go 40~
A-ko .0 tq. "?jet
Chemical fe'41ectuads as 2%Pffm and
'a, 11. Re-411060 tA Pedymetitation 9d M.,
'h'.0=!l"d virilkyclolwigm. N. P. zoinlid AIWIT
%W-11C in (Imt. Oq. Chcm., Arad.
nk;l. rel. V.R.S.S., CUsse stre. ckim, 104S. 41
(it Faiii", 31-2).-The frulimm of tw4trwis-i'm
Tcyclobet-me (1). viuykYxh)Iwxvne (11), anti unsaid.
tm-os. a Synthum ('Ynxtittic te"inr) (111) untlef
4010 Itti, pri sq. zn,. amt at trati.. up to;Mt.
r-p., -,tt itudo-ti, Tbt epp. uwJ W
dc~cnbcd itt 11art I WA. 39. VAT). The twrmurc in
tht,twtor Was raiNcti by rnmns 44 ~..pr.-td N, ((h
ntu ut OZ'I). The d"ired IMP. %A- "'Ainl&illt,l by
rucant at an ekr. ovrn, 11 vtso IAlml that OW fm 6011
ul prAymerisation cd I (J"' 0AIW; a" V44011; It.
W.3-2.7*) iq irs&pcndrat of pfeftute and"tbe polymers,
(ortned at thennopolytners itlentieml with thow obtained
by thomumn"ymerization od' 1. The reaction d pkily.
rnautation o(11 in a great dclim depend, ~ the w-use.
ar"t highly p,45m,efixtA sufmamrs in~,!. in 0""Unnn
.4v,nt% art (mmed. (For U: bta (M-7% *I,, 1.4410i).
Whrul' -31M)0ks./%q.cm-and 1*-"'0)* 1* "1 A
W.' 1.497h) I, f-trin"l, %%Iwn P C,'ruy,1s`nr,r
T - 21W, liquO ImAyincr (all; 1.4701)) 1, lmnwd. The
1.~Ywwfiwitm of 111 (XV 1AUN; 1). to IrAV. J1.
0.,143. Wine Rio. W.0) kaill to The I" C4 flify
prWucts; with a gtritly skiping viwmity-truip. curve.
The ody product obWued In the expt. In which P - 40A)
kg./ml, cin., 1* ~ 360". awl I m 3.6 brs. was diitd. untler
%Wuura; 2 g. ut-re owained, tk.& The vii-
rinity olf the oil waA slightly less than that at the IviNne
fAl; mu.~.4w, It Contrakti at 40-5*, G. 1.41AAeff
so 111"411"
-40 40 W441 410 awl Got
U 6 AV 00 Lf filet as onf-ist-
KAD 4 1 IS
0 6, 0 we
2,se 0 *1
,~t� a 0 a -0-g-610.9 0- A* 0 0 0 ~ 6 0 0 a 0 0
Ill Islet lot OW IS 4 it At to a i :1 J? Is NVA0,111111 AIR
6A I rf. III U 4.11~ It I d .
cliefflicsil reactions at Wood pirsixtursto and at k4h
tempolatursts. fit. Appainafto for tht sftdy of oxida. 1111111 is ff a 0 0-41 a a a Mirg,
I I Is Ik 4 - t , 2 __t_ A-A_X-11,
tion with compffs"ll o=pirrear" -P to ism it-
mosphersixt, and am* oxidation of I
cnnpounds. L. F, Vcirmlichagin ain-I V. A, 141z"
A HaR.
....... luvl, if C.A. 40. -C-lymod wa, found
040 it,
0 t., 1~ Ow fri-t i-twivenirgil firdratillse lulmil its titittact
.1111 --`&VXi'%1, J4111141ily if) Nl'~ -11111 "Oh %JIIF ll'Wr
gIv.. r.4 1! 11-1, 1., '-fictiallize ill the cAltilliri" &I Ill' &$Sit
j*vpl Atiii,t. 'm liquial un&rgisrs 4)w u%lotati,"i awl
;t'i. th"tfirc wvriwy In change it frefluetitly. The
""its .4 , i.,ffnjprr~vssr 14 likewise h4bricatrit with a .00
so 0
An glyetr-A-watrrmixt.
-isthipl" tit If) min. inner thant-7) into. nuter dissm. an.]
I'linni.high. Cyrl(thriLene(O.5c.).Uwlcrllxvfattn.,tli-I
i ... Ih- any change in 4 Ism. at 12' arml At Ill(P.
. . -, hr,.. I hi~4if the liqsitt was inmewhist (nuirraivit, froin
4-14'.s7 fat :),-; In 1.111M. At IN)", rstplmifav arrvirrni
wi Icr If") atm. within 3 mint. A lart" still. tit ohr 40 0
o 0
'to o
;- V, loh, - rn'. :.'. I ff'. CA Plot l"I u I I Ills I as tit. &I I rf I h r * 4.
i - sling At 1,P1'. rhe zinc amt. 4 cyc;irshviiettir. afirr
h -mg ki list its a r4rig"ains, at -A". rzovft,ii aftcr 2 We.
J!1~3vr.'O' -Iq,rv?4-Jivi,xWy#sn the ptrwiscr tit Inionitlet.
A Ityxi-n c-qwcs%,A to OW1,11W 41m. A-Pws rstpwl in, t,aw
-4 0, It can in, es,tratwilal"I -) ShAt
41 :11111111 Alf". 41111 atyyvr 0 emaims, Istarlically tif 0. nuA,.
N. Thon 1
114TALL11111161(it 1,111114116411 CLAS$WKAIOO WOO
$qla- 4W144.0 41&0o. N&WAAV Woo
.--~_ 1 11 * , --- " - -:
Is a % a a a 1 0 0 5 d
6~u 5 All 10 it' lost
0 sip of 0 to 6 Is a a It 19 It a
0 0 0 0 0
4 0 so 410 too 4l *0 0 ~ I li-604-
0 0 :is 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
as - ___ - __ - - - - - - __
I I t I q yttvissidisig its ffinff w-Ty,i--w-v7vw1i ii a x 0 if
A 0 a b j a k
A k I
- --
Al P -:!~!
- . - - . I-- A.. __ - - - . ___
9 !~ v----- - 11,
_- -- 81 .;go
A 1 1
K. Mj:,ki. A. M.
N. S. Dusins Aftir.-Sti. U.N.S.S.. CL set.
7 .00
S. 46"
9).-As inv"Optioe of the OqLgodve deconsp,
t "
9. c
e f
) a
plesna .
o Ox
ovinction Is 4kcamed *a the bub of Me experimental results
101 is aftUWw4 tb&t the expbeWw decamp
of M under
4 .
k 4" ft Ow beat of expiciolas as a nask of pelymerimum. The
expkWve 4ocamp, msctice6 oves utter It h" bma ~@d. ma be as 0
PPI by an Ab"94 drop [a re bdow tM cht
W1. a**
I X PP.M, .1 . hi. tian ty ON too
_____Vcemwe( .-Raistrick of &L. A..- 190, I.-ft. -H. C.---- so - 0
A, I a - S i &RULLU*41COL LffEMATUP1 CLAWFICATIOW 1411~-.-~r.-_Z~-..
1#1141 it Nils 11 *,f 0.9
U -1 Al
w 0 9 a 4 3 9 w3tf
n ry & it * a
~ One
; 0 0
e e
0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
0 woo 0 00 000 00 0 00900 0 a 000 0 00 0 0 41 0 0, 0
-4q U.6- 0~_Tm:rv, __E I
"Study of Chemical R(-actions at Super-ffif,-h Premirer, and IIfii:-,h Tcr-, -r-r-t,)res;"
- 11 - 1.
Iz. Ak. Nlat.Lk SSSR, Wel. Fhim. Nat.,J:, Nos. 4 and 11, 1545-
Tnst. of Org. Chem., AS USSR
We low
0 A
-- ;_ i - . I ..
0 ~00 ; ; ; ; ; ; r 7 MVW
4 '1 It 14 11 14 11 .0
1i OfurmL AnA "m
. A , 4 , Q . IN S F 6
ut, iswev --r0
x W (I,. It, 11 -4
The exoWwo IleempooMon of tyclopenutlient *1 high
pre"VIO. I., F, N*v1vsJw~h4xio drul A. M. V,44k,,%~A
,Ali. of Sulm, ~
".urv-, Wit. of (No. 4:1um., AlAd. .4
CampUread. io,ad. i,j. V./C.'i 'i. 47 N.,
3. 197 ht~90); Doblatly Atdd. N.jelr. S..S.S *.
--rhe of ryt.w.
IN 4(=
(1) 1 he Influence vils w-svr Imidlo"ll Irv
splimion 44 1.1 S. 44 tetryl w&% 111V1,11dattil. It %4,
that 111,11-41
cirewlith-nii. Denjoilist. was not tivoilwIrle willt mmillij,
lists'.1 OtAk % M. lwvnli- 44 of lbedflooA.
likin wave 4k Ilic li-joi-I, I
hr wink -4 1441'llit it. 8,114111,
end Nirwitt I C A. 34, lilt') on the r%pl-m-arlitoilki of
I ondi,f .141k. I-Ir."Ile 04~ .11h o, a I-olt,
-414 I-Slow if 4 aluall moll. of Ilk- 11 %.4-
oun. that likir is & crit. rate tit Iii-orv meft4w (I.-Oki
1 a 0
atm. /min.) lirlow whk-Is the explo,orv &anklmt. J- wit
lake litacv. The 4-cph"in has mit ifuluction IWFjOll 411 5
nv a let Ilk- nervmairy crit. prrs%ure IsAs Immn rr"fiett. It Zee
it I.WVVd thAl the d.VtXUpn. it tik-fULd In KAILIfe. At
high pr-urv tlu- tate ni ImilynktizAt"i 6 to crat thAt
the heat rmiolvt4l it wft-knt 1.)
r,,Iucc explimitm. I h,
crit.mte ni Ifir rise of pfir"mc ,& evulcally actirvAry Io
attain th.. fi,111P. fiquind Inr Ihe 141t, of Tracti'"I 141 IN
If. G. Nti CA1114
Oufficir"lly givat.
"no" *1
u to AT-ii I's PIPIV04C wit Xz staff It
0 Ve 0 0 0 0 q 0 a 0 0 0 0 0
: :
41110 * 40 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 40 *
a 9- its**
-6111111vollas low,
W ft I Is An I, 1 4 OW
34 is* A f a v lit 1416 bit jj's III*
0A A 0 111--j (A w it L.-L, C*
A r' -440
L 11.
Dirpaudence of the diokttrk c4us"at 61 bji.,
00 A;
titansts upon pirtissure. )I. ~11' %'Uj s"'1 I.. F.
go O!,xin 0'. N. L.1-1.-v In-t- Phylh~ an.1 1-t. 1 -00
Owin.. Arad. Srwnn~ U.S.S.R.) C-Pf- ffXJ. dllki~
00 )-1- 48, "3111111&11-) - 10111
00 11-V C161,1kily 4 a w1uIttawr with linium 11t.6114il- a. ~06
-11,4v sea tiua~wvd um The pirmurr raligr t4 mil 1,1
*0 -NNN' AtUll- Tb~ SUMIS 1111SUVO CII&I-11C III CVPkily in 100
00 1 Ac :_
fange is r -- - 1.2 X 107, qq. cilijkl. whcfr Cis 00
api r4o
00 in col. 9M P is Pretswe In is./*q. cru. buium I
go J;' titanate W a dickc. hysteresio, whkh in addii. to pfevi,,us ~Ii
90 (fats prom that this silbstatice is wiviritrwirc. 1: 1 ~*
J. Kirkpatrhk Zoe
00 roo'
go ;jz
00 *0
I if -W a- -V1 Ar -,w i 'i
u it A- 93 1, D'Ifavid Kit Its K a It it K w n 1 94
: 0 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 0 * 0 e 0 0 0 Gi 0 0 : : : tlli
66 0 *Is oe 99999900 see - lo * * 9 0 0*0000000 0 0 0 0
Hydraulic Compressor of' ULtra-High Pressures," Zhur. Tekh. F'z., 1cil -,0. 61 JC46.
Twit. Orpillic chel-ilfitt-Y, A".') ,*'):,;I?, 1.!Ilj. I[J;.,h ITC:m"Ill-c
VERF.9HCHAtlM,ll L. L .
"Influencc of a Raised Irq)ression on Stereoch(--mi:;try of F-latin
(Polymerisal icon of Peyronet Salt)," DoIr. AN, 54, No. (3), 1c,46.
Kurnakov Inst. Gen. and Inorg. Chem., AS
0 0-
11 0 11 4 MUMP0404,40 m a ti cot Av fA n
of its-
I Al
U0 lWasiq 'p-AUNK jo lllo*t
vilng-u ju puv dn-)os J0 '"41 441 -P-)Ulvlq-,
lV)U#wR4dxa ju irliv-pl, IWAl!) 00
*d 'Itol 'A
ep 610juiptis N'T ss7H.,7j !,- 60
'PIMLOPVJVJ op &,#jd"dQ)
1ftq2qWi0A 'A - Puy ijaqllu-j "It, 00
qa I Vqmjfu~
UIP"IP* OV Aq ULV "ll a, 00
*",tqrj J, 4,Amuajnwam
A I a
N 9t a g 61 94 sl Ps 11 rl 11 01 1 1 0
000 0 0 0 0 0 OA a 0 4
a s a A aim m V
A lL
odi A 9,44,111f,
f if. *Dial
so ------
*0 mir
ucarst o
e a
blornswel. I- Verinficlu4sl". V. fhffvII-
eltremely b4o
4AV4, AII-I Z. R-owivin (In4t. Org. Ch,sw. A,-,O.
!*,SSR.. %1-c-"). J. J'Ap. Chtm. (U.S.S.R.) 21, ;-so
M 1-1111017)(in Rassism).
.4yincritr In the afv~ence nt catalorvii or air
In the
00 .
presence of *mill VfAs. 14 Mir I Call fir jx4ormerixt-11 un-Irr J-doe
[weunc. Its temp. during low wAymeritAtiini may be
0 0 ;X)-Rl* Some that f't the tooth. Imt only the toath leffill. to '041
given Wine. At ~ 4 1 p4pureir" at :01141 aim.
ithin II!() min. At ItIl
the is ccimplete
0 :17.11 still. within 2111 ulill., at I"Oll istill. within 1211) Ittin.. -0 do
00 j and at .50001 Atin. within:9) "tin. At I:N' it is ctxnl,lrte
t :NKX)
Th :;9 0
00 -,A
e v
n. a
y I (
-4m. III! the lwAymer Is greater the gfvnter I te pfessurr.
f to 0
00 e
~r ,
1 4101 CIKWII. .1 j 11401,) 111- 11-A41111 I IW late Wlirf I he 49 0
11114. WI. III IN
Tr%UtlWfbiy. the IMICAW A4
jXAyII&C9. I
00 lbr mill. lot. Wilh tmL-Swfc is counectVI with f(clustion (d go*
active crnief~ by the 0 tA the sit. At a cm,l. late -4
I-Ommit.sti-In awl & cmml. temp., I II
[tie twilEl" I"-
'I times as high as t tit 4 1 tic
fhwt -I by par%%we it
1.4yrner gntjucwl by a calaly9l. I"Aynirrisalpol undir
wr%,urt owcurs also in like
rrcrice t9 O
e.g.. 1171~ is actury"J at Pot" awl 'Pool
we-urc I% c-rutWl
d4thirnt (fian that at atilt
a .
1. J.
- - -----------
9 ad flog NKft ati[ 141
to a
Is 0 41 0 111, 0
PA 5Zr91
Dielectrics Precoure Effects
Dielectrics Gaseous
"The Measurement of Dielectrical Stable Ethvlene Under
Pressures up to 2149 Atmospheres," L. F. Vereshchagin,
N. 8, DugliA, lab Super Pressure, Inst Org Chem, Acad
Sol USSR, 4 pp
--- "Dak Akad Nauk SSSR" Vol LVIII., No 1
-----Stud.* of --thet-4 leectric Woperties-of ethylene -as a
function of pressure and temperature,, shown In tabu-
lar and graphical forms. Submitted by Academloian
G. S. landeberg.
DeveaditerA of CM r4; st theaw roudoa $a Om.
gmik1wrg and L,J~s
X14W.' U. 1447 .19
Sri. U-SAA Momrtm) Zkaf, is,
(IN91; d. C'U. 43, ;(i".-Tba "INA. val. V CC. ul di.
trwric cyciapentadkne at 40' is 13-1.9 (literature data),
131.1 (new nwiLsurtnvent), and 12M.0 (extrapulAttd) at
1, &P, and ItW aim. From the 92pts. by RaistArk, fl
al. (C.A. 34. 12:111) the vol. V, ofIhe activated complex
in the reaction of dinteritatitm of cyriopentailitne i% W.
131.5. saW 127.5 cc. at them pressures. Astiin V - V,
1L;Rr,-SHCHAG1N) L. F.
USSR/Chemistry - Hydrolysis Feb 49
Chemistry - Piperazine, Diketo, Hydrolysis of
"Influence of Pressure on the Hydrolysis of 20-Diketopiperazire and the Devolcp-
m.nt of Polypeptide Bonds," 1. M. Polyakova, L. F. VereshchagJn, Lab Ultrahigh
Pressures, Inst Org Chem, Acad Sci. U53R, 2 pp
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR11 VolLXIV, no 5
Determined that pressure sharply increases the speed of hydrolysis of diketopiperazine.
Submitted by Acad 11. D. '&;LINSKIY, 18 Dee 48.
PA 29/49T3
U&SR/Chemistry - Cat-alyste; Nov/Dee 51
"Rffect of Super-High Preisuares of th~- Cat&Lytic
Properties of Aluminum Oxide," L. F- Vereshchag;z,
L. IM, Freydlin, A. M. Rubinushteyn, I. U. Numanov,
Inst Org Chem, Acad Sci USSR
"Tz Ak Nauk SBER - CtAeI Khim Nsuk" No 6, pp 809-818
Investigation of catalytic activity in thr-. dehy-
dration of ethyl eac and of the structure of sam-
ples of aluminum oxide before pressing and after
prt-ri;ing at 20,000 atm shoved that the pressed
USSR /Chemistry - Catalysts (Contd) NOVI'Dec 51
catalysts are more effective and durable. Estab-
~'lisbed that presBing at 410,000 atm does not re-
at,~It in phase transformations of A1203; the only
change is reduction of macroporogity.
UWRIChemistry, Physics - High Pressures Jan 52
'111gh Prescures," L. E. Vereshchagin, Dr Phys-Math
"Miuka i Zhizn"' Vol XIX, No 1, pp 14-16
Tz; the laboratory, 400,000 at are reached in work
on!solllds, 1.00,000 at in work on liquids, and
20,000 at in work on gases. Superhigh pressures
abAnge the chem, reactivity of substances. In
chemistry, ;he 05,000-50,000 at range (combined
vith high temps) la particularly important, in
P"Les the 100,000 at range. At 25,000 at, many
brrittle materials (beryllium, steel, superhard
&1loys based on woltram carbide) become plastic.
At 10,000 at, marble can be stretched to 4 times
its 'Length and has a tensile strength 20 times of
that at I at. High pressures can be measured up
to 30,000 at electrically with a manganin resist-
&me gauge. X-ray investigations of AgI, RbI, etc.,
in the range up to 5,000 under use of photographic
films were carried cut in a chamber equipped with
&~Be window. At higher pressures (Ce up to 15,000
at), a Be chamber was used. Recently, for still
hlj~er pressures (AgBr up to 231000 at), din n4
chazzbers were constructed. Compressibility of
,i4levients varies with the position in the periodic
system. Compressibility car. now be measured up
to 100,000 at. In this range alkali metals and
allmline earths are the most compressible (vol of
Ca drops to 3/8 of that at I at), while C (diamond)
ix the least co=pressible, showing a vol reduction
of only 1.8% in relation to that at 1 at. Results
cited herein represent only a small part of data
obtained by USSR scientists in work at high pres-
USSR/Fhysics - High Fresaure
Jun 52
"Hydraulic Compres:jors of SuFer-High Fresoure," L. F. Vereshchagin, -Dtalin Frize *,;i.--.ne.r
Nauka i Zhizn', Vol 19, No 6, Pp 43-44
Soviet scientists overcaire difficulties in construction of super-high Pres3ure
equipment. They Fos3css hydraulic compressors of super-high Fo~;cr with -,otorized dr.1ve
and magnetic starter. These conpressors provide any desired output in a broad
pressure ranges
Chemical Abst.
Vol. /,S No- 4
Feb. 251 1954-
Organic Chemistry
Effect of Pr!G1 re on ths F arzi-A
L*"&%4r1-,gjzea w J~~
Mu b M, is 'n 20. 1 ~10
Thctrvrr,~ ~ c con, t'l-micin of 2 Nfe,co into Nfric(010-
CIWO-Nfe 11), the cqu:1 of wh; h at ror)rn (cinp. and undvr
normal prv.-,~Urc brS near C-10% 1. does not procerd at a
nicasur2ble rate under thtse canditic-risi, without addn. of i
condensing agent. It dr-cs rrocred under pressures of 0'-~-
3000 Strn., apparcitly owing to the action of the wall of the
s(tri tractor. In a flow sy5tern, and in th~ presence of Ba-
1011),, the yiel,l of cnndcii.~atinn products wrrraws with the
(.1:11 fate dmizimlig frqml 2Q) tck 25 ral./fir., gild rearlit-1 it%
ffux. linjit at about 24 twil./hr. At that fold rm~, in the
pre,ence of Ba(01I)o jjiCFFa5C Of the rfeSSUTC ff'47) 1 11)
kW atin. shift-, th- e-tuil. in favor of I and increase% the
)-irld of cmiden,ation products by a fictor of 4.5. Mare-
nytr, Mc,C(0If)CIl,C0CIf:C(0II)Me, (11) appears in thc
proc;uct (171,; of th, total product; the rest, &3(70, is 1).
Increatc of ih, imp, frorj 1-0 to W1 results in a sbift of th,
(quil. in favor ef &te,r0, and in R d"IMM Of th'! MIAISVE
amt. of 11 im the vrodum The total yield of product dr-
"Cams by 30%, and the product con'tists of 03'~, 1 a-nti 7~;
hL Than -.1~4
I :; 11
g i ;
; i I
'E f, I !
ill li
1 kv
1! 1 1 .1
~4 ( H H,-; / Al P
Card 1/1 pu~~. 40 2-1,122
Author* No =marK Niimanov
A )>,p tr-,c
Dece-mber 13, 1952
--'i - '-.
Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinskii; obituary. Koll. zhur. 15 no.6:
401-403 153. WaA 6:12)
(Zelinsicii, Nikolai Dmitrievich, 1861-1953)
2 60"
US5R/Chemistry - Catalysts 21 Feb 53
"The Effect of Pressing on the Properties of Solid
Catalysts," L._ Kh. Freydlin,'-'-L. F. Vereshchagin, and
I. U. Numanov, Inst of Org Chem Acad of Sci USSR
DAR SSSRVol 88, No 6, pp 1011-1014
Studied the effect of pressing on the properties of
over ten catalysts of varying compn. The results
indicate that pressing can improve the essential
properties,of pptd catalysts to a great extent,
raise their mechanical stability and activity, and
increase their. useful life. Presented by Acad B.A.
Kazanskiy 13 Dec 52.
'm mmalmosim-MOR i
fr,z'~?omvv~ m
Nakk SS.S.R., Oblel. Khm. Nauk 1954, 142-8; cf.
C.A. 43, S4Wi.-Jl,NCJl,CO,Nfc wai mil,jected to p,,Iy.
condematirn by Iwiti-ig 6 hri. under pmstsre In it vf-s:,O
provirIcd vith sliding pi,t,)yv;; thr rnitrfial remainrd imrf,r
pir"sure a total cf 42 tirs. in ezich cipt. 'Elv! expts. ma,l'
at C'Matm. at 75', arvi ih--ird that thr pr,wirf!
dcfmitcly incxea~" the rate, c)f pulycowlen5ation and iu
eAttilt; th~-- 1301)311tr Obt--tillt-j at r,;)' ha,1 av. tw3l. wt. 43f-9.
that at 75* that at 1.30' 32,9,1, bw. (h~ )Hdi wete,
r"p., 1:1, n,l At attit. p!c-m--r thw pr,p Iii-,tj
are polvr~ptid", in~l lip -rh, fmm,fl
under pfri'llre C,11(~Iim -h-f,1. ~r
arnitio N iniicates th:it (hkt-i-j,,r,r.zmc rivg, ;it,- wit
formril and th7 produc1% are prob.iblv linvu.
C. M. K-Iap.fl
Periodical i T- ~K
pl, ,v t-r a t
1 -1 Iyy A - 4 4
Pressure dependence of the Hall effect in bismuth. Dokl.AN SSSR 103
ne.5:791-794 Ag 155; (KLRA 9:1)
l.Laborateriya fiziki overkhvysokikh davlaniv Akademli nouk SSSR.
Predmtavlenp akademikom G.S.Iandsbergem.
(Hall effect) (Bismuth--Blectric proportion)
VIMMHCHAGIN LJr. doktor f iziko-matmatichookikh nauk; ZHAVCRCVKOv,N.m.,
Z.iMr ~~
'r4 Omr' OT che kir
iOLODIJIA,V.I., reduktor; POLTAX AoT.T., tekhal a
(High pressure in the technology of the future] Vysokia clavlanita
v telrh-ike budushchego Hooky&, Izd-vo Akadsmij -u SSSR, 1956.
35 P. (HIRA 9:3)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zhavoronkov)
(Pressure (Physics))
IV F I - I F T '.I --Physics-
Categbfy : WSR/xt~bfli djiW Molecular
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957
., No
Author : Vereshchagin) L.F., Ukhter, A.I., -,-*,nov, V.I.
Title Production or Superhigh Pressures In a Setup Employing a Conical Piston
Orig Pub Zh. tdkhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 4, 874-877
Abstract To eliminate packing gaskets, which are the weak point in 3uper-high pres-
sure setups, a compression chamber was developed vith a conical piston. The
conical piston is pressed into a carefully ground socket and notmal pressure
is produced 6n the periphery of the cone. The cone angle is chosen to make
this pressure always greater than the pressure produced by the piston in the
liguid, thereby insuring hermeticity. The construction is described and
the design calculations (employing the theory of elasticity) are ffiven for
the first version of such a setup. A pressure up to 14,000 kg/cm. was ob-
tained,the pressures being measured with a manganin ri-nometer.
Card 1/1
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 104.12
Author : Kalashnikov Ya.A., .~~i~eshjhagin, L.F.
Inst :Not Given
Title :Measurement of Temperature at High Preassure from the Radiation
and Certain Optical Fhenomens. in Gaoe!3 Under lheL;r~ Conditio.1'3.
Orig Pub: Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 8, l8G2-18i4
Abstract: An investigation was made of the radiation in a high pressure
bomb by means of thermocouple and by photo3lectric pyrome-ter.
The authors have observed experimentally and explained the
attenuation of the radiation at high pressures ai-,d large tempe-
rature gradients. It is concluded that any optical investiga-
tions. at high pressures and high temperatures (spectral, tempe-
rature, visual, etc.) should be carried out in such a way that
the entire path of the rays from the high temperature zone to
the place where they leave that region of high prc-Eaure pass
Card 1/2
USSR / Optics
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, rio 4, 1o412
through an isotropic solid body, where the irregularities of
density are completely eliminated. They describe the construction
of an optical pyrometer for the wasurement of temperatures up to
3500. Bibliography, 41 titles.
Card : 2/2
K, If ny,
TITLE Some Inves;igations on the Hydrodynamics of a Jet of Liquid
ejected from a Nozzle under the Pressure of up to 1500 atm.
PERIODICAL iurn.techn.fis, 26, fasc.11, 2570-2577 (1956)
Issued: 12 / 19-57
By the work carried out in the laboratory for the physics of extremely high
pressure of the USSR Academy of Science concerning the construction of com-
pressors for extremely high pressures it was possible to develop a continu-
oualy operating machine which is able to eject water through a nozzle of from
0,2 to 0,6 mm diameter at pressures (prevailing before the nozzle) of up to
1500 atm. As such a pressure drop before and behind the nozzle requires great
efficiency of the hydraulic compressor, it was necessary to build a machine
that performed at least 1000 revolutions per minute and that was able at pres-
sures of up to 2000 atm to produce one ton of water per hour.
The authors carried out their tests at pressures below 1500 atm in order to
diminish the part played by the boundary layer introducing the jet of liquid.
They used nozzles of at least 0,45 mm diameter; shape and surface of the noz-
zle exercise considerable influence on the disintegration of the jet of' liquid.
The most favorable shape of the nozzle is shown in form of a drawing. On this
occasion it was not possible to use any of the existing methods for the direct
measuring of the jet velocity, and it was necessary to use the BERNOULLI
2urn.techn.fis,26, fasc.11, 2570-2577 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1844
equation for this purpose. A diagram illustrates the dependence ~)f jet 7eloc-
ity on the pressure prevailing in the receiver before the nozzle. The authors
computed this dependence by using BRIDGMAIPS data for the compressibility of
water. Up to pressures of from 3000 to 4000 atm the compressibility of water
does not play an im ortant part and the approximated formula v - 14 P may
be used (p in kg/cU, v in m/sec). At such velocities REYNOLD'S numbers be-
come very high (order of magnitude 105). They are mentioned in a table for a
nozzle of 0,6 mm. The temperature of the jet increases with an increase of
preasuroand therefore also with an increase of velocity. Heating by frIction
and adiabatic cooling act in opposition to each other. Ala, a negative
JOULE-THOMSON effect becomes noticeable. According to the opinion of the
authors the experimentally attainable velocity of a jet of water ejected from
a nozzle is limited only by the JOULE-THOMSON effect, for the temperature of
the jet increases to such an extent at a certain pressure that the water
evaporates. The authors found such an evaporation to take place on the
occasion of an experiment carried out at 5000 atm, which fact may also be
confirmed by rough calculation. The jet of water was investigated by means of
a cinematographic camera producing 5000 pictures per sec, so that the general
properties of the jet could be examined.
and molecular Physics - Statistical Physics, ThermoJymamics, D-3
Abst Jrurral: Rp_fe~-at Zhur - Fizika, NO 12, 1956, 74347
L. F., Voronov, F. F.
Lnbcc.ratc~ry of Ultrah1gh Pressures, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscrw
Title: Change in Melting Temperature of Solid A=onia at High Pressures
Or-Iginal Periodical., Zh. fiz. khlidi, 1956, 30, No 2, 329-333
Abstract: To determine the melting temperature tM of ammonia as a function of the
applied pressure, a getup vas built which makes it possible to carry out the re-
t:earch at pressures -p t-~- 3,000 atmos. It is establighed that tm increases mono-
t1-nically in the razige cf one to 3,000 atmos.
USSIR/Eloctricity Di-AcAricc
Lbs Jour t Rof Zhur - Fizikr, A '/, 1957, No 6%0
Author :Vorcghch-gim. T-F, !uznot~3ov, L.F., Alnyjvn, T.I.
Title sDielectric Froportios of Ccstor Oil at High Fronsure
Orig lub iZh. ol-sporin. i toor. fizil-i, 19r-,5, 30, No 4, 661-6,66
Abstract L study wns r,.ado of tho doron,,-,nco of the dielectric constrnt
( F_ ) rnd the tp-nront cf the dicluctric loss rnglc (tnn 6 )
of cantor oil on the Trussure (p). Thc. ruthor hrs described
in dotnil en exporimental sotup, whic'n nakes rossibla i-'ensure-
mont of C c-nd t,-.n tS of liquid dielactrics all tho wr%y to
p - 9,000 Ptron. It is shown thatC of cr-St6f'oil, at nor-
;ial prcssurc, ir rn-) increrses vith incrensing p until
it roaches a E = r.2~:) vt 3600 ntric's. Furthcr in-
croo so in ~rv s sure r~ducc,,~: C 4 at 9, Goo rtro s ). ne
increase in Ircssuro at l< _P4 3600 -.t,-.os is Pttributud to
tho increase in the donsity of tho crstor oil with increasing
prossuro. The rciuction off- upon furthor incronsu in p is
due to the increrso in the rclaxntion time. Tho curvo cf
tr.n C' of crstor oil vs. F. clso uxhibits c. inaximur.
CP.rd 1/1
s-/-/ r // 1-2 6~- / /V, L ,
YSdIPhYsical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14455
Author 1~. 1~eresbqhagin, I. F. Brandt
Title X-ray investigations of matter at pressures up to
30,000 atmospheres
Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 108, No 3, 423-424
Abstract: An X-ray Investigation was made of BI samples at amos-
pheric pressure at a pressure of 30,000 atmos. (a pres-
sure higher than that at which one observes a gradual
decrease of -,.,8,6% of the BI volume). For the purpose
of X-ray photography at 30,000 atmos. a-special camera
was constructed in which the sample was placed Inside
the Be-oone. The latter was reinforced by a steel cone
enclosed in a steel casing. The pressure on the sample
was transmitted with the aid of pistons made from a
BK-8 alloy; the entire camera was placed under a hydrau-
lio press. Prom photos of Bi, powder samples, taken In
Card 1/2
USEDR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No .5, 1957, 14455
Abstract: the Indicated conditions, it was established that the
volume change is a function of the crystalline structure
changes and not of intra-atomic electron migrations.
Card 2/2
VEMSHcamili, L. r, DndYUS."'PO'IIC'!, L'.11juratol'y of PhY13:ICu of HI --h 7,; U--~
2 1 $, . - 1-
"jr,v,_-3tjrMtjoj,o on tl-,e velocity of Sound in Liquids ut Fressures up to
21Y)n Atil," n T:[J[,(-r 011b"Attt--di il,th,--, Coliopitzim Cm tll-~ Optical and ACOU.Stical.
FropertiLs of Com-Avcn:3c-,~ w.,d
1-6 Jul 57 -
B-3,0G"7,136, 6 SCP 57-
TITLE Some Invcstigations concerning the Water-Jet Propelled from a Nozzle
under a Mrassure of up to 2000 atm. overpressure. (Nakotorye issledo-
vaniya strui vody, vytakayushchey iz sopla pod daylenijem do 2000 atai:~3fer)
PERIODICAL Izvestiia Akad.Nauk SSSR, Otdol.Takhn,, 1957, Hr 1, pp 57-60 (U.S.S.R.)
Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1.957
ABSTRACT In the laboratory for the physics of ouper-high-pressures of the Academy
of Science of the U.S.S.R. a permanently operating machine is established,
by means of which a continuous water jet which is previously compressed
up to 2000 - 2500 atm. overpressure, and then emerges from a round pro-
filed aperture of 0.2 - 1,24 = diameter, is obtained. In order to ob-
tain a continuous waterjet at a pressure of 2000 - 2500
atm. overpressure)
which corresponds to a jet-velocity of 600 - 650 m/sec- it was necessary
to construct a fast-running machine (1000 wave-revolutions/min.) with an
electromotor of 240 kW. Two models of such a machine were constructed.
One of them had an output of 1200 1 p.h. with a consumption of 20 - 65 k7t
at different pressures, the other had an output of 1800 1 p.h. at 110 -
120 k9 and approximately 2000 atm. overpressure. Different jet-diameters
facilitated the modification of the pressures before the jet. The jet
has behind the conical part with a certain narrowing angle a cylindrical
part of a certain length. The inner surface must be carefully polished.
According to Bernoulli, the velocity for a perfect incompressible and for
a compressible liquid in dependence on the pressure was calculated and
Card 1/2
FA - 2154
Some Investigations concerning the Water-Jet Propelled from a Nozzle
under a Pressure of up to 2000 atm. overpressure.
shown in a diagram. The general character of the passage of a jet through
the atmosphere was determined. It turned out that, with an increase of
jet-velocity beyond sound-velocity in air, the wator-jet becomes more
compact, the conical aperture-angle, however, decreases. The thermal
effects occurt-..g on the occasion of throttling become compensated in a
certain deFree. on the occasion of throtteling a compressed liquid a
heat-4ffect viz. the Joule-Tomson-offect is produced. Experiments show
that the liquid ejected from the jet actually becomes heated. It is the
author's opinion that the only reason for the existence of a limit for
the experimentally obtainable velocity of a water-jet ejected under
pressure from a jet is due to the Joule-Tomson-affect, for, at a certain
pressure, temperature rises to such an extent that the water evaporates,
(13 illustrations)
Not given
18. 9. 1956
Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
- ~,n~4t Ev~,~ ~~- mm*1095%
AUTHORS: Beresnev, B.I., Vereshchagin, L.F.s Ryabinin, Yu. N.
(Moscow). 24-5-5/25
TITLE: Certain features of the rheolo6ical behaviour of metals
pressed through a die by means of a liquid under high
pressure (without a plunger). (Ob osobennostyakIL
reologicheskogo novedeaiya metallov, pressuyemykh
PERIODICAL:"I:;~vesti.va Akademii Nauk. Otdeleniye Tekbnicheskikh Nauk"
(Bullefi-nafthe Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section
1957, No.5, pp.48-55 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: Pressing of metals in the cold state can be effected
either by means of a plunger pressing against the work
or by means of fluid under high pressure. The first method
is at present very widely used but owing to the very high
friction forces between the material and the die walls it
cannot be applied to metals with high yield points. This
obstacle can to a certain extent be eliminated by using the
second method, namely$ pressing by means of the hydrostatic
pressure of a liquid. The here described experiments were
card 1/3 carried out by the Laboratory of Super-high Pressure Physics
of the Ac.Sc. (Laboratoriya Fiziki Sverkhvysokikh Davleniy
AN SSSR) and represent one of the first attempts to obtain
Certain features of the rheological behaviour of metals
pressed through a die by means of a liquid under high
pressure(without a plunger). (Cont.) 24-5-5/25
information on pressing metals by means of liquids under
high pressure and to elucidate the influence Of such a
method of shaping on the mechanical characteristics of the
metal and the features of the flow of the metal through
the die. This paper deals with the part of the study
relating to the rheological behaviour of the materials
pressed by means of a liquid. For materialising the process
apparatus was built whicil permits pressing by means of
pressures up to 12 000 atm. The upper limit of the
pressure is given by the pressure which can be produced by
the compressor built in the Laboratory. A photo of the
apparatus is shown in Fig.2, p.49, whilst Fig.3 shows the
attachment for pressing the material through the die and
Fig.4 shows the die geometry. The die was produced from
WX-15 Steel heat treated to a hardness of 62 Rockwell C. 2
Fig-5 gives curves of the specific pressing pressure, p kg/cm
Card 2/3 against a deformation for aluminium and for copper using
dies with differing entering angles. Fig.6 shows the
dependence of the specific pressing pressure on the entering
Certain features of the rheolosical behaviour of metals
pressed through a die by means of a liquid under high
pressure (without a plunger). (Cont.) 24-5-5/25
angle fo:c aluminium and copper, whilst Fig.7 shows the
dependence of the pressing pressure on P on the magnitude
of the entering angle of the die. Graphs, Figs. 8-10 give
theoretically calculated values, which are compe-red with
experimental results. Compared to the process of pressing
metals through dies by means of a plunger, pressing of dies
by applying hydraulic pressure has the following advantages:
the total pressing pressure is considerably reduced since
there are no losses caused by friction in the cylindrical
part of the die; the resulting reduction in the total
required pressing force also leads to a reduction of the
friction coefficient between the metal and the die; the
reduction in the friction coefficient between the metal and
the die leads to a considerable reduction of the optimum
Card 3/ 3 entering angle as compared to the optimum entering angle in
the case of pressing by means of a plunger. There are 10
figures and 9 references., all of which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: March 1, 1957.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratory of Super-high Pressure Physics of the
Ac.So. (LaboratorVaFiziki Sverkhvysokikh Davleniy AN SSSR)
AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L.F. and Ivanov, V.Ye. 120-4-21/35
TITIZ: Gas Compressor for Super-hi,Eh Pressure Research
(Gazovyy kompressor dlya isr-ledovaniy pri sverkhvyso-
kikh davleniyakii)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Teklinika Elksperimenta, 1957, No.4,
pi.)- ?3 - 77 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: A piston gas compressor for pressures 5 000 - 6 000 atm.
with a compression ratio of the order of 100 and an output of
120 cm3/h is described. The Power suPPlY was 5 - 7 M The
constructional details and the res:ill.-s of ex-'crim,ental onera-
tion are given.
The authors decided to desiEn a compressor workinE with a
high compress;on ratio, despite the fact that hieh gas tempera-
tures (1 000 .0) are encountered. The compressor, the mechan-
ical construction of which is shoTn in Fi. 'c. 1 and 2, is a
water-cooled, recipr~)catinG piston type operated at 240 strokes/
min. by a crank mechanism. The intalze valve is a slide valve
in the form of a sleeve or, the piston which cuts off the
intake at the copivencement of the pirton iovement. The deli-
very valve is a small conic~ll ca 'p vitli elastic walls and very
small lift from its seating. The scalin;- between movinG parts
Cardl/2 received special attentio.-Li as even small los:3es could not be
Gas Cor-pressor for Super-hiCh Pr,~ssure Research, 120-4-21/35
tolerated. All Caps are filled with liquid oil carried in
small quantities by the -2-as in the intake passaGe. Filling
the gaps of the sealinC ~y liquid oil meets two requirement5:
establislunent of liquid friction conditions of the workin- parts
and obtainin- a pressure Lradient in the Cap alonC the Diston
due to the hiCher surface tension and viscosity of the lubricant
comDared with the compres--ed fas.
Experiments were conducted into t'rie -,,iston clearance and the
effects of different lubricants for differeqt E:asee (nitrogen,
hydrogen, anwonia and isobutane). Fig. 3 shows the growth of
pressure against time zith dif.'L*erent lubricants; Fi6. 4 -
the grovth of pressure acainst riston speeds; Fies. and 6 -
the compression with diffe--'ent input pressures.
There are 5 fir-ures and 83 refei-ences, 5 of which are Slav-Ic.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratory of Super-hi:!-h Pressure Physics Ac.Sc. USSR
(Laboratoriya fizilfzi sver,chvysokikh davleniy AITOSSR)
SUBMITTED: February 1, 195?.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
uard 2/2
6 L.Y.[VereBhchahin, L.Y.1
High-preBerure tachniquee of the future, Dom. Buch. f12.
no.51263-286 157. (MIRA l6j6)
(Righ-proBBure reosarch)
'AUTHORS: VavirbehagEn. L.F.
---- . - . 4. A.
TITIS: The Indicator D"
Pump (Indikatornft'/,-~ 1-.
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tell!
ABSTRACT: Diagrams fv,,).,~i Tl-
laboratory mach-LL.- C C; C
flow of 15 Tt. n SSSR
type M-7/6 000 in -- 1%
F V- -e
is for the cc-rnipre--.3-7. a
rat e o f ab o u t Lr t, o A
the K-17, is a4 -2 .
were made in 1045.
pressure transdul-er
8 mm long, with 0
wall of the obtur.,
outside the
ture con-pensator.
pickoff, cylind.:t-c
circuit of the
L;ardl/4 sator are arm3 c.
T~ 1:':
'The Indicator Diagra-F"
and fed via a
oscillograph ty-If-,
from an oscillatcz I,":
instrument 2>TC ... 271-'~,
When used with ~e K-
mm increases
the smaller purap ar,
0. Or-,
mentary volume t-o al,,:i- 14~3hed
that the use of s (G. id
not reflect c-n the th e
pickoffs were iine-azl
means adopted I-lo sl-~-~:A-,7
respectivelLy. P
0.1 MM;
Fig. 6 shows part
pressing a 1:1 mlxTure '7, EA
vessel of capacity 1,P
water into a res,%r,.,o i r
this case marked n
has not been estf-:O~'dsl
Uard2/4 results re-plotte,3 Ln
The Indicator Diagram ~:,.f
diagram. Also supc.-
thermal and polytroj)'--~
collaboration viith
of the fundamental d,~i~-,,
comments may be ,.-ade -:)Ti te-
open the pressure val-ve
pressure or, ui,e x-
by t he variations in
tightness of fit of Le 3- T'-- ~3
at wound 2 000 atia.
pressure, near
portions of the
fluid is very
but does so while tllc~
thus wast*
111~~ Some of
at bottom-dead-r,~-r.-rr-~.
incomplete fillli,,.'
pres,,;ures as 90 '. Ir
curves do not a(:ret, vr.1-,- "v T, i
that the PUMD tOC'- 0.
piezometer from -7
The Indicator DiacraLi 3f -j 5,Z7,
18 sec. The
ation of the cy 1 ir C: rf'.
plotted as i n d i c
because of the
diagram startt.;
diagran is delo.-,t7-i
time, the
show the d j f f'C- n. 4~
explained by Ue f:-ir T,
while the oil purp
the individual
be higher than iii A
is concerned, bhf-
at 3 000 atm. and
figureE; and 3 Slavj'(" 1'~-;
ASSOCIATION: Super-hii_-j-, j
(Loboratcj,iy;, A~Jf S: S
SUBMITTED: March 8, 105?.
AVAILABLE: Library jf
Uard 4/4
AUTIIOT?~;: Vererhchn~jn, L. F. tinfli. Zubova, Yo. V. 126-1-29/40
TITM,: Dependence of the shear force of elenents on the 1)(.-r-jodic
number at high pressures. (Zavisimost' Sily sdvir.-a
elementov ot poryadkovogo nomera pri bollshikh davleniyal:h).
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i 1,1,etallovedeniye, 195?, Vol.5, ITo.1,
pp. 171-173 (USSR)
ADSTRACT: Bridgman, P. W1. (Refs.1 and 2) determined the shear force
for a number of elements at pressures of 25 000 and
50 000 atm. The authors of this paper have continued
these investigations and for this purpose apparatus was
built which is similar to that used by Bridgman. For
some of the elements which were investigated by BridGman
data viere obtained which are in agreement with the
numerical values of Bridgman. However, the question arose
whether a relation exists between the shear force at
elevated presoures and the periodic number similar to that
which was established by one of the authors and
A. I. Likhter (Ref.3) for the dependence of the
compressibility of elements at elevated lueriDeratures on
the periodic number of the element Z. It can be seen
from Fig.1 that the shear force on elements shows a
periodic dependence on Z and its absolute value increases
Card 112 with increasingg pressures. It is of interest to point out
Dependence of the shear force of elements on the periodic number
at hiGh pressures.
that the shear force apparently depends only on the
number of the external electrons and not on their total
number in the atom and also not on the type of the
crystal lattice. It is also important to point out that
the shear is inverel, proportional to the compressibility
of the element (Fig.15. Thus, it can be concluded that
the viscous flow of a solid under pressure is influenced
solely by the external electrons of the atom. This
problem is at present bein- investigated at appreciably
higher pressures by means of the apparatus %rhich has been
There are 1 figure and 3 references, one of which is
(Note: This is a complete translation except for the
figure captions).
SUBIMITTED: January 4, 1957.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratory of Superhigh Pressure Physics Ac.Sc. USSR.
(Laboratoriya Fiziki Sverkhvysokild-i Davlaniy AN SSSR).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
/VJ Pc;-12-13/39
A'UTHOR& Vereshchagin, L.F., Doctor of Mysico-Matbematic&I Sciences, Dimetor
TITLEs Superhigh Pressures (Sverkhvysokiye davleniya)
PERIODICALi Nauka i Zhizn', 1957P # 12, pp 11-16, (USSR)
ABSTRAM The properties of matter may be changed arbitrarily by
applying high pressure. The grade of compressibility of dif-
ferent elements varies with their molecular structure. Theore-
tical and experimental research conducted by Soviet and foreign
scientists showed that the difference of compressibility of
different elements decreases with increasing pressure. At a
pressure of 1,400,000 atm the difference of compressibility
is very small and periodicity in dependence of the specific
atomic number disappears completely. Experiments to study
the mechanical properties of hard substances under pressure,
and especially under shearing conditions, were conducted by
the Laboratory of Physics for Superhigh Fressures (Laborato-
riya fiziki everkhvysokikh davlenii). In addition, the same
laboratory conducted experiments with the manufacture of alu-
minum wire under high pressure - in order to obtain wire of
improved pliability and strength. Scientists were convinced
that the resistance to rupture increases when the object is
Card 1/2 placed in a liquid which is under high pressure, for instance
Sups.rhigh Pressures
25,000 to 30,000 atm. Even such brittle material as cast
iron becomes resistant to rupture under a pressure of ap-
proximately 30,000 atm, whereby the resistance to shearing
stress amounts to 336 kg per sq mm of the cross section. One
brand of steel showed at 28,000 atm a resistance of 340 kg
per eq mm. If the pressure could be raised to 100,000 atm
it must be assumed that the breaking strength would be in-
creased to 826 kg per sq bim. The role of micro cracks per-
taining to the pliability of rock salt under pressure was
studied by A.F. Ioffe. The author reviewed also the ex-
periments conducted for the production of artificial diamonds,
and mentioned the fact that synthetic diamonds are being
produced in the USA.
There are 1 diagram, 5 photographs, and 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratory of Physics for Superhigh Pressures at the USSR
Academy of Sciences (Laboratoriya fiziki sverkhvysokikh dav-
leniy Akademii nauk SSSR)
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L. F., Semerchan, A. A., 57-27-7-24/40
julaslenrdkoV,' 17".-V~-, Sekoyan, S. S.
TITLE: Concerning the Problem of the Friction of a Water Jet
on the Nozzle Wall at Supersonic Velocities
(K voprosu o trenii stn1i vody o stenki sopla pri
sverkhzvukovoy skorosti).
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 27, ITr 7,
PP. 1589-1590 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Reference is made to the earlier papers by the authors in
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1956, Vol. 26, lir 11j
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr I and Nr 2,
in which was stated that in the case of a 6 liter (volume)
the fluctuations of pressure in front of the nozzle at a
total pressure of 2000 atmospheres do not exceed 10 %. But
at a hif7h velocity of jet, about 500-600 m/sec, an estimation
of the friction Droduced on the metal wall is very difficult.
For this purpose the attempt was made.to detvrmine by
experiment the dependence of the water-jet friction at the
nozzle wall on the diameter and on the quantity of pressure
Card 1/2 in front of the nozzle. The experiments showed that the
Concerning the Problem of the Friction of a Water Jet on 57-27-7-24/40
the Nozzle 'Hall at Supersonic Velocities
water temperature is highly dependent as well on the
diameter of the nozzle as on the pressure. Based on the
tests it may be said that from a diameter of 1,25 mm and
more and a pressure below 700 atmospheres the frictions on
the nozzle wall may be disregarded in the outflow of water
from the nozzle. There are 2 fiiNreB and 3 references, all
of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: PhysicS.Laboratory of UltrahiEh Pressures AS USSR,
Moscow (Laboratoriya fiziki sverkhvysokikh davleniy AN
SSSR, Moskva)
SUBMITTED: January 26, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Nozzles-Performance 2. Water-Friction-Supersonic velocity
3. Water jet-Nozzle friction-Supersonic velocity 4. Friction-Water-
Supersonic velocity
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Rjabinin, Yu. N., Livshits, L. D., 5T -lo-18/33
Vereshchagin, L. F.
TITLE: Plasticity of Brass at Superhigh Pressures (Plastichnost' latuni
pri sverkhvysokikh davleniyakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz,, 1957, Vol, 27, Nr lo, pp. 2321-2325 (USSR)
ro3erties of brass were investigated at pressures
The mechanical
up to 30 coo k cm . The appearance of the break as well as the
micro section surface showed that the plasticity of brass increa-
ses essentially under pressure. The pla:3tic deformation degree of
the torn patterns can be expressed quantitatively by the value
of the true deformation: A-ln(s"/Sp).S. is the cros.; section be-
fore the experiment and S the cross section &t the rupture loca-
the occurring saturation of the pla,-
tions. It was evident tha
sticity curve which is characteristic of brass is not the result
of defects of the material. The experiments also confirm that the
plasticity curve changes into a saturation. This takes place at
. The actual deformations occurring in the case of
4ooo kg/CM2 0
breaking of the patterns were somewhat Bwaller than the theoreti-
cal onea, It was ahown that the plasticitv increases essentially
up to a pressure of 3oo2 kg/cm2 and approaches then, as alreadj
Card 112 mentioned at 4000 kg/cm saturation. Thus a new kind of the de-
Planticity of Brass at Superhigh Pressures. 57-10-18/33
pendence of the plasticity on pressure was detected, as the
author determined. There are 3 figures and 5 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratory for the Phjsics of Superhigh Pressures AN USSF~16scow(La-
boratoriya fiziki sverkhvysokikh davleniy Akadexii Nauk SSSRY
SUBMITTED: March 2, 1957
AVAILABLE. Library of Congress
Card 2/2
A~ Z
AUTH~RS i Vereshchagin, L. F., Se.:ierchan, A. A., Piller, F. 57-11-26/33
G a 1-a Uro-n-o
TITLEt The Role of the Receiver at the Flow of a Water ilux at SaDer3o-
niQ Velocity (Znaclieni~,e resivera pri i5techenii vodyanoy strui
averkhzvukovoy skorosti)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, lir 11, pp. 2640-26,16,(USSR)
ABSTRACT3 Here a theoretical computation of the dependence of the pressure-
pulsation-smoothing degree in the receiver on the capacity of at
preasure produation in this receiver by means of a hydraulic ultra-
high-presoure compreaBor wan carried out. The influence of the re-
oeiver-capacity (contenta) on the I)refigure-puloatioti-emoothirig dc-
gree in the receiver is investigated by experiment, The results of
the computation were compared with those of the experiient with re-
gard to the pressure-puleation-amoothing degree of the water in
the reoeiver and it was ascertained that the theoretical coiaputa-
tion in spite of a number of simplifying assumptions shows a oatia-
fyin*onformity with the data of the experiments. On account of the
results of the experiments the water jet, which flows out of a 5-6
liter receiver at supersonic velocity, may be looked upon as vell
smoothed with regard to the impulse-pressures and consequently also
with regard to the impulse-velocitics.There are 5 figures, 2 tab-
lea and 3 Slavic references.
n C
USSP/;lectricity - Conductors G-4
A'bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika,'No 1, 1958, 1391
Author : Likhter, A.I., VVeshchacdn.
Inst : Laboratory for Physics of Superhigh Pressures, Acadewj of
Sciences, USSR.
Title : Hall Effect in Bismuth at a Preacure of 30,000 k9/cM2.
Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, Ito 3, 618
Abstract : Measurey--nts of the Hall effect in 99.99% pure bismuth
were measured in a special matrix, vhich can withstand
a pressure (P) up to 30,000 kg/cm2. It turns out that,
as p increases, the Hall effect diminishes gradually,
and in the mod-ification III it 'becomes three orders of
magnitude smaller than at normal pressure. The depen-
dence of the resistance on the magnetic field in modifi-
cation III also falls beyond the limits of the
sensitivity of the mmsuring apparatus.
C=ft*O The authors propose that, unlike Bi 1, Bi III is a
genuine metal.
,, A.I.,Ryabinin, Yu.1. Vereshchagin,_k.F. 56-3-10/59
TITLE Phase Diagram of Cerium.
(Fazovaya diagramma tseriya.-Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Sksp*riu.i Tearet.Fiz.,1957,yol 33,Nr 3,pp 6lo-613(U.S.5.R.)
ABSTRACT The p - T diagram of a 99.8 chemically pure cerium preparation
was measured in the temperature range +1oo0C to -710C and the fol-
lowing points were founds
TOC p(kg/cm2)
+94P5 11100
+2o 8100
+17 76oo
+4 715o
-71 355o
-150(ert#rpolated) 1
The phase equilibrium line in the j p T diagram is a straight
line with the inclination 43 kg/cm grad.
Thor* are I table, 3 figures and I Slavic reference.
ASSOCIATION Laboratory for Maximum Pressurea,ANUSSR.
(Laboratoriya fiziki everkhvysokikh dayloniy Akademii nauk SSSR.)
SUBMITTED March 26, 1957
AVAILABLE Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
The Investigation of tt,.e Crystal !;trucware of tne Halides PA - 3o45
of Rubidiwn at HiEh ?ressure.
room temperatur~e- ar(.- jiven in a tatle. Accordingly, RbJ and RnCl nave thil-
structure of CsCl. in tne casq of conditions Given. Tte lattice csn-
stant amounts 3.82 and 4,29 A for RbC1 and Rb.' respectively. Thc poly-_or-
phous transition to RbCi and alao to RbJ is thus connected witn tne transi-
t1on from the type of structure of the NaG1 to the ntructure type of GsCl.
The abrupt modification of t~.F, voliLne in the case of polrmorpnous trarsi_
tion was determined ),.y compa-ri:,on of the Y-ray densitie-3 of the rnodifi cations
existing at high and at low pre.93ure. Trus, tne halides of the ru'ridlxz at
high pressure have the cry3t~i structure of t1v CnGl. in the case of com-
pounds with large caticnothe dersity is strenger thali the structire rf t.bc~-
(2 tables)
ASSOCIATION Laborator., for txv, Fla-itlcq of zjuperpreosuron of trie kcadeii~y of v~cience
AMENTa B'f of the Uri!~.R
AVAIT-A LE Library of Congre3s
Card 2/2
"Propagation of I Ultrasound in in Liquids at Pressures up to 2,000 Atmospheres."
report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound
in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education
RSFW and Moscow Oblast Pedagogic Inst. im. N. K. Krupskaya.
JOV/1~_`0-53 -2-20/37
'AUTHORS-,R~-abinin, Yu. if, Vc-re:~hcha,,i_-t, L. F.. Balac-'-jv. D. 3-
Livshits, L. D.
TITIS: Fquipment for2Maclianical S~udies of FAtalz at Preaslureis
U"-' to 30 0 ",~ -1--E/cm (Ap,)aratura dlya mekhanichr-C."i 1 e d r) -
Iranly metallov pri da,,rleniya:-.h do 30 000 _1:G/3 M,
PERIODI,;ALt Prib,:)ry i Tcl:hnika E'Csperirionta, 191~-'J, 1-ir 2,
ABSTRACT: A descri-ot-ion is -ivon of an appar.-tup which producoi~ a
hydrostatic pressure of Up to 30 000 11~g/cra~ in a liqui-d en-
closed in a chamber 13 zii in dia-ietcr and 40-70 -an lan--. T'-1"3
,)riiici~llc of the device is illustrated in Fi,-,;.].. Th hi~ 1
T)rosz3,,.r_,s are pio'duc-ed %-:ithin a cha'-_bc-r dri.lled in a r,-)nical
:2ct,allic body, In ord- --) bo able to withztund prc:-sur~~f,
000 kcr/ci:i~ I thi S C onical member is supporzc,~!
gr-ater Lhan 20
by a close fitting fenale cone. E--,-..orii,1cnt,-! ha,.ro 'L`ia-~-
'M~ - 0 - - - - I
t'ro b-.st an-le of t~)4s cone is 5 Tho sa;~ie walz uced
b Bridcmin (Refs.1 and 5). TLe multiplicator is also of the
.7 Lj
tjpe d-,~s,,~rlibed by Brid-man in Re-s.5 an,.1 Th~~
0 ~L tD 1. - .
or io ehovr)- diag-ra=iat ic ally in Fiuc-,'.3. The apparatuss aas
d,esigned for experiments on various specinen-t-- placed within
the pressurised reSion, The force applied to the specd:men-z
Card /~,s measured by a "com-)reSsimeter" described by Brid,-,;ian, in
--haiiical 'itudiec of M,~tals at P
Zquipmnt.,for Mc- rossures
30 OU0
Ref.2. The pre--sure was mcaoured b./ a mant,-anin mano-'_I'~'ter. The
apparatus has been usf,,d to iriveotil"'ato tile of
at hiCh pressures. Fig.8 _t-hom: photo(.rraplis of btuej.
stretched to breal..tnfl, point under various pressure-s. There
ave 8 dia-,rams, no tables and 10 reforence-2, of which 3 are-
En,,.Jish) and. the rest Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Laboratori7a Fizihi sver'--IrrjsokiI-.h davlerij Al-i SSSR
(Laboratory of Ultra-hi-h Pressure Fbysice of the Aca,~e:iy cf
Sciences USSR)
SUBIAITTED,. July 25~ 19.57.
C~i_r~d 2/2 1. Metals-Mechanica! properties 2. Meta ls-Pressure
3. Higli pressure equipmnt-Applications
LiOV-12'3- 5:3 -3-20/
AUT--IIORO':Voronov, F. F, 'Vereshcha~.7i"--LF., :~',uxravlj,~v, 7. i.
TITI,&: A Pal3e Method of Measurin- the Speed of
Ultrasonic Waves (Lipul'snaya ustanovl:!~ dlya injn,~~rt~ni!a
01=03ti rasprostraneniya ul'trazvuI,.ovyI-.h voln)
P.,LlIODICAL: Pribory i Te'zhnika. Eksprari--lonta, 1958, I-Ir 5, ~I-p ljl--'5
ABJTRACT: The LieUhod is, based on meaourin.wo- the Line by vihich the
echo siE--al is delayed with respect to the inco:~iin;r, si-nal.
The method is illustrated by FiC.l. The tri,;~.-,erin6 bl3a .~c
1 produces pairs of pulse3 at a ropetiti3n frequency of
1 "-.c/s. One of the i)ulaes is used to Lrig!Zler Lhe :~uls,,
1,~eneraUor 2 and the, other triggers bile slave, of
the oscilloscone 4 TIie second pulse in each -,)air -.-)ro-
duced by the Generator 2 is del'ayed wit-H rc:~pect to tlie
first one by adjustable, and ',,no,,,rri leni..,th of jimi~tl-
taneouslj with the, trir.,,-,--erin,w; iulz3e the gener,-,-tor ~ pro-
"uces a short pacivet of I-iavin.~ a frequerlej of 1-0
at a i I)ac.,--eU:s (;(-,r second. T.,i-;, r.f. ji1l:,e
-ate of 1000 i:3
Card 1/3
A Pulse M-,Ahod of of
applied to the piezoelectric crystal 5 T'ij.s leaJs Lo
the production of elastic vibrations 7 it, tI~;''
undor inve.;Lii~atim 6 Tll-.o ola~Alc Vk0ros x(.! r-"U-cu"'
at the flar end of the speci-mon (or a reflector) anCi a~-,-,tu-rn
to the quartz crystal. Tiie reflected sii~nal (ech-3) is
ai.,iplified by the recciver 5 i~; d-~!tected ;..md tliien ap-~lied
to the oscillo,.,
.~rai)h 4 T~ e triE~j~-arin~-, bloc'r: is
so that ;;hen the triSgerin~-, i)ulses are su*,-uably dela-,ed~ 3-ie
can observe on the CRO screen both the trarl3mitted ant t",~e
reflected ojilses. If Uhe reflected and trans:;jitted u-113es
are made to coincide on the CRO Screen (by adju,;LJLr,;: t'ae
delay time in each pair of -)ulsos) one obtains a :neasura of
the time tak.en by the elastic -wave in traversin.- 'UI-e s-zeci-
men under investigation. TAe timo scale ~iu.3'u of -I-),=se be
calibratel in a preliminary experi'~ieit. T;te -'-c)paratus
diff--rs fr.)r.,t those used ,Xeviously in th5,t it a
verj accurate delayin;~ circuit based wi L, quartz stabili,~3eci
SP,nerabor ~2). If the leading; t,-,!Ze of the si,.,-nzJ io cinsid-
erably distorted on passinc-3 t1i-roui-,!i the :-i2d, U,Q "darl,
sp,it" meti-iod described bj Bur~,-!~ian i.n R-2f.16 is U s i n.-,~
Card 2/3 the above method, the vel~)city of of
k P u 1 -,; eInt, L;iiod C)f II__a3LI'VinF, blie, 3poed of T I j
wDves may be -i,3asured to Lul accuracy 'if Re t~'; are
'iven for co,),,t-,r and irou. Tiiere ~,ire 11. table
and of .,,,h!ch ~ are En-ji-31i and 5
ASSOC IATICT davicniy 111. 3,3.3R
(L,-~bovatorj of 1`!V~3ics of Pre.3~3u.-a._-, if tlh~;
Academy of 3ciences#USSR)
SUBMITTED: Sei:~tenbcr 15, l,5'?.
1. Ultrasonic radiation--Propagation 2. Ultrasonic
radiation--Measurerent 3. Pulse generators--Applications
4. Pulse generators--Performance
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Vere she hagin , L. F , Kabal.'-.ina, S. S. and Y-:vdolk-i-7,Dv~r-9 7. 7.
TITLE: A Camera for X-Ray Studies of the Structure of ',ionocry5t;~ilf,
under HiSh Pressure (Kamera d1ya rentggenostvu~,barnj'~-_h
issledovaniy monokristallov nod d~)vleriiyeii)
PERIODICAL: -Pribory i Teklinika E-.sr;erirenta, 195"), N'r 3, po )0--
ABSTRACT: An X-ray camera has been built for studie s2of
crystals under a pressure of up to ?000 . The
pressure is transmitted by a steel -jiston and the liquid
emDloyed is benzene. The piston is fixed in blie %,ior':ini,-,
position by means of a special nut. The pressure is :-aea-
sured by means of a manganin manometer. the camera
on the rotatil_~n principle. An exam~Dle is -:iven of aii X-ray
photo,.,.va(jh of soaium chloride under a pres--~;urv of 41,'~-
k,G1cM2(F:_'LL~.4). A sectiollal t_;Lravlin~, iii:411
Card 1/2
A Camera for X-Ray Studies of the Structure of :_!Dnocr.T3-'Ials u_-1-_-_---z,
High Pressure
pressure chamber is shovm in FiE;.2. V. G. Gorshkov is
than"-.ed for his advice. Thore are 4 fi~,aros ond 1-1
reforences, A which 4 are Soviet, I Ger':."an tII-_ rc_~~
are English.
A660CIATIION: Laboratoriya fizihi sver!-.hvysoki_'-:h davl,3riy ILI! S33R
(Laboratory of Physics of Ultra-Hi[;h Pressures of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
3U317.'ITTED: August?, 1~.-57.
1. X-ray diffraction cameras--Design 2. Single crystals-
X-ray analysis
Card 2/2
.J OV112.')- 5~" -4 5/ ~;o
AUTHORS': Vereshcha[;in, L. F., Gladkovoldy, V. A., 1.
TITM: An Instru.:.ient for i-,~!asurin- the Hardness of :.I~~-Jals -.It Ultra-
ffi--h Roessurer, (I'vibor dlya izmcreniya tvcrdo.3ti metallcv
pri. O.UVIOTliyakh)
PERIODICAL: Fribory i to,-.Iinika eksperivienta lgr-":" Ill. 4., ') 103
AW-)'TRACT: At; tlio prco(ifit tj.;ae ~u,o availalOo v~~inh be
w"Od to or
tille "Let iDn of 'aydraulic T'Lu i:i
cribed. in this paper ~".iffers f~oa -those doscrilb:~d J)D far
in uhat the :11ern-'anical prolv.,rtics of a -metal under -)re:;sure
May bc cleterrdned -i"l-iout dama-(-:~ to tho, sample. TI-c hard-
ness of m--~'L;als undor ~)re3G= is dot~~ri~ued fr,)7~.-~ th--
pression on its su,-,f:)ce ;-i,.,.de by a standarrd indentor in
fDria Df a sphere, con(-,,, etc. T~ie instru:-ient -.:iay 'Un- -,,,sed in
static tests on mietuls under 4ydrostatic pre:.-.surosof up to
Card 1/2
)OV1120- 5--4-2
An InstrLL:,ent fo,- of
10 000 A CrOw,SeCUM drawing throu,
is Ollovin in Fi[~r 1 und It -wa.,; dcvul,)p~d a,.d I.,;
at the Uralo '3ranch of the lkcadol,ly of 30i."llees
There is 1 fil-ure, nr) or ref,:rencoz-,.
ASSOCIATIOll: Lalb.)-L,atoriJa fizi:i svo2':h,,rj,3ol:i'a:h Iavl,~miv AO' S,311),
(Laboratory of Ultra-Righ Pressure Physics
Acade.,V Of ;Cir.'nCCS, J36R)
SUBIAITTED: Octobor 1G9 1957.
Card 2/2
-AUTHORS:Vere .-F, and Ivanov, V. le.
TITLE: A Valve for Ultra-High Pressures (Ventill sverkhvysokogo
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekbnika eksperimenta, 1~58, Nr 6, pp 114-115
ABSTRACT: The valve is shown diagrammatically in Fig.l. It consists
of: 1) the body, 2) a needle or a spindle which covers an
aperture in the body of the valve, 3) a special tightening
device for the needle, 4) a lock and 5) a screw; these last
two items can impart a progressive motion to the needle.
The return motion of the needle is caused by the action of
the liquid or gas pressure on the needle and by a spring.
The screw 5 is turned by means of a small flywheel which
is inserted on it, or by means of a worm drive. The problem
of tightening or gasketing the needle pre sentedPv%Qpe.4Uf f icul-
ties. It was finally solved by adopting a number of cylin-
drical coaxial shells (as shown in Fig.1). The valve was
tested in a laboratory with liquids at pressures up to 8000
atm. and with -Dases (nitrogen) at pressures up to 3000 atm,
Card 112
A Valve for Ultra-Ifigh Pressures
and it was found that its performance was satisfactory. The
paper contains 2 fig-ures and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIO14: Laboratoriya fiziki sverkhvjsokikh davleniy AN S36R
(Physics Laboratory for Ultra High Pressures of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences)
SUBMITTED: December 25, 1957.
Card 212
i A/
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Solid State Physics - Stmictural Cryst,1111D,-~raphy. S
Abs J.-,xr Ref Zhur - Fizilm, N-) 8, 1959, 17835
Author We hq~an, L.F., Braud, I.W.
Title X-Ray Structure *f Investi~ptioa ,.)f Substaaces with
Pressures UP to 30,000 Atims.
Ori_r Pub Ex-ptI. Techn. Fhy3., 1958, 6, No 6, 283-285
Abstract Tran5lation fron D,,,kl. Ah SSSR, 1956, 108, No 3, 423 --
424 (see Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 8, 197069).
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Gladkovskiy, V.A., Vere6hchagin, L.F.
TITLE., Investigation of the Strength of Thick-Ralled Tubes
(Issledovaniye prochnosti tolstostennykh trub)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Aletallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6,
Nr 6, pp 1100 - 1104 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In a number of cases, it is of great importance to evaluate
the mAximum internal pressure which will bring about tube
failure. It can be assumed that the pressure at which
tube failurewill occur depends basically on the thickneGs
of the tube and the strength characteristics of the zube
material (Ref 3). However, this assumption requires
experimental confirmation. For this purpose, Laboratcrj,,,.
fiziki sverkhvy8okikh davleniy Ali SSSR (The Laboratory (.i
Physics of Very High Pressures of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
out in 1952-1955 strength studies of tubes subject to
very high internal pressures up to 14 000 atm, Similax
strength studies of carbon-steel tubes (0.280,16 C) -a~th
pressures up to ? 100 atm were carried out not very lonE
ago by Crossland and Bone,, (Ref 4) tit Bristol Urcversl`ty-
A sketch of the special test rig permitting investiFfltlon
Iavestigation of the Strength of Thick-walled Tubes
of thick-walled tubes at internal pressures up to
14 000 atm is given in Figure 1. Preliminary f-il-Ling
was effected with a lqdraulic, coruressor which
increased the pressure to 3 000 - 4 000 atz, Further-
increases in the pressure were obtained by uisplac!Bg
a pi-ton (6) inside a cylinder (5) by feeding fluid
into the lower cavity of the cylinder (?). For
obtaining in 2 the high-pressure cylinders a pressure of"
15 000 kg/cm ) it wao ne~;essary to produce in the !cv;
r.ressure cylinder a pressure slightly exceeding
300- kg/cm Tubes were tested which were made of
fou.r differing grades of steel: 3OKhGSA, 40Kh, UIO
and EYaIT, the me-Ihanif.-.ai propertieti of which a_ri,'~
(;ard 2/4
Inve5tigation of the Strength of Thick-walled Tubes
entered in a table on p 1102. The failure curves
(D/d versus pressure) for tubes of the four steels
are graphed in Figures 2 - 5. The obtained
experimental curves are not in agreement with any
of the semi-empirical formulae (Ref 4) proposed
for calculating the preUMire at which
tubes fail.
Lomakin (Ref 5) published in 1955 theoretical
work on the calculation of tubes, taking into
consideration high elastic-plastic deformationn.
In a separate paper, the authors of this
paper propose to evaluate the obtained resultb
and to compare them with calculated data, based or!
various strength theories.
There are 5 figures, 1 table and 5 references,
3 of which are Soviet and 2 Bnglish.
Investigation of the Strength of Thick-walled Tubes
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziki sverklivysokikh davleniy
(Laboratory of Pit I f Very High Pre-,sures
of the Ac.sc.USSR~s Cs 0
SUBMITTED: April 11, 1957
Oard 4/4
AUTHORS: Beresnev, Voreshchawin L.F* and Ryabinin, Yu.N.
TITLE: Installation for Drawing and Rolling Metals in Freely
hotatJ,n,3 Rolls In a Liquid under HiL4i Hydrostatic Pressure
(Ustanovka dlya volocheniya I prokatki v svobodno vrashcha-
yushGhikhsya val-kakh metallov v zhidkosti pod vysokim
gidrostatiche skim davleniyem) .
PERIODICAL: TsvetnyyeMetallv, 1956, Nr.6, pp.01-63 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Bridgemankilef.1) on, the basis of investi.Eatluris of the
effect of pressure on metal properties proposed and carried
out preliminary experiments on the rolling and drawing of
metals under hydrostatic pressure. Bridtdnian (Ref.1) and
al3o the authors, working In the Laboratoriya fiziki sverkh-
vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Laboratory of Super-Hi6h
Pressure Physics of the AS USSR) (ftef.4), extended the
technique and noted the improvement of metal properties.
Special installations (Fig.1) have been used to compare the
two methods of deformation and served as the basis for an
installation produced by the authors for drawing or rolling
(idler rolls) metals in hydrostatic pressia-ea up to 10,00U
Card 1/2 kg/cm2 (Fig.2). The liquid is supplied by a laboratory
Installation for Dra-aing and Rolling Metals In Freely Rotating Rolls
in a Liquid under High Hydrostatic 1'ressuro.
compressor rated at 3.8 litres/hour at 10,00U kglcm~2
The conversion from drawing to rolling is simply effected.
The more important parts are made of heat-treated alloy
steels. The installation has been used for experiments on
the pressure drawing and rolling to various degrees of
deformation, but the authops do not give their results.
There are 2 figures and 6 Soviet references.
1. Metals--Processing 2. Rolling mills--)isign 3. Pressure--
Metallurgical effects 4. Water--Applica~i,)ns
Card 2/2
Mechanical properties of aluminum subjected to preliminary plastic
deformations at high hydrostatic pressures Lwith summary in
EnglIshJ. Inzh.-fiz. thur. no. 911l9-122 5 158. (mia ll:io)
1. ioboratoriya fisiki everkhvysokikh davianiy AN SSSR. g. Moskva
i Institut fiziki metellov AN SSSR, g. Sverdlovsk.
AUTHORS:Beresnev, B. I., Vereshchagin.,_L. F. z Ryabinin., Yu. 11.(Moscow)
TITLE: Role of the Medium in the Extrusion of ~',,Ietals by Means of a
Liquid under High Pressure (Rol' aredy pri vydavlivanii met-
allov zhidkostlyu vysoko,---o davleniya)
PERIODIOAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SOSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, 1958, Nr 10, pp 144-146 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Bridgman carried out experiments on extruding copper and
steel with a liquid under pressures of up to 12 000 atm. He
stated that he did not succeed in firriding an optimum regime
for this proce3s andas a result of that, at very high
pressures the metal il-ame out of the die in Individual bits
instead of continuously, Similar work carried out in the
Very High Pressure Yn-jsi:,.s Laboratory of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR, has shown thatthecorrect selection of the
medium which transmits the pressure determines to a consider-
able extent not on-ly the magnitude of the pressure necessary
for effecting flovi of the metal but also the quality of the
metal after deformation. Information gained during these
experiments is reportsd in thio The ajtliors studied
Card 1/4
Role of the bledium in the Extrusion of Mctals, by ,11c.,ans o-k a Liquid
under High Pressure
the influence of various med4a, which act both as a medium
for transmitting the pressure and as a lubricant on the
pressure necessary for producing equal deformations. For
this purpose aluminium was extruded through a die with a
cone angle a ='401 . The reduction was maintained constant
at 0.773. The method was the same as that described in earl-
ier work (Ref.2). The following results were obtained:
Liquid transmitting pressure:Pregsure at-which the Surfice
flow of rtal begins quality
Hypoid lubricant 5750
Transformer oil 5500
Transformer oil +-kerosene 6500
Transformer oil +-kerosene 6450
+-oleic acid (0.49+0.49+0.02)
Kerosene 6900
Gasoline 6900
Methylated spirits 6075
Card 2/4 Ethyl alcohol 6450
Role of the Medium in the Extrusion of Metuals by 1jeams of a Liquid
under High Pressure
Table (continue4j).
Liquid transmitting pressure Pressure at which the Surface
flov., of etal begins quality
~P~ kg/cu#
Water 5500 Good
Water + a I.ajer of hypcid
lubricant applied to th;~
surface of the specimen 5000 lExcellent
On the basis of the obtained resultG, the followinG conclus-
ions are arri-ed a+-:
1) The pressu;e necessary to produce a flow of the metal as
viell as the surface quality of the deformed rae~al are greatly
dependent ort the fluid used,
2) It was found that olatJn,r of the speciiiion with a thin layer
Card 3/4
Role of ;he bledium in the Extrusion of
under High Pressure
of a tin-lead solder considerably ~he pressure nece-
ssary for extrusion.
3) Optimum conditions of extrusion vicre dcluerilin,2d,by means
of wftich a high surface quality can be obtained, namely, by
applying a thin layer of h~ypoid lubricant on a specimen which
is extruded by means of water,
4) It was found thalu- if the wrong liquid is applied this can
lead not only to damage of the surface of the extruded metal
but also to its comDlete destruction. There aro 1 table, 1
fiGure and 6 Soviet references,
ASSZ)OCIATION: Laboratoriya fizilci sverkhvysokikh davl,-,riy AIN SSSRI
Institut fiza-i metallov, All SSSR (Laboratory of Physics of
Very High Pressures, Academy of Ociences USSR, Institute of
Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR),
SUBMITTED: Llay 27, 1958.
Card 4/4
BVRWEV, D-I'; VFJRFiSHCHAGIII, L.Ir.-, RYA1311111" YU-N' der
B%trusion of pipes and part8 Of COMPlex 5profile b7 lIqUid un
-fiz.zhur. no-11:10 -109 11 '58-
high pressure . Inzh. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Lab6ratoriya fiziki svFrIh7y9okikI, davlenjy jkH SSSR. g.
SSOM, g. Sverdlovsk@
1408kva, I Inatitut fjzjkj motallov AN
(LIxtrugion 046tftls))
A c,
1 :7
ABSTRACTz Rof ere - 01 a to 3 1-'a a du .11,1.,
and 2') -~n in"', t1ic vlat
Sonic 2
no,.~~,-c, af~ pt
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--o--. tc be ~-i,aran--
z,oc;J~ ttv -h,---, c;' not ail
ti j- f:, the t
I "k.)a 4-n the in
of lic'u'd for:13 -A, fho
`4 -)n
card 1/2 o + 7111-1
on the Yc'J;u_"J n!, Velo"
Card 212
C 7'E' t j 1-! e
th oubse-
t;1je n:)L,-..c j UMP
~y ,n the
n~ c rsc,
hate 5
Y. e r
L tll, i mmo d i Z~ t,~
+ 71',
as t
4- t c0,
i t h a-13
t C, f ntersec" on mo 7 a 5
f i thp
osoell j
GU h i 3
f vi h arc, 5
2 f
La o
L-IlLbrary OC dat 1) water-11eloelty-Test methods
1 r..o USCOMM-DC-54759
es,~ -,;it a
jovi 57-.2-3-7-3/35
AUTHORS- Ryabin1n, Yu. 11,, Livohits, L. D., Vereshchagin, L. F.
TITLE. On the Chan,,,-e of the Electric Conductivity of Silicon at
Superhigh Pressure (K voprosu ob izmenenii elektroproyodnosti
krenniya pod averkhvynokin dayleniyem)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fiziki, '1950, Vol. 28, Nr 7,
pp, 1382 - 13a6 (ussp,)
ABSTRACT: First it is shown that the reDults obtained by F.W.Brideman
(Refs 2 and 8) are not constant and, to a certain extent, un--
certain, A measurement of the electric conductivity of silicon
of the p--type in dependence on the pressure is repeated. A
silicon monocry3tal, produced according to the method of Chokh-
rallskiyA'tteState Institute of Rare Metals was used as sample.
It had the forn of a paralleleyiped with 9,8 x 5,6 x 4,0 mm.
A Wheatstone bridre of the type MK!_.-.Aq was used for the
measurenent of the electric resistaDCO~ A multiplier (analo-
gous to tt&..cf Brid.-Iman ) which rac developed in the laboratory
of the authors war, used for the measurement of the sample re-
Card 113 sistance under bih hyerostatic pressure, The measurements were
On the Change of the Electric Conductivity of .10V/57- 23- 7- 3/3/5
Silicon at Superhigh Pressure
started with thr, doterriir.:A ion of the amount of the tomporature
factor of the electric reDiatanco a at atmospheric pivsture.
They show that the sample resistance does not chanj:e in the
case of an alteration of the current polarity and is independent
of the =ount of arn:,eraj,(.- in the0region of o,2 4- lo nA . The
opecific saml~le resistance at 2o amounted to 18,4 ohm cm. The
measurement of the sample resistance was carried out gradually
up and down under pressure. It was found that the electric re-
sistance of silicon in reduced with increaoing pressure. It was
shown that pure silicon of the p-type has tile ame effect sign
as vermanium of the p type and ae'.enium (Ref 21%5 resp.). No
such great hysteresis of the silicon resistance by the pressure
was observed as in the case of Bridgman, It is pointed out that
the electric resistance in the caoe of silicon of the p.-type
is to a i3reat extent influenced by the chemical purity, the
composition of the admixture, the thermal and mechanical pre-
treatment. S. A. Ratenberg put the silicon crystal at the
authors' disposal. N.I.Chetverikov helped to produce the con-
tacte. There are 2 figures and lo references, 3 of which are
Card 2/3 Soviet,
On the Ch~ine of the :.lcctric Cca-;cluctivity of -~(,-1/57- 20-7-3/35
Silicon at Superhi,-h Preonure
ASSOCIATIOL'I. Laboratoriya fiziki nvcrkhvy3okikh davleniY AN 53SR Moskva
(lAborktory of the Physics of Sup6rhigh Presavres, IS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: October 2o, 1957
1. Silicon-Conductivity
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Semerchan, A. A,- 7er-shcriagin L F., Filler,
N. N.
TITLE: 11,1omentum Distribution in a Continuous Fluid Jet at 5~tpersoni(;
Velocity (Raupredeleniye kolichestva dvizhenija v rv,)r,_,r.;vrxy
zhidkcstn0y 3truye sverkhzvukovoy s~orusti)
/Vol no
PERIODICAL. Zhurnal tekhnichesko.1 fiziki, 1958, Mf_f,'pp. 2062-2071
ABSTRACT: This paper covers the investigation of a continuous horizontal
fluid jet at sub- and sapersonic velocity (from 300 to
540 m/Sec). The principal procedure adopted in the experiments
is described. In order to obtain a jet with the required para-
trieters, the Nr 1 hjdraulic plant of the associL~tion mentioned
below (Ref 7) was used. The distribution Of L1OMCntUM in a con-
tinuous viater jet ejected at saper8onic velocitie- from a
nozzle was obtained. According to the curves describin6 the
momentum distribution the boundaries of -t frQe water jet moving
with supersonic velocity in the atmosphere -weri~- deter:.iined. The
contour of the jet is it, accordance with that cb3crved -Lt. pho-
togra,phs. It found that -Lit incrC13ed viicosity of the fluid
Card 1/2 results in a reduction of the coniQal inele of the j(-.t. A con-
Momentum Distribution in a Continu,:~us Fluid Jet at Supersonic Velocity
bira-tion of the methiod of determining the :~omc:nt-jm (Which was
used here), together -i-ith a satisfactory method of cieter.,.-.ining
the density of the moving medium throughout thejetmkes it PCs-
siblerfirid the velocity field and the di3tribution of '4inetic en'er,7y
in saijersonic fluid jets. 'I"nere are 11 fi.are3, 2 tables, and
7 references, 5 (,f which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratorija fiziki sverkhvyzokikh davIE;Fiy All SSSR., 1.1loskva
(Laboratory of Phj~licn of SapGrhigh PrejjurcsIAS USSR, WloscoA)
Card 2/2
Equipment for metal draving and rolling in freely rotating
rolls with liquids under high hydrostatic pressure. TSvet. amt.
31 no.8:61-63 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9)
(Drawing (Metalwork)) (Deformtion (Mechanics))