Rf / IV, A.
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Statistical PhyOiCB, Mlenw- D-3
Abe Jbur : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, uo 8~t?86
Author : Devyatykh, G.G., Zorin, A.D.
Inst : Gor'kiy Yniversi-cy-
Title : Determination of the Relative Vapor Pressures of C13H4 and
OJ8 by the Rayleif!tt Distillation Method.
Orig Pub : Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, So 5, 1133-1139
Abstract : The Rayleigh distillation method was uged to determine the
relative vapor tension of c13H4 and o~ in the. temperature
range from the norml boiling point to the triple point.
The results of the measurements axe expres.sed by the! fol-
lowing equationss 4
61 /,"
Y v-1H
/;V, 'I- ) = 0. %- a 9
In the authors' opinion, CH4 is best used for concentrating
c13 by the fractional distillation method,- to'use 0,2'for
the concentration of 018 makesno sense (it'im nore con-
venient to fractionalize the water).
A i
1 0 -- -.9
I jMA a
83 14'
a t
9~1 !,j I - - : V .4
g z
31 ov
ali 9 3
"'01e j
RI r
AUTHORS: De-rjatykh, G. G.,-Zp:~in, A. D., Yezheleva, A. Ye.
TITLE: The Analysis of the MixtuTia of Divin,~l, the Isomers of Butane
and Butylene by the Mothod of Gas.-Liquid DIstributio~n Chromato-
graphy smetti i'loatlvo.'r Iluts.11a i blitilelia
metodom. gazo-zhidkostnoy raapred-elitellnoy khr-matografii)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Kbliniya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya, 19,58, Nr 4, PP 724-726 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper a new metbod cd' analyzing the mixti~,res of
divinyl, the isoaers of butane and butyleze by means of the gas-
liquid distribution chromatograptV was desrjribe~d. The apparatus
is described and the method is givext in dotail. Nitrogen was
used as elution gas and kieselguhr with the grain eize 0.1-
0.25 mm was used as adscrbing agent. The fallowing, solvtnts
were used: dimethyl formamidp, satia2lated solution of ligNO3 in
ethylene glycol, furfuzole and nitr~ibenzene. The chromatographs
of the mixtures exe given in table J2 and 2. Tile maximilm length
of the column is 5m. A completP sepsLratioz, of the compouent is
Card 1/2 obtained in the following way: The T1.1"It J;art of t.hq col.umn,
11 : Ilk :11 il: 111 IT 411 F! 11 1 111111 11P Ill 111!1:! FIli!"
The Analysis of the Mixture of Divinyl, the ISOMerjS Of HUtp-TI a and, Butylene
by the Method of Gas-Liquid Distribution Chrcmatagi.,',aphy
1.5m in length, contains siaturated silves, nitrate in ethylene
glycol as solvent. The second part oT the column, 3m in length,
contains furfurole as solvent. The accum.,Y of the method was
chocked by means of the synthetic mixtures and it was ascer-
tained that the i,olativo error in tbe determination is 2-3L,~
and that the preparation of the c1mimptographi) takfD'ri 25 min.
There are 3 fij;uxes, I table, and 1 referwice.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra, neorganicheskoy khimill Garlicovskoffo gosudarstvennogo
n versi'eta im. N.
J. L' I. Lobachevskog-D (Chair of Inor6anic
Chemistry at the G,_,J;Ay State Univert!d-ty imeni 11. 1. Loba-
SUBMITTEED: April 25, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTFIORS: Davyatykh, G.G. , Zorin, A.11, 3244, -~,.'1.61057
TITIZ; A labomtor7 Reatification Column r0r' U18 SeP&mtiOn Of Hillher-
Boiling Admixtures (Laboratornaya vjlrblfilol3i,~iowavs. kolori-ja d1yo.
vydeleniya vysh6kipy&shchIkh primesey)
PERIODICALs Zav-odskaya Laboratoriyap 19581 VOL ,!I+, Nr 4, pp. 496-J19'-T (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A rictification, column with an effect of wnq tban 100 "ideal
plates" is aescribed. It follows fro;h a schomatioal 4,-,avr.Ivg tbat
the column, which is =de of molybdon= glAwa, is splral-ihaped
in its loimr part in order to oompentiate the thqrmal ~XrAv..Sion of
glass, and Oat Ue evaporizer (with u volirme cf aborA 1450 ml)
contains small d.ngs Mde of NJ/Cr-vjijv for the purpowt or in-
creasing the surface, as well as a dischavg* cock for hJ,.gh-,bQ' U-` n S
omponents and a manometer. The lower pax-1; of the coii=n ft!~, "I.1
as 11-9 -upper eni each contain a coniaot the=omD4,;5]v. 7411.1 column
jrUe:v:10 lhe colunu otising abo-rii
he&-tei in four stages, viz. evapm:
arA belowp and the recti-fiowtion PIL;t, for whioh p--.rpose it ia re-,
comended that a certain temparatmra be P:V071dad for eacli of the
afor-,mentioned parts by means of waWmatia t=peraitra a3jastment
Carj 1/2 iyit'~i the aid of' the conUot themc=tera i9x4 eleatAmagnitl.-,
A Laboratoz7 Raot--fication Column for the 32-224-4~-56/67
Separation of Higher-Boiling AdmL.-turea
r4layq. A schenatical plan of the aarn,ant ivil;pil for I'me rdllz= -14
gkiren. The hea4piece of' the col-am is also V-1 I'led irtitt r!m~et.3
made from 1TWOr-ulre. Ifnat J.ngulation is broueut by -a
9-racuated t-.d)e as well as by am asbestos J.w'-1LfL!_1on ov. thl
o,-,br casing. In thq lipper pacrt of tho ool-xvi comr~&',ner
w-th a holaing i~%Lpao.,J;ty off two li-Or's into th-~ _*-:1-al'.4,~ 1.3
fille-1 through the cooler, whermu a hcat,,4r 5.s fil'.-Ai3 4;t, thi
pae, of the contttt-~,erj whiqh wariuM,51 j7~'t
At the aidm of the contAka,,qx- ii feedplipt to and from
-the coluom is fi-WO.- above for the oondeniatii f-_1.vTr'r;g :M: 3M3 be--
ow for the feadirg of the col,=. In orde:v -1--o t] _1zmb7?:!'
of "ideal plate~ql' the mothod Urkkh q
mixt-ara mi ~-A,_~:Hled crijt.
s!_~Ilad in these inv-estigatiors. Thovi are 5 a1A L refa:>
en!:;as, 3 of whidh arti Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Pri Gor~kortriikom. gonizlmn. t-ninpum
(1=3titute for Ohemistry of Gorlkly Itiatsi 1Jn,L-vevt5JAy)
1. Tower's-(Cheml'stry)--Design 2. Towers (Chemistry) -~-Eqixipme-vt
Card Z/2 3. Towers (Chemistry)--Applicatiomq
StU4 of carbon and oxygen isotope distribmtion t7 the fractional
distillation of the oxides of carbon, methalhe and trolecular orymin,
Zhur.prikl. khim, 31 no.3068-375 Mr '58. (14TRA UsO
(Carbon--Isotopes) (Oxygen--lootopion) (Dintillationj Fractional)
FquiUbrium botmm I1quL4 aW vaw In IbJU=-j- iuw tornam-4r
aystams formd tV btvlmrl witb lvcmro elf' nkintluo twd
butr3mwo Trady po ladmiot lddiaotoMie no,,W-Ijo t(4.*
(11(ru U112)
L &ftitted MY 9;w nOo
Voltage-ampere-o~m meter for audio and ultravonic frequencle".
Trudy inst. Kom. stand., mer. i izin. prib. no.'74:50-66 163.
- OuRA la: 10)
1. Vsesopiznyy nauchno-issledovatel't3kiy invU-tut metrologrii
im. D.I.Mandeley-ova.
kIASNOVA, M,; ~~QjNj. P
vdpdr prefisup4i a Woll .nivi PuTW04 )!Ilk AWM11MAIAMO tMO,
atsine, monigoemaheo w-I v,?Iuf,4 )q
tIN1022440-2444 6 161o MWA 3.11, 111 )
14 ddrtkornhly ttltOfit fAINAONV4311144
1111WI Wid JOYI 1? 104
CHAPCHAYEVP A. , kand. teklin. natx~; NAUN)V, S. , In"11. '. Z01111i, A. , Invb. ;
POLETAYEV, R. -14-11 - 1-:1-1-11.1. ~,
Helical steel piston rings. Avt. tranap. 43 no.4-30-33 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18.5)
A.D.; DEIIY.-TYYH, G.G.; DUDOROV, V. Ya,; MMIGMUo, 11.1j.
AnalYSis of mixtures of sow volatile inorgariic~ hydrj4es by
g,as-liquid partition chromatography. n5mr. neorg. khhi. 9 no.lls
2526- 2531 N t64 (MIIIA 18 t1)
Vapor pressure of liquid monciailane and ita miviir6a with eth7lane-
Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.10:2280-2283 0 164.
(MIRA 17:12)
1. Gortkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet 1m. 11.I. Inbachevskogo.
_?PP,IN, A.D.; fiVELICHF11KO, A.M.; LYAMIMANGV, :;.13.;
DEVYATY191 , G.G.;.
Chromatographic analysis oC mJ.xtures formed by uame volatile
inorganic hydridee. Dokl. AN SSOR 156 no. 5tl-105-1108 JkJ 164.
(MARil Yt'-FO')
I. Nauchno-is3ledovatel'skly institut, khtmil, pr,:I- Govlkimkm
gomidarstvennom unLversitete Im. 0 (I's 1-1-1VIer1q)
akademikom N.M.21avoronkowm.
The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analysis w!
Hi,crh- Purity Elements, held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Unt-
-,rersity im. N. I. Lobachevskiy, was sponsored by the Isistitute of Chemi-
stxy of the Gorky State University, the Phyeicochemical and Technologica'A
_,partment for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of $Oences USSR, and
'~-.e Gorky Section of the All-Union Chemical Society im. D. 1. Ntendeleyev.
he opening address was made by Aeademiclan N. M. Zfiavoro~nkov. Some
90 papers were presented, among them the following:
N. T. LAr4i. G. G. D and 1. L. Agafonov - a sp(utirochem-
- I~MaAkh
ical - " A. D. Zorin and A. M. Amellchen!~(_)- a chromatograpl,',do con-
trol method of Si pu"Mication by determination of extraneous volatLIe hy-
drides in monosilane.
1q 'V0, 1 Y4 Y 6).-7 77-
RPM-WIF", I "It' I!, T"IfflF M I
~ . -
A 1111111 1) 1111 iii I I'AIR!, ~I I
1 11 ! - i
~ 11 i a 11! ,,, "i mi. m =1 2 ri! A 141 ! I I ~. 'I ' 1 ' t 11' 1 j r i i 1 ~ I i i , I Al
&boratory low temperatire rectification colmim.
no.4.-509 163.
~wt.lab. 29
(KMA 16:5)
1. Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy inatitut khijail pri GorIkovskom
gosudaretyannom universitata.
(Distillation apparatus)
zo JD ~MRELEVA,, A. rwo ; M.TrATM , 0. G.
Datermination of the Bolut'duty of gples t7 tho =thj::6jj!I~,f
gas-liquid partition eftromatoorapbF. Zav.- lab. 29 no~6460-662
163. (MMA .16,16)
lo Mauchno-issledovatel'skly institut khImii pri Gorlkovokcm
gosudarstvannom universitats.
(Gasso) (Solubility)
(Gas chrcmtograpby)
ZaRill) AJ,
Majetimg ferrosilicon carbide castlngso Lito proiZve :nc*6:
3.2-13 Te 163. (I[MA 16-7)
(Ferrosilicon) (Fmimling)
r ""lift
Exothermic riser heads on steel castings. Lit.proiiw. uo,.705
-M 162. OM 16t2)
(Risers (Fo=ding))
Obtaining high-grade cast iron by double inoc-'alation. Lit proiav.
no.2.-45 F 163. iMIRA 1633)
(Cast iron-Metallurgy)
ZORII AmMw karA. eel sbokhoz3,aystvenuykh nauk; ]COMMOOT, D.A. m2atew
nauchMy gotradnik.
Age of cows at the fLrei calving and their rnillvg 13, yields oithe
first lactation period. Zhivotnovodetvo 20 no.6:64-6? Js 1590'
(NM. UtQ
I. Vsesoywny7 mauebao-issledovatellsk:iy-inotitu+, zhivotnovoastvit,
(cow testing)
1. ... ...
I I ;; . .. ", . . . I .
I i -.-;i L -- --l 1-- - j- ---- - - - -- . ~
, 1. "p!MH p'ptj" '. -r -, - L; !1111T,
millimEPH tilm
m ,;~ F. . . I It i tIt ~ I ~z . I
. I I . : I . . litir
--- [VI i h-,~ ~~ t~yl_ v ~ ~- A
..'e- -1
CHAR OV.Sergey Vladimirovich, iaphener; NJiDVIWKIT. Ifoisay !)Bvyd---ivirh, .
inzhener; 4&MW" 11 gl .4. V . e1avrn
redisktor; SHUMWK, G.Tli., lashenar, radaktar
IT-10-55 ten-channal impulse tensoneterl DestAitikanalloyt itmullsayi
tonzometr IT-10-m55. HoGIM, Akad.usuk SSa, 1956~ 29 p. (Prihory i
otendy. Tema 1, no. P-561-467) 10:10)
(Strain gaugea)
.%. -M.
Equipment for measuring dyuwic strains by vire stmin esuges.
[Trud.v] TSNIITWH no-68:33-51 154. (MM 8: 8)
(Strain gailges)
MM, A.H., eXektrazionter
Aut=atic switching-in of discharge ranistor.41, En6r,gatik (j
zio,9t24. S I&L, OMU 14- 9)
(Electric notvorks) (Electric x~asistorz)
(Mectric protection)
&UMM, F.A. , prof.; GIAISHYLO, V.T., inzh.; ufair, iv, ii~zh.
Meamwing the rock preasure on ripg auppDrtli, 11goll' U~r,
6 no.2;16-17 P t62.
1. Dnapropetrovskiy gornyy institut.
(Mine timbering)
(Hock pie saure-4leasuroment)
Fl-la"I'Mill Will, 1
F-Al MIF III] 111111:11' 11111 H111111,11 111 iii; I
ZORR!X~AAJ AmovsKryp M,r.
Mbthod for the.intorpretation of the irrational functlem of
an integral opamtor. Prikl. mokh. 1 U0,9t81-138 '65-
(KMA. 18:10)
lo Dnepropetrmkiy gorrqy institut i Donetakly nuchno-
iseledavateltakiy ugoltW Institut,
11 v ""- I., I.,
MltOtlc actlylty Of the eplthell= of the Uelierkahn crypts W
the comea. In starration aud followlq-, clminlmtratU4 of untrIon.
substances. Uch.zap. 2no HINZ 16t201-216 t5ll. Wn 1~iO
V.V.,- professor; XOJUN# A.11 KOMOBOVA, T.D.; MMMINNIXOTA. AL.I.;
TAPM, V. It. ; SMIMOVI"". I:Nx;Ziv, V.a.; SudAtov, S.B.
(Practical vork in general biology for medical 6CILOO1.83 haktikum Yo
obahchei biologit Me, nadvusov. Komkva, Kedgiz, 1953, 24)4 p, (MU 7:1)
,:-ITIN, A.N* ._
Character of the distribation of tdtotic figures in t1he Lisber-
k1hn crypts of mamallan Intestines. Uoh.zaj~, 2-go, WAU 16%
192-200 158. (XM 13:6)
Mmommsis) (IMMIUS)
ZORIN, A.!L"Pzb.
Maebanical filters for suction-ty-pe digcharg9nif of cements Sboro ,
trud.VNIIStroidormaab.Lenft1. no.16*.78-89 157. (HIRA 12:7)
(Air filters) (Cement-Transportatimi)
AMM!M9 SOURCE CODE: U1110363/136/0021010/18U/1819
AUTHOR Zorin, A. P.; Zorina,, M
ORG., Leningri, -IT echnological Instit tit e im. Lensovet a (Let.1ingradskiy tekbnolo-
gicheskiy insti u(J-
rITLE: Some properties and the structure Rf_ffja~s or -the system barium oxide-
ilicon dioxide, -titanium dioxide
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlye, Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 10, 196'6,
TOPIC TAGS; glass, titanium dioxide, glass structurt!~, glas.4 property, titapium
containing glass
ABSTRACT: A study was m''ade of the effect Of titallitffn dioxide on the structure
~nd properties of glass of the system BaO-TA -SiO Thi~ obtadned show!
2 ' 2.1
that the displacement of the main absorption band maxiMmin Wi0i changes In the
amount of silicon dioxide in titanium -containing glass is Ainear in pattern. 0'ig.
art. has: I table and 3 figures. [Authors' abstract)
SUBCODE: 07,11/ SUBMDATE: 10Jan66/ OHIGRrr~,, onj (Yrli REP: 012/
:Card I. A C UDC: 666. 01
ZORIN, Alaksandr Ste2gnovich--, !pASOV. P.D., kand.takhn.nauki nauchnYY
, L
-1 j --PrInimal uchastiye KATS, K.F.. KAPWj X.Ya. 0 rod.izd-va;
PULIKINA, Ye.A., takhn.red.
(Designing tailings disposal departmants of draining plants; a
hnnAbook] Proaktirovania Idwostovago khosinistva oboptitellnykh
fabrik; spravochnoe ponobio. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-.rT po strolt,#
arkhit, i stroitematerialam# 1960. 3.15 p. (MIRA 13:3)
(Hydraulic engineering)
VASILOYEV, P.V., Prof., doktor elcon. uauk; F01101OLREV, A.D.; SUIXIATOV, A.G,j
kand. sellkhoze nauk; MOTOVILOV, G.P.p doktor ml!khozo nauk;
NEVZOROV, N.V., kand. ekan. r=Lkp- IDSITSM, K.:B,,p karO, pellkhoz,
naulc; RODIONOV, A.Ya.p kand., sellkhx;. nauk: CIW.-XINA,* A.P.,p kar4*i
sellkhoz. nault; LUTrEVICllp A.A.j kand. sellkhoz. liauk; . ROURVIlIKOV,
M.G.# dots.; ALEKMEVj P.V4. kand, seltkhoz. na%aq, ZaRlil'.
aspirant; BARANOV, N.L., kand. sollkhoz.nauk (detwaiOWTj RA'Ull9NTQOj
I.E., prof., doktor sellkhozmauk; ILIN, 14.1.r ):nnd.s9l.'khoz. nmik;
M,OISEYMIKO,F.F.l kand. biol, nauk; ZAM-WOV, V.K~j prafip doktor soll-
khoz. nauk; GE CHIS, Yu. P. p atarsitiy rauchryy ,iotl-. ; EUTIMIAS , Yu.P. ,
kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BUBLIS, K.A.., aspirant; Y.&IIIINI;gIlt A.Ya.,, Icamd.
sellkhoz. nauk; ZVIYEDRIS, A.Lp kand. sel0kho. mauk.; 411UHACIIEVp WN. I
akad. red.; ZHUMOV, A.B..* prof.p red.,- PRAYDIII, L.F., profj rpd.1
MAKAROVAp L.V.., red. izd-va; LOBANKOVA, R.Ye., tolrhn, rqjd,,
(Problems of increaning forest productivity in four volumas) Pro-
blemy povysheniia produktivtwti lew7 v chetyrelth twakh. 14oskvaj
Goslesbumizdat. Vol.4.[Economic problems of incroasing forest
productivity and accelerating rlpenir4e, and cuttit,,g a&ao.1
voprosy povysheniia produktivmostl losov, vozrazty spolosti i vozrae;ty
rubok. 1961. 253 po (KIRA 1511) ,
1. Allca4pmiya nauk SSSR. Institut lesa. 2. l9achallmik Glimnoy inspektaii
po lesnomu khozyaystvu i polezashobitnomu iesorazveder-ilm Illnisterstva
sellskogo khozyaystva SM (for Ponomarev).
(Forests and fore atry-E, conomic aspaistis)
E w
ZORB, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; PERHFECHDlj B.14,,, red,; TALITSI A, L.S..,
[Organization of forestry In shelterbalts along railxonds and higb-
Ways] Organizataiia lesnogo khozialetva v lesakh zashchitn7kh polos
vdolt zheleznykh I shossoinykh dorog. Moskva, (looleal-mmizdat, 3.960.
56 p. (143RA 14: .1-0)
(Windbreaks, ohelterbolts, etc,,)
ERAYASI, L(Rayaship W; AHD0tTvjj;r9f.; XURIA Li-MIUM
translator]; ZORB , A.Ye.Ltranslat6rl; Lginlip L.7.4'
translator] translator]; S14MI07, P.I.,
red.; BUKOVSMYA, N.A., tfikhn. red,
(ordnance rockets and Japim; military bases are a itax tbreat)
Raketnoe oruzhie i Uponiia; voomrp bmiq - ug:roza udimo Vatup,
statlia i ko-zentarii B.G.Sapoz)mikova. Moskwio Votim, ind-vo
V.-va obororq SSSR, 1961. 246 P, Atu'Idged tramalatl)on from thio Japaime.
(MIRA 1512)
1. Tokiyskiy universitet (for AWo).
(.Tapan-Rockets (Ordnance))
w NMI ~im
Radio communication In the Unchin machine tractor station.
Radio no.2:11 F '54- (WRA 7:2)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika politotdola Hashinno-tnktornoy stantail.
(Lanchin--RadiO Orsualo-Lanchin)
Multilimit high-precision thermalsetric dev
the audio frequency b=d. Trudy inst. 10- icov for operation In.
MO StIM4,11 UP I IVID, Prib.
no. 391ng-iii 160. Orm 1w)
(Electric motors)
Translation from: Referativavy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6, p 135 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Bezikovich, A. Ya.,'Zorin, D. 1.
TITLE: Outfit for Checking A-ql Ammetere, and Voltmeters at
Commercial and Higher Frequencies (Ustanovka dlya. poverki vattmetrov,
ampermetrov i volltmetrov na peremennorn ioke normal'noy i pov-yahe"oy
PERIODICAL: Tr. Vaes. n.-i. in-ta metrologit, 1956, Nr 28, pp ZO-35
ABSTRACT: A description is given of the type UV outfit developed by Voesoyuanyy
nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metrologii (VNUM) (All-Union Research
Institute of Metrology, VNIIM), im. D. 1. Medeleyev and buL"It by the "Etalon"
Plant (Leningrad). The output depends for its operation on it thermoelectric
method of comparing ACJn a wide frequency range wifli DC. A thermoelectric
power comparator (TEKM) is the fundamental componont of the outfit. Results
of investigations of individual subassemblieo are presented. The upper limits
of the measuring range of the UV outfit are 10 amp and 300 v. Basic errors of
Card 1 /Z
Outfit for Checking Wattmeters, Arnmeters, and Voltmetero at Commercial
power measurements at frequencies up to 10, 000 cps do not exceed 0. Zjo at a
unity power factor and 0. 3% at a 0. 5 power factor; they (to not exceed 0. 1%
when currents and voltages are varied within. the frequency range up to 20,000
M. Kh. Sh.
Card 2/2
3ridgre-COMPaMtDrz noe4 for measuring
61-64 MY-Je '~7.
capacitance. Izo., 'tekhoIno.3.
(RJA 10.-S)
(Whoatotoue bridee)
11,13 69 AOO5/WO1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 5, p. 187, # 11596
AUTHORS: -Zorin, D.I., Spektor.,_.S.A.
TI=. The Determination of the Constants of a Measurement Unit for
Measuring High-Intensity Direct Currents by tho tLuajMjL_MAgnqjUL_
esonance Ke_-thodfi?
PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. bril. Leningr, poli N. in.t,_1959, No,, 3,
pp. 45-47
TEXT: The authors propose a method of calibrating primary transducers for
measuring high-intensity direct currents by the nuclear magnetiaLresonance mothod.
They use the comparison of measurement units designed for various ranges of
currents to be measured. The advantage of the method consists in the fact that
it does not require the exact measurement of the geometric dimensions of the
transducers and, consequently, their precise treatment.
N.M. Pomericntsev
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original.Russlan
Card 1/1 abstract.
I , ; - I I . 1. .. - , T, ., . - --- 111.1 - , - ~ I I I
Bridge for masuremant of small capacitances at radio frequen-
cies. Trudy VNIIM no..38.-W-44 159- (JIM 13.-4)
(Ilectric measurements) (Bridge circuits)
.! I " - .1- - . -I
Prequency errors in wattmeters. Trudy THIN w.38:1.01-109
'59. (MRA 13 -.4)
gel H
- illaar tog.
!A jul
g V`
~rl i ~t I -- ~l I ; ~* I I '1 1
.15.1 j -~ ~j ~ ~. t,-, t 2
el ga
r I V 9
Eli A
a 0
R r8
qj" q - r,
t% C C N R! - A P 6 TO 0-110, ( Qjj~, 91 I-e", Rel,,T CODLET 1URo*ollr.,ifisf0Qloi,FGj
SIDU :1. 1
A UT HOR. Bezakovich, A. Y~3, )~~el S.; Zorin, Bl. 1. Ejlkiri. ~!. P.
~-,:Veraaj no C
-M Me 1:11 fl '101tITIVIlteril. F.171,1-
lzmer-,te~'nayzi tekhnilta, rio., ip~ 6 ~, 8 -1 1
TOPIC TAGS: acoustic frequency, Imea-w-uruiff inpitrunterit
r a de~t-,-ibevl ir which tKe a-,-.
ABSTRACT New equal-quantity
r i t,i a c r
1 c;r
Ccz,d UDC: 621.317.716,039,6 t (?1,317 f 9,. ~j 4- 0 Z 1, 117, 7 8 41. V 89,
ACC NR: AP606-60-2-9
me z T a_f,,G dn lirrip!1nor. Thin cul.;~lr p.~L.Irro.tLa
c he k: np -e r ror ~ rist rurne n ',~j at 5 - $ k': ,
u e - ro ri 9 ru me n t s 'it c , id. low-
V .u K c , Ung. art. am 13
-4 8iv I
f '7;7,
S U B OF) F: 0 9 S UB M DA T E ELEF: 1:107
c )
Ccrd Z/
rillirl'i Mil.... Ir il I'll I 1111: 111 11,11C 11111 d IMAI;, I
L 44W-66
ACC NRz AR6025792 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/004/H056/H056
AUTHOR: Zorin, ID. 1. Ivanova, L. F. Chernysheva,. 14. .0. Shramkov,
ORG,.- none
TITLE: Resonance bridge for determining magnetic characteristics of high-
frequency soft magnetic materials 4
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4Zh380
REF SOURCE: Tr. in-tov Gos. kom-ta standarton mev I izmerit. priborov-
SUR, vyp. 79(139), 1965, 65-75
TOPIC TAGS: measuring apparatus, dielectric , ferrite, Vigh frequency,
magnetic material, magnetism
ABSTRACT: A measuring apparatus is described for Investigating samples of
magnetodielectrics and ferrites with the greatest accuracy available with the
present level of technology.- An analysis of meastiving accuracy is given, and
recommendations are presented permitting the most accurata rneasurement4.
(Translation of abstract] livrI
Ye. 0.
Card Lie
ACC NR, AT7000580 SOURCE CODE: UR/2589/65/000/078/0043/%JO48
AUTHOR: Brzhezinskiv. M. L.. Zorin. D. I.; Sverdll',chenko. V. D.
.TITLE: A photometric photoelectric microscope
.SOURCE: USSR. Kctnitet standartov, mer i I.2meritellnykh pribcoov. Trudy institutov
Kcmitcta, no. 78(138), 1965. Issledovaniya v oblasti lineyDykh iworo-niy (Research in
the field of linear measurements), 43-48
:TOPIC-TAGS: Thzt~~ ~i-a microscope, photoelectric method, photoealectric tracking,
'optic scanning, photoelectric scanning, automatic seal reading equipment, metrology
.ABSTRACT: A photoelectric, line reading microscope is described. 7he block diagram
of this instrument is shown in Figure 1. Scale 10 is illumirated by the light source
13 through the beam splitter 2 and the objective 1. The scale plane Is imaged by the
:relay.lens system 4 into the plane of the optical chopper 5 (in tho form of a vibrat-
iing split) driven by two electromagnets. A photodetector 6 receives the light fro-m
Ithe optical scanning system and generates electrical signals.proportional.to the in-
:stantaneous values of the light flux. The photodetector output is amplified in The
;amplifier 7 and demodulated in a phase sensitive ring demodulator 8. The resulting dc:
Isignal, proportional to the displa4evant of the.microscope tain axis from the center of
rd 1/3
F'~CC NRt AT7000580
ithe line being scanned, Is dlspl#yq.d wa zero-con-
:ter meter. When the instrument Ii'properly cali-
brated and is operating correctly,-the'veter will
indicate zero when the microscope axid-ouintidaii
!with the center of the line. The vibrating slit
is driven at line frequency (50 Hz), hence the
output of the photodetector (6) contains'a funds-
imental frequency component-at that frequency, as
Pell as the second and higher harmonics. Since
!both the line image and the vibrating slit affect
,the light flux to the photodetector, the ratio of:
the second (and other even harmonics) to the fun- 0 a
damental (and other odd harmonics) depends on the
relative, position of the microscope optical axis
to the center of the line. As the center of the
iline is approached this ratio Increases until at
coincidence no fundamental component is present in Fig. 1.
the signal. The phase of the fundamental with re-
spect to the phase of the line frequency corre-
sponds to the relative position--to the left, or to
,the right--of the scanning system with respect to
;the scale line. The ring demodulator, because it uses line &aquency Ais reference,
ACC NR- AT7000580
generates a dc signal with magnitude dependent on the instanuneous amplitude of the
in the input signal, and the polarity datermined by !to robase. The do-
,'-siSn-of the instrument is discussed in great detail, as are c(:,nditiOns which may cause
-..~:irnproper operation. Several photoelectric scanning microscopito went produced and uti-
17."Jized successfully in Interferometric comparators. Orig. art4 has: 5 figures,
~.SUB CODE: 09,14/ SUBM DATE: 1ONov63/' ORIG REF: 003
Universal high-precInion ujilt Por twiting, amilotors, Voltzhoterm
and wattmFiters at oonic frequr~ncier;. lzm.tekh. nri.10-6-12 0 165,o
(Ngfth 18v12)
Electric and forrodynamic wattmeters with amplifierm in the
input circuits. Nov. nauch.-isel. rab. po met:r. VNIM
no.60-8 164. 04IRA 180)
Frrora of' tranifomation3 In llcv, aft-
rab. po metr. VNHM no.6il6-171 164. (milo 2180)
Classification of phase-%-jensi Live casuades by thair airt-ou"S,
pm,mr* Izvo vyno uchab. zav.; prib. 7 no*409-61 164
1. Leningradskiy politeklmich-jokil institut imeni M.I. HAIIniaaa
Rekomendovana kafedroy alektrol=eritellnoy tekbiikl.
-I.-. - ~: - L:11 7 ~- 11: .,:. ,
Thermoelectric class 0.1 power measuring d-viaso TrudV inst. Kon.
stand, mer i I.zme prib. no.6709-49 t62. (bflw- 17.'l1)
1. Voesoyuanyy nauchno-isaledovatellakly institut metmologil Imeni
HighI7 stable sonic frequency flourclue NoV?.nau0hf-i3vl,rab.po metro
VNIIH no.4:40-43 064. (MmA 1833)
Complete set of apparatur for testii
materials. Nov.nauch.-iesl.rab.pc.motr. VNIDI na-54,1-9 '64-
(MIRA 18:3)
ARISTOV, Yevgoniy MiMmylovich; ZQMIN,_D.L~p kand. te Im. nauk,,
reteenzent; KLYUK111, I.I., retsenzent; WASNUOV, L.L.,
prof.,, nauchn. red.; LESIKOVA, L.R., red.; ERASTOVA,
N.V.) tekhn. red.
(Physical quantities and units for their meapuremant]
Fizicheskie velichiny i edinitsy ikh izmeremLia. Le-
ningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 94 P- (111.71A 17:1) 1
Haltilimit thermaelectric device for measuring curront, Voltage
and power, Izm.tekh. no.2t29-32 F 163. (MIRA 16:2'
(Electric instrumnts)
Selective equilibrium Indicator for a wIde froqueng band,
Izm.tekh. no-3238-40 Hr *63. (DfBA 16:1,);
(Electronic instrmento)
D, i~qta., kand. takhn. nauk; MITKEVICH, A.Y., dotsO kand.
tekhn. nauk; SHMAKOV, E. 14.,, a,as.; SHRMOV, To. Gi I pror. p
doktor tekhn. nauk; ASHKOAZI, E.L.,,red.; AKULIMDO I.Sh.,
takhn. red.
[International electrotechnical vocabulary, Group 20t Scientific
and industrial measuring instruments]Hezh4unn-.-Odnyi elektro-
tekhnichaskii alovart; gnippa 20; Laboratomys i teklinich6skle
izmaritelinye pribory. Izd.2. Moskva, Glav.red,inostr.
nauchno-tekhn. slovarei Fizmatgiza, 1962. 225 p. (14IRA 16%1)
1. International Slactrotechnical Commisaion,
(English language-Dictlonarism-Polyglof*,)
(Electric angineering-Dictionaries)
Goncerning the atmeture and swe Tuxdamentea r,,haraatqTistica
of present-day electric meas-uring devices. El,nktricI-M::atvo
no.8:20-25 Ag 162. (MIU11 15:7)
1. Lcningradskiy politeWmicheskly institut Uiani ~,:mliniria.
(Elactrl.c measurements)
AUTHORS: Bezileovich, A.Ya., Zorlin
,_D..1. and Kayander, M.S.
TITIZ: Frequency errors of wattmeters
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radicelektronika,
no. S. 1961t 10, abstract 8 A65 (V at). Vo-pr. obshch.
elektropriborostr., Kiyev, AN USSR, 1960, 53-61)
TOM A method and equipment has been designed at the
VNIIM im. D.I. Mlendeleyev for calibrating am-aeters, volt and ~watt-
meters at the frequency range of up to 201000 c/s. The designed
equipment is based on the thermo -electrical comparinon method. The
calibration accuracy of a.c. at frequencies up to 20,000 C/S is
about 0.1 to O.Z'0. The instruments produced for mains frequencies
have been tested over a wide range of frequencies and for sonle types
additional frequency correction have been deteridivid, Formulae are
given of frequency error terms resulting from Itiductance, mutual
inductaiice and eddy currents. Calibrating, fraquency curves are
Card 1/2
Frequency errors of wattmeters D201/b3O4
given for several types of instruments. Some types oil wattireters,
designed for 50 c/s operation, may be used at tip to 500 c/s provid-
ed that additional errors do not exceed the value expressing the
class of accuracy of the instrur-iient. Recomendgitiow; are given on \/
the means of decreasing the frequency errors o~ small power factor -,,
wattm(.Aers. Zf- Abstracter's note: Complete translation7
Card 2,/2
Rev disaign of a high-realstance six-decado potepAtiometer. rzm *
tekh. no.6:31-36 Je 161. (MIRA 14:5)
-111 . [lilt III
S105816014YJOIO 10/40 12/014
9,9 0 116 0) 116 1) AOO I/AOO I
Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 10, p. 3112, # 27620
AUTHORS: Zq~jin,_D.I.# Brodskiy, A,M.
TITLEg A Bridge for Measuring Srmll Capacitances at Radio Frequency
PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1959, No. 38 (98), pp. 40-44
TEXT: The authors present the theoretical calculations, design desorip-
tion, schematic diagram and photographs of a bridge for measuring ainall capaci-
tances of the MME-1 type. The r e f measurements runs from 0.002 to 1,000
6 gpg 0
picofarad at the loss angle (t X) not exceeding 0.05 radian and a frequency of
1 Mc; for tg Ur x ranging from 0.001 to 0.05 radian, capacitances from 1 to 1,000
picofarad. The relative error of the bridge In measuring capacitance C does not
exceed + (0.2 + 2a/C + bC)%, where a is the factor of the r&l,,Io ot bridge arma
(0.1; 1; 10), b = 0..001 at a - 10 and Is equal to zero for 1;he other two a-values.
The error in measuring tg x at the I-Mc: frequency does not exceed _t (2+0.1/tg4~)%
at C,;/~,10 a picofarad. Measures taken for, reducing the effect of pmras 'itic losses
are described. B.Z, Kato
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract,
Card 1/1
USSR/Nuclear Physics Instruments and Installations C-2
'Methods of Measurement, and Investigation.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika) No 1, 1958) 235
Author : Zorin, D.H., Milovanov, 0,8., Shallnov, A.V.
Title Linearly-Cyclical Accelerator
Orig Pub Atom. energiya, 1957, 2, no 6, 552-553
Abstract In 1954, O.A. Waldner proposed a linearly-cyclical accele-
rator (elutron) operating, like the microtroa, on the prin-
ciple of multiple resoaance. The elutron consists of two
linear accelerAtors, a system of rotekting; 2wgnetic mirrors,
and injecting 31 accelerator, and a detlector that gui-
aes the injected electrons to the orbit. The m1poetic sys-
tem consists of four magaetic mirrors, eacki of vhich turns
the beam by 90P. A uniform static magnetic field is per-
pendicular to the plans of the orbit, and the trajectories
of the particles are directed tovards the edge or the
Card 1/3
11 IT'll It 1111 TH11111williql 11;iA1111 qn'uz
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Instvuments and Installations. C-2
Methods of Measurement and Investigation.
Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 235
the focusing properties of the scattering fields of the
magnetic mirrors and four quadrupole mgnetic lemses,
set at.the input and output of linear accelerators.
Card 3/3
So =;cjjlp
I;*. So VW
Do --P. fql,~v.Tvqj
*qj J.
P-TV73-2 J1 M-4-- --FP-T -11 So
-2--n zq. -j-. zm=rz T
IlToodu -75=-21 UZ vjto
r.,ql.= -ftn So LL-= -:m P" vm"Tl so A4 !To
uol"~7wv z's; .!:; ftp- =
- w
7 q1
So -Ta-T-z. w Ld"vwpv
rs m
z.4sT..- So .~ld-
III 1W Allo-,
oIT. Is
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-w =116 .. vz. T~*- -z J~alvvT
occV.-Dora) -r~ v.Tjr"vL=
rw PT~bTt ;- -lz- "-d Dzvm-
a or,% So
.fv" q%
Tqy So cT
liti- q% So
mw.--a V~ Avpl~rj--d- rFT7TWIr~r-a~.l.m "
So -Fl-'qJTJ.d .4% J. -U.olt* q% =
jr,r-'IT v So u-Tl- o'Ooo -In w -I-
P,!T-rzo,; r~x -rt~q ptl T-1-1 v
*ql %-16;479 OOL
oOQ -R% *wTA~;ftZ.r-;mKW
smT2,vT AlRo"moll .:t1 n 6jb,
Ds j;-dT L, ---; ;11-1 DUTI-T-6 tl~O:: -qZ .&DYKam
vXT2-ZVu* A
-. iy
Z -9 !-o
(t--zl LL&-gLi dd tly"TcOrVA
nit vb." "it) ln7 *" So *-j.;ml -Till"Tos Z=z
*.-/v tqwzAT
(0 ) ve
TITLE A 1iuear1y-eva~;L,3 a-:1,-eXerator,
(Line,vAo-taiklinhaskiy uskoritol',- Russiim)
PERIODICAL Atomnaya Enargiya 195"4~ Vol 2q Nr 61 PP 552-555 (V.S.S"R.)
ABSTRACT The scheme f6r which patent rights were appl.-Ihed for by 0.1.
VALDM 12 1954 under 0608 pexmita the multiple u9o of a
linear accelerator. Such an accelevator was described its
being lluearly-cyolio ("elutron"). It operates somewhat like
a mi,,rotron aoaordiag to the prinoiple of-multiple resonance
but it is distinguished from the microtrot by the construe-
tion of the maguetic system causixg rotatioil~ In the case
of the elutro;a dis,.ussed here it is possible to use strong
magnetic fields and to diminish the weig,ht of the rotation
The slutroa consists of two linear accelerators ard of a
system of magnetia mirrorB. In addition -there is an injector,
whtob dire-ts the relativistic elea-tronn lo their orbii. The
echems of the elutron is shown in form of a drawing. The
magnetic 117stela consists of 4 magnetin, vt-.irors ea3h Of Which
defle-,ts the bundle by 9L0. The homogenecus atatia magnetic
CARD 1/3
_:1Ff1T-).;I1_11T11_.I_ 111111 MRT I IIt I. III
A Pn~.,rarly-cyello accelerator,
field ij -yertl.,3al to the plane of the orbit. If the stray
fields e-re negleated the relatlr1stir, ~partioles in the
mirr'J.- paas threrigh a quadrant with the radius R - E/eH.
Here e-denotes the charge of the electron, H - the magnetic
field strength, E - the total etergy of the Alectron,, The
particles with different energies desvrlbe quadrants with
different raiii in the first mirror and emerge from the
mirror aa a broad bundle. The seaond magmetic mirror is In-
clined by 450 towards the axis of 'this bundle, deflects the
bundles bY 450, and oollects the j)artinles of different
energies into a narrow bundle. By using a secoud similar sy-
stem of magnetic mirrors it is possible to cause particles
of different energies to move along closed orbits on the
axes of the linear accaleratorti, The equation for the phase
oscillations is similar to the corresponding equation for the
microtron, In the here discussed magnetic system a steady
motion of particles can be attained by using the foemseing
properties of the strayfieldo of the maghetic mirrors and
four magnetic quadrupole lenses.,
(With 2 Illustrations).
CARD 2/3
80 5-10/'24
A linearly-cyclic accelerator.
ASSOCIATION: not given,
S'UBMITTED: 9-11- 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
CARD 3/3
AAJIr -300 (ADW-300) automatic welder A004/Alol.
following technical data: Voltage (at 50 cps) 380 v; paver Jnput - 50 W;
welding current at 25% duty cycle - 300 arp; welding current ri?gulation range
35 - 300 amp; regulation 5ange of the welding rate of eR(ih hetid - 25 - 60 n,/h;
air pressure 4 - 6 kv,/cm-; thickne3s and width of strip being welded - 0.5 -
2.5 and 700 1,520 mm; argon consumption - 600 - 1,000 3./"n; nooling wwter
consumption 500 - 600 I/h; table tractive force - 2 tons; itrIp-end clamplng
stress - 10 tons; overall dimensions (length x width x h(!dght)t of automatic
welder - 2,600 x 2,800 x 1,700 mm; of control cabinet - 700 x 670 x 1,810 mm;
weight: of welder 7,000 kg;' of control cabinet - 200 kg. Preliminary caloula-
tions have revealed that, with a welding-line capacity of 30,ON) tons/year,
the new automatic welder will yield savings of more than 50,000 riibles annually.
There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
r, If F, [r -1~1 f III Ili I TIa-'-walk I U
Acc NR, AP6oOT668
i , A-
I I t~ 1 j p (I I, al 1, c r. v e
7' q V T 1! 1! p ri o j
~ORTX, D.Ye.; SHAPIRO, O.Ya. i
The ADIA-300, automtic. machim for -welding w~40 bawls. Biulotelcha-
I ekdn,infom*Goo.naucb*'At;i3l.-inst,nauch, I tei~,infom, n0.4:23-425
,62. - (MIRA' 15t7)
(Electric , welding- f luipmeat and isuppllii s)
is is 11 ij w -It w- It -M
L_j jL IL
r A !1 14 If
c ~
so Bi-
----------- iV-4111-
it a JS7
x a r a it li to pa 43 a a v 4p
so a &Udles on
L 1U
11 Z4?, 01941 CIO R, SuRklimt ujiged &t
.,wK,-XAwf. rxpd, Aw. ll,pc" to the
CAlilll-A PiCt oft a fult ed di,,I. S. Mollalrus
dre 0
so 0
j, a me 0
A, S R - S L A .11 A L L Of K A 1. 1.111*61011 CLA$SIPKAT$01-
s, it .. .... WOO
I --------- -
es t-.j7, 4,
IT U IS A; 14. &1 1 -4 -1
in M I ~VA 40
a 4) 0 0 0 0 !o 0 0 0 o s o c 41 a o 41 6 o o 4 0,0-6 0
a so 0400 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ore 0 Q~;,G 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 41 01 0 0 0 a V 00:1
I L At
V. 1.
0* 1
mattilm son twe; iIA)
le guinea-pis" 11"Hol p" us. C. A.
00 coo
00, :3
00 3-
AV .3 o at A* n 1 M
it f
0 see 00 060 0i0 0 a 4
0 0 0 0 0:0 OLO 0 0 & 0 0 Wa 0 0 #.0-* 0 a'$ 0 dj~
W-W-W V lp
VI I I I , #, 11-
loe A
*0 A Pi
00 ji
W" vw-- jw-
0 9 a to a K a IQ 0 It m 19 IN 4
Q-6-4.0-sto 0 0-0, 0 0-0 0 0 0 016-0.0 q) a o 41 so 41 41*
---ZORIN, 1. kand. sell skokhoxyayutvontWkh naiik
z.;__ - t
The magic knife. Wn.nat. to.6:9-10 Jo 16D,~ OfIRA 13:8)
1. Op7tnaya stantaiya yuzhaykh kulltur g.Soobl.
NIKRASOV, As; WIMP F-plom!)4.6011[3kok)io2yavutvonnylch nauk
Iloten of a naturalist. IlJn.ilat. no,2:37-38 r '59.
(ilia 12: 1)
(Doga) (Hydrangea)
ZORIN, F., kand.sel'sIcokhoiqVotvennykh nauk
Stalk like a battering r=* Mnonato no#3:37 1~9, (KIMA 12:4)
- -A 11 - - -----T:T --- ----
. ZIO.R,I-.. F.
N. ?
-, ~. .:V -! ~'. , -
Juge made from pumpk:ing. Wa. nat. no.4t.39 Ap 157. (14UU lOt6)
e. ~;
""4~~~skmon- lUn. riat, no,4,',3FJ-39 Ap -457*
ron ' CKU 10:6)
ZORIN, F. m.
Zorin t F.L iL. t ,citrus selection in SochP . Bytdleten f Vsesclyuz. nauch. -issed.
in-ta chaya i subtrop. kulltur, 1948,11o. 4, p. 34-55.
got U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis In7Lh statey, Ro. 10, 1949).
11 ~
zolUl"', F.
il. 's'..r-
Z,J R 1 11 1, F. "!oGes of a worker", I.Cri iris! 1. ~ - U., " .4 1.
T. D. Lysenko, and on the -4ov:~ of clt,riij !~. L,$
194~' 3 u. 150-61).
SO: U-4393, 10, Au6utfl-, 53, (Ieltold-i L',Lal,oyll th. ?;,III
KfWKBWV ?.A.,- ZOR111. F.A., oty. red.; OICIIWPKOV, To.D..rdd. izd-va,;
takha. :red.
[Practices of efficiency experts in Aldan] Opirt ratolonalizatotoy I
Aldanal lAkutsk, Moatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. lj~56. 2~) p.
(JIMA li-11)
I.Russia (1917- R.S.P.S.R.) Takutakiyokonbmi~!beslol), adminietrativvy
rayon. Sovat narodnogo khozyaystva.,
(Aldan-Gold mines and mining)
11 ~ 1111; - HT:11 111; TH 11 !111,
Specialist, Subtropical Agriculturo, S'Cohl Exptl. Stu., -cI-IIi'j,-)-. 1112fistyltS of
Experiments with Cirtus Trees," Sov. Agron., No. 5, 19/1-9.
JIM), Not, 1. od" j
Ill tilt 144cl II01100(h 041AMIL 14 ii,idi 11449*uldi-
b) va"Jutil wl"."MolAtAll Amm Jbir stim Imliolitt lit Imiflotio,
16 it ittlitilltdO PWOOt tilt
2. MR (600)
4, Agriculture
7. Brief handbook on selection of a-ub-tropical plants* Krasnodarx Kraev, goo, izd,$
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions# Library of Congress, Jam r
tw YP 1953. Unclassified.
_~~IN,.,,7.,,,kandldat eel Iskokhozyarm tvemnA4 nauk.
rrom the diary of a plant broader. Mm.nawio.103-25 AP 156.
(Plant breadixg) (14ZRL 9: 9)
ZOMI, ?-N-, ksaidat sell wkokh*w&y~tv*wwkh tank (Seek%)
- '4""Mmowt
An Interesting case of variability in pear. PrIxodA 45 ito.5:.
114-115 4 156. (ft") (XM 9: 8)
ZORIV# Fedor,Nikh Jcsitd.oallfskokhozyeyst"llnykh natk; WSM'Saff,
SAVCHMC). Ta.Y,, tekht.red..
(Plant surgery-, as a method of plant proliagation and selection]
Xhirurgiia rastanii; khlrarglis kak priom razianochanila I
aelektaii raotanii. Kosk-va, Izd-vo tZmAos" 1.9,59. 31 P.
(Yeaeoiunce otshchastvo po rasprostransalin politichmsk1kh i
nauchnykh 2nanii. $or. 5, Sel'skoe khoslmistvoo 4). (MIRA 12:2)
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