AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, G.M., ~~~~A,_D.t~Tetyukhin,vsv,
and Obykhvostov, V.3,
TITLEt Studying the effect of chlorine content in titanium
sponge on the melting process and the mechanical
properties of semi-finished products
SOURCEt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i
yego splavys no* 6j 1961, Metallotermiya i elektro-
khimiya titanap 88 - 95
TEXT: Statistical analysis of data covering some ~hundreds of me lts
of Ti'sponges of varying 01 content (up to OkI2 %) showed that the'
melting process was not affected by the 01 con-tent up to 0,12
06 - 0,%08 % 01 in Ti alloy TGO and 0,08
Within the range of 0.
Ool2 % 01 in alloy TG1, the mechanical propertiea~of the ingot and
sheet produced are unak#poted by Cl content. There are 7 tables*
Card 1/1
------- - ------ - -
Use of prednisone in the compound treatment of I)ne=,o'nia in
children during the first year of life. Sov.medi 26 no,2-.
138-140 F163. ~(MIRA 16:6)
1. Iz GorIkovskoy de.tskoy bollnitsy Vo.25 (glavtyy vrach Ye.Xt
off 4,
1, ti 1) ;8 is 16 17 is to 12 1) A A A A JJ V J) b b V Is 0 4 01 V 83 M J) C
-A 11--c- h a P a a I a L AL I 1-1-I.A.- ~ ___ 0 ! - 4 A-
4 ;-nro.~Voi . " lAr , , '~oo
Wt* had tit) catel., I FWW rtkalt 41jr Omits to. i.
0 lulate 4 thquey Ce""faillit the ClICV(S of 41W iiyulps. 00
UWM r"VOW".1" -
age The *a ow Mk and r.
of 1Z=I.d1 It"Witi- fllsjoh= f""*. Ape
Chase- tim" two of Red" Mande. 1). 1 un. W. Alif SOMIA11M d
n, - =.
'Atatmilite n a P , the
Pauvo., Arch. mi. bidk luad Mqft twCa"v"Up"
I -9i in English in . 1. SbatmobtAl slid D. L. Tskiina. IW~
(V. S. S. .63 -v cm. D. I
autba" det, the t ratitill Kh uPt&kt) Of the Isolated o7-84(in finglibli SM.-Thedirmi irtilation a( the si-m-
04 a!- Miami W ius tit withattilividumt evioubst it- pathetic nerve. Wth in its crinnil and I-i-tilthcral sect -a%,
laiiiinal atisuv. Inactinsidcra cum t
441 ail lik of C I* Produces 4 rha"Ar In the "llist'le friolmrstain in &Wax.
"ii. "Sue.
I respirs of latiguol muNdes was kiwer in cour 40% of the cams, prituartly In %be dirtv-t~va of an inLitaw
of I mi'
I III appeared that it the to -73%). Analostma remilis vat til)titined from the
00 =Wi
"I coat" UwrV". It (7 -00
0 e '= lartiler than a deffAite period of time. the d' firritatkic, Qf the vacus of a cat &ad the vagosympa-betic
Wor dell.
00 its respiration sind that of the mmuol lasocit of a dog. although in a great Do. (d ra.." (in 35% let
especially after a duration of mom than 1-6 against 13% uptin the iffitation of the symimth"ic) a dr. 040
00 J'Z, ties. This occurs at the expense of the decreased ri'-- 'Moemultapoint
,, I 1=40
tion of %lie cunt" mularks in Comparison with . to the undoubted role of the Pynipativetio: nomw in the
00 norm (in coasequeme of a humoral Induenct) and also at regulation -of the tium mpiratiou. . The vavis takes 4:0 a
0 the expense of the satnewhat increased resphAtion of the pan in Its regulation apparently throu& the quipathittir.
fatigued inuacies after the pervious reduction. It is pior~ The effect of the nerves on the tisaws -k Tom can aba be
00 ubk that this incTease occurs as the readt of the Irritation obscrnd in Wro. IV. Cha" in the 1; rtspirmdem go
of the sympathetic fibers passing Into the sciatic nerve -w-ohmejewanaod nuncle r 911111:21111110111 ad Teats. :
11. The Selo e# tive some. Ibid. K-Ollia glitil 92).-Upon tbL 0' -, o *
00 X 941L &W. 72-4(in Eftfigh 76).-Afttr the PUbcuttlar- polaining of an &ahtlid with etivolatnine there is an iu~ xg 0
am iskiection of 0-I.- I a cc. of 1% au"Pine per its. body ,creaft in tissue respiration at the bettitmilig. and upon na
00 z ~Zoo
~Kzd I wt. iota dop the follutwing changes in the Cwb tion of prokinged effect a decrt-me In r %pis tjoa. Upon the addn.
00 #* muscittisomwerenoted: IPSS%oftIvttxpts.adtQrvSft of errAsmine to the tisswo ~* W'O them is so gubstatitioll
of 13 60%; in approx. 30% of The expis. no CIA change irk tiowe wenpitatiou.: Vpua tLe paimating a( an
2-2T114 00
in apwis. 'A)% isl the cipts. an increw of III I' . "Itual with atv"aw that is a custorlaty. Vulpts-filim
Witk subt-utantotia in*tIon of I cc. of 0,1'7,p adstnothus,
per kil. in 73% of the cum an increase 01 M-79% ht tlwft its 11~?V does WX ch4unt Its reipliallon. Iffitathmi
*gus ne ined im does no PVO_
timie respirstim (minced Muscle its tilro) was obftrvW. ol the v of ergotanji -poij, t isr t
The &Aft. of a rapine or adrrr~&" to the tissues in duct dwxacter6tie chang" in tte timlle revirst3on.
71o~-~iuits can be intavotted as (WoM . The.vaciss
. . - . 1-- -1 CINANteral Could not be vatralated with um M=Kmd I- leg 0
Soilloll .11 all cot
-.4 a 0 a I1 0 3 11 JA
U 0
POP VIC Ords orW otac! tA L I a Od 0 v
0 i..
0 0'0 0 a 0 00004 00- 0 00 9,41 0 00 0 0 r 0 q:* 0041 0 40 0 0!
Of0*00-COW6100111110*66000*404111 0 0. ois 0 0 0 0 0 0 a W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a A JNP M 11 9 IN M 10 J& I? X It 0 41
0 " a
C-f--A it A a L Z 6K -L-IL--A-A
Cydo of dtanxIcel ttu&,dnMMdoOss in musitle during
so Affoblods, v. A. ItIrlitwr, At. A. Zyukorm and A. Va, -04
2 Of the
00 S Astn hyd"Aylksl
proi'Mrs jill"Y21% phiriph
046 durbig jitrobksis is romideted to be tVW to tht initial
00 vekwivy of thew proc"ars under anartobinaks. ThiStnijbit
vrkxily was memsured during.tite 2nd half bour of N-
wol)kwLt, after the "physically-clWolved- 0 in the
so muclc bad been utilized. 11WINANUmecitbattio"Chemi,
cally-bound" 0 was available. Tht value for the initial
IS 0 a 3velority of phosphagm *biting is 1.4 Ing. of pbomphapit
00 per#. muscle prr hour, at 20*; the Initial velocityul lactic
41140 .4e
initial velcirity (I. e., vvim-Ity JuriAlt actubiosix) (if 11W
tax-fic achl formation anti the r(Mpkattity value In tht
so statiortary couditiott of ~ mqt acrulliusiji, tht oiLklatkA &40 0
o4irut of the lactic acid is found to be I.C. Since the
00 tvai initial vcWty of lactic acid formation is appareatly
even less, Otte 0III(lation quotient must lie of a still IM"Y
nity. Tim Istrill.
value, and should amount to about u
acid formed In "lag ItItLVIC is 1lWft(M quantitatively
or almost quantitatively burned up. The chem, cycle In
hill 11111tKIC con'ists almost exclusivCly In tb:
"roffliantoic, deempa. and oxidat1vt syntlitsig of Ailtmi- '00
f intiriphty-pberic imid and creatine phosphate.
lowest respiration values corrnpood to the III best phos.
Pbarm contents. C"I..;
it to*
Or 1,
;VP it K a R 111 it it It It It I III 4d a 4 P I
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 4 so 0 s 1 :
10 0 10 11 0 to $
so 0 00 0 0 o$ 0 0 0
so o
V. A.
eswcordo" Wife ad an looliatod (m Owe*
0 P4ukavaaad A. Ya-Vall, :BWkiwi*(
Bxr. xj-&~ in the fr%piratitill rate nf.
:!2J,-37AJ%I7).--An lywtmv
I.iis is Amnguni"I by
mijwle at The beginning of ArNO
v MW is dcWndWt UIXU synthesis of ph-pha m
7, vja~- U)" v
solama Olp a.. cat 111clat( Moll = cmv lot
Y ZA AM A S a a -11 1 ff
4b u u AT 10 AS!% it tP tP it 00 it K it 2 K CC ; It ; 64,
Ia I %4l
0 0 41 0 so a a 0 6 0 111 0 of 0 & 0 so 00
0 * * 0 * 00' 00
-ZYULIK(W,-G.M.-- iTizhener---
Preenst reinforced concrete fittings for Asbeatom-cament pipes.
GlAr.1 mal. 9 no.1:38-44 Ja 157o (MIRA 10;1)
(Pipe, Asbestos-ciment) (Pipe fittings)
MUM, MIS19111Z ml
111-41TIR HEM
41. Mfl-~~-
.1 KIX11 r-. i'A"I * 111 PI ~111 41
19MMIMiTmOl, wFurill
----------- - -----
AMISIMOV, V.A., kand. tekhn.nauk: ZYULIKOV, G.K., W-h.; TAWSLIT, R.I.
(Designing and planning close 'd irrigation system6l Ptroektlrd:va Inie
i raschat xakr7tykh~or*sitsl'nykh mistem. K6skv0$t Izd-vo 19--is
1,1 a &am xNa. twk f In 3 f t m a' 'y A I&MMIr"I., 91
ZTUL-I----- m
Uee of the Irrigation system with distributing pipelines on the
"Urkhad" State Cotton 7arm, Gidr. I mel. 12 no.6:10-19 je 160.,
(MIU 13:7)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseleaovatellakir institut gidrotekhniki I
(Tashkent Province-Cotton-Irrigstion)
nd. tekhn, nauk; LOV"LSOVA, Ya.3.0 kand. tekhn. nauk.;
RONA Ye.N., J.nzh.; KPYL'KOV, V.A., Irzh.; FO-11111, V.M., Inzh.
Construction of polyethylene pressure pipes in irrigation*
Gidr. i mel. 17 no.10.-43-51 0 165. ~(mm 18,10)
kand. takhn. nauk; ANISIMOV.,
Vladimir Alekoeyevich, kand. tek1w. nauk;
(Designing and conntructing subsurface irrigation systems
with mechanized irrigation] Proektirovanle i stroitellstvo
zakrytykh orositel'rQrkh sistem s mekhanizatsiei polivu.
Moskva, Stroiizdat., 1964. 99 p. OURA 17:6)
ZYU dote., kand. tekhn. nauk; FYZIMH%OrV, X.A., dots., kand.
tekbn, nauk; GWIMA, A.N.., prof., red,
[Strength calculations under the effect ot'varyi~g streis)
Raschet na procluiostl pri doistvii pareirerirqkh rApj,iazhenii;'
uchebnoe posobie. Haskvay Mosk. in-t stali., 1961. 70 p.
M111 HIM,! 11 VIIIIII 01[lits" "I ~I---.
- --- ---- CaDd__ Tech
Dissertation: "Concerning the Longitudinal Pend of Multinpan Pars."
All-Union Polytechnical Correspondence Inst
60 Vecheryaya Moskva
Sum 71
6 j.21:6aiON02% 6
AUTHORS: Golant, H.,B,; Vilenskaym. R, L*; inp[.-Y6~j A-;-LT8RLUZ-1 Z-:Vv~j
Negirev# A. A.; Parilovp V. A.; Rebrova, T. B.; S.
TITLE: A series of wide-'range low-potmr _generators of 1411IMiiter and su~millim-
eter waves
SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperin. an: ta,~~ 'no. 4P 0,,'
TOPIC TAGS: short wave radiati6ng'-: backward wive tub