Klu-11CMER) V. , inz. , COSQ.
Ten years of the Commission of Bioclimatology of the
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Meteor zpravy 16
no.3A:112-413 Ag 10.
1. Bioklimatolug*icka~ ak&denje ved.
110"Alic Svetzar B. ing. (Beograd, Uzun Mirkcva 6) ; KRECUILT, Flol i-en S. , in~ .
(Bcograd, Milana Rakica 25)
The Danube River motor tug Ilfliokovo." Br(xiarstvo -, no. 11/112:L-47---i-~Xl
Ap-S 61.
1. Ssobracajni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
KRECZKO, Romuald
Eviduation of McMurray's ostootorny in tho treatnent of defonning
changes of the hip joint and ununited fractures of the femoral
neck. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 27 no.5:591-602 162.
1. Z Kliniki Urazowo-Ortopedycznoj 2. CSKWAM, w Warszawie Kiercwn1k;
prof. dr D1. Garlicki.
KPI F ~-'Z KO v .1
I cowald
Angloma t)f the lumbar mplnoi. ChIr. narzal.
1101. 29 no.0541-546 164.
1. Z KlInIk.1 Ortopedycznej Wojskowe,' Akadem!: Mc-dyn-ne: w
Lodz'. (Kf-orownlki prof. dr, med. M. Garlick'. ./a
KREGZKOV Romuald; TKAGZUK, Ilenryk
Contribution to the study of' fracturen of.the capitulum radii.
Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 29 no.5:6t-639 t64.
1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej 11 Centralnego Szpitala Kliniemego
Wojskowej Akademii Medycznel w Lodzi (Kiprown-1k: prof. dr med.
M. Garlicki).
KRISCUO, Hanuald
Plastic repair for some body deformities usJng ival.on 81)011f,~e,
Wed. lek. 18 no.7t575-580 I Ap 165
1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Plastycznej 2 Centralnego Szpitula
Kliniki Vojskowej Akademli Medyc~,,.neJ w 'Warszawle (Kierowni-k
naukovy: prof. dr. med. M. Garlicki).
KRICZKO, Romuald
Plastic surgery of lop ears. Wiad. lek. 19 no.14:1167-1370
15 JI 165.
1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Plastycznej 2 Central. Szpitala Klin.
Wojskowej AM w Warszawie (Kierownik naukow7: prof. d--. -1p4
M. Garlicki).
b I a n' r I
KRFC~,Ko, Rolnuald;
Far I y re su I t8 -:~ f o u r g, i c., 1 '", t r c F I i, t, ~ r. t, , -f , ri i~ j~~ ' : ~ '- ~' ','!L *, - '; ~ ~~ 3
cf the hip by a modified V-),i.3 nar-al. rl;-ko,
ortc,p. Pol. 30 : .
1. Z KlInIkI. OrtopedynnEJ] 11 ("K 11"o.itik-wej AM w
(K-lerownlk: prof. dr. mcd. C~ ar I ~ c K 11 11.
KREGZKOI Roxmiald; TKA",ZUK, Ilenr,.(k
Notes on diagnostic difficulties in bone tumors. Chir. narzad.
ruchu ortop. pol. 29 no.101-95 164
1. Klinika Ortopedyczna II Centralnegc Klinicznego Szpitala ;
kiercAmik: prof.dr.med. M.Garlicki.
MCZMAR, Stefan, inz. (Huta Laziqka)
Advantages Q$pvOing the proper matorials for apare elements
of forroalloy furnaces. Wiad hut 15 no.2:66-67 F '19.
Distro /Mcf
1"Usico a A" cWtat rd-
on the rope es airi*4
.~R~ grinding pu*;;4
Miloi av, rltu=~ inn IllavAk, Ant
lubM).-Alkaf, U4 4m 'Con
1. th, LA ~,,pv,r j,~arts of t)le molten corun4unl ObstflUO
jivts rise to Scaly crystul% of P-03"tudum. - tai
je ubmsive4matalul contg. a Gullstalltill
cimundum has greatcr tendency to be spintered atul abx4dodi
Electromyographic studies of children vith spasmophilic sMtome.
Cesk. neurol. 25 no.1:11-16 Ja 162.
1. Detske oddeleni fakultni. polikliniky v Praze 2 Neurochirurgicka
k1inika v Praze-Stresovicich a fyziatricke oddeleni UVN v Praze-
(EIECMUffOGRAPHY in inf & child)
(SPASMOPHILIA in inf & child)
Treatment of typhoid fever with a now antibiotic chloromycetin.
Cao. lek. cook. 89 no.38:1056-1060 22 Sept. 1950. (CLML 20i1)
1. Infectious Diseases Department of the State District Hospital
in 3alovce.
~*- 001*
*0 41 of* Soo* *,IDS 06 9 0 4 0 0
A 1 4 y 1 9 a 10 tj Is w it 11 U to a 1 21 12 A j0 is is v ait v if u id a is v a 0 a A, a a .0 At
AA 0 M CP M.A- j
1'hp thiminsfian of wort foir induitnal puip~~ R ki Ns -$w
00 plirl.." 41 'Ah,A%j. 01111lix it .I. hnj'A
;ial llj~ isa. r ma, prllgf~ ILJ%~ 1% '1. 1, fl'KA."C N-11. of Ifi, r, llj~ J fAct.'i. ,Al
A Ow f~xlllflltlx .1 mg of Cl, [.~r I ~uffict-if f.,r olmnfictma lh~ %jttr. 41 ill,
0 v:jtf 4 mr lm-r I lirmcd inmifficitut M It
0 IF*
A%s %LA ~jlAL1.trr.KAL LITFOST"I CtAillfKATICh 1z'
4. To 77
n AV I
1--- -"; ; ('t 1. -. all - ill 1. (It - T. .1 4. .1 .1
T~ 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 a so 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 0
I "IMA lead 0
0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0
Occuffuca of f!"MrInli Ilk citch. wate"l; jold 11.1
of watci was c0d. In 5313 !,ampl", from dirmnt
districti. III the mAjority Qf 5,11"lliki It dill riot excce~l 0.1
F, 11 1 '1-- b 4~' A ,'-7 1 L 0o.,
KRAMA. Milos, prof. Dr
tion of a hygienist in state planning in the field of hydrology#
Cask. hyg. epidem. mikrob. 2 no.2:85-89 Apr 153.
in Gsach., In construction of waterways)
KREDEA, Kilos. prof. Dr
Complex solution of the problem of water supp17 in Czechoslovakia
and its hygienic aspects. Can. lek. cesk. 93 no.39:1071-1073
24 Sept 54.
1. Z Hygienickeho ustavu K.U. v Praze. Prednosta prof. Dr J.Caneik.
in Czech., hyg. aspects)
YF----LL'I' ~ .
Y~----T ~ A, ', . Ccmj:arative con trol of I tili,oratory -.;titur
"I I i'o. I., Apr.
1~0 I . I)
'i !:.C!!:.C!l cry
Frr;JhE--. ,
Jo: ~--,t ;*-iirc,:---ion Accessions, Vol- I,-,, 14c. ~-, :',,y 11(;--6
flygiena hospodareni s vodami. (i vy(J.)
Praha, Czechoslovakia, Stntni viravotnicke nakl., 1958, l)i7i)-
Montfily Lj,~~t, of -vast ~iiropean A-cessions T'("' Vol. fk, jj-). 9, -"cptember 195?.
( ~j
KRICDBA, M. ;, -- "
, .Fqgienic problems in regional planning. Gig. i san. 23 no.2:90
F 158. (MIRA 11:4)
iMEDBA, -M,.-
Progron.-Ave denaturation of the natural environment and its effect
on the health of the population,, Act%univ, carol. [mod.) Suppl.
14:169.175 o61.
1. Hygienicky us-lav fakulty vseob-oaneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v
Praze, prednosta prof, dr. M. Krodba..
e Of C, fac.~d~'
-1,V 4 'r-~Jj
C,:,,slqrlovcnrk-, liy~,-i cin, ilo 1961, P-1 5-
';lolw-.~c-il Value (if L*hriiJ.-inj: thel.,
MDBA., 14, inz.
Treatinent of surface water for required quality. Vodni hoBp
13 no.5.-177 '-6).
KIOMBA V. Ordinp-r infekeniho oddeleni prof. dr. Frochazky na Bulovce.
Vyznam vysetreni moku mozkominniho v diagnostics detske obrny Examina-
tion of cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of poliomyelitis Casopis
Lekaru Ceskych, Prague 1949, 88/52 (1506-1508) Graphs 3
The direct diagnosis of poliomyelitis is only possible In typical cAsee:
in meningeal, proparalytic anif -encephalitic cases the diagnosis is only
possible by tests on monkeys. The spinal fluid was examined in 640 cases.
It is not possible to make the diagnosis of poliomyelitis by the
examinAtion of the CS7 alone.
Prochazka - Prague (XI, 8.7)
Neurology & Psychiatry Section VIII Vol 3 No. 7-12
Meningitis due to Hemophilus Influenza@. Cas.lek.cesk. 89 no.14:
408-410 7 Ap 150. (CLKL 19:2)
1. Of the State District Hospital in Rulovce.
fladern treatment of whooping cough. Prakt. lek., Praha 31 no. 10:
214-217 20 May 1951. (CLML 22:3)
1. Of the Department of Infectious DisenAes (Head-Prof. J. Prochazka,
It. D.), Prague.
4anagemant of patient suspected of poliomyelitis. Prakt. lak., Praha
32 no. 10-11:222-226 20 May, 1952. (CLML 22:4)
1. Of the Infectious Department (Head--V. Kredba, M. D.) of the State
Hospital, Bulovka.
Control of whooping cough. Prakt. lek., Praha 32 no. 13:289-
292 3 July 1952o (CLML 22:4)
1. Of the Infectious Departumnt (Read--Prof. Prohaska, M. D.) of
the State Hospital. Bulovka.
MDBA, V.. Dr. doc.
Therapy of infectious hepatitis in 2 - 14 year old children. Pediat.
listy~. Praha g.no-5:308-309 SePt-Oct 54.
(HEPATITIS, IMOTIOUS, in infant and child
KRFMA, V., Doc. Dr; KRYL, As. Dr
0, fever. Prakt, lek. 34 no.13:301-303 JY '54.
1. Inf. klin. hy fak v Praze na Bulovae.
(q Ffflm.~*
KRZDBA, T. Doc.Dr.; KRYL, R., Dr.
Therapy of whooping cough. Prakt. lak., Praha 34 no.17:390-392
5 Sept 54.
1, Infakani klinika bygienicke fakulty v Praza na Buloves.
Congress on Straptococcal infections. Cesk.pediat. 10 no.4:308-310
K&.v 55.
conf. in Czech.)
KREDBA, Vaclav, Doe., Dr.
Therapeutic exp9rience with Infectious hopatitAn in 8.192
children. Cank. pediat. 10 no.8:566-5?i Oct 55.
1. Infnkcni kl1nika v Prazo 8 na lulovce.
(119PATITIS, INFECTIOUS, in Infant and child
thor.. experiences in 8.192 cases)
KREDBA, V., Doc., Dr.; SEIDLIR, L., ord., Dr.
Infections and infectious food poisoning. Prakt. lek., Praha
35 no.11:243-244 5 June 55.
1. Infnkcni klinika hygionicke fakulty lekarake v Praza na
diag. & ther.)
K M BA, Vaclav. Doc.. Dr.
.- -1 . Refreshe'r course on passive Immunization. Prakt. lek., Praha )5 no,
11:258-260 5 June 55.
Immunization, passive)
Hormone therapy of infectious hepatitis in children. Cedc. pediat.
13 no-7:577-582 Aug 58.
1. Infekani klinika hygienicke fakulty (doc. dr. V. Kredba) a III.
infekcni oddeleni na Bulovce. (prim. dr. M. Bradacova). V. K., Praha
8, Bulovka.
(MPATITIS, IITMTIOUS, in inf. & child
ther., ACTH, cortisone & prednisone, statist (CZ))
(ACTH, ther. use
infect. he-natitid in child (Cz))
(GORTISONS, ther. use
D?TISOql, ther. use
artme )
L-'W.DBA, V. (Praha 8, Bulovka)
Recurrence of infectious hepatitis, Cesk, pediat, 13 n0-7:582-587 Aug 58.
1. Infekeni klinika hygienicke fakulty v Praz 8 - na Ralovce.
(KEPITITIS, LIYEOTIOUS, in ia. & chil&
recur. (0s))
77T:."PTA ':D"rC'% Sec 7 17 PeMiatrics J111-1 I0
n1 13,
REN - RilckfAlle und Rezidive der Hepatitis epidemica bei Kindern -
Kre-iiju V. Infekt. Klin., llyg. Vak., Prag 8, Bulovka - DTSCt4.
`er7UffW,_,WES. 1058, 13/30 (937-941) Graphs 3 Ulus. 3
Of 11,500 child.!en who had had infectious hepatitis in the period 1950-1957, 129
(1.14%) had a --qck of the disease. A distinction is made between relapses
and recurrences. Relapstq -?ways occurred within 4 months of the initial attack,
whereas recurrences never occurred within less than a year. Relapses were ob-
served In 83 cases, recurrences in 46. The relapses ran a more severe course.
and necessitated longer bed rest. than medium-severe first attacks; recurrences
showed the same clinicM picture as the initial attack. with a typical pre-icteric
stage. Relapses are attributable to premature exertion, faulty diet. superinfections
and, in particular. immune-biological factors. With recurrences, re-infection must
be considered, and further infection with a different type of virus.
86decker - Berlin-Burk 7. 61
'77C~-'"PTA ' 7DTr.~j n-pC 7 /7
13 Pediatrics Jijlv
pocken bet an epidemischer Hepatitis erkrankten Kindern - _Kj_tAbA__)( ,
Infektionaklin., Med. Fak., Prag 8, Bulovka - MED.KLIN. 1958, 53132
(13G5-1367) Tables I
In the course of the period 1953-1957, there were 8 outbreaks of chicken pox in
the hepatitis ward of this hospital. Of 73 children who developed chicken pox in the
course of hepatitis. 65 had atypical forms. In the latter cases, the disease de-
veloped in the course of I or 2 attacks, and the efflorences usually resembled an
ordinary urticarial rash. Eight control patients who had no hepatitis showed the
picture of typical chicken pox. Comparisons are made with other double infections
(scarlet fever, measles. etc.). Bddecker - Berlin-Buch (L. 7)
KMRA, V. (Praha 8 - Bulovka)
--ffigg-Hoei's of Infectloua hepatitis in children. Gask. pediat. 14 no.6:
485-149 5 June 59.
l.-Infekeni kliniki hygienicke fakulty v Praze. predmoste, doe. dr V.
(HMPATITIS. IHMTIOUIS, in inf. & child
ding (Cz))
LTUMA. V. (Praha B. Bulovka)
Tregtment of acute stage of infectious hepatitis in children. Cask.
pediat. 14 no.6:490-497 5 June 59.
1. Infekani klinika hygienicke fakulty v Pra2e, prednosta doe. &r.
V. Kredba.
(HNPATITIS, INMTIOUS, in inf. & child
ther. (00)
Our experiences with aldolase test. 11. Cas.lek.cesk. 98 no-38:
1195-1201 18 S 159.
1. Votav opidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha, reditel prof.dr.
K. Raeka. Infekcni oddeleni nemocnice na Bulovee, Praha, vedouci
doc. KJDr. V. Kredba. Infekeni vddeleni nemocnice v Motole, Praha,
primnr MUDr. 0. Sousek.
(ALDOLASE blood.)
Herpes simplex virus infection. Cook.pediat-15 no.12:1091-1096 D160.
1. Infekeni klinika L7H v Prove no Bulovce, prednosta prof.dre
(IMRPZS in inf & child)
The course of infectious hepatitis in children protected with gamm
gl*bulin, Cask, pediat. 17 no.4:339-344 Ap '62.
1. Infakeni klinika lakarske fakulty bygienicke Karlovy university v
Fraze 8 na Bulovee, prednosta prof. dr. V. Kredba.
Chronic hyperbilirubinemia. Cesk. pediat.,17 no.3-1:31-36 N 162.
1. Infekeni klinika *lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v
Praze 8 na Buloveet Prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Kredba.
Toxopla-sffiosis. Cask. pediat. 17 no.12:1104-Ull D 162.
1. Infekcni klinika nemocnice v Praze 8 na Bulovce, prednosta prof.
dr. V. Kredba.
7(,,'lK I I -' k (,~ Iay A t i (I rey ". V-1 c 11 ; i i E' 11 va"; I 11 '1 1
Lomdd 1-rinirii1i
V.Yu.; LA.1,71,C)MIENKO, III.M.;
ALEK,S,V-.Pjl-'GVA, A.A.,, rerl.; GUTCliINA, N.Ya., red.;
LYL1131,110VA, T.M., red.
[Frii.ciples of the thecry of the relial)i`ity al"(1i nuel"l-
ticn of 1-1(tloelectrcllic narie-,!:-
nor%ti i u~--pluattjtsil. rridicielf.,kironno, Voskva,
Save-uikae v~tdio, 1964. 550 p. (:-~ I ~, A 18: -11 )
K'U~Kvi) V.
Low-frequency oscillations of P glow discharg(?.
P. 451 Ceskoslovenska Morofolorgie. Vo., 7, no. h, P)57 Prahn, Czechoslovnkin)
!,bnthly Index of East European Accessions (EW) :C. Vol. 7, no. 2.,
Februiry 15;58
LEVARDI, Ferenc, dr.; OVARI, Antal; BUBICS, Gyorgy; DOWly, Andras;
LO11NICZI, Dezso; GAGYI PALFFY, Andras, dr.; BFNEDEK, Ferenc;
KOVACS, Dezso; MARTOS, Ferenc, dr.; DENES, Otto; SAFAR, Laszlo;
TAMASY, Istvan, okleveles banyamernok; "OCZF,, Laszlo; KR-EFFLY,
Gabor; BOCSANCZY, Janos; SCHMIDT, Eligiusz Robert, dr.; KOITRAD,
Odon, dr.
An account of the Novembe- 27, 1964 Executive Committee Session
arranged by the National Hungariwi Min-*ng and Metallurgic Society
in Salgotarjan. Bany lap 98 no.3:203-212 Mr 165.
1. President, National Hungarian Mining and Metallurgic Society,
Budapest (for Levardi). 2. Secretary General, National Hungarian
Mining and Metallurgic Society, Budapest (for Ovari). 3. Editorial
Board Member, "Banyaszati Lapok" (for Gagyi-Palffy, Benedek, Martos
nnd Kreffly). 4. Deputy Head, Department of Mining Engineering
of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, Budapest (for Tamasy).
BOCS.VICZY, Janos, okl.banyamernok.; YJWFrLY, !van., okl.bunyuniernok.
.- -- -
Mining experiments by means of steel props and caps in the
coal seam no.4. of Lyuko at Adrianyi. Bany lap 93 no.6:370-3U
JO 160.
,~ULTTFLY Ivan,, oklevelen banyariernok
Application of coal plows in the Lorsod coa'L banin. Dany lap
96 no-11:839-845 N' 163.
1. Borsodi Szenbanyaszati Troszt, Miskolc.
Total ihot*6n~'do-ar--Atwlirp,iflo-,n--bi JiIEIIIIIIU~I.
Ke tefan
and M. Kmtttr (J.
Yugoslavia). Fhy,. M;..n4
of total 'aliggaticlear pbwmilon cr!nl sec.
flan In At 6 100* 10 nib.,. hAegrated cross &CCUOU Is esta-
about 8W mb.-m.t.v. lack J. Bulloff -
I KREGARg Mitja; ROSINAp Mitja.
Photonuclear absorption. Obz mat fiz 7 no.4:174-179 160. (EEU lOs5)
(Photonuclear reactions)
(Electromagnetic vaves)
Nuclear reactions in stars. Obz mat fiz 8 no.2~72-78 161.
Tot pro- rid paAcritIcal f-r)OO Of -u-Itc nq-,Wrot Systecra.
W a, vvj.~..7
48, llcl'c~lt- tt'w,
gilli's d L70~ :110 if MV CGLI iaf tiw .).I (A t'a~ niva. Orin
tlic phzl;Olllv,l;l A pik;,uwn
wk t4v- 1~ 6iffos;mi. 6im.- ~A
Sci.11L to 1w ifivten it,. lh~: whea a tvv=l.
~4 I'lalu i.-- i-XI'lMed. Toe reif'r; ~;If
V.-Ill i;l Jv. lt~lid vivi't. t(, L, mut.
~I.-tins"Ire. F.It
-kl L/,;1. 26.
- - - - - - - - - -
7 :JOH-29,It
w Mclla,r.~h
~:t Vol,
'%11'r ct r c~
tw.,:n fv~~itdl :t,*.,! s, m,,:,A 'P', u! C.) 1, leuc 3z,~
berlitir., it-
cl d., C.,' . P. ?~ov-cd
iit Ilm palvge A
tirucimpaivicil by av ~ncrc:.i~ ir evitropy. 1-hc larlts lizac
L, B W lot 10. ida
il-vx thL-t (1) flic ~,:rilctqrc ArAu Jpl~ I
t,fileved as in A, tud Q) it fin;tc c';mm",
~- Tit, Nl
. A,
iii 17:4U. or,!d- pf~.jn. ;ii,. Vl;k
Ma I
Chemi~al Abet.
Vol - 48
Apr. 10, 1954
FatB# FattY Oils, Waxesq and Detergents
Analysis of Polish r4ne tied- ;Fl: Al %4,11 cr Krez wski
- y-). -POM triined
siginh summar r-I c-
-ced nil wa5 aiialy:rA by rtvstn. front itri njist
(modified hlicm itow-jki in.ethoi). and the 4 fractioni ob-
tabled lyctc analY!Cd I)v comparativeebulliornetric (Swirtn-
3LLvnki) and sr~ctral urctuent3 (Mitchell, a al.. CA.
37. Thc reiinfl't's'Llindicated: I no. (Iluhl) 101.4,,
sapon. 11D. 172.8; acid no. O.W for original oil. The acid
compn. (wt. %) was: Ct, to Ct, acids 6.5; erucic.'A.5; alcic
? ' e.~id enoi and ticoawnoic 18.5; linoleic 17.5; lhn~
lllulic 0cm7andcunsaponifiable about 0.3170. 1t% J--:
KR:!GLEEWSSKI,l, Aleksander
,2 Th -G-:i-ind pw-~Tlflcal refon-of one component sys.
inn Airk,;:m-
t V1. IsMerna and Isochores 0
ACrestlewski nst. General C
C?Fern, 27, 125,73(19Ni); cL Wjf.-Z6,'ITI(M."21
v01. relations of propane %verr studit'l In pre- aud pos!-
critical regions. I'lle IllenbC11% disappeared at cmiA. tmnj,~
T. - 97.30 4: 0.03' and under coast. prvtiarc of 12.03 :i~-
0.01 atm. in a range of volunici warying front 4.07 to 4.67
cc./g. Isothcrms plottcd above T~ confirmcd condew-a-
tion theory by Mayer and flarrisoti (cf. C.A. 32,
By the rulemphotometric methfNI of Swl,~to%l ovski, -! :/. (cf.
C.A. 47, 10301h) the forauxtiou of it -two-ph.v," sv,0im
hai been found at isochomi above T_ fly plotting inicro.
photometrIc data ngainst temp., typical
Isochorcs (cf. C.A. 32, 8~Q'; 33, 816:0)
Both Isothe"nal compressinn anI pit-h- I a
complete hornngenizatiou of Oil, !ytit-n. hu, no .!:I-tt r, 7t, ,
n prmure Immern tbe. vii-viAcd awl
were round at given ten 1). :md 1, 1.
�0.01 atin. if!
"Problem of gasification in transportation', p. 42-2 (Przeglad Techniczny. Vol. 74.
no. 11, Nov- 1953, Warazawa)
Vol- 3, blo- 3
SO: Monthly List IL last European Ancess ions,/ Library of Congress, March 1954, Uncl.
The a" state of
Acetic mcid-pyrifte Sy9tim
W AwietWawlki WO A V
U Lm,
iv. Warsair ~imw
inteut ot wAll ae
1110ir""' "wg- lwQtrQW iu the Crit. state, ow
the dippeAnulce
ul the IIICIII,-~'iLs of purf.,T ',"ei fluft 11OAc. and of t
ti, 4~ I
3 ruLp. W . W.
criticAll Mote 04 tltpalve runou~r~,
Acet4tta-chlarg(O'm Ul-
crit, temim T" r lim. iliw.iv, -mc,
1'em"I III
lk plot at T. V54 motc! Ikof not of tl~, conqw-luntq.
ctittcal 4(tto of two-Compneut
ftdffs* wtthk olcohat.~
amd, t4ors.
,hg! (fit,
at"WM% wm
for t J. fnr mixti.
pytilline vVWX Itsapovyl, L~'qhtqfyl' an't I-wNinst'l alca.
WAS. of o3rdelitte vrith IvVnpyl and Nobutyl nic-, stimy
0(!C. deviationg, asid tivrz with 1w"iyI nk"Alm? I",.
deviiCtIalu firom Umc4ity III a lilac of 7 vs. mole % d ode
of the Compnatuto. Alitmey P. Ahilmlkr
1, A.
~r- s.- i I,y
7. c crntlll- yil, t, cf a s a
VC11. 2~', 1, n. 2, 7-1-54,
4r n re
-"v A,
-Vill. Th%t (anipcraftuo rartge of tho Vvy~rftii-Rl rrjI*mtN
cf. C.A
lvichorei; ,f McIntn0i cij,) wtv., further naaly/.~) ty
studyllig lite d, Changi-S of thc pltovi and Colificti-C.'I rh'tv-l
occurthig at cunit, 7-A. in thc prt:- njj,I po3terit. vg~m J
hit'", jjropylev~' prapinc, riettlane, soul The
inkropKAtonletric, nimhod WaN jt~t-il r"
CA. 47, M101h), 't.bt results 4)jacr~,il Irtnit NtcIjitj,,1j j,,j-
charej in that tho Inap. V. of the W~-spjxw;iiwe vid 1?,:,( of
trallee T. tit thf, 111riji"Cm vvi vp b"I'm T' Ow
t 1111.1 the co'llml syso-mr; wm" t'IQ11t;vvI' tfi~
!"felt)12' Vt'rIT':J If-CO011 e111231 tO OP )IO61011tAl ~0:1;1111 "I Ott'
fitiq'i'l-vapot vix-ni%tw1cf! rurve (r,p.. th'. cilrv'~s Ior "m 11-.11
-iiilwfgve wid Schnuitivr, C..4. 46, 47, IWIAtf!)
vr:A~ evolkA, 8V IV;.,
Pax,m/Themmdynamic s - Ther=cherdstry. Equilibria. B-8
1-hysical-Chomical Analysis. Phase Transitions.
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Ehimiya, 11o 6, 195-1, 18538
Title Cr-'tical Tenreratures of 141xtur(-,s cf Benzene and n-Octane
Orig Pub Roczn. chem., 1955, 29, No 2-3, 754-762
Abstract The ter-1::xatures of meniscus disappearance were dutermined
by the ~,,rlier described method (RZhKhim, 1956, 77535)
fr,-, Qi-- ):.nary systems benzene (I) isopropyl alcohol
I-,), I - isobutyl alcohol (III), I Isoamyl alcohol
Il'). n.-octane (V) - II) V - III, v IV, v - I, as
well as for the ternary system I - IV V.
Card 1/1 - 218 -
pOLAND/Physical Chemistry - Liquids and Amorphous Bodies. Gases. B.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khiraya, No 9, 1958, 27796
Author Kr F-- gl
Title Critical ReGion Phenorauna in LiVids.
Orif~ Pub Kosmos (Poland), B3, No 2, 135-144 (1957) (in Polish).
Abstract A number of papers dealinG with phenomem in the Lgas and
liquid phases in the critical rerion are discussed.
;Qnon(, the topics treat&, am questims relate(I to thQ
cxistence of phases, opalescence, the effect of gravity
on phase separation, and the behavior of solutions in
the noiLhborhood of the critical point.
Card 1/1
Physical Chomistry. Thormodynarucs. lhurnchQmistry.
Equilibria.' Physical-Chfnical Analysis. Phase
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Khim., No 10, 1956, 31664
P.uthor :-A. Kroglewski.
Inst ic-ademy of Sciences of Poland
Title Studies on the Critical Temperature Curvo3 of' Mixturos. 1.
The Azootropic Ranro. II. The Binary and Ternary Systems
of Acetickcid - Pyridine - n-Paraffins. 'III. The Offect
of Volume Chan6es by Uxing.
Orig Pub :aill. Acad. polon. sci., 1957, Cl. 3, 5, No 3, 323-327,
= ; 329-333, XM1; No 4, 431-436, XXXIV.
.,'Lbstract :I. The equatiorw of Malfisinski (RZhKhim, 1957, 76583)
connecting the azootropic limit with the azeotropic de-
creases ziere derived from the equations of critical tempe-
ratura curves. If the critical temperature curvos of the
Card ! 1/3
POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Thomodynamics. Thorm7)chemistry. B-8
Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis. Fha!;,~,
Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Khim., No 10. 1968, 31664.
Systoms (i, j) and (j, Q aro knorrn, tho c,,Arvo of the
sy3ton (i, k) Yrill 1-o determined also. The jroat influence
produced by the volume chanCe at mixing is cmpha3izo4.
II. The curves and surfaces of critical temperatures
of binary and ternary mixtures of acotic acid (1) vrith
hoxano, octane (II), decano (III) and dodocano (IV) and of
pyridine with I + II, I -+- III and I + IV worc studied. The
mar,nitudo of the azootropic limit in the case of binary
mixturoB computed from the critical tomporatures wus comp-
arod aith tholimitdotormined experimontally at atmosphoric
pressure, The critical curves and surfaces vroro compared
with isobar curvos mid surfacas of boiling points under
atmospheric pressure.
Card 2/3
POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Thcrmod~mamics. Thermochemictry. B-8
Equilibria. Physical-Chomical Analysis. Phase
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khim., No 10, 1958, 31664.
111. The equation of the (T, x) curve of the critical
tempera turo of a m ixture TcVc = TjVjxj -1- 2 4jZVJVjxlxZ +
-t TCVOXJ, whore T and V are the critical tomperatkuro and
2 2
the critical molar volume, the x-as aro molar parts, and
Cz is a constant characterizing the divergence of the sys-
tom from the ideal solution was derived. ',he equation of a-
zootropic limits of three binary systems Z -+-! z -
I z 12 2
2 13 (RZhKhim, 1957, 76583) is satisfied in respect L-(Tc,
X) curvas oven in the case of a strong intermolecular in-
toraction (hydrogen bond) on condition that the influence
of the volumo change at the mixing of tho components has
boon taken into consideration. Tho (Tc, x) curves for
the binary systems C02-N2 0, N20, N20 - C2116,1 C02 - C 2 H&I
H2S _ C02 and H 2S - CZH6 were computed.
Card 3/3
POIXTD/Fhysic~nl Clic-,Listry - Liquids, Awrphou8 B)di,2s, Gazws.
.Abs Jour : Rcf Zhur - Shimiya, No 8, 1958, 24o44
Author : Kreglews14.,_A.--
Inst : Polish Academy of Sciences.
Title : Critical Region of Liqueds. II. Limited 141scibility of
Compressed Gases and Influence of Impurities on Hysteresis
Orig Pub : Bull . Acad. polon. sci., 1957, C1.3, 5, No 6, 667-672
Abstract : Considering a mixture of Epses at high pressures as a re-
gular solution the author utilizes as a characteristic of
mutual miscibility og the components the Hildebrand para-
meter 6 ~ (- E/Vl/2; the greater the difference in 4
values of the components the more readily does the sys-
tem separate in 2 phases. To calculate 4 use is rade
of the hypothesis of Van Dranen (DTanen J. Van, J. Chem.
Card 1h
PCUu'iTj/IPhysical Chemistry - Liquids, Amorphous Bodies, Gases. B-6
.Abs Jour Ref 2hur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958, 24o44
1~hys,, 1952, 20, 1175), according to which at the critical
point E = YMcr)/2. 6 2 are calculated for Ile) 112) N
C3118) CH41 C06, C2H41 C02-v SO 2 and Nil 3* From these da~~
aro predicted the curves (critical temperature - composi-
tion) at equilibria liquid - gas and gas - gas for mixtu-
res C2H4) C02 and C98 with He and mixtures of He, CH4
and 112 wi th NH3, and a discussion is also pre,.zented of thQ
r,ossibility of formation of 2-phase gas - gas systems in
other mixtures containing the investigated substances.
It is shown that gaseous contaminations (for example, air)
induce, in the critical region of one-component systerts,
phenomena analogous to incomplete mircibility of gnses.
However, in the case of C2111, a clearly defined phase
Card 2/3
i;G:-. Mo!nistrv - Liquids, Amr~hous Gaset~ . '_1 - )
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Maimiya, No 8, 1958, 24o44
boundary (meniscus) is not observed which my be attribu-
ted to smll difference in L values of C 2H4 and air.
Part I see RZhKhim, 1957, 29907.
Card 3/3
Di5trz 32c~ j
ruin t A"n tA *,~k 11-1 n tcrMi a (;tfa"Ittt
'c I ~ C-A - 5 1 . 1
c;witt k ~~ ll~
ra, td by~ -Iidgt: fin
The fmary surfacts are CIL.Ar tK;p
by a r%sd It
mid tint tit thcm, that for the Wff-I-V 6Y-3 em, UY it wsd
Lvac:ipondiug to 144,9' and mmpfi. 12' A