Sffect of phosphate fertilizers on the abllityW the cotton
plant to absorb other mineral elements from old irrigated
Sierozem soil in the Vakhah Valley. Izv.Otd.sOt.nauk AN Tadsh,,
SSR no.12:95-98 '55. KFA 91,10)
1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvenM7 universitet imehi X.V.~Lomonosovaf
(Vakhah Valley-4otton groving) (Phon-phates')
V-1- f
(Inam 91 1xvt1d h h rm 4e 41#0410 114 Ojibadfir
\Ie,ta Ent" cid IP it ~11=:* ad v t4mxjplm3T at"ti.
Ijaiv , Wmmw). Ookhdy, Abui Va*A S.S.3.14 1114.
lrlg~31( 1966J.-Oludirs af Omrd 11 m torflOing 1"k d it ,
showed that phytim hatag the qturtd farm 4 P is vimtbalmd
ton with the mabi suired knod matter Pb3lict Is not
tyaltsized in (tic sgirrmt durtal il)runtinif und itf dirmcnila
-unj gimultanvattily with util,,ixali,~t. al thr IvuLl itamd
Matter if the seed G lif lCiuftmjj
Effect of.the nitrogen nutrition of vinter'~Ye 9prouts on 40ir i
absorption and metabolism of,phosphorus coripoundd. Dokl. AN
119 no.5:993-995 Ap 158. (149fil:6)
1,Moskovskiy gosudarotvann" uni"rettat im, H.Tv Losonosova*
Predetavleno akademikom AeLoXureanovywo
(Rye) (Fertilizers and manures)
Comparative effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and poOssium d6ficiencies
on the absorption and metabolism of phosphorus In winter whe4t i~h
light and In the dark. Fizibl. iast. 9 no.1:41-47 162.
M~RA 151:3)
1. Biology-Soil Department, Moscow State University.
(Wheat--Fertilizers and,manures)
(Phosphorus metaboliod)
ZTr M., L.A., TU CWI;-BUO [ya.'Ch'un&pIgOj
Absorption of labeled phimphorav by wbezt and Its Incorpora-
tion into coapmmda of different fractions Test Ho 9 k. un.:
Ser. 6t BIoL, pochv. 15 no.2:40-50 160. (9 VU 13 7)
1. Kafedra agrokhtmil. Kookovsko o univeruiteta.
(Plants-kesimilation) ~ &opphorus)
Ketabolism of phosphorus compounds in tissuw'of different organs
of the spring wheat plant. Dokl.AN SSSR 1)2~ no.611434-14)7
Je 160. NUM 1): 6)
1. Moskovskly goeudaretvenW universitat im., OOT.Umonosovao
Predstavleno akademikom AoI.OparizWmo
Iffect of nutrition during the earl7 develops~'ftt of ipring wboat
on ear forration. Kauch.doklmrs.shlcoly-, biollO%uki no.2:159-riO
(MIRA 32:6) j
1. Rokomendavana kafedroy-agrokhtmii Moskovekdeo gosudaretvannoIgo
univereltsta in. H.V.Losonogova,
(Wbeat"yertilizers smd manurse)
~,,Pf GgLUBEYA, ~ P. F.
tffect of th"' conditions'Of.;titrogen and Phosphorus nutrition
on the development' and phosphorus metabolism o.f spring wheat
qqedlings. Fiziol.rast.. 6. no.2:202-205 Kr-Ali 1159.
(KIRA 12'15)
1. Biology-doll department of the Moscow State Univo'rsity.
(Wheat-Fertilizere and manures)
(Phosphorus metabolism)
Interaction between a cra(%,k and dislocation bol indaries'. Fia. tv~G~r.
tela 7 no.521402-1412 llk~v 165. NIRA '1815)
1. sibirakty metallurgtch~tskl,y tmtitut Irmni Cmd-Mimilkidze., N~~*O-
lepr(CoA 6
'~4W/ 12
-ACCE33ION XR: - AM12550 ~100T/Ooj~
AUTHM Finkellp V. M. Bevel* yevt, ~4-1~ ~Wov L 0- V-
Korob;;# Yu, Mo; Zu;yeva, I* B
1 Y,
TITLE: Inter;XQ of acrack with disloc-Aiort.,boutidarto
SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tele) v- To nod 5,~ 196% 1492~A'~
TOPIC TAGS: crack'Propagat 0 crystal latt ihi We I
ice. 4nertgap' ivs al
1mve rfecti
ABSTRACT: This,research was~motivat~d b~ the lack 6 .r Cphed -on t~~ 'Xit et cis
,01 b
of interaction between a fast crack,: and. bou"ar o or 16 Pun haviq~ itif f~er-
d, ~6
ent.energy.level or da+,a-on'tb einflueice of the spec the crack on tbo prixesk
of overcoming such barriers. There is likewise no information qn the time tleeeo
for the crack to break through a subboundary, The authord. t4herelfeire invesHgat~4 j
by polarization-optical and cinemtrographic methods the b)1-a%kt1%rougb of slow Od
fast cracks through screw and inclined subbound&ties with 41-Iffevot orientittiona.
The investigations were carried out on rock-talt and lithii,,uo-fliaorlde crystas,
Samples measuring 0-3 x 0.6 x 2 em with initial crack 5--T ho log were tette.d w1th
and without annealing. The time intervals noceninary for thm cr#Adk to overc*oe the
boundary and the energy involved in this process were determined eitperimentatly andi
NOR -- - I
A&CESSI04 HR: AP5012556'-~"
calculated theoretically. The'.m a iftek swag Jth in ~jr aid im aW
6tion o I su*
etching solution. Fast cra~lt notion:,was, recorded by me" 4 photoe~~Ctrjcally
-high speed pho ograpb~l Th Ied. Cr4Ok jWopaga-
and by t e methbda crebrie ''des;
'tion is stopped by the subbounda~ry for a'timtti ranging hmm 6 X 1013 see to s much;
-1 see In the c%s~, of screw
as 500 x 10 , depending on the angle and other facti3ra,
boundaries the stopping time did not exceed 15 x 10'0 mLiv. llhi~ relatidn~ betiteen
the time necessary to break through a sul :~boundary and,the en4TjW involved isi DIU`
trated in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure,, where ~the dontinuou6i cuvod f s the r.44t ~,f the-
oretical calculations and the horizontal Iinen are e4,etiaentsd, Yalues. 'The,re-
sults confirmed the theoretical deduction that much mcyri~ effoirt is necesdW to
push a crack in the etching solution than in Mr. Origo arto hits.- 9 fioured, and
T formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy metmllurgicheakly. 1 ind Itut im. $ergo eiVithonikidZej Itoiro-
kuznetsk (Siberian Ket~,U
~Ic&l Institut-0)
WJBIfiVM: OlDec64 SUA 00DEt 8
Card 2/3'
L 1307-66 -111; ----- -~
fSO .
ig. 1, G
~! m0
eqtphia- late r
ine mo
for. a - cru k; to lor6dk tw i:~Ub`-~Ouncb~ 6r
I Total enerrq oflorslim boundsirlo O
f with disorientation angl+d 2'o 30, Vo 603 010 d
IN - 2
of t
he elftS4~
~ e
or lea
oil hNIves
of.eL oryst
dl,, z4~
Opresent4~ ~ in ,
ilr6rc of curve
~ cross ng e-
see '
ra 3/3
Vostrikov,, ZuyT~,* V,I, Kuznetsov, MA, MakhmUnt A.11. Wespela.,
V,A. Pelishenko., A.K. Takmakov., and A.M. Filin
Teoriya aviatsionnykh dvigateley., ch, 2: Teoriya reaktivhykh dvigateley
(Theory of Aircraft Ongines, Pt, 2: Theory of Jet Engipse) mostow..
Voyenizdatp 1960, 281 p, No,, of copies printed not given.
Ed. (Title page): I.V. Kotlyar, Candidate of Technical Sc:~encesl Ed. (Inside
book): M.S. Pisarev.. Engineer-Colonel of the ReseTve; Tech, Ed,: T.F,
PURPOM This textbook is for students of aviation Uchnical sebools, Tt msy
also be useful to flying and ground persCmnel of the Air Torce,, Army"and!.
DOSAAF (All-Union Society for Promotion of the Air Force Amp and 11V7)4'
COVERAGE: The book generalizes and. systematizes problems of alrewft engim
theory, Special attention is given to the physival cameag of phanowns and
processes vhich take place in parts and in the vhole engine. Wo personalities
are mentioned, There are 8 references., all Soviet,
KAWMI, Tu.K., kandotekha,usuk, retseumeatj XOTUat I.T.6
kmnd,t&Wm,na*, rodel PISARV, M,S., inshwwPolkovalk sapasmo
red,; KTASNIKOVA, T.Y,, teWm.red,
(Theory of airplane engines) Toorlia avimthionokb dvigatsidi,
Pod red. I.V.Kotliers. Moskva, Vosn.izd-Yo:,X-va-obor.SSSFL. ~
Pt.2. (Theory of jet engines] Tooriia reaktivuykh dvigatelsi,
:L96o. z8l (XIIA 13M
tirplanes-Jet propidsion)
1 i~ !
I I I I T , , I
; i t
I I i I I , . . ; 1 1 :~ : :
! , . , , I ; i , ~ i . I
Active moubarm of the shop comittoo. Sov.profs4iusy,3 lio,10:
70-72 () 155. 9-11)
1.~redsa"toll tookhavoge komitato profsoyusa pa.0haoCo tookho
BogdanovIchaskoge opeWornags, zaveda, g*B*gda&6vich,'S-rsrdlay-
skoy ablasti,
T., podpolkoynik; ZUYJW, M., Lusho-kapltaul
Crane arm. Tankist n6.?t45-0 A 15816
(Cranes. derricks, etc.)
AUTHOR: 30V/~00- 5-;1/15
Krylov V.1il., Engineer.
TITLE: Univer3al Hand-operated Tackle RUL~1,5-- (Ruchnay:a
universalInays. lebedka RUL-1;5).
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya Stroitel'Istva, 1958.11 Nr'5~, PP.30-31.
ABSTRACT: The Central Experimental Factory dO.pigri6d and tested
this universal tackle RUL-1.5, manipulated by a hands,
lever and based on the ~principle ot~r a continuous. chain.
In working, this taokle could be in"horizontal, v6rtical
or inclined positiona. Technical data 16 given and the
mechanism is described and illustrated in Figure:1 The
handle c a A be of two lengths 1, ones 800mm and the
1,200mm long. Ttis tackle c a ri ble used~for the lifting
6f'various loads, in workshops, stores during assembly
and in forestry. There are three'fii~res,
I. Hoists--Design
Card 1/1
B. and ATZEMMAT,, B. A.
"Certain Peculiarities of the Meteorological Regime InIXott6n.Flelds and in~~
a Semidesert, During AutumnR
Tr. G1. Geofiz. Observatorii* No 39j. 191-2W0.1953
The authors present data of meteorological obodrvatione and data on thelcom
ponents of heat balance in the course of~the days 21-22 September 1952 in
the same areas where in July the complex Pal&ta-Aral Wedition condilated
its operations# In contrast with July, the Septenber.temperkture differ-'
ences of the air wer* small and were of the order of 10 at art altitude of
1 meter. Autumn saw no other notable differences in the values of the heat
balance of cotton fields. (PMhGebl, No 3, 1954)
SO: W-33-1871 8 Mar 55
ZUY Iff, 14. G.
Economical transportation of peat, Trof. pr~~. 33 w.8z
28-30 136. (w" ~1022)
ZHARZOV, Alelpeandr W11hrihvi t T, -ASMU UKHOV,
ndr vaill, yevich;-] -*-Tfut Diliuhrbi;-
ZOIA)TUSEXIN, V.I. redskior; KXDVXDIT,. L.Te.',~ tokhnicheekly
[Blectric aRark welding of R-18 rails in irsat lengths for peat
enterpriseni Jlektrokontaktanta evarka ralladir R-18 v d1tanya
pleti n8 torfopredpriiatitakh. Moskyaq Go$.easrgAv(-voO 1957.
69 p. (KIRA 10:1i)
(Electric cutting machinery)
T' 111
X. G.
For further improvement of 'trabsportation ln~the peak IvAustryl*
Terfa,prom. 34 no.2:11-14 (MIRA 1
Is Glaynoye upravlaniye torfranor pro*Oshlsnnos~ti.
.. Ivw -- . .. ~ ~ ~
7MMESLAU, K,A.; DSUGUrOT, XT&.; SrAUIII,"~ T.S,,, redaktar;
GOLTATXINA, A.G.., redaktor; imsox, r,no. tokhnicheukir redak-
[Plasticity of steel at high temperatures] rIAMOUStO ISWI
pri vysokikh temperaturakh,, Moskva, Goo bnaucIiio-tekhn.i%d-vo
lit-r7 po chernol i toystnol metallurgii, 1934. 100:p4
(Steel--Matallography) (Km 8:3)
TITLEt The Influence of Technological Pactors on'Conte~nlnatloA of ShXh 15
Steel). Miyaniye tekhnologiaheakikh faki~.orov AA zagryaz4enn6st'
stali ShKh 15, Russian).
PERIODICkLi Stalor 1957, vol 17, Nr 1, pp 43 - 47 (V.S.S.R.~)
Receivedt 5 / 1957 Ralrievedt 5Y 1957
ABSTBACTs A number of factors which are of,importance forlthe soiling of
ateel ShKh 15 are given without oomparing 4tatiatical data with
those of the investigations carried out for thi6 purpoise#
(Steel 3hKh 15 is a wear-resistaht ball-be~ring'steel of the
following chemical compositiont OP95 - 10 % 0, og2 - 0,44 in,
0,15 - 0,35 % Si, 1#3 - 1,65 % Cr, 4 0,301t% Ni.,) A survey of
the basic elements of the technology of stOel production is given,
viz. of the smelting method, of smelting with &,fresh layer with boi
ling, and of the duplex process. The resulti obtained by o~rrent
control and those of test melts, as well ai the change oflim-
purities in the course of pouring off and 4ccor4ing to theiheight of
the casting block are given., It was found that,.Ui order E6 reduce
impurities caused by the inclusion of oxidos the following'is
neoessaryt 1) The furnace must be well lined and temperature of
the mk~al in the ladle must be kept oonstdknlt between 1530 and '
Card 1/2 15800. 2) In the case of 500 kg blocks fill on &n.8 point casting
Card 2/2
A 2378
The Influence of Technological Factors on Contamination of
$hKh,15 Steel.
plate within 80 to 100 sec. up to the loat head. 3) Ladies with
reinforced lining should be used. 4) Wokking oonditions-in the
grove should be improved, utmost cleanlin"ess observed, and molds
should be provided chamfered in order that ingots can ba"more
easily taken out. (8 tables).
.-Mikhail Ivanovich, pochetay7 stroitell; KARW-SYSOYSif, Y.11..
WllleA~zLW., 'EV redaktor; KHMER, TU.V.,~ re'daktior isdatell-
stya.; SLIKINA, X.N#, takhnichaskiy radaktor,,
L-Ufficient methods In masonry workj Ikatsional!nyo mot .6dr kaneu-
nykh robot. Moskva, Gos.ixd-vo lit-rypo storilit,i arkhits 1957.
64 p. (MLRA JO.-6)
::~~-YEV, Tu.K.; MARTYNUSHRIH A.M.; T.,)urA.N AF imov, V~fts.
.y of the smelting of SbXh-A~ steal for ball
Improved technoloF
bearings. Prom4energ. 17 no.2112 F '62:~~ (YIRA 15t))
(Steel --14e tallura) (Ball be;rings)
ACCESSION NR: AT4005964 5/2755163/ooo/o(AA12210129
H.T.; Yeremeyevs VvSe~
AUTHORi Beekorovayny*y, N.M,; ZuyeX
TITtZ: Reaction of austenitic chromium-nickel allay steel with liquid lithium
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-firicheskiy inatitut. Metallu'r6iya.1 metallov-,
edeniye chisty*kh metallov, no. 4, 1963, 122-129
TOPIC TAGS: chromium nickel steel corrosion, austenitic steal, IKhl8N9T steel,
lithium corrosion, IKhIBN9T weld corrosion, steel corrosion! lithium induced.
corrosion, lithium attack
ABsTRACTi In continuation of earlier work by the authora-6ii IKhl8W9T austenitic';,
stainless steel, corrosion reaittance and room temperature,t6echanical proper-,
ties were determined following 100 and SGO hours exposure to liqu~id lithium
or argon at 1000 and IZOOC. Test specimens were rolled sheet, Wxl4m, both
unwelded and welded. The test conditions did~ not eignif icintly affect either
welded-or unwelded specimens. Intergranular corrosion occurred during exposure
to liquid lithium, which was found to diffuse deeply into the steel surface -
(see Fig..l of the Enclosure). In liquid,lithium, the steeL corroded at a ratei
C~rd 1/3
Card 213
ACCESSION NR., AT4005965 8/2765/63/0001604/0144/0148
AUTHOR: Beskorovayny*y, N. M.; Zuyev, M. T.
Title: Corrosion resistance of titanlwn in lithium
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizichoskiy institut. Metalluroya i metallovedenlye
chisty*kh metallov, no. 4, 1963, 144-148
TOPIC TAGS: titanium corrosion, titanium aluminum alloy co,rosion, titanium
titanium property, titanium aluminum alloy property, lithium attack, lithium induced
ABSTRACT: Corrosion resistance and room temperature meclianical properties are
reported for metallurgical grade titanium (0. 12% C, 0. 009% r. 01, bakince TI) and
titanium-aluminum alloy (2. 2% Al, 1. 3% Mn, 0. 045 %C, balano Ti) following expbsure
for 50 and 100 hours at 800, 1000 and 1200C. Test specImens ivere rolled sheet
I x 3 x 14 mm. The corrosion resistance of both T1 and Ti+A1 were found to be
satisfactory after 100 hours exposure at 800C. Case hardeningt of Ti'specimens occurred
during exposure to lithium, due to absorption by Ti of gazes dissolved In the lithium rnelt.
A decrease in Ti ductilitywas observed at 1000 and 1200 C. At 1200C Ti begun to die-'
solve. o Ti-Al alloy began to dissolve In lithium at 800C, accompanied by a marked
Zuyevp M. V. "A study of evaporation from the surface of soilti axcoirding to the.method of
A. A. Skovortsovoll Trudy lashk. geofiz. observatorii, Issue 1.,11949plp. 27-34.
So 1 -6-3736p 21 May 53,, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 'rWkh StatV,, No. lit 1949.)
Specific features- of hent balance,in the Golobaya Steppe during
periods of the Ureat'yevskaya winds. Trudy SredP-Ax.nauch.-
iesl.gidrometeor.lust. no.2:41-33 '59. (MIR& 13:6)
(Golodnays Steppe--Meteorology)
Soil Temperature
Thermal electrosonde for soil.
Met. 1 gidrol. N10.6, 1948,11
Month1v List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. VcWember,: 1952.
WYNIJI. V.; Llvova, S. ff.
"Errors in Measurement of Tenperature and Moisture of AIr Vy Thenraneters
in Psychrometric Booths"
Trudy Tashkentak. Geofiz. Observ., No 8, 1954, 911-101
Iwiestigation of errors in measurement of temperaturd~ and humidity
in a psychrometric booth as a function of height of the booth, colcrration,
time of year, and time of day. In the coursob of 1950-10.51 61)acr~0,1,ons
were conducted in booths colored white, greyi green, and dark color and
set-at heights of 1.5 and 2.0 meters. WhGeol, No 9, 1955)
SO: Sum-No 845, 7 Mar 56
v Y I
AURNSHTATO B.A.; ZUMO_ H.V.;".BUGAYXT# V.A., red.; HUMA, 111S.0 tekhn red.
[Heat balance patterns over sandy deserts] &k6tory6ohorty toplavogo
balanes peachanoi puotyul. Toningrad, Gidrometmar. 1%d-vo, 195Z. ; 79 P,
(ThshIzent, Goofizicheakaia obseryntorila, Tmdj, no.6). (KM 110)
(Kara M=--Atmosphorio toqmnturo)
"Formation of the Microc'I.Amute of n Cotton Flold. Cand. P11 6-illath Sot) In"A i)f
14athom-1111Acs ntnd 14ochnnics i~nvjni 7.1. ItcmunovslAy, Ac~id 3ci 111v.~-,k i;311p Tii!~Ink -lilt,
1055. (XL, No 17, A-Pr 55)
SO: 31U.I.No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survpy of Scirmtific arld T'l c1, 11 I'll 1) .,3!1 L torts'
Defended at MOM fflglcr -I'duc-i-tional Instit,,itions (16).
M* V*
"Problem of.the Formation of TnVersion of Air Temperature'~over 41 Cotton Fiel7d",
Trudy Tashkentake Geofize Obsery. No S., PP 44-47,# 19544
Process governing the formation of temperature inverAons.over a cotton field
is investigated on the basis of microclimatic observations at heights of 25o 50P
100, 290 am in 1952-1953 in Uzbekistan. According to the,91iaral~ter of the
vertL-al temperature distribution one can establish in the course~of vegetation
three periods: the first from the beginning of vegetatiod to tke middle of~July,
when fall in temperature with height is observed; the second fr6mthe middle of,
July to the middle of Septemberj when inversion is establf3hed;';a6d the third from the
middle of September to the end of vegetation, when normal .Vertioal distribi4ionlia
again established. Onset of inversion is due not only to increase in leaf~r;masp; of
the cotton plant and increase in consequence of this of "undituee of heatin
transpiration and shading of the soil, but also to wattin~~of the soil aft .er the
third irrigation in the middle of Ju3,v. A relation is established between the difference
in air temperatures at levels 25-200 cm and height of the stalklof the cotton plant.
Passage of this difference through zero occurs for height or the cotton plaAt equal
to about 50 cm. The behavior of the variation of absolute~humidity at various levels
inihe course of vegetation indicates that during transition of the vertical'~temperature
distributiontoward inversion one observes a sharp inereasdjn the absolute humidity
in the layer near the ground. The most intense falling off in the yield of;a cotton
plant is observed during stabel inversion and high absolute humidity. (RZhGeol,',No lOp'''
- SO.- Sum No 884,,9 Apr 1936
ZUTEV, M. V. and VVOVA, S. N.
"Errors in the Measurement of Air Temperature and Humidity by Ther'mometers
in Psychrometric Booths".
Trudy Tashkentsk. geofiz. obsery. No 8, ppi94-101., 1954,"!
Investigation of errors in the measureiient of temperwtiwe *nd hu-
midity in a psychrometric booth as function of the boothl~ elev*tions
color, time of year ~Lnd time of day- is given. The observationw, were
carried out in the course of 1950-1951 in various bootho,painted idiftep
gray, green and black and set at elevations of 1.5 and 2.0'moteraq
(RZhGeol.. No 9P 1955)
SO: Sum No 884,, 9 Apr 19,76
Veter:Liary La~',UMlrii District
Outs tPuldin,-gr Zoological veteriuarl district. Vete Lm~~A ia, Z" 110. 10, 1952.
Monthly List of Russien Accor,.--iou LibrUry of Congroos, Dicl,ail-;cr Un,,l!tr,,5 If iitd.
TARANOV, R., inshener; SH=. T., inshener; TOLKIN, 0~~, (Losiuo-
Petrovsk. Moskovskaya oblasil)l I.; HISONZW. T.;
Accounts by participants. Radio no.lOtl8-20 156. (MA 9:11)
1. Nacballnik respmblikanskog6 rnAUqkluba Dob~ovollpago
obahchestva socleyetviya armii, avlatmil I. hotil moldovskay SSR
(for Zuyev) 2. Starshly insihener rov-publikansic6go radlokluba
Dobravollnogo obabehastva sodaystviya armit. liviatell i flotu
Moldavskoy SSR (for Shovkbet).
(Radio, Sbortwave--Compatitions)
ATITHOR: ZuYev, N., Chief of the Radio Club of the Moldaylan'WR
___ja~dio H~awf Moldavia (Radiolyubiteli Moldavii)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956, #12, pp. 13-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A report cin the develcqnent of radio amateurism in.Moldatla.
In 1955 there were 2 short-wave and 4 ultrashort-wit're hain stations in
Moldavia, in Dec- 1956. about 30. Participation of vitomen increased-. 57 fe -
male amateurs work as operators and monitors at: the st4tions of the club.
Among them: Mira Manyaylove, Nata Buchatokaya, A=;~ Oonaharovskara,~
Nella Leskova, Zhanna Ogurchikova, Rimma Xovshavaya, Marlys Romernitskaya.
A now Short-Wave and Ultrashort-Wave Seotion Ims ripcenly or:9anized at the
Belltsy Pedagogical Institute. Section leaderi Anatoliy Shlyakhovoy,
local laboratory technician. S. Fillmonov (laboratory worXer), A. Pala-tulk
and L.~Kharbur (laborers), I. Blayvae and B* 11ereblynos (students) take
part in the work of the Section.
I. Cherednik, V. Kirillova, and V. Morozove conatructed an amat4ur station
for a remote ray-on Rybnitsa. Another group including Tu. Pisareako,
K. Dovgiy, and B., Sekker helped in making the equl~ment;~ for amateur stations.
Recently, the following ham stations were put In operatlon: ultrashort-wave
020006 Leonid Romanin, short-wave U05MY Vladimir Xirilloy, U050A Sargey
Card 1/2 Remenko, U05BA Yuriy Varavva, U05RO Nikolay Rusak., U05ERD of the DOSAAF
Radio Hams of Moldavia (Radiolyubitell Moldavii)
Committee of Rybnitsy. Amateurs Tsilya. Poker an! d Tamara Vinogradova
opened their radio stations. Ultrashort-wave aXateurS A~ Gamazov,
Ya. Aronov, A. Shirvaytis, V. Gusachenkoj and other's opened their stations
recently. The team consisting of L. Romanin, S. Bordichavskiy,and
A. Shirvaytis of the Moldavian SSR Radio Club won. tihe third place in
the "Field Day" ultrashort-wave contest.
over 40 oohoolboys graduated frok the radio telegr4h operator courses
recently. Of them Volodya Morozov,'Vyachealav Sokojor work'as operators at
U05FAA station; TusIm Zunya, Grigoriy Yevse3w, Gennadiy Aosulya taks~treWng
in'the speedy telegraph work.
G. Petrenko supervises the construction of collective ultrashort-wave stations
in Tiraspoll city. In Kishinev city, a report on TY~was delivered by~engiuser
Rerutskiy, on radio medical applications by enginoor Shcherbelis, an
rr eleotronic applications by engineer Koleanikovp Also two radio hams
Kiliyanchuk and Sidellnikov delivered reports.
Three photos represent radio hams mentioned.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Lugovskii District Veterinary Madicino.
Outstanding zoolortical veterinary district. Vbterinary, distilat. Ileterinarila 29
no. 10, 1952.
List of Russian Accessions, f Congress)"
Library o Dgg&AJXir 9
Develop credit relations with intercollective farm building!6rgani-
zatiohs. Den. i kred. 20 no.1:27-39 Ja ~li'62. OFIIRJ~ 15-3)
1. Nachallnik otdela kreditovaniya kolkhozov 14old4vskoy konto=y
Gosbanka (for Zuyev). 2. Upravlyeyushchiy.1; ;iyevtkory,oblastno~
kontory Gosbanka (for Favlenko). 3. Upravl~~ayushbhly Dneprope-
trovskoy kontoroy Gosbanka (for Ul'ko).
(Ukraine--Construction industry-'-Finaiice)
(Moldavia-46nstructlon ind try-~ I-linancie)
(Collective farms--Int6r:rarm cooperation)
ZUYEV 11. G.
Toraion of the stomach, spleen and tail of pavareaso Dirlix...
0-18-119 162. nim: 15:
giian no.3
1. Iz khirargichoskogo otdeloniya (zav. V. G.'i Yayev) Vysel"Covskoy
rayonnoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach F.M. Yell qhko 3krasnxiarsk4o
SOV/ 137-58-7-14560
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya,111958,; Nr 7, p 88iUSS'R)
AUTHORS: Voynitskiy, A.I., Gus'kov, V.M.' Zuyev,i N.M.
TITLE: Trends in the Development of the Produc~kon o1 Sodium and of
Alloys of Sodium and Potassium Requl6ed'to P'roduce Tit IaInium
by Sodiumthermal and Combined Methods; (0 putyakh razVitiya
proizvodstva natriya i splavov natriya s kaliye'rn, neobkhodi-
mykh dlya polucheniya titana natriyeterillicheskim i kombini-
rovannym. sposobami)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Wes. n.-i. alyumin.-magn. in-ta, 1957; Nr 40, pp~
ABSTRACT: The results of laboratory experiments, in the electrotheIrmal
production of Na and K alloys, based on ~aductiion in vacuum of
a mixture of Na and K chlorides by ferro~ilicoft or by prirnary
Si-Al alloy in the presence of CaO, are adduc-ed., Spent mag-
nesium-plant electrolyte containing Na and K clilorides is sug-
gested as the raw material, for productioxi of the alloys. Pro -
cess procedures and compositions of miges for production of
Na and Na-K alloys are suggested. The design of vacuum
Card 1/2 equipment developed for this procetis is adductd, The furnace
,SOV/ 137-58-7-'14560
Trends in the Development of the Production of Sodium~ (coat.)
has internal and external heating. Side and bottom condensation of the Me
are provided for. Hot charging and discharging of the '.N?-fiiled furnaces
(without cooling) are provided.
L. P.
.1. Sodium--Production 2. Sodium alloys-Production 3.,,Potalssium alloyaL-Production
4. Sodium chlorides--Sources 5. Potassium chlorides-_111ourcer,
Card 2/Z
Mechanical regulation of interpolar distancss"!arA a-utowtic
oontrol of temperature c6nditioing in magnesium sleetrolyzers.
TSvet. met. 31 no. 6133-37,qe 158o, (MIRA 11-:7)
(Automatic control)
SOV/ 137-58-7-1454tz
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19513, Nr 7, p 66 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Gus1kov, V.M., Zuyev, N.M., Voynitskiy, AOL'
TITLE: Aluminothermal and Silicothermal Meth6ds of Production of'
Potassium from Chlorine Salts Ther~6f (Alytirriino- i sAiko-"
termicheskiy sposoby polucheniya kalija iz yego khloristoy
PERIODICAL- Tr. Vses. n.-i. alyurnin.-magn. in-t;~, 190P Nr 40,p
ABSTRACT- A brief review of the development of K metallurgy. The re-
sults of laboratory investigations of thii~theri-nal procei;~ of K
production are presented. It is found,that the quantityIof reduc-
tant and the amount of CAO in the charge affi!ct recovery of
metal in equal measure. The followinj char' o compositions
are recommended, For reduction witKAI, a rnolecular~
CaO:KC1 ratio of 0.6- 1.0, Al.-KCI 0.,8;~-~ 1. 2.Correspondingly,
for reduction by silica, CaO:KCl 0.64.9,iIind Si:KCV :i O.T_ 1. 1.
An increase in temperature reduces ihv, duration of the thermal
process. Maximum metal extraction i'4 atta.ined when the bili-
Card 1/2 quets are hold at a temperature of >900C.: This tempe-nature
SOVI 137-58-7~ 145,42
Aluminothermal and Silicothermal Methods of Produt-.tion (cont.)
permits nearly 10016 recovery in Al reduction and ug to 70v7Vin Si redOctitin,
provided that the reductant is finely ground and the',CaO is; under 36~L, Tile
working pressure in the retort is