USMj/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo(Acal) T
Nervous system. General PrOblOmse
Abs Jour Ref Mur.Biol. . No 6) 1959, 26916
Author oceptive
Tnst in Man- 1. Unconditioned propri
c Reflexes Ukhtoms-
Title Toni cribed, for the mrst Time by A,A,
Tonic Reflex Des
. biol- i mod.) 1958) 45, No 2, 17-21
orie pub Byul. eksperim
-reflex lifting
The extent and a,-=ation .of unconditioned
Abstract sually, and graphIcally from del-
of the arm (reGistered 'i from a tightly-drawn rubber
toid muscle) after repulsion sons and athletes
cushion were smaller in untrained per exercises (sprin-
who specialized in the medim Of speed movement
mid greater in widat lifters. Reflex
till,3), yr
absent in E, =sts of hiL41 qLialifications,
as a rule was f all muscles of the extended am was
bv.t tension o
card 1/2
Sac 8 Vol 12/10 Ne'urology Oct 59
EXES (Russian t
BYULL.EKspFR.HlOL I ext) - KCsareva E. P
The cervical ionic reflexes *MED. 1058 46/7
e were Investigated on deltoid muscles of healthy
praona''Iyotonographic and tonometric methods were used. it was revealed
that -hen the head was bent bac"ards the tone increased
On both sides
hen he h ad was bent to one side the tone increased on the Opposite aide.
he r's, h .the head was turned the tone increased on both sides with the
prevalence on the aide to Which It Wafi turned. The reflexes were more pro-
nounced in untrained persons and less 90 In trained sportsmen. The reflexes
__W@!@e_c-@onsiderably Increased in an unsteady
Position of the body,
All. 8)
" jt,,
KESAIIEVA, Ye. P., Doe Diol Sci (diss) -- 'Vwonditioned and conditioned tonic
reflexes in connection with the motor activity of man". minsk, 1959. -26 pp
(Acad Sci Beloruss SSR, Inst of 131oloLrj), 200 copies (KL, Wo 24', 1959, 131)
d PathOlOgical),
ss1i/HuW" a ior.
il-,.al Physiology - (Wormal an
her Nervo"a Activity. Dehav
nd An
_____y H
Nervous System.
Ref zilur BjOl.P ljo 41 1959Y 17974
Abs JOur
Author Kesareva) Ye*P,
ical Culture*
itute of Phys
ussian State Inst
Inat Belor
Muscular Contractions 35
Voluntary and Involun
Title Elements Of Motor Habit.
in-t- fiz- kul'turyy 1957,
, pub
OriG Uch. zap. Belorusak. 90s-
vyp. 1, J.,
f one halid in untrained indi-
t o
bility, a tension of tonic
In voluntary pushine Off Ow a
f I
Abstrac .
s of the idle han
viduals and athletes o
the muscle
e in 9Ym-
c1laracter appecred also in
f stimulation was especially stabl
for whom sYn-
tion 0
other spor
motorcyzlists and teristic-
us work Of both hands is char
card 1/2 114
KESAREVA, Telena Pavlovna
(Tonus of the skeletal muscles and its reVilation in the
healthy individual] Tonus akelotnykh myshts i ego regu-
liataiia u zdorovogo chelovsks. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSM.
1960. 307 P. (MIRA 13:11)
KUIAK, Iosif Antonovich.; KESAREVA Ye P prof., red.; ZAYTSEVA, T.,
red.; SIDERKO, @
[Formation of complex systems of time relations in man] Formiro-
vanie slozhrWkh sistem, vremenrUkh sviazei u cheloveka. Minsk
Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 1962. 229 p. (MIRA 15:71
KOVALGTN. Vadim Mikhaylovich; KESARENA; Ye.P,,-prof., red.;BEREZKIN,Yu.,,
. QVX te re
red.i,zdcwva; VOWKW d.
[Reflex theory of flansations] Reflaktornaia teoriia oshchu-
shchenii. Minsk, Izd-vo "Nauka i tekhnika,n 1963. 409 p.
(MIRA 170)
Organization of consultation semices for the rural public,
Zdrav.Ros; Fed. 2 no.9:15-18 S 158 (min 11:10)
1. Iz kafedry organizataii zdrnvookhrnnenlya (znv. - prof. S.Ya;
Preydlin) I.Leningrodakogo moditsinskogo inatituta iment. I-P-
Pavlova (dir. A.I. Ivanov).
@,@PvwbVN - inshenero
K ES @47
Speed up the designing of standard plans for mechanized poultry
farms. Sell.stroi. 11 no.12:29 D '56. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Stavropollakly filial "Saratovgiprosalletroy."
(Poultry plants)
Inil on tile Sparking 01scriarat
11 07- 01 MEDli @-
Potential In Ar on 1. Kesaev. Techn. Phys., -U.S.S.R. 4. 1. pp. 68@
--72-,-TJ1-7-=0 M-n-gloin"t'i. Pkenning li;m studied At; detail the effect f0h tNe
sparldn& (INcharge poterkal of inert gases of arhnixtures of A, kr, 11g,
etc. [See Abqtract 3855 Souw admixtures lowered th t-al
considerably even wbeh added in winuto quantities and the IIIII-17ing -
always found when the Ionisation. 1xitential of the admixtu" 11.1 11,117
th@%n the excitation potential of, a metastable state of t1w prinil'a,
Measurements are berc described of the lowrring of thesparking disclMue
potential of A by admixture of C41 vapour. Special care was taken to
purify the A before any meAwements were ma(](.,. The curves given show
a'discernible reduction In tile sparking potential for an adrnbtture of.Cd
vapour of only 0,002%. The sparking potential reacbes a mirtimurn of
222 V when the Cd content is 0-5%. The most probable value of the
sparking potential for pure A appears to be 302 V at roorn-temptratute.
A. W,
A 5 a ILA
U=/Physice -. Electric DIscharge, Nov 49
"Conductivity of Diicharge Gaps in the 1)P_iorJZa-
tion Stage," 1. G, Keqayev Gae Discharge Lab
All-Union Elec Engr Inet, 16 pp
" Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XIX, No 11
Describes meanurements of gas conduct1--rity
aftor a high-frequency pulL-@e d1richarge occurs
bet,ween plane electrodes in helitua, n--on, argon,
bydrogen. and air. Low pul&es of hIgh-frequency
vOltage applied to the electrodp-s at -4rioun
in:t,ervals after discharge were iised for meazure-
ments. Established mmplexity of pDst dimchsrge
USSA/Physics - Electric Dis,:harge 5 9
conductIvity, reactive component of which bore
a capacitative character and exceeded in
Obsolute value the active component- Anom%lous
conductivity was observed in helium; It increased
1= diately after discharge and reached a maximum
Only after an interval of fractione of a milli-,
se@cond. Submitted 25 Jun 48.
TITLE: 6i-th-e--D-au-sibs Responsible for the Ordered Motion of the Cathode
Spot of an Electric Ara in a Magnetic Field. (0 prichinach
uporyadoohennogo dvizheniya katodnogo pyatna elektriobeskoy
dugi v magnitnom polye, Russian).
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 112, Nr 4, pp 619 - 622
Received: 4 / 1957 Reviewed, 5 / 1957
ABSTRkCTa By the superposition of a foreign field and the eigenfield of
the are a sharp asymmetry develops inevitably in the distribution
of the spot on the boundary of the field. The present work shows
that such an asymmetry can be the main reason for the motion of
the cathode spot at low pressures. To explain the role played by
this asymmetry the following two questions must be answeredi
1) Has the magnetic field an influence on the function conditions
of the spot? 2)Does a relation exist between the direction of
motion and that direction in which modification of the entire
magnetic field within the domain of the spot is most favorable
for the influence exercised upon the are? As the experiment
shows, the application of an arbitrarily orientated magnetic
field noticeably decreases the stability of the cathode spot of
the low pressure mercury arc. On this occasion the stabilizing
effect of the field increases with increasing field strength.
Card 1/3
41 N
PA 2238
On the Causes Responsible for the Ordered Motion of the Cathode
Spot of an Electric are in a Magnetic Field.
The shift of the spot due to the asymmetry of the field must be
directioned towards the side of the increase. The maximum of the
field strength must also correspond to the maximum of concentration,
A noticeable asymmetry in the distribution of concentration can,
however, occur only at low pressures of the medium.
Within the here inve:tigated pressure domain the direction of
motion of the cathod spa-t'6.n the mercury cathode must Wee with
the direction of the highest@inorease of the entire magnetic
field near the boundaries of the spot. This maximum principle
makes it possible, without any additional presuppositionsp to
predict the direction of motion in the general case of the in-
homogeneous field. The equation of the trajectory of the cathode
spot for a special case is explicitly given. The experimental
realization of the corresponding field is discussed. Agreement
of the shape of the theoretical and real trajectory of the spot
in the homogeneous field and some further circilm tances confirm
the correctness of the here assumed presuppositions with r6spect
to the dominating role played by the asymmetry of the magnetic
field within the domain of tho cathode spot. (3 illustrations)
Card 2/3
TITLE 'Off-Th-e-&1-V1-BTft of the cathode spot of an electric are.
(0 delenii katodnogo pyatna elektricheskoy dugi.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Akadomii Hauk SSSR 1957y Vol 113, Hr l? PP 71 - 74
Received: 5/1957 Reviewed: 6/1957
ABSTRACT Close investigations of ihe cathode spot of a mercury arc at
low pressure show that during the whole time of its existence
the spot divides itself continuously or takes on a grained form.
The fission process appears to be considerably veiled and it
is possible to observe only the final result, namely from 2 or
more emission sources. It is of advantage to photograph the
trace of the spot on the occasion of its ordered motion in a
magnetic field tangential to the cathode. From the recordings
thus obtained the following is found:
After division the emission sources move away from each other.
With increasing current intensity the character of the division
becomes more complicated by an increase of the number of
branchings. The latter then have a fairly loug life and they
undergo divisions. There are symmetric and asymmetric branchings.
With an increasing divergence of the spota the angle between the
branches becomes smaller. The magnetic field exercises a marked
CARD 1,2
?A - 2650
On the division of the cathode spot of an electric arc.
stabilizing effect on the cathode spot.
The spot also divides without an exterior magnetic field#
because such a magnetic field changes this process only
quantitatively. The intervals between the successive acts of
division of the spot arg distributed over a most probable time
interval of about ltlO-2 sea, This corresponds to a division
frequency of the spot of lo5 per see. The division of the spot
is one of the causes of the chaotic shifting of theggot over
the surface of the cathode, if no external magnetic field is
These observations can be reasonably explained if the principle
of the maximum field is applied for the individual parts of the
cathode spotp which is then explained in detail.
The above deliberations indicate that the continuous division
and restoration of the cathode spot take a parallel course.
(2 illustrations)
ASSOCIATION: AllsovietElectro - 'Techhidal. Institut '$V.I. LENIN196
FUSENTED BY: Member of the Academy L.A. ARTSIMOVICH.
SUBMITTED@. 9.11. 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
CARD 2/2
240) SO,-/22 o-1 2:-,-3 -13/57
A(JTIIOR: Kesayev, I. G.
.TITLE: --Cn the Internal Instability of an Are With a Cold Cathode
(0 vnutrenney neustoychivosti du-i s kholodnym zkatodorn)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 195B, Vol 122, 11r 3, PP 371-374
ABSTRACT: The natural criterion of the stability of any steady discharge
(that is a discharge fed by a source of constant voltage)
is its capacity to maintain constant values of amperage or
voltage for an infinitely lonC time. This paper discusses
some peculiarities of an arc with a cold cathode which are
not compatible with the above-mentioned crite35on. One of
the manifestations of the in@ltability of an arc is its
spontaneous extinction in the re,-,ion of low anpera-les (from
091 to 7 - 10 A for a mercury arc). The instability is not
exclusively limited to this aripera,ge interval. Instability,
however, is a property of the arc ita,df -allich is caused by
a continuous division and decay of the cathode spot. The data
concerning the systematic dividinl-l and decay of the spots may
Card 1/4 by explained only as an arjument in favor of the instability
SOV 2 0-1 22-@z - 17
On the Internal Instability of an Arc With a Cold Ca,,.ode
of the cathode spot on the cold cathode at low pressures. It
is very natural to connect the extinction of the arc with
the above-mentioned instability of the spot. The following
conclusion may be drawn from the analysis of the extinction
of the arc and of the behavior of the spot at low and high
amperages: The feeding of the are is an uninterrupted altera-
tion of cycles of extinction and cycles of restoring the spot
by voltage pulses. The inductivity which is always present in
the circuit participates in the formation of these vollage
pulses. It is significant that an are burns for a very long
time if the discharge is distributed arnong several cathode
spots. The conclusions concerning the instability of tha arc
and concerning the mechanism of its restoration were con-
firmed by some experiments in which a storage batter-, was
used as a voltage source (130 V). The main source of the
light flux and of its oscillations was the cathode spot. One
of the typical oscillograms of the oscillations of an arc
with fixed cathode spot is shown by a figure. Many of the
found results and conclusions apply also to an arc with a free-
ly wandering cathode spot. But in this case, theamplitude
Card 2/4 of the oscillation i8 several times hit.-her. The suGgested
On the Internal Instability of an Arc With a Cold Cathode
interpretation of the mechanism of the restoration of the
arc may be confirmed by a simple experiment. If neon of a
pressure of 0,1 - 30 torr is added to a tube with a mercury
cathode, a red glow appears in the cathode region of the
are. The intensity of this glow increases with decreasinp
amperage. The data concerning the oscillations of a short
a*ro confirm the internal instability of an arc with a cold
cathode. The instability of the cathode spot investigated in
this paper satisfactorily explains the high mobility of the
spot and its tendency towards uninterrupted division. 'I'here
are 3 figures and 11 references, 3 of which are SoviEt.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina
(All-Union Institute of Electrical Engineering imeni V. I.
PRESENTED: May 13, 1958, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician
Card 3/4
AUTHOR: Kesayevj_I G_ sov/log-4-8-12/35
TITLE: Data on the Division Of the Cathode Spot in Mercury in a
Low-pressure Are
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 8,
pp 1289 - 1294 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is known that a high-current arc discharge in a tube
with a mercury cathode can take place in the presence of
several cathode spots. However, the data on the mechanism
of the appearance and the division of the spots appear to
be few. An investigation of the problem was therefore
undertaken by the author. The principal method of investi-
gation or observation was the photographing of the spot
onto a fixed film, while the spot was shifted by means of a
magnetic field tangential to the cathode. The effect of
the field was additionally investigated by employing a
mirror "time base" and photographing the spot onto a moving
film. The investigation showed that the division of the
spot can be repres'ented schematically by the picture in
Figure 1. Each stage of the division corresponds to a split
Data on the Division of the Cathode Spot in Mercury in a Low-
pressure Are
or the linei the length of the branches in the direction
of the "time base" can be regarded as a measure of the
lifetime % of autonomous spots. The analysis of the
photographs can provide the following data on the cathode
1) The lifetime distribution of the splitting spots,
denoted by V('*).
2) Distribution of the time Interval t between
successive division stages, denoted by W(t) .
3) Interaction of the spots aftdr their separation.
Data on the causes of the spot division and the
structure of the apotse
The function V(1*) is represented by the histograms of
Figure 2, which give the relative frequency of the
appearance of spots having a particular lifetime ^C at
various currents. The histogrzun was obtained from the
analysis of about 2 000 measurements of -c- .
From Figure_ it is seen that the average lifetime Ic
Card2/5 is about 10 sece The answer to the question of whether
Data on the Division of the Cathode Spot in Mercury in a Low-
pressure Are
the division of the spot is a random or regular quantity
is provided by the histograms of Figure 3. This shows
the relative frequency of the spot division during a
certain time interval t . The histogrameindicate that the
distribution of the interval t differs substantialiy
from the purely random distribution. This shows that the
spot division cannot be regarded as a purely random
process. The most probable value of the time interval
t0 between the stages of the spot division and the
probability W, as a function of the number of the
observations, are illustrated in Figure 4. The interaction
of the spots Is in the form of "repulsion". The
trajectories of the spots can be represented schematically
by means of the graph given in Figure 5. When the spot
Is first divided at a point D (Figure 5), the two portions
of it diverge until a certain equilibrium distance I e
is reached. At this distance, repulsion between the spots
is balanced by the action of the external field which
Card3/5 V
Data on the Division of the Cathode Spot in Mercury in a-L6w-
pressure Arc
forces them to move towards the axis of symmetry. The
distance 1. can thorefore be regarded as a mea3ure of
the interaction between the spots. After the disintegration
of one of the spots at the point F (see Figure 3), the
second spot returns to the axisAymmetry. This mechanism
is confirmed by comparing the results of the measured
and calculated values of for two different fields;
these are shown in Figure 6@ The above data show that
the division of the cathode spot can be regarded as a
form of its existence on a cold cathodo in a low-pressure
medium. The division of the spot is less likely to occur
in the presence of an external magnetic field; it hardly
over occurs at currents lower than 7 A. In the absence
of the field, the division takes place at any values of
the current, provided these are large enough to maintain
an arc,
Card 4/5
Data on the Division of the Cathode Spot in Mercury in a ow-pressure
There are 6 figures and 3 references, I of which is
German and 2 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektroteklinicheskiy institut im.
V.I. Lenina (All-Union Electrotechnioal -Ir.,stitute..
imeni V,Ii, Lenin) LI-1
SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959
Card 5/5
. ..
r=LX t Report on the S"od ALL-Uio. Coof.r.... no C-m
PERIODICAL. Rdiot.khzilk. 1 1959, Vol 4, Mr 6.
Vp 1339, - 1358 (USSR)
and N.G. Z2v,j-.IL - *Ms. Data .. X-,.r
: .
l.tion Dujng pui..
--key. dealt with the 1--ti-
g-ti.. or the neutron radjaCt
vil jjj powerful gas UAcharg,a
n kaoibmr. -Ith conducting sell..
_X@A@Bvrz,unax at &I. - oz.,_tjg.,j.. .. the Gas Dja
in - C@JXL--l Chambers.
at -I- - 'A rura of Ms.- I. Tr-mr..
km@-tlc Fields.
r G X a Date On the Dilt-1-0 of . Cathode Spot
a Low-pressura, Arco (see p 1289 of the
ZU91&.d) - "A Xaw Theory of the C@athod. Spot-
RIM" !
f the Journml).
_L.X@DrAU&j2y^ . oposItive C@oluun in & H
WLth Stationary and PAIM. L-.d.'.
_j @QXnkraahjax@ch and A-A f -t,,d
trib tl
a an
the Surface, of glectrod.. I. gl-;r P.J. DL
_LLJ@X4@&- sSom* Properties of Gas Discharges in Low-wOlta
QA",Jjq@x Halogen CoUOt.rso.
A and Y_
R.]@._@Glotoy - k,_GrAn2it2jij@ _w- I.*. or tbv
I. the Isot. f Hydrogen CH
sow Me
L.A. Akwl!xA_" commumicat*d -* results on the pre-break4o"
anV pl." at low press-...
XM.T.. Tsai and A.A. Zan. Ch:r9.-4.osIty
.a. We,.
I.. W.I.. a CyIL.
of C.vcbo.L-"As, Information
the ..I.-lik. ph.-.- 1. plas...
4 *alt
with the
1 of th
lift e
.1 f. t I.- &@ .. :
dLa. -gas.
0. . 4Coavection lzatal,111ty of & Plasma, Strings.
:rA Y . S,_r, - Theory of a JUgh-
orator. Fla. . 3
@ - I I
The fifth section was prealde4 over by N.A. Kept.- ..4
ds< with "gh-froquency currents In &^.as. The following
paper. ver. read:
V.T.@rqj =L- gromatiou of VItra-high Froquamny Pulse
11Lach&rz** I. Inert r.....
P t.,,,, - Influence of the 5 ... d." C4ndLZL.*.
"n. -d H.Lat-. of HL&h-f,.q,o*ocY
__rJL_AulkLn at .1. - a1mvestizatica or a Solf@msint mixed
02tra-kLLsh Frequency Pulso Discharge and the Process of
it. D_.l.p%..t:
.d ,
4.- Z-tank.r S... Result. of the
1"astig.tion of the F-tL.. OC Low-pr ... u.r. tL&gb-
'CondoctilLty Of Weekly 10ml--d
r-dLtI.fta of Tran.sitton From
C_, i*,IL,rg* at Atmospheric Prossures".
_@.ti hip 6*a the Ch.r"t--
:rrent a,nd the Direct
.4 ... @y C
Current In Gas Discharges..
L'LtY or
d the c:-:"t a.rg.
jj'_,@TAJ"ir and dealt with the
r,@,,,,%&Fpl1Lc^bLl11ty :Cth. probe .,M.4 to high-Cr-quency
f tt
" . , .as davotd
Th paper YT T . xj
t _%LsLh jr
im,, a of the . r. q..ncy pl.
aup@ or th: Stark affect.
t-.1h the @--lam -C loctrIc
e c. , ..
. - ..
her pr
paper entitled *HiAh-
froqueney Discharges
The work of the sixth " I.., ..a devoted to the problems
r plasco, and Its radiation. the section as prasId04
ve, by Y.A. Fabrkkapt. Th. paper. - r..49
y,.K. g.S.. Method. of PLaamm
V @. D O.d., - 11 K... u"""t' I* P
Lsu,-v r,,d A.C. H@11-0.ln *1"ve"L
V A: S
XqV*M-t r j Spectromete, of
Internal instability of an arc with a mercury cathode. Part 1:
Spontaneous extinction of the arc* 7J=.tekh.fiz. 29 no.12:2462-
1472 D '59- (KCRL 14:6)
1, Vsosoyuznyy alektrotekhaichaskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina.
(Electric are)
AU211 -,t: Kesayev, 1. G. @H,7/2C- 24- V417
TITLE. Thp Increase of' the Stability of an 2.-, a
Find thr.@ Prl4nciplc- of thr- U'.. C.1
@@-tojchivcst--; dugi. -i magnitri-cm
Do.clady nauk SS31R, V@". 1- ,7:, 7)
L B.3 T-'- iC -'2 In ono ci -,he author' s earlier se,:
-of the Internal instability of metal
the basis of an arr wit? merci@@,y ca-ioi..i
on t uropert-ies of the Cat',- cl,@ Ep@';
@1@7 1;rrierstuandi ng of the nut @,.- -a Z ani th
t 1 a,, by i t j n t @ e Ic c, h av i -@ r c-f a 7A
d a t
a t I on o f -A:@- ; s 1, a', I t z
y :L:;
cr,nd *ition of the discharge are of
data u--r, dealt with by the pre--erl Pa7,0@'.
phoromerm of ar-@ irstabi-l-ity th@?r,@
stc)-@-.tan@oouc extinctio-i, wit'n the @-dd cf of
the a---e.@ap ratural
ge life 1@ of the az-..@ ma.v br,
to 1:3e this quantlty as a ol "I r
Ca-7 4 Civen Ox-per-inen-c-al conditions. in th,
The Increase of the Stability of an Arc in a SO'1/20-124-3-19/67
Magnetic Field and the Principle of the Maximum of the Field
longitudinal magnetic field served as one of the methods of
acting upon the arc. For the measurement of + an electronic
circuit was composed, which is based on the principle of charge
accumulation and which consists of 3 blocks. Measurements are
described in short. The results obtained by measur in g 4 are
represented as a function of the mean amperage I for a short
arc (d = 0-3 cm) by a diagram with semilogarithmic scale. A
family of curves relates to a pure mercury discharge under the
action of a magnetic field. Other curves illustrate the results
of measurements of 1@ with lacking field but with the addition of
various quantities of helium. Most of these curves consist of
2 rectilinear regions which indicate an exponential dependence
of the kind e +I. @' and + assume dif f erent values for
the lower and upper region of the curve. In the lower region
measuring results may be expressed by the constants
410 = 6.3-10-5 sec, + - (4-5 + 1-17 H 2)a-1, where H must be
expressed in kilo-oersted. In the upper region the dependence
Card 2/4 on H is of complicated character, and therefore -t@ can only in
The Increase of the Stability of an Arc in a SOV/20-1124- 31-19/67
Magnet'c Field and the Principle of the Maximum of the Field
some special cases be expressed analytically as function of I.
With increasing amperage and field strength,i)'@increases
monotonously and considerably. When explaining this considerable
increase two different aspects of field action must be taken
into account: One of them is based on the true stability of the
spot in the magnetic field. On the other hand, the increase of10-
to a certain extent is also connected with the simplification of
the conditions for the re-establishment of the are in the
presence of a field. The data discussed in the present paper
lead to the conclusion that the scattering of charges and of
the corresponding energy out of the region of the cathode spot
is one of the primary causes of the instability of the arc.
There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 3 of which are
AS50CIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. 1. Lenina
(All-.Union Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin)
Card 3/4
9.4-120 E140/F,163
AJJTHOR; Kesayev, I.G.
elaEon between the Random Mot-on of a Cathode
TITLE: On the R@
Spot and its Division
PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 6,
pp 986-993 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: kttempts to explain the random motion of the cathode spot
on a. liquid mercury cathode (Refs 1-3) have been based on
the idea of vigorous local boiling of the metal and the
gas-dynamle effects accompanying this. However, this
point of view has not been based on either experiment or
theoretical calculations. I4Ref L@ the author came to
the conclusion that the cause of random motion of the
spot Is Its division. According to Ref 6 the mercury
cathode spot consists of a number of fine active foci of
emission distributed in the form of a chain dravn out
primarily in one direction. Spot division occurs through
breaking of the chain into two parts moving auay from each
Card other in the direction of the Jnitial. orientation of the
1/3 entire nhain. In the absence of an external. magnetir;
field. all directions of division and subsequent sl)rt shift
8/109/60/00 5/06/olLr/021
On the Relation between the Random Motion of a Cathode Spot and
Its Division
should be equi-probable. The present work concerns an
experimental-statistical analysis of spot division and
repulsion of the spots to determine if that Is the
dominating cause observed in actual random motion. The
simplifying assumption is made that each new division
occurs only after the breakdown of one of the autonomous
spots. This condition should be observed at low values
oil discharge current (up to 10 - 15 A). Introducing
certain corrections Into the experimental data based on
the theoretical loss in the method of observation of a
number of acts. of division, etc, the final results seem
to indicate that under the particular experimental
conditions the dominating role in random motion of the
spot is its division. However, the author does not deny
the possibility of other mechanismS, particularly at low
currents or high gas density.
Ca.r-d There are 6 figures, 1 table and 6 references, of which
2/3 2 are English, 3 Soviet and 1 German,
On the Relation between the Random Motion of a Cathode Spot and
its Division
ASBOGIATION8 Basoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheski.y institut, imeni
V.I. Lenina
W.1-Union Elentrotechnl@,al Inst-itute imeni
V @ I. Lenin)
Card 3/3
SUBMITTEW September 26, 1959
pp 12Z9 - 1214 (OES
.2 67;:@
A LH 01?
1" 0
7 All
Et-i e c t s of "Piting i ng" r n,t .11stopy M:ivement of the Ca thode
Spot onto New Section!t; of the (';3th,)de
PERTODYCAL., Vestulk elektropromyshlennoAti, L960. No-10, pp.31-32
TEXT@ The author reports on the behaviour of the spot on a liquid
ni--@r-curv cathode on the ba4ki,,q of' observations during elactromagneti-t-
I,iynt3ott of the cathode spot. A ra..:.a! inagnetic irield wa,@q pr"duLed
for maintaining the cathode spot for an unlimited time in a
n-e-determined rtng-shaped zone, The field of the necessarv
-.nnfixuration can be produced, for in4tance, bv inpans of an
f-l-,6tromagnet with concentric pole pl#@ces, sepnrated by a narrow gRp
and located below the mercury level. Fit such a case the cathode
spot will tend to move above the ring-shaped gap transverse to the
magnetic lines of force in a direction opposite to that of the
d,aflection of the electronq, describing a regular circular
rra jectory. The behavio%ir of the -,pot was investigated when
A);4rriers, in the form of a metallic or a quartz plate which
Card 1/4
Fffects of "Plunging" and Jumpy Movement of the Cathode Spot otvio
Nt-%-- Spctions of the Cathode
pre-truded above the mercury surface, were put in its path: he,.: i
molybdvnum barriers did not prekeut the movem,-tit of the cathodt.
:tpot along the circular trajectory On approaching the ahoi-t tht
@1--t rrtn atong jt"@roceeded to tho othvr side and continued it.4
rotary niovement along the mercury surface. The traces on the
wY,?vbdeniwiu sheet showed that the gpot moved along tra,it(to-f-
which were perpendicular to the lines of force. Quartz-plate
barric-r-% retained the spot at the Aide from which It lazit approached
the plate: it moved chaotically sinng the plate. In a dire@!xoji
oppozitv to that of the rotation of the ,tpot there was it bright
ligbtentiig-up of the wer-cury 4urface, a!ong a bent circular poth
,)bove the ring-shaped gap, with a gradually decreasing briwhraesz
Tn rhe illumixiated zone, new cathode spots formed pt-r-todically
Thvy tended to move alorig a circular path to the quartz plate ard
wire retained by it, Probably rhis illumittetion represen- on area
-T antensive @)tcltattoxi of the mercury vapour by Etectrons, which
--jre duflected from the cathode -fpot by the etectric and magnetit;
i:arcl 2/4
Effeo.3 of "Plunging" and Jumpy Movement of the Cathode Spot onto
New Sections of the Cathode
fieldf These electrons are "closed in" in tile zone of intensive
magnetic fields and return partly to the cathode, Tf the depth of
submersion of the quartz plate into the mercury did not exceed 5 to
7 mm@ it was possible, by increasing the current or the potential
of the magnetic field, to achieve a submersion of the cathode spot
naar the quartz barrier to -much a depth that it plunged under tile
quartz and then emerged again on the surfa%:e of tile itercury at tile
opposite side, Following that. it continupd to move along a c-tr%Ae,
again stepping at the quartz plate for the short time that was
necessary for the next plunge to take place2 This is attributed
to the fact that in the region of the spot the mercury vapour
pressure is so.high that the mercury in frot of the spot separates
from the quartz: the spot penetrates into the cavity thus formed
and again throws off the mercury, The depth of penetration of the
,4pot along the quartz can 8erve as a weasure of Lhe pres,-qure
generated in the spot region.. The view expressed here is confirmed
by the mercury spray produced above the submerging cathode spot
Card 3/4
Effects of *plungiligo, and jumpy Movement of the Cathode Spot onto
New Sec t Ions Of the Cn thode
obseived if the barrier.
Effect.@.z of a different character were
ac-on@;t-ted of metaJlic spirnls or of a wedge Arter penetrating
,into traps of thts type under the effc%;,t of the magnetic field, the
spot decomposed Simultaneously. if particleA of insulation in the
form of gJaAs beads or simple contaminations were floating on the
mercury. a new spot formed in another point of the ring zone where
there was an intensive magnetic field The new spot tended to move
to the trap and the process repeated regularly for an unlimited
time with a frequency of I kc/s, the spot travelted a number of
times between the particular glass bead and the trap *The regular
formation of a new cathode spot under the given conditions is
attributed to the flow of fast electrosis whLch emanate from the
cathode spot and proceed in a direction oppomile to that of the
rotation of the spot in the magnetic field There are 5 figures,
IN-D'e- This is a slightly abridged tranglation)
SUBMITTED March 4, 1960
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Kesa-vev, 1. 00
TITLE: Appearance of Inner Instability in an Are With a V
Cath-Qde *. Nonstationary Processes in the Cathode
the Arc
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikip 1960, Vol. 30, No. 69
pp. 674-684
TEXT: This is a continuation of the author's paper (Ref. 1). The non-
stationary processes in the cathode range of the mercury arc are investigat-
ad. In order to determine the nature of the voltage fluctuetions in the
cathode and to clarify the interrelations between these fluctuations and
the extinction of the arc, the behavior of the arc in the range of the low
values of the discharge current was investigated. The two methods used for
this purpose are described. In both cases the same results were obtained.
Fig. 1 shows the osoillograms obtained. These oscillograms show that the
voltage is subject to acyclic change of a complex nature. A simple and
clear relationship between the voltage fluctuations and the extinction of
the arc is noted. Furthermore, the oscillograms show that in the investigated
Card 1/4 aK
Appearance of Inner Instability in an Are
With .a Mercury Cathode. 2. Nonstationary
Processes in the Cathode Range of the Arc
range the arc is particularly retarded in two extreme positions. These
positions are completely different as regards voltage ana stability. They
can be interpreted as two different forms of the arc discharge. The volt-
ampere characteristics shown in Fig. 2 give an approximate idea of the ex-
tent of the cathode drop in one or the other form of the arc. The more
stable form of the are is referred to as the basic form while the less
stable form is referred to as the transition form. At an amperage of
0.07 - 0.5 a each cycle of the arc is terminated by the transition form
with a double value of the cathode drop. At amperages of 0.5 - 2 a the
transition form is gradually replaced by the basic form subject to a rise
in current (Fig. 3). The observations made clarify to some extent the
existence of the so-called dropping static characteristic of the are at
9mall interelectrode distances. Investigations are also made to explain
the existence of numerous cycles shown in the oscillograme and terminating
an interruption of the arc. It is shown that this phenomenon is
caused by the existence of a certain regenerating mechanism. Under favorable
ci.,:---umstances the discharge is activated by this mechanism as soon as the
critical stage of instability is reached. Its mode of operation is clearly
Car, 2/4
Appearance of Inner Instability in an Arc S/05 6010301061131023
With a Mercury Cathode. 2. Nonstationary B012YB064
Processes in the Cathode Range of the Are
shown by the fact that the beginning of each new cycle is always preceded
by a more or less extreme increase in voltage. In order to prove this state-
ment a direct experiment is described. By this experiment it is shown that
a periodical increase in voltage in the are electrode is indeed accompanied
by an increase in the cathode drop which always results in an increase in
energy of the primary electron. On the basis of the investigations made
the following statement is made: The voltage fluctuations observed in
burning a short are may be regarded as the result of systematic disturbances
of equilibrium in individual processes of the arc discharge in the range of
the cathode spot. The interpretation of the inert are cycle may serve as
a key for the explanation of the nature of the two different forms of
the are discharge. The fact that the lifetime of the are increases with
a rise in current cannot be regarded sufficient proof that this form of
discharge stabilizes in the case of high current intensities, This pseudo-
stability is nothing else but the result of the increased effectiveness of
the regenerating mechanism in the are. The basic conditions for this mechan-
ism are the short-term voltage increases in the are electrodes at the be-
ginning of the are decay. There are 5 figures and 3 Soviet references.
Card 3/4
Appearance of Inner Instability in an Are S/057/60/030/06/13/023
With a Mercury Cathode. 2. Nonstationary B012/BO64
Processes in the Cathode Range of the Are
ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut imeni V6 I. Lenina
SUBMITTED: All-Union Eleotrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin 4)(
July 14, 1959
Cp,.-- 1 4/4
8/057 60/030/007/016/018/XX
BO YB064
AUTHOR: Kesayevq I. G.
TITLE: Phenomena of Internal Instability of an Arc With Mercury
Cathode. III. Decomposition and Rebuilding of the Cathode
S20t.Under the Conditions of a Steady Are
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal takhnicheakoy fiziki, 1960@ Vol- 30@ No. 7,,
PP- 603 - 814
TECT: In the first two parts (Refs. 1,2), the author published details
on investigations of the spontaneous extinction and on oscillation
processes on mercury are discharges. The present third and last part
deals with investigations of stability. Data on the structure and be-
havior of the cathode spot on mercury are givAn, proving the instability
of emission from a mercury cathodew and being In favor of a continuous
rebuilding of the emitting surface. A large number of photographs con-
firm the experimental results. The experiments carried out to investi-
gate the internal instability of low-pressure are discharges with a
mercury cathode led to the following particular results: 1) A close
Card 1/3
"?,-B P_
Phenomena of Ihternal Instability of an Arc S/057/60/030/007/016/018/xx
Wi@h Mercury Cathode. III. Decomposition and B006/BO64
Rebuilding of the Cathode Spot Under the
Conditions of a Steady Arc
relation exists between the spontaneous extinction of the arc, the
charge oscillations on the electrodeep and the unsteady phenomena of
the cathode region of discharge. 2) The reason for all unsteady pheno-
mena observed lies in the instability of the cathode spot which re-
flects the internal instability of the discharge cycle. 3) In spite of
its instabilityg the are cycle can be maintained closed for any period
of time due to the existence of a certain regeneration mechanism whose
effectivity increases with increasing current@ and depends on the ex-
perimental conditions- 4) The arc is maintained by continuous oscilla-
tions that are due to a disturbance of the equilibrium between the in-
dividual processes of the arc cycle- 5) The cathode spot consists of
unstable elementary cells that decompose and re-develop. The cells are
linked the closer, the more the stability of the cells on thij bounda-
rice growal their linkage depends on the experimental conditions.
6) The cathode spot is in a state of continuous rebuilding,, which can
be seen from a change of its shape and its position on the cathode.
7) All varieties of the motion of the spot on the homogeneousq liquid
Card 2/3
V&4@ 11
Phenomena of Internal Instability of an 3/057 60/030/007/016/018/XX
Are With Mercury Cathode. III. Decomposi- B006YB064
tion and Rebuilding of the Cathode Spot
Under the Conditions of a Steady Arc
cathode, including its decomposition, the chaotic shift and the trans-
lational motion in a.magnetio field can be described as the result of a
rebuilding under participation of the magnetic field of the aral the
task of describing the behavior of the spot leads to the problem of the
spot stability. 8) The so-called "reverse" motion proves to be a spe-
cial case of the rebuilding process of the spot In a homogeneous mag-
netic field. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references:
5 Soviet, 3 US, 1 German, I British, and I Dutch.
ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im.
V. 1. Lenina (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute
imeni V. I. Lenin)
SUBMITTED: February 8, 1960
Card 3/3
.2j10 B006YB064
AUTHORS: Kesayev, I. G. and Levshenkova, L. A.
TITLE: The Dependence of the Stability of an Are on the State of
Aggregation of the_@athode_ $%
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheekoy fiziki? 1960, Vol. 30, No. 7,
PP- 615 -- 616
TEXT: Aim of the present investigation was to find in what manner the
state of aggregation of the (cold) oa';Ihode has an influence upon the
stability of the metallic discharge are in vacuum. The cathode was made
of readily meltable metal (Hg, Bij Pbq or Sn), and the time of arc dis-
charge measured at low discharge currents. The mean lifetime 1$ of a
vacuum arc as a function of amperage is compared in a diagram for a
mercury- and a bismuth cathode (ranges: 10'-i '. 10 -5 see, 0 - 5 a). Mea-
surements were made at temperatures that were only 10-200C below the
melting point of the cathode metal. Cooling of the cathode until the
solidification point of its material is reached, leads to a considerable
Card 112
5/057 60/030/007/017/018/XX
The Dependence of the Stability of an Arc S/057,/60/030/007/017/018/XX
on the State of Aggregation of the Cathode B006/BO64
growth of the angle of inclination of the straight line log-0@ . f(I
thus prolonging the lifetime of the are (at 1 - la to the 1000-folfl.
With a bismuth cathode4 measurements were made both at room temperature
and near the melting point and the results were found to be practically
the same. Changes of the arc stability were therefore only due to
changea of the state of aggregation, i.e., to changes in the structure
of the cathode surface. The conditions prevailing on a solid cathode
surface (with crystalline structure) deviate essentially from those on a
liquid cathode - first with rejpect to the high electric field strength,
and, secondly, with respect to the comparatively low diffusion rate of
thermal energy. The transition of the cathode metal from the liquid to
the solid state entails a reduction of the cathode drop of the are; in
the case of a mercury cathode the cathode drop is reduced from 10 to 8v.
There is 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im. V.I. Lenins
(All-ITni n Rlectrotauhnigal Institute imeni V.I. Lenin)
SUBMITTED. February 89 1960
Card 2/2
6. 020 / /
S/C)20/4"9@11450/006/01 1 /030
Kesayev. 1. G.
The minimum potential of an arc dischar,,,,aw, and the problem
of two forma of cold-cathode arcs
PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v, 140, no,. 6, 1961, 1269 -
TEXT: The author defines two groups of arc discharges with cold metallic
cathodes. In arcs of the first group, the metal atoms are stepwise ion-
ized by electrons. Arcs of this group may form between caLhodes made of
metals of the second group of elements. In arcs of the second group,
metal vapors are directly ionized by electrons. Arcs of this group may
form between cathodes made of metals of the first and third groups of
elements. The arcs of the second group are called "elementary arcsll@ A
relatively high value of cathode drop as compared with the -ionization
potential of the cathode metal is characteristic of an elementary arc.
Only at electron energies 2-3 times as high as the ionization potential,
the ionization function reaches the necessary high values. For various
Card 1//,) x
Tht; minimum potential of an arc 3104/BI02
cathode materials the author measured the minimum arc potentials. Meas-
urements were made with high-purity metals in vacuo and air (atmospheric
pressure). The arc length was 2-5 mm. A compensation method was used in
vacuo (I. G. Kesayev, Katodnyye protsessy rtutnoy dugi I voprosy yeye
ustoychivosti (Cathode Processes of a Mercury Arc and Problems of Its
Stability)t 91. H, 1961). The potential of a steady discharge at a
minimum distance of the electrodes was determined in air. In a discus-
sion of the results given in Table 1 the %,uthor demonstrates the important
part played by metastable states of atums of the second group of elements
in stepwise ionization of' atoms. The maximum probability of stepwise
ionization is reached at electron energies somewhat smaller than the
ionization potential. Metals of the first group of elements have no
metastable states. The metastable states of metals of the third group of
elements are located too deeply. There are 1 table, 1 figure, and 3
references-. 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.. The reference to the English-
language publication reads as follows; M.iP, Reece, Nature, 181, 47- 'Ir
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhniche@kiy institut im. V. 1. Lenina
Card 2/ (All-Union Electrotechnical.,Institute imeni V. 1. Lenin)
The'.minimum potential of an are B100102
PRESENTEDt June 7, 1961, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician
SUBMITTEDj June 7, 1961
Table 1. Results of measurement. Legend: (1) group of elements; (2)
atomic number; (3) element; (4) energy of resonance level.3; (5) energy of
metastable levels; @6@ ionization potential; (7) minimum potential of
the arcs; (8) air; 9 vacuum; (10) boiling point; (11) snandium series
and high-melting metals.
Card 3113
KESAYEV, Igor' Goorgiyovich; BULGAKOV, V.A., red.; BORLITOV, II.I.,
(Cathode procesnes and problems concerning the stability of a
mercury arc] Katodnye protsessy rtutnoi dugi i voprosy ee
ustoichi'vouti. Itoskvas Go,9.energ.izd-vo, 1961. 319 P. (Moscow.
Vsesoiuznyi elektroteklinicheskii institut. Trudy, no.67)
I (MIRA 14:9)
(Mercury) (Cathodes) 4 (Electric are)
L 1QQ -61 1
Pf-4, F%-4 Pab-4 'JDAVVP@FIK/up(c)
ACCEtSIOI DIR: :;TOM7 S/0057/63/033/005/0603/0615
AUTHOR: Kesayev, 1. 0. 3q
W_ K g?
TITIZ; Investigation of the stability of metallic vacuum ELrcs. Part 1.
SOMM Zhurnal tekhaicheakcW fizikl, v. 33, no. 5, 1963) 603.615
TOPIC TAGS: metallic arcs, vacuum arcs, cathode spot, are -voltage oscillations
ABSTRACT: The p presents a sj=ary of the results of experimental studies
-of the stabili f vacuum q d Ir-pessure = t),* etween stainl@ps ste-1 anodes
-1 , f _@ -
@ Z Tj@j
and cathodes of e Zn Cd1' F d Bi-L
=I =0 4,(Al,
The effect of Mil-ting and crystallization of the cat-hode metals was als6-6'tudiod.
Attention was also given -to oncillatory processes and to the structure of the
cathode spot experiments were carried out in a specia.1 va/zuum contained
,Fr1th an igni d a heater, the cathode materials being contained in a
molybdenum cup. The arc persistences as a function of the a%rerage current are
plotted for different cathodes (see Enclosure) and for some typical c@athodes
vith other conditions being varied. 0scillograms of the arc VL@.Iiage ander
L 1028M3
different conditions and time-resolved photographs of the cathode spots are
reproduced. MeM of the results differ from those of Cobine, J. D. and
Farr&ll, G.A. (J. Appl. Phys., 31) 22:96, 1960). The- experimental data are
discussed in Part 2 (next article Im the same issue of the journal). Grig.
art. has: 9 figures.
ASSOCIATICK; VeeooyuzrW*y elektrotekhnicheakiy Institut im. V. L Lenina, Moskv&
jAll-Union Electrical EngineeriN_ Institute, Moscow)
BuBmmmw 26jun62
D= AM: i2jun63
ENCL: 01
NR 1w SOV: 003
MHER: 001
.............. .......... I ... ..... 1.........
;L 2914-63 EWP(k)/EWT(I)/EWO(k)/EWP(q)/EWT(M)/BDS/ES(W)-2--
A F F TC/ A _('D,7Z#3D--Pf -V'VZ-VPaum-"T--JD//U;VAT/IjP'% C NJ
ACCEMION KR: AP3000016 S/0057/63/033/oo5/o616/06a
ALITHCH: Kesayev, I. G.
TITIZ: Investigation of the stabilAy Of metallic vacuum ar2s, Part 2.
SGURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v- 33, no. 5, 1963, f6-624
TCPIC TAGS: metallic area, vacuum area, cathode spot, are voltage oscillations
ABSTRACT: Experimental data on the persistence (time to spontaneous extinction),
voltage oscillations and structure of the cathode spotslof Va4m arcs between
a stainless steel anode and cathodes of different Pure me+.&a1Ls11S_ the solid and
liquid states were presented in Part 1 of the report (preceding article in the
same journal). In this part. (2) the data are discussed and analyzed. A
formula for the burning t1me ez a function of the are current is deduced and the
results of calculations by means of it are ccapared with the experimental data
for liquid Hg and In cathode Parcs. The agreement is good. It is concluded that
the spontaneous extinction, voltage oscillations and structure of tbe cathode
spot are inter-related effeotsp all associated with intern&I instability Inherent
Card 1/2
L 9914-63
in all metallic arcs. Awaysis indicates that the arc cycle cannot be described
in terms of such time-invariant parameters as the cathode drop, cathode spot
current density and the ratio of the ionic and electronic current coaponents.
"In conclusion the author acknovIedges his indebtedness to Ye. I. Tsopina,
L. A. Levshenkova and M. 1. Broydo for assistance in carrying out the vork."
Orig. art. has: P-0 equations and 2 figures.
ASSOCIMION: Vaeaoyuzrq*y elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im. V. I. Leninap Moskva
(All-Unlon Electrical Engineering Institute, Moscow)
suaaTTED: 26jun62 &A.- iajur63 ENCL: 00
SUB CME: PH MR PZF S(N-' 003 Orn-m: 002
Card 2/2
Regularities of the cathode drop and cut-off oi ILIi
arc discharge on pure matals. Zhur. tekh. fi@'. 1@.c.ii; @_
1493 Ag 164. _i.'!'q)
1. Vqesoy-uznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy inst-; tut i 1,1;.; . L, n ina,
L 00928-66 DIT (1) /EvjP(e)/RVjT(!n)/EPF (c)/r.PA (w) -2/T/FWf(t)/OtIP(k)/~WP(z)/P-4P(b)/
79,V(71F-T- UP(a) JD
ACCESSION NR: AP502o646 UR/ol4j/W0oo/ooj/oo8@/6o88'
629. 194. 365
.AUTHOR: KesLyev, Kh. V.; Latyshev, L. A.
1ITLE: Surface ionization in a porous wall
IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no, 3,, 1965, 83-88
;TOPIC TAGS: ionizution coefficient , surface Ionization, porouo surface
@ABSTRAUr: Surface ionization processes occurring within a single capillary of a
,heated porous diaphragm are analyzed mainly in view of the frequent use of such
'materials for the determination of ionization coefficients. The usual formulas for!
surface ionization have been modified to take into account the self-consistent field,
;and methods are proposed for the approximate solution of equations - It is shown
Ahat the calculations compare favorably with the available experimental data. A
.Working formula is presented which makes it possible to determine the ratio of ionsl
to the total number of particles passin@ through the capillary. Orig. art. has*
@3 figures and 12 formulas# [LBI
Card A
L 0092@16766
SUBMWED! 27Feb6h ENCL: 00
NO REP SOV: 003 OTM: oo4
ATD PRESS., V@771'
1 /2
"The diagnosis and surgical treatirAnt of cystercosia (cysti-
cercosisS) of the brain." State Order of Lenin Inst for the
Advanced training of Mysicians ipmni S. M. Kirov, Loningrad Sci
Res Nourosurgical Inst imeni Professor A. L. Polenov. 'Lleningrad,
1956. (DISSERTATICII F6r the Degree of Gtn-.11JaLe In
So: Knizhnaya Ietopis', No. 18, 1956
Thyreotoxic liver. Prohl.endok. i gorm. 1; no.2:51-59 Xr-Ap 158
(MIRA 11:5)
1. Iz pntologonnatomicheakopo otdoleniyn Monkovskny Infektsionnoy
gorodshoy klinicheakoy bollnitmy No.1 (zAv. - dnktcr meditainakikh
nauk A.P. Avtsyn)
WM DISEASES, etioloa & pnthogenesis
thyroid din. (Rug))
(THYROID GLAND, dinannen
causing liver disord. (Run))
Effect of enzyme poisons on the vascular reactions of isolated
rabbit mar. Act& plTsiol. hung. 6 no-2-3:277-288 1954.
1. PlWeiologischas Institiat der Kedizinischan Unive"Itat, Szeged.
nitrog2,vcarln on vase* reactions of Isolated rabbit ear)
(UR, blood mVply
off. of nitroglycerin & perparine in rabbit)
(ANTHRAQUIN011, dariv,
perparine, off. on vase. reactions of isolated rabbit ear)
DUMITRU, Caprionra, Prof. Dr.; MEMSZ, Amil, Dr.; MME, Gyorgy, Dr.; YANIA,
Mmilian, Dr.
Report on the genital tuberculosis cases of the Gynecological Clinic
of Kolozsvar (Glnj) with special regard to diagnostic and therapeutic
methods. ?4af,.v. noorv. lap. 21 no.3:125-130 June 58.
ding. ther. (Hun))
,IV in-di
EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 15 vol 12/8 Chest Di5. Aug 59
TB (WITH LESIONS OF THE PLACENTA) - Ausgetragene Spontangeburt
bel ErstgebArender mit tuberkul8ser Erkrankung des Uterus und der Ad-
nexe (LAsionen der Plazenta) - Ke se G. . Menydsz E. and Ne grut J.
Univ.-Frauenklin., Cluj - ZBL I K7 1958. 80/36 (1450-1454) Illus. 3
A primipara with bacteriologically and histologically verified tb of the uterus and
adnexa, gave birth at term to a heal,.hy child by spontaneous delivery. Micro-
scopical examination of the placenta revealed lesions characteristic of tb. During
the puerperium. a thrombophlebitis developed, favoured by the tuberculous pro-
cess in the adnexa; it ran the usual course. (X,15)
The significance of determination of b-fibrinogen in obstetrics and
gynecology. Cas.lek.ceek 100 ym.34*.1072-1075 25 Ag 161.
1. Ustav pro studium lekarstvi a farmacie, Cluj. 2. spojena klinicka
nemocnice pro dospele v Xlausenburgu a 2. gyriekologicka a porodnicka
klinika, reditel D. Caprioara.
FIBRINOGEN chemistry)
STETRIGS diagnosis)
(GYNECOLOGY diagnosis)
ter 'I,
IMSKO, Vallter (Ionesco Val 1; NISTOR, Ion; KPiL Karoy; RODRIGO,
What the Fifth World Congress of Trade Unions means to the workers
of Rumania, Hungar@5and Iatin Amerioa. no..10:
23-28 0 161. (FJ.RA 14:10)
1. Predsedatell komiteta provsoyuza bukharestokogo zavoda
"Semanatkareall (for lonesko). 2. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo
komiteta Federatsii profsoyuzov rabotnikov prosveshchoniya i
kulltury RumynBkoy Narodnoy Respubliki (for Vistor). 3. Sekretar'
soveta. profsoyuzov g. Budapeshta (for Kesei).
(Trade unions--congresses) (.Laoor and laboring classes)
inzh.; KESEL', N.A.
Mechanizing the preparation of molding mixtures. Hashinostroitell
no.9:8-10 S 157. (MM 10:9)
(Band, Foundry)
in -
"Our Experience with Improvement in Operations of the Medical 6tation of a Unit, It
Voyenno-medits. zhur., No.10, pp. 72-74, 1955
Translation 1071931
KESELO Sayor meditainakoy aluzhbv; SHCHWAK, B.N., starshly
eytenant meditainakoy sluzhby
Our practice In, the Improvement of the work of medical centers in
units. Voen.-med. zhur. no-10:72-74 0 155. (MLRA 9:10)
KONDRASHOV, A.A.p podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; KESEL', Ya.yv., mayor
meditsinskoy sluzhby - ----------
Medical training for the personnel of a unit. Voen.-med.zhur.
no.9:77 S 161. (MIRA 15:10)
`---WATKIN, V.N.
Use of cybernetics in climatic therapy. Vop. kur., fizioter.
i lech. fiz. kul't. 28 no.5;404-410 S-0 163.
(MIRA 170)
1. Iz bazovogo sanatoriya imeni V.V. Kuybysheva, Yalta i
Instituta meditsinskoy klimatologii i klimatoterapii imeni
*m TV was w4mal"t4w. 1#06 -ou
Close interaction of ions in solutions. Zhur.strukt.khim. 3
no-1:93-94 Ta-F 162* (KIRA 15:3)
1. Institut elektrokhimdi AN MISR.
(Electrolyte solutions)
- .. T, , III-
1, @ -
- -1--."
YUGOSLAVIA/Chcmical Technology. Chemical Products and Their
Application. rart 4. - Dyeing and Chemical Treat-
ment of Textile Materials.
Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Mimi . No 21, 1958, 72693.
Author Stanislav Keehpl vich, Petar Popovich.
Title Sizing in Textile Industry.
Orig Pub: Tehnika) 1957, 12,, No 1, Hem. ind., 11, No 1, 13-15.
Abstract: A bibliogmphical review. The following is described:
new means of sizing, their most important characteris-
tics, additions improving the sizing effect, methods
of determination of size properties, methods of pre-
paration of sizes.
Card 1/1
Larynx - Diseases
Treatment of dry and atrophic laryngitis. Vast. oro-rin., 14, No.2, 1952.
Monthl-YjAs of Russian AcQessions.. Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified.
Generalization of the concept of basis and N.K. Bari's theorems
on bases. Dokl. AN SSSA 141 no.2:300-303 N 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.rolmogorovym.
(Hilbert space)
SHATS# Ya* Yuep kandetekhnonaukv,,Ootsent; U111IMP G.Me, ausi5tent
Kinematic synthesis of simple cam-lever mechanisms. jzv,vy5,
zav.; mashinostr. nos2:3-13 161. (,NaRA 14:3)
1. L'vovekiy politekbnicheskiy inatitut,
(Mechanical movements)
Absolute convergence of expansions ill eigenfunctions of
certain differential operatom. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat.
no.2:82-93 164. (MIRA 170)
Single-valued analytic extensibility of the resolvent of a
linear bounded operator. Usp. mat.nauk 17 no.4:135-139 162.
(KRA 15:8)
(Operators (Mathematics))
SHATS, Yholu..., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KESELIMLN, G.M... asoiatent
Synthesis of oimple cam-lever mechaniams satisfying a range of
.given conditions. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashihostr. no,6;16-27
162. (KM -15:1-1)
1. Llvovskiy poUtekhnicheskiy inatiWt.
(Mochanical movements)
L 18805-63 EWT(d)ACS(f)1FCC(w)1BDS AFFTC/IJP(C)'
ACCESSION NRt AP3WO282 S/0021/63/000/003/05W/0591
AUTHORs Wellman, a. M.
Tr=1 About-the struoturo of the non-solroonjugAtod difforontia tor
of the second order on A o@miaxta (Presented by B. V. Gn'yidii&o_,neaber,
SOURM AN UkSSR Dopovidi, no. 5# 1963, 388-591
TOPIC TAGSt matrix, Jordanian form, non-selfconjugated linear differential
operator, Gilbortian space. quasi-nilpotent operator, half-Axis. spectral
operator, spectral structure
03TRAM The author describ63 the structure of a linear operator in n.
dimonsional spaqe by a theorem which shows the feasibility of converting arq
matrix to a Jordanian normal forms' He establishes the spectral structure of
Remark's type of a non-self-conjugate differential operator of the second
order on a semi-a-,do by citing reference works and, by means of a lommap
proves that a 31near operator in Gilbertian space, Lsup2(0,infinity), has a
spectral struoturo. He thereby proven the theorem that T m S plus N, where
Card 1/2
L 188o5-63
T ie a Niamark type of a non-selfoonjugate diffevential operator of the second
order in Gilbertian space, Lsup2(0,infAy4ty)j 8 is simU&r to a norml operatorl I
and N is a finite-dimensional nilpotent operator commtative with So The 13
equations identified numbericaUy in the text represent the 13 'steps he used
in arriving at the proof of the theorem.
ASSOCIATIONt Llvivsllg4y politekhichrW*y insty*tut (Lvov Polytechnic Institute
SuEmiTTED, 17July6Z DATE ACQt 17Jun63 ENCL% 00
rd ,*/2-
KE,';EL?MjUl, 0.14. [Kasellman,, H.14.)
Struottire of a non-solf-adjoint differentIfil operal.or r)f' !,.ccon(' - der
on a seniaxis. Dop. All TIRSA no. 5,- 588- 591 163. (1@.! Fi A 17 9)
3. Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy initif-it. f1red9tavInno alkn1emiki-m
AN UkrSIM B.V.Gnedanko [firledanko, F.V.1
AUTHORS XG5811mano Of Me
TITLE: Unconditional convergence of eigenfunction wcpansions of certain diffem-'
tial operators
SOURCEs IVUZ. Matamatikas no, 2. 1964, 82-93
TOPIC TAGS: unconditional convergence, eigenfunction expansions differential
operators root vector, square summablo function, biorthogonal system
ABSTRAM The author establishes conditions urAer which -the ayvtom
(Y) 00 + P2 + +'P* W Y.
of root vootore of n-th order differential operator on a finite Interna generated!
by roplar (Birkhoff) bouridary-conditions
n, 2)
r j J
Card @/2
Calculating tho economic efficiency of anticorrosion methods
in gas pipelines. Gaz. delo no.8:35-39 163. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova i TSen-
tralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'skty institut informatsii i tekhniko-
ekonomicheskikh iseledovaniy po neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti.
(Protecting pipelines from corrosion] Zashchita trubo-
provodov ot korroziio Moskva, 1962. 119 pe
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Moscow. Institut tekhnicheskoy informatsii i ekonomi-
cheskik@ issledovaniy po neftyancy i gazovoy promyshlen-
Present status of anticorrosiomprotection of gas pipelines.
Gaz. delo-.. no.2:24,-29 164. (MIRA 17- 6)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhniko-
ekonomichaskikh issledovaniy po neftyanoy, neftekhimicheskoy
i gazo-oy promyshlennosti.
KESELIMAN, I.A., tekhna
.1 .1
Repair by welding of cavitation damge on hydraulic turbine
rotors. Svar.-proizv. no.609-40 Je. 163. (KM 16:12)
1. TSentralinyye.,aksparimentaltnyye evarochnyye masterskiye
Veesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo inatituta avtogennoy
obrabotki metallov.
SUBJECTs USSR/Welding 135-3-9/17
AUTHORSt Voshchanov K.P., Engineer, andleseltman I.A., Engineer.
TITLE: Welding of Runner of High-Pressure Hydro;Turtin:, (Zavarka
rabochego koless, gidroturbiny vysokogo d vloniy
PERIODICALi "Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo", 1957, # 3, pp 20-22.
ABSTRACT: It a hydroelectric power plant (unspecified)) high pressure
turbine 19' 11 made by Italian company San Giorgio (10,000 kwt#
600 rpm) ari employed. These turbines have runners with 22
buckets. The weight of one runner is 2200 kg, and it works
in horizontal position. The material is cast steel with 0.25%
C1 0.63 % Mn; 0.25 % Sil 0-039 % S1 0-035 % P; 0.1 % Cri thick-
ness of runner body is 250 mm, minimal.thicknosa of bucket wall
is 20 mm.
After 3090 hours of operation cracks developed at junction occ-
tiona at all 22 buckets, 60 to 180 mm long and 25-35 ma deep.
The cracks were caused by improper design, porous and impure
metal and improper heat treatment.
The cracks were burnt out by electric arc after pro-heating
Card 1/3
TITLEs Welding of @unner of High-Preasure Hydro-Turbine. (Zavarka
rabochego kolesa gidroturbiny vysokogo davleniya).
the runner to 200-250 0C by an induction winding. Then,areas
were covered with powdered iron and checked for absence of
cracks by local magnetising. So prepared for welding, the run-
ner was heated by induction currents to 250-2800C, and the crack
spots were welded with electrodes "YOM-13155", on direct cur-
rent of reverse polarity, using the common current rating. The
weld metal was carefully hammered layer-by-layer with a chisel
of special shape. The weld metal surface was continuously ob-
served for absence of cracks and fis*sures, every auspicious spot
was again burnt out an.1 refilled. The last welds in the trans-
fer sections from the bucket to the runner body were made par-
ticularly carefully, thus a smooth transfer to base metal,
without incisions and roughness was achieved.
After welding, the runner was tempered for 3 hours at 650 0 and
cooled together with the oven to relieve the stresses caused
by welding. The check of the wheel on its shaft proved full sym-
metry and absence of beating.
-Card 2/3 The three repaired runners are now working under normal load.
AUTHOR% Kesellman, I. A., Technician
Repair by welding of the bed-plate of a crank-pipe press
PF-_FLT.ODIC AL SvarocKnoye proizvodstvo, no. 7, 1962, 29 - 31
Information is given on repair by welding of cracks In the bed-plate
of a crank-pipe press, made of a material containing 3.57% C, 1.3% Si, 0.51% Mn
and O@02.56 Cr. After dismounting the bed plate, the cracks were cleaned and their
edgps V-beveled to 20 mm depth. Screwed rivets made of "St.3" grade steel were
placed alternatingly on the edges in 5 - 6,rows on each side,-at 20 mm distance
between the rows and 40 mm distance between the rivets, The welding process for
repairing the defects consisted of the following operations: welding around the
riv,Lts, building up of the whole surface, rewelding the cracks, fastening of
30"" - 400 mm long reinforcement truss bolts, welding of edges to join remote sur-
,faces. All the welding operations were carried out with Y014W-13/55 (UONI-13/55)
4_1"-trodes, 4 and 5 Trin In diameter, and Cu-Fe electrodes 03t4 -1 (Ozch-l) on
100 - 160 amps d-c. The press is now in operation. There are 3 figures,
Card 112
Repair by welding of... A006/AlOl
ASSXIATIM Tsentrallnyye eksperimentallnyye svarochnyye masterskiye VNIIAVTOGENa
(The VNIIAVTOGEN central experimental welding shops)
Card 2/2
KMELIVIN, I.A., telchni
Reconditioning tV velding the housing of crankshaft pipe press.
Svar.proiav. no.7s29-31 Jl 1620, (MIRA 15:12)
1. TSentrallny)veksperimentallnyye avarochnyye masterskiye
Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isuledovateliskogo instituta avtogennoy
obrabotki metallov.
(Power presses-Mintenance and repair)
01806-67 Sq(m)/T DJ
ACC NRj AP60 5 9 40 _S614CE- DE: UR/0413/66/000/016/0073/0073
30 8
INVENTOR: Ismailov. R; G. A. 0.; Mamedov, M. A. A._O.;Spektor, Sh. Sh,
Seidov, M. M. M. 0. ; Vartapetov, A, A,.,,* Shchelkonogov 1. A. - Kzazimov,
A. @. 0. ; Aliyev, A. A. G. 0. ; Tangiverva. T. A ; fUs Q-; Lobanov
, _cj,@j
_V. V. ; Chikunov, V. A. ; Blidchenko, 1. F. ; Tarumov, G. A. ; BomFa-ndirov, P. P..
Merkurlyev, G. D ; Petrov, S.- A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Lubricating oil for bushings. Class 23, No. 184997
SOURCE: Izob reteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, bushing, petroleum
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued describing a lubricant for
bushings, with a solar fraction and mazut base. To expand the operating tempera-
ture range of the oil, a petroleum friction with a boll-away of 4-5% at 240-320C
is added to the lubricant. This fraction to obtained from the petroleum distillate
at 300-310C. [Translation) INT)
ard I A J, UDC: 629.11.012. 26
"Fundamentals of the mechanical section of overhead power transmission
lines" by A.A.Glazunov, A.A.Glazunov. Reviewed by R.A.Golubtsov.
Elektrichestvo no,6:91-96 Je 161. ONEMA 14:10)
1. Vsesoyuzriyy gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu teplovykh
elektrostantsiy, @bskva (for Golubtsov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-
lssledovatellskiy inBtitUt Olektroenergetiki, @bskva (for Karsaulifte)a
3. VoesoyuzW gosudaratvaWW institut oyektirovaniyu teplovykh
elektrostantsiy,, Tashkent (for Kesell::nr. P4r. Vsesoyuznyy trest po
proyektirovani gidroelektrostantsiy i gidroelektro-.zzlov, Leningrad
(for Sinelobov .
(Electric power distribution)
KESELIMAN, L.M., inzh.; ZELICHENKO, A.S.,, inzh.
Weight and wind spans between towers in mountainous areas. Elek.
sta. 36 no.11:68-71 N 165. (MIRA 18:10)
Umpensating weights on overhead power lines. Elek. sta. 33
no.6t63-66 Je 162. (KRA 15:7)
(Electric lines--Overhead)
YCEMMAN-, P. M. (Wossm technologioa-l tri-sQWto LoMmik'Oov
"A ii-@ethod of calculation of themal-physical properties of gases at hie. temperatures
under conditions of dissociation."
Report presented at the Section on Thermal-physical Properties and Non-stationary
'Theimal Capacity, Scierittfic Session, Council of Acad. Set. Ma* SSR on Ifigh T mperature
Physics, Kiev, 2-4 Apr 1963.
Reported in T-@ploftzika Vysokikh temly-!ratur, No. 2, Se-,;-Oct 1963, P. 321, JPRS 24,651.
19 May 1964.
Waste in mining expenditures. fin.SSSR 21 no.4:69-71
Ap l6o. (HIBA 13:4)
1. ZameBtitell nachallnika otdola Ukrainskoy kontory Stroybanks
(for Keaellman).
Wkralne--Goal mines and mining--Finance)
Effect of the distortion of the length of lines of geographical
maps on the results of geophysical calculations. Geol. i geofis.
no.12;110-112 164. (MIRA l8t6)
1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRp
KORNNYBY, N.Ve, insh.; KESILIMAN, V.A., insh.
7inish boring of body parts uning floating cutters. Mashinostroltell
no.2/3:38-39 N-D 156. 041RA 12:1)
(Drilling 4nd boring)
Investigating the VisCosity and don sity oftl-buty.1 alchol [in
Azerbaijani with summary in Russian]. Dokl. AN Azerb.SBR 16 no. 8:
739-742 160 (MIRA 11:9)
(Butyl akcobol)
r-) 0 0 B006/BO7O
AUTHORS: Yemeltyanenko, 0. V., Kesamanly, F. P.
TITLE. The Problem of Methodology of quick Precision
Measurement of the Thermo-emf of Semiconductors
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 'I, pp. 1494-1496
TEXT: The authors describe an apparatus with the help of which it is
po8sible to measure the thermo-emf in a short time. The method is based
on the application of thermocouples with controlled heating. The two
thermocouples are surrounded by a heater which is in the immediate
neighborhood of the measuring junction (Fig. 1). One of the junctions of
couple I is in contact with the object, while one junction of couple II
is separated from it by a small gap. The second couple controls the
heating. With this comparison instrument a very exact measurement of
temperatures is possible. Applying this method of measuring temperature,
the authors constructed a simple apparatus for measuring the differential
thermo-emf of semiconductors of arbitrary forms of samples in the
Card 1
The Problem of Methodology of Quick Precision
Measurement of the Thermo-emf of Semiconductors
temperature range 25 150'C. The apparatus has a high degree of accuracy
and rapidity of measurement. It is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2. For
the purpose of measuring, the sample is placed at the ends of two
L-shaped copper blocks, the other ends of these blocks being in containers
filled with ice. The sample is heated, and the thermocouple is brought
manually to the points between which the thermo-emf Is to be measured.
The temperatures of these two points Wre measured. The heating of the
thermocouples is reccrded by two potentiometers. The thermo-emf of the
semiconductor and the thermocouple were measured by a potentiometer of
the type WITB-i (PPTV--i ) and galvanometer of the typo ti-21/i (M-21/1 ).
The temperature is measured with an accuracy of 0.10C. that is, of about
2-5% between 7-100C. The junctions of the thermocouple had a diameter of
0.4 - 0-5 mm, and the contact diameters were not larger than 0.02 - 0.03
am. The method requires 10 - 15 minutes for one measurement. To determine
the temperature dependence of the thermo-emf of a sample between
25 - 1500C for 10 - 15 points of measurement, 2 -- 3 houra are required.
The acQuracy of measurement of the thermo-emf is t(2-3)%_ Fig. 3 gives an
example of a measurement of the temperature dependence of 'he thermo-emf
Card 2/3
The Problem of Methodology of Quick Precision
Measurement of the Thermo-emf of Semiconductors
S/18 60/002/007/017/042
of gallium arsenide. The authors thank Professor D. N. Nasledov for
discussions. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad
(Institut -e of Phvsics and Technology of the AS
SUBMITTED: November 20, 1959
Card 3/3
f -
Mfg B102/B214
AUTHORSs Yemelyanenkog 0. V.p Kesamanlyt F. Ps, and Nasledov, D. N,
TITM The dependence of the effective mass of the electron in
n-type InSb on the carrier concentration
PERIODICAM Fizika tverdogo telay v. 3t no. 4, 1961, 1161 - 1163
TEXTs The authors give the results of a determination of the effective
electron mass in InSb for different carrier concentrations. The determi-
nation was done by measuring the differential thermo-emf. The experimen-
tal apparatus has been described by the authors in an earlier paper (FTTI
IIP vyp. 7P 1494, 1960). The samples were prepared by fusing the compo-
nents in a stoichiometric ratio Thly had n-type conductivityp and a
carrier concentration n - 3-1019 cm7 (at room temperature) hey were
doped with selenium up to an impurity concentration of 2-5-;A cm-3. The
size of the samples was 1 9 3 x 10 mm. They were polycrystalline and suf-
ficiently homogeneous. The differential thermo-emf can be expressed by the
relation OL k r+2 F (1), where r is the exponent in
W_ r 1 Fr
Card 1/4
The dependence of the .... B102/B214
the scattering law l-Er , E the electron energy calculated from the bottom
of the conduction band, 1 the electron mean free path; for the various
kinds of scatteringt r has the values 01 1/2t It 3/2, 2; 6kis the reduced
Fermi levelf and Fr(tt) the Fermi-Dirac integral, On the other hand the
electron concentration in the conduction band is related to tx t
n - @*) 3/2 4 (21tmk-,)3/2 F ( pt where m* is the effective mass of the
m j =Tr \h2 1/2
conduction electron and m the mass of a free electron. From oL and r one
can determinetA, from which m* can be calculated by the last equations
Since tfie thermo-emf in each case is ajunction of the scattering mecha-
nism, the m* values for all InSb samples were calculated for the two ex-0
treme r-values 0 and 2. These values are given in the table for T - 300 K;
so also the values. If it is assumed that the scattering mechanism does
not vary from sample to samplep the effective electron mass increases sig-
nificantly with increasing electron concentration. In sample 3n which
contains 2-5*10 19 electrons/OM3, M*/m is three times as large as in the
pure sample 18n. This result is independent of the r-value. The assump-
Card 2/4
The dependence of the ... B102/B214
tion that the character of scattering in the samples is independent of
the impurity concentration is not very exact. In diamond-type crystals,
to which InSb belongs, the electrons are scattered by acoustic lattice
vibrations (rono) and impurity ions (r-2). The role played by the two
processes is a function of the temperature, the electron and impurity
concentrations, the degeneracy of the electron gas, etc. If the increas-
ing role of lattice scattering with an increase of the carrier concentra-
tion is taken into account, the effective mass of the electrons increases
with increasing carrier concentration even more rapidly. It can, there-
fore, be said that in degenerate n-type InSb the effective electron mass
increases significantly with increasing carrier concentration. The authcrs
thank V. V. Galavanov for making available the InSb samples. There are
1 figure, 1 tablet and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-blocs
The two references to English language publications read as followst
S... Do Smithp To So Moss, K, Wo Taylor# T. Physo Chem. Sol. 11 131 1959;
W. Go Spitzert H. Y. Pant Phys. Rev, 1061 5# 882, 1957#
Card 3/4
The dependence of the B102/B214
ASSOCIATION! Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni akad. A. P. loffe
AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology
imeni Academician A. F. Ioffep AS USSRp Leningrad);
Institut fiziki AN AzSSR Baku (Institute of Physicat
AS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSRj Baku)
SUBMITTED.t August 11p 1960
Legend to the
Table: 1) Sample, 0
2) a, gv/deg. 06P**.Q
IS n 3.0. 10ts 308 -1A 1.0 0.029 0.011
14 n 1.3-1017 220 -03 2.7 0.040 0.013
11 n 9.0-1017 102 2.4 7.7 0.048 0.017
6 n 63-1018 34 83 25.0 0.062 0.021
3n 2.5-1010 23 12.3 37.0 0.098 0.033