Ye. S.
Dissertatiom. OThe Mabr"logy of Certain Representatives of the Willow Fard3,v.0
Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Botany ir~eni V. L* Komarovp Acad Sci USSRp Moucowo Oct-
Dee 53- (Vestnik Akademii Nauk. Jun 54)
SO% SUM 3180 23 Dec 1954
Economic effectiven'ese of mechanizing coal mining operations in
the Cheremkhovo Basin. Trwiy Vost.-Sib.fil.AN SSSR no.21:141-154
159. (MIRA 1319)
(Cheremkhovo Basin-Coal minen aad mining)
(Coal mining muchinery)
Ro3.& of the coal redourcean of the Irkutok Banin An thei developmat of
the taiga areas of cmnLral Siberia. Dokl. Inst, geog. Sib. i Dill.
Vost. no.6s87-91 164. (MA 18810)
USM/Chemistry - F=lz I GeP 53
"Investigation of Condensed Arcn*tic Hydrocarbons
of. Shale Oil Cracking-Kerosene-, "-IZ - T. Zonova,
-Inst of Mineral Fuels Acad Sai USSR
DAN SM, Vol 92, No L, pp 655-a
Studied the cracking.-kerosezie obtained from the
middle neutral fraction. of Bol-tic. -shale oil.
-keiosene'-was sepd irr-to 6 fractions using the method
of adsorption chromotograLmky 9-md the cjj-"~-
ties OfLeach fraction tabulated. The bJgh-bcdil4g
fractions apparently consist mostly of tri- am&
tetracyclia hydrocarbons with. admixts of sulf'r-i- ji~
OJWGCU cocmds Presented by A=d- 3 - I Kirowy.
on lif t (1 '11 et. t 'D jytj
r,c tior, :)f, 'I r F
Qf t. '):i t c o,-- 4 n
T, !~-Itrrlrl Ili I i I I ~.1 iil~ !I ft v
ZONOVA, Z,T, (Moskva); MATVEMVA, M.D. (14onkva)
Inveatigating weakly acid phenols from tar ol-tained in the contirilous
coking of CheremUiavo coals. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd, tokh, nauk. vret.
i lopl. no.3:130-134 ""-je 062. (MA 154-6)
ZONOVA, Z.T. (~bBkva); RUVEYEVA, M.D. (Pbskvs)
Investigation of tar phenolo from the contilluoui; caking process.
Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Ybt.i topl. no*5:150-154 S-0 161.
(Coal tar products) (Phenols) (HM 14'.10)
- , i V V.
: I ;:!~ I lNi ] 1111 H i'All!-11 I lld! 11H LI P I I-;!]
.!27c, /),- o
USSR /Ibhemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-15
and Their Application
Treatment of solid mineral fuels
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31843
Author Zonova Z.T.
Inst Cademy of Sciences USSR
Title Tar of Obshchiy Syrt Bit=inou;3 Shale
Orig Pub: Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekhn. n., 1956, No 7, 124
Abstract: Groupwise chemical composition and character-
istics are given of the tar obtained on dis-
tillation of the bituminous shale.
Card 1/1
TFII --m-T-r-fli
! 11 ; 1 i i ii I I I I T I ., . ; , , .. . , ., I I I - I . I I . I
37495, ZONSMYN, S. 1. 1 AqLAZ:.)ROV. . S'. By3t.reya zvaka~o fs"rk-hzvukovyy* sa.Tolet;/--
--V ogl. 1-y avt: S. 1. Zonshainill'. V sb: Hauka i zkiiznl. Ill., 1949, S.
Sot Latopial Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 7. 1949
USSR/Cultivated Plants Fodders. r.-4
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69262
Author : ZonshteLn, L.
Inst -_ __ ( __
Title Some Results in Selection of Perennial Grasses.
Orig Pub S. kh. Kirgiziy, 1956, No 1, W-43
Abstract The Kirghiz institute of hysbandry selected, improved and
newly created a number of varieties of leguntinous and her-
bacious fodders, which have been successfully adapted to
production. All the new specimens may be divided into
the 4 following groups: 1) those created by means of
blending populations of different geographic orij[;in and
alternately germinating them under various conditions;
2) those introduced from a wild-groving flo:va in Jxq)roved
environments by breeding and selection; 3) those created
by hybridization in conjunction with selection ard impro-
ved breedIng; 4) those created by selection from well-es-
tablished or newly-introduced populations.
Card 1/1
Abe Jour
Orig Pub
PlarAt-,3 Grains.
: Hof Zhur Biol., No 4) 1958, i556o
: L. Zonshteyn
Problems in the Raising of Corn.
(voprosy vozdelivaniya kuh, wuzy).
S. kh. Kirgizii, 1956, No 4, 31-35-
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
11fl7tMill, V~V.; 77
~~ . t
'JU'r r,.Tt-. doktor tekhnm nait1c, profs;
doktor tekhr.. vavk, prof.
Book revle-wo and hibliop
Ja 166. 11--1 -.-.1
1. Nachal In A upravlanlya maslllinosLroyev~' ya lcni~di-, v~:. f4cr-rogo
krimiteta jtandartor, mer i Jzr,(.ritcltnylzl' 'for
Miz. Imir.
0 IV
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy teldmologicheskiy institut
Nekatoryye voprosy aerodinamiki i dinamiki samoleta (Scme Problems in
Aerodynamics and Dynamics of Aircraft) Moscow, Oborongit, 1959- 11 Y-
(Its: Trudy, vyp. 42) 2,100 copies printed.
Additioual~Sponsoring Agency: RSFSR. Ministerst-vo vysshego i srednego
spetsiallnogo obrazovamiya.
Ed.: (Title Page),: S.I. Zonsheyn. Doctor of Teebadcal Sciences Professor;
Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer.; Ed..of Publishing House: S.I.
Vinograaskaya. Tech. Ed.: V.P. Rozbino-
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for the engineering and
technical personnel of design ofrices and scientific-res-earch organizations.
It may also be used by students of aeronautical *uzes., specializing in the
field of aircraft construction.
COVERAGE: This collection of articles contains some results of scientific re-
search performed by the Aerodynamics and Design of Aire-raft Department of MATI
Card 1/3
Some Problems in Aerodynamics (Cont.) sovI3265
(Moscow Aviation Technology Institute) during the period 1955 - 195T- The
collection considers a number of problems in wing theory for three-dimen-
sional flow and in the dynamics of aircraft, and allo methods for research covAuct-
ed at the initial stages of design and configuration of aircraft. A report by
V.T. Dubasov presents a variational method for approximate deternination of the
velocity field for potential unsteady, compressible and incompressible air flow
about bodies. S.I. Zonshayn considers the methods of reuearch lierformed to do-
termine rational dimeiisi66'of aircr&ft during the laiti ,&I desip stages. The
problem is solved in a general formulation, but, the obt&Lned remults are spplied
to particular problems, for instance, to the calculation of oybimun wing lo&U.
In a report by N.Ta. Fabrikant, the theorem regarding thiii lifting force of a wing,
given by N.Y~. Zhukovgkiy, is generoUzed for the cue af a rotstional three-
dimensional fiow and ~ compressible medium. A. formula U given for calculatirg
force arising from the atutual interactton of two flows. The resuits obtalned are
used for calculating the effect of theaccompanying jet on ihe 1,ift coefflciem~
of the win& qmd for calculating the load distribution along the span in the rqgion
boidwing on the u4ng tip. A report by S.M. Matveyev dealo with Cae of the im- "
portant problems in aircraft dynactics - the loop - first investigated by4lf.Tes'
Zhukovskiy. The problem is solved for the mathezatical]4i simplest case, nmeli
a loop vith uniform turning bf the flight path. The ldwmatic dind dyliamit aa&lYsis
card 2/6
Sawt Problems in Aerodynamics (cont.) SOV13265
of the motion of an aircraft is developed up to the calculation of the character-
istic of the loop. The formulas obtained turn out to be universal, thALt isp a;pplj_
cable to any aircraft. A report by A~.A. Tupolev makes certain recomendations re-
garding the configuration of high-speed aircraft. Ho references are given.
Dubasov, V.T. Application of Variational Methods to tha Solutim
of Problems in Aerodynamics 5
1. Equations of notion of a fluid 5.
2. Application of variational calculus to the study of the notion
of a fluid 8
3- Condition of, the extremum of an integrml 1.1
4. Application of the Galerkin - Ritz method, 13
5. Arbitrar7 motion of a ving profile in an inecmpmesible rluid z6
6. Examples
Card 3/6
Some Problems in Aerodynamics (Cont.) SOV/3265
Translational motion 4f * zirculw cylinder 18
Arbitrary motion of an elliptical cylinder 19
Motion of the symetricalfth (NikoUW Yegorovialh
Zhukovskiy) profile 1
7- Steady motion of a cylindricel body in a ~cmpressible flixid a
8. Ex4aples 23
Translational motion of 'an ellipse alomg its
large v&s. 23
.9. Flow about a circvmference .26
10. Translational motion of a thinving preffile 28
Data Pertaining to.Investigations of Rational
Dimensions of Aircraft 32
Fabrikant., N.ia. Generalizations of Zhukovskiy's Theorem of Lift
Foi,ces and Some Applications .61
1. Lift force in two-dimensional rotationma flow of an in-
compressible medim 62
2. Lift force in two-dimensional rotational flow of a
compressible mediin 63
Card 4/6
Some Problems In Aerodynamics (Cont.) sov/3265
3. Lift force a,rising as a remult of tAe mutual,ial;eraction
of two f 1we 65
4. Linear,lift force in three.-dimension&l flow 66
Iffectlof accompWing j Lat on the lift for~a of s wing 68
6. DistA6tion of the linear lift forcm near the ving tip 75
Matveyev, SA. On the Loop of an Aircraft 0ith Vniforh Turning
of the Fligbt Path 78
1. Statement of the problem. Differential equtions of the
motion,of an aircraft
2. Equation of the velocity hodograph
3. law of variatio.n of load factors in the loop 82
4. Necessary and sufficient conditions for performing & loop 83
5!. Pecrease of velocity and magnitude Of load f&CtDr in a loop 85
6. of attack In the IDop
'06 the variation of the Wle 87
7. ,
Detimining the tine for perfomIng it loop 89,
8. Parametric equations of a loop 90
9. Determining the dimensions of a loop 90
10. Radii of cLrvat~re and lengthof the loop 94
C*rd 5/6
KHRMOV,A.P., redaktor, I
M*Y_ P -nahemer; PWROVA,
redSktOr'4'ktASISHCHW,V,M., professor, retuenzent; FOMIN,LA.,
dotsent, kandiLt tekhnlch*sklkh nauk, retsenzatit, RANUCHAROV,Y.A.,
inzhener, reteenzent; GLADKIKH,N.N., tekhnicheakly redaktor
[Aerodynamics and construction of an alrplane] Aerodimamika i koti-
straktaiia samoleta. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo obor. promytthl.. 1955. 243 p.
(Airplanes--Design and construction) (MMA 9-2)
LAtubble and companion crops for fe*L] Poshnin7a I podeavuys kulltury
no korn. Frunze, Kirgisoiqbo goo. isil-vo, 1955. 56 p. (NLM 10a)
(Forage plants) (Companion crops)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 191",7, hr 7
p 183 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zonshteyn, L. Ya.
TITLE: Sorghum in Kirgiz SSR (Sorge v Kirgizii)
PERIODICAL: Sots. s. kh. Kirgizii, 1956, Nr 4, pi.-, 6-10
ABSTRACT: In Kirgiz SSR sorghum is chiefly found in private
gardens of collective farmers, workers, and officials,
in the southeastern area, the Chuya Valley and the
lower part of Talass, Valley. A cereal sorghum, -~,he
"dzhugara," grows in the south as well as the broom
sorghum. The former is grown for grain and for
poultry food. Only the broom 8orghum is grown com-
mercially in the Chuya and Talass valleys. The local
inhabitants often Flant sorghum instead of corn In the
meadow-solonchak soils, in alkaline soils, and where
Card 1/2 the water supply is uncertain. Sorghum is
Sorghum in Kirgiz SSR (cont.) 14-57-7-15380
excePtionally important in bogar-type
becau"se Of
employed in Insufficient moisture. soils where corn cannot gr.,
ditions. planting experimental s The author describes the methods
Card 2/2 orghum crops under various con_
0. K.
ZONSHTZYN, L.Ya,; ZAN=, Yelana Pilippovam
[Ways, for increasing perennial graso yields] fixti pdvYoh*uUd
uroshainosti unagolatnikh tray. frunse, lirgimmkoe goo, ivd-voi
1956. 81 p. (MIRA 10:2)
Foddergrass cliltivOicn on the irrigntei lard of Kirghizietan, Frurl;!e, 1942. 2-1 ;.
1. Grasses - Kirghizistan
2. Pastures.
3. Bo,!s - Kirghizi-stan.
Zondhteyn, L. Ya. "Cultivation of perennial cerpal grasseB in K:Lrgiziya It
Trudy Ydrgiz. nauch. --isaled. in-tdt zhivotnovodstva, fss~;e
9p 1949, p. 175-200 -- Bibliog: 3(;,. items
So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (1'etopis 'Zhurnal IAVkh Statey, No. 1.3p 101,9)
SOWINSKA, Barbara; GEDLICZFjI,,C4tmar; ZONTIEK, Franciazek
Effect of hemorrhage on the amIno n1trogen and free amino arI,,I
level in the blood of the ra6it. Przegl. lek. 21 no.9:577-5-jx,)
1. Z II Kliniki G)iirurgiaznoj AM w Krakowia (Kierawniks Prof. dr.
mod. J. Oozacki).
SZNAPKA, ZbIgniew; LEWANDOWSKI, Adain; ZO!~j?,~~,,,,,.Franetsvek
The brmsulpbalein (BSP) halt-Atme (t 1/2) 1- vabbits
following hemorrhage. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no./,OzI,1,8l-1482 301 W.
1. Z, II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Krakowls; UorownAki prof.
dr J, Otszacki.
DOLEZALOWA, Marta; PEIUR, Vojoiech; ZASOVSKI, Andrzaj; KQII"
Relationship between microbial reqistance to antibiotics and pativat's
age and sex. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.27:1063-106~ 2 JI t62.
1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lokarskioj AM w Krukowie; kioroinlik: prcf.
dr Z. Przybylkieviczp z Klini%i Chorob Zaka=y(jh AM u H-okowle; kiero%mik:
prof. dr. W1. Fejkiel i z II Kliniki Chirurgiconej AH v Krakowig;
kierownik: prof. dr J. Oszacki,.
I C I" KA , Otiruir; 3KAWW~ir I, S to fan; '.)'?,Ntl%PXA , ~blirrjlcw; Zclfl'!!~~ , Francitmek
t ~ i
Pressure in the portal vosin following hemorrhage. tyg. lc-?.
19 no.18:608-671 27 Ap 164.
1, Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akadamil Madycamj w frakwit)
(klervanik: prof. dr. Jan Oazacki).
6AKHTEADVA, Nataltya Fe-trovraq ff,'11DARCHUK, Anton Vnz.-. j vpl,vi~jhj
ZO-I,P.V,_,Y4 ~jly Vasli've-vich; VAJiLEVSKIY, r-CA.
,p ., 1 0 :1 . I " ~
(Raynaud's disease; clinical aspectsi and neuropathophysic-
logical studies of the central mecht,niarml Bolatn' Relno,
klinika, neiropatofiziol.of~i..~.tir,,:--Itie ijsiedovani~& Loantra.11-
nykh mekhani=.ov. 11.,eningrad, lilledit!;ina, 1~965. 188 1).
Ov.,41111 L8.0
Practical use of the microbe association Agglutination method
(mixed cultures) in solving certAin problems. Vrneb.delo
supplement '57:112 (MIRA 11:3)
1. Kafedra, obahchey gigiyeuy Odeaskogo meditRinalcogo institute.
VILENSKIY. N.K., kandidat'takhnicheokikh nauk; DYR=, Ym,A., Inshener;
ZONSMYN 5 Inzhener.
Converiing condensation steaAturbipox to a sysban with derated
vaelnl-. Inergetik 5 no.4:28-31 AP '57. (KIM IOW
(Steam turbines)
Ii W 6414 6 6 6 too
1 0 11 tj 11 14 11 16 11 it to a [ 11 n is m .7 lit 11 a I L, 13 4 H Ill It j~ it L 11 Alla
A A P Q X 3 1 4-M 4A M It W Ill,. 0 1 -149
0: '1 f'.
The nWh*d of for of
owdylas of hands
9"b*&hIs owl. w V. Cluklowlirv anti A. li../einisr,
Plidoliyd 4, Inn. f., it) I mollklal.-;
14AIIIII loll"
IPA# .00
MO 4 a
u Is AT No Is I
0 *,, Is, 0* Is, 0 0 0 0 0 9 es 000 0 0 0 11111110 4 see 60 $69
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0
ii d.; SHENDAREVA, L.V., takhn. red.
(Automated continuous produotion line ror Wo tranufacture of
fiberboardflAytomatizirovannaia potochnala 1!nila d1la pro-
izvodstva fibrolitovykh plit. Moskva, TSentz,. in-t tekhn.
informataii i ekon. Isal. po lesnot, bmazhnDl i derevoobra-
batyvaiushchei promynhl., 1962. 68 p. (MIRA 16:4)
(Fiberboard) (Assembly-line methods)
ZONTOV, H.S. - _-
Geology of the vain copjw-nickel deposit In the northern salient
of Rudnaya Mountain (Horillsk regiam). Geol. rud. meetorozh. no.5:
3-20 S-0 '59. 04IRA 13:2)
I.Institut geologii rudnvkh meatoroishdonly, petrografil, mineralogil
i geokhimii AN SSSR.
(Norillsk region--Ore deposits)
. ....... 1-1--
Uranium area in the capitallotio countries. Atom. energ. 4 no.5:
489-493 MY 158. (min 11:6)
(Uranium area)
AUT7OR: zontov, 7.
TITLE: The Uranium Raw Haterial Base of Capitalistic Ccuntries
(S~~rlycvajra bczla urana- v kapitalisUC1'-'s!:i1:!1
PbRIODICAL: Ato;:uiaya Bner~,iya, 19150, Vol .1, 1:r fi,
2,*"3-'-'-'U.CT: Tal:or fro:~ 213 Iiii'lications,r, r-~)ort io on the uqo~-,t ini-
portv.nt placer, where uraniu~.i is Li Ga-iad,~, Clio Union
of South Africa, Pn-l,,,iari Congo, Austr,-.dia, itrd other smaller
countries.T'iare are 1 table and 28 r~if'oro~lcesj none of which are
AVAILA-31,E: Library of Con,.;~, os
1. Uraniim-Sources
ca~"-d 11
YAMIN, Aleksandr Andrayevich; MlIaNKO, T.I., reteenzent; red,;, DANTL I YARNS,
A.A. i retsensent; ZORPOTA A.0,, retsenzent; FITRZIKO* le.Ye#p
reteenzent; red.lad-ve; GUROA, 0,A., tekhn,red,
(Prospecting for uranium deposital Polaki i raz"dke uranovkh
m3storozhdanii. Koskva, Gos.msuchno-telchn.i2d-vo lit-r7 po geol.
i okhrano nedr, 1961. 479 - (MIRA 14:4)
(Uranium OrO63
Differentiation obaractdriati"'of molten copper-nirkel bulfides
[with summary In English]. So"T. geol. I noa6*.102-120 JS 1584,
(MIRA 11:10)
1. Minister" tvo geologit, I okhrany nedr SSSR.
(SYRtems Whemi8t'7)) (ores)
. 1.111 111.11 - Y
ZONTOV, N. S. Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (di3s) "The copper-amd-nia.rel Vein d#1144W
of the northern cape of the Rudnaya mountd n (Norilloldy :Pmyon), lion, LTiabliebing
House of the Aoad Soi USSly 1959* 26 pp (Acad Sci TISSR. Inst of aeology of
Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy. and Geoehemintry), 175 oopies Mo 41-69. 103)
Second International Conference on Peaceful Use of Atomic
Energy. Osol.rud.mostorash. no.11109-111 Ja-F ',59.
(MIR& 12:5)
(Atomic power-Congresses)
3(8) BOV/69-6-6-1/27
AUTHORs Zontov, If. S.
TITLEs News in Geology and Economics of the Uranium Ore Banes in the
Capitalist Coqntries (Novoye v aeol6i,~_ii i ekonomike syrlyevoy
bazy urana kapital-isticheskikh stran)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, voi 6, Nr 6, Pp 613 - 622 (U3.911)
ABSTRACTs In the present paper material dealing with this subject:which
was published in western periodicals as woll as from leetures
Nr a62,774, 76a, 1933, 1932, and 1921 of the Second Geneva
Conference for the Peaceful Application of Ltomic Energy 0958)
is summarized. At first, a report is given on the uranium
ore resources and the uranium production in Canada, USA, the
South African Union, Australia, Belgian Congo, Francep Italy,
and other countries, The second para~,raph,deals with the type
of the occurrence, the geological type, etc as well'as with
the concentrations and the possibilities of an economic pro-
duction. The third paragraph deala above all with geological
problems; first the magmatogenic niteo arie discussed (pegma-
tite, skarn, and the hydrotherinal sites divided according
Card 1/2 to the formationst iron-titanium-uraniiin, oopper-uranium,
News in Geology and Economics of the Uranium Ore BaseB $07/89-6-6-1/27
in the Capitalist Countries
niokel-cobalt-urrinium etc), thon Up) urantam o(,~curronco in
sedimentary rockm and finally, thoon in lIxe-Cambrian cotglom-
erates, In the follQwing the author reporta an the dialri-
bution of the resources according to the regional geoloaical
stracture and the increase of uranium mineralization in the
individual countries, There are 51.igureis, 1 table, and 10
references, 2 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: January 3, 1959
Card 2/2
Electrographic chracteristics of the basic neural processea. Firiol.
zhur. 47 no.12:1463-1470 D 161. (IMIA 15.-:1)
1. From the A.L.Polenov 1jeurosurgical Research Distitute, Leningrad.
For e further consolidation of collective Xpirm fiumce.
Don. kred. 18 no.11:52-60 H160, (HULK 13'. 11)
1 UoravIyayushchV Fermakoy kontaroy GoubaAka (for Borisenkov).
2: Pkedeedatell kolkhoza "Fawat' Illicha" Sarayevskogo rayona
4azanskoy oblasti (for Nikiforov). 3. Buk1knalter icolkhosa
"Fam:tat' Illicha" Sara7evskogo reyona Ryaxanskoy ab last i (for.
Shujin). (collective farme-Finance)
State financial aid to collective farms of White Runoia. Fin.
SSSR. 20 no-11:30-35 H 159. (1-au 12: ].,,, )
(White Russia-Collective farms-Finance)
ZONTOV, Yevgeniy Gerasimovich. Prininimal uchastiye TOMOVICH, V.S.j,
imuchiVy u r.; TORYAYLO, I.,, red.; DIKp V., Ulthn. red.
(Financial interrelations of collective forms ~dth iu
state]Finansovye vzaimootnoshenlia kolkhozov m gosuder-
stvom. Minskp Sellkhozgiz BSSR, 1962. 77 p.
(IU*.RA 15tll)
1. Inatitut elconciniki Akaderii, nauk Belorussicay SS611 (for
(White Ru8sia-Collective farmo-Taxation)
(White Russia-Agricultural credit)
Z()NTOTA' K.r.
Materials on amphipods and decapods of the 3ittoml no ae of 3hatem
Harmn, Trady Ruxm. biol, eta, 4.,130-139 158. (NMA 11 t5)
(Naxman Coast-Deeapoda (Grustacem))
(*armn Coast-Amphipoga)
116SIR / I'licrobiology. Microbes Pathogenic for Han and
,Ln i -aa 1 s .General Problems.
.Lbs Jour Ref Zhur - Biolo,iya, No 6, 1959, 'Ylo. 24043
Author Stoyanovalcly, A, F.; Prominelcaya, T. V.;
Zontovich, Ye. V.
- _~e
Inst i~~ ~j
Title "Ln _-j.xperlment of Practical Application of the
Yethod of Agglutination of l,.icrobe tssoolation
(1.Uyed Cultures) to the Solution of Various
Oric Pub : Vrachebn. delo, 1957, pr1loz1h., 112
Abstract : The inethod is based on the divcovery in mi-
crobe associations (rinsing of clture) of
specific antigens-causative agents of intesti-
nal infections or para-agglutinating strains
of intestinal bacteria corresponding to them.
Card 1/2
lficrObiOlot,-Y. Mcrobes Pathogenic for Eau and
Animals. General Problaian.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, Do 6, 1959, No. 24o43
It Sives an idea of the de-ree aad t1lo
'-j 0
fre Ohness of epideralologically dangerous
pollution of various objects of e:,ternal
environment (beaches, well water, beveraGes).
The ap-Dlication of the method aloa,,, with the
titer of coli, enables one to dia,nose
relatively quic1cly the presence of fresh
feral pollution. -- G. Ye. Frumlcina
Card 2/2
Country : USSR
Category: Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries,
Abs Jour; RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100481
Author : Zopin, MI.A.
Inst :~ ~T' Res. Inst. of A3riculture.
Title :An Experiment with the Application of G~psum In the
Soil Under the Vineyards in the Foothill Zone of
Chuyskayd Valley.
Orig Pub: Byul. Kirg, n.-i. in-ta zemled., 1957, 1, 49-52
Abstract: In 1953, Inthe vineyard of Kirghiz Fruit and
Vegetable S ation, experiments were set up on
the determihation of the influence of Sypsum. ap-
plication in the soil, on the quality of grape
juice, wine and on the degree of Its clarifies-
Card 1/5
Country : USSR M
Catogory: Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries.
Abe Jour: RZhBiol., Nlo 22, 1958, No 100481
applied. Difference between the variants of the
experiment In the amount of gypsum applied: five
timos more Sypbum was applied on tha Sypaum
treated plot than on the control plot. Recorded
were an Increase in the suSar content and a do-
crease in the general acidity of the 3rape juice,
and an increase In the alcohol and a lowerinS
of acidity in the wine from the combincd appli-
cation of complete mineral fertilizer and gypsum.
The residual effect from the application of
,:,ypsum on the acceleration of the clarification
of wine and intc~naification of Its coloratlon
was discovered even In 1955. The 13mount of
Card : 3/5
Country : USSA
Category: Cultivated 'Plants. Frulta. Berries.
Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100481
sulfates in the wine obtained fro*A1 gypau-n treated
plots Is hic~her than in tho control but does not
exceed the established norm. The author explains
the accelerated clarification of wine attributable
to the application of gypsum in tho soil, by the
coaSulatino action of gypsum, Incorporated In
the berries, on the colloids of tho win-3. The
Sypsum troatment of the carbonate northern slero-
zems, not containin,,3 3ypsum or aulTatci3, demon-
strated the substantial part of Ca sulfate In
the imnrovement In the quality of the grapes and
wine, in increasinq the potency, the richness of
coloration and In the acceleration of its clari-
fication. Combined application of gypsum and NP,:L'
Card 4/5
Country USSR
Category: Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries.
Abs Jour: RZh7liol., No 22, 1958, No 100481
not containin3 Vpsumo changos for the bottor
the naturo of alkaline soils, tho blo-chomistry
of plants and increases the effectiviDness of
fertilizers. -- D.I. Tabidzo
Card 5/5
PI)LAND/14tcrobiology - microbes Pathogenic in Man and Animals.
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1956, 6724o
Author : Hirszfcldowa, Han ; Skurs?a, Zofia;_ Zopoth Janina-
Sygnatowicz, Janina; Hass, Wiktor; 1ORy3zyn, Jadwiga;
Makower, flenryk
Title Investigation of Intestinal Aerobe Flora in Children's
Diarrhacas, with Special Emphaoia on Paracolobactrum.
Orig Pub Mcd. doswiad. i mikrobiol., .1956, 8, No 4, 405-426.
Abstract The authors performed investigations in 1954 of 1382 cu-
ses of children's diarrhacas. Isolated vere: 1072
strains of Escherichia coli, 62 of which could cause di-
sease (42 of the 055:B5 Group and 20 of the 0111:B4
group); 204 strains of para-intestinal bacilli; 29
Providencia; U Arizona; 26 salmonelli (24 S. breslau -i
and 2 S. enteritidis); 11 shigelli (9 Sh. sannei and 2
strains of cob. flcxneri); 252 strains of protea;
Card 1/3
POLAND/Micro'biology- Microbes Pathogenic in Man and Animals, F.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 67240
typhus during which no salmonalli were inolated but para-
intestinal bacilli were isolated a numbor of -times,
The Vidal reaction with nalmoncIlous dirignostica wa,., al-
ways negative; with the iaolated strains of para-iriteL3ti_
nal bacilli it was positive tip to a titration standard of
1:')20. Bibliography of 51 titles. -- N.A. Gruzman.
Card 3/3
b, I -
Serological studies of tuberculosis. Ned. donw. m1krob., Wares.
4 no. 3:351-352 1952. (CUL 230)
1 *mmary of work progress presented at Ilth CO~Wevs of Pollab
Microbiologist* hold In Krakow May 1951m 2, Wroclaw.
N, Jadw 'g"T!"'A
HAAS, Wiktor; BABCZTSZY M 11*nr7k
Studies on aerobic flora in the Intestinen In diarrhea in
children with special reference to Paracolobactrum. Ned. doew.
mikrob. a no.4:405-426 1956.
1. Z I Kliniki Dzieciecej A.M., z Dzialu Wirusologii Inst. Immun.
I Ter. Doew. P.A.N. orag z Oddz1alu. biegunkowi~go Szpitala im.
Korczaka we Wroclawiu.
(DIARRHEA, in infant and child
fecal Paracolobactrum (Poli)
(MRS, microbiolog7.
Paracolobactrum in diarrhea in child. (Pol))
fecal in diarrhea In child (Pol))
Mihailo MIDIKIC and 2f)ra JIAST!~, ~rr
.3nd Gynt,,:ology (C in eke. I oq ko
lur-ra-vniQ Fro[ Dr Pe,,:.qv- KOSTIC,
1"P.e-nancy ~ndl Sroutnneous Parturition Fullowirt, rurp of
fjc~lky L el~ stvo, Vul 90, No 5, I!a,.L- 1.9,62;
5'rench stmimnry rnodifieV: "a _;,i report of 20--year-,~Id ,;qrl
-ave ncrmal birch rwo years ifter, surgical c1c.,.uto of aj-,~tirent'
Tl I C3 I C a rv, i, cc, -Oa I f i ~ vu la
New procedures in chemical procaosing of ferwntad solution of
citric acid at the Spitak Sugar Refinery. Prom.Arnk. 4 no.6:
40-41 Je 161. (MIRA 14:8)
1. TSentralluaya nauchno-issledovateltsk-avi labdratQriya
Upravlaniya pishchevoy promys4lannosti. S"trkhoga Aroyawkoy
(6pitak-CitrAc acid)
Work days of the scientific tachn.Leal ooci(bty. Prom.Arm. 4
no.6:6~-66 Je 161. (WRA 14: 8)
(Amenia-Technical sociatiqa)
(Armenia--Food industry)''
PA 31-11~-~'ITR
"Use of flexachlorethane for Fasclollasis i(i Man,"
A. I. Parkhanyan, L. I. Zorabyan, Inst of
Pbyatotherapy aad Realth Renorta, Yerevan, 11 pp
SKlin Red" Vol XXV*l, No 1.1
Hexachlorethane is being widely and nucaaeol'ally
used In Amenla to cocibat fesdollasla In clittle,
Describes two cases In which drug was used t3
.treat same disease In man.
....... ..... . . .... .......
-------- -- -T 1-j
Z;Omo ~~ioro Lt-portant worm diooanom of _!md 'e: V, v,;-;
with ll'iustratlon3. 1-riLct 4 r-ubleu, 2,C';CC co~isls. an SSR). In
SO: veterinariya 29(2). 'Febru,!.ir5r l?49*'(5'z;)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0,; e *,A
J J A 2 S J d Q
Al ... ... .
Ic 19
KIMN (or dlowfut a( rimWao ft= vilsts omkil
00 .00
- - ---- ------ --
e$ AV 113 it
0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 61OWS114 fee* 00 441A 46
40 0:40 ale
411 f , 0 41
Sale quotas, objective criteria for the estimate of success
and the sale planning. Nova proimr 11+ no.5/6t402-407 0 163
ZORAN, I.A.; COSTA, Angela
I- - -1---l-
A characteristic form of malignant toxic syn(Irome dtirlng staphylocoacal
infection in sucklings. MicrobioUgia (Bucur) 6 no.lt28-29 Ja-P 61.
1. Spitabil de copii Oradea.
ethods of breeding and formation of come biologically and
economically useful characters in cattle. Izv. All Arn. SSR.
Biol. nauki 18 no.11:105-1.11 N 165. Oo,-ej 19: 1)
1. Yeruvanakiy zooveterinarnyy InstituL. Sub-mittod Avg, 10,
Eaters of phosphoric and thiaphosphoric acjila contu"ining hetero-
cyclic ri4dicals. Report No. 3: Compounds w1th tD4,rahydro1%--,,fur5-1
radicals. Izv. AN SS~!H. Otd. ~Iin. natit no. 12510.55 Ja "S1.
(14.111 14:2)
1. Khimicheskiy inztitut im. A.M. Butlerova Km-,Tmko[;o L-7ow:daXstvan-
nogo universitata im. V.I. Ullyanova-b3nina,
(Phosphoric acid) (Furfuryl alcohol) (Phmiphorous acid)
LL M i:,
i1 Ill
ZORAItIUNSKI, Ikaniplaw; Stanialaw (II'arsz.RwaI/
Replaclng traditional pla:3uirimr 'cV mo~:hanized aprayinfl vith
liquid spatter masson. PrzegrI hidowl 1. bud mieazk 35 no,
12:667-669 163.
New typea of floor lining mads of pla.,Alca; gluas and faut
drying sealers. lbid.t670-671
Jointless and prefabricated I'lo-ors of Keene's cament.
Replacin- traditional external pla.atering b~ m-echimizel
sprayim, of' amidon-gytpmum-am' .Lion cmlsl.on coatin& IbiI.P,673
- ZORE6,13KI, 4.
Prestressed shell of a semicylindrical vault. Research and alvlicition.
-Ynioik I Budownictwo. Vol. 114, no - 3, Mar. 1957, 'tit r, aw. , Folanrl )
P. 127 (Inz -, 17 a
Monthly Index of Enst Furopean Accessions (FIAT) f,C. V01. 7, no. 2,
February 1958
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------
ISPQYSZAK, Antoni and ZOIIA,~SXI, Cezar.Luip.A, Tuberculosis Im-
munology Laboratory (15-r-acownia, lmmunologii Vet-
orinary Institute (Instytut I.,,'oterynaryjny) in Pulauy (Di-
roctor: Docent, Dr. Antoni SPRYWAK
"Further Observations on the 'Non-specific Tuberculin Re-
action in Cattle."
1'.'arsaw-Lublin, Medycyna '.,.'eterynarXJnix, Vol 19, No 6, Jun
63, ,)P .319-326
Abstract: [Authors' En-,lish summary modified] The present
study indicates that non-specific tuborCLIlil) reactions in
cattle are froquont in Poland, and thitt ffie cause of' sensi-
tization in them to mammalian UlberCL1103i$ coines from avian
type M from hons. Reactions in tubercul0LIS caUlo are aL-
ways moro Intonsivo to wai-~mia,li,an Unan to avian hiborculin,
and osawato or results of co%iparative btib(,~rcull,nization
in individual animals depends on the knowledr-e of the cow's
place of origin, state of Iloalth of the herd, and that of
the other animals, espocia].ly hons on the Carm. 'rile 1) re-
forences comprise about 5 Polish, 2 1,~rosLora, and the others
[in Gorman.
Pro'lA.,),% of, ex-)ort, Lit
'rol. nn. I'Pwl,~ 1~;..
SPRISUKO Antonip, ZORAMIt !~~zariusz
Studies on the value of isonicatinic acid hyd:razidd in pre-
venting cattle tuberculomis. Gruzlica 31 no.60723426 Je'63.
1. Instytut Weterynariis Nlawy*
SPUSZAK~ Antoni; ZORAWSKIP Gezarlusz
Studies on the relationship betwoon the INFI-vovislmnoe, catrt1na-0
activIty and virulonco or swie attalm) of Myco"bactqr~wa tuberc,,,,-
losi3 avium. Gruzlica 31 rio.-UtIO97-1101 N 163-
1. Z pracowni Imtunologii Gruzlicy Inst3tutu 11,Dtarywar-Li. Kierew-
nik: doe. dr A. SpryDzak.
L 34519-66 T JK
W. NR. ~P6024690 (A) sGuRlcE coDE: FO/Con/65/000/007/0406/041M
AUTHOR: Spryszak, Anto4k--Spryshak3 A. (Docent; Doctor; Ptilawy);
Cezariusz--Zhurayskij Ts.
ORG. Immunologic LaborateW of ~Lkj~qul~ojy~ Veterinary Institute /headed ty ~3
Docent, Doctor Antoni Spryszak/, Pulawy (pracownia Immunologii Gruzlicy
Instytutu. Weberyarii)
Tl=: Effect of infection with human, bovine and avian types of tuburcule
bacilli on theresults of tuberculin tests
SOURCE: Medyoyna wetery-naryinag no. 7. 1965P 406-412
TOPIC TAGS: tuberculosis, commercial animal., rabbit
ABSTRACT: Study in three groups of seven cows inoculated subcutaneously at 3-9
months of age with 5 mg of either human tuberculosis strAin H37Rv, the bovine
AN5. or the avian D4: tuberculin reaction (testod avory iEix W(Kkis) was generally
highest with the 1137Rv strain, but individual differences in the a4even animals
were quite great with al). three s trains . Strains isola ted from the * lesions in
cows on the 231st day after in,--culatior with H37R'r were highly vUrulent for
.L 34519-66
ACC. NR: AP6024690
guinea pigs and rabbits. The avian strain induced no lesions of W type..
The authors thank Mr. M. Andrzejewski, Chief POR Sienno in Bydgoszcz, for
makJ,ng possible the ciiiFfiig"-out~af-the research on the animals. Orig. art.
hses 2 figures md 3 tables WPRS)
SUB CCI)t: 06., 02 /SUBM DATE: none / ORIG. RU: 000/30V Ra.- 002/OTH RL-F.00
24 ~ mjs
General geometry of imperfections of crystal lattices.
Archiw mech 15 no,,2,20'17-2/4 1639
1. Department of Mechani.c.9 of Continuaws Media, IrAstitut"a, of
Basic Technical Problero, lllohioh 1%cademy of Scion-nes, 'Jarsaw.
Moving dynamic heat sources in a visco-elastic space and corres-
ponding basic solutions for moving sources. Archiw mech 13 no.2s
257-275 161.
1. Department of Mischanics of Continuous Madia, Institute of Basic
Technical Froblemo, Folish Academy of Sciencea, Wat-aav.
6UZCvU,2 (in cada); Given Ncuzleu
CO'Intry. Poland
ijecia-ri-le Dq7te..,: Not stated
A4`111ation: Department of Mechanics of Continuous '11odia, Institute
of Fundamental Technical ProblemsI.Polish Academy of
Sciences (Zal~-rhd h1echaniki Ogrodk-dw Ciaglych, Instytut
Podstaviowych Problemow, PAN)
Source: Warsaw, Bulletin de 1'Acad4mie Polonaise des Sciences,
S(~rie des Sciences Technigue , Vol 9, No 2, Feb 61,
pp 77-84.
Data: "Dynamic Nucleus of Thermoelastic Stralu In
Viscoolastic Space."
2 2:50 7
10 , LOW D25O/V3O4
~.H.Liloo 1136,116L1,115,8
AUTHOR: t6rawski, Marek (Warsaw)
TITLE: Moving dynamic heat sources in it visco-einstic space
and corresponding basic solutions for moving sources
PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 2, 1961, 257-275
TEXT: The author states.-that his object is to detc.,riaine the stress
components in a viscoelastic space acted on by moving dynainic heat
sources. The paper is composed of two parts. The first considers
the case of a plane heat source moving with constant ve.locity v from
the plane x = 0 to infinity in a viscoelastic spikoo. Tho problem i.A
a superposition of two cases: the syTametric case (two sources of the
same signs moving in opposite directions starting from the plane
x = 0) and the antisymmetric case (two sources of opposite signs
moving in opposite directions starting from the plane x = 0). Since
the source appears suddenly, inertia terms occur in the equilibrium
equations. The problems considered are one-diriensional, that is'there
Card 1/ 4
P/033, J1/0v'/()02/0()'3/00'1
Moving dynamic heat ... D250/D304
are normal stresses only. In the jintisymmetric case the problem of
the semispace is solved at the same time, because the boundary condi-
tions a-xx = 0 and T = 0 are satisfied for x = 0, and there are no
shear stresses. In the symmetric case, the author diacusaes the sem.i-
space thermally insulated, because for x = 0 there is(3TA x = 0, but
the normal stresses appearing in the x = 0 plane should be suppressed.
In the second part of the paper the author determines the stress com-
ponents due to moving nuclei of thermoelastic straia. fie considers
two cases: a) plane dynamic nucleus of thermoelastic strain (the
symmetric and antisymmetric case), and b) dynamic. nucleus of thermo-
elastic strain uniformly distributed over a sphere. The author considers
viscoelastic bodies of two types: the Kelvin tuid the Biat body, the
Biot model being reduced by the assumption of common relaxation time of
the material constants to the particular case of the Maxwell body,
ford) = const. The strain process of the Kelvin body for loading and
unloading is illustrated as well as the time variability or the strain
Card 2/4
Moving dynamic heat**. U250/004
for the Maxwell and Kelvin models. The, RLIthQr points out that it
should be observed that 'the Maxwell and Kelvin models are relatively
far from describing accurately the real materials, but the assumption
of a viscoelastic. body gives in some cases a better accuracy oj .comp~i-
tations than would be obtained for an eli;stic body. En tho actual
calculation the author makes extensive use or the Uiptace Lviui~;forizl
which he applies to the Fourier heat equation wnerc-; (x-vt) - the
Dirac function, 11(t) -
(2.1) T111- I OT=_Q 6(x-VI)[I(t), the 111catriside function,
Y Wt -;I T - the temperature, -.- -
n the coefficient of heat
conduction, the heat flow rate, and v - the velocity of motion of
the soui-cei (Por"the case of a plane dynamic heat souvee movin.- xith
constant velocity v in a viscoclastic space). For'the case of' a plo-ne
moving nucleus of, thermoclastic strain the author asswites the te,".Iperll-
ture distribution as
(.3-1) T(x,t) (x vt)
Card 3/ 4
Moving dynamic heat ...
%Yliero v is the velocity of motion of tlc nucletis; and for t1im. cal;e of
a moving nucleus of thermoclastie strain uniformly dl.,ktribtited over a
sphere, lie asstkiids--the tr!mperature distribution as givon bY the relation
(3.13) T(R, Q = f.'. (It - vt)
In both-cases he performs the Laplace transform. There are 5 figures
and 1--9 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 11 noti-S~vie't-bloc. The four
most recent references, to Znglish-langunge publicationj; read ns
follows: L~. Sternberg, On Transient Thermal Stress in Llncar Visco-
elasticity, Drown University 19537; J.R. Radok, Viscocliistic stress
Analysis, Quart. A ppi - Mat h. , 2, 15 (1937) ; F.H. Oirich, (L-,ditor)
Rheology, Vol 1, 2, 3, Academic Press Inc., N(nv 'jorj~ 1111.1ji, 1958,
1960; D. R. Bland, The 'Vlieory of Lincar Viscoclastic;.ty, Oxford-
-London-New York-Pari~ 1960.
AS~~UCIATION: Department of Me6hanics of Continuous N.edia IMP Polish
Academy of Sciences
SUBMITrLD: December 6, 1960
Card 4/4
MAZMIEWICZ,, Zbtgniew (Warszawa); ZORAWSKI. Wrek (Warsmawa)
Effect of a sudden change of bonds on the deformAtion of elastic
structures. Archiv inz lad 8 no.4:439-447 162.
- -- .., I.". , . '. .. - - - ~ -. -
Effect of abrupt change of constraints on deformations of elastic
systems. Bul Ac Pol tech 10 no.91549-557 162.
1. Department of Machanics of Structures, Tealmloal University,
Warsaw. Presented by W.Howacki.
States of stress generated in a viscoelastic gwdspace by a flat-
heat source. Bul Ac Pol tech 8 no.4:161-166 160. (EUI 9:10)
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Mediao Institute of Basic
Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Scisnees. Presented by
(Strains and stresses)
J -T1 Il. 71H
Determination of stresses generated in A layer an(I a triooj*
oJbsed spherical ehell. E41 Ac Fol Te&aA,-U*.IOr557-563 '60-
1. Departatent of Mechanics of Continuous Media$ 'InEltlute of Badio
Technical Problems., Polish Academy of Sciences..Presonted ~7 V. ltbwac5d.
3 h 3 Y5
S/12 62/000/002/01-3/014
/A 2 J 1,3 D234 YD302
/ 01 121 a Lo
Al'TH(,-)R "rawski M
TITLE: The dynamical nucleus of a thercioelastic defOrtua-
tion in an elasto-plastic space
PERIODICAL: Referati~niyy zhur-nal. Mekhanika, no. 2., 1962, 34,
abstract 2V295 (Bull, j~cad, polon. sci. Ser, sci,
techn., 1961, 9, no. 2, 77-84)
TEXT: The author considers the dynamical thermo-elasto-
viscous problem for media, whose mechanical properties are described
by rheological models of Nxa7ell and Voigt, Poisson's coefficient
being constant, The equations of motion of the viiedium in question,
after applying an integral Laplace trazisformation with respect to
time t, have the form
2cr2(p)~ = &p)y
~,kk - P
.p) = 2~
32 8 ijA~ T(x,,P) + 8 jPP2
Card 1/3
The dynamical nucleus'.. D234/D502
in addition, in the case Of 1"Atly-l"ell*E; oedium
~(xi,p) - Uop~ (xi;,))/(p +
a2(p) = Gr2(p + FVP
b(p) = ci&t(3~0 + 2~Lo)/(Jo +
and in case of Voigt's medium
'9(xi,p) = 9(tkp + 1) ~(xi,p)
rj,2(p) = 3p/0~LtkP + 4~:_ + 3k)
4(p) =,~kq/(4pLtkp + 4)1 + 3k)
e and tk being the times of relaxation, ~,O, u-o, g and k - the elas-
tic constants, & ~ the linear expansion coefficient, p the density,
p the parameter o the Laplacv transfonnation, Three cases of propa-
gation of a temperature field in the media in (11jestion are consider-
ed: T (R?t) (R - Ro) 8 (t)/4frRo (spherical), T(x,t) XO)
Card 2/3
The dynam! cal 1111cleus...
t1h It)
e tran Paral
e,~~re 81.tion f lej.) 3/124/62/
Ssed - OM t1leInd T(r t) 0
Z Abstr,act In r im D234/b3 02 000A 21013
ter's of' Des ages to t1l,
Oros not.: /014
se, (012XV
COMP and 11.n.,., origin.,
f .8, the After
lete trans lationullc t.
ton re SLIJ tS
Qzj(j arC
card 31,
Dynamic nucleua of thermoelastic atmin In vloocelaivtic space. %I
Ac Pol tech 9 no.2177-84 161.
1. Department. of ~lechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Funda-
mental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Scilenceo. Presented by
W. flawacki.
(Strains and stresses) (Elasticity)
WRAWSKI,, Parok (Warsaw)
Moving dy-namic heat sources In a visco-elastic space and
Corresponding basic solutions for molring sourons. Artbiv
mech 13 no.2:257-Z?5 161.
1. Department of Mechanics of Continous Madiap Institute of
Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Selenceap Warsaw.
Category : USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Liauidr D-P
Abs jour : Ref Zhur - Fiziks, 110 3, 1157, ~,io 5444
Author : Zoig;~djayzkiy, T.Ya., Rogirek-, S.A.
Title I Motion of a Nowtonian Lie 'uid Detwoon Rotating Conxiel
Cylinders in the Presence of Internal Thermpl PYocaqites thnt
Affect the Viscous Frorerties.
Orig pub : Zh. tokhn. fiziki, 1955, 2.~), No 7, 1.352-1541
Abstract i It. is indicated that tho ii!jrumption that the coeffiniont of
viscosity nj is constant, used in the theory of rotary vis-
cosimotors, cannot be used at large values of 9 tuid of angular
cpaudsLd , for as R rocult of the considerable mmov-nt, of heiit
liberated, the temperature T is not constent in the liquid
layer. The equations of hydrodynamics and of thermal con-
ductivity ere solved simultdnoously for the enso of twei
coaxial infinite cylindarc undor the asstaption that the da-
pendenco of on T is hyperbolic:
T_ T
In the prnotical uso of tho cclculAtod dFItO tkJO UnknOlInt] nrO
I M and 0( , which it; the temperature coofficiont of
Card : 1~
................. .....................................
physics - Liquids D-8
category : USSR/Atomic end r,.olecular
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1,957, lio 6444
To determine those qu'~Z:~tit"Js it is qocessary to perform two
poriments at different . of "J. The calculation per
ex to choo.,~Q a Y o;-d
maxilliuni engulrr cr
formed makes it possible
,uq ~xirjujn nicsuro
vis'osimotor(thlus sr
for e rotary c
ment accuracy) withotit going outside the limitO Of aPP"Oa-
,,%~eory, end to verarate the erfect
bility of the isotheruel *.,
of the structural features of the liquid from tho PIA-0 t',!'-'
er a wide rencre of
perature effects in investicaatiOr-s Ov
variation of "J-
Card 2/2
Work methods in the Mexica mine IL pe IW
TEMM, Beograd, Vol 10p No* 10, 3955
SOt EFAL, Vol 5o No. 7, July 1956
"Synthesis of Esters of Phosphonic Acids Containing Ireteroclyclic lkrlei 4
EGters of Phoophonic Acids with Isoxazole and Quinoxaline Vadicals," Izvest AYad
Nauk SSSR, Otdel Ehim Nauk, 8o6-11 (1954).
Kazan State University
B-836o2, 18 Mar 55
TSEYTLIN, A.S., inzh. (Kharlkov); GRITSENKO, I.A., ii%zh,. (Kliarlkov);
ZORCIIENKO A I inyh (Kharikov)
Formulas for hy4xaulic calcUlatlatio for glasit pipors. Vad.
i aan. tekh. no.8:29 4 1622. (KIRA 15t9)
(Pipe, Glass) (Hydraulits)
mal uchnstlyn: Melentlyev,, Y~i.L; KAMER, V.S.; ZfjRCJjj,'U~Y,0 -
KARP(',Vl K.F.; Kushnarenk-o, V.S.; SMIMENKO, L.I.; TRIFOROVA, N.
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i J .: