MALAIDIN, A.A.. "em1k; VASSMIM, V.I., k&ndidat khlmichenkM nauk.
Catalytic chemistry &n& chemistry of the future. 2nan.vil& 31 ao.2t
2,.~-34 F 1%. (nu '9:5)
~ -.-
c I l"'..
, h
il lltl
~ .1"..
~" A
I ~111'
Theory of catalysis selectivity from the 4tudies of the department
of organic catal"Is of Molbow State University, Uch,sap,Xosk,un
no*17507-122 156, (KLRA 10t;)
iiAlAIWINA. V.A. (translator] : VTSOTS11Y. Z.Z. (tranal tor); A T
8 IM ~7 ~00A-~
kto ;
skademilr.redaktor; RUBIRMUTH, A.M.. profeneor. re6i VM
EHANOTI, N.A.. radektor; BALITA, N.A&. takhnichaskly redaktor
[Advanzes In catalysts and related subjects. Translated from the
Anglishl Utolls. lasledovanie gomogenrWkh protaossov. Persvod a
anglitakogo Y.A.Balandinol I Z.Z.Vysotakogo, Pod red, A.A Balandinal
A.M.Rubinahteins. Moskva. ltd-vo inostrolit-ry, 1957. 252 p.
(Catalysts) (MLRA 10:9)
L h N D I W T" -1
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimil
Problemy kinetiki I kataliza. Itl IX: Izotopy v katalize (Problems
of Kinetics and Catalysis. tv) 9: Isotopes in Catalysis) Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957. 442 P. 3,500 copies printed.
Edo: Roginakiy,S.Z.p Vinogradova, O.M., Keyer, N.P. and Yanovskly,
M.I., Corresponding Members, USSR Academy of Sciences; Ed.. of
Publishing House: Vasoerberg, V*E.
PURPOSE: This book is for specialists interested in the theoretical
and practical problems of the application or isotopes in catalysis.
COVERAOB: This collection of articles forms volume 9 of "The Problems
of Kinetics and Catalysis." Most of the papers were presented at the
Conference on Isotopes In Catalysis which took place in Moscow, March
31 - April 5, 1956. Scientists from the Academy of Sciences or
Card l/*
Problems of Kinetics and Catalysis (Cont.) 1181
of the USSR, the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, institutes of the
chemical and petroleum industries, and several vuzes took narts
Scientists from the six people's republics China* ODR,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Rumania also participaied.
This conference was the first of its sort not only in the Soviet
Union, but internationally. Several articles which could not be
included in the program of the conference are given in the text.
Each article has figures, tables, and a bibliography.
CONTENTS: From the editor
Roginskiy, S.Z. Isotopes in Catalysis 5
Voyevodskiy, V.V- Mechanism of the Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Homolytio Deuterium Exchange 33
Card 2#'r
Problems of Kinetics and Catalysis (Cont.) l181
Balandin A.A. Neyman, M.B., Bogdanova, O.K.0 Isagulyantsp G,V,.,
~iva7 TE' '
fh!~;j P., Popov, Ye. 1. Tagged-atom Study of the
Dehydrogenation of Butane - Butylene Mixtures 45
Avdeyenko, M.A., Boreskov, G.K., Slin1ko, M.G. Catalytic
Activity of Metals in Relation to the Homomolecular Isotopic
Exchange of Hydrogen 61
Golovina, O.A. Roginskiy, S.Z., Sakharov, M.M.0 Eydus,, Ya.T.,,
Dokukina, Ye. S. Study of the Role of Plane Chains in the
Synthesis of Hydrocarbons from CO and H2 76
Tverdovskiy, I.P., Tupitsyn, I.F. Study of the Nickel-Boride
Catalyst 84
R.Kh. Burshteyn 91
G.K. Boreskov 92
Card 30
BAlAbDIN-,, A. A.
"Intermediate Surface Forms In Catalysis."
M.V. Lomonosov State Univ., Moscow. Poverkhnost. Xhim. Soedinen. i Rol v Yavleniyakh
Adsorbtsil, Sbornilt Trudov Konferents. Adsorbteii 1957, P77-310.--
~ ~-J, --. ,--
!, Oil th~., and Incra Factors itl U.~xtro';.m"rition Dc.-
z lial%~.,r subm5tte"I ut tlto .1(,Mi h,,Ler::at!o-.,ul
cvrt;rUss of PurQ ai~,i J'o"I'licil I'arls, July
, ". - -, I h- ~ . . ~ t 1 ~ 1- 1 ,1- . :k.
~7 - I' I Iv-,
---BAL-A- =,i , -- A.- A- , -T '%- .- K. --. -
,vqplicotion or radio-curbon in investluTati0r, thc ncC11,0111s," Of c0".se"tive
nyl," o poper svibrAtted ot thd 1"t-Crnational
reactiOns to butane-butyler-e-divi %.
Conference on Pladioiaotolv.3 ill Scientific Itcacarch, Iluria, ,)-20 L;4:r 57,
I' . 'Y.. ,
I '. I -..
1 !
I ,
Catalysts for hydrogenation of polysaccharldes. Izv.AN SSSI.Otd.
khIm.nauk no.3092 057. (HL'RA 10:5)
LInstitut organichaskoy khtmil, in. N,D. Zolinskogo Akademil nauk
SSSR i Vessoyasn" nauchno-issledovatellskly institut gUrolisnoy
promyshlennosti. (Catalysts) (Hydrogenation) .
=-Ij)IjNI, L. Kh.; IM~IN ~A.A.; and RIJDNEVA, K.C.
"Properties Or a Nickel Catalyst Prepared by the Decomposition of the Doublo.-
Nickel -me gnes tun Salt of Formic Acid." Izvest.. Adad. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Khim. Nauk.
1957, 436-4p.--The properties of a skeletal Ni catalyst and of a Ni-MgO catalyst,
prepd, from a mixed Ni-Mg salt of IIC0,Hj were compared on the bnels of hydrogenation
reactions at room temp. The data show that vinyl caters, 1-heptynet mesityl oxide,
styrene ncetals with a double and triple bond, MAc, and M 9FO are hydrogenated at
approx. the some rate on both catalysts. YeCOEt,, and BzH are hydrated more rapidly
on the Ni-MgO catalyst. The activity of the NI catAlyst is greater for the hydro-
genation of 2-octene, MCh*CHCH 011 PhCH-CIICO U, peperylene, cyclobexany, tolan, and
for compda. contg. the SI atbm: TheoNi-4 is as Cood as the skeletal catalyst from
the standpoint of themal stability# adsorption of 11, and regeneration by oxidation.
Inst. Organic Chen, in. N.D. Zelinskiy, AS USSR
~Iftl Chemdetry - Kinetics.. Combustion,, 1hplosions, Topo-
chM stry,, Catalysts.
I~s Tour t Worst. 2mr mal XUAin, No 3s 1958s 720-
Author : A.A. rreydlins N.V. Nikirorova,,
Wt tiibW~en;es or Vm.
Title Kinetics of Catalytic Paduction of Organic Permddes and
1"roperoxIdes. Paport 1. PjArogenation of Isopropylbenzene
ftdroperwdde, Ithyl*my1isWW1 Peroodde mad Tetmlin
Orig M: Izv- AN MR. Otd. kUm. n-j 1957, No 4o 443-450.
Abstract% the hydrogenation kinatics of Inopropylbenzene hydroperoxide (I)p
ethy1pbenyllsoproWl peroadde (II), totra"a bydroperox1de (M)
and ditertiarybutyl peroadde dissolved inCON 00 01, C69 OR
C691Z C6H6 or deca"n vas studied. The reltl" Fe Zm I
out in gl"s vessels under p m 1 aft and at 5 to 50 an raney's
catalyst and Palladium black. The zero order is observed nearly
Card 1/2
CHEPIGO, S.V.. k9nd.tekhn.nauk; RUAAV
kand.khim.nauk; SMUNW, A.P. .1,Ap._ skivdamik: VASTUNINA, N.A.,
Preparing polyatomic alcohols by means of catAlytic conversion
of polysaccharides of vegetable origin. Y-him.nauke i prom. 2
no.4t4l6-424 157. (MIRA 10:11)
(Alcohol) (Polysaccharides)
16 -M-~' --A 61N-A-.A- SHCHI*LOYA--.k--P-
Xffeot of the structure of alcoholt*ooleculas on the kinetics
of their dehydrogenation. Izv*AN SSSR*Otd.khim.nauk. no.7:787-794
Jl 157, (MIRA 10:10)
l.Inatitut organicheskoy khimil im6 NjD. Zalinakogo AN SSSR.
(Alcohol) (Dehydrogenation)
Iffect of the structure of alcohol wleculas on the kinetics
of their dehydrogenation. Report No. 2: Alcohols C4 - C *
Inv. AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk. no,?.-795-800 JI 157. ?;IRA 10i10)
1.1netitut organicheakoy khimit, is. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Alcohol) Oehydrogenation)
- A--- --- - -
Precise method for the determination of relative adsorption
coefficients. Isv.AN SSSR.Otd.khte.nauk. no.7t882 J1 157.
(MIRA 10:10)
1.1natitut organicheekoy khtmii im, N.D, Ealinakogo AN SSSR,
Iffect of the structu" of alcohol molecules on the kinetics of
their dehy"enation. Report No.3t Comparing the results obtained
for different alcohols. Isy. AN SSM Otd. We, nauk no,8009-915
At, 15?. (MM 1112).
1, Institut organlobaskoy khimii 1u, N.D. talluskogo ASSSM
(Alcohols) (Chewsioal structure) (Dehydrocanation)
-- A*-Aro; To To. 1.
Dohydrogenation of butane - butylene sixtures using tagged atone$
probl. kin. I imt. 9:45-60 157. (MM 1123):
(Dehydrogenation) (Butane)
The Uond energy of a nickel catalyst with oxygen. lay. AN SM
Otd. Was nank no*9:1129-1132 8 157. (MIRk IWO
1. Institut organichookoy khiall to. N.D. Islinskogo AN SSSR.
(Catalysis) (Nickel) (Oxygen)
_v. 'vi_ -A " ~ , A 1 r~I/_T-/_*I,
AUTHORSt Froydlinj L. Kh., Balandin, A. A., 62-11-5/29
1 Fridman, 0. A.
TITLEj Investigation of the Vapour-Phase Hydrolysis of
Chlorobenzene Under Presence of a Phosphate Catalyst
(Issledovaniye parofasnogo gidroliza khlorbonzola v
prioutstvii foofatnogo katalizatora).
PERIODICALt Izvestiya AN SSSR, Otdolonie Khimiohoskikh Naukq 1957,
Nr Ill pp. 1328-1332 (USSR)
ABSTRAM Here the reaction of the hydrolysis of the chlorobonsone
in the vapour-phass under presence of phosphate oatalysto
was investigated. The activity of a mono-component
phosphate catalyst during absence of "promotors" was
confirmed. The Influence of the temperature on the
transformation degree of the ohlorobenzone an& the
soloativity of the proosss was investigated, It Is shown
that the phosphate catalyst is thermally more stable than
the silioa gel oatalyet and loss sensitive to the
desaotivating effect of min9ral admixtures. The assumption
Card 1/2 is expressed that in the aotivation process of the
Investigation of the Vapour-Phase Hydrolysis of 62-11-5/29
Colorobenzene Under Presence of a Phosphate Catalyst.
hydrolysis reaction in vapour-phass by phosphate and *ilias,
gel catalysts a similarity is existing. There are 3 figurest
4 tables, and 13 references, 12 of which aro Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Organical Chemistry imeni N. D. Zalinekiy of
the AN USSR (Institut organicheskoy khiaii in. M. D.
Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR).
SUBMITTEDs July 27t 1956,
AVAIL&BLEt Library of Congress
Card 2/2
&VZ PAJ Ij /A/
AUMRS t X ipervan, S. L, , B it lAnd in, A. ADar.,,a ova 9 1. R. 62-1 2-9/,T
TIM: On the Influence Exercised Upon the Activity of the VioYel 3keleton
Catal~,st of Fine Crushing by Means or Vibration (C vlit-.-.,aIi na
aktivnest' skeletnogo nikelevogo, k-nt-AJ-zatom tonkogo I-t.1cl,chcni3-&
putcn vibratsiennogo porols)
TIMIODICAL Izvestlya AN SSSR Otdelen~*e Khimioheskik-h 11nuk, 1957, Nr 12
pr. 1482-1464 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The skeleton catalysts obtained by the leaching of the respective
alloys are today viidel~r In wie (Lt particular ror the carrying out
of reactions in the liquid phase). In this oonnqction too little
attention is paid to the iniport&nt diapersion, especially when pul-
verized oata.Vsts are med. In order to explain the influence exer-
cisea by the dispersion of ontal4rate upon their activity the nutl~crii
employed the method of fine cruthing of the niok-el-aluminum nllo~r
(see table and diagrm). An ro'gards the result of the experiment il.
W be said that the activity (ana specific activity) of the nickel-
skeleton catalysts, which lad- previously been pulverized by vlbmtion
crusbing, showed a highcr activity of ostalysts in the reactions of
Card 1/2 their hydrogenesis of cyclohexano snd the dehydrogenorization. of
On the Influenc- Zxerolsea Upon the Activity of the 62-12-9/20
Niokel 3keleton Jatalyst of Fine Crushing by Reans of
the isopropyl, alcohol in the liquid phase. It in assuinea that tho
cause of' the increased activity in due to a change of the rvlom-
rougluiess of the surface or by the existence of an internal diffu-
sion 4eaelervAtion. There are I fiSure, i table, and 7 refarvnor_:~,
6 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATICK: Institute for OrgAnio Chemistry AN USSR imeni, II.D.Zolinakiy.
(Inatitut organicheakoy khimil im. N.D.Zelinal-ogo Akaaemii
SUBMITTED: Ju4- 9, 1957
AVAMBLEt Library of Congress
Card V2 1. Nickel skeleton catalyst-Crushing-Vibration 2. Nickel aluminum-
"Catalytic Splitting of Isomeric.Xylones by Water Vapor." Veetnik Moskav Unty. Ber
Matoj, Viekh*, Astron., Fiz. i Khim. 12,, No 1 101-10 (1957).--The Decompn. vita
carried out in the presence of Ni(33 and i7%1 an catalyst over the A1640.j (it 350-
45oP with velocity of hydrocarbons 0.2 ml./min. and the volumetric ratio between
H 0 and hydrocarbons 51lP Under this conditions the m- and p-xyler.-, form 60-Wp
toluene. Yields of C,H4 and other poeous products are not higber than 20~. The o-xylene
at 41o0, Siv6d toluene with 46% yield .and at 4660 with 27% and forw more C.H.
and gaseous products.
Moscow universitet,, Kafedm organicheakogo kataliza.
-- -MFUp'les for calculating the kinetics of catalytic dahrdro-
genation, dehydration andL cracking In a flow system. Vast. Hook.
uneSerematemakheastron.fis. khime 12 no,4:137-167 15?. (MMA 11:5)
1.1afedra organichookogo kataliza Moskovskogo gesudarstyannoge
(Catalysis) (Chemical reaction, Rate of)
Catalytic conversiom of ethane with participation of water vapor.
Part 1: Iffect of water concentration In the reacting mixture on
conversions of ethane. Characteristics of carbon formations Vast,
Hook. un. Bar. mt.. makh., astrons, fit* khtm., 12 no.5tl93-198
15?. (MIRA 11:9)
I.Kafedra organicheskogo kataliza Hookovskogo gosudaretyannogo
(Ithans) (Chemloal reaction, Rate of)
map-""" 01"~- -
Iffeat of skeleton nickel on hydrocarbons under conditions of a
Insting contact. Zhur. prikl. kh1m. 30 no,11:1711-1715 N 157,
(MIRA 11Q)
1, Kafedraarganichaskago kataliza Moskovskogo urosudaretvonnogo, uni-
(Catalysts, Nickel) (Hydrocarbons)
USM/Fbysi stry KInettcs, C-onbustion, Ex,-~losioni,
c 4
Topochemtstry, Catalysiu.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, W.) 1, 1953, 509
Author : A.A. Balan4in, S.L. Kiperman.
Inst .6
Title To the Juestion of Kinctics. of Dehydro,,~Caatioil ~:f Alcc)nolz;
OrIG Pub 211. fit. khimii, 1957, 31, No 1, i39-jA9
Abstract Basing on the assumption th--t the prozess proccals ia at-a-
Cos, the general cquat*,oix of kinetics of aleohoj. dehydro-
genation on a quazihomo~;cneous catalyst sLwface (RZhKhtm,
1954; 33897 ) was derived by the method or stationary con-
centrations; th!9 equation agrees with cxpvriDcni~al data.
If the speed constant c'0 of the surface reaction is less
than the speed constant of desorption of alcohol and re-
action products, then the constants in the denominator of
the kinetic equation vill represent corresponclin-I': adsorp-
tion factors, but if c2 is Lxeater than the other
Card 1/2
USM/Physteal Chemistry - Kinetics, Combustion, Explosions, B-9
Topochemistry, Catalysis.
Abe Jour Rer Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 509
constants, then the equ:ition constants will re,-Prevent com-
plex expressions contai.nin_- the constants or the Brensted
relation between the activation enerLZr and the thermal ef-
rect of the state. It is shown that the relation between
the speed constants of sta,,.-,es in the forward and the rever-
se directions does not depend on the place of a heLeroZ;e-
nous surface. The activatinG action of little amounts of
water observed in a certain temperature rnn.,,v, as well as
the formation of little amounts of aceLic acid at Lhe dehy-
drogenation of C2H OR on Cu the authors explain bj a parti-
al parallel oxida'6?on and reduction of the ?atalyaL surfa-
ce. The Brensted relation between the activation enerjV
and the thermal effect of correspondln6 Gtaoes of the pro-
cess remains valid in case or reactions of homoloCs of the
same type on the j;iven catalyst surfazze, and tha ma,~nitudes
of Its constants rematn approximately the same.
Card 2/2
"The mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis and the kinetics of catalytic debydro-
genation." Zhur. Fiz. Khim- 31# 745-60 (1957).--The multiplet theory of hetero-
geneous catalysts and its application to the interpretation of catalytic dehydro-
genation kinetics axv reviewed, 7be nature of the catalyst active centers Is
discussed, 7be possiblity Is cemonstrated of an exptl* detn. of free-energy changes.,
heat contentsl ani entropy of adsorption processes on active centers,, and the detn,
of bond-energy between the reacting atoms In a mol, with the atom of the active
center of the catalyst.
Adademlya Knuk SSSR, Institut Orgenicheekoy dhimil. im. N.D. Zelinskogo and Moscow
State Univ. im. M.V. Lomonsov.
U&*Pbysic&l Chemistry Kineticsj, Combustion, ftlosions) Topo-
chemistry, Catalysis. B-9
Abe Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Minim No 3P 1958* 7256-
Author :,A.A. Balandinq N.V. Nikiforovap L-Kh- Freydlin.
Inat A my of Sciences of USSR.
Title Kinetics and. Sequence of Bond lVdrogenation in Peroxide
Covoounds on Nickel Catalyst.
Orig Pub tDokl. AN SMp 1957# 112p No 4) 649452.
Abstract: The liquid phase hydrogenation of isopropylbenzene hylroperol-
Ides ethylphenillsopropyl peroxide, tetraline hydroperoxides
3-methyl-lbutine hydroperoxide, cy*16hexem hydroperoxide,
bentoyl peroxide, tertisry butylperbenzoate, n-nitrobenzoyl per-
oxide and ditertlaxy butyl peroxide was carried out in ethyl
alcohol6 benzene and toluene solutions under p - 1 eta and at
5 to 30 on Raney's catalyst. It is shown that the hydrogena-
tion sequence of various functional groups in peroxide compounds
Card 1/2 -W-
'USWPhysical Chemistry - Kinetics.. Coubustion., Solosionsp Topo-
cbeWstry,, Catalysis. B-9
Abs Jour: Werat. Zhurnal MLWY&p No 3P 1958P 7256-
agms vith the forecasts =4e on the basis of the MatiPlet,
theory. First, the nitro-group is bidrogmted., then the YerOX-
ide groupp furthar the first bond in the CwC groupp next the 71-
-bond in the CwC group, and, at lastp the gydrogenolysia of the
bonds C-0 and C-C takes place most difficultly. The hYdrO96M-
tion activation ezergy of these coupounds is from 2 to 10 kcal
per mole. in the authors' opinion., the observed hydrogenation
sequence permits to assume that hydrogenation of non-saturated
peroxides nay serve as a catalytic method of prepaxing non-sa-
tumted alcohol#.
Card 2/2 -41-
i` - "!", " 1 , , , "..- ~ ~ " '~' .1 '1,'-,-,- '
'~~vul I . 1 , it- .. . , - .
i . . 1. ~ 1- 1,. , _
AUTHOR KIPERMkNo S.L.j A., -Member of --thelcadomy--
On Bond Energy between nickel-catalysts and various elements of
Organic Compounds. 20-3-2X6?
(0 Tellohinakh #nergil evyazi nikolovykh katalizatorov a *lose -
tami organich*skikh soyodin*niy - Russian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Akadesti Nauk SSSRI 1957t Vol 1159 Nr 2t PP 335-538t
ftosived-6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957
ABSTRACT When solving the problem of scientific selection of catalysts
the determination of binding energies of the latter with dif-
fornot elements Is of essential Importance. Hero the following
methods are applicablelthe th*rmooh#mioal# the adsorption-oho-
mioal, and the kinetic method. The latter was in former ties@
used only In connection with the oxydation catalysts..The author&
here attempt to apply this method for the computation of bond
energy by means of reactions not applied before. They inv*etiga-
t*d the bond energies of the nickel-ostalysto with hydrogen and
deuterium, with carbon on the occas!on of a double bond and of
a simple bond, with oxygen and with nitrogen. As obvious from
the theories quoted above the kinetical method can be applied
for finding out the bond energy values of the niokl#-'ostalysts
with different elements under application of suoh resotions as
paraortho-transformation of hydrogen, isotope exchange# hydrog*ni-
Card 1/2 sation and hydrogenolyals. The values chitfly harmonize with
On Bond Energy between Nickel Catalysts and various Elements of
Organic Compounds.
those ones that have been computed in a compl*t*ly different
way. The fluctuations of activity of the ottalysts which lead
to & modification of by some thousand3 K& /mol have little in-
fluenoo on the Q-valuee (bond energies . In several cases they
have no influence on the transition to other samples of catalystal
the doubling of 9p however# leads to a modification of QN-Ni
by 50%. Under the application of the bond energy values ob-
tained the authors compute the adsorption potenti:l,:,(that is
the total bond energy of the reacting atoms with a yets) for
dehydrogenisation of formio acid on Ni.
(I schedule, 12 citatione from Slavic publications).
ISSOCIATION Institute for Organic Chemistry "ZELINSKIY, N.D.".
SUBMITTED 24-10-1956.
AVAILIBLE Library of Congrtes.
Card 2 2
AUTHOR BILANDIN A.A. Member of the Academy, KLADUNOVSKIY Ye.l. PA - P50
TIVILE On the Storoooh*aistry of Catalytic Active Complexes.
(0 sterookhimil katalitichooki aktivnykh kompleksov -Russian
Doklady Akadomii N&uk SSSRI 195T# Vol 11~, Nr 3, Pp 585-587
Received 6P957 Reviewed 7/1957
ABSTRACT With reference to the author's work in D, 19561 Vol 11o, Nr 4, the
present pap*r explains the process of reaction. For thin purpose
the hydrogenization of the compound (1) is carried out.
(1) is 2 13-dihydro-(2.3i 5'. 6*) (5,61 5"96") ( 7,61 5"'. 6"1)-
tribenso*bioyolo-(2 2 62)-ootadion-5,7-dion-11,41. Hydrogesisation
was carried out at ~5 and n atmo herio pressure above the ea-
a sp
(peroxides are
talyzer in freshly distilled dioxane lacking). The
experimental method and the production of the catalyter in descri.
bed in D, 1956, Vol 11ot Nr 41 Investigation showed that the sub-
stance obtained i the product Ills il 2'0' 4',5',61- hoxahydro-
61)(5961 ;1196") (7,81 5",Lo 6111~- tritszoebioyolo-(2j2,2)_
octadien-5o 7-dion-10,4'. This compound has as yet not boon descri-
bed in publications. In pure form these are yellow crystals with a
melting point at 182 - 30. This product showed no reaction to ohin-
oide structure, did not react to am olefine co-Npound, form*d no pho-
nylurethane, and did not react to maleinanhydride.On the occasion
of the reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydraoine the product (III)
Card 1/2 gave a well-orystallizing mono-2#4-dinitrophenylhydresone with a
On. the Sterooohomistry of Catalytic Active Complexes- PA - 3150
malting point at 185 - 80. The multiplot theory makes It possible
to construct stersochemical models of active complexes of the in-
vestigated reactions. The structure of such models in described.
(With 2 illustrations and 6 citations from Slavic publications).
ASSOCIATION Institute for Organic Chemistry "N.D*Z*linekiy" of the Academy of
PRESENTED BY Science of the U.S.S.R.
SUBMITTED 4.1o.1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHOR BAIANDIN-kX~~--Membe-r-o--f---t--h--e----A-ca-de-m-y- 72MIP20-5-41/6T
TITLE of the Dehydrogenation of Alcohols Over a Copper
Catalyst D*post.
(Kinetika dogidrogenizataii spirtov nad oeazhdonnym mednym kata-
lizatorom -Russian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Ak d ii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol 113,Nr 5,pp logo-loq3(U.S.S.R.)
Received 7~1;;7 Reviewed 8/1957
ABSTRACT This problem was investigated by previous papers by the same au-
thor, where it was shown that the activatioh velooity and -energy
of this process is either not at all or to a very low degree de-
pendent on the k-structure of the alcohole.It was further found
that the adsorption coefficients of ethyl-,n-propyl-,and isopro-
pyl alcohol are equal to one another on the copper catalyst.In the
present work alcohos differing considerably in structure were in-
vestigatediethyl-,isopropyl, bonaylalcohol, and cyclohexanol.In
contrast to previous works the catalyst was produced by the preoi-
pitation of copper hydroxide by ammonia from a 2o% solution of ni-
trio copper. An already previously proved, alcohol dehydrogeniza-
tion subordinates itself to the general kinetic equation of mono-
molecular reaction in the flux. In the case of the dehydrogenization
of alcohols without admixtures this equation is as followsi
dm - k M - a ~7 1 where k denotes the constant of reaotionj
Card 1/3 dl Al + (Z2+23 .1 a
The Kinetics of the Dehydrogenation of Alcohols 20-5-41/671
Over a Copper Catalyst Deposit.
i-the afflux velocity of the alcohol, and m-the velocity of the
elimination of hydrogen(further details in a previous paper-8).
The values of relative adsorption displacement were the same as in
the case of other substances.The values of the relative absorption
coefficients for acetaldehyde and hydrogen differ from those obtai-
ned by previous works, but at that time a catalyst was used which
was produced by the annealing of netric copper, and was subsequent-
ly reduced by hydrogen.As table 2 shows these coefficients for hyd-
rogen are independent of temperature.The aggreement of physioal ad-
sorption heats of the alcohols investigated indicates the partici-
pation of chemical forces in the adsorption process of the alcohols
during catalysis-The results obtained show that the structure of
the hydrocarbon radicals of alcohol exercises only little influen-
oe on the value of the activation enrgy of dehydrogenization on
the metal copper catilyst-.The insignificant influence exercised by
the hydrocarbon radical on the activation energy confirms the multi-
plot theory. It may be explained by the fact that the sQbstituent
outside the frame exercise& nearly the same influence both or. the
value of the atomic bindings within the molecule which disintegra-
tes during the reaction, and on the bindings of the atoms of the
reacting molecule with the catalyzer atoms.
Card 2/3 (With 1 illustrationt 6 tableag 9 Slavic references)
The Kinetics of the Dehydrogenation of Aleohole 20-5-41/67
Over a Copper Catalyst Deposit.
ASSOCIATION Mosoov State University "N.V.LOXONOSOV"
SUBMITTED 6.12.1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congress
Card 3/3
usewphysical Chemisiry nnetics, Combustion., bVlosionsp Topo-
chemistry, Catalysis.
16 Jour: Pleferat. Mmroal Xhil-'Ya, No 1. 1958, 72,57.
Author : A--A--kaandin, H.B. %rovz-Polyak~ A-Ye. Agronamovo
L.S. rmlkova.
Inst :Ao&dW of Scienes of UM Moscow State Univ.. im m., v. Lomonosova.
Title iCaUlytic Debydration of Alcohols on Anhydrow Nagnium Balfate.
Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SM), 1957, ilk# So 4, TT3-776.
Abstracts- Me dehydration of i __I P Opentanolp dMtanol-2
and propanol-2 in the vapor phase at 4W to 410 &Ad at the
volume rate of 0.4 in presence of wdqdrom Wg8% proceeds
practics,11y to the end. ra sparent activation energies in
the range from 36o to Wo an from A37o to 1591o cal per
mole, which, in the authors' opiniono It atipUlALted either
by the same orientation of alcohol molecules with reference
to the catalyst surface), or by that &11 these reactions an
Cut t 1/2 -42-
DALAKD1N#A0A. Uember of the Academy
XkKe- ~rnc~~of the Chemistry of Enzymes and Antimetabolites
from the Standpoint of the Theory of Catalyaia. (Oanovy khimii
formentoy i antimatabolitov a toohki zroniya kataliza)
Doklady Akademii Nauk S53R, 1957t, Vol 1141 lir 5, PP 1000 - 1011
ABSTRACTs 1. Enzymes are colloidal, miorohoterogencouc catalysts. The author
here proven that the multiplat-theory can give an explanation for
the special characteristic properties of the onzymoot their hiGh
colectivity and activity* In the reaction their indox-group must
first be sorted out1I*o6 the reacting atoms which come iq touch
rith the atoms of the catalysts 'the enzymes listed In tabol show
that the majority of fermentative reactions has a doublet or trip-
lot index. Dkfferent indices usually correspond to different typos
of enzymes. 'he indices of tab. I form a multiplet classification
vhioh agrees-with that accepted in formentology. 2.Eaoh type with
the artno index contains up to ton onzymos with a narrower solootivi,,
ty; thin is caused by the influence of extra-indexal oubstituento,
3. Juat as in catalyois, the substituento in, the fermentative
reactions influence the onorgies of the roactinC linkages Whioli.
tire in the index* The enorCetio Influence of oubatituents in
based upon election shift on the linkal;o oner,-,y in the indot.
4'. A more subtle gradation is produced by the structural agrce-
Card 1/3 j~cnt of the oubstMente, This in indicated by the heterogoneous
The Principloo of the Chemistry of Enzymes and Anti-
netabolitou from the Standpoint of the 'Meory of Catalysis.
catalysio of optleally aotiva eubotancea. A complex of the
doublet index group in optically inactive by its sy.".otry. but an
optically active catalyst deposited on an optically active
carrier (ooeemetal-quar tz~, selectively accelerates the reaction
of an optical antipode from their mixture, From this the author
draws the conclusion the acymmotric influence of a catalynt or on-
.%yne is not concentrated in the roactinC croup (of the index), but
in the extraindexal subutituenta. The adsorption stadium is die-
aymmetric, the catalysis stadium symmetric. In order to make it
-)ossiblo to superimpose substituente, a sufficient take-out has to
bo present beside the active center. Its existence is copfirmed
by the study of catalytic dohydrogenation of molecules of compli-
cated form. 'the nature of the take-outs Is explained by the fact
that the carrier - apoforment - is a molecular albuminoid. In
these the molecules are most densely packed, so that the projec-
tions of one molecule extend into the hollows of another, The bind-
Ing hydrogen does not take a special position. If a molecule is
taken out on the surface, a take-out is created. In such a take-
out a molecule of another typo can find room, which, howevert
has to posoosa a portion equal or similar to the one taken outs
Card 2/3 During the many yearn of natural nolection in the chemistry of
enzymes a sleoitliltprooiae structural wreement between apo -
an %
ferments au a uents devologode5o' o onzyme-inhibitor in-
fluenoo various reaction stadia. ighly absorbable substance: mg, 1014
The Principloo of the Chemiatry of Enzymes and Anti-
metabolites from the Standpoint of the Thecry of Catalysis.
S) block the active centers of various onzymet; independent of their
atructure.On the oontrary,antivietaboliten out of hundreds of enzy-
mes of one cell may poison only a single one by the fact that their
side-ohains adoorb on the structurally elose take-outs of the al-
buminoid, portion ct the enzyn*e. The author's theory of antimeta-
bolism shows that the thecry of Vulli which oonald&rs an antimeta-
bolite a heterogeneous catalytic poison and the theory of Erlenmeyer
which points out the parallelism between antimetabolism and spitax-
ism, do not exclude but eupplenent each other. By Oiis the author
explains the principle of the production of inmuno bodies.
(3 illustratitns,l table, .4, Slavic references).
AS80QjATION "N.D.Zoliiisky" Instituto for Or(,.anic Chem.,atry of t'le A--Adcl3j of
Science of the J
A7AIUBU Library of Uonj;rees.
card V)
_r N
AUTHORS '_P_a_1andinL_A-_A- _Academician, 2o-4-26/6o
Teteni P.
TITLE The Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydrogenatlon of
sopropyl Alcohol in the Presence of Fourth-Peroid
ransition Metals.
(Kinetika kataliticheakoy dogidrogenisataii isopropilovogo
spirta v prieutetvii. parekhodnykh metalloy IV periods.)
PERIODICAL Doklady kkadesit Nauk SSSR, 195T, Vol. 115, Wr 5,
py. 727-730 (USSR)
ABSTRACT This kinetics of catalysts such as iron, cobalt and
nickel has been little lnv*stlgate4. But this reaction may
serve as a model reaction in the study of the above-
mentioned catalysts which are widely spread in practice.
In the present paper these metals *or* used in a form
obtained by precipitation. The experiments were carried
out in an ordinary flow set-up. It was found that the
investigated catalysts (temperature range: for Iron and
cobalt up to 25000# for nickel up to 2150C) exclusively
perform the debydrogenation of 1sopropyl alcohol to
acetone. In that connection pure hydroden developed. The
oatalyeate contained only acetone and the not thoroughly
CARD 1/4 reacted alcohol. As It was shown earlier this reaction
The Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Isopropyl Alcohol
In the Presence of Fourth-Peroid Transiti on Metals.
Is subject to the general kinetic equation of the mono-
molecular catalytic reaction in the flow, For alcohols
without admixture it has the form;
dm I
V, A1+ (a2+ a3- t)m
where k - to the speed oonstant of the reaotionj A, -the
supply speed of the Initial substance, 2 and a - the
relative adsorption coefficients of the ietone Ind of
hydrogen, m - the quantity of hydrogen separated per
minute, and 1 - the length of the layer of the catalyst.
The integration of equation (1) leads to:
Al (2 + a &)m. (2)
k 2 + 23) A, &n A 2
Tables I and 2 give the results of the determination
CARD 2/4 of the coefficients of adsorption. They show that the above
The Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehidrogenatinn of loopropyl Alcohol
in the Prenence of Fourth-Peroid r&nsition Metals.
introduced to formula (2). For the nickel catalyst the
:3 was found at the necessary temperature
value a2 +
by interpo tion of the straigth line of the logarithmic
dependence (fig.1). The results are given in tables 3-5
and fig. 2. The true activation energy of alcohols on
IF* and Cc was for the first time determined here. From
the results it follows that the activation energy here
decreases from iron to nickel. The activity of the cata-
lysts of the fourth-period transition metals increases
with the decrease in the atomic number of the metal and
with the shortenitig of the interatomio distanco. These
now results are of Importance for the determination of the
dependence of the catalytic activity of the. elements on
their position in Hendeleyev's periodic system.
There are 2 figurea, 5 tables and 9 Slavio references.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University Iment M.Y. Lomonosov.
(Moskovskiy goeudaretyennyy universitet it. M.1 Lomonosova)
SUBMITTED- March 23, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library-of Congress.
CARD 414
The Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Isopropyl Alcohol
In the Presence of Fourth-Perold Transition Metals.
mentioned coefficients of acetone and hydrogen on
Iron- and oobalt-oatalysto do not depend on temperature.
Such a dependence is onlj observed In the case of nickel.
Here the coefficients of both substances decrease with
increasing temperature. The dependence In logarithmic
(fig. I)o From the obtained results the heat differenoes
of hydrogen, ao9tone and isopropyl alcohol were
calculated and the following values obtained:
Aac " Aalo a 3,7 koal/Nol and 'A H2 - %10
1495 koal/kol. In the case of Iron and cobalt the ad-
sorption heats of aloohol and the products are equal
or approximate. Further the adsorption ooeffioients
were used in the calculation of the reaction constants
at various temperatures. ?or determining the true
activation energy of the dehydrogenation with every In-
diyidual catalysts experiments were made with different
temperatures at a constant volume speed. For calculating
CARD 3/4 the speed constants the values of Ali m and 22+33 were
AUTHORS: Balandin, A. A., Academician, and 20-1~22/42
-Va-syunina, N. A-.
TITLE: Note on the Selective Hydration of Monosaooharides and
Polyatomic Alcohols (Isbiratelinoye gidrirovaniye
mononakharldoy i mnogoatomnykh spirtov).
PERIODICkL: Doklady AN SSSRI Vol. 1179 Nr 1, PP- 84-87 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: 1. According to scientific. and patent publications
(reference 1) the following reactions take place above
nickel cataly9ators in an aqueous solution at a hydrogen
pressure of 150-300 atm, 1) Monomaccharides are hydrated
almost entirely to polyatomio alcohols at a temperature of
120-13000 (XYlose to "xylits"t glucose to aorbitol) 2) kt
a temperature rise, the hydroxyl groups of the alcohols are
split offt primarily the end groups. In this way 1,2
propylene Glykol is produced from glycerine, and isopropyle
alcohol from this substance. Alcohols of higher order do
not loose their hydroxyl groups an easily an the alcohols
of lower order. 3. The production of uric acids from
'onosacoharides (in quantities not exceeding a few per-
Card 1,4 cents mills) at a lack of hydrogen is even more difficult
Rote on the Selectiye Hydration of Monosaccharides and 20.1_22/42
Polyatomio Alcohols
which acids cause an acid milieu-reaction. 4) The deqompo-
sition reactions of the C - 0 combination, ocouring mostly
in the center of the moleoul*f to a certain extent compete
with this reactions, in general, howeyer, they take place
at eyen higher temperatures (220-2300C). In this way
propylene glykol and glycerine is produced from sorbitol.11.
It appears from the reference* 3 and 4, that at an hydrolysis
of hydrocarbons the cracking of the C - C combination
occurs in the Position 3,4v The explanation of this phenomen
giyen by Shmidt is refuted by the authorst just as the
opinion by Natta, Rigamonti and Bestav (reference 4). 111-
Subsequently, the(multiplett-theory of catalysis Is applied
to the reactions reference 5)- It furnishes the correct
sequence of hydration and hydrolysis of Yarious compounds,
comprising furane derlyateog "tripticene" and of organic
peroxydes. This theory separates the reacting atoms within
the molecule into index-, doublet groups
Card .2/4 1
I :...: I
Note on the Selective Hydration of Ronosaccharides and 20-1-22/42
Polyatomic Alcohols
These atoms are in contact with the catalyst (but not
necessarily at the same time). The reaction velocity is
the higher, the better the structural and energetic
correspondence is complied with. This correspondence is
the more perfect, the lower the enereetio threshold ( -E),
or, the greater the value 9 - - 2AB - O=CD* (2AK* QBK*-QCX*QDK ~2)
If the indices of the reactions concerned are taken and the
Yalues of Q are introduced into equation (2), the results of
table I for a nickel catalyser are obtained. IV. The Influenes
of structure on the velocity of the reaction of one special
type is effected by the substituents, which are posed
outside the bound* ("zaramochnyye zamestiteli" ). In this
way the introduction of a substituent, i.g. at the atom i
in formula (1) influenoe the quantity QLB and Q,, in formula
(2). From this results a modification of E (referenoe 11)
and subsequently the reaction velocity is modified. From
the further equations (3) it follows th t by means of the
introduction of a substituent at A ; ,a - 6&F
Card 3/4 -(T6,&$ - 691D+691K) (4) - From thi 9 the equation a 9 oV -6 4j F.
Note on the Selective Hydration of Monomaccharides and 204-22/42
Polyatomic Alcohols
is deduced. From this it follows, that the reaction
proceeds the faster, the more the free energy of the
reaction 6 AF is reduced by the process of substituting.
The values of 6 AF are given in table 2 and 3 for the
compounds under investigation here. The sequence of reactions
computed from the tables are in aceardance with the
experimental results. It follows, therefore, that the
application of the multiplet theory in the field of the
hydration of monosaccharides and of polyatomia alcohols
ood jjoereots. There are 3 tables and 12 references,
6*:?'M':hgare a 0.
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AN USSR
(Inatitut organlohookoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo
Akademii nauk SSSR).
PRESENTED: September 6, 1957
AVAILLBLE. Lil~rary of Congress
Card 4/4
WAMM, A. A. and TOISMFUTOVAP - A. A. (Imt. - Ore. Chou. AS USM) - - - --- --
"Ran larth RUssate 9A Catalysts to OrgmAa Cbmalstrys Oxides of Cerium, lantbmft,
wA Owwln#. P- 307/
Ra-* Zarth Ilesente; krtr*otian, An"Is wA Appliajation) Hoecov, I&d-vo AN MR,
1958, 331,P. Aked. nauk. 890, IrAt. gookhim. I analiticheskoy khimil.
Collsotion of reports presented at the June 1956 Omf. on PAre larth Ilements
BALANM, A. A.,, PAVjMW-j v. v., MKOFAIM, -S. Y. and OMVA, K. 1.
"Ref Inement and Desulrdrization of petroleum. with the, Sinjultaneovs Inriclawnt
of ()re w1thft IntrOducim WrOgen from WithOa-" P. 153.
bM, k XhbdY& IM-OrPnich"kikh 40yediftni7 soderzhasohikhaya v neftlakh I
I (%Chemistry of Sv4vr-Organic Compounds
n6ftePr0d',i*tekbj materialy II navohnoy assail,
Coontained in Petrolwm Products; PftPws:Of the 2nd Scientific Session) Y. 1.
Ufa, Izd - BeshkArskogo f ilWa AN WWI 19~8.
Abstract-. A O*aft* OOncOntrStO Of finely stamped ore in brought into contact with
sulfrous ga~Ol*fifiTaPOrs &t 450-"O*C. Mineral Mve contain6ng coopounds of metals
show catalytic properties. With the rvVtwe of C-C or CPS and C-H boad*, those
minerals (depending upon their properties) are reduced from svlfides and are covered
with coke film . These changes soy be explolte& for Slotation or other methods of
enriching ore. Catalytic cracking takes place sInAtaneously. (Data are tabvlated
and other facets of the process are disovesed.1
iiA;AW111iH A. A.. 0. K4 J('A T A-3, G.. V., ILVD-W11, Tu. V. and PNIV", -C. !. -
I - =ULAY 1210 L
(Inst. of Organic Chem. AS USSRi
"Investigation of the Mechuism of Successive Reactions Butane-Butylene-Bivinyl
z by Using Radioactive Carbon C ." F. i-A- -
Isotopes and RadiatIon In Chemistry, Collection of papers of
2nd All-UnIon Bel. Tech, Ccnf. on Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes sod
Radiation In National Zccnoa and Science, Moscow, lzd-vc) AN 8=4958, 38OPP-
This volume pubIlOwd the reports ot the Chemistry Sectlon of tbe
2nd AU Set Ttch Cant an Us* of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation
In Science and the Xational XconoW, opmeored by Aced Sci U30 and Main
Main for Utlllxatlon of Atuale EneM under Council of kiniistors USO
Mosew 4-12 Apr 1957.
- -- -- -- -
"Tovards the Development of the Unity 7heo of Catelyeielvoncerning
Structure and Energy racors." (Plenary lecturef
report submitted for Annual Meeting East German Chemical Society, 28 Oct
1 NOT 1958, LelPtig , I O-S-R.
AUTH,3R!3t Balandin, A. A., Klabunovskiy, Ye. I., Kozina, 62-1-3/29
1.-7. ~,'~yanov~& 1. 0. D.
% % 4
TITLEt Thermochemical Detection of the Energies of Compounds
(Termahimieheskoyo oprodeleniye enorgiy s%yazey). Report it
The Energies Wthe Compounds 3n - C in Tetranothyl and
TetAothyl Tin (Soobeh--heniye 1. Energii avyazey Sn - C v
tatrametil-, i te~raetilolovo)
PERIODICALs Izv-stiya AN 3SSR Otdeleniyre Sh"michuskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 1,
pp 12-17 03SR)
A.BSTRACTi The data in *technical literature concerning the energies of
compounds (used in the computation of the adsorption potent-
ials of the Ostalysts) are insufficient. Above all no publi"
cation gives concrete data or, the energies of the oompounds
C,HjOtH with elements bolongiig tc the composition of the
most important catalysta. Therefore it was important to start
a systematical investigation of the compound energies necess-
ar.y for the outalysis also by thermo-chemical way. In the pre-
sent papor the authora report on the detection of the com-
buction heat of tetramethyl- and tatraothyl-tin, the heat
formation from elomants, and the energies of the oompound
Card 1A Sn - C (tables I and 2). The found data give more preoiss
Thvrmo~he:nical Doteation of the Energies of Conpcunds 62-1-3129
Report 1i Tho Enereies of the Compounds 3.n - C In Tetamethyl and
Tetraethyl Tin
rules governing the homologous series than do those hitherto
found by researchmen. Furthermore it was shown that the app-
lied calorimetric methods can also be used for the detection
of the combustion heat of the metal-organic compounds with
rather great prooiaeness.(Tables 3,5,6). Furthermore each in-
vestieuted compound demands a special aprroaah to the methods
of its combustion, and therefore it is necesoaxy to carry out
numerous preliminary experiments. Furthermore the spectrum of
the combination dispersion of totraothyl-tin was detected for
the first time. There are 6 tables and 24 references, 7 of
which are Slavic.
,kS30CIATIONs Institute of Organic Chataistry imani V. D. Zalinskiy,
AS USSR and State University imani Ut Ve Lomonosov.Moscow
(Institut orranicheskoy khimii imoni N. D. Zolinakogo Akadamii
Card 2/2 nauk 33SR i h:oukcvokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Mi, V.
14,, I'Aalorr,,~nic comik)unds-Combustion 2, Compounds-Energy measurement
1. f,'rJorlmoter3 Apvlicl~tions 4. Tetramethyl-tin-Thermochemistr7
5. Tot raethyl-tin-Thermochemistr7
AUTHORS: Balandin, A. A., Bogdanovat 0. K.* 62-1-4/29
*19at',2uTy1nrs', G. V., Neyman, 14. B., Pollov, Ye. I.
TITLE: The Applioation of Radioactive Carbon in the Comparison
Between the DOWdrogonation Velocities of Butane and Butylene
(Primanoniya radiouejuroda dlya armviianiya skorostay
dogidrogenizateii butana i butilena)
PERIODICAM Izvo-tiya AN 3SX, Otdolordye 4himichookikh llrukp 19581 Nr 11
pp, A-23 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The investigation (with the application of G14) waa oarriqd
out by meane of a special catalyst under conditions espeol-
ally favorable for tha obtainir~j of diviny-1. Since it turned
out that divinyl. can be forced from butylene and that butane
cannot be transformed into divinyl, it was conoluded that the
reaction (divinyl from butana) paaw only throuSh tho atkge
of the formation ani dosorption of butylang. Therefore the
desorption of butyluno cannot be a final stvga of tho entire
reaction. The authora riport on the carrXing out of the in-
vostiCationi The corrulation between the dohydrof-onation
velocity of butano and butylene, in divinyl at the chromitun
catalyst was found by mQans of computution3 -corresponding
Card 1/2 to the exporimontal data obtained alroady before. It was
Tho lipilication of Radioactive Ci~roozi in tliv Coula.risor, 62-1-412)
Butwoun the DulVdrogQnution Valocitiva of 13utano and Butylune,.
chown that thu ratio of the vtilocttiou of the dolVdroeon-
ation of butane in btitylone und of butane in divinY1 is for
both catalysts of tho utuaq ordor and correapertdo to the
ratio 20il. In the experimunts with ehrvi~iw-- catalyuts tho
Volocity ratio In the form"tion of diviny! fron butane
aorrospondod to lilOOO and in the exporimunto with an aluno-
chromium catalyst to 1:25. Furthormore it was cojifirmod that
the formation of divinyl. from butane tKkan place over the.
stage of the formation. of butyl4unu. It was ahown thut tho
constants (in the denominator of the kinetic equation of do-
lkvdrogenution) reprouent adjorlition,coofficients, Thoro aro
6 fieures, 4 tables, and 5 roluraric-23, 4 of which aro Slavic.
A~;XCIATION 3 Instituto of Orr:anie Chemiotry imuni ji. D. Zelinakiy
(Inatitut vr~,anichoskoy ".-himii i-moni N. D. Zolin8kogo
Akadoizii nauk 3SOR).
SU13LLI Vi;D a Junu.lry 1957
J4" 4,utone-DelVdrogeni~ttep 2. Butylene-Dehydrogenation
Cu~:d 2/2 'dif i~otopoa (Hadioactive)-Applications 4. Chromium
AUTHORSt Slovokhotov&,T.A., Balandin,A.A., and SOV/55-58-1-26/33
TITLEt Catalytic Change of Ethane With Participation of Water Vapor.II.
The Dependence of the Velocity of Several Sthane Reactions With
Participation of Water on the Volume Velocity and Temperature
(Katalitichookoys prevrashchaniye stana a uchastiyom parov Yody.
11. Zavisimost' skoroati raslichnykh reaktaly stana Y prioutstvii
Yody ot ob"yeanoy skoroati i tempajoatary)
PERIODICILs Veetnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya fiziko-raatematichookikh i
yeatestvennykh nauk, 1956, Nr 1, pp 193-2C1 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors investigated the dependence of the ethane changes
for a catalytic influence of nickel on the volume velocity of the
oonauaption.of ethane and the temperature. Reactionst C 2R6+492 0
2CO 2+7H21 02H6 u 2C+3H21 C2H6+H2 - 2CH 4* It was statedt For a
carbon concentrated catalyzer of constant activity the activating
energy of the ethane reaction with water is almost constant for
a change of the volume velocity of 6-12 1 ethane for 1 1 of tho
catalyzer and for 8 20-concentration of 16.6 to 29.6, And in the
Card 1/2 mean - 15000 cal- For a fresh catalyzer the same energy amounts
Catalytic Change of Ethane With Participation of Water SOV/55-58-1-26/33
Vapor.11. The Dependence of the Velocity of Several
Ethane Reactions With Participation of Water on the
Volume Velocity and Temperature
23650 cal.
There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet, and I American.
ASSOCIATION& Kafedra organichaskogo kataliza (Chair of Organic Catalysis)
SUBMITTEDs January 11, 1957
Card 2/2
AUT1,101ti: 3alandin, A. A., Freyd1in, L. Kh., 62-2-2/28
-V -. V.
TITIXt Tho Kinetics of the Catalyl.i., neduction of Peroxides and
Hydroperoxides (Kinctika katn1itichookol;o vosotanovleniya
pereki3ey i Cidroperekisay). Report 21 Hydro-cnation of'
Benzcyl Peroxides Tertiary Butylperbenzoate and lVdroper-
exides of Cy~-Iohexnna (Soobshcheniyo 2. Gidrirovaniye pere-
Mal benzoila, trotichtiobutilperbonzoata i C;idroperekisi
10 D I C A L iIzvestiya AN 35SP Nauk, 19581 Nr 2,
11F- 133-144 (USSR).
AD")TRACT: In the procedinC report it wra uliown by the example of the
hydroporoxide of i3oprorylbenzene, ethylphenylisopropylper-
oxide und tetralinhydroperoxide thut oreanio peroxide com-
pow,.dt~ ma-/ be easily subjected to Itydrogenolysia (over a
nick--! cataly-st). Thin also corresponda to tJe multiplet-
Ia t1w yre~ant paper it is ahown that only the
0 - 0 boH in the compounds breaks (references I and 11).
The observed lowest stability of this bond on Ni corresponds
Card 1/2 to the reqtlirements of theory. The authors investigated the
The Kinetici of the Catalytla Roduction of Peroxides and 62-2-2/28
11~rdroperoxideu. 11oport 21 Hydrogonation of Denzoyl Peroxide,
Tertiary Butylp orborizoate and 11Xdroperoxidea of Cyclohexane.
hinetiza of the IVdrocenation of benzoyl peroxide and
tortiary buty'rerbenzoate on NO and cyclohexenhydroper-
oxide (on Vli, Pd ani Pt). 7he authors further determineds
the erder of reaotion of tho constants of velooity and the
activatiot-, energies of the Given processes. The hydrogenation
of the joroxiden can be used as catalytic method for the pro-
duc'.,on of unsaturated alcohols. There are 6 figures, 1
tabla, and 17 referenres, 9 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Organic Chcnistry imeni 3. D. Zelinskiy AN
USSR (Instit,it or(-anicheskoy khimii. imeni 14. D. Zelinskogo
Akadernli rauk S35R).
SUB."'ITTEDs October 16, 1956
AVAILABLEt Libr ry of Con(;reso
L Peroxides-Reduction 2. Hydroperoxides-Reduction
3. Peroxides-Hydrogenation
Card 2/2
F1_ 10 1 - -- --- __- - --- --
AUTHOISt Fruydlin, L. Ki-, Balandin, A. A.,, G. k. 62-2-3/20
TITLEt The Vapor-I'llinse Hydroly3ls of Bon:-,uno 11alidos on an Activated
1,1100phate Catalyst. (Purofaznyy f7idroliz Calcidbenzolov na
promotirovannora foafattion lzatalizatvre).
H110DICAL: 1,:*;Cotiya Al 53SR Otdoloi%* Wiiniohookikh Nauk, 1950, Nr 2,
I'l. fl,3a;t).
ABSTAACTs It wau ahown that the thrue-substituted phosphate of calcium
is a-aitable as &,:;tivc and stable ono-component catalyst of
the reaction of the vapor-phase hydrolynis of chloroben-ene.
It was ass,=.ed the type of activity of the two catalysts
ia ver;( eimilar. The eimilarity of the mechanism of the activ-
atijig ac"W-ion of sil.Icat;el :-nd pnosphate is also confirmed by
the fact tl;at the rea-.tivity of cliloro-, bromo- and iodobenz-
enC3 xinifor:~ly docreases on both catalysts (in the order
C05 Cl 06H"Br C6nczj). V;e inv-p3tication showed that the re-
aotlon of trie hydrofysiz of chlorobonzene in 3-cubatituted
caloii:.r. -,hosphate io riotivnted on corper chloride. It was found
that the reactivity of borizene halides in the invp-tigated re-
action decren3es to the same extent as on ailicagel. The pro-
Card 1/2 blen of tho correlaticn between cenoral and active surfaze in.
The Vapor -P' ZM3,i Hydrolysia of Benzene Halides on an Activated 62-2-3/28
Phosphate Catalyst.
thr- ailicnCal- and phas-,lhat,i-catalyat was discussed. Further-
more the niv:ibor of active parts in the catalyst was determined.
There are 5 ficuros, 5 tables, and 13 references, 11 of which
are slavict.
A330CIATIONt Instituto for Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskogo, kH
USSR (Institut orSanicheskoy khinii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo
Akadomii nauk- SSSR).
S'UBI.*,ITTED% OctIcber 16, 1956
AVAILABLEs Library of Con~:roas
1. Bentens halides-Hydrolysis 2. Silacagal, catalyst
3* Calcim phosphate catalyst
Card 2/2
AUT."'ORSt Bulandin, A. A., Isaeulyants, G. V., Porov, Ye, i.,62-2-18/2.n
Dcrben.ts;_vf_Tu-% I., Vino[-radov, S. L.
TITLE& The Apylication of Radioactive Carbon for the Investigation
of the Dehydration Mechanism of Ethyl Alcohol Over Aluminum
Oxide (Primeneniye radiouEjeroda dlya isaledovaniya mckhan.-
izma, deCidre-taii etilovogo spirta nad okislyu alyuminiya).
PERIODICALt Izzveutiya Ali SSSR Otdolerdye Khinicheskikh Hauk, 1958, Nr 2.
pp. 233-235 (US."JR).
ABSTRAM The problem of the above-mentioned dehydration mechanism has
lone been discussed in publications, Various authors assume
that the formation of ethylene takes place over tho staGe of
the formation of the diethyl other. Others, however, think
that ethylene and others form as a result of 2 independent
parallel reactions. For the purpose of nolving this problem
the authors performed the deltydration of ethylcne alcohol with
addition of diethyl ether. See forraulae (2),(3),(4). As the
final result of the performed reactions showed, alcohol,
ether and ethylene possess a apicific radioactivity (ace
fiCuro 1). The authors determinedt the dehydration velocity
Card 112 of ethyl alcohol and ether in othalene as well as the common
The Application of Rad.loactive Carbon for the InvestiCntion 62-2-18/28
of the Dehydration Mechanism of Ethyl Alcohol Over Aluminum Oxide.
converaion of alcohol and other over aluminum oxide at
3000 C. They found that othylene forma in two different wayn:
directly from alcohol, and over ether. There are 2 fiCurea.
1 table, and 8 references, 6 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATIONs Inatitute for Organic Chemistry All USSR imeni N.D. Zelinskiy
(Institut)oreanioheakoy khiznii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo Akademli
nauk SSSR .
SUBMITTEDt September 21, 1957
AVAILABLEa Library of Congress
1. Carbon Isotopes (Radioactive)-Applications 2. EttAnol-
Dehydration 3, Aluminum oxide-Applications
Card 2/2
A"TH OR 6 1 P,~ trikoyev, V. V. , Dalmdin,. A.A. ~ Khide'.cll, M
TTTL:~: Adsorption and Catalysis ~kdzorbteiym i kat.-liz)
Com-,unication 1tTTfAro!-eTir-tLon kii' lk,tuic ind Fumaric Acid
in Ltauid rh%no (Soob3hchoniyo i.- Gidro.:~Lri~.-mtoiya mmlei-
novoy'i fnmarovo.- kiolot'v zhidkoy fa~:e)
F-'-','?TODICAL: I--vostiya Akailciaii ??.,.-uk SSSR Otdeloni3,e XhimicheekM 11auk,
1958, Nr 4, ml. 411-418 (Uss~)
AD"ITRAM In spite of the great practicill importance of the hydro-
C;enation of maloic and fumaric acid and of mincrons inve-
stiE:ations in thi3 field, many a problen of the nech-tinism
of hydroC;cnation remains unsettled. This in oni:ecially the
case with reaard to the knowled,~-e of the k;uzantity of the
substance adsorbed on the catalyst which could solve nany
problemal as for instance, the effect of the solvent and
the reaction product on tl-te mechanism of roaction aa well
as on the kinotica. In the rresent al!er the uthors describe
the methodu and the invc3ti'-~Aion of t!,.e hydro-
CO rd 1 /2 enc-tion )roceso (in lil-luid pl,.ase). Vao ap,,aratiia for the
62-5 3-4-4/32
Adsorption and Cz-,tv.1ynin. Communicution 1: Rydro!,-enation of M-laic and
Puttaric Acid in Liquid rhuse
catalytic hydro-e-intlon is dencribod in -reat detail (see
fijitro3 1-3). 'rhe authors found that maloic acid can be
bettor adsorbod and hydratod In a 90',, alcohol than funaric
ncid. S"ccinic acid has a dinplacing of,,'ect on fitnaric and
m"leic acid. In the acid mixture of 96,~ alcoliol on skeleton
nic'-el fitn~.ric acid in better adsorbed than maloic acid,
howover it h:dratoo more alowly. In the investig-ation of
tho c,4tt~lytic hy4rolrenation process (in nixtiiroa) the our-
f~-ce co-loontr-tionn of tho rea -ento d1trin-, renction mrstbe ccra-
sidered. There are 13 references, 12 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATIO111: 1n;t1ii,!; !*!i1-'1_i 1-. 17. !). "oli.-..-koco Akademii
m"'O; .'1;:M (Inutitnte fer Or ;,.nlc C' c~.iatry ineni N. D.
Zelin3kl~-, A') 111.3n)
SUBMI'Mt November 7, 1957
AVAMMEt Library or Con,-roes
Card 2/2 19 CAWYUO hydrogenation-fto3essee 2. Liquid majeja acid
-APPliOaticbe 3. Liquid funaric aoid-Applicationg
AUTHORS: Freydlinj L. Kh., Balandin, A. A., Borunova# N6 V.,
Agronomoys A* Yeo ~--- --- -N
TITLE% On the P41ation Between the lotivity and Stability of Nickel-
kluminiua Catalysts and the Haoro-Structur* of the Carrier
(0 eyyasi mezhdu aktivnostlyu i stabilinostlyu nik#V-
glinozemnykh katalizatorov i makrostrukturOy nositelys)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Otdoleniye khimiahookikh nauk,
195a, Nr 8, pp. 923-928 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the introduction the authors briefly discuss the influence
of the maorostruoture of the carrier on the activity of the
niokel-aluminium catalyst (Refs 1-3)6 Then they describe their
investigation of the relation between the activity and stability
of niokel-aluminium catalysts on the one hand, and the character
of the maoro-structure of aluminium oxide on the other hand. This
investigation showed that the dehydrating activity of the
catalyst can mainly be reoogn12ed by the type of porosity of the
carrier. It was found that catalysts produced by the application
of nickel on coarse-porous aluminium oxide have a higher activi-
Card 1/2 ty and greater stability than those produced by the application
On the Relation Between the Activity and Stability of Nickel-Aluminium
Catalysts and the Haoro-Structuro of the Carrier
of nickel on fine-porous aluminium oxide. The latter has the
effect that the activity of the catalyst is considerably
reduced* There are 4 fig-area, I table, and 10 references,
of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION! Institut organlohookoy khimii ims X. D. Zelinskogo Akadtmii
nauk SSSR (Institute of organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zolinskiy'.
SUBMITTED: March 5, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORSs Tolstopyatova, A. A., Balandin, A. A., SOV/62-58-10-4/25
Karpeyokayap Ye. I.-
TITLE: Kinetic Determination of the Binding Energies With the
Chromium Oxide Catalyet.(Kineticheakoye opredeleniye
energiy svyazi a katalizatorom okis' khroma)
PERIODICAL: Izveetiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauko
i9c,a, Nr 10, PP 1184-1191 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs In the present paper the authors investigated the
dehydrogenation and dehydration kinetics of isopropyl alcohol
as well as the dehydrogenation of oyclohexano on chromium
oxide: (obtained by annealing ammonium bichromate). The authors
found the, relative adsorption coefficient of acetone and
hydrogen. They also determined the activation energy of the
reactions of the dehydrogenation and dehydration of isopropyl
alcohol, as well as of the dehydrogenation of cyolohexane.
The binding energies of the atoms reacting in the molecule
with the oatalyat were determined. The authors also compared
the catalytic properties of chromium oxide produced by other
Card 1/2 methods with those described already. There are 6 figures,
Kinetic Determination of the Binding Energies With BOV/62-58-10-4/25
the Chromium Oxide Catalyst
9 tables, and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: gookovskiy-goeudaretvennvy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosovs,
i Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zolinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR. (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov
and Institute of Organic Chemistry 1meni No Dt Zelinskly
of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDt April 2, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Balandino A. At_jlsagulyants, 0. V. SOV/62-58-11-5/26
TITLEt Dehydrogenation of Some Hydroaromatio Hydrocarbons on a
Chromium Catalyst (Dogidrogenizatoiya nekotorykh
gidroaromaticheakikh uglevodorodor nad khromovym
PERIODICkLt Izvestiya kkademil, nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1958, Nr 11, PP 1303-1309 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs In the present paper the authors ospeoi*l,ly tried to establish
equal conditions of reaction for various hydrocarbons. For
this reason the data determined may be compared qualitatively
as well as quantitatively with each other. The authors applied
the running-thru method. The general scheme of the apparatus
corresponded to a similar scheme described in reference 1. The
catalyst was produced according to the method described in
reference 4, Its activity was constant and was controlled
after dehydrogenation of oyolohexans. Dohydrogenation of
oyclohexans, Dekalin, methyl cyolohexane, 1,3-dimethyl cyclo-
hex&ne, Tetralin, 2-mothyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro naphthalens~ was
investigated on the chromium catalyst. The 4 compounds
Card 1/3 mentioned last were investigated for the first time. The
'Dehydrogenation of Some Hydroaromatic Flydrooarbons SOV/~2-58-11-5/26
on a Chromium Catalyst
activation energies of cyolohexane, mothyl cyclohexane,
I 3-dimethyl oyolohexane, Tetralin, and mothyl Tetralin
w:re determined on the chromium oxide. The hydrooftrbone
similar in structure -, methyl oyalohexane,
dimethyl cyolobexans, and Dekalin - are characterized by
similar constants of the Arrhenius equation which, however,
do not agree. The occurrence of methyl groups in the oyclo-
hexane ring slightly reduces these constants. At high
temperatures this leads to a considerable difference in
dehydrogenation velooitys Tetralin and methyl Tetralin can
be dehydrogenatod at a greater number of active places than
cyclohexane and its homologso Dehydrogenation is in this
case characterized by greater constants of the Arrhenius
equation. For the dehydrogenation of all hydrocarbons
mentioned the factors of the exponential functions are
logarithmically dependent on the activation energy. The
distribution constant is the same in all cases. There are
7 figures, 10 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
Dehydrogenation of Some flydroaromatio Hydrocarbons sov/62-58.11-5/26
on a Chromium Catalyst:
ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheakoy khimit im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akadomti
nauk SSSR (institute of Organic Chemistry imoni N. D.
Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences )USSR)
SUB?IITTF.Dt May 14, 1957
Card 3/3
50) SOV/62-58-12-20/22
AITTHORS: Levi,, G. I., Balandin, A. As
TITLE: The Energy Bar-rT4Tv--*"he Reactions of Opening and
Closing of Hydrocarbon Cycles (Ob energetichookikh barlyerakh
reaktsiy razmykaniya i zamykaniya taiklov uglevodorodov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR! Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk,
1958s Nr 12, pp 1497-1498 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a brief account of the calculation of the amount of
the energy barriers of the hydrogenolysis of hydroaarbone
with an opening of 3-, 4- and 5-membered cycle& (Table 2)
and the dehydrocyclization with the formation of a cyclopentane
cycle. The amount of these barriers (EI) can be found by means
of the equations of the multiple theory (Ref 2). The quantity
El is the energy difference between the breaking and the
forming bond in this or that stage of the reaotion, which tends
to a limit value. In the case concerned this was assumed to
be the adsorption stage, i.e. the stage of the formation of a
multiple complex. The smaller the absolute quantity SO the
more easily the reaction takes place, all other conditions
Card 112 being maintained. The calculated results are in good agreemert
The Energy Barriars of the Reactiona of Opening and Closing of Hydro-
carbon Cycles
with experimental reftulte.
There are 2 tables and 7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khimii imeni N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. Do
Zolinakiy Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 5,. 1956
Card 2/2
Catalytic conversions of etharie.4 In reaction vith vater vapor*
Part 2: Dependence of the reaction rates of ethane in the presence
of vater on volune velocity and temperature* Vast eXosk*%tn*Ssr*vAatq#
uekhe.sstron**f1s.$khIm. 11 noolzI93~201 158. (MIRA ID11)
1. Kafedra organichasko o ketaliza Moskovskogo o unly"sitets,
(11thanal (Water vaporl a&
(Chemical reaction, Rate of)
Principles of structure and energy correspondence In onqwfitic
catalysts, LvIth summary in lnglish], Blokhtstia 23 noo3075-48
xr-je, '58 (HOU 11283
1. Institut organichookoy Wall is. NoD, Solinskogo AD SSSR, Noskra
structure & energy corrnspondonne in enrynntio catalysis
AUTHORSs Rode, T. V., Balandin, A. A. SOV/79-28-11-1/55
TITLEs Thermographio Investigation of Regeneration Processes of
Chromium Catalysts (Tormograficheakoya isele4ovaniye
protsessov regenoratgilkhromovykh katalizatorov)
FERIODICALt Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 11, pp 2909-2915
ABSTRACT: The regeneration of catalysts contaminated by coal deposits
which may be removed again, consists In the annealing of these
deposits in the air current or in the current of a mixture of
nitrogen and oxygen at various ratios. As this process has a
clear exothermal charneter it was only natural to employ the
differential nnnlysiu in its investigation (Ref 1), the
tempernture conditions being of great importance. Only a few
theoreticnl papers deal with this subject. The first of these
papers waa that by H. '). Zlelinskiy and. M. 'a. 'Aurova (Ref 2)
in which the contamination, of platinum and palladium
catalysts by coal deposits was determined according to the
formation of carbonic acid at different terriperatures. In the
present paper the contamination o 4chromium catalysts due to
Card 1/.5 coal deposits is investigated according to the thermographic
Therm~)rrsi'phic Inve3tigation of Regonerntion SOV/79-28-11-1/55
orovensnzi of Chromium Catalysts
method. It was found that the character of these deposits is
different in dependence on the reaction carried out. In some
cases the coal membrane has two components, the one of which
haa a higher combustion temperature than the other. An
increase in reaction temperature and a longer duration of the
operation of the catalysts without regeneration Increases the
amount of the second, undoaired component. The presence of
these two components of the coal membrane on the chromium
catalysts contaminated in the decomposition reaction of
iaopropyl alcohol is proved by the recording of the thermogram
of the contaminated catalysts in vacuum in the onee of a
continuous auction of the developing..gnses. Instead of the
bipartite exothermal effect shown by the combustion of the
coal deposits on the vacuum thermograms there are two clear
endothermal, effects, of the thermal decomposition of the two
deposits investigated. The application of the differential
thermal ana~,ysis to the investigation of the coal deposits
combustion character and the determination of their combustion
temperatures make it possible to approach this regeneration
Card 2/3 problem in, a natural way, as well as to control its combustion
Thermographio Investigation of Regeneration SOV-/79-28-11-1/55
Processes of Chromium Catalysts
percentage, and to decrease the temperature In some cases.
There are 5 figurest 4 tableaq and 6 references, 5 of vhich
are Soviet,
ASSOCIATIONs Institut organioheakoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
SUBMITTEDi September 7, 1957
Chrd 3/3
AUTHORS: Balandin,A. A.9 Kukinal A. LIShishova, D. Pe
TITLE: Investigation of the Iron-Chromium Catalysts in the Do-
hydrogenation wid Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol ( Isele-
dovaniye zheleto-khromovykh katalizatorov v reaktsiyakh
dogidrogenizateii i. degidratatsii izopropilovogo spirta)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fiziche skor Khimii, 1950, Vol. 32, Nr 4,
pp. 082 - 893 (USSR)
A.BSTRACT: In orier to be able to investigate the iron catalysts the
energetic equations of the multiplet theory were used in this
paper, the adsorption potential and the binding encrgy of
the molecules being determined by the catalyst just as well
as activity and selectivity. From the experimental part can be
seen that the pretreated catalysts were investigated polaro-
graphically, that the kinetic experiments wei-e carried out
on a flow apparatua$and that the activity, and the selectivity
of the measurements of the reaction products were determined.
Card 1/3 Granular sizes of the catalysts of from 1 - 3 mm were used
Investigation of the Iron-Chromium Catalysts In the Dehydrogenation and
Dehydration, of Isopropyl Alcohol
and within the temperature interval of from 32o - 500 0c
it was observed that the activity of iron oxide is essentially
greater that that of chromium oxidep the dehydrogenation
exceeding dehydration.. A cracking of the alcohol into saturated
hydrocarbons takes place on iron oxide, a change of the reaction
on the addition of chromium oxide having been observed. A ratio
of iron oxide- chromium oxide of i : I effects a predominant
splitting-off of hydrogenj x-ray structural analyses showed
that also here the components retained their proper structure.
With a rise of temperature the composition of the reaction
products changes, namely, the content of hydroCen decreases and
that of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons increases. The
most active catalyst proved to be that with an addition of
50% P020 3: 5o% Cr.0,0 a little less with 75~ F020 3and with a
minimum of the dehydration reaction that with 5% Fe 203* From
Card 2/3 the results obtained the magnitude of the energetic barrier was
Investigation of the Iron-Chromium Catalysts-in the Dehydrogenation and
Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol
calculated for both reactions just as well as the activation
energies and the adsorption potentials. An explanution in
connection with multiplet theory is given, just as well as
graphical data and tables mentioning results. Finally the
authors thankYu. P. Simanov and N. V. Nikolayev for the lent
apparatus as well as for their advice. There are 9 figures#
3 tables and lo referencenjan of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATIONt Mookoyakiy gosudarstyannyy universitst im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University in* M*V. lbsonosov)
SUBMITTED: December 30% 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 1. Iron-chromium catalysts--Effectiveness 2. Isopropyl alcohol--De-
hydrogenation 3. Isopropyl alcohol-Dehydration
:irilan-ling A. A., 52- 8-1V57
Tolutopyntova, A. 17r
T "'L Tho CatnIxtic Propert6s of Cerium Dfoxido in tho ')oh-,virn-
tion nnl ')nhydroganation of Alcohols ani in the bahyiro-
genation of Cvalohexan,'~ (Kataliticheskiye svoystva. dvuokisi
tseriya v otnoshonil reaktaiv togidrogenizatsii i
Jegiiratntsii apirtov i degidrogenizataii tsiklogeksann)
?7AICDICALt "hurnnl fizicheakoy khi-aii, 1358, Vol. 32, Nr 8,
pp. 1631-1841 (Ussft)
ABSTRACTi In the introduction publicationa in the field mentioned. in
the title are montioned., aliong them are "hose by Cremer
(Kromer) (Ref S). In the present pApAr %iithanol, ethanol,
n-propanol an! isopropanol, anJ cyclohcxane were investigitoj.
The authors described. the apparatus used, the initial 3ubstan,-
cps au well as the propnration of the catalyst, on' tha ex-
Perimontal technique. The iehyirogenation of cycl-,%h.:?xane wns
corl'iql out Rt that of mqthanal ftt
of qthnnol at 7,11-3630C, that of n-propnnol Pt 315-36--OC, nn:
the 3iMUltaneous lehydrogenatien ani Achydration of isopro-
pnnol wns carried out at '/07-~490C- Inlivilunl (intri fn3, for
Crtrl 1/5
.'Ahe Catalytic Properties of Cerium Dioxide in the 3006-32-8- 1 T!57
1~vhyiratlon nnJ Djhylrogenation of Alcohols nnk! in the Dehy1rogenntion of
oxn-nplo, thi activation enurgios) an, the results obtained
are given separately for each single Investigattong as well
so tables containing the exporimental results. Daterminatioris
of the binding onergy of C, H and C with CoO2 *or,--- carried out,
with dnta by Cottrell (Kotrall) (Ref 16) being use3. A com-
parison of the values obtainal of the activation nn~,rgy
(except for methanol) shows that it is smaller In the case of
secondary alcohols than with primary alcohols, and that it in-
creases with a lengthening of the chain. The assumption by
Palmer and Constable (Pallmor ani Konstubl) f,Ref 17) argued
upon by A.Kh. nork (Rof 16) was disproved by the observations
ma,le by O.K. 3ogdanova, A.A. Balandin ani A.d. Shcheglova
(Ref i9) Eta well as by those jentioned above. The adsorption
potential of the catalyst decreases according to the increase
of the activation energy; this cau3ca the rcaction to take
pInce with greater klifficulty. So,.ie oxplAnations on the
binding cTiargias are given. L.5. &,!vonkr,, Lahort-tory dorke-.r,
pnrticipated in the experiments.
The Catplytic 2-ropirtias of Cerium Dioxide in the SOV/76-52-9-17/37
Dehydration and Dohydrogenation cf Alcohols and in the .711chydrogenation of
5 figures, 7 tablea, and 23 reforences, 11 of
W1 ;C1, nVi Soviet.
imuk J)S3)R)[natitut c,rganicheekoy I-himli i N.D.
r I;'- -nic Chui~ilstry
clinnkk. ,/:I (A3 itiitc of Orr,
B. mrch 2o
AUTHOR3s Baltndin,/A. A., Academician 2o-2-3o/6,D
_Wo_gdan_o_v!_,-5_._r-t Shcheglova, A. P.,
TITLEs On Free Energy, Heat, and Entropy of the Adsorption Displacement
of Alcohols from the burfaoe of an Oxide Catalyst by Means of
Water (0 svobodnoy, energii, teplote i entropil adorbtsionnogo
vyteeneniya spirtov vodoy a poverkhnosti okienogo katalizottora)
PERIODIC&Lo DokladY AN SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 2, pp. 312-314 (USSR)
ABSTRACT# This work examined the kinetics of dehydrogenizing of biraLry
mixtures of normal structured primary alcohols by water b;r means
of an oxide catalyst. The authors ascertained the coefficients
of relative adsorption of water and examined the dependenoe of
these quantities on the length of the carbon chain of alcohol.
4-propyl alcohol, it - butyl alcohol t and 4L -hexyl alcohol vero
examined. The intial mixtures alcohol-water were produced by
addition of water to a dosed quantity of alcohol *Th xperiments
were made in the temperature interval of from 300 - ;6:00. The
data obtained here are grouped in a table. Another table contains
the values of the coefficients of the relative adsorption of
Card 1h water, which were computed for the experimental data by a formula
On Pro* Energy, Beat, and.Entropl Of the Adsorption Displacement 2o-2-.)0/6o
of Alcohols From the Surface of an Oxide Cat4lyet by Means of Water
which is The coefficient of the relative adosorption
of' water decreases in the case of increasing temperature. The
addition of water daminishes the velocity of dehydrogenisation
of alcohol by more than 45~ at a temperature of 32o9 C. In case
of increasing temperature the slowing-down effect of wate:r do-
creases. This makes it possible to draw the following oont3lusionat
The steam gets adsorbed by the catalyst the more, the lowisr the
temperature. The coefficients of adsorption of w4ter at the ac-
tive centers of the catalyst are, in the examined temperature
interval, in the came of water 3,5 to 1,3 times as high aa in
the case of alcohol. The coefficients of adsorption of waler at
the various values, mentioned above, have similar values. From
the results of the experiments which were obtained here, the fol-
lowing appearsi The coefficients of absolute adsorption oi! water-
aloohols are, in case of primary alcohols of normal struo'luro
a function of temperature and do not depend on the length of the
carbon chain of the alcohol..There are 2 figures, 2 tables,,---
and 5 references, 4 of which are Slavic.
Card 2/3
On Free Energy, Heat, and Entropy of the Adsorption Disp-lacement 2o-;?-50/~o
of Alcohols From the Surface of an Oxide Catalyst by Means of Water
ASSOCIATIM Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy AN USSR
(Institut organioheekoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akad,imii
nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTM August 2), 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 3/)