'AUTHOR: Arkhangellski L.A.*_Engineer 28-58-1-13/34
.TITLE- Precision Requirements for Turbine Gear Drives (Tochnostnyye
trebovaniya k turbinnym zubchatym peredacham)
PERIODICALs Standartizatsiya, 1958, # 1, PP 36-39 (USSR)
ABSTRAM TeNIITMASh has completed a project for a "GOST"-etandard
for the "Technical'Requirements for Steam and Gas Turbine
Gear Drives". This standard will regulate the followingt
parameters of gear cutting machines and tools; materials
and heat treatment; the precision of blanks and assembly;
inspection methods) parameters of lapping stands; and the
positioning of blanks on machines. The project establishes
gear drive accuracy classes "A", "B", "VII, and IIGII, in se-
quence of decreasing accuracy. "All corresponds to the
British standard IIBS 1807-52". "B" corresponds to the old
top-accuracy class "3" 6f the existing "GOST 1643-5611, and
has not as yet been put into use by the industry. The "All-
class is introduced in the project for the following reasons:
major turbine drive producers of the USSR believe that the
11311-class must be maintained for drives already in pro-
duction; higher accuracy requirements are to be expected
Card 1/2 in the immediate future, and TeNIITMASh has succeeded in
,Precision Requirements for Turbine Gear Drives 28-58-1-13/34
obtaining "All-accuracy in lapping. "All-class drives are
re~;ommended for main ship drives with wide-range speed con-
trol and unlimited life, in particular, for cases where the
lack of vibration and noise is required. Applications of
the lower accuracy classes are'also indicated. The author
believes that spur gears and narrow helical and herrin
bone gears should be avoided,.and recommends measures 7in.
gear cutting) for making the drives work smoothly. This pro-
jected 11GOST11-standard has been sent to the Committee of
Standards for approval.
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 2/2
ARKFANGELISKIY, L. A.. Cara T-ib Sc` -- (diss) "Research into the pre-
cision of gears on th,~, 70abis ol the functional representation of their
errors." Moscow, 196C- 15 PP; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Spec-
ialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red
Banner Technical College im N. E.-Bauman); 200 copies; price not.
given; (KL, 50-60,>'I-b-3)
ti it K 11 A NGPE L I S K f ~ , L. 1 .
U;3e of wood waste at the enterprises of Ivano-Frankovsk Pi-ovince.
Bilm. i der. prom. no.1:47-49 Ja--Mr 165.
(MRA 18:10)
Over-all mechanization of the assembly and installation of
aerial skidders. Bum.i der.prom. no.1:47-49 Ja-Mr 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Staniolavskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva.
I!zz ARXHANGELISKIY, L.I. [Arkhanhellslkvi, L.I.)
Pine-no-edle vitamin meal as additive for cattle feeds. Khar.
prom. no.109 Ja-Mr 162. (MM 15:8)
1. Stanislavskiy sovet narodnogo khazyaystva.
(Feeds) I%lr-'tamins)
- ---------
Interaction of ion exchange resins with water. Vast LGb 16 no.22:
102-110 '61. (MIRA 14:11)
(Ion exchange resins) (Water vapor)
L 27144-66
.. -ACC NRs -Ap6oi7ilo
LIM HC1- TlC1 HC1 KSJCpt and HC1 BaCl Seleotl~n- t
system Isgoverned by the desire' ~to study the effect on loh-eicohanga_
eq"librium-both of the"value of the charge of one of the replace
In ord,t e effect of, ..the amount of orosslinking bonds.
-'!on ion-exohange equilibrium experiments-were condueted with threep-
s of ihe.KU-2 sulfo, *tIon
sample _0a -exchange resin, containing differ':'
ent amounts,of DVB*,-!:It was.ooncluded-that varlation-In
the value
:,of th6lequilibrium ooeffloient6vith change in Ion-exchange-rest
~.oonte t within.the limit-s of the
n simplest
_presuppositions are
":aoccunteil for by different faotoirs,for,lon-exchange resins with a
low ~knd those with a high DVB content. In order*to.elucidate the
iminimum.on.the curve desoribing the.equillbrlU T+ coefflolent versus,,
_H4' on a cation-
icompositiong.charaoteristio'for exchange of Mg
sexchange resin oontaining.8% DVBO,it must be assumed that the non-U
uniformity of the established Ion with respeat to bonding energies.,:
with thi3 eounterion cannot exist In an Ion-exohange resin with a
low ~ DVB content and ~appears wit~~an Inorease In the WB oontentd
curve,8-wi.th_a:mInimum can be viewed transitionall from funom
tione oharEial;eristio of Ion-exohang6 resins with energetically-
~equlvalent, fixed ioneg to funotions-oharaoteristio of ion-exohangs.
-ions wh1ohidiffer In
resins 0ontainitig fixed bonding,ene
art* hast 3- figmvs.s 4 -foraaae ind] I t4fe.,~ fa~j
-12J ORIG, REF: 009 01H'RM 021
ARF,QA""G,SLl-qXlYP j%fA-,FltCVA, Ye.A..~ KISF1,1GOF, G.V.
Ton exchange equA!-!br4,w.-,. Ion exchangri on eulfonated cat-ion!.tas
wf-tn various di'vllryilbeimna 23ntcn~-,. Vest.. LGIJ 20 11!).16,,, 74-82, 165.
Me',hods of calculaluirs; L~,v ar.-.LvPy nopff--'oierts of -.3aponen"s
In -"cr, exchanget-s. !m'!~ . 3
Automatic control of piston compressors. Sbor. trud. Inst. gor.
dela AN URSR noil2:93-917 161, (KRA 15:11)
(Air compressors) (Automatic control)
Expbdiency of pneumatic systems. Ugoll Ukr. 6
no.8: 47 Ag 162. (MIM 15:11)
(Donets Basin-Mining engineering)
=="Z~ -
Automatic control of compressor stations. Ugoll Ukr. 7no.7t
33-35.Jl 163. (MIPA 16t8)
1. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR (for Arkhangellskiy).
2. Trest Donetpkpromavtomatika (for Imshenetakly, Temerti).
(Air co*ressore) (Automatic control)
AREWGBLISKIY, L.V., insh.; LOKSHIN. L.V., iuzh.; ILIIN, G.I., inzh.
Redesigning the PZ-2 transmitter. Vest. sviazi 19 n0-11:7-10 H
1159. (MIR& 13:8)
1. Oktyabrl peredayushchiy radioteentr.
(Radip-Tranamitters.and transmission)
tv 6- EL-~'SKIY.
RA Had 404
USSR/Engineering Drying Currents, High-Frequency May 49
"Review of I. P. Berdinskikh's Book., 'Kiln Drying and Bonding of Ligneous Materials
in a Field of High-Frequency Currects,'" B. M. Tareyev, Dr Tech Sci, Netushil, Cdnd
Tech Sci, Pocent M. A. Arkhangel'Bkiy, F4agr, E. P. Parim, Engr, I p
"Elektrichestvo" No 5
Does not indorse material in this book, which consists of three main parts:
generators (electronic tubes, gaseous rectifiers, etc.), drying, and bonding.
Points out numerous deficiencies in author's analysis of his subject and lists
examples of glaring errors in text. Published by Gostekhisdat Ukraine, 1948,
120 pp,price 5 rubles.
PA 55/49T50
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Jul 1:947
Mei/)641 6Uie Bacteriology
Medicine Bacteria, Culture Media
"The.14othodology of the Account of Microbes in
Accelerated Cultivation in Semi-liquid Medium,"
M. I. Arkhangellskiy, _91P
"Gigiyena i Sanitarlya" Vol XII, No 7
Brief account of bacteriolog'ical research on
culture media.
Ica ~. 0 C-S
i IIr
Arkhangellskiy, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Dmitriy Ivanovich
D-ESTRIOMba-, Kuris - k0
Raschet tQnnellnykh obdelok (Calculation of Tunnel Linings)
Moscow, Transzheldorizdat, 1960. 344 P. 3,000 copies printed.
Ed.: P. M. Zelevich, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Ye. N. Bobrova; Ed.
(title page): M. 1. Dandurov, Professor, Corresponding Member,
Academy of Construction and Architecture USSR.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for students In transportation and
other departments of Soviet schools of hig4er education.
COVERAGE: The book presents problems in the calculation of tunnel
linings for dnauring economical construction. The authors dis-
cuss loads acting on the tunnel lining,.calculation of concrete
linings by methods developed by S. S. Davydov and Metrogiprotmm
(State Subway Design, Planningpand Research Institute),, and con-
struction and calculation methods for block lining. Detailed
Calculation (Cont.) SOV/4903
examples for the calculation of different types of linings are
given. Ch. I (except Sees. k and 8) and Sec. 17 of Ch. III
*WV*,Rwr'itte__n_by Moc t M. M. X kki~n-gel
.(exc6ptAecn~~17),' , and Sees. 4 and 8 of Ch. I were
and , XV
written by A. S-, KuriBlko. Ch. V was written by Candidate of
,-Technical Sciancos D. 1. Dzhincharadze. The following per-
_,sonalities are mentioned as having contributed to this field:
0. Ye. Bugayeva, whose design meXhod is Included in the book,
G. G. Zurabov, Academician B. G. Galerkin, Professor
S. S. Davydov, and S. A. Orlov, Candidate of Technical
Sciences. There are no references.
From the Authors 3
Introduction 4
Ch. 1. Loads Acting on Tunnel Lining
1. Introductory Information 7
Calculation (Cont.) SOV/4903
2. Classification of active loads to which the
lining is subjected 8
3. General information on pressure exerted by the
overlaying ground 10
Lateral pressure In [tunnel] workings 21
Pressure originating In the base of the workings 21-
7, Rock pressure on'the linings of- curved profiles 25
subwayme.teit-iow-P 46-
9. Rock pressure acting on structures covered with
backfills- 29
10. Water-pre'ssure acting on tunnel linings 2-~
11. Passive pressure of rock 1k 32
12. Experimental methods for determining rock pressure
in underground workings
~ 38
13. Supplemental remarks on the purpose of
the loading
scheme 44
1. ARXMO'gt slay M. M.
20 USSR (600)
4. Dynamics of a Particle
7. Theories of the dispersion of a concentration of suspended particles in a turbulat
stream. Izv.AN SM Otd.tekh.nauk., no. 12, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _APril 1953, Uncl.
10(4); 21(5); 24(8) pwE I 90M zvwrTATION SOV/2457 .
YuznAYa nauchno-toidanlehoska" konforantalya PO primenaniru
radloaktivnykh I stabil-n),kh Ixot"ov I iziuchonly v narodnom
khozyayatva I nauke. 2d, Moscow, 1957
TePlotekhnika I adrodinaulka; trudy konforentall, tom. 4 (Heat
Engineering and Hydrodynamics, Transactions or the All-
Conference on the Use or Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and
Radiation in the National Economy and Sclenceo Vol 4) Moscow,
Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 88 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,500
Copies printed.
Sponsoring Agenciest Akades"a nook SM. and US=. Glavnoye
upravleniy* po Ispolemovanlyu atognoy onergli.
A. Styr--kovich (Rasp. 24. ). - u. To. Kholodovokiy, and
a M
X. S. Foulahev, L. M. Sinalinikova; T*ch-.
Ed. of Publ. Houses
Xd.s X. 1. Boruncy.
FU1tP0SZ: This collection or articles is intended for scientists
and laboratory workers canwrned with the use of radioactive
and stable Isotopes.
CdVE"Gi: Thin collection of papers deals with the application
redlos.ativa and stable laqtcpos &* monsur-Ing tools In
various types Of scientific investigation. No personalities
are mentioned. Referenoas a" given artar some of the articles.
2. B&rtOlOcLoYs 0.0., Ta.G. Vlnokur, V. .' 7~;,Jokolltsev; and Y.1-
& the Proassa of DIrrUsion
~ Use of asiona, Rays for StQdYIM
Us* of Gammaradlo-
3. XRW11AUe-_L1.. and T.M. MO&kT1c:gM
ScOPY for Studying the RydrcRUWialca or fluid System 12
4e 2�1atw&1nA-Z-G., and X.A. Shgpk~_. Method of 'Tagged' Atoms
m Content In Surface Bolling of a
for Investigating Water az~r"SEWa
Kudryavtoev, v.s.
'1rx_1h1 ~eW f6wde DOt*-ning the SP~-Glfic Surrace Area of
by the 3OrVt1OO Method With the Use or
t 16
635 XRRM1R.-1LN-, and I.I. pi gjama. use or Radioactive =gotope
3for Studying Sulfate Corrosion of Concrete 28
y.:X._pjLr=oakjy, and 3LA_JALkIn. Methods
7. To ~A..
ruinl..g the Density and Moisture Content of Soils 'With the
Aid or Radioactive 33
8. POIOZ'PY_A#-L.G.* and FZBeyvm&a.
- Study of the Processes or
Transfer in Building Materials by Meant or aa=aradio-
_&tYr1kQXich, M-A , I-Kh. lhayballln, and L. 1C. Khokhlov.
f j'
OLctlvc thi
Bolts in Water Vapor At High Pressures
10- UArman L 3A Ya Antonqy, &od
F:U A.V. Surnow. Investi-
.gAtl(;6 vapor &r
a--praltu, of 185 ,
abs. atm. With the Aid of Radioactive Isotopes
11; NEPubrovskly. V. . Use of Radjonativc
th otlon oft 140tOPI)s ror Obodrving
he Molten Glass 1-53 1. Gl..4 Parnnoo Tanks 52
12; -A!Ihln Vg Use Of R*dIO&ct-'vQ TRotopeo In StudYInA;
n 0 Iuj
th Itra on o luids Through par~au, Media 57
and A.Y&_2=11n. Radioisotope Methods
1?; IIAMN-n kpa a,
fj OV65t get nd-7row Procaijes, or In & porous Medium 62
14- APCZA-JL~L, T,.3, Zarubin, VyS. KA=In~!zlyp and L.L. Komak.
Iny"T'gat'On of the 1~aiz6dFriiitics the C&,rt~Al--R
of a Settling Centrifuge With the ld of hadloaptIve 1.0..... otor6.
125' V*'&"vlchl M'P-- NIT--;hwr&Yaw, and Invest-
Conditions Qalr"ZlOn Of Vat-r-In'Peat Under Laboratory and Field
16 Vith the Use or Radioactive Isotopes 72
-- k"
19"rni '3~unnsP'eirTit-na'alf6MR6Lv*Ur"Sioltt PAdIO"tLw* TAOtOPOO for Invest.
17 T=nik--A.-1., and A.3__Shubln. To
ro; I Us* or Radioactive Isotope,
nvaatlg&t'ng the X*ch"l" Or the Drying rroccea
85 -4y
.- -- - -
I Jet flow of a viscous liquid in a gravitational field. Ucho zape
M-OPI 92193-103 16c. (MIRA 14:9)
One exact solution of linearized Navier-5tokes equations* Uch*
zap. MOPI 92:105-110 '60. (M-IFA 14;9)
(Differential equations, Linear)
ARKHANGELISKIY Mikhail Mikl~a lovich-, PAVLENKOI A.A., dots., rets6n-
yj Aq _
zent; BESSONOV, I.I., dots., retsenzent; CHEBOTMWA~ A.V.,
red.; KARP(YVA, T.V.$ tekhn. red*
[Course in physics; mechanics) Kurs fiziki; mekhanika. Moskvao
Gos. uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo N-va prosv. RSFM, 1961. 1+07 pe
(MM 25:2)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstwenMy universitet (for Pavlenko).
2. Kirovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (for Bessonov).
APAHANGELISKIY Mikhail Mi"ovigh; SHEBALIN., Oleg Dmitriyevich;
KRUSHEIR, MuTfflaucrmyy red.; FAYNBOYF, I.B., red.;
ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye., takhn. red.
(Mysteries of the earth are revealed in space] Tainy Zemli
raskryvaiutsia v kosmose. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963.
45 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IX Seriia: Fizika i
khimiia, no.11) (MIRA 16:7)
(Geodetic satellites) (Meteorological satellites)
(Astronautics in navigation)
ACC NRs A*016237 S E CODE: UR/66
el M. M.; Volkov, H. A.~
TITLE: On~ i14"669nIftobydrodynamic theory of the eleAric conduct~~ty of iwtals
BMM: We zhe Fizika, Abs. 11W91
PAP SOUMM: Vch. zap. Mosk. obl. InS. in-ta, v. 147, 1964, 241-244
TOPIC SO: mgneto*rdrodynamics, electrild' conduction, current d~naity, supercon-
dwtivity, electrJo field
.'ABBt=: To calcul4e th lectric conductivity of metals in a strong magnetic
iqmtions of etobydrodynami
le]Ai the cs are used. Under certain simplifying
_suaptions,-Ahese equations are integrated in two particular cases: infinite strip'
finite thickness,-and infinite;y cylindrical conductor of specified radius. The
and electric
-current distribution over the-thickness of the plate and-i
-aver the~~dius of the cylinder obtained in this manner are quite compLicated) so
-tbat on3.Y the differential connection between the current density and the electric
.:---.fie1d,1jftensity cc-n be established (the electric conductivity coefficient depends on ;.5
'.;-tho'coordinates). In the limiting case of an infinitesimally thin plate and and
infinitesimally narrow cylinder, Obm's law is satisfied. A qualitative explanation
of the destruction of superconductivity of metals by a magnetic field is presented I
-~~'onl the basis of inclusion of magnetobydrodynamic effects. G. Kvintsell. (Transla-
-tion of abstract)
P. Cwd 1/1 rnc-
L 10753-67
liNkc) JD
SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/b5/000/012/BG02/BO02
AUTHOR: -Arkhangellskiy, M. M.-,Volkov., R. A.
[TITLE: On the magnetohydrodynamic theory of electrical conductivi , in metals
~SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12B7
REF SOURCE:. Ucb. zap. Mosk. obl. ped. in-ta, Y. 147, 1964, 241-244
TOPIC TAGS: magnetohydrodynamics, electric conductivity, stronK magnetic field,
superconductivity Y
ABSTRACT: Magnetohydrodynamic ~quatiqn~L are used for calculating the electrical con-
ductivity of metals in a strong magnetic field. Various simplifying assumptions are
made in integration of these equations in two special cases: an infinite strip of
finit-a thickness and an infinite cylindrical wire of a given radius. The resultant
distrIbution of the magnetic field and density of the electric current with respect to
the thickness of the plate and radius of the cylinder has a rather complex Ibm so t1idt.
it is possible to establish only a differential relationship between the current den-
sity and the strength of the electric field (the coefficient of electrical conductivity
depends on the 6oordinates). The limiting cases of an infinitely thin plate and an in-
finitely narrow cylinder conform to Ohm's law. Consideration is given to magnetobydrc
dynamic effects as a basis for a qualitative explanation of the phenomenon of destruc-
tion of the superconductivity of metals by a magnetic field. Bibliography of 5 titles.
G. F. Kventsell. [Translation of abstract]
A Card
I fill It 110111111141116 It I it a
th'it-i k-joi-I'Ma teit u u Jim a it N me do A
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110 Applietil Xhioy. V~hj anJ Plions .4,eirding (l."tingrady 23, Itiv
*0 1RLL-win); *-'-N) 2 In linglish -1huing Fitirning the 414ily iwmw in iwg~ tnatlet and""
IhCfiU%l%t t%ACh4MtatV j1%A%Ct ill tht (11% GIC WVd than in 1114 VOWU We fitWf. Tbr
I,wmvr Jww% a highirt final W contmi abile itit proltin, a4h and (vl1uhPw Mitrnvs art
alllower. rhecheni .00
so frino that of the )it In thir inintature qt,41q. K v. ritivAmm
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4 1 0 1 a I It if V 11 It If w If a to a It H a )d 23 h V a 0; A) 11 V U jib III! xffa; 4, ua a 43 CID
11~; 00
The Choullodl cumpa-ilion 1-1 Ilia o*( atoll' 11"'I III* otimtsy
~flltiple in the evaluation of the variety. Ni
Gematei J%f.;f
W Botany
Bull. Ap 0
IM-212(in Luglish IV)
, 1
) tkr
, 1
T .
he asked graia of hulled oatJ allioug x)nlc
varieties is just u high and in suine cases even highef in
00 nutritive %-Wuv than "litat. eqn-cially with telarittv to
lie nutritivr value Of u%Ls is expressed
I pruivin and tat. I
i%jetuil Of valurific value. J. S. ]Offe
of J
06 ;A 0
,e W coo
i .00
its 0
U WAY POW, l p D 9. tI a 5
I ft 44 Stittill KIVU UNKLOn Iii
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1) k ,
~1873 ARKHADGELISM I. F. Opyt nravnitellnogo izucheniya
~ -M~--
transpiratsionnogo. koefitsi-y6nta lyall-ernantsii, perilly
i 11na mislichnogo. Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch.
proni-sti, iryp- 7j, 1949j 3- 7-13- - Bibliogr: 10 nazv.
30; Letopis' Zburnallnylth Statey, Vo. 29, Yoskva, 1949
USSR /I Cultivated Plants. Technical. (ILeaginous. L-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 6., March 1957., No 22794
Author : Arkhangelskiy, M.P.
Inst : Not given
Title : Biological Characteristics of Lallemantia (Lallemantia
iberica Fisch. et Mey).
Orig Pub V sb~: 8-ya nairh. konferentsiya 18-20 marta 1954 g-,
Kiev, Selkhozgiz USSR, 1955, 21-24
.Abstract The Tiork enumerates the biological characteristics of lal-
lemantia, which were studied by vegetational and field ex-
periments under Krasnodar conditions during 1936-1941 and
1947-1948. The experiments proved that lallemantia may be
cultivated on different soils: podzol, chernozzim and saline.
Card 1/2
USSR / Cultivated Plants. Technical. Oleaginous. L-5
Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 6, March 1957, No 22794
Abstract :Its yield is increased considerably by use of mineral and
organic fertilizers. Varieties of Iberian lallemantia beha-
ve like typical summer cultivations, but its sprouts may
winter over when sown before the winter. The vegetative
period lasts from 60 to 92 days. When a sufficient supply
of soil moisture and nitrogenous ferti-lizers are present,
its yield is high. The comparative tests of lallemantia
at 8 testing sectors of Kiev., Kirovograd,, Vinnits, Khmel-
nits and Sumsk r *ons showed that a yield of lallemantia
oil up to 459 kg7hlectare is possible.
Card 2/2
............ ~
"Certain Reflex Changes During Del.%yed Sequelae of Spinal Cord Trauma." Carxi
Med Sci, Saratov State Medical Inst, Un Higher Education -iSFSR, Saratov, 1955.
(KL, No 18. APr 55)
SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Surv,3v of Scientific and Teelmical Dissertations
Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16).
'k V_' AV!, i~~
AUTHOVS :Arlihangellskiy, M.Ye.,,Afanaslyev, V.Ya. .
TITLE: An Investigation of the Photodiffusion Method of Visualisa-
tion of Ultrasonic Fields (Issledovaniye fotodiffuzionnogo
metoda vizualizatsii ul'trazvukovykh poley)
PERIODICAL: Akust' h 1, ZtLurnal, 1957, Vol.III, Nr 35 pp.214-219
(and 1 plate3stgSR)
ABSTRACT: The photographic method of visualising ultrasonic fields
was first proposed by Torikai and Neigishi in 1955 (Ref.2).
The present paper gives a description of the experiments
which were carried out in an attempt to photograph the
'Icross-section" of the field of a.radiator. The film was
placed in a special cassette, having thin rubber walls and
dontaining a Kodak D-19 developer. The film was placed
with its plane perpendicular to the direction of propagat-
ion of the sound and was exposed for up to about 120 sec.
The blackening of the film D(t) was plotted as a function
of exposure12 t , at a frequency of 2- Me/zand an intensity
of 0.23 W/cm and a distance of 4 cm from the radiator. The
temperature of the developer was about 210C. The blackening,
of the film was measured on a densitometer and a micro-
photometer. The quantity AD which is defined as the
Card 1/3
An 1~vestilgation of the Photodiffusion Method of Visualisation of
Ultrasonic Fields.
difference between the blackening of the image and the
background is plotted as a function of exposure and differ-
ent concentrations of the developer in Fig-7. Curves of
the functions AD(t) can be used to choose the optimum
conditions for obtaining maximum contrast in the given
range of intensities. At lower concentrations of the devel-
oper and a corresponding increase in the exposure t the
contrast of the image increases considerably (i.e . $im~b
increases). Various other quantitative details are given.
Intensities of 0.25 to 0.3 W/cm at a frequency of 2 Mc/s
should be photographed with exposure times between 60 and
90 sec and developer concentrgtions between 0.33 and 0.2.
For fields less than 0.1 W/cm!- the maximum concentration
should be used and exposure times less 2than 40 see. Photo-
graphy of fields greater than 0.3 W/cm should be carried
out with a developer concentration between 0.33 and 0.2 and
exposure time less than 60 sec, the exposure being smaller
the greater the intensity. The threshold sensitivity was
found to be about 0.05 W/cm2. For some reason old photo-
graphic papers (3 to 10 years old) were found to have a
Card 2/3 somewhat lower threshold of sensitivity. The resolving
An Investigation of the Photodiffusion Method of Visualisation of
'Ultrasonic Fields.
power of the photodiffusion method is determined by two
factors: the transverse diffusion of the developer into
the photo-layer and the presence of constant flow due to
sonic wind. The second factor is the more important and
can only be determined experimentally. L.D.Rozenberg is
thanked for his help and advice. There are 8 figures, no
vables and 2 references, 1 Russian and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION:Institute of.Ac-ousties, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow
(Akusticheskiy Institut AN SSGR, Moskva)
SUBMITTED: February 19, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
the fine structure of the iono-
Experimental invefibigation of
sphere. Vest.VIrak*un.Ser.mat*jmekhvp astrone, fiz.,khim. 12
no,2:75-83 '57- (MIRA 10:12)
l.Kafedr-- rasprostranenlya, izlucherdya i kanalizatsii elektro-
magntomykh voln Mookovskogo universiteta.
ot V%. r
ot 0
he r0 0
A6 0~ a
0i 'bl 'tea '01 O'evis
0 .101 1.6r9. ty~_s 'aac
7- L~
'PT 305 665 'vNe
tv a, sto.
#19 '08
Ote alsea
a It COA
6 016VO*', SXIW. -~ Joe Us
4) 4u4, t;-c
. . e.
PT4 Ica G as IVNOI
lgko to 5 t~c 0 scl~
TWO v.0010 10 tt"L 0 JOT
6 OT jfe )p
dAt IA,2 eta-t, ~.Ou
SCSI 4pf. ~~66 ej~Cll
O.Ce. 9-U, IIJ egly.86
Jet two ON a _AU36N . 0u.
,age - OVA .1010 ~.O%L jAQ_ -091Cd lei
INC 0016 it 'b1 T as S'4.f a 'e*l US rT tao - 00-41 5.1a
0,0 &e V '01 T&TO tw S$V~ OIL k,0.
vrol ~al Tvkl& %011'5a
.00 06%,61%
atea as"-
1~0'~i v r, PNIN 9;04 tlM
t OTO 1 4,0
stot -b tea
cc~q ise 0.000, Tat's ;hsV, I 'eve.
'a's 00,9 %OVO .0oss . 'JeTs r C,
to a0 jt4n*0 SS . Go
4~.ql%r a~p . I j~ax 'OT C)N
'00 as v 0 , 0.
0 V,.%C
a all
S OV/46-5-3 -~I 4/3 2
On the Effect of Sound on tho Process of Diffusion from a Liquid into a Gal
was the local rise of temperature. The diffusion of the developer into ifto
emulsion is accelerated as followas the sound pressure during oni hilf-
period helps the liqutd to penetrate the gel and expands "p-)res" in th-)
gel. xho developer is then bound to the gel by adsorption.or othar forcf.,s
and does not flow out during the following half-poriod of the app-li",,'
acoustic field. There are 1 figure and 7 references, 3 of which arc Sovi-est,
1 translation from English into Russian, 2 Hungarian and I German.
ASSMUTIOIT-Akusticheskiy institut All SSSR, Moskva (Acoustics Institute, Ac. Sc. USSR,
SUEMITTED: May 16, 1959
Card 2/2
-29-/100 B014/ n014
1UTHOR: Arkhaniel'skiy, K. Ye.
TITLEt The Accelerating Effect of Sound on the Development of a
PERIODICAM Akueticheskiy zhurnalp 1960, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 180-186
TEXT3 In the introduction, the author refers to the method of Vi"alL
observation of ultrasonic fields which has been suggested by himself and
V. Ya. Afanaslye (Ref. 6). Fig. 1 shows two pictures of standing ultra-
sonic waves. The present paper reports on further experiments made to
clarify the acceleration ofthis process. The experiments were made with
Hungarian copying paperat 3 MO/s. The method applied is described'in
Ref. 6. In a detailed investigation the author studied the dependence of
the blackening on the time of development at different ultrasonic:
intensities and the effect of local heating on the blackening (Fig. 2).
The acceleration of the development was found to depend on the variation
of sound pressure and not on sound intensity. From this the author
concludes that the accelerating effect of sound is related to a decrease
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Arkhangel'skiy, M, Ye.:, P;.,.us,, G. N.
TITLE: Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on
the Diffusion of an Electrolyte in Gelatin Gel \
PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal., 1960, Vol, 6, No. 3. pp, 278-283
TEXT: This paper deals with the effect of ultrasonic waves upon the dif-
fusion of the colored electrolyte (CaSO ) in gelatin gel. The authors stu-
died ultrasonic waves of low intensity 4(0.2 - 0,4 w/cm 2) in the frequen-
oy range from 500 kilocycles to 9 megacycles, They intended to confirm
the hypothesis that the diffusion of the electrolyte can be accelerated
by exposing the entire diffusion system to ultrasonic waves. Besides,
they aimed at determining the factor characterizing the specific effecr.
of the sound field upon the.process of acceleration. The block diagram
of the experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. The diffusion front
was examined under a microsc W, e and by means of an eyepiece micrometar
of the type AM-9-2 (AM-9-2?(total magnificationi 57-fold). The sound
intensity ~%as measured with a point receiver of titanium, which was con-
Card 1/3
Investigation of the Effect of Ultrason7-,.-. 13/017/ YX
Vibrations on the Diffusion of an BlectrolyteBo 13/B063
in Gelatin Gel
nected to the oscilloscope (12) by means cf an amplifier (13). A concentrat.
ed solution of blue vitriol prepared at 200C served as a diffusing sub-,
stance. Pig. 2 shows some microphotographs of blue vitriol diffusion in
gelatin gel, which were taken during two examinations of different length
ta - 200 sec; b - 500 sec), At the beginning of the experimental series
the authors found that the experimental -results varied under equal cond-1
tions. A two-month observation of Jhe experimental conditions has sho,,~n
(Pi6,. 3) that the distance covered by the diffusion front depends on the
relative moisture and the atmospheric pressure. To reduce these effects,
'the results of 8-10 measurements were statistically averarred. The ultra-
sonic vibrations in the frequency range examined were found to aocelerait5.~
the diffusion of the electrolyte in gelatin gel with 7Vf1 water by 15%.
The specific factor responsible for the acceleration of diffusion is a
variable sound pressure which effects 60'~~ of the increase of the path cf
the diffusion front obtained by exposing gelatin gel to ultr~isonic wave&.
The remaining 40% goes to the "sound wind'! (145fj) and to the heating of
the sample within the ultrasonic field ( 125%). The values obtained ccrre--
spond to the values f3und by Tamas and Tarnoczy (Ref. 2) for the
Card 2/3
Investigation of the Effect of Ultrisonic cj/"-46/60/006/003/'013/017/Xx
Vibrations on the Diffusion of an Electro B013/B063
lyte in Gelatin Gel
acceleration of diffusion of the electrolyte with a cellophane foil under
the action of ultrasonic waves (Figs. 5-7). The authors thank -L~ D~
Rozenbe g for his interest in this work. There are 7 figures nnd 8 ref--
erences: 6 Soviet, 1 German, and 1 Hungarian.
ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, jg~~skva
(Institute of Acoustics AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: April 14, 196o
Card 3/3
A U'll H OR: Arkhangel Iskiy, M. Ye.
TITLE: Change in the diffusion coefficient of a heterogeneous
system under the action of.ultrasonics
PERIODICIL.- Akusticheskiy zhurrial, v. 8, no. 1, 1962, 49 - 55
TEXT: The author studied microscopically the changes in a diffusion
system in an ultrasonic field which accelerates the diffusion of an
electrolyte (concentrated solution of copper sulfate solution) into a
-elatine gel. The diffusion equation aC/8t = D(a c/aS2) (1) is
approximately solved by C ~~(C /2) [1 -,y(S/2YD,--tl (3) by taking
2 2
account of the initial conditions C C fol. S,, 0 and t = 0) and also of the boundary condition D (ac /as) - D (ac /as)
1 1 2 2
for 5 = 0 and t> 0 if the concentration of the diffusing substance depends
only slightly on DV C and C are copper vitriol concentrations in the
1 2
solution and in the gel respectivelyl D 1 and D2 are the diffusion
Card 1/3
Change in the diffusion...
coefficients in the solution and in the gel, respectively. Besides C /C
1 2
k where t--,,oo. (3) also holds in an ultrasonic field if influence exerted
by sound pressure and acoustic field on diffusion is negligible.
S - 26;-`t-,~(C - 2C (4) follows from (3) where A
0 gel is the inverse
functional dependence with respect to The experimental dependence S
is well described by M- When tbe gel sample is directly aubjected to
ultrasonic Irradiation diffusion is accelerated in the same way as when
the sample is irradiated from the side of the diffusing medium. This
acceleration is determined by the change of the temperature dependent
-U/RT where U is the activation energy
diffusion coefficient D 2 . D 10 (5
VD t.,\e(c 2C -U/2RT
of the diffusion in kcal/mole. S = 2 )-e (6)
1 0 gel
follows from (4) with (5) wher the temperature dependence is determined
practically exclusively by e -U72RT. The experimental temperature
dependence of the path S covered by the diffusion front is well described
by (6). A similar result is obtained from the experimental dependence of
3 on the intensity of the sonic oscillations at the frequency of 2
Card 2/3
-.1 1---'1-,---."""-,-.,-
Conversion of ultrasonic surface vibrations into the rotary
forward motion of a body. Akast. zhur. 9 no-3:275-278 16),
(MMA 16:8)
1. Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR Moskva.
(Ultrasonic waves) (Disks, Rotating)
.... .I-
Sonosensitivity charaoteristiab cr some photographic materials.
Akust. zhur. 9 no.1:1-4 163. (KMA .16:5)
1. Akusticheakiy institut AXSSSR, Moskva.
(Photographic sensitometry)
ACCESSICN NR-, AP3005628 S/0046/63/009/0,03/0376/0378
AUTHOR- Arkhangeliskiy, M.. Yo.
TITLE: The effect of ultrasonic waves on exposed and unexposed photosensitive
SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zburnal, 9, no. 3, 1q63, 3706-378
TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic waves, photoserMilve 11svers, diapositive film, Tho+ogrpphic
ABSTRACT: Ultrasonic energy may affect the rhoto!zraphic T)rocess G4 J.ther by speed--na
up the pln-sicochendcal processes dur"rF, wet developmept of the photographIc rpterial
or by creatincr a Intent image. The author hns exTerimented on the effect of ultrA--
sonic frequencies of 3 megacycles on tho ee,,,elonnnc~nt of unexposed dia-positive film,
in No. 44 developer (V. P,, V-ikulin. 'Potoi-'etsepturriy*y sprAvochnik dlya fotolyu-
bite-ey. Y., Iskusstvo, 1958). During irrp6--;F,,,Jon of unexposed film in viater or in
the eeveloping solution by very intense ultraFonic enargy, so that, cavitation occ=,
a latent photogrepl-ic image ray actuplly appear because of ultrasorvic lur-M.nescence,
even for very short periods of exposure to sound (on the order of several rd.nutes)
When the same photographic mpterials are acted on by ultrasonic energies having
intensities below the cavitation threshold, an image may be obtained in the develop-
er only after a considerable length of exposure to the jound (tens of minutes) .
This I'latent image" is the result of speeding up the fogging process in the photo-
.sensitive layer when it is in the ultrasonic field. Zithout, this, the process is
noticeably slowed down. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table.
ASSOCIATICK: Ak-astichaskiy institut M SSSR, Moscow (Acoustical Institute AN SSSR)
SUDIUTTEDs 28Sep62 DATE ACQs 27Aug63 EX CL: 00
SUB CO;E., PH* NOW SM 003 OTHER: 004
Effect of softening of a photosensitive layer in the direct visu-
alization method. Akust. zhur. 9 no.4:481-482 t63. (MIRA 170)
1, Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva.
'ACCESSION M AP4025735 S/0046/64/010/001/MW0112
'AUTHORS: Arkhan el I 2~~M.J%j Ser.-,eyeva, K. Ya.
.,TITLE: Role of ultrasonic cavitation in reducing hydraulic fluid viscosity,
SOURCEt Akustichaskiv zhurna13 v. 10) no. 1, 196h.,/13.l-n2
ultrasonic cavitation draulic fluid, viscosity, lovi-molecular
polymerization, erosion., A 'abiond.1 ero;ion; ultrasonic concentrator
,polymer,, de. chvit
ABSTIRACT: The authors give exporimental results of determining the role of 1 7
icavitation in We &op inviscosity or hydraulic fluid uffier the influence of
A volume of the hydraulic fluid AM-10 of about 30 cm3 is exposed
to sound for 60 minutes at a frequency of 500 kUoheAz In the focus of a sphericaV
;concenAurator 'Lor certain stress values corresponding to various amounts of int n-
;sity, according to the scheme shown in Fi-a 1 on the Encaosures The container 1
whose bottom is a tjAn sound-penetrable film 20 is f illed with the fluid 3 and
placed in anu3:eradbnic.concentrator h so that the focus of the latter coincides
j'with the center of the fluid. Before and after-sound exposure,, a Penkevich
viscosimeter Is usiA to measure tti6 viscosity in centi-Stokes to within 4 3%9 In
iACCESSION NRI AP3005617 ~/604~/63/069/00~/02 5/027i
!ATJTHORt Arkhangellskiy, M. Yo.
iTITLEt Transformation of ultrasonio surface oooillations into rotational and
Itranslational motion of a body
SOURCEs Akustioheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 3, 1963, 275-278
TOPIC TAGS: translational motion, metallic disk, stopped.concentra tor, ultrazonio
machine 4770, stability, microscope MG, flexural oscillation, mechanical contact
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon has been studied where a metallic, disk interacts with thp
surface edge of an ultrasonically oscillating, stepped concentrator. A brass disk
is freely positioned on a, stepped concentrator which is subjected to longitudinal
oscillations at 17-7 Kc frequency by an ultrasonic machine, model 4770. The i
stability of the disk along the concentrator surface is then observed. Three
different rotationli and/or translations are observed on the diskt depending on its
initial position relative to the concentrator shoulder. Using an MG microscope
(265 time magnification), the oscillations of the concentrator surface edge are
observed and found to be longitudinal and flexural in nature. A flexural oscilla-
tion wave velooit-j of 1030 W/seo is observed on a 6-4 cm steel rod. An experimentsa:
of the contact tween the disk and the concentrator indicates the
st'l point be
!-ICCESSION -N-R-:---,A-P,3-0-0,5-6-,I--7---,---
Ineces'sity of a oontinuoun mechanical contact between those two surfaces to ensure i
!trans lation-rotation corrfe.-eion of the concentrator rod osaillational moti )n to the
'!disk itself. Orig. a&.It has' 4 figures.
1ASSOCIATIONz Akuatiobes',Uy institut.0 SSSR, Moscow (AcousSics Institute AN SSSR)
SUBIaTTM- 12M=63 DATE ACQ:' 27AU963 ENCL: Od:
AUTHORS: ArkhapAel1skiy,_.&.; Babayev, hi.; Gladkov, M.; Yellyashevich.j
T.-I MumyshRW, AT-j-Kuzyatir., G.; Kuliyev, S.; Moveesov, N.;
Popov, A.; Portnoy, T.; Riznik, A.; Serova, Ye.; Tarasov,
A.; Tulin, V.; Shishkin, 0.; Shkollnikov, B.; Shturman, L.;
Chesnokov, V.; Efondizade, A.
TITLE: Candidate of Technical Sciences K.N. Kulizade (Kandidat
fekhnicheskikh nauk K.N. Kulizade) The 50th Anniversary
of His Birthday and the 25th Anniversary of Hie Scientific,
Engineering, and Teaching Activity (K dnya
rozhdeniya i 25-letiyu nauchnoy, inzhenernoy i pedagogi-
cheskoy deyatelinosti)
PERIODICAL: Energeticheskiy Byulleten'l 1958, Nr 5, pp 23-24 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a short biography written on K.N. Kulizade, Can-
didate of Technical Sciences and well-known Russian author
of more than 40 articles and monographies. The titles of
some of his books are: "Electric Current Supply in Oil
Fields", "Protective Grounding of Electric Installations
in Oil Fields", I'Eleotrio Equipment for the Drilling of
Oil Wells", I'Increase of the Power Factor in Oil Fields",
Card 1/2 "Economy of Electric Energy and Norming of Electric Current
-- -- -41
Candidate of Technical Sciences K.N. Kulizade. The 50th Anniversary of
His Birthday and the 25th Anniversary of His Scientific, Engineering,
and Teaching Activity
Consumption in Oil Fields".
There is 1 figure.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Bio-rephies-Kulizade, K.N.
ARKWGEL -SKIY, N. (Kuybyshev)
Account for labor expenditures more accurately. Sots. trud
8 no.2:108-111 F 163. (MMA 16:2)
(Kuybyshev Province-Building materials industry--Accountin#)
Arkhangellskiy, Nikolay Alekseyevidi., and Boris Illich Zaytsev
Avtomaticheskiye tsifrovyye mashiny (Digital Computers) Moscow., Goo, izd-vo
fiziko-matematicheakoy lit-ry, 1958. 125 P. (Series: Populyarnyye lektsii
po matematike, vyp. 28) 50,000 copies printed.
Ed.: A.A. Konoplyankin; Tech. Ed.: Ye.A. Yermakova.
PURPOSE: The booklet is intended for secondary school students and for the
general reader interested in computers.
COVERAGE: The authors discuss in layman's terms nev high-speed computing
techniques 9-nd their possible utilization in solving difficult scientific
porblems, and in the automatic control of industrial and other processes.
The authors outline the fundsmentals-of design of electronic digital com-
puters and of programming operations. The book is illustrated with several
drawings and photographs. TLe Appendix gives technical specifications of
18 Soviet and non-Soviet computers including the IMSM, Strela, M-2, Ural,
and the STsM. The authors thank Professor A.A. Iyapunov. No references are
Card l/
Digital Computers SOV/3325
1. Logical.unit 43
2. Arithmetic unit 51
3. . Storage unit 56
4. Tn-put and output units TT
5. Control.. ef working order 8o
Ch. IV. Progr ing and Computation of Problems
1. Instruction3 84
2. Programming problems for digital computers 88
3. Problem procedure for progremming and solution with the digital com-
puter 101
Ch. V. Non-arithmetical Uses
1. General considerations. Computer fo~: playing chess 110
2. Cybernetics and electronic digital computers 115
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 313
Automatische Ziffernrechenmaschinen, von Ark-
hangellskiy und B.I. Zaytnev. Berlin, DVW, 1960.
130 p. diagrs., tables.
Translated from the Russian "kvtomaticheskiye
tsi-frovyye inashiny," Moscow, 1958.
-1WASUrsam- "riai A" ,
Intrathoracic wound of the thoracic duct. Sov.mnd. 21 Supplement:
23 '37- (MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz Glavnogo-voyennogo gospitalya ime-ai akad. U.N.Burdenko
~Wz- ITJ4ij AflFtPUMSM o rod*
[Goolqw amd the bUUry of, UL: dmlc;noft of the anutem
slop of tba ~~~ Satthwu Umls; Bxv~beWAnok Loww -
Fhlao=ia ],Go -- otramle I IstarmA
=. zvltucL vwtodulogo okUm lUsbwp Um3a; BrodiuWtooo
GbqLUbdnsjdj n4mbrovalwudaldi alWitoftto Svoildlankip
1965o 1(0 N Wm&wjSA muk SSSR, UmilaM Mja4
Svaaovok. XfttitUt ipaogft. UU47s WoV 0m lots)
35961 maastrikhtskV yarus na vostoch nom sklone srednego urala..
zapiski urallskogo-,geoli; O-va, vyp. 2, 1948, S. 65-70-
bibliogr: 12 nazv.
SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey. No. 49. 1949
51tratigraphy and tectonics of-Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic
d6posIts of the eanthern edge if the Umls in tha,Serov-Iydal'
region. Trudy Gor.-geol,Inst,.no,22:34-63 153. (HLRA 70)
(Sr,;rov iegiou--Gsolog7, Str-W4graphio)
(Ga.ology, Stratigra~hia--Serov region)
(1,rdell regi on-Geology, . St rat igraphl-o)
(Geology, Stratigraphio-IvAell region)
Post-Paleozo,ic tectonics of the eastern slope of the Urals and the
trans-Ural region. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 20 no.3:36-47 Mjr-Je 155.
(Ural mountain region-Geoloff, Structural) Mak 8:9)
Mess oic strati aphy of the eastern slope of the Urals.
Trudy Gor.-geol. inet. UYAN SSSR no.51:47-59 160.
(MIU 13:9)
(Ural Mountains--Geologr, Stratigraphic)
Basic problems of the geology of Mesozoic formations on the
eastern elope of the Urals. Trudy Gor*geoloiwtUFAY =t
noo6:3-22 160. (Ural Nbuntains--Geology) (KWA 14:10)
Recei,+, data on Triassic bauxites on the eastern slope if the Urals.
Dokl. ikii SZSR 140 no.4:916-918 0 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Gorno-geologicheski-y Institut Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR.
Predstavleno akadem1kc,m NoM.Strakbovym.
%'Uml Mountains_-Bauxite)
Gen+actonic principles of prospecting for moist important minerals
in Mesozoic loritations on t1a eastern slope of the Ural Mountains
and'trans-Ural Mountain region. Trudy last. geol. UFAN SSSR no.63t
' .1-93 162.. (MIRA 16t12)
Now bauxite-bearing-formation~inthe eastern slope of the Ural
Mountains and thd prineipleg'of'predicting the occurrences of
Mesozoic bauxites. Trudy,Iftst. geol. UFAN SSSR no.63:95-112 162.
(HM 16s12)
RAYITUT, Yu.V., otv. red,; ARKMGELISK1 -I)'.N..I~ red., EPMOVICH,
V.L., red.; IT"T IS red.; SHTEYNBERG, D.F., red.
(deceased); SHC12RBINGVSKIY, N.S.., red.; YAKOVIEV, B.V.,
red.; POVOLOTSKAYA,-K.L., red.; SUSHKGVA, L.A., tekhn.
red.; VOLKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red.
[Scientific principles in crop protection] Nauchnye osnovy
zashchity urozhaia. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 246 p.
(MIRA 17: 1)
1. Vaesoyuznaya akaderdya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im.
V.I.Lenina. 2. Institut fiziologii rasteniy im. K.A.
Timiryazeva AN SSSR, Moskva (for Rakitin). 3. Institut evo-
Iyutsionnoy fiziologii im. I.N.Sechenova AV SSSR, Leningrad
(for Yakovlev). 4. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR,
Moskva (for Metlitskiy).
(Crop yields)
Age of the laterite weathering surface in the eastern slope
of the Urals and the prqMostication principles of ancient
weathering surfaces. Kors, vyvetr. no.5:157-168 163.
(MIRA 16:7)
1. Gorno-geologiches'kiy institut Urallskogo filials. AN SSSR.
(Ural Mountains-Weathering)
Georgly '-"oya 'I", iuVna; ;&HUMISKIT,
NeDoz,-Ar; an (1 1, al -, C, geP eit rL'*;! I,zi i!l t ~ It - - RZ ! -vi of the T~ rin A
key well in tbe Comti--Q, U-,:-~J MounU-'.rsj. N'--a-Takis i paleogs-
noirye c,-r,!,;zh-2nUs ra'.-~n:j Tur.-nA,31 oporptc, skvazhiny v Tre&,az
Za-u -:0t ~m-rilov~-ksl 9"! -7. (Akadam!1a,nauk WAM Urall'skil.
Mial" ~nstitL:I. geologli. Trudy, no.~8)
(NIIIRA 17 87)
Tectonic regularities in the location of minerals in tJw Mesozoie
on the.eastern slopeof the Urals and fi the trand-UL*I-region,
Zakonom. ra2m. polezn. iskop. 5:464-482 162. (NIRA 15:12)
1. Gorno- eologicheakiy,institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR.
Mal MountairA iegion-Geology, Economic)
rADY11KIN. V.A., sootavitell; ARKHANGELISKIY. I.E., redaktor.
[Opsi-ation of the starting and control apparatus of ths KAB 130-kilowatt
electric drill.motorl Itabota puekoregaliraluahchel apparatury burovogo
elektrodvigatelia HAB moshchnostliu 130 k-wi. LSostavleno brigadoi V.A.
Yedivkinai Otvetstvannyi redaktor N.K.Arkha.,,AOl'skii1 Moskva, Ugletekh-
izdat, 1945. 4o p. (NT-11A 7:4)
1. Shakhtspetestroy, trust. (Ilectricity in sining) (Kining machinery)
The electrician in the petroleum industry. Moskva, Gow. nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1946. 100p. (Vpomoshchlnovym
kadram neftianoi prOmYshlennosti) (51-17863)
Electrical equimment of the petroleum industry. Moskva, Goa. nauch.-teklin.
izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-l-ry, 1948. 226p. (50-18964)
PA 9-T-102--
Apr 48
Drills Oil Well
.."Blebtromagnetio* Slip Clutcheaiand.Their Use in
lling Maohi B., :K. Arkhangellakiy,
Power Eng Pi3trolem Adm.. pp
,~kn r tByul" No:4.
e ge
Lr_,_16soribes -,p_rino'ip'le,'and oonstruotion of-t hree main
ee.of electromagnetio,sUp olutches.
ailed acooant of Dyrmmtic olutcli used for
drilling oil wells.
I-----,- - I----,---.,--
Automatic regulation of mobile electric power plants. Inerg.biul. no.10:10-14
0 '53. (V--AA 6:10)
(Electric power plants) (Automatic contrpi)
W J~pnatantinovich; BXKKAN,Yu.K., redaktor; TRCFD(OV,
" MR49s"
. -C~ -I.V.. tekWchiikik redaktor
lllectrlq~X equipment uset in oil fields] Illektrichaskos, oborudo-
vanie neftianvkh promysloy. HoskTa, Oog.nauchao-tekha. izd-yo.
neftianoi i gorno-to'pllTnoi lit-ry. 1955- 389 P. (Mln 9:3)
(Petroleum industry-lquipment and supplies)
lectric drill is a means of increasinz toohnolaz-1-1 --A
Mitflyffifffi 1102ful luf fintiff all Ha OR W1111- DIM
blul- wo-2t2-11 7 1-"- *090
a - - i.S.00. 3W
~401.m W~.2.3.
~ -4 T& I IFUM Mg PUPP1101)
Inthener, redaktorj IqKITFM0,, A.A., veduBhchir
redaktor; M=Ia. !!:A., tekhnicheskiy, redak-tora
.[Prilling with electric drills on drill pipes; materials of a
a session of the Scientific and Technical Council] Btrenie elektro-
burom na. trubakh; mateiraly sessii Kauchno-tek-hnietheskogo soveta.
,Moskva, Gos.nauchnd-tekhn.izd-vo neft.1 gorno--toplivnoi lit-ry,
1957, 79 P. [Microfilm] NLRA 10:4)
l..Russia (1923- U.S.Sx) Hinisteretvo neftianoy promyshlonnosti.
Nauchno-takhnicheskilr soveto
(Oil well drilling)
Experisiental Industrial drilling using an electric drill with drill
column. Neft. khoi. 35 no.8:13-19 Ag 157. (MM 10:11)
. (Oil well drilling)
8(5), 11(4) SOV/ I 1Z-59 -.3-50?,o
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p i03 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Arkhangel'skly, N. K.
TITLE: ~The First Experience 17ith""BArilling by an Electric Drill Supplied Over a
"Two-Wire Ground-Return" Circuit
(Pervyy opyt bureniya elektroburom pri pitanii po skherne "DPZ")
PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhn. Neftepromysl. delo, 1958, Nr 1, pp 3-5
ABSTRACT: In the "two-wire ground-return" (ZWGR) circuit, the electric-drill
immersible motor is supplied with 3-phase AC by a 2-conductor cable; the
third conductor is replaced by the drill-pipe column which permits using a
smaller-size two-conductor cable instead of a three-conductor. Drilling of
Nr 1377 (Tuymaza), a 1, 708 -m deep hole by electric drill supplied over a
ZWGR circuit, was completed in September, 1957. Preparations for the
experimental drilling included a special investigation into the safety of the
2WGR scheme for the drilling crew. Tests staged in 1956 at an experimental
hole in Baku showed that the elec,ric drilling inBtallation supplied over a 2WGR
Card 1/2
8(5), 11(4)
The First Experience With Drilling by an Electric Drill Supplied Over a "Two-.
circuit can be considered safe for the drilling-crew personnel if the require-
ments conventional to any electrical installation are ob'served. Experimental
drilling of Nr 1377 hole showed that, despite the worn-out drill and supply
cables and despite a comparatively high voltage on the submersible motor
(1, 650 v and higher), no detrimental influence of the ZWGR scheme upog the
motor insulation or cable i-asu-lation was detected. A certain current asymmetry
in the individual plases was observed within the limits of tolerable volta'ge
asymmetry in the supply lines. To accumulate further experience with 'electric
drill supplied over a ZWRG circuit and to determine more accurate actual phase
load asymmetry, electric drilling of the sec=-d hole, Nr 1391, was begun.
Experimental samples of 2-conductor cables for supplying the drill manufactured
by the "Ukrkabel' " Kiyev Plant will be tested, as well as some actual ZWRG-
scheme parameters; this is necessary for developing methods of asymmetry
L. G. S.
Card 2/2
t4~qv WSTIGNEYEV. Konstantin
_kc~j; Y
Nikitovich; TOMASKPOLISKIY, Leonid Karkovich; SKROVA, Ye.I.,
vedushchiy red.; POLOSINA, A.S.,
(Techniques and economics of electric drilling] Tekhnika i
ekonomika elaktrobureniia. Koskvs, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo
neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 120 p. (MM 12:11)
(Oil well drilling-Equipment and supplies)
MURAV'Tzv. I.M.. Prof.; ARZUMANOT, Sh.K., inzh.: AMUUNMMISKIT, N.K.,
inzh.,; BAZLOV, M.N.. inzh.; (MOBSHTRN,
MMOV, A.I., dotsent, KAKHKUIMOV, N.A., insh.; MOVSZSOV,
N.S., insh.; MURAVITXV, V.M., inzh.; NEGRIM, V.P., kand.takhn.
nauk;.PLOTELI, S.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; PODGORNOV, M.I., insh.;
RUBACHIV, G.R., kand.ekon.nauk; SULTANOV, D.K., inzh.; SHM,
B.O.,-inzh.; SAVM, Z.A., vedushchiy red.; POLOSINA, A.S.,
[Reference book on petroleum production] Sprava'ahnik po dobyche
nefti. Moskva, Gqo,pauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. 11 gorno-toplivnoi
lit---ry. Vol.3. 1960, 712 p. (MMA 13:5)
(Oil fields-Production methods)
Result of a study of problems in increasing deep drilling
efficiency with frequency control of an electric drill.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,; neft' i gaz 3 no.7:21-28 160. (MMA 15:5)
1. Azerbaydzhansldy institut nefti i khimii imeni
M. Azizbekova.
(Oil well drillings Electric)
Increasing the efficiency-of d6e*p drilling with an electric drill.
Neft.khoz. 39 no.1:13-19 l Ja~ .161, (MIn 17: 3)