ZYZAK, Jozef, mgr inz,
Organization of supporting scientific technical institutions
in the Bulgarian Peoplets Republic. Przegl teehn 85 no. 42t
3J-4 18 0 164.
1- .1 - ,
ion of IUning It all exhibiti'm fho
"Development of the Me~:hanizat
Wiadomosci Gornicze, Katoldcep Vol 5j No 21 Feb. 1954y P- 41
SO: Eastern European Accosni,)ns IAstp Vol No 10, Oct 19r,41 Libo of Congresp
141 Lill .1 111111111111111 filM
Al 11
1pust developmeat ef t4e
ti:ward,, cmltnun,119 MIM11:1 VI~LAIWJ of I!rl" ivf: Vel;
TT--)4 it 1 fit 1"Iluq- rill r, ~31 ivill"I.
"Institute of the Meellwnization of Mirbig.ll p. 4-15.
(PR7,VU;TAD G0R'j7r,7.*f. Tol. 10, No. 12, Dec. 19-5;4. Stalj?ioe;roA, Poland)
SO: Nbathly '"let of Post Airopean Acceoftions. (17ML), LO,. Vol.
April 19.55. TJncl.
13M $22 o14A 003 lost,,
2.~ uk Jl, Progren in Vade""Und Nectianissum" In DO.
--ftilo Wechan1=31 kopsm w, 1951 r.4 Prtegly4d Wrr4lczy-;Nv
12. )951 pp: 480-4111:1
vu~na the nine wanths of 1033; the amount of coill
Jy tot Incrv"ed In CW1 Mines by 10,8 per cent,, slid
loaded by 30 per cenL Mining mathIntis ItitrodueW to ~abtalrt t1ital
resWt. Increasing use of ~ Polish pioducqd pamwr chgan conveyors.
The wort: of InstrucUng teams coniposed Of leading n4ners. Crea-
lion and orgiozittation of the UuUtute of lilechanimilon in Mints
Zynk J, RM. Stal 111"pork at the Face.
.&-U-&wa stalows n& Adan '. Priegl4d, 06rnlcxy, No 0~ 1050, P
320-231. 34 figs, I tab,
In connection with the requinnients of mechanisa titin in ilit
Iongwall system, pvUeularly in relation to prop-(rut race, tho authlit-
gives his vim on the conditloas and meftw& of Jortow*11 wera-
tion, The necessity to dimtnLkh the cmumption of Slin1wr In the
mine causes the quantitsUve Increasing of:&t"I support fit the Mi-
'Mc industry. especially in cW getting by fortmUs. Thui' 1111ticill't-
" behaviour of the upport. Dmi.opment of We desig" of steel
Props and bars Some systems of face support at the prop4ree laer.
Advantages of iLrUculaW b2rs which make Possible a c6ttittlete mic-
chudsallon of coal ptUng and loading wittwut the ntcoulty of shil-,
Ung the props,
Zy-zak, J.
Zyzak J., Eng. 'Stecl Support at the Face.1 (Oloudowa,stalowa na scianle').
Frzeglad Gornicz , Ho. 6,,1950, PP- 320-331, 31P figs, 1 tab.:
In connection with the requirements of mcchantsatl~)n in,the longwall
system, pnrticularly In relation to prop-free face, the nuth6r Civos his
views on the conditions and methods of 16ngwal.1 operation. The necessity
to dirrinish the consumption of timber in the mine caunos thi-: quantitative
Increasing of steel support in the raning industry, especially in coal
.getting by longwalls. The anticipated buhaviour of the support. Develop-
ment of the design of steel props and bars. Some qystoms of'face support
at the pror)-free face. Advantages of articulAted bars'which make possible
a complete mechanisation of coal getting and loadin,-1 without the necessity
of shifting the propse.
SO: Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2, 1951
ZYZAIKY Jozefp mgr inn.
Content-of investment documentation and the organization of
technological design offices., Przegl techn:85 no.330
16 Ag'64.
zr7l, , D KA j Edm-md
AUTHORs Zyzniewski, M., hl~gister 28-6-35/40
TITLEs The Technical Economic Effe6tivneas of 3tandardization
(Tekh,niko-ekoaomioheskaya effektivri,ostl standartizataii)
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya7 1957, # b9 pp 87 88 (TJSSR)
ABSTRACT: This is an abridged trannIation from Polish of an article
published in "5X%T-QAw-nNqP-%&-5~l556 No translator's name is
The article presents a metliod oficalcu~lating the economies
achieved by standardization in single economic el6m'ents:
reduced work-time-rate, employment'9f semi-skilled labor,
reduced consumption and better utilizati6n of mater ial8,
reduced rejects, ate.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Industry-USSR 2. Standardo-Ecoa~bmic aspects
...... ....
GRABOWSKI, E. (Poland); ZYZNMISKI, M. (Poland)
Factory bureau of standards and economy of the production.
Szabvany kozl 13 no.7:161-164 161.
-.- - HP
Periodicals: NOM-IALIZACJA. Vol.,26, no. 1. Jan..195&
22[7NMISKI, N. Marking of products as a measure for niotecting the inte.1-ests
of consumerse p. 19
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCS V61j, 8~, flo. 2,
February 1959, Unclass.
mm-WSKI, M.
Periodicals: PRZEGLAD TFWRIICZRY. Vol. 799 no. 19, Oc~~. 1950
ZY711IRISKI, M. Standardization and the quality of production. p. 902.
Monthly List of East Eiw6pean Accessions (EEMII) W) Vole;~ B., No, 2,
February 195FA'.unclassm
Technical and economical efficiency, of the standRrdlsation.
Standartizataiia no.6r87-88 N-D '57. (KIRA 10:12)
inshener ZT=sHror, I -Ya., inshener,- IMTS
Inproving the quality of ball bearlog steel. Stal' 15 no.5:431-~
438 My '55. 8:6)
1. Chelymbinskiy metallurgichesidy isavod
"Organization of Standardization in the Agenda of the Nattawl Conference
an Standardization," P. 277. (WIADarOSCI, Vol. 22, No. 4, Arjr. 1954.
Warsmi-ra, Poland) p
SO; Mmithly List of &ist European Acces.,stons, (ML), LC,: Vol. 4,
No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl,
N0'--'AKOT.-ISKA Zofia, Wl ItCZY116"Wi, Irena; ZYZYI-!SFI, t~~AG.z.t Iex-2
Detem, inaUon of reserpine in apecific prep4r-~tjon~-,. A,--,,L ~-Cl.
pharm. 21 no.2:161-168 164.
1. Z Zakladu Chemii Analitycmej hiatytiltu, Lekow VT 'lla ra z u w":I
(Kierovmik: doc. mgr. inz. Z. 1.1-Irga-sinski).
EXCERPTA nDIZ;A 5eC 18 Vol 3/6 Cardlov-asculk-ar juno 59
11 --Clinical trial of flavonc-7-ethyloxyacetale- (recordill-i' coronary insufficiency
osowanic recordilu w chorobie ~viencowej. ZZAFF wicz lin. Chop.
Nvewn. AM, Lodz Kardiol. pol. 1958, 1/4 (255 ---250F
Recordil (30-%. mg daily) was administered to 19 patients. The stuthor found it
to be of some value in coronary disease. Best results have been obtained in the
angina of essential litpertension and In patient-, showing typical abnormalities of
the ECG-tracing. No side-effects have been noticed. (XVIII, 60)
-qTICX-S-ec 116 Vol. 5/7 Cancer
Ppi 649. SALIEKJ., ZZAHOUREK V,and PR.,~,,')IL K, 2. Chir.'klin. und Rontgcn-.
i abt-,2.Chir.Klin.und .1rill~'o-r,-,Vtl-at.inst.,Kristiniv.,Prag.Clironigclicindura-
tive Pneumonie tinter dern B1!d- eincs LungenktrzinornsCljjorik,indtirat;'z,e pneumonia
hat,ing the clinWIfealures ofpu
Imor:,iv cancer Zbl. Chir. 1956, 81/19 (753-77'2)
In this article on chronic indutative pneumonia,' theactiology, patholo4y, roentgen-
ology and clinical aspects of this disease are studied on an analysis oi 16 personal
cases. Attempts arc made at establishing a few relative crit It' ointed out that
cria. Is
this disease, although most frequently affecting the right lung, andprextominantly
the middle lobe, may occur in any part of the Giig. The most Frequently tstablished
cause in the cases reported, was bronchial stenosis due to enlarged a nd often calcified
1.nodcs. The clinical symptoms are very similar to those of lung c=eer, and
Itre Pmlajority of the patients were admitted with the diagnosis of cancer. Up to now,
there are no exact criteria, apart from the middle lobe syndrome, by which the dif-
ferential diagnosis between chronic indurative pneurnorxia and cancer of the lung
can be made, so that these 2 diseases may be confused. The authors recom.
surgical treatment since the tissue changes in the lun are extensive and may cause
severe complications, such as pulmonary abscess, pEonary gang~cne, secondaiy
bronchiectases etc. J;
Sec. 6 Vol 114/12 Inter I-rrd.-Deo- rc)
CORONARY INSUFFICIENCY - Zastorjowanie recordflu w chrmble wien-
cowcj - Zzaff-Mackf,ewicz J. 11 Xl~n. Chor. Wewo, AM, Lddi-
!Recordil' (30-00 inge daily) was adminiattired to 10 patients. The author found it
to be of some value in coronary disease. Best results have been obtained iii the
angina of essential hypertension and In patients showing typical abnormalities of
the ECG-tracing. No side effects have been noticed. 6
M -I FlIll 11
ENE= ~~~ -liff -
AIM it A
INEMMISM, ME, awl WIRWAM wal"eum".1.1111.,
Results of tests using the gamm-gamna method:to determine the
antimony content of electrolyteand pul_~. Uch. zap.. SAIGIMA
no.8:107-113 162. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly,institut geologil'i
minerallnogo syrIya, Tashkent.
VZ~KIN) NoVio~;:
I -q, A I I
i~i Lli,11 h 1-, -A h-
1.1 It'll
--717- -7- f r---
11,- 1H
-7- T-Ii:;~f 117!