In tho name of th-a earth; radio co=un:~cation line
-earth& Aval k9sms 46 no*2:64t.70 Y 164s (MIRA 17:3)
'1:4-1, , ~
%",r ~
Equilibrium conditions &nd the mechanism of the
reduction by
hydrogen of solid solittions in the system ~* - Cr -
Fe - 0.
Dokl,. AN SSSR 158 no.4:949-952 0 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Inatitut metallurglis Sverdlevsk. ;~.
AN SSSR (for Chufarov).
I .. . . ., I - . I . . I . I , . . . . r -, r, ~ . :
. I
ilk ~, '-A -1
1f.1-94 M) zsun ~-uur,: mm u~-
KOMIKYEV, Yu.A.;_DA!M1REV, V.F.; C1rJFATv'1, G. *~
Phase relations In the spinal region of the or.-tem
Dok-lo AN SWR 159 noo5r1091-3094 D 164 Win 181,1)
1. Institut me'vallurgi-I p Swrdlovk. 2.
All SSSR (for ChUfOLTOV),
TAKENOV, II.D.; V -,:' - , - :. i
I ~ k -- I , . , . , I .., - ~ I ~ I . . .I .
Phase equilibriwa ani ti,o " # i :~ ! ~ ~~ , I' , ;I
of manganese ferrite aid rhm-LOte. Iil,k:. ~~'; 'j.,i~
i(J) ric;.(;-1335-1338
F 165.
1. Institut motalluri-II., 3winilkw3k. '. , All 3SR
(for Chufarov).
of !-TiTA1201o F0304 solid rolution. Dokl. AN
01'-~,H 163 no.41891-'z93 Ae, 1t5. (MIRA 18:8)
.;vnrdlov:;k. 2. C1.1en-korreol,ondent AN SSSR
U-pr Ghufarov).
At L 09065-67
ACC NR. AP7002376 5=C6 C6691-~'Uit/61'04-/66/000/()07/00)VD63
AUTIHOM Potashnik, S. I, (Engineer); Kabwkov I. Z. (Engineer);
Stroganoyt is, M.
(Enrineor); Kozhavnikov, N. N.1 Tsiz n N. 04.1engineer); Papanov,,
As V. (Engineer)j
Deschastnov, G. A. (Enginear)l Da (Engineer)
va~--X- -
ORG% none
TITLEt Increasin& the power effectiveness or horizontal capsule
hydroelectric units
SOURCEt Elaktrichaskiye stantsii, no, 7, 19661 30-33
TOPIC TAGS: hydroelectric power plant, electric power production
ABSTRACT: At the Kiev Hydroelectric Station, which was the first low
ssura hydrooloctrio station with horisontal capsule hydrooleatrio
units in
tho country# the usaGo of those horizontal units allowed a roduction
in cost
of construction and installation oporations in comporison with
i-nits of 20-25%. This artiolo proconts an ovaluation of tho poxior
of the capsule hydroelectric units on the basis of rosults of usago
and in-
vostioAtions.porformod, as well as some GueGosUons for incroacing
quilities. The author concludes that the horizontal cApsulo unit cAn
norAally in the synchronous compensator modo with a. power of 13 War
romoval of wAtor from tho roflox condensation chrmbor. The thermal
state 'of
the rotor vindinga allows operation with a powor coefficient loss
than unity@
which provides for distribution of the roactivo pawor in poak hours
and L-i-,
croasos the static stability of the capsule hydrogenorators, The
uaaeo of
capsule generators in the synchronous com neation mods is
soonomicaIV justified,
Orig. art. has, 3 figures* EJMSt 37PT43
SUB CODEt 10 / SUEK DATZo none
-Cord IMsi WJDGs 62-224-1~1-2
Y'r --- --------------
ACC NRs A~&29210 SOURCE 01
AUTWRI _UrW*yo ru. A.1 Balakirevo V. F.; Chufarovp 0. L 3o
Wo Simr4lovsk Mallurg Institute (Sverdlovskiy Institut
TITL51 Reduation of solid solutions op MaRrtesiuft-ferrite and
IV Tri
SOURCE# Zhurnal fisichookoy khtmito T. 40t no. 6t 1966o 1234-1239
TOPIC TAGS1 %"slum eampoundp ferrite# chromitep solid solution ~
ABSTRACT& Me solid solutions 14gFexCr 04 were obtained by
sintering powdered MgOp
F*20) and Cr20 at 12006C for 15 hrp ;A;rn- soaking at 10000C for
5 hr and quenching In
water, The reluation of NSFO 1000 and 11006C and the datermina-
tion of *quillbrIum con#tlon -ar'soa-10Aedatoult tin a vacuum
unit in which an %+H20
mixture circulated. I-raVWy dt action was used to study the solid
phases formede It
was found that Vegard's additivity law Is not obeyed by solid
solutions of magnesium
ferrite and chromite. In the solid products of reduction of ItFel
Cr 24AP when up
to 33.3% of the latter hoe boon r*duoodp the phases in
equilibriumeM Motnel phsoe
of variable 00mposition Gonsisting of magnoslutt ferritep
magnesium chronite and mag-
notitep and a wast1te phase formed by ferrous oxide and %&gnsslum
oxidel when the re-
duotion has proceWed beyond 33-3%t magnesium chromitep the solid
solution N&O-F*O
and iron are in equilibrium, The equilibrium pressure of =Tpn was
determined at
rVj A jUt-Al
CC tdo AF"210
varlatio.degrees of reftotion of ftfti.? cr .0. The soquenoe of
conversions i~volvsd
in this redwtion. rei" the saw IOODC. Orig. art. bass ftguvs, 2
tables &M )' twindas,
BOB cmi 07/ sum DMI iOjAn65/ ORIG RV 1 010/ OTH we 007
BALAIMEVO V,P., inzh,; DOWN, L,G,p lnzh,
State and development of hydraulio amt6d systems abroad. Trakto
sellkhosmash. 33 no.6t46-3 of ommr Je 163. (MMA 16:7)
1e Gosud"tpnrV nauohno-issledovat4l skiy traktorwjy institut.
(Traotare-Hy&aulic equipment)
--- FUTAK-T. I.A.-Okskva)
)kxlmp priwiple in t),e theory of &*oond-order optimm
AvtoaA telem. 23 no.8slO14--.1022 Ag. 162. (HDLL 1517)
(Automatio control)
ACCESSION NR: AT4021142 BA078/63/025/000/0181/0199
TITLE: The maximum principle as applied to the optimization of
second-order system
SOURCE: Moscow., Institut khtriddhaskogo mashinostroyenlya.
Trudy*, v. 25, 1963.
Komplaksnaya avtomatizatsiya khimicheskikh proizvodstv (Over-all
automation In the
chemical Industry), 181-199
TOPIC TAGS: automation, foedbac~, optimization, second order
system optimization,
max1mum principle, Pontryagln principle, trajectory, internal
ABSTRACT: The "maximum principle" of L S. Pontryagin to widely
used In the solving
of optimality problems for vrrious dynamic systems.
Bibliographical references are
given In the article for those who may not be familiar- with the
content and proof of this
principle. In this paper, the author considers problems arising
in the optimization of
objects whose motion is described by s6cond-order linear
differential equations. The
selection of this class of objects was dictated by the following
considerations: a) the
dynamioa of by far the greatest number of Industrial faoilities
(objects) Is, In fact, ap-
proximately described by linear-differontial equations of the
second order with "delayff
control; b) socond-ordor optimal systems oat be investigated with
relative sue on a
phase Plano; c) such systoms can bo synthesized with generally
available means (the non-
linoarity units of modeling devices, simple functional converters,
etc.). The problem
considered Is basod on the following dynamic system in n-dimensional
phue opus XU:
X (t) -.AX (i) + DIU M-
whom x(t) Is the vector of XTI;
u(t) Is the vector of limited r-dimensional space A; and
AjDj are matrix columns.
71w author considers the problem of determining the owitohing lines
of dynamic systems
with minimization of the transition process time. In his discussion
of the realization of
the optimal system, the author points out that, once the analytic
expresnion of the switch-
Ug Une has boon found, then, in principle, the problem of
synthesizing the optimal equa-
tion Is easily solved; however, from the technical point of view, a
number of difficulties
are encountered. 7hese difficulties are analyzed and data are given
which illustrate the
uss of computer techniques In Ws area. Orig. art. hosi 4 figures and
65 formul"s
ABSOMTIONt Inotitut khimlohook6p =&shtnosftoyftfyj6 Moscow (Insub" of
Chemical Zqu4xn6= Desip)
EN014 00
OTHERt 000
AUTHORt Bab&im. V. IL
TITLEs OpUmlaft 940"d or ayessm& with delor
SOURCEi Moscow. DmUtut Mdmichoskftv m m# V. 25, 1968.
Komplaksnaya extatmatizatsk" (over-all &*0WAUon ii the
chmmical 1nWmW$ 114-230
TOPIC TAGSt automUon. feedback# internal delay. ".11. "oond order
ABSTRAM The author considers the proMem of *$Imizatlon vim do systsm
of differ-
enfle? equations oonftJ^s variables wfih a delay argumed. In
n-dimensimal. Oisse Mmm
X-Ift a dymmlo system. is -7.mfiven bj "onx~
04 lit (4 1 A a ML 'I-'* a.
whm x(t) &M yM a '~41t' 0 are die vectorm X'k, mW uM is the voolor a9
closed space ECVr (V Is Nualidlan or Hausdort qmm). Us optimlsatka ot
lhmr sys-
tome Is oonsidered in the light of th,"s ocesidezraflons. However, it
Is weill kon!L am the
4vAando pmmUes of the =Qortty of Industrial objects we descrtbed,
shledy U&M.0
noullnew diffenWAal equallons. On the ath band, If do
NR: AT40211"
the coordinates 4 theabject hom the state of equilibrium are
snotall, the movements of
i the object oan bL, described v4th a high degree of accuracy by
a asoond-order differential
equation Wth a delay element Introduced). For this reason, the
solution of variation
problems in the optimization of objeots with transfer fimatiors
of the type W(P)
ke-P V
(TIP + 1) (T2P + 1)
to of great Importanoe from the ;practical point of view. The
dynandon of a asoond-order
system vvith delay argument is desorlbed IV i
Xt (0) zw zo 0.
COM 2/5
This systom corresponds to an object with the straoixtral diapam
sbown in P%we 1 of
the Enclosure. The Yroblem of optimizing such a system Is discussed
In 4"L Two
pax-ticular cases we considered: 1) the dynamics of the object are
descrOad by the
10110WIDS system of 4MOMUSI equguons:
~nd U Is necessary to.oldbAze the tmotion J dt; 2) the 4namle P'
"MM" of do
tontrol object are characterized by Ow Movdag my of equtloas