BELKIN M.K. SCC 4et; . 10M-7/11 4N&rAk4j_N4;,',V
ARegular Member of the
On the Coefficient of Noise in the Supergenerator.
koeffitsiyente shuma averkhregeneratora-Russian)
Radiotekhnika, 1957,Vol 12, Nr 6,'pp 6o - 63 (U-S-S .R.)
With reference to the paper by Georg and Urkovich (PIRE Nr C
it is said that an error was committed there which renders
resultobtained useless. The error consists in the fact that,
introducing the notion of aspeoific spectral density of noi-
se in
the case of a load with a resistance of 1 ohmg the authors
disregs.3~ded the fact that the component caused by the Schottky
effect of the tube depends on the conductivity of the circuitg
whereas the component of thermal noise is independent of it.- In
present work the question of the noise coefficient for super-
regenerative receivers is investigated for linear operation, and
following conclusions are drowns 1) The noise coefficient F
independent of the equivalent frequency domain. Therefore it is
use deteraining it unless one is interested in the absolute va-
of the noise at the output of the superregenerator.
2) The
dependence of the coefficient F gn frequency is determined
only by
the character of the input resistance Rin. With an increa-
se of
frequency, Rin decreases and F rises. From the table shown
here it
may be seen that F of the superregenerator exceeds the co-
F of the superheterodyne only very little. In order to
Card 1/2
reduce Pt it is useful to increase the average steepness- 3) The
On the Coefficient of Noise in the Supergenerator.
conclusions given here apply also in the case in which he sup-
erregenerator is used as an intermediate frequency amplifier in a
superheterodyne receiving set.
(1 illustration, I table, and 2 Slavic references)
Card 2/2
Not Given.
Library of Congress.
~ / If"'IV /Al' k'
AUTHOR: Belkin, M.K. 109-10-1'//lg
TITLE: Investigation of the Superregenerative Regime in a Split-
anode Magnetron (IBSledovaniye sverkhregenerativiiogo rezhima
.v magnetrone s razreznym anodom)
FERIODICAL; Radiotekhaika i Blektronika, 195?, Vol.II, No.10,
PP. 130? - 1310 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is assumed that a system consisting of a magnetron, a
tuned circuit having parameters L.C.,r and an external electro-
motive force B having a frequency wl can be described by
Eq.(l) where u is the voltage at the resonance circuit, 1 1
and 1 2 are Turre xitb of the first and the second anode, and
Wo = i/Iff is the resonance frequency of the circuit (Refs-1
and 2). A-feasible solution of the equation is in the form
of Eq.(2) fh~which dl is the negative damping coefficient,
Ltive damping, do is the damping coefficient
d2 is the po$
of the resonance circuit, 61 is the overall damping.
Investigation of Eq.(2) for actual magnetron systems shows that
Cardl/2it is possible to obtain power gains of the order of several
Investigation of the Superregenerative Regime in a Split-anode
hundred which is lower than that of a triode operating as a
superregenerator. Experimentally, the superregenerative
regime was investigated on the circuit shown in Fig.l. The
system had a magnetic field of 1 300 and operated at a fre-
quency of 300 kc/s. A similar investigation was carried out
on a double-magnetron system (Fig.4) operating at 3 000 Mc/s.
It was found that the system of Pig.1 gave gains ranging from
10 - 100, while that of Fig.4 had considerably lower gains.
There are 4 figures and 3 Slavic references.
SUBMITTED: January 8, 1957.
AVAILj4BI;E: Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
Noise level associated with regeneration, Izv. vys.
ucheb. um.;
radiotakh. no.2:16&172 Kr~Lp 158. (KIRA 11:5)
1' Rokomendovana kafedroy radiopriye=qkh ustroystv
o Wena Lenina politakhnicheskogo instituta,
Superregonerative recaivers equipped with reflex klystrons.
vya.shkoly; radiotekh. i elektron. no.2:180-186 1 58.
(HIRA 1211)
1. Kafedra, radiopriyemnykh ustroystv Kiyovskago
(Radio, Shortwave--Receivers and reception)
Member of the SOV/loB-13-10-4/13
Society, Gatkin, N. G., Member of the Society
TITLE:' On the Problem of Receiving Pulsed Signals by Storage
Methods-(K voprosu o p3~iyFhe impul'snykh signalov metodom
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1958, Vol 13, Nr lo, PP 14 17 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this article the possibilities of receiving pulsed
signals by storage methods in one single- and double-
tuned receivers are discussed. This is in particular
an approach to the noise stability conditions at limited
mean pulse time. It is shown that atgreat mean pulse
times the method of double-tuned storage, as compared
to single-tuned reception provides a certain gain in
noise stability. A model was constructed for experime;~t'j~l
investigations, the block-scheme of which is given. -
The results of the.comprehonsive information collected
are to the point that a double-tuned reception offers
a certain degree of improvement as compared to ordinary
Card 1/2 single-tuned reception with respect to noise stability,
On the Problem of Receiving Pulsed Signals by Storage
this gain,,however, being in ignificant. There are 5
f igurii~ and 5 re.ferences, 3i f which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: June 6; 1957 (initially) and December 2, 1957 (after
ASSOCTAIU(N i' Voesoyu=oye nauchno-tekhnichekoye obehchestvo
i elektrosvyazi 12. A. S. Popova, (All-Union Scientific and
Technical Society of Radio and Comnanications Engineering
im. A. - S. Popovj
Card 2/2
9(9) SOV/142-2-1-3/22
AUTHOR: Belkin, M.K.
TITLE: Signal and Noise at the OutInt of a Superregenera-
tive Receiver (Signal i shum. na vy1chode sverkhre-
generativnogo priyemnika)
PERIODIOAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - radiotekh-
nika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 24-30 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author investigates the simultaneous influence
of a ninusoidal pulse signal and fluctuation noise
on a superregenerator. Ile presentn.formulae for
the nignnl-to-noiae ratio at the output of a linear
find a square-law amplifier with different averaging
intervals. The author explains the differences be-
tween his method and the Whitehead method ~ffef 27,
saying that is is necessary to consider the ine-rtia
of linear circuits before and after the dectector,
when using Whitehead's results on pulse reception
Card 1/2
Signal and Noise at the Output of a Superregonerative Receiver
There are 4 graphs and 7 references, 3 of which are
English and 4 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiopriyemnykh ustroystv Kiyevqkogo ordena
Lenina politeklinicheskogo instituta (Chair of Radio
Receiving Devices of the Kiyev Lcnin Order Polytech-
nical Institute)
SUBMITTED: April 1.0, 1958
Card 2/2
BMIN, Mark,Koustantinovioh 'PMTAYMCAU, L. (Polionalko,
red.; C2rksvoV-._:~!J",
[Hasers and parametric amplifiers] Molokuliarni ta paramatTYOhni
pidayliuvachi. Xyiv,, Dersh.vyd-vo takhn.lit-ry uRsa, 196o. 39 P.
(MIRA 144)
-(Masers) (Amplifiers (Ilootronics))
AUTHORS: Belkin, M.K. and Gatkin, N.G.
TITLE: On'the Problem of the Reception' of Weak Signals
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiotelchnika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 266-269
TEXT: Two radio-receivers are considered (Fig. 1). The first
system is in the form of a single-channel device, consisting of
a selective filter & w , a square-law detector and an integ-
rating circuit. It is shown that the noise-to-signal
the output of this system is given by:
~/2 +
where (n/C) 2 is the noise-to-signal the input.
BX 1~
When the noise-t2o-Si nalratio-at the input is small, Eq. (1)
. 2
can be written as Eq. 2 . The second device of Fig. 1 is a
two-channel system which receives,input signals U 1 and U.
Card 1/2
E192 EJ82
On the Problem of the Reception M eak Signals
and correlated noises x 1 and x2 It is shown that for
the case when thereis no,correlation between x 1 and x2
the noise-to-signal ratio at the output of this system is
given by:
2 2
~C 2 C
"BblX 'BX
it is seen that the gain with respect to the first type of the
receiver is V-2 , When x 1 and x 2 are correlated, the
nolse-to-signal ratio at the output is given by Eq. (6), where
R12 is thecorrelation factor for x I and x 2 There are
1 figure and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radlopriyemnykh ustroystv Kiyevskogo
ordena Lenina politekhnicheskogo instituta
(Chalr of Radio-Receiving Equipment of the Order
of Lenin Kiyev Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTY,D: February .26, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORs Belkin M K Member of the Society
TITLEt General Theory of Regenerative Circuits With Variable
PERIODICALt. Radiot*khnika, 1961, Vol. 16, No. 1, PP- 33 - 40
TEXTt The calculation of a parametric superregenerative amplifier
can be
done by a very general analysis of the resonant circuit with
variable parameters. Special cases of a parametric amplifier and a
regenerative one are obtained by specializing the general theory.
If the
time functions for the parameters of the resonant circuit shown in
are of the type R(t) - R a(I+n coef1t), C(t).- C a(1+z costo At),
6(t) - E a.OS(C,)at+T) with q m/2