%irrsark on a theorem of Hao Vang. Alg. I lag,, 2 noolj'A3-15 t6J
'~mr, i8..-L)
L.A, . 0.N.; KU-1-1ZHIYEV N,Kh.; T-;EFF,;Kl'vl, A -
ZMN~ y I I.D.
W.)rk practices of meat, udlkp and food lnvfv-,~nlon stations.
VoterinarlAa 42 no,7;97-..98 T.L 165. Mfl-L-1 18:9)
Selection of antibiotiog In the treatment of TriedIfinder In pueu.monia.
Antibiotiki 4 uQ.5s66-70 S-0 159. (KIRA 13:2)
1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. P.H.~Xanhkln) 4ningradakogo
ordens Lenina,inatitut$L usoveriahenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova,
(AST ID IOT IC 8 ther.
(VXCUX6XTA ther.)
ZYKIN, L. F., Cand Med Sci (diss) -- "The effect of antibiot'les on Frle~dlaen-
der's bacillus (Klebelella pnewnonlae)". Lenimrad, 1060. 12 pp (Lenim-rad
Stat~! Order of Lmin Inst for the Advanced Training, of Physicians im S. M.
Kirov), 250 coPles (KL, 1,10 14, 1960, 137)
Tathogenic . wariability of KI pneumoniae under the 'Innuence: of
antibiotics. Antibiotiki 6 no*4:3$6-359 Ap 161. (M:EFA 14:5)
1. Wedra mi-- obiologii (zav. prof. P.N.Kashkin) Leningradakogo
instituta dlya usavershenstvovaiiiya vradh imeni S.M.Xirova.
17(2) sbv/16-59-9-13/47
TITLE: On the Microbiology of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Priedlaenderi
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiblogii, 1959, Nr 9,
pp 61-65 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author embarked on a study of the properties of:Klebsiella pneumoniae,
i.e.. morphological, cultural and biochemical featur4s j and its sensitivi-
ty to antibiotics. Strains isolated from 42 patients undergoing treat-
ment at the Leningradskiy institut usovershenstvovandya vrachey,(Post-
graduate Medical Institute), Leningrad, and at the Infektsionnaya. Boll-
nitsa imeni Botkina (Infectious Diseases Hospital imeni Botkin)-were
studied. In 5 caBes Kl. pneumoniae was the~etlologiaal agent of pneu-
monia while in the remaining cases it was concomitant to the main dis-
ease. The author stresses the point that before correct treatment can
be given for pneumonia, t is necessary to iden .tify the agent and distin-
guish Kl. pneuironiae from Pneumooocaus, In ldentlfylng K1. pneumonia,
besides the main morphological symptoms, the following tests can be of
assistance: reaction with methyl red, the Foges-Proskauera reaction,
Card 1/2 assimilation of sodium citrate and the absence of indologenesis, In the
On the Microbiology of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Friedlaenderi sov/16-59-9-13/4T
course of the article the author refers to previous work by N.A.
KrasiltnikoV, V.D. Shtiben, I.K. Babich, B.Ya,, El'bert and Z.L.
GoIlzand. Testing the effect of antibiotioson KI., pneumoniae, the
author found that, antibiotics act mainly bact Iorioidally, which aar6es
with the findings of Yu.O. Sazykin, O.K. Rossolimo.and S,P, Sbapova-
lova. Kl. pneumoniae proved most sensitive towards streptomycin, coli-
mycin and levomycetin, moderately sensitive toward6 tetracycline and
insensitive to erythromycin.
There are 3 tables and 16 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 4 Scan-
dinavian, 2 English and 1 unidentified.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra mikrobiologii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo orden'a Len.ina
instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey Imeni Kirova~(Department of
Microbiology at the Leningrad State Order of Lenin,Postgraduate Medical
Institute imeni Kirov)
In vitro self~ct~on of variants with vavcAnnl, j~TClj')0'UC.1 from
virulent stra'.lns of Pas"~urella pestis. Zhur. raikrobiol.,
epid. i imnam. 42 no.6464-68 '65. OMIRA 18:9),.
protAvochutrawy inst-Atift
Nocardiosis; survey of the literature. Vest.derm.i Ven. 35
no.5:25-31 162. (KMA 15:5)
1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii i mikoligicheskoyJabordtorii (zav.~ -
zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki P.N. Kaabkin) Leuingrad.9k.0go imtituta
usovershenstwovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova.0
wow.. M&
r-L 14239-6&
1ACCE8SION NR: AT5007975 S/0000/64/00/000/~0~9/11052
TITLE: Microtron *th largo cur"at
d X:
Dubna, 1~o.
!SOURCE: ;nternitional Conference on Hi0i EaprZZ A~ce ~ALtRvl-_
Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964z Noli�~-Iov
TOPIC,TAGS4 high energy acceleria ectron.'accele r, oloctron b
STRACT: The present report ex0o ds the' principal: ~Oiults lifiich have! been ob-
AD tin
e g~%, of of
tained in recent years in the,,study and d si icr6trons ~at the Insiltil
Ph s
cal Problems im. S. K. Vavilovj A of SlAeOde,), SSS , and disciissesithe
type, the o'ron
of a cr
principal- properties an 1y
did not attract great attention as an electron accelerator, iqlainly by vl~tue 0
the small beam intensity which is obtained by this type of adcolerator. liow~ver,:.~
works conducted in the physical laborato : of the mentioned institute have Idd to.:J-
new methods for the introduction of electronn into the 414cbele~,ration regl~e a~d
have thus opened an approach to the now development of this a~teAlerato (I(apitsa
S. P.; Bykov, V, P.; Melekhin, V. N, MEV,' 'Ill 360 (1961)). thila basts for t1j
erfection of the microtron is the appli.c.atiaki of reson'Ifitors of plane q~llnd.lcal
I-L 4239-66
'or rectangular form, in which fields of the type E010:6d E011, respectivilly are
excited. Electron emission ordinarily occurs directly under the action of the
which in ar-
electrical super-high frequency field of the resonator with vnitter,
ranged an the plane wall of the resonator on the side from the passage apertures
Entrapment of the electrons Into the microtron acceleration regime can occur in
several wa s, designated trajectories of the first and sacotWq types. During so-
celeration in the first regime, in which the cathode Is situlIed approxinately at
half of the radius of the resonator, an electron acquires en(jr1W around AE ~, mc2
at each passage through the flight interval. The precise value of the ener
gy is
determined by the value of the magnetic field, move coilrectly by the ratio of the
magnetic field to its cyclotron value 9 :3 2nmc2 , ror given geometry this ratio
0 = H/Ho can vary within wide limitd (OA < 0 < 1,6)0thus Imirmitting continuous
ivariation of the energy at output from, the machino up to double, with unirariod po-
sition and number of orbits. In the second regime tha cathode is placed clolie to
the resonator axis and the electron increases its energy by 6E % 2mc2 for oath pas-
sage through the flight interval. The dimensions of tha resanator, position of
the emittqr and the fraction of particles entrapped Into the arcGleration rej;ime
lCard 2/3
L -66
are determined,on the basis of- n6o'rical Olcujations~ t4hid. 'i 370' corj)arl"n
with linear accelerators, the incomparabli advantage of the mtriotron Is its ~im-
11plicity, especially of Its high-frequency part. I" the microlrt~n atie can apply
self-exciting nonreconstructed magnetrons which are distinguitthad by Gimplizity
and reliability along with excellent effectiveness. ft^aapecta tire good for the
applicetion of powerful super-high frequency accelerators, particularly magnetron
ones, whose feedback circuit is closed through the accaloratov. vesonator;* At the
current lavel of technical de"lopment of continuous sup-tiv-high frequency genmra-
tion, prospects are also very good for the construttion of ecritinuous-action nticro-1;
trons with beam power in the tens of kilowatts. Orig. art. hew. 2 Ugurqs.
P, Ovslitutal*
iASSQCIATIOH* Inatitut fizicheskikh problem imeni 9. K. Vavilovdi AN SSS
iof Physical Problems, AN GSGR)
SUBMI77ED: 2614ay64 1A, I P
-['Card 3/3,-
ZYKIN, 11. A. - "Synovi.11 Vaginitis and Mucous Pouches of the Pelvic Extremity of
Horses." Min ot Higher E-duention USSR, Kirov AgriculturA Inst, Kirov, 1955
(Dissertations for Degroo of Candidate of VeterinarylSciobnces)
SO: Knizhnaya Let02is' No. 26, June 1955, Moscow
2. U.S.SR (600)
h. Physical Instruments
7. Aerodynamic balance and tube, Fiz. v shkole No. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Libra of Congress, Aprjl 1.953, Uncl.'O
-4tall fildtkmdc
OL4~4 W"
Nauchnoye soveshchanlye po teplovym napryazheniyarn v elementakh turb0imasnin.
2d, Kiyev, 1961.
Teplovyye napryazhenlya v elementakh turbomashin; dbklady nauchnogo soveshch-
a n I y a., vyp. 2 (Thermal Stresses in Turbomachine Parts; Reports of the Sci-
entific Conference. no. 2). Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962. 174 p. 1000
copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Inatitut me.khaniki.
Reap. Ed.: A. D. Kovalenko, Academician, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; Ed.:
T. K. Remennik; Tech. Ed.: A. M. Lisovete.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for scientific workers and tur-
bine designers.
Card 116
7"hermal Stresses (Cont. SOVIS088
COVERAGE: The'book contains 18 articles dealing with Investigations cohnectett-
with thermal stresses In turbine components. Individual articles discuss ther-
moelasticity, thermoplasticity, thermal conductivity, and temperature fields.
No personalities are mebtioned. References accompany 17 articles. The con-
ference recommended broadening the theoretical and experimental investigations
of aerothe rmo elastic and aerothermoplastic problems, the development of Invesi-
tiga-tions of general problems of the theory of thermoelasticity and thermoplas-
ticity based on the thermodynamic principles of reversible and nonreversible
processes, the development of effective calculation methods for thermal stresses
taking Into account plastic deformations and creep in thin- and thick-walled struc
tural members under stationary and nonstationary operating. cofiditiona, the, de-
velopment of experlmental-research. methods for thermometry nnd tensiometry in
cdnne6tion with modern operational conditions of mechanical str~cturesj and the
broadening of Investigations of problems in the thermostrength of atructureo,
especially of those operating under conditions of frequent and sh~rptemperature.,
Card 2/6
Thermal Stresses (Cont. SOV/6086
Shevchenko, Yu. N. (Kiyev]. Application of the Theorem of Reciprocity
of Work to the Investigation of Elastic-Plastic Problerns 62
Shevchenko, Yu. N. IKiyev). State of Stress of Rapidly-Rotating Non-
uniformly Heated Disks Under Power-Law Plasticity Conditions With
Strain~ Hardehing 75
S. , and Zyki [Moscow].
Vollmir, A. ~E_ ~C O;G Z y:k Stability "in the Large" of
Shells Under Creep Con i ions
Podstrigach, Ya. S. , and V. Yu. Kruchkevich (L1vovj. On the Effect of
Inertial Forces on the State of Stress Caused by Periodic Changes in the,
Temperature Field 90
Komarov, G. N. , Z. D. Kostyuk, M, B. Ustinovskiy, and G. A.. Tablyeva
[Kiyev]. Measuring Temperatures and Deformations in a Aledium-Thick
Disk '97
Card 4/6
361 -21E ILG AT
U 0057/
9/1 ST
d~~ 9
Xenko i J3. P. Lato k0, Yoe Zilkind
Investigation of the polarizat iom~ of 4 plasma, b*vlcg t.n a 0 icO Mg-
netic field
SONCE. Zhurnal takhnicheskay ftxild,~v. 45l rto. 9 0
TOPIC TAGS: inhoweencous plasmap alectrio4i4ld, toro4al gaip'z~$tryj lovs4tudlual
magnetic field, helical magnetic field
AsSTRACT: The authors have invest~~gated thei, atfact; of: dlg'addlii~*&l tripl~'heii-
cal magnetic field on the polarization of ~: ~lasmias m6vi~g !in aio~oidal atagn'ati~
Ield. The longitudinal magnatlc~.fieldl_(,
u~ to 200 kA/m) j* ptoduced in ~~&L4 cia
radius Va-shsped 'copper; drift tube. by suitable windiap, po~ared!with~ dc ga~~rgltbrs.
The,large radius of the toroidal section ot the drift tube was 42 om~ and tfib 1
ed ;
straight legs were 80 cu'long. The helical field was produc Nr a 134 cialreck-
procal pitch '6.4 -eta radius triple helical viindlog cmrryInj; curreitts up to' kk
Plaamm with ion densities exceedLag 1013 60-3 were lnj~dt at 6mi and by M, conical
plasma gun. The, electric (polarlmdtIon) field, In tue p1glolfts vein measured, 11th I a
plame probe at the exit from the toroidal probe doUld be roiitedjin'
sectionj this
L ~3'6_1_2____._ .....
ACUSS ION M AP3024035.
azimuth in..order accurately to determine. the direatioll 6f the arizatio'nV J1.
the absence of the helical field,the polaiizdtlon -46 alel
f eA whom the, longitultnal field ad rev4ia~: lit in
0 w this bo WQ64 eiat
with theory (N. A. KhIzhnyak. Pikikft 0 atay I problainy t
pr~ lonlj,ar ornojade UO&O
sintece, No. 4, Ud. AN USSR, Kiyev, 2962),, Applicaitioa of thd helical fAl Id 41 Id
7- -not decrease ther polarization bkjt~ k-ostated. Its *direction! illio,44 an~attgle p~treij_
ponding to the rotation of the lines of f oice; this;rot'Otion W~s x13 radians when
the longitudinal field strength wis 160 kVA ond the cuitent in the helic4twiid-
Ing was 3 kA. th
The density of the plasmas it e exit fic4s the ~tdroidal sq.,-tion
was measured with a screened probe. In thei absence of ih,0:he!1ca1 field i;k~ pias-
ma density was approximately 8 r. 1010 cm-3 'vhen the lo4itudinjil f leld st6agdt
was 40 rcA/m ard 0 x 1011 am;3 whom tho longitudinal tiold atrengib was 201wal.
Application of the helical fleld (vhan the longitudinal Acild w4w 56 Wm~,in-!i
creased the plasma density at, the exit -f rout the toroidal Onctloin by as ~=i as, a
factor 10. This Increase was irrefter for the slower componento of the plaoma
burst than for the faster cotapanants. Orig. art. has: I torumas,AW 8 figures'l
O(O~ 02
ZYKIN, V. 11.
Karadzhic, Vuk Stefanovic
Unpublished letters of Vuk Karadshic and F.Y. Litke. VJI. Zykin. Izv. Vses. geog.
obshch., 84, no. 1, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. UNCLAMFIED
Using small boring bits at the "Khrustalinyi." mine. Blul.
tekh.-ekon. inform. Goa. nauch.-issl. inst. hauch., i tekh.
Worm. 18 no.2:21-22 F 165. (14111A 18 - 5)
ZYKINA. E.A. -rdlovsk
Case of excessive reactivity~to tularemia vaccination.
Vrach. delo no.2:143-14,4 F 162. (KRA 15 t 3)
1. Kafedra infdktsionnykh bolezney (zav. dotsent A.I.
Kotev) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituttL.
'Developmmnt of febrile reactions during Injection of pyrogenous~ tub-~-
stances into the normal and defarentectamized eAremitlea. Fiziol.
2h-S3SR 37 no.2:186-194 Mar-Apr 51. (CLML 21:1)~
1. Laboratory of Pathological Physiology, Leningrad Institute for
Prostheses, and the Department of Pathological Physiology, Mili-
tary Medical Academy imeni S.M.Kirov.
Importance of.water-faator in the distribution ottularemia
ln.Altai Territory. Trudy Tom N17VS 12:48-52 t6O
(MIRA 16:11)
1. Altayskaya krayevaya.sanitarnc>-epidemiologichookaya stan-
I I I T 1
3-N111,111flill I
IM I it P I tilit L I ft~~ ti Ill 1WHIM-111. I I F, P1 I IE I I
Result of mass use with humnn subjects of dry tularemin vaccine
prepared from restored Gaiskii No.15 And Emelinnovn No.155 strains.
Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. I immun. 29 no.1152-_57 Mr 1519. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz Institutn epidemiologii i mikrobiologii Imeni Gamnlei IMN SSSR,
Voronezhakoy, Stalingradskoy, Moskovskov., Tullskoy oblnntnykh, Altnyskoy
kra.yevoy sanitarno-epidemiologichoskikh stnntaii i Omskogo institute
epidemiologii i mikrobiologii.
(TULAREMIA, immunology,
vaccine, dry from Gaiakii's No.15 Emelimnovnls No,155
strains, mass application (Rus)
Using the hot product pouring method for canning tomalto paste
In three-liter containers, Kons,i ovpprom, .18 no,5tl&.20 My
163, WM 164)
1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheakiy inatitut pishchavoy I
kholodillnoy proryahlennosti.
(Tomatoes, Canned)
i-- w---n
Thermoregulatory changes daring mancle work In febrile dogs. Pat.
fiziol. I eksp. terap. 3 no.3:41-47 Yv-Je 159. (MIRA 12:7)
1, Iz kafedry obshchey patologii (zav. - chUn-korrespondent AMU SSSR
prof. P.N. Veselkin) Loningradskogo ordena Lenina, instituta. usovershen-
stvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova.
thermoregulation changes in febrile dogs daring exeraise
(BURCIS3, eff.
on thermoregalation in febrile dogs (Rua))
31 .1 WHIM
itil.,crum. musci.ps. SkIN, SUB-
FEVE It (Russian text) - Zykin a -G ram en,itsk a E S F m the
J,. ,,r
.Vmposium-. FIZIOL. NI ia ~.a ~LIKMitkDs K !&-.ff - W taiNledgiz,
Leningrad) 1957 (64-74)
After s.c. injections of cultures of.killed Bacillus mesentericus into-dogs, the
rectal temperature started to rise after 1-2 hr.. and reached its maximum in the
3rd hr., the rise measuring 0.8-1.81. The rise of muscle and s.c. cell ular tissue
temperature began somewhat later. and the degree of rise was smaller (0.5-1.51).
The skin temperature underwent considerable fluctuations during the development
or febrile reaction (Fit), decreasing noticeably after the injection of the oacterial
cultures and prior to the maximal rise of the rectal temperature. The,brain
temperature rose simultaneously with rectal temperature, but to a lesser degree.
A preliminary Injection of I g. NaBr diminished Fit sharply, while the Injection of
0.01 g. phenamine (amphetamine) intensified it. The part played by muscles in
generating heat is insignificant in bacterial Fit, and also generally in aj rise of
temperature due to Increase of thermoproduction.
U.S.S.R. Human and Animal Physiology, Thermoreg- T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22023.
Author : - ramenitskaya E. S.
Inst :Not given.
Title Temperature Changes of the Rectum, Muscles, Skin,
SuboutanGous Tissue and Brain in Experimental
Orig Pub: Fisiol. mekhanismy liknordochn reakeii, L.,
Medgiz 1957, 64-74.
Abstract: Following subcutaneous injection in dogs of killed
cultures of Bacillus Mesentericus, the elevation
of the rectal temperature appeared1within one-
two hours and reached a maximum in~the third hour,
being of 0.8-1.80 0. The temperature elevation
of the muscle and subcutaneous tissue appeared
Card 1/2 33
U.S.S.R. / Human and Animal Physiology. Thermoregu- T
Abs Tour: Ref Zhut-Biol.i No,5-, 1956, 22023..
Abstract: somewhat later and was of a lesser degree
(0.5-1.50 C.) In the course of the d6velopment
of the febrile reaction (FR) the skin tempera-
ture fluctuated considerably, dropping markedly
after the injection of the bacterial culture
and before the maximal elevation of the rectal
temperature. The F.R. was sharply reduced by
previous injection of lgm of sodium bromide and
intensified by injection of 0.01 of Phenamine.
The role of the muscles in heat production is
negligible bacterial F.R. as well as generally
in temperature elevations conditioned by in-
creasing heat production.
Card 2/2
U.S.S.R. Human and Animal Physiology. Thermoreg- T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 220266
Author Veselkin_PI.N;.`. ~ai_n_a_
Inst Not given.
Title The Role, 'of the Prinoipie~~Va~o'dler Retlexo!-
genia:Areasin the Ddvelopment:ot, Febrile Re-
Orig Pub: Fisiol-.-mekhanismy iik~oradochn~r6akcii, L.1
Medgiz, .1957,. 1251~134.
Abstract: The intravenovis,'injeotion in r6bbits'.of a:cul-
ture -of -Ba'ooilu,s MesdiaterioUs if 6iled ~ to pro-
duce~a Febriie Reaction,(F~R.).following~the
bi-lateral resectioa~of the'sin-barotid areas,
of carotid art6riesb the-injeotion of,the.cul-
ture before the roseetibn pi6dUo6d atiaotioe-.
able elevation of body itemporatwte. ' The rein-
Card 1/2
- ---------
%YKL, Z.
Jet fi&hters. p. 243-
Vol. 2, no. 11, May 1953
Praha, Czechoslovakia
So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April IZ6
I M0460449mm In
f I I Fill I IIII I Ill I i I
Aq ZjPMj A.,-.kand.ekonomicheakikh nauk
More efficient,, simpler and faster methods; tak1W inventory of capital
assets, articles of small value., and rapidly deterlaratLeg xi&terials.
Obahchestv.pit. no.103-55 Ja 163* 3.634)
1. Glavnyy bukhgaltm--r tresta~st*ovykh Vyborgskop rayona LeniWada, (for
(Rest*raata,, lunchrooms, ete,-Aacounting)
Internal commerce in China and its socialist transformations.
Sov.torg. n0-10:35-39 0 156. 1(NLRA 9:12)
ZYKOV Aa, kand. ekonom. nauk (Leningrad)
Efficient method of acoaunting for merchandlea in onack bars.
Obshchestv. pit. no.4246-48 Ap 163. OMA i6;6)
(Restaurantap lunchrooms, etc.-Adcounting)
11111HIM RIM PIP., W-MM11 Warqii,41 "11.11
Cand. Technical Scl.
Mbr., Gorlkly Ind. Inst., -cl948-.
"Analysis of a Technological Process by use of,Mathe-
matical Statistics, 11 Avto. i Trak. Prom.,, No. 5, 1948;
"Statistical Methods of Technological Analysis of Fro-
duction," Vest. Mashinostroy, No. 7,, 1948;
"Some Properties of Linear Complexes," Matemat. Sbor.,
24, No. 2, 1949 (Moscow, 1947).
movp A. A*
Statisticheskie Metody Tekholoolcheskogo Analiza Droizovdst,va.
Vestnik lbshinosllrer,iya, 191,8, No. 7, a. 52-59.-Bibliogr:,: 5 Nam
SO: IETOPIS NO. 30, 1948
ZYKOV, A. A. -- "ClarificaLion of the Problem of Solvabilit~ In the Calculuja
of Logic." Sub 5 Mar 52, Sci Res Inst of Mechanics and MatheraticbV
Moscow Order of Lenin U imeni H. V. Lomonosov. (Dissertation for the
Degree of Candidate in Physicomatheinatical Sciences).
SO: VechernVa. Moskva January-Deceriber 1952
kykov~& A. the etteaded
14 No. 10
T -_ pieilafe
Itmflya Akad, Nauk SSSR. Sm
November 1953 J
Mat. 17, W76 (1953). (RuWan)
FoundatioUll., In the restricted predicate cakulus with equality Etall
P1 in this review] the "tpectrurn" of a' lotilnula N Is the il
7*(W) of cardinal numbers suclit that U holds In a field of
a a field of
objects M if and only If the cardinal of M Is in.F(W). Ii
follows from LdwenheWe ThLo'rern that only spectra whow
members do not,exceed Me need be considered in_P1,,Ther*
is no an.
alogue of Lftenhelm's Theorem lit d I
en et
Calculus", P1, Le., the predicate- calculus with predicate-
and object-quantifiers, and htnce there lo.no universal
upper bound for the set:s TM. 7he author considers that,
on this account, the set-theoreik anthrionles, prevent the
above definition of the spectrum from Chig ta KM
It stands into P2; and that the ~ay out finin
~11 yde
ardinal r, as "the set of ca
for a given c, no
r such that . . . etc." Is unsatlsfactor~. lie Is therefore
preparing to give another defililtion. 17he "ent I)ifxr .."I
contains the proofs of three pmoitratory thOMMS (but
the definitidn). Thearem. 1. Every' 7ormuk ofP2 In
mous" with another In prenex f6rn In which all predicate-
luantifiers precede all object ~1 In CM
quit tIfi IICM ,SyIJoIJY*
mdus" tneiri3 takli!t1he same trOth-value in all syglit. (Ing
of the prefix, briefly the
te-variable part
prefix, condsts of alternate blocIm or consecutive 3 and V
a if says that if there are I of,theso
quantifiers. Theorer
blockst there Is a synonymous formula whose p-prefix col
tains I blocks, each containing only one quantifier.'r6oren q..
M. Let It be a formula of P2 with no free variables, Ond I
the maximum number of object-variable-places or~ any
redicate-variable of W. Then there ex ts a prenex fonnulj
Q are re
of P2, whose g-prefix is 3P.VQ, W
spectively I-place and 2-place predicate variables, and V3
holds In fields of cardinal is if anti only if
where 11 holds In fields of cardinal r. #r.
M. 11. A. Newman (Mancheste
Disjortatian: "I nve7i t I ts�ll t I a n of 7--trious Is. -if jc- tn of A~.-!s),mb I y; '2enhnn I ogl o a I An, Lnli an.4
Sci, "onow Order of the
Prodnet-lon 0ontrol 114pann of blathow4tical 4-tti-i3ticu." D- To.-It
D-tbor Red 'laniner llighar Tochnical School. linent 3wmm, 12 jlp~ 7e a he r iWaya Hoakva,
Nloacow, 5 Apr 54)
so: SUM 24,3, 19 ct 1954
16 (1) PHASI I BOOK =PWITATION 30712660
VWWaQr4ZPY7 4At~m&tIQh*akIy Ores& 3rd. Moscow, 19%
TrudY- t. 4t Kratkoya fiodarzhAnly* aaktalann7kh dokl&4*v. Doklady
lno*tru%nykh uchanykh (TransactIons or the 3rd All-Union Mathems-
t1oal Conference in Moscow. v01. at Summary or Sectional Reports.
Reports of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, Xzd-vo AN SM. 1959.
247 9. 2,200 copies printed..,
Sponsoring Agency% Almdealys, wwk SS.116 Katematjoheak17 InOtItUt.
Ta4h. Z4.3. G.N. ftevchanko; 2ditorial Board% A.A. Abramov. Y.G.
Doltyanskiy A,M. Vasil-yev, B.V. Mod"dav, A.D. MY*hkim, S.M.
Nikollskly 13--p. zd.), A.D. F-stniiv. Tu. V. Prokhorov, K.A.
Rybfts kov. P. '. Ullyanow, V.A. Uspenakir, N.G. 0hetarev, 0. ye.
ShIlay, and A.I. Shirwhov.
mar=t Tais boak is intended for =&tb~tici"* and physicists.
COVIMag: The book Is Volume XV of the Transactions of the Third An.
Union WathomatIcal Conference. held In June and July *.W. The
book In arwi-daia in-to iiiw-4;-n-iiii-parts. The first part contains sum-
"PI06 Of the Paper@ presented by Soviet scientists At the Can-
rerence that were not Included In the first two vatumae. The
sswand part contains tna text of reports submitted to the editor
by non4oviot scientists. In tho" cases whon the non-Sovist sci-
ontlet did not submit a copy of his paper to the editor, the title i
of the Paper is ~cited and, If the Vapor w" Printed In a previous
volume, reference in made to the ap7.opriate volume. The papers,
both Soviet and non-3ovlet. cover vaz-Uua topic* In number theory,
alzabrap differentiaJ. and Integral equations. function theory,
functional anslyn2s, probability thar7' 4CDPQIC&7, mathematical
proUlwas of ftechantes and p"sics, computational mathematics,
"thessibleal logic and the foundations of matherAtIcs, and the
history of mathematics.
t-4'Av-(NascOw)- Remarks in 40=0ctlan With reductu=
In logical walyama
XrA rat-al
-11. ~ftr Pu~i Carta-4. prable= or the claselfica-
05 and fcn4tIo.
X-$-_ (Leningrad). Barely NIZ=r1thado operstaro- $T
(Kcacow). - On ta. 97=Mtr7 Of Boolean funOtj,,, sa
11 % 971telas with~ilifznltq induction
Chtrnyavskly, V,3. (Moscow),
on =0 simplification of normal
$00t1oft am Computational Mathe"tus
Camd IT/ 34
TRAUSLATION FRa4.- aeferativur zhurnal, Matematika, 195T, ~'r 1, p 12 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zykov, A. A.
TIM: On One Polynomial Characteristic of Linea C=I!X~13 (Cb~ odnoy
Ma0goclaenn y kbarekteristike lineyqM kmV
FMODICAL: Tr 3-90 Vaea. Matem. S"yezaa, 2, Moscow, AN BSBR, 1956,
py 113-114
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
Card 1/1
_AUVHOR--._ __-=_-Z7 194
TITLE: -ilgebras of complexes. (Algebry komple.ksov).
PERIODICAL:"Matematicheskiy Sbornik" (Mathematical Symposium),
1957, Vol.41k83), No.2, pp-159-176 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: In the first part of the paper is constructed so-
called algebras of complexes (mod n) (l< n