in move Ani un%wo-wmm
my A... 0-lb.4ad. ._@-.ssaq
-9L, a---- --.ad..
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Its,61 't w `-A
-a-s-r-) -yon cc , C, cot 'MI
d:):) .44j J.H -Y..v .."E -ICS C%-f.L-q-Jb 40,4,.4
C_ ? -h -15-- . .9c.4A -no._,_VA CC49 'op 1.1
_-@A.* . --QAdj 2- -..a- -Qg- C-IQCf Us
-.d.-N. @-.j ..a.. wtc 'IC61 -am
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.9,oc IMI -R-E 'Sut 'Ail "H --ax V!!t@-w
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qd" Ara-VI'A "IN . w" Lr6a
-n KV 'XXT -STST `11-0 C"
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'i-s-aasea-lu H14H) ZCC.40#r
'Laal -n ex me ..... "
.... n @ ....4 -rLt 'Lett 4be
-d-.j .... M V6 local I)M -dil -ftemans I"
.9.6c om@ I.Na"
*Ssot -40111-M
--H , @'v r ........ l-rej
"-..A .* rct 1"61 twh-b
INV '0 "Wa Ql-),LcSl r-Q-krq
WL4 -,'IV -Y=--trq aqi"a
.1ble i-a-con
jj= -vAdj A@Hl -Tvvy -roat -OL,
-") - -- it 1-4 CLI ld 'Wel 'rol -UT
.-d .... ftj ..... 11"t
-d.L) - - Git -ant
.awt. . L".,. A@
k -so" -mel,
46 -1 11 '-n cL I 'Irl -"Gt .0-ti dW .... a.V erviodl
-@O-QWC- ".1' -or I-S-Z "I Imtr -N)-b
r-9 %'Z-r-I "'CL-1-P 'CL6 lov 'Q I-wt -Qr *_@@.&) -.*J,-
'vof witt .11in "M sit 'COGI vICA "n -a ..Pao
'(1t6t 1. w q 1 .0 -faso 4 11 o -up i-%-a
-H -O.L) -9. oc - C91 'OC6t -P-9 C.,49.,f0Q. Qp.l#qj
WAVO re4loor Names* IN (.
Inall"Ur"101 41""" -"Wb "Mo psalm (o
--------&ffect of cultivation on the pigment content In vine leaves. Soob.AN
Gruz.SSR 13 no.9:525-530 152. (HLRA 6:5)
1. Akademiya Nauk Grusinskoy SSR (for Ketakhoveli). 2. Akadamiya Nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut vinogradstva I vinodeliya, Telavi (for Ta%ftdze).
Mire T.Ith@t of W06, t)y
Kapeller, 0. A. 1111ors of Georgia" Institute of Ectally,
Y,emujariya-Vatzd@,e, I . M. (Vols I= Vill) Academy cf Sciences
Gec@rgian @@'SR
Yetskhoveli ' Ii
-Tu-taEe-l-adz@, S@-.
Makuslivili, A. K.
Yandencva, A. P.
Sakhakia, M. F.
Oosnovskiy, D. I.
Ter-KhaChatUrOVLY j. Ya.
Kharadze) A. L.
Shkhi%lan,A. S.
[Areas of cultivated plants in Georgia] Zony kullturnykh
rastenii v Gruzii. Tbilisi. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Gruzinskoi SSR,
1957. 91 P. (MIRA 13:1)
(Georgia-Botany, Economic)
[Zones of cultivated plants in Georgia] Zony kullturnykh rastenii
v Gruzii. 7bilisi, Akademiia nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. 1957. 484 p.
(Georgia--Plants, Cultivated) (MIRA 11:5)
TAVADZE, F.H., oty. red,,- AGLAME, R.I., red.; ARCHYADZE, Sh.R.. red.;
VACHNADZZ, U@D., rod.; GVEMIANI, G.G., red,,- G=H1DZ31ANI. B.I., red.;
jQVg1gjjj1t,.*_red.; HIKELADZE, I.S., red.-
S.Vo, red.;,_JaM.5K
RIJBINSHTITH, N.M., red.; TVALOMLIDZE, A.A., red.,Cdoceased].;
K.K., red. izd-va,; GUSIVA, A.P., tekhn. red.
[Natural resources of the Georgian S.S.H.] Prtrodayo ro suroy
Grusinskoi SSR. Moskva. Vol. 1.[Motalliferous minerals) Metallichookie
poleznye iskopasmys. 1958. 230 P. (MIRA 11:11)
1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinakoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovet po izucheniyu
proizvoditell nykh oil. 2. Chlen@korrosoondsnt AN Gruz. SSR (for Tavadze).
(Georgia--Oro deposits)
KRSKHOVIMI, Nikolay Nikola7evich; NINVA. I., red.
[Vegetation cover of Georgia] Rastitelinyi pokrov Gruzii,
Tbiliell Isd-yo Akad,nauk Gmx,SSRl 1959* 441 p. (MIRA 33:7)
Organizing the Georgiau Botanical Society. Bot. zhur. 44 no.1:148-149
Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) '
(Georgia-%tanical societies)
Once more on thing zerophilous foreaVeo ftdy Tbil.boteinsto
20:347-362 159. (mm 1318)
(Georgia-Porest scoloff)
Two now peonies in the flora of Georgia. Zam. po sist. i geog.
rast. no.21:1,5-18 159- (MM 13:8)
CHIKHELIDZE, S.S.; TAVADZE, F.N.p akademik., oty. red; AGLADZE, R.L., red.;
red.; GUDMMDZHIANI, B.I., red.; DZW;ELIDZB,, A.I., red:1
A.A., red.[deceased]; TSITSISHVILI, G.Ve. red.; SIMCELIYA, P.G.0
red.; FEDOT'Y-EV, K.@.p red.izd-va; DOROKUNA, I.N., tekbne red&
Natural resoxirces of the Gegrgian S.S.R.] Prirodnye resursy Gru-
zinskoi SSR. Moskva# Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Volo3a (Mineral water]
MineraVqje vody. 1961. 438 p. (MIRk 14:12)
Z. Akademiya nauk Grazinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovet po izucheniyu pro-
izvoditellrjykh oil. 2. Akademiya nauk Gruzinakcry SO (for Tavadze).
(Georgia-@Mineral water)
WVWM; a] Ampelografiia Gruzii. TbiliSi,
(Ampelography of Georgi (MIRA 16:6)
@zd-vo AN Gills.SSR, 1960. 1+37 P.
1. Akademlya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Tiflis-
mwpmm--@ ii. Tbilisi,
(Ampelography, of Georgia] Ampelografiia Gr"z (mIRA 16:6)
@zd-vo AN GiVz.SSR, 1960. 437 p.
1, Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Tiflis.
L.B., red.lzd-va; rod.
[Sox in plants] Pol u rastenii. Tbilisi, Izd-vo kN Gruz.
SSR. Pt.l.[Ilistory of the problem. Sexual dimorphism.
Evolution of sex] Istorila voprosa. Polovoi dimoMm.
Evoliutsiia pola. 1963. 305 P. (mIRA 16:12)
(Plants, Sex in)
izd-va; DZIMPAROM,7Y.A., tekhn. red.
[Fractional goobotanical zoning of the northern slope of
the Greater Caucasus) Ojrjt drobnogo geobotanicheskogo
raionirovaniia severnogo sklona Bollshogo Kav,qaza; na pri-
more Karachaia. Tbilisio Izd-vo 91 Gruz.SMI, 1963. 21+0 p.
WIRA 16:12)
red. izd-va;.BOKE$-UA, N.B., * tekhfi,.red,
jilimmics of the production of alpine pastures in
Georgia] Dinamika proizvoditellnosti vysokogornykh
pastbishch Gruzii. Tbilisi,, Izd-vo All Gruz.M, 1963.
151 P. (MIRA 17:1)
(Some noxious, poisonous and weed plants in the hayfields and
pastures of Georgia] (Nekotorye vrednye, iadovitye i sornia-
kovye rasteniia senokosov i pastbishch Gruzii. Tbilisi] 1963.
55 P. (In Georgian) (MIRA 17:5)
GULISASHVILI, Vasiliy Zakharovich, akademik; KETSKEOVELI, N.N.)
akademik, otv. red.
[Natural zones and the natural history regions of the
Caucaaus] Pr1rodnye zony i enteAvollmoistoricheskie ob-
lasti Kavkaza. Moskva, Izd-vo "llauka," 1964. 326 p.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for both).
"K istoril ProiskhozhdeaiYa kullturaykh rasteniy Gruzii-"
report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological Ethnological SclenceB,
MOSCOW, 3-13 Aijg C4.
DCLUKHANOV, Armen Georglyevich; KEETSKBOVELI, N.N., red.
(Dark-green conifer forests in Georgia] TemnokhvoirVe less
Gruzii. Tbilisi, Izd-vo ITetfmiereba," 1964. 126 p.
(MIRA 18:3)
DZHIAPARIDZE, Levan Ivanovich; KM'SKH(',V','LI 11 N.., red.
[.Ij'ex in plants] Pol u rastenii. Tbillol.,
Pt.2. 1965. 301 P. 18'.5)
finqu I rfimminl,cs of t,oehni va @qpo(,-j V! (,at, irm :. r..', r@ I@an "!a 0
Standards for individuftl olpntrodf-, cua,-"!qt@ cc-..qcl:eras. Svar.
pro-Lzv. rio.7:24 JI, 165.
1. Krasnoy&r-,;kiy zavod
WSR,&ngineering - Grinding wheals
Cexd I
Authors I Ketalakh, B. Ya., Cand. Tech. Se.
Title I neneas of a ground surface produced by wfieels dressed without the use
of diamonds.
Periodical j Vest. Mash., 34, Ed. 6, 54 - 55, June 1954
Abstract : An analysis is made of the results of experiments conducted in the dress-
ing of abrasive wheals with special corundum disks and hard-alloy rollersp
instead of a diamond composition formarly used. The standards for the
disks used are AZ-ANIIASJ and MSH. The method was found to be effective
both in dressing the wheels for rough work and for finished grinding.
Tables; graphs; illustration.
Tnstitution : .,.
Submitted 1
WSLAXH, B.Ta., k"didat tekhaichoskik nauk.
Improving otaijkless-stool deep-draviag precessoa. Toot.mash-33
ne.11:51-52 1 155- @ (MIRA 9:2)
l.Ukrain@My mauchao-losledevatellskiy institut sestasy i to-
plivasy pronyahlonnesti.
(Deep drawing (Metal work))
K iA;
h,hrnl@ re .1
IA, 110- ara 71,
KETSLAK, B., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk.
Substitute for hematite polishers. Prom.koop.no-5:14 MY '56.
(Grinding and polishing) (HLRA 9:9)
KETSIAM, B.74., )mnd. takhn. nauk.
Drilling plastic haberdashery articles by high-production drille.
leg. prom. 18 no.Z*33-34 1? 158. (MIR& 11.-Z)
(Drilling and boring machinery) (Plastics)
iii 6a/B1 do'
AU T.,U:R s X
TI,TiEs Investigation into the wcar re8istance of caprono-lined com-
ponc,itz; of axle and bearing assemblies
PERIODIGAIt Heforativnyy zhurnai. Khimiya, no. 18, 1062, 510; abstract
1OP140 (ln collections Plantmassy v ii.ashinostr. i priborostr.
Mycv, Goctakhizdat, U66H, 1961, 280 - 297)
T:-;XT: The article rivou co,-,-,wtrative data for.the physical and mochanical
pro;-,erti,-1s of vcxious rnateri.@ls used for sliding bearincs, L-.nd shows the
uVpericrl.ty of caprone wid-nylon. Eccentgic @ress'es .-.ere used for e.,pc-ri-
mental rebearch on the reolacement of bronze by caprorie for eliL.Lit@
-i!id the r,@aults^showcd 'that comipononts of friction bearin.,
asoemblics lined .Ath ca-)rone by the prcs.,,ure-;.-,(jldin(, irt2thod (t;iic@.ncas of
lininr .--l-5-2 inm) can be used on eccentrin. pres.ser@at loads of 1713-2@@O
and at sliding velocities of 0.6-0. m pret,z@e and
ke./cm2 8 -/Sec *4th calciu...
mineral oil as lubricant. Curves vere plotted for friction and .,@Oar cucffi-
Tients in terms of specific-pressure, and for ultimate strength in t@-r-s of
Card 1/2
V061 " ' /C51/059
Inv es ti(,-, It 'Lon into B166/31e6
the standardi,zation time 0@, samples lined x-tith primary ca@)rcne.
[Abstractorl,s note: Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Ketslakh,.-B.Ya.
TITLE: InvestiCations on wcar resistance of bearing assemblies
provided with caproneliners
S ro enii i prib6rostroyenii.
OURCE: Plastmassy v m.!xhinost Y
Pervaya rtsp. n:tuch.-trkh. konfcr.@'po voor. prim.
Plastmass v @-,_-shjnostr. i priborostr., Ki!tv, 1959.
Kiev, Gostekhizdat, 1961, 280-293
TEXT: Resultn are reported of experimentcil ir*bstiZations carried
out to replace bronze linerb in sliding,@edrings by caprone(Russlan
nylon) liners, in-order -15o, obovain savings in expenbive non-ferroas
-ion conditions of mated components. As wns
metals and improve operat
'found, baprone may be succe@;sfully used for linind of bearinCe in fric-
@tion -couples. For norinal worlking; co,. ions of the bearinC assembly
caprone-steel,- the choice of optimum clearance in the'assembly is of
Card 1A
InvcutiGaUion.,, on wear rerA.-,tancc of ...
major importance. Tos-111-n were also conducted to replace all-caprone
componunts by caprorAcoatings. The use of such coatind liners waz;
found to improvo heat transfer, to increase wear resistance, sliair,6
velocity of, and speci-fic pressure on the bearing, to. reduce contora-
ction as a result of linini- the metal base, to increase service-life
W V V.
of the assembly and to diminish consumpLtion of capron _.There are
'9 figures.
41 Card 2/2
KETSLAKH, B.Ya,, kand.tekhn.rauk
Investigating the threaded joints of capron parts in order to
secure their interchangeability. Trudy NIIMesttopproma no.17i
14-41 162. (MIRA 16:5)
(Machinery-Design and construction) (Nylon)
AUTHOR: Ketslakh, B.Ya.
1 6
S11 1/000/022/014/024
TITLEt On the problem of lining sliding bearing parts with caprone
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no.22, 1961, 79, abstract
22B478 ("Tr. n.-i. in-ta mestn. i toplivn. prom-sti", 1961, no. 15,
32 - 49)
TEXT: The author presents the results of investigatinns carried out by
Niimesttopprom on the lining of metallic parts of' sliding bearings with a thin
caprone layer (1.5-2 mm) by the pressure-casting method, It Is shown that capro-
ne-lined bearing friction parts (eccentric connecting rod bush, front and rear
flywheel bushing) can be recommended for extensive use on eccentric presses in
pairs with steel bushes instead of bronze ones. Solid oil or mineral oil can be
used as lubricant. Both primary caprone in the form of crumbs and caprone waste
can be used for lining. One of the important conditions ensuring the normal
operation of the caprone - steel bearing couple is the right selection of the
optimum clearance between the mating parts and the observance of the necessary
surface finish of the friction parts. To ensure a proper finish of the mating
Card 1/2
1*0 0
I, t 0 6 1ft it 14 ts Wis " of 1110 if O.m Al a Is U x it 4 #1 a " ad a 1110
-A I-A-M A A -1- 1. 11- q, '-t. 4 A-, .1 -r a 0 .1
ORK111's ..0. pqcpfo@141 1-1.
J. T
!@ of
60 -00
oo @06
Amaly4s of Hydrararlmos mktm@ 1.1, the
4-'i Poltat- Method. (in Rum.n ) Itf- %f K%I%IAih. V A
00 F 1. and L F. Sulknevich. 7-hurnal X-rw7WirhrAm
ir"li (ImunAl n( AnAlytkal ChrmlotI,), v. 5, UAI,-
70. P. Isi-I-59.
June IV
-40 Investigates appl)tnz almyur nisifuxi =so
iLkwfslwkn Arid, lik2i) fOF AtUll%l% P(
00 binary mixtures of iunneric paraffin hydnx-mf.".@ coo
having newly equal physical tonstAuts. 14) diffrrent
hydrot-wbons were synthesi" aml thr&r -stannic
!@,.ints- cleterml .1' tD.-TS @al 01AAHI.A. roo
It w1ution Ivul1wratim.
"Irlhad it -90
of .50. in the mixtures, Data are tabuLtml 4nd
ire 0
A T 1A nd a 0 0 1 YS -j $3 a 3
It K a U It x 40 a U 4"Q
0 0 0 4 o 0 o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;10 0 0 0 o 0 6 0 0 a 0 Sk 0 0 0 0 a 0
10 0 0 We 0 * * a Go 0000 0 * 0 0 0-9-0-0-0-0 0 0-0 6-9 goose 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0
11tepAration of turth1lone chWide Imin melhiino \1 %I
kri, AL14, I ,N I HIM nAn, aml 1. 1; Sokm-%Rh. /44'.
Xhim. 23. .1. Apy.ed Ck4'm.
23. 221-44 10,101XIingl. Itait,blinti.; cf. cam-F
And One. U.S. C .1. 20. 1243. -'"w prelm.
,if Cff,CI, Ity 3 stirth,.1i wa% tim-lital.l: chloritulpm
'-f cf(,, of MeCl, aisil of their mm. Thr ImPA @:ati%fuvin
. Oll'"Iftali'm 4d Of, M.-cl, .. '14 W sm. A Cl
CibiNIX) rilli, I Its 11 -'. Ille Y)"M .I VII'Cl.
1'-4vhe4 7.1 111'@ Om Cl) all'i 3 U I ml c1l" I".1vChunbl, @
IiW; . The 1W.1 lt-111p, 1.111KC 14 :041 Vol, .110
,it C.Cl, I til.- I It, W.,
fi-sull. Minim im 'MrCl I, lint iii thr pr-v- And tha, cmt
Iw rrcyck%l. Cacl, vir ClIch dot (1,01 appe;Ir 141 kive .1111-
-lieC1111C C2131YOV OCtilln OVVF III All C-31" -MIC C
delm"ition tmik placr which IILIV lit". III CIT-t -m III,
rrsult4: thi- was mit sitsdi4M Ititther. C.. NI. K-4al-tY
Anallifs of hydrourbon mirture-, 6y tf@,) tin point rvIth"I (W)-)
ly. h r- @"-,
s s VA fz*1 (1, 1,16 @"N' 14."l I L, 1;.x!@.o.".
04olmtl@cv tn@!that (C-A, 4 1. 2319': 1
,of (fit crit. W011. tem). f S,11, @f
alLent, atut aru%wic hydriwar6mi; iotj 1.13,tr 7mt. v
reqiiix-, it kTI(AY1CdgC 0 t!:,' S"I A I
c , I
I 413ni ! K aft u v 4 0tyI r I - e- r i ma f i1v
@in.- jNt@[XT3-@C-j fi)t %:SC III t1j' -A'5 of III
ucts. Some Ify ii@'tltpcmmi ;U11 k41;@c1xj(.-:; IVETC filvj' I
the C rignard atoltM, vid their purity Y,@ , - .., I z
dKir b.p.. @V. XT., atiff Ili, ]!it, h, t,
'J clu-'Irly rulacd T
tmnary 'nivts@ an 'I@ -4
Dotermination of alcohols in presence of aldehydes by means of ace-
tylation. Trudy Inst.*Khimgaxl no.6:238-243 31. (MLRA 7:8)
(Alcohols) (Acetylation)
@Yhv d.tttmwallvo OLA4aL'QLUA th-3 'Sczce P-f sadell7yfts
Ke JA-h. Frsidy
L;acov (KRINIGAZ) 6, 233--LX1951 -Thc wvth-l of
Smith and Bryant ( C.A. 29@ 17404) h whilt
Imethod ( CA - 43, Us) is i@und ttn@ujlabk f@r the
deta. 'A hichcr als. aad of mixts uf -Jes. alld aillehYdcs.
W. M su-mb"4-i
-1.1-111-11--.1-1-11 ---
Rudkovskiy, D. M., Ketalakh, M. L!,-, Zoni.@i, L. S.
Common Synthesis of Alcohols and Ketones From Aldehydes of the
Oxo-synthesis And Secondary Alcohols (sovmestnoye polucheniye
spirtov i ketonov iz alldegidov oksosinteza i vtorichnykh spirtov)
Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6,
pp 1914 - 1920 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper a synthesis of the aliphatic alcohols
106-C8and ketones, of acetone and uiethyl-ethyl-ketone was de-
vised. The yields were high and the consumption of aluminum al-
coholates, which were used as activators in the reaction of
the cobalt carbonyls, was low. As initial products for the
reduction hydrogen carbon solutions were used, which were ob-
tained via the oxo-synthesis and contained 28-36@ aldehydes
C 6-C 8' The reduction was carried out in the presence of iso-
propylate and secondary aluminum butylate in the corresponding
alcohol solution. It was ahown for the first time that the
cobalt carbonyls activate the reduction process. Their effect
Card 1/2 was more intense when using directly the aldehydes of the oxo-
Common Synthesis of Alcohols and Ketones From Aldt-1hydes SOV/79-29-6-31/72
of the Oxo-synthe3is and Secondary Alcohols
synthesis than with an artificially composed mixture. The regular
addition of tue aldehydes to the nolution of aluminum alcoholates
aa well as the continuous dintilling-off of the ketones formed
favor the formation of the alcohols and inhibit the condensation
of the aldehydes. The optimum laboratory conditions for the
reduction of the aldehydes C6-C. in the presence of the aluminum
isopropylate were determined on which the yield in alcohols
(C6-C.), with respect to the reacted aldehyde, was 90 and that
in acetone 95-,'j. The aluminum consumption was there related
to the reacting alcohols and the acetone. The use of the second-
ary aluminum butylate resulted in likewise high yield in alcoho-
lates and methyl-eth33-kc-tone in the case of a solution in second-
ary butyl alcohol.. There are I figure, 3 tables, and 13 refer-
ences, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Leningradnkiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut po pererabotke
nefti i polucheniyu, iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva (Leningrad
Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Refining and Pro-
duction of Artificial Liquid Fuels)
UBMITIED- May 12, 1958
Akd 2@2
AUTHORS: Ketslakh, M. M., Rudovskiy, D. M., Eppel', F. A.
TITLEs Synthesis of methyl trimethylol methane by condensation of
propionaldehyde with formaldehyde
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1961, 416, abstract
10116. (Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta neftekhim. protsessov, no. 2,
1960, 125-153)
TEXTs The authors studied the conditions of synthesis of methyl trimethylol
methane (I) in a plant of periodic operation. They developed two processes
for the separation of (I) by fractional distillation and extraction,
[Abstracter's notes Complete translation.]
Card 1/1
:7 F
Preparation of trimothylolprupane by t,,.e conden3ation of butyralde-
hydo. Trudy no.2:15!,-167 160. (.'-:I;tA 14-2)
(Butyraldeiv-de) (Formaldehyde)
11--UTSLUQlq hUDI-CUMIY, D.M.; !;PP.ILI , F.A.
Synthesis of d:LnothyldimeVryloll.,.,---thane by the condensation of isobtuyr-
ELIdehyde with fonnaldohy-de. Tmdy VNIIIlafte!-.IL-n no.2:168-177 160.
(',:I,'iA 1/,.'2)
(Isobutyraldchyda) (Formldo:,.Ydo)
AUTHORS: Ketslakh, W. Mg_,, Rudkovskiy, D. M., Eppel', F. A.
TITLEt Production of polyatomic alcohols by condensation of
C3- C4' aldehydes with formaldehyde in a continuous process
PERIODICALs -Referativnyy zhurnal. Kh1miya, no. 14, 1961, 416-417,
abstract (14 418), (Tr-. Vasa, n.-i. in-t neftekhim.
protsessov, no. 2, 1960, 178-187)
TEXTs It was shown that me'thyl trimethylol methane (I), ethyl trimethylol
methane (II), and dimethyl dimethylol methane (III) can be obtained by
continuous condene4tion of C3-04aldehydes with CH 20. The reaction is
conducted in an aqueOUB solution at 20 800C in the presence of the alka-
line reagent. The contact time is 30 90 min. Excess CH20 is removed by
water at 115 - 130 0C and 2 - 4 atm pressure, and led back into the process.
96-98% C3- C 4aldehydes, a 20-37% CH2 0 solution, and a 20-25% NaOH so-
Card 1/2
Production of polyatomicooo B117/B203
lution are continuously introduced into a tubular reaction vessel within
10-30 min. The mixture is stirred at 300C for 50-60 min, and then
neutralized. Optimum conditions ares a) for 8roduction of Ms molar ratio
CH20 S CH3CH 2CHO - 3-5 j 1, temperature 30-60 C, contact time 20 mini in
the presence of NaOH or Ca(OH)29 the yield is 70% (if the molar ratio is
increased up to 10, the yield rises to 77%); b) for production of (II)t
molar ratio CH20 t CH3CH2CH2CHO - 10 1 1, temperature 30-50 OC, contact
time 10 min. The use of NaOH should be preferred. The ield is 63-66%;
c) for production0of (III): molar ratio CH 20 1 CH3CH(CH 3@CHO - 2.15 1 1,
temperature 60-80 C, contact time 5-15 min. In the presence of NaOH or
Ca(OH) 2, the yield is 60%. The technological scheme of the process is
givan. EAbstracter'8 notet Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
AUTHOiS: Rudkovskiy, D. M., Ketslakh, M. M., Brunshteyn, B. A-9
Klimen%ol V. Le
TITLE; New polyatomic alcohols
,@ERIODICAL: Plastipheskiye massy, no. 8, 1962, 52
TEXT: On'the example of production and application of trimethylol ethane
and trimethylol propane in the USA, corresponding actual results and
planned production in the USSR are discussed. Far-reaching possibilities
of practical application in many branches of industry,.and improved and
-aore economic procedures are mentioned. In many cases, the use of
trimethylol ethane and trimethylol propane instead of glycerin and
pentaerythrite is of economic interest because of the reduced consumption
ox. expensive raw materials. Basic investigations in this direction were
made in the USSR by VNJINeftekhim in 1950. There are 2 tables. The
three English-language referencevare: Ind. Eng. Chem. .50, No. 8 (1958);
Chemistry in Canada, 12, No. 11, 38-42 (1961); Chem. Eng., No. 9, 41 (1961@
Card 1/1
New polyatomic alcohols. Plast.massy no.8:52-54 162. (KRA 15:7)
(Alcohols) (Plastics)
Preparation of polyatomio alcohols - trimetbylolpentane and
trimethylolisobutane. Ihim.prom. no.9s666-670 S 162. (Km 15,11)
Synthesis of Iletrioll, triamine [111,1-triB (aminomethyl)-propane].
Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3197-3198 0 162. (KIRA 15:11)
(Propane) (Triamine)
L M,@ -,4 Ela (M-)Z-EWP V L IJP(c) WW/RM
I =kZ --U @WPQ)
ACC NR, Arbu,30644
AUTHOR: Al'shits, I. M.; Anikinat T. A.; Grad. N. M.; Ketslakhs M. M.; Rudkovskiy,
M.; Tsubina, Kh. V.
Unsaturated polyester resins based on neopentylglicol
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 11-12
TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic, copolymer, copolymerization,.glass textolite, bonding
material, adhesive, synthetic material
ABSTRACT: An unsaturated polyester resin was synthesized by copolymerizing neopentyl
1glicol ith styrene or with commerical low grade molecular polyester-acrylate resin
@(TGM-31Vand). This polyesterification reLction was conducted by stirring -aml-x-t-ur-e
Ithe polyester with either styrene or TGM-3 resin at 800C in C02 atmosphere. It is con@
cluded that the unsaturated polyester resins exhibited high thermal stability and that
they can be recommended for use as cements in the production of glass textolites.
0rig. art@. has: 2 tables.
SUB CODE:, 07,11/ SUBH DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REr.. oos
UDC: 678.6441430-9 : 678;746.223.06 677.521t
net +678.6441430-9 67A.67414917An-41-ng A77!%q1
H@ V, H -
-MID I FEN ------
AUTHORS: Klimova, O.M., and Ketelakh, V.Ye.
TITLE: Trityl esters of polyvinyl alcohol
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiiq V. 33, no. 10, 1960,
2319 - 2323
TiAT: The reaction of tdrmation of the ao-called trityl eaterp i.e.
the ester obtained by interaction of triphenyle'riloromethano with
aliphatic alcohols and polysaccharides according to:
(06H 5)3 CCI + ROH --io(C6 H5)3 COR + HCl
was for a long time considered as specific for compounds contain-
ing primary alcohol groups and was used to determine the structu-
re of hydroxyl-containing low and high molecular compounds. During
examination of structure of the products of polyvinyl alcohols
containing primary and secondary hydroxyls, it was discovered that
polyvinyl alcohol (PVS) reacts with triphenylchloromethane. The
Card 1/3
Trityl eaters of polyvinyl alcohol D216/D306
different conditions changed with the change in the content of tri-
tyl groups. There are 2 tablesp 2 figures and 8 referencest 1 Sov-
let-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to
the Bnglish-language Publications read as follows: R.C. Hockett,
and C.S. Hudson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 945, 1934; E-1. Jackson,
R.C. Hockett and C.S. Hudsonp J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 1047, 1934;
Hearon, Hiatt, Fordyce, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 65, 629, 1954; D.D.
Reynolds, W.O. Kenyon, J, Am. Chem. Soc. 72, 1584, 1950.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lenso-
veta (Technological Institute of Leningrad imeni
SUBMITTED: January 20, 1960
Card 3/3
KETSMETS, Dmitriy Ivanovichl ROKASIKO, S.D., otvetstvennyy red.; SINYAVSKAYA,
"'Ired. itz&RE-ei @Iatva, ANDREYET, S.P.. tekhn.red.
[crystallography and mineralogy] Kriatallograftia i mineralogiia.
KharIkov, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi
metallurgii, 1957. 152 p. (MIRA 11:1)
(Crystallography) (Mineralogy)
SZOLLOSSY.L.dr.: TOROK,B.,dr,,..WT.X..dr-; KMTOB.GY.,dr.
Now artificial aortic valve for the surgical treatment of arotic
insufficiency (preliminary report). Orv. hatil. 101 no.26:917-
918 26 Je 160.
1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Agyatem, Saboazati Anatomiai as Mitettaw.
(AORTIC VAM surg.-)
KETT, Miloslav
Effect of impurities on zinc electrolyo". But listy 16 no.9:669-671
S f6l.
1. Vyzkumny ustav kovul Panenake Brozany.
L 30h5-66 EWT(m)/SPF(C)/EdP(t)tVVP(b) IJP(a) IDIAdB
ACCESSION NR: AP5026313 CZ/oW8/6.5/059/00W0oq4/b0q6
AUTHOR:- Kett, Hiroalav
T171E: Determination of specific heats of liquids of an acid character in an
SOURCE: Chemicke liatyt v, 59g no. 1# 1965t 94-96
TOPIC TAGS: specific heat# calorimeter
ABSTRACT: The article discusses using of_n_jteating elements so that the reaulte
would not be influenced of the more generally used resistance coils*
Some experimental remdto are given f g. art. has 2 tables*
A=CIAM)Nt Vy*UWy ustav kovul Pan'snake Brezany (Reasarch L
otitute for Metals)
s uBmnw i 18J&n64 ENGL: 0q V q, SUB 00DE: TDt 33
NO RW SGVs 000',t OTW.* 000 JPRS.
KITTESY. A*.__,..,
Object vision. Szemenzat 90 no.1:1-9 Feb 1953. (CIML 24:5)
1, Doctor Medical Sciences*
EXCEAM 1-;,iDICA Sec.12 Vol.9/12 Ophthalmolors Dec55
1888. KE'rjTj@�@%- Univ. -Augenklin. , Debrecen. *lUber den Schutz der Ifornhaut
-b-c-ilagophthalmischen ZustAnden mit BertIcksichtigung des malignen
Exoplithalnius. Protection of the covnea in lagophthalmic
conditions with reference to malignant exoplithalmus
KLIN.NIBL.AUGENIIEILK. 1954, 1251@1(71-82)lllus. 11
The methods to protect the cornea in lagophthalmic conditions are discussed. Of
the surgical methods, F.'Ischnig's blepharorrhaphy in a personal modification is
preferred, in which the mattress sutures are applied at right angles to tile margin
of the eyelid instead of parallel to,it. Advantages; the bundles of tile orbicularis
muscle run transversely under thL' sutures, which makes dissection more difficult
and widens the surface of adhesion. As a final measure. permanent complete
covering of the cornea by conjunctival tissue may be resorted to. but the correct
performance of this operation is of the utmost importance: The upper margin of
the conjunctiva should be united to the lower one, 3 to 4 mm. below the limbus by
interrupted sutures fixed to the episcleral tissue@ Muller - Heidelberg
JWMBST, Aladar, az orvostudomanyok doktors.
Laszlo Blaskovice in modern literature. Szemsezet 92 no.1:1-5
1. A Debreceni Orvontudowwyi Igyatem Szemklinikajanak
BlaskovicB, Iaszlo)
M 2"
KITTESY, Aladar.
Yestal address; at the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the
OAssociation of the Ophthalmologists of Hangary. Szemeszet 92
no.4:145-150 Doc 55.
1. A Szemeez Szakesoport elnoke.
Hungarian assoc. of ophthalmologists)
KITTISY, Alsdar,dr.
Our cornea transplantations. Orv. betil. 96 no.40:ioq3-ioq6
2 Oct 55.
1. A Debrecani Orvostudomm7i XgVetem Ssemklinikajai;,,..k (igalgatoo.
Kettesy Aladar dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemanye.
V4, U. j I t r,
ExcERnA MICA Sec.12 Y01.1017 OphthaSO10a JW456
1163. KETTESY A Univ.-Augenklin., D ebrecen. *Deckung von Ltd. -ind Gesichts-
NZTJereite--n@jmit mHellosen Intermedilrlappen. Covering of defects
of the palpebrae and the facial skin with intermediary
flaps without a pedicle KLIN.MBL.AUGENHEILK. 1955@ 127/1
(50-58) Illus. 10
In order to combine the advantage of the thin Thlerach grafts with those of the
thicker Krause grafts, the cut surface of the graft for the covering of skin defects
is made at an Intermediary depth of the cutis. Thin procedure was published by the
author as far back an 1938. The technique in discussed and a few indications re-
garding the postoperative treatment are given. From the first postoperative day
on, an ointment bandage is applied. The graft is mostly taken from the forearm,
because this has a thick cutio. The favourable results obtained with this technique
are demonstrated in a number of caries. Fanta Vienna
I= Disaimlimbffity of pseudo-Lsochrauzatio phtes. A
hh,v '1114 . 19"S J-n@ 154; 1@@l (I - 6 -
D,brcrcu) -0 7 t)ij@s M tabt- c-a-r-t to dmide ti,,-,r
4-PpLility %;u ad@nuAta EA - rate mumal from &i-t-
only "NInd ik@trvn,XuqOLm@g) coni6rnied.
14 A WF@Lg
KITTESY,.Aladar, dr.
Therapy of retinal detachment by direct sunlight (solar
coagulation). Orv. betil. 97 no-15:408-410 8 Apr 56.
1. A Debracent. Orvostudomanyt Egyetem Szemklinikajanak
(KettmW , Aladar dr. eg7et. tanar) kozlemenys.
solar coagulation, method. (Run))
solar coagulation in retinal detachment,
method. (Hun))
MKTZ!gq Alndnrp Pro
Pathogenesis and therapy of cc nvergent concomitant etrabiamas, Orve
hetil. 100 no.20:705-712 17 May 59.
1, A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi 11gyatem Szemklinikajanak kozlemenye.
convergent concomitant, pathogen. & ther. (Hun))
KETTESY. Aladar. dr.
Use of bifocal lensep in the treatmrint of convergent strabismus.
Crv. hotil. 103 no.25:1153-1156 24 Je 162.
1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szemklinika.
A. Clinir- "If mn,,- Academy in
(_ifu_,,ary) [Ori-inal version not givi@nl [Tzanslated
Dobrecan I il: - @, L
by @,ojzAwj EcK J. , Docont, Dr. med (Affiliation no t -Iiven)
"On the Retroretinal Component of Optical Recagnition."
Warsaw. POISICI Tyj@odnlk Lokarski, Vol 18, No 19-20, 6-13
'lay 63, pp lj'F-670.
Abstracti [Author's English summary] Experiments have pro-
,ren three stages of optical recognitioni 1) Elementary ob-
sorvation, 2) relative recognition, and -3) absolute recog-
nition. '11io effect of the retroretinal component on the
reco:@nition or vision is 33--130 percent. The Auber-Forster
phenomenon Is due to the relative recognition, and if the
offact of the retroratinal component, the phenomenon dis-
appears. 1he literature confirming these observations is
cited in the body of the text.
Wl _j
- - - - - - - - - - -a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 77
. . I @ . . - -.. I - @." li 11,11, . - . .'; -- :e
t . @j
KgrTM, Adadar, dr.
Loss of the vitreaus body (its Incidence, sequelae, causeB and
prevantion),Orv. hetil. 106 no.27tl249-1257 4 Jl 165-
1. Debreceni Orvontudomanyi Egyetem, Szemklinika.
FrAr. Vi 1.-,, ta Porn 5 or 1 1. 11 Pr f" I
wtki. 1951; (Y,' p. (11 c t or I ow; youn; o,' roil -1 iv-@ f,,ir,- i r
J@ornj j--Ikolom. ljt ed. 11 liv;. , tr 'b !'@ r,
SO: x) ii th ly LI t o f t 'Atr o a an c t@ o n i t-C, vo 1 'No . I I
Nov. 1955, Uncl.
Zemedelske skoly vychovavaji nove odborniky. f-vyd- 1. 7 P aha, Strtni
zemedelske nAkl., 1955. 53 P. (Vzory naseho zeredelstv-1) fAgriculturpl
schools are educnting, young experts. lst ed.-7
DA Not in DLC
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
20 pow md ft grosim cameiii by It Is the cavas of
Radim Kettow. SkW*Q Sj,@, Grol. Ussarm
F.90k.111, x1p:11"flo'coechodavaltian. 41-301ilk RU4.
.kn, 84 8) Ou Fremb. Ad rbe vano cimas
in large name%. 3-4.8 m. in diams. anit 1.3 in. high. and in
WWI. Waitemd be&^ 0.1-0.3 as- in diam. at tht base.
These saWltr deposits am found brouth stalactites which
have pmjectbom ImM which Lbe batmi bang. The pano
is Convated into sol. yallates and phosphates which are
kodW oat by water. T1w siolas. ottack the 01111CM10001
rmk with which they conse in contact. especially tbc newly
I Calcite to Comawtions, Stalagmites. CU. GYPS,=
In depasited directly I th the guano. mast ol the boa@
phates am deposited at son* di2tance. The type W.O.
;;;@ suost fieq tly obomrvad is a hollow d6solv.,A out
of conetetions MW out of t.W tape of StalAgluiles. In
mme cams. the an$ ot tipw cavitkii hvv be- eatea
through by the soln. frcem the Suw. " the guano has
(&Umout. The largest cavity obwrved was about 0.5 m.
staufusite 00 cavity is fortned, but t it sularnite 6 cuc-
mded on Iii, *it". R. Rushton
"Geological Structure of the Tremsin Region and Its Neighborhood. p. 1-21.11 (VEST',=,
1951, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
So: 'Honthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3) No. 5, 11-lay 1954/Uncla33ified
Historicka geologie. Radim Kettner fa_7 Vladimir Pokorny. jyd. 12 Praha,
Statni pelagogicke nakl., 19(53) Vol. 5, pt. 2. (Ucebni @exty vysokych skol)
jistorical geology. Vol. 5, Tertiary. Pt. 2. Neocen.2/
East European Vol- 3, I-Io. 3 4
50; Month Liat If 14~Accessiona/ Library of Congress, March 195j, Uncl.
Historicka geologie Vyd- 1,7 Praha, Statni pedagogicke nAkI., 1953. (Ucebai
texty vysokych skol) 2"'Historical Geology. Vol. 6. Quaternar7@,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionst Library of Congress, Vol. 31 No. 4,
April 1954. Unclassified.
geologic. 'I'retihory. Praha, Statni pedagogicke naki. (Ucebni texty -,rjsolgch
skil) (ifistorical geoloa; the Tortiarj; a textbook. 2d ed.) Vol. 1. (The Paleoceno)
SO: 1..onthly Index of East Euorpean Accessions (MAI) W, Vol- 7, no. 1, Jan
Vseobecna geologie. (w. vyd.) Praha, Nakl. CeskoslovenBke akademis ved.
(General geology; a university textbook. 2d ad. illue., maps, bibl. footnotes,
indexes) Vol. 3. (External geologic forces. The surface of the earth. Geologic
effect of water) 1954. 462 p.
SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957
Founders of Czech geomorphology. p. l.SBORNIK. Praha. (Journal issued
by the Czechoslovak Geographical Society; with English and Russian
sumrraries. Quarterly) Vol. 60, no. 1, 1955
SOURCE: Fast European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress
Vol,,4, No. 12, December 1955
Vseobeena geologle. 2./dil/. Slozeni z?moke kury, vznik hornin a lozisek.
(General Geology. Vol. 2. Comrosition of the Earth Crust ayxl Deposits; a
university te-tbook 3d ed. illus., bibl., indexes, notes) Prague, GSAV,
10,57. 336 P.
The second volume is devoted mainly to th,-,. comrosition of the earth crust. It
deals with the properties of thn mineral raw materials an.,1 natural processes which
le&l to the formation of rocks and deposits. it srecial charter Is devoted to the
:reological rrincirle- of the science on ore -lerosits; deposits Of SUlt, coal, und
oil are included in the chaDter on selimentary-rocks. T'-.e voliure contains detailed
info@mation on the transfornzatioa o@' rocks. The chart-r on the erosion of rocs
deals also with the orimin of the main types oil soil.
DibliogTaficky katalog, CSR, Cooke knihy, No. 32. 17 Sept 57. p. 677.
I. -- - -
"Moric Hemes and Moravian paleontology; on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday
of the Nestor of Czech palootologists.0
p. 215 (Casopts Pro Mineralogii A Geologh. Vol. 2 no. 3, 1957, Czechoslovakia)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EUI) LC- Vol. 7, No. 2,
February 1958
KITTIM, Radim; ZHAIC, Iubor [Zak, Wborl.
In mmory of Frantisek Slavik. Zap. Vass. min. ob-va 86 no.6:704-712
157. (MIRA 110)
1. Marlov universitet. Praga.
(Slavik, Frantiesk, 1876-1957)
Periodicalst CASOPIS PRO MINERALOGII A GEOLOWI Vol. 3, no. 2, 1958
PMTERq R. Josef Kafka (1858-1929); a bioeraphic note. p. 255.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5,
May 1959, Unclass.
Periodicalat CASOPIS PRO MINERAIOGII A GEQLCGII Vol. 39 no. 2. 1958
KETTNER, R. Josef Velenovsky (1858-1949); a brief biography, p, 252
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No* 5,
Ma@r 1959, Unclasa,
Periodicalst CASOPIS PRO MINERALOGII A GEOLOGII Vol. 3, no. 2, 1958
KETnTERp R. Professor 0dolen Kodym's sixieth birthday. p. 247
Monthly List of East Earopaan Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No* 5p
Migr 1959, Unclass.
Y,FTT';-,-,R, R.
"Notes on the peolavy of the Moravian Karst and its environs."
p.81 (Vestnik, Vol. 33., no. 2, 1958, Pralia., Czechoslovakia)
Monthly Index of East European Accession (TT,,AI) LC, Vol. 7, '.,!o. 8, Aug.ust 1958
PERIODICALt VESTNIK. Vol. 33, no. 3, 1958
KETTNERj Re The geologic profile near Piesok in the valley of the Byatre Creek
east of Podbrezova in the Low Tatra Mountains, p. 166.
Monthly List of Ehat Biropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb 59, Unclass.
Ladislav Cepek's sixtieth birthday.; a biographic note and a bibliogrphy of his
works, p. 7
Prague. Ustredni. ustaw geologic1q. VEST?JIK. Prague,, Czechoslovakia., Vol. 3f'- no.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959
JlTon vwxs of tjj() cojx@,r)s of ren To i-lc pt Lr
lirt 0' i ar Onn@-ress,
x1rom thn of the name Barra-W!-,n.,'
UASCI IS RJO .I, --,.,ULCGI I A GW!kGII. C-1c' 7oj-. 4,
il @v I A C 10"13 I'M I). L I, r a i-:- @,-" Jor I -ress
P, ku-71st, 1959.
I f irl
K71771NERJ R
"Professor @@Ado Zaruba Is sixty years old; a biogrraphic note ani a
biblloqrraphy or Ws works."
VESTNIK, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol 14, ro. 4, 1959
Monthly list o' East Europe Accessiors (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept 59
i,ETTI'.12 Radim
COuntI71 Czechoslovakia
Academic Dogmas, Dr
Affiliations/Academy Of Science (Akademie ved)/
Sources Praguel Capopin nrn mi".,Ogii ..a Geo PV01 VI9 No 2t 1961p
Datat to PY 4JLZ-4140
Nikolai Ivanovich Andrusov, 1861-1924.1-
XITT;ER, Radila
Given Nams
Countrys .czechoslovakia
Acadendc Degreesl /Dr/ d)/
Affi3iati.(miCzecho8lovak'Aoademy of- sci.ences (Ceskoslovenaka akademie VO
ia yro mineralogii. a veologiit Vol VI No 2t 1961t
Source: Praguey CaeoP-
pp 215@416- 1941-1911-"
Datas ,Sarnuel Franklin EmmOnO
-Yottner, Hadim
SURW24 Given llamas
Academic Degrees: /Dr/
Affiliations/ Czechoslovak -Academy. of Sciences (Ceskoslovenska akademie vedl/
Source:Praguep Capopis pro Mineralogii a Geologiiv Vol VI, No 2. 1961t p 218.
Datas "Anton Halfar,, 1836-1893,"
Oro 941643
Xettner, Radim
SURW-S, Even Hams
Countrys Czechoslovakia
Academic Degreest / I)r,, /
Affiliations /Academy of-Scienc": (Akademie ved)/
sources Prague, Casopis Pro Mineralogii a -Ueologii, Vol VIp No 2. 1961,
pp 223-224o
Datas "Professor Karel Aboolon Died."
Oro 96164)
Affildation: /qLzacjjosloVak AC@id
0,11y of
Sciences (CeS'-Osl ovens cikade ie ved)/
Source: Prague, Cas@-i)in n-rn a kxeoloaii, Vol VII @;o @, lc-61
PI @76-3711- I p
Ddta-. "Sir James Hall, the Pounder of -tiie- Experiaentall Geology, 1 161-
GFO 9aI643
Give"I 117a:-zJ
Academic D-cCrecs 1 /DR/
ak Academy of science-9 Ccskoslovenska akLlde;"'@- V
.kffiliation 3 /.--- - - No
- -UO, CzLs@@pis pro Kineralor-ii a '@e )I-OLi-i, Vol VII 3, 1961,
source: ;,ruk;, .
pp 379-380-
Data: ,.--,mile Hau."ri, 1661-1927."
i. 4 3
On Bohemian Cambrian. Cas mineral geol 8 no.1:64-69
Ja 163.
Some geological annivervar1*9 In 1963. Cas mineral goel
8 no.1:99-106 Ja 163* N\
UMY&R, Radim
Some geological anniversaries in 1963. Gas min geol 8 no.3:290-
297 J1 163.
BOUSKA.. VJqltrr.,It-i NEWJC, Franti5ek; KETINF-It, Radim, akademik; KCCAREK, Eduardi
Some goological anniversaries. Cas min geol 8 no.4t396-407 0 163.
0' ; @.VO 1 0 :L 1 L 1 0 0
"j'all@Ob Johl'-m-I'loo seficilloIr'- 1,
C-,-o-,-is -0
IlFmntl -,,--ivcr T@Iixil-rlilllf-li i 1; i-,
Criticism of Bome new studien on the Dohomian Cambrian.
Gas min gool 8 no.2:209-213 Ap 163.
KMNER, Radim
Some anniversaries of geologists in 1963. Cas min geol
8 no.2;22le-231 Ap 163.