,
1148). The authors propose further experiments on the me4taurement of nonuniformity
of the complex permittivity at the instant of Q-switching~ and genera lizatIon of- the
theory for the case of a nonuniform refractive index. Orig. art, has: 7 figures. JYKI
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Mar66/ ORIG REF; 007/ OTH REF: 006/ ATDJI PRESS: 5o8o
Card 2/2 blg
ACC N& Ap6q31988 WH ds i 'W6A/66/004/0CY5/03B2/03B!
AUT11n: Zuyev., V. S. Letolthavo V. So; Senstakiyo YU10 vo
ORG: Fbysics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev of sci
Ac"evW afted OUR (*PAC 013:11:4, in-
stitut Akademli nauk,SSSR)
TITLE: Giant superluminescence alsem
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoretiobeakoy fbikii PlsOm v redaktaiyu.
Prilozhenlyej, v* 4,, no- 5) 1966j, 182-185
TOPIC ZAGS: laser application., luminescence) neodymium glusp stimulated eidasion/
KGSS-7 neod~ndum glass
ABSTRACT: .4Me authors repqt a study of giant, pulses of super escence or a strong-
3,v excitedvhe Sn"dium. with rapid, switchina of-thei -j6t4"z* The reason for
the use of glanz IMIN or incoherent light is that experi"ats with giant yUlsea of
coherent and incoherent light can disclose the role of cobeience,and the role of op-
tical power in the case of interaction of light with matt4tt',4nd the mechanism' of damdg(
to transparent materials by a strong light field, The test$ ver* made with ttn active
medium (Fig. 1) consisting of tvo identical neodymiu*-glass, rods (WSS-7) of 1 10 = dia.
meter) vith mtte lateral surfaces and with butt ends cut alt*tbe~Brewster analeol The
pump lamps illuminuted 900 mm of the lateral surface of the Todsi The gain In the two
pumped rods was of the order of 104 per pass. The gain was instantaneously increased
to 10 by uncovering the dense mirror with a Kerr shutter. The Vloes radiated by the
L 44732-M
ACC NRs AP6031988
rig. 1. Diagram of setup for obtaining and record- i.
ing giant superiuminescence pulses. 1
- Dense mirror)
2 - Kerr shutter, 3 - neodymium-glass rods, fil-
ter, 5 - coaxial photocell,
medium at X a, 108 had an approximte energy 4 J and a duration at ~alf-mwdmum 9 32
nsec. The start of the pulses Aagged the time of gain switebing tjL by 25 - '30 naec.
The medium was thus de-excitediiithin,les6 than three passogp the min energy being
radiated within a time ahorter.thani"To. 7he power of the obtaiwd superluminescence
pulses reached.500 XW/cm2. several intense flashes damaged the output end,of the rod
at the point A (Fig. 1). Thusy self-damage of neodymium gUss lis possible under the
influence of intense incoherent radiation. The authors tWWIc N.! 0. Pasay tar support,',
and %'discussion of the works Origa oats has: 2 f1gures am I romiu.
So CODE: 2Q/ SM DAM: 17jun66/ Ono REF I' OO-V: '003
M 2/2
-ACC NRt AP6036012 i. SOURCE COD91 UR10368166100510051060410608
AUTHORs Zuyerg Ve 0*4 Ghcheglov, Ve As
ORGI none
TITLEt The propagation or1rA'Ji&t pulse through a nonlinelar absorbiog
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladhoy opektrookopiio yo, 50 nos ~s 1966t 6bh.608
TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, optical filter, p~thalocyanine, passive
ABSTRACT: The bleaching of a nonlinear optical1ilter and changeeju
the shape of a light pulse through it were studie14 thdoreticall~ for d-
phthalocyanine solution model represented as a tuo-level systemi The
case of the propagation of a Gaussian pulse through &!medium in,the
ground state was considered. The effect of theVialnelparametern' oh the
degree of bleaching was observed, The results in~icate.that although
the amplitude of the pulse decreases with the thipkne6a of the nediumq
the pulse"vings" are clipped, As a result, the.jj~loe-:energy decreases
proportionately* The shape or the pulse throughlithe nediun becomes,
asymmetrical with timey and its interaction with the 1~ediun cs,unee;
bleaching of the.latters' The spontaneous decay is dolainant and"the,
Card 1/2 UDC3 535.89
ACC NRI AP6036812
medium subsequently returns to Its original statio. A; reduction in the
'Pula* shape d
pulse amplitude leads to deformationlof both thej 6M
bleaching curyeg resulting in a decrease in thedeptli of bleadhings An
-increase in the lifetime of excited molecules T Mlso tauses considerable~
pulse d6formatione In the case of small Tt the Oulse vidth ati'first
narrows and then broadens, while the amplitude.imareaeas monotonically
to its critioal.value# Origo arts hast 3 figur $ aid 14,foriluleff.9
SUB CODEs 20/ GUBH DATHt"~.09Aug65V:OR1O REFt"! 1005 .~'ATH TIZIP1 006f
Card 2/2
IVIN, K.T.; USHLEVI V.V.;.ZUWt.-V.jS.j DUXELISKIY., V.A., otir. rod.;
DYUZHMO, G.A., red.; FMWINp P.5.0,tekbno red.
[Slide projection method of manufacturing pipe templetes
and models] Fotoproaktoionnyi metod isgotovlenii'a shablonov;
i maketirovaniia trubo Cn.p.] Sudpromgiz, 1953. .41 p,
(MIRA 16t8)
(Marine pipe fittingl
(Photoneohanical processes),
ITIN, lonstantin. Timofertvich; MIUBLET,~DJ!'t
otv,statyanM redoktor; MISMVICH, G.I., redaktot; J%URKZX, P.S.t
tekhnicheekly redaktor
[New methods of preparing piping systems of Ohips) .lovoe v tokhno~
logii isgotovlenits sudovy2h truboprovodor. Laningre'd, jius-,
noe izd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl. 1957 82 p (MLRA 10:9)
(Marine pipe fitting)
KOMINIKOVO V.I., kaud.tekhn.nauk; CEDUITSOVA. L1, Is lmndotekhnonauk;~
ZYBIM, Tu.P. , doktor tekhniinauk; XOCHZTKOVA,~j T.S.~~ 8AXMTA,l 11J.; GUBARMY, A.S.~. kand.tokhn.uAiak; 3HMSOTA, T~;Pvq~
insh.; VORCBIYBVA, A.A.. kaud.tekhm.nauk; 01ILSKITi' V.I., inz64t
RIMMICHO Te.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GCLIDSHTNIN, Aj., lnxh.;.
ICALA HNIKOVA, T.A., lnzh.; SHUSTOROVICH, K.L " kandatekkasusuk;
KORMODOT. G.A.. inzh.; ZAEUMV, S.R., ret"auseutt EUGOVESTOVl
B.I., reteenzent; STRONGINA, O.P., reteenzent,; WIN. X.I., re-
tsensent; 2UTICY1 T.To retmenzentl KOSAM KdI,j,rmteenzent-,,
SMANOV, rate nvent; RAW, S.Nass retwonsent: MEN is B.Ke~
retsenzent; VZMBXRG, I.A., retmenzent; TIMBIN, A.3*p retsenxentii~
34IMOVA, Te.Y,, reteenment-, BUGOSLAVSKATA,~ ls,A.,,retaezzent-,~
GMOVA, A.S.,retsenzent: IMIN. N.M.,.retei~nxent mlf.'~
D.S., red.; PLIMYANNIKOV, N,N*, red.; ORMEWA, A. red.; YMY,
[Shoemaker's handbook] Spravodhnik,obuyshchij-d. ~ol,sl. Kosk~a,
Govs,nauchno-takhaisisd-vo lit-ry po legkoi pro'vehl. 1958. 3440 p4i
WRA igtQ:
l.Gosudaretvennaya Ordena lienium I Ordena Trix;dovogo Xzsai%nogo'$vAftwnl
obuynaya fabrilka wSkorokhod" iisoni TA.KalinUS: (fotr Zakharov,~ Blago-
ventov, Stronginall. Shuddt, Zuyev. Konarey, ~Stepanov# *R&=, ftvznar,
Veynberg, Tarbinis Suirnavass Bugoolavskaya, Om"iya, Xlmlx).
Ohoic manufacture)
_ZUE -.~ox-Zjj9MonSovich- _GRACHWAD A.V., red.; LEMMYA. M.N.,,
(Designing molds for pressing rubber shoe bottom pa7rtsl
Proaktirovania preso-form dlia rG21novykh det4lel dta obuvi.
Hoskva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry RVSR, 1!960. 2*3 p.
(XM 13:3.2)
(Rubber inaustry-squipment and supplisit')
(Boots and shoes, Rubber)
ZUYIV, V.V.,mnater
~Des~t~=u~ejtion of the submerged runner of a lwege Frn~ncia turbine by,
eavits&tione Elekasta,~9 no.3187 Mr 158., (MIRA 11:5):
(Cavitation) (Hydraulic turbines)
zuyi:vy V. Ye.
"Investi-7ation of the Interaction 11.,tween Iolecules L-1 th!)
'Quinone-Phaviol With the Aid of the Electron Absorption,
Cand Fhys-4ath Sci, Tor.,&: U, Tcmak, 1'354. (Rzhmllxl, 11,1- 1-1, ll~;* 54)
SO: Sum 432, 29 Nar 55
MSH/Chesdatry - Mysical ahcdatu
Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - W62
Authors I ZUyev, V. Yet.
Title I Intermolecular reaction and slactm-4 abaorptio(ft apeatlVa of quiname and
pr.enc. "n ml!*~Grew. ax,411els ')f aggrevition
Periodical t 1zv. A~- -3,35R. Ser. f".z. 18/6, 732-131
Nov4me 1.954,
Ab6tract I 'he ellectron absorntion ameetm werv! invostigaitod in tno vistbLff and ultra-
411' 1 1
kn5t4~,jtlon Kqmyonor., ~k,ttfj -.;rdrevtiiiy ana trio ~-iyn.-7ernr;, Inst.,
Submitted ..........
Studying intermolecular reactions in the "yetem quinone -phenol
by the use of infrared vibration spectra* Jzv, "T". uchabolzavo;
(MIRA 13
fis. no.4;171-172 159.
l.Sibirokly fiziko-takhnicheekly institut pri Tomakom gosuntiverditsts
imeni V.V. Kuybyshava.
(Benzoquinone) (Phool)
I I U I T ill,
9000 S/139/60/660/05/011/04.5,
/ 1!
AUTHORS: Antipov B.A., Zuyev, v.% ?-
j 9a 18nkd
P*K* ,S6ncfiik,__
V.K,,and Fedyushin,~kk.
\,V Transparency of the Horizontal La ''r of the Atmo'slphore
Z 12
G the Range or 0.7-14 It. Part 11,P Vependonce:of the
Total Transparency of the Atmosphero in the Range
0.7-14 1L on the Thickness of the Precipitated Layer of
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh za*odei%iy, FizikA,
1960, Nr 39 PP 72 - 75 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors made an attempt to detrormine an empirical
relation between the magnitude of
the ~oduced sis"I V
(magnitude of the signal multiplidd by ia factor,
4 /S-' :- Li being the distance botvioen the emitter and
i I
t he receivor, Sj, being the araa:~ f th
Lind the air humidity which would Afi 6w amtIsfactory
agreement with experimental reaultio obtaiined by:the
authors. As sources of infra-red radiation, four
special emitters were used which W~re 1%4
at6d to 500 PC il-K
and placed at a disthhce of 1210, 5494,':4645 and 985~ m
Cardi/4 from the receiving equipm-ent. The expakimental s! et-up
S/139/6o/oOO/03/011/045. I
Transparency of the Harizontal.Layer of%VOIh~hmre in th'a Range
of 0-7-14 P- Part II. Dependence of the TottkIl Tehausparency ot
the Atmosphere in the Range 0.7-14 Ii on the TI:Aick-aaas of tilt
Precipitated Layer of Water
the method of carrying:out the expiprimelats and tl~e
processing,of the results were the same as'thoseL
described in an earlier communIcation (6ame journal,~,
No 2, pp 105-110). The air, humidify and ~the in~6nsity
of the signals were determined siiiiiiltat%iso~usly. ~Ihe :
pariial pressure of water vapours!%ras d6termined'directly
and then the thickness of the precipitated water layer
wL was calculated, where w - the' thio'kness of the
precipitated layer of water in mm.for J~km and L - the
distance in km between th 0 emitter and 4% receiver.
For detecting the relation betweeh~'the air humidity
and the magnitude of the signal only these measurements
were taken into consideration whichwere carried out
in the absence of any visible cloudIng 6f the at Imosphere
(ndst, haze, fog, rain). X A total olf 811 determinatipns
'Only 140 complied with ihis condition. ~,The experiments
were carried out durin&various dayiq in;March,
Card2/4 April'
Transparency of the Horizontal Layer
of 0.7-14 P. Part II. Dependence~of
the Atmosphere in the Range 0-7-14 P
of Water
of9?9;/V41Qf5ph;1vre in thd,Rangs
the Totft'I~Transparency of
on the Thi,oknons of the
July, August, September, October &Z4 Noy~ember, 1958
and encompassed a wide range of var'*atioiwof air,humidity;
the value of w varied between 0-7,and 17,mm/knandl
the wL values varied between 0.8 and 167 mm- It was
found that the magnit 'ude of the reduced signal it' is
not a linear function of' VE*- (see~~. piot', Figure~ 1)
but it appears that the,dependence ran be'better '
expressed by a linear dependence ofl~ Ig V on V~wi
The following empirical relation was derivod by the
authors for the reduced~signal V t'
-b XWL
V V (2)
whereby V Is the magnitude of thd reduced aignal
in the absence of water vapours in the airs, b is'.
constant equalling in the given case ~0.231 9, cur IVes
calculated according to this equatioh are in good
8 233X
Transparency of the Horizontal Layer o .0 here in -the Range
of 0.7-14 U. Part II. Dependenc4 of the Totm'I Trahsparen6~ ot
the Atmosphex-e in the Range 0.7-14 ji on the Tilicluxess of thip
Precipitation Layer of Water
agreement with experiment al data's^ The; transparency
T can be expressed by the relati~nw
b V_wL_
T =~ e
There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: SibirskLy fiziko-tekhnicheskiyi'Ustitut pr:L
Tomskom.gosuniversitete lmeni~V.V.i byaheva
(Siberian Physico-Teghnical Instii4ta ikt 3!Qmgk
State University imeni V.V, Kuybyshev)~
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1959
Catd 4/4
vorogov, S.
AUMOR: Zuyev, V._Y".T
ORG: Siberian Physico-Technical In r4kiy flz6o-
tekhnicheskiy institut)
TITLE: Calculation of absorption functions for Inho-,-*gen~ous ba0m paths
-SOURCE: IVUZ. Mika, no. 6, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS., atmospheri optics' aDsorption -function, light aMenuatlon, atmospheric
ABSTRAM Consioeration of atmospheric transparency to 1.4clinall buavw ot il&hi and
the theory of radiation transfer in the atmoaphere callL[~n tha i,,ouputnti' ofr
absorption functions for the case of variable pressure oaths, :.In this coPtiact.lon,
arguments are offered in favor of applyJng the method of weigbted mean prebsure p
1P (s) P (5)
(s) ds
to the problem of calculating the radiati'o'n absorption filuctiop: 11 A(tn,p)., wfiere 11
and A are Absorption functions in AY v"- o' for the case of :varlable
"C rd 1/2
N 0 0 ........
and conItant pressures along the beam path, v in the 6equency " '11141 ?71 fP)ds) for
the case'wof a constant preBsure along the light heam pitth. ,ReirjIts of -al cufat 1. ono
using the above formulas mid numerical integration wert~. com~'arvj and Iiiaicke that
even under the most adverse conditions the relative error intrcduced by~lthe,deTived
formulas is of the oreder of 0.003 for spectral intervm1s of 0.1 w and liractically
zero for larger spectral intervala. Orig. art. line: 12 fotI1110.43.
3pectral transparendy and microstrucVtre of artlflcinl fogo.
Part 2. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fl,z. no~ 3-92-9i~' '64.
1. Sibirskiy fiziko-teklinichnskiy Institut pri Tomskoi'.i g,sudarstvennom
univorsitete imnni Kuybysheva.
I ACA; M APX002095~- ~AMMCK C000; IJR/009/65 11060/006/0111,5/0177.'
berian Physicotechn K
ORG: S I ical I08tj'wt6 I ln~. V.
~znet V
(SM ly T17.1ko-tektin.1cheakly
TITLE: Concerning some peCtkIlaritten or aie 14ttevilaottion of~ 1114t In
SOURCE: IVUZ. F1zika,.No..6',19('5
------ ------ -.. ......
TDPIC TAGS: atmosphe id vI6ibt3.1ty':A1ght c
a t rid, phe
stratification, lightra.bso,rotion'
ABSTRACT:_ The authors report somd~results o en tt
~ I Ives tiga
tion of the attenuation of, light; in three, regli$ns the 6IJe trilm (0.41
o.68, and 1.03 P) and three borlztntal layers o4icki0i les o~ lhe, atmon
phere at the surface of the eafth (1.21, 3.605, and 9..86 km)i at jiverage
degrees of turbidity. The main purpose of thiolle inijasuremeiltis w~xs to
obtain experitrrntal data on the laterally scatterail radiatioh III the
real atmosphere at thicknesses of 3.65 km at 41vall an plar ap, eri;ures of
the' receiver, and comparing these data with th-porelical reau,1to, of
earlier work by the authors (Izv. Vuzov 38SRj Rizilta No. 6, !196~ and
0' -
arlier papers) A special- photometti.- V th:' , Alri
e r ii 4!be ,r, riture
(0.01 -- 0.0025 ;ad) was uded. TjIie. optical 13~.llitefq of th~ J!I OX-ter
is similar to that used In an artifidial-fog i~,Lmexfa and de6dri6ed by
the authors earlier (Izv. Vuzov SSSR Plzlka, No. 1, 1964). The sections,
of the spectrum were separated with interfereilice and Slass OptIcal
filters. The balf-width of the separated transmimsion bands i0s 20 --
30 nm for all the band centers indicated above. lbiD light #joufte was
a 3-kw floodlight placed 3.65 km from thf,: redoiver. The ra~io~of the
scattered to the direct radiation was calculoti3d by 6xtrapo at~on. The
-attenuation coefficients per kilometer are ditineq. as the r ti? of the
1;21 and 3~.65 1cm Od, thera ioiof the
signals for the d1standes7 '12
signals for 1.21 and 9.86 km (K The vai*,-s oP the coet Icl entis,
as well as the relative value of' I ti,opti6al
,the diffuije' ~,:OadlOldn at
thickness (D) are tabulated jrar different 6i~,Ilftonh of thesec~rium. The
results show that the role of the laterally slaatt4.3red lig for typloal
average values of turbidity (visibility 10 --- 15 14:111), is riaPle and
depends on the content of large particles Ili the litmosphero during the
measurements. Anomalous variation or D (Ine-imase,) With indreZing wave-
length Is likewise related with tbe particle sizej, and further' tests on
the nature of this relation are being planqe~L nother o~qerVation Vat'
I ~' t' ~' t he, ll&t
calls for further research ts M6 fact that~ T~enuat
Informative announcementon the intercollegiate oclentific
conference on the spectral transparency of the atmosphere
in the visible and infrared spectral regions. Izv. V730
ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.4:185-186 165. (MIRA M12)'~
1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.D. Kuznetsova.
Submitted July 16, 1965.
L 1939 94T(I)/FCC 17W/Gs
trudy soveshcbaniya. Moscow, lzd-vo Naulca, 1964, 223-226
TOPIC TAGS: Infrared radiation, atmoaphe4o %nter vapori 40moaJiborto ft-awipgreacy,
abnospheric light absorption, atmospheric optlda
ABSTRACT: Precise computation of We absotption coeffloldol; tind (~to absorpti0a funotion
for the Infrared absorpUon speotra of the prin-b1pal absorbing oompotuitits of the attuoisphore,
is ~discusied. Such computattaits require knomdWga of & large itumbar of pavamoLers char-
acterizing both (Le molecule whaso absorption spectrum Im raftatod ond] the tranaltiono
cauRing the presence of these lines and bands. Ginve much atxinputilfoi3 %ivTk is isvelved,
simplification has been sought by using, modde of cabsorptiom btutda. bii this paper, the
quasi-statistical model is used (V. R. Stall, P. J. Wyatt, 0. 114. Plaadiv FIW rqort j)( the:
theoretical sbaty of infrared radfaUve behavlo-r of flames, 19411). W this approm4le t4e
AUTHOR: Kqev V. ye. : Nesmelova L. 1. 1 Sa
T'%'A"LE: Calculations of atmospl~ t.L ty,~-.nq for *Li~qt.AM!t .0
plIp qApps- y.
SOtJRCE: Mezh-vedoms ~k
Spjjfi~q -fis
Moscow, A-637 --tometriya I opUlat atmaitfory ctinaine1wry an atmosp eilo op~fft
It 19394-66'
statisticaLmodd is applied to a quito:nar-row'-'O-Plc--C'!Ird~~mni6,liiio ttw~rvalj,
any position of lines is equi-probable.6 The ~aiues fte, watkil 4apoxi,,=60P &0 de Itnd
ozone used in this paper were taken froin tho Uterature. Dmipulatfons of abilOrptidu la
the ozone band were made for heights of 10 and 21 kxn. The resuJitis aro shown In FrPres
1-4 of the Endosure. Figures I and 2 show the apeclaum oil (tie whter vapor rAnd W!bcn
dioxide bands (with overlapping taken into account) for piressiot-es of f, and 0. 3 a4m. Rg. 3
1 shows the absorption spectr= of water vapor for different Pr4wsurem. Fig. 4 abowls the
absorption of carbon dioxide. Orfg, art. has: 4, f1pres.
ASSOCIATION: Sibireldy flziko~-teklrachaskiy lastitut pri Tolftiakarn~
tmiveraltete (Siberim Iftsice and Teahnoldwr rho Uhtte at1bihisk fit,
Card ALS
HE!" ' 11' 7H
r--L 19394-66--
v C~uwmla-
M*n of rafttilon in the
L401"go 2-8.6rA by, mrater
vg"r buide 1br a prealp-
so-. I whle 1wjer of. water
jr -at 0. 2, cm for tm) prea-
'luves at heights Of 10
lie 1. 4im. A) abn; B) IL.
jL 8.
C,rd 3/6
INWO. Spoo
so -
lk! ~Mdsl
I !jee' for two is
4 ,
to or of
~ p edp
'O'a 4,
gal; &4
to -
c~vd 4/8
TT4:n~E M 1~ it:
L Oh-66
AC MON UM. AT15011176
ZM~E.: 03
Flit. 3. spedr~d ~W.S-
d C 5 fem tM ruge 1-14% lyy carbon
0,47 ; rw dioidde bands itt aL We-
twine d 6 km at WOW
arm at=,
of LO and I Imu A)
r-L* 19394-66---
AFd ldrAt Flg4 4. Spectrol
mAnaloa of ra&Wm ia
tho' glinge 1-* bv 4arbm
-19 AD 109A* dbutoe bAwds to tba Iftr-
fmoo loor at it 4'la*tce
d - I ad 10 im 4, Mml
. ..........
. . . ......
Damping of a light signal in a disr-otv- t-ik+um, Parr. Ilty.
vys, ucheb, zav.-t fiz. no.5:80-85 164,
II (MIDU Pill)
1. Sibirskiy f.Iziko-tekhnIcheskiy institut Tonislom gos-vIlar-st-
vennom universitate imeni Kuybyshova,
~,310 ~4&6 24,11) E073/EZ!~,
AUTHORSs Zuev,,V. Ye., Elyashberg,. M.Ye. and S,4~fbnovaj G~A.
TITLEs -Tfarisp'are c~Thin Atmospherig.kgyevp ip the 1kange
1 to 13 microns
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyo Fizikat~
1960, No.59 pp. 77-81
TEXT: In most work published until now~,~-wo approximate laws
of attenuation are applied, one is -the exponeiitialilawq the'~6ther
the square root law. It is of interest to mak6 use' of the available
experimental material to choose analytical expiessi Ions which'Nould
approximate satisfactorily the attenuation law!" Of articular
interest are investigation '3 for_rll Values of w'' Mpth of the
water layer) of the order of 10 M, Sfilee itois particularly,
for this range of values that the formation oflthe~basic absdrp4on
bands is most intensive. Investigation of th4l) spectral integral
transparency of thin layers of the atmosphere A3 of lntere~t due to
the fact that in measuring the absolute transp4'renoy,.over large ,
distances it is usually assumedt without adequalte justificationg'
that absorption of the radiation in the roferexice dhannel over a
Card 115
ay Itan midrons
Transparency of Thin Atmospheric L ers in thei gej to 13
distance of a few metres, can be disregarded. .2he aim of the :'work
described in the paper was to elucidate the pqb,sibility of applica-
tion of thege laws to the attenuation of infraW 11,adlation.for~ w
between 10--) and 10--3 cm and also to obtain qu~,htitatiVe data on the
spectral and integral transparency of thin atmospheric layers$ lip to
3 m in the range of 1 to 13 microns. All the Anve6tlgations:'were
carried out on an MKCA (IKS-6) spectromettri witli RaCl prismsi .
an amplifier and recording equipment. To elim,"inate water vapour and
W2 from the path of the radiation beam betw66h thd source and the
thermocouples the light source and the ouvette,'of the spectrometer
were evacuated, the monochromator and other paits Of:the path were
blown through with dry nitrogen. Thus, wateri~~rapour and CO ~Were
completely eliminated from the path of the bealt ana it was ~bisslble
to record the total transparency curve or the spectral curve,!of'
radiation from the source for spacings between 5 azd 300 cm.. From
the curve of the total transparency and the absorption curves for
the various distances, it was possible to determine the transparency
curve. Two series of measurements were madeq'in the first one
Card 2/5
S/139/60~0:00/605/013/0 I
.1 to 13 microns
Transparency of Thin Atmospheric Layers in th ~~Rangie
absorption spectra of atmos heric water vapourai and'(,'O were'mea'sured
for spacings of 51 209 40t M 23510 255~ 275 akid 300 c9 for:a given
absolute humidity. In the second series the dbsorp'tion of ihe I
radiation was measured for a fixed spacing of 9.35 )n for abso'lute
humidities of 7.5, 10.12 and 14,5 taillibars; the magpitude of the
precipitated water varied between 10-~ and 2.5~x 10-J cm. A-11 the
spectrum recordings were for the range I to 13~~nlicrbps under' .
laboratory and natural atmospherics conditions.111 No ~Iabsorptioh was
detected In the ran e 8 to 13 microns, which i1i; fully In ac(,,drda:nce
with literary data Mef.3). To verify the po$sibility of applilcation
of the exponential law and the square root law' for "expressing the
attenuation of Infrared radiationg graphs of InT *VeTsus w and,
T versusjV were plotted for all the peaks oft~the;absorpti= bands
2.7 and 6.3 microns, which are due to water vapour,:(T = I-A ~:is,the
transparency gor the peak u4der considerationY. 1~ twas found that in
the range 10----) to 2.5 x 10'3 cm the attenuatida cari be satisfactorily
described by the expone~ttal law as well as by tho;square root law.
If w drops below 10--3 cm, the exponential law will no longer;be
fulfilled and the same applies to the square rloot I-aw from wvalue of
Card 3/5
an& .1 to 13 Pler'ons
Transparenc~ of Thin Atmospheric LiYers in th6,~!R
'2' qu
w .5 x 10- cm. Additional experimental datti will be re trod: for
deriving an analytical expression which approximatos.satAsfa6torily
the behaviour of attenuation for layers thinne.0, than 10-"' cm.' The
spectral transparency curves were plotted fori 1rarious quantities! of
precipitated water in the range of~ 1 to 8 micr6us. : This range !can
basically be sub-divided into two spectral ran~res 6f;1 to If.microns
and 4 to 8 microns. In the first range absor3l)tiori is basi.6~,lly~ at
%1 microns, in the second range there is a vide absorption band
w1r.h a centre at 6.3 microns for w4ter vapours1l and la, band at-,
4.3 microns for CO It can be seen from th4lcurlve,,~ that to
disregard the absolution of radiation along a ~ew Mebres andr~ev6n
along fractions of a metre is permissible onlyi for w*11 defilied i
spectral ranges but not for the entire spectral.ra4ga. Laboratory
results are compared with results obtained uridbr rAtaral conditions.
A new clearly pronounced water vapour absorption band was ob.Or~ed
in the range 2.5 to 3.3 microns, which is due "to some absorption
agent In the free atmosphere. In spite of some ditferences~ in ~he
spectra obtained under laboratory and under nattural conditlons~ ;~the
Card 4/5
Transparency of Thin Atmospheric Layers in thei;tango .1 to 13, microns
integral absorption measured under laboratory-oondi,tions differed
only slightly from those measured under natural conditions.
There are 3 figures, 1 table and 3'referencest;~ 1 Soviet and12 English.
ASSOCIATIONs Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy nsti~ut pri Tom'skcim
osuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuyb~sheva'
aiberian PhXsics and Engineqrir~g Institute
Tomsk State University imeni V. ~V.-- jqjyb
SUBMITTED: December 21+~ 1959
AUTHORS: Antipov, B.A.,__gUyzy.,~Je nkb,'P.N.
Sonchik, V.K. and Pedyu.ahin, A.Am',
TITLE: Transparency of the Horizonta,l Lhyer or~tho Atuiosph'er6
in the Region 0,7 to lh,~. 4)epoiidence of',ths'
Total Transmission of the Atmospholre ifi the Rosion~
0.7 to 14), on the Thickness of the Pr6oipitatOd La, er
of Water
PERIODICAL: Izvestiy4 vysshikh uchebnykh zavodeniy., Fizikaj~
1961, Nool, PP-17'-19
TEXT: In previous papers (Relfe.1 and 2) the~j,-.-Jreseht authors
described an apparatus and a method of measuroment;; of the
transparency of the atmospheric layer,next toJthe -earth Surface in Vq/
the region 0.7 to l4sL and for distances betireen .1.21 and 9#86 kmo
The experimental material obtained was also etoported. ln~the;~
present paper additional data recently obtaillod aj~e-reported.
As an approximation, the magnitude of the traxtsmi~ted signal was
described in Ref.2 by the exponential law
V voe-avfow"L
Card 1/4
S/139/61/060/00 V001/618~
Transparency of the Horizontal EOWE414~'i
where w is the thickness of the precipitated4atar in mm per km,
L is the distance traversed by the radiation::in ktit~', a is~a
constant and v is the intensity:in the abselice or the absorbing
medium. Eq.(11 was obtained empirically and:gave M sufficiently
good representation of the experimental results, This expression
accounts for the absorption of the infrare 'd ridlatkort by wat4r ~
vapour only and does not take into account abslorpti6n by carbon:
dioxide or effects due to atmospheric turbldii~. The criterion
for the applicability of Eq.(l) is the linear depen'dence between
Ig v and astw-E. The now data now reported tire almo well''
represented by Eq.(l) right up to wL = 90 ttuto.~i Ho~uiver SAP
is no
greater values of wL, the dependence between IS v and VW
longer linear and in order to describe all tho~~GxperimentalAata
the following formula was employed,
V + k (2)
Y -+w L
where c and k are constants. This expression 'is also purely
empirical and the criterion for its applicability ku~a linear
Card 2/4
Transparency of the Horizontal EO'52/Ehilf:
relation between v -a~d (1'+ wL); 1. rig.2';shows,the dependence i
of' v on wL. During the measurements the S~a.-~Jtjvity of the
receiving apparatus was controlled by a 6 wati lam at a di
0f5 m from the detector. It was found thi t the!signal
the lamp was very.dependent on the humidity o f the~air. it is,
therefore pointed out that the use of a standard so7urce at'4 short
distance from the receiver may introduce errors unless
$corrections for the humidity are introduced. There are 2,tigures
;Jand 2 Soviet references.
rskiy fiziRd-telchnicheskiy "stitut pri o,skom
gosuniversitete imeni V.V.Kuybysh-ova,~
(Siberian Physicotechnical Insti~ute 7:of' the Tolsk:
State University imeni V.V.Kuybymhev):
SUBMITTEDC February 13, 1960
Card- 3/4
UCCESSION NRs AP4036563 00/662
IAUTHORS: Kabanovt No V.; Koshelevo Bo P#; Tvorogoyp $.,Do;
lKhmaloytoov, So Be""'
TITLEt Spectral transparency and miorosiructure of ar-Lificial: fog. 1
SOURCEs RUZ, Fizika# no, 2# 1964# 90-97
TOPIC TAGS: fog# spectral transparenoyvAnfrared apeoiromet4rv photomatert'4roplat
;looncentration, water oontentp spectrometer nM 6, phot6meter~:F= 22
ABSTRAM The details of an experimental analysis in the a-" of-.artifiaial fog
microstructure and spectral transparency are preaentedo~ AlLmeasuremente were made
In artificial fog created by evaporation in a 15-5 M chamberl~~LAn M-6infrared
spectrometer was need to determine tranapaxency in tho:region 2-15 pp, and A
photometer PEU-22 was used to determine the transparency in regions 0-499 0-66t Q-94.
and 1-03 U with 20-30 EL /4 width* Probes were placed in tho' chamber toIdetermine
droplet concentratioup droplet distribution fmotione dud parameterst and water
content of the mist. The instruments included flow traps OfLoWt and reel,type, 1,
curvilinear flow traps for fine-droplet cepturep and opticalAnstrumentsl~ith remotd-
control. An attempt was made to measure speotral traftsparenty si=ltane*us3jY.with.
taking miorostruoture measurements determined from parametorol,
a, d? d, d3
E Al
where q -.water'dUM6if-6k fog# d2- mean squared diamzter~ d 'mean cubic diameter,
ni - droplet concentration. The results show that (for drop etv~ with diaueter4
greater than 3 ~&) the capture coefficient of curvilinear ;r1ow ~-raps is uni . ~1, I
parameter was found for correlating the microstructure datm given, byt V2S !
kO-4 9,- C'
where S9 - geometric orose section of droplet per unit vol*et ~D-42 - attonuati
coefficient, and C varies between 1 and 7o A graph of
d - 14 ju showo a "transmission window" in the vioini kX N642~ versus 7-- for
2 ty of, 10 po This "wizido.
moves toira~rds larger wavelengths as the droplet mean aqwxdd dis"itor inoreaies*~,
Orig. art, bass 4 figuresp 2 formulas, and I tablet
ASSOCIATIONs Sibirskiy fisiko-tokhnicheakiy inatitut pri Vaskox psuaiversitet~
imeni V. V# KVby*sheya (Siberian Physiootechaioga Inst,ituU i Tom*l State Universily)
VOLs, 00,
SUB CODE s ES iro Ra, WV1 413 3
TITLE: Integral Absorption Functions for Long-v~.velength,
Radiation in the Atmosphere
X. Method of Calculation'of Intogr~ l Fwiictionx for
Atmospheric Absorption by Water Vapour and CO Using 1,
Laboratory Data on Absorption in Xi4ato6 Bands
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya,vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Fizik
1961, Noi 3-, pp. 28 - 34
TEXT., The present author gives a~method'for~'~the ia:Lculatio
of integral absorption functions for long-wavelength radiation.,
;in horizontall layers of the'
in the case of water vapour or CO
atmosphere for a source witf(kima -spectral-intensit~ distri-;
bution. The method is based on the accurate ex erimentaldik
p ta
reported by J.N* Howard4 D,9.,.H!Lrch and D. Williami!in Ref, 6 I I
(Journ. Opt. Soc. , 46, Noi 3, 4j 1956), which vere OlAnifted
under rigorously controlled laboratory cond-iti~ns. ' The
ntegral absorption function for water vapour:6r CO' tan be
Card 1/6
26023, 3/13916i/000/003/003/0111
integral Absorption Functions E032/B~,i4
estimated.from the following 'formulas
1, 7,1
e A' 44'
r,~ d4
I A-, dy, A, A., -
=A 45: -
3V 7
where is' the average value of.~ r in th'&~ ran e ~64J
9 , j
Wh en r consit. , we have ,a =' I and A
1 #2
in general, rV A const. and the qua~ntity ej. will 'r4present!
the error introduced by the above assumptiono Calculations show
Card 4/6
~l 3 9/61/0001/003/00/01
Integral Absorption Functtona E03 2/ 03 1 It
that the errors due to the replacement of Eq~~ (4) by Eq, (7)
are neglig1ble in the case u1 an aosorptiou biund liaving a
symmetrical form, although it increases as tho as-~iriwetry
increases. In general, the -simplifying os#Auln '0,10M does notL
introduce errors greater than 3-5%o 'rho popex, is concluded~
witti a general discussioti of the various offetl,ts Which have
to be taken Into account in pructice. nal"olvil;
1) the effect of the total arid partiAl. jwesa%,tresj~.
2) the effect of the temperature and composxt Ion ot the
3), asymmetry or absorption lines and their: Overlap;
4) the effect of the spectrumeter~ parametprs4l.
It in claimed that the present method givei a lilgher
acouracy than those used so far. rhere aro figures and
rtt~* famr latest
9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. i
English-language references quoted area Per 12 ~1 AMO Goody.
Quart. Journ. Roy. Met. Soc.q 7189 No* 336,
Ref- 3: F. Matossi, It. Mayer, Ea VauscAier - Vhys,, 76,~
No. 6, 1949-1 Ref. 6 (quoted in text); Refo 9~- JjR. Nilson,
Card 5/6
S/ 139/ 6'1/000/003/003/0-1-~
Integral Absorptlon Functions E032/10i4
V. Thornton and E.B. Vale - Rev. Mod. Phys ~16, 307, 1944.'
ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-teklinichsaki~; ixis ti tut
pri Tomakord gosu.niversitete Iml6ni Ni.V.Xuyby4he'vdt
(Siberian Pkiywic~otoebntcal rklAttitute, at
Tomsk State Univeralty Imuni VO'V. Kuybyahe0l,
UBM I'M ED i April 20, ig6o
Card 6/6
zffzvo V. To.
Int6arallunctione of the aboorptlon of lcmg-wavs~rmdlatlon
in tbo atmmhere. Part Ab6orption by va~6~- vap~o'r'o aW
C02- rM TYHO uOh- may-I fis-~ 3149-54 162,'~
(MnU 15t 10)
S1.1, 39/0 1 /000/ Of 4'1/0 1/0'? 3
w.n/ I., Ci I If
.2 .70
c7, 70 A
AUTHOR - Ztlyov, V,
V. tntegrnl absorption 0inctiorut fov I.ovig-wavelerigUh
radiation in the atuto-sphore. 11. A14orni.rfon by
atmospheric CO
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysslilkh kichobitykii 7.n v e (114 n I %, P ii zi kit, nO 1)
TEXT: The absorption functions for atmosph~bric CO in o~
horizontal layer were calculated rrom tile formulA2
where A. is the integral. absorpt-ion rutiction fn j, tho j-th hand
A d%j is the integritl absorption in that partictiInr bandj"nnd
Card 1/4
Integral nhmorption ftinctions ... S/I 3 9/6 -1/060/00~ A) 14102 1
AV 1) is the spontral interval. occtipipii 1) 1-11c barid~ "file
2 1
method was described in detail by the if-CACTIC 111 Part.I rt
this paper (Ref,lt lzv,vitzov, Fizika, Nct,l, t961). ,rkte magnitudo
of the integral absorption wap calculated from the am pi r j c a Ff :
formulat, reported by J. N. Hovnrd, 1). h*, litirch nrid 1), Wi I-Ii.11n)4
(Ref.2: Joijrn.Opt.SocAm, , 46, Noil, It, v)56) Itild the values of
AV were taken from that paper. Iti addition tjo th*, ititogral,
absorption ftinctions for C02, tile author hits nl:qn cmi.culated ths-,
rraction of total bInck-hody rudiation nbsorbo(i by i!,Irls C02 h'and'
'i Ti the folJowing range of black-body tumTierntiar o f; 5 t 2004) C,
,rhe integral absorption function Vor nJA the cfiLl baids lvn.-~
calctilated from the formula
All the cal.c"lations were carried otit for a CO coticiontration of'
0403',ol hv vollime and di-4tances in t he if n 150 km Th~.3
crilctilations were carried otit for hands wfth conlre" neur
Card 2/4
Integral absorption functions ... S/139/61/000/006/0,14/023
1.4, 1.6, 2.01 2.7, 4.3, lie8, 5.2 and 15o0 '1&. Tables of the
results obtained are reproduced. Inspection ofithese tables
shows that the 15, 4*3 and 2*7 g bonds play the main role in the
absorption of long-wavelength radiation by atmos~pheric CO
Ab orption in the 1.4 and 1.6 IL bands can be negiact(id, wplile~
th: remaining bands need only to be taken into aecountinisolated
cases. The fraction of black-body radiation absorbed in the
15 IL band may, under certain conditions, reach as much an 25 or
26%. The usually accepted value (Ref-3: K.Ya.Xondeatlyev. .
Radiative heat transfer in the atmosphere, Gidrometod'imdat. 1956)
for this band is said to be 14-1'6. The discrepan c'y is:said to be
due to the inaccurate determination of the limits of this band'
in earlier work. Fig.1 shows the integral absorption functionVanlkw
4.3 1L band as a function of distance for differaht source tempera-
tures. Table 5 gives the values of the integral absorption
functions (in %) for all the above absorption bands., There Are
1 figure, 5 tables and 3 referencest 2 Soviet-bloc aAd 1 non-Soviet-
bloc. The English-language reference in quoted ~.n the text.
Card 3/0 Y
Integral absorption functions
Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhrlicheskiy institut pri Tomskom
gosuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuybyshevd
(Siberian Physico-technical Institute~of,the Tokusk,
State University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev)
December 3, 1960
1 4 F 1~ 11
Effect of the spectrometer slit width on the miDdollurable
spectral and integral absorption." Izv. vys. uOhPI). ze~v,,; Ciz
no.6:172-173 161. 15a)
1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tokhnichoskiy inatitut pri i
gosudarstvennom univorsitete imani Kuybyehova. i
1 15 3 96.
AUTHOR: Zuyev,
TITLE: Integral absorption functions for'long-wavelength
radiation in the atmosphere. III :~Absorption byi
water vapour
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebn!rkh.zaved4niy, Fizika,;:
no. 1, 1962, 125 - 129
TCXT: The author reports a calculation df t16 integral
absorption functions for the principal vibrei;tion4rotation' I
absorption bands of water vapour, in accordAnce with the Meth~od-;'~
described in an earlier paper (Ref. I - IzV.~vuzwov S5SR,:Pizika,,,
no. 2, 1961). The temperature of the sourclis of radiation was
taken to be -25, 0, 25, 501 100, 300, 500,~750,tl 000, 1:5001
and 2 .000 G and the vibration-rotation band's coin'sideredj~ ifer4
o.94, 1-1, 1-38, 1.87, 2-7, 3.2,, 6,3 11 and the ~-7 ji band,-OV
HDO. Detailed numerical tables are re rodltced#~' It is foulnd;
that the integral absorption associated with all ~the above.bands j~
of water vapour, except for the 34 )1 HDO,jiand,;: should bd taken.' .. ....
Card 1/3
S/139/6p/000/001/020/932; .~
Integral absorption E032/r
into account in calculations of integral-abs6~rption functionS4
The only exception is when the spectral inter Y
val occupied :6
the corresponding band at a given source temperature comprises!
a small fraction of the total energy radiatqcf by the.source.
Moreover, the maximum contributions due to tl~e 1-417, 1-38 and
3.7 ~L bancb at a source temperature of 300 kire less than
0. 1 The contributions dud to the 1.1 and:0.94 bands
are oren smaller. At a source temperature oC"500 C
, contj~i-
butions due to the 1.38 and 3'.7 ~t bands are'less than 0. 194.1
The contribution due to the 1.1 and 0.211 p bands (it this
temperature can be neglected. At 750 C ttw~iiiaximum contribut1onsf,11-
due to the 3.7, 1.1 and 0.4 U bands are,respoictively, less
0.13, 0.04 and 0.010. At 1 000 C the corresponding figuroz,fo
the 1-1, 3.7 and~0.94 ji bands are 0#18, 0.1j.Jand 0405%.
Finally, at source temperatures of 1 500 andl~2 000 C the:
contribution to the 3-7 p band is less than~O.'08 alnd 0 - 05%:
4id in this
respectively. It is clear from the results:rnport
paper that thero is a redistribution of theljmportanco of~,the
A 1. -
Card 21V
Integral absorption E03 2/ E 311 ri
various bands, depending on the source temperature,ahd the
magnitude of the precipitated layer w Tabl''o 8 ji-ivas the
values of the integral-absorption function, inbluding contr,i~_
butions due to all the principal bands of wavae vapour for
different values of w and source temperatuz7o'.
There are 8 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fizilco-telchnicheakiy i~nst ttut pr
Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V. kuybysheva
(Siberian Physicotedhnical Iiist' 0 0
jtUt f
Tomsk State University imeni V
Ktiybysh ev)
SUBMITTED: December 13, 1960
Card 3/4
I p
--j i; w
;AUTHOFS: ZuYev. V. Yes- Kabanov, M. V.; Borovoyo A. G, I
fTITLE: Decay of light signals in scattering media, L~ 4ale ation rosdlts Of
scattering in the direction of radidtion
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizilkaj no. 6, 1963, 162-167
h.I C
iTOPIC TAGS: single scattering, radiation sourCo, maan frze'pat charact~riAi
Icurve, water-particle transmittivity
tMT'i'?ACT; To deten-,dne the single scattering magnitude~olr Dj Afunction Or the
cone anale of radiation source 0j given by
i (p. + 0)
:".q 0
aperture of collector, 9 - 2IYa/A , a Partiode radius, and A! mean
,frae path, has beein, doternim-d for various values of
ahl 6., 'The charaat~3ristic-
i.,Ccrd 1/2
I'curve expression for spherical water-particle transmitt l'ity) Ao for values or
P 02 1 4P ---' 30., and.P 4 30 have used. The ro'-sults of calculatioM werei
i conpared with existing eyperimental values,and.wero f ouA4 to w~) ~Iati$faCtOry. Orig.'
!,art. has: 12 equations, 3 figures, and I table*
ASSOCLITICN; Sibirskiy fisiko-telchnichebUy institut pri Tomakom. gosuniversitate
i:Lmard V. V. Kuyby%zheva (Siberian Physicotechnical Instittkites Tomsk State
yvay62 DATE AOQ: Web614 AMU' M
iSUB CODE: PH NO MF 30Vr- -004 ii OtMt i005
1 2/2
ACCESSION NRi AP4020321 S/Wq/64/000/0O1/0l88/0i7
AUTHORSt Zuyevj V* Yeq K~bancv, Y. V.
TITLE: Attenuation of a light signal in a scattering madim, Eqeriz6ntSi
investigations in cloud chambers
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 1, 1964p 168-17~
ITOPIC TAGS: light., light signal, attenuated light slgnAl,,,~ light scattering~~ cloud:'
i I I I
chardber., scattering ratio,, side scattering,, optical thiW~~m's, nizigle scatterir~,
monodisperse system, polydisperse system
ABSTRACT: This paper contains results of everimental. testing on,the limits ofi
applicabi1ity of a f ormula derived previously by the same'. tvo authors and
1A. Borovoy (Izv, vuzov SSSR., Fizika., no. 6, 1963). on attentiatioh of a signal from
source. By memis of a special photometer and a c us trap,
a point 44tinuo; optical
and microphysical determinations were made, and these show,A pro ortional. ddpan4-
dence of the scattering ratio of side to direct radiation on the optical thickness
Values of attenuation were computed for different values o4 an&lar aperture ancl
other parameters. Experiments on scattering by small particles ~tobacco amok$)-
1-CIrd- ~A-
have shown that side scattering is much less'for these par4c] esithan for
I . ~ go
parttales (in the cloud). Thd ratio of side to direct seitilerin is proportional
to optical density up to a thickness of 2,5,,: A comparisoh,of experimental data
with computations shows good quantitative agreement. This t,urniihas grounds:for,
stating that (1) the comparison of attenuation obtained fdr,a mowdisperse system
of scattering particles with that for a polydisperse systomaccoiding to meaft-
souare diameter (with bell-shaDed oartiole-size distributioil; as'lA these experi-
ments) is justfified,, and (2) the c6putation of side-scatterod radiation may~be
ring.. at:'least, to an optical
made according to data o:C the theory of single scatte ti
Ithickness of 1.5 for large particles (about 8,microns) and to an optical thio'kness
1up to 2.5 for small particles (about 0.2'micro'n), Origo art* bass 4 tigurei ani
2 formulas.
A=IATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-takhnicheakiy instibut pri T~wkom`gosuniversiteto
imeni V. V. Xuyby*shava (Siberian, phyv:kcoteCbacDI i~;titute at
Tomsk State University)
SUMITTED 30MV63 ----DATE ~4QI 64
33xar ENIQL& 00
Effect of the temperature moures on the OiWftftned of integral
absorption fundtiom-4 of long-wavle radiatlohlnl~ the gkiiface layers
of the atmosphere. Trudy Astrofis.inist.AA Waich.S,&4 3:67-71 162.
(LIRA .16.,.U)
AUTI-1011: Y-9 --
TITLE: Integral absorption functions for loftg-wave
radiation in the atmosphore
IV. Absorption by vrator:vapour and CO
PE' ZIODICAL: I,-,vastiya vysshikh uchobny1ch zav~Gdeniy, Fizilm,
no. 3, 1962, 49 - 54
TEXT: The integral absorption functions are computed -us~ihg the
mothod described darlior (V.Yo. ZuYOv - Izv, V~Zovf: Fizilcav no-3,
1961), urith allowance for, the overlap, of the 'absorption bands or
wator (0-94, 1.1, 1.33, 1.37, 2-7, 3.2, 6-31i,)~hnd'CO2 ( 1.1u, is6,
2.0, 2.7, 4.5, 4.8, 5-2, 15-0 0. Pigs 2 sliowb the results
obtainad for the absorption function (black-boily source at 298*PK).
Cu.rve I shows tho contribution due~to CO curvesi2, 3 and 4
represent the contribution due to the integral absorption by,
water vapour at humidities corresponding to 0.25, 0.1 and 0#5 cm
per kilomotro of path. It is clear that C02 a,osorption makep
Card 1/&
Integral absorption .... E032/z3l4
a largo contribution and that the integral aba6rption function i
rapidly increases witli distance id the first kilometre travelrised,
by the radiation. The calculations can be oasily extended t
sources at other temperatures and the results can 'bo'used to~
calibrate various radiation receivers under tho eofidttions Ot
good visibilityand to separate experimental attenuations in!tlio
atmosphere into th6 components associatod with'' abs qrpt ion and
scattering. There are 2 figures and 2 tablos,'~
ASSOCIATION: Sibirslciy fizilco-tolchnichoskiy Institut pri
Tomskom gosunivorsitoto imeni V~V, Kiiybyshovai
(Siborian Physicotochnical Insti-tute; of Tomalk
State UnivorBity imeni.V.V. Huytyshav*)
SUBMUTTED: Doconbor 20, 1960
Card -0/90
fe2, 2- S/139/62/000/004/oO5/olO~
AUTHORS: Galibina, L.I. and Zuyev, V.Ye.
TITLEt Absorption of long-wavelength rndi,ektioli by water
vapour and CO bands along obliqU6 diructions iii the
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy~.Fizi4a nolA,
19620 69-74
TEXT: In a previous paper (Izv.vuzov'SSSAj Fizika, no.3,
1961) the second of the present authorig showedltbat~the senii-~;
empirical formulae given by J. N. Howard, D. E Buroh and
D. Williams (J.Opt.Soc,Atn*, 46i go.3,.4, i~56)4~can be used to
compute the absorption of long-wavelengfh radia~tloniin a real
-atmosphere. However, In the case of oblique pr:bpagation the6 a
expressions cannot be'used inimediately because,~the total and
partial pressures which enter into them are functions of altitudes
It is, therefore,.necessary to know the functional form of the
altitude dependence of these pressuread It isi 'now shown that the
integral absorption of long-wavelength radiation inzthe water
vapour and CO 2 bands can be computed using the Howard-Burch-':
Card 1/3
Absorption of long-wavelength S/139/ 62/0 o!0'/00'4/003/OjL8.
Williams expressions:
A dv ew 1/2 (P + P)kI
A dv C + D log W + K log (P + P)fj~]
with the concentration w and total pressure of~w~ater vapqktl~!
given by a
(1 10 (7)~
in 10
.-Z/8 0
P = --ir (l - O-hol
In the case of CO the vapour concentration isigIven by
w = 24oft - e-h/8
and the total pressure by Eqs(8~, ~,These exprossious hold "or
vertical rom-ation in the atmosphere and must be inul ..h
I/coelf'. U h'pj case of oblique incidence, where istitfilizVinli)
Card 273
Absorption of long-wavelongth I... S/139/62/00.0/0 04/005/018
angle. The authors have carried out nuiiieri,c,'al.eik].culatii)'it's f o!r
heights up to 8 km and six different zenith~angleq* FulIf
numerical tables are given for the absorption functions' c.o*mputed
Av* dv
2 1 4
for the following bands of CO ~nd 11 10 vapour., (15 5.2,-A.8,: 4 3
2.7, 2.0, 1.6, 1.411) and (6.5, 3.2,
2 -.7 -'!8'71 103~, 1.1,~ 0.949
3.7 IL) respectively. The CO 2'calctilations.rofer.te the following
values of the zenith angle: 0,. 15, 30,- 45~, 60 atid 7.5't W;hi-le
those for water vapour refer tb the followi:ng bboolute humidi,ties:
0-5, 1.0, 2.09 4.0, 8.0, 14.0 g/nt-'. There are 1 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichejski~' in6titut pri19%mskom
I ~ t
gosuniversitete imeni VIV. Kuybyalteva . I
(Siberian Physico-technical Inatiiute of the'.Tomok
State Univeiaity imeni Yd Va Kuyblsbov)
SUBMITTED: September 8, 1961
Card 3/3
zurE7, V. Ys.
id ig'Oi
Role of the tempamturs of the':mource in integral;
abiorption functioh for longo."ve radiation the'slirface
layer of-the atmosphereo.lsv, vyp. ucheb. w#'6; fii. no.6:
176-177 162. OaM 16W
1. Sibiriskiy fiziko-+Akbmioheekiy institut pxl~ Tomikom goeu-
ctarstvennom universitete iwni':Kvybysbeva.
(Beat-Radiation and abo tion)
kA q1
41, r, it
i~l Lf Till I !` 11 1 -7
:1 "rip ~k
1 3
0 if 1% e 11
r n rid
1' 1'0 IT.
Tnfluence -,,' a,-urce
Z4aUit of oh&ngea irL the abaorption ba.nidil-. ~61-o Eire
~ 1, I I I
I i
; i i
--t-~ItS4 I ~ i ~ : t!
7 V
.Ley. VOY04, Kohhanenlcb, P.-N.
AUTHORS: Antipov, D,A.,-;Lu
Sanchilt, 1I.K. and F e d3~~s 11 -In
A. A,
TITLE: Mct?iods and certain- results of stuTdies: of horizontal
transparency of the atmosphere to long-1fave
PERIODICAL: Raferativnyy Zhurnall Gpofizilc4l 110. 31 196211 1 31,
abstract 3B232. (In the spiiposiUtn4A1;tinoraetriyt i
atmosf ern. optilca' (Actinometry ai-W atai ospheric optics)
Lenin-rad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961,~~2481- 251)
TEXT: The effect of meteorolo-ical ' con'ditions.on the trans-
parency of the atmosphere to lon&-wave radiation (0-7 - 14:0
over distances of 1.2, 3-5, 6.6 and 9.9 kin was studied. PIA;
motallic radiators with alecirical heating w0re used as so'tt,rcoz
of radiation. A vacuum thermo-clenient with a vibr*o-convertert
and a ucasuring amplifier 23AM jDO served as a receivor.
The rdceivor was pladed in the focus of a pPiraboiic mirror.
Sij:iultaneouBly.with the measurements at all four,points the
meteorolo-ical conditions i-tere also measured, Viz. temperature cC
Card 1/2
Methods and certain results .... E202/E,392 j
the air, humidity, wind and intensity of prceipitnte. T'he
results of the measurements were prescated in -h-e fort-ii of
radiation curves vs. distance. The sectsonal r~'elat .ion with
mazzimm- 'i attenuation w,Uch coincida's with them period of
absolute humidity was found. A sharp attenuaiion O:r radi'ajiion
was observed up to 3.5 lull durin,-, the winter pe'riod, then it
decreased, while durin(, the summer period a sliarp attenuation
was observed up to 6.5 Ic-m-
iAbstracter's note: Complete translation.1
Card 2/2
i~ A w.
- - ---------
1 6938-6 gw-ro )/Fcc, Gs/~-.w
ACCESSION NHs A71011176 /0 24
AUTMOR: V Ye I HOM01M, L..L,; Ira
tv i~
TME: CalcUttims of atmogphaTta trunspumoy AM
for Infrared r
SOURCE~ Xerhve&mstv Chs 0 Inomatril 1,01,
S~ge aljk4
Mos0ow'-M3. env& 1 41 MCM01.9vu -'Opucq;
trudy govoshchtWya. Moacow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 223-216
TOPIC TAGS- lAfmad radiation, ttmospborle wu+Ac v*por, otmoiwAlbula 1wooparoncy.
atmoaphorto USU absorption, AjE251h0Mt0 ?Ptfqg
ABSTRACT: Procise computatloa of the aboo4& L a It
1. t kid 44i xb4i~'tjj1dQ1tk (L=tfoll
for tho Wraried 4)dorpdan spectra of thd ptincIA'abacorbing 00111ttolhftts oll Ow atmoorkdre
is dfuusseL Wch oompulAtions roqWra kio%iodgo of a largo =mbwr of jj~ixuzaeeors clisr-
acterizing both the moleculo wbose absorption apectr= In radUU-41 iml tho unwaitifts
=31mg ibe presence of tb4de linen " V:v=Ja. ftuco mtwh compultAt,lon wtNIC fA L~volvtxf,.
Impliftadon hu bem rougbt by ushig m, o4els of abacklitiou bswdls. h dun pii;ar. the
-gUtLsUca1 model Is uaod (V. IL Stull, P. J. Wyatt, G. N, Ovid, Final. rq*ct of tha
P.Onsl Atouly of ta5vred radl&Uye hebavloT of lhmoij, 1961). bl, (Ids a6vroacb, aw
ACCESMON NR. Ar*011176
Statifitical Modd to &WHod, to a qtdto nam"W. Goectro ritit: f~torya
1=4 I
Position of linca is eqAi-probwe. - no valucis for wutar v44r" 41hitou Iiu~xmo R.,w
ozone used In d" Mar wars W= ftcn the litc=ture. Compumtkilus of abourptim In
the o=e bsmd were made for heigbta of 10 and 21 kin. Tto rcanltm sw-d) chown In Flaur"
1-4 of the Eaclosure. FICures I aM 2 show tho spectrim-i of the wzgojp va,%(g, mind carbo*
dforldo bands (with overlapping takem inuD accounq fbr prcmures ccf I wid 0. 11 am. E%.3
ghovra the absorption spectr= of watarvapor for d1germt pressuradi, FV. 4 ch"% Un
absorption of carbou d1oidde. Orig. at bas: 4 fl&ueu.
ASSOMTWbf-. Sibinkfy t1&tka-C4kbWcbeakiy Watitiit pri Tdnx4kotu!&i~4ueA#4;tv*wwm
=1VUSIC&A agE!!A FbYgIcs OW Todmatolm hwatka at Towk SWU (kavoks9W
SUEMMTM: 25N4vG4 Eucu- M MOPE:
KO RE F SOV: 001 OTHEEL 004 1
Card 2/19
by wiW
Wmb for a Sweep-
of m4r'
0. A Imm for two ;irom-I
Mw *1.1104us of 1"01.401
20 latta trlmo
r= ZrA bV
vIfor lit 105 In the gor Bloc
111yer f0 !Iwo vaued it
J6, wit It
Cdrd 416
-0 -D as v4
I~i 6 klm at h
-JV'O.O a r.40
10 1 kms A) M4
dWs". Ida I eat
hr &4'X dtx
s doll if,6
It :t
.~,iition ot' the visible and infrared radiations by artifIcial
rf~)rgn. Irl. AN 36SR. Fiz. atm. i okoana I no.5s%9-510
(MMA 1618)
Calculating t~e absorption function for nbx~inifaim pathn.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.6:84-86 1165.
(MI RA 19: 1)
1. Sibirskiy fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut lxenl~V4D.
Kuznetsova. Submitted J"IY 15, 1964.
Some characteriatico:of the attenuation of Ilght In the
atmosphere. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no,6t V5-177
165. (MIRA 19 t 1)
1. Sibirskiy fialko-tekhnichookiy institut Imani V.D.
Kuznetaova. Submitted July 15, 1964.
L L, 00
ACC NRs AP5021189 SOURCE CW)E: UR/0139/65/000/(,04/,-~'85/'018':-,
1AUTHOR: Zuyev, V. Ye; TK2Eo
S. D.
ORG: Siberian Physico-Technical Institute imeni V. D.' Kuznet0av (Sibirlv~iy l%iziko-
tekhnicheskiy irwtitut)
TITLE: Scientific conference on spectral transparency of the atmosphere
SOURCEi IVUZ. Fizika, no.,4, 1965, 185-186
TOPIC TAGS: atmosphere,atmoopherle optics, atmioaphe~ic radlat~;1=3
atmospheric transparency, laser radiation,, )ru:f4oA1;,Q*jir., 040r, IA41A--*~
A13 6An Interinstitutional Scientific Conterenoo on the 'Spe tral
Transparency of the Atmosphere in the Visible And Infi~ared Spe:ptril
Regions has been held in To,nsk from~29 June-l~'Jijly 1965. Par~ticlpating
in the conference were 127 representatives fromll"15 cities; 45 pap6rs
were presented and discuosed. The authors of the paj)6rd deal.tillma nly
ency ~of th :A
with the basic processes determining the transo' a ttmo pharqt
molecular absorption, scaf,tering of;ligl-it by ae;10'soVparticle~s aiid
propagation of waves in rA turbulent,dedium.' Sotiie paj)ers desdr~bed new-:'.-
equipment. It was notpi at the conference thati'modern methods:of!
molecular spectroscony are being used in the r6mbarch vork de~.alir4; witli;
the theoretical and 'experimental analysis of motecular, ansorptloniiin
Card 3-12