S/ 276/63~000/002/007/052
A052/Al 2
AUTHORS: Kremenetakiy# I.Ma, and flikhaylover, M.Y..
TITLE: How development in the technology of machining precision
elements of guiding apparatus for centrifugal pumps
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Takhnologiya mashinostroyenija, no. 2,
1963, 40, abstract 2B156 (Novosti neft. i gas. tekhn. Heft.
oborud. i ared6tva avtomatiz., no. 6, 1962, 31-32)
TEXT- The technological process of manufacturing the blank with
allowances and tolerances is described an well as the subsequent machining
of an element of the guiding apparatus to the second class of finish. When
,milling the channols a special face plate is used mounted on the turn table.
of the machine. The face plate has movable centGrs and in a number of
cases can be common for elements of several dimensions. There are 2 figures.
L. Taukerman
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation.)
Card 1
OMNGENDEN, Samuil Rafailovich,ic~ndidat takhnicheakikh nauk, FANADIADI,
A.D., kandidat sellskokhozyarstvannykh nauk; TROMBACHU, S.F.,inzhener,
Edeceasedj; YARUblAIN, M.I., inzhener;-JW- kan
-,JWTSKIY , N.D. didat
sellskokhozyaretvennykh nauk; KAGAN,
inzhener; TRUBACHEVA, Te.G., kullturtekhnik; SMMTAREVSKIT, A.I.,
redaktor; FEDOTOVA, A.F., tekhnicheakiy redaktor.
[Operation of irrivation and drainage systems] Ekspluatateiia gidro-
maliorativnykh sistem. Pod red.S.R. Offengendena. Moskva, Goe.izd-
vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 535 P. (MW 10:6)
(Irrigation) (Draiwe)
ISM ' '* 'k
'4-:L L-: 111 -'~ S N E -I N. D. a nd VIA I I T N P '. 'i .
"Reconstruction of Irrigation Network in Gotton PIsPtIng, Collective Farms of
Central Asia., It paper presented at the Third internitional Congrevs on irrigation
and Drainawe, San Francisco, 29 Apr-4 May 1957
ZAMARINq Te.A,, doktor toldin. muk., prof.; ZHMVLNY, G.I., kand. tekhn.
nauk; KOBIK, S.I., V-And. tekhn. kand.
tekhn. nauk; NIKOLAYXV, I.G.. inzh.. nauchnyy red.; GOMMOVA,
LeAs, red. izd-va: PXRSOX, M.N., takhn. red.
[Hydraulic structures in agricultuiel Seltakokhoziatetvennve g1dro-
takhnicheakie sooruzheniia. Hoek-va, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.
I arkhit., 1957. 289 p. (MM 110
(Hydraulic engineering)
DOBRYIIIV, V.P., prof.; OLISHIJISKIY, N.A., akadernik, lcktor; YEIMI, Ye.Ya..,
dots.; FATOYAIIOV, A.S.9 prof.; GUBAREV, A.N.; TUCH-EXK0, P.I.,,
dots.; CIIIZIIEVSKIY, M.G.9 prof.. lektor; AVDOIIIII*, III.S., prof.,
lektor; ONUCHAK, A.I., dots.; DUNIN, M.S., prof... lektor;SAVZDARG,
E.E., prof., lektor; MUMIT471 UIY-.,-N.D -,-dots.$ lektor; AVERITANOV,
S.F., dots., lektor; POLUBOYARINOV, I.I., dots.; GULWaV, A.N., red.
izd-va; ITAIJMOV, K.M., tekbn. red.
[Textbook on agriculture for party nehools]Uchebnoe posobie po sell-
okomu khoziaistvu dlia partiinykh shkol. Mookvn. R.1. [Crop fam-
ing) Zemledehe. 1958, 397 p. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Kormmnninticheakaya lutrtiya Sovetakogo Soyuza. Vyssbaya par-
tiynaya shkola. 2. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola pri TSentrallnom ka-
mitete Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Dobrynino
Ollshanakiyj Gubarev, Tkachenko, Chizhevskiy, Avdonin, Onuchak,
Dunin., Savzdarg, Kremenetskiy., Averlyanov). 3. Vsesoyuznaya akade-
miya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for 01'shanskiy).
4. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola pri TSentrallnom komitete Kormunisti-
cheskoy partii Ukrainy (for Yelin, Polubo arinov). 5. GorlIcovskaya
Vysshaya partiynaya shkola (for Fatlyanov~.
HAKATZV, M.G.. kand.tokhn.nauk; SMIRMOV, A.Y.. kand.tekhn.nauk;
A]rAMASIYZV, I.V.; TOLODIKO, I.F.. kancl.tekhn.nauk; B=YAROV, S.A.;
Zh.I.; FAMAYRV, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KULIKOV, F.Ye.; SHIMMOVICH,
S.V.; DELITSIN, N.V., reteenzent; BRAUDE, I,D,, retsenzent; BIRTSHIV.
A.M.; reteenzent; GRIGORTANTS, A.S., reteenzent; IGNATYUK, G.L.,
retsenzent; KALABUGIN, A.Ya., retsenzent; WKENETSKIT. 'K.D.0~-
retsen2ent; POPOV, X.V., retBenzent; ORLOVA, V.P.. red.; IMM,
V.Ya., red.: SOKOLOVA. U.N.. tekhn.red.; PEDOTOVA, A.F., tekhfi.red,
(Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik
gictrotakhnika malioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry.
1958. 766 p. (MIn 1213)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering)
Lbori.dovanie kiirs..a zoolcf-il, Frakt. Luke vo,"~itv lk or, rilz tsi- zol-I
-ractical. manu I on orj- -nizinC. 1-u- -,ratori~-- -i-,l
~~Cdaro'Cical inst.~ lutes, a, Uc!.; 1 -5 7
2-e z:i
Lint RuirJan Aoov- 11 1
KRMSUNTSKIr Nestor Grigorlyevich; KARK07, N.G., redaktor; S14IRJIOV, G.I.,
[Practical field manual on the zoology of invertebrates; a textbook
for students in natural history departments of pedngoricnl institutes]
Uchobno-polevaia praktika po zoologii bozpozvonochnykh; posoble dlia
BtudF)ntov fakulltetov estestvoznaniia podagogicheakikh Inatitutov.
Moskva, Goo. uchebno-pedagog. Izd-vo Hiniaterstva oroaveshchanita
RSFSR. 1956. 146 p. (I-LU 9:12)
VSESVYATSKff. M., prof.: VIDTAKIUA. Te.M.. kand.pedagog.naWc;
Discuosing, tho curriculum of biology. Biol.v shkolo no.6:
22-27 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Mookovokly gorodakoy pedagogichnakiy inatitut (for
Vnenvyatskly). 2. Mariyekly podagogichaskiy Inatitut (for
Vidyakina). 3 Sredryaya shkola 110.7 j;.Kaliningra&L Moskov-
skoy oblasti ifor Kremenetakiy, Suslov~ 4. Srednyaya Wcola
a.IvanoOm Iyukaemburgskogo rayona Orenburgskoy oblasti (for
Madvedov). 5. Kaluzhakiy ablastnoy institut usovershnnstvovani-
ya uchiteley (for Chadova). 6. Kaluzhokly pedagagiche-Aly
Institut (for Rosina).
(Biology--Study and teaching)
'BARAITOV,13oris Aleksandrovich,; ZOIOTCY, Vnevoled Nikolayev ic b,[Aeceasedl
KRISIN, Rafail losifovich, ; SHAPIRO, IHay- Iosifovich, : SHASKOLISKIY,
Boria Vladimirovich.; SHAMAZAROV, Musheg Mosesovich,;,KR MSKU,
.-ILJL~nzh., retseazent, ; TISHIN, S.D., kand, tekhn. nauk, dots., red.
RODUVICH, S.S., izd. red.; ROZHIN, V.P., tekhn. red.
[Production standards for machinery manufqcturing factories]
Tekhnicheakoe normirovanie na maehinostroitallnom zavode. Moskva.
Goo. 1-,d-vo obor. promyRhl., 1958. 576 D. (MIRA 11:12)
(Machinory induntry-Production standards)
USSR/Engineering _ Hydraulics) Foraulas Apr 52
"On New Formulas for the Chezy Coefficient," N. N.
I(remenetskiy, Engr
"Gidrotekh Stroi" No 4, pp, 41-44
Reviews 2 articles published by Prof Trufanov and
Prof Agroskin in "Gidrotekh Str'oi" No'2, 1950, -
and No 2, 1949. Concludes that 3 formulas deve-
loped by Prof Trufanov are based,6n erroneous as-
sumptions and cannot be recommended for practical
application. Agroskin's formula C-- 17-72 (Kt-lgR)
it acceptable for quadratic region of resistances.
The scale for K values is presented.
KAXATZV, M.G., kand.takhn.nauk; SMIRNOV,
AFAMASITSY, I.V.; TOLODIKO, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEGUAROT, S.A.;
Zh.I.; FANDEYEV, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; KULIKOV, P.Ye.; SHIMANOVICH,
S.V.; DELITSIN, X.V.. retsenzent; BRAUDE, I.D., retsenzent; BARTSEW.
A.M.i reteenzent; GRIGORYANTS, A.S., retsenzent; IGNATYUK, G.L.,
retsenzent; KALABUGIN, A.Ya., retsenzent; MKENETSKIY. N.D.,
rateenzent; POPOV, X.V., retaonzent; ORLOVA, V.P., red.; LZT1XV,
V.Ya., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhn.red.; FF=OVA, A.F.. tekhil.red.
(Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik
gidrotekhnika melioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry,
1958. 766 P. (MIRA 120)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering)
IRBSIMSKIT-i N.Y., kand.takhn.nank
Gertain defining Improvements in the theory of the expansion of
nubmarged jets. Nauch.2np. MllVKH 20:174-179 158. NITIA 13:6)
. ." '? 17
; , , , '; * I , , . , ". . , I I
- i ul.-dons
l,elr-nt!nlV,e.d r-p:UjqjonS. 10. j4omo,,enizntlort in cnuillnrif-q. XvIlt . zhur. 11, no. 2, .1952.
9. Monthly Ust of Russian Accessions, LLbrary of Congross, d,r-r 1952 Pg", UrIcl.
"The resistance of emulsions and suspensions In connection -with the stabilizing
action of structure-mechanical properties ofprolucc-tive surface layers,"
report presented at the rourtb AL1-Unlon Cmforwxe on Colloidal Cl--" try,
TL-111ai, Ge=glan SM, 12-16 may 1W (EOL1 zhtx, 2C,rl, p.677-9, 158, ftsbwn, A.B)
;' - " 1~ - 1 1 14~7 "'. ! 1; .I ,.;I. "I
SHCHARBAKOV. Dmitriy Ivanovieb, akademik; KUHNNI:Vt
S.Ya., red.; VIIXIISKAYA, tAFn-.-f-eT-.' Y., red. PROKHODTSXVA,
[Journey to Mexico; travel impressions) Poezdka v Meksiku; putevye
vpechatloniia. Moskva, GoBjzd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1957. 92 p.
(Kaxico-Discription and travel) (HIRA 11;2)
K 11:'-' : ~-J.; SKALICKOVA, C.; J.; ':t.
A contrII.Tation to the stuly !,,'I I. ,. comparative
study of the p-,!ychologry of persons ; rt."ion,~ wit!., endanic
ge-Ater in Bohemia. Cas. lok. ceak. zx.12:315-323 26 Mx'65-
1. Vyzku=y ustav endokrlnologl~*y v Praze (red-, tel : (loc. dr.
K. Silink, DrSc.); P,,;ychiatri~2'ka fn'Milty %,SeeAvC-n('ho
lekarstvi Karlo-ry Uriiver5ity v Pra,---i prof. dr.
V. Vondracek, DrSc.) a Fon`atrick,~ fahzltni no-mocnice
v Praze (vedcuel.: prof. dr. ~'-% S~-~~man, -~Is,-.).
CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.28-008-1-616.21-007-0()9.8-036.21
KRE-14EITOVA,_.J.; BLAHA,, K.; 11LAVAC, J.; R _E!"S EDIAIJER, R.; Research
-Tfffti:EU~ of Endocrinology (Vyzkumny Ustav Endokrinoloriclcy),
Prague, Chief (Prndnostal Docent Dr K. SILITIK; Otolaryngological
Department, Plolyclinic of the Faculty Hospital (Otolaryngolog-le-
-ke Oddeleni Polikliniki Fakultni Nemocnice), Prague, Head (Vedouci),
Docent Dr K9, Z0.1AN
"Contribution to the Investigation of Endemic Degeneration. IV."
Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ce2Lqchj Vol 106, 110 7, 17 Feb 67, PP
187 - 193
Abstract LA-uthors' English sui-=ary modified 7: Investigation of
tET-incidence of impaired hearing andworph-ol.o.-ical anorinlies of
the F21T system in endemic derenoration nhowed tho followin-: In the
group of the Policka aree more disorders of the ENT system were
found than in the Sedleany area. Outstandim, was t1lo inaldonco
, cretinism, and tho incidonco of cleft
of deafmutism accompanying
palate and lip. Eorphologrical anorralies of the fano wore moro fro-
quent in tho Sedleany area. Qothic nalatoo in impsirod dov6lopmont
of facial bones were frequent. In ri~nifost cretiiism perceptive
hearing disorders woro froquont in both groups. 41 Figuxest 11
Tables, 12 Western., 7 Czec~ references. (Ms. roe.
KREIIENOVA, J.; BIAHA, K.; LANGOVA, J.; Research Institute of &1-
c 6'c"FM'5T,--
'r 6gy (Vyzkumny Ustav Endokrinolof- Prague, Chief (Pred-
nosta) Docent Dr K. SILIITK; Otolaryngological Department, Faculty
Polyclinic (Otolaryngologicke Odd. Fak. Polilclinill-y), Prague, Head
(Vedouci) Docent Dr K. ZEKAN; Phonintric Clinic (Foniatricka Kli-
nika), Prague, Chief (Prodnosta) Prof Dr M. SEE1,1ttil.
ItContribution to the Study of Endemic Degeneration. V.11
Prar,uo, ~a:3opis Lekaru Ceskveh, Vol 106, 110 9, 3 11ollar 67, PP
239 - 243
Abstract 5-uthors' English summary modified 7: 3 siblings in the
area of 6edlcany with conSenital verceptive-hearing disorders and
impaired intelligenc~3 were examined. ~he parents showed signs of
revere thyreopathy; clinical sians of degeneration were not observ-
ed in the children; -,e-J.ther was"Pendred1s syndrome. 11 Figures,
2 Western, 5 Czech 76forences. (1,11anuscript received 14ar 66).
Mentality and psychopathological manifestations of endemic
degeneration. Cesk. psychiat. 58 no.5:304-311 0 162-
klinika. fak. vaeob-
Eye findings in endemic degeneration. Cas. lek. cesk. 104
no.5t130-135 5 Pt 15.
1. 1. ocni klinlka fekulty vseobecneho lekarstvi v Praze
(prednosta s prof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSc.) a Vyzkumny
ustav endokrinologicky v Prazo (reditelt doe. dr. K. Silink).
Contribution to the study of endemic goiter. Ill. The presenct
of tissue antibodies in people from areas of endemic goiter.
Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.15:415-418 16 Ap'65.
1. Psychiatricka kliniks, fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy
University v Praze (prednosta: prof. dr. V. Vondracek, Wa.);
Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze v Praze (reditel: prof. dr.
J. Horejai, DrSc.); a Vyzkumny ustav endokrinologicky v Praze
(reditelt doc. dr. K. Silink, DrSc.).
Contribution to the study of the relation of endemic degeneration to
prosperity and achool attendance in the youth of Czeeho3lorvakia and
Moravia. 1. Retarded pupils in a general primary school. Cas. lek.
cook. 101 no.28064,870 13 J1 162.
1. Vyzkumny ustav endokrinologicky v Praze prodnosta doe. dr. K. Silink.
Contribution to the study on the relationship between endemic
degeneration and school att6ndance and success among Czech and
Moravian children. II. Stuaents of special schools and students
not under obligatory attendance rules. Cas. lek. cesk. 101
no.32/3331016-1020 17 Ag 162.
1. Vyzkumny ustav endokrinologicky v Prazo, prednosta doe. dr. K. Silink.
Contribution to the study on the relationship between endemic degenera-
tion and school attendance and success among Czech and Moravian childi-.,.
III.Comparison of historical findings with data from the period of
1958-1960,,-, Cas.- lek. cesk. 101 no.370110-1113 44 S 162.
1. Vyzkumny ustav endokrinologicky v Praze, prednosta doe. dr.
K. Silink.
K109YEVAp Le ,
Collective farm market; a report in pintures. Zdormrfa 9
no.10t16-17 0163 (MIRA 16:12)
Protecticn of workers and safety measures at enterprises of tha
petroleum and gas industry of Sakhalin. Vop, travm. i ortop.
-io.13:16-22 163. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Glavnyy inzhener cb"yedineniya "Sakhalinneft'".
I . - I . I
!~akhahn petroleum. Neft. khoz. 42 nk).9/10:~P-4-88 '-,0 ",4.
(1,CRA 1h12)
Contribition to tho study )f' poitr4r. If. Genetlc
in areas with endemic goiter and th(iir ondocrine and p8ycMF',rL-.
effect. Qua. lek. Ceak. 104 no.1,3:31,2-348 2 Ap 16.5
1. Vyzkunny ustav endokrinologickv -.r Praze (ri!ditel: doc. dr.
K. Silink, DrSc.) a Psychiatricka 'r-llArAa fal-Ailty vz*;PObeCnehO
lcl:arstvi Karlovy Univorsity v I,rii-e (pr,-&cvtH- prof. dr.
V. Vondracek, DrSc,)q 2. 7.
tr. 8,
K'RE*lEf1SHTFY1V' L. /-
'S V.I., inzhener, vedushchi7
redaktor; RUMSKIT, Ta.V., tokhnicheekly redaktor
[Theory of mechanisms and machinery; manual for courses In designing]
Teortla mekhantzmov I mashin; rukovodstvo po kursovomu proek-tirova-
nitu. Kiev. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. I sudostroit.
lit-ry, Ukrainskoe otd-nie, 1954. 139 P. (MIRA 7:11)
(Machinery) (Mechanics)
KRIMUSHUM, L. 1. (Kiyev)
Memento of practical instruction in the teaching of mathematics.
Mat. v shkole no.6338-40 N-D 154. (KLaL 7:11)
(HathematicB--Study and teaching)
KORIWAKO, Alekaandr Stepanovich; KRYNENSHMN, Lev Isaakovich;
AY01TINA, G., radaktor; CMCHSNKO, T., redaktor; PISAREWO,
V., tekhnichaskly redaktor.
(Theory of mechanisms and machines] Teoriia mekhanizmov i
mashin. Izd. 2-oe, pnrer. I dop. Kiev. Gos.izd-vo tekhn.lit-ry
USSR, 1955. 574 p. (MLRA 9:1)
K.-hanics, Applied)
SO V/1 ~'4- 57-4 - 3947
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4.. p 14 (USSR)
A UT 14 OR.- Krenienshteyn, L. 1.
T',T LE: On the Construction of the Function w((~) for a Steady-state Motion
Without Investigation of the Acceleration Characteristics of the
Machine [0 postroyenii funktsii w((~) d1ya ustanovivshegosya
dvizheniya bez issledovaniya etapa razgona mashiny]
PERIODICAL: Tr. Kiyevsk. tekhnol. in-ta legkov proni-sti. 1()55, Nr 7, pp 150-
A9STRACT: The author examines an approximate method for the determination of
the steady-state motiunofa machine., which method requires no invest-
igation of the acceleration characteristics of the machine. The
method is described with reference tc a case in which the excess
reduced mornent is it fLinction of the rolational angle of the dri'ving link.
The inethod described in the paper undcr review I,-, also applicable In
case the drivitift moment is it diminishing function of its angular velo-
city, but an indirect investigation of the act-eleration process is then
Ca I, d I/ I G. KisllLsin
KORWfiSO, Alekaandr Stepanovich; KREHEN$RTM, Lev Isaakovich. PETROVSKIT,
Bergey Dmitriyevich; OVSITkft .01'-drip BAKHM10T.
Vaoiliy Yefimovich; LLUTA, V.I., inzh., red.; RTJD]21SKlY, Yaj.,
(Theory of mechanisms and machines; manual for the cmirea In
designing] Teoriia mekhaniznov I mashin-, rukovodstvo po kursovomu
proektirovaniiu. Pod red. A.S.Koreniako. Izd.2., dop. I perer.
Kiev, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1956. 2o6 p.
(KIRA 12:3)
(Rect.anical engineering) (Machinery)
.- ~ - - I , I .. -,, ~A- ~,~
Determining the law of motion for machine unite subjected to forces
depending on position and speeds. Prikl.mekh.2 no.4:451-455 '56.
(VJ-RA 10:3)
1. Kilvalkir tekhnologichnly inBtitut legkoirmislovosti.
(Kachinery, Kinematics o
MMVFSHTV,ni, L.L?,,,4_44,~jkhn.nauk
,__ ~~Mechanlem of needles ueed in the 25 PMZ-type button-hole making
machine. IZY. v7s. Ucheb. sav.: takh. leg. prom. no.3:126-lg9
158. (KRA 11:10)
1. Kiyevskiy takhnologicheskiy inatitut legkoy promyshlennoeti.
(Bowing machines)
KRD!BN-9HTM, L.I.(Kitv)
Determining the motion law oZ a eachine and the mcmant of inertia
of a flywheel associat,~& with forces and masses depending on
position, velocity, and time [with summary in Inglishl..Frikl. .
makh. 4 no. 2:192-196 158. ~'14IRA 11!8)
1. Kiivalkiv takhnologichniy institut legkot promislosostk.'~
KRE~g?,N311TEYN, dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk: KOBXZSKAYA, V.S.,
1k - ~
G.P., assistant
Klnotosta~iic calculation of the' nse4le macb~inistj of the .
clase-2-5 PIC looper. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tokh.log.prnn. no.2:
98-101 159. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Kiyevskiy takhnologichoskiy institut logkoy promyslilennosti.
(Textile machinery)
KRE119,31IS10,711, L.L. dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk
Designing cam machunisma for the machinery of liCht industr7.
Izv.vyu.uchob.zav.; takh.log.prom. no.6:119-125 '59.
04IRA 13:5)
--I- . 1. Klyevakly takhnologichonkiy institut logkoy pronyBblennoEti.
vw--. Rokomondovana kafedroy, mekhaniki i toorti nekhanlzmov i mashin.
Seleoting number of gear tooth for planetary mechanisms. Stan. .1
instr. 30 no,lt22-23 JA 159. (MIRA 1'.:l)
KORENYAKO, Aleksandr Ste pa novi
PETROVSKIT, Sergey Dmitriy3vich; OVSIYENKO, Grigoriy
Mikhaylovich; BAKHANOV, Vasiliy Yefimovich; KROLEVEETS, H.S.,
dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsen2ent; PILIP314KO, Yu.P.,
red.; GMOSTAYPOLISUTA, H.S., takhn.red.
LPr ject work for course credit in the theory of mechanisms
and machined Kursovoe proektirovenie po teorii makhanismov
i meahin. Izd.3., dop. i parer. Pod red. A.S.Korenisko.
MoBkva, Goo.nquehno-takhn. izd-vo maishinostroit.lit-ry,
1960. $259 P. (MIRA 14:3)
(Mechanical engineering)
KREMENSHTEYN, L.I., -kand.tokhn.nauk., dot:ient
Improving the calculations accepted in the design of machinery
for-light industries. Izv.v-ys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.6:
1-21-125 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Kiyovskiy tokhnologichookiy inctitut legkoy promynhlonn03tL
1431comendovana kafedroy teorii. mekhanizmov i mashin.
(Machinery industry--Design and construction)
('[U,IK('V, Mikhail Llvovich; KCZHEVNIKOV, S.N., retsenzent; KaXE~SH-T-EYN -1.
.~~.,__kand. tekhn.nauk, dots., otv. red.; CHISTYAKOVA, L.G.,
inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red.
(Designing mechanisms for automatic machine tools]Proektirovanic
mekhnnizmov stankov-avtomatov. 14oskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 247 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
I.Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Ukr.S'-R (for Kozhevnikov).
(Machinery, Automatic-Design and construction)
GORSKIY, B.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent; KPMENSHTEYN, L.I., kand.tekhn.
nn,-', dotsent
Design and study of the mechanisms for high-speed machinery
taking jerking into consideration. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.
leg.prom. 3:138-149 162. WIRA 15:6)
1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy imtitut legkoy promyshlennosti.
Rekomendovana, kafedroy teoreticheakoy mekbaniki i teorii
-iakhanizmav i mashin.
(Sewing machines)
KREMENSHTEYN, L.I., kand. tek-hn. nauk, dott!;~n,
Methodology for designing the automatic mechnnism for winding
chenille on a bobbin. Izv. vyo. uchob, zav.; tekh. leg. p"10M..
no.4:171-.174 163. (WRA 16:10)
1. Kiyevskly tekhnologicheskiy 'Lnst~*.,.If. iegkov promy2hlennostl.
KREMENSHTEYN).L.J., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent
Two theorems for the plotting of jerk acceleration plann.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. 'o.5:91-97 163.
(MIRA 16:12)
1. Klyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy inatitut lagkoy promychlennosti.
Rokomendavana kafedroy teoreticheskoy mekhaniki, teorii
makhanizmov i mashin.
tokhn. naukp rotnonzent; MAKLAKOV, N.A., inzh., rod.
(14odernization of cam mechanisms of machines] Modernizatsiia
kula-2hkovykh mokhanizmov mashin'. Moskva# Izd-vo "Mashino-
strounle," 1964. 97 pe (I-IIIIA 170)
G.M.Y 11AYWOV, V.Ye.; Frinimal uch;istiye YENTS,o F.M.;
IMICIlly A.P., prof., retsenzent
[Prepavtttion -)f a course project on the thew-j of meclip.-
Ylismo and rinchilled Kurl--)voc pro(Atiravanle po toorli mo-
,.~hanizmov i miushin. [fly] A.S.Korenlik-o i dv. pe-
rer. L(!nl,rigvud, 1901. 324 1). (I-JE-A 1?:9)
I-- ~
Role of the physicochemical state of impurities in the processes of
their fractionation during the crystallization or precipitation of
Inorganic substances from aqueous solutions. Part 2: Xffect of small
additions of complex-forming suffoaalic7lic acid on the fractionation
of iron Impurities during the er7atallization of ammonium fluoride from
aqueous solutions. Radiokhimiia 1 no-5:503-506 '59.
(MRA 13:2)
(Ammonium fluoride) (Salley-lic acid) (Crystallization)
RUMINKO", L~zi(x"Of V.M.- F.111-:11EN."KAYA, I.N.
1!3-',! zif m-Ixed chalite formation for concentrating thorlum traces
Trudy Kcm. anal. khim. I's96-100 t65. (MIRA 180)
AUTHORS: Xomissarovaj_L.___N1j Plyushchev, V. Ye., S/07 60/005/03/014/048
Xr*menskayal 1. N. BO04YI1002
TITLE: Investigation as to Solubility and Thermal Stability of
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganioheskoy khimii# 1960, Vol 5t Nr 30 PP 586-592 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: First, the authors give a survey of publications on ZrOC1 2* 6H2 0,
and mention L. K. Akhrap-Simonova (Ref 15). According to it, there
are discrepancies as to solubility and stability of this compound,
which urged the authors to write the present paper. The investigation
was carried out with spectrally pure ZrOCl 20 8H20. The removal of
Hfo2 was achieved by means of ion exchange chromatography. The sol-
ubility was investigated in the Wobser ultraShermostat type U-8
(Table ip Fig 1) within the range -2 to +110 . It was found that
the solubility of ZrOCI 2* 8H20 Increases with the temperature being
raised to go 05 a The maximum is reached at 42.00 weight% of ZrO .
Below 70.5 no hydrolysis was observed in the concentrated soluiion~-;
as was observed by I. V. Tananayev and L. S. Guzeyeva (Ref 21) In
diluted solutions. Above 70-5 0 the solubility of zirconium oxyohlo-
ride is reduced due to hydrolysis and the development of compounds
with a low content of chlorine of the g8neral compoeition mZrOC1
Card 1/2 nZrO(OH)Cl.pH.0 (m ';~n, p /_ 8). At 110 , a homogenGous 0 viscoui
Investigation as to Solubility and Thermal Stability
of Zirconium Oxyohloride
Card 2/2
B004 B002
polymerization product develops as hitherto had only been observed
in zirconium nitrates. The thermal stability of ZrOC1 2 BE20 was in-
vestigated by means of the following methods: 1) heating to a certain
temperature under the influence of air, until constancy of veight in
attained1 2) taking of thermograms by means of an N, S. Kurnakov
pyrometer, and 3) by means of continuous weighing. The.reaults are
shown by tables 2 ;9 anj figureg 29 3. A partial lose of water al-
ready sets in at ~5 - 65 . At 80 decomposition sets in accompanied
by the losa of 8hlorios, taking place in three stages and being
finished at 400 - 450 . Table 4 compares the results obtained accord-
ing to various methods, Slient differences in the data are caused
by different rates of heating. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and
21 referenooot 3 of which are Soviet.
Mookovokiy institut tonkoy khimicheekoy tekhnologii im. M. V.
Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni
M. V. Lomonosov Khimicheskiy fakultet MGU (Chemical Departmen
of the go--scow State University)
November 3, 1958
; ik- V y
1. 1". ; BFUD.71 V. G. Avlrd".A, V. N. V. M.
Untercuchung von in nlchtwaci~riwen
nichtraischbaren Systemen der Chloride der IV. GrupIx--."
rtq,ort submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on Hyperpure, 1,htcritld~:, in SAencc, and
Technology, Dresden, GDR, 25 Sep-2 Oct 65.
jUl-Union Inst fur reine Reagentier, und Reinststoffe, rsoskau.
Mixed cyclocomplex formation in the aystem thorium (IV) -
cupferron - 41-nitro-2021-dihydroxY-4-mothyl-5-isopropyla-
zobenzene. Trudy IREA no.25:172-182 163.
(,MIRA 18:6)
Complex formntl,)n of thorium with 8-hydroxyquinaldoximo and
caprole aold. Zhiir. neorg. klilm. 10 no.5jll60..ll65 'M~ 165.
(MJRA 18t6)
Spring and fall frosts in Kursk and Beltorod Provincee. Sbor. rab.
Po sinop. no.3:25-42 '59- (MIRA 12:11)
1.Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheekoy sluzhb7 (UGMS) TSentrallno-
chernozemnykh oblaute7.
(Kursk Province--Frost) (Belgoro(I Province--Frost)
ACCESSION NR: AT4026440 S/3082/63/000/008/0053/0067
AUTHOR: Kremenskaya, N. L.; Nikitenko, S. F.
TITLE: Cold waves in Bryansk, Orlovsk, Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts
SOURCE: USSR. Glavnoye upravieniyegidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby*. Sbornik
rabot po regionallnoy sinoptike (Collection of works on regional forecasting),
no. 8, 1963, 53-67
~TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, air temperature, temperature extreme, circulation Index,
regional climatology, climate, weather forecasting, long-range weather forecasting
ABSTRACT: Cold waves occurring in October, November and December in Bryansk,
Orlovsk, Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts are analyzed. The quantitative criterion for
the temperature change during the passage of a cold wave is a drop of the minimum
air_temperature to -5C or lower. The oblasts mentioned are unprotected from cold
air.intrusions from the west and north, but forecasting of cold waves is facilita-
ted by the'ability to trace the advance of cold air toward the area for two or
three days before Its arrival. There are few Soviet studies of cold waves and
none for the region discussed. Pirt Wiscusses the climatic characterisOcs of
cold waves for the area. The tab es i dicate the detailed nature of the study:
rsinan, maximum and minimum number of days with temperatures of -5C or lower by
ten-day periods, months and years; 2 -- mean and absolute maximum intensity of
cooling by ten-day periods, months and years; 3 -- relationship between intensity
of cooling and number of days with cooling for October, November and December;
4 -- mean, mean minimum and mean maximum number of days with cooling, 1951-1960;5-
mean, mean minimum and mean maximum intensity of cooling, 1951-1960. most of the V
tables are prepared on the basis of data for 25 stations. Part 2 discusses the
relationship between the number of days with cooling and the Intensity of cooling
and anomalies of the mean monthly air temperature; a large number of relationships
of prognostic value were determined from this analysis. Part 3 gives the actual
prognostic criteria developed for use In predicting cold waves; the method makes
it possible to establish the relationship between the numb6r of days with cooling
(to -5C or lower) and the Intensity of this cooling on the Index of zonal circula-
tion. Examples of forecasts are given. OrIg. art. has: 4 formulas and 10 tables.
DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER% 000
L 36147-66_ EWT(m)/T/LWP(t)/ETI/E-VP(k) IJP(c) JDIIIWIDJ
ACC NRI AP6016312 I;OURCZ COM UR/0182/66/OW/001/0001/0003
AUTHORt Yustpov, Z. 1; Kremenskiy, 1. G.
ORG: none
TITLE: Extruslop torough a roller-die
SOURCR: Kurnachno-stitempovochnoys proizvodstvo, no. 1, t966. 1-3
TOPIC TAGS% roller die extrusion, metal extrusion, die, roll forging, metallurgic
ABSTRACT: A newly developed method of extruding metal through a roller-die is den-
crtbed. The method consists in that the billet (Fig. 1) to extruded with a punch
through a die consisting of two freely rotating rollers. Cylindrical lead blank$
measuring 50 mm In diameter and 110 mm. in length were experimentally extruded through
such a die consisting of two rollers with the cliameter of 80 mm each. For comparison,!
other specimens were extruded through a die with fixed rollers. The extrusion resulted
in a 9trip-shaped forging 12 mm thick and 50 mm wide. In all cases the extrusion
rate was 50 mm/min. As can be seen from the indicator diagrams in Fig. 2 in all caseel
the specimens extruded through the die with rotating rollers (case A) (curves 2 and 4)'
required a roughly 15% smaller e4trusion pressure then the specimens extruded through
the die with fixed rollers (case M) (curves 3 and 4). In Fig. 2 sector I corresponds
Card_ 1/3 Mi 621.984.5
L 36147-66
ACC NRl AP6016312
Fig. 1. Diagram of extrusios through
I- billet; 2 - container; 3 - rollers';
4- punch
Path of slider
Fig. 2. Indicator diagrams of extrusion:
I - through fixed rollers without lubri-
2 - through rotating rollers without lubr
3 - through fixed rollers with lubrLea-
4 - through votary rollers with lebrics-
L 36147-66
ACC NRI AP6016312
to the region of extrusion through the (Ile nod sector 11, to the stign of "I OA4 V-
state flow of M~tnl through the die. 'Eho nor---,' ;fron't-i on tl,~- p-titch
(7 n = 10.5 kg/mm in cane A and (T 12 kgIttim" Ln case I',. iticl, R dec-rerine it, -~ttufilqti
presnure and atregs in the cane of the die With rOLAting rullers to nUribtlLable to
the reduction in friction between the metal and the die surfaces. An atinlysia of the 11
coordinate grids plotted on the specimenn showed that in case A the distribution of
deformations was more uniform and the area of plastic deformation smaller than in
Cane 8. What is more, when extruding through rotary rollers (cnae A) it is easier
to cool the roller surfaces with a coolant supplied from outside, and the wear on
the roller surfaces is smaller because the entire area of roller surfaces is engaged
and because then the possibility of continuous lubricationl1of Oene surfaces is
assured. Loot but not least, It appears thatp-*ttile-io-n-tttdg-gtil'&obile roller dies
of thin kind may also be employed to produce!* e
Lorgj.p&s of more Intricate shalt 9, in-
cluding forgings with a lengthwise varying cross sectional area. Orig* art, lion:
5 figures.
SIM CQD9! 13, ll/ SUM DAM none/ ORIG REF: 004/
1. KREMEN""YOY, A. A -
2. U&SR (600)
4. Natural Resources - Dervish Feninsula
7. Oil peninsula. Tekh. molod. 20 no. 12, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 10-53. Unclassified.
KREMENSKOY, Aleksardr AlekoandrovichiMIN. V.N.. daktor geografichookikh
- _- - -n ', r,edaktorI;I"Oy"" redaktor; RIVINA, I.N., takhnichookijr
[In Transcaspian territory] V Zakaspii. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr.
lit-ry, 1954. 126 p. (MLRA 7:12)
(Turkmenistan-l'tWtogeography) (Turkmenistan--Description
and travel)
M I;TSKIr - - - - -__1 -1,-
Galculating submerged turbulo-at Jets- Dokl.AN Azerb.BSR 12 no.12:933-941
156, (MLRA 10:8)
l.krodstavlano akademikom Akademii nauk Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR M.T.
mgiyevyme Wet$--Fluid dynamics)
KREMENTSOV , -K. - - -
A sumaer on virgin Umds. Grazhd.av. 18 no.7:21 J1 161.
(MIRA 14:8)
1. Komandir TSelinogradskogo podrazdeleniya Grazhdanskogo
vozdushnogo flota.
(Virgin territor5--Aoronautics In agriculture)
-1 1-
"Action of Ground Troors when Atcmic are Usr--d,'* (As the Americs-ris See it.)
Red Star, Sep 1, 19%.
Translation D-141837, 17 Dec 54
AID P - 4oo
Subject USSR/Aeronautics
Card 1/1 Pub. 135, 14/18
Author Krementsov, M.
Title Hydrogen bomb (According to the foreign press'
Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 8, 65-70, Ag 1954
Abstract Some general information about the hydrogen bomb and
a review of the foreign press.
Institution : None
Submitted ; No date
MUMNTSOV,_Yu. G., ordinator
Two cases of cancer of the cervix uteri associated with extra-
uterine pregnancy. Akush. i gin. 38 no.3:109-nO lfy~e '62.
(MIRA 15:6)
1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheekoy ~-mfedry (zav. - zasluzhennyy
dayatell nauki prof. L I. Yakovlev) 14ningmdskORO meditsinskoRo
institute, imeni akad. I. P. Pavlova na baze rodillnoro doma
Sverdlovskogo rayons. (glavnyy vrach A. I. Fadeyova)
M. Ile 4 "j
V~,PhArtnarology of hypoteorive anb~:tanc". A. W Ewni-.
b(ovAn V, A K XW-111'11 wd O~ 1. Cherkes (A. A.,
DDgofnvkrMk~r11A5R,*, I ~Ivv , Fi.~W. 7hur., Mad. Nawk.
Mr. R.S.R. 1, No. 4, W-7(105) (RU-islan Summary, W
9)~The pharotacolohic prot~,rflt;s 4 hexamethonium Iodide.
aft studied, The aukptaneous L.D.us It 240 tug,/kg..,
L.D,w - 175 mg-/Jrg., and M.L,V. - 100 mg./kC. The,
Intravenous L.D.In Is IODmg./kg.,L-D4* - fi5mt.1kf-,snd ~
M.L.D. - 40 mg./kg, The compd. -.-merts hypotensive ef-,
fects on dop and cats. the Intensity and duration dependin
upon thr. method of administtaloe, the size o( the dose, a
the physiol. idiosyncrasies of the Individual animal. to thel
emir stages (2-4 months) of czpd. reflex tyf.- of hyp-t-~
Won. the compd. produm efftets lasting I a months. Iti
is concluded that the hypotenolve properties used b
the blocking of sympathetic channels. is a&1:7thl. coma
extits an Innibitivt effmt on and on the
por"Mixtbefle nodes of the ytplative branch of the am-.'
Cue "em. The cmpd. has no affect on the perfpkral or
adrtmoreactive vascular systems. Torte dews of the compd.
exhibit curare-like effects In warm-14ooded animals. In
cold-blooded animals such effects become evident with much,
14 the symtoathittle and Wssympathetic UgfiA Said lowers
the Mood P"tro In normal 44ts KFA MMIS after a Angk
dose. B. a.
r I It t~ 1, 1! vc! I 6til loz-.0 of i"~ Pill,] ~1') 1jr L, - -
ented at, tiac. Pffth Uo"f rcrc- of t7." U.:. ~'Jnl ~~)f
P- r c - . I -Le I
loj~!'t', Biochemists, ond Phormacoloilrists, 2f~ 2 Junc
"The paper on the main of :el*~L]-;
derivotivc!s of ux~tlionium scrics. I:,. on ccts,
:~frl ited oc4-ion; -while ir acutc c;-m,-n*-;,-,c~n.:3 c1, ro",b-'ti; thc
dru,r,~s undcr inirestigjt1or. czjused a dn)~P in 'Q-l,qnd r-~sult '~f tl'.C~lr
1)10CIKJ-7-j~ -r!Lion on tl7e r,mr-3tinctic gz~r6lin. In cl-~ru:rlc o-~-.
rcflexo~,cnic: !--j~crt~,nj-j tl-~C: '~-tio'~ Of
he.vaton-Ade contilmoo for 1.5 T:lf)llt:ls- l*--:-z't0;Ac-' ~lzk) I -,- u
ayl-. Q r t c n. 3 J- 0 r .Tlac. addi-tion of the benzoin to t"-.c
n(-,',; only prolonred the h.,,.,otunsivc action r:)f thv2 but :1"o
Its toxicity",
I", V. A.
Experimental studies on the pharmacology of agents for regulating
vascular tonus. Vrach.delo no.1:1247-1249 D '58.
(MM 12:3)
1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. A.I. Charkea) Kiyevokogo me-
ditainskogo instituta.
Elimination and cumulation of -'cArdine glycogides dtiring drug-induced
sleep [with Rummnry in %4;lishl Fi3lol.zhur. [Ukr.] 4 n0-3:381-387
Kv-JII 158 (MERA 11:7)
1. Kiivslkiy medichnly insitut im. nkndemikn 0.0. Bogomolltaya
kafadrn fnrmalologii.
DOMBROVSKAIA, A.M.j-)q~~~~-V.A.; Cllj,,UUS, A.I.
PiTilen is a new ganlion-blocking drug. Vrach. delo no.12:102-107
D 160. (MIRA 14: 1)
1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - deystvitel'nvy chlen AMN SSSR, " of.
A.I.Cherkes) Kiyevskogo meditainsko o instituta.
EWMTULO, V. Fronom.
~ - --l"MN.
Ton tons of silage per cow. Naulm i pered*op.v sellkhos. 7
no.61.62-64 Je 157. (HW 10:7)
(Insilege) (Dairy cattle-Yesding rind feeding stuffs)
C ill/ C 333
AUT11ORt Krementulo, V. V. (moscow)
TITLE: Stability of a Gyroscope" the External Rine :.xi.3 of :,'Iiich i3
Vertical, Under Conjideration of the -dry Friction in the Axoj
of Suspension 7~D
PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i nekhanika, 1960, Vol. 24,
No. 3, PP. 568-571
TEXT: The author considers a gyroscope in Cardan suspension. Let x
be the axis of the housing, and z the rotor axis, T the torsion
angle of the external ring, 0 the torsion angle of the housing in
the ring. The author investigates the stabilitz~ of the gyroscope, if
in the x-axis there acts the moment of dry friction
M1 = - B1 sign B1 > 0
and in the z-axin the moment
M2 B2 sign B2 0
Card 1/2
C 111/ C 333
Stability of a Gyroscope, the External Rini; Axiq of 14hich is Vortical,
Undor Consideration of the dry Priction in the i.xco of ~7,uopeniion
lie states that the vertical rotation
(7) ~ - 0' 0' 0, r.
is stable, if
(11) < 0'
where S is the distance of the center of gravity of the system housing-
rotor from the origin of coordinates, Furthermore it iu proved that
under consideration of the dry friction a loss of the re,-Ular precession
is possible, i. e. the rotor a):is can take the fixed poaition
A~ - const, E) = const.
The author mentions V. V. Rumyantsev. ar
There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and I French,
SUBMITTED: December 28, 1959
Card 2/2
Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Several problems of the stability
of h-vdroscopic systems.'' Moscow, 1961, 6 pp; (Inst of Mechanics
of the Moscow State Univ imeni. M. V. Lomonosov); 150 copies;
price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 193)
KREMENTULO, V.V. (Moskva),,- IWUQWIIOV, "I.M. (Wskva)
Evaluating the deviation of a balanced gyroscope in gymbals.
Inzh.zhur. 1 no-4:3-5 7761. OeRA 3 5:4)
1. Institut mekhaniki AN SSSR.
(Gyroscope --- Testing)
Kr.?mentulo, V.V. (moscow)
TITLE: Stability of steady motion of a gyroscope by the
method of Lyapunov, in the presence of elastic
stresses in the rotor axle
PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk,
Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, V. 25, no. 3,
1961, 579 - 582
TEXT: The rotor of the gyroscope is considered here as a heavy
homogeneous flywheel suspended symmetrically on an elastic weight-
less axle, whose ends are fixed at two diametrically opposed points
on the inner ring. The resulting mechanical system possessed an
infinite degree of freedom and exact Lyapunov methods for solution
do not exist. Hence a model with a finite number of degrees of
freedom is used here, and is given in Fig. 1 where V - angle of
rotation of the inner ring about its axis z 1 which is vertical;
Card 1/7
Stability of steady motion of ... D208/D304
0 - angle of rotation of the inner ring (shell) about x-axis abcd
- rotor fixed on the elastic axle QlLQ2 passing through the center
of gravity of the rotor (broadside view). zQIOQZ - line in the
plane of the inner ring which connects the geometrical center (fix-
ed point 0) with points at which the rotor axle is connected to
the ring. In the absence of transverse bending, the rotor axle co-
incides with the given straight line and point L coincides with Loy
whose distance from 0 is ~.,t - plane passing through L 0 and per-
pendicular to OQlp and L. C. of G of the rotor remains in this
plane during the motion of the system while its position in polar
coordinates (Fig,, 2) is given by r = LJ and cp- angle between the
polar radius LOL and Xo axis (xo and x are parallel). x*, y*, z* ~-
coordinate system with the origin at L, parallel to x, yt z respec-
tively which in turn is stationary with respect to the inner ring.
xff y' lie in the plane &, the V axis is given by the cross sec-
Card 2/7
3/04 61/025/003/023/026
Stability of steady motion of ... D208%304
tion of rit and A and is perpendicular to LOL. The position of the
rotor re x*9 y*9 z* is given by 6 and Z,, The elastic properties of
the rotor axle are determined by the stress mlilr and the tensile
moment M~2& where m = mass of the rotor, ~l and h supposed coef-
ficients of rigidity of the axle. Now coordinates of L in terms of
x = r cos(p, y r singc?, z t are in xi, Yl, Zi
xi r coefcosl - r sin(fcos0sin'? +~sinesiny
yj r cos(psinV + r sin(fcosOcosy -~sinftosV
zi r sin0sintp + t Cos()
force function of the system is
2U = - mpir2 _ MP2 62 - 2mg(r sinesinrf+ ~cosO)
and if I = moment of inertia of the inner ring re z,, then K.Ele
Card 3/7
S/04 61/025/003/U23/026
Stability of steady motion of D208VO4
of the inner ring, shell and gyroscope respectively are
2T(BH) = 42
2T(K) = Aloe 2 + B12sin 2a + C 0 2Cos28
2T(-P) = m(ki 2 + k12 + 11 2) + A(,Qx, 2 + J~y'2) + Cr~v2
where A,, B19 C, - moments of inertia of the shell re x, y, z
respectively; A, A, C = moments of inertia of the rotor re x1t y',
z' respectively9-~Qxgq QY19.Qz, - projections on x', y', z' of the
absolute instantaneous angular velocity of the rotor
+ + If +
The stability of the motion w.r. to e, r,cf, f, and
Qzt is then investigated. Perturbed motion is
Card 4/7
Stability of steady motion of ... D208/D304
a = 00 + r = ro + 3 T = cf. + 60 + 159
E) = ~11 =-Qo + 929 939 149 %5'
-az I W + 96*1
W = V1 - 2'QoV2 - 2C(w + Qoh2)V3
is of the type
W = Fl(910 "" 96) + F2(119 b9 W 15 ) + F3(~lp q49 ~59 56) + o G
where Fi are quadratic forma. If F2 is definitely positive w.r. to
lip )t3p 149 15 then V = W + R56 can also be made definitely posi-
tive and hence can be used as a Lyapunov function. Sufficiency fo
conditions of stability is given by four conditions for F2 to be
definitely positive (Silvester inequalities)~ Another method is
Card 5/7
S/04 61/025/003/023/026
Stability of steady motion of ... D208YD304
mentionedg based on the fact that the resulting potential energy
V at the stationary position should be at a minimum. There are 3
figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: February 23, *1961
Card 6/7
AUTHORs, Kre me (Moscow)
TITLE: The stability of motion of a rotor on elastic supports
PERIODICAL: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v.2, noAq. 1962, 213-216
TEXTi A homogeneous rotor rigidly,attached to,an axis and
having within itself a hollow shaft resis on a thrust bearing
which in inside the hollow shaft and is, attached to an oscillating
rod by means of a mpherical hinge. The other end of the rod is
attached to a fixed spherical hinge. There are bearings between
the axis and the hollow shaft and two clamps in fixed horizontal
planes. The clamps allow the system to execute three-dimensional
motion. The centre of gravity of the system lies on the axis of
symmetry of the rotor. A motor causes*the rotor to rotate about
the thrust bearing. The undisturbed position of the systeni
corresponds to the case when the axis and the rod coincide with
the vertical. If the rotor Ilan a torus-shaped cavity, partially
filled with fluid, then a simplified model of a turning
hydrochannell used for the &tudy of flow past various bodies,
is obtained.
Card 1/2
The stability of motion of a rotor... S/258/62/002/004/002/019
Lyapunov's second method is,,used to give the solution of the
problem of the stability of.the model of a dry hydrochannel. it
is assumed that there is no,friction in the system, which can be
described by five Lagrangian equations. The problem of the
stability in the sense of Lyapunov is solved by a method analogo7us
to that used by V.V. Rumyantnev (Prikladnaya matematika i
mekhanika, v.22, no.4, 1958). Necessary and sufficient conditions
for stability are given. The system may have more than one
stationary state near to that discussed and the method of
determining the stability is indicated.
There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut mekhaniki AN SSSR
(Institute of Mechanics, AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDt September 3, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHM Krementulo, V.V. (Moscow)
TI'rLE; On the stability of motion of the gyroscope on a Cardan
suspension in a potential force field
PERIODICAL:: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye teklinicheakikh nauk. Pri-
kladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 26, no. 1, 1962,
TEXT* The problem of motion and stability of a heavy symmetrical gyro-
scope on a Cardan suspension was investigated by other authorsq e.g.
K, Magnus, (Ref. 3-; PMM, 19589 v. 22, no. 2) and by the 2nd Lyapuno~
method, necessary and sufficient conditions of stability of steady mo-
tion were obtained. In the present work analogous results are obtained
for a gyroscope suspended in a force field given by -V(0) where 0 -
angle of rotation of the inner annulus. Lagrange coordinates are used
throughout and necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for
the stability of vertical rotation of the gyroscope, and for ref;ular
Card 1/2
S/O'IOI/o'-'/0'-'(I "oo 1 /U., I /o'.':I
011 t he "tat) i I I ty or Mot i (I n . . ~ 0111.3-1 /Y 0304
precession (0/0). The author thanks V4. Rumyantsev for suggesting the 6
problem. Thert~ are I figure and 6 references;, 3 Sovici-bloc and I non-
SUBMITTED: October 10, 1961
Card 2/2
KREMENTULO. V. V. (Moskva)
Stability of the motion of a rotor with flexible sup rtso
Inzh. zhur. 2 no.4t2l3-216 062. (MIRA 26.-lr
1. Institut makhaniki AN -SWR*
NIKITINP Yevgeniy Pikhgylovich, dote.; Prinimal uchastJye KAHIANYI~
D.M., dots.; M'7!1~117UW, V.V., rad.; ')IfKj'.YAj'(, S.U.,
tokhri. red.
[Theoretical mechanics for technical schools) Teoretiche-
skaia mekhanika dlia tekhnikumov, Izd.3., perer. Mof!~-va,
Fizmatgiz, 1963. 518 P. 0411U 16.11)
(Mechanics, Analytic) (Mechanical engineering)
S NRs AP3000886
i4t M t ASMO T 5/0179/63/000/041014/0125
AULMOR: Krementulo, V* V. (Moscov)
TITIZ: Some problems on the motion and stability of a apherical gyroscope
SOUXE', AN SSSR. Izv. Otd. takh. nauk. Makhanika i mashinostroyaniyop no, 2,
1963, 120-125
TOPIC TAGS: spherical gyroscope, atabilityl motion equation, gyroscope stability,
translational displacement
i")ST.VLT: The notion and stability of an air-supported spherical.guosc ~has
Ueen studied analytically with the use of a hypotbatical gyroscope model in which
aerodynamic forcestacting on the sphere are replaced by a system of springs of
equal length and rigidity. It was assumed that 1).a sphere with an absolutely
smooth surface is resting in a radially movable smooth cup supported by a radial
spring layer, 2) the sphere is rotating witb givon speed around its dynamic axia
of syrametry, which at the initial m=ent coincides with tho axis of symmetry of
the cup, and 3) the sphere has a spatial motion with respect to a stationary
system of coordinates with a center at a certain point. The analysis is made with
Card V2
L 10792-63
respect to translational displacement of the sphere and the motion of the sphere
around its center of gravity. Two Independent systems of equations of motioxi are
derived with air assumed to be an ideal gas. The first system characterize3
the motion of a center of mass, and the other is related to the motion of a
sphere around a center of a mass and is in the form of Euler's dynamic equation.
The stability conditinns proposed by other authors are discussed. Orig. art. hast
2 figures and 35 formulas.
A650101itTION: none
SMMITTED: 09Jan63 DATZAGQ: 12jun63 ENCLi 00
Card ~/2
ICrLE,',INYdL0j V.V. (Moscow)
"A problem of stability of a spherical gyroscope".
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
TARG,, Semen Mikhaylovich; KRIEMNLO, V.V.p red.; BRUDNO, K.F.,
tekhn. red.
(Brief course in theoretical mechanical Kratkii kurs
teoreticheskoi mekhaniki. lzd.3.., perer. Moskva, Fiz-
matgiz, 1963. 478 p. '%MIRA 17:2)
KREMENTULO, V.V. (Mosk-va)
One problem of the stability of spherical gyroscopes. Prikl. mat. i
mekh. 27 no.6:1005-10U N-D '63. (MIRA 17:1)
I,IIF.OIAI, Yevgoniy Loopolldovich. Prip1mal uchastiye
KRE-IMITULO, V.V... red.
[Gyroocopo in gimbalt3l Glroskop v kardanovom podveoa.
lzd.2. S prodislovim A.IU.Isldinskogo i s doplw~rLl-
iaml D.M.K11mova. Mookva, lzd-vo I'llauka," 1964. i .
(MDU 17:ly)
"11-1, 11~ -... ~ - -
Stability of unstoady motionn of gyroscopes during a finite f,lme
intnt-val. Inzh.zhur. 3 no.4s690-694 163. (MIRA 16-12)
1. Institut mekhanIkI AN SSSR.
VAYIJDFItG~ Davii Veniaminovicb; PISARE14YO, -Guorgly Ste-p-rarovich;
EREMENTUW,...V,V.,, red.
[Mechanical vibrations and their role in techric2ogy] ',4e-
khanicheskie kolebaniia i ikh roll v tokhnike. lzd.2.,
perer. i dop. Monkva, Nauk,I, 19f~5. 275 p.
(11111'~A 1P-.7)
BABAKOV, Ivan Mikhaylovich; KRDT-NTULO, V.V., red.
[Theory of vibrations] Taorila kolebanii. Izd.2.,, perer
Moskva,, Nauka, 1965. 559 P. (MIRA 18: 6)
V.V. 0"'ozlj"va)
'Aability of the Lifjtlfjri ~jr certfiin _'""! _'." try-,. cj;!,.
devic(33 on a mobilo foundation, Izv, A~~
69-75 r,t7-Ap 165.