ZOTIII, A.I.; KRIllim'. A.Ya. CdaceauedJ
Formation of prln%Lry Intentinal cavity in acipowwrld fishes.
Zhur,ob,blol. 20 no.4013-,121 JI-Ag 159- (Nut& i;,.:u.)
1, Inatitut morfologli shivotnykh Im. A.N.Severteovdi Akademil
nank 33SR.
~IN T.A., d-oktor biol. muk, atv. red.
BOCHAROV, Yu.S., red. izd-va; ROMQIGV~ G,,N.j toklm, rod,
(Physiolou of water tatabolism in tla embryos of fisbes and
cyclostom-es) Fiziologiia vodnogo olmena u zarc(qyshei r7b i
kruglorotykh. Moskva, Iva-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 319
(Embi-jology-Fishes) (Water metabolism) (141RA 14:4
Relative fecundity of fisheo and *gg size. Vop,:ULht, I no,,2:307-
31,3 161. (IWA 14 t 6)
1, Institut morfologli zhivotnykh Imani SeverLsava ANS11SR.
(Fishes-Eggs) cy)
Mechanism of the tranivition of the blastocelio fluO into the
eavity of the primary'gut An sturgeon embryozo DokI,, AN SM
142 no.4:968-971 P 162. (14IRk 15:2)
1. Institut marfologii zhivotnykh im. AXSevartsam AN SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom K.I,Skryabinym.
Excitability of the a-urface lajeraf the aytopla= jud e
segmentation In fish and Amphibia. Dokl. M SSSR 143 no.51
12)3-1236 Ap '62, (MIRA 15:4)
1. Inatitut morfologh zhivotnikh Im. A.14.Severtsava AN SSSR i
Institut radiatsicnnoy I fizikc-Min-Liclieskoy' Uclailji AN SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Engellgardtom.
(Embryolopr -Japhlbia)
~y--Fishes) (Embryology
Contractilo protoln from fho I Iver '~,- ~oollowiliilt. T31403-091i 5 110.31
33&339 MY-Ja 163. (I-r~.IP-k 17:5)
1. Laboratoriya funktal-oullatoy onal.mologil Inji-titata radlataloratol,
I flzlk(-.khlm6c),.fiakoy hiologil AN ISISSM i Omppa koollichoskoy biologii
i blofiziki razvitiya Inattfuta morfologil. ,th:lvotnjkh AN SSSRI MOSI-va.
Time for determining the Fos-itlnri or figsion Afrc',vi~
ji Ln the eggs
of iturgeon and axolotl, Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3i:765-768 S
163. (MIRA 115M)
1. Institut itorfologii zhivotnykh im. A.I.Sevirtsovit &N SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom I.I.Shma.11gauzanonk.
doktor biolog. nauk I
"Physical and chemical foundations of fertilization" by V.AODOrftan.,
Reviewed by A.I. Zotin. Vent. All SSSR 34 no. 1:136e.-1,37 Ja 164's
(MIRA 17:5) ~
f Tn? Tic I-g
rliff- L�LLji III fiFTiiMEM21 FlUmll Im
Tfl Ifl lll~lllflulllra~ 4.614im
I -
.71 .
;! Lt"
'I ~,4
I n
I~ <
Change In codibus-cion hPats of fish ii.rd wiphtblun egii:,3 dur~'ng thsdil-
development. Dckl. AN SSSR 162 fto-4065-968 Jj-. '65, (MIRA 1$.- 5:
1. Institut morrologit zhi.votnykh im, AASevertso7i AN SSSR. Sitt-
mitted Jlll~v 13, 1964.
!1 11,111 1 1111,11 11HAII, V' III! ill I IMIA,, IM 21i I I T1
.w.) it,rd
A 1:1 7f: 1A')
Im 1. 111k K.MD"j-, sit
ZOTINP B,V,, inzh,
Construction of a pover -transmission line in t1e Urgin
Territory. Energ. strai. no.33t67-71 163,,
(MI.RA 17.8)
1. Treat "Uraleiektronet'stroy". 4''
ZOTINp B.V.~ Inzh.; ROMIOVt A.D.
Construction of the Votkinak Hydroelectric Power Station
Sverdlovsk 500 kv oleotric transmission 11rie on xeinforced
concrete poles. Energ. stroi. no.27371-76 162, (MRA 15 t 9)
1. Treat OUralelaktroset'stroy" (for Zotin)i 2. Glavvostokelekt~ro-
set'stroy (for Romanov).
(Rlq-! io lines-Polem and towers)
-T- -
ACCESSION NR: AP4019088 S/bo,116/64/bab/003/0000014
1UTHORS: Moisoyev,, A. A. (Candidate of technical scima4m); ZDUnq L
TITLE: Behavior of steels EP-184 (type EI-713), BI-695Ps ond W-1.7 iardor Wrking
SOURCE: Toploonergetika,, no. 3, 1964a 70-74
TOPIC-TAGS: steel E? 184) stea EI 695R) atoel EP 17; steill beh,'Mlor, steel
working characteristics, steel atructmee, steel property, oteol ixalusionj
inclusions in carbide
ABYMACT t steels EP-lt'41 EP-171 and K-965R have been yrop'osed .4- institutas VTIj
TsMITRASh. and TsNIIC,,'Il for produotion of steam pipes, hajiters,, and colleotora:
at working conditions of 300 atm and 650C. Theli, characteristics;-- hame, been
investigated by the same institutes, while their behavior in rolling and voldine,
has been studied at TaNIITHASh and VNITI. It was deterzimid thato these stasla axe
satisfactory for power glant installations. At 650C t1wix range o9 sustained
strength is 13-16 kg/tma~j and at 700C it is 9-5-32 kglmn?. TheIr elongatio6 und.er
card 1/4
Acmssiou NRs AW19M
tension is 10-38%, mean coefficient of linear expansion IV 17-1-011,YA.. and cqeJ'f;L-
cient of heat conductivity is 3.1-5-21.2 in the tomparatura ranE;e 4f 0-700G. TWry
show no tendency to sc-ale up Lo &X?C. Tj'.*ieix, Whavior im m0iisfa 13 I's o."7 in roUJ.nj;j,
welding, machining) and fab:,,icating procosses. During thes first hGO hours of wi)rk
their structural properties changes but rem.-d-n stable therwifter.. M the Oq)O17-
imental results bmva been checked mider irAuBtrial conditions Im. the factorta.di
"Blecl.-rostal'", YuTZ, ZIO, Nikop~olt Pipe Faatcry, and TIVJ!a M, Morop too,, the.
In aL].l ra~;Ppoots# It waa cW-AqZaJ.qaA t1hat um
matal-s wero found satisfact.*
working conditions their strength increases while tbair pllwitic~.ty deOrease4j.
This is especially true during, the first; 8700 hoiLm of uzclaj~. V$03, 15 ~00 hours
their grains consist of austanite uith carbiAe incluaions. So .11ijukt- or alplmi-'
phase has been deitected. The content of inclusion in. the .(.,arbJjAo.,i alianges iritli,
time. Thus, steel E?.~184 showed an increase in chromium aid. tum stan, a dexoreabe
in molybdenum, and no change in niabixua. The sharp increa.,m), or :;~romlum in
carbideG is accornpanied by a drop in impact s'v-re.,rqth. All th,3 atmels under Invos-
tigation provad rosistant to intercrystal1ine corrosion, 11'ar th) range of dluar-
tained strength in steel EP-184 (type EI-713) see Fiog, 3. oa the
s -has t - -figurew -"--5 -tablajv,~---
Cord 2/4
j Cardh/4
Fig. 1 Range of sustained strength tor atecoi
F2-184 (type EI-713) before and after 8700 hoUrp.1
of work (in staai pipes with diametar 15,i! x 2~~t
molt 72463). -Points x indicate stresses~aftexi
3700 hours of work; points o indiosla strusses
before inztalletion.
I T, 4
~i t
Vrallakoye soveshchenlye po spektrookopii. 3d, Sverdloi,sk, lt,)W,
Materialy (Materials of the Third Ural conference an Spectros-
copy) Sverdlovsk, Met'allurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Evrata olip
inserted. 3000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencies: InstAtut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR.
Komissiya po spektroskopli; and Urallskly dom tekhnikI VSNTO.
Ed$. (Title page): 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G.
Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadiy Favlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish-
ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. 11al'kova.
PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is Intendtd for staff
members of spectral analysis laboratories in industr:y and acien-
tiric research organizations, as well as for students of related
disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytiosl results.
COVERAGE, The collection presents theoretical and pracLical prob-
lems of the application or atomic and molecular spectral analy-
ais in controlling tho chemical composition of various matorials
in ferrous and nmfe:,rous metallurgy, geology, chemical indue-
try, and medicine.i The authors express their thanks to G. V.
Chentsova for heloin preparing the materials for tht previl.
References follow the Individual articles.
I V, !1w
"Mat6rlals'of the Third Ural Co feren6e (Cont4)
n SOV/6181i
Burarlev, Yv. M.0 V. I. Ustinova, and 0.: P. Nwymina.
Effect ol carlpuriz--tion and n1triding on the rettults.
of ff;.,setral analysis of construction steels 47
Grinzayd,, Ye. L., and F. Di Korobko. Effect of total com-
position of alloy steels on results of silidon detertnIna-
tion 52
Shavrin, A. M., X.,_~o~tiq L A Kozheynikova, and Yu, A.
-Makhnev. Dependence of
ative intensity
of the
zinc line on its concentiation in zinc-rich alloys of
the copper-zinc system
Fishman, I. S. Experimental investigation methods of
material admisslon (from electrodes into the discharge
zone] 60
Card 5/15
Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont,)
Shchebleva, V. P. Spectral analysis of manganeve ore,
titanium concentrate, and weld deposits 125
Marbutovskikh, T. S., D. Ye. Katkova, and A. P. Zelankina.
Spectral determination of cadmium In the products of
hydrometallurgical reprocessing of sublimates rrom
copper smelters 126
Prokhorov, V. G. Arbitrary standard method 127
Kolenko, L. I., and P. V. Pokrovskly. Determination of
small amounts of beryllium In granitoids
Trayanova, M. V. Quantitative speotrographie dettruditation
of lead In zircons and monazites
ZotIn K A and A. H. Shavrin., Spectral-analyt1cal dater- I
igh. f nickel In ores by the dilution method 133
1 ;h
lit q
Bxperimental study on the relation of the relative intensity
of vanadium, chromium, and nickel apectrun linen to concentra.-
tion in standard sampleo. iujwar, - A-004:483-487 1.56.
(KEU 12:5)
1. Permaldy gosudarstvannn universitet.
(Vanadium-Spectra) (Chromium-Spectra) (Nickel-Spectra)
I -:4M H.
ro E 1
Imon .112.11M
. 1 44! 4, ,
p.. i Ali isofi
wi - -
MN 814 IT 111
Card 112
Shavring A. M., Zo'in, Y. A-
On the Problem of the influence of the Compovition of Tiilverulent
Substances on the Relative IzItonuity of, Specl;ral Lines
Izve3tiya Akademii nauk 883R. Seriya fizicheoia,ya, 110,59,
Vol 23, Hr 9P PP 1077-1079 (U3511)
A report is deliverod concerMill? inyostl,~iationtj of the, relative
line intensities in systeras on the ba3is.of M and carbonates
of alkaline earth elements. The samples were.eviporated from
copper electrodeas The ratio of thp bntoasitle;u uf a U.-dine
to three Zn-lines 13 measured. In the sli.mPleu -the SiO 2 --content
is varied from 0 to 93.5% and that of carbonate-s from 0.8.5 to
0%. The mixture contains 1.1-P' '-,'nO, An altarnating current are
is used according to the soheme r_~f 11. S. Sveirtitskiyj with
copper electrodes in which the matexinl to be investigated
was located in the hole. Fi&purw I to a i1raphical representation
of the iraluev lg(I de~-tr'ling tbri composition of
I cd/,Zn)
the vyutem5 SiO rilgco Sio".'Ceco SiO,...SrC And . -Ba
2- 39 4 39 031 S402 ("03'
where I., and I.Zn denote the line intensities. The complex
dependence of these relativa Intonaitie;is as ocan from the dia-
Gram ia the res"kilt of the variation of Ilia abu,-Aute line in.,
--- 11 f57
On the Problem of the Infljance of Ithe Composition of 1-ul~r,irulont Su-bst~nces
on the Relative Intensity of Spectral TjineLi
tensitiea of cadmium and zino. This ict 1'rought into connection
with the chemical f1ute-- -&,,Uon of the compon-ont's, in Whiah aage
the melting of the a a~iyie kiartY carbcil~utea and the produ
of a metal king on olocAri-.1de playn iiu impurtant pL~rt.
The results obtained prove the exiriteno* of v chemical inte,r.-
action betwear. the S:LQ and ilhe CaCO, on the ei'Lectrodr,_ w~iere-
as the abeerice of a m. jked zirimum 14 flie SA.0 .-Mgco uyf3tem
2 3
points in 'rthe direation cif an iucoiuplett~ transformatiron~ of
taixture componentii iixt,) allinatfia. Tha b,0ia!i-%or of the 'irelative
intensities on the CaCO 51-CO -qyotlim iii exl',laired by tt-,e
of '*~7e chemioally active corapaner'), Si,O,,. S. I'll. Bobrova took
part in tho experimenta'i, pri kif till.,i *bxks Thor,- are 2
f igure a
ASSOCIATION: I)crmskiy goa. uriversitut Im. A. It. Gor1kolt
(Perm' State University limeni A. 1f% Gor-lruy~
Card 2/2
AUMORS: Zotin, M. A., Shavrin,, A. M.
TITLE: A study of the mutual effect of silicon dioxide and carbonates of
alkaline-earth elements on the relative intensity of nickel-titanium
and nickel-vanadium spectral line pairs
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6. 1952, 14, abstract 6G111
(Tch. zap. Permsk. un-t", 1961, V. 19, no. 1, 123 - 124)
TEXT j The results of a study of the relative intensity oflli-Ti and Ni-V
spectral line pairs under partial evaporation of the mixtures are presented.
The relative intensity of the pairs has been studied: Nik = 2992-595 - Ti?L=
= 2956.131, Ni7L = 2992-595 - V2L= 3066-375 R. The uniformity of the effect, in
the presence of S102, of elements belonging to one group of the periodic system
on the relative spectral line intensity has been confirmed.
[Abstracter's notel Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Urallskoya, moveahchRnlya po spektro4kopli. 30, Sverdlovsk, 1960.
Matcrlaly (Katerlels of the Third Ural Conference an Speatros-
copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 p. VxTata slip
Inserted. 3000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencies: Inatitut fiziki met&llov Akademil naulc S33R.
Komisslya po spektroskopill and Urallukly dom tokhniki V$VTO.
Bds. (Title page)t 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B.-Shayevloh, and S. 0.
Bogomolov; Ed. s Gannadiy Pavlovich Skornyakor; E4. of Pulilish-
Ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.s, M. T. Kallkova.
PURPOSEs The book, a collection of "tiel4s, in interalad for.staff
members of spectral analysis laboratories In Industry and s*iin-
tific research organizations, as well as for students of related
--disciplines and for technologists ut111zIng analytimml reoults.
R Rim
11,N Pill 'd" i I
Kateri,als of-the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) W 7/6181.
COVERAGEt The collection presents theoretical and prutical prob-~
lems of the application of atomic and molecular sp
"tral armly-
Bin In controlling the chemical composition or valioua matotrialk
in ferrous and nonferrous notallurgy, Scologyp chomic&l. Iridus-
try, and medicine. The authors express their thanke to 0. V
Chenteova for help In preWArIng the materials for the proos.
References follow the Ind!.vidual articles.
Sheratkov, Yu. A.# and L. P. Makalmornly. Wqatisintlan or
the dependence of the total intone ty of speatrAl lines
an the concentration or elements in an exa-diachizate plasna 4
Card 2/15
ull 11,ft b if
17, Till 1!'~ ~ - ~ =Irl!l ~1,
Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont..)
alysio,of,manganese ore,,
Ohchebleva, V, P. Spectral an
titanium -%oncentrate, and weld deposits
Narbutovskikh, T.' S., D. Yo. Katkova, and A. P. Zelenkl=.
Spectral determination of cadmium In the products of'
hydrometallurgical reprocessing of sublimates f*,mq
copper smelters
-Prokhorov, V. G. Arbitrary standard method
,..Kolenko, L. I., and P. V. Pokrovskiy. Determination of
small amounts of beryllium in granitoido
Trayanovai M. V Quantitative spectrographle: dptermination,
of lead in iircons and monazites
,Zotin M A and A. M. Shavrin. Spectral-analytioal,dater-
IAIAWof nickel In ores.by the dilution method
Card 10/15
AID P i8T4
Subject USSR/14eteorology and Hydrology
Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 17/26
Author Zotin, M. 1. and Shipilov, F. D.
Title in the Nastavlenip Oldrometeorolo-
gicheskim Stantsiyam (Directimi to Hyd,vometeorological
Periodical : Met. I gidro., no.2. 47, 1955
Abstract : Criticism of the order:and time in which meteoroloigi~.al
and hydrological observations'are made.
Institution None
Submitted No date
ZOTrm, H., kandidat geografichoolrikh nauk.
Scientific stations on drifting Ice In the Camtral Arctic. Mor.flot.
15 iao.11:26-28 N 155. (KWA 9:2)
(Arctics recions)
ZOTIV. M.. kandidat geograf ichookikh sauk. '. 1. -.:J
Artie seas. Blok.agit.ved tramop. n*.20:16-23 0 155. (MLRA 9:1)
(Artie Ocean)
I, I 11i'll-ill"Iflil I 11P] I I,
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komisslya po probleman Saviora
Letopis' Severa; Yezhegodnik po voprosam latorteheeskoy geografll,:-
istorii geograficheakikh otkrytiy i isaledavihniy 'no Severe. t. II
(Chronicles of the North; Yearbook of Historical Oeography, HistM
of Geographical Discoveries and Exploration or the North) ' -
v. 2 Moscow, Geografgiz,-1957. 2T9 p. 2,000 copies printed.
Editorial Board: Andreyev, A.I., Belov, R.I., Burkhanov, V.P.,
Yefimov, A.V. (Reap. Ed.), Chernenko, A.B. (Deputy Rasp. Ed.) and
She herbakov,D. L; Ed.: Vorontsova, A.I.; Tech. Ed.: Kosheleva, S.M.;
Map. Ed.: Nallchevskly, G.N.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for readers interested in the Soviet
COVtRAGE: The present volume, the second of a series of three, is a
collection of 2T articles by various authors prementing an histori-
cal account of the exploration and economic development of the
Card 1/6
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
Soviet North. A small part of the book -is devoted to Arctic arotas
beyond the confines of the Soviet Union. The aim of the boolc im to
contribute to an understanding of the physical. geography, cartoe;-
raphy, ethnography, and econDmy of the Soviet Nortli through a
historical survey of these factors. A large vvnbei~ of authors,
explorers, scientists, travellers, pilots, ndivigators, etc. are
cited. The text Is accompanied by numerous photograph and maps.
From the Editors 3
On Drifting lee in the Arctic Ocean (From the Logo of Stations
.."North Pole No. 4" and"Horth Pole No. 3")
Bolotnikov, N.Ya. The Siberian Grain Expedition t:d' 1920 34
Card 2/6
Chronicles of the North (Coht.) -936
Pinegin, N.V. Over Novaya Zemlya 51
Zotin, M.I.~Drift of Soviet Scientific Research Stations In the
Ne-nfr--al Afttio' 73
Grigorlyev, V.V. Records In 0 pen Water ffaviptimli jtv.tiigh
latitude's of the Arctic 78
Starokadomakly, N.A. Komseveroput' [Co=ittee of the Northern Sea
Route] Expeditions. to Gydanskiy Sever 81
Belov, N.1, Belov, N.I. New Data on Vladimir AtUaov and the Pirst
Russian Expeditions to Kamchatka 89
Sidorov, K.V. Novaya Zemlya on XVII Century Napa 107
Chernenko, M-B. Travels in "Chukotskaya Zemlya" and the Voyage to
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
Alaska by the Cossack Lieutenant Ivan KobelevIn 17T9 and
1789-91 121
Frumkin, P.A. Notes on the HlBtory of Spitzbergen 142
Kremer, B.A. How the Existence of Franz Joseph Land was Predicted 147
Chernenko,-M.B. Materials for thia Biography of U.I.Kagurskiy,
First Polar Aviator 150
Gromov, L.V. Traces of an Ancient Settlement on 111rangel Xeland. 155
Divin, V.A. T~e Second Siberian-Pacific 91ped1tion andl Problems of
Economic Development of the Soviet Far East 3.57
Probst, A,Ye. From the History of Petroleum Production and
Processing in U.khta 176
Card 4A
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
Slavin, S.V. Notes on the History of Railroad Buildino in the North
in Pre-Revolutionary Russia 188
Freydin, I.L. The Struggle for a Sea Route to the P"hora 206
Chumak, P.A. G.Ya.Sedov in the Soviet Far East 216
Agranat,G.A. Spitzbergen During the Last 15 Year~s 224
Vyshnepollskiy, S.A. North-West Passage 234
Lappo, S.D. Research on the Central Arctic by Foreign Scientists 239
Agranat, G.A. Recent American Pualications on Rtissian. America 247
Bogorad, Yu.D. From the Pages of the West German Journal
"Polarforschung" 255
Card 5/6
11;11 111111 1W E, 111'kli', 11 Hi~!
Chronicles of the North (Cont.) 936
News in Brief (Compiled by G.A.Agranat). Now Polar and Arctic
Instututes. The Canadian Ministry of Polar Affairs.
Inhabitants of the American North. Non-stop rlight by jet
plane via the North Pole. 'TranBaretic air c0timunication. A
new pipeline in Alaska. Projected railroad from thq! USA to
Alaska. Geological explorationB of the Canadian,firctic
Archipelago. Migration of' the magnatic pole In the Northern
hemisphere. An expedition to Ellesmere Land,. Housing on the
ice shelf 257
Malyshev, V.I. Ancient Written Recq~ds from the Pechora 265
Suzyumov, Ye.M. Heroic Feat of the Crew of the lcebrciaker
'A. Sibiryakov" 1 271
Bobrov, N.S. Airplane Skis -- A Russian Invention 274
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 6/6
3 (9)
AUTHORS: Baydin, S. S., Zotin, 11. 1.
TITLE: Invootigations of the Mouths of USSR Rivort) Falling Irito I;he
Sea (Isaledovaniya morskikh tuitlye%r ro1t,
PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidroloeiys, 1959, NX ~3; 1q, 25 - 27 0$310
ABSTRACT: First a short historical survoy in giv~in on invostigationit of
river entries into the sea. In this connection Y.Ye. 1Wakh7-_itsktr,
T. P. Maryutin, V. V. Valedinskiy and A. A. Apollov are m4n-
tiomd. Recentlyp the Gosudarstvennyy o1coanograftoheski-y ilt-
stitut (GOIN) (StatelAceanographic Institute) took over the or-
ganization of systeAtical investioati(nis ot,7 river mouths and
in 1951 published a manual for river irouth otations. (Rof 4')#
Somewhat later a laboratory for the investic;ation of riv,,i~ er,
tries into the sea was established. Uader t2ie Participati6n of
the GOIN the Gldrometeoslumhba (Hydrom.otecrnloGical Service)
special hydrometeorological stations w1hre e$_tablished at the
mouths of the Volga, Neva, Northern D,i-ina, Yrastern Dvina,
Amu.-Darlya. Also at the mouths of the Dnepr, Danube,
Don,, Kuban', Kura, Kamchatka such stattons arr,,.- unuer cons-ITuc-
Card -1 /"Z tion. These stations work according to a pur I
posefl-, atid fixel
.1111 ii,;wi iIIIIi. iinlll' III' ill I* V'~6 It 111 H
T 1:
lk 1i 11111
!3 - -j /~, " iI' "22' rl~
Investigatiomof the 11o
-;ths of USSR Rivorn Tallir.;,- j
Into the Sea
program. The solution of the tacks is ImPortaut for the rconni,~
of harbors 7 such as Arkhangellsl(, Llininjiprad tnd Aotrakhivll.
The investigation of the Volaa astumiy Jlili necii~ssa-7j also fer
solving the problem of the regtneration ',:f fish reserrca in the
Caspian Sea. The fi::st took or the ri-ror [^.outbs of the world
was that published in 1952 by I. V. Samoylo7 S'Rtf 5)- Ill the
course of the last years comprehensive hV-droloeical character-
istics were published for the mouths of the following riTera:.-
Volga (Ref 1), Amu.-Darlya (Ref 2), Kubanr (Re-~ 6), Don (R-ef i).
The Seven Year Plan of the GUGMS (Main Aili~miniatration of Ahe
Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR) provid,os mono(;:raphs on
the hydrology of the mouths of the followinL- rivers: Western
Dvina, Northern Dvina, Neva, Danube, Dn(*rr and Southern Bug,
Terek, Kura it-7- The mouth stations Gradually de-valop to scienti-
fic subdivisions of the network of the Gisircmetaoslu-0iba. At
present, however, they are far from bein& able to solve
tasks. In this cormection some aeficiencii~s axe mentioned. In
1959 a new manual for mouth stations will be prepared. One of
tho difficulties i's the rapid chan6e of the drui;age system of
Card 2/3 rivers such as Amu-Darlya, Sy.r-Darlya,, Kuri and Terak.. rixom
~nvcatii3atlons of the Mouths of USSR Rivtra Falling. SOV/50-5. a, - 3-3/24
Into the Sea
1956 -- 1959 the GUGMS vrill -littlonalirte tho enji,l,e hydrc,ta,,6tO-lo,-rc-
loGical system. The hydrcmeteov)lcgical vill direl'-tly
partlnipats in this work. In this work the hyd:r(.lcUJ.-la-l r,*:,)ndi-
tions of the ooeanu and of the rilrer mouths of !ht, USSlq cill be
investigated. There are 8 Soviet referenvvs.
Card 3/3
I ITT 111,;
11 71, 1"I'l 1: ~, I I =171
ZOTIN) ol-t. nao-,-An. sctr.j A.V- nlad.
mtr.-, ALFAT011,11t , 1'. Arila
lillud. nauchn. z-vAr., ZHILOY,
FREHISIEVSKAYA,, S,.ED,'*.,lKGA/, V~,A., invh.; N311111KC)., V.1,7.,
[Ifydrolr.a the estuary nqricin of -tha Yovt,bnj.M Dv-,ti,,vtl
Gidrologi:fa list-levol cc-tilat:'A, riviny. Koz;kVit,
Gidrometeoizdail, 1965~ 375 p. %IHIPLA 11848)~
.1. 14oscow. GGsud&:,it-venryy
2. Gosudarstlrez-;x!y*,',' Voskila
(for Zotin. Serebryukov, Unat'ova, Sui~caram). Nac, h!
c 'ev -Dvinak F -ioge
. al'lnik S er, .. co! ust"yevoy E3 ant-sll (fm -r!.liai
5. Seve rc-D .: i ~jslrava u-cl t, 1 pavaya s ruint'r. -J~ a (fINI'll
[UTI-TTUMI! THI: il I I'l Fj:!~ I'
ZOTINO. ~-l -~ - - . I
flikolai Fikolaevich Zubov, 1885-1960. Let. sov. 4,0(4-211 161,.
(MIRA 18s")
1. Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheakiy institut gidrometeol-clo-
gicheskoy sluzhby.
Heat effect of continental runoff. Vop* geogn no.6,1:146-154
163. (MIRA 17:3)
Features of breaking up ice In the lower reaj~hes arA mouths of
rivers emptying into northern sees, as exemplified by the Yenisey
River. Trudy GOIN no.66:26-54 162. OML& 15: .11)
(Russia, Northern-Ice on rivers, lakeit, etd.)
~ -- _ZUTIN I .- -
V 111. ~.11
Interaction of ocean5 and river.,-. Okeanolofj.jj& ;! nu,1:76~8'3 06;,,.
1- Go&udarstvenny,,t okeanOgraficheakly instit-ut. WAA'15:2)