Determination of the catalase and parcmidase,activitr of
tuberculous strains isolated from diagnostic'~materjal by the
slide and test tube method. Gruzlica 31 no.86.865-873 163.
1. Z Zakladu Ydkrobiologi!L Insty-tutu, Gruzlicy v Warszawie
Kierowniks doc. dr.M4 Buraozewoka,
KUR'frMWICZ, Wlodzimierz; VOISKA, Vofia; V004PITA, 'Vanda; 14,111VGM., Hama
Application of genetics :bA the runtibictics induqtrya, Nuotepy
mikrobiol 3 no.2t231-21,8 164
1. Institute of Ribermlosis mid TristiLute of Antiblotiest
,Rq~~ zoria
Evaluation of the tampon method in the bactarlological
diagnosis of tuberculoals, Gmzlira 33 no,5CIA7-449
My 165.
it Z Zakladu Mikrobioloqii Instytutu Gruzlicy, (Kierown1k:
doe. dr. M. Buraczewska).
Tuberculostatic properties of marphazinamide. Gruzlica 33.,
no.11:1193-1196 N 1 65
comparison of the results,of drug resistance test by meuis of
vertieal diffusion and classical methods. 120~-1206
1. Z Zal,-Iadu Mikrobiologil Instyiutu GruzIley:(Kierowniki,
doc. dr. M. Buraczewska).
PARNAS, Jozefl ZWOLSKI9 laodzimlert; BURDZYO Xr7styna
Infection of lice Polyplax spinulosa and Hoplopleura acanthopus
with Brucella brucei. WWoraosoi parazyt., Wars%. 6 no-5:441-W5
1, Mlad Antropozoonoz Instytutu Medycyny Praoy i Bigieny Wit Lublin
ZWONYOW, W. Complex developc~ent of all kinde of transpart6tion,', 384.
Vol. 7, No. lOr ~Jct. 1955
Warszawa, Foland
So: F--st Europeon Accesc-ion, Wi. 5, No. 5, 2,:ay 1956
ZWCPSKI, Fawel,, mmr inz.j, at, asystent
Testing and:priwiples at vam= pumps with s;,~tor ring. Przeg3-
moch 22 no.,14&446,449.25 JI :63.
1. Katedra Maszyn WWWchs. Politechnika., Wroolav.
SWITALSKI, Piotr, mgr inz.; ZWORSKI, Pawel, mgr in%. st. asystent.
Determination of the suction chi~;icieristics:of centrifugal
pumps by power engineering methods. Przegl. miech 23 no.6:
161-165 25 KrI64
1. Swidnicka Fabryka. 'Urzadzen Przemyslowych,18widnica (for
Switalski). 2. Katedra Masz-yn Vodnych, Politechnika, Wroclaw
(for Zworski).
ZWOZDIM. WIodsimlerz
Pathogensols and theraW of organic &iseames according to the
Pavlovian theory. Polski tygodo lek. 9 no.10:314-315; aont&.
8 mar 54.
1. Z Kliniki Chorob Fervowych Akademii IIedVczpoj w Poinanin,
kierownik: prof, dr zed, A&Dowsenko.
(MYOUS STSTIMp diseaOsse
Pavlovian theoi7)
WENDER, Mieczyslaw; ;Fq?PZIAK, WIodzimiers
Acute.development of suboccipital invagination in a came of
meningo-encephalitis and ependymitis of probably ttiberculous
etiology. Neurol neurochir psych 12 no.43609-613 JI-Ag
1. Klinika Neurologicana,.Akademia Medy4mal Poznan. Kierowniki
prof. dr A. Dowzenko.
Viras disease of the nervous system in USSR, Neurol. neurochi r.
paychiat. Polska 1 no-3:196-205 1951. (CLKI, 21:5)
1. Of the Neurological Clinic. (Read-Prof. A. Dowmanko, N.D.) of
Poznan Medical Acaaemy.
WMDER, Hieezyslaw; ZWOZDZIAK,,.VjqdWjL4
Acute course of suboacipital inipression in a case of maningoencophu~litla
and ependymitis of possible tuberculous etiology, Fourol. neuroch1r.
psychiat. pol. 12 no.4:609423~162.1
Z Kliniki Keurologiazmej AM v Poznaniu,Kierownik: prof. dr
A. Dowzetko'
ZWOZDZIAK, Wlodzimierz
W &J-0M r~- 4 -I:e: 4
Case of generalized prinary melanoma of the m~flinge with
blood in the cerebrompinal fluid. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.
36:1176-1178 5 Sept 55.
1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej A.M. w Poscaniut Xisrowniks. prof,
dr. A. Dowsenko. Adree: KlinAke, Neurologicsna A.M. i( Pasnaniu.
(HWHOIS, ne'oplaoms,
melanoma, with blood In Csr)
mellinges, with blood* in CUP)
XWOZDZIAK, Wlodsimiers; DOWZENrO, Anatol
So-called essential'introcranial hypotension. Nourologle, etc.
pplaka 4 no.2:173-179 Mar-Apr 54.
1. 2 Kliniki. Neurolog'lcznaj Akademil Nedyesnej.w Poznaniu. Ilierovnik:
prof, dr. AiDowzenko.
ZWMILSKI. Orsegorx; Stanislaw
Ostaosts dlosecamms. prxeg2acblr* Z7 no.4:335-340':Apr'55.
1. Z III Kliniki I klerownik Prof. dr Xistur6kis i
s Zakl.RMiologii A, sku (kierownik prof. tlr,Ks.~Rowin-
ski) Gaaask-Wrxessc delotr 10.
dissecan gon..terainol.problems)'
ZWYKISISKI, Grzegorz (Gdansk-Wrzes2oz, Wajdeloty 10)
Surgical treatment of acute dieeasee of the pancrean. Polak i tygod.7 lek,
13 n0-9-'304-306 3 Kar 580
1, (Z III Xliniki, Chirurgiazuej AUG; kierownik: prof. dr zd2islav Kietura-
in acute pancreatitis (Pol))
ZWYKIELSKI, Grzegorz; WAJL&, Zdzislaw
Tuberculosis of the spleen. Folaki przegl. dhir. 31.no-3:345-A Oar 59.
1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgiezuej A. U. Gdannku~llerownik: prof.! dr Z.
Kietur~kla-# AcIrea autora; Gdansk-Wrz6ozez, ui.' Wajdeloty 10.
(TURROWSISS case' reports,
'tuberc.' (POM,
ZWYKIELSKI, Grzegorz; DILAJ, Jerzy
Effect of prednisolone on the serum bilirubin level in
experimental mechanical jaundice. Pol. przegl. ehiT. 35
no.7/8:7"-7.46 163.
1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicanej AM w Gdansku k0ierowInik: Prof.
'dr W. Kieturakis. I
Z~YKIEI~�II,_PLzeggt_~;_TYMINSKI, Witold; LEWICKI, Ka2dinierz
Postoperative hemorrhage caused by fibrinogene dericiency.
Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no. 1211299-1309 D 1 65
1. Z III KlIniki Chirurgicznej AM v Gdansku (Kierawniki prof.
dr. V. Kieturakis) i z III Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych AM
v Gdansku (Kierownikt prof. dr. M. GamAki).
UAMBE&T -Palo d-
Acute hepatitis associated with chronic kidn'er disease.
Ory. betil. 98 no.27:743-745 7 Ju1jr 57.
1. A Vasmagrei Tarmes "Markamoveskr" Korbasal(Igaigato;
Szvoboda. Jeno. dr.) I. oz. Belgyagyassati Oextalyanak
(foorToo: Vasarbelyi, Bala, &r.) koslemerjye.~~
renal, chronic, complicated with hepatitis, fatal
case (Hun))
MWIMITIS, compl.
hepatitis In chronic nephritis, fatal case (Hun))
(IMATITIS, compl.
chronic nephritis & renal hypertension, fatal cases (Hun))
ZYABBARGVp A, A, p kand. mod. nauk (4zan
Clinicaroentgenological diagnosis of aneurysms-of:the
cerebral vessels. Klin. med. 41 no,0115-3.18 AD ~63.
(MiEtk 17:2)
1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i,radiologii lfoa'l (zav. -.prof.
M.Kh. Fayzillli,n) Kazanskogo gosudarst7ennogo institute. uso-
vershenstvovaniya.vrachey imeni V.I. loonina'(rektor
dotsent Kh.Z. Akbunayanov).
ZYABITSKIY, A. (Ziabicki, A.]
Physical bases of the formation process of synthetic fibers.
Khim, volok. no,2:8-19 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut obahchey khimii, Varshava, Pollskaya Hav)dnaya
RCMANOV., Yu.D., kand.med. nauk; ZYUBAROV, A.A., kandl~.med. nauk; RUSETSPYI,
I.I.,, prof.; A14DRMTV,-T.T.-,-d_bfi_ent
In the scientific medical societies of the Tatar LMS.S.R.
Kaz.med. zhur. 404-97 JI-410 (141RA. lrl
1. Eekretar* Obshchestva terapevtov Tatarskply~ MSR. for Roma-
nov). 2. Sekretarl Obshchestva rentgenologov'i radialogor-
Tatarskoy ASSR (for Z~mbbarov). 3. Predsedato'll M~3hchestva
nevropatologov i psikhiatrov Tatarskoy ASSR (for Rusetski7).
4. Ukretart Obshchestva nevropatologov i psikhiatror Tatarskoy
ASSR (for AndreM).
ZYA1113AROV A.A. 7C,---d lice.
.-.,ith non-o-jer-ted jr.1-.a'ric pol---nn~~" Lonj 19~i~.
of Tlonlth USSUI. Cnatr:,l '!)a! Rcs,
150 corior (KLO."t-539125)
MAHPAPOll."t S.A., Cand 'iced Sci ExpertmentAl 'WAIP or
Lite :naxiimlm 94"wAswlt6v. concentration of' i!yrl,o~ino in ritinul-voil,
water." Len, 11. -.)n (Yin of Health RL3F.,jll. Len 6.anitnry
'Iygiene ~'eii Tnst. ehair of ~,ommunal I!ygiene rox.1colof'y
Laboratr~ny of' the Tnst of 11yapme of Labbr) (KL, 27-Yij 13-7)
.Determination of the maxim- Permlesible concentration of p7ridiite
in the water of a reservoir (with summary 1n 'Engliahlo Gig. I san.
.23 no-7:30-35 J1 158. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Iz kafedz7 kom=mallnoy gigiyen7Lenirjgr'adkogo sanitarna-gigI79-
nieheskogo meditsinskogo instituta i tokeikologlehookoy laboratorii
Hauchno-19sledovatel'okogo institute, g1glyant, truda J professional'-
nykh zabolevanly,leningrad.
pyridine, (leterm. of maximum permissible concen-
tration in reservoirs (Rus))
(PYRMIM, determ,
maximum permissible coneeutration~in water reservoirs
Data for determining the maximum permissible~concentration
in natural water [with oummary in Ingliah]4'' TrucV I&GRI 44%43;,52'
158 (MIRA 11:12)
1. Xafedra kommunallnoy gigireny Leningraddkogo sanitarno-
gigiyonicheskogo meditainokogo instituta (zav* kafedroy - prof;
Pol. Ageyev) i Toksilogicheakara laboratorly.a Institute g1glyony
truda i prof zabolevanly (rukovoditell 14boratorii - prof. I.D*
maxinum permiseible concentration of pyridipe, exper.
in rate (Rue))
maximum permiseible conuntraiion In drinking water (Rue))
Organosilicon polymer liquide as lubricants for,molds In
casting and compression molding of articles madei of thermo-
plastics. Plast.massy no*3:72-73 '60. (MIRA 13:6)
(silicon organic compounds) (Plastics) (Adhesion)
KISLENKO, Nikolay Trofimovich; .7ABKIN,,-.Ivau. Va41,I,ypyIch;
ZABLOTSKIY, Valentin Titovich; NIKITIN, A.G., re(l.
(Repair of' the ZIL motortruckb] Remont gruzovkh av-to-
mobile4 ZIL. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 368 1),
(14IRA 18:1)
AUTRORS; Gorshkov, G. V., Zyabkin, V. A.~, Tsvptkovi 0. S.
TITLE; Neutron yield of the (a~j n)-reactions f rom Be, B, C#:Ot F, Mg,
Al, Si, and granite induced by polon~umtgwpartiolee
PE'RIODICALs Atomnaya energiya, v. 13, no. 1, 1962, 65 - 67
TE-sCIT: Five years ago the auth oules~aontaining,radoti'os radiao-_
ore used amp
tion sources to determine neutron yields and energies~(Dokl,. AN SSSR'I 116#
no. 2, 211, 1957)- in the present experiments t6e only alpha emitter con-
tained in such ampoules is the radon decay product palo-niuml.along kith the
target substances. The alpha-particle energy is-5.298 Mevo' Boric 6cidf
enriched in B up to 9VIo and silver-activated iinc sulfide were usedq to--
gether with a photomultiplier, as slow-neutron detector. For the purpose:
of the measurements the ampoule-was placed in an air-filled cavity i~ithin.
a lump 9f paraffin, above the detector and photomultiplier, alVenclosed'
by the paraffin. To eliminate the coemic background~all measurements were
repeated in the earth at'a depth equivalent to 200 m1of water. 'The paraffin i
25 cm thick served as a shield against the neutron radiation of the rocki
Card 1/2
Neutron yield of the B100104
The proper background of the arr Egement itself wa6 about'6 pulses/2 hr"
per cm of the detector. -The lower limit-of sensitivity of*the arrangement
was 0.05 neutr./sec-47-
The target materials, E values for which corrected and yield of I-
neutrons/10 0--partioles were respectivelyl
Be, En . 5.0, 84.4.� 0.9; B, Sn -v 3.4, 19.6 +0.21 CO'n-d-2,9, 0-113'� 0.- 015 1
CaF2 nne-2.2t 6.45 t 0-09; 99, Rnev3.6s 1.33 1 0-041 All'.2 .^~2,,O',;~046+0.0~
e%,2.6, o.16a + m2o; sio 1 S, 2.6, m07 I 0.0141,granite~j~g 2
t -5t
n 2 n n
0.238 + 0,013; 0, mean value 0.068 + 0,.Olj.
The er*~rors given are the absolute squares, systematic ;rrors being'estimated*
as not higher than 6-7~-There are 2 figures and.2.tables.
SUBMITTEDt January 6,.1962
Card: 2/2
ZYMINO-W9, ~.. - -,
Achievementa of Soviet metallurgy. Inform. biel. nNn t-0.23). ~
F 164. OILRUI 17-18)
-Polaroiraphic semimicrodaterminati'on of aceioacetic esters.
Trudy-LTI no-59112-16 61. (MIRA 170)
PAN-TUNG (Fang-7ung, A.F.j KAGA3, I.S.; GRISHINA, ~ I.P., ZTABM, L.P.
Problems of the filtration of grape juice. Kons. i ov. prom.,14
no.9:11-12 5 159. (KIRA 12 12)
l.Ukrainskiy' nauchno-iseledovatellekiy* institut konservno7 promys'hlen-
(Grape juice)
Investii~ation of cements of them ;~orcl t V F.
Z~iuraviev ar
p. Z~ablchin;f- Proz;~,.LitroitE.:J.I,ii[Lori-sil.
1941, klo- 5, 10-13; Zonir,. 1'11;2, 11, 263". - To
investigAe the birlu.ng of compd.S. f3imil,%v t Uic!
cements: i'!,.,O + 1-1 012 + 1120 or Z110 t ZnCJ2 + H 2 0
the oth - I le
,,r " 0 + .1 C12 +f120 of the 2nd ZlrOLI-P W-3rO
invr,sti.gated. P,,Lre chr-ii-Licals v're-re -used wi, -1 t~h: passed a
screen of about 170 mesh (4900 mesh/sq. ci--.)~.. The
miy was nade accordi-n,:, to Ki&a with sand 1:3,.a,nd
plastic p---esed bodiezi -.:ere formed the bindlihir of vil-dch+
was checked with t.he IlVicatnedle ." lteslults: I.-e
ccrtipds., no bimlinl;. Ca compds. with 2,-,6 Ca 3.2 SO!'
normal consistency at 75L, bindin:~ star V,..d af ter 7, min.,
was finished after 8 taln.; Sr comnds. vjith 30% SrClp
soln., nom-al coiisistency at 9Ug bimliin~-, --tarlLed a"ter,
Y; 130,c-) ..ms finished after )10 i3ple, ; z colr.,pdo. 25%, voln.)
norr.al consistency at 80,14, binclin- j-1,incdiatel~r ft'orn:
sol-4d. stonc-like body; Cd compldri., TlorlIZI
,it, 25~j Uj'jj;Jjjlr-~-, otarts aj,UA, 110 litill.j Waa ril-ll~shled 111"U01, 6~5,
LUTHORS: Militskova, Ye. A., Grinevich, K.:P., Sokolov, A. 1D.,
Zyab-kin. A& P0
TITLE: Liquid Organosilicon Polymers Uaed:;aa Lubricants for Molds
in Casting and.Mol.ding of Thermoplastics
PERIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massy, 1960v No. 3,:~,PP- 72 - 73
TEXT: The authors report on their experiments concerning the use of~
liquid organoailicon Polymers to lubricate moldslor thermoplastics.'
They used liquids NO-3, No-5J? (5L) i and rKX -94 (dKZh 94) ( olyethyl'
siloxane), as well as three p6lymethyl-ailoxane li(jui;s (Noi
different viscosities. These liquids were used an lubricant in proci-
seeing colorless and filled polystyrene, caprone, !polymethyl etrols,:
methacrylate, and.copolymers of methyl methacrylate with styrene#; NO:45
and GKZh were manually applied to the molds. The1&tter liquid yielded
better results: After a single treatment, it was'possible to cast 25-60
pieces of different materials in the.mold. N0-3 and the polymethil-
siloxane liquids were sprayed onto the molds. An~admixture of easily
Card 1/2
Liquid Organosilicon Polymers Used as S/191/60/000/003/013/01:3
Lubricants for Molds in Casting and B016~BO54
Molding of Thermoplastics
volatile liquids (mostly of liquid isobutylene) was used to generate
pressure. The mixture was filled in the sprayer In a cooled stato. Com-
pressed air was used for spraying when the liquid wau*employed in an
organic solvent. Results are tabulated. The use of polyniloxane liquids
prevents the adherence of products to molda,.cracking of workpieces, and
damages when taking them out of the mold. There are 2 figures,and"
1 table.
Card 2/2
1111111,0111141 i 111111111 1111INS111
USSP/,L.L6eases of Farm Animals. Diseasor Caused by r,"2
Bactux-is end Fungi
Abs Jour: Arif Zhur 4 Biol.1, No Ij 19500., 2802
Author T~rilenko, -P. IA., CLI 6~07,- !I#, P,.,,Z'~)Un
8., Podkop6ye'v VI M. Kryachko4-M-t-
Inst : ljeat.~P,~-ad, 8dientific Research Vetbrinb.-.r Insti-
Ti 2-D : The Rebi:7.ts Obtained when Using ZI-IJIS C'!IiS".--rj~-
Vaccine for Sanitation of Cattle from Bruce-
Orig Pub- Sb,, tr. Len----.gr. n.-i. vet. iri-t. 19,57..,~-Yyp.
Abstract: No abstract
C.-,rd 1/1
41YA13KIN, 2i. S.
Bee3 - Dioeases
Treating European foul brood with i%enicillin. Pcholovod.Avo, ?9, 11o. 7, le)52-~
Monthly Li3t of Russian Accessions brary of Con-ress Gctober1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
is if 11 1; t4 1 11 M P 12 a m
.j-..JAj-.jVAIIlUM And 14C. WL Nmortmov. 164"
Arvitratus for QXWI-1- 11RA"d Ofl,
00 t.N.qW).Prb,20,1M T`bv&pv-v%mIA4,AL% jjj4;ti1w hk%wr the 4kher, TbrUrpIr ;.00
vrs~el (2) is equiPPtd with It 14MIS inlet r"t hrating the 1111w v-01 t 1) &'%1 the air,
Vitrulated th"Itigh't tvil &Ikt U.4rd bw the, oxidalk~% I1 the ')it-
(of circulating atemen at the fictinnit,x and "Ild water at the rud of, the Pmmm The
4,411. 111
14 4111MIMI liv is nnvtf~ "I--, t.
44 a
.*a I !.so
0 U If it 00 all,
to It to A $I A It a It it it to Illa 10
6000 Of-*
0"0 'a ~?006
go so a 00 111 4, 0.0 0 0 0 lei
0 0~89 0
Neutron yield from nitrogen, oxygen., air, and waterunder
the action of radium CI 0-partioles. Atom energ. 13
no.5:475-476 X"62. (MIRA .15 -.11)
(Neutrons) (Radium) (Alpha rays)
ARSTRACT: The neutron yield was treasured from the relzotdon (Alpha, a) vith so=
light elements, chenleal coMounds, m1nerals, and ores. The! Waratus used Is
described. The alpha particles vere ein1tted by Rix + WA + RoV, prime. The ratios
of the yielde of Rn + PaA to Rn + RaA. + PaC prim were also de-termined. 'Mae
tie yte.'.d f'ram, sotw- :)re-s emd ni,*nrala &rw- compai.Td ifith the
-aip, ited onee .t -3 shc-irri unat the neutron yleidB frra. -res and mineralis azv due
to tbc.Ge. frim A.~ and 31. ""he autliors are gratatul Ito A IC Traflzrov for
,~Ve )pportunity to -onduct the work, and tc
B Svet(:1v!do,( for help vith
measurements." ;Ar+. has. fig~uvas, tahle-,, and 3 eq*aations,
Neutron yield from certain materials induced~by o(-particles of radon
and its decay products. Atom. energ. 14 no.6:544,-549 je 63. ~
(MIRA 16t7)
(Radon-Decay) (Neutrons) (Alpha rays)
AUTHORS: Zyabkina, Ye. P., Yevdokimo-i, V. F.~
TITLE: Use of hard electrodes in p
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurrial. Xhimiya, no.~6~ 1962, 120p absitraot
6D21 (Tr. Leningr. tekhnol. in-ta im, Lonsoveta, no, 551!
ig6i, 174)
TEXT: it has been,established that.rotating hard: lectrodes oan~b6 usad
for amperometric titration of Th by a,fluoride, with Fe + as indioator!
ion. fAbstracter's note: Complete tranala'tion.]
Card 1/1
AUTHORSi Dolin, N.F. and b1rjnmh__Z__F.' EngineeIrs
TITLE: Conference on Transformer Construction'
PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennostil 100, N0.10, PP-77-78
TEXT: The conference was held in Zaporozho Ye from April 5-9,
196o. There were over 300 participants. 381papers,and 23:1,
communications were presented. The representative.6f Gosplan,USSR,
P. P. Chusov presented a paper on the tasks and pro*pects of .
development in the field of transtor~mer design during 1960,~i965,4,
a period during which the production of transformers is to.increase
by a factor of 3.3. 1. S. Kalinlehenko, Elokirotechnicheskiy
nauchno-isaledovatellskiy instLtut (Electrotechnical Scientific
Research Institute), Zaporozhlye presented a .paper on the present
state and prospects of development in the'field of,large power
transformers and auto-transformers. Representatives of other
works presented papers on new serles and on trends of development
in the transformer field. Doctor of Technical Sciences Q. N. Petrov
discussed the prospects of introducing multi"winding auto-
transformers to satisfy the increasing requirsuents of inter-
connected networks wi.th differing voltages. K.K. Chernev, Glavnyy
Card 1/3
Conference on Transformer Construction
energeticheskiy upravleniya (Chief Power.Directorato), Gosplan,USSR,
presented a paper in which failures of transforlners;,pr.oduced
1950 were analysed. 1. D. Yanshina (MTZ):and:b. A.~Alekzeyev
(VNIIE) dealt with methods of investigatijws~anA monitoring the
humidity of insulation. V, S. Pananyuk (MTZ) dealt,with methods of
drying transformers. B. V. Vanin And No S. Leonidova (VNIIE)
analysed data on the humidity of transformers in operation and on
investigation of processes of drying transform:er insulation.
V. V. Girshberg (VNIISH) dealt with the prose Int; state and the
trends of development in manufacturing comple
stations. The problem of using aluminium in tiransformers was
dealt with by M.-A. Bass (ZTZ). AO No Kalyakiha (VEX) 'Presented a
paper on new insulation materials for,, transformieirmi , Results, of;
testing and investigation of the dynamic Atrojigth of aluminii
windings of transformers with textured steel cores~w.ere presented
by I. So Kayashkov. L. V. Zamyatina and A. V.,~,Sap6zhnikov
presented results of investigations of internol protection of
transformers and auto-transformers from atmospheric over-voltages.
Card 2/3
Conference on Trhnsformar Construction
Yu. A. VasilOchenko (ZTZ) reported on methods "of' improving-the
cooling of transforieri. Vo I. Nopomnyashchiy, Kowitet
standartov, mer i izmeritellnykh priborov Sovet Ninistrov SSSR
(Committee of Standards, Gauges and Metering Instruments, Council
of Ministers, USSR) presented a paper on ih~ d4sks and advantage-s
of standardization in transformer construction,
Card 3/3
FAN~-YUITG. A.7. [Yang-Y
Removal of gat
,14 no.11:30-3
aining and experimental farm of a boarding school. Politekh
obuch. no-5:22-29 My '58.
I.Kafedra pedagogiki Omakago pedagogicheak6go inatituta.
(Agriculture--Study and teaching)
(Omsk--Boarding schoole)
KELPATSM, B. 1. , dotsent; ZYABKDIA, N. T.
Changes in the peripheral blood during osteasynthesis with metal
rmils, Trudy LSGM1 59:84-92 160. Ox-IRA u: 9)
1. Klinika obshchey khirurgii Leningrads1cogo sanitarno-gigipniche-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav klinikoy - pi4of. I.M.Taitman)~
AUTHORS: Dolin, N.F., and_g ~abki~naZ~.F. ~(Engineers)
TITLE: A Scientific-technIcal Conference on Rectifiers,
PERIODICALs Vestnik elektropromyslileiinosti7l~)59,Nr 9, p 86 .'(USSR)
ABSTRACT: A scientific-technical Iconference on rectifiers was held
in Zaporozhlye. There were more 'khan 300 delegates from
135 organisations representing res,earch institutes, and
various organisations concerned with the development)
manufacture, erection'and operation of:rectifiers.
Expected developments.in rectifier technique during~the
period 1959-65 were considered. 'The need for suitable
rectifiers for many branches of industrywas notedl*but
the present state of affairs was not cbnsidered satis-
factory. New types of rectifters,:including high'-quality
semiconductor materials are being'introduced very slowly.
In recent years research laboratories and factories,have
nevertheless achieved appreciable successes. A series
of pumpless rectifiers is manufactured. Special types of
rectifier equipment have been developea for different
applications. Germanium rectifiers have been devel6ped
Gard for currents from 10 to 200 A and voltages from'100' to
1/2 200 V. The ionic excitation systom of the
A Scientific-technical Conference on Rectifiers
hydro-alternators at the Volgga Power 34ation is,working
satisfactorily. Cow trix-ation ha3 qDmmenced on the
first full-scale 800 kV d.o. trans mi s sio~., -line ftom::the
Stalingrad power station to tha DO'nbas.: Sixty reports
and (,,ommunications were read. Strious defects Wert:
revealed in the organisation of p oduc' nd in
-ion a
development of new types of re,--tifier. The developments
959-6.5 vara raviewed and it was
necessary in the period 1 4
recommended that individual fa,,,Wries.should spdcidlise.
Card The main directions of teahnI