ACC NRs AP5027580 SOURCE CODE: UR/0364/65/001/011/1@3@@/1351-
AUTHOR: Alpatova, N. H.; Kessler, Yu. H.; Gorbanev, A. 1-. 0
I r1o
ORG: Institute of Electrochemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut
elektrokhimil Akadem_1-F__nTdR--S"S@@
TITLE: Anodic behavior of silicon in some nonaqueous solvents. Ir.
SOURCE: Elektrokhimiyal V. IL, no"ll, 1965, 1344-1351
TOPIC TAGS: silicon, oxidation, organic solvent, electrochemistry,
organosilicon compound, electroplating
ABSTRACT: This article reports on the continuation of work previously
reported in Elektrokhimiya, 1, 844 (1965). To determine the nature of
the anodic reaction of the first polarization wave during the dissolu-
tion of Si in chloride solutions in N-methylformaamide solvent, polari-
zation studies were conducted with stationary and rotating !@lectrodesyj
Measurements were also made in methylchlorosilane solutions. p-type
silicon of 0.045 ohm-cm resistivity and n-type silicon of 0.040 ohm-cm
resistivity were used as anodes. Polarization measurements were made
with the lower faces of cylinders 1.8-3.0 mm in diameter, pressed into
teflon. The faces of the silicon cylinders were successively electro-
LCard 1/2 UDC: 541.13
L 12898-66
ACC NRt AP5027580
plated with palladium and copper and copper leads were soldered to them
The potential of the anode was measured with respect to the aqueous
saturated calomel electrode. Electrode polarization was both galvano-
static and potentiostatic. The anode polarization curve for p-type
silicon in H-methylformaamide solutions has two waves, where the first
wave corresponds to the dissolution of silicon with the participation
of solvent and the second wave corresponds to the oxidation of the Sol-
vent. The reaction is inhibited prior to the second wave, which is ex-
plained on the basis of adsorption of chloride ions on the electrode
surface. It was shown that the holes participate in the anodic disso-
lution of silicon just as in the case of aqueous solutions. It is con-
cluded that the results of this work will be useful in the preparation
of silicon surface relatively free of oxide film, electropolishing of
silicon, and production of new organosilicon compounds.7 The authors
wish to express their gratitude to b. I. Krishtalik for'the valuable re
marks which he made in the course of the discussion of the results.
Orig. art. has; 7 figures.
Card 2/4
Change in the structure of a solvent in a coulombic field of ions.
and the thermodymamics of strong electrolyte solutions. Zhur. otruk.
khim. 6 no-3:361-370 W-je 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSI.
4-- A ;i
betwefjn mv!.hyl c"'llor")w w "n nory, .-;( "ninj
oil U.,tra-substituted ammonlin haljdc-p anA HC1. Zhur.
kh'.m. 10 no.7A566-1571 11 165. (MIRA
'@-y T'
Electromagnetic chopper with a wide regulation range of the
operational pulsea, Zhur,fiz,khim. 39 no.Ilt2847-2848 N
165. (MIRA l8sl2)
1. institut elaktrokhimii AN SSSR,'
The MS-3-type multiple-system circular knitting machine.
Biul.tokh.-ekon.inform. no-8:51-53 159. (MIELk 13:1)
(Knitting machines)
@W I
The MS-4 circular knitting machine, Blul. tekh.-ekon. Inform.
no.10:54-55 159. (MIRA 13:3)
(Knitting machines)
ACCESSION NR: AP4041789 S/0191/64/000/007/0065/0066
AUTHOR: Kesteklman, V.M. ; Felld-, D. I.; Kestellman, X. Ya.
TITLE: Abrasion resistance of polyformaldehyde used in slide bearings
SOURCE: Plastiche6kiye massy*, no. 7, 1964, 65-66.
TOPIC TAGS: polyformaldehyde, slide bearing . polyformaldehyde sleeve,
abrasion,Kapron sleeve, polytormaldehyde abrasion, automobile bearing
q ABSTRACT: The main characteristics of polyformaldehyde are tabulated, a-
formula is presented for the calculation of the coefficient of friction,
and the restilts of laboratory tests of bearings with polyformaldehyde sleeves
are discussed, Using the Shkoda-Savina and MI-124 machines, 'the wear of poly-
formaldehyde and Kapron sleeves was compared in relation to the load, dur-
ation of friction and specific pressure. The re6UI'tS showed that polyfor-
Maldehyde was markedly superior to Kapron. This was confirmed by extensive
laboratory tests carried out at the "Rommunar" auto plant with the front
suspension bearings of the "Zaporozhets" automobile, manufactured of poly-
formaldehyde, Kapron or a methlloceramic material (Fe-Cu-C). These tests
Card 1/2
Casting large pieces with reduced machining allowance. Lit.proizv.
no.2 oupplemento.18-21 156. (nU 9:7)
(Steel castings)
0 0 0 0 0 0
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RT- 1567 (The study of corrosion stability of boiler steel:, under t.-.e action rf high
temperature steam) Izuchenie korrozionnoi stoikosti kotellnyk.-i rtalei pod vozdeist-.,ien
para vysokikh temperatur. Pages 62-76 from:
Runsian source unavailable for review)
17@77I, I T- (En:- 1, '7 T-;,-,
11-et-hod of Tcctir,,-@ 'tpcl for (ad Corri-31on If, 'jjr-I-, onc of .@!-Iit
articL@s a in the bnok: "Inve-StIr-aUon of thn Str',@.-s Corro3ion of "etals
e0i teCII .,,I. , ij 4 y-,OV I'CSCOW 1953
Gentral Sci. 17cs Technolor- and @@achinc
Translation I.- 315,"Aj, 15 Dec 55
R"m En -N K.
. .... . .
f f L
DAVIDDVSKAYA, Yelena Aleksandrovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; KESTELI,
inzh.; URYUPINA, Yekaterl-i@aya@ovna,
kand. tekhn. nauki-IUGAZINA, M.F., insh., ved. red.;
[Effect of heat treatment on the tendency in stainless steel
toward intercrystal-line corrosion] Vliimde termicheakoi ob-
rabotki na sklonnost' nerzhaveiushchiM stalei k mezhkristal-
litnoi korrozii. Moskva, Filial Voes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn.
informataii, 1958. U p. (Peredovoi nauchno-takhaichookii i
proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 13. No.M-58-15/1) (MIRA 160)
(Steel, Stainless-Corrosion)
(Metals, Effect of temperature on)
DAVIDOVSKAYA, Ye.A., kand.takhn.nauk,- ECSTZLI, L,P,, inzh.
Investigating the haat resistance of alloyed stemls in various
gas media. Inergomashinostroonie 4 no.11:15-19 N 158.
(steel alloys) (MIRA 11:11)
AUTHORS: Davidovskaya, Ye. A.1 Candidate of Technical Science and
Kestel', L. P., Engineer
TITLE: Investigation of the Influence of Super-Heated Water
Vapour on the LonZ Duration Strer.Gth of Austenitic Steel
(Iszledovaniye vliyaniya pereGretogo vodyanogo
pars. na dlitellnuyu prochnost' austenitnoy stali)
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 8,
pp 29-33 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The aim of the work described in this paper was to study
the influence of suDer-heated steai
a on the long duration
strenGth of the Steel E1257 at 600 C. The test specimens
were produced froja cut-offs of tubes 0of 102/68 mm; the
blanks vere first hardened from 1150 C in viater. The
chemical coiriposition and the mechanical prorerties of the
steel of the individual specimens are entered in Tables 1
and 2, p 30. The specimens were of 4 nm dia. with a test
length of 25 mm. The long duration strength tests viere
effected on test machines VP-8. The test rig for testing
in the gaseous medium consisted of a steam generator, a
Card 1/4 steala super-heater and a furnace 1, a schematic sketch of
which is reproduced in Fig.1) P.@@O. Co.@Uparative tests
Investigation of the Influence of Super-fleated Water Vapour on the
Long Duration Strength of Austenitic Steel
were effected for two types of heat treatment, namel@,,
hardening and hardening followed by tempering at ?50 C
for ten hours. After hardening, the structure consisted
of austenite with a small quantity of carbide separations
predominantly along the grain boundaries; in this state
the steel is chemically stable and does not t-end to
develop inter-crystallite corrosion 6 However, after
short duration annealing at 600-800 C considerable
quantities of the carbide phase separate out from the
solid solution; the chemical stability of the steel is
appreciably reduced and it becomes prone to inter-
crystallite corrosion. Therefore, the investigations were
carried out using two differing types of heat treatment
and the results are entered in Table 3 and graphed in
Fig.2a. It can be seen that the time to failure is
practically equal in super-heated steam and in air; it
can be seen from Fig.2 that the stress-time to failure
relation is represented in logarithmic coordinates by a
straigh8 line without any discontinuity. After teiaperinG
Card 2/4 (at ?50 C for ten hours), the steel showed great
Investigation of the Influence of Super-Heated Water Vapour on the
Long Duration Strength of Austenitic Steel
inclination to inter-crystallite corrosion and was less
stable and in ouch a state the steel must not be used
for operation in licigid media, The actual results of
tensile tests at 600 C in such a state are entered in
Table 4 (for air and super-heated steam), The long
duration strength of Lhisosteel was also investigated In
super-heated stea;!i at C-00 C in presence of a molten
alkali and the results are entered in Table 5. The
carried out tests indicate that pure super-heated steam
which does not contain any salL admixtures does not reduce
the strength of this steel at high temperatures,, However,
the presence of salts %-jhich become deposited on such steel
may reduce appr,.-@ciablj the strer.Uth characteristics and,
therefore, in practical operation it is essential to
purify carefully the super-heated steam from salt
Card 3/4 contaminations.
Investigation of the Influence of Super-fleated Water Vapour on the
Long Duration Strength of Austenitic Steel
There are 3 figures, 5 tables and 1 Soviet reference.
1. Steel--Mechanical properties 2. Steel--Test methods
3. Steel--Temperature factors 4. Steam--Applications
C ard 4/4
DAVIDDVSKM, Ys.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KISTELI, L.P., inzh.
Heat resistance of austenite steels in gaseous media.
[Trudy-] TBNIITMSH 100:59-69 159. (XIU 13: 7)
(ELost-resistant &1loys)
91 1 , a
110.4 3,
j ill " I
haj i vat
R" R
DAVIDOVSKAYA, Ye.A., kand. takhn. nauk; INSTEL', L.P. inzh.
Heat resistance of alloyed steel In various gas media. Trudy
TSNIITMASH 92:93-108 159. (MIRA 12:8)
"r&STJ&LV-L*R,V.,Lnzh.; DAVIDOVSXATA, Te.A., kand. tekhn. nauk
Bffect of the concentration of sulfur dioxide and water vapors
on the corrosion of austenitic steel at high temperatureso
Trudy TSHIIT14ASH 92:109-124 159. (MIRA 12:8)
(Steel-Corrosion) (Sulfur dioxide)
Pf F Xr i
i m vr!
KESTELIMLN, N., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; XMYAR, L., kandidat tekhniche@-
ZxPerimental studies #a milling.-corn meal; A*.-slev.prom. 21 no.11:
13-15 N '55. MRA 9: 4)
l.Odeaskiy takhnologichaskiy institut imani I.T.Stalina.
(Corn milling)
Zffect of the surface roughness of roller flutes during the let
and 2nd breaking stages on indices of the grinding processe Isv* Tyst
uoheb. zav.: pishch. takh, no. 2:78-84 '58. (MIRA ll;*10)
1. Odeaskiy takhnologichookiy institut imeni I.V.Stalins, Eafedra
tekhnologii metallov.
Mour mills)
TSORFASI S., Inch.; KOTLTAR, L., kand.tean.nauk; KESTZLIW, N., kaa.ttkbn.
For more extensive introduction of the preventive maintenance of
machinM and equipnent, Muk-elev.prome 25 no.1:14-17 Ja '59.
(MIRA 12:3)
1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy inetitut imeni I.V. Stalina.
(Oral n-39 11ing machinery-AhintenaneA and repair)
S/1q 60/000/004/014/015
B01 @X,3058
AUTHORS: Kestellman, Ns Ya., Ferdmang I, A.
TITLE: Influence of the Normalizing tj,,thod on t1le Wolir of Outor
Laycrs of Caprone Specimens Due to Liquid Sliding Friction
PERIODICAL: ssy) 1960, No. 4, pp. 60-70
Plasticheskiye ma J
TEXT: The authors report on their studies of wear due to liquid sliding
2riction on steplike shaped caprone specimens. They prepared three sets
of samples which served for testing layers at different depths with re-
inlized at 1OoOC in
6ard to their wear resistanco The samples were norn
water and at 160 to 1700C in oil of the type , MawwwceP, ("Engine
made on the 'koda - Savinall
Oil T11) for 60 min. The wear tests were I'S
device. The places of friction were amply lubricated with oil of the fypc
if MOTIOPHOe T's ("Motor Oil T11) and brought into contact with a rotating
hard-metal disc. The authors conclude therefrom thatt 1) the wear of
samples normali zed in water increases the more, the closer the layer is
'to the surface; 2) the contrary is the case with samples normalized in
oil. It is shown that the wear resistance of the upper layers of samples
Card 1/2
Influence Of the Normalizing Method on the 13 016/BO58
Wear Of Outer Layers Of Caprone Specimens
Due to Liquid Sliding Friction S11911601000100410141015
normalized in water is much lower than that of samples normalized in oil.
The hardness of samples normalized in oil is 1-3 to 1-7 times higher
than that of samples normalized in water. Accordinglyp the wear resistance
of the former is also greater. Summing upt If workpieces with constant
dimensions are to be manufactured in press molds, they are to be normaliz-
ed in oil. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Kestellman,_N.__Ya.
TITLE: Centrifugal Casting of Parts From Polyamidos
PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 5, PP@ 41-42
TEXT: This is a description of the contrifugal casting of caprone bush-
ings, for friction bearings as a substitute for the expensive bearing
metal. It is emphasized that dimensions of the bushings must be adapted
to the properties of the plastic. Copying of metal bearings is inexpedient.
Bushings should be thin-walled. They0are reinforced by cast-iron bushings.
Caprone was dried for 30 hours at 80 C until it contained no more than
0.@@ water. Then, it0was filled into a cylindrical mold, molten for
15-20 minutes at 250 C, the mold clamped in the three-jaw chuck of a lathe,
and the caprone caused to solidify at 800-1500 'pq. Results are given for
some plastics; polycaprolactam, melting point 2150C, casting temperature
230-2400C, Brinell hardness of the finished product 10-12 k9/mm2 ; pol -
0 oy
amide resin 68, melting point 210-215 C, casting temperature 250-260 C,
Brinell hardness 14-15 k9/mm2; polyamide resin AV--7 (AK-7), melting point
Card 1/2
@0- - RM
Centrifugal Casting of Parts S/191/60/000/005/012/020
From Polyamides B004/B064
240-2430C, casting temperature 250-2650C10Brinell hardness 15-18 kg/mm2
polyamide resin 54, melting point 150-160 C, casting temperature 170-160 C,
Brinell hardness 4-4.5 kWmm2. The empirical formula n - 2000/I-R--
(n number of revolutions, R - external diameter of the bushing,
e wall thickness in cm) is given to calculate the necessary speed. The
procedure is applied by the Dnepropetrovskiy zavod arednikh gidravlicheskidi
i tyazhelykh mekhanicheskikh pressov (Dnepropetrovsk Works for Medium
Hydraulic and Heavy Mechanical Presses) and Zaporozhskiy zavod "Kommunar"
(Zaporozhlye "Kommunar" Works). Tests showed that the bearing capacity of
caprone is not inferior to that of various bearing bronzes when oil
lubrication is applied. Moreover, different lubricants including water
can be used for caprone. For oil lubrication, a gliding velocity
v - 3 m/sec and a pressure P - 100 kg/cm2, i.e.,Pv = 300, were found to
be optimum. There are 2 figures and 1 table.
Card 2/2
KESTELIMAN, N.Yaef kand.takhn-nauk) dotsOnt
secondary capron. II'7,,VyBf
--- Surface rOUhn6ss C&Uaed w cutting 161. (MIRA 14:4)
uchob.zav*; mashinostre nO .1:195-191
1. OdessktY tkbuologicheiskilr iwtitut-
24 2300 11 @01 B11O/B206
AUTHORSs Kestellman, N. Ya., Kestellman, V. N.
TITLEs Apparatus for measuring the thickness of plastic coatings,
considering the unevenness of the metallic surface
PERIODICALi Plasticheskiye masey, no. 4, 1961, 48-50
TEXT: A device developed in the magnet laboratory of MGU (Moscow State
University) with a permanent magnet, as well as an electric spark defecto-
scope of VNIIAvtogen were used to measure the thickness of plastic coatings.
These apparatus are, however* not very well suited for production control.
When applying polyamide coatings on ferrous metals, the coating quality
increases with decreasing surface purit of the metal (from 78 to'71
according to rV'T' 2789-59 (GOST 2789-59@). The magnetoolectric device for
thickness measurements (Fig. 1) consists of the immobile hor-qeshoe magnet
1 and the mobile frame 2. To increase the magnetic effect, the clearance
between the frame and the poles 3 from soft magnetic material is kept very
small. Interaction of magnetic field and direct current in the frame
causes deflection of the pointer 4. The direct current flows from the dry
Card 1
Apparatus for measuring the ... B11O/B208
cell 7 of the YR-A-0-50 (XBS-L-0.50) type to the frame via spring 6, The
initial adjustment is effected by potentiometer 8. The device has four
scales of different sensitivity. The flat shoes 9 of the magnet are put
on the specimen (10). 11 is the switch. At high surface purity (711-13)
of the specimen, the clearance between it and the shoes is nearly equal to
zero, It exerts a shunting effect on the magnetic system which, in turn,
has only a weak induction effect on the frame. This minimum deflection of
the pointer then indicates the zero point. With increasing thickness of a
plastic coating between metal surface and shoes, the shunting effect of the
specimen on the magnetic system decreases, while the induction effect on
frame 2 and the angular deflection of pointer 2 increase. Fig. 2 shows
thg dependence of the pointer indication on the coating thickness
(0.25-3.5 mm) at constant height of the unevenness of the metal surface
VS, The measuring ranges of the scales ares Scale I: i - 1-3.5 mm;
scale IIt 6 - 0.5-2 mm; and scale IM Z - 0-0.75 mm. If shoe.3 with a
vertex angle of 450 are used, the thickness of coatings of any surfaces
may be measured with scale IV (racks, gears, cylindrical shafts. rolls,
etc.). To determine the dependence of indication on the unevenness of
the metal surface, measurements were carried out at equal coating thick-
Card 2/ 6
Apparatus for measuring the ... B110/B208
ness but different heights of unevenness (Fig. 4). The wanted scale is
adjusted to zero according to the standard (V8). Firstthe deflection n
on contact with the non-coated surface is read, then the deflection nj
after coating, and, finally, the thickness is determined from Fig. 2. As
the apparatus indicates both the coating thickness and the height of
unevenness, a correction factor KR has to be introduced to determine the
actual coating thickness Eg. In order to obtain KR, the degree of purity
of the metal surface has to be measured by using Fig. 4 with known indica-
tion of n. KR will then be read from the table. A polished steel surface
corresponding to the 8th purity grade and having a mean arithmetic profile
deviation Ra = 0.63A was used as standard. The actual coating thickness is
obtained from Eg . S'KR mm, where Ig - actual coating thickness; thick-
ness obtained from Fig. 2 according to instrument indication 't KR
corrective factor. In this way, the thickness of polycaprolactam, poly-
ethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polystyrene coatings was determined.
There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 2 Soviet-bloc references.
Card 3/6
Expediency of using capron in the trieur disk manufacture. Izv.
vys. uch6b. zav.; pishch. tekh. no. 2:108-113 161,, (MIRA 14:5)
1. Odesskiy takhnologicheskiy institut imeni I.V. Stalina.
Kafedra. tekhnologii metallo i Kafedra tekhnologicheskogo
(Grain-handling machinery)
.9 Y
Instrument for determining the thickness of a plastic coat, making
allowances for the roughness of the metal-lic surface. Plast.masay
no-4140--50 %1. . ' v (MIRL 14W
'(PIqLstics-Testing) (Thickness measurement)
AUTIAOR: Kestellman. N. Ya.
TITLE: Investi@;ation of the abrasion endu3@ance of cairone
astmassy v mashinontroyenii i priborostroyenii...
Pervay-i resp. nauch.-tckh. konfer. po vopr.,prim.
plastmass v machinostr. i prib6rostr., Kiev, 1959.
Xicv, Gostelchizdat, 1961, 325-334
TEXT: The wenr endurance of caprone, bronze, and cast iron was
to--ted by five met hods which are described... They include two fric-
tional testus aC;ainnt abrasive materials, a low-velocity frictional
test, an improved test for hardness, and a test for lubricated sur-
faces. The wear resistuance of caprone was found superior to that of
the other matcrialn due to the formation of a cpiapact surface layer.
The addition of 2-2.5% silver graphite increaa6d considerably the
Card 1/2
Investi.-'ation of the abrasidn endurance ...
wear resistance o" caprone. The effect, of environment on 4 he hard-
ness of caprone is discussed, Normalization of,capronc in oil in-
creascd its hardness by 13-20/5 w1hile normalization in water caused
a 7-13@o' decrease. Thrice fused caprone has low wear resistance des-
pite its high hardness. There 'are 8 figures and 4 tables.
Card 2/2
Economic efficiency of using plastics in refrigerating machinery.
Biul.takh.-ekon.inform,Goo.nauch.-isal.init.nauch.i takh,inform,
16 no.4t24-26 163. (MIRI 16:8)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) (Plastics)
Apparatus for determining the hardneso of plastic thin-layer
coatings and bushings. Zav. lab. 29 no.lOsl252-1253 163.
(MIRA l61l2)
1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lomonosova.
GENELI, S.V., kand. tekhn. naukj KESTELIM) N.Ya.) kand. tekbn.
nauk; KESTELIMAN, V.N., .A -. IT'', inzh.,-
retsenzent; BLAGOSKWNOVA, N.Yu.,, inzh., red.
(Polf meric materials in food machinery manufacture] Poli-
merrqe materialy v pishchevom mashinootroenii. Moskva, lzd-
vo "Mashinoatroenie," 1964. 382 P. (MIRA 17:6)
cEi t a c) i i 5
Nr@ T,.',
Utilization of plastic coated metals in the manufacture of
food machinery. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch-tekh-no. 2:90-
83 164. '(MIRA 17:5)
1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut iii@eni Lo:,-,onosova i
Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti.
;4 in t
. . I - I- I - - ', - @ I r - @ ` . - , - . z ; @ ? i s r, @
, . , ;@ ! : @ i ,
i- @@t
't @ 7
w @'
nau" , dot@,ent;
%----".,9TP@[AMAjjj 7.11., inzh.
Effect of lonizing radiations on the wear resisTance of pollyarnides.
iz-,r.vy,-,.ucY,ub.zav.;mastitnos4lr. no.5:16P-172 164.
(t.1 T R.' 8: 1)
(,,:,IesskJ.y tekhno3ogicheskiy institut Lneni M.V.Lorcncsova.
Selecting Parameters and methods for applying caprone coatings
on metal surfaces. Mashinostroitell no.1103-34 N 164
(MIRA 18-.2)
thfi UBO
(MIRA 1818)
VOLK','.'. , 7. ."'. , , - I :,.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsert
--rice-suminar on
fl@! i the introduction of plastiC3 into the
machinery industry. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no.6:85 Ja 165.
(IMIEA 18:6)
L 01009-66 EN-1 (m)/EI'F(c I i )/T_nJT'( -v -4 t )/ L-!@'Tp jl-; / V@ 4 ME,
ACCESSION NR! AP5019570 UR/0191/65/000/008/0059/0061
'AUTHOR: Kestellman, V. N tto R1. A.; Kestellmap, a.,
RM__,_ Shapov lov, Yu.
.Mironovich. L. L. , r @ .4 13)_4q-@-____
'TITLE: Durability and adhesion of 11ylon coatings,as a function of the methods Of
Itheir deposition on metal surfaces
ISOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 8, 1965, 59-61
!TOPIC TAGS: adhesive bonding, nylon, steel', cast iron, plast,c coating
:ABSTRACT: The properties of Volyiuiii1ift, coatinpnj obtained by clouqly rfilated netlicq.19
are compared. The optimum temperature of the metal during the depcsition of the
.nylon film was found to be 225-2SOOC (see fig. I of the Enclosure). Deviation f
this temperature sharply decreases the adhesiodibf the coating and its physical rnmd
!mechanical properties. Sand blasting of the surface of the metal increases the
:strength of coupling between the coating and the metal. The best adhesion of nyloni
ito steel is achieved when the particle size of nylon is in the 200-270 u range (see-,
-fig. 2 of the Enclosure). Below 20O.V nylon is oxidized at elevated temperatureQ
Card 1/4
L 0.1.009-66
land above 270 V it is poorly melted. Powders were produced by dissolution of nyloni
;in caprolactam monomer, precipitation, extraction of solvent anti drying. It was
Jound that coatings obtained by different methods differ significantly in their dura-
lbility. The most stable nylon coatings were obtained by the vibration inethod. "The
;authors express their gratitude to S. B, Ratner for, his valuable advice." Orig.
art. has: 11 figures.
'NO REP SOV: 006 OTHERt 002
Card 2/4
L olcoq-6 6
t Fig. 1. Adhesion of nylon
bO IM coati
to steel (1,3) and
cast iron (2,4) parts as a
function of surface tempera-
w ISO xe
'Card 3/4
US QM 015 tq@o O'Z5 030 qj@
P rt cle size, wm-
,Card 4/4
11g. 2. Adhesicn of nylon to
steel as a function of the
particle size of the nylon
r (the surface of the
metal specimens was cleaned by
sand blasting).
Use of plastics in equipment. Mashinostroenie no-4:39-41
JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Zaporozhskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva.
24 -2300 Blio/B208
AUTHORS: Kestellman, N. Ya., Kestellman, V. N.
TITLEs Apparatus for measuring the thickness of plaotic coatings,
considering the unevenness of the metallic surface
PERIODICALt Plasticheskiye massy, no. 4, 1961, 48-50
TEXTt A device developed in the magnet laboratory of MGU (Moscow State
University) with a permanent magnet, as well as an electric spark defect9-
scope of VNIIAvtogen were used to measure the *thickness of plastic coatings.
These apparatus are, however, not very well suited for production control.
When applying polyamide coatings on ferrous metals, the coating quality
increases with decreasing surface purity of the metal (from 78 tc 71
according to ro,,r 27a9-59 (GOST 2789-59)). The magnetoelectric device for
thickness measurements (Fig. 1) consists of the immobile horseshoe magnet
I and the mobile frame 2. To increase the magnetic effect, the clearance
between the frame and the Poles 3 from soft magnetic material is kept very
small. Interaction of magnetic field and direct current in the frame
causes deflection of the pointer 4. The direct current flows from the dry
Card 1
Apparatus for moaauring the ... B110/B208
cell 7 of the Kbr,-A-0-50 (KBS-L-0-50) type to the frame via spring 6, The
initial adjustment is effected by potentiometer 8. The device has four
scales of different sensitivity. The flat shoes 9 of the magnet are put
on the specimen (10). 11 is the switch. At high surface purity (711-13)
of the specimen, the clearance between it and the shoes is nearly equal to
zero. It exerts a shunting effect on the magnetic system which, in turn,
has only a weak induction effect on the frame. This minimum deflection of
the pointer then indicates the zero point. With increasing thickness of a
plastic coating between metal surface and shoes, the shunting effect of the
specimen on the magnetic system decreases, while the induction effect on
frame 2 and the angular deflection of pointer 2 increase. Fig. 2 shows
the dependence of the pointer indication on the coating thickness
(0.25-3.5 mm) at constant height of the unevenness of the metal surface
V8. The measuring ranges of the scales ares Scale Is f - 1-3-5 mm;
scale M 6 - 0-5-2 mmi and scale IM I - 0-0.75 mm. If shoes with a
vertex angle of 450 are used, the thickness of coatings of any surfaces
may be measured with scale IV (racks, gears, cylindrical shafts, rolls,
etc.). To determine the dependence of indication on the unevenness of
the metal surface, measurements were carried out at equal coating thick-
Card 2/ 6
Apparatus for measuring the ... B110/B208
ness but different heights of unevenness (Fig. 4). The wanted scale is
adjusted to zero according to the standard (V8). Firstthe deflection n
on contact with the non-coated surface is read, then the deflection nj
after coating, and, finally, the thickness is determined from Fig. 2. As
the apparatu3 indicatealboth the coating thickness and the height of
unevenness, a correction factor KR has to be introduced to determine the
actual coating thickness S9' In order to obtain KR, the degree of purity
of the metal surface has to be measured by using Fig- 4 with known indica-,
tion of n. KR will then be read from the table. A polished steel surface
corresponding to the 8th purity grade and having a mean arithmetic profile
deviation Ra ' 0.63@t was used as standard. The actual coating thickness is
obtained from Eg . ,@'KR mm, where ig a actual coating thickness; thick-
ness obtained from Fig. 2 according to instrument indication; KR
corrective factor. In this way, the thickness of polycaprolactam, poly-
ethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polystyrene coatings was determined.
There are 5 figures, I table, and 2 Soviet-bloc references.
Card 3/6
Instrument for determining the thickness of a plastic coat, making
a2lowanceo for the roughness of the metallic surface. Plast.massy
no./+t0--50 %1. . '; (MIRA 14:4)
'(P34stico-Testing) (Thickness measurement)
Use of capron in industry. Mashinostroitell no.1:46 Ja 162.
(MMA 15:1)
.KMTEL'M.A-N,..-VH.,@nzh.; IVASHKEVICH, V.P., Inzh.
Manufacturing capron bushings. Mashinootroenle no.6329-31 N-D
162. (MBA 16t2)
1. Zaporozhskiy avtozavod NKom=ar".
Plastic equipment. Nwhinostroite-11 no-5:17-18 My 162.
(Plastics) (MM .15--5)
eU8' 0' Plastics in the electric equipment Industry. Energ. I
lektrotekh. prom. no.3!76 JJ-S 163.
1. Pridneprovskiy sOvet narodnogo khozyaystva. (MIRA 16:10)
.'F: Na WPQ-14merio material for mAchine bulldinp"
SO-PC Z, R-nilletent teldiniko-elzonotrAche3kci. informatsii. no. 6. 1961.
TOPIC TAGS: nolyformaldehyde, polymeric material, machine part
heat resistance, wear resistance
ABSTRACT: The _Kuskovnkiy Chemical _,Z@lant has developed a new polymeric
material known as A). PFA is more -dear res4s'-ant
polzf ormaldehydeN Irr' @ U -
than the various polyamides that have been widely used in the machine
t),-iilding industry because of their wear resistance. FFA has a denser
crystal lattice than polyethylene which increases its ptiysical-
mechanical properties. FrA preserves Its mechanical Properties under
h-'F,'- fluctuating temperatures up to 3930K. it is pro@uced in the
lLnr- Of yellow granules which are processed by die casting, pressing,,
or extriision. Machine parts made of FFA should be heat treated by I
soaking in boiling water or oil at 4270K for 1-@ min for each 1 mm
of part t1niclaiess. Wear resistance of PFA has proven superior to
Card 1/2
L 16821-63
to Lg2ron and paramet in autonobile machim parts. FFFA is used for
ball boarir gears, and other machine Darts because of its good
MecFanlcRl properties, heat resistance, 'and low water absorbency. At
pres(3nt the Kor-munar Automobile Plant and the Kuskovsk17 Chemical
Plant are developing ne-4 uses for PFA. Orig. art'. I@as: no figures,
tables, or formulas.
SUBMTTTED: 00 D-ATz Acqi oaug63 ENCL: 00
C,rd 2/2
"Stavini47 a new-prondoing,wabined materW. Plast. mas3y
no.l.l16O-61 163. (MIRA 16il2)
Now polymer material used in the manufacture of machinery. Biul.
tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.naucho-isal.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16
no.6t20-21 163. (MIRA 16%8)
Apparatus for determining the hardnes-3 of PlaBtiC thJn-layer
00atiZIgs and bUghingSe Zav. lab. 29 no.lOsl252-1253( 163.
1. Odeaskiy tekhnologic MIRA 16:12)
heskiy inatitut imeni Lomonosova.
1@5 -141 -0-Ell-
FELIDMAN, D.I., inzh.; KESTELIMAN, V.N., inzh.
Determining dimensions of capron bushings. Mashinostroenie no.4:
90-91 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Zaporozhskiy av-tozavod "Kommunar".
Wear resistance of "penton" plastics. Plast.mamisy no.12s60-61 163.
(MIRA l7t2)
GENELI, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KESTELIMM, N.Ya., kand. tekhn.
nauk; KESTELIMAN, V.11., inzh.; KOWi, A.M., inzh.,,
retsJn-z-e-n't-j---B=S=ROVA, N.Yu., inzh.,, red.
(povmeric materials in food machinery manufacture] Poli-
mernye materialy v pishchevom mashinootroenii. Moskva, Izd-
vo "Mashinostroanie." 1964. 382 P. (MIPA 17:6)
BENDERSKIY, S.N., kand.tekhn. nauk; BURSIATI, V.R., prof.,, kand.
tekhn. nauk; VASILIYEV, P.N., inzh.; DOIRFVAN, E.Ye., inzh.;
ZIJURAVLEV, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; KESrELIMAII V N
'FE-m ;7auk-l-
inzh.; KRUGLOV, A.N.p dots., kand. t 0
A.A., dots., kand.tekhn. nauk; LEVACHEV, N.A.# dots., kand.
tekhn. nauk; LEYKIN, A.Ya., inzh.; NAMISKIY, N.K.) dots.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; PLATONOV, P.N., prof., doktor tekhn.
nauk; SOKOLOV, A.Ya.p prof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk; KUTSENKO,
K.I.p kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; VEREIIEYENKO,
Ye.I... inzh., retsenzent; K0VTUN, A.P., inzb., retsenzent;
SEMENYUK, A.I., retoonzent; KASHCHEYEV, I.P., inzh.,
retsenzentj PALITSEV, V.S.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
[Conveying and reloading machinery for the overall mechaniza-
tion of the food industries] Transportiruiushchie i peregru-
zochnye mashiny dlia kompleksnoi meklianizatsii pishchevykh
proizvodstv. Moskvap Pishchevaia promyghlennost', 1964.
759 p. (MIRA 18:3)
(Continued on next card)
BENDERSKIY, S.N.- (continued). Card 2.
1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni M.V.Iomonosava
(for Kutsenkop Naremskiyo Veremeyenko, Kovtun). 2. Starshiy
ekspert Upravlaniya po avtoratizatsii i oborudovaniyu dlya
pishcbevoy promyshlennosti GouWarstvennogo korlteta po ma-
shinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane SSSR (for Semenyuk). 3. Glavrqy
mekhanik Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu pred-
priyatiy mukomollnokrupyanoy i kombikomovoy promyslilennosti
i olovatorno-okladnkogo khozyaystva (for Kashcheyev).
/+. Zaveduvusbehiy laboratoriyey Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-
issledovateltskogo instituta zerna i produktov ego perera-
botki (for Palltsev).
KIZTEL'MAN, V,N., Inth.; IVASRHICH, V.P., inzh.
Atitoclave with induction heating for making parts from capron,
Mashinostroenie no. 2:30-32 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5)
Resear ch in the field of the utilization bf capron in the man-
ufacture of food mac-hinery. I%v.vys.uchvb.zav.;
75-79 164. (MIRA 17: 5)
1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti,
kafedra pishchevykh mashin.
Utilization of plastic coated metals in the manufacture of
food nachinery. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.,- pisbch-tekh-no. 2:80-
83 164. JMIRA 170)
Odesokiy tekhnologicheekly institut imeni Loi,-,onosova i
14oskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlonnosti.
IVA:@?WYLMHJI inzh.;j TELIMIN, V.N., inzh. -
Now polymer material for the machinery industry. MashJnostroenie
no.lzl'/-18 Ja-F 164. (MIRI 17:7)
tc'@!Lri. nauk, dot,.7ent; C.;@-IYRI, tekhn. nauk;
Effect of ttmizing radiations on the wear resisi,anee cf Folyamides.
no.5:IC-P-172 I 6@.
1. Odeicki.y te-khrologicheskly ins"itut -'mE,-n" M.V.Lom,mcsova.
011@1 Rl@ OR
@7 m
w. -I IKE
gvf@ NMI
vlMC Ii! - -P
-,,i tsninosuoyeLIJW@, rM, -.Y, L;'u'l, J--
Selectlng parameters and methods for applying caprone coatings
on metal surfaces. Hashinoutroitell no.1103-34 N 164
(MIRA 18 t2)
A @Y 11-7@1
V @j
01-009-66 ENT (m)/EPF (C)/E7,-JTP I )/:-7@!P(v @,@MVF( j)/T1 !t)/Ee.TP "b
;ACCESSION NR: AP5019570 UR/0191/65/000/008/0059/0061
AUTHOR:, Kestellman, V. N.; Rutto, R._A..; Kestellman. N. Yg.; Shapovalov, Yu. I..
__HjrQnoyich. L. L. 9 5 5 @;5
JITLE: Durability and adhesion of ilylon coatings,as a function of the methods of
!their deposition on metal surfaces
@SCURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no-. 8, 1965, 59-61
!TOPIC TAGS: adhesive bonding, nylon, steel, cast iron, plastic coating
!ABSTRACT! The properties of polyamide c @btained by closely related methods.
!are compared. The optimum temperature of the metal during the deposition of the
of the Enclosure). Deviation from;
Alylon film was found to be 225-2500C (see fig.
'this temperature sharply decreases the adhesion%of the coating and its physical andi
!Mechanical properties. Sand blasting of the surface of the metal increases the
trength of coupling between the coating and the metal, The best adhesion of nylon';
@to steel is achieved when the particle size of nylon is in the 200-270 V range (see
Jig. 2 of the Enclosure). Below 200 y nylon is oxidized at elevated temperatures
,;Card 1/4
L 01009-66
land above.270 p it is poorly melted. Powders-were p:mduced by dissolution of nylon:
!in caprolactm monomer, precipitation, extraction of solvept and drying. It was
;found that coatings obtained by different methods differ significantly in their dura-
jbility, The most stable nylon coatings were obtained by the vibration method. "The
iauthors express their gratitude to S. B. Ratner for his valuable advice." orig.
'art. has: 4 figures.
NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 002
Card 2/4