ZUB., Mope
Concerning G.N. Naksbaov and M.P. Ivanchankove articls "The
efficient use of eleAric power In mine ventilatilan.0 F~an.
energ. 18 no.3:61-62. Mr 163. (KUU 1616)
Is Sverdlovskiy gorny3r inatitut.
Kins ventilation)
Mectricity in mining)
Short-d-ilay blasting of deep holem in oped pit midall. Gor.
zbur. no. 11:53-55 1; 460, (111alk 1131.0)
1. Ukrzheldorytryvpromt Ki7ev,
(Strip mining,;, (Blastivig)
ZHITNIK, V.S.0 inz~,I_Mj N.~.; insh. i
Uiing 1proxylin powder in cqAn pits, Bevop.truda v Ima. 7 no.gn6-7.'
F 163, (Pyroxylin) (Riajj~lnjg) OCERA 16t2) :
TIJRUTA, N.U., kand.tekhn.nauk; Wi, 1U,, inzil.
Calculating, the Line of least resistance of 1xinaholp charges
In open~pit benches. Izv. Vs, tichel" zavo;, 4jor. 1:11us'. 5 nq,,'L:
104-108 162. (MIRA 1511.)
1. Ukrainskiy nauohno-1ssle.dovqtel'a*kiy i PrOTO'ktnyli institut.
Rekoirendovana M-rainskim nauchno-iseledovatel skim I proyektnym
(Blasting) (Strip mining)
ZUB, N.I., inzh.
Removing peat from bor3 and crushing rock by 03PIDdlng charge
made of pyroxylin powders. Transp. stroi. 31 no.10,48-49
(MIRA 14:10)
(Blasting) (Pyroxylin) (Feat)
ZUBP N. I. -in2h.
Determining the yield of oversise during prlnarr blauting.
Transp. stroi. 13 n0.3135 Mr 163. (MIRA 16W
BRUYAKIN, A.V., inzh.; ZUB, Nol*.Linzho
Testing electric detonators of short delaved actlimo Tranvp.
stroi. 13 no.10:67-68 0 '63. (MIRA 1718)
optical properties and elementary Co. Ositibtl of fulvic acids of
various origin. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkolyl L-4,61. nnuki noJS
182-188 163. (MRA .160)
1. hekomndovana k4fbdroy pochvavedeniya Nwliovskojgo
gosudarstvennogo univeraitota im. Lomonosora,
(Fulvic aald)
L:'; To I r
Zubac V. Apparatus for measuring fuel comaumption in boiler :=Ana. p. 252.
the results of f he wori, of tho Institute of Mooldr-al,",r Rejearch of the
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences In 1954. p. 253- ENERUJITIKA. Praha.
Vol. 5, no. 6, june 1955.
SOt Monthly List of t1lie East Emopean Accession, (FEn)#- W. 1101. 41
no, 10, Oct, 1955o Uncl.
GUZIVICH, Tu.D., inzhener; ZUBACH, S. Ts. , jazliener.
Cold straightening of bridge span elftents. Transpatroi. 6 no.4:
25-27 Ap '56. (mm 9:8)
On the choice of E191/E314
to minimum blade numbers of 24 and 14, respectively- So long
as the actual blade number does not drop belov 80% of the
theoretical minimum, the loss of efficiency is Small (below
2%). In the experimental part,of this work four turbine wheels
with-24, 16, 12 and 8 blades, respectively, were tested in a
set-up requiring a minimum of 13 blades. Air, compressed to
3.2 kg/cm2, was heated in a combustion chamber by 70 OC before
admission to the experimental turbine. Power outputs between
250 and 330 hp were measured an a water brake for several L/
pressures and temperatures. The efficiency of wheols with 12
blades and more remained almost constant at the design velocity
ratio. A serious deterioration was observed with 8 blades, in
accordance with analytical predictions. The efficiency loss due
to a reduced number of bladeA was much smaller at ismall velocity
ratios, because all wheels then suffer from flow *,eparation. The
flow outlet angles from the wheel, the measurod de,gree of reaction
of the flow and the mass flow as a function ot the irelocity.ratio
are given in graphs. The mass flow is hardly affected by the
C, Card 2/3
Comparative evaluation of digestive processes in an experiment fol!--~rdjng
gastrectomy after the Billroth-II classical method and following gastro-
Jejunoplasty. Soob. AN Gruzo SSR 35 no.2:4;9 -436 Ag 164.
(MIRA l7tl2) .I
Structural chan,!es in the micous membrsme or the !,toma-ch and
a jejunm "ransplant, following gas troj ejunoplas tv. Soob. AIN
Gruz. SSR 38 no.1:197-201, Ap 165.
(MAU 1,9112)
~ 11 ~ I Mli !1H ,~ 11111, 2 111-
Interoceptive regulation of blood coagulation. Report No,l. Reflex
effects from chemoreceptors of the carotid minus on blood coagulatton
Evith summary in English]. Biulokop.blol. I med. 14 to#7.,23-24
J1 t57. (M MA 10: 12)
1. Iz kafedry patologicheakoy fiziologLi (zov. - dotsont M.A.Yerzin)
Xazanskogo meditainskago institute. Predstavleas deyotvitelinym-
chlenom AMN SSSR prof. V.N.Chernigovskim.
eff. of carotid sinus chem. stimulatioa (Run))
(CAROTID SINUS, physiology,
eff. of chem. stimulation on blood coagulation (Rus))
I*chanism of the regulation of blood coagulation in normal
and pathological conditions. Frobl.. gemat. I pe-rcl- Rravi
no.12z32-39c62. (MIF.A. J.6sS)
1. Iz Uentrallnogo nauchno-io sled ovate I I inkoy Imbarn-WiAt
(ispolnyayushchiy obyammosti mmdu~uahcbogo G.I.Pelatayov)
Kazanskogo gosudaratiretmogo meditainskogo inslAtuta,,
Relation of blood coagulation to tho elect'ri-al 11,otenti-al Of the
blood vessel wall. Fiziol. zhur. 50 jio.2:224-224 F 16,1- (KIRA 1.8-.2)
1. Fiziolo~4icheskiy otdel TSentrallnoy Iskay
laboratorii Goaudarstvennogo neditsinskogo instrLuta, Kazan'.
Coagulability and protein structure of the lyuph and blood in
acute hemorrhage. Diul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no-3:28-219 Mr
164. OMIPA 17:11)
1. Mentrallnaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya (zav.
- kand. biol. nauk S.V. Senkevich) KazanskoFo mv---ditsinnkogo in-
stituta. Predstavlona deystvitellnym chlenoin AM SSSR V.V. Pa-
Disorders in the (Adaptation po,,;Abilities of' tho,- blool coafrrula-
tion system in radiation injuries. 1.1auch. trudly Hatz. meT.
inst. 14:75-76 164. Olru.S! IF I
1, Fiziologichenkiy otdel (mw. - starshiy naucl inyy aotmi,- ak
D.?A.Zubairov) Mentrallnoy nauchno-i--sled ovate! i n lcoy )J-.~boratorti
(zav. - kand. biologichenkikh nauk S.V.Sonkevicli) Kamawl'o'go
med'-tsip-skogo inntituta.
Role of the neritraim mechanIsm, in thc- drjvelop,,,aenI c-f hypri-coaLU- -FI-
tion foIlowint-i an acute blood loss. PaI10,11. 'U'Lldjr
l4il,91-1.83 '&,.
1. FizioIngiche,-,'r-.iy otlo-I rnu,:hrii-y jArudrrk
1)1-0.10g. naul"
ins t! tuta.
. ........ -- ----
Lj ,j -, *,-,-e n ~ a
Clinical electrooncephalr,[-r ~ - i
and psychasthenia treated with stelll'.,.ine. Mauch. trudy
gos. mad. inst. 14:431-432 164. 0,111;.,,~ IF,:q)
1. Kafedra pslkhiatril (jav, - prof. KW*,,,.,n.-,kcgo
meditsinskogo instituta.
NoiBe of the carburetor engine of a, motortruck, Avt.lyrtxn,. 28
no.12:12-14 D 162. (KIRA l6a)
1. GoBudarstvennyy soyu%W ordena Trudovollo Kromogo Znamrti
nauchno-isslc-dovatellskiy avtomobillnyy i avtomotarn;O, inotituts
1003. ZSUGYELIK H- LAMPt L. and GYONGYOSSY A. Mtbrecahi Orvost. Egyo-
tew-sz-U-Idozeti i's Nogy6gydazati Min., K(Jzl. OChorlalin ge,,ruidotrophormon
vasoactiv hat4ijAnak vizogAlata peripherids dirkindr1frOmn. Vie vaigoactire
effect of chorionic gonadotrophin on pivelpheirat blood.
vessels MAG.NOORV.LAPJAI955, l8/3(l56-l6Z)Graphs2O'rables3
Physiological doses of chorlonic gonadotrophin had no otictive uction In Trende-
jenburg frog preparations. 500 U. however (100 x the physiotogical (lose) caused
vasoconstriction. Charionic gonadotrophin Inhibited the vaimconstrictIve effect of
pitressin and adrenaline, whon administered Wfore these bhtter dirugs, The poest-
ble compensatory role of gonadotrophin in toxamtas of pregnancy againot the vaso-
constrictive effect of adrenaline and pitressin fm dfecummed4
Gdth - Hjudave fit (mt I
HIM ~~Ilifm
Effect of phanothiazines on the motility and acetylcholime,
histamine, and oxytocin sensitivity of tbo uterus. Orv. hatil.
98 no.31:844-845 4 Aug 57.
1. A Debrecent Orvostudomanyi Ng7stem Not Klinikajanak (Igsxgato:
Arvay, Sandor. Ar.. east. t&nar) @a Korelettant Intoze-tenek
(igasgato: Kesstyus, Lorand, dro egyet. tanar) k3onlerjonve.
nn motility & acetylcholine, histamine & w7tocin Induceit
contractions of uterus In exper. animals (Run))
(PROnTRaINE, off.
(UTEWS. off. of drugs on
chlorpromazine & promethastne, on motility & acetylcholine.
histamine & ox7tocin Induced contractianif in exper, animals
ZTYAZHKINA, A.G., inzhener.
Nt~. "17-;. ~ -Determining the hardness of margarine and certain fiLts. Khol.-shIr.
prom. 23 no.2:33-37 '57. (KwA 10:4)
1. IeniuMdekly zhirkombinat.
(Oleomargarine) (Oils and fats)
ZUB, A., inzh.; FINOGENOV, V., inzh.
Explosions put to work. 7nan.-sila 37 nos6U-5 Je '62,
(KRA 15:9).
(Explosives In sheet-metal work)
ZUB, G.H., kand. takhn. nauk, dots.
Possibilities of using molten soils in road building. VrWly Kiev.
avt,-dor. Inat. no,3:47-54 157. (HIM 11: 5)
(Road materials),
Surgical treatment of caoes of facial paralyvis. Otolwr.polska
14 no.3:303-310 160.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryugologiesuej A.M. w Krakowie, Kier*vnik:
prof.dr J.Hiodonaki.
ZUB, Leon
Effect of different number of aboots led from onpi hop-r*ot an yield
and quality. Rocz nauk roln roal 83 no.2,377-390 160.
(M,r :LO: 9/10)
1. Zaklad Specjalnyeb Roalin Przeryslowych, Ins*1,7tut Nodow.1i i
Airlim-tyzacji Roslin, w Fulawach, Kierminik: Prof. Dr. S. Lewickcl.
CUB. Leon
Observations on the influence of neteorologic factors an the yield
and quality of hops in the region of'Pulawy during the years.
Postepy nauk roln 7 no.2:55-74 Mr/Ap t6o. (Em 9:10)
1. Instytut Upravy* Nawozenia i Meboznawstwa$ Fulawy
I -Zua,-La=--
Research on the influence of cutting off hop stalks daring harvesting
on the growth and yields In sub3equtnt years. Rocz mak roln roal 80
no.3t561-590 ,6o. (SW, 9sio)
1. Dzial Specjalnych Roslin Przemyslowych Instytutu Hodowli. i
Aklimatyzacji Roslin w Pulawach. Kierownik prof, dr 8,Lewicki.
ZUB, Leon
Studies of the distribution of hops on a plant and their technological
value. Rocz nauk roln rosl 81 no.1:233-286 160. (EEAI 9slO)
lo Zaklad Speajalnych Roslin Prt6myslowych Instytutu Hodowli i
Aklisnatyzaaji Roslin w Pulawach. Kierownik Prof. dr. St.Lewicki.
POL.'JID/Cultivatod 11,ints. Tochnic.,--il ~-,ltiats,. Oil anC.
Su.,,,f-,r Bo,,zim: M.,-mts.
AIUI)s Jour : llu-f zllu:L'-!,'ik)l.l il,-) 1.5, 19151,31 68314
Luthor : Zu1b, Lour,
T it 1 c : Tho Effact of Various flotho(ls o' Supporting
Hop Pl;~nts uDon Tli(,,J.r Growth and Fortili-ty.
Ori,, Pub : A-osto-,)y nauk roln., 19577 "r7 1\,o -,, 79-9,111
Lbstract : Tho best rosillts i-.,ura -~chievdd -ahun hops v;cra
grovin oj,, a norral lr~ttiao, 7 ano.
Ir Ufill-IL; 11.,ttachcrl from cxcry pli2xit. Ho,,,j-
ovor, hops by this requircs-
larf;o cxnon-,Utur,-,s of rvlnu,il a f--,.ct,
rojflc~ctoa in th,,.; cost of -Pro,-!uction. Expo-
ririonts were c,-rrir-,d out in F;roi?!InC. hops on
Car 01 1/3
TccJjl,j, q
I,bs Oil
our Rof
539 6831,~,
hoij-htsl [111L' 'L
1'roclucGCtho 1, nine rlo_tQroh,*~ P.-Sults
G -
01,"Ilt ric
5 - lattjco-~
-10 latt,
C es 01
0 the ev, 311 ILt
Oro 3.01"Ost. 110.
"tcrs hI1;h ',Oror
ore 9
1,Mts 130c"luse 4.1
r-rovin .. 11 1
10 -S,
SOC04(1-r,te J-no-:.1.,tQr ir tinor- 11 1, 1. or, I.nt;
, C , - c
)nos 11~ttfco,-
6, " 7C.
ti,11:5 Jor.,, - ;~
ter t The c,:)n?I11uatj0, rill", th"
ticas cal', I - - 0.f
,,(. ru of tlsj ,
thcip Itso cc)l.-, -n
P :-On(Ice, -L
0 1' ho 1 0-
'' 1~11,nff I
conos r"h1ch 0~-11-1t]Y hirjjor yj(
obt,,11TIOCI ""t'1011t the C1
S 2-13
0LijTD/ctjj-b:Lv,,~t:~cj 11"rits. Tocjjnjc~q
.Wts. oil
Sul""T Bo;irliv-
1J)s Jour Iluf Zhur-Biol. I Plantj.
10 159 1.950, 6 3 3 1, Ir
'Is() 011' eith,r su)-Dl6nant,~-ry :L,,tbor i1oz.
Cinl "Ik~,'!Suros of""111Y IcilIC. 14210n haps
[~rol* ;xi on hangjr1,',' lllclino('l supports t:"(,,. hi-lic.)st
Yiclds Laro obt,-lin-,d In such insta I -" c
'Gh,j Su~ ports -very slcLntQ(j "Cos 'zl v-111i h
D. (Up -MCI
C,irc 3/3
1 U 13 IF--
POLAND cultivated Plants. Plants for Technic
oil plants. Sugar Plants.
Abstract Experiments in 1952-1955 Indicated that the
planting of hops by rhizomes gives 90,dit, by the
peduncles of the stalk above the ground with
one or two pairs of eyes - 89%; by the shoots
- 61c,~; and by the peduncles of the green
hopbines - 25% of the plants that had taken
root. These planting mothoda parialt to
Card 1/2
13 9
Abs Jour Ref zhur - Biologiyaj No 6, 1959p No. 25009
Author Zubl-L.
Inat Not given n of HopB by the
Title An Accelerated Propagatio
Vegetative Method
orig Pub Roczn. nauk rolniczych, 1957, A76, No 1%
POLWWD / Cultivated Plants. Plants fox, TochnieRl Ua-3, K
Oil Plants& Sugar Plante.
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiyat No 6p 1959, No. 25009
accelerate the Propagation of the hops'
valuable clones, under conditions of trano-
planting the stock into hotbeds or hothouses.
The stalk peduncles above ground produced
good results also at the Immediate planting
in nurseries. The peduncles of the green
hopbInes must be taken from the middle part
of the bine; that is, from the 3rd to tho
5th internodal space. On heavy soils, root-
taking is weaker than on light soils.
G. Yu. Dinesman
Card 2/2
ZUB, laon___-- .
Ptes6ht state and organization of b6p gkwing In Jugoslula. Postopy
nauk roln 8 no.14:121-130 Jl-Ag 161.
1, Insty-tut Upravy, Nawomenia i Gleboxnawat,,m, Pulasr~, ,
POLAND / Cultivated Plants. Plants for Technical Use.
Oil Plants. Sugar Plants,
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 6, 1959, No. 425008
Author :
Inst :Not given
Title :Productivity of the Hops Selected by the
Pulaw Institute of Selection and Acclimation
of Plants
Orig Pub :Roczn. nauk rolniczyoho 1.057, A76 iio 1.
Abstract :The study In 1951-1955 of the hops,' alones,
selected by the Pulaw Institute of Solection
and Acclimation of Plants, indicated that
it is distinguished from the usual population
by an increased harvest and content of
resins, a better equalization of, the cones
Card 1/2
POLUID / Chomical TechnolW) Chomioal1wducts ani Their H-27
Application* Fomentation Induotr7a
Abek Jour : Rof Zbm - Xhimiya, go 5., 17.39., Ito. 17230
Author - Zub L.
Inst 1~tl-
Title : Technological -Evaluation of Polish Hops Qwalty
Orig Pub :Przem. spozywozy.. 1958, 12, No 6, 230-234
Abstract :Presented are analpos of hoW obtained ftom varims
locallties in the past 7 years* The evalvation vas
conducted on the basis 100% grading systento 50trj was
attributed to orgenoleptic wasuremouts, 30 to. mechanical
and 20% to chemical 7opertiou., Comparism, of the
obtained data with the analysoo of Ozoohwlovakimn, Gormn,
Soviet, and Yugoslavian hops has astablialwd that Polish
hope), on the basis of resim amtont occupies the first
place; based on the contont of soft resin13 It In superior
Card 1/2
The influence of the temperature of dryine hops upon the soft resin content. P. 31.
(M-Z~4-176L Vol- 11~ No- Io Jan- 1957, Warszawa~ Polan,-:.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (MiL) Lc. iol-6.i No. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
'11''; 1111IFF 11FII 1"1' 11 Wi
NOSYREVO B.A.1 dotsorl"; ZUB, II.P.0 lnzh.
........ ..
Losses in air ducts and means of improving the ductins'.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.tgor.zhur. 7 no. 1:146-149 '64- (MIRA 17:0
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy Inatitut imeni V.V.Vakhriiahova. Re-
kamendovann kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki.
ZUB. gornyy insh. (Alma~Ata); SIKORSKAYA, K.A., gOrW luoh.
"Methods of determining the performance of "Donbans" cutter-loader84
by I.14.Efromov, Reviewed by M.P.Zub, X.A.Sikorakala. Ugoll 34
no-12:55 D 159- (MINA 13:10
(Coal mining machinery)
(Eframov. I.H.)
ENO Of th; lOngth of the atc-imirig o-P tha bo-ehala charvi
ort the resull-,s of the broaking of the rook bir blaat-ing, )Mlnfl~4
strai. 15 no.4-.25-27 Ap '65. (I-FIFA 18. e-1
1. Nachallnik opetziallnoC,,i u,;r_--Lv]c-n1ya No.77 tresta Transvzr-jv-
pr om.
TMUTA . N.U. . kand.. tekhn. nauki ZUB, H, 1. , in2h.; SIMKO,, A.Y.) lamb.
, - ;;z-
Productivity and optimum depth of drilling halas with drillizg~
rigs equipped with sinker air hammers in open-pit iiine working$.
IzV. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur. 6 no.6:88-92 16~. (MIPA 16t8)
1. Ukrainskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy,l proyektayy inatitut
(for Turuta). 2. Spetsialltirovannoye upravleniye No.77
Transvzryvproma (for Zub, Bruyakin),
(Boring machinery)
gecurin& the minimal ylqld of civerslawl qwe iii gxanita quarrieIR,
Gor. zhur. no# 605-37 Ja 061. (MIPA ~4tQ
1. Nachallnik Ukrzheldorvzryvprc"a Myr?). -
(Granita) (Quarries and quaxvying)
Construction of precast reedwork houses. Sell.atrot. 15 no.9;
9 S 160. (MMA 11:0
1. Starshiy Drora.b Baklushevskogo sovkhoza Ilovasibirskoy oblauti
(Dovollnoyo Dintrict-Reed (BoW7))
ZUBA-JHEVA, K.P. (Moskva); MT TROHIN, V.T. Obskva)
Selecting the number of ubeel blades for a aintripvUl turbine.
Izv~Afl SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.6147-5-1 N-D
,61. (KIRA 14:11)
(Gas turbines-alades)
ITiphatic reaction In scarlet fever. Pedistrila 40 no-1:70-72
ja 157. (MIRA 10:10)
1. Iz 1-y Thtltaekny detakcy Infriktsiormoy 'hollnitay (glevmyy vrech
D.Yu.Yeshvili. wt.,chnyy zav. Infekt9l.moy kafedroy
pediatricheskogo fakullteta Thilluskcg,~ medituinskogn instltt~ta
orof. V-A.Memsadze)
Influence of contact with a wettable ourface cai the aejtivit7 of
pi~qthrombin. Vop. med. khim. 6 no-3:272-274 My-Je 'R).
(DIIPA 14:3)
1. Wedra farmakologii Kazwwkdgo gosudaxstveimogo maditsinskop
of interoc'eptors in the regulation of blood coaggalatlon.
Report No*2: Role of vancular receptor zones of the carotid sinus
and of the aorta in acdelarating blood coagulation -in Acute blood
lose [with summary in incliahl. Muloekapabiol.0 i med. 44 no.11:
48-52 19'57 OMA 11:11)
l' Is kafedry patologicheakoy fisiologil Knznnjjkogo tooditsinijkPgo
;;stituta. Predstavlens deyetvitellnym chlenain AM SSSR V*V. PariNlrm;
(AVEMIA; experimental,
off. of otimulation of carotid ainue & aortn on blood
coagulation (Rus))
eff. of stimulation of carotid sinut & aorta on blood
coagulation (Rua))
(GAROTID SIIRJS* physiology
eff, of stimulation of cnroti