A Method of Calculating Polynomials on Computers
improvingHorner's rule in such a way an to reduce the
number of multiplications or additions required. Even
a proof of the possibility of existence of such an
improvement would be very useful. The reduction of the
number of multiplications in the more important.
In serial machines multiplication takes m times as
long as addition where m is the greatest number of
places required to represent a number in the machine.
In parallel machines this ratio is rather less and is
of the order of 3 to 5. It has been shown (Ref 1) that
Horner's rule cannot in fact be improved upon. However,
without contradicting this statement it is possible to
make things easier; the evaluation of the polynomial
can be carried out in two stages; in the first stage
the coefficients are replaced by a second series of
coefficients and in the second stage the number of
multipliers using the new coefficients may be less than
the minimum stipulated by the theorem. The economy in
machine time is well worth while and is greater when the
Card 2/4 number of points to be evaluated is large. if we denote
A Method of Calculating Polynomialz on Computers
the number of multipliers necessary to evaluate a
polynomial of the n-th degree by kn then we can make
three statements about the value Of Xn- (1) Its
minimum value must be less than or equal to n-l (this
follows from Horner's rule). (2) If Wn 'a the minimum
number of multiplications necessary to obtain xr- from x
with the aid of multiplications only, then the minimum
value Of hn is greater than or equal to kyn-
(3) Finally the minimum value Of Wn is greater than or
equal to (n+l)/2o This last condition is by no means
obvious but may be seen from a number of specific
examples$ the first example is that of n = 4; the
polynomial is given by P4. A subsidiary expression N2
is taken from which an expression giving N4 is synthesised
which has the same degree as the original polynomialo If
the condition N4 = P4 is stipulated then the
corresponding coefficients may be equated; the expression
with the substituted coefficients enables any polynomial
Card 3/4 of the fourth degree to be evaluated using two
AUTHOR: Ketkov, Yu.L. SOV/141-2-2-22/22
TITLE- A System of Simplified Division for Series-type Digital
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, Pp 322 - 323 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The system proposed was described in detail by E.I. Klyamko
(Ref 1) and M.A. Kartsev (Ref 2). However, if a scheme of
simplified division were introduced into that system, it
would be necessary to normalise the division.. A scheme is
therefore proposed where this procedure is not necessary.
The scheme is an follows. The arithmetic registers are
in the form of the re-circulation registers employing a
magnetic drum. A set of dynamic flip-flops is introduced
into the circuit of the re-cirdulation register which permit
the change of the length of the re-ci=ulation loop; in
this way, it is possible to shift the register by a few
orders. The system contains a dividend register P I @
a divisor register P 2 , a register of the quotient 3
Cardl/3 and a control regitter P1, 0 The numbers in the register
S OVAOJ@'9@7_ 2 - 2-2 2/ 2 2
A System of Simplifired Division for Series-type Digital Computers
circulate without signs. The sign of the quotient "
formed by a special circuit and is ascribed to the quotient
after the execution of the operation. Simultaneously,
with the introduction of the numbers into registers P19
P a binary code having only one unit in the order
corresponding to the position 2 is introduced into the
control register P 4 . The division is effected in two
stages. During the first stage7 the divisor is shifted
to the left until its "major" order finds itself under
the major order of the dividend. Simultaneously, the
control code is shifted to the left by the same number of
orders. If the divisor is greater than the dividend, the
above process does not take place. The next stage
corresponds to the division proper. Eaoh subtractlon is
followed by a shift of the remainder (the register P 1)
to the left by one order and the shift of the control code
to the right by one order. The control code is used to
Card2/3 carry the units into the corresponding orders of the
AUTHOR. Ketkov, Yu@ L,
TITLE: T-loating -Point Subroutines
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 142-145 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A description is given of subroutines for floating point
arithmetic on a computer\qfhich operates in fixed point
working, The instructions for addition, subtraction and
normalization are given, multiplication and division
being omitted since, the author claims,@ -the number of
orders required for each is not greater than the number
of orders required to enter and leave the subroutines.
The representation of numbers in floating point form
differs from the usual in that it is floating decimal
instead of floating binary, The mantissa must be less
than unity and greater than 0,,0625., A footnote gives
the normal representation of numbers in the computer for
which the subroutines were written,
Card 1/2
Floating Point Subroutines
There are 2 figures and I 'table and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy
institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Physics and
Engineering Research Institute of the dorlkiy
SUBMITTED: September 25, 1959
Card 2/2
Yloating point subprograms. Izv, V78o ucheb. zav.; radlofiz.
no.1:142-1113 160* (MIRA 13:12)
1. lauchno-iseledovatellski7 fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut pri
Gortkovskom finiversitete.
(Zlectronic calculating machines)
(Programming (Xlectronic computers))
AUTHORS: Ivanova, I.M., Yu.L.-and Yampollskaya, T.S.
TITLE: on the Existence of Barker Codes
PERIODICAL3 Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj
Radiofizika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 911 - 913 Ll
TEXT: Given the matrix on p. 911, where each element has the
value +- 1 , a Barker code is given by the first line al,
h2l -, an of the matrix, if conditions 1) and 2)
1) S(A i) = 0 (1 = 1, 2, ...) ;
2) JS(Ni)j- 1 (i = 0, 1, 2, ...)
are satisfied, where the notation S (N ) indicates the sum(
of all elements in the diagonal Ni Several properties of
the matrix are discussed, after which it is shown that for
Card 1/4
on the Existence of Barker Codes
n = 4k + 2 (k = 1, 2, ...) the Barker code. does not exist.
It has also been found that Barker codes for n = 4k + 1 ,
n \ 13, and for n = 8, 12, 16, 20, do not exist. The
question of existence of Barker codes for the case n 4k,
k > 5 remains open.
There is. I Soviet reference.
.Card 2/4
,,%-d 3/4 S/141/60/003/005/026/o26
Fa.40/:1;33 5)
On the Dustence of
7 Barker Codos
C, d,
3 3, 3
of Blar!-er
ASzXCL'%TION: fizilco-telchnicheskiy
institut pri UllivVI-sitete
(Scientific Rescoi-c'i -P,,.y.-;ico-tecliiiical
lilstiti-Ite of Gorl%lv Univ(-rsity)
June 4, ig6o
25956 s/i4i/6i/oo4/ooi/oi6/022
Threading the coordinate matrix E140/Z485
modulo n (but writing !I for zero), there exists a threading
describ;d by
aIlia2, j Oka 3,JG2k an,jo (n-l)k
(j m 1,2 ..., n; Ic 1,2, n - 1)
For which we have the following theoromi
If n in a prime number, Eq.(l) is a full set of the order n(n- 1)
where by full set in meant one to which no further term can be
added without violating any of the four conditions cited above.
This signifies that a threading exists with P w n + 1.
For n non-prime, there exists a threading with P a c + 1,
where c is the smallest factor of n (except 1).
There are 2 figures and 2 non-Soviet @7eferences. The two
references to English language publications read as follows;
R.C.Minnick and R.L.Ashenhurst, J.Appl.Physs , 26, 575 (19551
N.M.Blachman, Trans. IRS, &C-5l 1, 19 (1956).
Card 2/3
25956 L
Threading the coordinate matrix ... E140/9485
ASSOCIATIONi Nauchno-isslodovateltakiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy
institut pri GorOkovskom univernitete
(Scientific-Research Institute for Physics-and
Engineering at Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: May 27, 196o
Card 3/3
I rt,:mdnation or cerium in magnesium alloyn by means of a
vanadium (II) salt. Zhur. anal. khim, 20 no.7t896-898 165.
(MIM 1819)
1. Perm Medical Inotitutes
KITM. 1.A.; GUSBY, $.I.
Determination of bismuth by titrating with a solution of a
divalent vanadium salt, Izv.vyo.uchsb,,zav.; khim.i khim.takh.
3 no.1,59.... 61 160. WU 13:6)
1. Kafedra obahchey khtmii Parmakogo gosudar@tvsnnogo meditainmko-
go instituta.
(Binnuth-Analysis) (VaiAdium salts)
Economic development and changes in Poland's foreign trade. Vhesh.
torg. 27 no.7:7-10 157. (MMA JOtS)
18PNIKOVA, To., red.; MOSKVINA, R., takhn.red.
[Development of the economy of the people's democracies; a survey
for 19571 Rasvitie ekonomiki. stran narodmol demokratii; obzor za
1957 9. Pod red.N.I.Ivanova i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallao-okon.
iit-ry, 1958. 61o p. (MIRA 12:2)
1. Moscov. Nauchno-iseledovat. kon"yankturnyy Inetitut.
(People's democracies) (Sconomic conditions)
Soviet trade with the members of the Mutual Zconomic
Assistance Gouncil, In 1958@ Tnenhotorge 29 no.9:2-8 159.
(MIRA 12:12)
(Rusvla@--Forelgn economic relations-Eastern Europe)
(Purope, Iketern-Foreign economic relations-Ruenia)
Further development of Soviet-Poliah economic cooperation.
Vnesh.torg 28 [i.e. 291 no.1:25-26 '59. (MIRA 12:2)
iRassia-Foreign economic relations-Poland)
(Poland--Poreiga economic relations-Russla)
4:0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 @01 10 @08
0 0 o 0 o a 0 go 0 0 0 4 0 * 0 * 0 0 9 0 4 4
1MI 0
) # a 0 2 a ifU 1) wis % 0 11 is " M to is V is to a a 0 41
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so r AcdVabd dUft. A. A, ChIshik &M V,Yo. Krtldovich.
Ruda. 56,M, Oct, 3t. mg, A poiWWroaMlr--, -00
active fin" for rubber wilts. is prepd. by the Inlefactim of
' -00
004 HoUl
s and NHj, witabing the product free of P lone. AM
treatment whim weak @Wn. al alkAh. -00
Igo 0
00 ZI so
0 coo
tafa.j .61 Q.V 00 -i 27-
PC is T--7
a a 9 of It a
11 V
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ZA An I sorado x NiArld$ a a 1
3 0
fl 1 4
is -0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 IF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 * 0 All 0 S' 0 S' 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0
2r! "2r
I I OL 1 13 It 11 It W is k it is to x i I It 13 $A is 14
a- A- -P Q I --I @ I I- I AA YA M 0
04 '.n.voltttt)
am, ammala asid mipefilum from pallhato.
7"Vilin and V*,, athavich. ('amijit. tried, ar44 us.
1111411)(hist 11"5111h)-villisellon
SmOhalite (KtWh.A4jfWa WaSh.21110) Is a inoit utitnt
t9IIIIII'll), WIW14- lAttir drpneas ate indicated in %evvidl
dl'tlicli it( Wrests" Ralstithelaft and the Middle Vf4sit,
00 K. and Z. state that the lodustflat conversslosm of The
1Ametican paylvathr into 9980, as su"wedlis the hirm.
0 lure and in patentit Its cistretnely cosupikated mW dc" not
'T mippvor tvmuwmlivr inatinsuch as its ultinalt product is a
W V v It m X U It
V@r Wtdk K.%O. 110111. WhOW Claint. IS thirdly PfUlfillible.
SI.It AIVI w4tet@mml-
ztn view 4 dw fact that many riopt culilvasecl In ibeir 73,V, IN
00 j
'I @? country. so loliamis. clints plant* or das are in aced o(Cl. AI(;f C.'1111,11"011C, N11,11 11,1'041
00 (fee fettillirts tonlS, K, Nils, Ms and phosphate, the Kio 4.0s. sulfate 11.71, ft"Ifur Mull-
Illillat ;ull-ovs treated polvhxlite with com, II1,110. mid "(41. the conIIIII.
111-4@ ill 110 00ji. Th, St.-
flu'd Ingle with Nil#; pn%lucix of the 114lowitts permtst. NISSA), 11
Walef-mol. fracti'm Nil, dAIA 14V"f OV (I'm
'N"ni.n. wr1r "Idgincit: Ito-
*OW 17@'-M. POs 21M. C&OW-1111. MmOD.37. K,04AI. oulfate
I ,is
c"'up". INI14)1111714 4
itaft 304. Kvillt), W.V. 1% 34. -41,001. .1th I'felm- 1. itil 1111).
0411 4caw. 1.17. 16ISSA), 1.13, (Nll,)b';Ot llkbd and water- 411kill. 1-11@ltw'
itati'm In ettwultult, AIW 11) it, rquIL IIIA111411%
invIl. residust 24.07. After assin. in 2)7e HCI: Nil& 18-05, W. A. CNA
P'Oh 33.79, C&O 11AI, 16110 1.27, K'O 5,15. sulfate 19.94. 0
r"I'lue ICBM. In lict 0.40; small ctivillm. (NUO)SUP0.
the content of water-insol. fraction. the polyhWite was
:f raised with dild. cam. If,P0. Sued the liquid fraction sepd.
from the instal Irtletion by fillration. The filtrate was then
old. with Nils and bo(h liquid suid Insist. nit froctirms
:11. were anallysted. Waltrit-W, fraction tPetredlage consists.
13 92. PrOAU.M. K,03.10,smstlate(1.49. wairr.
9m; Salt Comm, XHSPO. 8.0, N11.1111"04
lee 0
0-* 01C 41'"01 t
--- rX; too
I 'A I I FW 0 4 9 1 0 of 9 111 a 31 v
Uvs Jkv Wis iii, IF 0 K It a of IS PC Ct It 4 1 ISO
000 0 0 4 a 0 0 4 0 0-0
T 0
1-4-AA w a
4 1., 1_4 A i
_L I- A"IW 112!
Of A
IlyVOWOPWyof K 1(H,pLwpUt* wftd Wutious lcom- ,Fee
0 us
fod fortMIMS), A. ZvOrYkin and V.
),K H, pbmplmte "id SM
k at relAtive hu"WOrm 14 ".' mid
4@t* o
.5%. the pmunce of KCI in thew niates61% imi-ast. to
theM a dWt* of hylMWOpk*y, bUt they STS still VASH4111C
rid use. The b7cruecopicity of Nitrothinks,
'a =ffon NH4 phmphate MW wins., Is 4% at 7,-,%
humklity. 0. hl. xfftost@ff
u 5 Is rp to Is It K 2 99 ft It 01 KO 4 1 !94 440
0 0 9@0 0 f 0 0
0 0 0 go .9 0 4 a o0 0 a a *Is * 0 0 0 0 **see 0 fe :0011@
KETKOVICH-P(OPOVA, V. Ya. Cand. Chem. 3@cl.
Dissertation: "The Physicochemical Analysis of hnhydrous and Aqueous
Systems consisting of Ammonium Thiocyanate and Nitrate." Inst of General
and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Acad Sci USSR, 18 Jun 47,
60: Vechernyaya Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836)
A Wil. , lord.
.4. RAMOMA4r4.
NUm.. A MA06S.M.N.R. 17, VM
gap kh by aludi" ot OVA4441, 41111T,111*10Y OP 40 1441 I;k"-
on "ill am Immmal. MW faaad malts. ardluardy at not"It
Ots ol1w, To this end w"v "'"kd
W 4 Ista mW .411 CM&KC?M In both aq. end
Thelmizol" fultableforthepufl-
because (a) dW7 do MICA Imm MAW 4011111- with If,(), 01
lydmtn we known attly I" the 2nd pair. and W
tha cry" by*ates aystallim at about 0', I.e. at a temP.
cmgd"Wy Iowte Than the temp. at wh" tMid solitc
an Illogly, to wd*. Tht formatim and dccompa. of mAid
joirs.Woce the ggits was cirmily, rellected an both sq@ and
chock of we *am bet. vimockily Amv I Ise owl Wls of I brill
study diffir In sbalmilempby. mkvosink-turt. phys- ilm-
tift. tte. Runless, because ot catain thultations tbb
method (of 2 dilaptim) is clot always mpptk*abk. Smile Of
the Mositations w*: the mail, t should not fam solid Was.
wkb other cempoments; Um solvmt should be relatively
km.nwltWg; It sbould lonn no chems. mapda. with otber
components. but 0 such compdo. am formed. tlicir crysta.
k1de sbmW be at low terops.; suld. "a mbmld be
nonvixem and amid have low vapor press". the solid
phaws Amid ctystidlLic viell and wp. readily fiom the
simthef ficliscmr; the phaws should be easily dnalysed.
M. Hatch
rK vV I 1q, V.
Chemical Abst.
Vol. 48 No. 4
Feb. 25, 1954
General and Physical Chemistry
I'm aa 7A@jhg 'em e the - >
To N. "I R.,lphrlure' in 'V74.-O
V. YX j7F .
M2101 77,
fit J.-vapzO.-Y1 TM-f Ltd. wins. of the salts
anti their crystn. temps. were detd. by previously-described
methods (Cf. C.A. 44, OZ32c; 45. 4125b). The vapor pm-
Sur. of td. soins. of NaCl rises to a max. of 401 kg./sq.
cm. at 600', nd then falls t-3 0 at 8W* (m.p. of NaCI).
When rnouchaNaSO# is added to the NaCl, a 2nd max.
up at a lower temp., defining a region where Na'so, is
th dPhase. This 2nd max. rises and the former
diminishes with increasing Na,SO. conen. - When the euttc-
tic mixt. (70'r*,Na.SO.-309Q' NaCI) is reached, the NajSOA
curve is almost superimposed on the curve for the vapor pres-
.surcof pure water. Approx. values for% NaSO,, pressure
(In kg./sq. cm.), and temp. of the NatSOA max., and pres-
sure,ond temp. of the NsCI max. are, resp.., 0. -, -, 401,
.600; 20, _' _' 350, 6W; 35, 160, 376, 300. 690; 60, 320,
430; 2W. 560; 70 (eutectic), 225. 6W ( d ta. w
eta P
given for the NuW4 max. at eutectic concn.
dWram for the ternary system Is presen" in
form, and Is based an previously published data cf
26, 15W; 29, 77701; 36, 30878). A ternary cutect m. @j
contains approx. 570 NaWj, 20% NaO. 75%
Solubility and vapor pressure Of saturated solutions in the system
KC1 -- K@)SO4 - E20 at high temperatures. Jzv.Sekt,fjz.-khjm.AnAl.
22:223-239 '53. (MMA 7:3)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganiCheskoy khimii Im. N.S.Kurnakova
Akademii nauk SSSR. (Solution (Chemistry)) (Salts)
RATI@ I. @-,BOROTATA. @F.Te@.;KSI@KO7011. Vrs.
Solubility and vapor pressure of saturated solutions in the system
NaCl - Na@2"4 - H 20 at high temperatures. Izv.S@kt.fiz.-khim.anal.
22:240-254 153. (nRA 7:5)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichaskoy khimii im. H.S.Kurnakova
Akademil nauk SSSR. (Solution (Chemistry)) (Salts)
AUTHOR: SOV-117-58-8-5/28
TITLE: Modernization of the Roller Packing in a Fan Motor (Moderni-
zatsiya, uzla uplotneniya vala motora ventilyatora)
PERIODICAL% Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 8, P 20 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Biyskiy zavod elektropechey (Biysk Plant of Electric
Furnaces) produces cementation furnacest type Ts-75. The
roller packing of the fan motor in these furnaces has serious
drawbacks. The lining is worn away and gas leaks through the
packing. The packing has been improved in the-plant "Kommunist"
by increasing the cross section of packing rings and by re-
plaoing 'the adjusting screw by a spring. The spring exerts
a pressure of 250 kg.
There are 2 diagrams.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Kommunist" (Plant "Kommunist")
1. Packings - ApplicAtions
Card 1/1
KETL&R. V-O.. kandidat tkhnichaskikh nauk, dotaent.
Calculating basic resistances of freight locomotives. Sbor. LIZZHT
no-150:5-9 156. (KM 9:11)
KETLER, T.O., doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; VARETIK, M.L., inzh.
Improving and selection of a method for determining water
consumption of locomotives. Trud.7 MINT no.165:135-163 159.
(min 13-.6)
(Locomotivea-Vater supply)
VORONA). M.I... dot-gent; '@NYANOV, V.I.,
Pusov, 1'.Z., douellt'; G.D.,
kand.tAikhn,nau'k; lal'("E@BNIKOI@, U.S., dolcont, kan@ tekhn @--.nuk;
PROTSENK01 .4.1.1 assilotprit
Ktinual, on the delpri of Trarmp. ntroi. -14"
Jo 164.
Through thr-
rozlinogo tranopnrt@i Lra,@ni alcidomika V.N.Obvizt-nova (for Vor,-@n@,n,
Gl,yaznov, Entlvi-; Prasov). 2. Nri-josibirakiy inotitull inzh@aie-r'@,v
zheleznodoro@;hnogo !.ransporta (for Voznesens'Xly, Zliabot-inskaya,
@5akov, Lazebriikov, Protoenko).
New universal Instruments for linear measurements. Priborostroente
no.3;31-3 of cover Mr 156. WWA 9:8)
(Measuring instruments)
KZTLINSKAyA, Vera KatcimirovM: AvRAmmo, I,Ko, red*; BRUSILOTMTAs S.I.,
I-- ---- @ - tekbn. red.
[China today and tomorroW3 Kitai segodnia I. zavtra. leningrade
sovetsk:ii Pisatell, 1958. 393 P- (MM 1118)
(China-DescriptioU and travel)
KETUER, K.K.J. lnzh.
Improve the quality of electric power. Blek. eta. 34 na.9s
6--8 S 163. (KRA 16:10)
tra or a pa fnn (noo Fig. 2 on the Enclosure)
T110 IR arac
ova @Dokl. AN SM11, 127, 831,
-1 vall uith ln-o-Aow :ro:lult-3 of 11, D.
Tho offocti of differrn'. radInt-Ica rrZ;I-- o on vlacocity are choum in
Fl@,# 3 on tho Enrlcnuro, tho fQr,--ition of Mand COGII ond gmups is givon in
Fi,,!. 4 on thr) Diale@-mro, and th:i fornation of poroxidoo is shown in Fig. 5 on tho1
!,aclazuro. OrIg. rrt. hais 6 flauro3.
A@ZOGIATIO!Js Inztitut finichookoy khimli im. L. V. Pinarzbovskogo All UkrSSR
Kicv;-,:ciy fni%l Vggsoyu=050 njtcjL-.0-
Tojo!=-j (Kiev ",notipn qf- the An-
of -@Yllthf'.tio rittra)
OTIMt 000
C% -------
AUTHORS: I.Ketcv, A. N., Pechkovskiy, V. V. SOV/1,56-58-4-14/49
TITLE: On the Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of the Sulfites
of Calcium, Strontium and Bar--'um (0 mekhanizme termicheskogo
raziozheniya sull--r-4tov kalltsiya; strontsiya i bariya)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye daklady vysshey shkuly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya
tpkhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 667-671 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper investigations were carried out concerning
the thermal decomposition of the sulfites of calcium, strontium
and barium. This was done to explain the mechanism of this
thermal decomposition. The composition of the solid and gaseous
products of the above-mentioned sulfites were determinedj as
well as the decomposition in dependence on temperature, time
of stay and thr type of atmosphere. The investigations were
carried out with specially synthesized and purified anhydrous
sulfites. SO 2 and elementary sulfur were determined in the
gaseous phase. In the solid phase sulfur was determined in the
form of sulfite, 3ulfide, thiosulfate and sulfate. Within the
temperature range of from 6000 to 8000C no melting of the
Card 1/3 sulfites and their decomposition products occurs. The process
On the Mechanism of the Thermal Decomp--sition of the Sulfites of Calcium,
Strontium and Barium
of thermal decomposition of sulfites of calcium, strontium and
barium car, be expressed by the following equation:
2MOSO 3 -2MeO + 2SO 2;
6meso 3 + 3SO2 ' 6meso 4 + 1 1/2 S2
2MeO + 1 1/2 S2 - Wes + SO 3
Oleso3- MeS + 5hIeSQ 4*
The formatiGn of the sulfites and sulfates -;akes place under
direct action of the gaseous phase. The density of sulfates
formed in the decompgaition exert3 a decisive influence upon
the rate of thermal decomposition of the sulfites of calcium,
strontium and be.zjium. The dependence of thermal decomposition
upon the time of stay ir, nitrogen current at 7000 after 5, 10
and 15 minutes was investigated, and it was found that the
strontium sulfite is decomposed most easily.
There are 3 tables and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra tekhnologii neorganicheskikh Yeshchestv Permskogo
Card 2/3 gosudarst-iennogo universiteta im. A. M. GorIkogo (Chair of the
On the Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of the Sulfit-es of Calciump
Strontium and Barium
Technology of Inorganic Substances at the Permt State University
imeni A., 11. Gor'kiy)
SUBMITTED: May 24, 1958
Card 3/3
Reaction of sulfur dioxide with calcium oxide and calcium car-
bonate. Zhur.priklekhim. 31 U0,12:1783-1787 D '58-
(MIRA 12--2)
1. Permakly gosudaretvemW universitet imeni A.M. GorIkogo.
(Sulfur dioxide) (Calcium oxides) (Calcium carbonates)
5(k) SOV/78-4-2-5/40
AUTHORS: Keto Pechkovakiy, V. V-
tov, -A.N.
TITLE, investigation of the Thermal DecompositiOn Of Magnesium Sulfite
(Izueheniye termicheakogo razlosheniya sulifita magniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganieheskey khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2,
pp 272-276 (usu)
ABSTRACT: The velocity of the thermal decomposition of magnesium sulfite
dependirg on the temperature, the type of the gaseous re-
ducing agenti and on various additions as SiO 2, Fe203' Cr 2037
and ferriferous bauxite2-were,investigated. Sul-fur dioxide,
sulfur, magnesium thiosulfate,.and maguesium sulfate are
formed in nitrogen atmosphere in the temperature range of
300-5000. At temperatures > 5000C only sulfur dioxide,
elementary sulfur and magnesium 3ulfate are formed. The forma-,
tion of sulfur dioxide during the thermal dissociation of
magnesium sulfite proceeds according to the following reaction;
Mg30 -a" mgo + 50 (1)
3 IT- 2
The formation of elementary sulfur and of magnesium sulfate
Card 1/0 proceeds according to the following reaction:
Investigation of the Thermal Decomposition of Magnesium Sulfite
2Mg3O3 + SO 2 - 2MgSO4+ 1/232 (2)
At temperatures -