AUTHOR: Zykov, K. A.
MME. On tying radiogeodetic measurements to one reference point identi-
fied on aerial photographs
PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya,-no. 1, 1962, 20.#
abstract 1G139 ("Tr. Mosk. In-ta inzh. zen :ileustroystva", 1960, Po.
10, 163-172)
TEXT: To calculate the coordinates of projecting centers, determined by
the Prcq (RGSTs) radiogeodetic system, it Is necessary to know the coordinates
of the nadir point-of the initial photograph, since the RGSTs system enables one
to determine not direct distances from the ground stations to the aircraft, bul.
only increments of these distances. The author proposes a method of tying radio-
geodetio measurements (determination of coordinates of the nadir point of-the
initial photograph) t~. one reference point identified on a pair of photographs,
Distances from the reference point to two adjacent points of nadir and the bass
of photographing are determined from the photograph or from an auxiliary chart
board. After this, a system of 5 equations is derived from the known coordinates
Card 1/2
On tying radiogeodetic measurements ... AooiAiol
of the ground base stations, and it is solved by the lea Ist-square method. 0 a
result of solving the equations, 4 unknowns are determined: absissae and
ordinates of the points of nadir. Methods of tying radio measurements are
considered for various locations of the reference point with respect to the
photographing base. The scheme of solving the problem is given for the case
when positions of true nadir points on aerial photographs are unknown.
U f)."I ^W
AUTHOR., Zykovf K. A. 6-1-5/16
TITLE: On the Reduction of Photogrammetrio Plan-gets According
to Fixed Points Determined in the Proximity of the Center
Line (K redutsirovaniyu planovykh fotogrammetricheakikh
setey po opornym punktam, opoznannym vblizi linii
PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 1958, Nr 1, Pp. 41-47 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The extent of field work can be reduced and the selection of
distinctive marks (opoznak) can be facilitated by finding
methods with which the points and distinctive marks'located
in the "dead zone" are included in the grids of graphical
phototriangulation and photopolygoniometr.,r. One of the
following methods can be applied for this purpose: 1) Method
of straight lines of sight and orthodromic lines
2~ Anharmonic method. 3 Method of optical transformation.
4 Analytical method- 5~ Method of spatial phototriangulation
by means of instruments of the universal type. All these
methods are described here, viz. by application on a
graphic one-way (odnomarshrutnoy)-phototriangulation. But
Card 1/3 they can also be applied with photogoniometry. The method
On the Reduction of Photogrammetric Plan-Nets Acoording 6-1-5/16
to Fixed Points Determined in the Proximity of the Center
of the straight line of sight is based on the well-known
thesis that all points located on a straight line
independent of the absolute height of this line - are
equally located on a straight line in aerial photographs.
The method of orthodromic lines is based on that thesis
of the perspective theory that a straight line in the space
on a photograph appears always in form of a straight line -
independent of the angle of inclination of the aerial ~
photograph. The stereoscopic method of the orthodromic line
gives more accurate results than the method of the straight
line of sight, but is inferior to the latter with respect
to efficiency. The method of optical tramsformation is:based
on the transformation according to the points of triangulation
of aerial photographs in which a point is located in the
vicinity of the centers. From the analytical methods for
condensing the geodetic plan-basis, the method of photo-
polygoniometry is mostly applied in the geodetics of aerial
photography evaluation and that of analytical phototriangula-
Card 2/3 tion is more rarely applied. With the analytical method the
On the R?duction of Photogrammetric Plan-Nets According 6-1-5/16
to Fixed Points Determined in the Proximity of the Center
problem consists of the determination of the coordinates
of the fixed point in the base-system (from which - under
an obtuse angle - the point is intersected). With the
method referred to in 5) the location of the points in
the network of the universal apparatus, like Multiplex,
Stereo-projector, Stereoplanigraph is determined independent
of the location of the points on the photograph.
There are 6 figuresq and 1 table.
AVAILA13LE: Library of Congress
3/035/60/000/0 IM/0", 9/0 19
L~,113-2-0 AO0J/A00!
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezlya, 19-60, No. 12,
p. 104, Tjr' 12694
AUTHOR: rkov K. A
TITLE: Potentiality of IncreasLns +-he Accuracy of Radic-Seodesic Determination
of Coordinates of Photographing Points in Aerophotosurvey
PERIODICAL:, Tr. Mosk. in-ta zemleustroystva, 1959, No.A pp..195-206
TEXT: The author states that in order to increase the accuracy of det-ermin
ing the coordinates of aircraft by the radiogeodesic way, It is necessary tolin-
crease the number of the ground base stations and to install in the alr~,'raftaddi-
tional receiving-transmitting sets. In partiolilar, If the number of stations is
doubled, the error in determining the aircraft coodinates is reduced by r2 to 2
times. It is recommended to adjust multiple intereections In: a graphic way, bV.
the method developed by Kell. Applying the multiple intersection, it is, possible
to determine the aircraft coordinates from the measured increments of distanc6s
without conjunction of initial photographs with reference points and photogrammetrt
Card 1/2
Potentiality of Increasing the Accuracy of Radiogeodesic Deteirmination of
Coordinates of Photographing Points in Aerophotosurvey
determination of their project-ed,center coordinates, it Is exps-dient to~!aolve
the problem by determining corrections to the aircraft coord1hates lalown appioxi-
mately. The mathematical solution of the problem is considened aid corresponding
relations are derived. Using the multiple intersections, it Is possible:also to
calculate the values of the phase coefficlents for each route. 1"he advantages,
of the multiple Intersection method mentioned warrant, the rect-nme-Ida-tion of its
M. D. Konshi;n
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstl~ract,
Card 2/2
ACC NR: AP6004530 -JA) SOURCZCODE: UR/0066/66/660/001/006/6443
AUTHOR: --Zykov,-K.A.
ORG: noi e:
TIT LE: The construction of eftdciiive'region of- radio: ti t
90 m -ci !y'#_qM
SOURCE: Geodezika i kartografiya, no. 1 1966, 36-43
TOPIC TAGS: aerial photography yeodetic i~sitrui~6ntj` ~Jjiiod6 ri~dar johMing
ACT:- i orence-i
ABSTR R rci V c' an(i lia i
aM finding ular): t~njrd f 6 10, radiagewetiolsisterns
are being used successfully in tile SovietUnion and foreilig'a cotuKries for Atir(a] Photo-
graphy. The efficiency of these systems depends considorablyon the location of the base
radiogeodetic stations and on the area of the effective rqion of'the system. The present
article examines only the question of the construction of 4he effi-etive regionB, Le, the
area within which the error M of the point position detervAnatift does not exceeo the
rated value. If the position of the points is determined Wword1mg to two Indopemlently
measured distance differences, the value M may be calculated by means of the relationship
626.1138:528 IS. 021. 6
Card 1/2,
POSTNIKOV, S.A.j Prinimal uchaatiye ZYKOV, K.D,
.1 - ........... .
Cannon not. Trudy OOZ noo4s395-401 162,
A letter from the Lipova7a Mountain. IUn. tekh.-3 no.8:54-55 Ag 159.
(141RA 32:12)
l.Okskiy goandaretvanny7 zapovedrdk.
(Oka River Paoin-HatiorAl parks and raierves)
Zykov, K.- G.) V. A. Fedorova Da"a on the Age of the Caucus.
The Sixth Session of the Committee for Deternining tbi~' Absolute Age of
Ge'ologic Formations at the Derzrtment of Geologic -Geographical Sciences
(OOGN) of the USSIZ Academy of Sciences at 5verdlovsk in May 1957.
I-v. Ak ftuk -.8,9R, Ser. Ceol, Na. 1, 1958, P, 115-117 Auth0t,Pelmrskapt, T, B~
It io not coordination but enforcement ... Sovetorg's 33 no06:25-26
Je 160. (MIRA 13:1)
1; Zamestitell upravlyayushchogo Buryatakoy kontory Rosbakaleit
(Buryat-Mongolia"Wholosale trade)
Recovery of cholera-like Vibrio from the viscera a*.' a patient'who.had
died of acute e.nteritis. Zdrav. 9 no.1:44-45 Ja-F, 162. (MIRA 15'!4)
1. Iz Tadzhikskoy protivoch=oy Btantdii Mininteratva Wravookhraneniya
SSSH, Parkharskoy rayonnoy sanitariio-opide'mi,61ogic..,ieskiy stantsii i
Respublikanskoy-sanitarno-opidemiologichesk6y stantsii.
"On the Variability of Dysentery Bacteria," Tezisy Dokladov Studeincibeskoy
Nauchnoy Konferentsii Posvyashchennoy 30-letiyu Studencheskogo Nauchnogo Ob.shchestva,
1-go Leningradskogo Meditsinskogo Instituta(Theses of Reports PresLbnted at the
Students' Scientific Conference at the 30th Anniversary of the Students' Scientific
Society at the Ist Leningrad Medical Institute), Leningrad, 1952, p 26.
Zffect of phytoncides on pathogenic capsular baciteria; author's
abstract. Zhur,mikrobiol.spid.i imawn. no-3:82 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:4)
1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologil (zaveduyushchiy - professor V.N,Koemo-
damianskiy) I Lenin adskogo meditsinskogo, instituta in. akademika
I.P.Pavlova. IBracteria, Pathogenic) (Phytaheidao)
%-I rv II.,
ZYKOV, M. P. --"Biolorrival PrODerties of Zonne Dysentery Bacteria, Reslatant to
Levomycethin and Disulphane. (Exjerimental Investigatimn). "*(Dissertation for
Degrees in Science !knd Enginnerinx Defendedat USSR ffighiir I-Educational Inst.1tutions.)
First Leningrad Medical Inst imeni Academician 1. P. PiLvlov, Lenln.~rad,,1955
SO: Knizhnaya. Letopis', No 25, 18 Jun 55
For Degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences
Sonne's dyeentery bacillaa adented to lavomyeatin to! dioul.-ran.
Report No-2: Developmont of reoistance. Cultural, onzymatic,
sarological ancl antigenic propertiee and virulence. Zurair.mikrobial.
epid. L Immun. 28 no.7:151-152 J1 157. (mIRA 10:10)
1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii I Lent rwradek-ogo medi-tim-skogo in3ti*uta
Comparative study of properties of the Bonne dvsenter7 bacteria
which are resistant to dioulfan and l6vomVoetin. Trach. delo no.:L:
35-~39 '59- 121-14)
1. Kaf edra mikrobiologil (save -i prof v NeVa losmodkmirmnkiy) Pd`i-
vogo Leningradskogo meditainakogo inhtituta,.~ T
1 11-111111111MIUM
Pp~ble,table 3amp with bacteripidia a,:stiona Lab. dolo 7 nql2s
60 F 161. (FJRA 14: 1)
1. Kafedra mi obiblogii (zav. Mf. V.N.Kosmodamianskiy) I
Uningradakogo maditsinakogo instituta imeni almd. 1,,P.Pavlovh.
I IN tit It i2
Televisiob microscopy in biology and medicinej revient of
literature. Lab.dalo 8 (i.e.91 no.193-5 Ja 163- ~(MM 16:5)
1. Kafedra mikrobio.logli (zav.-prof. V.K.Kosmodamianskiy) Pervo-
go Lenitgradskogo me~litzinakogo instituta Ime6i akad. I.P.Paviova*
Obtaining and use of mycobacteriophages for mycobacterla typing. Zhur.
mikrobiol... epid. i immin. 40 no.11:33-39 N 163.
(MIRAi 17312)
1. Iz.I Leningradskogo instituta imeni Favlovao
SOOLYATTE, Valentina Ivanovna, kosmetolog; LIMBERG, Alla Aleksand-ma,
kand.med.nauk, khirurg; 14UKHIN, Mikhail Vladimiravich, doktor
mad. nauk, prof.; BONDARCHUK, Anton Vasillyevich, neyrokhirarg,
laureat Gosudarstvannoy premii, doktor med. nauk-, KRIVOSHEYEV,
Vasiliy Ivanovich, kand.med.nauk; KOZIIEVNIKOV, Petr Vasillyevich;
'--~ZOVA, N-
A new type of plastic surgery. Nauka i zhizn' 30 no..6:81-83
je f63. (MIRA 16s7)
1. Otdaloniye chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii Lenin,rradnkogo
nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedil
(forlimberg). 2. Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademiya imeni S.M.
Kirova (for Mukhin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy khirurgitheskin.
otdeleniyem Leningradskoy koometcheskoy polikliniki (for
Krivosheyev). 4. Chien-korrespoudent Akademii me'ditsinskikh
nauk SSSR (for Kozhevnikov).
AUTHORS. Zykov, N., Yegorov. B. 107-58-3-27/41
TITLE: Portable Tape Recorder (Portativnyy magnitofon)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 3, PP 37 - 40 and p 4 of centerfold, (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors describe the amplifier of a portable tape recorder
and give detailed instructions forlaOnembly and tuning.: Three
116NlP11 tubes are used in the five-stage amplifier, one 116NlP11
is used in the HF generator for recording and erasing. Figure
10 shows the circuit diagram of thisamplifier. The tape
spooling mechanism of the tape recorder was described in
"Radio", 1958, Nr 2. There are 4 diagramE' , 1 cirouit dia-
gram and 1 table
1. Recording equipment 2. Amplifiers,-Operation
Portable tape recorder. Radio n0.307-40 Kr !58. .
(tingnetio recorders and recording)
, - ~-., ~ -. --~ ~ ~'Y-- ~-', N
Assembling rRdle equipment. Hadle no.8:41-44 Ag '56.
(KLM quo) ,
AUTHORS: 2b, Yegorov, B. SOV/107-58-2-26/32
TITLE: A Portable Tape Recorder (Portativnyy magnitofon)
PERIODICALs Radiop 19582 Nr 2, p 48 52. (U8SO
ABSTRACT, This is a descriPtion'of the mechanical'system of a cheap,
one-motorg portable tape recordergiwhioh, because of its
simple design, may be built easily'by radio amateuxa-The
tape recorder has two speeds, 9.6 om/secand 19 om/sep 'y
with two track recording. The length of.recording onlone
track is 10 minut(ft iThe sound freqxzen.~-ies are reproduoed
from 100 - 5000 cYcleng or 60 - 7000 cY'oles respectively.
The non-linear distortion factor does not exceed 4%. 'The
dimensions of the tape recorder are. 420 x 320 x i6o mm.
A "DAG-13" motir is used. The amplifier:of the tap a recor-
der will be described in Radiog 1958, Nr 3 (USSR).. There
are 7 sets of diagramag 2 drawings, and;one Soviet,reference,
1. Recording device e--Dea Ign 2. Recliording devlcns-~pk imt~~ on
Card 1/1
ACC-NRz -AP7002636 --SOLMM~ CODE -~1---Uli/0413Y66/ooo/023/OD36/ol86--fl-
INVENTOR: Zykov, X. A.
nonvolatile transformermemory. Clans 42, No. 149945
'kbRCE: Izobreteniya,.promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23 1966, 186
TOPIC TAGS: computer memory, punched card
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduce& a monvolatile tranuformer memory with*
the, information recorded on peek-a-boo cards. The design is sImplified and a bipolar
input signal is provided by making the magnetic circuits of.the elementary trans-'
formers from ferrolac applied to flat plates. The transformer windings are made up
lof a system of crisscrossed conductors wound over the ferrolac coating in therform
lof a network with points of intersection which coincide.with'~,the holes of a punched
card located between the plates.
SUB CODE: 091. SUBM DATE: 30Aug61
IL CSrd 1/1
Accuracy of calculations and VRriability of average amounts of
summer rains In a given area. Trudy 001 no.46:89-99 1544
(Rain and rainfall) (Mw 8..11)
AID F 4~946
Subject USSR/Electronics
Card 1/1 pub. 89 -
Author Zykov, N.
Title Mounting radio equipment
Periodical z Radio, 8, 41-44, Ag 1956
Abstract The author explains the basic requirements of electrical
mounting, the instruments and tools uOed, and the kinds
of auxiliary material employed in assemblIng zVdio I
equipment. Five tables of machine parts* 3 drawings of
insti~utlon None
'AID P 5021
Subject USSR/Electronics
Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 6/14
Author : Zykov, N.
Title : Assembling of radio equipment
Periodical : Radio, 9., 32-34, S 1956
Abstract The author gives a technical deagription of various
assembling operations of radio equipment and presents
seven detailed drawings.
Institution None
Submitted No date
".Mt# ORMW
Radio repair. Radio no.9:32-34 s '56. 041RA 9:11)
(Radio-Repairing) i
ZTK07. -14K,
gxperience In using prooipitation gauges for calculating the amm-t
and distribution of @now sapply In the Talday Hills, Trudy GGII i: no, 59t
172-182 157. (Km lit?)
(Talday Hills-.Snow)
Correlation of the enountB of winter precipitation obtained by
prOpipitation gmiges and vnow a in the experimental cat4b-
ment buin of the VaIdai Yqdr,ol=ogcal Scienti.Sic.4ionearch ~aborar-
tory. Trudy GGI no.81;19-26 160o (KEU 34% 1)
(Valdai Hills-Snow surveys)
(Precipitation (Meteorology).L44easurezent)
AUTHORS: Dimaksyan, A.M., Zotimov,'N.V. ahd Z~koV, N.A.:
TITLE: Measurement of rainfall intensity b~';the radak
method i-Z%A ,-J-!-.----y,:::~-
PERIODICAL: ReEerativn yy zhurnal Qeofizika no.'l 1963 24-
abstract l Bl47.(Tr. 6os. gidrolo
g. in-ta, 196
no. 87, 3-26)
TEXT: A comparison is given of radar and ombrometer~dat
on rainfall intensity over a territory of 10,000'km . ~The average,
area covered by.each of*the rainfall measuring points lay -1between
31 and 97 Im
. The prop
erties-of the underlying surface were-such
that the variability in the rainfallintensity over the territoryl
..Was 2076. Nonuniformity in the distribution of. the rainfall inten"!
sity over the area was such'that the radar and 6mbromater data.cou'ld
not be reliably compared without sufficient averaging. Hence~the
radar station was calibrated using rainfall-intensity ata which
were averaged over 5-70 minute intervals end.over~gr
Of ombr
Card 1/2
1 1 ii 7;1 7T
ll T; 17 11
1 0 1;1 1[71~T9 TI
AUTHOR: ~Xkov, N.A.
TITLE: Use of multi-day pluviographs and level recorders
PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 3,,19621 50.-52
TEXT: The author describes improvements to pluviogrAphs
(recording rain gauges) and automatic water-level recorders. These
improvements were designed to make the instruments automatic, i.e.
working without attention for at least 7-8 days. 160 pluviographs
and 15 level recorders, scattered over an area of 10,000 1=2,~are
used by the Stokovolivnemernaya stantsiya Valdayskoy nauchno-issled-
ovatellskoy gidrologicheskoy laboratorii (Drainage and Rain Measur-
ing Station of the Valdaysk Hydrological Scientific-Research Labora-
tory). Originally the instruments were visited twice daily in order
to change record charts. To reduce the amount of labor involved,in
such visits the following improvements were made. Pluviographs were
modified by ensuring a sufficient supply of tracing paper (a roll
Card 1/2
Use of multi-day pluviographs... D207/D304
about 20 m long on a special drum), a sufficieut amount of ink for
the recording pen, and by compressing the time;scale on records.
In this way continuous records were obtained automatically for per-
iods of 7-12 days. Level recorders were modified by reducing the'
rate of revolution of the recording drum so that the instruments
could be left unattended for 4 or 8 days. There are 2 figures.
"Taking Account of Winter Precipitation by Rain Gages".
Trudy Gos. gidrol. in-ta, No 460 PP 100-107o 1954.
On the basis of data of observations by the Valday Scientific Research Hydro-
logical Laboratory in the basin of the Polomett River in.'1952-1953 the author.
clarifies the possibility of the utilization of observational data on solid
precipitation by means of the Tretlyakov rain ga Z~Gl. g6ofiz. obsery..
ge (Trad
No 34 (96), 1952) for judging the accumulation of snow reserves in th7-river basin.
Readings of 20 rain galaes are compared with the results of snow surveys. It is
established that the distribution of snow reserves in the river basin depends upon
the distribution of the snow reserves. The greatest s=4 reserves are noted in the
region of leafy forests, and the least in fields. The averaged amounts of preci-
pitation according to data of the rain gages are close to the snow reserves .
established by snow surveys, deviation being less than 6%. (RZhGeol, No 8,.1955)
SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956
zome res!tltr, of stulles of licitild IT: thp region
of the Val.day Flills& Trudv GGI nosl23:5-14 165.
(11r.,HA 18: 10)
on snow nover and
oV the .'ItaLe Hplrologic, Institute
rrovam -L, Tn,.dy (11,0 noal.7501 58 'f 5.
. ao r- (MIRA 3.8:8)
hly tri. "I'll
VIYUSOVA~-o-Anng-Konbtantiiioviidi7KMV--Yak6*--Ai~~r-~i-ii-c-h-;--7jYKOY- p,Nikolay
.; . __ -4
)UGANOVAp N.A., red.; FUAIMI G.Vej, takim. red,
[Compiling and using regular price lists in pjablie'dining enter -a
,pris s.-
from the work practice of the restaurant trust of Kirov Dislrictp
Leningrad] Razrabotka i primenanie preiskurantov postoiarno doistva-
iushchikh teen v predpriiatiiiI& obshchestpn go pitaniia;ilz OF
110 YU
raboty tresta stolovykh Kirovskogo raiona Uningrada. Moskva Goo
izd-vo torg. lit-ryp 1961, 21 p. (MIRA 14;8i
(Leningrad-Restattrantep junabroonsp at*.-Prices)
"Data Concerning the Ecolop sympt
omatolopZr, and Fathogenesis Of
Tronhic Ulcers of the Skin." Cand I'Ied Sci, KharIkov Medical Inst,
Khartkov Medical Inst, Fhartkov, 1954. OZZhifiol, 41o Viveb 50
SO.; Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug .55 Survey of Scientific and 'Technical
Dissertation Defended at U:~.SR 11i.rher Educational institutions.
Digastive disorders following dysentery in infants. Fed., akush. I
gin. 19 no,1:24-28 157. (MIR& 13:1)
1. lafedra fakulltetskoy pediatrii (2&v. - d6kior me d.uauk prof.
V.G. Balaban) Kiyevskogo ordena, Trudovogo Irmemogo Znament meditsin-
skogo instituta im. akad. A.A, Rogamol'tea, (direktor - prof. T*.F.
Strains of Macherichia coli which undergo partial agglutination In
lingering postdysentery intestinal disturbances. Pod., akush. I gin.
19 no-3:16-19 157. (MIRA 13: 1)
1. Kafedra fakulltetakoy pediatrii (zav. - Prof. V.G* Balaban) Kiyev-
skogo ordena Trudovogo Kraenogo Znameni meditainskogo'Instituts. it.
pLlmd. A.A. Bogomolltsa (direktor - dots. I#P. Alekseyouko).
Fishes of lake Vottozero and their commercial significance.
Trudy Kar.fil.AN SSSR no.13:33-44 '58. , MRA 13:5)
(Vottozero, lake--Fishes)
Rrroneoua method for determining the growth tagged fiah, Top.ikht.:
no.2:160-163 154, (KM 8:5 1
1. Karelo-Finskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR;
(Fish tagging) (Scales (Fishes))
Changes in the professional composition of codl, miners under the
influence of technological progress. Biul.nauch.inforz.z trud,i mr.
Plata, 4 no#5:16-18 161, NIRA 3A.-5)
(Coal mines and minin
Iffil "WWII
ILYUKRIN, N.V.; DES-HKIN, V.N.# prof* # retsenzent- 7AX kand.tekhn.
nauk, red.; DUDUSOVA, G.A., red.izd- tekhn.red.
[Technical progress in power machinery manufacture] Telchnicheskii
-progress v energ6mashinostroanii. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-te1dm.izd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959., 114 p. (MIRA 12:12)
(Power engineering)
ZYKOV, S.A.. karLdidat takhnichookikh nauk.
Basic technical characteristics of the principle equipment
of electric power stations. Energomashinostroento 3 n*.9:1-4
S '57. (MIRA 10tlO)
(Electric power stations-Equipmemt and supplies)
ZYKOVv S.A., doktor teklui, nauk; MOGM., SJ,j kand. tektin4 nauk
Features of using the condeneing block for. covering peak
loads and creation of auxiliar7 power supply in olectric
power systems, Teploonergetika 10 no,lbl4"20 D 163,
4 1 (mnu 17t 8)
1, TSentralinyy kotloturbinnyy institut,
AUTGOR: Zykov, S.A. (Caad.Tech-Sci.) 96-3-11/26
TITLE: The use of steam reheat in the cycle of a district heating Heat
and Electric Power Station. (Primeneiiiye promezhutochnogo peregreva
para v tsikle otopitellnoy TETs)
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, No.3. pp.401-13 JUSM)
ABSTILICT; III the cycle of a Heat supply (district heating) Heat and E lectric
Power Station, besides the flow of steam to tho. condensor there is
also a flow of steam %dii-ch is condensed in' the heating system heaters
at, relatively high pressure and enthalpy, which reduces the
effec-tiveiess of reheat. Since the effectiveness of rehect is less
in heat-aupply than in condensing stations there are varying opinions
about the advisability of using it in such cases. This article
considers the conditions which influence the advisability of using
reheat in the cycle of a district heating station. Calculation of the
techniaal characteristics was made for a pass-out turbine Miich was
assumed to use the high pressure cylinder and double-flow low- :
pressure cylinder of a condensing turbine type CBK-160-1 (or UBIC-150)
with stop-valve steam conditions of 170 atm and 5000C. 'Die medium
pressure part of the turbine is different., It should contain two
regulated tappings for steam pressuros of 0.5 - 1.2 and 1.2 - 2.5 atm
and alno I unregulated tapping for steam of higher pressure. The
maximum output of heat from the heat supply pass-outs is 186 million
Card 1/3 kcal/hr with sufficient flow of steam to the coadenser only to
The use of steam reheat in the cycle of a district heating Heat and Electric
Power Station.
ventilate the turbine. The heating load couditions. on the power
station at various seasons are stated. Calculati.ous were made for
various operating conditions. In one case the steam pressuke in the
reheater was considered constant at 35 atm and the reheat temperature
ranged from 480 - 5600C and the consumption'of conventional fuel was
calculated. The results of the calculations are given in Table 1,
from which it follows that the fuel economy'resulting from the use
of reheat in the cycle of a district heating station is 68-72~ of
that obtained with condensing conditions. For a district heating
station with multi-stage heating of the system water the steam
pressure in the pass-outs depends on the temperature of the system
water -ahich in its turn depends on the atmospheric temperature. .
For every pressure of steam in the pass out the most adviultageous
reheat pressure may be determined. Calculations were made for
reheater pressures from 35 - 52 atms. As1he reheat pressure is,
increased, fuel economy resulting from heat flow -to the system
heaters increases and that from heat flair to the condenser decreases.
With given conditions of combined generation of beat and electric
power, when the reheat pressure is increased frori 33 - 52 atms the
fuel economy is increased by 0.25% of the total fuel consumption of
Card 2/3 the station. Decause of this comparatively small fuel economy
'The use of atoam reheat in the cycle of a district hea6ing Heat and Electric
Power Station i
r6sulting from increasing the reheat prousare in district heating
stations, it is justified to~staudftrdlsc -the huat tycle conditions
for heat supply turbines and for condensing turbines. The operation
of condensing and pass-out turbines is then considered. TlWeffocts
of seasonal load on un industrial power system, whore the winter and
simmnor peaks are nearly the same, mid on a general power system wrhero
they are very different, are discussed. The use of reheat in the
cycle of a district heating station can be justified by teclutical and
economic calculations for heat supply turbines with the low pressure
cylinder developed for maximum power. The iLse of I reheat influences
a number of technical characteristics of heat supply turbines.
These special features are discussed and corresponding data is given
in Tables 4 & 5. For example the conditions of reduction of houae
service power are dif f erent iLn reheat is used. There are 5, tables,
no figures, 2 literature references (Russian)
ASSOCLUION: Power Institute, Aoad. Sci. of the USSR. (Energeticheskfy
.Institut, All SSSR).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
ZYKOV, S. A., Doc Tech Sci (diss) _- "The effect of the parazieters of the heat-
power cycle on the main thermal systems and technical i,ndexes of M's /tfiermo-
electric cycles?/". lo--ningrad, 1959. 34 pp (Rin:Hlgher and ThAter Spec Educ
RSFSRJ. Leningrad Polytech inst im M. I. Kalinin), 150 copies (KL, No 10.0 .1960$
Doc Toch
1e U401" !'~s "'M
O'm-r C,^%tor-
ror, 195' -29' IT rlt-h~ (j:'kc,--.d: Sci rc.:.:!jr
ILIMIN, NUmlay Vasil Iyevi6h;. Tic -uk, reteeizent;
MAC )-mndo tiqkhn. z&
OURVICH, A#H*, Prof., d lzkto-r '-som vauk, red.; TAXOMSUML, red,
izd-va: POSISKAYA, P.G., tekhn. red*'
[Power engineering and power machinery manufacturing in Greiat
Britain) inergetike, i enargomehinostroonle, AbgUi.l Moskm. Goo.
mauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashino-stroit. lit-ry, 1958, 13B p,
(Great Britain-Power engineering) (MMA lit7)
ZTKW, -~.,A kande
Use of Intermediate superheating of steam in~tbe cycle of a central
beating plant. Teoploonergetika 5 no.3:40-43,Kr 158, (MIR& 12.-W
1. Suergeticheskiy Institut ARSSSR.
(Heat engineering)
ZYKOV,S.A., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk
Increasing the power range of generators for heating atation
turbines. Blek.sta.26 no.10:13-16 0'55. (MW 8:12)
(Electric generators) (Steam turbines)
On the classification amd differentiated training:of children~
with hearing disorders. Veet. otorinolar., Moskva .13 no.4:16-21
July-Aug 1951. (CIRL 21t1)
1, Candidate Medical Sciences L. P. Neyman and Candidate
Pedagogical Sciences So A. Zykov.
SOV/ 112-59 _2_~5'0'07'
Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika 1959, Nr 2, p 37 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zykov, S. A., Gusakovskiy, K.. B.., Kraemer., Yu.,, Slepnev, L. N. ,
and Shfr_e_g_ob_e_r,_V-.-
TITLE: Some Problems in Designing Super-Power Turbine Units
(Nekotoryye voprosy proyektirovaniya sverkhmoshchnykh ttirboagregatov)
PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inforrm byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 107,
Nr 9, pp 38-45
ABSTRACT: As a result of calculations made, recommendations are offered for
designing the lower-pressure part of high-power turbines; these recom menda-
tione allow for the effect of steam preasure.in the condenser and for the effect
of the end area of the last stages on economical operation of the turbine. Tle
turbine-unit maximum power vs. the heat -power -cycle parameters is
presented. The expediency.of using several exhausti, 2.!tier blades, and
2-shaft turbine units is considered.
M. A. T.
Card 111
Card 1/2
AID F 3763
Pub. 26 - 5/29
: Zykov, S. A., nnd. Tech. Sci.
Extending the scale of generatorcapacities for
heating steam extraction turbines
Elek. sta., 10$ 131-164. Q 1955
The author writes tha *t acqording,to the existing
Government Standards,, Got 360-47, high-pressure
extraction turbinep cannot be fully employed. He
discusses the three groups of extraction turbines:
1) with industrial process,-oteamlextraction of the AP
and VP types, 2) with heating ateam extraction of the
AT and VT types, and 3) with combined steam extraction
of the APT and VPT types. The author finds it possible
to extend the scale of generator capacities for heating-
steam extraction turbines only and suggests changes in
Periodical :
AID P 3763
Elek. sta... 10, 13-16, 0 1955
Card 2/2 Pub. 26 -- 5/29
the corresponding standards. Two tables., I diagram.
Institution None
Submitted No date
ZYKOV, S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; MOCHAN, S.I., kand.tekhn.naijk
Features of using the- conlensing block for covering peak loads
and creation of auxiliary power supply in electric power systems.
Teploenergetika 10 no.12:14-20 D 163. (KI RA 17: 8)
1. Tsentraltnyy kotloturbinnyy institut.
Card 1/2
Tugarinov, A. I., Zykov,~S. I....Zhirova, V. V., Knorro, K. G.
On the Age of the Oldest Rooks of theiAntarctic Continent
Geokhimiya, 19.59, Nr 6, pp 555 556 (USSR)
The Soviet sector of the' Antarctic conltinent~contains'rocks
which, according to geological investigationa, belong to,the
Archeozoic time. Ye. I. Chervov,,collLkborator of the Antark-
ticheskays, ekspeditsiya.(Antarotic Ex Ipedition) placed:speci-
mens of orthite, biotite, and muscovite at,the authors' clis-
posal for the purpose of.age determi"tion,. The specimens. were
taken from the pegmatite veins which penetrate through gneisses
and iron quartzites in the area of The investiga-
tion of orthite rendered the following results:
Pb 101/U238 1190 million years old, Pb 208/Ti 11232 1350 million
years oldo (P D07 800 million yeqrs oid). The content of
radiogenic Pb is very low. The moat favorable results,are to
be expected with the two first ratios According to the K/Ar -
method the age of mica was the following: biotite 1W million
years old, muscovite 1280 million years old. Magmatic activity
On 'the Age of the Oldest Rocks of the Antarctic Continent 30V/7-59-6-11/17
in this area is, therefore, 1300 + 100 million years:old.'This
corresponds to the conditions on The Ineighboring continentai
Isa Mine ~Isa-~Mayn~, Australia, 1190 million years;Kagpdii
Africa, 1370 mill ion years. There are 2 tables and I
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analitioheskoy khimii im. V. I..Vernads--
kogo AN SSSR, Mosk,va (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadakiy of i;he AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTEDs April 17, 1959
Card 2/2
Barzaov, T. 1.4 Xnarre, K. G. 301/7-59-6-14/17
TIC"$ Chralliol. Th VIII.Ss.Lon of the C-alsolon. for the
D...rXAMo;IOA* f the lb.olut& Age of Geological Formotionm
11 ~01
(-A the Otdotoftly- 0001090-9.ogreflah.skikh ask AS 33SA
(D-paxtma.t of Goological-g.oSr.phic.4 Science. As USSR).
Ray Is - 22. t959, so..a.)
PZRIODICLL. Gookbinlya, 1959. Ir 6, %!61, - 563 (T,.,.R)
Th. 8th ro0aar "*41= a: C=eL"I= = the Doteralmttm
of the AboalAte US of Owalocics! ParmstLaus) us* be= Iz Moscau
from UY 10 to Xey 22, 1959 a- the lastitut g#okhisil L
litialwokay khWL La. 1. 1. Tornadskago Cla.tit.u of 0.4-
Imixtry ad An&ly%Lo" Chemistry Losal T. 1. Ttrosd.kty).
A serles of suamorLalU reports *%a bell am age dotorsizatioss
I& the mot I.porteAt parts of Me 9333, oblah, sx. to b. pro.
mtea to the 21st lut.rusAiamel 0.010CLO&I co.gr.os. Th.
*llQvInd report* are
A,. 1. pclk~v, 31. X. r.rIl
the P"cLabri.4_af_W.MiW Problem& of the -ho.102. a&* of
5oltla SU1.14.
4. P jv~F~~; T_ Y. A. r. a ft. absolute
I _P ~F. Sjjs_---k., Y-. S. and X. S. 11-ti.=X 496
tk.Lr absolute &go.
L. P. Vinogr.4.., A. I-
_ch.- R".Lan FlAtfo-a.
Ir Th
t tic
The ahsalute a&* or the rocks of the Utatrall-
.d the *&;lay-*at of the ~goz ~tha& for
met"orpso" ad v.d4mea-taxy make.
4. D. Lfsaa.-y- R.xat& of the C .. hr.my ro~ti- of -he
C& so".
'IbLan-11kov and X. A.
~. P - of the 0.1oci-I
1. 1... "a 0. 0. A. K-k- AbsoLato wc. do-
of t" ol:A.Atary &=
Card 2/4 L. P. ]Lr..W "d W. I.,?*'..va, Atr..Iuzt see f ~ .14sakia
J.. Iset.
1-1, .8. of t-- -2 ,
-r' 41i
Th. -..-h "rk or - a-b-r of '&be" I
LAGZD,,VM=I. -, UYIN. -t- excused cr--%
a report of R. 9. G.rlL.C, T-- I- 3b-XOITu*k" *A the ..n.
of the L-=;. A_-'a IU, rr"l" as ..Il
tile .. re-orch *or% ca~vt.& us ty t~_, VoL-IAT-
saya 3S
astion of =. AosJ-Y.Ot 3-1 ..... .t the 3"-
of Age St.rat
gi..k"a SSE) under I" of LA atopic dil.ti.. -1
f"xo phatoostrjv. TUs d.t.ral~tLon of Us S- of s#d1A4A%&rY
a so dLo."..da AA_.xL_.ErxjA~ Fro-4 LA his r-icrt h*-
oftorsdL.g.-to Lrgoa to -.n:.Tvod Is dowbroyed pro4wals of
Teaks suakk
the f1r.% to tt"p% to
boost. for"U69M
to 1. toot. eusoce tiom of 1-4.~
ik Of F 118,11111 It i;Hil; 11 91 1 HIM] )IIH I JURNIHIM 11 1111VIIIIII
0 i MN M!, rh i
11'rarj oi,; X!, omxsj~i'on qit` Lcad-aftir"Ithe Age of th(. E~-:irlh,'I P. winI~:rrndov, 'orr
jxr, Aud ",ci UIS'_' 1.1Zadoroy:iinyy and 1. Zykcv, inct of Ccochc*% and ,'aia
Chem inani V. I. Vernadskiy,, jkcad -Sci
11DA111 sszw, vol 65, in. 5, PP 1107-1110
Thirty-two sw-aples we, tudied Ivit a jra_,s spectrv~;rzl-h for the ct '
A gala '207, A -basis ofl'this and othqr
-aith re--pect to Pb Pb Pb and Fb 01, tile
data, the age of the earth is estinated to be between 2.1.109and
PA 239751
HIM 54 1111#11,1104 9-1 N I WMFIIPUI~11111 1111 ~151 11
BAYEV,A.V., inzhener; GERKAN,A.L., inzhoner; ZYKOV,S.I., toldimik
V09-Will 0-0,
Investigation and testing of Ural hydrostations equipped with
horizontal turbines with runners of the 7140 typei Mauch.trudy TINSIH
no.1:208-220 '54. (KIRA 8:11)
1. Sverdlovskiy filial Vaesoyusnogo Instituta olektrifikataii
sellskogo, khoxyaystva
(Sverdlovsk Province--Hydraulic turbinos)
Constnnt decay f radioactive elements used for deternIning geological
nge. BiulXonpo opr.abs#vosr,igeoloformonoelt67-76 1155a
(MIRA 9:10)
1. Institut gookhimii i ^nalitleheskoy khimil imeni V.I. Verna"kogo
(Geological time) (Radioactivity)
USSR/ Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry D.
Abs Jour Referat, Zhur - M317dya, No 4, 1957~, 11509
Author Tugaiinov A.I. Zykov S.I.
Title Ag6 'and Geoc-hemi-c7gr-&-a-r-s.-cleristics of Lead Ore Occurences of the
Orig Pub Geokhimiya, 1956, 3, 42-46
Abstract The ifiethod of absolut6 Age deteks~imtion by is6to;P'6 ratios of coisio-d Pb
in galenit6s is disc4s6d. Predint6d'ire tfieoritiddl*6irves:' occurence
of Fb- isotdp6s --.'time a:~d age of giienites.* * Obfiq~iri6on`ie sAde'6f mian
isotope -dompoditiotnof 16M of indivIcItial -cire P'r6vinc~a of Variisidn'age
On thd basis- of exper'imental'aud *theoretical dafA th6re is eh64n"6hanjj6-
in AcD/RaG'and ThD/FAG of the lead-6f 6drth'd'crust afid'ofMcrainiaxi
l6nites, iiithlapse t te sp.eaim= .. determined
from Vhe ratios Pb 2Z6f /pij.,~,.Age28f thffi,', vk
j L; if' 'It'ie , follows t
Pb W .. P. ~ .
~380 -r2OO; 1820 :F 1-00; -970 1-200?' The ds, aob 6cl'Wre found to bo
very -close to 'the 'data of 'A.I. Vinogradov relating, t6 basic vulcanic
cycles of Ukrainian Pre-Cambrian.
a,,,g ?I
K.K.-, ZYKOV, Sol,
Using data of isotopic analyses to study the origim of some
lead deposits. GackhimUs. uo.1:49-58 1560' (KLRk 10a)
1* Xafedra geokhivii'itoskovskogo goeudirstvannago uaiversiteta
imeni X,V,Lououosova.
Using Aata of isotopic studies of lead to establish the origin
of pol~wet 111c deposits in the Gava-Sumsar region. Biul*Xom.
i4 opr.aTevozrogeoleforwo Do-2-'28-34 '57- (mm 1014)
1, Institut geokhimil i analitichaskoy khimii,im. TI.Vernadskogoo.
(Gava region-Ore deposits)
(Sumoar region--Ore deposits) (Lead-IsotoPes)
UMI11"Ov, Vladimir Ivanovich; GRINEEITKO, Vladimir
[Frecision wass spectrometric method. for thu determina-
tion of Lhe isotopic coi.-.position of sulfur.] Pretsizh-n-
nogo 8ostnva very. Voskva, flauka, 31,165, 94.
.~ .7 . ~ I I ~ . . I. I.,. !111 t 114
ISM Ohm Idwi Iw"I 11
Age of the oldest formations of the European Pre-Cambrian.
Geofiz. bdLul. no..15:38-1+3 1650 (MIRA 18.-11)
-- -- ---- -- ----
Absolute age of pegmatites in the Bir7usa. Valley,(eastern Kazakhstan),
Geokhimiia no.1%105-108 Ja 165.. (MIRA 1824)
1, Kafedra geokhimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
imeni Lomonosova,
Absolute age of granitoid complexes in the Yenisey 'Range. Trudy
Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.33:184-201 163.
(MBIA 17:11)
Geochronology of'the soutbern Siberian Platform. Irv. AN SSSR
Ser. geol. 30 no.ls2l-36 Ja 165 (MIRA l8t2)
1. Inatitut geokhWi i analiticheakoy kbimli immi Ternadakagop
,1,j GA jj pj 0,1, Z i yc) ii j Z- 11,71LI,
)-tween ule Isotope composition o" lewl
rocks In 3orrm ore protrln,,,P-a,. Metcd. orr. .0--J,
STMIMIKOVA, N.I.; ZYIK~C~V-- ~1' 'k o v.f q1';, J~ugodzharIIiiUIB.
ilge of the upt4morphle and metationiatic roc
Vost.Mor3kouuo"-G-r&4-: (jeol. 19 no.5242-46 S,.o 1.64. (Y;IAA 17:122)
1. Kafedra geokhiFli universitotAo
New data on YAsozoic Igneous activity and.mineralization
in the Gornyy Altai~and the Kuznetsk Ajat~Lu. Doki. AN SSSR
153 no.4:903-905 D 163. ~tMU 17, 1)
1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskalffo otdoleniya AN
SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.S. Sobolevym.