ZSIG14M Andras; GRYLLUS, Vilmoene
--- I
A new type countercurrent ion excimnge eolu=. Walm irgir 17
no.6:169-176 Je T63.
1. Cukoripari. Kutato Intezet.
ZSIGMOND, Andras; GRYLLUS, Vilmosne; MGM, Karoly-ne, dr.
Application of ion-exchnnging "Ub3t11nCf33 In the Hiingarkin
food industry. Pt.2. Flelm ipar 19 no,3:65-71 Hr 165.
1. Hungarian Smar Indastry Ret3earch Instltut,~, 1:00,tprsst.
P HAI 11M :11 11111 IIUF~11:~
~IZSIGIIIOP,,.,~qp a filorofiai tudomanyok kandidatuna
"Scientific definition" by GyorJ7 Tanas. Reviewd by Lim It. Zsignond.
I.I.agy tud 69 no.ll,.738-739 N 162.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Filozofiai Intezeto tudos=yos
1 : P z 4 t , .., I I I. . I I I . . .
. .1 1
Evaluation of plastics from the point of view of good hygriom,
Llelm ipar 17 noo3t93-99 kr 163,
E,lelmiszeripari Szolgaltato Troazto
11- . z,.-- --, .. ~-- I'll i--L, ~111,-, -
Perspectives for
industry. Elelm
applying plastic materials in the food
ipar 18 no.100111-316 0 164.
8105816P100010 11 /006/06 1,
AUTHOR: Zsigmond, Gyorgy
TTTT,E: Multivhannel hodoscopa
PERIODTCAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, FIzIka, no ' 116 1962,
ab5tract 111348 ("Magyar tud. akad. Kozj), fiz. kutatb int.
1961, v. 9, no. 5 - 6, 357 - 367, VI, X1, Hungarian; summariem,
In Russian, English)
TEXT; The author describes a hodoscope aystent for Wvestigatine, romplo.
rays. The systein comprisen three iundamental parts-, -a con-l-ro.1 ("!vc1lit, it fwdo-
scope coincidence circuit and a recording part, The coin(-',rence of Pulses,trom.
a Geiger counter and of a master pulse front the control part is recorded ~y the
hodoscope coincidence circuit. A pulse from -the coincidenim circuit throtzrh g
trigger on a cold cathode tube caunes the ignition of Pt nqir)n Lvip In the vil-
cording part which Is photographed. The number of channel4; of t~'.#-! arvWnmF1nt
Is chosen according to the necessity up to 200, for example.
FAbstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
ZSIGMQND,Itvtvan (Veeses, Voroshadaereg utja 190); TUAPCSIK, Janos
(Monorp Petoft u.1); TOTH, Zoltan (Budapest X111., hikoczi
u,12S)j SZALAI, Janos (Stecaeny)
Motorists' letters. Auto motor 15 no.110 6 Je '62,
1. Jarasi foallatorves (for Szalai),
A rapid micromethod for the determination of nicotine. liaerletse
Orvostud. 11 no-5036-539 0 '59.
1. Debreceni Orvostudamnyl Egretem IgazeagWi Orvoet-ani
ARVAT, Sandar, dr.; KOVACS, Nagy, ZSIG-MOM), dr.; NAGY. Tamas, dr.
Effects of stress on the functlon and morphologicol conditions of
the ovaries. Mpg7. noorv. lap. 19 n0-3,139-150 14sty 56.
1. A Debrecani Orvostud. Baetem Szuleszetl es Noggogramcati
klinikaj. Iga;. Arvay, Sandor, dr. egyateml tanar, as Ijr,&uo&gWi
Orvostani Intozatenek (tgazgato: Okros, Sandar, 4r. ar "M aur
gst I t
(OVARIES. physiol.
off. of exper. stress on funct. & morpbol. in rate (Hun))
off. on ovarian funct. & morphol. in rate (Hun))
)1 11 ij w J$ i1j;1M
A, a C. a cl.,11-1 A 8 It 4 0, 1 f M., N-L, 1.1-0 M
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