Photoelectric emission from the surface of Cr2031 H'01 ard
ZnO. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.5:1068-1071 D 161. (MIPJ. 14:12)
1. Fizicheakiy institut Leningradakogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova. Predstavleno akademikom
A.N. Tereninym.
(Photoelectricity) (Transition metals)
- *.. 'i1. ; VILESOV, F. L.
",V,a!;S-S A L I
,pectrometry of Organic Vz---,;ule~~ with Photon lonizat' m. "
report stfomitted to 11th Intl Sj~cctrc,scopy Colloq, Belgriule, 30 Sep-4 Cct 63.
Physical Inst, Leningrad Univ.
Photoionization of gases and vapors by vacuum ult-aviol6t
radiation. Usp. fiz. nauk 81 no.4:669-738 D 163. (MIRA 17:1)
Photoionization of esters and metal carbznyls in t~-e gaze.3..;s chase.
Dok1. Al SSSR 140 no.6:1364-1367 0 161. (YJRA 14:11)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova.
Predstavleno akadenikom k.N.Tereninym.
(Ionization of gases) (Cartonyl compounds) (Esters)
Phot,oionization of vapors from' organic compounds in the vacuum
region of spectrum. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.9:201C-2015 t61.
(MIRA 14:10)
1. Laningradakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A.
(Ionization) (Benzane-Spectra)
KURBATOV, B.L.; VILESOV, F.I.; TMNIN, A-N-, akademik
Electron distribution by kinetic energies in the jhotoionization
of methyl derivatives of benzene. Dokl. All SSSR 140 n-)-4:707-80
0 161. W%~ 14:9)
1. Fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova.
(Benzene) (Photoelectricity)
S/02 61/1 41/OO5,/C)06/O1,
B1 04Y13102
AUTHOR: Vilesov, F. I.
TITLE: Photoelectric emission from Cr,,,o 31 NiO, and ZnO surfaces
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 553R. Doklady, v. 141, no. 5, ir,61, ir~6 -1C)7,
.1 ~ 6 , ,
TEXT: The photoelectron energ,' , distribution from Cr, Ni, and Zn cxidc-~~
has been studied with the help of a retarding field in a spherical
capacitor. The exierimental arrangement has been described in a pre*,wJ1o1js
paper (F. I. Vilesov, A. N. Terenin, DAIN, 133 (1960); 1.34, 71 (1960)).
The chromium-oxide samples investieated consisted of finely dispersed
layers of powder, which had been produced by burning; of a thin layer of
ammonium bichromate. Some of the nickel-oxide samples were industrial
preparations, while others were obtained by oxidation of nickel disko in
air. Some of the zink-oxide samples were obtained by precipitation of a
ZnO powder emulsion in ethanol or water, while others were produced from
zink oxalate by burning of pure zink or from an industrial preparation of
the type "for luninophores". ZnO layers were also obtained by sublimat 4 on
of zink oxide on nickel disks through burning of Zn in air. Before the
Card 1/3
S/()-, 61/141 1~~c =I / r- cfe
Photoelectric emission fror, ... BI 04Y31 02
measurements the samples were vacuum-annealed in the capacitor for
2-3 hr. (ITio at 20Q-2500C, all the other oxides at 350-400 OC). 'Ke heat
treatment was carried out with a sinall furnace attached to the rear _-f "he
photocathode. This method did not ensure complete purification of the
sample surfaces. From the energy distribution curves car. be seen that tLe
energy distribution of photoelectrons io hardly affected by the Met~lofj
of oxide preparation. This proves that photoemission is caused by
oxide electrons and not by impurity electrons. The ener,17y distribut'_,--n
of photoelectrons gives information on the populati,:,n of ent~-rjy statc-s.
The following work functions of photoelectrono have beer, obtained
chromium, nickel, and zink oxides: 5.9, 5.3, and 6.3 ev~ The Fer.,;_1
levels with respect to the va-.uum lev-21s are at 5.9.. 6.0, and 4-6 ~Iin
same sequence). Academician A. ;1. Terenin -is thanked fr-r intQ_`E!2*. rLTV1
suggestions. There aru 3 fig;.res und 8 4 So-t-t. urrl A; t~,%-
Soviet. The three references to English-lang,iage pubI icat ions read ."s
follows: F. J. Morin. Bell Syst. Tfi~,hn, J.. July.. 1041, (In"-,9); If. -E.
'White, Phys. Rev., 35, 538 (19,'9); R. Newman. R. M. I'hrenk-~, R
114, 1507 (1959).
Card 213
Photoelectric emission from ... B104YB102
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Leningradakogo gosudarstvennago
universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Physics Institute of
Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov)
PRESENTED: March 20, 1961, by A. N. Terenin, Academician
SUBMITTED: March 1, 1961
S/02 61 /141 /OC-/C)C)6/C,', F5
Card 3/3
OTHORS: Kurtatov, B. L., and
TITLE: Kinetic energy distribution
photoelectric effect
S/020/61/141 /,,G,6/01 0/02'.
B1 0A/B! 12
Vilesov, F. I,
of electrons in the )xternal
of pigment layers
PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady , v. 141 , no. 6 . 1961 , 1343-13,16
TEXT: The external photoelectric effect of organic semiconduitors with an
equipment described in previous studies was investigated (V. I. Vile3ov,
A. N. Terenin, DAIN, 133, no. 5 (196o); DAN 134, 71 (1960)), When carrying
out the experiments, a pigment layer was either evaporated on the inner
electrode from an alcohol solution or deposited by vacuum sublimation if
the pigment did not disintegrate at temperatures of approximately
250-3000C. The authors infer from some considerations on photoelectric
work function, position of the Fermi levels, of forbidden band width, and
of electron affinity that various metastable defects may arise from far-
ultraviolet irradiation, which may considerably disturb thermodynamical and
electrical equilibrium. It is not possible to estimate the resulting
electric field, Fermi levels and Dhotoelectric work function of the
Card 1IA~,
S/020 /61 /1,4, 1 !Cr,' /01 r% /.- 2 -
Kinetic energy distribution ... B1047B112 / "'.
Qollector may show a considerable erroi-. Distribution curves for
crystal violet, indigo red, and indigo blue agree with the curves shcwn
in Fig. 1, It is characteristic of this group that with a quantum
exceeding the maximum photoelectric work function b.Y 2,2-3 ev the maxim,irn
energy distribution of electrons is shifted to the range of lower electror
energies. This may be explained by (1) photon-induced emission of
strongly bound electrons, (2) by emission of weakly bound electrons with
simultaneous excitation of the positive ion to one of its electron levels,
or (3) discrete energy loss of electrons occurs when they move towards the
surface. Fig. 2 shows the energy distribution of electrons in the phDt.1--
emissive effect of alizarin blue, Quinoline blue, phenosafranine.
rhodamine B, and pinacryptole yellow have similar distribution cjrVes
The authors conclude that in these pigments a higher energy amount is
transferred to vibrational degrees of freedom than in the group mentioned
first, It is characteristic of all Digments investigated that the maxil-,-
of energy distribution of electrons is only slightly shifted
(by 0.3-0,5 ev) if the energy of y-quanta is increased to 4-5 ev. This
was explained in previous papers by the transfer of part of the quantum
energy to the excitation of electron and vibrational levels cf the
Card 2/Y3
S/C-20/61/1 41 "CC 6/C I C/C'~ I
Kinetic c~nei-L;y distribution ... B1041B112
ab3orbinC molQcule. To prove this statement , the authors inve.-ti3ated the
enerGy distribution of electrons in photoi onizat ion of vapors of 6 Zh
rhod-amine. It can be observed that also in ionization of a free molecule
a considerable portion of quantum ener~7y is consumed for the excitation of
electron and vibrational levels. The authors thanl: Acaflemician A. N.
Terenin for interest and valuable discus:-,ions. There are 3 fir7ures,
I table, and 9 references: 7 3oviet and '2 no-i-Soviet. The two -Ierer-
ences to En&jish-languaC;e publications read as follows: 11. Phillipi,, --. A.
Taft, L. Apker, Phys. Rev 120, 410 (1961); L. Apker, B. Taft, J. Dickey
J. Opt. Soc. Am., 43, 78 i;9-573; J. Opt. Soc. Am., 4
J, 81 (1953).
;osudarstvcnnyy universitet im. A. A. ZhJanova
ASSOCIATION: Lenin~,,radskij r
(Lenin,grad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov)
PRESLWTED: June 12, 11061, by A. N. Torenin, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 5, 1961
Fig. 1. Energy distribution of electrons in the external photocffect for
different quantum enerl;ie3. Legend: (1) 6.85 ev; (2) 7.13 ev; (3) 7.60 ev;
(4) 10-10 ev.
Card 31~;'
VILESOV; F.I.; KURBATOV, B.L.; TE11MIN, A,,11.,, akademik
Electron distribution over energies in the photolonIzation of
aromatic amines in the gaseous phase. DALAS 33SR 138 no,6:
1329-1332 je 161. (MM 14:6)
le Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet is* A.A.Zhdanova*
(Electrons--Scattering) (Ionization) (Amines)
38.2`0061'(D 10/0 ! 9
/A 41 0 0 /B 24
AUTHORS: V.41escv'F. I. Kurbat:)v. B. L, ard Terenin, A. N.,
A c a d -emi c ia r,
TITLE: Energy distribution of e'Lect.-cns in the photoi-oniza-.ion
of amines in the gaseous phaae
PERIODICAL: Akademi-;a wAa;k SSSR. Dolklady, v. 158. rio,. 6. 1961
132-) -- 1332
TEXT: Th,~ energy distribution of ions was investigulzd by the authorb
with -Ehe ipparatus shown in, Fig, The n~.-cessary ultrnviolet radiation
wao obtallned by ,, vacuu.11 monochromatc.1r. The elcc~rnri current in this
-3 _ 10 12 L
apparatus coliiii reacn the valui. 10 a and was amplified by a
dynamoelectric amplaf-,er. The intensity of light was measured by a
fl.uore5cent screer, oil sodium salicylate and a photomultiplier. The
results ate 3hown in Figs. 2 sind ^). The energy diotributions of the
electrotiv. vicre uiefugured on photoionization ~;f QOnZelle and methyl uniline
for one intonsity of ThE- corrf--spozidiii- cijrves for aniline and
Ca r d 1 /6
; o 1 Z 6,"'0 1
'of o 1" 01
, , -4
Energy dis t r ibli I. ~on ef _-ns~
dimethy" ;.niline ..'argely r;oincide -,with tne curvo? for aniline. If
the enprgy difference 1,etwe,:r tne _ouizing photonc end the ioniza-clor.
potential .-_,i tt.,e. moic-cuies under investi-~.itirn -o smu'_'l there alpears
only one maximum ir. this curvL-., As the enerCy of the quantum is in-
creased this may,~iium 3id.~ uf en;-rg3r. Wi
,y nev. uiaximq appear in the region of
furthei incr"_ase of the phot---.n enqrg
smaller vih."oh are aioo diiplac~td trwiird tneo aide. of hij~her
energy a3 tile (Alutorl ~tlvrwj 119 The fir!3f, g,-ojj) of slrjv;
electrons is ztbserved 2f. the cas;e c;f benzerie when the photon ener6y is
1,5:L0.1 ev "*)O'.rr- tt~e pf,--tentliul of thu benzene molecules. For
anilinp, methjl aniline. and dimethyl awline thi.,si, values are: 1.2,
1.2, 1,1, ev. respectivLjy. For these three ro::.pounds third groups of
8lov e1,;.-trcrs ur.~ olbs,~,vved ttt the correuponding values of 2.4, 2.3,
and 2.2 ev on further increase of the photon unergy. When the photon
energy lies 2.3 ev above the ionization energy cf dimethyi aniline a
fourth 6rroup of eiectruns is ob8erved. The appearance of the new eLectron
groups is explained %ith the help of the following processesi 1) ioniza-
tion of the moleculur ions by excit.,tion ro elertron and -,r.Lbrational
leveis; 2) disuipative iuniz.--ttion ~tciording to one of the schernes
Card 2/6
Energy distribution of electrons ... B104/B214 I I
AB + hi A+ + B + e or AB + hi ) A+ + B_; 3) emission of strongly
bound electrons. Since no data are available at present on the elictron
levels of isolated ions of aromatic oompopnds the results obtained here
cannot be fully expl'aine&. The results confirm, however, the assumption
of the excitation of ions produced by the photoeffect- in pigmint films
to the upper electron levels. There are 3 figures and 5 reNrences: 4
Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy godsudaretvennyy uniVersitet im. A. A.
(Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov
SUBMITTED: March 20, 1961
Card 3/6
AKOPYUI, M.Ye.; BALYAKIN, 1.1.;,_IIL~~Oy, F.I.
The KV-3 vacuum monochronator. Prib. i tokh.skop. 6 no.6:96-
99 N-D 161. 1 (MIRA 14i11)
1. Leningradskiy gooudarstvennyy tudveroitet.
Distribution of electrons with respect to kinetic enerjjr Jn the
external photoeffect from layers of various ayef. Dokl. Z -05~,H
141 no.6:1343-1346 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. LeniT'Cradskiy posudarstvennyy uAversitet im. A.A.Zhdanova.
Predst~ivleno akademikom A.N.Tereninym.
(Ritoelectricity) (Electrons) (Dyes and dyeing)
ACC NRi APS026743 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0018/OK8
q4 44,-~S
INVENTOR: Ganz, S. t~ 1. Ye.; Vilesov G. i.- Dobrovollskiy, re._ I.-_
; Kuznetsov
Glozman, L. 1 ,4 KuT . N j' P.
ORG: none
TITLE: A method for reducing the tendency to caking in ammonium nitrate. Class 16,
No. 174195
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 18
TOPIC TAGS: fertilizer, ammonium compound, nitrate, manganese, zinc
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for reducing the tendency to
caking in ammonium nitrate by treating it with a powdered material. A more effec-
tive fertilizer is goduced by using a charge containing manganese silt ;md waste fra
white zinc ih-ops.M
UDC: 631.842.4
ORIG REr; ooo/ OTH REF: 000
Adsorption of nitzogen ax~ldea b7 a peatar,7x-nia scrbent,
Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 nc#9?1930--2935 S 065. (VJRA 18931)
1. Pnepropetrovskiy khlmiko-takhnologicheski,- Institut.
TILISO "ANA",,dots.; MMVSHCHIKOVA, N.A., assist,
Geowtrising and calculating gold resources In dredge dweps. I2V.
Tye. ucheb. zav.; Cor. 2hur. no, 1:81-94 158. (KIRL lio)
1; Swerdlowskly gornyy institute
(Gold dredging) (Ores-Sampling and estimation)
VILESOV, G.L. dotsent
Reducing the number of chemical analyses in the assaying of
minerals in gold-bearing deposits. Izv.vye.ucheb.zav,; gor,zhur.
no-3:43-.52 158. (MIRA 12:6)
1. Sverdlovskiy orTVy Institut.
Oold ore a5 (Assaying)
VILESOV, G.I., dotFi., kand.tokhn.naulr.
Uning the recover7 method for investigating gold-bearing deposits.
N&uch.dokl.vyn.shkoly; gor.delo. no.4:87-90 '58. (KIRA 12:1)
1. Prodstavlano kafedroy marksheydorskogo dela Sverdlovskogo gornogo
Instituta Iment V.V. Vakhrusheva.
VILESOV, G.I., doteent
Simple method of mine geometry calculations. Izv. v7s. licheb.
Izv vyse uchotozave; gor. zhur. no.12:48-56 '58.
(MIRA 12:8)
1.3verdlovskiy gornyy institut.
(Prospecting) (Mine surveying)
5(0) SOV/25-59-2-14,'48
AUTHOR: 'Vilesov G.I. Administrative Chi,.f of the
Chcmicaf~ ~nusGy of tho LuCansk" '~;ovnarkhoz
TITLE: With the Chemists of Lugansk (U khimikov
PE'IIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 21 p 37-39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article gives a survey of the achieve-
ments and planning of the chemical industry
of the Luc-3ansk Sovnarkhoz. The Donets', _1Y
sodovyy zavod imeni V.I. Lenina (Donets Soda
Plant imeni V.I. Lenin), the Kadiyevskiy
sazhevyy zavod (Yadiyevka Soot Plant;), the
Lisichansk Chemical Combine, Rubezh-
noye Chemical 'Combine and a number of other
plants at present produce more than 300
various chemical items. From 1955 to 1958,
the production was increased by more than
Card 1/4 30Yo. As the first Soviet e nterpria- of its kind,
With the Chemists of Lugansk
the Lisichansk Combine has start-led the Pro-
duction of hif-
11 ,her alcohols from coke by-
products. In particular the production of
isobutyl alcohol, import~ant for the product-
ion of lacquers and plastics, has started.
Also a new plant for the production of formal-
dehyde,and asecond plant for the production of
carbamide have been newly established. The
Rubezhnoye Combine is one of the leading Soviet
plants in the production of various semi-
finished products and synthetic dye,-;, parti-
cularly of the so-called vat dyes. Recently
the combine put into operation a netv, plant
to produce water-soluble vat dyes. The com-
bine also produces weed-killers, growth-
stimulating agents and the preparation
which prevents germination of stored potatoes,
and such unfinished products as salicylic acid
Card 2/4 ftr pharmaceutical plants. The combine is
With the Chemists of Lugansk
leading in the improvement of technological
methods, having adopted the industrial pro-
duction of phthalic anhydride on a pulverized
catalyzer. In the future, the chemical in-
dustry of the Lugansk Oblast ',,Till chiefly
develop the production of Wnthetic materials,
plastics and dyes for synthetic fibers and
organize the production of rubber items in-
tended for technical use. The Lisichansk
Combine will adopt the production of "kapro-
laktam" (a raw material for the production
of caDrone), an(~ of "AG" sols, which are the
primary materials for anid fibers. At the
Rubezhnoye Combine 7 new shops will be built.
The Donets Soda Plant -,,All be rebuilt. It
is planned to iriLroduce automation and remote
control at the two combines within 2 or 3
Card 3/4 years, which %vill be facilitated 1)y Lhe use
With the Chemists of Lugansk
of natural gas. There are 3 photos.
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Vilesov, G. I.
TITLEt On Raising the Technological Level of the Chemical Industry
of the Lugansk Sovruirkhoz
PERIODICALt Xhimichaskaya promyshlennost', 1959s Nr 6, PP 463 - 468 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt In the Luganak oblast' there is located one of the larger centers
of the chemical industry of the USSRi It is the home of one
of the oldest chemical establishmentst the Donstskiy sodovyy
zavod imeni V. I. Lenina (Donets Soda Works imeni V. I. Lenin)
(founded in 1890), the large enterprise of the aniline-dyes
industry, the Rubezhanskiy khisioheskiy kombinat (Rubezhnoye
Chemical Kombinat) (founded in 1914)l the Lisichanskiy
khimicheskiy kombinat (LiBichanak Chemical Konibinat), and the
Kadiyevskiy sazhevyy zavod (Kadiyevka Carbon Black Works)
(founded in the postwar period). After a reorganization of the
industrial administration by the Upravleniye khimicheskoy
promyshlennosti Luganskogo sovnarkhoza (Administration of
Chemical Industry of the lugansk sovnarkhoz) the further develop-
ment of the chemical industry of this economic district was
Card 1/5 projected jointly with the research and planning institutes
On Raising the Technological Level of the Chemical Industry SOV/64-59-6-1/28
of the Lugansk Sovnarkhoz
in accordance with the interpretation by N. S. Khrushohev
of the decisions of the May Plenary Session (1958) of the
Central Committee of the CPSUand the XXI Conference of the
CPSUon the Accelerated Development of the Chemical Industry,
given at the Anniversary Session of the Supreme Soviet of the
USSR in 1957. Date on these problems are given in great detail.
Inter alia, the following statements are sades In the
Lisichansk Chemical Kombinat the greater part of a waste gas
rich in CO2 had long been discharged into the open air. This
waste gas, however, can be used as an addition to the
carbonization gas in the Donets Soda Works only 8 km away.
The construction of a pipeline for this gas, which was
completed in June, resulted in a considerable improvement
in the utilization of the gas. In connection with the
production of formaldehyde and urea taken up in the Liaichansk
Chemical Kombinat in 1958 production of the oarbamide resin
MF-17 was started in the Rubezhnoye '3bemical Kombinat. At
present, the Kombinat plans to produce a higher-grade resin
Card 2/5 of the type MF-RKhK. In 1957-58 production of pentaerythrite
On Raising the Technological Level of the Chemical Sol/64_ 59-6-1/28
Industry of the Lugansk Sovziarkhoz
was taken up in one of the establishments of theilmonsk sevnarkhoz,
where a new production process was inaugurated by which the
planned productive capacity was exceeded by 5K In 1958 2
production of nitrolinoleum started, and more than 400,000 m
Were produced. The types were designated as NLL and NLLT9
(colored). The number of engineers and mechanics in the
Lugansk sovnarkhoz has tripled since last year, and the Opytno-
konstruktorakoye byuro avtomatiki Goakhimkomitsta (OKBA)
Testing and Design Office for Automation of the Goakhimkomitet
BA)) has been expanded. New laboratories and mechanical
shops have been built. In the Rubezbmye Chemical Kombinat
there are branches of the NIOPiK and Giproorgkhim. After the
Rubezhnoye Chemical Kombinat had received from the Akademiya
nauk USSR (Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR) tho formula for
the new insecticide "Kiyev 20-35", production was started on
experimental lines. An experiment performed at the Kolkho2
imeni Kominterna Novo-Astrakhanskogo rayons, Luganakoy oblasti
(Kolkhoz imeni Komintern of the NmqLysAstrakb&n'. . rayon of the
Lugansk oblast) on the use of urea as an additive to livestock
Card 3/5 fodder proved successful, so that the production of urea will
On Raising the Technological Level of the Chemical SOV/64-59-6-1/28
Industry of the Luganak Sovnarkhoz
be eleven times increased in 1960 on account of the many
different applications of the substance. It is intended-to
double ammonia production in 1961 and to bring it to four its
present level by the end of the now Seven-year Plan. The
frame filter presses of the Rubezhnoye Chemical Xombinat will
be replaced by now filter presses of the typo designed at the
Kharlkovskiy NIIKhimmash (Kharlkov NIIKhimmash). The new
Seven-year Plan envisages an increase in the production of
amines by 5.8 times. In the Rubezhnoye Chemical Kombinat it
is intended to raise the production of vat dyes to six times
the present level by the end of the Seven-year Plan. The
automation of the chemical industry of the Lugansk sovnarkhoz
is bein carried out by a branch of the OKBA Goskomiteta po
khimii f(OKBA) of the Gos Committee for Chemistry) and the
Institut avtomatiki Gosplana USSR (Institute of Automation
of the Gosplan of the UkrSSR). The establishments of the
Lugansk sovnarkhoz in 1958 produced 106.2% of the planned output,
which meant a production increase over 1957 of 13-4%- In the
contest for the title of a"Collective of Communist Work" the
Card 4b carbamide plant of the Lisichansk Chemical Kombinat with plant
On Raising the Technological Level of the Chemical SOV/64-59-6-1/28
Industry of the Lugansk Sovnarkhoz
manager Comrade Ukhanev has taken the lead am well as the
mechanics brigade of the Donets Soda Works with Comrade
Livorko. In the contest for the title of "Beat Operator"
the beat results have so far boon achieved by Comrades
Gladkiy, Ponomarev, Krikun, and others. There is I figure.
Card 5/5
50) 25(5) o6218
AUTHORS: Atroshchenko, V. I., Doctor of Technical SOV/64-59-6-10/26
Sciences, Asnin, Ya. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Vilesov, G. I., Nikitskaya, Z. A.9 Rabinp P. S.
TITLE: Removal of Salt From Industrial Condensates of Nitrogen
Fertilizer Enterprises by Means of Ion Exchange Resins
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 6, PP 499 - 501
ABSTRACTt The vapor condensate of the evaporators use4 in the_nitrogen
fertilizer industry is contaminated with NH 4 and NO 3 ions and
has to be purified prior to its further use (as a steam boiler
feed). Experiments carried out under the supervision of
B. D. Bryanskiy (deceased) showed that by means of ion
exchange resins it is not only possible to remove salt from
the condensate but to re-use the ammonium nitrate obtained if
the cation exchanger is regenerated with nitric acid and the
anion exchanger with an ammonia solution. Among the investi-
gated cation exchangers the type KU-2 proved to be best; in
Card 1/2 this case the regeneration takes place by means of a
Removal of Salt From Industrial Condensates of Nitrogen SOV/64-59-6-iO/28
Fertilizer Enterprises by Means of Ion Exchange Resins
15% solution of nitric acid, and an approximately 19% solution
of ammonium nitrate is obtained. The weakly alkaline type
AN-2F was selected as an anion exchanger which can be
regenerated by means of a 4-5% solution of ammonia. On this
basis an industrial plant with a productive capacity of
150 m3 of condensate per hour was designed according to a plan
of the Xharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina.
(Xhar1kov Polytechnic Institute imeni V. I. Lenin). The plant
consists of 3 cation;exchange filters and 3 anion exchange
filters of the same dimensions and design. The interior of the
filters was covered with steel of the type 1Kh18N9T. Working
data of the cation exchange filters (Table 1)p and of the
anion exchange filters (Table 2) are given. By using at least
two filters of either type continuous production is ensured.
There are ? tables.
Card 2/2
Carbon ammonlatos, a now type of economical fertilizers. IS7.TTN.
uchebaav.; khIs.1 khim.tekh. 2 no.6:913-9,115 '59. (KIRA 13:4)
1e Daepropetrov6kiy khtniko-tekhnologichisekly Institut. Kafedra
oborudoyaniya khimicheskikh savadev.
(Ammines) (Pertilizers and manures)
VII M V. G.L[Vilesov, H.I.1
Toward a great chemical industrye Nauka i zhvttia 9 no.12:
29-32 D '59. (KRA 13:4)
1. Naohal'nik Uprayleniya khimicheskoy promyshlennoati Lvganskogo
(Lugansk Province--Chemical industries)
With Ingansk chemists. Nailka, i zhizn' 26 no.2:37-39 P 159.
(MIRA 12:2)
1. Nachallnik Uprayleniya khimicheekoy promyshlennosti Ionganskogo
(Ingansk Province-Chemical industries)
AVEHORS: Gtvaz, S.N., Vilesav G I., Gor~,tr.&n, 3.1., Leybovich, S.B.
TYTLEz The Combination. of tha Pu--,,-.* f Pro.",tjsa of a Nitrogerz-Hydrogen
Mixt-ure From CC% With the Frepa-vat-ion of Ammonium Carbonates.
I . 2
Communication. 1.
PERIODICAL: Zhum-al prikladnoy khimii, 10959, Vol- 32, Nr 5, PP 969-975 (USSR)
APZMTACj': 7ne separa-te and combined absorption of 14H and CO depending on tne
3 - ge process is 1;-.-
physical-chemical. and hydrodynazic ~::uadizions of ~
vestigated here. For this purpoNe horizontal rjtax7 absorbers with
high rpm wera used JOR-efs 1-h-7. At a temperature of 17-18'C and a
pre-5vare of 749 mm Fg, the absorplion repbes 100% at 2,1550 rpm. If
the N-H.- supply is mora "Uhall 500 m' por arl of absorbent - hr, the
revoluiions must be inarea~ied to R~;0-900 per min. Under highly
turbullent conditions the ovoduct-f-trity of the apparatus is 40-41 timt~s
greater thar- that of packed colurm-is
0 The absorption of CO by anv%n"'a
wa' e.- at 18 C and a suppl:f o,-F' 500 r;~Im3 . hr at a C'C' ' conten? r 11. 8%'
in the gaa reaches its maxirm= of 98.5% at 2,000 rpm. An increase- cff'
the supply rate reduie,- the degree of absorption. A maximwn, of ab-
Card 1/2 sorption is reached at a CO 2 nontent. of 13$ in the gas. The highest
The Combination of the Purification Process of a Nitrogen-Hydrogen Mixture From
C02 With the-Preparation of Ammorium Carbonates. Communication I.
rate of the.process can be attained at a stoichiometric. NH3:C02 ratio
1:1. The combined absorption of NH3 and C02 differs only slightly
from the separate absorption. The degree of absorption decreases
with the increase of the ammonium carbonate concentration in the
solution, which is explained by the higher viscosity of the solution
and the higher vapor pressure of NH3 and C02, An excess ofammonla
shows the most favorable results in this case.
There are: 1 diagram, J.0 graphs and 4 Soviet references.
SUBMI=: September 12, 1957
Card 2/2
n c f 'u z n~m,;-ial r,' n-'
-%,1d 1 im e~cl~ir wi-,.h tile pro,
',~--tLllzers. Tzlf. vy-. -ich,3h. :,,.a
nL 4.1,1-1a~4 164.
r, a 4:11a
Mikhail Lazarevich Rudakov, 1912-1964; an obituary. Cor.
zhur. no.9:78 S 164. (MIRA 17:12)
Vilesov, G. I. "Manufocture for shecking thr-, pnrallelim, of'
effective surfi~ces of screw microiacters," In Bymposium; Nek,)tor.-,,-,j
voprosy tekhmiki priborostrojeniya, Roscow-Lenlwmd, 19,03, p.
SO: U-3264, 10 ADril 1953, (LetoDis 'Zhural lnyldi StEitey, NO. 3, 1949)
RABINY P.S.; KUZYASIIIII, K.A.; Vild!;30v, -G-I.
System for B<ir4,-out utilizing the heat of the condensate.
Prom.energ. 17 no.7:5-6 il 162. OURA 15:7)
(Feed water)
,- ~ ',Y~ Y,-c .- , ; V, V,P., I 'i T LIESIOV, N.G.
. :.Auctisn of cartwon disulfide from methane aM sulfur in
~p -
~ne high.-t mpe-ature zone. KhIm, volok. no.509-41 165,
(MIRA 18:10)
1~ Moskovskly ordera Lenina khimiko-takhnologicheakiy llnrtitut.
,m. D.1. Mlt-nd'eleyeva.
I , I M *, ~ ; 1, 0 1 . I
cs or thi- h, of rr, thr ne
. I e A
iul Cur. Truiy ma,! 164.
F"ovvtod at tu A,-. 'Pat, 24 cr the Onrus, C%dolo.,
7 so Le P219. 28 Detator . I
A. A. (AS LES, Nowew)
C040tructift of a th-Ifted ThoM of c&Wygia . gt~&dd ma, Wra
0. K. (?by.1c;~h-wcQL X"t. to Urp~,TxLwm)
Pendent Bystrom wd c4tal t..0
A. To. ( Toot. of sjotogic;t " Wo4teal Chemistry, An ME, W~vw)
at Iona of 111olosicQ4 Ctal old In the Liabi of the Acti"Ity of tho
"do"Ismsymb ..
S. (Inat. Chemical rh7sies, As UarA, modod)
QdA Catalyst@ &rA ClumalciLl LAwtiod to at- odleatIm .Chain poselloo..
POOMM. a. z.
Iftchshital NA yJn*tlcs of the Malf-Life Catalyst.-
wA TAORMT. A. (in". Orgool, choojetry, M Uk=tAlmn SM)
of Catalytic Action of Ainjumagdo in thm pAwtion or CsftmWl Ccmpw.A..-
TURM F was viiIIIiIIIN, A. ("Is@ Idart., Imlograd Itate tblvw I
'1UG-~irmaj, wastes an the Awrood, or ftif-ur. Cw3.t..-N '4)
801 201ah-v" Ostabor 1158, Vol.
rr N, A. and VILESm P. (Lenignrad)
"Photoelectronic Emission of the Surface of Semi-Conductor Catalysts,"
(Section A).
report submitted for Annual Meeting East Gesman Chemical Society, 28 oct
Noy 1958, Leipzig, G. D. R.
VILESCV, S.P., irof.
Azqputationa'ad exartioulationo alohg the length of the foot.
Ortop.,, travm. i protez. 21 no.8932-35 Ag '60. (miRA 13,n)
1. Is kliniki goapital Inoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. S.P.v1,1AwQv)
Orenburgakogo moditainskogo inatituta (direktor - prof. Z.S.Khlystova).
MIKHAYLDV, S.S., prof., red.; SHAYKOV, A.D., kand. med. nouk,
zam. red.; GLIFSOll, L.Ye., dots., red.; VIL~ZGV, S.P.,
prof., red.; YITRGFANOV, V.G., doktor med. nauk, red.;
PERVUSHIN) V.yu., dots., red.; BOCHKAREVA, A.A., dots.,
red.; PISIMENOV, I.A., ass., red.
(Nineteenth Scientific Session of the Orenburg State Medical
Institute] XIX Nauchnaia sessiia Orenburgakogo Gosudarstven-
nogo meditsinskogo lns~ltuta. Orenburg, 1962. 144 p.
(HaRA 16:11)
1. Orenburg. Gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut. 2. Za-
veduyushchiy GospitAllnoy khirurgicheskoy klinikoy Orenburg-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Vilesov). ,3. Zaveduyu-
shchiy kafedroy operativnoy khirurgii Orenburgskogo meditsin5kogo
instituta (for Mlikha7lov)- 4. -.~.veduyushchiy fakulltetskoy khi-
mrgicheskoy klinikoy Orenburgskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for
Mitrofanov). 5., Zaveduyushchaya Knfedroy glaznykh bolezney Oren-
burgskogo meditsinakogo instituta (for Bochkareva). 6. Zave-
duyushchiy kafedroy obshchey khimii Grenburgskogo meditsinskogo
instituta (for Ollfson).
VILESOV, G.I., prof.; IVCIENKO, A.N.,, dotsent
Results of verifying predictions nade on the basis of the geo-
met-ization of a gold ore deposit. Izvovysouchebozave; gor,zhur*
7 no.2:64-73 164e (MIRA 17:3)
1. Sverdlovakiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.V&kIu-usheva. Rekomendovana
kafedroy ma ksheyderskogo dela.
-~L MUKHAI-!ETZWIOV, S., kand. geo2ogo-
Ye.A.; 49
miner. nauk,- GLADYSHEVA, U.N.., kand. geogr. nauk;
IIA7ARUXOp I.M., kand. geogr. nauk; YESAULEEKO, P.I.,
kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LAVROVA, I.V.p kand. ekonom. nauk;
PALIGOVj N.K., akademik, red.; CHEZGANOV, L.., red.;
NA04P Jm, red
_j 1~* jp tek
[The Virgin Territory; brief studies on nature, popplation
and economV]TSelinrqi krai; kratkie ochorki o prirodo, na-
selenii i khoziaistve. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskoe gos. izd-vop
1962. 188 p. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Otdel geografii Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for all
except Chezganav Nagibin). 2. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy
SSR (for Pallgovi.
(Virgin Territory-Economic geography)
PALIGOV, N.N., otv. red.; VIlFwg" X&H red.; MIKOVA, V.A.,
--- ~ , __P
red.; MAKAREVICH, K.G., red.; CHERKASCV, Y.A., red.;
PALIGOVA, Z.N., red.
(Glaciological research in Kazakhstan] Gliatsiologiche-
skie issledovaniia v Kazakhstane. Alma-Atap Nauka.
N0.5. 1965. 169 P. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Akademiya nauk Kazakbskoy SSR, Alma-Ata, Sektor fizi-
cheskoy geografil.
25(6) SOV/64-59-1-11/24
AUTHORS: VanXuahina, Z. S., 'Vilesova,_Y.J. S., Shchertal L. D.
TITLE: Control of the Hydrogenation of AdIponitrile and -,f the
Purification of Hexamethylenediamine by the Methc~d of
Infrared Spectroscopy (Kontroll '-~idrirovaniXa adiponitrila
i ochiatki geksametilerLdiamina motodom infrakrasnoy apektrc-
PERIODICAL: Khimicheakaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 1, PP 46-46 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At the Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State
Institute of AppliedChemistry) an analytic nethod was de--
veloped which zqrved the examination of the reaction mixture
in the continuous hydrogenation of adiponitrile (1) (Ref 1)
during the synthesis of hexamethylenodiamine (II). This
analysis takes, however, 2.5 - 3 hours. For a faster determina-
tion of the conversion cf (1) in the hydrogenation the
spectrometry by the -C _~N group is suggested for the present
case. The purity of (II) is particularly important for the
production of nylon. It is stated that a judgment of the
purity of (II) by the freezing temperature is inadequaie,
and that a perfect judgement is only possible on the 1~asis
Card 1/2 of an infrared spectrum analysis in which no absorption 'band
Control of the Hydrogenation of Adiponitrile and of the Purification of
Hexamethylenediamine by the Method of Infrared Spectroscopy
of the --C~_--ff group may be observed and in whi,.h the groups ITH
and N112appear. It is recommended to carry out the re,,tifica-
tion of raw (11) on a rectification column (under vacuum and
in nitrogen atmosphere). From the fraction T Z = 40-00 a control
by the infrared spectrum by means of any spectrometor (e.G.
IKS-11) should be carried out whereby the required reetifi;~a-
tion conditions can be established. 3 examples are ;,-iven In
which a column with an efficiency of about 15 theoretical
bottoms in nitrogen atmosphere was applied. Results if
examinations of the freezing temperature of the inlividual
samples are indicated (Table). There are 1 table and 9 ref-
erences, 1 of which is Soviet.
Card 2/2
W-L L~ -~c V'4' fkI - -11
VANTUSHINA, Z.B., kand. tekhn.nauk; TILESOVA, M.S., kand. khIm. nauk;
CHISTYAKOVA, G.A., kand. khlm. na . -
Synthesis hexamethylenediamine by the catal7tic hydrogenation of
adiponitrile in a continuous stream. Khim. prom. no.4:205-208 Js
158- (MIRA 12:1)
(Hexanediamine) (Adiponitrile) (Hydrogenation)
AUMORS: Klebanskiy, A. L., Vilesova, M. S. SOV/79-28-6-19/63
TITL'~: Investigation in the Field of the Synthetia and Polyrxnden-
sation of 11-Alkyl Derivatives of the Hexamethylenediamine
(Issledo7aniye v oblasti, sinteza i polikondensatsii. N-
-alkilproizvodnykh geksametilendiamina) III. On the Influence
of the Structure of the Substituting Radical on the Direction
of Reaction of the Alkylation of Hexamethylenediamine (111. 0
vliyanii stronyeniya zameshchayushchego radikala na napravleniye
reakstii alkilirovaniya geksanetilendiamina)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khinii, 1958, Vol. 28,, Nr 6, pp. 15211-1528 (':SSR)
A BSTRACT The earlier investigations (Ref 1) of the reduction a-Ut-ylation
of hoxainethylene diamine made it possible to the authors to
determine some depend2nces of the radical structure of the car-
bony.1 compound on the reactivity in the alkylation; anonlrly the
carbonkl compounds formaldehyde plays a special r;le. Different
J.rom reaction carried out earlier with formaldehyde the aUcylation
had to be carried out in neW~ral medium and the hydrochloric salt
of hexamethylene dianine had to be used. At the molar ratio of
Card 113 diaraine to aldehyde =1:2 the asy,-:tmetric 11-dineth-,lh--xame-thylene
Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondesnation of N-
-Alkyl Derivatives of the He7amethylenedianine. III. On the Influence of
the Structure of th-e Substituting Radical on the Dircction of Reaction of
the Alkylation of Hexamethylenedianine
diamine (75%)' of the formula (CH ) N_(CH ) NH was obtained as
,o 20~-, 2
main product. The high-boiling Mct n tained as secondary
pro,luct contained mainly the tri-substituted diamine. It is shown
that the chosen direction of the reduction alkylation of hexameth-
ylene diamine in the direction to the N,N'-dialkylation is diAer-
mined by two opposite influences, the increase of the
reactivity of the substituted amino group and by the st,xic effect
of the substituent* Beginning with isopropyl and higher an exclu-
sive direction of the reaction to the side of the N,111-disubsti-
tution is observed. On the introduction of the ethyl- and n-
propyl radical the synthesis of the pure synmetric hexamethylene
derivative is made difficult. On the introduction of the methyl
the reaction takes place completely to the side of the formation
of the asymmetric product of substitution. The introduction of
a tertiary butyl group to the amino group of the bex;imethylono
dianine is not achieved whereas trimethylsilyl easiL~r substitutes
Card 2/3 both hydrogen atoms under the formation of a four Unes-
Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondensation of N_
-Itlkyl Derivatives of the Hexamethylenediartine. III. On the Influence of
the Structure of the Substituting Radical on the 'Jirection of Reaction of
the Alkylation of Hex,7methylenediamine
substituted compound. There are 2 tablet~-and 3 references,
which are Soviet.
SUBMEI'TED: May 25, 1957
1. Alkyl derivatives--Synthesis 2. 1-fethyl hydrazines--
Cheracal reactions
Card 313
AUTHORS: Klebanskiy, A. L., Vilesova, M. S. SCV/79-28-(,2G/63
TITLE: Investigation inthe Field of the Synthesis of N-Alkylhexa-
methylene Diamine Derivatives and Their Polycondensations
(Issledovaniye v oblasti sinteza N-alkilproizvodnykh geksa-
metilendiamina i ikh polikondensatsil) V. Some Problems
Concerning the Reaction Kinetics of the Reduction Alkylation
of Hexamethylene Diamine (V. Nekotoryye voprosy kinetiki
reaktsii vosstanovitellnogo alkilirovaniya geksamitelendi-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp. 1528-1534
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present paper was to explain:1) The de-
pendence of the reaction velocity on the conditions under
which the process takes place, and 2) the influence of the
structure of the alkylating compound on the reaction velo-
city of the reduction alkylation of hexamethylene diamine.
Based an the results which were obtained by the authors in
the synthesis of N-substituted diamines it was possible when
Card 113 using these data to determine the course of reaction and to
S CV/79-2 8-6-2P/63
Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of
Derivatives and their Polycondensations. V. 3ome Problems Concerning the
Reaction Kinetics of the Reduction Alkylation of flexamethylene Diardne
carry out the comparison with various alkylating crjrrq~ounds.
The investigation of the reaction of the reduction alkylation
of hexamothylene diamino with aldehydes and ketones at in-
creased (100 - 50 atmospheres) an well as normal at-
mospheric pressure showed that this reaction apparently is
of suction character which is limited Ly the diffusion staCe
of the reaction component of solution and catalyst. It was
shown that the reaction velocity does not dopend on the con-
centration of the components and their conversion in the
reaction process (Figs 1 - 5). On the other hand it also
considerably depends on the structure of the rlkylatinE al-
dehyde or ketone. It was found that the reactions of the
reduction alkylation of hexamethylene at normal pressure and
aLove 5o atimospheres absclute pressure are of zero-th order,
and within the interval of from lo to 4o alliospheres they
are of first order; this fact can be explained by the in-
complete suction saturation of the catalyst within this pres-
sure int,,rval. It was shown that the above mentioned reaction
Card 2/3 velocity is on the one hand dependent on the relative polari-
Investigation in the Field of the O-ynthesis of N-AlkylhexBmethylene Lianine
Derivatives and Their Polycondensations. V. Some Problcas Concerning the
Reaction Kinetics of the Reduction Alkylation of flexamethylene Diamine
ty of the alkylatinj- compounds and on the other hand b y the
steric hindrances caused by the 2tructure. The second fac-
tor plays a role only in the case of ramified carbonyl com-
pounds. There are 8 figuros, 3 tables, nnd 3 references, 2
of which are Soviet.
SUEMITTED: May 25, 1957
1. Alkyl derivatives--Synthesis 2. Methyl hydrazines-(~hemical
Card 313
11 , - ~ -Z ~-- - " , -. - I ~ -: -; . -.
. 1, v ~ I I - ~ - -I:..- -.-! ~.- ., 1 ~ - - 1 :'14~j~ - .1. '. . - ;
I Synthelia 61 M-M*do~- and IIJV'dWlc d4alloltilrem a
A,-~,IV it LkIld ki
V17 "'t
'Ti-.-i.~A ,V,N'-dilkyl derivs. ol hitamethy en tie
(1) with radicals of different chain lengths and structure were
prepd. by allkylatEog with afdchydes and Icetones and re-
ducing at IR-20' guld 50-100 atma. pre-Uwe in HLOH with
Pt-black or Raney N1. The derivo. of I prepd. were (yleld.
b.p.. mV, d-1, and &.e alkylating aKent given N N'-d' -Ft
41%. N 101-5', 1,4440, 0.925, Ael N,k'-di-A &'3%,
th 1.4451, 0.831, propiowildchyde; N,W-di-Ru,
97%, bs 131-34, 1.4479, OJW, tutyral4ohyde; N.N'Zito-'
.ks4. M%, b, 111-15% 1.4479. 0,818, isobutyrotdchyde;
N. '4U$ ropyl. 0501-, t4 110-1 ", 1.4393, 0.8116. Me*CO,
(N)%, bs ItS-Ifi*, 1.4175. O.M (&(cRt
870, 1.44M, 0",-.MerCO; JV-"o~J bt
IOL-29. 1.45M. OAM (butyraldehyde). Tbe firit 6 U
(d~fitauxllnga. to ai., C.A. 37#
had been pr:j~
prqd; In a
molm wh" of th'.
2od munino Ijump.
ATJTHORSs Klebanskiy, A~ L,, , Vilesova N' 2
TITLEs Research in the Field of the Syrtheals and Polyfondeneation
of N Alkyl Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine (Issledovaniye
v oblasti sinteza i polikondensatsii N-.alkilproizvodnykh
geksametilendiamina) I. Synthesis of N '.N'-Dialkyl Derivatives
of Hexamethylene Diamine (I. Sintez N..,"[',,dialkj.lproizvodnykh
PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey Kh!mi1i,1q5a,Vol,2O,Nz' C pp.1066.-.1072(USSR)
ABSTRAM In the course of the last ten years attempts were made to
modify the properties of polyamides in order to make them
more elastic, scfter and more hydrophile under preservation
of a number of other valuable properties., Such modification
can be made according to several methods. Especially the meth-
od of Y-alkylation is of impartan_-e in this -onnection, how-
ever, it has been discussed in technical literature only in-
sufficiently,, In order to be able to produce 11-alkylated
polyamides with different srique-noe of the aubstituents, dif.-
ferent degree of substitA 'c.n and also wifli different sub-,
Card 1/4 stituonts a method for the )ioducALztn of the corresponding
-79-28-4 48/60
Research in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondensation of N-Alkyl
Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine~ 1. Synthesas of N.11',,Di1lkj1 Deri-
vatives of Hexamethylene Diamine
monomers (11-alkyl derivativ%s of hexamethylene diamine) must
be avallable wbich guarantaes suffi~-Ient purity of the pro-
duct . the possibilitv of the 1ntrr11U'.ti,3n of radicals of
different structure 'and also the possibility of acnductin-
the reactionto the side of 11 -mc)noalkjlatic,,,i or the side
of the symmetric: N,TJ1 -dialkylatirdn. Moreover, the nethod
should be simpien, based on easily an,2essible compounds and
make possible the carry4.rg cu~- at a larger scale. Such a
method is not yet known. In technital literature "he synthesis
of N,Nl- dialk-yl dlaminea by aminati-n of the corresponding
dibromides (Ref ') and by nydrogenation of the dinitriles
under the preuen,,;e -.;f mettLyl, amin,4 ('11,af 2) -La described , Both
methads leai to the f-,rmatinn of a compound of products dif-
ficult to separate. The r-:~dnction of Schiff bases of the
diamines described by Staudinger is rendered difficult by
the great instability of thi azomethine compounds of the ali-
phatia series and leads to low yields of the latter (Ref 3).
Since monomers of great purity are necessary for the poly-
condensation the method of the reductive alkylation of amines
Card 2/4 by means of aldehydes and ketones (Ref 4)~ which guarantees
Resarch in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondensation of N-Alkyl
Derivatives of Fexamethylene Diamine. I. Synthesis of If,?P-Dialkyl Deri-
vativee of Hexamethylene Diamine
great yields and the cloice of reaction for the production of
secondary moruLmines and which meets also other demands
mentioned earlier, deservea special interest. Only'one patent
exists for the reducing alkylation of diamines which treats
the representation of N-monoalkyl compounds (Ref 5). The dif-
ficulty and the peculiarity of the alkylation reaction of
diamines is based on the presence of two groups capable of
reacting. The authors aimed at the elaboration of a synthesis
for N,Nl,.dialkyl compounds of hexamethylene diamine based
on the reductive alkylation according to the following
scheme: RI H2
R -111i + O-C-' ;'* R-IIH-CH"R' R', R" ... alkyl
2 "RIP _H20 ~Rll radical cr hydro-
The influence of a series af factors on the reaction velocity
and the yield of 11 NI-dialkyl compounds of hexamethylene di-
Card 3/4 amine was inve3tig~ted. The following proved to produce
'qesearch in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondenoation of 11-Alkyl
Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine. I. Synthesis of N,!P-Dialkyl Deri--
vatives of Hexamethylene Diamine
optimum conditionat ethyl alcohol as solvent, a concentra-
tion of the reaction pArtioipants of 20 -- 25 ~ (in reference
to diamine), a molar ratio of diamine and the carbonyl conpourd
of 1 s 2, platinum black (0,1 6 0,5 -14j) as catalyst, a re-
action temperature of 20 - 25 (with some exception3) and
hydrogen pressure of 120 to 150 atmospheres pressure in the
course of the reactJon. Seven 11,Nl-dialkyl derivatives of
hexamethylene diamino synthesized according to this method
were investigated and characterized; 3 of them were repre-
sented for the first tine.
In an experimental part alkylation
n-aldehydes of the aliphatic series
There are 3 figures, 5 tables. and
is Soviet.
SUBMITTEDt April 11, 1957
by means of acetone and
are described in detail.
6 references, I of which
Card 4/4
7 2;-- - 4 - t
L, 12 114 Oft S IMcbarskiy A. L. , Vile3ova, J". 3~
TITLEt Research in the Field of the Syntheai:3 and Polycondeneation
of N-Alkyl Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine (Issledovaniye
v oblasti sinteza i polikondensataii N--alkilproizvcdny'Ich
gaksametileridiamina) II. On the Synthesis of 11-Monoalkyl
Derivatives of Ilexamethylene Diamino (11. 0 jintmze fl,nono-
alkilproizvodnykh geksaiaetilendiarnina)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,Vol.28,Nr 4,PP-1073-1075(USSR)
ABSTRAM The production of 11--mono subs ti tuted hexamethylene diamines
by means of the normal method of reducing alkylation (Ref 1)
is connected with tareat difficulties. The carbonyl compound
may, at least in the initial stagge of the reaction, react
with the amino group of the free as well as with the amino
group of the already monosubstituted diamine. Thus, a com-
pound of 11-mono- and 11,111-dialkyl diamines which '~an be
separated only with difficulties and which contains a con-
siderably part of the disubstituted components forms. In
order to conduct reaction to the side of the N-monosubsti-
Card 1/4 tution the observation made by the authoravas used that
79 213. ii-,19160
Research in the Field of the Synthesis and Polycondensation of N-Alkyl
Derivatives of 11examethylene Diamine. II,~ On the Synthesis of 11,11ono-
alkyl Derivatives of Hexamethylene DiamIne
solid hydrates insoluble in water may form from 11--mono- as
well as from 11,Nl.dialkylated diamines. For this reason
the reaction is carried out best in the aqueous medium and
the ratio between the quantity of the alkylating compound,
and hexamethylane diamine was selected correspondingly lower
(up to I mol per i mol dLUMiTB),, Greater yield of H-mono-
substituted diamine is achieved by the fact that it pre-
cipitates from the aquecus solution in the form of the solid
hydrate. Due to this reason the probability of the reaction
of the second amino group with the alkylatin g agent is re-
duced and the reaction is shifted mainly to the side of
N-monoalkylation. The formation of hydrates was investigated
quantitatively by the example of the disubstituted deriva-
tives, especially by the example of 11,N'.-di-n-butyl and
N,Nl...diisopropyl hexamethylene diamine. Disubstituted di-
amines form crystallized white hydrates if water is added,
and also in an atmosphere saturated with steam, and in air.
In drying with P20 in the exsiocator water is completely
Card 2/4 separated and the L.-formed diamine proves identical with
.Research in the Field of the Synthesis arid Polycondensation of N-Alkyl
Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine. II. On the Synthesis of H-Mono-
alkyl Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine
the original diamine. It could be observed experimentally
that 1 mol of the disubstituted diamine rapidly absorbs
2 mols of water and then forms a hydrate; further absorption
of water takes place much more slowly. At the given condi-
tions 1 nol diamine absorbed maximally 4 mols water. The
dehydrate of the N,111-di-n-butyl-hexamethylene diamine is
insoluble in water, the dihydrate of 11,111-diisopropyl-hexa-
methylene diamine dissolves in the excess water. Also
11,111-diisobutyl-, N,111-di-n-butyl-2-hexamethylene diamine
arid others form hydrates. L-lonosubstituted diamines equally
form crystallized hydrates in the air (in an atmosphere
saturated with steam). '41he decrease in the yield of 11,1ro-
-dialkyl diamines and the formation of a certain amount
of If-monosubstituted diamine at the carrying out of the
reaction of the reducing alkylation in water is obviously
explained by Vie formation of these hydrates. The method
of representation of mono-substituted derivatives was ela-
Card 3/4 borated by means of the exampi-e of If-mono-n-butyl hexa-
79- 28..jt---49/60
Research in the Field of the Synthe3is and Polycondensation of 11-Alkyl
Derivative3 of Hexamethvlene Tilamir.L. II. On the Synthesi3 of N-Mono-
alkyl Derivatives of Hexamethylene Diamine
methylene dianaine, however, it can also be used for the
synthesis )f other monosubstituted derivatires which form
'I ydrates insoLuble or difficultly soluble in water. The
hydrate of 1,1-.~-iorioisopropyl-hexaraethylene diamine is soluble
in excesa water. However ', also in this case the yield of
+!,e Y-monosubstituted prodi.ict is increased in carrying
out the reaction in Uie aqueous medium.
In ioi P,:~perimental part the alkylation by raeans of the
n-lldehyde3 of the aliphatic serips, and by acetone Is
described in detail. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, r4nd
1 reference, 1 of which Is Soviet.
April 11., 1957
Card 4/4
Synthesis of N-mono- and N,N0-diallcyl derivatives of hexa-
methylenediamine. Xhim.nauka i prom. 2 no-5:660-661 '57.
(MIRA 10:12)
l.GosudaretvanW institut prikladnoy khimii.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 111
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a a III IN It It 91 M to 11 a I I I I I I 1 20
A. s. PopovA ) sm. 6375. - NA LATYSH YAZ. sm 6376
VILESOV9 S.F. Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Grafting of skin according
to the method of V. P. -Pilatov in the restorative surgernj of the
lower extremity." Gorlkiy,1957. 20 pp 20 cm. (Gorlkiy State Dled
Inst ira S.M. Kirov). 200 copies. bibliography at the end of