Chief of Rollitig D
AMOR.- Zuy epa tmen 1
TIM Rolling of HIgh-Speed Cutt W02 Into, ~Jquareq' Profiles
FEMODICAL? Metallurg, 19600 No. 4, pp. 30 31
TEXT- Steel for high-speed,outting belongs to,ztoels With a narrow piasticity
range. To obtain squares of an aecurate:shape without'fiissur Fen along th6,edge an
!':,'of gages and a proper rolling methid is of great linporthnee.
adequate assortment
In the article various technologies of rolling, an devd1oped::by ElAtrostall,:Plant
are described. These have resulted in the des-tred 11VI~Gvemont, of the products but
on the other hand also in the reduction of Ue produc tAIY1 ty of the mill in 1xicreased
loss of metal in the fcrm of scale and increased thlclql+~ss: -:ie decarbon!zed layer.
These drawbacks have been elLminated by a new technology developed by Vbe w,*kmen
of the flant, which consists of a combined rolling aystem pr,rIvid:Ing for the
following succeasive profilesg rhomb - rhamb - oval-' circlE, -. rhomb - rhomb, as
showD in the Diagram; the finished profile on the f1mal line qprovidez for rhomb-
square, This system works satisfactorily due to the far.,t that the o,,al~and round
gages bring about a shift of the fast cooling edge3 f Ormed by the prevle,,Us rhomb
Card 112
Rolling of High-Speed Cutting Steel In*.* SQU3rfj Frof i1e.0
gages, firat in the d-Ireations of the oval and then by thia cii,=fforerca Ot t"'O
circular gage, with the result that In the~foll-Dwing rhcmb gagd the edges are,
formed in new places. The new technology does away wilh Interne,-.11ate hea~-ing,~,
while maintaining the same xicamter of puses. Me e4ea of the ~flnak, sqaurt prcsfil,~
are cleanzeut and free from any cracks and I Usimes. Theto is dtagraw.,
ASSOCIATIM3 Zavod Elektrestal? (Elektrostall %Plan-t)
Card 2/2
Z'-'Yev' 1 31
TITLE: deducting Rieject~sDue~to, Hardenin(Crack3 (Snizheniye.~
bralm po zalmlochnym treshchinavi
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1953, Nr 111 PP 31+ 37 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Steels ?roduced at thel%lefftrostalli,lt works include many
of the ~,,,,arlite-martensite and martensil ;e classe;3~ (e&
3Khl3 h13 R9, R18i I 31~7t KhVGI~ KU0821!,~ Kh9V, 1112~
Khl2MJ and tend to form cracki (Fig,' 1)1'On rapid 'Cooling
in the rolled state. For slow cooling Crom 700-9booo tile
metal is placed in insulated containersisome of which are
oil fired and others not fired (Fig 2).: Analysi:s of
rejects due to crac' s i;howed that the main sources were
R9 and R18 coiled stools cooled in:~the Xired pit3' ana rods
of 3Khl37 I+Khl3 and KhlOS2Y, steels: coolpd in the Unfired
ones) the cause being insufficient slosmess of coolitig.
The author describes the former fii-ed-iAl; practice6 ,
Tests with 9 rmn rounds of Rg steel'i shourad that in the
middle and bottom parts cooling rutos were rapidi extra
burners and a flue were 1)rovided and blie practieo Wa *S
Card 1/2 modified to rair;e the terarierature "Pefore chargiftg to over
8500C (instead of 600), the teraperature on charging 'being
Reducing Rejects due to Hardening~Craoks
7000C (metal at over 500) and soak14g be Ing carri6d out
for three hours at 8000C. 'Cho adoption of these measures
completely eliminated cracks in R9 ~nd R18 coiled~zteels'
For the unfired 1~it~; o-55 tam square,"or round bars of these
steels are now charged at over 65000, cobled for over 21+
houra and discharged at a tomDeratuie bolow'1000C;1 they
are tran.,.,-)orted to the hGat treatment shop not morb than
12 hours after unloading and are charged;into the heat-
treatment furnace not over 16-24 hours Liter. Special
procedures are ado.,ted for rolled 1~toducts of the 600~.mili
and for 3 Kh13 - t+khl3 steels inte~6d, for rolling,in.'a.
light section mill.
There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod "ElektrPstall" Elektros tal Works,)
Card 2/2
S/ I ~3a/60/000/602/rj 1:0/0 12
AUTHOR: Zuyev, R.N.
TITLE: CoeL(jund Pies With Unkeying Devices
PERIODICAL: 'Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, illej. 2, pp.;40 -:42
TEM Design and operation of three oompound,dies U:3ed at Gor'kbvskLy av-
tomobillnyy zavod (Gor'kiy Automobile Plant) are desciribed;'in deWl and illus-
trated by detailed dr:awings. The es a,Fe- of the conoccutive-operatloh type, in
which the operations are performed in sequence in the~vertlcal plane (;Inst,ead of
the horizontal plane) and have two independent workTsections (in theupper, or in
the bottom plate) one of which performs the operatiod whilf;t the oth6ris keyed.
Both operations are performed during the down-stroke ~f tho plunger. The unkey-
Ing of the second section is forced and the keys are.Teturned by springs into
the keying position during the return plunger stroke4'~ Somii parts can .be producod
in a single die. The first of the three dies descrAed is'a blankins,die'(Fig.
1) for wasteless stamping of plates with chamfered amsles.-, It has eliminated
burrs which were formerly caused by inaccurate reed or metal strip and cooking
in the second die groove. The second is a die for tucking In flanges, i.e.,
Card 1/2
Compound Dies With Unkeying Devices A1001/029
bending the flange edge 900 from the vertical into ho r#ontal position (Fig. 2).
It is used for making part flanges rigid, and in assembly (e,.g., of the'inner
and outer automobile door panels), Tucking-in is possOle on straight,las w4A1
as curved'surfaces. The unkeying system',of the third die (Fig. 3) can,b~e uped
in different purpose diest 1) For punching holes in flanges~ on an extruded 'cup
or a bent bracket; 2) for shaping a cavity and punchin'g a hole in it (with6ut
stretching); 3) for cupping a pipe butt end, punching ~ia hole' th4reaf ter~~ end a
number of other operations. Figure 3 illustrate3 the~a~~Plicatlon to extt-uding a
cavity of 80 mm in diameter and punching a hole of 60 maAn diAmeter whi~~!h mulst
be concentrical and the concentricity errcr must not eueed 0.1 mm. Tho~.keying
device is shown from one side only. Two devices must btt, used, I.e., on'both"die
sides, to eliminate slanting of the ejector 03" ln'the~drawlng). There'are3
Card 2/2
MOGEUDOVICH, M.H.p prof., red.; ZUYZV..jt..Y.,,t. red.j OEDIMI,
K.L., red#
[Materials of the First Scientific and Practical
Conference on PliVoical Education 3ports) A01cal,
Inspectionj 'tnd Exercise Therapyl flaterisly'Nrvol
nauchno-prakticheskoi konferents1i po fizioNskomu
vospitaniiu, sportu,, vrachebnomu kontroliu fi lechob-
noi fizicheskoi kullture. Pam', Pomskoe W-nie
Vses. nauchno-med. ob-va po vrachabno= kontroliu i
lechebnoi fizicheskoi kullture, 1963. 78 Pe~
1. Hauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya po fizich6akomu
vospitaniyu, sportu, vrachebnomu kontrolyu ijechebnoy
fizicheskoy kulltureq lot, 1963, 2. Glavnyy IvrachVem-
skogo oblastnogo vrachebno-fiAullturnogo di6pansera
(for Geykhman). 3. Pemskiy meditsinskiy institut (for
- I , I
ZUM, S. P. ; SIN A, ip. r.
Workers of our mine are struggling for vorklng ",fetrd Besopotrwin
v prom. 2 no-10:23-24 0 '58- (min n.-n)
1. Machallnik shakhty "Bokovo-Platovskeyaw Lugano k0go sovnarkhoz,a
(for Zuyev). 2. Zemestitell glavnogo in2heitern shaWty wBokovo-
Platovskaya" Luganskogo sovnarkhoza (for Sdrba).
(Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining-Sairolty measures)
zuyzvp S.S.--.--,
Induction heating of flat noftfe"ous wt4l Ugotd. MAI M~t.
36 no.702-77 JI 163.
(Nonferrous-drigots) (Induction heating)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgi Iya, 195%. Nr 5.'~ 166 (USSR)
A UTHORS; Berman, S. I., Krapukhin, V. V., Zuyev, S.;,S,
.............. ....... ....
TITLE: Continuous Sequence Anneal of Nonferious S'Vrnifibricat'ed Pro-
ducts by High-frequency ICurrent (Nep;eryv o-posledova'tel,nyy
r n
otzhig polufabrikatov iz tsvetnykh metallov tokami vysokoy
PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr,9, pp25-Z9
ABSTRACT: Experiments in the HF anneal (A) ot, wire; rod, andAubin;g of
nonferrous metals and alloys were con4ticted under lab 'oratory
and shop conditions. HF A was conducted with 1,62, Cu,: manga -
nin, Ni, chromel, and other alloy wires. Th 'e equipment, the
ductors (1) used for heating, and the treatment procedure are
described. Uniform heating of the wirciwas attained in,a~n I 'in
the form of two parallel Cu tubes of 8 Mrn dihmeter, or with
elliptical Cu tubing. The wire goes into the Uat controlled speed,
so that the individual pieces do not touch each other. The length
of time the wire spent in the I varied between 1.72 and Z4 sec,
depending on diameter and composition, In all instance$, the
Card I/Z mechanical properties of the wire met standard requirements
Continuous Sequence Anneal (cont.
after HF A. The microstructure Of longitudinal and ross', sections of',the wire
was uniform, grain size being 10-12 microns. Continuous sequence heating of
brass and Cu rods was performed on in equipment for case -hardening of rolls,
with a 2000-kc current. Tubes were A in a pilot-platit setup, the gene~atoT of
of which produced a 2650-cps turrent.: A roller conyeyor With driven rotlers
was adapted to transport the tubes through the 1. Tht expeximents showed that
HF anneal necessitates heating the tubes to a higher ternpe'rature than,that re-
quired in ordinary A in resistance furnaces. Thus, the hepting of L6Z,brass
is to 650-76013C, while for Ni it is 850~95010. Oxidation of the surface and loss
of metal in HF annealing of brass and Ni tubing is negligible.
1. High frequency heating--Applications 2. Metals-ffs~at treatment
Ca rd 2/Z
ZUYRV, S -kand. t&'-,. nauk; VASNOV, P.11., inzh.4 SCHA3,1111IMEV,
II.S., inzb.jSHIKH.LEW-1, A.I., inzh.
Radio frequency welding of nonferrous metal, I!pipe, Avtom* svar.
17 no.11.678-81 N 164 (Mia l8ii)
I* Gosudarst-,rennyy nauchno-Jisslodovatellsk-ly I proyektnyy in-I
Stitut splavov I obrabatki tsvetnykh metallov (for ',.uyev).
2. Kirovskiy zavod obrabotki tsvetnykh metallov (for Krasnov-p
Schastlivtsev, Shikhaleyev).
AJITHOR: Zuyev S S (Candidate of Technidal Gelences)
TITLE: Influence of the Duration of the:ieating Cycle in
4nduction Heating of Non-Perrous,lngot,s
PERIODICALS Tsvetnyye metally, 1960, No 8. p 62-65
TEXT: Short duration of the,heating cycle is one of the main
advantages of induction heating when applied,~for pro-heatin'g ingots
prior to hot-working operations. However) the extent to which the
rate of induction heating can beincreased i6llimited by the . ,
maximum permissible temperature difference be Itween. the surfice and
the interior of the billet, both,during the,aletual heating'Sind at
the moment at which the hot-working operation begins. The,present
author discusses various theoretical formulae' for,calculations of
the heating cycle, derives several semi-empitical,formulae for
brass L62 and nickel, and proposes the following method of,
calculating various parameters of the induction h6a~ting process for
the equipment operating at a frequency of 26~0-2500 cycles/Pect
1) The permissible temperature difference, A,t, between th 'e surface
of the Ingot and its interior is calculated from the equation
Card 1/3
Influence of the Duration of the Heating Cycil" in Induction H!eating
of Ron-Ferrous Ingots
B = 0-25dc'/2-Tt' sec (for bras,$
'e B = We - 2) .3 7 see (for. bickel)
where 'CB Is the time interval (sea) betweenithe Temoval of, the
ingot from the induction coil and the start o~ the: vorking oper6tion$
and d. is the diameter (am) of the ingot;
2) The minimum induction heating timeg 'Itn~ is then calculated from
the formula
2 tn
where X is thb heat conductivity coefficient (cal/cm sea ~C)
a is, the specific heat (cal/g OC), y is thi,o specific gravity,
W=3), and t. = tp f4itq tp denoting the max1mum temkorature
of the ingot surface;
Card 2/3
Influence of the Duration of the Heating Cya16 in Induction
Heating of Non-Ferrous Ingots
3) The number of the ingots heated in one oper4tioh is determlined
from the known capacity of the equipment;
4) The power rating of the generator is calculated from the known'
There are 1+ figures and Soviet references.
Card 3/3
New design of electrode, holders for electric--~n:rc smelting furnacesa
Prom. energ. 15 no.8:13-14 Ag 160.
. (MM 15t1).
(Electric furnaces)
Improved technolof7 of the ameltine., of Shhh-15 steel for balI
bearings. Prom.energ. 17 no.W2 F '62'. (MIRA 150)
(Steel--Metallurgy) (Ball,be rinp)
i~~z tit
S/ I 'NI/6O/0O0Ao9/do3/oo4
AUTHORS: Kablukovskiy, A.F., Simonov, V.I., Zuyev, Tj'~, Vorob'yev, Yu ~K.
TITLE.- Intensified melting in Are Furnaces
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. 9, PP. 20
TEXT: When melting LU X15 (ShXhl~) ball bearlpk, steei 'In. electrie. are fur.
naces at the "Elektrostal'" Plant diffusion deoxidati6n durtnk, the redu ctio'n
period and holding of lKe metal u er carbide slag take'~O.notjess than one hour. V,
Ferrochromium is added to the deoxidized metal 110 minut ,es after the onset of,
refining. The carbide slag is convertedlinto white slv'', 10-1,5 minutes prior~to
teeming, and ferrosilicide lum s are supplied to the furnace. Prior to teemIng
the metal into the ladle, it Is deoxidized with aluminwl~ lumps (6.4 kg/ton). The
total refining time is I hour 40 min - 2 hours 10 min.iA new~method was developed
to raise the efficiency of 20-ton'ara furnaces when'mel4ng ShKhl5 steel without
impairing the quality of the metal. This'technology diff,ers from the conventional
method as follows: a) partial dephosphorization and melting of the charg# are com-
bined by adding lime and ore to the pool at the end of tJie mel,tin8 periodi b) suf-
ficient degassing of the metal is ensured by a reduced c,~rbon'content at the be-
Card 1/2
------- ----
S113016o 9/bo3/oo4
Intensified Melting in Are Furnaces A006 2
ginning of the oxidizing period and~by~removing not than 0.30% ca~,bon'd-uring
bubbling; c) the metal is praliminary d eoxidizeId atI~he ena of.the oxf,dizing
period with refined cast iron containing 4.0 - 4-5%1~, 8.0'W10.0% Mn and not over
0.030% P in an amount of 7.5-12.5 kg/t;l d) additional, deoxtdtzing of the m .atal
prior to the formation of reducing slag'with silico-0~romixlm lumps (5.6-6,0~kg/
ton) and aluminum (0.4 kg/ton); e) addition of the maln portion of ferrochromium
to the bare metal without preliminary diffusion deoxidation;', f) deoxld~t,-ion of
the slag with coke powder and 75% ferrosilicide and flni~lal deoxidation of. the metal
with aluminum lumps (0-5 kg/ton) prior to teeming; g)~,~ the t6tal reducini; ti'Me Is
60-70 min. The contamination of the metal In both caaes wa~ iklmost equal. ;The
melting time with a fresh charge was reduced 'by 48 m.14;'~Jn r'em-oiting orlwaste V
it was reduced by _3,3 min i.e. by 15-19%." The averageleconomy, in electrid power
was 47 kwh/ton in remelting and 75 kwh/ton qn a fresh'e6irge.~ Presentlyi~he~
method ip used for mel ing 12XH,3A (l2HhN 18MM (1~~Y(140X ( ",upr
Z 0 ~2-mj , I
(,EMxhVG)1K 6oc2A (6osa and other structural and instrument stbels at the Elektro-
stal Plant. A table'Is given containing technical and,eeonomical data of ex'.
perimental and conventional melts.
ASSOCIATION: "Blektrostal'" zavQd (Elektrostal' Plant)
Card 2/2
-----K&BWKOVSKIT, A.Y.; SIMONDT, V.I.,-, 7"BIM, Tu,K.
Improving the arc farnace smelting process. Metallurg 5
no.9:19-2o a 16o. 13g8)
1. Zavoct Illaktrostall.0
t_Tjkhm"llaxjLono,!ich; BARMIT, B.S. v nauohiay~y red IMAXXIWAO
TaYso red*; sATdftWff,-V.V.f takhn.red.
EXactroustallurarl Blektromtallurgita' lzd-vo
manieto 1961* 29 p. (Tues6luxuoo obs rasprostrananiiu
. S=4~T~at 9 nool)
politichookikh L usuchnykh =suil
(MMA Ilft.1)
of loading and.unloading oporrtions in the
transportation of agricultural productsm b:j1t.A. (loberman,
L.A. Gobery-ri, Reviewed by V, Zuev, A, Korno V, Xv;mov,
Avt,tranBp& 40 no,5t6l My 162., UM 15:5),
(Farm produce-Transportation)
(Loading amd'unloading-Equipmant, and sup es)
(Goberman, V.A.) (GobermaniPL71),
ZUYZV, V., gornry insh.
Giant dredger. Irauka i zhIzu' 27 n0.9:62 5 160w
(Gold dredging)
1017 -57-3-41/64
AUTHOR: zuyev, V. (Chita)
TITLE: Branding Inscriptions on Plastics. Experience exchange
(Vyzhiganiye nadpisey na plastMassakh. Obmen opyto~a)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 3. p 39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A device for branding Inscriptions on plastid-s Is suggested which con-
sists of an electric soldering iron whose bit is sawed lengthwise, a, charactor-
bearing branding piece which can be inserted into the s 'lit of the bit, and a
brass bushing which serves to fasten the branding piece,to the bit.
There is one figure in the article.
kand. takhn. nauk;WKITANMOVi L, insh. -sukhanik
Mechanized removing of mamrs. Haulm I perid. op. y sellkhos
9 no.10;52-33 0 059 (MIU 13:3)
Oarm mmwe) (Yarn equipment)
ZUM, Y...~Zfimjhita)
Burning inscriptions into plastic. Radio no,11039 Me
(Plastic materials)
ZlJYEVf V inzh.-koristruktor
Important subject, Prof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.W&.29 Ag P64.
(KRA 17:9)
1. Otdol glavnogo mekhanika Moskovokogo avtoznv6da im. T.A.Likhicheva.
TIKAXOT.T.D., professot, saveduyushchivi
Iffect of mWtal-laduced sleep On the offidgay ser6, therapy 04 *~parimon-
tal totams Intoxication in white nice. Author abstract. 2htit.aikrobiol.
epid.i i--m. no.8:65-66 Ag
1. lafedra mikrobiologii II Xoskovskogo nediteliskog*; wtituta~'16. 1,.V.Swins
(sloop) (Ut"-~m) is-bran therapy)
41VUT.-Y. A.
Hole of Cellular reactions to immmIty to aportmental IfLflUenig
[with summsr7 In Roglish], Yop.virus, 2 no.3 :176-179 My-Je 137,
(NIM ID:10)
1. Moskovskly nauchno-issladovatel'okly lustit ut vAt9Ln I
eyvorotok imani 1-1-Haohnikova.~
(IMUMIZA, 1mvinology.
laukoa7te antibody response to antleen in animals
ZUEV, V.A., Cand Med Sci -- (d is,-,) "Signif icO' nee
of cellular reactions in immunity in experlmet~ltal
I-Inn, 195, h U, It.
11 pp (Mill of 110"alt, .")S
Contral Inst for the Advanced rral.-;i 9 of Filyj~iqiawi)
(XL, 23-58, 111)
Antiphage and antibacterial activity of the ant itumor
preparations dichloroethylamine and its derivatives VOP
N-D 163. MM i7tO
virus no.6t650-662
1. Institut epidemiologii i milmobiologii Imeni N.F. Gwmlei
AMM SSSR, Moskva.
ZILIBER, L.A.,, pro".. red.; VEERSHILOVA, P.A., prof., red.~
-RUIV I -.V"4.A ~ -Yed
(Current problems in imniunology) AktuallrqO VOPI-boy ir-
mmologii. Moskva$ Meditsina, 1964. 359
~LRA 170)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AHi SSSR (for Ziltber). 2. Chlen-
korrespondent ANN SSSR(for Vershllova).~
Use of the I~sln-formatlon sign (F-sign) in intraapecies
differentiation of phages. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. I Immun.
42 no.9:42-44 a 165, (KIRA 31: 32)
1. Institut epidemiologii i nikroblologli ime~~ni Gaulei ANN
SSSR i Uzhgorodskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut
epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigyarq, Submitted June 26,,
AMOR.- Dnybruk, M. L.,~._Dml-truko Ns Le; ZUYGV) V. Of.-Zuy6V11 V
ORO: Institute of Semiconductors, AN UkrSSHO
XiOv,(~not~tuti,~apiv';providnykiv 'AN Mpt)
TITLE: Surface photo-emf in semiconductors with short minoriby cartier lifetlmW~
SOURCE: Ukrayins1kyy fizychrW zhurnal, v. 11, no. 1966) 1176.13A3
TOPIC TAGS: photo emfp semiconductor carrier, ty carrier, carrler llfatlme,~,
surface property
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Ukr. fizyc6. zh.,v. 11, no4 2;
1966) dealing with capacitive photo-emf in GaAs. In the prdietrb pELper the authors,
consider theoretically the equivalence of surface photo-emf 14 semiconductors of this
type, which have short minority- carrier lifetimesp and in which the carriers are s-ub-
ject to adhesion and the diffusion length ig comensurate with the size of tho'space-
charge region next to the surface. The problem is solved in ~he linear approximtion,
with the potential approximated by a linear function of the 'coordinates. The dis-
tribution of the optically-induced addition to the carrier deasity,' calculated 'for
the typical case of GaAs. turns out to be nonmonotonicp with -the majority carries
having a Boltzmann distribution near the surface, but the min6rity carriers having za
much more complicated distribution. The CalcWAted Yalud of the phbt4 Mr of the
depletion layer turns out to depend less on the potential tbaii in the case of Cie or,
Card 1/2
1 010- Fu - :11- i I
I i ~! , . -j i I
BTSMITSKIY, Dorian Naunovich; OORSMY. U.N.; Smy, Y,A,; SM%Olxlr 10
Y.A., spets.red.; SILIN, T.5d, rea.; BAMW'""A:I"';"I. tekhn.red;
Nobile electric power plantg In agrioultu P-aredvizhn
alaktricheskie stanteii v sellskom khosiaisbve. Koskva, Goali
izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1960 251 (KERA 13:5)
(Ilectria power plants3l
zuy-rlv, V.A.
'let n r t;' -1 1..: F I .
Kinvt!cn of
level.9 for m1noray, ca ho o1 N, I., r 4:
I f4A 1.4
tt I t pc ~!::r l;vc n
ZUYEV., V A., [Zuiev,, V.0j; SACHENKO, A.V.; TOLPYGO, X"B. [Vctlpyho"Kobo~
Kinatias of the photocorduattvity of thIn avilcond=Ur fIlm
having trapping and recombinaflon levola, Ukr,. fizahar, 10
no. UslI76-1186 N 165.
1. Inatitut pol-uprovodnikoy AN Ukro=, Klyevol. lubnItited D
15p 1964.
i aI
LIKIJIN, N.I., Imb.,
YARKOVI A.M., lnzh.$ red.
(Adjustment and operation of automatic 11nos e!0ripatiod of
standard unitsj a handbook] H61adka i oksplualtatDila Uv-
tomaticheskikh linii iz normalizovannykb spravochnoe
posobie. Moskva, Mashinoatroenlep 1965. 44,1, 1).
(RIRA -18:10)
vapor-oxygqn convvr3lCn cf
pressure in,tivqftsel
s ~-n vi
fEstabli.tihing Prodlit-Lion standsitti.1 fop -40O.'rill
, ~.I~
TF-khnicheokoe nom,.~Lrovanle Lsc,!-i I III"; ZrV:--lrjLl,-na3tIh~,)g'% proil-v'r4_
il~64. '98
LAVR6'A-,7fl'.'k.-;"j~iof., red.; ZOOK, Ya.Z.t teklm. Zed.
[Read this, this in useful] Piochitai, eto~~Oleznq. Frunze,
1962. 10 nos. (Botkin's disease] Bolezn' Bo dna.,' 19 p.
[Communicable (infectious) diseases in chlld~r~~nl Dotskie
zaraznye (infektsionnye) bolezni. 18 p. Cllebdnt~s and the
ham they cause to human health] Gellminty'.I~! ikh bred dlia
zdorovIia choloveka. 26 pa (4ork 1:
orgione of ~ the tiret growe
Gigiona truda sveklovoda. 12'p. (Hygienic r1ogiman of the
schoolchild] Gigienichoskii rezhim'shkollnik~. 24 p;. [Fungus
diseases of the skin] Gribkovy:e zabolevaniia~jkozhi. 24 p
(Prevention and treatment of cardiac and vas!,~~ular disease;)
Preduprezhdenie i lechenie boleznei serdtsa ~ 008udov* 19 ps~
[Prevention and treatment of rickets] Rakhit'j egopredu-
prezhdenie i lechenie. 8 p. (Old age and longevity] Starost'
i dolgoletie. 14 1). (Vitamins and their sig6ificande for
human health] Vitaminy I ikh znachanie dlia Morovlia chelo-
veka. 22 p. WIRA 170)
BLINKIN, Semen AleksandrovichLz-ly-!-,V-,-ViA.,
tekhn. red.
(Methods of rapid bacteriological diagnosiv 0"C' inttatins'l
infections) Metody uskorennol bakterlologicha~jkoi ditig-
nostiki kinheahnykb infektaii# Movkva, Medgit6t 1963, 290 p.
04IHA 16s 12)
Chemical nature and the mechanism of action4r the~sncpinic oxidase
Inhibitor from Trypanosoma cruzi. Blokbimiia'27 n0.2:252-259
Mr-Ap 162.
1. Institute of Vaccines and Seral and the Sta~te Control Institute~
of Medical and Biological Preparations,:Hoseo4.
Z M V, V. A.
"Operating Data on the Self -PropAledo E166-tric Grain Com-
bine." Cand Tech Sci$ All-Union Sci Res Inst for thd Itlectri-
fication of Agriculture, All Union (hder of Lanin Ac6;1 -of Agri-
cultural Sciences imeni V. 1. Lenin, Moscow, 1955. (EL, Ito 8,
Feb 55)
W: Sun. 111o. 631, 26 Aug 55-SurVey of Scientifte and Technical
Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher k'-duc14~tiona)_,Institu_
tions (14)
KRYLOVA, Margarita Dmitriyevna; ZUM!,, V.A' red,.; XIJZIMINAP~ N.S.
tekhn. red.
(Phage typing of bncteria I Fagotlpirovanle baktoriii
skva, Medgiz, 1963. 199 pd (MIRA 16s.11)
USSR/Virj1orZr - Human and Animal Viruses.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 1, 1959, 574
Author Zuev, V.A.
Inst Moscow Scientific Research Institute of 'Vaccines ands
Title The Role of Cellular Antibodies in Grippe Irmunity.
Oria Pub Tr. Moak. n.-i. in-ta vaktain i svpratok, 1957, 9,
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
F11i 7116 ii JJ f; -iii
11114,11 Bill 1450111111111 Iffil Itifil tail 1,11wil, ji Ild: 0 io I: iii
AUTHOR: Zuyev, V.A., Engineer
TITLE: Pneumatic Locomotives for Haulage
IODIGAL: Nekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstvas 19591
Nr 47 PP 49-50 (Uasa)
ABSTRACT-.. Since it is prohibited to use electric locomotives!
in gaseous fan drifts, haulage under this condition
U still not mechanized, In consideration of Western
European practicet the author recodr~endwthe use of
Pneumatic locomotives. The Donetakiy filial Gi rou-
P i
glemasha (Donetat-Branbh of the Gipi'duglemash) has:
designed a pneumatic locomotive which can pull eight
1 ton mine cars for 600 m with one ch,arge. The
pneumatic locomotive works on compressed air at 4
atm. The charging of the compressed:air cylinders
takes 3 to 4 minutes. Other pneumatic locomotive IS
type "BVD-3511 have been imported from Cz6choslovakia
to speed up the mechanization of haulag6 In fan drifts
Card 1/2 of gassy mines of the Tsentrallnyy rayon Donbassa,
Pneumatic Locomotives for Haulage SOV/118-59-4-17/25
(Central District of the Donbass).,~Vhe air compressor
used is the "3PSK-380" (productivity, - 200 eu m per
minute; pressure phases - 510surplud air~pressurel
in the air pipe - from 1,75 200 atm- weight of the
compressor plus equipment - 15000 4; power source
motor OfJ20 kilowatts and 300
repamo). The BVD-35 Pneumatic locolotivel has an ad-
hesive weight of 91000 kg; 6 compresood air cylinders
(pressure - 175 atme)l range - 6 kni maximum traotive
force - 19500 k9 (minimum from 500 lb~ 700 kg,- normal''
i., maximum speed 5 A per second,
speed - 3 M'Per seoind
The Institut Dnepro 'roshakht (the j)jiop.VoSiproshWcht'
Institute) is Plana 6 to use pneumatio haulage for
3 mines of the Donbaes kombinat "StaliAuOol" (the
Donbass "Stalinugoll" Combine)# There are 5 diagramed
Card 2/2
, V.
USSR Virology - Human and Animal Viruses. E
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 3821~4.
Author : Zupy- V. A.
Inst :I ~ -o t g-i-v-e-rl
Title :Significance of Cell Reactions ih Dimunity of
Experimental Influenza.
Orig Pub: Vopr. virusologii, 1957, No 3,l7r)-17*90
Abstract: A study was conducted on the capacity of leuOo-
cytes to produce antibodies of ihnuenza virua
and toward phagoeytosis. Antibd4ies,appeared
in leucocytes of immunized mic6-48-72 hours
earlier and at a higher titer than in blood
serum. In leucocytes a virus ware found which
was absorbed in the immunization"process and
could be isolated from calls, eV idently, due to
unstable combination with the Antibodies.
Card 1/1 44
EXCERPTA,JSP1qk,�pq 4 Vol.1119. Ricroblaloq .9,
OL, 1957, 3 (176-179) Tables 2
If mice were Inoculated Intranasally three times In consecutive days With 0. 025 MI.
allantoic fluid containing Influenza virus PR8 of the dilution IV'. and ifter Z4, 48,
72, 06, 120 and 144 hr. after the last immunization serum was Wen front the hearl
and leucocyten were obtained from the abdomen treated the day kjefore~with 315
bouillon, We leucocytes, afterbeing destroyed by freezing andil4wing, neutralized
already after 24 hr. a suspension of virus 10-7 diluted. The antiserimi, on1he contrary, 1
does not neutralize before 06hr. In the dilute&extract of leucocyles of mice Im * ,' '
munized twice with Influenza virus PRO over an interval of 7 days, live, virus could
be detectedL OuC of 5 attempts the examination of 4 became positive after 2 - 3
passages in fertile hen eggs. A fortnight after immunization the nace nera contain
an antibody t1tre of 1:256 and they prove to be resistant to 100 ID of the virus.
From the simultaneous existence of virus and Its antibody In lie6cocyWo and from
the fact that antibody.in leucocytes appears eaeller than In seruin, it W; conc4uded
that leuc.ocytes play a role in Immunity to influenza. Gra'as - Berlin
L-- V v I I
AlliiUfbi, V:N., doktor tekbn.nauk; BRUENNY, Teje., lnzh.; BTSTRITSKITO
D.U., knnd.tekhn.nauk; GREBENNIXOV, A.F., krmnd~tekhn.nauk; GWSOY,
N.A., kand.takhn.mak Z, kand.telchn.nook; XLX140V, A.Ao
kand.takhn.nauk; knnd.takhnonaut q KMRYAVTSET. 104F.,
ksnd.tekhn.nauk,- EMIKO M,Ye., kand.,tekhn.naukj HAZAROV, G.I., kan,14
tekhn.nauk; OLMDC, N.P.. inch.; OS:,TrROY, P.Af. kan-I.tekhn.nauk;
PODSOSOV, A.H., inch.; POPOV, S.T.,iinzh,;PRIS1WH3P,,L.G., k9md.:
tekhn.nauk; PCIMLKIN, Yu.N., inch.; RUBTSOV, POA., kmad.tekhn.nauk;
RUNOV, B.A., kand.takhn.nauk: SAVINK.OY, K.P., kand.t-ekhn.nauk-,'
SAZONDV, N.A.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SERGETHV, A,.S., inch.;
SKVaRTSOV, P.F., kand.tekhn.neuk; SKIRROV. B.Vi, kandotokhn.nauk;
SHIRNOV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TYMISS 'KXY, Ye.Y., inih.; MYACUST.
P.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; SRTRURXAN, B.A., inch.; ',~ SHCHUROV, 5.7.,
kandookon.nauk; RUNOVAp L#H.#'inzh.; VOLIFOVSXAYAg D,lf,, redo;
HIKITINA, V.M., red.; BALUM, A.I., takhn.rei.,
[Manuel on the use of electric power in agric Ialturel.Sprevochnik pot
primeneniin elektorenergii v sel'skom khoziaistve. Moskva, 0,000;
izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 606 (MDU 11-5)
(Slectricity in agriculturZ
AUTHOR: Zuyev, V. 0 YNI!~ p
Zuvev. V. Aj A M, WAOI
K. B.
ORG: Institute of Semiconductor$ Al Iukrun Instytut nap~i4il-ovL%intrkiv M UltrMill~?
TITLE: Kinetics of photoconduotiytty of thin semiconductor lhyer6 having sutrtacel.
levels of attachment and recombination
SOURCE: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. id, no. Ilt 196%, 11T 1186
TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity, semiconductivity, semi ~on'(iti~', ;6r, c. r3ibqr, relitj-ati~n
ABSTRACT: An investigation was made.of the photo6ondu6tiA,4';'of dteriicondu~ or
finite thickness having attachment and r6combiniatfon le'vei~ '1)~ t iWetace. ge4~fral
expression for photoconductivity a was derived, with the a1d; of wil1r.-h the depJade4ce
of a on the absorption-coefficient and Abtzirie'All- i ln--de~I
I I Tin
-7-th-e-f-ol-1-oving assumptions v e Uri ra6 of tho n'w-t e
ere mad 1) the i~p ty 6emid( duct
and its - don,ors are totally .- ionized. Tht%,re *is ~o attachmq~t ~!'n t'lle Yo6lume a~~.
z' th~lon
nonequilibrium carriers are characteri ed by the volume lifW,ime v. 2) In tbd r6
of volume charge the distribution of carriers io ot qu%si-Boltzmam, type. 3) ~he qd-
ditional concentration of holes p, in the essential region x -% (2--3) L constderobl
exceeds equilibrium p0. The cases of sinueoidal, ractugula, andl d-fbf-m MO~Iaqony
ACC--NRi - --05028926---- . .....
of light were considered. For -"thin" specimen1s~ (d'~, 6'ence! C Ot43-
tine. e
as'. of 11 band 6 thiis de~e4d' c W I
conductivity was obtained in c e; - e a ~hiit
in a limiting case of a fast exchange of surface levels with bandmi the lax t~012 lof
photoconductivity is monoexponentiel. In this case the chavilicteritit Le time ae the
photoconductivity decrease is the lifetime of the nonequilib2lum eurriers * If -tpff
is known, the rate of surface recombination S can be determimed. Irb*n the lift1tilml of
carriers of the levels is considerable, the relaxation of pbatocanduittivity is not
monoexpomential. For a model with one surface level there "e tuo exponential sec-
tions of photoconductivity relaxation. One characterizes the earrier recombination in
the volume and on the surface, and the other is linked with thit monallolar part of the
photoconductivity. The second section can be attributed to the capture of minority
carriers of the surface level. Orig. art. bas: 3 figures aull 36 gormulas. (JAI
SUB CODE: -201 SUBH DATE: l5Dec64/ ORIG REFt 0091 M Rtl~ i O(J41 ATD PR%S -
Card 2/2
Pb,.Sa reproduction In,anheroplasts of Uaberfi:bla cioli produced
vith'the help of lytic enzyme of the phage 112; Mikrobialogiia 34
)(TPA 18
no*4264&-652 JI-Ag 165-
1, Institub epidemiologii i raikrobl,ologli Inis,111 N,peaftmalei
M.M.; SHASHKIN, A.S.; ZLTIFVj V.D.0 inzl,..v re-tsenzant;
KUNIN,, P.A. , inzh.,, red,
[Operation and adjustment of IWdrauhc systen of machine
tools) Ekspluatatsiia i naladka gidrosistem wetalloeozhu-
shchikh stankov. Moskva, Mashinostroonleg 1905. J39 P.
ZL!UV,,_Vaeiliy Fedoroy,tqh,,,4kksdemik,- HAYKOT, B.To.. r*dsilctorl Faumi.1 G.A.
'---rdgWo~r-, -6W66ifilIKOYA, A.A.. redaktor; UW~K, V.P., tekhnl~hoskly
[Pedagogical works] Podagogicheskis trudy. YI~4 UP
1 00
kommentaril B.X.Raikova. Moskva' Is&-vo Ahdaditi nedagog. nauk"r
1956. 146 P. (Him q ttlo)
1. Daystviteliny7 chlen Akademii pedagogicheskikh nouic RUSR
(for Raykov)
(Nature study)
Hif ~1144 ft 4 "a
0 Isai
'A. V . aI
j gat
. 11 ~ -1,A3
ji d.1
Is x.
iv elf
q A J is ii v 0 MAI 14 1
I, IJI j 3,
N01121 A, ~4
ATT 16 -,t3 'Ts,)zJx, 3ona:thi v-in, ';,A., and Bluyev,, I
21 T LZ )Iactiine for imecrianiz;ed onamel-alip a.-Pplic:qAton to" st+ol
;-:e-.'arati17nfy zhurnal, Teikhrolo4gjya mumthimustroyoniya, Ila.
b. ra ba t N i . I r- ta to sdm,~
inaa~-anoatr. Savri,ii-richoz dostovsk. eaari. aaa. r-na, na.
1461). 9-15)
An ~txper,.,nenta-' mi?:hiuiized inanallation
for enanel-ailp a:~plicatlon ;..,. Jescribed
Dn which b,
and roTary motion if workpiac-?s in reiLiLzed-. pr,Dcafu~ of prog
-I i ve
-1he UU13-
--osgive notion the workpiecl~a ara J1,;p*!(;- 111to a 040-t1 Slip,
re,.ersir..~ turna 18 :n-1 ny neana )f ;i. pulle-co-zr-ting relay
-.D ~ a t, L o r. a sp~i~e-:~ )f v:
.ro.,e:l oy crioKoa i2oun*.ed in tne y n L viin- 71144 11,1P
*, aa e 'Ircilas "aa ~,ake
4,orkpiace .3ur, wid ':.:,,c :-Arl( t if
a,; _r, 1 e r n a -. ax, , i, - ta f3 ~ ni qeci;iri.nol ity produc '68.
;jy zeiins of omii,y excriangeab I:.e r,4 4ci tocicv a c:a.11 Do aPF ~L'84 to
5/276116 J/oOO/002/050/052
Machine for mechanized ... A0`,i2/A126
hollow objects of various configiiration, The of iho inatelij.-
tion are: the possibility of a sxmultaneoua en=el to the in-
side and outside )f ar. ! , recu,,Li.on f,-,i! trie c:iat
n;,crcr.P3s to , Imm .i or. )I trio (Irname', layer to ~2.2 -
.22:=, '_,3?-OV-6Mert Df iuai.aty, rhe
~(Daa~zi,Lty tjf incorporatLng the inato-ILation t.n a Line for
3 t8e 1, ing I 2,imai ii.ax ~ n Az ii i zq j!* giecoo ~ 1,-I S t r1jused
,~,)i ,rac -.q r, 3 ns -.a Dinp 1e to I&I'l G"I
Card 2/2
U38R/Cultivated Plants. Fruit Trees. Smll Fruit Plants.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol.) Ito 17, 1958) 778294
Author Zuyev, V. 1.
-4vle Trees in Wrserioa.
Title Non-RooT
Oria Pub: Sad icrorod, 1956, Ito 6., 75.
Abatract- Yearly spraying of young apple tree Ota, once
a nonth, with a mixture of aqueous sa''Autions of
50 Pc and 0-75'p' N for the Rennet Sbdrehko
varlety and 1.% For the Roznarin vm~dety,' con-
ducted by the Departmnt of Fruit =4 VeEptable
Growing of the Tashkent Agriculturalflastitute
in nurseries and the training-experinental farra
in 1952-1954, caused an increase of tlia nw-ler
of stem shoots on the trunk, thickeAng of the
Card 1/2
94~ 25
0 D222/1)JOI
__LUyevI ~V-I_
T1TLE: Problems in the development Of A magnetic drum
storageunit with accelerated re4dout
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnat& Avtoinatikd: I rpdioe1ektt6nika,
no. 109 1961t 29, abstract 10 D188 (V sb. Vychisl.;
tekhnika, M., Atomizdat,,1960, 24-36)
TEXT: Methods of reducing the readout~,time in magnetic
drum storage units are considered, The method of f1rigid" alloc~ation
of data requires the programmer to allocate the ~iord6 bn the d rum in
such a way as to ensure a minimum access time. Boca6se of the com-
plexity of programming this method is not used. The~method of multi-
ple access during one revolution enables the reaKIIing ~of instructions
and recording of the results, obtained during th~ prdvious revolu-
tion, to be carried out. A circuit applicable fo'r three and four'
address instruction systems is given. The disadvanta ge of this Sys-
Card 1/2
Problems in the development.#. D222/0391
tem. compared with the usual one is the inereasedl~amo6nE of electron-
ic hardware. A method considered in more detailjs the application
of several blocks of heads (Bit method). Around Ilie d:r= along!the
generating elements six BH's are arranged, with 74 heads in eaell
block. Writing is carried out by one block. Th6 remaining five are
for reading. The read-write circuits are contr~6~IeVby a count
start track synchronizing the pulses', and six %4ard start track$
(one for each BH). Words containing numbers or ;'Llis t~ut~ t ions are
recorded along the circumference of the drum seq0entially. The
selection of any of the 64 heads of a recording or reading block
CAbstracter's note: Error in original, read blo~,Ic ivstead of drum_7
is executed by a matrix circuit. The Bit selectibiL circuit ensures
that the word is read by the block which is nearest at,the time of
the instruction. The circuit contains about 200 valves. 6 figures.
f-Abstracter's note:,Complete translatioU2
Card 2/2
'1111311ankl1q, V,P,, inzh.; ATOMMO I.O.j insh.; ZMV,J.L# lush.? KAM,
To.$., kand.takhn.nauk; XOGN. ;B.U*# iii"n*,-d*'o*-t'O'*iii-.*iallk,- KOPAT-WU*
P.N., kand.tekhu.nauk; XULAKOV, A.A., Insho';1IMMOT, A.M., land.
tekhn.nauk; PAVMOV, A.A.. daktor takhn.nauIrcl MOPOR, De*.gl
doktor tekhn.nauk; FLOTRIKOV.-T.N., kand.tek6.nalik; IIUZSKIT.
Tu.Te., kand.takhn.nauk; SMODOVNINOV, V.V., doktbr tekhn.nauk;
TOPORNIBVI Yu,l#, kandstekhn.nauk; ULAHOTo GM.o kaxd.tekhn.RiUk.S
SHRAKKO, L.S., kand.takhn.nauk; DCSROGURMIT~ S.O,', doktor takhn.
neuk, reteenzent; KAZAKOT, T.A.p kand.teklwaiauk, nbtoenzent;,
PSTROV, VA., kand.tekha.nauk, rettienzent; XEIAVEIN, G.A.. insho,
rateenzent-, SOLODOTNIKOV, T.V., pref., doktoT tekhn.mauk, red',,
VITESBERG, I.M., kand.tokhn.nauko nauchnyy red.; K=AVBR, As;$$
kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KIMTAGUROT, Ya.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk,
nauchayy red.; POLTAKOV, G.F., red.izd-va; KONOVALOT, G.K., red.
izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., takhn,red.
rYundamentals of automatic control] Osnov7 6vtozatIcheskogo ngun.
rovaniis. Tol.2. [Elements of automatic control systems) Slawenty
sistem avtomatichaskogo regalirovaniia. Pt 2, [Coliponeating'.
elements and computer components] Korrektiraluabjehie elementr,, L
elementy vychisliteltnykh mashin. Kosk-va, O~s.naucihno-tekhn.
izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1959. 453 p. (HIRI 12:4)
(Automatic control) (Electronic appar6tus mud appliances)
(Blectronic calculating machines)
S/ 74 Ei $2 (IQ Cif 003)'001/0014
in -~-e levelcpnmt of a cnrnputev for the
sc- x~, Z "'le s r - i-:-~ s 1: L't E! nav W-n - :i.
t 4
for t.-.e eva'LLa lctl of the .,.rj:jvt-cjtDut ccirr-zil-
aim 2
Sam problems L-i the developaent S/74$f6:2/00j)/ ()0 3/001/004
functian are obtained withil,, 4. lafejipnc~e i.F. iiiiiiji? to ; nwer ty,, T.
Cart 2 2
USSR/Cultivate(j Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons
Abs Jour ]Ref Zhur - Biol,
No 1, 1958, flo 157
Author V.I. Zuyev
Title Cultivation of Vegetable Cultures in Goloawya CffungrZ7
Orig Pub Sots. s.kh. Uzbekistana, 1957) No 5, 66-66
Abstract No abstract
Card 1/1
i 'i FtTn, diq'11i,
LA YE V V, r
Moscow. Inzhonerno-fizicheakiy institut
Vychislitel 'naya tekhnikal abornik statay (computer TiOniq4al Collection of
Articles) Moscow# Atomizdatt 1960. 54 p. 2,5W6opies printed-~
Sponsoring Agencies: Ministerstvo vysshego i sredAq _jIpetsiallnogo obr azov anlya
RSFSR; Moskofskiy inzhonerno-fizicheakiy institut*
Reap. Ed.: Ya.A. Khetagurov,, Candidate of Technical Sdienceal Tech. Edt S.M. Popova.
PURPOSE: This collection of reports is intended for t,odhnioal personnel vorking
with computers.
COVERAGEs The collection contains reports dealing with soms problems 'of ocoputer
technique. The reports of 1.0. Atovmyan, VJ. Zuy'avt ind G.N. So 16v'yvv
discuso-various problems concerning a general-pui4pose discrete-action C~omputer
which was designed and is presently under construetion'at the MIFIj, Moskovskly
inzhonerno-fizichookiy institut (Moscow EnginserIng *aics institute). The'
reports of Ya.A. Khetagurorp I.M. Vitenberg and Te.P. Zhidkov exariine:other
technical problems of computer design, There art no references,
Computer Technique (Cont.) sov/4651~
y.,__V.I., Problems in the Development of Memory Systems Using a Magnetic Drum
Vith an Accelerated Access 24
The author describes several methods of accelerated act;esssa from a memory
system using a magnetic dr=. He considers the foll6wing neIthods as~the most
importanti W "rigid" spacing of data.on the drum; (2) multiple conversion
during one turn of the drum; and (3) reduction of th6 storoge cycle by, using
several units of magnetic heads.,
Vitenbarg, I.M. Some Problems in Designing Control Circuits of Automated
Electrical Analogs 37
After describing the purpose and functions of modern electrical analogs,
systems., the author discusses the role'of automated electrical analogs~in
!4olvipg problems of structural mechanics' automatic rogulatl6n, balliotics~
linear and non-linear programmingp and also in the coxitrol. of industrial
processes. The development of all-purpose and OPOOiali2ed automated elec-
trical analogs and their elements has been conducted under the autborta
supervision at the Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut~ohchatnykh mashin
.(Scientific Research Institute of Cooputers) and in the Xos6o4 Engineering
Physics Institute vith the help of engineers Ye.A. Yorokhin and V.F.
Arkhovskiy and others.
Vf_- V~ V, I -
USSR / Cultivated Plarts. Fruits, Be:LTJGO
Abs Jour Lof Mar 1
-956 NO 513739
Author 4--'Zuev) V. I.
LWt Tnarmft-'Ageiftitural Ins titute
Title Extra-Root Top Dressing Of FiAdt Seedlijw
Orig Pub Tr. Tashlwntsks a&'-khs In-to 1957, vYP 8., :?3 -~26
Abstraot Three year long exper'imento ahmmd the pxpediowy of
extrawroot top dressing of, apple tree 86ddlinp by NPK.
A 0-7-1% solution e- Naa and 3-9% solution of~ the
aqueous extract of P., mixed in equal E~Hourrta, vere
used. This s;Ming was applied once 4;months The
owth of the extension sprout inoroase(t by 2247 cm
37M-117%) 4 * In the growth of the laterfil apro~t Oas
noticed an increase of 6-32 cm. The th$ckenirie of the
stem vas also observedo 14. D. DeulinA
C ard 1/1