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15 July 1977
MEMORANDUM FOR: Associate Deputy Director
THROUGH Acting Director, Center for o is Sup
FROM Coordinator for Academic Relations
and External Analytical Support
SUBJECT Proposal for Visit to CIA by a Group
of University Presidents
Attached in blind memorandum form is a proposal elaborating
on how to invite a group of university presidents to the Agency.
From a list of about 40 college and university presidents, I have
recommended an initial group of thirteen. Some of the reasons for
selecting them are set forth in the memorandum.
As Stated
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15 July 1977
SUBJECT Proposed Visit to CIA by a Group of
Distinguished University Presidents
1. Purposes of Visit: Though students and faculty on campuses
across the country are less critical of the US government and foreign
policy than they were a few years ago, CIA continues to be amajor
bete noire in academia. The persecution of
and guidelines governing relations with CIA issued by
Harvard and under consideration at other schools illustrate how strong
anti-Agency feeling still is. Gross misunderstandings of the
Agency's mission and activities are at the root of most of our problems
on campus, and many are based strictly on conjecture or on cases ten
or more years old. Even the well informed and sophisticated drafters
of the Harvard guidelines believed that the Agency is still involved
in activities that were discontinued years ago.
A modest but promising means of dispelling some of the myths
and misunderstandings about CIA is to invite a distinguished group of
university presidents to the Agency for VIP briefings and tours. A
main objective should be to explain on the record what types of rela-
tionships CIA has on campus and why they are important. Particular
emphasis should be placed on our research and analytical efforts and
on the extensive academic contacts that assist them. Agency spokesmen
should make clear in addition that CIA does many of the things
it is accused of: we do not use American citizens (academic or other-
wise) unwittingly; we do not use colleges or universities for cover
purposes; we do not conceal contractual research relationships from
appropriate university officials, etc. Thus, the primary purpose of
the proposed visit would the area of image building and rectifi-
Another important purpose would be to improve channels of
communication between CIA and leading academic centers. Any success
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we may have in improving a university president's understanding of the
Agency undoubtedly would have a favorable multiplier effect on campus.
All of the universities on the initial list proposed below have pres-
tigious foreign area and other specialized research centers (see
Attachment A for a list) where analysis often complements or supple-
ments our own. Contacts between these centers and Agency analytical
components now consist almost entirely of individual relationships.
We should attempt to broaden them and to establish enduring institu-
tional ties with many of the research centers in order to promote
cooperative research.
2. Time and Place of Visit: The first visit should be held for
STATINTL the better part of two days during the month of October. Most sessions
should be conducted at the Headquarters building with special presen-
STATINTL tations perhaps at Alternatively, the visiting presi-
dents could be flown to late in the afternoon. of the first
day and spend the night there with an evening program. Additional
STATINTL sessions could then be held on the second day at Headquarters and/or
3. A enda: It is recommended that the university presidents be
granted special Secret clearances for the visit and that they be
briefed candidly on a wide spectrum of Agency activities. Presenta-
tion. by would appear to be essential elements in the pro-
gram, because of widespread concern in academia--most recently evident
in the Harvard guidelines--with CIA "spying" on campus. Representa-
tives of the two DDO divisions should describe the mission and oper-
ating procedures of their components with an eye toward assuaging
apprehensions about improper CIA activities in the US. Presentations
about photographic collection and analysis would be a key ingredient
and most likely ought to be allocated a large time block on the program.
The DDI's numerous analytical programs should also be a major
element of the program. Special and innovative research efforts
and other resource analysis, strategic research and verifi-
cation, personality and behavorial studies? eta:) should be included.
An effort should be made to formulate an individual presentation for
each president that would concentrate on an analytical area of partic-
ular interest to him.
Although our primary purposes in hosting a visit by univer-
sity presidents are in the area of image building and improving con-
tacts, our scheduling and presentations should scrupulously avoid the
appearances of a high-pitched public relations campaign. If such an
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impression predominated, our efforts might well be counterproductive.
One means of helping to avoid the appearances of a rigidly controlled
visit is to schedule separate, informal sessions for each president
with a group of alumni from his university drawn from throughout the
Agency. The agendas for these meetings should be left open for spon-
taneous and candid exchanges without the presence of senior Agency
4. Proposed Invitees: The following thirteen presidents (see
Attachment B for Who's Who in America bio sketches) of leading
American universities are recommended for the initial visit:
Peter Magrath
Norman Hackerman
Martin D. Woodin
John W. Oswald
Theodore Hesburgh
Robert Sproull
John Hogness
Henry K. Stanford
David Saxon
Clifton Wharton
Frederick Davison
Jerome Wiesner
Dallin H. Oaks
University of Minnesota
Rice University
Louisiana State University
Pennsylvania State University
Notre Dame University
University of Rochester
University of Washington
University of Miami
University of California
Michigan State University
at East Lansing
University of Georgia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brigham Young University
Each was recommended b and is considered
likely to be receptive to an invitation from A mira Turner for a
visit to CIA. believe that all are generally
favorable toward CIA. They were drawn from a much larger list of
presidents who would be candidates for additional visits if the first
one is successful. The thirteen were chosen from the larger list for
a variety of reasons. All major regions of the country are represented
about equally. Public and private institutions are included, with
somewhat more in the former category. Two relrigiously affiliated
institutions are included. Enrollments vary from under 3,000 at Rice
to more than 85,000 in the California university system.
Protocol and compatability have been considered. It would
.be inappropriate, for instance, to invite the chancellors of the
Berkeley or Los Angeles campuses of the University of California or
the New Orleans campus of LSU without first inviting the head of the
entire university system. It would also be inadvisable to invite
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presidents of institutions of substantially different levels of
,prestige. All of those on the initial list are from prestigious,
highly respected universities regardless of their size or location.
We should not plan on all thirteen accepting our first
invitation. The ideal size for such a visit, in fact, most likely
would be five or six presidents. Having any more than that would tend
to undermine the VIP nature of the visit and give the appearances of
shabby public relations. It is recommended that invitations be sent
at the outset to eight or nine of the individuals on the list with
the expectation that at least a few will be unable to accept. Addi-
tional invitations from the initial list could be sent as soon as
enough regrets are received. Additional visits could be scheduled
for as often as every other month for a year or two. At-the rate of
six university presidents six times a year, more than 100 of the
leading universities and colleges could be reached within three years.
As Stated
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Brigham Young University
Latin American Studies Program
University of California/Berkeley
Department of Near Eastern Studies
Center for Latin American Studies
Center for Slavic and East European Studies
East Asian Studies Center
South Asian Language and Area Studies Center
Committee for African Studies
University of California/Los Angeles
Gostave E. Von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies
Latin American Center
Russian and East European Studies Center
African Area Studies Program
University of California/Santa Barbara
Program in Middle Eastern Studies
African Area Studies
University of Georgia
Institute for Behavorial Research
Louisiana State University
Latin American Studies Institute
Institute of Urban and Population Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for International Studies
University of Miami
Center for Advanced International Studies
Research Institute for Cuba and the Caribbean
Michigan State University
Middle East Studies Committee
Institute of Comparative and Area Studies
Latin American Studies Center
Russian and East European Studies Program
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University of Minnesota
Program in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
Center for Northwest European Language and Area Studies
Center for Population Studies
University of Notre Dame
West European Studies Program
Department of Government and International Studies
African Studies Program
Pensylvania State University
Middle East Studies Committee
Soviet Studies Center
Africa Studies Center
Rice University
Inter-University African Studies Program
Office of Advanced Studies and Research
University of Rochester
Center for Asian Studies
East Asian Language and Area Center
University of Washington
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literature
Far Eastern and Russian Institute
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Attachment B
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HACKERMAN, NORMAN, univ. pres., chemist; b. Batt., Mar. 2,
1912; s. Jacob and Anna (Raffel) H.; A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1932,
Ph.D., 1935; m. Gene Allison Coulbourn, Aug. 25, 1940;
children---Patricia Gale, Stephen, Sally, Katherine. Asst. prof. Loyola
Coil., Bait., 1935-39; research chemist Colloid Corp., 1936-40; asst.
chemist USCG, 1939-41; asst. prof. chemistry Va. Poly. Inst.,
Blacksburg, 1941-43; research chemist Kellex Corp., 1944-45; asst.
prof. chemistry U. Tex., Austin, 1945-46, assn. prof., 1946-50, prof.
chemistry, 1950-70, chrnn. dept., 1952-61, dir. corrosion research lab.,
1948-61, dean research and sponsored programs, 1960-61, v.p.,
provost, 1961-63, vice chancellor acad. affairs, 1963-67, pres.,
1967-70; prof. chemistry Rice U., Houston, 1970-, pres.. 1970-;
cons. in corrosion, 1946--, in surface chemistry, 1948--. Chmn.
Gordon Research Conf. on Corrosion, 1950, on Chemistry at
Interfaces, 1959, mem. bd. trustees, 1970-73; chrnn. Inter Soc.
Corrosion Com., 1956-58; mem. bd. on energy studies Nat. Acad.
Scis. / N RC, chrnn., 1974--; mem. Nat. Bd. on Grad. Edn., 1971-;
mem. Nat. Sci. Bd., 1968-, chmn., 1974-; chmn. council presidents
Univs. Research Assn., 1973; me-n. environ. pollution panel Pres.'s
Sci. Adv. Corn.. 1965-66; cons. Assn. Univs. for Research in
Astronomy, 1964-. chmn. bd. trustees Argonne Univs. Assn.,
1969-73; Recipient Whitney award Nat. Assn. Corrosion Engrs.,
1956; Joseph J. Mattiello Meml. Iectr. Fcdn. Socs. Paint Tech., 1964;
Southwest Regional award Am. Chem. Soc., 1965; Palladium medalist
Electrochem. Soc., 1965. Fellow N.Y. Acad. Scis., A.A.A.S.; mem.
Nat. Acad. Scis., Am. Chem. Soc. (bd. editors monograph series
1956-62, ex cc. corn. colloid div. 1955-58), Electrochem. Soc. (hon.
mem.; pres. 1957-58), Faraday Soc., A.A.A.S., Am. Philos. Soc., Nat.
Assn. Corrosion Engrs. (dir. 1952-55, chmn. A.B. Campbell Young
Authors Award corn. 1960-), Internat. Soc. Electrochemistry, Sigma
Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi. Contbr.
numerous articles to sci. jours. Tech. editor Jour. Electrochem. Soc.,
1950-68, editor, 1969-; interim editor Ehecttrochem. Tech., 1965-68;
adv. editorial bd. Corrosion Sci., 1965-; editorial bd. Catalysis
Reviews, 1968-73. Home: President's House Rice Univ Houston TX
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IIESBURCH, THEODORE MARTIN, clergyman, univ. pres.; b.
Syracuse, N.Y., May 25. 19,17: s. Theodore Bernard and Anne Marie
(Murphy) 1I.; student U. Notre Dame, 1934-37. Ph.B., Gregorian U.,
1939: postgrad. Holy Cross Coll., Washington. 1940-43: S.T.D., Cath.
U. Ant.. 1945; hon. degrees Bradley U., LeMoyne Coll.. U. R.I., Cath.
U. of Santiago (Chile). Dartmouth, Villanova U., St. Benedict's Coil...
Columbia, Princeton, Ind. U., Brandeis U., Gonzaga U., U. Cal. at Los
Angeles, Temple U., Northwestern U., U. III.. Fordham U.,
Manchester Coll., Atlanta U., Wabash Coll.. Valparaiso U.,
Providence Coll., U. So. Cal., Mich. State U.. St. Louis U., U.
Am., Loyola U. 'at Chgo., Anderson Coll., State U. N.Y. at Albany,
Utah State U., Lehigh U., Yale, Lafayette Coll.. King's Coll., Stonchill
Coll..-Alma Coll., Syracuse U., Marymount Coll., Hobart and William
Smith Coll., Hebrew Union Coll., Cin., Harvard. Entered Order of
Congregation of Holy Cross, 1934; ordained priest Roman Catholic
Ch., U. Notre Dame, 1943; chaplain Nat. Trig. Sch. for Boys,
Washington. 1943-44: vets. chaplain U. Notre Dame, 1945-47, asst.
prof. religion, head dept., 1948-49. exec. v.p., 1949-52, pres.. 1952 -.
Former dir. Woodrow 'vVilson Nat. Fellowship Corp.; mein. Civil
Rights Commn.. 1957-72: mcm. of Carnegie Comrnn. on Future of
Higher Edn.: chrnn. U.S. Comrnn. on Civil Rights, 1969-72: mcm.
Cominn. on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, 1970. Bd. dirs. Am.
Council Edn.. Freedoms Found. Valley Forge. Adlai Stevenson Inst.
lntcrnat. Affairs; trustee Rockefeller Found.. Carnegie Found. for
Advancement Teaching, Woodrow Wilson Nat. Fellowship Found.,
Inst. lntcrnat. Edn., Nutrition Found., United Negro Coll. Fund.
others. Recipient U.S. Navy's Distinguished Pub. Service award,
1959. Presdl. Medal of Freedom, 1964; Gold medal Nat. Inst. Social
Scis.. 1969; Cardinal Gibbons medal Crith. U. Ain.. 1969. Bcllarminc
medal 13cilarminc-Ursulinc Coll., 1970; iv]eiklejohn award A.A.U.P.,
1970: Charles Evans Hughes award Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews,
1970: Merit award Nat. Cath. Ednl. Assn., 1971; Pres.' Cabinet award
U. Detroit, 1971: Am. Liberties medallion A. 3cwish Coin.. 1971:
Liberty Bell award Ind. State Bar Assn., 1971: others. Fellow Ain.
Acad. Arts and Scis.; mcm. Internat. Fcdn. Cath. Univs.. Freedoms
Found. (dir.. mcm. exec. corn.), Nutrition Found., Comrnn. on
humanities, inst. Internat. Edn. (pres., dir.). Cath. Theol. Soc.
Author: Theology of Catholic Action. 1945; God and the World of
1950: Patterns for Educational Growth, 1958; Thoughts for Our
"Times. 1962: More Thoughts for Our Times. 1965: Still More
Thoughts fur Our Times, 1966: Thoughts IV, 1968; Thoughts V, 1969:
The Humane Imperative: A Challenge for the Year 2000, 1974.
Home: Corby Hall Notre Dame IN 46556
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HOGNESS, JOHN RUSTEN, Univ. pres.: b. Oakland. Cal., June 27
1922; s. Thorfin R. and Phoebe (Swenson) 11.; student Haverford
Coll., 1939-42. D.Sc. (hon.), 1973; B.S., U. Chgo., 1943, M.D.. 1946;
D.Sc. (hon.). Mcd. Coll. Ohio at Toledo, 1972; LL.D., George
Washington U., 1973; in. Katharine Ruenauver, Dec. 19, 1944;
children- .-Erik, Susan, Karen, David. Jody. Intern medicine Presbv 11
Hosp., N.Y.C., 1946-47, asst. resident. 1949-50: chief resident King
County 'r:osp.. Seattle, 1950-51; asst. U. \\ash. Sch. Medicine.
1950-52, Ain. Heart Assn. research fellow. 1951-52, mem. faculty,
1954-71, prof. medicine, 1964-7 1, med. dir. univ hosp., 1958-63. dean
Med. Sch.. chrnn. bd. health scis.. 1964-69, exec. v.p. univ.. 1969-70.
dir. Health Scis. Center, 1970-71; pres. Inst. Medicine, Nat. Acad.
Scis., 1971-74; prof. medicine, George Washington U., 1972-74; pres.
U. Wash., Seattle, 1974--. Mem. cornmr.'s adv. com. on exempt
orgns. Internal Revenue Service, 1969-71, adv. coin. for
environmental scis. NSF, 1970-71, adv. corn. to dir. NIH, 1970-71:
rnem. Nat. Cancer Adv. Bd.. 1972--. Trustee China Med. Bd. Served
with AUS, 1943-46, 47-49. Recipient Distinguished Service award
Med. Alumni Assn. U. Chgo., 1966; convocation Medalist Am. Coll.
Cardiology, 1973. Diplornate Am. Bd. Internal Medicine. Fellow
A.C.P.; mein. Assn. Am. Med. Coils. (exec. council, chi-nn.-elect
council of deans 1968-69), A.M.A., Alpha Omega Alpha. Contbr.
prc-fl. jours. Home: 808 36th Av E Seattle WA 98112
MAGRATH, C. PETER, univ. pres.; b. N.Y.C., Apr. 23, 1933; s.
Laurence Wilfrid and Guilia Maria (Dcntice) M.; B.A. suinma cum
Laude. U. N.H., 1955: Ph.D.. Cornell L'.. 1962: m. Sandra Hughes.
June 18, 1955: 1 dau.. Valerie Ruth. Mein. faculty Brown U., 1961-68,
prof. polit. sci., 196_7-68, asso. dean Grad. Sch.. 1965-66: dean Coll.
Arts and Sci., U. Neb.. Lincoln 1968-69. dean faculties. 1969-72,
inierim chancellor U. Ncb.. Lincoln, 1971-7 : prof. polit. sci..
1968-72, vice chancellor for acad. afTairs. 1972: pres. State U. N.Y. at
Binghamton, 1972-74. prof. polit. sci., 1972-74: pres. U. Minn.. MP`st
1974 . Served with AL'S, 1955-57. Mem. A.A.U.P.. Am., Midw assns.. Orgn. Am. Historians, Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Kappa
Phi. Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Sigma Alpha. Kappa Tau Alpha Author:
Morrison R. Waite: The Triumph of Character, 1963; Yazoo: Law and
Politics in the Nc,,ti Republic. The Case of Fletcher v. Peck. 1966;
Constitutionalism and Politics: Conflict and Consensus, 196):l with
others) The American Democracy. 2d edit.. 1973; (with and Perspectives in American Government, 197 1; also articles. Home:
176 N Mississippi Riser Blvd St Paul MN 55104 Office: 202 Morrill
Halt Minneapolis MN 55455
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OAKS, DALLIN HARRIS, Univ. pres., lawyer: b. Provo. Utah. Aug.
1932; s. Lloyd E. and Stella (Harris) 0.; B.A. high honors. Brigham
Young U., 1954: J.D. cum laude, U. Chgo., 1957: in. June Dixon, June
24. 1952; children.- Sharmon, Cheri Lyn, Lloyd D., Dallin I)..
" ruAnn, Jenny June. Admitted to Ill. bar. 1957. Utah bar, 1971; la'.
(!K. to Supreme Ct. chief justice Earl Warren. 1957-58; with fit-m
Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson. ChafTetz & Masterc. Chgo., 1958-61; mem.
faculty U. Chgo. Law Sch.. 1961-7 1. also. dean an(' acting dean, 1962.
prof.. 1964-71, mem. vis. coin., 1971-74; pres. Brigham Young U..
Provo. Utah. 1971 ; asst. states atty. Cook County, Ill., summer
1964. Mcm. adv. council Woodrow Wilson Internat. Center for
Scholars 1973 ; mein. adv. coin. Nat. Inst. Law Enforcement and
Criminal Justice. 1974 . Fellow Am. Bar Found. (exec. dir. 1970-71 );
mem. Ain. Bar Assn. (mcm. coin. to survey legal needs 1971 ---), Arn.
Assn. Presidents Ind. Coils. and Univs. (sec., dir. 1971-), Order Coif.
Mein. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (regional rep. Council
of 12: past 1st counselor Chgo. South Stake). Author: (with G.G.
Bogert) Cases on Trusts. 1967; (with W. Lehman) A Criminal Justice
System and The Indigent. 1968; The Criminal Justice Act in the
Federal District Courts, 1969; (with M. Hill) Carthage Conspiracy,
1975. Editor: The Wall Between Church and State, 1963. Home:
President's House Brigham.Young U Provo UT 84602
SAXON, DAVID STEPHEN, educator, physicist: b. St. Paul, Feb. 8.
1920; s. Ivan and Rebecca (Moss) S.: B.S.. Mass. Inst. Tech.. 1941.
Ph.D., 19-14; in. Shirley Goodman, Jan. 6. 1940: children- Margaret
Elizabeth, Barbara Susan; Linda Caroline, Catherine Louise, Victoria
Jean. Charlotte M.ala. Research physicist Radiation Lab., Mass. Inst.
Tech.. 1943-46, Philips Labs., 1046-47; mcm. faculty U. Cal.. Los
Angeles, 1947-75. prof. physics, 1958-75. churn. dept.. 1963-66, dean
phys. scis.. 1966-69, exec. vice chancellor, 1968 , univ. provost.
1974-75: pres. U. Cal. at Berkeley. 1975 3; vi's'. scientist Centre
d'Etudcs Nuclraires. Saclay. France, 1968-69: vis. prof. faculty-scis.
U. Paris. Orsay. France. 1961-62: cons. to research orgns.. 1948
spl. research theoretical physics. nuclear physics. quantum mechanics.
electromagnetic theory, scattering theory. Guggenheim fellow.
1956-5 7. 61-62: Futbright grantee, 1961-62. 'elem. Am. Phys. Soc.,
Am. Assn. Physics Tchrs., Am. Inst. Physics, Am. Assn. U. Profs.,
Sigma Xi. Sigma Pi Sigma. Author: Elementary Quantum Mechanics.
1968;"rhe Nucle-w Independent Particle Model. 1968; Discontinuities
in \\ e