ZY-AT-YOVA, L. K. CLux; Geol-1.1ineval Sci Imi t~f gqola~,.-
geomoil~jl,hololdcal motlious for e-yplainini- ~~he lu.,xil t; txuut~zes
o f the central area of tl,-e 1.1e~i --,,rn Siber-Lan lovilaxid,- Novosibirsk:
1960, 17 pp, 150 cOP (To,,,)sk State U I'm V, Kuyj),,',C~l ev) (U) 4)-60:~117).
fletLod r-ta-w-tur-I cnd goornoryholo-ical in-10:3~."'ations in "ho
central part of the Itost Silborian Plain. Geol. i
,mfiz. no,, L~ -
20 100, (UP-11 14:2)
81'birt;ko~lo olldeleniya AIT ss$R1
1. InAitut 1-eolo.-ii i
("IcA Slb~uian !'lain--r,,colc:,Yp 3tructurul~
ZYATIKOVA. Luiza Konstantinovna,- NIKOLAYEV, V*Ao 1, kand.geol.-mineral* nauko
ALEKSANDROVSKIY, B.14.p red*; LOKSHINA, O,A., tekhn'.0red,
[Geological and geamorphological.-mothods of detecting local struc-
tures, the central part of the West Siberian Plain.j Gevlogo~-gao-
morfologichookie metody vyiavleniia IftalInyich struktur; tsentralt-
naia chast' Zapadn~ibirskoi ni=ennesti* Novosibirsk., Izd-Vo S1-
birskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1961* 76 pa (Akademiia nauk SSSR.:Sibirs-
koe otdelenie. Institut geologii i geofizW- Tradyp no..3,4)
(;UR.k* 16:9)
KARPOV, Boris Dmitri-yevich; ZYATYUSHKOV, A.I., red.; LEBEDEVA,
G. T. , tekhn. red.
[Work hygiene in industrial painting] GigjarjA truda pri
mallarnykh rabotakh. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. M p.
(MI11A 16t11)
(Painting, Industrial--Safety measures)
BURLOVA, Lidiya Ynkovlevna; LEBEDEVA,Alekoandra Filippovna; TARASOVAP AMa
Vladimirovnao- ZYATYTJSHKOVA. I. red.; BUGROVA,T.I.j* tekhn.rod*
(Work bygiene in plants of the textile industry; cotton-
spinning and weaving manufacture] Glgiena'-Lruda na pred-
priiatiiakh tekstillnoi promyslilennosti: V bumagopria-
dillnon i tkatskorl proizvodstve. Leningnid) Medgiz, 1963.
49 P. (14IRA 16:12)
SHAGOVA, Yokaterina Mikhaylovna; 2YATYUSEKOV. A_..L 9-j-P4. jLEDEDEVAp
Z.V.p tekhn. red.
(Guard children's eyesight; eye i'njuries and their preventi~nj
Beregite zrenie detei; povrezhdoniia glaz iiikh preduprezbde-.
. (MMA 15:8)
nie. -Leningrad, Yedgiz, 196',. 22 P.
ROZENFELID, Aleksandr Semenovich; ZYATYUSHKOV A.L., red.; LEBEDEVA,
G.T., tekhn. red. .. ~~ ~-
(Water and healthj hygiene of water supplyl Yoda i zdorov's;
gigiena vodoonabzheniia, Leningrad, Medgiz, .1963. 29 p.
(MIRA 16slO)
T.I., tekhn. red.
[Speech disorders, their prelention and treAmeni],Rechevye
raostroistva, ikh preduprezhdenie i lecheni6, Leningrad
Medgizp 1963. 34 P. (MIRA 1701
RETNEV, nadimir Mikhaylovich; ZYATYUSHKOV, A.I., red.1 ONOSHKO,,
N.G., tekhn. red.
(Work hygiene in concrete production) Gigiena truda pri
izgotovlenii betona. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 99 P.
(MIRA 160)
I q~ fl,
mt. I I
AUTHORS: _jygtnjqhkQy*-AL-, Colonel of the Medical Corpql,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Tsukerman, B,G.
TITLE: The Accommodations and Sick Rate of Submarine Crews.
(Usloviya obitMmosti i zabolevvZemosti,lichnogo sostava
na podvodnykh lodkakh) According'to Data From Foreign
Publications (Po dannym inostrannoy pechati)
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958., Nr 4t Pp 74-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article is.founded on data from American, Getman and
Italian literature. There is 1 table.
Card 1/1
ZYATYUSHKOV, Alfey Ivanovich; DINBO, A.G., red.
(Reduction of pulmonary gas volumes to nor tail conditions
and calculations of some proper values; priheiples and
tables] Privedenie legochnykh ob"emov gazov,k normalInym.
usloviiam. i raschety nekotorykh dolzhrWkh velichin;
oboanovanie i tablitsy, Leningrad, Meditsi6ap 1965. 137 p.
(MIIIA 16:9)
Removing copper from the cobalt oxide produe tion c le. Tsvet.
met. 32 no.2:49-52 7 159. iVIO4 I RA 12:2)
(Cobalt metallurgy) (copper)
AUTHOR: Zyazev, A.D. 136-2-14/22
TITLE: Jimplified Method of Protecting Plant from Corrosive
Solution and Pulps in Cobalt Production.~ (Uproshchennyy
sposob zashchity apparatury ot aFSressiv*kh:rastvorov i
pullp koballtovogo proizvodstva)
PERIODICAL: Tsvetrorye Metally, 1957, ,Iqo. 21 PP- 77-78 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The disadvantages (slowness, complexity, expense, etc.)
of the method used, e.g. at the Ufaleyakiy Nickel Works, for
protecting plant metalwork from the corrosive action of material
being processed to obtain cobalt are outlined., A method is.
proposed by B.V. Aleshintsev based on the use of type 500-600
Portland cement with bricks and plates. Exalkoles given of
applications to different shapes of units inclade pipe connec-
tions, Pachuca tanks, collectors, cisterns fortransporting
hypochlorite and suction filters. Per unit of protected area
this method cost about about a tenth compared with the method
described by K.A. Polyakov in "Non-Metallic Chemically Stable
1/1 Materials", pp. 80-86. It is recomniended for wide use not only
in cobalt production. There are 6 figures
AVAILABLE: Library of Congresa
AUTHORS: Plekhanov, A.F., Podvallnyy, S.T., Zyaze--.r, A.D.
and Kalugi-na, A.T.
TITM: Elimination of Copper from the Cobalt-O~cide Production
Cycle (Vy-,,-od- medi iz tsikla. pri pro,izvodst,,-e oki;si
PERIODICAL:Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 2, pp,49-52,:(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The existing method at the 'Ufaleysltiy Nilmlevyy Zavod
(Ufaley Nickel Works) for removal of copper from,cobalt
solutions is to precipitate with soda ash. This gilres
a copper cake with 0-3 to 0.5% cob 'alt which has'-to be
reprocessed, leading to deleteriou,s acv=ilatuion of
copper in the first stage of cobalt--omide production.
The work described had. -the obieG', of exploring the
possibilities of using sodium hyposulplLata fo2.1 the
precipitation, giving a copper cake whiah coulUbe
eliminated from the product-on cycle. Laboratory
experiments showed (Fig 1) ~~at 3001% (or 7.5 kg per kg
copper) of the theoretical aaoiint of hyposulphate -was
necessary to precipitate all the copper independently
of acidity (0.04 to 0.05% 00 inthe precipitate), that
Card 113 the best temperature for precipitation was 80 to 9000
,,Elimination of Copper from the Cobalt-Oxide Production Cycle'
the best hyposulphate concentratiop-.10 to 2091o' (Fig 2)
and duration 12 to 15 minutez (Fig 3). Oh t-he ba'sis of
these satisfactory results prodrctim trials on a
mechanically-sti-rred vessel of "'.2 0 CaL:~-Iclt-y were
organized. In one series i-ron-free ~so.10111_ons wer's used,
in the other the solutions contaiwd~ tra"I. The results
(table) were substanti_,,.~-,Ily the same in series but
the duration of the subsequirant ope7.a~-ion.of cobalt,
precipitation by chlorine took 3W, loyige~~ wit-h the*li~ron-
free sol-utions. The consu-aptloa of hrirjos~tlphate could
be reduced to 4.8 kg/kS coplie-r by the time
interval between successive additions to 30 minutes and
the cobalt, cont--nt- in t1t~_ cake was low enough (0.1% ma4
to make fuxther treatm-=t v_nne,_,eos_-._r7. The Wield of
copper cake was twice as low as with sodalash. The,
Card 2/3 authors conclude that the possibility of copper
Using the qrsten of closed ciroLits In orgazilsing interurban freight
haulage. Ayt.tranap. 38 no.9:11-~4 S '60. (KIRA 13:9)
tTransportation, 'Automotive)
Interurban trucking and vehicles used for it, Avt. trane-P, 3 ne.10'.'
23-26 0 '59. (MA 13:2~
loNauchno;-issledovatellskly Institut avtomobillnopp traneporta.
(Transportation, Automotive)
BILIBINA, N., kandidat ekonomichookikh nauk; ZTAM, V., inshener;
SEMIN, V., inzhener.
The efficient organization of centralized hauling In theregion
of Ivanovo Province. Avt.transp-33 no-10:5-7 0~155- (HLRA 9:1)
(Ivanovo Province--Transportation, Automotive)
ZYA,ZXV. V.. 'Lnzhanar; SHUSTOT. As. inthener.
Intercity automotive transportation In Poland. Avt.transp. 35
n0.3:39 Mr 157. (MM 1015)
(Poland-Transportation, Automotive)
lVew method for sugar-beet transportatlon.~ :Avt. transp. 41
no.5:10-U My 163. (MIRA 1611o)
(sugar beets-Transportation)
ZYAZZY, YS 14 - .. 1,
=Ve op and improve intercity freight haul4ls by means of small
shipmenti.'Ayt. transp. j5 no.5:10-13 MY '37. (KLRA 10:6)
ZYAZ,EY, T.L. (Sverdlovsk); RML131118VA, M.N. (Sverdlovsk)
Cases in copper ingota ;,nd their determination. Trir, AN SSSR Het.
i gor. delo no.2t-132-136 Ix-lb'64 (KRA 17t8)
AUMORS Ivanovskly, L. Ye., Ilyushchenkoj N. G., P16.khanoyj A. F., ZyazeV,
V. L.
TITLE: Separating rare-earth metals by fused salt electrolysis
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no~ 8, 1962, 27, abstract 80188
C'Tr. In-ta elektrokhimii, Ural'skiy'fil. ANISSSR", 1961, no.,2, 131
TEXT: Separation of rare-earth metals was investigated in fused bath
electrolysis containing a mix ureof rare-earth chlorides'. it was found tfiat,at
all the D. (0.25 - 1.5 amp/am ) and temperatures (850 - 870) 560 - 76000inves-
tigated, alloys are obtained which are considerabli impoverished of La (3 - 5
weight %) and enriched with Ce (up to 8o%). The total Priand N.d amount remains
practically constant. The nature of cathodic deposits varies noticeably with
temperature. Their salt'content varies from 75 to 80% at 5600C and from 30,to
40% at 7000C. There are 11 references.
[Ab Istrac..t~r's note: Complete translation] 0. Svodtseva
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Ivanovskiy, L. Ye., Ilyushchenko, N. G., ZyazeV, V. L.,'
Plekhanov, A. F.
TITLE: Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest valency
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14,~1961, 57, abstract.
14915. (Tr. In-ta elekt.rokhimii. Ural'skiy fil. AN SSSR., no.
1, 1960, 55 - 6o)
TEXTt The authors studied the reaction of a mixture of chlorides of, rare
earths with mishmetal in the pr esence of 0 2. They separated a mixiu re of
oxychlorides of lowest valency, M 2ocl2 (M - La, Cey Pr, Nd). They studied
some properties of these compounds. In the electrolysis of chloride. baths
where the possibility of a contact of 02 of air and moisture with the melt
was not excluded, it was shown that the oxidation of the salts apparently
yielded oxy cations M OC12+ which were discharged on the :cathode and, tbas,
2 2
were transformed to the oxychlorides of lowest valency, M20012. The anodic
Gptrd 1/2
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest B106/B11O
dissolution of the mishmetal was also examined. In the anodic dissolution,
the chlorides of bivalent elements are formed in the meltij, whose reaction
with 02 also leads to the formation of oxychlorides of the compositi on
mentioned. LAbstracter's notet Complete translatioh.3
Card 2/2
"Electric Conductivity of Vanadium Slags,
lecture given at the Fourth~Conference on Steelmaking., A.A. Baikov Inatitute.,Of
Metallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957
AUTHORS: Yesin, 0. A., -9-23/38
21TLE: The Electric Conductivity of the Syst,ems V 2 05-PbO, V 205-CaO,
0 1
istem V
-PbO, V
and V
-MgO (Elaktrop::o vodnostl s
V 0 -MgO)
2 5
PERIODICAL: Vol 3,:Nr 92 pp .2143-2149
Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958,,
ABSTRACT: The electric conductivity in the syste~mq VP -PbO, V 0 -CaO,
5 2~5
and V 0 -MgO was investigated within the temperature range of
the liquid and solid state. Three coiqgruently melting,compounds
occur in the system V 0 -PbO,. V 0 2PbO, V 0 .3PbO, and V-0 .8PbO.
2 5 2 5* 1 2 5 2 5
The electric conductivity is investigated in pure V 0 and PbO
12 5
as well as in nine melts containing 23,5-95% PbO. The:isothermal
lines of the electric conductivity an& theyalues of the
activation energy E'were compared as.vr'ell in the phase' diagram.
Two maxima occur on the curve of the activrition energy,.
14,4 k.cal/mol in the case of 67/4 PbO and 15,2 k.cal/mol in the
Card 1/3 case of 98% PbO. These maxima correspond to the occurrence of
The Electric Conductivity of the Systems V 0 -PbO, V 0 -CaO, and V o,-mgb
2 5 2 5 2 5
the following chemical compounds; V 205-3FLO and V 20 50 8PbOo The
electric conductivity Is increased with rising PbO-content up
to 45~. The elentric conductivity in the system V 0 -CaO was
2 5
investigated for melts of V20 5- CaO with 11,7 - 37,dc-C,90. The -irelt
has ionic conductivity at 23,40/6 CaO. The compound V20 CaO
exists in the liquid melt* In the initial period the electric
conductivity decreases rapidly to io%'.CaO in these melts,',
probably in consequen-ce of the dissociation of V 0 at higher
2 5
temperatures. The system V 20 5-MgO is completely analogousIto
the system V20 5-CaO* The melt has ionic conductivity at a MgO
content of 20,7%. MgO, CaO, and PbO influence the structure of
V 0 in the melt. The form of the isothermal lines of'the.
2 5
electric conductivity and the ou.-vea of the* activation enargy
indicate the presence of the following~comppunds in the melt of
the systems investigated- V 20 5* 3PbOj V2 05.8PbOt V205 CaO,-
Card 2/3 2V20 503MgOo There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 12 refe:rences,
The Electric Conductivity 6f the Systems V 205-PbO, ~V~205- CaO, and 11 20 5'-4~go
5 of which are Soviet,,
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy filial Alkademii nauk SS$Rj. Institut: metallurgi-I
(Ural Branch7AS USSR,,Institute of Metallur'gy)
SUBMITTED: January 15, 1957
Card ~/3
S1631 6010C)0100110081014
V. Lij OD B117)B147
AUTHORSt Ivanovskiy, L. Ye., Ilyushchenko, N. G-I-&xazevL V- L.)
Plekhanov, A. F~
TITLE: Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest valencies
SOURCE; Elektrokhimiya rasplavlennykh solevykh i tverdykh elektrolitov,
no. 1, 196o, 55-6o
TEXTt The interaction of oxygen and rare earth metals with chloride melts
of rare earths was studied. In the first series o:f experiments, the
authors used a misch metal (% by weights 22.5 La, 53-0 Ce, 4.53 Pr, and
16.3 Nd) obtained by electrolysis, and a chloride mixture (% by weights
26 La2 53.9 Ce, 4.85 Pr, 11.42 Nd) obtained by chlorination of oxides of
rare earths with gaseous chlorine in the pre Isence of carbon, The result
was a deposit of oxychlorides of lowest valenoyt 116 OC1 , where Me stands
2 2
f 'or La, Ce, Pr, and Nd. This mixture is slowly hydrolyzed in water to,give
hydrates of highest valency. When boiling, decomposition proceeds1rather
quickly. During heating, the product readily reacts with acids, particularly
Card 113
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest ... IB117/B147
nitric acid. It oxidizes easily at 300-400 C forming mixtures of oxides
of rare earths at higher temperatures. In another series of experiments,
the reaction of oxygen with chlorides,of rare earths in,an open bath at
580 - 6000C was studied. A graphite vessel was used as electrolyzor and
anode, and molybdenum rods were used as cathodes. ~The dlectrolyte.was a
mixture of chlorides of rare earths and potassium chloride (50~ MeC 13and
XC1). The amount of lowest oxychlorides formed in all experiments
depended on the amount of products in the bath obtained.by decomposi-cion
of salts under the action of oxygen and moisture. Finally, the misich
metal in the potassium chloride melt was anodicall~r dissolved at 8500C in
an open and a closed bath. The authors always found oxychlorides of lowest,
,ralencies with a ratio equal to that of initial subBtances. Summarys-In
the case of interaction between oxygen, chloride melts of rare earths, and
misch metal mixtures of low-valency oxychlorides of rare earths were
obtained. The summational reaction can be written downi
4MeCl3 + 302 + 8Me = 6 Me 2OCI 2' The formation of oxychlorides on the
catitode may be explained by the formation of Me2Oci4 soluble in the melt by
Card 2/3
S/63 60/000/001/008/014
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest ... B117XB147
decomposition of salts. The formation of MYC1", whose discharge on the
cathode yields Me2001 2' is well possible. At the same time, direct:
reaction of decomposition products with the metal deposited on the cathode
is also possible. Bivalent chlorides of rare earths are formed in the
melt due to anodic dissolution of the misch metal. Their reaction with~
oxygen also yields oxychlorides of the same composition. There are 4
figures, 2 tablesj and 5 referencest 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
Card 3/3
Viecosity and density of the systems T205-C`G and T 0
Isr.81b.otdd AN SSSR noo*9:3-9 158, Vol- 3-1)
I* Ural'skly filial Akademii nauk SSSR.
(Tamaditus oxides) (Viscosity) (ftsion)
24567 3/137/61/000/005/005/060
~~~00 A0061AI06
AUTHORS., Ivanovskiy,..L;Ye., Ilyushchenko, N.G., Zyazev, V.L.., Plekhanov,A.F.
TIM: On oxychlorides of rare earths of lower valences.
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhirnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5., .1061,16, abstract 5Aj4
("Tr. In"ta elektrokhimii. Ural'skiy fil. AN SSSR". 19~0,no.l, 55-60)
TEXT- An investigation was made of the interaction of mixtures of rare.
earth chlorides and "mishmetall" in the presence of *02' A mixture of low Valen-
ce oxychlorides, Me20C12, was singled out where the metals were La, Ce, Pr,, Nd.
Some of their properties were investigated. It is shown that in electrolysis.o
chloride bathes, where the possibility of a contact of atmospheric 02 and mois-
ture with the melt was not excluded.. Me20C12 2+ oxycation6 are apparently formed
as a result of the oxidation of salts. The discharge ofl~these oxycations.on the
cathode causes the formation of oxychlorldes of lower valence; the %0%. The
anodic dissolving of mishmetal was iniestigated. During the anodic dissolution
in the melts 2-valent chlorides of rare earths are formed,, whose Interaction with
02 causes also the formation of oxychlorides of the same composition. T.,.K.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
0 - Fe 0 V CuO sind
Viscosity and density of the systems v2'5 2:3 2
V205 - CaQ - Fe203. Izv. Sib. otd..AN SS4R.mo.Ift13Qd,
:(KM M-.712)
laUrallakly filial AN SSSR4
(Systems (Chemistry)) (Viscoaty), (Fusion)
n wiaiii 1"
SOV/11T-59 ~3-5058 D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. 1959, Nr 3, 24 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zyazev, V. L.
TITLE: Physicochernical Properties of the Simplest Va'nadium Slap (Fiziko-
khimicheskiye svoystva prosteyshikh vancidiyev!ykh shlakov)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of
Candidate of Technical Science's, presentedto the UraL'skiy polite-
khn. in-t (Ural Polytechnic Institute), ',Sverdlovsk, 1958
ASSOCIATION- Urallskiy potitekhn. in-t (Ural Polytechnic Institute):, Sverdlovsk
AUTHORS: Zyazevt V. L., Yesint 0. A. 78-3-6-100
TITLE: Viscosity and Density in the V 20 5-PbO.-Systsm
(Vyazkost' i plotnost' sistemy V 0 -P,bO)
2 5
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, 1958,, Vol~~3, Nr 6,
PP* 1381-1385 (USSR)
kBSTRACT: The viscosity and the density of the e
namels of the V
system inoludirig the pure oxides of V 0 -PbO were
2 5
The determinations of density were pe rformed by heating and
cooling the enamel.
The dependence of temperature'on the viscosity and ienisity
in the V 0 enamels with a PbO content of 28,3-88,9% waa~,
2 5
The density of the enamels of the V 20 -PbO-system waa
0, ~000-
investigated at temperatures Of 80 :and 120000!
At 68% PbO a minimum is observed in the density ourvelan4
in alloys with 79t7% a break was found. Pro'bably the
atomic groupings occur in the enamel -under formation of the
Card 1/2 following chemical compounds:
Viscosity and Density in the V 0 -PbO-System ~13-34-15/30
2 5
V 0 2PbO, V 0 3PbO, V 0 8Pb0,1
2 5~ 2 50 .2 50
It was found that in the enamel of th e system at 1000 0 C a
relatively high specific conductivity,~and little viscosity
are prevailing. The existence of the above-mentioned:
chemical compounds was confirmed by the curves of viscosity
and the determinations of density of the enamels of the
V 0 -PbO-system. There.are 3 figurest 2 tables, and 10
2 5
referencest 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metailurgii Urafskogo filiale Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1957
AVAIhABLE: "library of Congress
1. Enamels--Viscosity 2. Enamels--Density ~Y- Viscosity--Temperature
factors 4. Density--Temperature factors
YESIN, 0,A.; ZYAZBV, V.L, (Sverdlovsk)
Xlectric conductivity of binary systema CompogIad of vanadium
pentoxide with Iron oxide and copper oxide and a number of
intricate alloys, IzY.AN SSSR, Otdotakh.pauk no#6:7-11 Je: 158.
(MiTtA 11: 8)
l.Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filialfiL AN SSSR.
(Vanadium alloys-Electric properties)
cc.2_ Vr
Electric conductivity of oxides of vanadiumjeacl, and coppers
Zhur.neorg.khime 2 no.9:1998-2002,S 157. (~IM l0ii2)
l.Urallakiy filial AN SSSR, Institut meltalluz-gii AN SBSR.
(Vanadium oxideo--Zlectric properties)
(Ioad oxides-Electric properties)
(Copper oxides--Electric properties)
0~'110E~l I VZ t
AUTHORS: Zyazev, V. L., Yesin, 0. A. 57-1-2/30
TITLE: On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the
Character of Conductivity (0 vliyanii,,blizhneEo porya#ka na
kharakter provodimosti).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikit 1958, Vol. 28) Nr 1,
pp. 18-22 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors refer to the works of A~' F. Ioffe (reference 1)
and Regell (reference 1). These st ated that for th6:chaiaoter
of the condr-ativity the short and not long range order of
the atoms is of great importance, The measurement"Fbsults of
the electric conductivity of binary alloys of V 0 with~
PbO, CaO and MgO in various compositions and at
various temperatures are given. The measurements;ere carried
out in open resistance furnaces (i n.
the air) with alternating
s zero
current, looo c frequency, usual resistance bridge (a
instrument served a cathode osaillogra'h). As V 0' when
p 2
being cooled oxidizes to V 0 the,measurements wilh the
2 5
second heating were more reliable end only these results are
given here. The authors show thai the~transitionl~froin the
Card 1/3
On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the Character 57-1-.2/30
of Conductivity
semiconductor mechanism to the ion.mechanism, in the
systems begins with unequal MeO concentrations. Iwall.oys
of V2CP5with CaO it begins at 23t4 $ CaO, in the V20 5-490--
system at 27P7 $ M90 and with VO,,-PbO at 71 %. PbOi In' all
cases the transition-begin corrts~onda ifith the first ,
chemical compound in,the reapective~_system. Such a,regularity
points out the important part of the short range order in the
atomic distribution for the realization of the semiconductor
electric conductivity in alloys. The.character of the
polythermB for the electric conductivity shows that in the
V20 5-PbO, V20 5-CaO and V205-MgO alloys the'semicanductor',
mechanism passes over to an ion mechanism with compounds
which correspond to the chemical compounds with the least'
second component (MeO). The regularity determined proves the
opinion of Ioffe.
There are 4 figures, and 13 references, 6 of which are
Card 2/3
On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the Character 57-1-2/30
of Conductivity
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Metallurgy.of the Ural Branch AN USM~
Sverdlovsk (Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala All SUR,
SUBMITTED: March 26, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Effect of vacuuming on the composition and properties of cast
copper. TSvet. met. 36 no.500-34 Mv (MIRA 16ilo)
AUTHORS: O.A. Yesin and V.L. Zyazev,
Electrical CondU_C_t,_VT_~Yo ; :
-Bifiiry Unadium'Pahtokde-
Iron Oxide and Vanadiva Pentoxide!-Poppe~.,Oxide Systemsi,
and of someattan Complex gyat=a_ (Elektr
dvoynykh sistem pyatiokisi vanadiy4 3 okislyu zheleza i
okislyu medi i iyada slozhnykh splavov,)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR, Otdoloniye tokhnichaskikh
nauk, 1958, Nr 6-i'-pV 7-11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity of sevbral,oxide systems was
investigated to ascertain the exten't to which tholy con-
stituted semi-conductors J-n the s6iid and liquid:states.
The quasi-binary systems.V205 - Fe2O3 And V205 -:CaO were
studied together with three compositlons based on the
ternary system V205 - .CaO - Fe 03 (see';the table'on.p 10).
% Cao .1
Two quaternary melts (V_oO 32
O 4
1 2 10%)
2 4%
10%, and
pOq 1
2 7.
of industrial Won-'Laxoe . were also investigated. A
JL' ~
carbon element resistance furnace:was used for the researah7
Card 1/7 the reaction between the carbonland metallic oxides at
high temperatures being prevented by a porcelain lining
11 SOV/24-58..~6-?J35
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxide.
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems~, and of some,*otbr-_-.-
complex iystZ,=
tube. The conductivity measurements were made Over
temperature ranges covering both~:liquid and solid states.
The melts were held in corundum orucibles. The. resis-
tance was determined by means of~a bridge fed:with a
100 c.p.s. current, using a cathode ray oscillograph to
indicate the balance conditions.'~ Platinum wite :
electrodes were employed for imme'rsion into the oxide
mixtures. The accuracy of the measurements Was 10 to 15%.
The experimental mixtures wpre,heated to the maximum
temperature and held at that temperature for 15 to 20
minutes, after which~the malt w6s cooled and reheated.
The most reliable conductivity measurements were obtained
during the second heating oycle~' and only these values
a-.-- discussed in the papero ChomicAlIanalysis after the
final cooling showed that disso(:.,IatiIon had oodurrbd to a
high degree, thus explaining the vigorous gas~evolution
Card 2/7 observed during melting. The composition containing 15%
Of P0203 wag a critical one in -the V205 Fe~03 systams
Electrical Conductivity of the.Binary Vanadium'Pentoxlde-lron~ Oxide
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems) and:of some~ Oax;-
complex syst~--MB
below this composition vanadiumipentoxide dissociated,
while above this composition iron oxide decompo~se&
Decomposition in the'V205 - CuOsystemlwas confined mainly
to the copper oxide..: Tfie temperature dependence of the
electrical conductiiity of the V205 - Fe203 system is
illustrated in Fig 1, graphs 1,2 and 3 corresponding to
FepO contents of 159 19.1f and 3'0-5%,;respectively.: it
can L seen thatt (a) the conductivity depreased with
temperature over the 550-6500G.ra'nge, ex Icept when:the iron
oxide content was very high; this negative temperature
coefficient is attributed to the saturation of thosq
impurity levels to which solid V205 owes its P-type
conductivity; (b) abo--re 6500C the conductivity increased
smoothly with tempeyature, but.in some instances a
decrease in conduotivity was obser7ed in the 800-8500C
range, The reason for this behaviour is not understood:
Card 3/7 but according to Martinet (Ref 3) and Grunewald (Ref 4)
it can be attributed to the admixture mechanism of
Electrical Conductivity of the Dinary Yanad~-um Pentoxide-Iron Oxide
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems~9 and of some Ot'hw-
complex q'jdtas.;,
conduction by which Fe203 is,cha~a'cterised. Ths presence
of FeO as a decomposition produ6t wcs:believed~to explain
why many of the investigated compositions did not display
this.conductivity decrease; (a) ~the conductivity
increase is accelerated at temperatuns of about 900 to
9500G. The weight losses observed at high temperatures
with pure V205, and with the V20~ - rich melts'indieated
considerable dissociation Of V205 and,,Fe203. The.decom-
position products,V20-4 and FeO appeared to influence the
temperat.ure/conductIVIty relationships; for mo~gt 'of the
alloys the curves for the liquid'state are not exponential
in character and therefore the aetivation energies;could
not be determined. The conductlvity,~isotherms repro-
duced on Fig 2 indicate an accel6rated increase ofithe
electric conductivity at 15% Pe2O Above this compo-
sition conductivity due to FG203phys the predominant part.
Card 4/7 For the V 0 CuO system, the, conductivity-ter4perature
relationsQs-of the 109 20, 302 40 and 50% CuO alloys
SOV/24- 58-6-2/35
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxide.
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide,Systemsp and of. some 41*-~,~,F.-,,'
Complex ~~Stekq
are shown in Fig 3. (graphs I 'to resipectively)I. In this
case, the conductivity also decreased with temperature
over the 500 to 6250C range, but the decrease was much
larger than that observed in the~prevlams system,, ~(The
table, p 9, gives the factors by which bhe electria
conductivity of various alloys dropped In this temperature
range:for the 30% CuO alloy this ractor amounted to 8o.)
Compositions containing 10 to 35% CuO,Ihad a high ~
conductivity which was attributed to an increased transfer
of electrons from the copper oxide to~thoss impurity
levels which determine the p-type' conductivity.of solid
V205. The decrease in conducti:,Wity observed within this
temperature range might have been 'intensified by the
volume changes which,, according to Lucas et al.:(Ref 1),
occur when alloys containing UP to 3% CuO are heated to
650-7000C. At temperatures higher than'800-9500G~the
Card 5/7 conductivity increased with increasing temperatureo; This
effect is attributed to the presence of the dissociation
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Ir.on Oxid~~
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems, and of some uhir
,Complex Systems
products, mainly Cu20, The conductivity isotherms of tho
V20k - CuO system reproduced on Pig 1+ (graphs 2 to 7)
exh bit two sharp maxima at 25 and 60% CuO. The first
maximum was observed only at 500..46000C. The second
maximum, whose magnitude increased with temperature, is
probably due to decomposition of.CuO which brings about
an increased eQncentration of the-currient carriers.~ The
conductivity isotherms of the tornary.and quaternary
systems are shown on Figs 5 and 6 respectively: in these
cases, no decrease in the conductivity with rise of
temperature was observed. The experimental findings
indicated that all compositions 6f the two studied quasi-
binary systems behave as semi-conductors both in the
SOV/24,56~6-2/3 5
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxido
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems,* and:of some
Complex Systems
solid and in the liquid states..
There are 6 graphsv 3 tables and,13 referencesl.ofwhich
6 are Soviet, 1+ English, 2 German~and 1 French.
ASSOCIATION: Institut Metallurgii Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch Ae.8,1. USSR)
SUBMITTED: Februaryl)+, 1957
ZYAZIKOV, B.Kh,,,,,mayor zapasaj GRINCHtNKO, V,Ye.) po,lkovuikj, red.,-
M.M., podpolkovuikp red.; SUKHCCLINOVp P.M,p
mayor# red.j GOLUBKV, G,O.j polkovxilk zapaoup red.; FAVLOVI
?.I,, polkovn!X v otstavke, red.1 YABLOKOVA, 0,1.# red*
(Gold Stars of the Chechen-Inguish A.S.S.R.; 6ketchns on
Herose of the Soviet Union] Zolotye zvezdy Chinoheno-
Ingushatill ocharki o Oaroiakh Sovetskogo Soliizis Grozrqi,
Chsobono-Ingushokos )wAzhnoo Izd-vo, 1964. 310 p.
(MIRA :1814.)
Developing fisheries on the Ik-Saltaim-Tenis Lake system.
Izv. Omsk. otd. Geog. ob-va no-5:131-136 163. (MIRA 17:5)
Locating the point of contact of a line an4 an electric wire.
ROAL6 no.6:45 is 156. (MLRA 9:8)
1. ZaporozhskV& DRTS.
(Ilectric lines)
Significance of work arrangement for patients in a dispensary:
serving a rural population. Sov.med. 26 no.103144 145 0 162o,
(MIRA 15:12)
1, Iz Vorontsovskoy uchaetkovoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach SA:
Yershov) Voronezhskoy oblasti.
ZYAZIN, I.G. (selo Vorontsovka Voronezhakoy oblasti)
Role of the feldsher-midwife center in lowering the Incidence of
dysentery. Falld. I akush. 24 no.12:23-27 D 159. (MIRA 13:2)
Var itAble work schedule and preventive work. in n district Sov~xdr
17 no.94.49-50 $158 IRA 11sB)'
1. Is Vorontsovakoy rayonnoy bollnitoy (glar!W vraob L.V.-Yadykina)
Voronezhako3r oblastie'
(HYMIGI10, FRumm"
in Russia (Rua))
UAM, I.G. (g.Bobrorl)
Results of four years of d1jobnaary seTviow-for the rural
populatim. Sov. zdrar. ;..L noo9t 59 162 (14M 17
1. 1z bollnitsy VorontAdikogo rayonap Vorairmhskoy oblesti.,
Investigating changes In the quality of the photographic ims e
during printing. Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no-7:10-18 n. 160!
(NIRA 13:7)
1. Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov I TSentralluoye-
konstruktorskoye b7wo Hinisterstya kulltuxy SSSR.
Rating the quality of the cinematcgrapUc imp. Usp.nauch.fot, 30.150-
57 164- (MIRA 17s'10)
ZY3AI W, A. V.
Podgotovka proizvodstva na avtomobillnom -.avode (,Propar&tion of produf-tion at an watornobile~,
plant). Mosiva, Mashi,-iz, 10,50. 116 p.
SO: Monthly IAst of Ibissian &neqsions No. June 1953
Vol 6, 1 3,
IHPMR~ H ! i "Imb, wil 7
SHEVTSOV, Ye.I., inzhener; TATSOVSKIT, S.A., inzh9ner,H4PWX,"tgm, inshener;
RABIN, P.N., inzhenere'
Overla7 welding of basic hearths. Stal.proizv.;no.l:10q-nq 156.
(KRA 9:9) -
1.1azakhakiy metallurgichookiy zavod (for Shevtsov, Tatsovskiy)~.
2,Institut arkhitektur7, stroitel'stva i stroitelinyih materialov
AN XazSSR (for Zubakov, Babirk).
(Opere-hearth furnaces--Repairing)
FrotectIon of electric mine motors. Vop.bezop.v ugoll.shakh.
(MIRA 18:1)
4s224-227 164#
NOSYREV, V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; YAKUININA, A.; ZYBINt B., mladshly nauchnyy
Poppy pests. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.8-54-55 165.
jMIRA 18:11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut lekarstvennykh
i aromaticheskikh rasteniy (for ffosyrev).~ 2. Przhevallskqa
zonallnaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauahno-isaledovatell-
skogo instituta lekarstvennykh i aromaticheskikh rasteniy (for
1"'BALM, G.P.,
~ir and firo fl w-thr~;agh cotinactlon hriking ii~Angrcn. NauJ..trudy
VIIIIPodz(!mgaza no.10slf5-51 t63 ),) (MIRA 1715)
1. Laboratcriye. gaztfikatall burykh tiglojy
issledovat-illskogo inslihita pcdZemnoy ugloy.
NUSINOV, G.O., doktor tekbn.hauk; ZYBALOVA, G,P., kand,tekhn.rauk;
Prinimili.uchastiye: PETIVSKAYA, A,N., inzh.,
ZVYAGINTISZV, K.N., inzhe; DUSMIUVA, N.N., inzh,,-
KARNASH, E.M., inzh.
First data on the underground coal gasification in the
experimental gas producer of the Angren "Podzemgaz"I
Gas Producer Plant. Nauchs trIudy InIII Podzetgaza ~no.6:3-10
62. (MIRA 15: 11)
1. Laboratoriya gazifikatsii burykh ugley'VsesoyUznogO
nwachno-issledovatellskogo institute. podzemnoy gazirikatsii
(Angren Basin-Coal gasification, Underground)
L 2094~66 _6R(1)/kfA(h)
~XMMMN NR: ARS008345
S:/ AsiladVY: 602MO 161A0 10
!SOURCE., -Ref. zh. Elektronik& i Veye prinioneniya, Mail,. 9A36
'AUTHOR: Zybimt G. Tra&qhav,,~:V.jF.;
............... . ...........
TITLE. Triede electron for shiving'an: electrow beeizi it low~i roth=- tu
a z~4. r4
rid potentials
a. vvo.,
TOPIC, TAGS: electron gun, ectron beitmi triode Olectl~pft
TION: Operation is consider-; d il 'lactr6n~ i0i WA tta~ --con "-,gr
1 an: a
the _ ,,;,j, ~~ ; ]
--___:_--itiear-its--c.athode under conditions- whe'n rid ~,oterti : i low' r than the Aatul~~al
potential (the latter existed at the place now occupied by the grid). Running the
grid below natural potentials ia aecessary in order to redurm the grid-;heating
average power. However, this also reduces the beam spatld.-cLtrge paraniater
and a leno effect occurs of the grid calls. The leas effect may considerably
increase the beam diameter. A formtaa ia derived for the velattau of the ormce-
allI #AMMM
start with selecting a diode syeteM With a defInIte curreAt Margttrl_ AS M(h MIN-
effect-caused variation of the beam diameter is Unpossible to calculate, the
designing must be completed by an electrolytic cell mimula.,tiort. A gun was
designed which ahapes a 4-mm diameter electron beam with a 10 &/0/1"
space charge, at zero potential an the grid with a gain of about ZO and &a
accelerating voltage up to 20 kv. The basic diode aystem had at nipace-ch"ge
parameter of 3.6m 10-4 amp/v I/f. The estimated gun Varnimaters are in pod
agreement with the experimental. Bibl. 4.
Effect of certain lignite properties on fire drift,movements
advancing toward the blow* Podrem.gaz,ugl. no*.2:46.!.51 153.
(Xiu. 12:9
1. VSSSOTU2My nauchno-ionledovatellskiy i proyektiW7 inatitut
podzemnoy gazifikateii ugley.
(Lignite--Testing (Coal gasification, Underground)
Ef feet 4F ~strogrmphla characteristics of oool.on theefficiency
of pre-heating In the undergroundganification proces8b Padvem. gas.
ugl. no. 2:59-64 158. (HIUU 111:7)
1, Institut goryuchikh iskopayerV n
. _~h im.G.H.Xrzbizha'ovskogo All
SSSR I Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatell,skiy institut PQdzemgmz.
(Coal gasification, Un(larground)
Angren coal for use in underground gasiflcatlon~o Pod.zem,.Saz.vgIi
no.2:110-113 057. CV-9A 10- 7)
Vesaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliekly Inatibat Podsagat.
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Ingren Ysiley-4-oal)
LAVROV, N.V., akademik;
Reactivity of Angren and Moscow coals. Izv.AII Uz4SSR. Ser.tekh.4uk
no.6:58-63 '61. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSA~11 Institut energetiki:,
i avtomatiki AN Uzbekskoy SSH* 2. AN Uzbekskoy S$R (for Lavrov).'~
(Moscow Basin--Coal--Analysis) (Angren Basin-Coal-Analy'sis)
ZY-AT-YOVA, L. K. CLux; Geol-1.1ineval Sci Imi t~f gqola~,.-
geomoil~jl,hololdcal motlious for e-yplainini- ~~he lu.,xil t; txuut~zes
o f the central area of tl,-e 1.1e~i --,,rn Siber-Lan lovilaxid,- Novosibirsk:
1960, 17 pp, 150 cOP (To,,,)sk State U I'm V, Kuyj),,',C~l ev) (U) 4)-60:~117).
fletLod r-ta-w-tur-I cnd goornoryholo-ical in-10:3~."'ations in "ho
central part of the Itost Silborian Plain. Geol. i
,mfiz. no,, L~ -
20 100, (UP-11 14:2)
81'birt;ko~lo olldeleniya AIT ss$R1
1. InAitut 1-eolo.-ii i
("IcA Slb~uian !'lain--r,,colc:,Yp 3tructurul~
ZYATIKOVA. Luiza Konstantinovna,- NIKOLAYEV, V*Ao 1, kand.geol.-mineral* nauko
ALEKSANDROVSKIY, B.14.p red*; LOKSHINA, O,A., tekhn'.0red,
[Geological and geamorphological.-mothods of detecting local struc-
tures, the central part of the West Siberian Plain.j Gevlogo~-gao-
morfologichookie metody vyiavleniia IftalInyich struktur; tsentralt-
naia chast' Zapadn~ibirskoi ni=ennesti* Novosibirsk., Izd-Vo S1-
birskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1961* 76 pa (Akademiia nauk SSSR.:Sibirs-
koe otdelenie. Institut geologii i geofizW- Tradyp no..3,4)
(;UR.k* 16:9)
KARPOV, Boris Dmitri-yevich; ZYATYUSHKOV, A.I., red.; LEBEDEVA,
G. T. , tekhn. red.
[Work hygiene in industrial painting] GigjarjA truda pri
mallarnykh rabotakh. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. M p.
(MI11A 16t11)
(Painting, Industrial--Safety measures)
BURLOVA, Lidiya Ynkovlevna; LEBEDEVA,Alekoandra Filippovna; TARASOVAP AMa
Vladimirovnao- ZYATYTJSHKOVA. I. red.; BUGROVA,T.I.j* tekhn.rod*
(Work bygiene in plants of the textile industry; cotton-
spinning and weaving manufacture] Glgiena'-Lruda na pred-
priiatiiakh tekstillnoi promyslilennosti: V bumagopria-
dillnon i tkatskorl proizvodstve. Leningnid) Medgiz, 1963.
49 P. (14IRA 16:12)
SHAGOVA, Yokaterina Mikhaylovna; 2YATYUSEKOV. A_..L 9-j-P4. jLEDEDEVAp
Z.V.p tekhn. red.
(Guard children's eyesight; eye i'njuries and their preventi~nj
Beregite zrenie detei; povrezhdoniia glaz iiikh preduprezbde-.
. (MMA 15:8)
nie. -Leningrad, Yedgiz, 196',. 22 P.
ROZENFELID, Aleksandr Semenovich; ZYATYUSHKOV A.L., red.; LEBEDEVA,
G.T., tekhn. red. .. ~~ ~-
(Water and healthj hygiene of water supplyl Yoda i zdorov's;
gigiena vodoonabzheniia, Leningrad, Medgiz, .1963. 29 p.
(MIRA 16slO)
T.I., tekhn. red.
[Speech disorders, their prelention and treAmeni],Rechevye
raostroistva, ikh preduprezhdenie i lecheni6, Leningrad
Medgizp 1963. 34 P. (MIRA 1701
RETNEV, nadimir Mikhaylovich; ZYATYUSHKOV, A.I., red.1 ONOSHKO,,
N.G., tekhn. red.
(Work hygiene in concrete production) Gigiena truda pri
izgotovlenii betona. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 99 P.
(MIRA 160)
I q~ fl,
mt. I I
AUTHORS: _jygtnjqhkQy*-AL-, Colonel of the Medical Corpql,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Tsukerman, B,G.
TITLE: The Accommodations and Sick Rate of Submarine Crews.
(Usloviya obitMmosti i zabolevvZemosti,lichnogo sostava
na podvodnykh lodkakh) According'to Data From Foreign
Publications (Po dannym inostrannoy pechati)
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958., Nr 4t Pp 74-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article is.founded on data from American, Getman and
Italian literature. There is 1 table.
Card 1/1
ZYATYUSHKOV, Alfey Ivanovich; DINBO, A.G., red.
(Reduction of pulmonary gas volumes to nor tail conditions
and calculations of some proper values; priheiples and
tables] Privedenie legochnykh ob"emov gazov,k normalInym.
usloviiam. i raschety nekotorykh dolzhrWkh velichin;
oboanovanie i tablitsy, Leningrad, Meditsi6ap 1965. 137 p.
(MIIIA 16:9)
Removing copper from the cobalt oxide produe tion c le. Tsvet.
met. 32 no.2:49-52 7 159. iVIO4 I RA 12:2)
(Cobalt metallurgy) (copper)
AUTHOR: Zyazev, A.D. 136-2-14/22
TITLE: Jimplified Method of Protecting Plant from Corrosive
Solution and Pulps in Cobalt Production.~ (Uproshchennyy
sposob zashchity apparatury ot aFSressiv*kh:rastvorov i
pullp koballtovogo proizvodstva)
PERIODICAL: Tsvetrorye Metally, 1957, ,Iqo. 21 PP- 77-78 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The disadvantages (slowness, complexity, expense, etc.)
of the method used, e.g. at the Ufaleyakiy Nickel Works, for
protecting plant metalwork from the corrosive action of material
being processed to obtain cobalt are outlined., A method is.
proposed by B.V. Aleshintsev based on the use of type 500-600
Portland cement with bricks and plates. Exalkoles given of
applications to different shapes of units inclade pipe connec-
tions, Pachuca tanks, collectors, cisterns fortransporting
hypochlorite and suction filters. Per unit of protected area
this method cost about about a tenth compared with the method
described by K.A. Polyakov in "Non-Metallic Chemically Stable
1/1 Materials", pp. 80-86. It is recomniended for wide use not only
in cobalt production. There are 6 figures
AVAILABLE: Library of Congresa
AUTHORS: Plekhanov, A.F., Podvallnyy, S.T., Zyaze--.r, A.D.
and Kalugi-na, A.T.
TITM: Elimination of Copper from the Cobalt-O~cide Production
Cycle (Vy-,,-od- medi iz tsikla. pri pro,izvodst,,-e oki;si
PERIODICAL:Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 2, pp,49-52,:(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The existing method at the 'Ufaleysltiy Nilmlevyy Zavod
(Ufaley Nickel Works) for removal of copper from,cobalt
solutions is to precipitate with soda ash. This gilres
a copper cake with 0-3 to 0.5% cob 'alt which has'-to be
reprocessed, leading to deleteriou,s acv=ilatuion of
copper in the first stage of cobalt--omide production.
The work described had. -the obieG', of exploring the
possibilities of using sodium hyposulplLata fo2.1 the
precipitation, giving a copper cake whiah coulUbe
eliminated from the product-on cycle. Laboratory
experiments showed (Fig 1) ~~at 3001% (or 7.5 kg per kg
copper) of the theoretical aaoiint of hyposulphate -was
necessary to precipitate all the copper independently
of acidity (0.04 to 0.05% 00 inthe precipitate), that
Card 113 the best temperature for precipitation was 80 to 9000
,,Elimination of Copper from the Cobalt-Oxide Production Cycle'
the best hyposulphate concentratiop-.10 to 2091o' (Fig 2)
and duration 12 to 15 minutez (Fig 3). Oh t-he ba'sis of
these satisfactory results prodrctim trials on a
mechanically-sti-rred vessel of "'.2 0 CaL:~-Iclt-y were
organized. In one series i-ron-free ~so.10111_ons wer's used,
in the other the solutions contaiwd~ tra"I. The results
(table) were substanti_,,.~-,Ily the same in series but
the duration of the subsequirant ope7.a~-ion.of cobalt,
precipitation by chlorine took 3W, loyige~~ wit-h the*li~ron-
free sol-utions. The consu-aptloa of hrirjos~tlphate could
be reduced to 4.8 kg/kS coplie-r by the time
interval between successive additions to 30 minutes and
the cobalt, cont--nt- in t1t~_ cake was low enough (0.1% ma4
to make fuxther treatm-=t v_nne,_,eos_-._r7. The Wield of
copper cake was twice as low as with sodalash. The,
Card 2/3 authors conclude that the possibility of copper
Using the qrsten of closed ciroLits In orgazilsing interurban freight
haulage. Ayt.tranap. 38 no.9:11-~4 S '60. (KIRA 13:9)
tTransportation, 'Automotive)
Interurban trucking and vehicles used for it, Avt. trane-P, 3 ne.10'.'
23-26 0 '59. (MA 13:2~
loNauchno;-issledovatellskly Institut avtomobillnopp traneporta.
(Transportation, Automotive)
BILIBINA, N., kandidat ekonomichookikh nauk; ZTAM, V., inshener;
SEMIN, V., inzhener.
The efficient organization of centralized hauling In theregion
of Ivanovo Province. Avt.transp-33 no-10:5-7 0~155- (HLRA 9:1)
(Ivanovo Province--Transportation, Automotive)
ZYA,ZXV. V.. 'Lnzhanar; SHUSTOT. As. inthener.
Intercity automotive transportation In Poland. Avt.transp. 35
n0.3:39 Mr 157. (MM 1015)
(Poland-Transportation, Automotive)
lVew method for sugar-beet transportatlon.~ :Avt. transp. 41
no.5:10-U My 163. (MIRA 1611o)
(sugar beets-Transportation)
ZYAZZY, YS 14 - .. 1,
=Ve op and improve intercity freight haul4ls by means of small
shipmenti.'Ayt. transp. j5 no.5:10-13 MY '37. (KLRA 10:6)
ZYAZ,EY, T.L. (Sverdlovsk); RML131118VA, M.N. (Sverdlovsk)
Cases in copper ingota ;,nd their determination. Trir, AN SSSR Het.
i gor. delo no.2t-132-136 Ix-lb'64 (KRA 17t8)
AUMORS Ivanovskly, L. Ye., Ilyushchenkoj N. G., P16.khanoyj A. F., ZyazeV,
V. L.
TITLE: Separating rare-earth metals by fused salt electrolysis
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no~ 8, 1962, 27, abstract 80188
C'Tr. In-ta elektrokhimii, Ural'skiy'fil. ANISSSR", 1961, no.,2, 131
TEXT: Separation of rare-earth metals was investigated in fused bath
electrolysis containing a mix ureof rare-earth chlorides'. it was found tfiat,at
all the D. (0.25 - 1.5 amp/am ) and temperatures (850 - 870) 560 - 76000inves-
tigated, alloys are obtained which are considerabli impoverished of La (3 - 5
weight %) and enriched with Ce (up to 8o%). The total Priand N.d amount remains
practically constant. The nature of cathodic deposits varies noticeably with
temperature. Their salt'content varies from 75 to 80% at 5600C and from 30,to
40% at 7000C. There are 11 references.
[Ab Istrac..t~r's note: Complete translation] 0. Svodtseva
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Ivanovskiy, L. Ye., Ilyushchenko, N. G., ZyazeV, V. L.,'
Plekhanov, A. F.
TITLE: Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest valency
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14,~1961, 57, abstract.
14915. (Tr. In-ta elekt.rokhimii. Ural'skiy fil. AN SSSR., no.
1, 1960, 55 - 6o)
TEXTt The authors studied the reaction of a mixture of chlorides of, rare
earths with mishmetal in the pr esence of 0 2. They separated a mixiu re of
oxychlorides of lowest valency, M 2ocl2 (M - La, Cey Pr, Nd). They studied
some properties of these compounds. In the electrolysis of chloride. baths
where the possibility of a contact of 02 of air and moisture with the melt
was not excluded, it was shown that the oxidation of the salts apparently
yielded oxy cations M OC12+ which were discharged on the :cathode and, tbas,
2 2
were transformed to the oxychlorides of lowest valency, M20012. The anodic
Gptrd 1/2
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest B106/B11O
dissolution of the mishmetal was also examined. In the anodic dissolution,
the chlorides of bivalent elements are formed in the meltij, whose reaction
with 02 also leads to the formation of oxychlorides of the compositi on
mentioned. LAbstracter's notet Complete translatioh.3
Card 2/2
"Electric Conductivity of Vanadium Slags,
lecture given at the Fourth~Conference on Steelmaking., A.A. Baikov Inatitute.,Of
Metallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957
AUTHORS: Yesin, 0. A., -9-23/38
21TLE: The Electric Conductivity of the Syst,ems V 2 05-PbO, V 205-CaO,
0 1
istem V
-PbO, V
and V
-MgO (Elaktrop::o vodnostl s
V 0 -MgO)
2 5
PERIODICAL: Vol 3,:Nr 92 pp .2143-2149
Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958,,
ABSTRACT: The electric conductivity in the syste~mq VP -PbO, V 0 -CaO,
5 2~5
and V 0 -MgO was investigated within the temperature range of
the liquid and solid state. Three coiqgruently melting,compounds
occur in the system V 0 -PbO,. V 0 2PbO, V 0 .3PbO, and V-0 .8PbO.
2 5 2 5* 1 2 5 2 5
The electric conductivity is investigated in pure V 0 and PbO
12 5
as well as in nine melts containing 23,5-95% PbO. The:isothermal
lines of the electric conductivity an& theyalues of the
activation energy E'were compared as.vr'ell in the phase' diagram.
Two maxima occur on the curve of the activrition energy,.
14,4 k.cal/mol in the case of 67/4 PbO and 15,2 k.cal/mol in the
Card 1/3 case of 98% PbO. These maxima correspond to the occurrence of
The Electric Conductivity of the Systems V 0 -PbO, V 0 -CaO, and V o,-mgb
2 5 2 5 2 5
the following chemical compounds; V 205-3FLO and V 20 50 8PbOo The
electric conductivity Is increased with rising PbO-content up
to 45~. The elentric conductivity in the system V 0 -CaO was
2 5
investigated for melts of V20 5- CaO with 11,7 - 37,dc-C,90. The -irelt
has ionic conductivity at 23,40/6 CaO. The compound V20 CaO
exists in the liquid melt* In the initial period the electric
conductivity decreases rapidly to io%'.CaO in these melts,',
probably in consequen-ce of the dissociation of V 0 at higher
2 5
temperatures. The system V 20 5-MgO is completely analogousIto
the system V20 5-CaO* The melt has ionic conductivity at a MgO
content of 20,7%. MgO, CaO, and PbO influence the structure of
V 0 in the melt. The form of the isothermal lines of'the.
2 5
electric conductivity and the ou.-vea of the* activation enargy
indicate the presence of the following~comppunds in the melt of
the systems investigated- V 20 5* 3PbOj V2 05.8PbOt V205 CaO,-
Card 2/3 2V20 503MgOo There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 12 refe:rences,
The Electric Conductivity 6f the Systems V 205-PbO, ~V~205- CaO, and 11 20 5'-4~go
5 of which are Soviet,,
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy filial Alkademii nauk SS$Rj. Institut: metallurgi-I
(Ural Branch7AS USSR,,Institute of Metallur'gy)
SUBMITTED: January 15, 1957
Card ~/3
S1631 6010C)0100110081014
V. Lij OD B117)B147
AUTHORSt Ivanovskiy, L. Ye., Ilyushchenko, N. G-I-&xazevL V- L.)
Plekhanov, A. F~
TITLE: Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest valencies
SOURCE; Elektrokhimiya rasplavlennykh solevykh i tverdykh elektrolitov,
no. 1, 196o, 55-6o
TEXTt The interaction of oxygen and rare earth metals with chloride melts
of rare earths was studied. In the first series o:f experiments, the
authors used a misch metal (% by weights 22.5 La, 53-0 Ce, 4.53 Pr, and
16.3 Nd) obtained by electrolysis, and a chloride mixture (% by weights
26 La2 53.9 Ce, 4.85 Pr, 11.42 Nd) obtained by chlorination of oxides of
rare earths with gaseous chlorine in the pre Isence of carbon, The result
was a deposit of oxychlorides of lowest valenoyt 116 OC1 , where Me stands
2 2
f 'or La, Ce, Pr, and Nd. This mixture is slowly hydrolyzed in water to,give
hydrates of highest valency. When boiling, decomposition proceeds1rather
quickly. During heating, the product readily reacts with acids, particularly
Card 113
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest ... IB117/B147
nitric acid. It oxidizes easily at 300-400 C forming mixtures of oxides
of rare earths at higher temperatures. In another series of experiments,
the reaction of oxygen with chlorides,of rare earths in,an open bath at
580 - 6000C was studied. A graphite vessel was used as electrolyzor and
anode, and molybdenum rods were used as cathodes. ~The dlectrolyte.was a
mixture of chlorides of rare earths and potassium chloride (50~ MeC 13and
XC1). The amount of lowest oxychlorides formed in all experiments
depended on the amount of products in the bath obtained.by decomposi-cion
of salts under the action of oxygen and moisture. Finally, the misich
metal in the potassium chloride melt was anodicall~r dissolved at 8500C in
an open and a closed bath. The authors always found oxychlorides of lowest,
,ralencies with a ratio equal to that of initial subBtances. Summarys-In
the case of interaction between oxygen, chloride melts of rare earths, and
misch metal mixtures of low-valency oxychlorides of rare earths were
obtained. The summational reaction can be written downi
4MeCl3 + 302 + 8Me = 6 Me 2OCI 2' The formation of oxychlorides on the
catitode may be explained by the formation of Me2Oci4 soluble in the melt by
Card 2/3
S/63 60/000/001/008/014
Oxychlorides of rare earths of lowest ... B117XB147
decomposition of salts. The formation of MYC1", whose discharge on the
cathode yields Me2001 2' is well possible. At the same time, direct:
reaction of decomposition products with the metal deposited on the cathode
is also possible. Bivalent chlorides of rare earths are formed in the
melt due to anodic dissolution of the misch metal. Their reaction with~
oxygen also yields oxychlorides of the same composition. There are 4
figures, 2 tablesj and 5 referencest 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
Card 3/3
Viecosity and density of the systems T205-C`G and T 0
Isr.81b.otdd AN SSSR noo*9:3-9 158, Vol- 3-1)
I* Ural'skly filial Akademii nauk SSSR.
(Tamaditus oxides) (Viscosity) (ftsion)
24567 3/137/61/000/005/005/060
~~~00 A0061AI06
AUTHORS., Ivanovskiy,..L;Ye., Ilyushchenko, N.G., Zyazev, V.L.., Plekhanov,A.F.
TIM: On oxychlorides of rare earths of lower valences.
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhirnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5., .1061,16, abstract 5Aj4
("Tr. In"ta elektrokhimii. Ural'skiy fil. AN SSSR". 19~0,no.l, 55-60)
TEXT- An investigation was made of the interaction of mixtures of rare.
earth chlorides and "mishmetall" in the presence of *02' A mixture of low Valen-
ce oxychlorides, Me20C12, was singled out where the metals were La, Ce, Pr,, Nd.
Some of their properties were investigated. It is shown that in electrolysis.o
chloride bathes, where the possibility of a contact of atmospheric 02 and mois-
ture with the melt was not excluded.. Me20C12 2+ oxycation6 are apparently formed
as a result of the oxidation of salts. The discharge ofl~these oxycations.on the
cathode causes the formation of oxychlorldes of lower valence; the %0%. The
anodic dissolving of mishmetal was iniestigated. During the anodic dissolution
in the melts 2-valent chlorides of rare earths are formed,, whose Interaction with
02 causes also the formation of oxychlorides of the same composition. T.,.K.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
0 - Fe 0 V CuO sind
Viscosity and density of the systems v2'5 2:3 2
V205 - CaQ - Fe203. Izv. Sib. otd..AN SS4R.mo.Ift13Qd,
:(KM M-.712)
laUrallakly filial AN SSSR4
(Systems (Chemistry)) (Viscoaty), (Fusion)
n wiaiii 1"
SOV/11T-59 ~3-5058 D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. 1959, Nr 3, 24 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zyazev, V. L.
TITLE: Physicochernical Properties of the Simplest Va'nadium Slap (Fiziko-
khimicheskiye svoystva prosteyshikh vancidiyev!ykh shlakov)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of
Candidate of Technical Science's, presentedto the UraL'skiy polite-
khn. in-t (Ural Polytechnic Institute), ',Sverdlovsk, 1958
ASSOCIATION- Urallskiy potitekhn. in-t (Ural Polytechnic Institute):, Sverdlovsk
AUTHORS: Zyazevt V. L., Yesint 0. A. 78-3-6-100
TITLE: Viscosity and Density in the V 20 5-PbO.-Systsm
(Vyazkost' i plotnost' sistemy V 0 -P,bO)
2 5
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, 1958,, Vol~~3, Nr 6,
PP* 1381-1385 (USSR)
kBSTRACT: The viscosity and the density of the e
namels of the V
system inoludirig the pure oxides of V 0 -PbO were
2 5
The determinations of density were pe rformed by heating and
cooling the enamel.
The dependence of temperature'on the viscosity and ienisity
in the V 0 enamels with a PbO content of 28,3-88,9% waa~,
2 5
The density of the enamels of the V 20 -PbO-system waa
0, ~000-
investigated at temperatures Of 80 :and 120000!
At 68% PbO a minimum is observed in the density ourvelan4
in alloys with 79t7% a break was found. Pro'bably the
atomic groupings occur in the enamel -under formation of the
Card 1/2 following chemical compounds:
Viscosity and Density in the V 0 -PbO-System ~13-34-15/30
2 5
V 0 2PbO, V 0 3PbO, V 0 8Pb0,1
2 5~ 2 50 .2 50
It was found that in the enamel of th e system at 1000 0 C a
relatively high specific conductivity,~and little viscosity
are prevailing. The existence of the above-mentioned:
chemical compounds was confirmed by the curves of viscosity
and the determinations of density of the enamels of the
V 0 -PbO-system. There.are 3 figurest 2 tables, and 10
2 5
referencest 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metailurgii Urafskogo filiale Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1957
AVAIhABLE: "library of Congress
1. Enamels--Viscosity 2. Enamels--Density ~Y- Viscosity--Temperature
factors 4. Density--Temperature factors
YESIN, 0,A.; ZYAZBV, V.L, (Sverdlovsk)
Xlectric conductivity of binary systema CompogIad of vanadium
pentoxide with Iron oxide and copper oxide and a number of
intricate alloys, IzY.AN SSSR, Otdotakh.pauk no#6:7-11 Je: 158.
(MiTtA 11: 8)
l.Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filialfiL AN SSSR.
(Vanadium alloys-Electric properties)
cc.2_ Vr
Electric conductivity of oxides of vanadiumjeacl, and coppers
Zhur.neorg.khime 2 no.9:1998-2002,S 157. (~IM l0ii2)
l.Urallakiy filial AN SSSR, Institut meltalluz-gii AN SBSR.
(Vanadium oxideo--Zlectric properties)
(Ioad oxides-Electric properties)
(Copper oxides--Electric properties)
0~'110E~l I VZ t
AUTHORS: Zyazev, V. L., Yesin, 0. A. 57-1-2/30
TITLE: On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the
Character of Conductivity (0 vliyanii,,blizhneEo porya#ka na
kharakter provodimosti).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikit 1958, Vol. 28) Nr 1,
pp. 18-22 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors refer to the works of A~' F. Ioffe (reference 1)
and Regell (reference 1). These st ated that for th6:chaiaoter
of the condr-ativity the short and not long range order of
the atoms is of great importance, The measurement"Fbsults of
the electric conductivity of binary alloys of V 0 with~
PbO, CaO and MgO in various compositions and at
various temperatures are given. The measurements;ere carried
out in open resistance furnaces (i n.
the air) with alternating
s zero
current, looo c frequency, usual resistance bridge (a
instrument served a cathode osaillogra'h). As V 0' when
p 2
being cooled oxidizes to V 0 the,measurements wilh the
2 5
second heating were more reliable end only these results are
given here. The authors show thai the~transitionl~froin the
Card 1/3
On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the Character 57-1-.2/30
of Conductivity
semiconductor mechanism to the ion.mechanism, in the
systems begins with unequal MeO concentrations. Iwall.oys
of V2CP5with CaO it begins at 23t4 $ CaO, in the V20 5-490--
system at 27P7 $ M90 and with VO,,-PbO at 71 %. PbOi In' all
cases the transition-begin corrts~onda ifith the first ,
chemical compound in,the reapective~_system. Such a,regularity
points out the important part of the short range order in the
atomic distribution for the realization of the semiconductor
electric conductivity in alloys. The.character of the
polythermB for the electric conductivity shows that in the
V20 5-PbO, V20 5-CaO and V205-MgO alloys the'semicanductor',
mechanism passes over to an ion mechanism with compounds
which correspond to the chemical compounds with the least'
second component (MeO). The regularity determined proves the
opinion of Ioffe.
There are 4 figures, and 13 references, 6 of which are
Card 2/3
On the Influence of the Short Range Order on the Character 57-1-2/30
of Conductivity
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Metallurgy.of the Ural Branch AN USM~
Sverdlovsk (Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala All SUR,
SUBMITTED: March 26, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Effect of vacuuming on the composition and properties of cast
copper. TSvet. met. 36 no.500-34 Mv (MIRA 16ilo)
AUTHORS: O.A. Yesin and V.L. Zyazev,
Electrical CondU_C_t,_VT_~Yo ; :
-Bifiiry Unadium'Pahtokde-
Iron Oxide and Vanadiva Pentoxide!-Poppe~.,Oxide Systemsi,
and of someattan Complex gyat=a_ (Elektr
dvoynykh sistem pyatiokisi vanadiy4 3 okislyu zheleza i
okislyu medi i iyada slozhnykh splavov,)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR, Otdoloniye tokhnichaskikh
nauk, 1958, Nr 6-i'-pV 7-11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity of sevbral,oxide systems was
investigated to ascertain the exten't to which tholy con-
stituted semi-conductors J-n the s6iid and liquid:states.
The quasi-binary systems.V205 - Fe2O3 And V205 -:CaO were
studied together with three compositlons based on the
ternary system V205 - .CaO - Fe 03 (see';the table'on.p 10).
% Cao .1
Two quaternary melts (V_oO 32
O 4
1 2 10%)
2 4%
10%, and
pOq 1
2 7.
of industrial Won-'Laxoe . were also investigated. A
JL' ~
carbon element resistance furnace:was used for the researah7
Card 1/7 the reaction between the carbonland metallic oxides at
high temperatures being prevented by a porcelain lining
11 SOV/24-58..~6-?J35
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxide.
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems~, and of some,*otbr-_-.-
complex iystZ,=
tube. The conductivity measurements were made Over
temperature ranges covering both~:liquid and solid states.
The melts were held in corundum orucibles. The. resis-
tance was determined by means of~a bridge fed:with a
100 c.p.s. current, using a cathode ray oscillograph to
indicate the balance conditions.'~ Platinum wite :
electrodes were employed for imme'rsion into the oxide
mixtures. The accuracy of the measurements Was 10 to 15%.
The experimental mixtures wpre,heated to the maximum
temperature and held at that temperature for 15 to 20
minutes, after which~the malt w6s cooled and reheated.
The most reliable conductivity measurements were obtained
during the second heating oycle~' and only these values
a-.-- discussed in the papero ChomicAlIanalysis after the
final cooling showed that disso(:.,IatiIon had oodurrbd to a
high degree, thus explaining the vigorous gas~evolution
Card 2/7 observed during melting. The composition containing 15%
Of P0203 wag a critical one in -the V205 Fe~03 systams
Electrical Conductivity of the.Binary Vanadium'Pentoxlde-lron~ Oxide
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems) and:of some~ Oax;-
complex syst~--MB
below this composition vanadiumipentoxide dissociated,
while above this composition iron oxide decompo~se&
Decomposition in the'V205 - CuOsystemlwas confined mainly
to the copper oxide..: Tfie temperature dependence of the
electrical conductiiity of the V205 - Fe203 system is
illustrated in Fig 1, graphs 1,2 and 3 corresponding to
FepO contents of 159 19.1f and 3'0-5%,;respectively.: it
can L seen thatt (a) the conductivity depreased with
temperature over the 550-6500G.ra'nge, ex Icept when:the iron
oxide content was very high; this negative temperature
coefficient is attributed to the saturation of thosq
impurity levels to which solid V205 owes its P-type
conductivity; (b) abo--re 6500C the conductivity increased
smoothly with tempeyature, but.in some instances a
decrease in conduotivity was obser7ed in the 800-8500C
range, The reason for this behaviour is not understood:
Card 3/7 but according to Martinet (Ref 3) and Grunewald (Ref 4)
it can be attributed to the admixture mechanism of
Electrical Conductivity of the Dinary Yanad~-um Pentoxide-Iron Oxide
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems~9 and of some Ot'hw-
complex q'jdtas.;,
conduction by which Fe203 is,cha~a'cterised. Ths presence
of FeO as a decomposition produ6t wcs:believed~to explain
why many of the investigated compositions did not display
this.conductivity decrease; (a) ~the conductivity
increase is accelerated at temperatuns of about 900 to
9500G. The weight losses observed at high temperatures
with pure V205, and with the V20~ - rich melts'indieated
considerable dissociation Of V205 and,,Fe203. The.decom-
position products,V20-4 and FeO appeared to influence the
temperat.ure/conductIVIty relationships; for mo~gt 'of the
alloys the curves for the liquid'state are not exponential
in character and therefore the aetivation energies;could
not be determined. The conductlvity,~isotherms repro-
duced on Fig 2 indicate an accel6rated increase ofithe
electric conductivity at 15% Pe2O Above this compo-
sition conductivity due to FG203phys the predominant part.
Card 4/7 For the V 0 CuO system, the, conductivity-ter4perature
relationsQs-of the 109 20, 302 40 and 50% CuO alloys
SOV/24- 58-6-2/35
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxide.
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide,Systemsp and of. some 41*-~,~,F.-,,'
Complex ~~Stekq
are shown in Fig 3. (graphs I 'to resipectively)I. In this
case, the conductivity also decreased with temperature
over the 500 to 6250C range, but the decrease was much
larger than that observed in the~prevlams system,, ~(The
table, p 9, gives the factors by which bhe electria
conductivity of various alloys dropped In this temperature
range:for the 30% CuO alloy this ractor amounted to 8o.)
Compositions containing 10 to 35% CuO,Ihad a high ~
conductivity which was attributed to an increased transfer
of electrons from the copper oxide to~thoss impurity
levels which determine the p-type' conductivity.of solid
V205. The decrease in conducti:,Wity observed within this
temperature range might have been 'intensified by the
volume changes which,, according to Lucas et al.:(Ref 1),
occur when alloys containing UP to 3% CuO are heated to
650-7000C. At temperatures higher than'800-9500G~the
Card 5/7 conductivity increased with increasing temperatureo; This
effect is attributed to the presence of the dissociation
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Ir.on Oxid~~
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems, and of some uhir
,Complex Systems
products, mainly Cu20, The conductivity isotherms of tho
V20k - CuO system reproduced on Pig 1+ (graphs 2 to 7)
exh bit two sharp maxima at 25 and 60% CuO. The first
maximum was observed only at 500..46000C. The second
maximum, whose magnitude increased with temperature, is
probably due to decomposition of.CuO which brings about
an increased eQncentration of the-currient carriers.~ The
conductivity isotherms of the tornary.and quaternary
systems are shown on Figs 5 and 6 respectively: in these
cases, no decrease in the conductivity with rise of
temperature was observed. The experimental findings
indicated that all compositions 6f the two studied quasi-
binary systems behave as semi-conductors both in the
SOV/24,56~6-2/3 5
Electrical Conductivity of the Binary Vanadium Pentoxide-Iron Oxido
and Vanadium Pentoxide-Copper Oxide Systems,* and:of some
Complex Systems
solid and in the liquid states..
There are 6 graphsv 3 tables and,13 referencesl.ofwhich
6 are Soviet, 1+ English, 2 German~and 1 French.
ASSOCIATION: Institut Metallurgii Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch Ae.8,1. USSR)
SUBMITTED: Februaryl)+, 1957
ZYAZIKOV, B.Kh,,,,,mayor zapasaj GRINCHtNKO, V,Ye.) po,lkovuikj, red.,-
M.M., podpolkovuikp red.; SUKHCCLINOVp P.M,p
mayor# red.j GOLUBKV, G,O.j polkovxilk zapaoup red.; FAVLOVI
?.I,, polkovn!X v otstavke, red.1 YABLOKOVA, 0,1.# red*
(Gold Stars of the Chechen-Inguish A.S.S.R.; 6ketchns on
Herose of the Soviet Union] Zolotye zvezdy Chinoheno-
Ingushatill ocharki o Oaroiakh Sovetskogo Soliizis Grozrqi,
Chsobono-Ingushokos )wAzhnoo Izd-vo, 1964. 310 p.
(MIRA :1814.)
Developing fisheries on the Ik-Saltaim-Tenis Lake system.
Izv. Omsk. otd. Geog. ob-va no-5:131-136 163. (MIRA 17:5)
Locating the point of contact of a line an4 an electric wire.
ROAL6 no.6:45 is 156. (MLRA 9:8)
1. ZaporozhskV& DRTS.
(Ilectric lines)
Significance of work arrangement for patients in a dispensary:
serving a rural population. Sov.med. 26 no.103144 145 0 162o,
(MIRA 15:12)
1, Iz Vorontsovskoy uchaetkovoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach SA:
Yershov) Voronezhskoy oblasti.
ZYAZIN, I.G. (selo Vorontsovka Voronezhakoy oblasti)
Role of the feldsher-midwife center in lowering the Incidence of
dysentery. Falld. I akush. 24 no.12:23-27 D 159. (MIRA 13:2)
Var itAble work schedule and preventive work. in n district Sov~xdr
17 no.94.49-50 $158 IRA 11sB)'
1. Is Vorontsovakoy rayonnoy bollnitoy (glar!W vraob L.V.-Yadykina)
Voronezhako3r oblastie'
(HYMIGI10, FRumm"
in Russia (Rua))
UAM, I.G. (g.Bobrorl)
Results of four years of d1jobnaary seTviow-for the rural
populatim. Sov. zdrar. ;..L noo9t 59 162 (14M 17
1. 1z bollnitsy VorontAdikogo rayonap Vorairmhskoy oblesti.,
Investigating changes In the quality of the photographic ims e
during printing. Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no-7:10-18 n. 160!
(NIRA 13:7)
1. Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov I TSentralluoye-
konstruktorskoye b7wo Hinisterstya kulltuxy SSSR.
Rating the quality of the cinematcgrapUc imp. Usp.nauch.fot, 30.150-
57 164- (MIRA 17s'10)
ZY3AI W, A. V.
Podgotovka proizvodstva na avtomobillnom -.avode (,Propar&tion of produf-tion at an watornobile~,
plant). Mosiva, Mashi,-iz, 10,50. 116 p.
SO: Monthly IAst of Ibissian &neqsions No. June 1953
Vol 6, 1 3,
IHPMR~ H ! i "Imb, wil 7
SHEVTSOV, Ye.I., inzhener; TATSOVSKIT, S.A., inzh9ner,H4PWX,"tgm, inshener;
RABIN, P.N., inzhenere'
Overla7 welding of basic hearths. Stal.proizv.;no.l:10q-nq 156.
(KRA 9:9) -
1.1azakhakiy metallurgichookiy zavod (for Shevtsov, Tatsovskiy)~.
2,Institut arkhitektur7, stroitel'stva i stroitelinyih materialov
AN XazSSR (for Zubakov, Babirk).
(Opere-hearth furnaces--Repairing)
FrotectIon of electric mine motors. Vop.bezop.v ugoll.shakh.
(MIRA 18:1)
4s224-227 164#
NOSYREV, V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; YAKUININA, A.; ZYBINt B., mladshly nauchnyy
Poppy pests. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.8-54-55 165.
jMIRA 18:11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut lekarstvennykh
i aromaticheskikh rasteniy (for ffosyrev).~ 2. Przhevallskqa
zonallnaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauahno-isaledovatell-
skogo instituta lekarstvennykh i aromaticheskikh rasteniy (for
1"'BALM, G.P.,
~ir and firo fl w-thr~;agh cotinactlon hriking ii~Angrcn. NauJ..trudy
VIIIIPodz(!mgaza no.10slf5-51 t63 ),) (MIRA 1715)
1. Laboratcriye. gaztfikatall burykh tiglojy
issledovat-illskogo inslihita pcdZemnoy ugloy.
NUSINOV, G.O., doktor tekbn.hauk; ZYBALOVA, G,P., kand,tekhn.rauk;
Prinimili.uchastiye: PETIVSKAYA, A,N., inzh.,
ZVYAGINTISZV, K.N., inzhe; DUSMIUVA, N.N., inzh,,-
KARNASH, E.M., inzh.
First data on the underground coal gasification in the
experimental gas producer of the Angren "Podzemgaz"I
Gas Producer Plant. Nauchs trIudy InIII Podzetgaza ~no.6:3-10
62. (MIRA 15: 11)
1. Laboratoriya gazifikatsii burykh ugley'VsesoyUznogO
nwachno-issledovatellskogo institute. podzemnoy gazirikatsii
(Angren Basin-Coal gasification, Underground)
L 2094~66 _6R(1)/kfA(h)
~XMMMN NR: ARS008345
S:/ AsiladVY: 602MO 161A0 10
!SOURCE., -Ref. zh. Elektronik& i Veye prinioneniya, Mail,. 9A36
'AUTHOR: Zybimt G. Tra&qhav,,~:V.jF.;
............... . ...........
TITLE. Triede electron for shiving'an: electrow beeizi it low~i roth=- tu
a z~4. r4
rid potentials
a. vvo.,
TOPIC, TAGS: electron gun, ectron beitmi triode Olectl~pft
TION: Operation is consider-; d il 'lactr6n~ i0i WA tta~ --con "-,gr
1 an: a
the _ ,,;,j, ~~ ; ]
--___:_--itiear-its--c.athode under conditions- whe'n rid ~,oterti : i low' r than the Aatul~~al
potential (the latter existed at the place now occupied by the grid). Running the
grid below natural potentials ia aecessary in order to redurm the grid-;heating
average power. However, this also reduces the beam spatld.-cLtrge paraniater
and a leno effect occurs of the grid calls. The leas effect may considerably
increase the beam diameter. A formtaa ia derived for the velattau of the ormce-
allI #AMMM
start with selecting a diode syeteM With a defInIte curreAt Margttrl_ AS M(h MIN-
effect-caused variation of the beam diameter is Unpossible to calculate, the
designing must be completed by an electrolytic cell mimula.,tiort. A gun was
designed which ahapes a 4-mm diameter electron beam with a 10 &/0/1"
space charge, at zero potential an the grid with a gain of about ZO and &a
accelerating voltage up to 20 kv. The basic diode aystem had at nipace-ch"ge
parameter of 3.6m 10-4 amp/v I/f. The estimated gun Varnimaters are in pod
agreement with the experimental. Bibl. 4.
Effect of certain lignite properties on fire drift,movements
advancing toward the blow* Podrem.gaz,ugl. no*.2:46.!.51 153.
(Xiu. 12:9
1. VSSSOTU2My nauchno-ionledovatellskiy i proyektiW7 inatitut
podzemnoy gazifikateii ugley.
(Lignite--Testing (Coal gasification, Underground)
Ef feet 4F ~strogrmphla characteristics of oool.on theefficiency
of pre-heating In the undergroundganification proces8b Padvem. gas.
ugl. no. 2:59-64 158. (HIUU 111:7)
1, Institut goryuchikh iskopayerV n
. _~h im.G.H.Xrzbizha'ovskogo All
SSSR I Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatell,skiy institut PQdzemgmz.
(Coal gasification, Un(larground)
Angren coal for use in underground gasiflcatlon~o Pod.zem,.Saz.vgIi
no.2:110-113 057. CV-9A 10- 7)
Vesaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliekly Inatibat Podsagat.
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Ingren Ysiley-4-oal)
LAVROV, N.V., akademik;
Reactivity of Angren and Moscow coals. Izv.AII Uz4SSR. Ser.tekh.4uk
no.6:58-63 '61. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSA~11 Institut energetiki:,
i avtomatiki AN Uzbekskoy SSH* 2. AN Uzbekskoy S$R (for Lavrov).'~
(Moscow Basin--Coal--Analysis) (Angren Basin-Coal-Analy'sis)