HIII'l ii Iltil mil.w.14 I I[; !~,I I
Development of malting furnaces for steel foundries. P. 61.
KCIWZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyasulet) lhilapei3t.
Vol 11, no. 3, Mar 1956.
.7-OURCE.- EEAL, Vol 5,, no. 7, ;U1Y 1956.
1:.H,; .1 , irl, !
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fie sk*1 01:~ Ifillip3t. I'll.. ft-vo if I- -Wodit r.41,
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tAvellneahiallffy oil
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vow al Its JA ON op"1111,1113 Of W be"Almor couvri-
and itt t= pmpocts, Viki'le Z-hk. Ainvo:.
IApdN 54K)I, 11:1 iThe"Cirvilf,, iolhormtop mr
lAwkin it) Inxii-b"11h hinuirti and tj~4:4,
and the rundiii-mi,4 o"nbumtk4i in W-cuser onisrito4 ~,rv
CAA. when titialt nomml .41f 1444ts;'It huNthwith All 41 itm-
trist (if ;01 Wj%. ']'he Litter mofi(xi mak" ;mmilOv Or
~nfxvuiijs of ordin2ry white piN ison ni Ljw 81 motew Ill flit,
converter. Pruticul imis are rtmuirell io stru'r the mlif.
vilMily tinder ommiltims pfv!.Jilil zill 11111111jt~. 1. it.
~~ - 4.
-V - H- - viLocc
U) . -*I'hr'
z fs,~,,w MrIlly ~
OV41;44 curvial PmArms .4 the ixaluelion of high 0114'r
\ip-rel am rrvkweqi, F. GrIli
Z " v
fj..), tK
Metallurgic works of Reaumur; In commemoration of the 200th anniversary
of his death. P-390
KOI-D.6'ZATT LARK. (Aagyar Banyasviti es 111oh,,szati Egye-vYl.et)
Budapest, Hungary
Vol. 13, no.8, Aug. 1959
1,1onthly List of Ea9t European Accessions (FENT) LC., Vol. 8, mo.70 July 1959
111[11. 1111 HF11 I]!.:, J I 1:111[i 14 h..: I I
Works of Marton and Gyongy Folonvari, sculptors Pnd amilpture founders. p219-
KGHAS',~ATT T.APOK, (.,bgynr B-irqanzati ca Koh-aszati Egyesi.~Iet)
Budapest, Hungfiry
Vol. 13, no.9, Sept. 1958
Monthly Li3t of East Europenn Aecessfon!i (E-'EAT) J,C., Vol, f', no.7) July 1959
A plaster bed witU segmental rodrossmntv for the 4,reatziert of
sco.Uoses. Acta chir. orthop. trawna. Cach. 2,8 no.;~:147-11,9
Ap 162.
1. Orthopedicke oddolenie Trenc. Teplice, OU11Z Trenciii, prednootan
MJDr. Stefan Zsakay.
(fie: r
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I d(, F 4! R, Iz 1, 1, Pil 1"771 TS I
)753 1. "Ir4d. rift), a
Tr-cCT,t;i eA,?*T1v. T,
ternaty py, M! qw,lied bT Co. 41o.
"I: I;
Iactric, SIA pLatrjalc%riv roct"dim, N,
4ic CXM-Hgo. lfct,:r,,( 0:v birig hqvlt!t; &fc,,/P 1,01al, IA-
(1, 1 ~5, 2,15, 4, IUA 0) we for,441 In tlv~ lstam~4 2j)d tij!itjpm,
and of 1, " 0, 11, R.rd 13 In tild'I'M ajg~,ut- 'Tht- i111 jims'llig
Mo/P tatin, of 9 N In t4drj. who-re -',1,4