NA'UHOV, G.K., kandidat-ekonomichoskikh nauk (Kharlkov); SILAM, N.I..
kandidat ekonomichemkikh naulc (Kharlkov): TUCHOVICH. T.K.,
kandidat ekonomIcheskikh nauk (Xharlkoy),- TZLISZ13TA, T.T..
lnzhener..(Kharikov);.~~~-inzhener (Xbarlkov).
Popuiar*11briary-on' the e*c'onomics of railroad transportation.
Zhel. dor. tran�P- 39 no-5:93-96 Ky '57. (KM 10:6)
(Bibliography-Railroad engineering)
NAUMOV, G.K., 1--and.okon.nauk; SIIAYZ7. N.I., kand.okon.nauk; TUCMVICH#
T.H.i kand.okon.nauk; KRIMNUS, G.Kh., kandookon.nauk; YELISITEVA,
T.V., inzh. (Khar'kov4-~`---' '
Necessar7 textbooks for the teaching of economics to personnel.
Zhal. der. transp. 40 no.6:91-94 Je 158. OqiRA 11:6)
XRIMNTJSI a-Xh., kand. ekon. nauk; NAMIDT, G.K., kand. ekon. nauk; SHATIV, U.I.,
kand. ekon. nauk (Kharikov)
"Rolling stock economics" by V.I. Dmitriev. Reviewed by G.Kh.
Krinnue, G.K. Naumov, N.I. Silaev. Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.10:
94-96 0 159. (MIRA 131-2)
(Railroads--Rolling stock)
(Dmitriev, V.I.)
MUTH-Ull, I.B. [doceased]; SIIAYEf, N.1.;_'KUM11US, G.k-h.; NAIUMOV, G.K.;
GEITESIN, A.M.; GRINEM, Ya.F.; MPOVI i.V., inzh., red.; rdITROY,
[Coats of transportation on industrial railroads) Voprosy
sebestoimosti perevozok na promvahlonnom zheleznodorozhnom
transports. Moskva, Ooo.transp.zhal-dor.izd-vo, 1960. 175 P-
(Moscow. Voesoiuznyi nauchno-isolodovateltakil institut
zheleznodorozhnop,o transporta. Trudy. no.185). (MIRA 13.'11)
(Railroads, Industrial--Coot of operation)
ORLOV, V.11., prof; SIIAYEV, N.I., kand.elu)n.nuuk; KRIWIUS, G.Kh., imnd.-el-cn.
nauk; IIAUMOV. G.K., )mnd.ekon.naul:; TUCIEWICH, T.H., kand.ekon.nauk;
KARASIX, V.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; GORDON, Ye.G., utarshi7 prepodavatell
"Transportation economics" by T.S.Khachaturov. Reviewed b7 V.H.Orlov
and others. Zhol.dor.transp. 42 no.10:91-95 0 160. (MIRA 13:10)
(Railroads-Freizht) (Transportation)
(1hachaturov, T.S. )
CJ.Yh, I kind.ekonom.nauk (jr.rdw lk.,,,.
;~Ludy of the traffic flow in the bcsis for an Amprov;;mwit b,, tue
planning of pavsenger trunsfortaticm.
no.4.411,"47 Ap 161. 114 :3)
1. Nuchallnik passazhir3koy sluzliby Yu.zhnoy dorcl--I i~f~Dr
(RailrwAs-Pussenger trafi! ~',
KONIKOV, P.S.t , kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; DONTSOV, A.Ta., inzh.;
YURCHENKO, I.F., lnzh.; ANGELEY"', V.I., retsenzent;
BABENKOO V.I., retaenzent; ZAPREUXIT, G.S., retsenzent;
KRIMN!M. GAL , reteanzent; MANIN, I.I., reteenzent;
-9A_UMOV, G.K., retseneent; TOLSTOSHEY, A.N., retsenzent;
TUCHKEVICH, T.M., retseasent; FEWRETS, V.M., retsenzent;
FELIDMAN, M.F., retsenzent; FRANKOV, CU., retsenzent;
USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red.
[Establishing work norms in railroad transportation) Tekh-
nicheskoe normirovenie truda na zhelesnodorashnom transporte.
Moskva, Tranosheldorizdat, 1963. 366 p. (MIRA 16:9)
(Railroads-Production standards)
MIMr I.V.; PETRUKIRIOVSKri, I.V.'~retsenzent.i 01MRS, G.Kh.
.retsenzent ; HAUMOV, G.l.'retsenzent'; ORLOV, V.N.
retsenzent ; TUCHKEVICH, T.M. retsenzent ; USHAKOV,P.S.
retsenzent ; CHIMUKHA, N.T. retsenzent ; EDELISHTM,
P.G. retsenzent,; KRISHTAL', L.I., red.1 VIMICHENKO,.N.G.,
kand. ekon. nauk) red.; USENKO, L.A.,
[Finance and the financing of railroad transportation]Fi-
nansy i finansirovanio zholezncdorozhnogo transporta. Mo-
Bkvaj Tranazheldorizdat, 1963. 439 p. (MIRA 17:2)
NAUMOV, Georgiy Karpovich, kand. ekon. nauk; KONAREV, Nikolay
Samenovich, inzhq SILAYEV, Nikolay Ivanovich, kand. ekon.
nauk dots.; FERAPONTOV, Gennadiy V'tktorovich, inzh.;
CHERNUKHA, Nikolay Timofeyevich, lnzh.; GOLITS114, Boris
Vasillyevich, Anzh.; KNIMITUS, Grigoriy Kharitonovich, kand.
ekon. nauk, dots.; KOLTUNOVA, M.P., red.
(Economics of railroad freight transportationiFkonomika gru-
zovogo khozialstva zbeloznykh dorog. Moskva, Transport,
1965. 238 p. (MIRA 18:12)
-gd lie- a- Ed
the c(i6c"Ol w-
rfit. temp. of OM'*'~ L'Oll wa,
r Tht rclatifirl 0 C, and th I tu'll). oil O'v li, f
nit the .41). ind tho- Vall del kVa.ik
riefthCr (jlPLll0LatiVf-ly uni qualitativ- 1', t1g, J_ , ii;,:
the crit. paint, which j'j,.j5(-jj ~jjj.. t! r, ( C,:~j
7041d) it tfibute (r, thc-Nuiat;~,n Of addal. ll(itcv. 'I ff---t-
dom &nd mol. Lfc~,wt. lies.- th c crit. voirlt.
~l ~157
C,-!-IuloI;-,.,; -ind PolymcrizatIon
0;cfatkil,illLyl ethers of cellulose and
their copolymerization with sul"ur
dioxide. Zhur. prikl. khm. 25 no. 1
Monthly TiLs I-an Accesi i , LLb La_a
~ of ljia2 km
of Congre3s, Awgust, 1952 U,','CLA.Z;IFIKD
M11 ii
j) N
A=VbW daremilt b AqwrgOAm. It. S.-Knimmvity and V I
140d$"ICh (Mihf*~id. ION, It. *1- 041 - IfIVelloptM 0(
GMYWytk Activity of 21 91mcift -d Aoftogillus thner"I that the"
to strost== a:4rwSaM %. rate of diapproranco f ts"h,
role ut t a diamppearsoco of destrin.. arkt rate ,I 1,.r
matkm of fbaftnw. and even in different strains of one species
""idw W. Ik"lid"m of stamh Otters in two we" (1)
by amykm action as men typicaNyIn A"Idrur Prysar. and (2)
by phmplaorylame action as man t)lAcWly in
K1111ZHTIE I'll, A.B., podpolkowiik moditi-inakoy illuzhb
Changes in the electrocardiogram of flying personnel under the Influence
of flying stress. Voen.-med. zhur. no;5:83-84 My 160. (MIRA 13:7)
2 eu)l
27.6mo D2411/1)306
AUTHOR: Xrimshteyn,,.,.A.,X., Guards Lieutenant Colonel of.Medical
St- i-vIce-s
TITLE; A--method of studying the professional proficiency and
individual attributes of pilots based on their ability
to determine altitude
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 1, 1961, 73 - 74
TEXTs The proposed test Is carried out as follows; The pilot under-
going the examination site in a specially constructed ground cabin
fitted with screenar Onto one of these acreens films of an instru-
ment panel are projected. Onto the other, silhouettes of flying
11 enemy planes". The projections are controlled by the examiner. The
pilot must determine the precise altitude of his "plane" as given
by data on the "projected" instrument panel as well as by the di-
rection of the tlenemy plane" in relation to his own, and communi-
Card 1/3
A method of studying
cates orally the results of his observations to the examiner. The
duration of each series of projections varies from 0.5 to 6 sees.
and is automatically recorded with a precision of up to 0.01; sees.
The oral answers are recorded on a tape. Before the test, the pi-
lot's eyesight may be examined either by means of the AM adaptome-
ter or by the Sivtsev-Golovin reduction tables ZA-bstractor's note:
No description given7. The test begins with the longeot projection
duration which is gradually reduced unt~~l the shortest time is
reached, in which the pilot is able to give correft.t answers. This
time defines the pilot's perception and attentive abilities and the
same time is used in projecting further problems. The whole test
lasts 22-26 minute3,.during which the pLlot has to solve 16-22
problems ZKbstractorle note: These not Dresenteg. A scheme of the
ele^ltrioal installation is given diagrammatically. The main COMPO_
nents consist of 3 filmoBcopes and a contact electric olo--k MCh-62
switched on from the examiner's control panel. Instead of a sel=d
hand, it has a 75 mm long brush made from copper Sh-t~lng and d
Card 2/3
5/17 61/000/001/007/010
A method of studying ... D211YD306
plexiglass cover, on which contacts are fixed, their respective
lengths corresponding to different projection durations. When the
brush reaches a chosen pair of contacts the filmoscope, lamps are
switched on, the lamps being fed by a direct current of 26 volts
through a resistance formed by 12W 6V lamps. The contact time and
the duration of the oral answers are automatically recorded. There
is 1 diagram.
SUBMITTED: July, 1960
Card 3/3
.. '.: - .I .. ..u . ~~-
, "'IF-2, G.V., SHAF-R, V t 3. '-- ,"
"CosrcLc Ray Wtlvrsts or, Nove-mb4cr 12-15, 1960,"
r-~port pre3,~nted at tfv3 Intl. Conferenci on Cosralc Ray3 and
Earth SOrins, Kyoto, Japan, 4-15 Sopt 19"l-
ZXCDi?1-A ~~ICA See.5-Vol.919 Gen4Pat-haOia-S*Pt 56 -
2697. XItIAIbKIY L.D, P Tito connective tivau,: skeleton of the heart
1-n--c-a7n1rWK-"Iury hyper1rophy and docompenubtlon (Rus.
sian text) AIWII, PATOL. (Moscow) 1955, 4172-79) Illus. 5
Investigations were carried out on 74 hearts cot -which 22 were front cases 0 per*
ion; to- 16 blocks were taken from each one and stained by different
11,11y"peertrophy of the myocardium was followed by aa increased grov,th of the crone
and longitudinal Intramural fibres. and actually their hyperplasta is propoi Ito")
to the hypertrophy of the nsueele, f1hres. therefore also different in places. In
cardiac decompensation a difruse callagenization or theme connective -tisplue fibres
occurs in the functionally handicapped part of the myocardium. Two kinds of myo-
fibrosis of the hypertrophic heart were defined- one diffuse. and lite other focal.
Ilse hyperplasia or the fibres is not related either to congestion nor to proliferm-
Ion of memenchyinal cells. Tho argyrophil stroma of the heart is fairly resistant
to myomalacla and Latty degeneration of the myocardium.
Ilrandf - Ilerlin
1177. KRIMSKifL. D. USSR Acad, of Med. Sciences, Inst. o'&' Surg.,
*Aden-6-ffi-a--Uf the suprarenall cortex with a cortico-
genital syndrome (Russian text) PROBL.M.'DOXRINOL.
GORMONOTERAP11 1956, 2/2 (117-12-3) Illus. 3
The case of a girl aged 3 yr. 10 months, noteworthy on account of considerable
changes observed in the endocrine organs, especially in the rAntcrior pituitary.
thyroid and ovaries. Increased number of eosinophil cells in the anterior pituitary
is considered directly responsible for the extraordinary growth. The child had the
F 7 F
appearance of a child of 10 - 12. Changes in the endocrine glands depenled on the
hormonal activitX of the right ouprarenal turrour. which pr(Auced up to 158.0 m1?.
of 17-ketosterot Is in 24 hr. Precocious sexual and body development, as well as
the appearance of heterosexual characteristics are the result of a complex dia-
turbance of the co-ordinated activity of the anterior pituitary. thyroid. aupra-
renal and ovary. 10 references. Krimski - Moscow (VII, 3. 5. 18)
aCERPTA ~~ICA Sec.2 Vol.10/3 Physiolory 31,11arch 57
1082. KRIMSKI L.D. USSR Acid. o( Med. Scis. Food Inst., Moscow. 0161orpho I -
ogical changes in various organs due to alimentary pro-
tein insufficiency and their rev-.- 'sibility ( Russian text)
VOPROSY PITANYA 1956.1 (28-32)
109 male white rats were used in the experiment, jind the following organs were
examined: liver. kidneys, heart, spleen. lungs, pituitary. HUprarenal glands.
thyroid, testicles, prostate. seminal veMcles, pancreas. parathyroids. skin.
diaphragin. and the striped muscles of leg, n -ck and abdomen. When the protein
content of the diet was reduced to 3.719(o( caloric value) aignificant changes were
observed in ductless glands. pa renchymatous organs. and various tigsues. A large
quantity of fat and glycogen wcs deposited in liver cells. lit the majority of animals
kidneys have shown dysirophic changes, muinly in the epithelium of the convoluted
tubules. the structure of which became disorganized; also granular and hyaline
casts were evident. lit all cases sudden decrease of tnalpighian bodies was found
in the spleen, and also reduction in the.number of cells in the lymphatic sinuses
was noted. The number of animals showing fatty and brown degeneration (if heart
muscle increased with the duration of the experiment. Atrophy of hair follicles
in the skin caused sometimes partial baldness. Keratinization of surface layers
of the epithelium was arrested, and the subcutaneous fat tissue became atrophied.
The connective tissue layer of the skin became thin and its elasticity was lost.
Some rats show extravasation of blood in the connective tissue forming the matrix
of the skin fat tissue. now atrophied. The bones of the animals on low protein
diet do not grow. The anterior lobe of the pituitary does not produce eosinophil
cells. 'Me colloid disappears from the fissure dividing the 2 lobes of the gland.
The arrest of growth is caused by the suppression of the eosinophil cells in the
anterior lobe of the pituitary. which cells produce the growth hormone. In testicles
spermatogenesis in arrested. Prostate and seminal vesicles do not produce the
fluid. The suprarenal cortex does not show typical differentiation into layers.
References 7. OLO
oi -1-1-? C - -1 1~ -1 1'~l i-u- -"7. 57
-7[ C;
2442. KRINISKY L. D. and TMAJSSUK A 1. All - Union Inst. of Endocrinol. anti
Lnst'-Orsclyr-,Acad. of Med. Sci.. Mwieow. ~Cuntributton to the
pathological anatomy and ilie pathogenesis of Simmonds'
disease (Russian text) PROBL.ENDOKR. 1956, 2/4(82-87)lllus. 7
A case of Simmonds' disease is described, caused by invasion of the hypophysis
by Cysticercus with consequent formation of a parasitic cyst, leading to atrophy
and sclerosis of the pars anterior. It was thus proved that Simmonds' disease can
be caused by cysticercosis affecting the pars anterior of the hypophysis. (111, 5, 17)
ick bee.13 V01.1/1 CarAovnscu1nx* Jan 57
'K I L 1). Lab. (if 1. V. Davidoviki, Soviet Acad. of Mt-,L. Nlo
'K R I NIS -wow Proble-ons
01 Ili ic-TO-SC-OTWO ~i-nalonl I, 011he cool Iledirelissile Skelelon O/a not On'll heart(Russian te%t)
Arkh. Anat. Gistol. Embriol. V 33 111111. 7
Reticular an,] colla-en fibres are widely distributetl throughout all lite lay rs i I
M C tilt
chambers of the heart. Their conibitied volume is not I,--;i thau th'it of niu."cular
vlemi1its, proper. Two varieties of reticular fibrei are found ill tile Invocardillin.
transverse (perimysial) and longitudinal ( The transvi-r.;e ar.gVropllil
fibres provide a continuous sheath for each muscle fibre and have it slightly w.tvv
appearance.'rhe iongitminai fibres ate thicker, tort tiousand showanx-,torno"es with
transverse fibres. Between longitudinal fibres one finds isolated collagen bundles. A
network of argyrophil fibres is found in the walls of all arteries, I n tile walls of tile
veins this network is less dense. In the adventitia of large and mellium size arteries
collagen fibres predominate. In the endocarditun one finds long, coiled collaggen and
argyrophil fibres, In the ericardium collagen fibres predominate. Insignificant
variations in the structure o the connective tissue stroma are found in the papillary
muscles and in tile atria. particularly the right one. Perimysial argyrophil fibres were
iiot fotind to penetrate into the substance of mu.Klc fibres. The changes in tile heart
stromaduring thegrowthof the individual are insignificant. Bibliography of 1.5 titles.
Fediai - Leningrad (1, 18)
KrItaka. Traostitt"byllwobroKowitlakif,'---T
Data are rWWr-ted on the raU* of pooltive nnJ notative
high-energy mesons produced b7 the rpdr-4 4?iirrvp*acrd3 of
oof*to rAdkilan in kad. Romalla irsditale that Approxi-
m4sely fdratical numbers of el xDd NO mosons ire prothrceri
In stars Weneratvd by beatrou (it load. The ralLo appeArs
to bo iadr7oodent of Me moments, v( the sl~-arohry portirles
for momertA grenter thAo 125 Wr/c.
KIIIIIAL, V., red.; 116U, I.I.) tekhn. rod.
[Tartu; guide and hbndbook) Tartu; juht ja teatmik.
Tartu, 1963. 180 p. (MIlU 17:1)
1. Tartu. Kultuuriosakond.
Subject USSR/Mining
AID P - 1350
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 13/30
Author Krinari, A. I.
Title Experimental determination of porosity of rocks
from electric core sampling data.
Periodical Neft. khoz., v-32, #12, 44-49, D 1954
Abstract The method determination of rock porosity is
outlined on the basis of the experimental work
of V. N. Dakhnov and V. N. Kobranova in
Promyslovaya geofizika (Gostoptekhizdat, 1952).
Porosity in elentric core sampling data is fixed
by changes in the electric field along the well.
Coefficient of layer capacity, coefficient of
concentration, etc. are computed on the basis of
potential curves. 8 tables, 1 chart and 6 Russian
references. (1948-52)
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
SOV/124- 57-7- 8.1 11
Trr-nslation from- Referativnyy zhurnal. Melchanika, 11)571, Nr 7, p 101 (USSR)
AUTHOR: _j~ritiari, A.
T rr LE: On Methods for th,- Determination of the Gas Permeability of Rocks
(K metodam opredeleniya gazopronitsayemosti gornykh porod)
PERIODICAL- Jzv. Kazansk. fil. AN SSSR, Ezer. geol. n., 1955, Nr 3, pp i 11 - 1 ~7
ABSTRACT: The gas -permeability coefficient, as usual, is determined from
Darcy's law for a one -dimensional tlow of an ideal gas. The paper is
supplemented with three charts prepared for the purpose of speeding
up the calculations. These charts, howe%er are riot universally appli-,
cable. The coefficient KT introduced by the auth(,r depends on the
viscosity of the gas, but, the viscosity for which the chart for this coef--
ficient is calCLIlafed is not indicated in tile lext of the paper. Further-
itiore. the viscosity of the gas depends not only on the lemperature.
but. also, on the pressure. The basic idea of the arrangCITIC111. Of chart
No. 2 and the selection of the dimensions are incomprehensible. The
author identifies the concepts of he pertneahility coefficient and the
seepage coefficient as one, wherf,-as i-itially thc-se art.- determined dis-
Card 1/1 tinctly. There is a nurriber of typographic errors it, the paper,
G. L. Govorova
f tw I L I
t rr.1
N ytim Ph
T t
vwqk-w'w'~, -W I.,-,
GranulometrIc ana2yels of Deveslas
Tatar A.;P.S.R. Isv. Usan. fil. AN
159-177 136.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Goology,
torrigenoum deposite In the
SM. Ser. geol. nauk zo.52
(IMNA 10-4)
'-VWMM,~ " ~ -
Some improvement in the method for dotormlalog open porosity of
rocks. liv. Kazan. fil. Al SM. Bor. geol. nauk so-5:185-188
'56o Mu 1014)
Dansity and magnetic susceptibility of Paleozoic strata In the
astern part of the Tatar A.S.S.R. and their influence on gravitational
nd magmetic anomalies. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no.8:940-947 Ag 1560
(MM 10:1)
l.'Xasanskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR, Goologicheakiy institut.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geology, StratigrAphic) (Rocks-Magnetic properties)
.--KR1HAR,1j,,AJ.j DUSTGIN. Te.P.; SOLGANIX. G.Ts., redaktor; NXDXLIKO, O.N.,
awm;.~ -,
~.T , ~ --
tekhnicheskiy redaktor
LThs Greater Tole% In Taterstenj Bol'shmia Volga v Taterit.
Assan', Tatknigoisdat, 1957. )5 P. (MIRA 10:7)
( Vol4p - River)
1,11---l-tructure and colloctizg proportion of tarrigenous Devonian rocks
in the southaastern Tatar.A,.S.S.R. Izv, Kazan. fil. AN SSSR, Ur.
gool. nauk no,4tl2g-112 157. (MIRA 11: 2)
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geologr. Stratigraphic)
(Tatar'wA.S.S.R.-Petroleum goolog7)
AUTHORS: Krinari, A. I. and Zubkov, V. L. 49-6-15/21
TITLE: On the characteristic of elastic properties of paleozoic
rocks of Tataria. (K kharaktoristike uprugikh svoystv
gornykh porod paleozoya Tatarii).
PERIODICAL: "Izvestiva Akademii Nauk, Seriva Geofiziche8kayall
(Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Ser-iJes), 1957, Fo.6,
pp. 813-817 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: Extensive seismic prospecting is being carried out in
Tatarla. Reliable geological interpretation of the results
cannot be obtained without knowing the elastic properties
of the rocks of which the inveatigated region consists.
Therefore, the Geological Institute of the Kazan Branch
of the Ac.Sc. (Geologicheskiy Institut Kazanskogo Filiala
AN SSSR),in cooperation with the Kazan team of the
Tatneftegeofizika Trust,carried out laboratory investi-
gations of the elasticity of rock specimens taken from
drilling cores of wells and from natural formations in
Eastern Tataria. About 600 specimens encompassing the
entire paleozoic section and all the lithological components
of its rocks have been investigated. Ozerskaya, M,L. (1)
and Tarkhov, A.G. (2) established that the rebounce
Card 1/3 coefficient and the Young modulus are closely inter-related
On the characteristic of elostic j)rjpert;i(,-s of paleozoic
rocks of Tataria. (Cont.)
With the speed of propagation of elastic (ultrasonic) waves.
Their data are summarised in the graph, Fig.1, P-8131 and
these show that the rebounce coefficient can be considered
as a reference value for determining the elasticity of rocks;
according to Ozerskaya the coefficient of rebounce
differentiates the individual sections of wells from the
point of view of their elastic properties considerably better
than seismic logging. Owing to non-availability of special
apparatus, the authors of this paper could not make similar
comparisons in their measuremeLts and they restricted
themselves to the characterisation of the elastic properties
of the rocks which compose the paleozoic section of Tataria
for the purpose of detecting reflecting and refracting surfaces
in these rocks. The results are given in graphs, whereby
11g.2 gives,a diagrammatic section of the paleozoic
formations and the change of the average value of the equiva-
lent elasticity values with depth and FiL-3 shows the changes
of the elastic properties with increasing depth of the rock
formations and Tables 1 and 2 contain numerical data. The
effected investigations permit obtaining the relative
Card 2/3 characteristic of the elastic rock properties, to follow the
Uri the characteristic of elastic properties of paleozoic
rocks of Tataria. (Cont.)
changes along the section of the region and to reveal certain
general relations between the equivalent elasticity, the
composition, the growth formation and certain features of the
sediments. The obtained data will helD to interDret
correctly the results of seismic measurements.
There are 3 figures and 2 tables and 2 Slavic references.
SUBMITTED: November 9, 1956.
ASSOCIATION: Kazan Branch of the Ac.Sc. Geological Institute.
(Kazanskiy Filial Akademii Nauk SSSR Geologicheskiy Institut).
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Relation between specific resistance and collecting properties of
water-bearing torrigenous rocks& 09o1, nafti 2 no,7t52-36 JI 158.
(XIM ilia)
le, FASMAWCIY filial AN ago* (Petroleum geology)
3(5) SOV/9-59-7-5/15
AUTHOR:. Krinari, A.I.
TITLE:. On the Inified Classificatiod System of Gas and Oil Collectors
PERIODICAL.- Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1959, Nr 7, PP 20 - 25 (USSR)
ABSTRACTz Estimation of gas and oil bearing properties of new fields and the
selection of an efficient system of exploitation depends in a high
degree on the collecting properties of the rocks. As there-does not
yet exist a general system of estimating oil bearing properties and
of classifying collecting properties, the author points to the Aecessity
of developing a unified classification system of properties of collecting
rocks. For this purpose it is necessary to define their basic proper-
ties, such as permeability and porosity. The former can be physical,
effective, phase and relative, and the latter can be general or full,
open, effective and dynamic. Actually., several classification systems
have been suggested, which,.however, were unsatisfactory. including
classifications proposed by P.P. Avdusin, and M.A. Tsvetkova, A.A.
Khanin and P.A. Trebin. The author points out that a unified classifica-
tion system should be based on the following parameters of collectorst
Card 1/2 character and nature of the porous space, physical permeability and open
On the Unified Classification System of Gas and Oil Collectors
porosity. The suggested classification system Is shown In Figure 1.
Gas and oil collectors are divided into three types, i.e. porous,
cavernous and fissile collectors. Some scientist, as e.g. M.K. Kalinko
ZR-ef 37. distinguish pores and caverns only by the dimensions. Each
type is subdivided Into classes, according to the factor of physical
permeability and Into sub-classes, accordIng to the factor of open poro-
sity-. It is also' suggested to set up a universal marking system for
collectors, based on the proposed classification. The organization of
a special meeting of experts on this subject Is requested.
There are: I diagram, I graph and 8 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
- -1-1 ... ..... .- -* --
Materials onthe study of the density of Paloozoic rocks in the
Tatar A.S.S.R. and nature of gravity anomalies, Izv, Kazan. fil.
AN SSSR. Bore geole nauk not 7s423-432 159# (14IRA 14:4)
(Tatar AsS.S.R.-Rooke) (Gravity)
Xagne~ic susceptibility of Paleozoic rocks in the Tatar A.S.S.R.
and new data on the nature ofmagnetic anomalies. Izv. Kazan. fil.
AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk no. 7:433-439 159. (MIRA 14:4)
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Magnetism, Terrestrial)
Some results achieved in the search of efficient methods for deter-
mining reservoir parameters and oil and gas saturation of rocks by
electric well measurements in the Tater A.S.S.R. Trudy VNII no.29:
91-102 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Kazanskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.--Oil well Ugging, Electric)
Some results of the study of the physical properties of rocks.
lzv.Kazan.fil. AN SSSR. Ser.geol,nauk no,9:61-72 f60. (MIRA 15,12)
(Tatar A.S.S.R*-Rooks)
Somq results of Um Improvement of the appiritus used in studying
the 'physical proportion of rockso Lm*LL= X i1. AN UM 26re
Coolonauk to.9t73-0 160. (MM 15M)
Distribution of titanium, niobiump and tantalum in granitoids
containing sphenes. Geokhimiia no.9;800-805 162.
(MIRA 15:11)
1. Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch of the
Acaderly of U.S.S.R., Irkutsk.
AUTHORS: Krinberg, I.A., and Tsykhanskiy, V.D.
TITLEz opectrochemica2 determinr~ti6n of amnll amounts of
nioblum and tintitlum in rocks.
PERIODIC,LL: Zhurnal %naliticheskoy k~imii, v.17, no-4, 1962,
TEXT: A method is proponed for the aetermination of
niobium and tantalum in granite. The rbek ic at first enriched
chemicrtl2y by trentment -mA'th phenylarsonic acid to precipitate
selectively niobium' toLntnlum and titanium. The enriched products
4re then analysed splectroscopically. Tantalum is determined by
Card 1/2
Spectrochemical. determ1n&4.i,pn...
the spectritl line Ta 2714 ' .674 -nd niobiwn by Nb 2950 , 878. The
determlnf~tion of niobium auid tantnlum. by this method is possible
only if the content of these elements in them rock exceeds 5x],0-5%.
The error is 7% for niobium and Sr/9 for tantF,.lum. Thore are 2
figures and 5 t!~bleu.-
ASSOOI-ATION: Ino'fr-Wt, guhokhMi-i Di-birsko-go otdeleniya AN SSSRt
Irkutsk,~(Inatitlite of Geochomintryv Siberinn Section
As Usp Irkutsk)*
SUBMITTED: June 12j.1961
Card 2/2
Possibility for a mathematical debeription of a positive column
of free arcing. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.3 Ser. khim. nauk no.ltlO6-
114 163. (KMA 16:8)
1. Institut geokhimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk.
(Electric arc)
ACCESSION NR: AP4015150 S/0289/63/000/003/9125/0127
AUTHORS: Tsy*khanskiyj V. D.; KrJnbpFjj lt_A,.,
TITLE: Spectrochemical determination of small amounts of zirconium,
niobium, tantalum and hafnium in rock from one batch.
SOURCE; AN SSSR. Sib. otdo lay., no. 11. Ser. khim. nauk, no$ 3v
1963j 125-127
TOPIC TAGS: zirconium, niobium, tantalum, hafnium, analysiss spectral!
analysiss spectrochemical determination, phenylarsonic acid
precipitationg rare earth concentration
ABSTRACT: The Zr, Nb, Ta, and H'f content of ore must be concent
prior to spectral analysis. The following method gives a 100-300
fold enrichment: the ore is dissolved and the aforementioned metal
values and Ti are precipitated with phenylarsonic acid. The precipi-~'
tate is calcined at 900-1000C. This product containing TiC
2, ZrO.,
Nb 0 Ta 0 and HfO is mixed with powdered carbon (1:4), and
coRs9ed in5the anodg of an electric arc (25 amp). The following
lines are used for analytic purposes: Nb--2950-8799 Ta--27l4s674P
Zr--2722*610 and Hf--2866*373 A. If the concentration of Zr and Nb
Card 1/2
exceeds that of Ta and Hf, leap sensitive lines are suggested:
Nb--2716.624 and Zr--2699.605 X. Concentrations in the range of
0.007-0-3% of all four of these elements can be determined by this
method within 10-15%. Orig. art. has: 1 Table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut gookhimiij Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSRP
Irkutsk.(Geochomical.Institute, Sibirsk Branch
SSSR, Irkutsk)'
1SUBMITTED: 27jul62 DATE ACQ: 13Mar64 ENCL: 00
bum CODE: CH MR REF SOV: 008 OMER: 000
Card. 2/2
ACCESSION MR: AP4035702 S/0037/64/034/005/0888/0695
AUTHOR: Krinberg, I.A.
TITLE: Contribution to the theory of the colum of an electric arc burning under
conditions of natural convection
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v.34, no.5, 1964, 888-895
TOPIC TAGS- electric arc, electric discharge, arc column, arc temperature distribu-
tion, arc current distribution
ABSTRACT: A theory of an electri arc column is developed on the assumption that thD
relevant properties of the plasma are known functions of the temperature. The basic
equations for such a theory are the heat transfer equation, including terms describ-
ing heat conduction, convection, radiation, and production of heat by the current,
and the hydrodynamic equation of motion. Radiation is neglected: the validity of
this approximation Is discussed briefly. The arc column is divided Into three zones,
and convection to neglected in the two inner zonom and production of heat (plasma
conductivity) is neglected in the two outer zones. The treatment of the second of
these three zones presents no problem, since the only process Involved Is heat can-
Card 1/3
ductivity. For the discussion of the Inner zone, the temperature is replaced as in-
dependent variable by the Indefinite integral with respect to temperature of the
heat conductivity. The electric conductivity of the plasma, assumed to be a known
function of temperature, becomes a function of the new independent variable; this
function is assumed to be linear above a certain temperature, below which it is as-
sumed to vanish. With the aid of these approximations the heat transfer equation
for the inner zone is solved. In the outer zone the only processes are heat conduc-
tivity and convection. For this zone a semi-empirical formula is employed which was
originally developed to describe the turbulent convection of heat from a material
cylinder (I.A.Krinberg.lzv.SO AN SSSR,Ser.1diim.No.3,106,1963). By fitting the solu-
tions thus obtained to each other at the boundaries of the regions, a system of
equations Is obtained from which the, temperature can be calculated at any point in
the arc column. A relation is derived between a reduced radius and a reduced resis-
tivity which is valid for all arc columns for which the present theory is adequate.
This is compared with experimental data of 11-Maecker (Zs.Phys.136,119,1953) for a
carbon arc in air, and with data of V.N.Kolesnikov and N.N.Sobolev (ZhTF 32,)090,
1962) on arc discharges in hydrogen argon mixtures, and reasonable agreement Ls
found. Further comparison ct the present theory with experimental data is promised
Cotd 2/3
1:*-ACCESSION MR: AP4035702
for the future. " The author is grateful to V.N.Kolesnikov and Ya.D.Raykhbaum for
consultations during the course of this work." 35 formulas and 2 fi-
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokbinii SO AN SSSR Laboratoriya spektrallnogo analiza,
Irkutsk (Geochemical Institute, So AN SSSR, Spectrum Analysis Laboratory)
SUBUNTED: 05Jun63 DATE ACQ: 20Uay64 ENCL: 00
Sun CODE& But9v NR REY S0V% 005 UMR: 019
Card 3/3
L 46166-65 FMr(l)/ZPF(n)-2/EWG(m)/tPA(w)-? F044/Pz-6 /Pab-10/Pi-4 rjp(c)
A=014331011 xRt Ap5oo9546 aftew/o/000100VOM6/00W
MUM WrInbergg 1. A. (Irimtwsk)
Trrrz: Electric-conductivity-of-air in-the-preatme of ixpurities
SOURCE: Prtkl&4MY wakhanild I tekhnicheaW fissiki, no. 1, 19650 76-82
TOPIC TAGS: air# electric conductivityp plasm, impurity effect
ABSTRACT, A method to propoesed for calculating the electric conductivity or air
in the t;nerature Interval 1,,000-~100,000K_ln tho presence of extraneous Impuri-
ties In the air. The air Is regarded In this castu as a plama constituting a
mixture of air with an extraneous element. The i,elocity distribution of the elec-
trons is assumed Yoxwelliang and local thermal ec,,ullibrim is ass=ed to exist In
the pla=n. The electric conductivity is then otetained from dn approx1r-wite solu-
tion of the BoltmAnn kinetic equation. Data are. obtained on the cross sections
for electric con4uetivlty of the main components of the air. If the impurity con-
centration does not exceed 5%, the ca*osition ol' the plasm can be calculated
approximtely by a simple procedure. The air with the impurities to regarded Rs
a nixture of molecules N2. 02, and No, of stome 11, 0, X (the impurity el=eat),
,Card 1/2
L h6166-65
Acmiox m.. Ap5oo9546
ions Ne. 0-P er and i% and electrons. The cawWativity cross sections are cal-
culated for the IndIvidual components. The conductivity at atmospheric pressure
Is obtatneds and the correctnese-of the calculations is checked against expert-
mental data on the parameters of arc discharges in adr. Orig. art. hast 3 M-
ures, 21 formulas, and 2 tabless
10 M GOVt 012 OTHEH: 012
L 51,,813-65
ACCESSION NRs AP5013381 UR/0207/65/000/002/0105/0110
AUTHORt Krinberg, I._A. (Irkutsk)
TITLF-i Application of the theory of thermal similarity to the study of an olec-
tric are
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i takhnichookoy fiziki, no. 2, 19659
TOPIC TAGS: electric arc,, plasina tom rature measuremento similarity theory,
thermal analysis, natural convection
ABSTRACT: The suitability of the theory of tbormal similarity for studying else-
tric arcs cooled by natural convection was anE.lyzod. Previous investigations in
this field gave inconclusive or negative results duo to the nature of the assump-
tions taken, This paper shows thatp with a more exact approach, this method is
valid. The are is divided into an inner and outor zone separated by an isothermal
surface of temperature T There is no conveetive hoat loss in tho inner zone as
i the gas flovs parallel to the are axis, and tho enorgy balance equation involves
Only the conduotlon and radiation losses and ';be energy of the electric field.
In solving this equations tuo boundary conditions are used: dT/dr 0 at r 0
Card_ 113
L 51.,813-65
ax _, and dT/dr at T =T*, where 74 is
(r is the-distance-from-tho arc is)
the thermal conductivity. Factor'q involves tho acceleration of gravity (g), the
coefficient of volume expansion (g ), the specific heat capacity at constant
pressure (op), the density the dynamic viscosity of the gas (I and the
hoat-transfer-c 0 x1. I aormal-
or, I E-7t 03 In
the Nussolt number (11), th2 Graahof number (G), and the Prandtl n or 0
previous assumption that T = 30001K for various currents M msuits in constant
values for X dT/dr, and IE/R (R is the radius of the isotliermal surface),
tr-ueonly-for a limitod W-lue of - 1. BY- T__
studying data for carbon area in air with I of 10 amp and 200 enp, the general
-reldtio-fibb-i-pT ---i"ho-axi"enrxrniture-)-Was--indicated,-This-relation-
ship-wan verified for various conditions of-tho are plasm by ar, indirect method
(with the radiation losses considered negligible). While the principle of the
thermal similarity theory can be adopted in Tull from tho tochniquq used in
studying turbulent convection from a solid a-arfaco, the constants cannot, but must.
I be separately determined. Using information from other sow-con. the justification
of this approach was confirmed. The relationship of To to I in various media was
studied, and it was found that for argonp To = 8000 + 1800 log I (To in dogrees
K I in amp). For nitrogen the relationship is more complex, with a sharp
Card 2/3
L 54813-65
i increase in'the range 10 000-11 OOOK,, It is doncluded that the use of the
theriml similarity theory in calculating the host transfer from arcs with natural
convection gives sufficiently accurate values for various arc plaama conditions
and for currents I - 300 amP. Orig. art. hass 4 figures and 13 formulas.
NO REP SOVs 014 OTHERs 022
4457 5 -`E.4.W
536.23; 5,t6,17+546.21+546.293+546.11
AUTHOR:-Krinberg, 1. A.'
TITLE: Calculation of the heat conductivity of ce-tain gases at temperatures of
1000 - 20, 000 K and atmospheric pressures
SOURC JE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 3, no. 4, 1965, 654-657
TOPIC TAGS: heat conductivity, calculation, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen
AIISTRACT: The heat conductivities A of A, N, 0 and It were calculated, taking!
into account the heat transfer effects of dissociation ADand ionization I react-,'
ions: Ao + A + X heat transfer by contact and diffusion.
D alp X" X-M
4RF B72 (I+z.)3' (2)
pDj. Mitt X.Xj
Rr Rre
where Hr) and A HI are the heat effects of dissociation and ioni,,ation reactions;
X are molar vortiona of mole-cules ~m _udAoiiz;--0am-aivd-
x and xi
M a
C rd
L 0440 I-OD
C --ESSIOWNIRV-4-064i~~~~~
Iare coefficients of bin-Ary diffusion for atoms and molecules, and for ions and
atoms; p and T are pressure and temperature and R is the universal gas constant.
Values for ?Lo for the 1000-8000 K range < 0. 11; ionization) were taken from
lite ratu re. Fo r the 15, 000- 20, 000 K range > 501j'6 ionization), the Spittser
formula was used, and values for L were extrapolated for the intermediate
8000- 15, 000 K range. The data to summarized in enclosure 0 1. Results we re
compared with data of numerous authors and the reasons for differences were
discussed. Orig. art. his: I table, I figure and 3 equations,
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokh1mfl Sibirskogo otdeleniya AIN SSSR (Geochemical
Instituts Siberian Department, AN SSSR)
NR REF SOV: 011 OTHER: 018
cam. 2/ 4-
L ~."A"
lot-- lot
IS 10
Card 3/4
:3 1 TRE
Heat conductivity of nitrogen, hydrogen, o.-tygor and ar~-on at
atmospheric pressure. 1~ Mal OW a Oi=
ACC NRv - AP6001906 UR/0294/65/003/006/0838/0344t
AUTHOR: Krinberg, I.A.
ORG: Institute of GooohomistrZ, Siberian Branch of- e-_ _-IM-Unstil
geokhimii, SIB rekogo otdeieniya Akademil i-auk33SR)
TITLE: Effect of an ionization reaction on the beat conductivity of a
SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v.3, no.6, 1965, 838-844
TOPIC TAGS: heat conductivity, high temperature plasma, chemical reac-
ABSTRACT: In the temperature interval in which an Ionization reaction
can take place, the composition of the plasma depends strongly on temp-
erature; the presence of a temperature gradient In the plasma leads to
the appearance of concentration gradiento of the components of the plasmit.
Under the effect of these gradients, neutral atoms diffuse Into the hot
zone of the plasma where, breaking up Into tons'and electrons, they
absorb-energy; at the same time, the Ions and electrons diffuse Into
colder zones where, re-combining they evolve energy. The heat flux
which results from those processes promotes an increase In the heat P
UDO: 533.932.1
L 11905-66
ACC NR, AP600190
conductivity of the glasma and can be formally taken into account b
a=ng a supplementary termil lambdaR, to 'the usual heat conductivity
coefficient. After an extcaded mathematical development, the article
arrives at a formula for caloulating'lamodaR for several partioplar
cases of practical interest. Orig. art. has: 27 formulas and I figure.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 150ot64/ ORIG REP: 008/ OTH REF: 011
L 13 ~,3 ~-6 69WT(l)/EWA(M)_2_
i ACC_~R' AP60OZ457 SOURCS 00D'8': UR/0057/65/035/012/2231/2252
AUTHOR: KrInbeg, I.A.
ORO, none 21,
TITLE: Letter of VG,,K6lo=ytsev entitled On the theory of the electric arc
SOURCE: Zhurnal tokknichookoy flaiki, v. 33, no. 12# 2963, 2251-2252
TOPIC TAW: electric are# opproxinst ton,
ABSM4CT: The author replies to the criticism by V.S.Kolga2ztsev (zbTr, 35, 2249,
1965/Abstract AP60OZ456) of his earlier paper (I.A.Krinberg, ZhTF, 34, 888, 1%4) on
the theory of the column of an electric are burning in conditions of natural con-
vection. The approximation to which Koloacrytsev objects was not employed in the
paper under discussion. Kolosoytsev*s misconception arose from his assumption that
a certain quantity denoted the earlier paper by K was treated as a constant, whereas
actually, as was specifically mentioned In the paperl it was regarded as a function
of another parametere The nethod given by Kolosoytoov for avoiding the supposed I
approximation Is essentially that suployed In the paper itself; one of Kolomoytsov a
equations follows Immediately frou an equation In the paper under discussion.
Kolomoytsev's extension of the theory to the cons of an or.: burning In a cooling bloot
L 13437-bb
ACC NRi-AP6002457-
is not valid* It is riot possible to extend the theory in the absence of knowledge
concerning the relations wwng certain papameters.
AUTHOR: Krinberg, 1. A.
ORG: Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branchp AN SISK, Irkutsk (Institut Goo-
khIaLL SibLrokogo otdolonlys M SSSR)
TITLE: Calculating the parsoeters of an arc colum to the ateaspheres of hydrogen
and air
SOURCSt AN SSSK. Sibirskays otdolonlys, Isvestlys. $arty& tekboicheskikh asuk,
no. 3. 1966. 22-26
TOPIC TAGSt plasna arc, ploons research, differential equation solution. beat trans-
ABSTRAM The basic paravatere of a Viasn& arc coluna In hydrogen, in air, and In
air containing 0.11 *a were calculated for currents ranging from I to 300 amp add a
pressure of I sta. The calculations, which were sede on the assumption that a state
of local thenol equillbrian exists In the plassis arc and that the energy transfer ca
be neglected, were reduced to the solution of a differential equation describing the
energy balance to the inner cylindrically sysonteical ame of the plasm arc in which
.the convective beat transfer to negligible. Electric cooductivityq, thermal conduct-
ivity. and the function of beat transfer were used as tka initial date in calculating
the plasm arc paranaters, In particular the 1(1) and T(1) curves. The sbapes of
Cwd 1/2 -OWI- -5374-32.14-337-.325.5
I r : I . '' I
,wa 2/2
KMCHEV, Khristo
Methods for measuring the dynamics of the labor productivity. Trud
tseni 3 no.8:64-72 161.
(labor productivity)
Material com1itiono of the workers in Bulga4a. Trud tseni 4
no,7t28-36 162.
Theoryand practice in strengthenifig torrent beds.
Selskostop nauka 3 no. 205-82 164.
Causes wbich influence negatively the reality of labor norms.
Trud tasni 3 no.10:58.,63 161.
tVJR/rayl ice - Ferromagnetic Xaterials NOY 5.1
"Concerning FAdy Microcurrents Arising in the Die-
placement of the Boundaries Between D=ains,,"
W. S. Aku.Iov, Act Mem, Acad Set Belorussian M,
0. S. Krinchik
"Dok A-k Nc.W, Vol 1=, No 2~ pp 171-175'
By analysis of the displacezent of the boundaries
between dmairs.. lerives formul-ii. for skin effect
at lev and biFb frequencies. These formulas ex-
plain, the drop in magn etla pemeability at blgb,
fft"ancies, and alzo establiab the existence or
ems eddy currents caused by special origuts_
t1oft of the shifting domain bomdaries. Sub-
UItted 25 Jul 51.
ZVI 'V, N. S., G. S.
Lle a tr--,)mm~ t I :-..m
Fror.ert~:es of ferromagnetic materials In a ~lym.-.r.Ac nysl n. Izv. AN -SSSR. Ser. fl-'..
16 No. 5.. 1952#1 -
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jime .1953. Unclassified.
: ~ .~-- ~- -,-V-,1*.
~-- i7 1 ! .4 ~ x / . ~_.I, .
Effect of elastic stresses an the longitudinal and transverse
inversion. Ucho zap. No9k. un. no.162;131-137 152.
(Yerromagnotion) (NLRA 8:7)
_GF, - _an_d_AKUL0T---R-S -Prof -.-- - - -
"The Theory of Ferromagnetto Phenomena in Dynamic Systems." a paper given
at the All-University Scientific Conference "Lomonosov Lectures". lost. Monks Un.,, No"80
Trarelation U-7895,, 1 Kar 56
USSR/FiadiophysiEs - SuperhiO 3'requenclos,, 1-11
Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Fizsjm, No 12, 1956, 35435
Authors Krinchi~, Go S.
Institution: Moscow State University', USSR
Title: bkgneto-(~ptic Pbanomena in Ferromagnetics
Periodical: Vestn. Mook. un-ta., 1955, No 12, 61-67
Abstract: The propagation of a plane electromagnetic wave in a gyrotropic
medium,was analyzed. With this, an investigation was made of the
Faraday effect and of the magneto-optical Kerr effect -- the re-
flection from a magnetized ferromagnetic. Expanding the diagonal
components of the permeability tensor/4xx =,Atyy into a series dt
powers of the gyrotropic component 4 2
10~x J IOXX XAZ [l - 9~j b]
the author separates In the case of the veakly-magnetic medium the
"Isotropic part" (usual Freenel equations for nonmagnetized
Card 1/2
."BSWRadlopbysics - SUPerh4Ik Frequenciesp I-11
Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 1.2,, 1956., 35435
Abstract: substances) 1m the Z&= effect equations from the components due
to the gyrotropic effects of reflection from the magnetized medix=.
In the optical regicmp the rotation of the plane of polarizttion
in the Karr effect hardly amounts to several minutes, and in the
centimeter region it may be on the order of tens of degrees.
Card 2/2
In Rumian A jgi^ dmw-11A vr %,--N tW44-ur-l -"wo
M~h"M* of tZmadvion viet'Ll KIV-
feWrvwrwtuv .1 '~Tlq
C.Mp. to
C& sawrea on mv-4pow., V~~
investigation of magnetic domain
boundaries in ferromagnetic materials. Fis.mat. i metalloved.
3 no.3:549-550 956. (MIRA 10:3)
1. Noskovskly gosudarstwennyy universitat imeni X.T.Lozonosova.
AUMORS: Krinchik, G.S. and Ryabcheako, V.I. 51-4-21/25
TITLE: A'~resonan_c_e_a_m-p--1tfier of very low frequency (used togethex
wit a photomultiplier) FEOU-15 to measure signals of 10-0 -
10-0 V. (Rezonansnyy usilitell infrapizkoy chastoty a
FSCU-15 dlya izm6reniya signalov 10-0 - 10-9 V.)
FERIODICALs lfoRtika i Spektroskovi "_(O tics and S ectroscopy)
1937, Vol.2, No.41 PP-537 539 (U.S.S.R.Y
ABSTRACT: This note describes an amplifying assembly which works at
a resonange frequency of I c/s and whose intrinsic noise is
below 10-'JV. This assembly is intended for use with an infra-
red spectrograph or other instruments in which a photo-
electric multiplier FBOU-15 is used. A light signal from a
thermo-alement magnified by the multiplier FSOU-15, is mod-
ulated by causing periodic oscillathns of a mirror galvano-
meter G The light reflected by G falls through a rectan-
gular slit on to a photo-resistanc4 FS-Kl. Displacement of
the light-darkness boundary ovkFS-Kl causes changes in re-
sistance of FS-111 and of current via a load resistance. By
using FS-K1 a high-resistance input into a voltage amplifier
(one pentode, three double triodes, one diode) is achieved.
This amplifier is of the high-stability, narrow-band reson-
ance type with a double T-bridge tuned to 1 cls. This low
Card 1/2 frequency was chosen because of inertia of the thermo-element,
A resonance amplifier of very low frequency (used togethe
with a photomialtiplier) FEOU-15 to measure signals of 10-
10-Y V. (Cont.)
the multiplier-FEOU-15 and the photo-resistance FS-Kl. The
apparatus was used to measure the effect of direction of mag-
netization of a ferro-electric (iron), with respect to the
plane of incidence of light, on the reflection and absorption
of light by the specimen. Reliable results were obtained in
contrast to a "static" method (no modulation) when noise
effects very seriously disturbed the measurements. Still
better results might possibly be obtained by mechanical
interruption of the light-beam. There are 2 figures (includ-
ing a circuit diagram of the amplifying assembly) and 3 ref-
ences, all Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Physics Department, Moscow State'University.
_(Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet, Fizicheskiy
SUBMITTED: October ;22j 1956.
AVAILABIZ: Llbr&rY of COngress
a 6Q/2
'ATJTHOV.: Xr-Lnchik,_ G-q!, 105
TITLE: Electron structure of nickel and its alloys. (Elektronnaya
struktura nikelya i yego, splavov.)
nRIODICALM?izika MetaUov I Metallovedenie (Phyplas; of Mefa2:s:&nd
ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (same journal, 1956, Vol.III, No.3),
the author considered a model in which the s-electrons
contribute considerably to the spontaneous magnetisation of
ferromagnetic metals. For the purpose of simplification it was
assumed in all cases that at tho,absoluto zero the s-bands
contain only electrons with right spins, i.e. that the s-elec-
trons are magnetised to saturation. It is, hov;ever evident
that in the case of large concentrations of s- and a-electrons,
c , when the small d-band is nearly filled up, this condition
is not valid. Above certain values of c there are plenty of
vacancies in the d-band for the distribution of all the elec-
trons with left spins from the s-band. Also, due to the small
value of the total spin of the d-electrons, the energy contri-
bution of the positive s-d exchange interaction may be inadequat
for bringing about saturation mawn,-41-sation of the s-electrons.
Therefore, the s-band will only Ij partly magne-tised and an
:Lnerease in the value of 0 will have the same effect as an in the temperature, namely, the magnetisation will
gradually drop to zero. Fig. la shows the distribution of the
Electron structure of nickel and its alloys. ((;Ont-) 105
electrons for nickel at elevated temperatures; Fig. lb gives
the distribution of nickel at absolute zero; Fig. 1B shows
the distribution for an alloy with an average electron concen-
tration cfz~.* 10,6. The distribution of the electrons for
the maSnetic state of the nickel has been empirically so
chosen as to obtain the best agreement with experimental data'
for nickel and its alloys. Increasing the accuracy of the
model of ferromagnetism of s-electrons for nickel carried out
in this paper permits the explanation of experimental data
for the saturation magnetisation, paramagnetic susceptibility
and the factor of spectroscopic splitting of various nickel
base alloys. It is shown that it is possible to verify
experimentally the basic assumptions of the theory by measuring
the spectroscopic splitting factor and the paramagnetic
susceptibility in a Ni Mn alloy. 0. Roberts (Phys. Rev. 1955,
1009 1667) calculated Nhe concentrations of d-electrons of
some transition element metals; according to his calculations
the number of vacancies in the 3 d-zone for nickel equalled
0,47, which is in agreement with values calculated by the
author of this paper. 3 figures, 11 references, 3 of which
are Russian.
Moscow State University imeni M.V. Iomonosov. Reed.Jan.30,1956.
Magnstooptio resonance In ferromagnatics, Test, Kosk, un, Sere mat.,
mekh., astron, lis., khIm. 12 no. 6:87-98 157. (MIRA 11:10)
1. Kafedra m4netism Moskovskogo gosudarstyannogo universitsta.
SUBJECT: USSR/Physics of Magnetic Phenomnna
AUTHORs Krinchikq G.5#
TITLE: Ferromagnetism of Conduction Electrons (Ferromagnetizm elektro-
nov provodimosti)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol 21
#6, pp 869-876 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author advances a new model of ferromagnetism of a-electrons
within the ffame of the zonal theory. The v-del proposed has
the following characteristic peculiaritiest
1. A peculiar mechanism for magnetization of e-electrons, which
leads to the transition of a-electrons into the d-band, to a
'dependence of the number of a-electrons and holes in the d-band
on temperaturep etc, and
2. The negative sign of the exchange integral for d-electrons.
A number of experimental facts are considered and found to be
in agreement with thismodel.
Moreover, some new experiments are suggested in order to check
Card 1/2 the correctness of the basic foundations of the model proposedt
TITLE: Ferromagnetism of Conduction Zlectrons (Ferromagnetizm elaktra-
nov provodimosti)
1. The measurement of the g-value for cobalt and nickel by
the ferromagnetic resonance method below the Curie-point and
by the paramagnetic resonance method above the Curie-poInt,
2. The measurement of the (;-value for Ni-Mn alloys with an
Increase of Mn content
3. The investigation of the temperature-dependence of the pa-
ramagnetic susceptibility for Ni Mn,
4. The preparation of a gamma-m;dification of iron-cobalt
alloys with an iron content of 30-80f which would be stable
at low temperaturee.
Card 2/2 The article contains 1 figure, 2 graphs and 2 tablem.
There are 25 references, 4 of which are Russian.
ASSOCIATION: Physical Department of the Yoskva State University imeni
SUBMITTEDi No date indicated
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress.
A~THOR: Krinchik, Go so 48-9-18/26
TITLE: Note on the Magneto-Optical Properties of Ferromagnetic Sub-
stances in the Range of Infrared Light (Magnitoopticheakiye evoyst-
vs, ferromagnstikov v infrakrasnoy oblasti).
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 99
pp. 1293-1296 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this paper the investigation of the influence of magnetization
of the reflexion of light at a ferromagnetical substance was con-
ducted in a wider range of wavelengths than were employed up to
now. An advance into the infrared range is connected with a number
of experimental difficulties. These were diminished by the fact
that only such *!foots were studied which are connected with a
magnetization of the samples parallel to the surface and secondly
by the circumstance that the affect of the influence of the
magnetization on the absorption of natural light by the ferro-
magnetic substance was determined. It was succeeded to conduct
the investigation in the wide range of wave lengths from
0,75 + 9 A- It was established that the meridional Kerr effect
inverses its sign in the same range of wave-lengths at an incident
Card 1/2 angle of 450. The effsot of the influence of magnetization on the
-Optical Properties of Ferromagnetic -9-18126
Note on the Magneto 48
Substances in the Range of Infrared Light.
absorption of light was determined, which quite probably re-
sults from the equatorial Kerr effect. The assumption that this
effect does not equal zero in the case of natural light has been
proved by the examination. The equatorial Kerr effect is proport-
ional to the magneto-optical parameter, just as are the polar
and meridional Kerr effect and the Faraday effect. The dispersion
curve for the magneto-optioal effect has the shape of an in-
distinct resonance curve. Its character is obviously dekermined
by the frequency dependence of the magneto-optical parameter.
It can be assumed that in this case a peculiar phenomenon has
been observed, which can be denoted as a magneto-optical re-
sonance. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are
aculty for Physics of the 1(oscow State Univjrtjt~m~men~y V L 0v
Fizicfieskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gos. universi. e r; ~ noomsoonvoNj
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
PARWOV, A. P.0 RODS, V. I.) CEECMNIKOV, V. I. i~d GOFW" U. (moscow)
"Results of Studies of Certain Magnetic wd Magnsto-Optical Properties of
"Saturation Magnetization of CuNi Alloys at Low Temperatures."
"Magnetic Properties of VmB System."
"Temperature Dependence of Paranagnetic Susceptibility of Ferrites."
~Megneto-Optical Resonance In Ferromagnstics." (Krinohik)
report presented at Colloquim on Magnetism, Grenoble, France, 2-5 Jul 58.
Eval: B - 3,111,755 3 Sep 58.
24(3), 24(4)
Au nf OX3 Krinchlic, alul Chatkin, 11.V.
TITLE s OP the Theory of Pro.ugotion of Eloctrowagnotic WAvos in Q.-yrrtAropic
(K taorii, rae pros tranani ya olelctramagnitnylch voln v
6- -opnykh arodakh)
MICUIUAL: Opt. Spoictrookopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Ur 5, pp 703-705 (USIR).
AISTRAG?s- Woiioplc media are defin'ad as those in Which the peruittivity and-
permeability tensors C and U have the follo-AnS componenta
txX *, I'YY " C; exy = -tyx - -WA; Elz = to; 1--.r. = Eyz ErIx M fzy 0,*
1,xx , Pyy , W TtxY * -)L = -11af, ; IL:,
yx M - 110; ILXZ , 11yr, , !1zX , 11gy
The wime substance may he both Syroolactric and gyromapetic at
v.h.f. (Rafe 1, 2). The present note ohovs now it is possible to
dater-nine experimentally whether, at a riven froouency, a modlur. is
r,yrooloctric, gyromagnotic or poubessoo those two nroperties at the
same time (bigyrotropic). For this ourn
' ova it is nocuszqry to find tho
refractive index n* by nolving Maxwollts equ,ttions for planei
it - e (0 X + * + Y,Z)/C]
.oexptiwE A y
'~ibon a nlane vuve is reflectod frrm a p~yrotroric madium in nuch a
,;,ti-d 1/3
On the Theory of Propagation of Eloctrot4agnotic 7iavas in 0-yrotropic hodi,t
that the inarnativition vector along the z-axii; is -karallol to the
reflectinr, plans (u, z) and porpendicular to the ?1ana of inold-in-3
of the vave (equatorial mar;notize.tion) we kvivo the follo-xing
W2 = 2 . (I -
n, tjto(i - M2), n20 to],
The va lue of n refers to the wave wnose elactrie: vector is %.rillol
to the olane 5 incidence (the p--.mve) and nj refors to the -P'%vo vhono
olectric vo,,tor is purpendicular to the plane of incidence (the a-rmva)
The conditions of continuity of tangential components of tho olaetri~- anAl
magnetic fields on the surface of senaration between the gyrotropl,.-
medium and an ambiont medium, togetner with the condition div B = 0,
load to rofloction coefficients given by I.-;q (4a) for tho j"Avo and
Bq (46) for the s--*-tve. In Eqs (4a) and (4e) symbols R and A renrosent
the Pinplitudos of the reflected and incident waves And aL= cos V , whcra
C% rd 2/3 1 is the angle of inclidenco. If the medium is gyroelectric the r,~floctlon
'w't 07/6', -6-5-27/34
On the Theory of Propagation of Elactromagnatia Waves in Gyrotropic 1-1edia
coefficient in given by 3q 4a and if it ir, gyrc-ignotle - by Eq 4b -
If the modium is bigyrotro?ic then Zqs 4a and t1i give the relative
contributions of the gyranai;netic and gyroelectric effo.-ts. 'fhe P%per
is entirely theoretical. There are 3 reforanC-33, 2 of "hich are
Soviet and 1 translation from German into Kussis.n.
SUBMITTED- December 29, 1958
Ca rd 3/3
24(3), 24(4)
AUTHOR: Krinchik G.-S. SOV/126-7-2-4/39
TITLE: Magneto-Optical Resonance in Ferromagnetics
1. The Visible Region (Magnitoopticheskiy rezonans
v ferromagnetikakh 1. Vidimaya oblast')
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol ?, Ur 2,
pp 181-185 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A complete phenomenological description of magneto-
optical properties of -.k medium may be obtained from
Maxwell's equations, if i -t is assumed that the medium is
gyrotropic, i.e. its J;eraittivity or permeability is an
antisymmetric tensor of the Becond rank. For example,
permeability of a gyromagnetic medium has the form gtven
by Eq (1) where M = M - iM is the complex magneto-
optical constant. hQerime&s show that hi and M 2 are
directly proportional to magnetization of ;he
substance. The author has tihowa (Ref 1) that the
equatorial magnetization of a sample (magnetization
vector parallel to the plane of the sample and
perpendicular to the plane i)f incidence of light) does
not affect the component of the incident light beam
Card 1/6 polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence.
Magneto-Optical Resonance in Ferromagnetics 1. The Visible Region
The equatorial magnetization affects only the amplitude
and phase of the light component polarized in the plane
of incidence. The ratio of reflected and incident wave
amplitudes is given by Eq (2) for the case when IL -%al.
The following symbols are used in Eq (2): n = n - in
which is the complex refractive index, (p and ~b are the
angles of incidence and refraction, The effect of
magnetization on the intensity of reflected light given
by Eq (2) was discovered and measured in iron in the
infrai-ed region (Ref 2). The experimental procedure
consists of measurement of -Vhe change of intensity of
reflected light on reversal of magnetization of a sample;
this change is given by:
6 - (I - IOVIO
where I and 1 0 are the intensities of light reflected
from a sample magnetized to saturation and demagnetized
respectively. The values of M, and M 2 are deduced from
Card 2/6 the experimental value of 6,, using:
Magneto-Optical Resonance in Ferrogagnetics l.The Visible Region
6 = 2 sin 2y MlA - M2 (5)
where A and B are functiom of n, x and cp. The value
of 6 is obtained for two angles of incidence 91 and ~02
and, provided the optical constants of the metal are
known, the values of Ml and M2 are easily deduced. The
author uses a compensation apparatus with photo-
resistances FSK-1 to measure the value of 6.
Monochromatic light from the exit slit of a rnectrograph
ISP-22 passes through a poly-vinyl polarizer II(FiES 1) and
falls on a mirror 0, made from the ferromagneAc which
is studied. The light beam is split by the mirror 0: some
of it is reflrcted and reaches one of the photo-
resistances t anI the other passes directly to the second
photo-resistance PI . The incident-light ir+-insity is
adjusted until the currents (from a battery r, ) passing
through both arms of the bridge are equal. Resistances R
are chosen to satisfy the condition Ri