Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RdP84B00506RE100050008-2
(sent out 9/20/72)
19 September 1972
MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the NSCIC Working Group
SUBJECT: NSCIC Working Group Meeting on 3 October 1972
1. The next meeting of the Working Group will be held on
Tuesday, 3 October, at 1430 hours in the DCI Conference Room at
CIA Headquarters.
2. The following agenda is proposed:
a. Minutes of the 6 July meeting
Approval of the minutes which were distributed to
members on 11 July.
b. India-Pakistan Crisis Study
Consideration of the redraft of the proposed memorandum
to the Chairman, NSCIC. Mr. Marshall, who was assigned
responsibility for the redraft, reports it will be available
for dissemination to Working Group members no later than
22 September.
c. On-Going Studies
Mr. Marshall will report on the current status of the
redraft of the NSSM-69 study and on the studies of the Arab-
Israeli ceasefire, the Jordan/Fedayeen civil. war, and
d. Studies of intelligence production proposed by Dr. Cline
Copy of a proposal from Dr. Cline that the Working Group
sponsor three studies of intelligence production is attached.
Study topics would be Yugoslavia, Chile, and NSSM-108, "!Review
of U.S. Policy Toward Latin America." It is proposed the Working
Group approve these topics and decide upon the manner in which
they should be conducted. Since the LLt of these studies
Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP84
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Approved For Release 2001/08/14 : - ? 4B00506R00000100050008-2
could involve the employment of consultants from outside
government service, Working Group members should be prepared
to discuss the extent to which funds could be made available
for such contract assistance.
e. "Manpower and Cost Trends in U.S. Intelligence
Production, FY1966 - FY1973
Attached is a copy of a study, subject as above, prepared
by the DCI/IC/PRG. The Working Group is requested to note this
study and approve the summary and recommendations on pages
16 '- 18.
f. "Survey of Current Intelligence Publications"
Copies of this study will be disseminated to Working
Group members no later than 25 September.
g. Other business
Any other matters or proposals members would like
Bronson Tweedy
1. Proposal from Dr. Cline,
DCI/IC 72-0697
2. PRG Study, DCI/IC 72-06,48
orig - PRG subject (filed NSCIC WG-2)
1 - each WG member with attachments
1 - PRG chrono
25X1A9 2 - D/DCI/IC
1 - chrono
Approved For Release 2001/08/14: elA-RDP84B00506R000100050008-2