Two species of butterflies Uttle-known in Poland, Pri4s' curUoellus Ban'. au'd
Semasia. diniana Guen., among the fauna of PienLny National Park. p. '2T-'
SMAN. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych I Lesnyah Polskiej A"demil: Nauk i Polsfkie
Towarzystwo Leone) Warszawa, Poland (Joiurnall, on forestry W;med by thi Section of
Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Polish Academy ofAitientian'; and the 4olish
Society of Forestry; with English and Russian sumwaris~' 1 Ind"ludes uppliments;
Biuletyn Instytutu Badawczego Lesuietwa, bulletin of t~a Forien't Re:e*ra
Kii Dr- ik in 'f the Inst-1 ~
Institute-, Hiulotyn InstytUtu Teclknolo ewna, bull tut
of Wood TeCG'Ology; Przeglad Dok rAentacZjny Drzewnictw~ daidulaientationi Of the
Institute of Wood Technology; and Prezeglad ftkuwentacZjnZ Lewnictwa, dotumentation
of the Forest Research Institute. moonthly5
Vol. 101, no. 4, Apr. 1957
Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (ZEAUJIU, Vol.# 8, no. C~ju e 1959
10 Vol U/!I -;b:;".
AND PRE-GNANCY NadlzyrriclAt'. -I 14~,a -
Vt. ;lKhn. Chor. Wcwn. A,'%1. i %Ycilew6d?.ki~
-Mior6b TMr-cycy, Wroctaw POL, ARCIL MED. W L WN
6f 2 0hyperthyroid pregnant worn-m treateil Willi M(Ithyllhiour,'Icit, 19, flavc~ hirth to
.1! j! 1 : ~
12 futt-tirric in(.anta of liurt-wif weight and free froni groitre. nie
Complications of pr-Qgnancy
develijpnicnt rioriiial. 1%%~o severe
and death of a toctus) arc by the fat-A th,"i Inc thylthioural: il., hall I"ilt yet
had time to Supress Vic.- hyperthyroidism. ('Vl, 10)
nk M,
Contribution to the pathagenesli (if gynecomast!6. t7g. lsk.,~
19 no.38-.I/,52-1454 21 ,*3 164
1. ?, 11 Kl!nJki Ch-;rob VevneLrzrr-h Akadstnii l0sdyc-zni!,S u e,
Wroclawiu Nlervmileg prof. dr. mod. Antwl Falk 3wloz)*
-7 r1
na c' v
r Tr
47 4,
(7; r -n
0 r
L P- r
lfll.,f ", - - . C
'6n C
C, ra
F3 rat 10 cl
,!SKI, WoJoiech
RANDOWA, Danuta; SMOLIK, Rcman;,Z92;
Respiratory function tests in obesity. Pol, ar6h.med,*' vewnet.
34 no.2:183-188 164.
1. Z Kliniki Oruzlicy Plue AM we Vroolawlu (kiorownikt prof.
dr.med. T,Garbinski) i z II Xliniki Chorob Wevhotrznych AM
we Vroclaviu (kierownikt profodr.med, A.FalkieAcz)4;
P 0 L-4-7 D
~ciec~h, Second Clinic of Internal Discasos (IX
Klinik.a Chorob Wounetrznych), Of [Akademia b1odrczna, Kodfoali
Academy] in Wroclaw (Diroctor: Prof. Dr, A. FA~KIEWICZ) and
Vojouodztwo Consultation Clinic for Thyroid Dis,easo$ (WOje-
wodzka Poradnia Chorob Tarczycy) in Wroclallf (Director: Dr.
"Results of Treatmont of tho Adiposo-Gonital Syndrome. no-
part of Four.Cases.11
Warsaw, Polski algodnik LeltarsIxi, Vol 18, ;:,No 33, 26 Aug 63,
pp 1308-1310
Abstract: [Author's Enarlish summary] Au ttio rdiscusses ith e
otiology.and diagnosis of the; adiposo-genital syndroine, And;
describes four cases, in MUch good offolcts were achieved
with Botica chorion gonadotropino and Bayer prolana treat-
ment. 7hore are four Polish references.,;
1 /l
3,9,000 I/oy/j /I Oil 13 717)
AUTHORS: Baran, Vlodzimierz, and iu'kowski,J'Nojciech
TITlEs The approximate calculation of th~ fla~ttening of
the earth on the basis of observations of satel-1.
lite 1958 S-1
PERIODICALs Poottpy astronomii, v. 8p no. 49 ~1960
TEM Sineiethe flattening of the earth cause's a6hange in' Lithe;
right ascension of the ascending nodes of eatellite orbits.; ob~-
ffeivations ot this change can gi4e a measurojl~~of the flatt'driing
(6). Observations were used of the last stagi of~the aarri4r "
rocket of satellite 1958 6-1, as given by Refs. I and 2 (R~f.lt
Rezulltaty nablyudeniy eovetakikh iskusatveuhikh sputnikov~tlzemili.
Sputnik 1958 6-1 (raketa) ffesults of Obeeryationa of SovIlat 1:
Artificial Earth Satellites. Sputnik 1958 611 (rooket47 No's. 7
and 9, published by Inetitut teoreticheskoyAstronomi0Akadeinii
Card 1/5
The approximate calculation D231/,Mi~
Nauk,SSSR), (Ref. 2s IGY World Data Center A,.~ilockets and fttsl-
lites. Number 6. Reports and,analyses~of sateillite' Obs'ervation$'*
Published by National Academy of Saienceo-Sational Research'
Council). These data included the names and~g~ogrfiphical coprd~_
nates of stationst times of observations, and the:equatorial or
azimuth coordinates for the observed rocket.In H6f. 29 the,
following orbit parameters were givent Dist4hee of the perigee,
argament of the-apogeev nodal period of revolution of the:satel-
lite, mean change in the time of'revolution,j~ar 24,hre, and. the
eccentricity. The data given referred to Juno 26, 1958. Ths in-
clination of the orbit to the eqUatgrial plaile f6r,August 5, 1958
was given in Ref. 3 (Ref. 3s Byulleten' Institute teoretla~evkoy
astronomii, v. 7, no. 7 (90), published by the Akade-miya NAuk,
SSSR). From these data, most of which were ap'proximate, 25,'ob-
servations were selected for additional calculations and this,
number was subsequently reduced to 9. The stations selected,
Card 2/5
The approximate calculation D231/001
presented with their corresponding data in t 'a~ulat~ed form,: wiere::
Biloxi, Oklahoma C, Ft. Belvoirt Memphist Sto:6ktoil, State
Collegeg Otarup Cambridge and St.'Paul. Minnei~The,~authors theni,
indicate an approximate method of caloulatiniAaa/ld (change in
the right ascension of the ascending node in!~24 hj~s)t An ex- I
pression is given relating the right.ascensi6n otthe ascenAing
node to the time of passage,of the satellite'~thro.4h the ascend-
ing node, the geographical coordinates of thii eub-satellito '
point, time of observation and to Adg/jd. Coi,rect.ion is made for
the change in geographical longitude of the,4'scending node due
to the Earth's rotation. From this, a set of equations is ob-
tained which can be solved for Ac4jvd. ProskUrin.~and Batrakovie
equation* cited from Ref. 3 is given as follows
Aug/ld = _j(~L)2 Cos 1 2 4 2 5
n + J (~L) Cos i sin i n +
a a
Card 3/5
The approximate calculation D231/D301
+ D (a)4 3 2 6
sin i i7) n
where: AOLA variable ascension of the primary~ivertex,
3600 - 1440M
n =
- average movements of the day'~satellite, a'
Bemi-major axis of the Earth's ellipsoid, a - s~',emi-major axial of
the artificial satellite orbit, i -deolinatiori of orbit plane
in relation to the Earth's equatorial plane, e ec6enter of~
orbit 9 J (E) m M) , D f la4;tening of
the Earth, m -- (I w - angular velocity the
Earth, ml - Earth's mass, constant gravita ion;~Ahis equw-
tion is used in an approximate form;to calcula~t6 th~. flattening
of the Earth from the values of Aw1d. obtaine.dl~by the authorr3,
Card 4/5
The approximate calculation D231/b)Ol
An analogous expression was derived in 1958 b Kirig.Hole ZX*b-
stractor's note: This expression is not givens. Finallysome va-
lues of J (a function of are given, and *6`valuelof
is assigned to E. The prei3ent work resulted from a,
298.8 1 ~7. 1 i.
Seminar in the Department of Geodesic.Astronomy. There are 1-fi-
gure, 1 table and 3 referencess 2 Soviet-blocliandl non-Sov*iet-"
bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as
follows: "IGY World Data Center A, Rockets anil Satellites. Num-
ber 6. Reports and analyses of satellite observations". Pub-
lished by National Academy of Sciences-Nation6l Research Council.
ASSOCIATION: Katedra astronomii geodezyjnej (Depattment of Geo-
desic Astronomy) ZXbstractor's h6te: No other de-~
tails given7,
Card 5/5
IMAING' ON M., 6 1M *09 N'M i4ghii~' AV61641W AMR III:: ilFI I '1 71,1
POLAND Human and Animal Physiologyj Internal T:
Secretion. The thyroid Gland,
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.p No,22, 1958, 1019670
Author : Zukowski, Wo4cieeh.
Inst i--Wt-g iv-e n-.----
Title Hyperthyreosis and Pregnancy,
Orig Pub::Polskie arch. med, wewnetrz., 1957,j 27,~?Io lox
Abstract: Females (12) with hyperthyreosls during'ipregnancy.
received methylthiouracil, In 104emales, the preg-
nancy terminated in normal delivery, and the child-
ren did not show signs of disturbance of the thy-.
roid gland function. In 2 women the fetus perished,
which may be explained by the Influence of hyper-:
thyreosis, and not by toxicity of mothylthiouracil.
Card 1/1
ZUIOWSKI. Wojciech
Iffeet of Dl preparation an the course of Post-dArenalin
leukocytools. Archvlv=n*terbdosw* 8 no.2:297-364 ,6o. I
SASS, Janina. ZMWSKI Woki"ch
Congenital and familial diabetes lnuipld~O, Palvki tygodo'
lek, 11 no.l?:743-?45 21 Apr 56#'
1, Z I Klin. Pediat. A14 we Wroc.: kier. prof. dr#
H. HIrszfeldowa i z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wewt. MT.ve Wroc. kier.
prof. dr. A. Falkiewiez, Wroclaw, u1, Ukr:rta 160,
familial congens casee (Pol))
ZIM99SKI, Woj-~iechl GRUSUA,
rasen of gynecomast.a. llcjl,. tv~tl. I.rz:k.
S 14 161.
TI Kliniki Chorob Wtnmtvlrtnych Alkadmii'll
we Tdroclawlu (Nerown-Ut prof, d.r. med, Ant~,-,nl Fab-.1'eldrZ).
'I C. c 2-
,.;K~'. Chorl~b
Vroclaviu, PTO-r. dr. 'aloff. L. j1di
ZUKOWSKI) WoJairach; GRTJSZKA, Staniqlaw
Hemolytic syndrome in malignant jrran-u'.,:;ira. MN-I. ar~:h. mud.
wewnet. 34 no-7:973-976 164..,
1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob Wewn. Akadwril Medynniij t~, 1: 1-cclawl'a
(Kierownlk: prof. dr, med. A. Falklewi
Chlorination of sewage in anti-tuberoulosii mana6ria. Part
Relation of the survival of bacilli to the conoa~tration of ahlo-
ring and to the duration of its activity. Acta Idorob.polon. 81
181-184 1959-
SEWAGE microbiol.)
BEMMOBIS hoop.& clin.)
Z. OZMS., A.
Forms and sorts of hazel trecs for intruduction
In Latvia. P. 67.
Zinatnu akademija* Biologijas zina-tnu nodala) Idj~la, Lat-via) NO.J) 1957.
Monthly list of East European Accessicns (EM) LC V61. 8., 21O.;8,
4ugust. 1959.
Spectral oftoww"W" of real 4zwwm.
A, Luerml; a MOM UWAING1
yv% Writ iftM. 410~sjgd oils *It".:;
In"If omillions of d
light with owlert(ve light Ohm aim 14M illkw
ll 6A with 'Volt *At, lo
otest *pp.. on *t
In AnAlytiral laMP4. The efikkary Ifoult of t
S ~j the d
3v '"a, lot* t1w vo
fouriod to corrvvml a the double wavvlwirfl
we" li
ht boo a
ab, IIJIX4 w
ewlts 01 111reckin
I of djvd
mi "tax.
e u
nkbwgb the energy of
blonchblit-gut *srct on d
ntum h 10 va do 4
Hi C21PNIMd dvv ~tv j% r
If= 'o
it explained by amwool that the vookewles
ov brought Into an tidied state. wW whon dw wWwJ wt.
exched energy levvi 10 angimed k4gaw. arverd of the twi.
"I rowtvily taken up quantum* i4ro given up as lumincivemv a(
')M M"Istume W& higher rin"go 1"O1.
Tiorsdo" 111 @""a- soodoms. vil. TWOM, In
O"W soo& sew =-00 Z ftmol" of Waswis "Its.
(Ndhch Tookitit wdM-Ark Z bvi (Chubm vuir,
43, 07(k, 46, I3WJ.-UCI oW LI Wire p9molitp.
11tralrdi"llulil If Wo. Will)
0.1 IV IVUAch. in UK swoo odyfial.
K.Pe(C )&NO and dMiumms 4wat mod as Witmenlar
the fill(OAch titratiam. ftentral lvf (1). thiamine jul. ind
*Afrunine far tbc;Pb(OAc)o throtion.- awl I wW I taikho
TK)Ar filratlIm. : kvvfm thradnam of TK)Ae mad Irg-
(OAch with TICI od Tilk wtft &6* kil.
1 1 1 'J, I I I
(Daebkoean--Iron mines and mining)
POLUID/Cherlical Tc-c'moloar. MerUml. Prt-aueba WiLl Inicir
Applications - CheurAlcal rrocussirq, of Watumi
Gases and retrolcum. Motor and Rocket PaclaiI
40 Lubriconto
Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-MUm., Ito 1959, 20)7-
t.uthor Zukrowald, L.
Title Achievemmits of the Polish Patrolcura ProccedIll(;
Inaustry ill 1957.
OriG Dab: Hafta (P01810, L4, No 5, 13.7-124 (.1958)
~,.bstm, ct.- Ve autliar lirusents stactistical claUmm -:z L110 rrowt,,.
of tile -pctr:)1cu.i 1,rccesuino industry .".11
1957 0.0 well as cm. tl~u crlxxity of Wic varitAin 1,ro-.
ces3co ol;crated c.:iL! nlaQ P-ives tuc!micc-cc0L,:;:.dc
CaAi 1/3
POL:M/Chudcal TechnoloCy. Chu:Ucal Frcducts mtOl 7,oir
i'llplications. Cliardeal I'mcessing of Ifutuml
Gases and Patrolcim. Rotor tuid, Aaclmt Fuela
Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin-, IN 8, 1959P 2W97. i
perforrunce 1-ndices for the industry for 1957 as
coriparea with 1956. In 1957 the Volish patroleur.
processing inclustry has proce .osed a total.c1l' 745,.'2)00
torts of crude, which represents a I,; increjoe-, ovar
1956. 'The irmOrt of crvAe remined undwan I d at
614,000 tons. Thu production of the varimis tyros
of petroletzii produalUX ill 1957 was as folluilz (ill
UICUS0.11LIS Of tons): C;nsolixiu, 189; (W.'sel 1'ucl, 171;
riot-or fuel, 58; lubr-~cntliaG oils, 161; as-,4h~lt and
bitu:Aa, 101,; fru7xvo, 19. New pio-
cesses have boun for the .0reduCtion uT
tranoft7aT.Y--r, Lictor, -nLI mchine oil, cf SO-22 oils
Card 2/3
POLUTD/Chanical TechiioloCy. CharAcal rroducts =(I Thdir
Amlicat-I ons - Chamica~ i1rdecaninj; of tl,%tui-:~i
Gases mid Potrolow.. Notor cnd Rocket aita-16.
Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Miu.,, No 8., 1959, 28897.
Mid Of Iff-30 aad GOI-54 Creasica as well $3
other ir.A)crtc-.t1 lubrientinf, naterials. Tlir.~,.Cullstru~c-
tion plz n of Vie Lnduotry has been fulf I.UO 100 ~W
~`~ new p1mit for the sclactiv6 purificatic,n .Of luLri-
pac iLy 86, W, toris
catinG oils with ffuiTurol (amiual m
has been put ii,. q,)cr,.%Uon ard thia cu;;.)L,.City ~V,r -,(IILI
refininG plants han bun Increased by 20~00(3 tond.
Ca r'!
Rivleu of pablicatLons. Nafta 20 no,1101~,L-)I)., it 164.
FOLUM/Cho.-Ical Technoloa. Mv,-ical PrLylucto crul. Their
Applications. Clacaical Processln(& of lfat6.al
Gadea and retrol=.l. Motor and Rocket Fu~ls.
Abs Jour: ilc-f Mur-Rhim., No 8) 1959s 2689ft
Author Zukrowski, L.
Inst ------------------- - -
Title Achievements of the Polish Petroleun Prowssind,
Industry in 1957.
OriG~ rub: Hafta (Pols1c), L4, No 5, 117-124 (1958) (in rolish)
;Lbstx-,%ct: The author pro-sonts statisLical data on' tjic rrWth
of the Polish patrolvxri ;.!roccssing industry in
1957 ns wall as rin -Vhe m1rcity, of the vdricus,rrom
ces3ca opercted a.:-A ,,.lsu t;ives tuclinico-cconoraic
I'=JID/Chonical Technol%y. Chucdcal Products Mia IT" neir
Applications. nenica-1 processinG of Ifutuml
Ceases and ratrol=,. Motor and Rocket R11olu.
i.bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin., No 8) 19159) 28897-
perfort=ce indices for the industry foi'*~ 195T as
coripared with 1956. In 1957 the Polishl,petrolmn,
processing inclustry )me processed a tot~i of 745,200
tons of crude, which represents a V inolreascIaver
1956. The lra)ort of crude rorminod unrli Imigcd'at
614,000 tons. The production of the Warious typCO
of petrolatm products -.L-.i 1957,was as follows (in
thousands of tons): Er-saline, 189; dioual fue.1, 171;
notor fuel, 58; lubri. wting oils, 161; 1 ~ul)lzjt and
bitunin, 101; g-renser., 3.9. Now 'too) unoloci Cal yro-
causes have been acvvl,-,j.ud, for the prNI~C',tj (,)v Qf
tmnaVaT.ior, L10tor, nr-d i.:acliine oil, cX SO-22 oll)
CaW 2/3
POU.ND/Chemical Technolol-
j. Merical Products and.72iair
Applications. Chmdec-l ProcessinC; of Natural
Gases and Petroleum. Motor and Rocket Fuels.
Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khiu., N,~ 8, 1959, 2M974
and of NK-30 and GOI-54 C;rcasus an well C~O 0',
other irl)crted lubricrttine materials. Th6 mistrue-
tion plan of the inductry has been fulfillod LOO-7't,'-
,',~ new plant for Vne selective purificatiol-i of lubri-
catinG oils with furfurol (annual cai-jacitY 36,000 tons)
has been put in creer--tion and the capacity of cicid
refinina plants has been increased by 20,000 tons.
ZUKROWSKI., W. Jose Venturelli. p. 16*
No. 13m July 1956
Warszawa, Poland
So: East European Accessiony Vol* 6# No* 2p Feb. 1957
mov'")KII lvlojcl~cg ~ ----T -------
SUMING, Feliks Maksimilionovich Wp HOG., ptv ,Ved.; UUMA, A01.,
red.; SHIMMOVA, L.K., tMr'
[Theoretical drawing of small ships] Toorailcheskil chertezh
malkikh sudov. Uningrad, Goo.solmnoo iod-vo sudontroit.
prorVshl., 1958. 74 p. (KIRA 12-.12)
(Naval architecture) (Architectural drawing)
kand.tekhn.nauk; AGALAROVp A,M.p insh.
Methodology for choosing optim= sactionalizilk points in 6 to'10
kv, power distribution networks. YAkh. i elsk. We, Sellkhos;
21 no.406-38 163.
(KRA, 19):
1. VaesoyuzW nauchno-isaledovatel'skil institut O'lektrifikataii
sellskogo khozyayst-ra.
(Electric power distribution) (Electricity ~n agAculture)
ZULT,,N.&,,.kand.tskhx.nauk; OKUNI, S.S,, kand.tekhn~nauk,-
Smoothly regulated booster autotrameformer 6r rural pover
distribution networks. Elektrotekhnika )5 ino.3:25-27 Mr
(MRA 170)
SHONOT B.Y.; BYSMTSKIT, D.W.; ZoLt. N.M.; 1081py"'! B.G. . =Go.-
[Basic rules pertaining to the volume of rlamots:control to Ibe
installed In rural electric power stat,,,oni and ji4betational
Oanovnys polvahenlia po ob"ema telemakhanizatmil eel I okikh
elektricheskikh stantaii I podstantail. rRoskya'. Otdal tekhn.
informateii, 1958. 16 p. (Km 1).4)
14 KOSOOWO Yeasoyusnyy nauchna-iseledovatel'sidy inatitui 616k,tri-
fikotaii sel'skogo khosynystys. 2. Tualloyumy 'ns-achno-itsisaa-
vatel'skiy inatitut elektiifikateii sel'skago khozyaystva (TINSKh)
(for Smirnov, Bystritskiy, Zal), 3. Hinisterst-wo sel'skogo kho-
mysystva SSSR (for Ionipyan). 4. Hookovskiy in~titut makhonizatall
I slaktrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva in, T.H.Molotova (NDMM)
(for Sergoventsay).
(Slectric power distribution),
ZULI' H.H ,kand.tekbu.muk
Investigating automatic r;IV protoctions achivated by a con-
denser discharge, [Yauch. rudyj VIWKH 314$?-482
(MIRK 130)
(Alectric networks)
N.M., kand.tokhn.nauk; YAKOBS, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk
Development and study of a single-stage~;'autoxatic booster trams-
former. Nauch. trudy VIESKH 7sl28-152: 16o.~ (MIRA150)
(Rural eleat'rified;tIon)
(Electric power distributio~-Equipment and supplies)
(Electric"! trans,for*rs)
'ZUL'. I M inxhoner.
fterimental exasination of proceaves during t~hutoftsltic recloming of,& 30 Xv
network. Ilektrichastro no.11:89-90 N 153. i;(Km 6:10)
(Xlsctrio Instviorks)
BUDZKO, Igor' Aleksandrovick, doktor tekhn. nauk, pr~r.Palptdq ZAXEARI IN;t
Andrey Georgiyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk; EB311, Ler
Yefimovich, doktor tekhn,nauk, prof.; WON, N,$. lnzb.;:
LEVIN M.S '" . kanId.!tekhn.
P ., kand. tekhn. nauk; YAKOBS, A.X.
nauk,- GROYS, Ye.S., lnzh.h~ ~' 0
-ta &kand takhti. nauk;
POYARKOVP K.M., kand. takhn-.-na DYAN A.Ye'.., kand.
tekhn. nauk; KRAUSP, V.R., kand. tekhn. nault; SHATS, Ye.L.0
kand. tekhn. nauk; IOKHVIDOV, B.S., red.,- BOLODYCOV, N.A.,
tekhn. red.
[Rural electric powqr distribution networisj~Sellimkie elek-
tricheskie seti. Moskva, Gosenerijoizdat, 1 3. 262 p.
MI Elk 16 15)
1. Vaesoyiaznaya akademiya sel1skokhozynyitTonny4 nauk im*
V.I.Lenina (for Budako).
(Unfal alectrifioation) (Electric powerLdiotritration)
xx N. M.
"Problems of the Automatic Reconnection in Hurla $Iectric Plants.",' 1841ov 152.
Dissertation for the degree of Cand. Tech. Sci. at thetAll-MIm Inst.~tor the
Mechanization and Electricaticn of Agriculture.
Official opponents were: Dr. Tech, Gai., Prof. M. r. I.IayarboV and Dr. 6t Teich.
Sci.1 Prof. L. Ye. Ebin.
- -------------- i r
Booster transformer for 6 - 10 kv. netvorko witi lutomatic control
apparatus* Sbord naucho-tokh. informo po 6 loke Oellkhoz n04149-50
159. (KOR 13:9)
(Illectric transformern)
Graphs for calculating 6 - 10 ky. networks~~ with voltage regoAtiond
Sbor. nauch.-tekho Inform. po elek, sellkhos. no-WO-53 150-
(MIRA 13:9)
(voltage regulators)
ZULI., M-M., kand. tekhri. nauk
Increase In the reliability of rural ele'l,ric power diatri~-
butlon systems. Elek. eta. 35 no.3s7O-?3 Mr 164.
(KRA 17t6)
FXrZRYAIM, M.H., inzh.; 3311t, L.Te.,, doktor twekhn.ft~auk, 11071HO K.Soi kaM.
tekhaenauko.ZUL't NiAs kAndotekbnommko SOLNMV* Y-M-s ilithor;
KORSWNOV, AJF,, il2gbo
kound In 6 and 10 kv. o
arghis Y thie
1. UGPI "Tyazhpromelektroprqvekt" (for Fei~rmark)v 2* voescwuzw
nauchno-liseledovatellskiy Institut slaktrifikatuil selliskojj~, khasysy-
stva (for Ebin, lavin, Zull)# ). Giprosellalokt~o (for SoIntsay's
(Blactric pover distributiom)
(Blectric curreats--Groundirc),~~
4J4, /V, lkl,
9L-158-7 4/27
AUTHOR: Zul, 11 M. Plyueachev, V. K., Candidates of Terlinical Science4,
-fe-ayenko, MY., Kozyulin, A.S., Ktu,tsvayll, G.I.,,Eernshteyn.. L'~Xh.,
Yeganov, B.N., Engineers
TITLE: The Protection of Branches of 6 to 10 kv Llnes (0 zashchite'iotp~yek
ot lindy 6-10 kv).
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 7, PP 11-18 (USSR)-
ABSTRACT; The editor prints the comments on artiqleo dealing with the above
problem published by P. V. Ternikov in "Eaergatik", Mr 4, 1956
and by M. Yu. Shukhatovich in "EnergetikW, Nr.:60 1957.
N. M. ZU11, Candidate of Technical Sciences says that most~of the
6 to lo kv rural custributing networks with radial long distance
branched lines are protected only at the terminal switch. !To
increase the reliability of the electric.1vver,supply., it Is
recommended to tap the lines widely utilizing safety fuses~o Com-
bining main Line safety fuses with those of branch lines, as :,
vell as with automatic reclosing systems is very: advisable:. This
method is described in detail. The following devices can, be .
utilized: "UGP-51" or PG-10" types for automatic reclosing; "1T-81"
type relay, direct release relays and safety filses of "PSN" or "PIV,
type. Experimental samples of reclosing safety fuses have been
Card 1/3
The Protection of Branches of 6 to 10 kv Lines 91-58-7-4/27
worked out and manufactured at "VET" an(CVIE$Kh' on the
basis of "PK" type fuses,, and the 10 kv line &itch of pole
type with simple instantaneous and automatic load reclosizg
of single-phase model with nominal currents of'5 to 20 amp.
and breaking capacity of 5 mega volt-am.p6res has been worked
out by the 'ILTralelektroapperat" plant. ** K. 111yugacher) ,
Candidate of Technical Sciences and A. V#~ Isayanko, Engineer,
examine lines with dead branches. The automat#1c reclosin8
system cannot be utilized in this case. ~The exiact solution
can be obtained only by determining the failure-rate of
lines and other elements of electric pov6ir supply. The average
failure-rates of certain elements of netvorks are containe *d in
a table and the method of determining the breaidown loss Of
electric energy on lines with automatic rl~ecloslng system and
branches without safety fuses Is described in detall.
A. S. Kozyulin, Erigineer,, indicates that in a In'etwork rayon
containing lines of a few hundred kiloa*+.~rs length,, over
a 5 year period, &4 of the failures we're caused by short-
circuits to the earth. Inter-phase short-circuits were
caused mainly by a fall of line supports.
0. 1. Kartsvayll, HnSineer, says that mQs 't br=ched town
distributing networks of 6 to 10 kv have aradial power
Card 2/3
The Protection of Branches of 6 to 10 kv Lines~ 91-58-7-4/27
supply, and that subscriberts branch lines can be connect-
ed with main lines only by discohnectors. Such lines are
located with 2 to 3.5 megawatts'~nd their total length at-
tains 3 to 5 km. They are connected ii-th 25 to:35 t;rans-
formers, which are protected only' 1at thi switoh,of line ter-
minal section coming from the bais of.the rayon'6ubstation.
Such lines are to be connected -with subscribers by means of
IIPKII type safety fuses and power~disconnectora (load switch-
es) of IIVN-1611 type in closed rooms of IIPTII typ6'or by means
of "PSN-1011 type safety fuses in.loutdoor installations
L.Kh. Bernsteyn, Engineer, writem that long distancebranch-
ed networks of 6 to 10 kv with radial;pbwer supply can be
protected by safety fussaj but the latter must be combined
with disconnectors for subdividirig main.lines. flowever,the
design of pole safety fuses described',by P.V. Ternikov is
not to be recommended.
B. N. Yeganov, Engineer, writes that the protection of
branched 6 to 10 kv,main lines c~n bs~carried out in, many
variants utilized according to the toial length of the main
line. There are 2 figure, 1 graph# 2 tables andI3 Soviet
Card 3/3 references.
I. Transmisuion llnea--bverlood prot6ctldn, 2. Fusesi. (Electricity)
--Equipment 3. Electric switches_w7XquiPn36nt
BUDZKO, Igor' Aleksandrovich; BODIN, Alsksandr Platotiovich; ZULP,
Nikolay Mikhaylovlc~j POYARKOV, Xir1ll M1khay1oV1c1r;,--
SAYTANIDI, L.D., tekhn. red.
(Calculation of rural electric power distribution,metworks
with voltage regulation] Raschet sellskikh olektrl6heakikh
setei a regulirovaniem napriazheniia. (By) I,A.E~dxko 1, dr.
Moskva,, MSKh RSFSR, 1963. 108 p. (MIRA 16: 10)
(Electric power distribution)
ZULI, N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; MOLOSUOV,, N.F., lnsh.~
Attachment for double automatic reclosing.,, Energo tik 11 no-5s
31-33 My 163. (KRA lbs7)
(Electric owitchgoar) (Electria outbuts)
ZULI, N.M., kands teklm'. nauKj- LRYIN. MS.. kAndi; bekha. nauk,
Sectionalization of r=l electric networks, Mek,h4i elsk.sota.sitllkhoz.
16 no-5:33-36 158. 11111)
1, Tsssoy=47 naucbno-issledovatallakiy lft~,atitut elektrifikats1i
aellakogo khozyaystva.
(Blectric power distribution) (Rural electr'ification)
EBIN, L.Ye., doktor tekhn.nauk- ZULI tLi0j).v kandotekbii.hauk; LEVVIq M.S.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKO8S7'j-A.I,j kP-nd.tekhh' naul"I ZHULrl, DNT.,
kand.tekbn.nauk; IVICHEV9 F.V.g inzb.; KUZIIFTSOV, V.I*q!inzht
Concerning A.P.Korshunov's article "Effidlient.desien of 61to 1.0 kv.
rural electric power transmission lines.i! Elek. sta. 32 no.1.2:
78-83 D 161. (MIRA "15:1)
(Rural electrification) ('Electric p4we~r distAWWn)
(Horsbunovo A.P.)
8 (6)
AUTHORSs Volosatov, 0, Pop Engineer, SOT/105-0-6-27/28
Grichevskiyp 9. Ya., Engineer, Fra4gulyanp' 7. I.vAtngineer,
Zull N U., Candidate of Technica'l Sciences, Yak6bs, Jko lot
C di a
e of
echnical Sciences
TITLE: So A. Burguchev, Power Stations atO Subdtittions foi Agriculture.
A Manual for the Departments of SlOotrification In Agriculture.
671 Pages, Price 16 Rubles 5 Kopecist PublishingEwse SellkhozgL24
1958 (So A. Burguchev.' Slektricheo~iye atantsii i podu.tantsii
sellskokhozyaystvennogo naznacheni~a. U6hiobnoye pbsobiye d1ya
fakulltetov elektrifikatsii sellsk6tto khozyaystva.167tstr.,
ts. 16 rub. 5 kop. Sellkhozgiz, 1958)
PERIODICALt Elektrichostvo, 1959, Nr bp pl) 951f~ 96 ~USSR)
ABSTRACTt This is a book review. The author~,~ds written thi6ival'uable
book backed by his long engineering and4pacbing 4xpe~rience-
It can be used by students and by lbngin~ers.workinjT 1~ the
electrification of agriculture . IVOlay totae in uneful*also for
1 b
extension courses. It is very well arr4gad, and a1
chapters of the course hqve been given ample space'. The subject
Card 1/2 is discussed from the viewpoint of;modi-srn engineeringleolutions.
S. A. Burguchev. Power Stations and Substations SOV11 05-0 -16-21/28
for Agriculture. A Manual for the Departments of glectrification ~iii A~riculture
671 Pages, Price 16 Rubles 5 Kopecksp Publishing V6use Sellkhozgiz~ 1958
A great deal of attention to also paid to' the physical
interpretation of problems. A suffi4ent",number of 6ampie
problems are added. The book has 12'.seeti ,ons with 44,chipters.
A short summary of each chapter is given#~and rare shortcomings
are indicated.
ASSOCIATION3 Giprosellelektro (All-Uhion lnstitut~ forlj
the, Design and"
Planning of Huiiil Bloc trif ioation) , Vism '(All-Union ~.Seiol ntif ic
Research Institute of Rural Electrification)
Card 2/2
ZUL1, N.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk
Uperimental investigation of processes during~mutomatic reclo.sing
In a rural hydroelectric power station with 1,000 kv capacity.~
Nauch.trudy VINSIR no.1.150-61 '54. si:
(Blectric power distributlou)
kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk (Mookva);~ MITTU~HXIN, X.G*,
Vakhnicheskikh nAuk (Moskva)
Calculating elso-tromagnetic~ reWs in circuits having conds~serq.
Blektrich6stvo no,4:35-39 Ap '57. (KEM
Ollectric relas)
ZULI, N.M., kand. takhn. nauk; IRAUSP. V*R., inth,
Utilizing relay protection in rural *19otria nstw6rkm. Xskh~' i
olsk. sets. mollkhas. 1? n*102:39-34 159o (M14A 12:6)
1*Voeooyuzny7 nauchno-19sledovatel'skiy In4titut elektrifikitali sell-
skago khosysletva.
(Ilectrie relays) (Rural electrification)
ZULI U.N., kand.tekhti.nnuk; KOZYULIII, A.S., insh.;*XURTSVAYLI, G.I., ingih.;
L.Kh., inzh.-, TWAIIDV, B.N., inub.
Spur protection on 6-10 kv. lines. Bnergatit 6 ho.7!11-18~ JI ~58.
(Electric switchgoar) (KRA 11110)
ZULI Nikol-ay Mikhaylovich, kand. teklm. nauk; FOYARKOV, girill
nauk; YESIFUVICJI, NJI.k red.;
NIKITINA, V.M.# red.
[Automation of rural electric power oupply) Av'tomatIzatsiLa;
sellskogo elektroanabZheniia, Mookup Kol~)sj 1965. 287 p4
(YIHA 18:3)
. I I
Permissible deflectiou of wall bottoms i3a the Ileftyanyye ft=~-
field. Nefts khoza 40 no,3-2t25-27 D 162*' MMA 16-7-'
(Neftyanyyo Y~.amni r!~gion-011 well drilling., Submarine)
Increaaing the directional drilling rates ini thew
lamni field* Aserb. naft, khos. 41 n*,9:194~
(Nottyamys Kami region-Oil Wall drilling)
F,ffect of the drilling dapth mn expenditux"s on' 6
pare parta.
Mash, i neft. obor, noo8t2CI-21 164, (kRA i3.711-1)
1. Institut razrabotki neftymnykh i gaz~v~kh mastoroshdenL7 LNI
SSR., obttyadinaniya "Atn6ft" i Nefteprc~A'tlovaya upravlen.Lje ii,
XXII s"yezda Kc=unistieheskoy partli Sov~'itsko& Soyuza.
"Remarks concerning clothing production in Czechosloirakia."' p. 96. =rn,
7o1. 4, no* 3, Mar. 1953, Lodz, Poland)
SO: Monthly Liqt of East European Accetsions, L. C.jYol. 3,, No. 5., May 1954, Uncl.;
Traredie tatrzanskie. Warszawa 51-,~ort i styka, lck- P.
(Tragedies in the Tatra Mountains. i-Ilus., porta., footnotcs, glossary)
30; Monthly indp)r of East European Acessions 01-11).' ol. dyf No. 11) Noved)er 1957.
TarAdium and nickel In Ohokrak oils of Dage!oUn. ', Azorbokhiv,
SbUr, W,2f129-135 '59- (MIU 13:6)
(r,bokrak region(Dages tan) -Petroleum-Awlyid,l)
(Vanadium-Ana4slo) (Rickel-Amalvolo)
SOV/ io+;36405
Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, 1(h miya, 1959,: ws~i
i jr 10': p439
AUrHORS-: Nasirov, A.B., Outyrya, V.
TITLE: Effect of Some Conditions of Catalytic Crnaking in aBubbling ~Layj7 of
Synthetic Alumosilicate on the Formation ot' Aromatic Hj~~~ In the
Composition of Gasoline
PERIODICAL- 8b. tr. Azerb. n.-i. in-t neftepererah5t., kq*.-atil 1958, Or' 0
--p 44-55
(Azerbay;d-zhan:ian summary)
ABSTRACT: The catalytic two-stage cracking of the kero~ane-gfts-oii frat3iioni ofBaku
petroleum has been investigated; the first si-age is realizedAn ad in-
stallation with circulating bubbling alumosi, ,y
ticate' eatal at, the decond
stage in a reactor with a stationary bubbli'r4t laye-T,of the siae citalyst.
Gasoline of two-stage cracking obtained from'ltwo t~*ypes of petroleum of
different composition,is characterized by ap~roximat, Iely the same hydro-
carbon composition depending on the tempera:Wre 1~: the first! S tage ~ with
an increase in the-temperature of the first, stage from 11.20 to,48oOc, in
gasoline of the second stage the content of iwomatlo hydrocarbons,in-
Card 1/2 creases from 29A - 26. 1 to 35.0 - 42.5% a~ the q_~x;~ense of ~.he mduction