AUTHOR: __-Kremena, P. A., Economics Engineer SOV/127-59-1-11/26
TITLE: The Problems of Cost Calculation in the Ore Mining Industry
(Voprosy uch'e'ta sebestoirnosti v gornorudnoy promyshlennosti)
PERIODICAL: Gorn~;Y zhurnal 1959, Z4r 1, pp 40-42 (U.-"m)
ABSTRACT: N. N. Patrikoyevla article on a new method of cost calculation
in the ore mining industry is discussed. 14, N. Patrikeyev's
critiques on the existing calculation form in mining industry
tire quoted as being correct and well timed, however, not com-
plete. The author proposes his own cost calculation method.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-i3sledovatel'skiy institut orf7_anizatsli i
meklinnizatsii shakhtnopo utroitellstva, Khar1kov. (The
Ukrainian 3cientific lieo,2arch institute for Organization and
Mechanizt tion of Mining Construction, Kharl kov)
Card 1/2
KREMENA, ~4A., starshiy naucbnyy sotrudnik
Considerable improvement is needed in capital assets accounting
and amortizati6n. Ugoll Ukr. 5 notl:42-43 A 161. (MIRA :V.:1)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchng-issiedovatellskiy inatitut, organizatsii i
mekhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva.
(Coal mines and mining-Accounting)
..:I'. !, L "! i rl " i ; ~ n i , , 11 t, .
T). I ~ 1'.
F */L;~,,, I "I, , 1r). 7, Apr.
"1 -1: ':o, . I j '- - - :"Ilro,,) . ' ',') , .1 11
.-I ~ , -i Uil, - Li -, t, o f , r, f 7 'L * ~!,kn I(A. 1,, 1J, ~.jc'- 1`55,
! ."n c, 1, .
AUTHORS:hTal'nev, A. F., Yesel'son, ?'I. P., KromenchueQ44
TITLE: The Main Principles of Recording of 3pectra, Using Infra-
Red Spectro-Photometers (A Review) (Osnovnyyc printusipy
registratsii spektrov v infrakrasnylch spektrofotozietrakh -
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tek-hnika Eksperimenta, 19-58, Nr 1, pp 3-16
ABSTRACT: In recent years infra-red spectroscopj has become impor-
tant in connection with the solution of industrial and analy-
tical problems. The possibility of application of infra-red
spectroscopy to analytical problems was first established in
1881, when Ebney and Fcstinr~ discovered that all the hydro-
carbons absorb radiation of wavelent,-,th ^.,3.4 -p During the
years 1905 to 19Winvestigations of hydrocarbons have led
to the discovery,.6~ 'other bands characteristic of the funct-
ional groups (o_Hf,,OH However, experimental difficul-
ties prevented-itrther development of the methods of infra-
red analysis.,.The.rPrototype of contemporary infra-red spectro-
meters and spectroph6tometers is the "ultra-red spectrograph"
constructed by P N' Lebodev (Refs-1-3). Because of their
sensitivity, spe;d- Ld accuracy, 'the methods of infra-red
Card 114 analysis were applied from tht-- very outset to the solution
The Main Principloo of Recording of Spectra, Using Infra-Red Spectra
11iotameters (A Review)
of chemical problems and viere then widely used in industrial
laboratories. At the same time infra-red analysers of the
non-dis-Dersive and dis~.ersive tjpes wore d(,voloped for uor!c,
in induotry, where they were used for continuous control
purposes and the control of the manufacturing cycle. Fast
me 4.
aperatin3 spectrometor:3 and spectropiao Uers were produced
which were used to study reaction kinetics which rccorded
spectra over time intervals, comparable with the tii:ae taken
by the process (10-5 - 1 see). lConsiderable attention "'las
cpiven to the construction of spectrophotometers. In these
instru.ments the radiation from the source was divided into
two beams, one of which (the "specirien beam") is pasred
through a vessel contain] 'nj,, L110 Oleclllen undor inv,~.;ti:"ration
and the other (the "comparisin boxzii") io passed through a
compari,son vessel containing a substance whose spectruim, it
is deoired to exclude from the speztrum of the Tito.
ratio of the intensitiolt-, of Uio two 1),-~a~:in or their lo-arithms
Card 2/4
The I-Jain Principles of Recording of Spectra, Usin~.7 Infra-Red Spectro-
photometers (A koview)
are thpn. recorded either by a )en recorder or on a CRO screen.
The advantage of spectroohotometers as compared with spectro-
meturs is their independence of chan:;cs in the intensity of
the radiation emitted by t-he o~)urcc, Ulie sensitivity of the
r,-coiver and the rieasurin,-) a[)T-,,a-,,atus. Iii the Present pa-por
the main nethods of recording of spectura usin~~ spectrophoto-
meters are described and are classified as follo,,ws:
(1) The compensation method or "null method". as used bY
Hardy (Ref.37) White and Liston (Refs.3-11) 1 .Talyshev et al
(Refs.00, 21, ~7 and 55), Terenin et al (Ref'.53), and others;
(2) The "two beam" method as used by Daniel and Brac-1,ett
(Ref.72), Savitsky and Halford (Ref,65), mid others;
(3) The phasometric Piethod suggested by Bianov-Klyukov (Ref.,,.
99-103), and also by Golay (Ref.1011);
(4) The method using a memorj-dev10C U.3 UOed by Avery (R,,aff.
106), Donner (Ref.109), Uallnev ot all (Re'.107), and oth2rs.
The pr,-)blem of accuracy and reproduceability has been coi-
oidered by mo-ny authors (Refs.141-164) but there is a n~,ed
for fundamental wor": on the comT.)arison of different types of
spectrophotometers. Generally speakin-, spectrophotometars
based on different principlosi rr)ive relatively the same results
Card 3/4
The Main llriricipl~,-3 of Rrcr),rdii.,.- of "ipectra, Usin- Infra-Red 3pecturo-
Phc)~WlCtCrs (A ReView)
(Refs.189 and 190). It is gen(,rally believed that -the -,-DOctro
photometers using- the "nuil" -aethod are the most reliable. At
the presont -time there is a noticeable tendency to replace
mechanical parts in the measurinr,- part of the spoctrophot-o-
meter by the equivalent cl,~ctrieal circuitus. However, thic.
L,,-roup is riot very nwiierous as yet (Refs.77, 39, 97 and 99).
There are 17 figures, no tablen and 195 references, most Of
whicb arc Western.
ASSOCI&TION: Institut fizi1ci AN U.33M (Iri~;tituto of Plijsic~, of tile
Academy of S-,iences U3SR)
SUBMUTTED: 7,L,.jy C.-)1 1)57.
I "I
l.'Infrared spectrophotometero--Developirezit 2. Infrared spectropliotcm
eters-AP'Plications 3. Infrared spectroptiotometers--Performanee
4. Infrared spectrophotometers-Equipinent
Card 4/4
YALINEV, A.F. (Yallniev, A.Fj;.j;RgMC1aJGSXIY,1.,S. (Kramenchuhslkyi, L.S.]
Infrared analyzers and their application to the automation of
production processes. Ulcr. fiz. zhur. 4 no.3:277-292 My-Je, 159.
(MIRA 13;2)
l.Inatitut fiziki AN USSR.
(Infrared rays--ludustrial applications)
MAL'ITEV, A.F.C Mallniev, A.F.1; KREMICHUGSYlY. L.S. [Kremenchugslkyi,
Device for measuring the parameters of electromagnetic radiation
receivers. Ukr.fis.zhur. 4 no.4:522-523 JI-Ag '59.
(IIIRA 13:4)
1. Institut fiziki. AN USSR.
(zlectromarnetic waves--Measurement)
7. (3),'24 (7)
AUTHORS: 1:~allnsv, A. F., Yoselltion, P.0 SOV/48-23-10-28/39
Kremenchugskiy, L. 3.
TITLL: Measuring Device f6r the Infrared Spoctrometer
.FLi(IODIC&L t Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSOH. ~;eriya fizichaskayat 1959,
Vol 23, Vr 10$ pp 1246-1247 MR)
ABSTMICT: Infrared spectrometers are being used to an increasing extent
in chemistry, petroleum refineries (automatic control of the
technological cycle) and for research work in -uorks laboratories.
In the present paper a measuring system for such a device is
briefly described. The device consists essentially of a
bolometer bridge, a pre-amplifier, the main amplifier with
synchronous detector, a modulator-generator with phase
inverter and a fooding block. Radiation is first interrupted
by a modulator (constructed together with S. Z. Sh-illga)
(20 cycles), after which it passes through a monochromazor and
reaches the receiver. The latter is a nickel bolometer
developed at the Institut fiziki All SSSR (Institute of Physics
of the AS USSR). The next stage is the preamplifier, from which
the pulses reach the main amplifier block the elements of
Card 1/2 which are briefly discussed. The emerging signals may be
A Measuring Device for the Infrared Spectrometer SOV/48-23-10-28/39
transmitted either to a recorder or to an oscillograph. A
block scheme of this measuring system is given. After half
an hour's pre-heating the amplification coefficient of the
system remains constant (variation 19 0.5%). For research work
the meaffuring device is used together with a spectrometer of
the type VIKS-M39 and for periodical controls in industry,
together with a spectrometer of the type VIKS-M4 (both devices
were constructed at the IFAN UkrSSR). There are I figure and
4 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
16594 S/18 60/005/003/009/020
Mallnyev, A.F., Yesel'son, M.P. and Kremenchugs1kiy,
A measuring device for spectral itivestigations of
low energies
Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 3, 1960,
TEXT: 41 device is described which is used with spectrometers and
other spectral instruments for the mea:;urement of energies of the
order of 10-9 watt. (Second part of the article). In'the first
~)art of the article, the most effective ratio is found Zor resis-
tarices of the bolometer bridge arms. This optimum ratio has not
been dealt with in literature. An equivalent circuit is shwwn of
a bolometer bridge with transformer. In the case of optimum mat-
ching, the amplification factor of the transformer increases with
decreasing Rout* In choosing the ratio between the bridge arms,
Card 1/3
6/18 60/005/003/009/020
A measuring device... 26594 D274X303
one ought to reduce Rout and increase the transfer constant Kt.
[Zout can be reduced, with fixed Kt, if R2 is reduced (i.e- 't2 < RI).
A detailed study of this problem sho%4$ Lhat the conditions for max-
imum amplification of a system bridge- tran--f ormer and a inaximum
transfer constant of the bridge circuit are given by the G~ne rela-
tionships, viz. R > R, (i.e. Kt Rout 4 R); these
conditions give the optimum connection of the bolometer (with res-
istance Rl) to the bridge circuit; R2 and R3 denote the resistances
of the bridge arms. The total value of R, + R2 should be chosen so
as not to overload the current source; in practice, R3 - (3 to 5)
RI and R2 * (0.1 to 0.3) RI. Hence a bolometer with two equal arms
does not lead to optimum performance of circuit. The measuring de-
vice is described then. A nickel bolometer of 20 Ohm resistance
is placed at the focus of a monochromator mirror. The balancing
resistors are in the same unit with the pre-amplifier and trans-
former. The total amplification of the input unit is 2.105. The
natural noise-level of the device is several times below that of
Card 2/3
A measuring device ... 26594 D274/D303
the bolometer. The main amplifier includes a synchronous rectifier
and an oscillator. The device is supplied by n stabilizer with a
two-stage d.c. amplifier. The spectrum of water vapor and carbon
dioxide, an registered by the spectrometer VIKS-3 by means of the
device, is shown in a figure. The device is used in laboratory
investigations in conjunction with the 91-iectrometer VIKS-3 and in
plants with the spectrometer VIKS-4, It can be also used in the
spectrometers IKS. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc refer-
ASSOCIATION: Instytut fizyky AN USSR (Physics Institute AS Ukr
SUBMITTED: November 12, 1959
Card 3/3
MALINEV, A.F. (Mallnievp A.F.]; DYM9PTiUGSKIY, L.S. (Kremenchuhalkyij, L.S.Ij
SKAC11KO, M.A. - I ---- -.1-1-1- 11
Comparing several receiver.; of heat radiation. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5
no. 5:634-639 S-0 160. (MIRA 14t4)
1. Institut fiziki AN USSR.
(Heat-Radiation and adsorption)
P 3 c-, 2)
S1051160100910:0 X024'-/O3'+
9"~17_3 9201/El9l
AUTHORS: Mallnev,_A.F., and Kremenchugskiy, L,,S.
TITLE: A Low-temperature Receiver of Thermal Radiation
PERIODICALs Optika I spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 97 No 47 pp 530-531
TEXT: Lowering of the working temperature of metallic
bolometersli~proves their characteristics. Such. a low-temperature
bolometer was constructed by the authors. It was made of niokel
and cooled with liquid nitrogen. Its construction is shown in a
figure on p 530, where 1 is a cryostat window, 2 Is the
bolometer, 3 is a heat-conducting rod, 4 Is the internal wall
of a liquid-nitrogen container, 5 is the external wall of this
container, 6 is a handle, and 7 Is an inlet. At the boJling
point of liquid nitrogen the temperature coefficient of the
bolometer was 8 x 10-J deg-1, i.e. twice as large as at room
temperature. The ohmic resistance of the nirkel plate was three
times smaller at the temperature of 1.1quid nitrogen than at rL
temperature. The threshold sensitivity was 20 times lower at
?7 OK than at 300 OK~ The bolometer was of quality (--.omparable
Card 1/2
A Low-temperature Receiver of Thermal Radiation
with some of the superconducting devices but the best of such
devices had better characteristics. The bolometor r:an be uss~d
in infrared radiation receivers, and for studies of omiaFion by
low temperature sources.
There are 1 figure, 1 table and 2 references: 1 Soviet an(]
1. German.
SUBMITTED: April 12.7, 1960 Vx
Card 212.
q, 6/5-,n oqn) E073/E535
AUTHORS: Mallnev, A.F. and Kremenchugskiy, L. S.
TITLEa Experimental Apparatus for the Determination of the
Parameters of Thermal Radiation Receivers
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1961, No.6, pp. 26-30
TEXT. An apparatus is described for the investigation of the
parameters of the thermal radiation receivers in the frequency
range 3-70 c-P-8. at signal levels of the order of 10-10 V. The
parameters which can be measured are 1) the mean-square value of
noise; 2) the sensitivity to modulated radiation; 3) the threshold
sensitivity; 4) the time constant; 5) the spectral density of
noise. A block diagram of the apparatus is given in Fig.l. The
standard source of radiation I is a cylindrical artificial black
body consisting of a tube with an electrically heated nichrome
spiral. The radiator operates in the temperature range 400-5000K.
The heater spiral is wound so as to ensure uniformity of tempera-
ture in the cavity. At 4500K the cavity temperature is uniform to
within +50C. The ratio of the depth of the cavity to the radius
of the Tadiating aperature is 32. The front wall of the radiator
Card 1/6
Experimental Apparatus for ... S/115/61/000/006/005/oo6
is water cooled and its temperature does not rise by more than 1.5%.
The radiation is modulated by means of a vibrating chopper 7 and
falls upon the receiver 9. The receiver circuit is connected to
the amplifier by means of tuned matching transformers 2 with a
number of primary windings. Amplification is by means of a valve
preamplifier 3 and a main valve feedback amplifier 4. The
noise level of the measuring apparatus with short-circuited input
to 1.1 x 10-10 V at a frequency of 9 c.p.s. with an effective pass
band of 0.1 c.p.s. The gain of the preamplifier is 190 and the
frequency characteristics, The frequency characteristic of both
ampl-_~fiers is constant within +5% over the frequency range 3-100c4ls.
The output of the amplifiers is fed to a phase sensitive detector
in the frequency range 3-70 c.p.s. An R.C. oscillator 5 is used
to operate the chopper and supplies the reference signal to the
detector. At high frequencies a disc chopper is used and the
reference signal to the detector is supplied by the photocell 8.
An ancillary oscillatir at a frequency of 1000 c.p.s. acts as a
supply for bolometer bridges. The detector output is recorded by
means of a recording millivoltmeter or potentiometer 6. A valve
voltmeter 10 and oncillograph 11 are used for monitoring
Card 2/6
9xperimental Apparatus for ... S/115/61/000/006/005/oo6
purposes. Power to the devices in supplied by means of an
electronically stabilized power supply. The apparatus is mounted
on a single base with arrangements to position the radiator
appropriately with respect to the receiver, In receiver tests
the sensitivity is computed as the ratio of the effective
magnitude of the first harmonic of the receiver output signal to
the effective magnitude of the first harmonic of the radiation
flux with square wave modulation. The radiation input power is
calculated from the Stefan-Boltzman law and multiplied by J-2/fr.
The output is calculated from the apparatus output and the known
gain. It is essential to measure under actual conditions of
operation the ratio of the input to the preamplifier to the output
of a voltage generator equivalent to the receiver. The mean-
square noise of the receivers may be measured for low resistance
bolometers by one of two methods. In the first, the noise under
conditions of operation first with the bolometer in circuit and
then with a re3istor of equal resistance substituted for the
bolometer. It must be taken into account that for the same
current the bolometer temperature is higher than that of the
Card 3/6
Experimental Apparatus for S/115/61/000/006/005/oo6
resistor which leads to errors of up to ~ 10%. Thus, the ratio
of the receiver noise to that of an equivalent resistor can be
measured and the absolute value of noise computed by Nyguist's
formula. In the second method an arrangemeat with high load
resistance enables noise to be more accurately measured directly
or by comparison with resistors. With thermoelectric devices
noise measurement takes place directly. Noise is evaluated from
the graph of the recorder or if noise is measured by comparison
with a resistor it may be measured from the variation of the
indication of the output of an indicating instrument. Threshold
sensitivity - the radiation flux producing a signal equal to the
noise is estimated from the noise with an error of not more than
+30%. The time constant is measured from the rise of receiver
signal after a step input. Square wave modulation is used. with
a period about 6-8 times the time constant. The time constant way
be measured from frequency characteristics using a 1000 c.p.s.
signal for the bridge supply and measuring the output by the valvc
voltmeter, The time constant T is determined from the formula
-4 = 1/2f 01 where f0 is the frequency at which the signal is
Card 4/6
Experimental Apparatus for S/ll5/6i/ooo/oo6/oo5/oo6
0.465 its value at zero frequency. If the frequency characteristic
F, + (2r,
follows the law fT)2*1--~_ the time constant may be deter-
mined from measur;~ements at two frequencies. The error in time
constant determination is +10',/j. Spectral density of noise is
determined at various freq~~encies and currents, Use of the
device makes it possible to select optimum conditions of test for
the receiver that is to find-values of current and frequencies
corresponding to the lowest sensitivity threshold. Acknowledg-
ments are expressed to M. P. Yesellson and V. 1. Mallnikov for
their assistance. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-
bloc and 3 non-Sovict-bloc. The references to English language
publications read as followst White, I.U.. Liston, M.D., J.O.S.A.
1950, 40, No.2, 93.; Milton, R.M. Chemical Review, 1946, 39, No.3,
Card 5/6
- -_-% iev, A.F. j
(Kremenchuhatk.yi,, L.SJ; - ~- ~Iln
Temperature variations of the characteristics of input
transformers of low-resistance thermal receivers. Ukr.
fiz. zhur. 6 no.3:420-422 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:8)
(Electric transformers-Thermal properties)
AUTHORS: Kremenchu[OA-Lky-y-,-I-S-,---and llallnyev, A.P.
TITT-3: Contactlet3s measurement of tenperature of bo~.Iies belovi
the red-hot temperature
I'ERIODIC.,'~L: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurn,,-,il, V. 6, no, 6, 19_~-!,
876 -- 878
TEXT: The contactless method involves measuring the intensity clo
heat radiation. The authors developed a device for measuring low
energies in the infrared region of the spectrum. A block ~_,ac_rar, o'~`
the device is shown. The radiation from the investiC.'a-ted surfa0e off
the rotor (of an electromotor), arrives at a nickel bolometer, af-
Ler passing a vibration modulator. The signal, produced by the bc-
lometer, is applied to a preamplifier, then to an amplifier, a syn-
chronous detector and the output device. The synchronous detector
is th~: main selection element of the circuit which sepaf~ates from
the signal spectrum a narrow frequency band (close to the modula-
tion frequency). For higher accuracy, feedback with a caiibrated
zignal is used. If the investigated surface is small, the tempera-
Card 1/3
6/18 6110,06 "(,",06/028/030
Contactless mea3uremeyn', of... D299YD304
ture of the obJect can be determined by the formula
- d"
2as a
1 2 0
where TI and T 0 are the absolute tempeoraturef~~ of the r,)tGr jurf.,..Ce
and of the modulator respectively; 6 1, 1--o -the coefficients (of
blackening) of the rotor and of the modulatorp 71 - the effective va.-
Iiies of iKe power of the first h,,.ri,,ionic of the modulated radiitl_~or:
which arrives at the bolometer. The sensitiv,.ty of the dcv-ce
r-han,-es in 'he surface t emperat Lire of the rotor, c-~n be est=ated
by t~ae formuola
21s S 2 A T)
V 1 2 d0 +-1
,.,ihere A VI - is the threshold sena-Ltivity and T11',) -.,,rrpera~ur- f-Itic-
C.-rd 2,/3
Contactless measurement of D299/D304
tuations of the medium. By means of formula (2), it is possiible to
estimate the influence of each paraneter on the accuracy of nleaqu-
rement. By calibrating the scale of the output device di-I-ectly in
ter,perature degrees of the rotor, higher %ccur.%cy of Measurn-ent can
be achieved. A figure ahov;s the heating- and cool-Lng curves or the
electroriotor, the power of the radiation, inciden, on the bolometer
beinj~: plotted as a function of the time of operation of the electro-
motor~ After 1 hour, the rotor temperature attains 3340K, and chan-
.es but little afterwards. The temperature was measur/ed to an a-c-
curacy of 1 %, and the sensitivity to temperature charLes of the r,-,.-
tor, is 0,10C. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-,"Ioc re-IL'erences,
i '-- Z~
~--OCIATION: Instytut fizyky AS TjkrRSR (Institu-te of Physics of the
AS UkrRSR, Kyyiv)
Card 3/5
MALINEV A.F.-[Mallniev A.F.), YLSILISON M.P. (IEsellson, IM.P,]
Y 1 j ;
Characteristics of measuring devices for IKS-11 and IKS-12,
spectrometers with modulation of th6 radiation flux. Ukvfiaw
zh=,.~ 6 no.6:881-883 N-D 161. (MIRA 16-'5)-
I* Institut fiziki AN UkrS6R., Kiyev.
Abstracts of completed research works. Avtom. i prib. no-3:90-91
J1--S 162. (MIRA 1612)
1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR (for all except Skripnik,
Greshchenko, Tuz. Serpilin, Gapohenko). 2. Kiyevskiy
politekhnicheakiy institut (for Skripnik, Greshchenko, Tuz,
Serpilin, Gapchenko).
~29~;/ -D-502
cl"~rc'cte -st!c- S of .1L,0
tller!-~Lll rc.-ceivers
-'T C
U.'crayins lkyy fizychnyy v - 7 no.
46 -2
0 C 0 r
r e - u:n p, 11 fl' c rcircui Is ~,jj' ~~',j [I.,, 1.,17)u,~nr 10 t 1-'
ll -L I uDL: ,e at
c-rid condi-.ions. Tl-,c folloWij~-- ~-,rjeS 0 -z'
110 '-,7b,-,s vie - Gu d J e6T*
6 r I- . r
(6S41'), 6 1Ar (61-114 P), 6 ~16 (6:,.'l
2 typus viere investi-,L.-Lcd in
cl:its. A. noioe analjzer, opcr:~U-i-,Z at t"Ir-, frc:"
15 and, 20 cycles, vivs usedl. '211(" -n' 'o
Selt-~tive amolifier, det(~C'~O.-""
mil ivo-
tr,.c-ter. noi~;e'- of tu1)C-G'
f,"'Inction oL* the f~l,'
waent current. and th(. 'jLLJjjk,' Of 45."!L" e
Card 1/3
"o i S c cS o" S`
bac.~,*; by l-'sin- no t --; v e Y!
u U- i'
C'vc!l 1170- to 4 11' E! f if airly r,:,o C, 3 __-l t,, 'Lls:_-d
lqO 1 S e 0 1- th~e in-')I! t lub 0 s C an be e as i 1Y c ove -,e 0 C.." c S G f ~1
- 20 cycles); if liovicvk~r, ria_riiaturized in-,'t
at very lo,.-i frequencies, are uoed, ti-tis bec,),,-.e- :..u c 1. o i d fi C"I_ t.
-ure sho~%,s -:he eain factor of transfon--.erc %,,,_J~1: oy core.
-by coi.~-parinug obtained datua, it was foun~l -,,h,1t t'.~~
(,led lo,.,iest noise-level. The follo%-dn~,, are fliven: P.-_,quency -_~e-
pendence of the Lain factor of a transformer, of
of transfor:2er on its output noize-levc!, 01~* bac`
-round noise o--:' transformer on 'I, of ,)r4 I i,l,.s Y) C
1. 1 e I r 0 (" u c 110, de-uendlence of nre-a:~.,plifior C-.0 of
L 1, :7. -0 de"riatior of t-0
calou'.1-a-ued ones, did not ex.cefad 15 Co:~C,~~ Tt, 42
7.C. t.3
d e s i C 0 .1 i th c t:.,
I - 2-10-10v at -j y o f 20 cycloo C-CLU.
t'r,. e ---;.bulated (Lata an d t',10 rrapics it'. io to
j'er"3 , fi f_
I _e tj S
Sec i n a c Ila 1 c ~i. c e 0 r(2 rc.,nc;
4 ~'oviot-bioc and 1 non-Uoviet-b-ioc. T*,ie Irefele-.-c,~ to t, e
Cara 2/3
roads z.., '0110,,,,,S
40, 36, 1950.
-.O.~GCL' TIC, Ln-tyi-ut fizy,.-
Ulcr. iv
S U B ",,:I T T-'~ 1) 1-irch 14, 190-1
Card 3/3
,KUMENCHUGSKIY _ L.S. (Kremenohuhs lkyl, L.S.1; MLLINUO A.F. [Mallnievs A.F.1;
-ROYTSY- --, 6.-V. [Hoitoywl O.V.)
Dynamic characteristics of vacuum metallic bolometerse Ukre fize Zhure
7 no.12sI298-408 D 162. (MIAL 15:12)
Is Inatitut fiziki AN UkrSSR Kiyev,
Apparatus for studying the dynarrdc characteristics of receivers
of heat radiation. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.5:182-185 S-0 163.
(MIRA 16:12)
1. Institut fizi-ki AN UkrSSR.
ACCESSIO.N NRt AP3003618 S/0185/6)/008/007/0762/Cr767
'AUTHORs Kremenchugalkyl*y, L. So; Mallnev, A* F.; 5amoylw, V. Bo
TITLE1 Investigation o~r`t6-temperature dependence of current noise of thin metal
.80URCEs Ukrayinatky0y fizy*ohn5Py zhurnal, v. 8, no, 7. 1963, 762-767
,TOPIC TAG3t current noise., thin metal film, nickelj, gold, Liquid nitrogen tempera-*
ture, metal film
ABSTRACTs The authors give the electrical diagram qf the setup they developed and
describe the procedure they used in their4nves ion of-current noises of thin
metallic films. They investigated nickeL'6d o films at a temperature range of
.77 to 400 K. The temperature depena-ence of current noise was established* When
temperature was decreased from room temperature to that oflLuid nitro ~Nhe mean
square of the current noise was reduced by 100. This may not be eXplaine by a de-
crease in the film resistance during cooling. An empirical equation was developed
showing the change in current noise taking place in thin metallic films over a -.0-de
range of temperatures. "The authors are grateful to coc=ades B. N. Berlozko and 'L.
No Shats for their help in adjusting and preparing the installation." Orig. art,,
Card 116P
L 18944-63
has 4 figures and 4 formulas*
ASSOCIATIONS Insty*tut fizyolv* AN URSR, K.ev (Physics Institute of the Academy of
Sciences,, UKrSSRp in Kiev)
SUBMTTEDs l9Deo62 DATE ACQt O8Aug63 MCLs 04
Card 2/6
ACCESSION NR: AP4012789 S/0170/64/000/002/0003/0009
AUMOR: Kremenchugskiy, L. S.; Ly~senko, V. S.; Mallnev, A. F.; Roytsina, 0. V.
TITLE: The determination of the thickness, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity
of thin miniature films
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhumal, no. 2, 1964, 3-9
TOPIC TAGS: thin film, film thickness, heat capacity, thermal conductivity
ABSTRACT: Thin miniature films are widely used as sensing elements for heat radia-
tion detectors and for circuits measuring the power of ultra high frequencies. U18,
essence of the now method for determining the physical characteristics of such
films is the determination of the heat capacity C of the bolometer layer from its
tine constant which, in turn, is found from the frequency characteeistics and the
effective coefficient of thermal losses of the layer, as shown in Equation (8)
12 Rg& . (8)
2v fj R - Ro
(i = excitation current; R, Ro = bolometor layer resistance during the passage of
current, and its initial resistance, respectively; X = temperature coefficient of
resistance; f;. = frequency corresponding to the half-maximum of intensity on the
frequenay char2acteristics). From the known hea:t capacity and the surface of the
layer one gets Equation (9) which gives the thickness do of the layer
do = ClespAy .
(c.,p = specific heat capacity; A = area of the layer; -f = density). Using further
t.he equation of the heat balance of the layer, one gets an expression for the
coefficient of thermal conductivity given in Equation (13)
K 12RA I 2__(8s&.T3bl 'Cri2R.) (R - go)
12 (R - RO) X iZ R2
% 0
b = length and width of the layer. respectively; S = cross sectional area of the
layer; X = coefficient of absorption of the layer; & - Stophan-Bolzmann constant;
Card 2/4 L4
To = to-aperature of the swrounding medium). The heat capacity of bolomotric
elements was determined earlier by Jones, Smith, and Chesner (Determination and
Measurement of Infrared Radiations) using the tine constant and the volt-watt
sensitivity. Since they assumed 6 to be zero, this led to significant errors
bocauso 9 actually varios botwoon 0.05 and 1.00. Othor rosoarcher3 (too 06goo
G. Barth and W. Maier, Ann. d. Phys., 7, 260, 1959) utilized the heat-loss
coefficient in absence of radiations, which reduced the accuracy of measurements
by a factor R/Roo The authors determined the heat capacity, thickness, and thermal
conductivity coofficionts of froe 4 x 0.4 mm2- Ni. layers obtained electrolytically.
Me experimental results are summarized in the Table of Enclosure 1. Experiments
carried out down to the ".emperature of liquid nitrogen did not produce any sig"
nificant chan-es in the heat capacity of thin Ni layers, while the thermal conduc-
tivity increased by a vory =11 amount. The authors applied the same method to
dete-.ninations of the heat capacity of thin layer coatings deposited on film, by
subtraction of the film's capacity from t~e total measured amount. A maxim= heat
capacity of Au coating of (0.35-0.45)-10-0 watt-sec/OK (corresponding to a maximum
relative sensitivity of the coated bolometer) unas obtained with a (3.0-4.5)-10-6 kg
gold coating. The Au layer contributed to a 50-70% absorption of the 4-15 p radia-
tion. Orig. art, has 13 oquationsp 2 figures and I table.
Card 3/4 Ll
ACCESSIO14 NR: AP4012789
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki (Institute of 7hysics), AN UkrSSR, Kiev
suma=D. zoFeb63 nA.TE ACQ: 26Fob64 ENCL: 02
Carcl 4/44
ARME11011SKAYA, L.M. [Artiukhrivolka, L.M.]; L.S.
(Kremenchuhslkyi, L.S.]; W.,LINET, A.F. A.F.1;
ROYTSRIA, O-V- LRoitsyna, O.V.]
riffect of tho ofte of the receivInf, aron on Oin prhicitlal char~;c-
. zhur. ~,4 r.C. I I -.
teristics of metal vacuum bolcmeters. Ukr. f;"..
1-40-121,7 N 164 (. , I -., -.1 1- Is : 1 )
1. Institut fiziki PJ7 IJ'ki-SSRP Klyoy.
SOURCEt- Pri~6ry. -.~kOeelt~entali 'no i1-j - 1965 i153-15T
TOPIC TAGS: bolometer design$ bolometer sensitivity, metal bolometer, bol6meter:
.ABSTRACT. 6ethodology,,.experlmental GAUP, and conclusions drawn from. zo-.Ie-
sensitivity measuremente inmacuum and gas-filled bolometers are prcsented. Rela.-
tionships of zone sensitivity S'to.such parameters as dimensions and Position of,
the detection area, modulation: fr6qlietcy of the incident radiation, and type of
material are derived. The effects of heat loss on sensitivity and the selection of;
optimum operating current are,considered. Radiation from an incandescen:~ lamp was
focussed oii 0.15-ma segments bf'-nickel, gold, and bismuth specimens 0.1 v thick.
-specimen length, -j va6-4* 5--8- mm specimen -width O.'2-1-mn; radiation -modulation:-
frequenclest-5-'200 6~84 area -1 0-3 and 760 Hg. Curves of relative zone
sensitivity versus deteWm-area, dimensions and modulation frequency were plutted
L-J0247-66 Ewr(1)AWP(e)AWr(m)Aff(n~- (tjAyl~(b) IJP(c) plieqll~l
NRI AP5028133 SOUP= ODDE: UR/0048/65/029/011/2110/2it2
AEMIOR: Artyukhovskaya, ts,K.; Kremenchugski L.S.~, Ual'nev, A.F., Samoylov
1(!~tsenko, A, F, qy
,ORO: In-ktitute of ces. Ukr3SR (Institut fiziki Akademil
nauk UkMR)
TITLE: Use 'of the pyroeleptric effect of barium titanate ceramicg, ,to record low
fluxes of thermal radiation 41eport, Fourth-KI-I-Vnion Conference on Ferroelectricity
held at Rostov-on-the-Don 12-18 September, 196A7
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Serlya fiziches kaya, v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 2110-2112
TOPIC TAGS: pyroelectricity, pyroelectric detector, barium titanate, ccramicwutA44d
ABSTRACT: A nu'm'~e,,r, 6i i~in barium titanate ceramic wafers were produced and tested
as pyroelectric detectors of minute, rapidly changing thermal fluxes. Details of the
preparation of the detectors are not given. The sensitivity and the noise level were
both inversely proportional to the frequency, and the minimum detectable power won
nearly independent of frequency for frequencies up to 2 kc. The intrinsic noise of
the pyroolectric detector exceeded the Johnson noise of the equivalent RC circuit by
not more than 50%- The intrinsic noine of the detector decreased mom rapidly with
Increasing frequency than did the noise level o2 the input circuit; In designing Input-
circuits for use with pyroelootrIo detectors, thorefore, It is desirable to take par.
Card &
ACC NRt APS028133
ticular pains to reduce the noise level at frequencies above 100 cps. The temperature
dependence of the dynamic pyroelectric constant was determined by the method of A.G.
Chinoweth (J. Appl. Phys. , 27, No.1, 78, (1956)) . An aging ef feet was observed when
cycling the det6otors between room temperature and 70C; the aging was completed
within a few cycles, however, and thereafter the temperature dependence of the pyro-
electric constant was reproducible within 5%. The pyruelectric constant reached a
maximum at about 90C of from 2.5 to 3 times Its rem temperature value. Since the
dielectric constant also Increases with temperature, however, the detectors were only
slightly more sensitive at 900 than at re= temperature. A preliminary investigation
of the stability of the detectors showed no significant changes over a period of nix
months. The sensitivity thteshold of the-detedtore was between 2 x 10'9 and
5 x 10-9 W/cps, the time constant,was legg than 50 vse&, and the Jones',figifre.of
merit M2 was, greater: than fO.-I-5. Oz4ig, 'Art. has: 3 figures. (151
Card 2/2
-L-22934--66 EWI(1) 1JP(0) CC
ACC NRi AP6012850 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/0041004/0298/0301
yuw~aawf 06 V4
AUTHOR: Kremenchugsk!Z, L. S.; Lysenko, V. S.; Mal'nev, A. F.: Roytsina
ORG: none
TITLE: Improvement of spectralcharacteristice of high-resistance thermal radiation
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroakopti, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 298-301
TOPIC TAGS: thermal radiation detector, IR radiation, IR sensor, IR detection
ABSTRACT: An improved method is proposed for the construction of high-resistance
thermal-radiation detectors which use gold-black as the infrared absorber. Because
of its poor adhesive properties, gold-black cannot be deposited directly on the
sensitive material, but must be deposited on an interleafing layer, which causes
high heat losses. Calculations are presented to demonstrate that these losses can
be reduced to an insignificant amount if the interleafing layer is made of dielec-~-
trics such as beryllium- or aluminum-oxides, which are good heat conductors, and if
the layer's thickness is much less than the length of the incident heat wave.
Experimental data are in g6od agreement with the theory. Orig. art. has: 4 formu-
las, 2 tables, and 1 figure. (ZLJ
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRESS: Z.
1~2 3
:ard tMG# 621,317,794
ACC NR, AP7001958 SOURC& COM UR/0120/66/000/006/0169/0171
AUTHOR: Krcmenc1xug&k1y..,L#,S,; Mallnev, A. F.; Samoylov, V. B.
ORG: Institute of Physics* AN UkrSSR (Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Largo-area pyroolectric radiation detector
SOURCE: Fribory t tekhnika eksperimantal no. 66 19669 169-171
TOPIC TAGSt thermal radiation detectorg thermoelectric phenomenon
Figh-speed, large thermal radiation detectors with a high thresh-
old sensitivity, a small time constant, and a reliatively uniform zonal
sensitivity are described.
An equivalent circuit and a cutaway view of such a-detector are
sliown in Fig. 1. Thermoelectric current I is determined by the
speed with which polarization of the crystal is changed under the
effect of irradiation. Time constant 'r of the detectors does not ex-
.ceed 5 0 p B ec. The mean-square value of the noise current is frequency'
IPigs 1. Large thermal detector
a) Structure of the detectort
1 - Protective jacket; 2 - body;
3 - vacuum inlet; 4 - output ter-
minals; 5 - KBr windov; 6 - sensi-
tive element; 7 support; 8 - lid.
Card 1/3 UDCs 621,384.326,22:536
ACC N& Ap7001958
I - C CID b) Equivalent circuit of the de-
l te tor:
'INV* - noise current generator; I
T t ersoelectric current goneratorl
------------ V. C -'crystal capacitance; 4 - equiv-
alent loss resistance in the crys-
c tal; Re - load resistance;, CID
input capacitance of the tube.
c) Circuit diagram of the detector.
independent over a wide range, and the SIN ratio of the detectors
therefore remains practically constant at f < i-I and constant radia-
tion flux.
Sensitive elements of the detectors are made of crystals in the
-form of flat capacitors, Deposited layers (- 1000 A) of silver serve
as the electrodes. To obtain a relatively uniform spectral character-
istic of. a detector in the near and central infrared regions of the
spectrum, the electrodes are coated with The thickness
of the crystals (100 p) is uniform within +30h.
Card * 2/3
ACC NRi AP7001958
The zonal sensitivity of detectors made of BaTiO3 single crys-
tals and ceramics and triglycinsulfate crystals were investigated.
Sensitive areas of the samples ranged in size from 80 to 100 MM2
Sensitivity distribution over these areas was measured by a light
probe 0. 15-1 mm in diameter. When measured with a 0. 15-mm
probed sensitivity varied from its maximum value by up to 2516 for
ceramics and up to 7576 for single crystals at isolated points.
These studies also showed that large detectors made of BaTiO,
ceramics exhibited the most unfform sensitivity (threshold sensitivity,
5 x 10-9 w/cps 1/2). Thermoelectric detectors made of triglycinsulfate
single crystals had a greater, although less uniform, sensitivity
(2 x 10-9 w/cps1/2 ).
It is noted that these thermal radiation detectors have significant
advantagep over other typqs when large-area sensitive elements are
required. Orig. art# has: 3 figuraso Mias v. 3. no.27
SUB CODE: 20 1 SUBM DATEt 24Nov65 I ORiG REFt 004 / OTH REF& - 003
Card 3/3.
I'll, ;- P"_ - -1 ~'111- 1,
L 20248-65 -F%D"2/ZZ0-2/EWT(1Y Pn-4/P1-4/Pae-2' IJP(0/SSD/#14L/ASD(a)r/
ACCESSION N.Rt -APS000629 $10185164/009/0111124011241
AUTHOR: Artyukhovalkaj_ L.- H..(Artyukhovskaya, -L. H.); Kremenchugs'kyly.
S. al-ayev, A: V.- (Harnen AO
Roytsy*na, --O,__V. (Royt$ nap go Vo)
TITLE: Effect of -the -siza -of,, the detection area on the basic charac-..
teristics of metal vacuum~bolometers
SOURCE: Ukrayins'ky*y fi-zy*chny*y zhurnal, Y. 9,,no. 11, 19640
Metal ~v.acuum' _bolometar,, bolometer thecrm
ABSTRACT: The* effect of. ~the size of the detection area of mickel
bolome'ters on the senattLvoity,and th.o inertia was Lnvestigated.- The
general case, of heat'removat, from the bolometer either by radiatLott
or by conduction of the fitm.Oas discussed, I.t'vas 4"ound that the
dependence of .-bolome ter -'sons ttivi ty.:on the width of the detecting
element is much stronger than it L a at., 'the lart5th of the alement:
Card 1 2
ft#6 of the phage increase reaction in the examination of objects
ft the external enlironment. Report No.l: Use of the phage increase
reaction in water analysis. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. 32 no.3:
43-44 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Iz laboratorii Dorozhnoy sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy stantsii
Vostochno-Sibirsk6y zheleznoy dorogi, Irkutsk.
Use of the phage titer growth reaction for studying objects in tho
external eivironment. Report No.2: Use of the phage titer grovth
reaction in the analysis of water. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i irm-,un.
32 no.7:124 Je '61. (1-aRA 15-5)
1. Iz DorozImoy sanitarno-epidemiologiclionkoy stantoii Vostochn3-
sibirskoy zheleznoy dor6gi Irkut-sk
Fbage titer growth reaction in thq study of external env!ronment. Zhur.
mikroblol., epid. i immun. 40 no.11:146 N 163.
(MIRA 17:12)
Comparative characteristics of glycerin mixture and borate bu"er
solution as preservatives of diphtheria bneilli. Trudy Irk.
NIIEM no. 7049-353 t62 (M IRA '19.- 1 )
1. Tz bakteriologicheskoy laboratorii dorozhnoy sanitarno-
epidemiologicheakoy stantaii Vostochno-Sibirzkoy zheleznoy dorogi.
Kfe F M i~N C- H 4 T- _5 KI ~ N. F_-
NW~ASOVSKIY, U.S., pro#ensor; KRDWCHUTSKIY, N.Y., kandidat tekhaicheakikh
nauk; BOZHKO, LL redak tor, I A., tekhnicheskly redaktor;
ALADOVA, Te.I., tekhnicheakiy redaktor.
(Mining steep coal strata in the Donets basin) Razrabotka krutopadA-
iuahchikh plastov Donbassa. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1954. 303 P.(KLRL 8.'l)
(Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining)
NMASOVSKIY, Ya.S., professor; I~RZMCHUTSKIY, N.F., kandidat
takhnichaskikh nauk.
Use of cutter-loaders for the extraction of steeply pitching
coal seams in mines of the central part of the Donato Basin.
Izv. DGI no.24:143-172 t55. (MLRA 10:2)
(Donato Basin--Coal mines and mining)
(Coal mining machinery)
BALTKOV, V.M., inzhener; GERSHU40VICII, S.Ya., inzhanar.
Valuable aid for angIneero and technicians working on pitching
scams in the Donato Basin. OMIning pitching scams in the Donato
Basin." X.IA. Nakrasovskii, N.Y. Kromenchutakil. Reviewed by
V.M. Balykov, S.E. Gershanovich. Ugol' 31 no-5:44-45 My 156.
(MLRA 9:8)
(Donato Basin--Coal mines and mining)
(Nekrasovskil. MA.)
(Kramenchutskii, N.Y.)
sks, doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Readers$ response to I.Y.Flavel'skii's article "Determining the
length of the extraction area and that of the panel on strike In
mininj flat Karaganda Basin seams." N.I.Iremenchutskii. Ugoll 31
no.12:33-34 D 156. (MW 10:2)
I@ Dnepropetrovskiy gorny7 institut.
(Karaganda Baein~--Coal mines and mining)
(Plavellskii, I.V.)
About the article "Increase cross sectiong of haulagewaynO. Bezop. truda
v prom. 2 no.11:18-19 N 158. (NIRA 11:11)
1. DaepropetrovskAYgarnyy institut (for Kremenchutakiy). 2. GlaVM7 inzhener
Stalingiproshak.hta (Yor Timofeyev.).
(Mining engineering)
MM-TNCTfT?TSKIY, F.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent
Determining the most advantageous distance between cross headings
considering ventilation expenses. Izv. DGI 31:69-80 158.
(MIRA 11:7)
(Mining engineering) (1,11ne vontilation)
KRZME11CHUTSKIY, N.F., dotsent, Imnd.tekhn.nauk
Determining energy losses for atraiphtening, the flow beyond the
ventilation openi Izv. DGI 31:155-163 '58. (MIRA 11:7)
7hne ventilation)
Fb6mlas should be nora accunate; response tb S.M. Lipkovich's
and K.F. Sapitakii'a article entitled: "Determination of long-
wall length by the ventilation factor." Ugoll Ukr- 3 no-3:46
Hr '59. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy inntitnt.
(Coal minea and mining)
(Mine ventilation)
Optimum extent of the mine area in calculating ventilatIon. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.9:39-46 159. (MIRA 14-6)
1. Karagandinskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy
rudnichnoy ventilyateil i tekhniki bezopasnosti.
(Mine ventilation)
KREMENCHUTSKIY Nikolay Feofanovich; BURCHAKOV, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk,
--ro~s-en~2i-en-t,.-=Kmv--r-s--kand. tekhn. nauk reteenzent;
KLEBAIIOV, F.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; ZAKWOV, M.I.,
red. izd-va; SABITOV, A.x tekhn. red.; KONDRATIYEVA, M.A., tekhn.
[Ventilation of coal mines] Provetrivanie ugolInykh shakht. Mo-
skva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-x-y po gornomu delus 1961.
239 pq (Mine ventilation) (MIRA 15:1)
Method of determining the amount of air in a mine. Izv.,.,ys.ucheb.
zavol gorozhure noo3t79-82 161, (NDA 15:4)
1. Karagandinakiy politekhnichoskiy institut; rekomendovana
kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyatsii i tekhniki bezopasnosti Kara-
gandinskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta.
(Mine ventilation)
KMIENCHUTSKIY, N.F.p kand.tekhn.nauk
114ine ventilation" by M,, N. Bodiagin. Reviewed by N.F.
Kremenchustkii. Bezop.truda v prom. 5-no.7:35 J1 161.
1. Karagandinskiy politekhnicheaki institut.
(Mine ventilatioJ
(B~~Vm. N.
GRASffGHENKO', IIJ,., kand, -,~kmi, nauki KMW',HrISKIY, IT.F., dotsent;
MALYAREMSKIYO VJ41, ~atsent; AIMMAYEV, D.A., inzb.
Ways o! improving wrin,~-, -vent.11ation in the Karaganda Basin.
Izv. vys. ue--heb. Bev.; gor, ziur, no.12~55-60 961.
(MIRA 16:7)
J., Karfigandinskly poll tt.0Ahr.-'ches'xiy Institut. Rekamendevana
kafedroy ru~nlchn"y vontilyatsil,
'..Karaganda Baeln-Mine ventilation)
MMUCHUM.1Y, II.F., kand. tekhri. nauk; GUMUK, T.Ye., kand. tekhn.
nauk; IVAMOV, V.A., lnzh.; YATSMIKO, I.S., inzh.
Breventing spontaneous fires in mines of the Prowjahlennyy
Section of the Karaganda Basin. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavo; gor.
zhur. no.12:61-67 161. (MMA 16:7)
1. NaragandinBUy politekhnicheBkly institut (for Kremenchutskiy,
Gumenyuk). 2. Karagandintikiy sovet narodnago khozyayatva (for
Ivanov). 3. Kombinat "Karagandaugoll" (for Yatsenko). Reko-
mendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyatsii i tekhniki bezo-
pasnosti Karagandinskogo politekhnicheskogo inatituta.
(Karaganda Basin-Coal mines and mining-Fires
and fire prevention)
gornyy inzh.; BRENNER, V.A.; BYE K-up *7.F.; VALISHTLYN,
SIDIAYDMAN, LM.I.; BOYKO, A.A., retsenzent; SUROVA, V.A.,
ved. red.
[Mining of coal deposits in Kazakbstan) Rnzrabotka ugoll-
nykh mestorozhdenii Kazakbstana. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 292 p.
(FIRA 18: 5)
ABIMIOV, F.A., prof.; K=ZN9UU-Zj. "1y dottiont
Calculation of the aerodynamic resistnnee of ventilation I*vindcwB"
in complex ventilation systems. Izv.vys.uclieb.zav.; gor.zhar. 7
no.l2z48-51 164. (MlR,~ 18:2)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zrauneni gorrcf-f institut
imeni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyatsii i
tekhniki bezopasnosti.
ACCESSION NR: AP3003622 Z/0055/63/013/005/0396/0398
AUTHOR: Kremenek, J.; Skrivankova, H.; SJ,mkova, J.
TITLE: Measurement of angular distribution of elastically scattered
protons from aluminum atoms with mass number 27
SOURCE: Chakhoslovatakiy fixicheskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. 5, 1963,
TOPIC TAGS: proton scattering, proton elastic scattering, proton
inelastic scattering, proton scattering spectrum, proton scattering
ABSTRACT: The angular distribtuion of elastically scattered protons
and five groups of inelastically scattered protons from Al has been
measured with the help of a Se detector with a barrier corresponding
to a proton energy of 7.0 Hev and protected with a 16-p-thick Al foil
to absorb the a particles produced at the target. The range of meas-
rements was 30-170* at an incident proton energy of 6.5 Mev. The
measured groups correspond to -Q values of 0.842, 1.015, 2.21, 2.73,
2.98 and 3.00 Mev, of which the first three groups were resolved.
Card 1/2
The angular distribtuion of inelastically scattered protons obtained
in measurements repeated several times for each angle are given in a
table. The continuation of the studies of inelastic processes on
aluminum is ansiounced. Orig. art. has: 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Ustav jadernehe vyzkumu CSAV, Prague (Institute of
Nuclear Physics, CSAV), Katedra fyziky fakulty strojni, CVUT (Facuilty
of Machinery, Physics Department, CVUT)
SUBMITTED: 27Aug62 DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
Some e.,camplea of use of dischargetube r~.-cLiClers. j).23-
I-LL-F,TR0T-i-'-'jINTK, Prague, Vol. 11, n-). 1, Jan. 1956.
SO: Monthly List of i~ast European Accessions, (E;,AL), Ij,;, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 1956, Uncl.
i. ~ t C f 4 ~.
Small transformers with nutomatic control. p. 318.
ELEKTRMI'MINIK. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 1956
Praha, Czeehoslovikia
'A"" 'R '-`: Sust European List (.MiL) Library of
Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957
KRENENETS, Yu., inzh.; SILIYANOV, V., inzh.
Limit the upgrade length in denigning the longitudinal highway
profile. Avt. dor. no.10%11-12 0 164. (MMA 17&12)
KUZOVSHCHIKOV I N. 1. , lnzh.; YJQ, 4ENETS, Yu.A. , invi.
Technological and economic efflciqncy of ma,jor, repOrs on
mountain roads. Avt. dor. 27 no. 3:19-20 Mr '64. NIHA 5)
MEMEIWS~ N.A., lnzh.j SILIYANOV, V.V., irivh.
Design of long ascents and descents. Avt.dor. 28
no.10:10-11 0 165. (MIRA 18:11)
KPIVETTIETS, Yu.A., as;dn-,.,A
Grjj,,)jjc deter.1jr.11ticri of Itinic of Lhe free rw;rlpf*
of a motor vehicle. Izv. vys. uch(!I). zav.; mashinotr. no. 10:
129-133 165 19:1)
1. Submitted October 22, 1964.
b i 1 111 s r Q 3 t C
po r t r v i tide j Ij 1
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, '7: 1953. Unclassified.
A.V., red.; ELIBERT, G.A., red.
[Scientific and technological information in the U.S.S.R.
and abroad; a bibliographic index to the literature
published in 1960 and 19611 Nnuchn,;-tekhn1cheskaia informa-
tsiia za 1960-1961 gg. Moskva, 1962. 215 p. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy I tekhnicheskoy in-
(Bibliograpby--Science) (Bibliography--Technology)
SOROKIN, Nikolay Yako-vlevich, prepodavatel I; Yj~EV04ETSKAYA, 1. 7. ,
[Stimulation of students in classes on the specialized
technology of machining on lathes] Aktivizatsiia ucha-
shchikhaia na urokakh spetsialinoi tekhnologii tokaivogo
dela. Moskva, Y-yssbaia shkola, 1965. 52 p.
(MIRA .18-.12)
1. Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye uchilishche No.45,
Leningrad (for Sorokin).
SER LIU L IGrigoriy Illarionovich; KREMENETSWAp I.I., red.; BARAKOVA,
U.1719 tekbn. red.
[Equipment for cabinetwork) Prinposobleniia dlia obrabotki
stoliarrjykh izdelii. Vloakvaj Vses. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo
Proftek,hizdat., 1961. 15 P. NIM 15:2)
1. Master proizvodatvennogo obucheniya professionallno-tekhni -
cheskogo uchilishcha Eo.4 g. Stalinabada (for Serbul).
(Cabinetwork-Equipment and supplies)
DZ10*01, V.M.;, RUDENKU, N.F.; q~~N44YA$ J.N.
M.xed thorium complex with cupferron and 41-nitroso-2,21-dihydroxy-4-mothyI
-5-isopropulazobenzene* Zhuroneorg.khim, 8 no.3:655-659 Mr 163.
(KIRA 16.4)
1; VsesoyuarW nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh
r 6tivov i laboratoriya radiokhimii Nauchno-issledovatellskogo
inatituta yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univeraiteta.
(Thorium compounds) (Cupferron) (Asobenzene)
Mnthod of naparnting Zr93 from NO by thm extraction of
zirconium as a mixed complex with 8-hydrcxiquAnaldoxime
and caproic acid, Radiokhimlla 7 no,0492-494 165.
Determination of the compooition of the complex thoriumd"v)-
Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.5sl278-1280 My 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Vasaoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellakiy institut khimicheaklich
reaktivov i Nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiaiki
Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, labo.-atoriya radiokhimii.
(Thorium compounda) (Cupferron)
RhoumtIc fever In elderly and sonile peroono. Arch. Fit. 27
no. 1: 47- 5 1+ 165. (MU 16:L)
1. Laboratoriya serdoclmo-sosudit,tLy patologii (zav. - chlen-kor-
respondent AMN SSSR zasluzhennfy doyatall riaukl prof. A.I.Strukov)
InstiLuUt morfologil chelovoka (dir. - eh len-1: ot-reoponden t MAN
prof. A.L.Avtsyn) AMN SSSR.
MW,NF,T.c;YIY A,Ye., podpolkovnik aapasa
Perfect the practical training of atndentfi. Mor. sbor. 47 no.6t4O-44
jo 164. (MIRA 1817)
TARAN, A.G., inzh.; YAKOVIE1, V.M., lnzh.;._ jfoTSX~J, G.1s., inzh,;
RAYTRUB, M.S., inzb., BOLOTSKIKH, V.S., inzh.
Hydraulic conveying of rocks used in drainage operations.
Shakht. stroi. 7 no.3-.23-24 FrI63 (MIRA 11727)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-Issledovatel'sk.1y Inotitut organizats.-Ii
i mekhanizatsii shakhtnogo st,roiteltntva (for Taran. Bolotskikh).
2. SU No.2 tresta DLTitrov-uglestroy ( for Yakovi;A.
I.Ya. (Ibokva); MVINA, T.N. ( 1,16okva)
Mw factory in ,bgcow. Shvein.prom. no.4-32-35 Jl-,Ag '63.
MRA 16:9)
KREICNETSKAYAO L. Yo.: "On the proJem of changes in the brain
membranes in hypertonic disease". MOSCOW, 1955. Second Moscow State
Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. f
Candidate of FSDICAL Soiences) %Dissertation for the Det-ree of
SO: KnizhnayA Letonial 0. 51, 10 December 1955
Problem of changes in pacchionian granulations in hypertensive
dieeasee Arkh.pate 2 no,3t1q-23 t60, (KRA 13t12)
KENWETIMAYA, L.Ye. (Kalinin)
Changes in the cerebral durs. mater in hypertension, Arkb-Pat-
no.nt38-42 161. (MMA 14: 10)
1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii Nav. - prof@ L.F.
Popov) Nalininakc-go meditsinskogo instituta.
Tenth International Fanhion Congress. Tekst.prom. 19 to.12:
46-48 D 159. WIRA 13:3)
Use of bent sections abroad, Haahinostroitell ?,,j.12:40-41 D
16o. (MIRA 13:12)
(Steel, Structural)
r-E-`EI;ZTSKIY, A.11,
Cuttln(~, tools whic-b do not need retiharpealng.
12 42 D 161.
n. 14 12 )
(1-letaA-P,uttinp, tools)
, _- --4;--* - -
Coreless molding In large-scale production. Lit.proizv. no.?:
24-25 J1155- (HLRA 8:10)
(Holding (Younding))
Making precision castings with surface formation of cementite in
combined forms. Sellkhozmashina no.8:29 Ag'55- (MLRA 8:11)
(Die castiw~)
r -, -.: 1 .1, 1), 9T .".
mc~ -1 f.);'y
I I c! ylo- ,
(O-cr-all df?c-r r! ~e In Irbor conswmption of pr,-)di!ctive nrocesses) ."oskv!i ,
C,ostopte~hiztl-t.. 1951.
9. Monthly List of Russian AccesElons, Library of Congreas, -1952 1953, uncl.