7 7, T I ( . -, ~ -11 - , ?;'.-T
fil j , IV V
DIf;tiC il J f,
329---"31 "a ('MIA
Sibirski-,' ir.~,ta L irlof-tut, -i ~l S.. Or id z
IC-chanism of crack growth in r~eel. Fiz. met, i metalloved.
13 no.2:263-267 F 162. (MIRIA 15:3)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut.
(Deformations (Vbchanics))
FINKEL', V.M.; KUTKIN, I.A.-, SAVELIYEV, A.M.; 2RlAlrl!r,!j,~0j V..A.; ZUIEV, L.B.;
Kinetics of the propagation of cra~!ks in bim=lh single oryataln.
KrintalogrAftla 8 no.53752-757 3-0 163. . (DURA 16:10)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheAly Institut 1jr. S. Ord zh onlkidze.
AI ~
Inveatigating cracl~ grawtb in transformer and oortain carbon
ateels. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 na.3:448-456 5 10.
(MIRA 16:1-1)
1. Sil)ir:3kiy metv.Uurgicheskiy inatitut imeni S.Ordzhanikidzee
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Human and Animal MbrpholoEy - Normal ana
Pathological, Circulatory Byatem.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 11, 1958, 5028.3
Ai -thor Zi-aza
Title Variations of r. perforanz of the Fibular Artery and
Their Importance for Collateral Blood $upply
Orig Pub Ceskosl. morfol., 1957, 5, No 2, 73-79
Abstract In 22 specimens, f0L!r types of distribixtion an(i rainifica-
tion of r. perforans a. fibularis were found. In 19 per-
cent of cases, r. perforans was absent. Considerable
attention was devoted to the correlation of r. perforans
and a. dorsalis pedis. The problem of the foi-rAtion of
a. malleolaris fib-al. ant. was examined. The great cl:b-
nical significance of different variants of the distri-
btition of r. perforans a. fibularis was noted.
Card 1/1
Using DDT oil solutions for combating posts In tile Kiev a Obelb
Nauch.trudy Inst.entei fit. 6:80-88 155. fl= 9: 7 ;
(Kiev--DM (Insecticide)) (Xi ev- Tree a--Di 0 assas and posts')
USSR / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. P
Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958; 6869,
x.~uthor :.ZXaZhQyakaXav_L,__N., Kamyanoy, L. A., Mochalov, S.P.
Inst :Not given.
Title :From the Practice of Using the DDT Technical Sol-
ution in Diosel Fuel ~,gainst Forest Pests.
Orig Pub: Lesn. kh-vo, 1956, No 10, 74-76.
Lbstract: Plantings were sprayed with a 5% DDT solution in
diesel fuel from a plane during the emergence of
the pine silkworm in 1954 (40 and 20 litres per
hectare), The larvao mortality was high (92%,j,,
in spite of the fact that during the spraying
the meteorological conditions were unfavorable.
The seat of thei)oak leaf-roller was sprnyed with
a 5',fo and 10% oil solution (20 litres per hectare);
99.3% and 9965% of the larvae oorroBpondingly per-
ished. i,s a result of aerial treatment in favorable
Card 1/3
USSR / General Biology. General Ecology. B-6
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10) 1958, 4zaa?.
Inst Not given.
Title Interrelationship Between Woody andBushy Varieties
as Influe:iced by Soil Inver tebrates .
OrIg Pub: Pratst In-tu lisivnltstva, AN URSR, 195$1 61 70-83.
Abstract: Results of studies In direct effects of rain worm
(Lumbricus rubellus, A4.caliginosa and (), complaw.
atum) on growth of oak seedlings, sharp--1?afcd
clover and green ash in relation t6 the composition
of the leaf debris, which serves as nutrient for
'hese animals. The experiments were coliducted in
i950-195Z In the Vegetative booth of t1th Forestry
Institute, Academy of Sclences, MISSRo' The stirriq-
latory effect of rain worms on growth ol" seedlings
Card l/z
of cases,
Card Z/Z
0 0 4~0-0-0 0-6 & 0 0-
0a logolli it 1411q(t '1 4 a el 11
A JI 4 1. A .-OA.-A to I's" A, 11
so 4r An
F-VS 1~j y A- FR-1011 ki. 5 t
DounWaIng tke t"wly boimd bumfc rubotences III
ch movem and p*&*lIx#d suits, 1'. A~ Nli,yisk awl A.
v lZMAIArvAil. Podelory (U. .4. S. R *4 1, No. 1. D-' f