Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
S/1~9/62 03/004/0~VO~2
B 112/Bi
AUTHOR: Zubov, Vo I.
TITLE., On the theory of recurrent functiona.
PERIODICAL: Sibirskiy matematicheakiy zhurnalp vo'3p no, 962
-41 11532 560
TEXT: General properties of recurrent'functions aie~inveiBtigated ahd a
class H1(yj(t)v ... , y,(t)) of ergodioxecurrent fdn' tion~As constx~cted.
The real, linearly independent functions y,(t), ---7Y1f(9'
condition D+T x
m T exp(i 2 c )dt Op~
T--> +co D J-1
where cl, ..*, c. are arbitrary real constants at least olie of which! is!:
different from zero., The class is the set oiall!
the recurrent functions f(t) that satisfy the following condition:7 For;
each F- >O,-there is's finite set of linear forms P (t) (k 4n.) o f,~
Card 1/2
On the theory of recurrent W27W:04
and a number 6 ouch that all oompatibio real 11olutiona I of
the system of inequalities
"k E(t + -r) - PkF-(t)i