red.; SHAFETAv S.M.9 tekbn. red.
(The ABC's bf automatic control]Azbuka avtomatyky. Kyivp Derzh-
tekhvydiLV VRSR 1962. iol p. (KIRA 16s1)
Wtaxatic control)
Ivan Ivanovich; 1UNCIMOVA, G.A., red.; IU'IVU..UL;JIRO, P.F.'
(Design of nonlinear autoratic control uyster.-slRaschet nell-
neinykh L-vtoraticheskikh sistem. Kiev, Gostekhizdat UM,
1962. 224 p. (MIRA 15:10)
(Automatic control)
KRINETSKIY, Ivan Ivanovich, kand. takhn. nauk; MORDVINOVA, N.P.0 lnzh.,,
VO-.Ted-.1-6KIRROT-, F.V,, inzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekbn.
(Stand for testing electrical automatic angular velocity control-
lers]Stend dlia ispytaniia avtomaticheskikh reguliatorov skorosti
vraehoheniia elektricheskogo, tipa. Moskva, Filial
nauchn. i tekhn. informataii, 1958. 10 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-
tekhnicheaki.i i proizvodetvennyi opy-t. Tema 42. No.P-58-71/8)
i (MIRA 16:2)
(Automatic control)
(Electric controllers-Testing)
KRINETSKIY, Ivan Ivanovlcl (Krynetslkyit I.I.]o doktot- tekhr!.
[A.B.C',., of automatic control] Azbuka avtoi.,.atyky. Kyiv,
Tekhrika! 1964. 221 p. (MIRA 18:2)
--- ----
U -- FG-K114, A.V.; PINL~T'11Y, 1,1.
Scire general problems of the Invarianze thecry. Avtwa. u~r. I rich. 'Akh.
nu.'6ri7,c,-j.v- 164. (MIRA 17310)
I.I.., doktor tekhn. nauk; KILUTOV, V.I.,, doktor
I - naa'.. prof., retsenzent
(control of internal combustion engines] Regulirovanie dvi-
gatelei vnutrennego sgoraniia. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Mo-
skva, I-1ashinostroenie, 1965. 263 p. (MIRA 18:4)
J~UVIBTSKTv Tvan Ivarovich [Kz-(nets'lyi, I.I.); SPID261Y, A.0.
f-C',ohniiy A.0.), kand. fiz.-r~vit. rviljk, ret,,;erzent
rMan and the cybernetic machine] T11~(lylll i kltRrnetychx~ii
avtount. Nyivj Tekhnika~ 1965- 81, P. (MIRA 18:9)
nT7Tr5TSr.TY, r.'..,- MIDGRAW7, A.A.
Dynamic' characteristics of tLe 7DMH 74/160 main shipts
engine. Sudostroenle no. llt441-48 N f65 OITRA 191l)
KRIBETSKIY, I.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; ORLOV, L.A.
Hydraulic speed governor for marine diesels. Trudy TSNIIMF
no, 62t74-81 165, (KM 18:12)
ACC NRI A116022394 SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/003/Volo/Volo
AUTHORs Krinetakiy, 1. 1.1 Orlovo L. A.
TITLE: Hydraulic speed governor for a marine diesel
SOURCEt Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 3V78
REF SOURCE: Tr. Tsentre n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota, vyp. 62, 1965, 74-81
TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine component, marine engine, diesel engine,
marine engineering, mechanical engineering, speed rogulatorl pre
engine reliability, hydraulic device
ABSTRACT- Hydraulic governors (GR) are divided into two groups: hydrostatic or
volumetric, and hydrodynamic or centrifugal. The principal of operation of the
first group is considered in the Nastenko governor design. All types of GR have
deficiencies of varying degrees of seriousnesal instability, the dependence of the
governor adjustment on the temperature, or on the viscosity of the working fluid.
Instability of the GR in the first group is 15-20%, which is the primary obstacle
to their widespread use. The faculty of the OVIMU [Odessa Higher Marine Engineering
School] h~s developed a design and conducted theoretical research on an indirect
acting GR with a loaded centrifugal sensitive element for high-powered marine
Cord 1/2 ___UDCi__62l..438-522_
ACC NR" A11602"2391i
diesels. The design of this governor is described. Characteristics of GR statics,
the system of differential equations for the dynamics of automatic governing of
operation, the stability, and quality Of governing, are reviewed. The desirability
of further development of the design, and the creation of an experimental In-
stallation, in noted. 6 figures. S. Korzh. [Translation of abstract].
Card 2/2-
ACC NRi AT7002852 SOURCi
AUTHORS: Krinetakiy, I, I.; Orlov, L. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: A study or an indirect action rpm regulator
SOUXE: Nikolayev. Korablestroitelinyy institut. Sudostroyoniys i morskiye
sooruzheniya, no. 3. 1966. Sudovyye energeticheskiyq ustamvki (Ship power equip-
ment), 47-55
TOPIC TAGS: speed regulator, engine control systemsimodels automatic control syltent
centrifugal force, diesel, hydraulic device/ HN-7,electronic model devices 7DKR9
74-160 diesel
ABSTRACT; An indirect action hydraulic regulator with a flyweight centrifugal
sensing elemont was dovoloped, studied, and tested by the Odessa Advanced Marine
Engineering College (Odeaskogo vysshego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha)o Although:
designed for high power marine diesels,* it is also usable on steam and gas turbiness
AC and DC shaft generators, and on other similar equipment. The centrifugal force
on the weight is balanced by the pressure of the fluJd in the casing and in
proportional to the square of the rotor angular velocity, The control action is
accomplished by a linkage fron the regulator piston to the fuel feed. The speed is
Card 1/2
ACC NRt AT7002852
set by varying the tension on the regulator spring. This regulator has all the
i advantages of a mechanical regulator plus additional 'stability which results from
the following featuress the restoring force is linearj the unbalance is a function
only of the regulated speed and, varies more slowly; the periodic movement of the
weight rotating around the horizontal "is creates periodic hydraulic pulses,
reducing the regulator insensitivity to zero. The dynamics of the System is analyzed:
I with the differential equations of the componenta., " typical values for the diesel
7DKRN 74/160 are given. The transient process in this nonlinear system is studied
by generating a harmonic linearization of the nonlineAr elements of the system and byj
applying a Laplace transformation with zero initial cpnditions. The static and
dynamic characteristics,, as revealed by both theoretioal studies " tests on the
electronic model device AN-?$ show that the regulator'is suitable for wide applica-
tion. Orig. art. bass 7 figures and 3,5 forxulas.
SUB CODEs 13# 21/ SUEN DATM was/ OHIO RJW& 006
Cord 2/2
Determination of the electron tranmition moments of the Schumann.
R=ge bands of the oxygen molecule. Part 3. Opt. i spektr. 15
no-5%601-608 N 163. WRA 16:12)
-1, A .
Photoelastic measurements by means of the special artificial resin VP 1h17 as model-
ing materin-1.
p. 105 (Chemicky Prumysl. Vol. 7., no. 2., Feb. Praha, Czechoslovakia)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2,
February 1958
OLIKHOVSKIY, I.A.; ZVERE;V, V.S.; &jjULHAUSKAXA.-L-Aj Prinimali uchastlyes
Tncf;asing the resistance of firebox hearths in steam boilers
- . I
with'11quid slag removal. Oq.Hipupcry 30 no.12 116-19 165.
(MIRA .18s12)
1. Xrasnodarokly MI&I hauchno-iseledovatellakogo Instituta po
montazhnym i spetalalinym atroitellnym rabotam (for Mlkhovskly,
Zverev, Krinichanskaya).
- .......
Preparation of essential oil from dill. HaBl e-zhir. prom. 27
no*3:42-43 Mr 161* (MIRA 14:3)
lo Zolotonosbakiy uVatnyy zavode
(Essences and essential oils) (D12l)
Eseentlal din oil. Obahchent.pit. n0.3--25 Mr 162. (KM 15j-1)
1. Zavoduyushchiy laboratoripy Solotonoshakogo myatwgo savoda.
(Easensea and essential oils) (Din)
EMICHM, G.G. [Krymyohnyi.. H.H.)
Dill essential oilo M2aroprom. no.301-32 n-S 162. MU 1528)
1. Zolotonosbakiy mptW savods
(Fasences and easential oils). (Dill)
Processing of di.U.. Mul.-abir.prom. 28 no-3z40.41 Mr 162.
ODA 15:1.)
1. Zolotonoshakiy nyatnyy zavod.
(Dill) (Essences and essential oils)
I ,
In the Sava Valley. Vokrug ov*ta no.8:29-32 Ag'55. (HIM 8:12)
(Sava VRlley--Description and travel)
X-ray therapy of furunnlea and curbuncles In persons workIng
in dLxVair . Vest. rent. I rad. 38 no.6165-66 N-D 063,
(MIRA 17t6)
'TU-Mill"M"Yyj Yfl. F.
KRI?IlCfffl'[Y, Ya. P.
Bees - Diseases
How I treat foul brood. Pcholovodstvo, 29,
No. 7j 1952.
9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessioni,., Library of Congress, October 194, Uncl.
,I `
A T N 9P ki,5008254 5,'~wY,'/Or)-51003210032
'),"I""nv/ jw
-)-.)n! ri '(Dlr)tukhin, M.
An ra.,3!flfvr for
1',', No. 16A735
1 7.,) br 9 * -,rnr- n k:, v n.
r, I I ~s~iijly 1 to
1;j i I I)xygen, pressure
7h s Au h,) r Ce I- t i f i c a to p r -i 3.3 n. s i~y i), ,19
liqild oxygon un,ler pr-i.-tiwo.
Jnijjqtjon and
-IV-ILI C.V,3:h49qtlng the
i~ prerjn%ure evaporation, Tne-m' '.n -S 8
i !n ~he i-iner cavity "moet Fig. 1,1!1w i- ~~i r, s
-W*T, F, , TU
I 4%y-61 6N(,L t uj
q? q -
Thersooxid.ising degradation of the prasence
of,borlcL-AW.sstsrs. Plast.-W-ssy--no.U&46-0 163.
(MMA 16s12)
AUTHORS: Rozantsevo gel*; KrinitsMLap,,,_~.A.; Troitakaya, L.S.
TITLE: The use of boric acid others an antioxidants for polymeric
SOURCE: Khimicheskaya promy*nhlennoott, no. 3P 1964, 180-.163
TC,PIC TAGS: boric acid atherg aliphatic aromatic diol boratei, anti
oxidant, polymer antioxidant, synthesis, thermal-oxidation inhibito4,
isotactic polypropylenej salicylalcohol acid borateg salicylalcohol.
phenyl boratej thiobisalkylphenol acid borate, thiobisalkylphenol
e UV.Spectrumq oxidation induction period, synergism,
.phenyl borat
free radical inhibitor) volatility, antioxidant stability, toxicityq:
ABSTRACT: Several boric acid others were synthesized and inve3tigat-11
ad as inhibitors of thermal oxidation of isotactic polypropylene*
The acid borates and phonyl borates of aliphatic-aromatic diols
were prepared by heating the diol and boric acid or phanylboric acid,
in benzene or toluene according to the reaction;
C-1d 113
The acid borates and phonylborates or salicylalcohol and of 2#2f-
thio-bis-L-4-nothyl-6-tort buty1j phenol and the salicylalc
borate- clohexanol reacti;n product were synthesized and character-;
ized. Aql were colorless crystalline materials; all were reasonably;
stable except the last product which hydrolysed to the component
borate of salicylalcohol and cyclohexanol. The u.v. spectra of
ron region.
these compounds have a maxima in the 270-290 millimic
CWd 2/3'
When tested as oxidation.induction inhibitors for i3otactic poly-
propylene at 20OCg the borate and phenylborate of 2j21-thio-bis
f-4-methyl-6-tort.butyX_7 phenol were the most effective. The
phenylborate of 3alicylalcohol showed aynergiitic effects when used
in combination with a free radical inhibitor of the type:
140, "A
These boric acid others compared with phosphorous acid ethers as
antioxidant3; but are reportedly more stable at high temperaturest
exhibit low volatility and toxicityg ore compatible with polymers
and soluble in'organic solvents* Orige art* bast 8 figures# 3
equations and 2 formulae*
B CO%- OC NR RXF sort 00) artfsR: 008
E PF c ,';..'IT (m)/EWP(j r - I
AF14044712 S
N R h
:),za:,.tsov, E. G. Krimts,,,va, A.
~rvv m~noxyi rach,_-ai Iii 1,:ie Vt.,!r wo.~
SS:;li. IZVeStl)'a SCI-iV.~ K.i,!
Me e r we; n P,mndo r,f t ~,F fro, r f, -
xr-bony, derivativcz, ,,I ft tl.;;, C. (i
)f tne free vaiei-v. t:i t~ic j.
M-erwein-Ponndorfr P,-v -A,, x R(
ar,d A. V. m er. ifft. LO-64, li,381 &how the free
;44: ~0,4
V as L="
.;t,:netir products). F ree 2. 2. 5 5 - t., t r~, r. t: oxy'.
P,i wi:-, a'o;minum ;sopropy',ate to Itie "I
ime - o xyl, me It ing 125. 5 - i 2 6C ( `rO m ',,e
NR Al"4044712
:,,(-)t he obtained by cataiytic
I I equa,,Orl
Orig art. has
instAt k,
himicheskov fizlki Aiademi, !,aul( of
-'d. Physics, Academy of SciencesSSSR:
21 May64 1,N(-!, 00
SUB CODE: CC NO REF FOV: 00, 07 H F.R. Doo
Y-R I ! 11 1.sym.~ , 1'. , . ;, 1,;.o" IV,I E . G . f. I i-1 - T.!L.141 , 1 11 , p
Synthe:,lo of froa iminooxyl radJr-als rf Lydrogenated ry-ro'ie.
Izv. AN SSSP. !~er. khim.. no-1:115-IL8 165.
0'11FA 18:2)
1. Institut khtudchaskoy flzikl All 33SR.
L 1139-66 &"r(m)/EPF(O)/,IIIP(J)/T/HiP(t)/W(b)/F'XA(c) IJP(c)/kn JD/RK
ACCESSION NRo AP5022593 uR/oiqo/65/bo7/boqA5l5A%.q
AUTHORSt Gurlyanovat To Vol Kovarskays, 8, Me; Krlnitsksyslj~~--s %ty-unt-M--am
TITLZt On the possibility or Initiating the ahain oxidation of p2lM a by
nitroKen oxide radicals
SOURCE: VY5ok molakulyarnyye noyedinenlyn, Y. 7. no. 9. 1965, 1515-1519
TOPIC TAGSs free radical, ZPR, polymerization, hydrazobenzene, free radical
I polymerization
ABSTRACT: The kinetics, activation energies and preexponential factors for six
reactions between six different iminoxyl radical and hydrazobanzenelhave been
determined. The investigation van undertakento :xtend currently a;RUable Infor-
mation on the abstraction of nitrogen-bound hydrogen atom by nitrogen oxide
radicals discussed by H. 0. Neyman, Ya. Go VAmedovas Po Blenke, and A. Lo
Buchachanko (DA1, AN SWRp VAj 3929 1962)9 The radical# studied weres
card IA
L 1139-66
ACCESSION Nits AP5022593 it Oli
Coils oil
CIS, Its
Clio c1l: cIIj\