Prepamtion of p.~ze7anophenylmetb3rldiethoxysilane. Zhur. ob.
khim. 33 no-1:316 '63. (MIRA 3.6- 1)
L~-'dfu!OvA., Z. r.
ti ";jIltatLve Chan -es in t~e Plasma Protein of Livin- S1
_11~ 4,,CtS
Dut-3-n:,- Vario,,,s Poms of -,oiter --.-) :ZC11-ation to T~erapy. 11 C--n--!
Sci, Kiriz State :Aedic-q1 Inst, Frunze, 105!- (".L, 1':0 13, Hrr
SO: Sum. Jo. 670, 2~, SOP 5r,--S"'-VeY of 3cientific ),-jd Technical
Dissertations Defended at TJSS;'~ Hi,-hor '~,ducatin.;,al InstILAInn.,;
[Hordilchuk, M.1.1
.I Dgresination of felt cones. kh, prom. no.2: 29-30,~--,.-Ap-Ja 164.
(MIRA 1.7.
p ~ 4 ;, , "! ,, ~ 1, , ;
fl-, I/- ;, -/-
LARIONOVA, Z.M.. Imnd. tekhn. nauk.
Properties of concretes with a mixed gypsum base. ?rudv NIIZRB no.l:
~?:-89 157. (MIRA 11:1)
LARIONOVA, Z,.14,, kand.tekhn.nauk; TARASOVA, A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk
:e_,tn-,:~--,,et~~- . "'. ~--,
Microscopic and therrographic testing of heat-resistant coneretes
made with water-glass. Trudy HIIZHB no.7:238-254 '59. (MIRA 12:11)
sALw6v. G,D., kand.tekhn.nauk; URIONOVA, Z.M.0 kand.tekhn.nauk
Microscopic testing of the combination of portland-cement-base concretes
with fine gTaund magnesite and chromite. Trudy YIIZHB no.7:255-260 159.
(MIRA 12;11)
Effect of calcium sulfate on the hydration of cements. Trudy NIIZHB
no.10:4-56 '59. (MIRA 130)
(Cement) (Calcium sulfate)
Studying the structure of test pieces several years old made of mixed
hydraulic gypsum. Trudy HIIZHB no.10:94-104 '59. (MIRA 130)
Using the petrographic analysis in atudying the structure of
concretes. Trudy MIZHB ro.10:128-146 '59. (MIU 13:3)
Ing the h'T' -n ol ment r:
rlirlv DI L'I'M no
A. T
Properties of calvilunn ll~l I"IIB
MIRONOV, A., doktor tekhno nauk, prof.- LARIONOVA, Z.M., kand. tekhn.
I -
nauk-, '11-SITEULTRI., G.I.., 4-nzh.- KOKETKINA, A.I., inzh.
ElectrIc ouring of light concrate with a -ling binding
material. Stroi. mat. 10 no.1-33-33 Ja'64. (M1RA 171:5)
Experience of innovators and efficiency promoters. Stroitell
8 no.10:25-26 0 162. (MM& 15:3.1)
-1. Predsedatell komiteta professionallnogo, soyazg rabochikb
stroitelletva i promyshlennosti stroitellnyl~l materialov
stroitellnogo uchastka No.108 tresta Mosstroy No.18
(for Lipkovich).
(Building-Teclinological innovations)
L&RIONTSEV, A.I. (Kramtorak)
Mechanized feeding of pipe'into the pipe cutting mchine.
Vod.l. san.tekb. no.2:36 F #6o. (MIRA 13.5)
(Pipe cutting)
~ - .9,
Deceleration by radiation damping of a charge moving in a plasma
situated in a magnetic field. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz.
6 no.4t850-852 63. (MJRA 16.-12)
L 1642-66- DjT(1)/P-,Tc/gir,(m)/EPF~n)-2/EPA(w)-2 IJP(c) AT
JACCESSXON NR: AP5'oi4848 53
:,IAUTHOR:- Lariontsev, Ye. G.
TITLEt Stabilization of certain instabilities when a plasma moves
74transversely to a magnetic field
SOURCE: AN SSSR.. Doklady~ vo 162, no.. 3,, 1965P 536-538
ToPM.TAGS: plasma stability, plasma pinch field,
plasma magnetic
flute instability
ABSTRAM.: it is shown that the boundary of the plasma moving with
velocity that varies with the.depth is more stable.tban the bound&
of a,plasma at rest. Several types of instability are analyzed and
remedies for their elimination are discussed. In the case of flute
Instability., it-is shown that the inbomogeneity of the plasma flow
velocity exerts a stabilizing influence on such an Instability, and
a mathematical formula is'derived for the stability condition. In
partioular,.if.the magnetiefields inside and outside the plasma are
para.1lelo then maximum Btability.iij attained when the plasma moves
ca, rd 1/2
L, 16h2-66
transverse to the magnetic field. The stabilization of sausage in-
stability in the ease of a cylindrical jet with longitudinal velocity
~~:-,-is,also.investigated and it is shown that a current-carrying cylin-
drical,jet is more stable than a corresponding cylinder at rest, The
long-wave disturbances are easiest to stabilize In this case. An-
alogous results are obtained in the investigation of the stability of
a hydrodynamic jet with surface tension. High stability was also
observed In the case of current-carrying pinches in accelerated plasme
jets, where again the stabilization was due to the inhomogeneity in
the jet velocity. Mathematical expressions forLthe stabilization are
derived for all cases. This report was presented by M. A. Leontovich.
Orig., art. has: 12 formulas
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyyL 4hiVeraitet iM. M. V.
Lomonosova, (Moscow State University)
jSUBMITTED: lqSep64 ENCLO. 00 Cot)F'i ME
I Card 2/2
L 01824-67 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/JW/JG
ACC NR: AP6030954 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/009/257-2TgY'rg--
AUTHOR: Kask, N. Ye.; Korniyenko, L. S.; Lariontsev, Ye. G.
ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudar-
stvennyy universitet)
-est Nd3+ in CaF ions
TITLE: Investigation of the interaction between the neat 2
.SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2572-2578
TOPIC7TAGS: ion interaction, ionization spectrum, magnetic dipole,
paramagnetic ion, magnetic field, neodymium ion, calcium fluorite
ABSTRACT: Angular relationships of a paired rhombic spectrum of Nd 3+ ions
in CaF 2have* been experimentally investigated and semiempirically described by
the following two parameters: A + C = 0. 171 cm-1 and B = -0. 024 cm-1. The
contribution of magnetic dipole interaction of the Nd3+ ions in the A + C and B
parameters is calculated. It is shown that the nondipole interaction predominates
over the dipole interaction and that there is a boost to the energy of interaction
of the paramagnetic ions, depending on the value of the outer magnetic field. Orig.!
art. has: 4 figures, 10 formulas, and 1 table. [Based on authors' abstract] [LN7T1
SUB.CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 08Jan66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001
LARIOSHCHENKO, T.-G., starsby7 neuchny7 sotrLdnik
Role of general irradiation in the treatment of metastatic cancer
of the breasto VeBt, rent. I red, no.4.-43-49 Jl-Ag 154.
(ML'RA 7:10)
1. r2 Gosudar8tvennogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni P.A.
Gertsena (i.o. direktors, kardidat-meditsinskikh neuk V.V.Gorodilova)
(RADIOTHERAPY. In various diseases.
cancer, metastases from breast)
(MMAST, neoplasms,
ther.., x-ray, M8t&StaBBB to various organs)
LARIOSHOHENX0, T,..G. (Moskva, A-8, ~_V Dmitrovskly proy-azd, d,4/lA, kv-50)
Result of using a lead grid in roentgenotherapy of radio-resistant
tumors [with summary in Xnglloh] Yopeonk, 2 no,4:457-463 156.
(MIRA 9:12)
1. Iz Gosudaretvannogo onkologichaskogo Institute imani P.A.Gertsena
(dir. - Prof. A.U.Novikov, nauchn. rukov. - chlen-korrespondent AMU
SSSR prof. A.I.Savitakiy)
(RADIOTHOAPY, in various diseases.
cancer. grid technic in resist. forms (RUB))
IZOPLASMS, therapy,
x-ray. grid technic in resist. forms (Run))
IARIGSHCHKNXO, T.G. (Hoskva, A-8, 1-y Dmitrovskiy proyezd. d.4/1-A, kv-50)
1. Role of radiation and hormone therapy in the compound treatment
of mammary cancer and its metastases [with ou-nary in Sngliebl.
Yope'onk. 3 no.2:214-220 157. MaA io:6)
1. Iz Gosudaratvaanogo onkologicheskogo inatituta im. P.A.Gertsens
(dir. - prof. A.H.Hovikov; nauchn. rukovod. - chl.-korr. Ikademii
meditsinakikh nauk.SSSR prof. A.I.Savitskiy)
postop. combined hormone & radiother., statist. (Rua))
(HORMCNES. iber. use
pogtop., in breast cancer, with radiother., statist.
(RADIOTLUM"Y. in various die.
cancer of breast, poatop. irradiation with hormones,
statist. (RUBD
LARIffHCHENKO, Taisiya Gavri3ovna (State oneological InstI*2d* im. Oertsen.,
ldn Health RSFSRi)' for Doe*PrJR Mediftak ScieWSB On
Fi- Q-
the basis ofh~iasertation defended 2 )X,59 in tfii Council of
r--, qsepx-"
Ift Central jnetjj4Ae for tavanced Lwlel~sf Physiciansi
entitledt "Radiafion Therapy of Cancer of the Itemary- Clanall.-
(MIVJSSO USSFi, 2,61, 19/20)
LARIOSHCHENKO, T..G. (Moskva, A,8j, 1-y Dmitrovskiy proyezdx d.~,, kv-50)
Radiotherapy of brest cancer.Vop.onk. 5 no..U:529-535 159.
0-51 RA 14: 7)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni P.A.Gertsona
(dir. - pl4of. A.N.Novikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen-korrespondent
Aldl SSSR zasluzhermyy deyatell nauki prof. A.I.Savitgkiy), Moskva.
Roentgen therapy of metastases of cancer of the breast into
the osseous system* Vop.onks 6 no.1:94-98 160.
(BBWT-(;ANCR) (BON43,-MCKH) (KrU 13:10)
Bxperience in the treatment of cancer of the breast from data of
the Gertsen Oneological Institute. Xhlrurglia 36 no.8sil-0 Ag
?60o NIRA 13 all)
19 Iz Goaudarstvannogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni PaA, Gertsena
(dir. - Prof. A.N. Wovikov-, nauchnyy rukovoditell - deyetvitelunyy
chlen AMN SSSR zasluzhemy de-yatell nauki prof. A.I. Savitskiy).
- -
[Radiation treatment of cancer of the breast] Luchevoe lechenie
raka molochnoi zhelezy. Moskva, Fledgiz, 1961. 161 p.
(14M 15.7)
Method for -,ambined tberap7 of malignant melanomas. Hed.rad.
no.:LlR6-io 61. (KM 34;- 11)
1, larentgenoterap"-ticheskogo Weleniya Gosudarstvennogo
onkologicheskogo instituta imeni P.A. Gertsena.
Reactions and ccmplications under varying methods of radiotherapy
for laryngeal cancer. Med.rad. 7 no.6:55-58 Je 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. 1z Gosudaratvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo onkologicheshogo
instit-ata imeni P.A. Gertsena.
L&RI0SHGlJENKO.,--T.-G.., doktor meditsinskikh nauk
.. Radiotherapy of cancer of the breast. Y-ed.sestra 21 no.7:13-16 Jl
162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo onkologicheskogo
instituta. imeni P.A.Gertsena, Moskva.
Reactions and conplications under varying methods of radiotherapy
for laryngeal cancers Med.rad. 7 no.6.'55-58 Je (MIRA 15:8)
1. Iz Gosuderstvennogo nauohno-issledovatel'skogo onkologicheskogo
instit-aba imeni P.A. Gertsena.
Prolonged remissions of lymphogranulomatoois in X-ray therapy
with a grid. Med. red. 10 no.11-15-19 N 165. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Gosudarstvennyy onkologicheskiy institut Imeni P.A. Gertsena
(direktor - prof. A.N. Novikov). Submitted October 17., 1964.
Results of the treatment of breast cancer. Xbirurgiia 41 no.4:
32-36 Ap 165. (1-9 RA 18: 5)
1. Onkologicheskiy institut imeni Gertsena (dir. - prof. A.N.
Novikov), Moskv-a.
MRIOSHIN, P.R., inzhener.
Layer plowing as a measure against the regrowth of alfalfa. Mekh. i
elak.sellkhoz. no.4:14-17 AP 153- (KLRA 6:5)
1. Kirgizakiy seltakokhozyaystvennyy inatitut imeni K.I. Skryabina.
(Flowing) (Alfalfa)
Theory of vine contours with permeable flaps. p. 689. COMUNI3ARILE.
Bucuresti. Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1955.
SOURGE: East European Accessions List (EPEAL) Lo, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956.
The track movement around a permeable bearing plate.
p. 1109. ~
Academia Republicii Populare Romine. COMUNICAIIE.
Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1955.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol. 14 No. 12, December 195.~h
RMANIA/Nuclear Pbysics Nuclear Reactions C-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fi7.1 P NO 3P 1958Y No 5537
Author Shechtman I.,,
Inat Not Given
Title On the Possibility of Applying Thermonuclear Reactions to
Rocket Propulsion
Orig Pub Publ. Acad. RPR Inst. fiz. atom., 1956., N ET 26. 21pp..' ill.
Abstract See Referat Zhur Fizika., 1957., No 7., 16737
Card 1/1
` :
T I b-4 E V,ImB 1~~-
Aplic, Ort, -D.~r, 1956. S63-873, !a
.,Valion t1 ali ialtgmle
ep, in di
or E~nrn~ft4rofilev W3.11i pan le
by T,,I,.i for th4
forfnul-av ZT13 oh-
iOT tha Ch.-IMMI PZZlil-bLI 1.3 l7hil~;% naMO PYO;~A-
on sanv:mi-13 ~~ dr!-' nile A ='ClethG-4 1-3 *her.
fhe Qf thti dizzc% p C,
d4c.Avd, f b
whcs h
-polyg --al~ .a
lho-lry ca,-~ !;ic.- us, L-,~ f.- valvot"ing the
IA xam. - 1-1
LlRis,~*"3 1"5
If; 4 (!,-, .
I -arding the utiliz.-tion of t,ierircnuclc.,r cnerf-y fcr rccket prop .1
Reg Q
p. 291 (Acaderda Rcpublicii fopulare R(;ruine. institutul ue ~izica. Studif, -A Cercet-~ri
De Fizice. Vol. 7, -. . 2, Aur./June 1P~6. Lucuresti, !Lijmnnia)
hontbly Index of East Europe.-n Accessions (E,~!) LC. Vol. 7. no. 2.,
Febri,ary 1958
Distr- _AEj
Ma ... tr.. li
ht elemanw
ty O
isch and 1. shechtman. Opulart ROMIXe.
swo anewris. 7 ZO
tlotk can be se
n rue
'mefflum composed of 2 Ushtelements. If only I reaction
place, with 2 reaction prodaets. one of which mud be t neu- l
itron, Any other charged particle in electromagnetic it
"on with other partlcle;~wlll decelerate owlinuously.
and transmit q very small portion of its energy only, but
neutrons, which decelerate with short-range collisions'. may
transmit a great pan 61 their energy to I particle In a medium
composed of light nuclei. An equation is derived for the
the ener
f th
e me
um a
es o
current of the part
and then a general equation Is derived for the steady state
of the system in the presence of external sources of neutrons,
which is a linear- Integral equationi The system becomes
crit. when the corresponding homogeneous equation has an
eigenvalue of 1. This general formula Is applied then to the
special case where the medium is D and T in equal at.
concn., By Introducing some simplifications and assuming
the existence of a discrete spectrum; the highest eigenvalue.
is found f& be 1.25 X 10-3. Curves are presented for the i
neutron production d., lyhen external sources are present
1! is~co
emitting neutrons at 2, 14, and 40 m.e-v.
diat a steady State CUIL never bL maintaluet in suc a Sys- . I
tem, if the external sou are.a Se It.
'7,1~ 7'Tcz CII7
1 1.4--, -
Blown of' infinite ranre.
p. 595 (Academd~~. Republicid Yopulere Rcmine. institutiil de 11,~ccnpi-ca Aplic,--in.
Si Cerceteri De I-'.ec=-'icc 18rlicntz- . 7, n(1. 'I, jul-,-/Sen't. lc,!~ ,
Eonthly Index of East Eurcrenn `.ccessi~~ns (ELP-~71) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2,
FebruciT 1958
leAi,Physias 'K.:Nuclear Rtaction C-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ila 1, 1958, 536
Author ~~i
Lsch_,_.g_., Shechtman, I.
Title Possibility of Chain Reactions with Light Elements.
Orig Pub Studii 9i cercetari fiz., 19571 7, No 4. 531-54o
Abstract The authors discuss the possibility of self-maintaining
nuclear reactions, one of the parts of which would be a
neutron, in a medium consisting of two light elements.
A general linear integral equation is derived for the par-
ticle current for the stationary case in the presence of
external sources of neutrons. This formula is then applied,
with certain simplifications, to a medium consisting of
deuterium and tritium. Curves are given for the genera-
tion of neutrons for the cases when the external sources
introduce these neutrons with energies of 2, 14, and 40
Mev. Me authors reached the conclusion that it is
Card 1/2
Card 2/2
Q- iJ
TITLE t ion of Radiation into the Problems of Gas
PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSR 1957, Vol 113, Nr 5, pp 1010-1012
Received: 6/1957 Reyiewed: 7/1957
ABSTRACT The author shows that failing to tako tho influonoo axoroitiod by
radiation into account often leads to considerable inacouracies.
The present paper discusses ayery simple method by means of which
it is possible to take the influence of radiation into account
without any changes in the equation of adiabatic motion being
necessary. It is known that radiation in the oase of thermo-
dynamic equilibrium may be treated as a perfect gas with the
adiabatic index Z - 4/3. The thermodynamic equations of a per-
fect gas with a radiation with which it is in equilibrium are
explicitly written down. Equations are considerably simplified
in the following two cases:
1~ Z - 4/3
2 if radiation pressure can be approximated by the formula
CARD 1/3 Pr ' (Z - 1) 7i T -TAst -1 )
PA - 3049
i.e. if the adiabatic indices of the gas and the radiation are
equal. In the cases 1) and 2) the equations of adiabatic motion
and the correBponding boundary conditions do not change if
radiation is taken into account. Thus, the solutions for P'?
and Y (velocity) have the same form as in the case if radiation
is disregarded. Differences, howeyer, exist with respect to
temperature values. With X - 4/3 radiation exercises no in-
fluenoe at all upon mechanical parameters, so that it is even
possible to obtain a rather good approximated solution in the
case of X / 4/3.
The authors then extend these general ideas to the case of a
vehement explosion. Because of the high temperatures occurring
on such an occasion the light pressure in the initial stage
of the propagation of the shock wave must play an important
part. The solutions for p,i? and T found by L.I. SEDOV remain
valid also in the case of existing radiation. Finally, tempera-
ture distribution is determined. Temperature distribution is
characterized by an additional constant R4 /a and is automodellike.
CA" 2/3
PA - 3049
On the Introduction of Radiation into the Problems of
Gas Dynamics,
(with 2 illustrations)
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Applied Mathematics and Institute for Nuclear
Physics of the Academy of the Roumanian Peoplets Republic,
PRESENTED BY: L.I. SEDOV, Member of the Academy.
SUBMITTED: 12.12. 1956.
CARD 3/3
AUTHORs Lariahp E. 30V/89-5-6- 9/25
TITLE: Cn a Possibility of a Non-Steady Thermonuclear Reactor (Ob
odnoy vozmozhnosti nestatsionarnogo termoyadernogo reaktora)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 646 - 647 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The energy produced in a steady gas discharge can be trans-
ferred only in the shape of heat. It is therefore of interest
to investigate non-steady models in which part of the nuclear
energy produced in the plasma is tranformed direct into
electric energy.
The suggested model consists of a straight cylindrical or
toroidal plasma column upon which, under the influence of an
external axial magnetic alternating field, a radial oscilla-
tion is forced. The plasma here reaches a temperature Te at
which the energy liberated by nuclear reaction is compensated
by radiation. The bases of the conditions necessary for
pariodical oscillations are derived theoretically.and it is
shown that at these conditions the energy liberated per cycle
considerably surpasses the radiation energy. The surplus
Card 1/3 energy passes into the external windings which generate the
On a Possibility of a Non-Steady Thermonuclear SOV/8 9-5-6- 9 /2 5
magnetic field.
The temperature Te for a thermonuclear reactor with a
deuterium plasma amounts to about 10 8 aK, so that the velocity
of sound in the plasma will be r%~-108 am/see. Herefrom there
follows an eigenfrequenoy of a plasma column with rv10 cm
diameter of - 107cycles. By basing on the assumption that
the frequency of the external magnetic alternating field is
ri 102cycles and that the magnetic field in the interior of
the plasma differs only little from the external magnetic
field, the energy equation for the plasma column is derived,
and, after introducing a number of further conditions and
simplifications, it is possible to calculate the surplus
energy produced per cycle.
It is found that the operation of the plasma with respect to
the magnetio-field is, on the average, positive and that,
therefore, the energy is transferred from the plasma to the
electric conductor.
Card 2/3
On a Possibility of a Non-Steady Thermonuclear SOV/89-5L-6-9 /25
ASSOCIATIONs Institut prikladnoy makhanikil Bukharest (Institute of
Applied Mechanics, Bux-jarest)
SUBMITTED: June 2, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Larish, E., Shekhtman, 1. Sn
TITLE; The Propagation of Detonation Waves in the Presence of a
;Jagnetic Field (Rasprostra-neniye detonatsionnykh voln pr~
nalichii magnitnogo polya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek3perimenta"l1noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 195B,
Vol. 35, Nr 1, pp. 203-207 (USSR)
AB3TRACT- For the investigation of the propagation of shock waves in a
plasma located in a magnetic field relativistic hydrodynam-
ical equations have already been used by several authors
(e.g. Ref 1). in the present paper so-called "perpendicular"
detonation waves are investigated, viz. such as are pro-
pagated in a direction which is transversal to that of the
magnetic field. Although it would not be necessary to take
relativistic effects into account for such fields and thermo-
nuclear fuels as can be produced today, it is nevertheless
interesting to investigate the development of the modifica-
tion of relativistic quantities and their boundary values
(for stronger fuels and fields). It was found in the course
of calculations that the properties of relativistic detonation
Card 1/2 waves are similar~to those of ordinary waves. Solutions of the
The Propagation of Detonation 14avep in the 5011/56-35-1-27/55
Presence of a Magnetic Field
derived system of equations are given in the discontinuity
both for the relativistic and for the non-relativistic case
There are 7 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATION; Institut prikladnoy mekhaniki Akalemii nauk
narodnoy respubliki (Instituto for Appliod Aochariico AS
.1 Tademii
Rumanian People's Republic) Institut atomnoy fizlkl
nauk Rumynskoy narodnoy respubliki (Institute of Nuclear
Physics,AS Rumanian PeoDlels Republic)
SUBMITTED: February 13, 1958
Card 2/2
24 (3)
AUTHORS: Larish, E., Shekhtman, I.
TITLE: The Generation of Two Temperatures in an Ionized
Gas Which is Placed in a Magnetic Field (Obrazovaniye
dvukh temperatur v nakhodyashchemsya v magnitnom pole
ionizovannom gaze)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35,, Nr 2 (8), PP 514-515 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigqte an ionized gas the ionic temperature
of which may be considered as given. A formula is given for
the energy of cyclotron radiation. Cyclotron radiation has
the frequency pjeH/me - and the gas is assumed to be
transparent in this frequency interval. This is rather a
rigorous condition and a sufficiently high rarefaction of
the gas or high values of the magnetic field strength or
of the ionic temperature is nenessary. If the electrons
can radiate a noticeable part o-1 their energy, electron
temperature will be differ considerably from ionic
temperature. A formula is given for the -relaxation time of
Card 1/2 the electron component. The electron gas is assumed to have
The Generation of Two Temperatures in an Ionized SOV/56-35-2-34/60
Gas Which is Placed in a Magnetic Field
a Maxwell (Maksvell) distribution. The energy exchange
between the electron gas and the ionic gas may be calculated
according to a formula by Spitzer (Shpitser) (Ref 1),
Finally, an expression is derived for the ratio T e/Ti = e
of the electron and ionic temperatures. The difference
between these 2 temperatures can be rather high, There are
I fiCure and 1 reference.- 0 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONS. Institut prikladnoy mekhanikii Bukharest (Institute of
Applied Mechanics, Bucharest)
Institut atomnoy fiziki., Bukharest-Magurele (Institute of
Atomic Physics. Bucharest-Magurele)
SUB14ITTED: April 12, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR8 Larish, E. (Bukharest)
TITLE: Aerodynamic Interaction i-ith Free Molecular Flow
PERIODICALt Izvestlya Akademii nauk .'.SSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
na,Ak, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 196o, Nr 3.
PF 117-120 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The free molecular flow around bodies of any shape
(not only convex) is considered, assuming that the size
of the svstem is less than the mean free path of the
molecules. It is shown that the problem leads to the
solution of the linear integral equation (2.3). This
equation is of the same form as the one describing the
illumination in a space with non-absorbing walls which
reflect according to Lambert's law, and on the basis of
this analogy, the solution of Eq (2.3) can be simulated
optically. The direct solution of Eq (2.3) is a very
complex problem but as a special example the solution
is obtained for the problem of multiple reflections in
a hollow spherical cavity (Eq (4.5) and (4.6)) There
are 2 figures and I English reference,.
Card 1/2
Aerodynamic Interaction with Free Yolecular Flow
ASSOCIATIONt Institut prikladnoy mekhaniki, Akademii nauk
Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki
(Institute of Applied Mechanics
.:--Academy of Sciences,,
Rumanian Peoples Republic)
SUBMITTED; November 20, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORs Larish, E. (Bucharest)
TITLE: --iquations of free-molecular flow
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.2,
PP. 70-77
TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work of the
present author (this journal, No.3, 1960: Ref.1). The equations
describing the steady and unsteady flow of a rarefied gas are
derived, taking into account repeated reflections of the gas
particles from the surface of the body in the gas stream. A
method of determining the reflection characteristics of fine-
grained surfaces is suggested and illustrated by considering a
surface with spherical and cylindrical depressions. The important
15 pecial case is considered of a law of reflection represented by
a combination of diffuse and specular reflection. If the motion
consists of steady flow with a small unsteady flow superimposed
on it, the unsteady state problem is simplified. The flow around
a body is also investigated when the current consists of small
Card 1/2
Equations of free-molecular flow. E081/E141 %
harmonic vibrations around a mean value.
There are 2 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 English.
The English language reference reads as follows:
Ref.2: G.N..Patterson. Molecular flow of gases. N.Y. - London,
SUBMITTED: September 22, 1960
Card 2/2
LARISH, E. (Bukharest)
Equations of free molecular flov around a body* Izv,AN 6WR,W,tekh,
nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.2:?G-77 Mr-Ap 161., (NDA 14:4)
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00 P*=PhlC COMPOsidga of some coaU of tbq Novo.
Gana diposit of Kuzbass. A. A, L4Wsljcbo%
Xkim. I'arrdognToplim 8, 1':1
hud coilb lutts It 2 1".70. S 0.444J.-- and 1
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00 _Ulast fibt-ts, the products of thiir dewmpn. wid
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clarain-fusain type, characterized by a complex ralcro.
00 w%)k structure which Ili 4ue to ime inttimingling Ill
the constituents (clatrain, xylal fit-itin, etc.).
A. A. Podgurny
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Z-~ zski
Larishchev, A.
(Tomskiy gos. un-t ii-. Ku~rbys'neva),
So! U-'~261, 10 April 53, (Leiopls tZhmma3 St-tey, 1,'0. 17") 1.)4Y)
.1 u L U.1 - / I
Uchen. 0
5 iter-S.
So: U-3261, ltl'~ April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurrial state,", -I~o. 12, 9)
lov, V. thc
Larishch-,~v, A. A. am' Ylak~l '11 (On the pro'Lic-! o:' CD;: 'A"
oun of S-rea of
lit f th 7-
y s r'. V L'
Value), z a
U -
SO: u_~,~61, 10 April '3, 'Z,1;U1,11-
LUM-4012Y, A. tie
PA 33/49T63
UWR/GeOlogy oct 48-
Shale, BitumiriouB
'Tossible Domanite Deposits on the Eastern Slopqq
of the Northern Urals, 11 A. A. larishchev, 4. pp
Mok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXII, No 4
Discussion of a deposit of Devonian Vailophite
"liptobiolith" discovered by the geologiat 1. 1.
-Slmlaban in 1940..Deposit Is a layer of bituminous
Shale 15 meters wide in a pit about 2 meters from
the surface among black bituminous limestones of the
Devonian In the Hallya River right tributary of the
YuzhnqTa'Sos,va 3 Im - -almitted by
I 'j mouth. S
gom it
Aca& W A., Gbr`~Ciiev, Jul
AM -.--. - 33/49T63
LAM51-101M, A.A.
2. ussR (600)
Algae, Fossil
7- Tiew fossil blue-rmen alrae of the Jurassic period, Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast- 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified.
"The Floristic Composition of the Mesozoic Forests of the Gobi Desert in
Mongolia "
A paper presented on 1 April, The ActJvit-y-of the Moscow Sociaty of
Naturalists, Byulleten' Moskovshogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody Vol LX
No 6, Moscom, Pov-Dec 1955, pp 80-90, Geology Section
Source: U-9235, 29 Nov 1956
Botanical composition Of M8002sic forest in the Gobi Desert (bas3d
n data of the Paleontological Rxpedition of the Academy of Sciences
:f the U.S.S.R.during 1946-194,q). Bjul.M0IP.0td.geol-30 ne.6:97-98
IT-D '55. (Gobi--Trees, Fossil) (MRA 9: 4)
i of studying accessory minarals among terrigenous
mineral mixtures of coal. Trudy Lab.gaol.ugl. no.6:202-
m 156. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Tomakly Gosudarotvennyy universitet.
(Coal--Analysis) (Coal geology)
,Fossil remains of wood from the mottled clays of Amangeldy District,
%rgqi Depression. Dokl.AN SSSR 107 no.1:139-140 Mr '56.(MLRA 9:7)
l.TomakiV gosudarstvanDyy universitet imeni V.V.Kuybysheva.
Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukachevym.
(Amangeldy District--Trees, Fossil)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7,
p 5 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Larishchev, A. A., Rodygin, A. E.
TITLE: Some Examples of the Use of a Relief Topogeopolygon
in Teaching Geological Mapping and Structural Geology.
(Nekotoryye primery ippollzovaniya rell yefnogo topo-
geopoligona v prepodoVanii geologicheskogo kartiro-
vaniya i strukturnoy geologiyi)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tomskogo un-ta, 1956, Nr 135, pp 82-92
ABSTRACT: The use of the relief topogeppolygon in teaching al-
lows us to introduce the student to the basic methodo-
logy of geological mapping in the field. As an exam-
ple the authors present one of the problems which can
be solved by using a relief topogeopolygon. Numbers
designating outcrops are written upon a topogeopolygon
and for each number a student is given a specially
selected-'collection of rock samples and paleontologi-
Card 1/2 cal remains, and data on the'elements of deposition,
Soine Examples of the Use of a Relief Topogeopolygon in Teaching
Geological Mapping and Structural Geology. (Cont.)
the stratigraphical sequence, the thickness of separate
strata, etc. The final aim o 'f this problem is to construct
a geological map upon the topographical'-base of a given topo-
geopolygon, and also to produce a complete description of the
geological structure and the history of the geological devel-
opment of the region.
Card 2/2 A. L. Knipper
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologlya, 1957, Nr 10,
p 37 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Larisheiev, A. A.
TITLE: Some Rare Fan i Remains From Tertiary Rocks (A Study in
PaleomycologY5 Zo- nekotorykh redkikh ostatkakh gribov iz
tretichnykh otlozheniy (Paleomikolog. etyud)7
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tomskogo un-ta, 1956, vol 136, pp 136-142
ABSTRACT: Because it has a five-celled ascospore, a distinctively
abjointed and fringed mycelium, and a fruit body of
radiating prosenchyma (Thyriotheciam), Edwards referred
the ifungas he found in 1922 to Phragmoth~rites eoca
The author, after examining the descriptions In the
literature as well as studying similar fossils of fungi
from Western Siberia, came to the following
conclusions. The placing of all the remains enumerated
by Edwards into the single species of Phragmothyrites
eocaenica must be considered an error. The assignment
Card 1/2 -of-Fffe-la-rge fruit bodies of radiating prosenchyma
Some Rare Fungi Remains Prom Tertiary Rocks (A Study in Paleomycology)
(perittlecium) with diameters from 120 to 160 microns should be
changed to Microthyrites podocarpites (Edwards) Lar. Besides
the Eocene of the Isle of Mull in Scotland, the locality where
Edwards first described the mycelia, these forms are known
chiefly from the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene of Germany
and Westerr Siberia. The small distinctively abjointed
and fringed bod*ies which should still be called.Phragmothyrites
eocaenica (Edwardsj, belong to the remains of fossil fungi whose
systematic position has not yet been determined. Up to now, all
known remains of this kind have been found in Eocene deposits in
Scotland, the United States of America, Germany, and Western
Siberia. The paper includes one table.
Card 2/2 R. A. Vasina
Critical remarks on Konrad Beness article "Paleomycology is a new
trend in microscopic studies of coal.,' Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol.
26 no.8:110-132 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9)
New find of Devonian liptobioliths in the Kuznetsk Basin in con-
nection with the problem of Faleozoic oil in Siberia. Trudy
SNIGGIMS no.1404-79 161. (MIRA 15:8)
(Kuznetsk Basin-Coal geology) (Siberia-Petroleum geology)
_~- _7~. '
'Suberin nature of some Jurassic coals in the Kuznetsk Basin
and their-classification. Izv. v7a. ucheb. zav,; gaol. i razv.
6 no.2:84-93 F 163. MIRA 16%6)
L Tomskiy goaudaretvannyy universitet im. V.V. Kuybysheva.
(Kametsk Basin-Coal-Classification)
Petrographic composition of some coals of the U.S.S.R. Sov~
geol. 8 no.3:100-106 165. (MIRA 18:5)
1. Tomakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
Experimental data on an antineoplastic preparation phenestrin.
Vop, onk. 8 no.4:12-14 062. (MIRA 1594)
1. 12 laboratorii eksperimentallnoy khimioterapii Instituta
eksperimentallnoy i klinicheakoy onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. -
daystv. chl. AMN SSSR, prof. N. N. Blokbin). Adres avtorov:
Moskva, D-364, Volokolanskoye shosse, 30, Inatitut eksperi-
mentallnoy i klinicheskov onkologii.
JAMN z~;"
.,- ~--'
The initiative of efficient vorkere In falling. Sov, profsoiuz;y 4
no.9:4o-41 s 156. (MLRA 9:10)
1 Sles&rl mekhmnicheskM masterskildi Surskoy ankonnoy fnvriki, Pen7en-
s~,qy oblasti.
(Penza Province--Efficiency, Industrial)
Auditor's notes. Fin.SSSR 37 no.2t65-66 F 163. (MM 16:2)
(Volgograd Province-Ztate farms-Auditing and inspection)
IlThe Antirf--nic. Co::., tnicst ion: Cor..~LrEtivc
Anti-enic and =d 'he jrl.. e4
AUTHORS- Vedenov, L. A~, Larkin, A, I.
TITIO; The State Equation of a Plasma (Uravneniye
sostoyaniya plazmy)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4, PP 1133-1142 (USSR)
ABSTRACT-. A considerable number of papers has already dealt with
the problem of the equation of state of a particle system
with Coulomb interaction. A general formula for the
virtual coefficients is not applicable in this case. The
Coulomb forces are found to be remote action forces,
and therefore limitation by pair interactions is impossib-'(,
already in the firt3t torm of an expansion in series of
thermodynamic quantities according to the gas density n,
By employing the method of the selfconsistent field
Debye and H-dckel (Ref 1) found the first term of an
expansion of free energy according to the density n
of the interacting particles, which is proportional
. Glauberman and Yukhnovskiy (Ref 2) endeavored
to calculate the following terms,,but, as they used
Card 1/3 an unsuitable method, they obtained incorrect results.
The State Equation of a Plasma
For the purpose of calculating the first terms of the
expan5ion according to n the authors of the present paper
used a graphical method which is analogous to that
used by Feynman in quantum electrodynamics. First, the
diagram technique used is discussed for a system of
interacting particles in thermodynamic equilibrium
for close-range action forces. In the following the
technique of summating graphs in the case of Coulomb
interaction is discussed. For the free energy F of a
completely ionized gas an 'expansion*a'ccording to n is
3/2 2 2
obtained in the form F Fideal + An + Bn ln n + Cn
The second term is identical with the Debye-Hiiekel term.
Expressions are given for the coefficients of expansion.
The authors finally thank L. D. Landau and V. M. Galitskiy
for discussions, There are 5 figures and 4 references, 1
of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (moscow State
Card 2/3 University)
24 Mj 21 (7)
AUTHOR: LarkUipn,, SOY/56-37-1-39/64
JA -
TITLE: The Passage of Particles Through a Plasma (Prokhozhdeniye
chastits cherez plazmu)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37,
Nr IM, pp 264 - 272 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The calculation of the slowing-down power of the plasma by the
method of pairwise collisions leads to a logarithmic divergence.
This divergence is connected with the remote action of the
Coulomb forces. The screening effect of the medium can only be
neglected if the distance between the particles is smaller than
the Debye radius. For the calculation of the contribution of
near collisions, the Coulomb field is cut off on the Debye ra-
dius. In the present paper, the slowing-down power is expressed
by a correlation function which is a"'special case of the Green
function for 2 particles. The latter function is calculated by
the diagram method. By estimating the omitted graphs, the ac-
curacy of the results found can be easily determined. At first,
the transition probability is calculated. The author investi-
gates a system of interacting particles being in thermal equi-
Card 113 librium. The Hamiltonians of the systeir-and of the interaction
The Passage of Particles Through a Plasma SOV/56-37-1-39/64
between particle and medium are written down. The particle
flying through the medium has the mass M and the velocity v.
This particle flying through is regarded to be sufficiently
fast (e2 /JLv