AUTHOR: Liberman, G.R., Engineer 9l-'58-6-29/39
TITLE: The Installation of Indicators of Corrosive Agents on Steam Boilers
(Ustanovka na parovykh kotlakh indikatorov agressivnosti)
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Pr 6, pp 28-30 (USS10
AB6TRACT; The author discusses various suitable positions for fitting
water corroviVeness . indicators on boilers, as well as common
faults in making test patterns for a6gresiveness indicators.
There are two figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Corrosive irdicators-installation
IaHAMN, G,.R.,,-.ipzh.
Protecting the metal of boilers from feed water aggressiveness.
Zzietgetlk 6 ne.12:25-27 D 158. (MM 11:12)
INUMAUX, Veniamin Solomonovich, Inxh.; WEM, Mikhail Vesillyevich,
inzh. (deceased]; LIBBRW,.Gr~gqriy.Romanovich, Inzh.; M'_
IW , X_ - ..
SMSKIT, Ta.A., i~zh_., TAM,
A.A., inzh., red.; SBDffMOV, S.A., red.izd-va; BARANOT, N.V.,,
f0peration of small steam turbine electric power plants]
Sksplustatsila paroturbinnykh slektrostantsii maloi moshchnosti.
.Pod obahchal red. G.R.Libermana. Moskva, Iza-vo X-va komman.
khos.'Rqv=, 1959. 483 p. (MMA 13:5)
(Ilectric power plants)
AUTHOR: Liberman, G.R., Engineer SOV/91-59-1-23/26
TITLE- An Illustrated Atlas of Boiler Sets (Atlas kotellnykh agre-
gatov). Responsible Editor: Prof. A.P. Kovalev (Pod obah-
ohey redaktsiyey prof. A.P. Kovaleva).
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 1, PP 35 - 37 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review of the above mentioned atlas of boiler
Card 1/1
8(6) SOV/91-59-3-16/22
AUTHOR: Lib.erman, G.R.
TITLE: On the Design of a Corrosiveness Indicator (0 kon-
struktsii indikatora agressivnosti)
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 3, P 36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a reply to a question from V.A. Olerov from
Izhevsk, Udmurtskaya ASSR, asking in what spot a 3 mm
bore should be drilled into the indicator channel to
obtain an easy steaming when switching-in. The author
replies that this bore should be drilled 5 mm away
from the center axis of the front pair of studs. Fur-
ther, he describes the basic design features of the
indicator and refers Mr. Olerov to 2 Soviet publica-
tions for additional information. There are 3 draw-
ings and 2 Soviet references.
Card 1/1
25(6) SOV/91-59-3-18/22
AUTHOR: ~-Lib erm an
TITLE: An Ultrasonic Defectoscope for Testing the Metal
Shells of Steam Boilers and Containers (Ul'trazvuko-
voy defektoskop dlya kontrolya metalla parovykh kot-
lov i sosudov)
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 3, PP 37-38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article is a reply to Mr. V.A. Olerov, living in
Izhevsk, Udmurtskaya ASSR, who asks what type of ultra-
sonic defectoscope is recommended for testing metal
shells of steam boilers and vessels. The author re-
commends the use of type UZD-7N defectoscope designed
by the TsNIITMASh which is being serially produced.
This defectoscope has a penetration depth of about 2m,
at a working frequency of -25 megacycles, and a dead
zone of 10 mm when applied with flat feelers. With
prismatic feelers, having angles of sonic wave inci-
dence of 30, 40, and 50 degrees, penetration depth is
Card 1/2 about lm and the dead zone 2mm, at a working fre-
An Ultrasonic Defectoscope for Testing the Metal Shells of Steam
Boilers and Containers
quency of 25 me. Two other types of defectoscopes:
UZD-?N-1 and UZD-?E, have an analogous working prin-
ciple but are not in serial production. For further
information Mr. Olerov is referred to 2 Soviet pub-
lications. There are 2 Soviet re.1"erences.
Card 212
8(5) SOV/91-59-6-4/33
AUTHOR: Liberman, G.R., Engineer
TITLE: ------------
A Device' for Preheating the Lower Drums of Steam
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 6, pp 6-8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes the device specified in the title,
designed by him and by Engineer I.I. Bruk, and in-
stalled in 1953-55 on a number of 5 to 45 ton/hour
boilers of municipal power plants of the RSFSR. It
consists of a number of small ejectors mounted on the
distributing pipe. The number and the caliber of
ejectors may vary depending on the capacity of the
boiler and the number of lower drums. One such device
serves one lower drum. Figure 1 shows this device for2
one lower drum of an 18 atm NZL-3 boiler having 400 m
heating surface. Twelve ejoctors of small overall
size are mounted on the 57 x 3 mm distributinU pipe,
at an inclination toward the furnace chamber (in this
Card 1/2 case the angle of inclination is 300). Figure 2
A Device for Preheating the Lower Drums of Steam Boilers
shows the structural features of the ejector. It con-
sists of a cylindrical nozzle with a 6 mm inner dia-
meter, a housing, a 14 mm in diameter neck and a dif fu-
sor capable of expanding to a diameter of 50 mm.
Ejectors of this type are good for lower drums of
various sizes; they viould only call for a slight al-
teration of diameters of the nozzle and the neck. The
steam feed pipe must be well insulated. The steam
preheating of lower drums results in such a flow of
steam, oic of a mIxture of steam and water, which facili-
tates natural circulation and an even warming-up of
all sections of the lower drums. There are 2 sets of
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Liberman, G.R.
TITLE: -&n the 'Admissibility of One Fireman Attending Two DKV-6,
5-13 Boilers with Fh1Z Fire Chambers
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 6, PP 37-38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is in reply to a question asked by V.V. Fokeyev,
from Sverdlovsk. The reply is in the affirmative and
quotes Par. 253 of the "Rules on Organization and Safe
Exploitation of Steam Boilers", approved by the Gos-
gortekhnadzor of the USSR on 19 March 1957. However,
the author stresses the need for careful consideration
of all local conditions prior to employing only one
fireman, so as to secure 100016 safety of the given
boiler house.
Card 1/1
MEMO, G.R., inzh.
"Atlas of boiler units" by A. P. Kovalev and others. Revieved by
G. R. Liberman. Inergetik 7 no-1:35-37 JTa '59. NIRA 12:1)
Construction of aggressiveness indicators. Energetlk 7 no*3:36
Mr 159- (MIRA 12:4)
(Feed water--Testing)
-.1- - ~ - -'VI defectoscops for testing boller and vessel metals.
. as
Inergetik 7 no-3:37-38 Mr 159- (MMA 12:4)
8(6) SOV/cl 591-9-27/33
AUTHOR: Tiberman, G.R.
TITLE: Increasing the Steam Output of Boilers
PERIODICAL: Fnergetik, 1959, Nr 9, P 37 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: I.Kh. Poroshenkova (Teningrad) requested instructions
for increasing 'the steam output of 9hukho,.r and Pab-
cock-Wilcox boilers, either by reconstruction or by
improving individuAl units- The author replied that the
steam output of such boilers may be increased by en-
larging the stoker volume and by shielding the stoker
walls, As a rule, if a steam superheater is installed
on a such a boiler, its heater surface should be in-
creased for avoiding a reduction of the superheated
steam temperature. The functioning of convective heater
surfaces may be intensified in certain cases by some
modification of the flues, which will also result in
increased steam output. Reconstructions of a boiler
for increasing the steam output necessitates calcula-
tions and planning which must be performed by special
Card 112 planning organizations. The author lists two Soviet
Increasing the Steam Output of Boilers
publications on the reconstructions of low-capacity
boilers. There are 2 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
M ,
AUTHOR: Liberman G.R., Engineer
TITLE: Books on Thermo-Mechanical Economy of Electric Power
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr. 10, Pp 37-39, (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Seven Soviet books are listed and briefly described.
Card 1/1
PANIN, Vasiliy Ivanovichf LIBHMN, G.R., red.; OTOCHEVA, K-.A.. red.izd-va;
KAZAROV.A, A.S.. IiWk~hnm
[Small and medium boiler systems] KotelInye ustanovki zsloi L
arednei moshchnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va komrmn.khoz.R6rSHp 1960.
278 p. (KIRA 14-.1)
BONDARZVSKIY, Dmitriy Ivanovich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; IERMAKOV,
Rikolay Dmitriyevich, inzh.; LIBXRKAN,,Grigoriy Ruvimovich,
inzh.; OVICHNIKOV. Tevgeniy Vasillyevich. kand.tAhi.Aatxk;"
CHWOKj Mark Semenovich, inzh.; SURGUCHEY, V;D.. dotsent,
retsenzent [deceased]; TOLOOMW. V.I..;.G1LCM. TVA..
kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TROPIMOV, A.N., red.; SHPOLTANSKIT, M.N.,
red.; MIKCLAUTA, T.A., ied.; LIMYUKHIN, A..A.,
[Ingineering handbook on city electric railroad transportation in
three volumes]. Tekhnichaskii spravochnik po gorodskoma elektro-
transportu v trekh tomakh. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommun.khos. RSFSR.
Yol.2. [Streetcar transportation] Tramvai.
196o. 565 p. (MIRA 13:7)
(Street railways)
Improvement in the operation of boiler furnaces with mechanical
nonsifting chain grates. Bnergetik 8 no.8:36 Ag 160.
(MIRA 13:10)
I - - - --
Measures to be kaken when boilers are shutdown. Rnergetik 8 no.11:39
N 160. (MIRA 13:12)
Use of fusible safety plugs in DKVR boilers. Energetik 9 no93:
3$-39 Mr 161. (MIU 14:7)
(Boilera-Wety plugs)
Concerning the operation of a steam engine. Energetik 9 no.5:36
MY 161. (Portable engines) OURA 14:- 5)
-L14MXAN,-L.1L, inzh.)- PAYN, A.G., indi.; FINGER, L.M.., iuzho;
PAND. V.I., inzh.p spets. red.; KLOPOTOVp K.K., inzh.,
red.; TELINOV, N.V... red.izcl-va; LELYUXHIN, A.A.,, tekhn.
[Supply in electricity and heat, in the cities) Elektrosnab-
zhenie i teploonabzhenie gorodov; nauchno-teiimicheskii in-
formatsionxVi sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommm.khoz.
Rom, ig6l. 141 p. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommmallnogo
khozyaystva. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye.
(Municipal services)
Improvement of the operation of BTsR grates. Energetik U
no.1:35-36 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1)
1 -7: , ~~ '. ~14~ 7~i
CHEPELI, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; VITKIN, Vladimir Mikhaylovich;
LIBERMAN, G.,R,p, red.1 AU4AZOV, V.Z., rediizd-val KHENOKH,
E.M., tekhn. red.
[Aid to the stoker] V pomoshch' kochegaru. Izd,2,, perer.
i dop. Moskvap Izd-vo M-va komun.khoz.RSFSR 1963. 220 p.
WRA 17:3)
MIN, Vasiliy Ivanovich; LIBERKAN, G..,'., red.
(Boiler systems with sz-all and medium power ratIngs-I Kc-
telInye ustanovki maloi i srednei moshc~mosti. Izd.2.,
parer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo lit ry po, stroit., 1964. 366 p.
(MIRA 17:10',
TAYTS, A.A.; MIN, V.I.., spets. red.;
(Electric power and heat supply of cities; collection of
scientific and technical information] Elektrosnabzhenle i
teplosnabzhenie gorodovj- nauchno-tekhnicheakii informa-
tsionnyi sbornik. Floskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz. aSFSR,
1963. 162 p. (Novaia tekhnika zhilishchno-kommunallnogo
khoziaistva, no-4) (14IRA 18:8)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommunallnogo
khozyaystva. Takhnicheskoye upravleniye.
KIBRIK, Petr Samoylovich;
~L VAN, Grigoriy Rowinovich; KOMAROV,
A.M., red.
Nanual for boiler machinists (firemen)) Pamiatka mashi-
nista (kochegara) parovogo kotla. Moskvap Energiiap 1965.
119 P. (MIRA 18: 10")
uS..-,R/Chem!Lstry Synthesis
Card 1/1 Pub. 40 - 7/27
Authors I Nesmayanovo A. H.; Bazonova, V. A,; Liberman., G.. 5.j and Yegiallyanova, L. 14
Title t Reactions of organio-magnesium. compounds with potassium and triethyloxoniuu
Periodical t Izv. 'AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk 1, 48-53, Jan-Feb 1955
Abstract t A'conVenient and simple method of synthesizingtrimethyl boron and some
tatraryl boric salts through the reaction of organo-magnesitm compounds
with potaosium and triethyloxonium borofluroides is described. The reac-
tion products obtained and their chemical properties are lieted. Eight
reforencest 1 USSRp 5 USA and 2 German (1862-1952).
Institution t The MO V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow
Submitted i February 12 1954
Interaction of tricalclum aluminate with water in the presewe of
sodium and potassium sulfates at'elevated temperatures. Izv,vys.
ucheb.zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 6 no.6:896-900 163. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut imeni Kuybysheva,
kafedra obshchey khimii.
Interaction of tricalcium silicate with aqueous solutions of
some chlorides and sul-fates at elevated temperatures. Zhur.
prikl. khim. 37 no.2s450-453 F 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Moskovskiy inzhenemo-stroiteltnyy institut imeni Kuybysheva.
Interaction of tricalcium aluminate with water in the presence of the
chlorides of calcium, sodium, and potassium at elevated temperatures.
Zhur.prikl.khim. 37 no.1:194-196 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2)
LIBEBMAN. G. Ya.; SERCYVA, T.A., kand. med. nauk
Arrest of atonic hemorrhage in three parturients by bilateral
ligation of the uterine arteries. Akush. i gin. 39 no-41129-130
Jl-Ag163 (MIRA 16:12)
1. Iz rodillnogo doma Gorodskoy bollnitsy No.23 (glavnyy vrach
I.A. Kokovikhin)p Sverdlovsk.
~JBERMIANY inz~. ,
I- Choice a I wire sizes fo.- municipal Fc'-'t;:'
networks, -"Lrwiy 1JE - 162. A
I 'I no.4J-x24&t,5Cj O'BA M6)
1. Goaudarstverinrl infAltu?. przlyr--k'~irovanlya pori~Aov.
11BERM. I.A.. inzh.
Deteridnati,on of the cross section of 6 to 10 kv. cables vith
aluminum strands using tables and graphs. Knergetik 10
no*3.1:26-27 N 162a (MIRA 15112)
(Etectric lines) (Electric cables)
LUISIM., IA. , inzh,
Graphical determination of the cr-,..5a -eition of steel reinforced
YL 3.10 k7. aluminum wires. Energetik 11 no.6:24-25 Je 163.
(KM 16:7)
(Electric 3-ines)
rai-L-L - P:r,
a UOIL-5bo a: ;4hc-'~-7 a J rt~ C-
LIEERMAN,, I.G.,, inzh.
A univerfial mcgobvzoter. Promenerg. 17 no.7:28 J2 162.
OM& 15:7)
Synthe sis of an effilclent system for the autc;mt-,*:) contro',
of va-uum-evaporal r un4ts. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.-P energ.
8 no.~.'87-95 Ag 1"605. (KIRA
1. Proyektne-konstruktorskiy :~nstlltlut- "Pi.shchepromav~loma-I.-ILkzr-.
.9- 4. S_~a 0 0 -EI40/EI35
AUTHORS: UMETLn, I-G., and Taubman, Te.I.
TITLE: The, calculation of convection heat exchange on
electronic analogue computers
PERIODICALi Teploenergetika, no.2, 1962, 67-70
TEXT:, The article describes the solution of an empirical
equation for convection heat exchange:
y = ex nj x n2 nk
1 2 ... xk
whe-re c is a constant, xi are variables defining the heat
exchange process (heat transfer factor, rate-6f circulation of
heat carrier, geometrical dimensions and form, etc.), and the
ni are real numbers. The problem was set up for the Soviet
Analogue Computer MH~-7 (MN-7) according to the block diagram of
Fig.l. Here the blocks in the extreme left-hand column are the
sources of the variables xi, the blocks of the second column
are nonlinear elements (function generators) for obtaining the
Card 1/3
The calculation of'convection heat ... s/o96/62/000/002/005/008
There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
IfAj '7 If Xf
ig. 1
-0t ~11'7'zqxx ty
Card 3/3
LIBERMAN, I.G., inzh.; TAUBMAN, Ye.I., inzh.
_ - - ----------------
Using electronic calculating machines of continuous action for the
analysis of the probesses of convection heat exchange. Teplo-
energetika 9 no.2:67-70 F 162. (14IRA 15:2)
1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut Pishcheprom i UkrNIIKP.
(Heat--Convection) (Electronic calculating machines)
Changes in the level of the product in Vacuum evaporation
apparatus with continuous action. Kons'i ov.prom. 17 no.10:
13-16 0 162. (KIRA 150)
1. Proyoktno-konstruktorskiy institut komplekanoy avtomatizataii
proizvodstvennykh proteessov v pishchevoy promyshlennosti.
(Evaporating appliances) (Level indicators)
Using the mathematicial statistics wthod for determining the
dyhlimic characteristics of a bakery oven. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;
pishch.tekh. no.1:114-121 163. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Ukrainskiy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut pishchevoy
promyshlennosti,, laboratoriya, dinamiki.
(Ovens) (Mathematical statistics)
LIBERMAN, I.G., inzh.
Analysis of vacuum evaporators as objects of automatic control.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.12:84-90 D 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Vsesoyuzn3nj proyektno-konstruktorskiy i nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
institut "Pishchepromavtomatika". Predstavlena kafedroy avtomatizatsii
teploenergeticheskikh protsessov Odesskogo politekhnicheskogo insti-
LIBEHMANY Isaak Moiseyevich
Krasnoyarsk State Med Inst, Academic degree of Doctor of Medical
Sciences, based on his defense, 20 June 55, in the Council of State
Sci Res Inst of Roentgenology and Radiology imeni Molotov, of his
dissertation entitled: "Roentgenological investigation of the
I* small intestine during cases of hernia."
Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences
SO: Decisions of VAK., List no. 5, 3 Mar 56, Byulleten' XVO SSSR, No. 2,
Jan 57, Moscow, pp 17-20, uncl. JPRS/NY-466
LIBERMAN, I.H., doteent
Roentgenological examination in strangulated ventral hernia. Vast.
rent. i red. 31 no-5:48-53 S-0 156. (KLRA 10:1)
1. Iz kafedry rentganologii (zav, - zasluzheanyy dayatell nauki prof.
S.A.Reynberg) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey i
kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki
profo T.Te.Gnilorybov) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
(HERNIA. VEYML, radiography
strangulated hernia)
Oxygen for treating ascariasis. Pedistriia no.8.76 A,; 157. (MM 10.12)
1. 1z kafedry detskikh bolezney lachebnogg i sanitarno-gigiyanicho-
Bkogo fakullteta Dnepropetrovskogo moditainskogo institute I detskov
klinicheakoy bollnitey Kirovskogo rayona goroda DnepropetrovBka.
LIBERMAN. I.M., dotsent ; VOYTHHKO, G.M.. kand.medonauk (Dnepropetrovsk)
Ghonges in the alimentary canal in syringooVelia. 35
li,e~341 )2o*l Supple*ent:46 A 157. (MIRA 11:2)
1. 1z Dns3propetrovskoV obelatnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni
Mochnikova (glavrqy vrach I-A-Lobsnova)
LIHOUN, I.M. (Krasnoyarsk).
Roentgenological study of small hernias. 36 no.11:140-143
N 158 (min n:12)
1. Iz kafedry rentganologii i radiologii Irasno7arskogo meditsinekogo
(HEMIA, diag~
small, x-re7 diage (Rua))
Furnace for the calcination of marshalite. Lit.proizv. no.11:42-43
N 161. 14:1
Work practicd in lowering the incidence of tuberculosis at enterprises in
the Sverdlovsk Province. Sov.sdrav. 12 no.6:26-33 N-D '33. (HLBA 6:11)
1. Is Sverdlovskogo nauchno-isolodovatellskogo tuberkulasnogo instituta
(direktor - professor I.A.Shaklein).
(Sverdlovsk Province-Taberculosis) (Tuberculosis-Sverdlovok Province)
LIBERMAN, I.N., kandidat meditainskikh nauk
methods for the analysis of diseases causing
tils'porary ~iwability.-Tradh.delo no.11:1197 N 156. (KLHA 10:3)
1'-P.Bverdlovskiy institut tuberkuless i Sverdlovekiy institut
gigiye.'ay truAa i professionallnykh saboloveniy.
Dynamics of oilicotuberculosis and tuberculosis in connection with
sanitary measures in the copper ore industry in Sverdlovsk Province
[irith summary in Yrenchl. Probl.tub. 35 no,8:14-2-1 157.
(MIRA 11-4
1. Iz Institute gigiyany truds I proftabolevaniy (dir. - kandidat
biologicheskikh nauk V.A.Mikhaylov) I Sverdlovskogo instituta
tuberkuleta (dir. - prof. I.A.Sbaklein)
silicotubere. & tuberc, In copper miners in Russia (Rue))
prey. of silicotubere. & tuberc. in copper miners
in Russia (Rua))
(BILIGOSIS, prey. & control.
sillcotuberc. in copper miners in Russia (Rue))
Doo. T'cd Sci ot- 7V
tlire co,,,,)r;r oru in-
dustry of -Iverdlovokaya Oblaot. r-lani tary- tntl ft tiical rtlu: ~ cn1lovnic,
yj IV
1953. 30 PP ('11'0,101: State l!G(l ll'Lt) 225 copic~:. 111irAl, of author'.--, :;orlc~--.,
pp 29-30 ("L,24-58, 122)
Decreased tuberculosis disability among the inhabitants of
&verdlovsko Froblotube 38 noo4t19-25 160e (MIR& 14%5)
AUTHOR: Liberman, I.R., Engineer SOV/91-58-12-16/20
TITLE: On Protecting Boiler Metal Again,,:'. the Corrosive Action of Boi-ler
Water (0 zashchite metalla kotlov ot agres,8ivnosti koz-,ovoy vody)
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 12, pp 25-27 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author lists the methods applied to make boiler metal
immune from the corrosive influence of water. He lists the
standard ways in which different boilers can be made car-
rosion-resistant, e.g. by adding nitrates. After having cri-
ticized some mistakes committed sometimes in this regard, he
puts down a list of the cases in which wate2 corrosiveness in
dicators should be installed. He also advocates a new method
to shorten the corrosiveness test period from 180 to 90 days.
Another list is aaced showing the cases in which such resistance
of the boilers must be brought about by means of nitrates
and by other methods.
There is 1 Soviet reference.
Card 1/1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 21 (USSR)
AUTHOR*, Libermanp ~ 1. S.
TITLE: ~ Combined -Deformation Testing of Flexib16 Cables
(Ispytaniya. gibkikh kabeley na stoykost' k kombinirovannym deformatsiyam)
PERIODICAL: Inform.-tekhn. ob. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR, 1956,
Nr 4 (8 8), pp 37: 40
ABSTRACT. Some'type:s,of cables intended fo r conne.cting moving power -consuming
devices are subjected in actual operation to numerous combined deformations
that include simultaneous bending, tension, and alternate torsions about the
longitudinal axis (see abstract 9792). Operating conditions of these cables and
their deformations'are quite definite and are characterized by the following
data (at a constant temperature): (1) the torsion angle in degiees per unit
length; (2) the distance between the fixed points of the cable length being
deformed and the length of cdble hung between these points; (3) rate of
A 66T92
Ajr 1948
,*Th e Struggle With Suppurative Infections of the
Skin Among Collective ?arm, Workers Diring Tield
Agr1oultural Work," I. S. Liberman, Candidate
U" Sol, 3 PP
ffjbd Sestra* No
DMaribes 'role of the medical nurse In the preven-
tion and treatment of suppurative skin Infections
Anong oolleotive farm workers. Proscribes specific
~zeasures for sanitary conditions and nutrition, and
deseribes the synytoms_ an& treatment for lapet4p,'
f0vaoisaj and bydradenitle.
Wy 1948
Miediolne - Children, Diseases
*fto~hylaxia of Funglis Diseases in Children," I. a.
Liberman, Cand Ned Sol, 2 pp
Se~tra" No
Doscribes-varlous'fungas diseases comon In children.
Werns that due to easy transmission of Infection
.atlento must be isolated'. Dlemwees- sanitation
:3waffiwos to control spreM of fungus diseases.
Penicillin in the treatment of syphilis in children, Pediatriia,
Moskva No.1:35-W Jan-Feb 51. (CM 20:6)
1. PrnfiM.M.Rayte; Candidates Medical Sciences G.1.1abrikant an&
I.S.Liberman. 2..Of the Syphilologic&l Clinic of the Institute of
Pediatrics of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (Read of Clinic-
Prof.M.M.Rayte; Director of Institute--Honored Worker in Science'
Prof.G.N.Speranakly, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sci-
ences USSR.
LIBMAN. LS, (Moskva)
Peculiarities of the course and treatment of dvsentery in children.
Yelld. i skush. 22 no.B.-16-20 Ag 157. (NIRi M12)
DODONOVA, Ollga Hikolayevna,; L2 5-MAJA-S-ld red.;
[Diphtheria and its prevention] Difteriia i ee preduprezh-
denie. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1958- 7 P-
(MIRA 12:9)
,_, I.S., red.; BULIDTAYW, N.A.,
(Elow to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in children] Kak
predupredit' sheludochno-kish~chnye zabolevanlia u detei.
Koqkva, Gos.izd-vo msd.lit-q, 1958. 13 p. (KrRA 13:3)
DOBROKHOTOVA, A.I., prof., red. red.; KNAKNIN, M.T.,
(Whooping cough in children] Kokliush u detei. Moskva. Gas.
izd-vo mad. lit-ry, 1958. 199 p. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Debrokhoteva).
Some materialB dgaling with the distribution of esophageal
cancer in Gurlyev Province, Kazakh S.S.R. (according to
materials of the 9th Expedition of the Tnstitute of Onculogy
of the Academy of Medical Sciences of -the U.S.S.R. Vop. onk.
11 no.12:78-85 165. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Iz nauchno-organizatoionnogo otdela Instituta onkblogii AMN
SSSR (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego otdelom -
kand. med. nauk B.D. Kaufman, dir. instituta - deys'vvitellnyy
chlen AMP SSSR zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. A.!.
LIBERMAN K. arkhitektor
New talk about an old topic.
Ap 162.
Hest.prom.i khud.promys. 3 no.4:30
(Service industries)
LIBIRKAN, K.D., vrach; SHUYNBER4, S.Ya., professor, doktor maditsinakikh nauk,
7rUUffxTM,- BILOUSOV, V.A., professor doktor maditainakikh nauk, redaktor
[Rheumatism; a bibliography of Soviet literature pablished from
1934 to 19531 Revmatizz;' bibliografiia otechostvannoi literatury
1934-1953,gg. KharIkov, 1954. 237 P. (MLRA 10:8)
1. Glavnyy bibliograf Kharikovakqy gosudaretvennoy nauchno-meditaingkoy
bibliotaki (for Liberman). 2. Kfiarkov. Gosqdarstvennays nauchno-
meditainskeya bibliotake.
AUTHORS: Dynnik, N.G., Engr Lt Col, and_LUexMan,_m",j. Engr Maj
TITLE: Nm'0.rgafi1iition'of Aircraft Repair (Novaya organizatelya
remonts. sa*61etov)
ABSTRAM unsuccessful reorganization of aircraft repair
.procedurep aniairoraft repair plant, headed by officer V.I. Loginov,
has adopted a new method in which a movable repair-station line is
i uped. The method (potoohno-standovoy metod) was evolved during
a conference of repairmen held in September 1957. The line consists
of five stations located in a hangar and two outdoor stations. In
the first'stationo-which in outdoors, the removable units are
removed from.the airoraft being processed and the elimInation of
de:Cgoto Is begun. In the secopd station, the nonremovable equip-
'ment,is repd1red and the elimination of defects is completed.
In thethird .station# the removed and repaired units are mounted
in the alrPlane again, and the prooessIng is oontinued. In the
Card 1/3
New Organization of Aircraft Repair
uniformly through the month. Labor productivity Is higher.
There is none of the fitful work which was done previously. Also,
overtime work is no longer necessary, there are less defects,
less spar6"p4rts are needed, and airplanes are repaired consider-
ably faster. When the new method was first introduced, some
difficulties were experienced in the Be2ection of personnel for
the*'teame of workers needed~.and_ln supplies. The method is being
further perfected. There are one diagram, one photograph, and
two tables.
Card 3/3
LIBELMO, K.L., arkbitaktor.
Arebitectural and construction practice in the Czechoslovak
People's Republic. Gor. khos. Moak. 30 no.8:36-37 Ag 156.
(MLRA 9:10)
TrActor models. Z& ral. 15 no,4:1nsert-.8 ,
(Tractor-Kadels) 1 1, ( KUU 10: 6 )
AUTHORS: Liberman, L.A., and Idlis, Ye.M., Engineers
TITLE:- An Automat for Making Contacts (Avtomat dlya izgo-
tovleniya kontaktov)
PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 3, pp 4 - 5 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Detailed design and operation information is given
on a new special grinding machine for electric con.-
tacts on hard metals. It accepts work of 4 mm dia-
meter or 0.8 - 5 mm thickness and from 50 MM UP to
4 meter length, working with a 200 mm diameter and
1 mm thick grinding wheel made with vulcanite for
a binder. The design includes a photoelectric
tracing device on the wheel slide, so mounted that
the light beam cannot reacli the photo-resistance
behind the grinding wheol until the Crinding wheel
Card 1/2 wears down to a certain diameter. The electric
An Automat for Making Contacts
pulse then produced by the photo-resistance, switches-
in the compensation-feed mechanism. The machine is
illustrated by a diagram (Figure 1). It has been
tried out on tungsten rod with satisfactory results.
There are two diagrams.
Card 2/2
LIXIRW. L.A., inshener.
orm*Mr mawfacturiag precast concrete and reinforced concrete *-
elements for' large panel and space-block apartment houses# Strolo
prom. 35 no.4125-30 Ap 157*0 (MLRA 10:3)
(Concrete construction-Yormwork) (Apartment houses)
,_R'A~, inzh.
Size allowances for molds to be used in making, reinforced concrete
products. Biul.t6kh.irform.po stroi. 5 no.12:18-19 t5().
OPrecast concr6te) (MIU 13:4)
Selecting the material and types of molds for making precast
reinforced concrete conttruction elements. Kat.po stall.konstr.
no.5:174-199 159. (MIRA 13:8)
(Concrete construction-!-Yormwork)
LINEMAN, L.A., inzh,; ZAKMOV, G.A., inzh,