ZCM, Vladimir Sapsonovich: F=ROTA, T.T., red.; RbIrANovA, Z.A.,
[Learn how to work] Uchis' rabotat'. KoskvnO Gosjmd-vo
md.lit-ry Kedgiz. 1960. 38 -p. (1411?A 14:4)
(Rom accidenta-Prevention)
110SHCHaKIN. Alakeand-r Alakmandrovich-.. ZORIX. Vladialll. sapfil=640h;
XU=- SOV, G.A.. red.; UY"N96, L.Avo
(Now developmento in tho norwice inihistrioal 1;*vo,b v bytovon
obsluzhivanti raaelenI16. Moskva, Vs9s.koapJzd--vo. 1960.
101 P. (10MRA 14:4).
(Service industries)
--- - - -- I '' .. , , " .. -, .., . 11-1 .1 11 ~
I., red.; YAKOVIjIYA, To.$
[Traffic safety manual for the automobile driver) Shoferu-
llubiteliu o mankh becopannosti. Ravkva, HooksrsboaMlg
196o. 117 P. (WIRA 14:2)
(Traffic safety) (Automobile drivers)
ZCR1K, Vladimir Samsonovich; TRAERTM, Ta.N.. red.; MICMXOVA. Tu.S..
- - _.-
ERemember: gas Is dangercras!] Pomita: gas noibazopaoan! Hookva.
Kadgizq 1958. 7 P. (KM 1~:5)
(Gas--Safety measures .)
Dpnger electricity! Zdo:rov'e 4 no.5:12 HY '58. (14 MA 11:4)
ZORIN, V.S (14osky.n)
16.1& W.&C-malm-
_ - .
i-1- Know how to handle electricity; iantarisl for talks. Ifeilld. i akish.,
23 no.4:50-54 Ao 158. (MIRA 11:4)
Ld!a L
tA 11 11 ]1 Ii,
Voltage ruLmlator for low-voltage networks. Inerg. i
elektrotekh. prom. no.2:11,15 Ap-Je 162. (I-LOIA 15:n')
1. Kiyov.,11"'I p,)2-It,4cbIAchOSkiy institut.
pmer diz!tribution)
(Voi t--aL:-,e regulators)
Voltage control on plant substation bus bars, feeding, the weldir,
current. Avtom. sver. 1.5 no.202-)8 F '611,1. (241RA 1, 5: 1
1. Ordena Lenina Kiyevskiy politokhnicheskiy institut.
(Electric welding-Equipment and supplkes)
.~.V. inzh.
Study of voltage conditions 5,n the eloctric.al 11jetworks oi, weldtrl~-
. I
machines. Enarg. I elektrotakh. prom. no.2-.24,.27 Ap-Ja 16,1 ~
(KIRA 17.10)
Compensation of the reactive power of contact machl.nies b7
consecutive condennere* Avtomeavar. 13 W.6:28i-36
Je 160. (HIRA 1317)
1. Kiyevskiy ordena Leninapolitekhnicheskiy Institut.
(Electric welding-Equi: ment and eupplies)
(Blectric capacitore'S
3/125 60/000/006/008/009/~X
A16 YA030
AUTHORt Zorin, V.V.
TITLEt Compensating the Reluctance of Resistance Welders by Series
PERIODICALs Avtomaticheakaya evarka, 1960y No. 6f pp. 28-36
TEXTs Compensation of the reluctance power of resistance volding suhinos
by static capacitors connected in series with the welding transformer isidis-
cussed. The experimental part of the work had been oarried out at Itatitut
elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Inistitute imeni
Ye.0. Paton of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR) in Tiew of ine'ufficient
data on nome compensation aspects available in Soviet and foreign li'.erature
(Ref4 5, 7, 8). The effect of parallel and series capacitors is compaxed,
and the effect of the ignition angle of ignitrons an oeries compensation is
discussed. It is pointed out that ignition angle change trom 0 to 900 re-
sults in a cos(p drop of 70-75%, and it is advisable to limit theamooth
Card 1/,,
Compensating the Reluctance of Resistance Welders by Series Capacitors
power regulation range by 20-25 , The short-time power of HTIT (IdTP) and
MUITT (MShP) welders may be raised by using series capacitors, and those
welders may be then used for welding metal of greater thicknessp or for weld-
ing light metals. The short-time power may be raised b raising the voltage
P "~, i.e,, by reducing
er one turn of the primary transformer winding (Ref. 5
the number of turns of primary win&ing by 20%, or by raising the voltage on
the welder terminals by 16-18% by ateana of a booster transformer. The ar-
ticle includes a circuit diagram showing the capacitors connection principle
(Fig. 6) and calculation formulae for the capacitors paramators. Automatic
discharge of capacitors is provided for in the circuit for safety purposeo
when the welder is disconnected from the network. It is advised to oonnent
the ignitron discharger control circuits directly to the network. The
example calculation is made for a IITP-300 welder (300 kva). It is stated
in conclusions thatt 1. Compensation by series capacitors reduces 1.5
2.5 times current consumption from network, improves voltage regulation,
eliminates blinking in lighting network and relieves the sapply lines; aeries
Card 2A
S/125/ 60/00(J/006/008/009/ja
Compensating the Reluctance of Resistance Welders by Spries Capacitors
capacitors required for full compensation have a lower capaoity than parallel
capacitors. 2. Smooth control by changing the ignition angle drastically
reduces cos cp of the welderl and it is advisable to re(,,-ulat o or mainly by
(3., -P T7
switching over the welding transformer stages; it is better to limit smooth
regulation by ignition angle change by 20-250- 3- CaPacitars connected Ln
series with the primary winding of the welding transformer veduce the re-
sistance of the welding machine and hence make the quality oil welded jointo
more stable. Using series capacitors thicker metal mAy be wolded than sti-
pulated in the machine data certificate. There are 6 figures and 7 re-
ferences of which 5 are Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION., Kiyevskiy ordena Lenina politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev
"Lenin Order" Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: January 12, 1960
Card 3/4-
L 46~7o-(-06
m) /MT (w) /T/1.i,4P t) /1,11 J D `0 i 3
IV 3 ma CODE: ui?/oooo/65/ooq/ooo/oo84/(
AUTHOR: -Zharikov, G. P.; ZoAh", V. V.; Litvishko., Z. V.
ORG* Institute of Cybernetics, AN UlaS (Institut kiberneLiki AN UkrZSR)
opertle36 f perwllt)y
TITLE: Effect of technological parameters on tbe Tyne-tic Iill-..-..-- 0
films obtained by condensation of the vapor of an alloy fit-wacuum
SOURCE: M1 UkrSSR. Fizika metallichetikikh plenok (Flaysiec of motal filmi). Kiev)
Naukova dumka, 1965, 84-90 -
TOPIC TAGG: magnr~tic jbin f Izall
J341_permalloy, magnetic property, cryistall , on )hase
transition, temperature dependence, magnetic domain boundary, magnetic coercive force,
magnetic anisotropy
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determloo the optimal condensation
conditions under which the uncontrolled substrate heating nnd hewt release of the
va-por-crystal pha3e transition are reduced to a minimum. qbr. teit;s were made with a
specially developed evaporator and the substrate temperature was measured with a
Cu-Ni thermocouple in the form of a film deposited directly, on the substrate. 1-1ea-
surements were made of the substrate beat rine and phase transittaxi beat release
against the time, of the coercive force and the displacement of th,e don-nin boundaries
against the film thickness, and of the relative change In the cot.,roive force as EL
function of the uniaxial anisotropy of' the films. The teal. con3i.sted of cbeeking the
influence o:V different condensation parameters an the magnctic pror erties of the
ACC NRs AT6020706
films. The results show that the substrate temperature is noticr3ably Increased by
the thermal radiation of the evaporator and by the heat relimined in the phase transi-
tion. This temperature rise can be reduced by increasing the condensation rate or by
using an evaporator,with smaller heating area. Comparison ext data obtained for dif-
ferent condensation rates, residual gas pressures, and substrate temperatures shows
that the magnetic properties are most influenced by the nubwtratu tenperatu):e. With
increasing temperature, the coercive force of filins of thiclaiesm XJO - 900 it increanes,
and since this in the thickness range In which the anisotroly enerily constitutes a
major fraction of the domain-boundary enerrf, it in concludeet that ji'a't least one of the
causes of this increase is the InhomoSenelty of the uniaxial--aninolropy tliiiil, Drig.
art. bas; 5 figures,
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 16Dec64/ OTH REP: 003
I Card 2 2V
L 467!C;%66
fill. 10
g 7 1' Ij
ZRARIFW17, G.P. llllfl:'_H~ [Allpila'm
A. IA. -(MEL,:
Magnetic ilropcrtip-
of suj-c-rthlr~ fiz. ZhIll.
9 no.8:911-912 Ag Ite
4. (1 MIRA 17: 1,
1. ins T,.*,",-,t kih;-rjc rill; Uk- SSIJ i-y
integrating voltmeters and their une in municipal electric
power distribution networks. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom
no.3slO-14 J1-S 162. (MRA i8,-11)
1. Klyevskly politekhnicheakiy institut.
.~PRIN, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOMLACH, V.I., I.nzh.
Technical and economic calculation of nev municipal 6-10-20
kv. power distribution networks using the "Ural-211 digit&l
computer. Energ. I eleRtrntekh. prom. no.301-12 31-S 165.
(MIRA 18:9)
~ Vasillyevich; SELPTERSTOVA, A,I., red.
[Mathematical textbook for persons entering sc.-hool-i
of higher education] Ponobie po materat1ke d1la poqtu-
palushchikh v vuzy. Mosk-vap Vysshaia shkola, 3.965.
177 p. (MIRA 18:9)
AUTHORS: Yesipenko, A. Ye., Zorirl.-
TITLE: An investigation of the T13-1 (TB--I) optical theodolite
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy 2hurnal, Oeodeziya, no. 1, 1963, 33, abstract 1.52.217
(118b. nauchn. tr. Krivorozhsk. gornorudn. in-t", 1962, no. 12,
221 - 227)
TEXT: The authors present the principal. technical characteristics of
the TB-1 theodolite and report on the results of investigixting the value of di-
vision of its cylindrical level on the horizontal circle, micrometer scale, pre-
cision of sighting and superposition of images of the limb lines, as well as ac-
curacy of measuring horizontal and vertical angles. The following values of rms
error have been obtained; superposition of limb linesio'153, sighting �11.'2,
measuring a horizontal direction by one observation +2.16, measuring a vertical.
angle by one observation +418. In oi:,der to teat thf~_Possibility of using the
TB-1 theodolite for the iRree-stand observational method, thre,'! polygons were
run with the same number of vertices but different length;s of sides (_3, 10 and
Card 1/2
5/270/153/000/00 1/0 1 -VG~4
An investigation of the... AQ01/A1Ol
20 m). In the first polygon the misclosure turned out to be 20'.1"e, in the second
- 417 and in the third one - 416. The conclusion has beeft dramn that the TB-1,
theodolite: can be used in running polygonometrio travernea, of all classes, forai-
ing triangulation networks of the 3rd and 4th alasses and survaya in underground
V. Sinyaj~ina
[Abstracterts note: Complete translation]
Card Z/2
3/194 /6 1/000 /012/07 2/0~j-
AUTHORS: Grishin, A. P. and Zorin, V. Yu.
TITLE: Ultrasonic apparatus for extritctinL~,
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radioelektronika,
no. 12, 1961, 17, abstract 12E93, ('IT-V, Grozziezvik,~
neft. in-t", 1961, 3, no. 25, 59-62)
TEXT: It is shown that the procest; of extracting reoinous
stances from mixtures of borehole coal and alkiiiline b~ath is :-,10
timesmare rapid when using an ultrasonic set-up. An ultrascntc
paratus was used with a power of 600 volto- with a magnetostr---ti,:-
transmitter at a frequency of 14 - 26 Kc/o. Coiuitr,ction of -.he
ultrasonic apparatus of an indut3trial type ic5 (Icc;cvibed for (, L t,'iL I
ing resinous reagents. From the capacitance of the miyturo
in-r brown coal in a fragmented state, alkali and water; the
ture is extracted by a pump B.A(VD) typej-pP (9-G10 w-_~t~h a f i 1",
circuit for suppressing the bydrodynamic vibrator jj!!_ i-~ io mc~-~
Card 1/2
S/1 94A., 1/000/012107, ~'~/09 -'
Ultrasonic appuratus for ... D427-I',/D'.,'I101 I
economical, and is then applied, in an operative cap,a,":ity,. where
suppression is continued, circuiting in the of 20 - 36 ml-
nutes along a circulation line until complete ex:tractior of -11111"e re-
sinous substances is obtained. /-Abatractorls note: Completi, - /
Card 2/2
ZORIII, Ta.A., inzht
Review of "Mechanization Und automation of the mudito ture of r441o
parts" by YeT.1ashine Roklul, avtom.prolav. 14 lo.13A461 11 160.
(Radio-Appaxatue amd supplim) (AutovOlogi)
Rasumes. Apt. delo 11 no.203-85 Mr-Ap 162. (141 RA 15.1.5)
Abslract2. Apt. delo 11 no-4:72-73 ii-Ag 1~2.
(MR-4. 17:11)
.... ..
Examination of some vitamin-containing plants for the r
manganese content, Apt, delo. 1-1 no.5:4-43 B-0 162,
(MIRA .17:5)
1, Farmatsevtiaheskiy fak-Uttot I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina
meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova.
. - - - - L--
ZORIN# Ye.B..,. mladshiy nauchnTf sotrudnik
Identific.ation of pIntyphylline tart,rato in lr4tKt"l,voq*
Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 3il2,-?--Il2 '62. (MIM 16: -11 )
1. Laboratoriya faririat~evtdcheskogo analiza (ruk(yvc,litoll labors-
torii - dotsent, kand.k:hitl.riauk iM.I.Tarasenlco) TSaentral'nogo apteoh-
nogo nauchno-issledovatel'.,kogo Ingtitute,
Moth odol -)py lr-(,i, -)~jn,qtj. tji L 11-0 fir,, 1 vs.1-s of' [)h,rr if t 'T`
contalning, ti~rrtl.jHry niln-g-fin. Report No.2t
Apt. delo I', no.301-35 My-fi- 164.
Identification of proserine in madicirAl mlxturem, lipt, delo 10
no. 2:54-56 Mr-Ap 161, (PPMTIGMINE), (MIRIA 14:4)
Radlemetric determination of potassium* Zavilab.21 no..12,.1419-1421
'55. (KM go'o)
1.1natitut Waii pri. Gorlkovsksm gosudarstyannow unWeraltete,
. I . ~ - -- 4-
I .
-- - .1-1 -.1-1-10- ", ",-, , .... 'p-r- I
, --i -1 !-- - t I., Y--j -- L . -f-- 1. - J~ "I I ~ I :-
1 .1 . I I
j,ji 1~. i
i I I I ! : a I ~ lw~ ;I I. III I I 1 11.11 .... 111.111. .., I
1 7r-
L 2662,o-6E~ tnu,~W/E;wrl(m) rJP(c R1011
ACC NR: AP50Z1369 SOCIRCE CODE: UR/Ot8t/G!1(0071'1'it01 Z94012IV46
AlllliOR: Pa,,, I Z,,-) 111 Y I. TO 1. It Iaum, D X r v 11 1~
717LE; Investigat',cn colidm(ItAvi.ty oil
q An
SOIACE: F I z ika t v r= r dogo I: ea v 7 m-, 1.0, 1965, 29411
'OP-C TAGS: c - ec 1, t c I ): 1 (1,tv I
Ac nt
ABST11ACT. TZ e s u 1 :1 r,?sn ed IT] fl. If-, 1
c 11 i:
A Aj-t . .....
i nr -mrum, rwr,
1 15 -7, -
A S.:; A rC;21)!7(,,
r,, V ;t- r [n Yt, I Ti) t(!l bwxn
-,crki FVgicotmch-nical Rome-a-rch lnstltxjtrs 6~, the Coltift.'r
-gos-udarst-m"fily un I.r:
TI TLE: ibnor pmpartlea of' riftrofismi injantad into ai-M.cix imd priamat Lm- b.11,
; bombardment
SOURGS: 0 S=- Wkl.947t T- 163t, nt.-l- !;p 1965, 11281-11.30,
TOFIG UGSt iouldmg midlantion, ultrk-pni firl rip 'em cnitell-ant, iflim lansitre sillat~
A.BSTRAC'ri Tho aillea pliltm a I'mVistivil;:1, of :1 OllwAVROO, '410VO CjX*
L 15977W)6
perpendicular to thq crynta,11a grim ptlit-, dil!qation Maahwi.1011117
ch-m-1cally to nil cr-,-)..qcoV1 mfwoth surf,mej, rixel atitojecrimol to bombqrd-
117-1 tv r ~na 11 ;,.r, f, 1,11 -Z t a"11 OvInFIL.
:I: In ii H.,
1111.11 MID 1' 1111 i i F,
SUB COO&I SUBM DURS 05,Tvn6,,',/ Our, Rra 001/
,-r-.rd 3/3
.... . .. In.
AUTHOR: PavII-Ov, P. V.; Zarin, Ye. 1.1, Totellbaum) D. 1.
z- - Wj1to"-
ORG: -Gorlik State University im. N. 1. tobachevskiy (Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvenMy
universitet) -- 0 t~ V1
TITLE: Inversion layers produced on n-type germanium bcdbwded v1th boron 'and alumi-
num ions
SOURCE: FizJ-Aa tyerdogo telaj, v. 8Lp no* 6. 1966p IT91-1795
TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor, surface property;, ion bombardment, borqp, alu-
minum, impurity conductivity
ABSTRACT: To check whether the inversion layer produced on the surface of germanium
'. by Ion bombea-dment depends on the type of ion used, the autbors bombarded germanium
with 50-kev J.ons of several elements (B., Al., We) Ar, C). The I=adlation procedure
was described before (m v. 6.. 3222, 1964). The ion current was -5 jia/=2 and the
dose ranged from 0.01 to 1000 Coullcm2. The presence of the-inverision UWer was de-
foermined by a procedure described in the earlier paperp and the reflistivity of the
inversion layer was measured both directly after irradiation and after annealing;
ip the latter ewe the dependence on the arawtling temperatvre wma also mmuireds
31~ additionp a study was made of the depth distribution of the acceptors (Al. and B)
iptroduced by ion bombardment. 1he results show clearly Omit the surface resistance
40ends in a comlicated mnner on the type of bombarding Lon,, the irradiation dose,,
.Card 3/2
.ACC NR, AF6o18541
apd the annealing temperature., and that In the case of bodwrdment with boron and
&~u~num ions.. the latter behave like ordinary acceptors, O.-wequentlyp the intro-
ftetion of active impurities by, ion bombardment is applicable not otay to silicon V7
bit also to germanium. The effect of other elements on the Inveraion laye-ro-F-Cea-:
m#nium calU for additional study. Zh. Verevkina participated in the work. Orig#
art. has: 4 figures and 1 table,'
Card 2/2
11111 =F1,j11F- MI, 7711, 1111 F
t' m49-67 M'(d)hWTW/9V(0 IPITT VPW JD/00
-Acc--NR . .....
AP6030968 SOURCE CODE! UR/0181/66/0081009/2679/2687
AUTHOR- Pavlov, P. V,; Temellbaum, D. I.; Zorin, Ye. I.; Alekseyev, V. 1.
ORG: Gorkiy State University im. N. 1. Lobachevskiy (Gorlkovkjkly gasudarstvennyy
TITLE: Distribution of atoms and radiation defects introduced in Lon bombardment
of silicon (Calculation by the Monte-Carlo method)
SOURCE~,Jizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2679-2687
TOPIC TAGS: silicon, ion bombardment, ion energy, - Monte Carlo methodj
atom, impurity atom, atom distribution, radiation defect
ABSTRACT: - The results are presented of calculation (by the Monte-Carlo method)
of the distribution of the impurity atoms introduced during silicon bombardment by
boron ions with energies of 20-60 kev and by aluminum, phosphorus and arsenic
ions with the energies of 25-150 kev. In addition, the distribution of radiation
defects in the bombardment by boron and aluminum ions is computed,, The results
obtained are analyzed from the viewpoint of dependence on the energy and mass of
Card 1 / 2
L 010 9-67
IXC NR- AP6030968
:)ombarding ions. Possible results are discusBed for silicon alloyifig by the ion-.
:)eam method. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 4 formulas, and .1 table. [Based on
3.uthors' abstract] [NTI
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Feb66/ ORIG REF: 0041 OTH REF: 023/
ACC NR- AP7007i63
AUTHOR: Pavlov,
R. V.
P. V.; Tetellbaum, D. I.;
ORG. Gor! kiy Physicotechnical Re3earch Institute (Gorf kovelkiy
issledovatellskiy fizilco-te1chnicheskiy institut')
TITLE: The amorphism In polyeryatalline germanium fiUm reaultingfrom
irradiation with argon ions
!SOURCE; Kristallografiya, v. 12, no. 1. 1967j 155-157
,TOPIC TAGS: amorphous polymer, semiconduating, filia, polyorystalline
film , germanium semiconductor, thin film semiconductor, irradiation effect
.argon, ion
,ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the transition of crystalline
germanium. into the amorphous state as the result of irradiation, The
experiment. was performed with thin polycrystalline germaniuin films, The
films were obtained by the vacuum coatinto of an Naol backin- heated to
%:) 4-3
4000C. The film thicImess varied froil 200 to 500 A, i-,,hich meant. that J'-'
was smaller than the nican free path of the ions. Bombardment wit?~
kev arcron ions 'was performed in an accelerator width a rmaZriet-ic al,,Liyzer.
The density of the ion current vras 2 to 4 11 a7 m4, The irradiation
doses were 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 5000 paurie 0m The vacuum in the
-Card-1/12 UDC: 54qItZ4--
vicinity of the target was 2 x
U 10 mm Hg. Durinr,, bombareliment., the
specimens were heated to 900C in order to reduce organic vapors. At a
does of 1 -4urie/cm no changes were observed in the specimens. How-
ever, et ilo-zeo of 10 Pcurie/c-m2 and larger, the electrGnogra-ais clearly
indicated the transformation of the germanium into the anorphous state;
the sharp lines disappeared and viere replaced by two or three diffuBion
ring I I
,s. The location of the intensity maxima did not coincide with the
location o.'L' the interference rings of the crystalline g*er-,,anium,(e_C0e0t
for the first maximum, which was located at the position oe the 111.)
line. This showed that the structure obtained vras not microcryst'alline..
but amorphous. Two basic mechanisms of amorphisru are proposed. First,a
gradual accumulation of Frenicel. defects during irradiatioa can lead to
the dispacement of atoms -'V'-o new positions and., C=SeqUent-ly, to the
disruption of proper order. The second mechanism consists in the gener-
ation of regions of local fusion (thermal peaks) inside the germanium by
means of retarded ions. These peaks harden in a short time
-11 -12
(10 - 10 see). Crystallization cannot occur in such a short time.
As a result, a liquid structure or some intermediate state (partial
crystallization) appears. The first mechanism is tonsidered more
probable. Orig. art. has: I table.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:' none/ ORIG REF*: 004/ OTH REP: 011
Card 2/2
;'. i i
,I "I''
q;, !
!:;;i: i I
1;i .
'j; ~
N~ il i
~ 11
ii, ; I
I ~~ :
I ~~ 1.1
:: i1
i~ :; ,
i ..~, II
j h 1., 1
; I!.1
.: . 1i :i1
i I;o
I ii ,1:I
ASZT17, D.D., professor; BRUIR, LL, professor; YOUMNISKIT, A.U.,
professor; SOROKM, I.E., professor; UGRTUMOV, O.P., prvfessor;
TOPCHAN, A.B., professor; AGAPKIN, I.N., kanliditt meditsinalclkh
nauk; AGRACHV, G.I., kandidat maditsinskikh amik; ALITSMIR,
N.S.. kandidat meditsiankikh nauk-, 13UMIZCK, Ya.'Ya., Icandidat
meditsinakikh nauk; g9gg
.., t, Ye.N., Icandidat ated1l,,ninskikh nauk;
KOROTINA, Tu.P.. kandidat x"'e'dTisinskikh nauk, K(.'GITSKIY, G.I..
kandidat meditainskikh nauk; MANDILISHTAX, kandIdat medi-
tainakikh nauk; MOCHAIA)VA, T.P.. kandidat moditninokikh naulc:
OBLOGINA, Ye.Ta., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; PATSKITIAROVA, A.G.,
kandidat meditainskIlkh nauk, FOKCTILOV, K.Ye., Irandidat moditsiaskikh
nauk; ROZANOVA. N.D., karLdIdat mrditainskikh aaak; SAKITAROV, A.S.,
kandidat meditainskikh nauk, YASHCM4KO, T.H., lrandidbA meditain-
skikh nauk
OTuberculoBis" ; h-andbook for physicians edited by Z.A.103bedeva and
N.A.Shmelev. Reviewed bjv D.D.Azeev and others. Elrobl.tub- 34 no.2:
76-80 Mr-Ap '56. (mia 91-8)
I I ~Al
~,ORIN, YE. N.
USSR/Medicine - Tuberculosis
Ajjj 119
"Role of Antituberculosis Organizations in the Control of Silicosin and 5iliqotub*rculosisIj
M. S. Plavnik, Third Ti-terapeutic Dept, Hascow Oblast Sci Has lns~ of Tuberculosis,
1 1/4 PP
11~,ov Med" No 8
Silicosis has been classified as: "suspected silicosisj," priinnry stage (compfnsation
process A), secondary stage, and tertiary stage (aubcompensation-B and decompensation
C process), with the proper differential diagnosis for 8ilicosis and tuberculosis, To
control these diseasesj Min of Pub Health requires preliminary emainstion (~f ne-it
underground miners and regular examinations, including X-rayap thereafter, with provisions
for care and transfer of those affected to surface jobs. These measures must be
supplemented by participation of phthisiologists in examinatI.ons of workers; isolation,
greater attention to transfer, care, etc., of sick ; imroveil.~,nt In laboratory methods
of dust elimination; organization of antisilicotubercul~sls 11easures and seminars for
doctors in medical and sanitation departmonts by expert phthi.slologists; arrangements
in institutions to allow doctors tot ake such courses. Ch~iofj Thl.rd Therapeutic
Dept: Ye. N. Zorin. Dir) Y10NITI: Prof N. N. Grinchar (deaccased).
FDD PA 152T6`3
ZIIUKOV, Pavol Kona tantinovich; KAM11111, Yiirly Ivnmovich; YIffUF()Vj
Arylxtay Yayupovich; NUISALE-M, Khakim Ibragiroviclij
FIGMINSKIY, Ilikolay Arsenlye-vich; .131111GIN, Artem
Yovgenlyevic'F. PrbAmAi uchaotlye: IMIk,'ENEV, Oh.A.j
II.N.; BOK, I.I., akndemik-, otv. red.; IUSTEROVA,
red.; ALYEPOVA, P.F., tek~m. red.
[Basic features of the geology and metallogevy of the Koksu-
Tekeli area of the Dzungarian Ala-TaujOsnovnTe eberty geolo-
gii I retallogenii Koksu-Tekeliiskogo raionn Dzhung-larzkogo
Alatau. Alna-Ataj Izd-vo Akad. naul< Kazndch:331.01 SsItr 1962.
123 P. ('1IR." 1.511-1)
1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk (for 7,bikovo KazanLn,
Kapipov, Figrulovskiy, Shlyginin). 2.
" g1ch
geo.Lo mokove upravleniye, (for Vursalivov~. 3. Pflidil: iya
nauk Eazakhsk~y SSH (for 111o1.).
(Dzimg~~riam Ala-Tau-Geology, Ecanori,~)
ZORIII, Yevgeniy Timofeyevich; TIN"TAKOV, Yurly MkIwylovich;
ROMADIR, A.G., red.; LIFER.OVA, A.I., red.IM-mi; M-11CPIEV,
P.M.p tekhn. red.
[Assembly, operation and repair of bakery equipment] Ifjontazh,
ekspluatatsiia i remont k1debopekarnogo oborudovaniia Mo-
skva,, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1963. 2 (14DA 1
51 P. 16:12)
(Bake ria s-Equipment and supplies)
I ACC 4k._4TGO~i75
2 URCE CODE ~~_6/_O /000/0244 0250
;AUTHOR: Morachevsk' V. L.; Zorin, Ye. V.
ORG: none
TITLE, Power parameters and dynamic behavior of a multiple stage pneumatic drive fbr
automatic systems a
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Pnev--noa.vtomwtika (Pneumatic
iautomation). Moscow,' Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 244-250
TOPIC TAGS: pneumatic device, pneumatic control system, gas t~ompressor, air t6mpeta-
Iture, heat exchanger, expanding gas
ABSTRACT: The efficiency.and response of pneumatic drives can be improved through the
use of multiple stage devices. The author describes one such system, and compares its
efficiency and performance with ordinary single stage drives. The pneumatic drives
are frequently incorporated in automatic control system as prime movers., In this
application, the piston must be capable of stopping in any position upon receiving an
appropriate coTfimand. The magnitude and the direction of -the displacement are deter-
mined by the magnitude and the sign of this conwund. Compai,,ed to ardinary reciprocating
intermal combustion and steam engines, this operation is quite inefficient. For iso-
thermal expansion, the efficiency of a commonIsingle stage pneumatic drive is given by
T~T ec
Card _I 4 In e.
AtC--N'-'R- AT6021752
where ec= P%IPI are the absolute pressure of the intake and tile compressed air
respective' . The closer the actual operation of the drive can approximate the iso-
thermic conditions, the better the efficiency.. Fig. 1. shows a diaXram of a multiple
stage pneumatic drive. The air is fed through a supply line from a:compressor. The
multiple stage drive consists of a number of single -.tage piston drIvies (C1,C2,Ca)%
serially connected through expanders (P2 23,pa)'- Each stage operatts at a constant
pressure difference 'and is supplied by compressed a1r, which passed through tile pre-
ceding'stage and expanded to a predetennined pressure in the qixpandiir. The air from
.the compressor enters air distributor (BPI) of the First stag-qi. Rotating distribution
valve 00'0~admits the air to cylinder (CI). The passive cylinder volume is connected
to expander (P2) such 'that the same pressure,'as in the expander is maintained in this
portion of the cylinder. pressure reduction valve (PK2) maintains -the air pressure in
the expander (P2) constant. The compressed air from (P2) fee(js through distributor
(BPZY to the-next cylinder (C?), etc. Each consecutive cylinder has a larger diam(tter
and greater piston area to generate identical force at reduced air pressure. All
piston rods are connected to the same load and mov& synchronotasly. The air distributoi
.drive operates all distributor rotati.ng.valves in synchronously, thus providing control
over the dir'ection and the magnitude of the out'ut displacem%at. The efficiency of
the multiple st.age drive is'given by
n z. a0
ACCM,-~f Oiif~2
where a is the number of 6t ages and
The computations show that a greater efficiency, economy and faster response are
possible with the new drive.' Performance graphs are included. Orig, art. has: 20
formulas, 5 figures.
ACC NRI AT6021752
aw*~z Mom A 0 0
-- I C
V ---
q r0
Fig. 1.
SUB CODE: 13,1"4/ SUBM DAM? 03Feb661 ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 000
if ULM
ifelding with electron bms. Wn, tekh, 3 to,6:24-.26 Je 159,
Ociectronic appavatus and appliances)
; ! i ~, 1 1 ~ i i :1 4
, 11 * 111F il 1,11 IF!, III 111-111~t; IMP 1411 11 1111111PI1 ffli~-!Illfll ,;
l,yi,r,pl-..G'-d var iety o Z" th(-, Mr- 1, k I, r Ej j c n. ~ J! r, v
derm. i ven. "'S D I-,I+k ( 1? 14 *11 8 Iq
1. Kafedra terapevtichonkcy :~tc7mato'~-,p"-
Dekker' i kafedra
red. nauk S.N. Pravedr'~k7-v!
ZORIN, Yu. A., aspirant
Clinical morphological characteristics and troatment, ),t aftzq
tinomas of the lc~mr jaw.-Trud~v *XGMI no.2:94-106 160.
(HIRA. 15:7)
1. Is kafedry khirurgicheskoy stomatologli - oav. karedroy
dotsent P. V. Nau3nov.
- - Z-O,Rril, Yu,A, . -,.
Structure of the Aginskoyn Paleozoic field (ibmi3tam rransbaikalla).
Sov. geol. 7 no.602-43 A 164 (IMA. 18 ti)
1. Chitinskoye geologichenkoye upravleiiiye.
ACC NR, AR6024838 SOURCE COD~,' UR/01169/66/000/004/005/G005
AUTHOR: Zor,in,.._Yu...'A.
ITITLE: Geophysical data from tectonics of.certain lower chalk Transbailkal depressionsi
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 4G23
REF SOURCE: Izv. Zabaykal'skogo otd. Geogr. o-va SSSR, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, 25-36
TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, ground survey, tectonics
ABSTRACT: The depressions are tectonic hollows having a lower chalk base which is
covered by chalk deposits. The density of the base materIal in 2.90-.-2.60 g/cHi3; its
specific electrical resistivity varies from 400 to a few thousand ohms, the velocity
of propagation of elastic vibrations in it is 4,500--6,500 m/ser-. The same figures
for the lower chalk layer are 1.95--2.40 g/cm3; 20-25 ohms, and '2,400-3 1600 m/sec,
and for the effusive and effusive-sedimentary Jurassic deposits which are found in
places below the 'lower chalk layer are 2.55--2.67 g/qm3; 250--1,000 ohms, and 3,500-
4,700 m/sec. 0d the basis of the analysis of geophysical data (gravinetry, electro-
profiling, vertical electrical sounding, tonal telegraphy, seisnic survey using the
method of correlating discontinuous and reflected waves) tectonics of tile Turgino-
Kharanovskaya, Ononskaya, and Toreyskaya depressions are presented. It is indicated
that the first of these is bounded from the West and East by fault zones in which the
bed is displaced by 300 to 500 m, respectively. It has three internal basins. The
Card 1/2 UDC: 550.311
Ut HMI i I L11-11 M;if 11.11
Wl 1111 1~
southern basin contains a lower chalk base 1,700 m deep, and the central and the
northern are about 1,400 m deep. The Ononskaya depression is also bounded from the
West and Eitst by fault zones and contains three basins: ManguAskaya, Kharalginskaya,
and Narasunskaya. The extent of the lower chalk deposits,ln the first two are.1,300
and 1,500 ta, respectively. Opposed to the described deprfmisions extending Iin the sub-
Imeridial direction the Toreyskaya depression is isometric In the plane and contains
three shallower basins. The maximum thickness of the lowor chalk deposits in the two
northern basins is 1,000 m, and it is 250 m between these. It isi 800 m in. the more
southern basin. In the more southern region of the depression there are two additiona
shallow basins with loose soil. deposits whose thickness ia a few hundred m4itera* betwee,
...Jthe basins. The thickness decreases to 50 m in spots. (Translation of ab6tractl
:-'tG. Reysner
ACC NR. AP7005426
SOURCE CODEi UR/0011/66/000/007/0075/0085
AUTHOR; Zorinj Yu. A.
Oaa; 6~ Earth's cru,..t;t, SO, AN SSSR# IrPul:sk (Inatitut zoirdwy
korl SO AN SSSR)
TITLE: Da-ep structure of the depression of Lake Baykal on the Basis of
geophysical data
SOUIXE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Serlya geo log I cheskaya, no., 7, 1966# 75-85
TOVIIC TAGS: earth crust, upper mantle / Laka BayRal
ABSTRACT: DespIte-the many published studion on struoturo of -the lake Baykal
depression, It has been necessary to review the conclusions drawn on the basis of
the most recent geophysical data, especially gravimotrlo Wormation. In the
gravity field over the depression of Lake Baykal there are Lito mjor linear
ninima -- Northern and Southern, which are saparatbd by a zope of maxina; linearly
elongated maxima of different Intensity are observed along the shores of the lakat..
7hase anomalies form almost continuous zones of a xvlatively high gravity field
frxming the lake. These anomalies are observed againot: a backj;round of a smooth
decrease of the vdlues of the gravity field in a west to east direction, The
nature of the Baykal gravity minima has been interproVid dMerently by a number
of authors and this article re-exomines the old and neir evidiance to determine
which, if any, of the theories is valid. In particular an oteort is made to
evaluate the depth of the Moho and the thickness of tho crust. Evidence is
presented that in the region of Lake Baykal the earth'a cruat Is frir closer to
a state of isostatic equilibrium than was assumed earlter. Review of the data
Indicates that the gravity minima are caused by a great thickness of Cenozoic
deposits filling the depression. Howeverg density of the crust and runtle In
this region are not knm,4n precisely. Assuming a mantle dtirialty of 301 g/,=33,,
the amplitude of uplift of the Pbho In about 15-16 Icn (undor the dapression tho
crustal thickness is 30 kmp in the surrounding regions -- 45-46 hm). If the
density of the upper mantle Is 3.3 S/cm3 the crustal thickness under tb4
depression would be 34 km. Orig. art. has$ 3 figures* PrSs 3604~y
AUTHORS:t 01'shanskiyq N#A.0 Candidate of Technical Sciencesp
Docentp and Zorinp Yu.N.t Engineer
TITLE: Electron-beam welding of inetals in vactum~
PERIODICAL: Vysahiye tekhnioheskoye uohiliebehe. Trudy. Svaxka
tavetnykh splavovq redkikh metallov i plastmasal
no. 101P 1961, 5 - 28
TEXT: Work on electron beam welding oommenced at the XVTU in
1958 under Professor G.A. Nikolayevq Doctor of Technical Sciences.
The basis of this welding method was the convorsion of the kine-
tic energy of a focussed beam of rapidly moving electrons into
heat when they bombarded the site of welding in a ohamber under
high vacuum. On heating the tungsten cathode 7 to 2300-26000C
thermionic emission of electrons occurred which were accelerated
towards the anode (the work) by a high-voltago fieldp the aecele-
rating force being -eE = e grad Vo where e - electron *barge, R -
electrical field intensity, V - field potential. The energy of the
Card 1/8
8/54 61/000/101/001/015
Electron-beam welding of ... D2�GYD304
electrons depended on their speed and increased with increasitg
potential difference between cathode and anodep Speed = 2eV/mo
where e = 1.6-10-19 coulomb; m = 9ol-10-31 k$ V - potential diffe,-
rence in volts* Electron focussing to concentrate tho released
energy could be effected byt 1) Imparting a certain shape to the
focuasing headq giving such a formation to the electric field that
the electrons became focussed in the region near the cathode; 2)
-Entablish#Wan electrostatic focussing lenst in the field of
Mich the electrons were simultaneously concentrated and accelera-
ted; 3) Creating a magnetic field which could constriot the elec-
trons into a beam by means of a coil set in a maosive iron casIng.
The prototype machine ELV-1 is then described,, T~ie electron gun
and welding chamber are evacuated separately. For welding the
pressure in each chamber could not fall below 5.10-4 mm Rg. At
10-3 mm Hg arl discharges occur. Shortcomminge in 'the design of
ELV-1 became apparent on uses the location of the motor and reduc-
ing gear and also the focussing.and inclining systems inside'tho
Card 2/8 4
27 804
S/54YOV/00 61/101/001/0-19,
Blectron-beas welding of ... D256 303 04
chamber could impair the vacuum. The ELV-2 was therofore construe-
tedo The welding chamber was 500 mm in diametsr and-1000 mm longo
*ded in stainless steel. To improve the vacppa the focussing and
beram-deflecting systemag electric motorp and loduction gearing
were removed from the chamber. The mechanical onergy required for
moving the welded component was transmitted by a shaft passing
through the vacuum seal. The"focussing and deflectijagi isystems were
located on a stainless steel sleeve surrounding the oloctron gun
chamber 0 8). The vacuum system was the swaso Pigs 9 shows
the elecM.,
o gung now of smaller dimensionsp which,could be used
for welding at up%to 50 kV and 3-5A,, 2 and 3 wilire insulatorat 4
the cathode holderp and 5 the fteueeing head* 6 was the filqjb~ ano7
de. With this arrangement a vacuum of 1010-4mm: Hg could be attain-
ed. This provides a much putet atmosphere in terms oT content of
reaptive gases than would be obtained in a cha),mber filled with the
purest argon obtainable. Those impurities which did remain wore
mostly ionized positively and thertforep tended to collect around
the cathode away from the welding zone. The power aources Wwel-
Card 3/8 1
Electron-beam welding of ... D256/D304
ding could be single or 3-phase high-voltage rebtifters or high-
voltage D.C. generators. The electrical scheme is shown for
supplying the'electron gun from a high-voltage 3-phase rectifiera
The latter is a high-voltage 3-phase transformer with delta prima-
ry connection and secondary star connection. The secondary voltage
could be 0-609000 V, and connection to six kenotrone provides
current'rectificationo For welding metals like aluminum it in de-
Birable to include a contact breaker in the primary circuit to
give the electron beam a pulsing effect. Up to 5A current could
be obtained in the secondary circuit, and thus In the anode upot
on the article being welded up to 50 kW could b4i cotioen'trated4 At
voltages above 17,000 X-rays were produ-.ed which could penetrate
the chamber walls if insufficiently thick. In the ELV...! a lead
lining and leaded glass were used. ?or supply of power to the-ELV-
2 a type V-10-100 rectifier was used, working ain a full-wave recti-
fier with four type VM-236 rec-tifiers. Voltage smoothing was effec-
ted with a n -shaped filter. The effect of the inain welding para-
meters (anode voltageg beam currento powerg displacementp and
Card 4/8
Electron~-beam welding of ... D256/D~04' -
welding speed) on fusion width and depth were investigated on 5 mm
thick stainless steel-I Khl8N9T. Details of thm sueneseful.'welding
of A number of metals in the ELY.-I apparatus nale tahu~lated. The
vacuum was 1o-4 mm HG. For welding 0.75-2 mm thick isirconium. or
zirconium alloy without edge flanging or filler matiirial the fol-
.lowing conditions were usedg Beam current 10-35 mAj voltage 26-38
kVp -power in beam 550-900 W9 410ding speed 8;-9 m/hr4 Bead width
was 3-6 mm. The current pulsing technique was nboessary for Al,
Mgp and their alloys (owing to the surface oxide film) and was
useful for wplding extremely thin metals. Welds were found to be
defect-free and to.possess high ductility. Weld hardness of zir-
conium was only half that found in 4 similar weld mafj in anar_
go'n-filled chamber and was nearly the same als that o the heat-af-
footed parent metal. Thereare 23 figures, 1 table and 5 referen-
ces: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The roferenceo to -the
English-tgnguage publications read as follows: J.A. Stohr and
Briola, Vacuum wol
' ding of metals, Welding and Metal Pabricationp
1958, No..109 336-3M W.L,, Wymano High-vacuum electron-beam fu-
sion welding, Welding Journal-9 1956o V37, No. 2, 49-53; G. Burton,
Card 5/8
Electron-beam welding of ... D256 D304
R.L. Matchett? Electron-beams new technique for weldingg Metal
working Productiong May 1959.
ASSOCIATIONx Mo8kovskoye visa eye tekhnichookoye uchilishche ima,
. I Baumana (Bauman loscow Higher Tech3ileal College)i
Card 6/8
A -11
3~ T D-F - -1641)5/0007!
11 R GO a
f f-,
TTT-. De te mi nat or, c, t
in; jx,~ v:! ::maractertitlas cif ll. Veiling, arc
S C) U RC E Awtomaticiles,--a-a svan~i, lo,
-!A GS v 0 t wrPe re :Lh a ra c tr~ 4; 1- -
TO p I C
..U4-; 64! 7911 85o
I.M.T"Fril TIF lk !1111illillill'[1411i. -II]
I ihilk-Illilk"1111 N11''
1. 1,2tt_ L
meneur,--ment (-rrors, due t~~ sin!~J.r:; Crf- tj~: rC In bn~S,2 1 0 cgl(l t': o'ctaill a molten
'L:""I 11 -1 1!- f: 4j! 7-111A r.
SU3 Cf.)DF 13")q 314V DATE t OR11 'REP: -1,Yi.
card 1-41
OLISHANSKIYJ N.A. kand.tekhn`aaukp dotsent; 14ORDVIOUVA., A.V-p kaM,,
tekhn.~~; Privlmli"uchastiyet- ZORINO Y4.2fsy intsh.; KACHALOV,, V.H.,I
Fusion welding of co=ercial-grade molybdenm+ [T:mid;y] I,%TU
no.101:29-48 1614 (KMA :438)
A UT YO RS - Ol'shanskiy, N.A., Mord-tintseva, A.V., Yu.'N. and
Kachalov, V.M.
,TITLE: Chambers with Controlled Atmosphere for "Ielding Active Metals
(Kamery s kontroliruyemoy atmosferoy dlya svarki aktivnykh
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaye. sverka, 195q, Nr ll'i PP 32-36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The MWTU and IMEI welding laboratories, ~Jnder the supervision
of Professor G.A. Nikolayev, designed hermetic chambers filled
with inert gas for the fully mechanized welding of zirconium,
molybdenum, titanium, etc. The use of i~utomhtic welding heads
inside the chambers ensures a most accurate control of the
arc voltage, and the welding process .1c controlled from a
special desk. The following aevices are denoribed in detailt
1) an installation for welding in controlled~attraqphore con-
sisting of n chamber, n previicuum pump,.a control desk- lint! a
vacuummeter (Fig. 1) for welding specimit!ns up to 300 mtn'length;
2) an installation for the welding, in t~antrolLed atmo.5phere,
of large-size specimens with thp use of n mo,la'ble weldiliF
Card 1,12 hand and a vacuum 1-inn with a pump syntuti. (.'ontrary to for-gign
Chambers with Controlled Atmosphere for iYelding tActive fletals
models, the electric motors are rlact'.!d inTtide the chmber, thus
simplifying the welding proce8s and parmilting the design of
large-size chambers. Zirconium and calybdenum specimens were
successfully welded in the descTibed Instnilations,
There are 3 photos and I circuit diagram.
ASSOCIATION: MVTU imeni Baumana i MEt (IAVTTJ imeni ~auman and NTEI)
Card 212
L-099' ! -67 ') JDA14/m
r %IA'T.1
ACC NRz AI?6035709 SOURCE COVE.: Ull/0413/6b/000/019/0057/CI057
Ol'shansViy, N. A. Mordvintseva, A. V. ; Zorin42u'L A.
ORG: no-ne
TITLE: %~2chod of welding ~op r to graphite with metal inserts. Mass 21,
No. 186560
S OU RCZ ,Izobroteniya, proinyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye naki., np. 19, 1966, 57
:TOPIC TAGS. matal welding,'graphite velding,copper, graphite-veldin W 0-
ABSTiUCT: This Author Certificate introduces a method for welding copper to graphite
7using metal inserts. To iuprove the weld quality, insert mii-FFfa-1s, such as titanium,
stainless steel, zirconium or nickel, are used as filler metals.
,SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 20Apr621 ATD PRESS: 5105
Card 1/1 UDC: 621.791.7
~-_ACC NR. AP7001837 SQURCE CODE: Ur4/0135/66/000/012/0009/0011
AUTHOR: Alekin, L. Ye. (Candidate of technical sciences), N. (Candidate of
T Ongmel"' V. S#
technical sciences)- Razzhivin, V. N. (Engineer); Guma, V. ir~;"'Mpcnko,
ORG: none
TITLE: Methods of determining the regulation characteristics of a low-t).mperage arc In
SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no, 12, 1966, 9-11
TOPIC TAGS: motion picture camera, current source, welding inspoctioil, arc welding',,
welding technology / Kiev 16S-2 motion picture camera, IP-50 curre-zat sotirce
ABSTRACT: At present argon-are welding by means of autoniatle welding amchines (AWM),
with a nonconsumable electrode is widely employed to weld parts of stainiei3s stecl 0.2-1. 0 rnm~
thick in argon with the aid of positive-polarity direct current N~dth an 0. 2 5-14% -0 inni lang arc.
The intensity of the welding current ranges from 1. 0 to 70 a. The ultirnate pu:rposo of repla-
tion is to produce a welded joint of high quality. But since the AMA affects directly not the
Card 1/4 UDC: 62~1_7AI..trI5,JIL
-.kc 40:- -A'P-7-'0-0l8-3--7----
weld but the are, this regulation can be accomplished only if the rt!tgulation characteristici i.e.
the dependence of voltage on are length, is known, since the AV MI reacts directly not to the
length but to the voltage of the are. Normally the regulation charaoteristic is determiiied by
static tests or from a recalculation of volt-ampere characteristics of tho are, but thAs does
not reveal all the features of the regulation characteristic, particuLarly 6~r the weldln'6r of
parts 0. 2-0. 5 mm thick with the aid of a. short are with currents of. less th= 30 a. Of special
practical interest in this connect-ion is the part of the regulation characterfi~tic corresponding
to arcs of less than 0. 5 mm in length; if in this case the voltage is either virtually indeper4dent
of the are length or increases with decreasing are length, then even a highly sensitive feed"back,
type AWM cannot assure the regulation of arc length with respect to voltage. To eliminate this
difficulty, the authors developed a new method of determiningw the regulation characteristic , I
based on the following considerations: Since the regulation characteristic represents the de-
pendence of U a on L a, a continuous curve can be plotted during contlinuous movement of the
electrode. At the sarne time, in order to gain the correct idea of ffie~ are Wngth, the position
of the arc column must be checked in two mutually perpendicular planes and the plunge of the
are into the metal prevented. This new method provides for the simultaneous examination.
of the arc from both sides by means of two Kiev 16S-2 motion picturtu camerits (16 frames por
second) positioned at right angles to each other so that the position of the are column and the
length of the are can be accurately determined. A corresponding vqiarimental setup was cm-
structed (Fig. 1): its principal components are; welding torch 1, imachaiiism 2 for vertical
movement of welding torch, at the rate of 0. 2-2. 0 mm/sec, routor 3, chuck 4 for atlac6ent
of welding heat, and table 5.
Fig. 1. 'Rxrerirnentzt setup
The double filming of the welding operation is synchronized with oscillogrIphic recording of
current and voltage by means of a time mark whose design and swile'rimr. cLrcuit are shown in
Fi-. 2: the connection and disconnection of the electrical circuit ii.re asnured by the closing of
0 j
contacts 2 by shutter 1. of the motion,picture camera, represented by a metal disk with a flare
Card 3/4
ACC NR. AP7001837
0scillograph loop
Fig. 2. Desip tuid switching circuit of
time mark
angle of I'10% Argon consumption was 140-160 liters/hr. Regulation charae1kristics were plot-
ted for currents of from 0. 7 to 50 a. Findings: processing of the Idnograxas showed that in
the presence of short arcs the arc column is rarely displaced from Its axis and the resulting
-ed by means of the kinogram. In subse-
deviation is sufficiently stable in time and readily fix
quent experiments an IP-50 current source was employed to reduce, to -3% the current devi-
ation accompanying the change in are length from 0. 1 to 5. 0 xnm. 13. %,as fowd that Vaen the
arc length is sufficiently short the linear relationship betweea volt*ge antl arc length no longer
applies and the regulation characteristic becomes nonlinear. This monlinearity clearly mard-
fests itself when the are length is 0. 5 mm and ehorter. Orig. ait. bas: -it figures.
SUB CODE: 13, M/ SUBM DATE: none/ -ORbG R 002
Card 4/4
ACC NRt AR7004312 SOUR 697,'06EP TWOO 1/6616W/ "I A04-6/046'
AUTHOR: Volkov, N. P.; Golosovskiyj A, M.; _ZQrA4),..Yu... V.; Karpillskly, 1. P.1
Mukhin, G. 1.1 Rudenkol L. I.; Polosin, A. V.
TITLE: Measuring outfit for automatic counting of replahblo specimens with
W ormation recorded on punchtape
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat. telemekh. i vychisl. tokhn., Abs. 11A377
REF SOUFCE: Tr. 6-y Nauchno-taklui. konferontaii po yadern. radioelektron. T.3.
Ch. 2. M., Atomizdat, 1965, 129-136
44 7 - -2 -41
4 R
1!,~ t~ _Te a s ~to the p C
1%_5 h ist gui h' g featt maton is itape recording of
information including the ordinal number of the specimen which is retained for
further measurements. The number is composed from the disk-position. number ard the
reel number. A readout device consists of a few standard pu0buttor. switches
controlled by code tracks situated below the disk and the real. The information is
taken by a telegraph apparatus. The output parallel code is turned into a series
code by a cam-contact mechanism of an ST-2M transmitter. Tho trantimitter contact
system and the receiver magnet, in the same apparatus, are conneat.ed in serle'l. a-le
of the contact bars of the ST-214 apparatus Is replaced by six ela4:trically innulated
contact bars with separate leads. Three figures. Bibliograph;r of 3 titles. B. U.
[Translation of abstract]
EUR,C9DZ, 09
ro I I- not 69e.q62t533
ITJSIP/-,~ I.,. * r-.1 -
T1 '.7 i
R, T.-HE.
L i It
Ll ii
- -.. - I - .. . I L.- "- .1, 1, I'll, "I
T, 11
"Properties of the Polymolecular Boundary Layers of Liquids According to
Absorption and Viscosimetric Wasurements," paper to be presented at the 2nd
International Congress of Surface Activity, Internotional Union of PAxre wnd
Applied Chemistryt London, 12 April 1957
Inst of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR
znvl~ Z. m.
ZONIN, Z. M. -- "Irvestigation of Folyrolecular Adsorption V,l Ste-am on Plane
Surfaces Near the Saturation Point." Svb 25 Dec !;2, Inlit of Fhys'c Al
Chemistryp Acad Sci USSR. (Dissertation for the Do, ree of Gandidiate in
Physicomathematical Sciences).
SO: VechernaZa Moskya January.-Decenber 1952
Category USSR/Atomic and Molecular Nrsics - Gases
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 926
Author Deryagin, B-V-, Zarin, Z.M.
Title Investigation 0'r~a~ceconlensation and Adsorption of Vapors Near Saturation
Using the Optical ME-cropolarization Method. I.
Orig Pub Zh- fiz. khimii,, 1955, 29, No 6, lolo-loig
Abstract Description of a new method for investigating the adsorption on an optically
po. lished surface of glass, based on measuring the changes in the pe.~ameters
of the elliptic polarization of light reXlected tit an Qblique angle._ The
gLiss surface was cleaned by glow discharge prior to the experiment.
Card 1/1
Category AR/Atomic and Molecular Fhysics - Liquids
Abn Jour i Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, rio 6435
Author Deryagin, B.V., Karesev, V.V., Zorin, Z.M.
Title s Boundary Fhases as Sinrulor Airg'~e~fr ~'4 Stotes of Liquids
Orig Pub : Sb. posvyashch. pamyati akad. Mr. Lazoreva, H., IN SSSR,
1956, 65-83
Abstract See Referat. Zhur Fizilce, 19m6, 717.
11 iiil'~ :I ~17 III H 41.1111: 11
Polymorphism of benzene films on mercury. ~Coll.tbar, 25 ho.5v
624-625 3-0 ?63. OCM 16ulO)
1. Institut finichaskoy khimii Ali SSSR, Moalma.
HIKOLATIVSKIT, G.K., kaud.tekhn.nauk; S"SAM, G.Ai, kanA.tekhn.nauk;
TIALASHOV, V.P., kand.telchn.nauk; AUMUOV, I.P.. Iranil.takhn.asuk;
HUM, A.G., kand.takhn.nauk, SPITSUA, I.G., k=%d.tekhu.nazl6*;
ZORIN, Z.H., inzh.; VOROBKOV, G.H., lnzh.; IVASMOT Ilolso )mud*
tdkhii.'fia,A';-d~IPOVA, L.A., red.lisd-va; HODUlp B.I., tekln.rad.
Desian of crane mechanisms and parts of hainting and conveyizz
machinery] Raschaty kranovykh makhaniumov i (istalei pod"emno-
transportnykh mashin. Iscd.2., -Derer. i dap. Koskva. Goz.na-achno-
tekhn.12d-vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1959. 493 p.
(MIRA 1-3:11)
1. Koscow. Vseeoyuznyy nauchno-Iseledovatellokly Institut
pod"yemno-transportnago msehinostroyaniya.
(Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Hoisting maelkinery)
(Conveying machinery)
Sepwation'of bivinyl from the butane-but~'Iens traction by
extractive rectification. Zhur.prikl.khin. 35 no.7tl597-1601
il 162. OCRA 15:8)
(Buta,Aiene) (Butane) (Extraction (Chemistry))
1:~ t:,"c n o f~ I -,;III deco my ost ~:,n :". mc, .-K! 's 1 30ine, ;*17 S
amd monoailane ,;ith sirilnp admlxtur-c~. 'Zhur. -varg, khim. 1C,
nn.7;1.52F-,15113 JI 165. NIRA
2'3(4) 05764
AUTHORS: Devyatykh, G. G., Zorin, A. D., SOV/32-25-10-53/63
Danov, S. M.
TITLE: Automatic Laboratory Rectification Column for Low Temperatures
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25% 11r 10, pp t27'1-127 2
ABSTRACT: An automatic low-temperature rectification column Va4produced
for laboratory purposes from molybdenum glaso (Fig). The ~
middle rectification tube (inner diameter 11 mm, length 2 m)
is spiral-shaped at its lower end (length 120 mm, inner dia-
meter 5 mm) for the purpose of compensating 4he extension*of
heat of the glass. The entire rectifioation tube is located
in a silver-plated envelope which is evacuated to 2 . 10-6
torr (at 2000). The rectification tube is filled with bodies
in form of tetrahedral spirals (2X 2 tim) mado from conetan-
tan wire (diameter 0.2 w). The condenser at the upper end
of the rectification tube is of brass and contains ethanol,
which is cooled down to the desired temperature by means of
liquid nitrogen in an ultrathermcatat of t1w type Vobser. The
evaporation piston of the column In cylindrical (200 aim) and
Card 1/2 is electrically heated. The evaporation rate of the investigated
05T 14
Automatic Laboratory --Rectification Column :for Low SP3.2-25-10-53/63
gas is -regulated by means of a contact manometer. The rec-
tification column has an automatic sampling device which Is
controlled by means of an electromagnetic cock by way of an
electronic time relay, which was oonstructed by L. T. -V'yukhin
and E. Lt. Yashin. The gas sample taken is frozen in liquid
nitrogen in a collecting vessel. The column has a system for
stabilizing pressure in the column. The temperature of the
vapors in the column cupola is recorded by iseans of a thermo-
couple (copper-constantan) on a self-recording device of the
type EPP-09-1. The efficiency of the column correspond3 to
35 theoretical plates and was determined in a a-butylene-
isobutylene mixture, the separation coefficient (at -7,010)
amounting to 1.042. There are I figure and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitel; im. N. 1. Lobachev-
skogo (Gorlkiy State University imeni If. I. Lobachevskiy)
Card 2/2