KESIC, Brankox dr.
Smoking and health. Lijecn. vjesn. 86 no.1111325-1340
11 1 64.
1. Iz Skole narodnog zdravlja "Andrija Stamper" Medicinskog
fakultata u Zagrebu.
State of the chemical iwWatry 4uiVg-f
Przem chem 41 no.12-:733 D 162.
KESICKI, Apolinary
The execution of the planned tasks of the chemical industry
during the first quarter of 1962. Przem chom 41 no.8:469-470
Ag 162.
The freezing of lubricating ducts and its prevention. P- 333.
(PRZEGLAD KOLWOWY MECHANIC71.rf. Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1956., Warszawas Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957.
imICIIH) Z.; !'.-!ObICZLC" E.
Damaa@@s of locomotives under way. p. 115.
'pr. 1958.
Vol. 10, no. 4, it
I.L-IL-T KOL-@JOWY Warszawa, Poland,
Monthly List of East European Accessions (ZEAI), 1L, Vol. 08, no. 9, Sentember, 1959.
KESICKI ZWryds__ inse
Amlyois of the mrryi14 OUt Of the periodical repair plan of
electric fraction. vehicleo in 1960* Przegl kolej mechan
13 noo6:167-171 Ale 161*
MSICKI z inz,
Analysis of the carryin@ out of the repair plan of locomotives
in the Polish Railroad Rolling Stock Repair Shope in 1960.
Przegl kolej mechan 13 no,3.-8&-91 Mr 061,
"Possibilities of Using the Flotation Mithod in Evaluating Slovak Iron Ores.0 p. 29.
(&WX, Vol-Ij, No-213,, kPr- 1953, Praha.)
SO: &Dma"Ist of &Apt AmRoan AgggaA12M. Vol.3,, No.3p Library of Congresso March 1954p
"Sorting on a Rake Grader.0 p. 53 (RUDY, Vol. 1. No. 4, June 1953) Fraha, Czechoslovakia
SOt Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 31 No. 4?
April 1954. Unclassified,
"Akins Mechanical Spiral Sorter." p. 110, Praha, Vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1954.
SO: fait 3hropean Accessions List, Vol. 3. No. 9. September 1954, Lib. of Congress
"Additional Information on Flostation Yethods for Slovak Iron Ores.- y. 57 (RUDY, Vol- lo
No. 4, June 1953) Praha, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congreas, Vol. 3, No. 4,
April 1954. Unclassified.
Methods and possibilities of processin.- minerals in Slovakia, p, 579,
TECHNICKA PRACA, Bratislava, Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 1954.
SO., Monthly List of East European Acoessions, (EEAL), LC, V01-5. No. 6.
June 1956, Unol.
"Coal crusher." p. 6.
TECRIICKA PRACA. (Rada vedeckych technickych spolocnosti pri Slovenskej
akaderd.i vied). Bratislava, Czechoslovakia., Vol. 7, No. 1., 1955.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (FMI), LC, Vol. b. No. b,,
August 1959.
Kesicky., JO
"Flotation of nonsulfuric copper ores*' p. 101
TECHNICKA PRACAe (Rada. vedeckych tecbmick;ych b..-olocnosti pri Slovenskej akademii vied)
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia,, Vol. 7,, no. 3, 1955.
Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) ID, Vol, 8. No. 9,, Sept. 1959
. . -:1--l @ . , I " @ @.' @ @I-j , :v, @@ - I; : . I @ @ T-11 I
. .. -- . -, - - 1. -f
Grade of crushing by roll or jaw crushers, p. 259j, TECHNICKA PRACA
(Statne nakladatelstvo technickej literatury) Baratislava, Vol. 7.,
No. 6., June 1955
SOURCE; East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,.
Vol. 4, No. 12o December 1955
Measurement of froth In the cre-dressing nrocess.
TECHNICKA PRACA. Chechoslovakia Vol. 7,"No. 8, Aug. 1955
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC. Vol, 8, No. 9, September 1959
Reports on ore processing in ore-dressing plants. p. 121
Various flotation methods in processing graphite. p. 122.
RUDY Vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1956
Source: EAST EURO@V-N LISTS Vol# 5, no, 7 July 1956
USICKY.. J. Contribution to wet odneral diressing. p. 102
Vol. 8 no 3 Mar. 1956
ThImim k@&
Bratislava., Czechoslovakia
So: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957
Maintenance of machinery and other installatiuns of ore-dreS51ng flotation plants.
P. 147, (Rudy) Vol. 5, no. 4, Apr. 1957, traba, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol-*, 61 No. 11 November 1957
-1 ; 7
Output of spherical drum mills without sleves used for wet milling.
P. 254, (Rudy) Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957
"Calculating some functional elements in di-m mills. p. 20.11
RUDY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol, 79 no. 1, Jan 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclan.
Attention to avalancheal pe 9, TURYSTA. (Polskie Towarzystwo
Turystyczno-Krajoanawaze) Warszawa. No. 3. Mar. 1955.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EM), Library of
Congress, Vol. no. 12, December 19,0
K::3IK, A.
In the kingdom of canyons. p. 10.
110. F) Aug. 1955. 7.11Y.M. Warsaw, Poland.
So: Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956
KEZIK; t'.
KESIK, A. Bend of the Kamienna River near Baltow.
p. 7, No. 12, Dec. 1956
Warszawa, Poland
SOURCE: East Diropean Accessions List (EFAL) vol. 6, No. 4-April 1957
(KESIK, Jozoefp-mernok
SOMO PrOblOms Of tisseminating technioal knowledge in
Gyor-Sopron Co@nty, Tem tud kozl 6 no,10:477 0 162.
1. TudomWos Ismeretterjeazto Tarsulat Gyor-Sopron
zaegysi =azaki azakoaztalyanak titkara.
5@ I
Studies on the effect of quinine, quinidine, procaine and procaine
amide on oxygen metabolism In isolated frog hearts. Acta Dhysiol.
Doion. 11 no-5/6:770-771 16o.
.L. Z Zaklada Farmakologii P.A.M. v Szcvecinie. Z Kliniki Chorob
Wewnetrznych A.M. v Posuaniu.
(qjlNm 'Oharmacol)
(QUMDINI pharmacol)
(PROGAINE pharmacol)
(PROCAINE AMIDE oharmacol)
Experimental studies on the effect of quinine, quinidine and
procaine amide on EGG and on oxygen conaumption by the heart
muscle. Polskie arch. mad. wewn. 31 no.4:469-479 161.
1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetranych AM w Poznaniu Kierownik Kliniki:
prof. dr mad. S. Kwasniewski i z Zakladu Farmakologii PAM w Szozacinie
Kierownik Zakladul doe. dr mad. M. Mazur.
QUININE pharmacol) (QUINIDINE pharmacol)
MOCAINE pharmacol) (PROCAINE AMIDE pharmacol)
KF.STK- Mavia: MAZUR, 14jeczyslaw; PAWCZYNSKI, Cezary
Effect-of geriocaine, novocaine, paraaminobenzoic acid an4 diethylamino-
ethanol on the growth and respiration of Escherichia coli. Rocan. pom.
akad. med. Swierezewski. 8;153-160 162.
1. Z Zakladu Farmakologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej Kierownik:
doc. dr M. Mazur i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej
Kierownikc prof. dr W. Murcznyska.
"r I` 111 , T
'ilia bi.-,,Is wbic@ wint;jr In Central Fstcit"a (1:@,- I'll, of Sopa-!-'orra and
L ran -u)
5TI LUDITS. (Festi l',',V Teadu.@te I-Audermia)
Tartu, !"Stonia. *.,0. 2) 1"kar. ic-6-t.
Ytintl;ly lirt of' Fast European Accesoic.?@o CTFL@) 7cl. nc.. 1, Jan 1%(!.
i1%'L;Y1z1jy, F.
POR- 1@5 C111OTLXW!IKA. (Poripari Tudomanyos -Efyesulet mint a 11agyar
Tudornanyos Efyye3uletek Szovotsege Tti@-efyesulete) idape5 t,
-@ec-irrent foat-wes: News of the Asoociation;
Index for 1955.
Index for 1956.
Enz,yine steeping of flirs. p. 190.
Vol. E.'s Vo. 6, Dec. 1958.
i'.onthly List of Last European Atessions (Z:I'd) LC, Vol. F, No. 3,
Remarks about Laszio Wiedner and Ferenc Kolos' article "New Liming Processes."
p. 29 BOR-ES CIPOTMHNIKAp Vol. 6. no. 2. Apr, 1956,
SCURCE- East European-Accessions*ldst (EEAL),, Llbrary of Congress,
Vol. 5, No. 7p July 1956.
M KENYo Fol Morvall L.
Fur industry in the Soviet Unions p, 123.
BOR ES CIPOTECHNIKA. (Boripari TudomwWos Egyesulet mint a Magyar TudomarWos
Egyesuletek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete) Budapest, Hungar7* Vol& 9, no. 4, Aug. 1959.
Monthly List of East FAwopean Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol. 8, no. 11, November 1959.
The wage eyetem which excludes equalization* Sots. trud 7 no.12:11&123
D 162, (MIM 16:2)
1. Zamestitell nachalinika otdola truda, i zarbot' platy Noriltakogo
gornometallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Protasov). Starshiy inah.
otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy Norillskogo gormmeclurgicheakogo
kombinata (fo3@ Keeko)*
(Norillsk-Wages--Nonferrous metal industries)
AUTHOR: SgaAr-,@. (Tallin)
TITLE: UR2KLA* A New-Year Questionnaire (Na7ogodnyaya anketa)
PERIODICAL. Radio# 1957, Nr 1, p 15 (USSH)
ABSTRACT: In 1956, the author's most remote contact was with New Zealand, a distance of
18,000 km. On October 19, 1956, contact was established with the Soviet North Pole
station, and a few minutes later with the Soviet South Pole station; then the author
helped the two polar operators to find each other a@d establish a direct contact.
During the last months of 1956 the author worked shortwave hame in 150 countries.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
I v 9 a 0 a a a a a a In A R
00 V-,q!oq
1. VIP ' --mvIRWIM 41111 0 0
Al 'a X WX A N M 0 A U V X IS A. 64 Q 0 0 4
A'a-L--L-IL ji- a
Oftclius Saw I'lle'voll!IS
-- . - --4
A, and a IL04 /C
Faciriffic" Cb MIN ondrial'ov
A it @610 ifil APOW I%-. (U. a.
- 1 ty). A disadvantage of the uw of sq. siv. Koff is
it.) 30. 2D-67 (Ilic:16): Cliffs. z4visr. to", 1. 145".- 1
=I' the toothrr liquor Is lev4 stable so in& the loolatiort of i-00
in the pf". of X KautbAfteft'ster "k- KOH Wild CSV id" the itanthate fwarfastung in soln. ii come didkulc. !%ilting
wilict. helit. spliftsgo"y anct I-- dark In Color; out of the lost fractilm it not to be teninizarruird bftzuw
00 ail tbrifirforle the CSt mum be added alogilty Mid in* laxist. in this vilannev a product was obtainell bavirif a higb nm-
60 4,1T in %rnTr*I. paste". wascidtledtolpatt tent tit Irrv alkali. Ingrnrf4l, the virldsoll wervIsetiti
'Kt)ll, Ovillnuin Iticip. 304,01'. The statithate clibich the less the exec" of thv ongitul friattrink. Thrproduct
00 tri I d 1 11, bir, scepil. fly rentri(laging. and drird at
I"..-ITSt, 11. mild that obtallard by tvapa. 4 Forthetir(whittionull(MOhl. fifinihitieutinfigioundKoll .00
00 "llthtf litluor as Ill. Par The prodectioll 01 K Isn Jim%) v5l@ au, *lot 04 with an &IC.'Koll go 0
00 that,, oldirwy sk. (firtilifficid splirit deassfuteld sk.. vie.)
0 i6 dirtmir solid. usin-
catiff be used 69 well M sk- lig. 04 Weft required. Cost iron. arou;ht iron. tv Cf- i
thste (jrlution j) *&a of &IKK,t the, mucto quality viben or N41awl iron sit witaWc lorconstruction of thecifuhs. j*0
00 '3 produ"d with vatiouskinglizal sk, r"Inicsiocialwas toent 1'equirril. Na rthylicaniWe cvuld be prcpd. all Co
04 pow quality; its Properties dePt"al On the fiestap. and simply as the X call. The reaction wasicistried out with
0 - he degree of fewsa of The mother liquov- 11 Iff" am". the scruall,%1 Ift"Sibir exceS4 of atc - and C.14 (I -I nwA. 4 fir
04, "arlory lot use in 411M.- The yield of I depirstifted upon eachpicrictilliI.NaOll). The liffictoernerfails-In. of Njoll
title vologri. of jile all-. KIM and its Water Content, 11114 It'. was filst 14C10. and the CN. &.4ded at such 4 fal@
00 jP 'r In I
yield was hisW the lovict the sit, warm andThe lower tb that The IffililP. Was kept at 311,M". Aficrallihic"IlA,I gas
Waive content.
- The highest VWW (94%) w- obtainett been added the mitil. was stirred until It llecasne solill
its m-tt&d spiril -
with a ronirri. of I pan Koff to 1 .5 Ps The mw product seat drini In thin layers In the sit at 1.1,
TW8 The total yildog 1. 11 and tit w*sM-lt)S%- Thelint'llfer
mr (or 24 hirs. and then for 2,3 days at temps. up in 7:1'. v*O
% liquorif Were unstable. especially when the Water content
lqcwr had to he evapd. InfivirdiatclY r's th"' way lf(@ 93rv 01 " 'WodLwt "0019 t" "A
licantbat was obtained. In the presence, @( difir. "Tref-
was It an. and Mite The rtartiorc C-111 km cartuA
filter 11"pts. of the santhAto. each as"befurne or CCI. cite reactlilm oriettrredt Vs IS at woo
lout equAlly WTU in tit" of Iron vt*lels. With sq. sit,. 10-20' and with better yields I"it the Ilm of "Vent WAS
Koji jullinid of ak, KOH tht K RaRth4t* (fraction 1) ""' W
a: 6,*)% of a product fill 94-11' A %ftwwv,
1. Obtained In sitalibir Yield I
1 16 a UVditLUOSK41L t$IIR&t"f boo
:ail -I
U a AV .0 111
loll 0 0 9 6" 0 0 0 6 ; 0 00 0 0 * :4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 11111 0 0 0 41
4 &a 0 *1*** 0 * o i2ifetito goo 0 0 06 90*0 sell
ja ja jo is it U a it As is u 0 p #1 it
A I L 9 il J-1 10 -U-1 L-1-M it 1% 0 Mr-4.1- 1 t g- t
co 0 X'4
A Potassium &44 "UM 2"Wat" of the of a (unhof Mal. of water to the Celle a the ku Saft.
I rattv.
1. V KMkYUIA. S. R. FaCIMM. Ch. thates. The "Allive KOMI" of Obese Loutballes We @-411141111
M .-GWIIAtm, R. W SocroUlas atill K. K. Chavy. %=Oily fee supirior to thoic of A be ethytilant bates. I**-
*0 r Pirm. rrans. Stals Intl, AtOd (U. S. S. R.) "ties. *W* (a) &M eantbatecoutcat III) of The Kand No -00
o. 30, M C". Zell&. IOU. 1. 1465; (4. kaftibitles of thr following &Jet. are riven: Fr. K Not.
0 4i rerdlujishor. -K and Nit lantlostescon tic pirlid.frorn wilid. (a) PA UA Mi-VA; No ull, will, Visic4d. -40
:10 all the ah,*. Ii.tM twUm and Irosa terb" ak. mills. (11) Iso-Pr: X wit, "M Ill)
under the "-sw-lulitioris at the otlivitautharvabir mis.
in), UN-r (11, r,.UN- No stit, other lily and solki, (a)
00 rf ifig the ale. with the paled. alkali and C.N. 71wreactia" V_'j@ VA".1 M lot-iil. th. i(xi- lic"ll: K 44t.
varies with the differrat a". umd. Malay aks. nwi ,rnjj;iiZ, (e) 7j@-V, (h) 63-75%. N& Ulf, Pat, (a)
oil o' ItItnuat comilkirly, CSW611Y tbow with A& chains 9 76-90%, W fvri-741'r. Itedin ~Wkslon (the
,,It Ilk. 4111
SiviiallAry at-&. rftd Wsa resdily. The few- mitt.): K *Jr. "Id. (11) Wk 1) 7c, MOV, No Nat
tkat does " to to completion, and hyllrodutis arc xdll (a) 736 10% (Ill W 741%. uy-Alff-' K "it, visrid: -.09
All lonsied, r-pecially when the etc. contains water or on- W 711 --'A@Pr. (hj cut "'0% -. No Wt, soll, 14) 00
0 mid 'c4xnpds, (sit-%, flow cracking products). Tertillry -.o-75%. IletAN"I JuvAlyk,11614W.' K %*H, stAid, is)
sk,s. rea" only at high temps. sad yield ""ll istints. of (b) No sell, solt, is) WW-4W.. (III
xonlWe In adda. to thiorarbotiallre. etc. The skip. esc Fuld ad: K sell. solid, (t) 75-MM, (b) Al-
ticall with KOJI mW motir corriplettly then with I 1 0411
ee 90 . P. sailt, wit. (a) 75-M@' , (b) 110-16PY,- Pritillsol
0 NZ. TMatkatumtpaidifirAlcitill.941dairs (Ainct"n product) - K mit, Solid. (a) 7&-00%, (b) 10- 0*0
at 30-71Y without dmompa., the No itantlifift" strongly Val%,; so salt, ormilkuij. W 75-M)%. W 6#0
adsonly the mother liquor and Almicupollit read4 wbft The 4100, An irwirl, of the ilarilhalts of thic 19hirwilif
W9111110 all 4.17-0 and 54%. -No ealt
d, "Felially when drying Is Arm b9svis. Tkeycan at 0' slid .10' follow: Ift, X 9 16.44% and 37.1b
be dried sumnsfully oWY by MY WOURY Mising the 17.8170 and 43.3%; is*-Pr. X wit .00
temp. up low, within 7-thdaM VinscifunberwitrobtIll No Wt 12.1% and 37.9%; Do, %a salt 3-4.4% and 47-9-
lbryundt-rgpspmisswiouohestiss, Tbeadds-cif K sell 211.0% end 76.2%; isn-liu, K salt 10.7% Mid 400
$c. or Water Jeclilletril Abe cwtion sad gives a mom 47.6710 No salt 11 -% and :0.37@-cr; iso-Am. K sell
. r_o,, ill go
Gallon doct. Revolixty of the tU*M Alk. from thir 211-ke" ;ad 1@; salt 2A.717. and 43,h%. bo 0
mother`= I.Z., i. dak; thertfure the W. A. Moore Joe
vim water of euvu &k. is Inexpedient. Usually 1 0
M Amid with list Wit..
KOH. 1.1 a ale. will 1.1 or's%
t-2 -
so Ical way W, M 41a It' .0,-V-ill be 0
U p 0
0"3 "IV' 0 a 1, 1, wig as atw@atxsr so
0000000 0
4016 o a
0 *00.
0 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41111 0 :1* 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 e 0 0
L 31751-66 ET0(f)/T/9,NP(v)/EWP(k)/EWP(1) IJP(C)-
ACC NRs AP6021667 SOME CODE: CZ/0032/65/015/008/0613/0617
AUTHOR: Keslo J. too
ORG*- Nuclear Power Plant, Skoda, Plzen (%6@vvy podnik,, zavod jaderns elektrarny)
TITLE: Inspection of welds on a thick-walled reactor vessel with abetatron
SOURCE: Strojirenstvi, v- 15, no. 8, 1965, 613-617
TOPIC TAGS: betatron, nuclear reactor componentt nuclear electric power plant#
ABSTRACT: The article fkporta on the successful use of a now Czechoslovak ketatron
for inspection of welds'dn a thick-walled vessel for the first Czechoslovak nuclear
power station. Techniques are described in detail. Welds can be chocked-on vessels
with walls more than 300 m thick. Orige art. has-* 3 figures and 8 tables& [Based
on author's Eng. abstract] (JPRS1
SUB CODE: 13, 20p 180 10 SUBK DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 002
Card 1A UDCt 621,791,056sOolt621*384.6
Control of castings with the Czechoslovak 15 MOV betatron,
StroJirenatvi 14 no.7:532-536 il 164.
1. OJE, Zavody V.I. Lenina National Enterprise., Plzen.
LISSR jiuman and Animal PhysiOlOgY ("Or" and Pathological) T
Neuronuacular physiology. 1958, No. 60681
Abe JoUr 1jef Zhur - X0109 iya, No 13,
Author I r D--F
Inst i_;2m2c)12en,uF;waicsi inatitute y to the Conatant Current
Title Change in Nerve Excitabil't
Poles -with ElOctrOtOnvs
hn. rabot stud- Smoler-skiy iwd. In-t, 1957,
Orig Pub : Sb- nauc:
VyP. 6, 53-57
Abstxact :Testa were done on a neur0muscular preparation (sciatic
nervegastrocnemius =Belo) of a frog. The nerve touched
the polarizing electrode in two places, and between them
induction electrodes. The excitability was studied at
the polarization point of Constant current (CC). At the
anode point of polarization the excitalility was con-
siderably lowered. In control teats, lowering of
Card 1/2
TJSSR / HUZMn and Animal Physiology (Normal and
NeurO=scular Physiology. Pathological) -7
Abe jour Ref Zhur - RiOlOgiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60681
e:1xcc'traot'o1nUt-UY ',was also noted In the regions Of an
On Os5 CM# distance from the Point of
Polarization, but in a smaller degree than at the point
of polarization. In macrointervals at the cathode point
of polarization, no significant changes in excitability
were noted. When opening Impulses of inductive current
were sent to the nerve, uurpassing somewhat the strength
of the rheobase, then right after the shut-off of CC
there was somo incrense in the excitability, of the ordor
of I - 2 cm. Evidently, in the nerve at the point of
polarization after the first few seconds of CC action,
there occurred P-daptation. In the region of cath-
electrotonus at the distance of 0-5 cm- from the point of
polarization, an increase In eXcitability was noted. --
F. I. Mumladze
Card 2/2
tbalazifie and pyridlene
0019-PnIlls. 8, Dinieckil @-'Xwm-
1'. R s Cum" 41321Y
lulebski. KcOq, and
u 11. a S'. @177 it, Si k-1 Rm. gi
227--33(1958)(in English) I poten!@ve agents I toxic
,than 1-hydruiinaphthalatiQ 11) hydrochloride sum sought
arnong AV-dejjys. of 1. K-Caxhtthoxy-N'-phtha1azino
razine Ill. 21. irn,@,. and 1,4t
j ox bydrazino)phthalothle (11t)-I C1. IsO, in. 207*
d ecom n. , were prepd. from I and 1,"ihydrazimphthazIa-
ziae(l ),resp. Candcnsationinpyridiuesola.efrdco
%inoyl and Uuni oy! chlorides with 1 and with B-bY-
in pheny pyr azine (Y) pye: 3-pyridyl)-s-tri-
i10 3,4-4 pht ne, m.. 21rr-16*; @14-pyrldyl)-s-trj- i
RZOOIM-G] Utl e. m. 253-40, 3 J3-pyridyl)-G.phen-
Y Uzo 0 p
I p to 1-1- 1014 -6 yr P.
p byt cond tion of
p b i4tion, b I i loyli
Is Is, a ndensation of th lom heny me
with Willi. I-Phthalasthlohydrazones w p by
,condensing I with 3ubstltuted PhCO a su Ituent "d
It, 203--6*;
-of hydrazone given): H. 1
22"11; Mill, 268-70*; 4 Nils, 183.5-6 '5.
With- subst(tutmi PhCIIO (substituent and m.p. of
lydramne given): 2-011, 211-12% 4-011, 107% and with
piperonal (hydnzaac, m. 236-8*1. I-HY'mzjO&-(k111Gro-
pbthalazWe motlohydratt, tis. 248 (dewfulm.). WaA prept.
from &ChlarophthaUe Wtv S*vy and Stitphen. C-4. 23.
"04 0# &H4
"CL I-Hydfazlao-7-chlorophthalazine -M) HO-RA!",
M. 243* (decompn.). was preo. (com tniatiAthgaMil
(cf. Domhe, cf al., CA. 28. 40500) by exchaofo cf HH, far,
C1, brominittiou, h)drolyslu, condcm.1tinn with Ntw(ct,--
R. Vaugham, S. L, 1131rd, Joe. td.), Action of poc[4-@:
j I
NA. and 2N HC1. The ore-r of decreadve pharmao-O
daptstuk activity h. 1-hydr&4no-4-ch1omphth%Lv;iaz
YU > It > I > IV. VI in MtNI(CON(O Folits. W ti6t;l
lent hypoteasive tffects on anlruidt. Taxicity of 11-Is 91,
ofthatofIprIV. Noexpt1.detai13a6rcSivtz. 1.814ack@'
nsLo. dre IBXR(4, Ye.
Anesthesia in coronary sclerosis. Xhirargiia 35 no.6:12-16
Je '59. (MIRA 12:8)
1. Is Instituts klinicheskoy i skoperimentallnoy )chirargil (d1r.
dots. B-Shpachek), PragaKrch.
anesth. in surge of 1nsuff. (Rue))
Symtpoislum on tho w6thode cl' cyLolcglcr,@ j@jlm-t,-,i.;@: 4tjV---.--
of radiation injuries of The cell. TSitelcgU& 7 --:.
165. (?, I P, I-, , "', @ @
DUBININp N.P.; SHCfMFakK9Wj, V,K,-. 10MER. ;.,.No
Phases of a cel"I c-7cIA anrl 'A- mwp@ftiul Z,
compou-nda. GonptSjm ne).2:73-S6 AF-- 165o
1. Institute Of 7,1r :f-
the U.%.9.F., Mwnjr.
Specificity of the object in induced mutaganesis. Dokl. AN SS-SR
165 no.1:210-213 N 165. (1-TIPA 3.8-.10)
1. Institut biologicheskoy fiz1h AN SSS'R. 2. Cl,len-korreEpondent
AN SSSR (for Dubinin).
DUBININ) II.P.; SH(,iIZidiAhC)V, V.K.; _@
Chromosom-2 mutation spectrum at differfint levuls of ratiral cell
matal.ion. DokI. AN SSSR 161 no.6:1434-1436 Ap '0'5- (MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut biologichoskoy fiziki LN SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent
AN SSSR (I'or Dubinin).
- -d
Some problems from the theory of the ratio detector. p. 591.
(Archiiyum Flektrotechniki, Warimawa, Vol, 5j no. 4. 1956.)
So- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6., no. 7. July 1957, Uncl.
A eimple appiratun for 11"6 kt@fnlirlotftm off alcl" LIC
cone# t . K X,51@r t,-,l 'k it T, -mik (I iv Zamb-
Yugo Ivi;4F A@ m 27, 3. @4 19.115'. Otullta (I-,-
gi"?, f . i,.Ple @pp 4city N detd, wl. th
povc llz@ll
V. M. Tatevskiy) Yu. A. Pentin) Ye. G. Treshchova) and Kh. Kesler,
ffRotational Isomerism and the Energy of the Formation of Hydrocarbons."
report presented at the Symposium on Concepts of Conformation in Organic
Chemistry which took place in Moscow at the IOKh All SSSR (Institute of Oreanic
Chemistry, AS USSR) from September 30 to October 21 1958.
Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, No. 3, 561-%4.
.1 rr'OR.3 -Keslar,_jVa., Pentin, Yu.A., Trashchova,Yo.^, and Tatevskiy, V.M.
TITLE: Investigation of the Infrared Absorption Spectra of Hydrocarbons at
Various Temperatures Both in the Liquid and Solid Phases.
PERIODMILs Optika i spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 301-310 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The paper reports a study of the infrared absorption spectra of
nine hydrocarbons at temperatures from room temperature (liquid phave)
and at low temperatures (solid phase). The study was undertaken to
find out the changes in the spectra -which occur on solidification.
The hydrocarbons studied ware normal alkanes (n-haptane, n-octane),
branched alkanes (3-mothylhaptans, 2,3-dimethylhoptane, 2,4-dimethylpentmas,
2,5-dimethylhaxane, 2,2,5,5-tatramathylhaxana) and branched alkenes
(2-mothylheptene-2, 3,3-dimethylheptene-1). All these hydrocarbons
were prepared and their properties determined in outside laboratories
(acknowledgments are made to Prof. R. Ya. Levins. and to A.V. logansen
In this connection). Table 1 gives the degree of purity, the malting
and crystallization points and the refractive index at 200C (40) Of
the nine hydrocarbons listed above. The infrared spectra were recorded
in the region from 700 to 1800 cm-1 by means of a two-beam infrared
Gard 1/2 spectrometer IKS-2 with a r1aCl prism. The optical slit width -was 7-10 cm-1.
Investigation of the Infrared Absorption Spectra of Hydrocarbons at Various
Temperatures Both in the Liquid and Solid Phases
For liquids, calls with effective layer thickness from 0.03 to 0.48 mm
were used. @t low temperatures a special call vas employed; its
construction ensured the constancy of the layer thickness of a liquid or
solid in it. Ileacuraments ware carried out at temperatures from +2000
to -1720C. in order to obtain good crystals and to avoid vitrification,
the lkvdrocarbons ware cooled slowly. Figs 1-3 show absorption spectra
of the nine hydrocarbons at vari(us temperatures. Tables 2-4 give the
observed absorption maxima for th,, liquid and solid Phases- The results
obtained show that in the case of ;:,A-dimethylpentane and 2,5-dimethylhoxam
only one (the zjost symmetrical) isomer exists in the crystal pbase,
but more than one rotational isomer is present in the liquid phase.
The authors suggest that only those substances crystallize out which have
one rotational isomer of sufficiently high symmetry necessary to form a
correct molecular crystal lattice. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and
10 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 7 English.
SUBZ-'IV-ZL): 17ovamber 26, 1958
Card 2/2
M S. ',',c zi v it 41a rn?AM Kt-;I"
Fa , a Mat
a@ Arlsir Ixem,
24, 01-b( IV-052)(in Eng nftEi Y'. .40 g. Ilg were
heated for to firs. in a staled tube, of high -inelting gla5s in an
atm.oICO,. At the bottom the tobe @ai kept nt 330-340*
and In the center at 2.'W. Thelow
t of the tube contaford 11g.1111i (&1q% of theory), IlgI,
.far, "fiff SC.Arlet (ifil.1pli'llij 11, JVClj@jOvrjopCtI CtY-tjjfrj
were obtained occanioli-illy whPii the prom-,s wa-% rcptattil
with '/to of the above amounts. The compd, cannot be-
I ed according to the Volhard mrthod; the SoubcrAin-
T-Ihod was used. HOY2 can be prrpd. altu from 2
Pli, 8 1. lig In a sra!ed glass tube by heating for 15 firs.
tht@vmit mariner, The crystati am ritmoclinic. The
:Unit Celt and space latticr group were Md. from o4clifit-
tion photographs taken with filtered CuK radiation. a -
13.07, b - 12.44. and c - 17.15 A; 0 - 120.2 . A- the
density iq 7.09, the unit Ctil must contain 12 Stoichiometric
utilts of Hg%Plll; the spate lattice group is Colk - P2t/c.
Werner Jacotnoti
YUGMLAUA/Fitting Out of Laboratories - Instruments. H-
'"heir Theory, Conatruction, and Use.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 8678
Author Kesler M.,.Pregernik, A.
Title A Simple Apparatus for Determining Dielectric Constants
Orig Pub ArkbLiv kemiju, 1955, 27, No 1, 37-38 (in Croatian with an
English su ry)
Abstract The apparatus described is constructed entirely from com-
mercial radio parts. Particular attention has been paid
to the elimination of interference by the mutual capitan-
ce between the conductors and in the oscillator circuit.
A sharper resonance curve has been obtained by the utili-
zation of a coil with a farroragnetic core. The accuracy
of the capitance measurements attains 0.0l.Alk f.
Card 1/1
Yugoolavia/Physiedl Chemistry. jqOjeculo, Chemical bond. B-4
!jos Jour : Ref Zhur - nimiya, No 7, 1957, 22017
Author :,Kesler
: @e
Inst one
Titla : Dipole moment and molecular structure of phthalylurea
Orig Pub : Arkhiv kemiju, 1955, 27, No 2, 67-72 (published in Croatian
%lith English summary)
Abstract : Dipole moment of phthalylurea was deterTained. Comparison
with dipole moment calculated for foniula I and II was made
I C6H4 C01111 CO and II CgH4 CO NCONH2
The calculated dipole moments are very different, whereby
the value calculated for II Is in good agreement with the
experimental, which equals to 4.65 D.
Card 1/1
The bond angle of sulfur in alkyl mercuric sulfides determined
by tne dipole moment method. Croat chem acta 34 no.2:123-@126
1. laboratory oiGeneral and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, Univera'ity of Zagreb,, Zagreb,, Croatia,, Yugoslavia.
Structural investigations of alkyl mercury bromides and
alkyl mercury, sulphides by dipole moment method.
Groat chem acta 35 no.2:101-108 163.
1. Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chormistry, Faculty of
Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb Croatia, Yugoslavia.
,tructural investii,.-.iLIorij of alkyl mercury sulphide, alkyl
oxIde nnd al.yl vieriniry .-,i!e '@P.Me by dipole mcment
method. Croat chem. ata 36 no.3:165-168 164.
1. Institute of General and Tnorg-nic Chen,lstr-y of the Faculty
or Matheiwi" is and NAural r I I f @-I - 'T.-i I.Varsl "y of 7,sivreb,
bigrob. ,, bmitted February 2.J, 1964.
Uperimental bypertenoton produced by stenosie of the thoracic
aorta. Khirurgiia no-8135-38 Ag 154. (MLHA 71ll)
1. Zz Fisiologichaskogo inatituta (dir, prof. P.Balint) i KlinW
usovershenstvovaniya khirurgov (dir. prof. I.Litzan) BtAapashtskogo
(HYMTINSIOV, experimental.
prod. by stenosis of thoracic aorta)
(AORTA, stenosis,
expers., prod* of Inertension)
0 t 9 it li 1) to 4 it 16 11 is ;l a a N D is A A Ist 31 v D m a it v is 11 40 it or 0 u
&-jo p- 01 1 1 U AA-A-A-A@AA, Poll M UD ttj# $ 0 &---! -- k
for"onoting wisulmitloss of 11U.S.
. W
lli l
nw.l (4
SLVIK)* arm) fanning 0111.1anee. are
6 @19 too
Ap 0
. boo
-PGKAL LITINAT64111 (LitlifKA110"
K K a of it it
r do 4 3 v
vio go** e 0 e 0 **go 0 0 Of 9 0 41 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 4
ZOGRAFOV D. , BAEVt 1. , and KESMIA-IL.JInstituto of Radiology and Radiation
11ygiene 4nstitut, po radiologiya i radiatsionna khigiena) (Docent I. Nikolov.,
"Intraperitoneal Administration of a Done Marrow 3uzponaion in Acute
Sofia, Rentgonolodya i Radiolodya Vol 51 No 1@ 1966, pp 32-40
Abstract; On irradiation of rats with X-rays in a dose LD97-51 intra-
peritoneal administration of homologous bone marrow was less effective
(35% survival) than intravenous injection (65% survival). Study of the
peripheral blood, bone marrow, and inclusion of Fe59 in erythrocytes
indicated that there was no significant difference in the regeneration
of hemopoiesia between animals treated by the two methods. On trans-
plantation by intraperitoneal injection of rat bone marrow to irradiated
mice., granulocytes containing alkaline phosphatase (i.e., rat granulocytes)
were not found in the bone marrow of the mice. This indicated that donor
elements were not implanted in the bone marrow of recipient animals after
intraperitoneal introduction. The rapid regeneration after intraperitoneal
administration of bone marrow is explained by humoral stimulation., while
the high therapoutic effect on intravenous administration is ascribed to
development of donor cells in the bone marrow of recipient-animals. The
Sofia, Rentgenologiya i Radjolo&&U, Vol 5, No 1, 1966, PP 32-40
fact that donor cells vnre implanted in the bone marrow in the latter case
was confirmed by the results of experiments in which rat bone marrow was
injected intravenously to mice- Table and graphs.. 23 references (2 Bul a ian
21 Western). Russian and English summaries. Z146uscript received Sep 4r
KRASIIENINNIKOV A.N.0 kand.tekhn.nauk- MLI, E.O., inzh.
9 P I
Properties of an air-entrained concrete mix and of air-entrained
coixrete before steming. Betj zhel.-bet. 8 no.9:418-422 S
162. OURA 15:12)
(Air-entrained concrete-Testing)
SKIBAP L*A*; FMLINA, Ye*Z.t starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
warping of filamonts should be shifted to the synthetic fiber
plants. Tekst.prom. 21 no-3:67-68 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:3)
la Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy
UkrNIIPV (for Skiba).
(Synthetic fabrics)
SKIBA, L.A. (Skyba, L.A.]@ [Xeslina, IE.Z.]
Avivage and oiling are @actors improving the characteristics of
rayon before knitting. Leh.prom. no.4s67-69 O-D 162. (MM 160)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatelt@skiy institut po pererabotke
iskusetvennogo i sintetiche8kogo volokna.
(Rayon) (Knit goods)
"Doveloyrient of I-Mildinr, I:t-thods in tho Flannint7 nnd -L.--cbnlcal- Execution
of Shif-ld Chanhers", P. 3FO. (I'ELfrryqTS'* DOI:A!.IYI SZE-I-E, Vol. 4,
SO: Yorithly List of Epst European Acces-ions,
1, Jan. lr@'!@) Uncl.
The problem of determining the optimum depth of wear of a dam for a
hydroelectric power station. Liet ak darbai B no.2:191-201 160.
(EW 10:1)
I* Lietuvos TO Mckalu akademijos EnergetikoB ir elektrotechnikos
(Hydroelectric-power stations) (Dams)
KES'14114AS, A. Po , Cand. Tech. Sci. (dies) "Possibilities of Pre-
paration and Co:nputation of Hydrolo@7LIcal Forecasts for Deepatcher
Regulation of Current in GES,11 Kaunas, 1961, 24 pp. (Beloruselan
Polytech. Inst.) 150 copies (KL Supp 12-61, _"'68).
ZOLOTARWI T.Lq, doktor tekhn.nauk, ProR*)'.!LE@bqNASj A.P.J* inzhe ly MEI nOL1,35'.
Forecasting of the annual distribution of stream flow, Tru(
157-164 161 - (KMA )15:12)
(Water power) (Hydroelectric power stations
Determination of cArbQn dio a atmos ere.
Ul If
d B
an -
er. a o ita
ragilc Ser.
19S6, Ahsar. No. 51973 195-1); Rr era$. Zhur., Khim.
.--A 4 app. (or the detn.
of M In the air Is descrihtd. The basic parts of the RPP.
.are the reservuir which consists of joined tubts parallel to
cacti other anti of an inner dium. 10 rum., of a toeinbrane,
a pump, and a washer witha Bu(OH)i soln. (O.WN Ila(Cil-th
the air an app. with 350 mi. tube vol. 6 used, but at 0.&2-
0.2% CO, an app. with 1 1. tube vol. washed after enter-
ing the pipcs the air sample circulates at least 8 times
thruugh the tubes, the pump, anti the washer. After the
- P atkvirption of CCh (7-10 itilti. of pumping operation) the
02N 11
u. o
soln, lit the wA3hcr is fitratc
with lICI, with pbenolplithalein as indicator. The Da-
1l), solu. Is stured lit a rubber balloon. The washers tire
JIM with th6 soln, without any ton.act with (tic air.1
7he results am vrry-primi4e. Dirt
KESMM.q Oldrich, inz,
*Forming machinsos* Reviewed lay Oldrich Keener* Stroj vyr 10
no.l2t631+ 162.
KESNER, Vjekoslav (Zagreb)
Gomrlex remunaration according to efficiency in the (.',Orane 141nes
of I!onmetallic Materials, Lokve. Kem ind 9 no.1201-55-N-58 D 160.
3. Clan Redakelonor odbora, VemataliV
KESPER, Vjekoslav
Ore deposits in the region of Zagreb, and possibilities of
their exploitation. Kam ind 12 no. 11: 861-863 N 163.
"A 'NU