Measures for Improving the vitamin nutrition of farm animals.
Izv.AN '55. (KLRk 9:4)
l.Alma-atiuskiy sooveterinarayy Inatitute
I (TIUM58) (I=* AP 7=11~ STUM)
USSIR/Farn Animals. Spall Horned Stock Q-3
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur Biol., No 6s 1958, No 26177
Author JKriknXtucy V_T,
Inst iNot Givon
Title IThe Rclo of Vitcuinn A and C in the Incrarse of' the Qurlity
rnd Qurntity of the wool or Shoop (Rol' A I C-vitrminnogo
pitrnlyn v povyshonii krchostve i kolichastvn ohorsti avots)
Orig Pub t Tr. Alne-Atinsk. zoovot. in-tog 19%# 9y 71-76
Abstrnot The affect of the vitrmin food supplenents v,,r.,3 studied lipon
the rr-tion consisting of 2.5 kg. of hry corposod of vnriouc
rr:,nzec, grnin rnd wort-wood In tho firot hf,lf of j-rrvidity,
cnd in the socondhnlf of 1.5 kF. of the uric hry, I kg. of
-Ifrlfr hry rnd 0.25 kg. of brrloy. Vitr7iin-_ uor,~j Kiven frc=
-Jr:nufry, once in 10 dnys; ncticontrPto vitr!An A - 100 r1F.
par o,,,,o, rnd vitrr-in C - 250 In r11, vlt~i~.inn were f:d-
--inistorod ns food supplornent & tir-or.. Tho control roup of
shoop producolp on tho rvorrgo, 11.25 kg. of unvrzhod wool per
hord; owoo receiving vitrnin A produced 11.37 kg- crd thoro
Cerd 112
U-5SR/F-im.. Ani:,u lo. - Srcll Horned Stock
Abv Jour RuA". - B10.9 No 6, 1958, No 26177
rorelvinE vitriAni A mi C yielded 4.r,6 kp. per hard. In
control oviao, winter thinning of wool -Atrining, 27.8
pt-roont; in owca receiving n con-binod vitrmin food supplenent-
cnly 11.2 percent. The wool of cheap of the Irst group wes
considerrbly stronger.
Crrd z 2/2
Amount of carotene and vitamin C In paoture fodder for aheep, in
Alma-Ata Provincoj preliminary report. Trudy AZVI 9:77-84 156.
(MIRA 15 t4)
1. 1z kafedry kormleniya sel '&kokhozyqyotvezuykh zhivotnykh
(zav. kafodro chlon-korrespondunt AN KazSSII,.doktor prof.
A.K.FbalyakovT A-lma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta.
(Alma-Ata Province-Pastures and meadows) (Carotene)
"ABcorbio acid)
;ric Sci (diss) -- "The level of safety in vitamin
V. T. : Master Ail
fcol:irV of sheop and mothod.s of rnining It (*Undor Qv) flonjl'P',Lon~-~ -A'
Aliw,-Ala, 1959. 20 pp (Min Wric Abna-Ata loovet Tnst), I'('0
coPlos (U, Vo 14, 1959) 121)
MDE: URi0371/6GI'000/005/0020/0027
AUT1101t: M-ikq, R. K. --Krike, ft. Puritis, T. Ya. --Puritis, T.
ORG: Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, An LatvSSR (Fiziko-
'encrgetichesMy institut, AN LatvSSR)
lrrru.": Effect of ambient temperature on microplasma. phenoinena and on the
breakdown voltage of p-n silicon junction
SOURCE: AN LatSSR. izvestiya. Seriya. fizicheskikh i tekiinicheskikh nauk, no. 5,
196G.. 20-27
TOPIC TAGS: pn junction, temperature dependence, thermal ionization,
breakdown voltage, silicon, microplasma
ABSTRACT: Temperature dependence of the current jump amplitude, the bre-k-
down voltage, and the resistance of the individual microplasma, as well as the
temperature dependence of the breakdown voltage of the p-n junction on the
ambient temperature was investigated. It was established that the intermittent
decrease of thermal coefficient of the breakdown voltage in the p-n junction,
Card 1/ 2
------ --- -
ACC NR' AF7001328
observed with increaned ambient temperature, Is due to transition of the Linpact
ionization voltage in each microplasma to the thermal ionization voltage. Orig.
art. has: 5 figures. [Translation of abstract] [AM)
SUB CODE: 09, 20/SUBM DATE: 13Jul65/ORIG REF: 007/OTH REF: 008/
Card- 22
L 601ct20-65 F wr i ) /T/[--"-'i A ( hPz..6 P bIJP(c) AT
V P I?g
ACCESSION NR: AT5013578 UR12584/64/000/017/0151/0190
AUTHOW _Puxlfis~ -T. yA. (Candidate of techr-Acal ociences); Ozolin
Krike, R. Ya.; Fro berg, Lo A.
TITLE. Microplaurria phenomena in a silicon 1~7g-juncJ1Qn-
:SOURCE, AN LatSSR. Institut onergotiki. Trudy, no. 17, 1964. Poluprovadniki i
i ikh priArneneniye v claktrotekhnike, 3. Upraviyayemy-ye poluprovGdnikov),Ye
vypryan-dtellnyye elementy i lkh primeneniye (Semiconductors and their use in
,electrical engineering, 3. Controlled semiconductor rectifying elements and their
,use), 151-190
TOPIC TAGS: microplasma, pn junction, silicon junction
'ABSTRACT: T~e first part of the article preacnts an analysis of the results of
;published (mostly USA) theoretical and experimental Inveatigations which dexlt
,with thn microplasmA phenomana., vinible light amisslom avalanche -current
Cafd 1/3
fluctuation; P-n-junction model explaintng the raicroplasma phenomena., m(cro-
plasma instability and its probabilistic characteristics; equivalent circuit of the
p-n junctiou with microplasma; effect of temperature on microplasma parametersi
p-n-junction characteristics dependent on the ndcroplasma instability; hot-
electroa emission by microplasma; thermal effect of n-dcroplastna, microplasma,
location and the role of dislocations; macroplatima, breakdown points, their
classification and characteristics. The second part of the article reports the
results of an experimental
Institute of.Power Engineering, AN Latvian SSR. The connection between the
1 appearance of light-emitting points, the current fluctuations, and the current-
voltage characteristic was investigated. The A. G. Chynoweth and K. G. McKay
circuit (J. Appl. Phyo. , 30, 1959, 11, 1811-IE,13) was used In the experimentsi
n-SI boron-diffugion p-n junctions (resistivity, 0. 3 ohm-cm) were tested. Theme 1
findings are reported, (1) Each current jump In the current-voltage charactaristlqd~
Is acconipanted by a light-emitting point In the j)-n junctiont howe-.-er, isome points'
do not cause the current jumps in the characteristic; (2) Jumps haye been
Cord Z13
L 60226-65
observed which disappear as the voltage (and the microplasma temperature) risex.-~
the corresponding light-emitting point becomes brighter as the voltage rises;
(3) Occurrence of local breakdown points, at a reverse voltage much lower than
the breakdown voltage, is one of the principal causes of the large reverse current;:
-(4) The breakdown voltage of individual mlcroplar:.mas increases with temperature
:within 20-70C; the thermal coefficient of the breakdown voltage increases with
the latter; this is in agreement with the avalaache-breakdown theory; (5) The
method of current-voltage characteristic inve stigation by simultaneous application
of d-c and saw-tooth voltages can be recommunded for quality control of Si
devices at manufacturing plants. Orig. art. has: 24 figures, 15 formulas, and
.1 table.
ASSOCIATION:-Institut onergetWAN Lat-,rlyskoy ")SR (jns,tj&qto of Power Enginof ing
All Latvian SSR)
NO REF SOY; 006 OTkMR*. 037
Card 3/3
N M~ a CS fs-m PAO-r- -
' H
USSR/Electriolty soy 48
Tranamiesion Lines
Cirrents, h1ectric- Alternating
"Certain Problems of Transmitting Threa-Phase
400-Kilovolt Current," A. B. KrIkenshik, Engr,
Heat and Elea Project, Moscow, 11 pp
"Elektrichostvo" No 11
Dtacussas choice of ground system for 400-ky trans-
mission. Suggests effecting transmission of power
in the order of 166 1cw by two (.1rculte of three-
phase, 400-k-T 'Alnes at distance of 900 km from
thermoelectric statione, situat.ed In coal basins.
M 27/49T52
History of froe trunuplantatlon or on'.1ro ~Iun thiGn,-ims.
khirurgtia, Moskva no-7:6z-64 July (cu% I)
1. Candidate Hodical Sciences.
FJUPNT. R.K.. )mndid.!t maditainakikh rAuk
Ronal thromboambolism. Torap.arkh.27 no.3:74-77 155. (MI-RA 8:9)
1. Iz urologicheakoro otdalonlya (sav.R.K. grikont) I-y Gorodskoy
boI'nItsy(zav.-zaaIuzhanniYy vrach USSR P.K. Koleanki) Dnepro-
(KlDIWS, blood supply.
OIM'T, R.K., kandidut moditoinakikh nauk
Case of renocolic intestinal fistula. 11rologila 21 no.).58-59 JI-S 156
(HLRA 9:12)
1. 1z urologicheakogo otdoloniya (zav. R.K.Krikent) I-y gorodskoy
bolluttay Dneprodzerzhinska (zav. - zaaluzhannyy vrach USSR P.K.
Varicocale in a voman. Nov.khir.arkh. no.2:79 Mr-lp 157. (MIRA 10-6)
1. Xhirurgichookoye otdeleaiye 1-y dneprodtarthinakay gorodskoy
KRI"Wr, R.K., kand.macl.nauk
Diagnostic errors in milky accitea. ALuah. i gin. 13 no.4:133.5-116
J1-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11)
1. 1z 1-y gorodskov bollnitsy Dneprodzerzhinaka (glavnyy vrach -
zaaluzhennyy vrach USMI F.K.Kolesnik)
INT, R.K.,
Treatment of thrombopbleibitte of the lower extremities.
23 ?io.10:109-112 0 159. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Iz I-y gorodskoy bollnitay (glavny7 vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach
USSR P.K. Koleanik) Dueprodzerzhinska.
(OG blood supply)
(THW14BOFffMITIS ther.
Zarly diagnosis of congenital atresia of the esophagus. Pediatrila
36 no.2:90 -Y 159. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Iz kh1rurgicheakogo otdelaniya I-y gorodskoy bollnitay Dnepro-
ACCESSION NR: AR5003341 3/0- 11/64/000/0 11 A04 3/A043
62-ti V
:519. 25
SOURCE,: Ref. zh. Avto-mtatika, talemekhanika I vychlslltelinaya tekhnikla.
Svod.T*ry ton, Abs. 11A253,
AUTHM Kritcholi, I. M.1 Morozov, A.-H.7
TITLE: Development of electronic devices for simt-lating statlutical automatic-.-:-
control problems
CITED SOURM Tr. Golovn. n.-i. In-ta avtomatiz. proizv. protsessov v prom-sti,
vyr., 2, 1963, 51-74
TOPIC TAOS: autoriatic control simulation, random numbat, generator, random
T1%03T~MON: Socie poculiarities of the method (A' ~Aatiat.lcal simulation of random
physical proceasez; are noted, The mothod providos for iome prerequisites for
utilizing-the complete information c'ortained in nultiviriable distribution
function.u. From this viewpoint, It is essential that the 101onte-Carlo method is
used not, for obtaining a numerical-solution algorithm but rather for reproducing
.cardil 2
j a roodul of tho real process dafined by a not, Of znrlltiwirlablt' distributiDn func-
U0315 or ~V' 'othar atitistical chara.-torl:i tics, ki a ruj.o, Qie'
and unthorsis of alltnm"Iti,- CO.-OX-ol ar.2 rw,;tx1.(;ted
to which 13 inaccepi-ii'le. J'~'r fh~j.;". IC ct~1114rt)j
in which
Adupti-on of tho a :;o!,
dE)Vic'-,t for r~_iprcY-duc1rqP random
)avamoturn, De5rdto an Intano1vo developm-,-riL of -;uuh dey~ccj,
Yc-t C!'Ar.1A 111~-jx nwiufacture. Tho results are OV 1 drveloj,,-~nt cf th-.3
foi- reproducing randor: quant*-'Ies, conf 1riu(-,rAy or d~5
~dcd for simulating r!)Jifk~m
correla"Ican Djrzct~ltori. The principles aro describ;',ri r_1 S..",
ig-~!naratw-'~ and randon-proeaso gonaratcr:j 1.n',onC-j Cor at1cm in ct~.~n-unQtioj,
-ith di-i'al. and analug conputer_-. Tho dc-cric.1on Lnd CirCUIA, Lie
i pros~iltLld of IaL*ratory models of rardorj_pj~o(,-~st jjujs--~ and normal
randrm binary-codo generai,ora intended for a sp('jC1A1i7,0d'd1,gital compater.
brolve i'lluAration3. Biblio6raphy: 31 titles,
Card 2/2
Y' A
crew of pa~ntarr work. ~)troitoll P, no.':IC 11
id, 162. WRA 15:7)
(Painting, IndLuntrial)
iURIKLATY , Anato) iy Ooorglyevich; ZABULIKA, 'i. , r,~j. I YWITSA, 11. , tokhn.
[Fattening young cattle; obtaining high weight gains in loose
housing) Otkorm molodniaka kurpnoGo rogatogo qkota; opyt poluche-
niia vysokikh privesov pri bespriviamom soderzbanil. Kishinev,
Gos. izd-vo "Kartin moldoveniaske," 3.961. 23 p. (MIRA 14:10)
(Beef cattle-Feeding and foods)
Li --s
CP!ntrj:1 -3 i.Aie- .,.,17i~inl r-t,rrit, Cn
U-:-(-Il 27 nc-. 15, Ou.).
9. Month I Y Mot of lRu,.;s I rin AC cOr's iowl Libi.-Iry of
Acc: Nk; A. 1-1 U- SOURCE CODE:
K : in V. K. -
INVENTOR: Krikorov, V. S. ;Blinov, G. A. ; Zholninskiy olt
Markaryants~*, 'E. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Method of preparing dielectric films. Class 21, No. 1e0701
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promystilennyye obra,,,tsy, tovarnyyc znaki, no. 8. 1966, 50,
TOPIC TAGS: dielectric material, silicon dioxide, lanthanum, vaporization,
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a powder spray method of
preparing dielectric films on a silicon'Zioxide base in a vacuum chamber. Todecreap'e
the temperature of vaporization of silicon dioxide without damaging any properties of'
the dielectric film, a mixture of silicon dioxide and lanthanum, taken in equipolar
quantities, is used. [Translation) [NTl
7 L
SUB CODE: 11/3/SUBM DATE: 04May65/
It e,
Card i UDC; 621. 319.4. 002. 2
K-a- I K k !,; , V . I .
Elimintitn orescription Arroun.1re it, bustriess
accouriting. Apt.delo I') li--D "?. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Iz PyAtigorpkogo tnsttt~,t!s.
KUKOV, V.1.,fititrulAy propodavatel'; DOWIM, V-X-,utarrHy laborant
Increase in the quantity of prepared nedicines. Apt.delo 8
no.2:1-3-17 Hr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Iz kafedry tekhnologii lekarstv i orgunizatsii farmatseyti-
chenkogo dela Pyatigorakogo farmat3evticheekogo Instituta.
KRIKOV, V.I., atarshiy prepodavatell; S"57CHENYO, S.I., assistent
Planning of the average cost of the dispensary and imfirmar-
prescription. Apt.delo 8 no.6:15-.18 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. In kafedry tekhnologii lekarsty i organizatsil farmataevtiche-
skogo dela Pyatigorskogo farmatoevticheskogo instituta.
KaIM7, V.I., starshiy propedavntol.'; HOKAOUSOV, V.V.; BILIPIN. V.P.
Iliminato factors hindering the further development of the
pharmaceutical service. Apt.dolo 9 no-1:3-6 Ja-Y 160.
(MIRA 13:6)
1. Pyatigorskiy farmatoevtichookiy Institut (for Krikov). 2. Up-
ravlyayunhchiy Stavropollskim kfayevym aptechny-m upravlatiyem
(for Unkrousov). 3. Upravlyay-ushchiy, aptakoy No.2 Uslovodska
(for Billdin).
I ,
oECIUIS, Doethizi; KILAS, M., rod.; Skl&A, S.,
L khn, r,jd.
[Early potatoes] Ankstivuju bulviu iiuginl;-laa. Vilnius,
Valstybino polltines ir mokshv-oo litor,,!turor, Icidykja) 1961.
102- P. (141RA 15:3)
(Lit huania--Potatoes)
.LS , T. )
I i
Se.1,1,-Induced deformations of oil-',catf, concrete during the
man-ufacturing process. Trudy 01 Lit. SSR. Ser. B. no.l:
243-251 162 (MIRA 17:8)
Shrinkage of silicate concrete. lbid.:253-259
1. Institut stroitellstva i arkh-itektury Ali' Litrivskoy SSR.
GarrAtovow-ular disordere In artf.-riomious anouryam of long vtljwln~.
say.mod. 21 Supplement:11 '57. (MIRA 11:2)
1. 1z kaf(Ar7 gospit&llnny kblrurell I prop,?dovtIk-l vnitrennikh
bol,)zn,?y mnditainskogo fak-ulltato Villnyusakogo unierolt9ts
KFUMiTOPAYTIS, 11.1. [Kri k. It) 3 i" , j~ Ml.
.1 1
(haskenricus, V.R. , * .
Pous-lbi ~ty the,, r-uro-.- rjf of the th7-cli eLand
wil~li 11~14. Med. ra;J. 8no..7G.P0-8l Ap'61 (MIRA ;7t2)
I .
Performance of the "Olierv diffuser installed in the Koreneio
Sugar Factory. Sakh. prom. 35 no. 5:15-17 MY '61. (~'E~A 14-5)
1. Korenovskiy sakharnyy zavod.
(Korenevo---Sugar manufacture) (DiffuBers)
DILLA, I. inzh.; k..*IfflISIOf-AITIS I. imb.; FIVILIUS, L., Inzb.-
11A,SIUL13, 13 imb.; SIDARAVICIUS, L., inzh.; .7;`IYAIIA"I~'., G.,
inzh.; VlLi~SIAUSKASY V.0 red.; ".UOSAIM, *~., red.;
tekhn, red,
(A concise builder's guide] Trumpas statybininko vadovaa.
[Fjy] I.Dilba ir kiti. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir
mokslines literaturos leidyklap 1961. 395 p.
(MA 155:3)
(build ing-Hand books, manuals, Ota.)
(In the Pamirs) DiOziuoju Pamyro keliu. Vilnius, Valstylo-Ane
politines ir mokslinea literaturos leldykla, 1962. 78 p.
(MIRA 16:5)
(Pamirs--Description and travel)
CHL,AS, Y.) k,11W. iT:ficl. mail'; DAL'iA.11~1--l 4-`,',
JAIM-l"JEAS, J., hand. r-i.-d. nauk A.
kand. -,cd.nauk; YjilYSTCI AITIO", M., kL~Yrll. red. -xzu~; YM;lrl*y4lS,.'.,
krind. ned. nauk; JlkMNAITEETE, L., kand. r~cd. -auk-; J.,
kand. nod. nauk; SIll-AIA.S., S., k,~nd. biolor. nauk; Cl-AULIS, St.p
prof.; OPCIIISKAS, J., prof.; I.A."jAS, VI., iji,of.;
prof.; MOTIU., E.,dots.; V.,dots.; h.,
dots.; FOUK(J-0:10, 11., dots.; bADUBUS, F., c..oll:tor; CAPM'ICIUS,V.,
doktor; 1-11AYAHIUNAS, r., flol:tor; IIAKMAITIS, F., (jol,,,tnr; MUCIII.R.,
cloktor; SURGAMS, H., (toktor; PAIJLIIKO14IE:'A-,, J., rt~d.; AYAJTl.7,,J.,
teklui. red.
[11-3alth and disennes] Antrasis pa ir,,yttir, laidimus. Vilniun,
Valstybine politb!eB Ir mksliiies. literaturos le-1,C),k-la, 1961. 3r,6 p.
(MIRA 1--1:3)
F Kl- i io 1;0 Gy )
Kh1y.i'jrCvP A.:~., ~nzh.
Applications In shipbij of the All-Union State Standard '
GOST 9235-59. Sudoati-oi,-Afe 'IQ nc.8:61-64 Ag 163. (HIPA 16: 10)
(Steel, Structurnl-Ztzindards) (Shipbuilding)
:36 i, - K,~ikyuii i, B.
A - y . ---
.-Wtomutic filling of ord*jrv in wtr,9ho,,4uefj. ~)ov. toriv, )) no.5:49-1~~
my I 6o. (MIRiL 13:11)
(Unitud Statee-Maturial hanilirt-,)
K-F-i.TVSiJNC,V, L.Z. ; l7j'UiTSEV, L F.. ; Wr, VA , L M., r-7-1- j
V. V. , tekhn. red.
(Infrared apparatus for the homing cf gulded missiles)
Infrakresnye ustroistva samoaqvedeniia upravlinemykh ana-
rindov. Moskvn, "Sovetskew radlo," 1963, 239 p~
(MlRA 16:10)
(Infrared appAratus and AppliAnces)
(Guided misailea)
IVANOVP Yu.A.; TYAPKIN, B.V.j KRIKSUNOV, L.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk,,
retsenzent; BRAMSON, nauk, retsenzent;
USCLITSEV, I.F., inzh.-podpolkovnik, nauchnyy red.;
DIKAREVA, A.I., redw~ BELYAYEVA, V.V., tekhn. rW.
(Military applications of infrared technology] Infrakrasnaia
tekhnika v voennom dele.' Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1963.
358 p. (Infrared rays--Military appliqdkions) (MIRA 16:5)
Jan 49
0601110graphs ronle
circv.its, zlect
"A HOM Iemsae oacillograph) TxlkBuno") 3 PP
IrBa& jot, NO I ..ult disgr" I "')" "%')1s 1110 thO
Shovs ScItematic'er It Of an OBC11106cope
conotrUction arA O&JUStmer cod srafitcu'r'3-
.1,10h can 'be bUjIt by experlen
USSR/Radio - Oscillators Nov/Dee 49
"The Design of HC-Oscillatois," V. G. Kriksunov,
Engr, 10 pp
"Radiotekhaikao No 6
Examines theory and design of audio-frequency
oscillators with phase-rotating R-C circuit and
cathode follower. Concludes subject oscilla-
tors are zheap and eimple in construction and
suitable for industrial and laboratory purposes.
Submitted 26 Apr 49.
USSR/Ele, tfonicG Frequency rrodulntion L i I
Card 1/1 Pub. 'VO-8114
Author Kriksunov, V. G. Active Member of VNORiE
Title Chain RC generators with frequency modulation (author's abstract)
Periodical Radioteknika 9, 51-53, Sep/Oct 1954
Abstract The factors determining the frequency deviation, output signal waveform,
depth of parasitic AM, and linearity of the modulation characteristic of
chain RC generators for deep FM are examined on the basis of the theory
of 4-terminal networks. Both parallel-C and parallel-B chains are
treated. It is proposed that parasitic AM Is determined primarily by
changes of the chain's voltage transmission ratio UlIU2 occurring In the
FM process. Three references: 2 USSR (1936, 1949); 1 US (1944). Dia-
Institution : All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and
Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE)
Submitted : Article on October 15, 1952; author's abstract on Marzh 5, 1954
U.55R" E'lec" I
Card 1/11 Pub.
Author Kriksunov, V. G., Active Member) WWiE
Title Build-up of the Amplitude of Oscillations In Chain RC Oscillators
Periodical Radiotekhnika, 10, 64-68, Aug 10,55
Abstract Expreasions are derived which characterize the process of build-
ing up the amplitude of sinuzoidal o5cillations generated by
three- and four-link chain RC o3cillators. In modern usage,
especially when RC oscillators are applied to the audio, super-
audio, and superlow (Fractions of a cyclei'sec) frequency ranges,
the build-up time of sinusoidal oncillationG and the factors af-
fectinE the duration of transient processes must be determined.
In the example given the amplitudle of oscillations is built up
more rapidly than in LC chain oscillators. Diagram. Five USSR
Institution All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering
and Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE)
Submitted January 3, 1955
Kriksunov, Vladimir Grigorlyevich
Reostatno-yemkootuM generstory sinusoidalinfth kolebanly (Resistance-Capacitance
Tuned Sinusoidal Wave Oscillators) ICiye-r, Gostekhizdat, USSR, 1958. 205 P.
9,000 copies printed
Ed.: Bondarenko, 0.; Tech, Ed.: PateLlyuk, P.
PURPOSE: This monograph is addressed to radio engineers and technicians and to
students of specia3-tzed branches of the field enrolled in vuzes.
COVERAGE: The book is concerned with the theory and design of resistance-capicitance
tuned simsoidal wave oscillators (RC Oscillators). Circuit diagram and
examples of oscillator design are given. The importance of sizuboidal vaye
oscillators operating from a fraction of a cycle to hundreds of thousands of
cycles per second in radio engineering and its related fields Is revieved.
Their application in materials - testing technique is pointed out. They also
find application in production process automation, analysis of maebine tool
vibration, etc. The requirements and specificatiow of such oscillators are
enumerated. Problems in frequency-modulated oscillations are examined.
.Resistance-Capacitance Tuned SinusOidal Wave Oscillators 575
LC (inductance-capacitance) Oscillators in which the circuit Is set to one fixed
frequency are criticized as being practically of no use at lov frequencies
beca:use of the impossibility of maintsjjling required circuit characteristics.
The defects Of inductive-caPacitance tuned beat frequency 0 cillators are t
In contrast, RC simisoidal wave Oscillators 9 no ed
of simple design, smaii size, and
high technical performance ratings are finding ever wider application. Experi-
mental data obtained by the author is given as well as examples of various RC
oscillator designs. M.A. Donch-Bruyevich, S.E. Kheykin and K.F. Teordorchik
are mentioned for their vork on multivibratore and sustalned oscillations In
such vibratoree V#1,r* Siforov In moutioned in connection with his single-tube
oscillator with a *fte-shifting network proposed in 19~6. A.A. Rizhkin,
I.M. Kepchinskiy, ad L.G. Gutkin ape mentioned for their important work in
the development of fte theory od practice of RO-systems, and S.I. Tetellbam
for the RC-oscillator with 4ynatron which he proposed in 1939* E,O. Saakov
is mentioned for his methods of analysis and design of oscillating RC-systemse
k.A- Khewkevich is cited for his data on frequency shifts in electro-acoustical
measurements. (p, 136), There we 43 references, of which 32 are Soviet and
11 English.
Kriksunov, Vladimir Grigorlyevich
Nizkochastotnyye usiliteli (Low-ii;quency Amplifiers) Kiyev, Gostekhizdat UkrM,
1961- 397 P. 6,000 copies printed.
Ed.: L. Polyanskaya; Tech. Ed.: S. Matusevich.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel engeged in the development
of electric signal amplifiers. It may also be ustful, to students of radio
engineering in schools of higher education and tekhnikums.
COVERAGE: The book presents general methods of analysis of low-frequency amplifier
circuits. The theory and computation of audio- and video-frequency amplifiers
equipped with vacuum tubes and transistors are well as examples of
design calculations. Wo personalities are mentioned. There are 32 references:
31 Soviet (including 2 translations) and I English.
C ard -lx-
AUTHOR Kriksunov,,__YG,_,_ Mea,ber of the Society (see Associa-
TITLE: A possible method of generating sinusoidal FTI oscilla-
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, no. 7, 1961, 33-37
TL;.-.T: The author analyzes a sinusoidal FM generator based on a
transition relaxation oscillator as given by V.F. Samoylov (Ref. 1:
Radiotekhnika, vol. 5, no. 6, 1950). with the modulatin 's,!voltage
applied to its control grid and a LF filter at its output (Fig. 1).
The period of the forward stroke is given by
Fly I"gl
wtiere Egl is the cut-off control gT-id voltage, A a E-al - Ua
nin, Ea being determined from practice as Eal 7- (0.4 !.0,6) i~ay
Card 1/5
41 possible method,.. 1)204/1)305
and U. min from the anode characteristics. The fly-back is given
T R2Ri2_ V max
2 = C, (R3 + _-__ )Ln _ - (2)
k R2 + Ri2/ 9 g3
where Ri2 - the internal screen grid resistance of the valve, Ug3max
maximum suppressor grid voltage corresponding to start of discharge
of Gl; Eg3 - voltage at g3 at the end of fly-back. It may be seen
from Eq. (2) that the modulation does not affect the fly-back time.
After presenting an equation for the frequency of oscillations, the
author obtaiiis
TIO I - Yo
,r2 YO
for no modulation and
= - (7)
FO Yo(X +
Inr thc- modulation characteristics, In many cases Ei,,,