Interaction of 1-bromo-2,3-epox)-3-methylbutane withcK -cyano
ketones. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.9.1706 S 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted
April 6.. 1965.
Card I
rovavvsyuklj~~ S.S.
KClRLEVC.*M,l,-YA, .".S. "LlFliliffloree o1" C~,-
'ci Uzlv-k llin Fi.vh,-~r n r!."
Asi-n State U Am6ni V. Lciiin. Tamllkellty 1056.
(Di,serlutt--l.on for the Dnf,rec of C8m-lidab~ in Eiolop-
ical Scienoc)
So: Knizhnnya Letopi,-%', Vo. 18, 1956,
[deceased); MEW, K.Z.; WVALEV5KAYA,,5._$_; LJI:CHEVSKIYP
I.A.; VABIM, PAZIY, V.K.; -,'.OZHKOIIA, 0.1.; CH22"I'LINA, O.V,;
KOROVIN, Ye.P., akaC.p-red.; MUZAFAROV, A.M.P akaday red.;
EYDELII-Wi, A.S.,, red.; RAMMOVA, M.D., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.F.,
tekhn. red.
(Flora of Uzbehisianl Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.
nauk Uzbol-dskoi SSR. Vol.5. 1961. 666 p. (MIRA 150)
GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tekhn. red.
[Flora of Usbekistan) Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Izd-vo
Akad. nauk UzSSR. Vol.6. 1962. 629 p. (MIRA 16.5)
Literature.: teal
..'Rec nded Bibli6grapby ofRussian Literature
'6n-the-Treatment of-Typboid Fever and Paraty-
phoid," S. V. Kovalevokaya, W. S.Koroakova
Feld'sher i Akusher','. No 8,,pp 61-64
Lists 21 books and articles of recent years on
subject including: "Typhoid Fever and the Feed-
.ing of Patients," by.S. Yd-.-BaMmutakays, "Ty-.
jh61d Fev6r and P id,".*b$ A. F.'-'Bilibin,
.,and L. Ya. Xato-ChernoWoqtova;. "Typtoid Fev'-er
and karatyphbid,'" IiY 1. V. viqlkqv~~' iy, . and, "Dif
ferential Diagnosis And Treatment of Typhoid
Fever," by V. A. - Vyatkin. Brief oil- ies of
-each book and article.
i - --,- -
L'vivsIka oblast; heohrafichnyy narys. Xyyivy "Radyanslka Shokola", 1961.
3.22 Z-1-7 P. illus., graphs (Oblasti Ukrayinslkoyi RSR)
Russian title: Livovskay, ob~st.
Bibliogranhy: p. 122 -
KOI,&LEVSKAYA, Tatlyana Nikolayevna (Kovalevslka, T.H.1; SHPORTYUK V.I.
- latorj; - I Y
fflM-P-A-,T.Ya. [Nezhnypapa, V.IA.1, red.;
LEBEIEV, I.P.[Lebediev, I.P.11 red. kart; GCRBUPOVA, P.M.,
[Horbunova, P.M.], tekhn. red.
(Lvov Province; geographical study] Llvivslka oblast'; geografichnyi
narys. Kyiv, Derzh. uchbovo-pedagogo. vyd-vo "Radianstka shkola,"
1961. 122 p. (MIRA 150)
(Lvov Province-GeograpIV)
GLUKRDVSKIT. S.; KOVAUVSUTA, T.P*, redaktor; XkZLKOVA, V.Ye., tekhnicheski7
[Hero of the Soviet Union V.A.lq=ik] Geroi Sovetakogo soiuza V.A.Ivnn:ug
Moekva, Voennoe iod-vo Ministeretva oborony soiuza. SSR, 1954. 57 P.
(Iqnnik, Vasilii A,) (MLRA 8:5)
DRUZHININ, Vladimir Nikolayevich; KOTAMYSX&TA. T.P., redaktor; MYASHIKOTA,
T.F., tekhnicheskly
(With Czechoslovak friends] U chekhoslovatskikh druzei. Moskva,
Voen6 izd-vo Ministerstva obor. SSSR. 1956. 115 p. ULRA 9:8)
Ozechoslovakia-Description and travel)
nMM, Roman
Lazarevich; KOVALWSUYt. T,P,, red,; ANIKIRA, P.Pe, tekhn.
[Vietnam fights; a Soviet cameraman's noiabook] Vietnam srazhastsia..
zapisid sovetzkogo kinooperatora. Koskva. Toen. izd-vo X-va, obor.
SSSR, 1958. 262 p. (MIRA 1IS7)
(Vietum, North-Description and travel)
ot-- J~
Tho VIC-.-200 pno=atio fan. Dozop.truda v pi~6m. 5 no.1:22-22 Ja 161.
(MIPA 14*-2)
1. Don-ii.;rouglei,,a.3h.
Lj . (Mino vontilation)
DULIN, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVALEVSKAYA V I inzh.
~ * 0 -.-,
Centrifugal mine fans with a two-way intake. Sbor. trud. Inst. gor.
dela AN URSR no.l2s47-58 161, (MA 151l1)
(Vabi, Mechanical)
28(l) SOV/1 19-5--l-11-7/el 5
I '
it M0110RO * L
I iididtile of Tt!chnic
iJ Sclnnce!!,
11olandt, 0. 11., Eniinecr, Khliatonov, V . N., Eni-jnoer
TITLE for Digital Computers (Printsipy
ontroyeniya tf3i-frovykh priborov)
PERIOD11CAL: Priboroot.royoniye, 11)')5, 14, 11, pp 19-2.5 (us:311)
ABSTRACT: If the attempt is made to systemize digit al computers the
following result is obtained:
I. Volta-e- or resistance measurement is referred to a standard.
A) Elec tromechanical group.
a) voltmeter
b) Ammeter
c) Ohmmeter
B) Group equipped witli tubes.
a) Voltmeter
of time is referred to a standard
A) Tube line-up group.
a) Fro(Illency ]~".eter
Card 1/4 1)) Plinsell-lo-Ler
Duilding Princitles for Digital Couputers SOV/1 19-5F~-", - --7//15
c) Voltneter
Tile basic mode of o-i)eration of the devices beloneing to groups
I.Aa), R.Aa), II.Ab) and II.Ac) is described in short.
The Y,,orl-, of developing digital computers in the USSR be0an
in 1935. F. Ye. Temnikov developed a two-difrit compensator
with digital report (tsifrovyin otschetom).
14 forcii5n and Soviet devices are tabularized to6ether with
their most important data. The follonj-n,7, originated from the
Eastern Block:
a) Voltmeters
Producer: Penza Industrial Institute
.-Teasurinp order: direct-ourrent voltage
Mlea sn ri tic 1
sensitivity: OpOO V
error.9 in + 091
Ileaouring time: 1,,5 a
Mectromagn6tic device with static compensation (steep
selector). Det-ermination of polarity is automatized.
b) NXI . Avtccompensator AK-4D connected with a
strai-r. gauge (te tchik)
Sen0i'll-ivity: 97106~~)
...oasiiring errors: + 0,,02
Card 2/4 ;easuring time: 76 0
Buildinj~ Princli)les for Digital Computers SOV/119-53-11-7//15
Electromagnetic device with static compensation. The de-
vice consists of a decade-magazine resistance, an ampli-
fier for a two-phase tachoCenerall-,or, a balanced -indicator,
and a recording device.
c) Voltmeter:
Produced at llern;a
Measurinl- order: direct current voltage
Measuring range: 0,5 to 100 V
j'.ea311riDg errors: + 0,5
Yeaouring time: I a
d) Frequency meter
Producer: Akademiya nauk Rumynskoy nerrespubliki (Romanian
Academy of Sciences)
Measuring ranre: 10, 10 kilocycleD
Measuring errors: + 10-
Measuring time: 1 and 10 a. respectively
e)' Phase-frequency meter Mr-2
Produced at Penza
Measuring orders: Frequency, phase shift and number of pulses
Card 3/4 M-easuring rangre: 0,01 - 50 cycles, 0,02 - 100 s. (up to
Building Principles for Digital Computers 50V/119-5B-11-7/15
200 kilocycles)
Measuring errors :
There are 5 figures,
are Soviet.
0v5 ~fo
I table, and 7 references, 2 of which
Card 4/14
8(2) SOV/1 1-1-59-2-6!17
AUTHORS: X a Y al e V - V P o p o v, V . SC an d :. d a t e s o f T e c -h n. J_ C al
TITLE: On a Method of Measuring the Phase Displacement of Two Tensions
(Ob odnom metode izmereniya sdviga faz dvukh ia_nr3razheniy
PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 2, pp 16-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The tensions to be investigated were stabilized at first. Then
their sum or difference is measured depending on the phase
angle between -the tensions to be investigated, by means of an
a~, c; instrument. The ne-uly developed apparatus employs a
special thermistorized amplifier stabilizer which permits te
stabilize the tensions to be investigated within a large range
without affecting the shape of the tension. The device se::vei-,
for measuring the phase displacements of small input tensions
which are therefore amplified initially by the valve 6N8 and
stabilized in the first stage by a thermistor, type TP2/0-
and in the second stage by a thermistor of the type TP6/2*.~
For measuring the current a magnetoelectrical microamperemetez-
with a measuring range up to 100 LqA is used which is put in
series to the rectifier DGTs-5 and an add-itional resistan-,q
Card 1/3 R = 400009- In order to protect the thermistoro against over-
On Method of Measuring the Phase Displacement of Two Tensions
loading in case of a steep voltage increase ballast resistors
of 10 kS? are put in series to the thermi3toro type TP2/10-5.
The load capacity of thermistors type TF6/2 is four times that
of type T?2/0.5. Therefore they need no ballast resistor in the
end cascade.
Experiments showed that the measuring errorj at a change of ,'the
voltages to be measured of 0.5 to 4.0 V does not exceed 1-5~-~.
BY means of a high-resistance voltage divider the voltage
measuring range can be extended. The capacitors used in the
phasemeter are liberally dimensioned. By experiments the ad-
ditional error caused by a frequency change from 5 to 10000
cycles was f ound t o amount onlYto, 1 - 5% of the nnmirial t est value -
The measuring error of the phase meter due to charging the
valves lies below 0.2%. Variations in,the Supply vOlt--6e
of 20% result in a measuring error of less than 0-5i"o'. Phase
displacements in the range of from 0-1200 can be measured.
By an auxiliary device consisting of an ohmic resistance and
an impedance the phasemeter can rithin a wide range also be
used as frequency meters. The frequency meter sensitivity can
Card 2/3 be increased by using a resonance circuit as impedance.
sov/~, 15-59-2-6/-17
On a Method of Measuring the Phase Displaicement- of, Two Terr-icy~~i
I'llol'o - NgtivwA aill i 13,~Viol, rorr-rolloo.
Card 3/3
jUJTHORS: Kova1'AK8_kpya V.V. and Belen'kiy, B.Z.
TITLE: A discrete method of phase-shift measurement
PERIODIC4L: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 8. 1961t 16, abstract 8 A100 (Sb. rabot po vopr.
elektromelthan. In-t elektromekhan, AN SSSR, 1960,
no. 4, 270-276)
TMCT: The existing methods of measurements of the angle
of phase-shift between two voltages of disturbed waveform are dis-
cussed. The block-diagram of a digital phase-meter based on the
conversion of the phase-shift into a corresponding number of pulses
is described. The p'liasemeter is useful in measurements of the phase-
shift between the harmonic and non-harmonic oscillations, in partic-
ular between the pulses. Each of the oscillations, the phase shift
between which is being measured, is converted into a sequence of
short pulses, produced at instants where the respective waveform
Card 1/3
A discrete method... D201/D304
crosses the zero level. The pulse sequences trigger a trigger cir-
cuit, so that the positive going rectangular pulses at its output
have a duration proportional to the phase shift being measured and
inversely proportional to the frequency f. The rectangular pulses
are applied to the input of the coinciden6 circuit, no. 1, with
pulses of reference frequency fo being applied to the other input.
At the output of coincidence circuit no. I groups of pulses appear
having frequency fo. These are applied to the first input of coin-
cidence circuit no. 2, to the second input of which a pulse of dura-
tion T is applied, the duration being a known multiple of the repe-
tition period of pulses of frequency f . Groups of pulses thus
appear at the output of coincidence circuit no. 2, at the repetition
frequency fo and group duration T. The overall number of pulses in
the group is proportional'to the phase shift being measured and is
independent of both f and f . The range of measurement is 0 - 3600.
The frequency range of inputovoltages 25 t 5000 c/s. The indication
error is 0.50 at f. = 25 !. 2-500 c/s and 16 at f. up to 5 kc1s. The
Card 2/3
A discrete method...
input voltage
1 15%. Input
ran 0 3.0 5 _0 80
resistanoo ! 750
note: Complete
S/194 61/000/008/009/092
V. Allowable mai"n voltage changes
1(a. 2 figures. 4 references.
Card 3/3
34 C'~o 0 C/ 3 D201/D305
APTHORS: KovalnvpjLayaj_V,-V" Radchenkt, A.N., and
Sidellnikov, T_-'V9
TITLE: Prospec-us for the automation of hydro-meteorologi-
pal serlices
SOURCE: Akaderaya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekhaniki.
Sbornik rabot po voprosam elektromekhaniki. no. 5,
Moscow, 1961. kvtomatizatsiya, telemekhanizatsiya
i priborostroyeniye, 189 - 201
TEXT: The basic-hydro meteoroiogical Soviet- grid has more than
11,000 stations and posts, with a personnel exceeding 50,000 opera-
tors. More than 3,000 observation posts (synoptic stations) produ-
ce synoptic information on telephony-telegraphy and radio networks
which is the basis of weather forecasts. The rest -- elimatologi-
cal stations -- about 8900U observation posts, compile the-iv infor-
mation montly in the form of tablee and grgphtl ~if g'oophyotoal pro-
ooaam All oynoptleal otatione carry out climatological observa-
tions. The short time information is proces8e+ at the weather bure-
Card 1/4
5/57 61/vou/005/016/023
Prospects for the automation ... D201YD305
sue of local hydrometeorological service headquarterst at the hydro-
meteorological bureau and at the Central Weather forecasts Institu-
te. At present there are 35 local weather bureaus. The long-range
information is processed at the headquarters of local hydrometeoro-
logical services, from which it is sent to the computer section of
the Scientific and Research Institute of Aero-olimatology (NIIAk).
There are 53 hydrometeorological units. The analysis of block dia-
grams of the overall processing of meteorological information is
given. This analysis leads to the required technological processes
if the complex systems of telecontrol, remote signalling and auto-
matic data processing were to be installed. The main problems thus
arising would be as follows: The development of automatic teleme-
tering meteorological stations~ automatic processing of data lead-
ing to automatic weather forecasting and automatic processing of
climatological information. The latter is to some extent automati-
cally processed at the computer centeras!he automation in this re-
spect follows at present two main tren . 1) Application of compu-
ting methods for forecasting; 2) Automatic processing of synoptic
charts. The most difficult from the point of view of effectiveness
Card 2/4
Prospects for the automation ... D201/D305
is stated to be the problem of developing automatic hydrometeorolo-
gical stations. Analysis is given,of the operation of an automatic
synoptic station of the weather grid type. The analysis shows that
the accuracy required of measurements and the existing methods of'
attaining them would necessitate complicated equipment and the in-
troduction of various correction fact-ors. At the same time a consi-
derable latitude exists with respect to choosing a unified output
parameter of measuring instrumentso The most effective would be
the conversion of information into a telegrayb codep consisting of
a standard number of pulses per unit time. The read-out of stored
information should be made in accordance with the availability of
communication channels. Thus the operation of an automatic tolemea-
suring meteo-station would be determined by a timing unitp periodi-
cally producing information on measurements which through a commil-
tator and coder are introduced into the storage deviceft A compara-
tive table is given of structural diagramay channels usedp and of
other technical detailekbf Soviet- and non-Soviet automatic meteo-
rological stations. The'~ollowinr, conoluslonB are made: 1) In de-
veloping new methods of measurements applied to meteorology, the
Card 3/4
AUTHOR: Brodskiy, A. D., and Kovalevskava. V. V. 1004/1204
TITLE: Accustical thermometer for telemetric measuremeats
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. lzmeritcl'naya tcklinika, no. 3, 1962, 40, abstract
32.3.247. "Collection rabot po voprosam elektronickhan. Institut ciektioniekhan. AN
SSSR", 1961, no. 5, 281-287
TEXT: An electroacoustical thermometer developed and studied by the authors is described. It consists of a
cylindrical resonator and a head unit containing the elements of the electrical systems which is composed of two
microphones, an electrodynamic system and a transistor amplifier. Acoustical vibrations created in the reso-
nator by means of one of the microphones are received by the second microphone. It is reported that the ther-
mometer was thoroughly tested and that it was calibrated according to the bench marks, Maximum discrepancy
between the experimental and calculated data at calibration points does not exceed 0.58'C while at othet
points the deviations remain within the � 0.2 to OYC limit, The thermometer is suitable for temperature
telemetry. The device possesses the following drawbacks: first or all it calls for an air tight resonator tube and
secondly it requires a good phase characteristic of the entire clectroacoustical amplification chain. There are
2 figures.
[Abstracter's note- Complete translation.]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Brodskiy, A.D., and ~s~vlexakay&,__V~VA_
TI-'LB: Acoustic thermometer for telemetry
SOURCEt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekhaniki.
bbornic rabot po vop3rosam elektromekhaniki.no. 5,
Moscow# 1961. Avtomatizatsiyap telemekhanizatsiya
i priborostroyeniye, 281 - 287
TEXT: In the present article a description is given of the con-
struction and operation of a telemetering temperature to frequency
converter designed by the authors, in the form of a cylindrical re-
sonator and a head with the associated circuit
.P. The electric cir
cuit consists of two microphoneep an#eleotrodynamic system and a
transistorized amplifier (the transistorized amplifier has been de-
signed by V#K* Potapkin)o Audio oscillations are induced in the re-
sonator by one microphone and received by the other. The resonant
frequency of the thermometer is given by the resonant frequency of
the resonator
Card 1/4
S/57 61/000/005/021/023
Acoustic thermometer for telemetry D201YD305
where c - velocity of sound, L - length of the resonator. From the
laws of thermodynamics and taking into account the linear expansion
coefficient of the resonator and the second virial coefficient B,
the temperature is related to frequency by
Y(l + at) 2 . )_ 2BP]P
T f (To + R R
in which T - the absolute temperature, R - universal gas constantp
y - ratio of gas thermal capacitiecp M - molecular weight of the
gas, p - gas pressure. The practically obtained f = P(t) is very
linear from -40 to +4000 owing to mutual cancellation of some of
the non-linearity factors. The microphones are connected to the
input and output of the amplifier forming with it an acoustic feed-
back oscillator. If there is an additional phase shift between the
frequency of the oscillator (f0) and that of resonator (f res), an
Card 2/4
Acoustic thermometer for telemetry D201 D305
error arises given by
Af 6 Ae
- - acp (5)
f0 - 2Q Cos 2A(f 2Q
where Q - the quality factor of the resonator and Arf the additio-
nalatphase shift. The resonator of the model No. 1 thermometer was
filled with dry air. The calculated frequency from formula (1) was
10004.c1s. Using amplifier No. 5 the frequency determined experimen-
tally was f0 = 1030.12 � 0.02 c/s sensitivity at To and fo was Sf
--,&l.9 c/%U. The maximum difference between theoretical and experi-
mentally obtained values of temperature was 0.510. The analytical
expression for temperature against frequency curve (found in prac-
tice to be nearly linear) has been found to be t P = 0*572fx -
589.160. At present some additional evaluatton the instrument is
proceeding to determine the measurement errors~kit is stated in
conclusion that the acoustic thermometer as applied for telemeter-
ing has the following advantages: 1) The temperature is measured by
frequency measurement methods; 2) It is calibrated at two points
Card 3/4
S/fflo EVI/000/005/0%1/023
Acoustic thermomecer for telemetry D201 D305
onlyi 3) It
mission. Its
tor hermetic
the electro
be possible
systems used
can be used for long ftstanoe temperature data trans-
main disadvantages are the need for very good resona-
sealing and the requirement of phase characterias of
acoustic circuit. It is *hought that in future it would
to produce acoustic thermometers using electrodynamic
type MTA-1-59 (MTD-1-59) instead of the previous MTD-1
by the authors, There are 3 figures and 1 table.
KOVAIZVSKAYA, Vera Vladimiro BARM, AlakeAndr
-Infilk,; AKOVAp L.I., red.; MIGORIYEVA, I.S...
red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A.1, tekbn. red.
[Tba TsCh-l digital discrete Pequencymeter3TSifrovaoi diskret-
nyi chastotomer TsCh-1. Leningrad, 1962. 22 p. (Leningradskii
doir nauchno-tekbnicbeakoi propagandy. Olnen peredovym opytom.
Seriia: Pribory i elementy avtomatiki., no-5) (MIRA 15:11)
(Frequency measurements)
Blectroacoustic temperature-to-frequency converter. Priborostroonie
no.2:3.1-1.3 F 163. (converters) (MIRA 16:5)
9 v 11 a u m is is 0 1,
=-y 7
401. -An-bwk in ght Wkit-comwokost of mlUkor '00
11041% Mi. 7,
3 3 8 fjkl~. 195 1) in
of I'Milko' PlArols ledmet, the
00 pfoWbility uf brcukdownsi due 11) vc-thwk. A
pf(4ubdily 111CIISW of ictorrmining the djulocr of Arc-
IWIL i% 91%911 GN 6 linik MtIJICF A14 smial wow-,
0 j conluvied Units. f4rctmogfil rLdly Conrimn 111my too
of Imiltivis imicase tile -Arcly of
ispetalian and Ww cjmt4cs hiSW %,Auws 10 be
114.. Sir,* "I
ZO 67, at; 0-1.
so!* fee o 0 0 0 0 sie 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 elk 6
KRYLOY, K.I.. prof.; HMVIYLYA. Ms.;
[Laboratory work on electromagnotic fields] 4boratornve raboty
po alektromagnitnumu poliu. Pod obahchei red. K.I.Krylova. Lenin-
grad, Leningr. elektrotekhaichookii in-t im. V.I.Ullianova (Lenin&),
1957. 246 p. (KIRA 11:7)
1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy nTeorit elektrichestva, mRgnetisma i
stroyeniya materii" (for Krylov)
(Electromagnetic theory)
KOVALEVSKAYA, Yanina Petrovna; YMEYEN, V.I,, red,
(Exercises in electromagnetic field theory; steady-current
magnetic fieldsj a textbook) Uprazhnen'Aa po teoril elektr,~-
magnitnogo polla- magnitnoe pole statsionarnogo toka, ucheb-,
noe posobie. Leningrad, Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-t, 19614,
69 P. (MIRA 18-~3)
Structural and mechanical properties of starch glues. Izv.vys.
uaheb,%av,;:,~.tekh. no.l-.40-42 164. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Kiyevskiy tekbnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti,
kafedra fizicheakoy i kolloidnoy khimii.
KOVALMXAYA, Ye.l., vrach
Multiple retention of teeth. Stomatologiia 42 no-4t92-93
Jl-Ag'63 (MIRA 17:4)
1. 1z Zhaleznodorozhnoy bollnitsy stantsii Isill-Null Cknskoy
oblasti i Kiyevskogo meditsinakogo instituta.
KA13AI4,, AP*j iniliol KOVA.LEVSKAYAO Yejep Inzh.j XURMAKO, O.D.y
doktor khim. nauk
Electron microscope analysin of starch frartiorw in the
prefience of polyslaotrolytoo. Pishch, prom. no.2:26-3.1
165- (MIM 18M)
1. Kiyevskiy tookhnologicheakly institut pishchevoy promyshlen-
-KOVALE'VSKAYA, Ye.l. [Kovalevalka, IE.1.1; KMAN, A.P. [Yaban, O.P.1;
KURUZNKO,. O.D. [Kurylenko, O.D.j
Eleatron miarose6pe studies of carboxymethyleellulose. Dop.
AN URSR no.n.-i4go-i493 165,
(MIRA 18:3.2)
1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut pishahevoy promyshlen-
V r~
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy komitet po provedeniyu
Mezhdunarodnogo geofiziche5kogo goda. Vrazdel programmy MGG:
Issledovaniya 11onosfery; sbornik stat6y (Ionospheric Researches;
Collected Articles. No. 3) Moscow, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1960.
100 p. 2,000 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: N. V. Mednikov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics;
Ed.: L. A. Trofimova; Tech. Ed.: T. V. Polyakova.
PURPOSE : This IGY publication is intended for geophysicists,
astrophysicists, and other scientists concerned with the
ionosphere and radio atmospherics,
COVERAGE: The collection of articles contains the results of
investigations on the ionosphere and radio atmospherics, based
chiefly on IGY observational data from USSR stations. The
articles may be grouped into the three following -categories:
Card 1/5
Ionospheric Researches; Collected (Cont.) SOV/5743
1) studies of the morphology and physics of both quiet and
perturbed ionospheres; 2) methodology of evaluating absorp-
tion and drifts in the ionosphere; and 3) questions on the
use of ionospheric observations for practical purposes. No
personalities are mentioned. English abstracts and refer-
ences follow each article.
Foreword 5
Shapiro, B. S. An Investigation of the Distribution of
Ionization With Height 7
Kessenikh, V. N. Certain Peculiarities in the Geographic
Distribution of the Maximum 1~lectron Concentration in the
F-2 Layer Over the Urals, Siberia, the North Caucasus, and
Soviet Central Asia (1957-1958) 18
Card 2/5
Ionospheric Researches; Collected (Cont.) SOV/5743
Kerblay, T. S., and Ye. M. Kovalevskaya. Correlation of foF2
With Solar Activity'-Indlxr~----~' -- - -- 1 22
Driatskiy, V. M. Processes in the Lower Ionosphere in High
Latitudes During the Solar Flare of February 23, 1956 27
Felldshteyn, Ya. I. The Noctural E-Layer According to Obser-
vations at the Dikson Island Observatory 34
Pankratova, N. S. Irregular Phenomena in the F-Region of the
ionosphere According to Observations at the bikson Island
Observatory 4o
Cherenkova, Ye. P. Certain Regularities in the Behavior of
the Lower Ionosphere Over Dikson Island 51
Gorbushina, G. V. On the Use of Single Reflections for
Evaluating Absorption in the Ionosphere According to Obser-
vations at D'L.Y'Rcn Island 6o
Card 3/5
Ionospheric Researches; Collected (cont.) SOV/5743
Struin, 0. N.)and Ya. I. Felldshteyn. Nondeviating Absorp-
tion of Radio. 44ves in the Auroral Zone 66
Gusev, V. D., and S. F. Mirkotan. On Certain Anomalies
During an Investigation of Ionospherid Drifts* 77
Rapoport, Z. Ts. On the Question of Determining the M3000
Coefficient 83
Likhter, Ya. I., and G. I. Terina. Certain ReBults on In-
vestigating the Intensity of'Radio Atmospherics (Strays)
at Moscow 90
Rodionov, Ya. S. A Possible Method of Determining Effec-
tive Recombination Coefficients and the Rate of Ionization
_M the Ionosphere 95
Zakharov, V. I., and Z. K. Shibayev. Effective Recombination
Card 4/ 5
Ionospheric Researches; Collected (C.ont.) SOV/5743
Coefficient in the Ionosphere According to Observations
at Dikson Island Observatory 100
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 5/5 11-7-61
.5/0.~5/6 1/000/009/0.34,/036
q1 3 0 (lot/( q AOO 1/A 10 1
AUTHORS: Kerblay, T.S,,
TITLE- Correlation of f0F0 with indices of solar activity
PERIODICAL: Referativn zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 9, ig6i, 64, ab-
straot 9A551 (V sb, "Issled, ionosfery", no. 3, Moscow, AN SSSR,
1960, 22 - 26, Engl...gummary)
TFJCT. The authors analyzed the correlation of foFo with the-number of sun-
spots R and intensity of solar radio emission on decimeter wavelengths I. Corre-
lation coefficients and correlation ratios were calculated, Analysis wa-S per-
formed separately for the epochs of high andlow solar activities. It was established
that a period of high solar activity is characterized not only by the change of
the regression coefficient, but also by a reduced degree of relation between
foPo and solar indices. The conclusion is drawn that Index ! has no advantages
in comparison with Index R for estimating median values of foFo.
(Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
T. Kerblay
Card 1/1
9, D228/D307
AUTHOR: Kovalevskaya, Ye. M.
TITLE: Communication on frequencies exceeding the maximum
applicablefrequencies during diffusion in the E layer
P~IRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 28, ab-'
stract 7G181 (Tr. In-ta zemne magn., ionosfery i ras-
prostr. radiovoln, AN SSSR, no. 19 (29), 1961, 85-95)
TjM: It is sho%m that in the P2 layer the maximum applicable fre7
quencies increase as a result of both diffusion in the E layer and
the appearance of rays with angles of incidence higher than those
at the time of direct incidence into the P2 layer. The percentage;
increase in the maximum applicable frequencies and the resultant
field intensities were calculated for cases of single'and double
diffui�ion in the E layer. A 5 - 10% increase in the maximum appli-
cable frequencies can occur during single diffusion in the B layer,
when the field intensity thereby falls by a factor of about 2 in-
-comparison with the reflected wave field (in the absence of diffu-
Card 1/2
S/16 62/000/007//142/149
Communication on frequencies ... D228YD307
sion). The increase in the maximum applicable frequencies may
reach 25 - 40~'- during double diffusion; in this case, however, the
field intensity falls by about 4-fold. / Abstracter's notc: Com-
plete translation.-7
Card 2/2
Use of electrohic digital computers in calculating the maxiMM
usable Erequencies tor communication betwoon two pointq* Goomage
A aer. 3 no-5091-994 S-0 163- (MIRA 16.-11)
1. Iristitut zemnogo ms.alnetizma, Ionosfery i rasprostraneniya
radiovoln AN SSM.
1/2 .1.-' ~~, ! ~ - -, -.-: ", : ~;:~ ~~
1~3~ : ~ . -~ - -, -~-, - - ~ - 4 - - ..;~-- - r: ~ '- ~ ! -.a
"Experimental Study of Electrical Fields in Nonhomoc-eneous ',ediw,,s,"
pp 75-90, ill
Abst: A method is developed for stud.,ing the electric field innozi-
homogeneous rediums in a sand or electrolytic 1xith. ii description is given
of the apparatus user]. It is sl-o,,m that the method may have wide application
in obtaining field patterns in insulators, ar~-esters, and other devicos ill
wl--ich tie electrical field cannot be found by anal tical means; the :Agnifi-
cant degree of accuracy in the use of this method is point~--d out.
SCMICE: Izvestiva LeninpT, ElektroteRlin. In-ta im, V. I. Ullyano
(Lenina) (News of the__Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institde imeni
V. I. Ullyanov Z1-,enin/), No 30, -eningrad, 1956
Sum 1854
bibliotekarl; GAVVA, F.M.; GIRENKO, P.D., Geroy Sots. truda;
GUBANOV, M.M., pensioner; GUSIKOVA, T.K., nauchnyy sotr.;
DAVYDOV, A.G., prepodavatell; DANILEVSKIY, V.V., prof., dvazhdy
laureat Stalinskoy premii; DOVGOPOL, V.I., laureat Stalinskoy
premii; 'YELOKHIN, M.F.; YEM4AKOVp A.D.; IVANOV, V.G., prepoda-
vatell; KOVALEVICH, V.K.; KOVALEVSKAYA Ye.S..q zhumaliatka;
kand. ist. nauk; FILIPPOV, F.R.; CHUMAKOV, N.P.; SHEPTAYEV, K.T.,
zhurnalist; VASIKOVSKIY, D.A., kand. ist. nauk, retsenzent;
KULAGINA, G.A., kand. ist. nauk, retsenzent; GORCHAKOVSKIY, P.L.0
prof., doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; BAKHMUTOVA, V., red.;
SAKNYNI, Yu., tekhn. red.
[Nizhniy Tagil]Nizhnii Tagil. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe
izd-vo, 1961. 294 p. WRA 16:1)
1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey (for Ageyeva, Gusikova).
2. Zaveduyushchiy Zorodskim otdelom narodnogo zdravookhraneniya,
Nizhniy Tagil (for Velikanov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy garodskim selt-
skokhozyaystvennym otdelom goroda'Nizhniy Tagil (for Gavvia).
4- Nachallnik upravleniya stroitel'stvom Sverdlovskogo sovnar-
khoza (for Girenko). 5. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akadamii nauk
Ukr. SSRY Leningradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Danilevskiy).
(Continu6d on next card)
I;j , .. - % - ;It 1-1. . I--- .'... ____ - - __ i
ACC NRt 'MM515 SOURCE-Mm:-- uR/1-oloai/,66/ooB/ooli/1302/1304
AUTHORS: Kovalevskay~, Strelkov,' P. G.
ORG: Sibeiian Branch, All-Union Scientific Research Institut ,e'.~of
Physicotechnical and RadiotechniFal -Measurements, Novosibirsk (Sibirs-Fciy
I-r-filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatel'Skogo institut f1z1 -tekh-
nicheskikh i radiotekhnicheskikli izmereniy)
TITLE: Thermal WXpansion of cadmium iodide at low temperatures Z
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1302-13o4
TOPIC TAGS: cadmium alloy, iodide, thermal expansion, crystal structure
elastic modulus
ABSTRACT: In view of recent interest in the thermal properties of
crystals with stratified structure, the authors have measured at l9w /V
temperature the thermal expansion of a typical stratified crystal,TfCdI
. - 2~0
which crystallizes in hexagonal stratified lattice with a layer of Cd
surrounded by two layers of I atoms. The tenperature dependence of the
coefficient of linear expansion was investigated in the interval from 20
to 270K by means of a dilatometer described by one of the authors else-
where (Strelkov, with S. I. Novikova, PTE no. 5, 105, 1957). The
L 30197-66
measurements were made along the z axis (perpendicular to the layerz)
and in the plane of the layer.s. The Cd12 single cryatals were grown by
the Stockbarger method. The plots of the two thermal expansion coeffi-
cients were monotonic curves. The perpendicular coefficient exceeded
the parallel coefficient by a factor 1.5 at 270K, 1.6 at 80K, and 3.0
near 20K. The results show that the thermal properties of Cd--" do not
agree with the theory developed by I. M. Lifsbits (ZhETF v. 22, 1175.,
1952). In the interval from 18 to 270K, the ex onent n in the relation
never exceeded unity, and was close to 0.36 near 20K. it is
pointed out that the Lifsbits theory is based on the assumption that the
elastic properties of a stratified cryst U
Cal are highly anisotropic, b t
there are no published data regarding the elastic constants of CdI2 or
similar stratified crystals. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Nov65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 003
Card P/P (f
AUTHORSg _,._Kpyalevskaya,.,Z.V., Candidate of Technical Science, Karandashov,
P.I,, Kachanov, V.P Engineers
TITLE. Cooling Rate of Thick-Walled Cylindrical Billets
PERIODICALi Stall, 1960, Ro. 11, PP-208-1P41
TEXTs The billets for large-sized thick-walled cylindrical products
can have sufficiently uniform properties crosswise and lengthwise only if they
are hardened thoroughly which depends primarily on the composition of the
metal and on its cooling rate. In order to determine the cooling rate of
billets made of 38X)44 MC38 KhN4MF) ty-pe steel, the test products were first
heated up to 850-8600C in a vertical oil furnace and kept there until the
temperature was uniform in the whole cross-section of the wall. Cooling was
effected by water, oil and air. Six thermocouples were arranged at 20,110,30
and 125 mm from the external surface and two at 20 and 30 mm from the inner~
channel. By reference to the test results the cooling rates for billets With
250 mm inside diameter and 170 mm and 200 mm wall-thickness, respectively, in
the temperature ranges (in OC) 400-375, 375-350, 350-325, 325-300, 300-275 and
275-250 were determined for cooling in water, oil and air. The cooling rate
Card 1/3
S/1 3 3/60/000/011/0 20/0 23
Coolinv Rate of Thick-Walled Cylindrical Billets
is, of course, highest in water. In the 325-3000C range for 170 mm. wall-
thickness, for instance the cooling rate in water is 0.21OC/see, in oil
o.o660C/sec and in air 6,o095oC/seo. By comparing the cooling curves plotted
for the thick-walled billets in various cooling media with the results of
dilatometric and magnstometric an lyses it was possible to determine the tem-
perature, at which the austenite transformation in the middle of the wall
started. The results for 170-mm and 200 mm thick walls were as followss (in
0c") Air Oil Water
170 mm wall-thickness 380 320 285
200 mm wall-thickness 390 340 325
INIth the aid of the corrected version of K.K.Klaptsov's nomogram (Ref.1) 4A is
possible to define the time required for cooling in water to a given tempera-
ture the middle Dart of the wall (170-200 mm thick) of cylindrical billets
made of 38 KhIUM~ and 38KWI41AF type steels. For a wall-thickness of 200 mm it
takes 37 minutes, for 170 mm 27.5 minutes to cool down to 3000C, according
to the Klaptsov nomogram. The cooling time in oil and air can be defined only
Card 2/.3
Cooling Rate of Thick-18alled Cylindrical Billets S/133/60/000/011/020/023
experimentally. The great difference in temperature between the external
surface and the middle part of the wall at tempering indicates that in order
to obtain a temperature of about 3000C in the middle part of the wall.
required for the decomposition of austenite in the 38KhN4MF type steels, a
very thorough re-cooling of the surface zone to about 2000C is necessary. In
addition to the above-mentioned factors allowance should be made for the
weight of the charge in calculating the durs~tion of heat treatment. The
Klaptsov nomogram is discussed in Metallurg , 1932, No. 10-11. There are 8
figures, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 3/.3
N.; TMNTIYZVA, T., dovereny7 vrach; GORTARI, I., pomoshchnik
stalevara; XUKRAW, I., slesarl , strakhovoy delegat; KOVAUV-';KAXA,- Z-,
portnikha po remontu spetsodezhd7, strakhovo7 delegat; SHITUNOV, L.,
kontroler; GHAYKA, M., iuzh., strakhovoy ddlegat; KOZHDffAKIN, r.,
normirovshchik; ALKOZOVA, L.. felldsher; TSOIDID, F., slasarl
. Lk's have more of active initiative and interest. Okhr. truds. i
sots. strakh. no.2:9-10 Ag '58. kMIRA 12:1)
I.Strakhovoy aktiv Zhdanovskoge metallurgicheskage zavoda "Azovatal"
kfor all). ZjIlredsedatell zavkoma, profsoyuza zavoda "Movatall" kfor
Sementin). 3. Chlen komiteta martenovskoge tsekha zavoda 'Azovstallu
Ver Gontar'). 4.Mekhanicheskiy tsekh zavoda "Azovatallm (for Bukhalo).
5.Yredsedatell mestnogo kamiteta medeanchasti zavoda "Azovstall" kfor
KOVal6VBkaya). 6..Hellso-balochny7 tsekh zavoda Azovetall" (for Kutsevals).
7.Utdol takhnicheskege kontrolys. liteynogo tsekha i chlen komisaii
zavkoma pe ootsiallnoma straLkhovaniyu zavoda "Azovetallm (for Shitunov)
8.1)omenny7 teekh zavoda "Azovetall" kfor Uhayka). 9.Zamestitell
predsedatelya tsekhovego komiteta mekhanichookoge tsekha No.1 zavoda
"Azovstallu (for Kozhemyakin). 10.Modsanchast' zaveda 'Azovstall" i
chlen komiteta zavodskoy organizataii Krasnoge Kresta kfor Alakeseva).
11.1'redsodatell komiesii po sotsiallnomu strakhovanlyu teekha blyuming
zavoda "Azovotall" (for TS*lolo).
Use of organic binders in elactror"--'-al nncking of soils.
Sbor. dokl. po gidr. VVIIG no.4.107-110 162.
(1.11IRk 16: 7)
Electrolytic method for iBolating uranium from alkaline sol-a-
tions of psroxyuranatSB, Trudy Radiov.inst.AN SSSR. 8:53-57
158. (MIRA 12:2)
KOVALEVSKIT, A., mayor administrativnoy aluzhbv, chlen sudeyokoy komiesti.
Bliminate finally all deficiencies in the training of radiotelegraph
operators. Vben. oviaz. 16 no,1-20-21 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2)
(Radio operator;-Study and teaching)
Izbrtinnye Raboty - latorila Razvitiia Amphioxux imncoolatus (Riatory of the
Development of AmDhioxus Lanceolatus)
674 P. 3.50
SO: Your Continent book List, ADril 1954
37588. Fibrinover, 'ricrovi, e.~,o -,roiskhozhdeniyc-, opredeleni- ~--
1. .7'.
Souto.yaliiye pri ryade vnubrennikh --.1bolevirdy Lvudy !..om:5'Fo,;o in-tlk
T. TI, 1?49, S. 26-7-98.
;,,, 0 :beic)PL." zhu,,-11~11111,-Ikh stittuy, Vol. 17, 1149
KOVAIEVSKIY, Aleksandr AntonQyich prof.; YABLOKOV, D.D., prof.,
red, USUM11, AtTop tekbn. red*
[Percussion and allscultation; a short course for students and
doctors) Perkussiia i auskulltatsiia; kratkii kurs dlia studentov
i vrachei. 5. izd. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1961. 169 p.
WIRA 15:6)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gospitallnoy terapev-ticheskoy klilliki
Tomskogo gosudarstvermogo reditsinskogo instituta (for Kovalevskiy).
2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Yablokov).
YABWK0V, Dmitrly Dmitriyevich; KOVALEVSK _", prof., red.
toma; VOLKOVA, M.I., a . red. zd-va
(Clinical aspects of silicosis and silicotubarculosiol
Klinika silikoza i silikotuberkuleza. Tomsk, Izd-vo
Tomsko, univ. 1962. 394 P. . (MIRA 16:7)
L~ ~' KIT. A.F.
Technical improvements at the Tefremov industrial alcohol plant.
Spirt.prom. 23 no 8:1-4 157. (MIRA 11: 1)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No. 1, p. 1, # 1G1
TITLE: The Magnetic Station at Tomsk
PERIODICAL: "Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.--tekhn. in-ta, pri Tomskom un-te", 1959, No. 37,
pp. 382-383
TEXT: The author describes briefly the variation and absolute pavilions of
the magnetic station at Tomsk (the layout and sized of the pavilions, the equip-
ment, the values of the variometer graduations) and the preliminary values of the
magnetic elements.
Translator's note: This is the full translationcf the original Russian abstract.
Card 1/1
Geomagnetic effect of the buret of the Tunguska meteorite. Izv.
vys.ucheb.zav.;fiz. no.2:236-237 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Thmskiy gosuniversitet im. V.V.Kuybyaheva i Betatrounaya laboratoriya
Tomakogo Meclinstituta.
(Tanguska Valley-Meteorites) (Magnetism, Terrestrial)
AUTHORS: -Kovalevskiy, A. F. and Gordeyev, 0.' X.
TITLE: Coil-like magnetoic field disturbances at Tomsk
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizfka, no. 9, 1962, 32, ab-
utract 9G234 (Tr.'Sibirsk.,fi'z..-tekhn. in-ta pri Tom's-
kom uji-te, no. 36, 1960, 30-33)
.TEXT: Coil-like-disturbancea, recorded by the Tomsk Magnetic Ob-
servatory in the period from July 1958 to February 1960, are con-
sidered. In all there were 57 coils in D (they were positive on
32 occasions and negative on 25). Coils were observed, too. in H
on 49 occasions 38 were positive and 11'were negative) and in Z
on 33 occasions M positive, 16 negative). The'diurnal variation
of the coils is analogous to-that observed at other stations, po-
.sitive coils being observed principally in the evening and night,
and negative ones in the early morning. The seasonal variation of-
the coils-is characterized by a decrease in their number in summer
months. / Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation.-7
Card 1/1
Ile, D228/D307
AUTHORS; Gordeyev, 00 K,t Kovalevskiyo A. F.'and Likhachev,A.I.
- 77 ---------- -
TITLE: Relation of solar d iurnal variations on quiet days to
the sun's zenith angle
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur4al,t Geofizikag no. 9, 1962, 32, ab-
stract 9G232 (Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Toms-
kom ur;-te, no. 38, 1960, 57-60)
TEXT: The authors consider the-changes in the amplitudes of the
geomagnetic field elements H. D, and Z in relation to the variation,
of the sun's zenith angle during the year. They-state their 'views
on the daily magnetic declination curve find on the differential
curve of the square of the cosine of the sun's z6nith angle. Z-Ab-
stracter's note: Complete t ranslation,_7
Card 1/1
?//0 A001/A101
AUTHORS: Plekhanov.-G. F., 4oyalevskly, A- F-, Zhuravlev, V. K., Vasillyev,N.V.
TITLE: On the effect of Tungusska meteorite explosion on geomagnetic'field
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962, 81 - 82,
. .abstract 7A585 ("Geologlya i geofizika",, 196.1,-no. 6, 94 - 96)
M XV: On June 30, 1908, at 0 hr 20.0 1.2 min UT, i.e., 2.8 min after the
explosion, the H-component at Irkutsk rose by 23.5jduring 1 hr 20 min, then
decreased by 67 rand restored during 2-3 hours. A negative bay of-the Z-component,
up to 25.5,6,deep, lasted from 0 hr 18.611-5 min until 2 hr. The phenomenon was no--.
wheremore noted,' according to 18 world observatories. Magnetic disturbance is si-
milar-to effects observed during air explosions of nuclear bombs on August I and
12, 1958, over the Johnston Island recorded at Honolulu, Palmir, etc. A sudden
commencement, H-variation form, and local character are similar features. However,
there is no delay at nuclear explosions, and duration of disturbances is less
(1 - 1 1/2 hr). The Tungusska disturbance can be explainedby a magnetohydrodyna-
mic wave which arose due.to an air shock wave in the E layer of the ionosphere
and subsequent dynamo currents. I. Zotkin
Abstracter's note: Complete translAtion]
ard 1/1
Kovalevskiy, A. F.
Characteristics of the motion of charged particles in the
geomagnetic field
Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 3, no. 1, 1963, 50 -- 58
TEXT: The equations of motion for a charged particle in the geo-
magnetic field conceived as a magnetic trap, that had been set,up by'
-C. Stdrmer (Arch. Soi. Physiques et Naturelles, 1907'; Problems, polyarnykh
siyaniy [Problem of aurora pol~ris 1, Gostekhteoretizdat, M.-L., 1933)p.
and the equations obtained by Alfv6n with the perturbation method for
the trajectory of the leading center of charged particles (Koemicheakaya
elektrodinamika [Cosmic electrodynamics], IL, 1952).were used to'obtain
a number of motion characteristics of protons and electrons by numerical,
integration. The'purpose*was to investigate the*r.adihtion belt: O'f'the
Earth more.cloaely.- The latitudes of the refl.ection points for charged.
particles are shown not to,depend.on the charge, nor on the mass, nor on
Card 112
S/203 63/003/001/006/022
Characteristics of the moti6d ...... . A061/A126
the ener 6f the particles~ -ut on the.angle of'particle incidence only.
The altitude of reflection ~6ints above the Earth's surface likewise de-
pends an the angle of incid6nce only. The oycldtron radii of protons and
electrons. are investigated,.*dnd the angular,frequ4nciea of particle
revolution about the lines 6r force are derivedz',Lj - eH/mc. Thus the
angular frequency is energyidependent only by way'o? the relativistic
mass effect. The path length of the particles between the reflection
points depends only little on the latitude of refiectibn within the radi&-
tiori belt. Outside of the radiation belt, the path decreases by:30 :- -
- 60%. The period of motion between the refleot-ion'.points depends little
on the latitudes. There are 7 figures and 9 tables.
ASSOCIATIONt Sibirskiy tizilkort6khnicheskly institut pri Toms~kom gosu-
darstvennom,,,uni versitete (Siberian Phyeicotechnical Insti-
tute Tomsk State University)
SUBMITTEDt June 12, 1%,:,*2
'Card 2/2
ACCSSSION NR: AR4,039z4z S/0269/64/000/004/ocr73/0073
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 4.31.491
AUTHOR: Xovalavskiy, Ao Fo; Reznikov, 1. V.; Snopov, N..G.; 0sharov, A,;
Zhuravlev, V. K.
TITLE: Cert.31n data on the distribution of chemical elownts in the soils and
plants of the area of falling, of the Tunguska meteorite
CITED SOURCE: Tr. Tomskogo otd. Ceogr. o-va SSSR, Betatron. labor. Tomskogo
wd. in-ta, v. 5, 1963, a25-i33
TOPIC TAGS: meteorite, Tunguska meteorite, astronouW, geochemical. anomaly,
TWSUTION.- The spectral analysis mthod was used to detexTiine the concen-
tration of a number of elements in ordor too dotermine goochomical anomalies
:in -the distribution of certain chemical elownts in tbo soils and vegetation
at the sits of falling of the Tunguska mateorite which could be assoolatad with
Card 1/2
the composition of the mateorite. The article describes in detail, the methods of
sampling and the techniques used for determining the content of each element.
A comparison is made wit1i Imo;,,m abundances and the distribution of olomants was
determined along radii from the center of falling and also along zones hav-Ing an
accelerated rate of vegetation growth. The Ni, Cr and V in trees was determined
by means of layer-by-layer burnIng of the cross sections of individual species or
trees and an analysis of the resulting ash. No sharp variations in the content
of these- elements waro discovered. On the basis of consideration of all the
results the conclusion is drawn that in the region of falling of the -mateorito
there is an increased content of a number of chemical elements both in the soils
and in the vegetation; these can be regarded as anomalies of various origin.
Ni and possibly Co anomalies tend to be found toward the center of the forest
flattening and in essence can be associated with the composition of the
meteorite. Bibliography of 8 items. H. Dlyakonova.
DATF. AcQt 12yay64 SUB CODEt AS ENGLt 00
Card 2/2
Polarization effect caused by the fall of tho Tim,!Irtiskca motworite.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,- fiz. no.5:177-172 163. (I~IIRA 16:12)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut pri Tomskom politekhniches-
kom institute imeni. S.M.Kirova, Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichealdy in-
stitut pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni V.V.Kuyby-
sheva, i Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut.
Ionization of the night ionosphere. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.
5'.181-182 163. 'Ml-RA .16:12)
1. Sibirskiy fizlko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosudarst-
vennom universitete imeni Kuybysheva.
ACCESSION NR: AR4036334 8/0169/64/000/003/AD45/AO5
SOURCE: Referativay*y zburml. Geofisikaj, Abs. 3RA
AUMOR: Kovalevskiyo A. F6
TTM: Mgnetic effect ef explosion of the T=gu~ka meteorite
CITED SOURCE: Tr. Tomskiy otd. Geogr. o-va SSWp Betatron; labor. TOMA090 med.
in-ta, V. 5, 1963, 187-194
TOPIC TAGS: meteorite# Tunguska meteorite,, geophysics, geophysical phenomenon.,
magnetic effects magnetic fields atmospheric magnetic field., nuclear explosion
magnetic effect., shockwives hydromagnetic vave, ionospheres Ionospheric pheum-
TRANSLATION: The falling of the Twaguske-meteorlte on 30 June 1908 vas so-
companied by-Various geophysical phenomena, Including magnetic. At the Irkutsk
Observatoryp 2.8 minutis folloving the explosion of the meteorite# the records
of the horizontal and vartical c=*onmts of the magnetic field indicated an
unusual disturbance vhich an the basis of a mnZer of criteria cannot be
1-card 1/2
attributed to the propagation of baylike disturbances of the geomagnetic field.
Pt, can be asserted that this disturbance, in someways similar to a magnetic -
storm vith sudden commencement, but of unusually short duration and vith a small
mobility of the magnetic field elements, vas caused by explosion of the meteoritee
A comparison of data on the magnetic effects of naclear explosions and the ef-
fect of the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite leads to detection of a number of
features, but &U0 to certain differences,, making it possible to postu-
late conceivable mechanisms of formation of the magn tic effect of both nuclear
explosions and explosiou of UP- meteorite. In contrast to the effect of nuclear
explosions, the principal role In the explosive effect of the meteorite is from
a shock vave attaining tba-:p _rAgio4_of__the 4onosphere and causing the movement of
ionized gas and also the formation of a bydromagnetic vave In the 3 region.
Bibliography of 15 Items.. Ke ZAln..
AC=SION NR: AR1021622
SOURCE: RZh. Astronomiyaj, Abse
AUTHORs Kovalevskiyp Ae F.; Vasiltyevo W, V0.
TITIEt The problem of night sky luminescence in the'aummer of i908
CITED SOIRCE: Tr. Tomskogo otdo Geogr# o-va 3SSR# Detatron. labor. Tomskogo med.
'in-ta...v. 5. 1963, 198-202
TOPIC TAGS: meteorological phenomenon., noctilucent cloud,, night sky luminescence$
meteoritep Tunguska meteorite., comet,, atmospheric contamination., volcanic erup-
tion, meteorology
TRANSLANION.- Extensive meteorological data concerning anomalous optical phenomena
in the atmosphere on 30 June-1 July 1908 are diacitaseds These phenomena can be
divided into three groupst noctilucent clorass varicolored sunsets and sunrises
and night sky luminescence* The intensification of these phenomsna during the men-
tioned period. usually is associated with tkw falling of the Tunguska meteorite
Card 1/2
AC6=1011 Nits AR4021622
.:and-the scattering of meteor matter into the atmosphere or with the entry into the
atmosphere of -the tail of a* swall comet whose head was the Tunguska meteorite*
However.. numerous observations at different places in the world indicate that the
first-two groups of phenomena were present prior to 30 June and merely attained
culmination on.that day and therefore could not be a result of falling of the.
meteorite. With respect to the third group of phenomenap they were not observed
prior to 30 June. It is an unusual circumstance that the mentioned anomalous
phenomena disappeared suddenly several days after 30 June* These phenomena pos-
sibly were caused by a number of other factor3j, such as contamination of the
earth's atmosphere by volcavic dust as a result of Aleutian volcanic eruptions
late in 1907. However, the coincidence of the maximum of activity of the optical
phenomena and the falling of the Tunguska meteorite cannot be a.,nsidered random*
All the phenomena mentioned apparently have a common cause* Bibliography of 43
titles, L. Fishkova.
DATE Acq: o9mar64 SUB CODE: AS ENCL: 00
Ca;d 2/2
card 1/2
ACC NR. A77000585
,sible to conclude that many features of the two events are of the same nature. Thiz-
~similarity is edditional evidence that the Tungus meteorite exploded and did not mere-'
;Iy break apart a~s some theories claim.
SUB CODE: 03,081 SUBM DATE: 23Feb53/ ORIG REF! 007/ OTH IREF: 008
Syntem of rfmato and cantralized contrcl cf telphb~r cablf,,ways.
Gor.zhur. nv.8:59~622 P& 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Severc~-Kavkazskiy ftlial Konstruktorskogo byura TSvetmetavtomatika.
I SOV/137- 99-1-1499'
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 1C.)q [.USSR)
AUTHORS: Vdovin, F. V., PishchiR, N. S... Kovalevskiy, A.
TITLE: Determination of Notch Toughness of Wedge-sh;iped Specimens After
Rolling (Opredelemye udarnov vNrazkos?i v klinovyk'h obraztsal