)9616jA50106 W8106il
iitl ny'Ai kii~ RV 09~ A~x 66 s-, i t- r'c K:A-m-
IF qmm-
The curves- showed za~dxuat cstallinitr for unheated samples
ana-Maxix2i ela, -to 50. and holding at tenperature for one
citr orL hotting
hour*, eoreasing with, Prolonged holding. The platsaa of the peak,,t in a
thermogram. is dependent on degree of eVstallinity. Themomacluuiieal curves can be
used to! evaluate degree of crystallinity, Supplementary X-ray, analyses are neces-
sary, to datermine absolute percentage of crystallization. The Uneties of Nairit
(and other elastomers) crystallization can be studied by a comUnation, of these
methods. Orig. art. hast 4 figures.
ASSOCIATT-ONt Institute. of Organic. Chemistry or Academy of Sci.
Card lih
~., L
Solubility in the system urea- phosphoric acid water.
Zhur.prikl. khim. 37 no. 5:1111-1116 Pq 164. (MIRA 17:711
TO I "'! cl~ Y" ,,, ,
. , ()V, , ; N!'; ~lf . , . . '. ; , .. '". -:, ,
Fttf,dlaritl~~:3 in 11 ( er~-r!,,Ieu ,-;,,- I d a -~ !. Al ,, a t 10 , I
CWL rxi!!P :-r1!..% i %~ ~-''
. .... fiz. 7 no. 6: : 6 ". '- -
1~27 -le It'14. ( :4 IPJ IF: 3,'
1. InstILIJI. c,rj-lvnirl:enkr)y klilmli AN
ARBUZOV, B.A., fi`idemik; IjAjj.~OV, V.A.; ALFKSEYEV , N.V.
Electron diffraction atudy of thi 0, -pinene oxide molocule. DokI.
AN SSSR 155 no. 3:592-595 Mr 164. (14111A 170)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii At: SSSR, Kazan', i !rntitut
elementoorganicheakikh soyedinenly AN SSSR.
. ES
ARBUZOVO B.A., akndemikj NA1114CV, V*A*
Electron diffracticn study of Uo ntructure rf thie-A-plintne =Iecru-la.
Dokl. A14 SSSR 158 no.2:376-378 S 104. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Inutitut orgo-nicheskoy khimil AN SS!~R, Kazan'.
Differentiated trap intrusion in the upper raaches of the Lower
Tunguska. Vokl. AN SSSR 163 no.lsl69-170 JI 165. (MIRA 18s7)
1. Irkutakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet, im. A.A.Zhdanava. Submitted
March 25- 1965,
ARBUWW,. 8.A. o akademik; MAUMV, V.A.1 SHATRUKOV, L.F.
.91metron diffraction study of the structure of 4-3-carene mdde molecules.
Dale I-AN SSSR 163 no.2055-358 Jl 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Institut, organicheakoy kh1aft AN SM, Kazan%
- =7-7r~ -~!
-------S,=ructmre of the Xwonskoye
Trausbalkella). Isv. vys.
76-90 A '58.
couplex astal ileposit ("stern
ucheb. sav.; goal. I r&sv. I no.7:
(KIrA 12: 8)
LIrkutekly gosu W stvennyy univorsitot.
(Tranabsikalla-4~-.9 deposits)
~Vf#qL; /"- 0 V) V.,~7
-- - ---- -WPIWIA~r.~
Nkpanding itir mail service. lest.mylasl 14 no.3:21-22 Mr 154.
WAA 7:5)
1. Zamstltell nachallmika Glaynogo pochtovogo upravlanlya (for
Amutov). 2. Nach^llnik maktors perevoski po,cht (for Maumov).
(Air mil service)
NAUMOV, V.A.0 inzh., red.; MOSKALEV, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
kikkSkV, 1% 1. . kand. khim. nauk., red.
[CODBtrUCtion specifications and regulations) Stroitallnye
nornW i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.l. Sec.V. ch.24.
(Finishing coatings; paints, lacquers, and wallpaper] Otdeloch-
nye pokrytiia; kraskip laki i oboi (SNiP I-V. 24~62). 1963.
38 p. (MIRA 17:3)
1, Ruasia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam
stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Naumov). 3. Mezhvedom-
stvermaya komissiya po peresmotru StroitelInykh norm i pravil
(for Moskalev). Vaesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
novykh stroltel'rWkb materialov Akademil stroitel'stva I ar-
khitektury SWR (for Karasev).
i'ACCEMEM WL- AT4019032 #1~W100014W~QQ?4
AUTH(ML ]kWa, D. L.; Kandrashow, A. P.; Kats1mv, A. A. -, taurfim. 1~- A.; Sergaym.
Ya. A.; Tiameova, A. V.
'ITME: An eMpecimental justiffi!=Aon of multigroW mefteds for the oo=WUM= of biological
SOURCE: Vopmy* fizild zashchlty* reaktorov; sbornik statey (Problems in physics of
reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Oosabomizdat, 1963, 60-74
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactor shielding, neutron scattering, removal cross
-section, biological shielding, neutron, neutron distribution. mulUgroup method, Wfusiod
ABSTRACT: The authors note that the computation of bioIdocal shielding involves the
determination of the 6pace-energy distributions of the neutrons In media containing light
and heavy nuclei. A number of methods, based in one way or another on the solution of
kinetic equations, have Wen developed to most this need. Several of them us briefly
examined and oriticizied. In the present article, two methods of solving the problem are
considered: a 10-group and aT-gmp method In &diffusion widdifftasion-age approximadQF4-
;Card 1/4.
respectively. The applicability of this ldnd of approximation for shielding computations
is not evident if strong absorption is present. Hydrogen slowing also complicates the use
of these methods to a considerable degree. Neutron scattering with non-elastic collisions
is isotropic, while the anisotropy of elastij scattering may be corrgctsd by introducing the
transport section of the scattering. At lower energies, elastic scattering becomes more
isotropic and absorption processes begin to play an important role only In the lower groups.
On -the basis of this circumstance, an attempt was made to justify experimentally the appli-
cability of the methods of computation discussed in this article to the space-energy dis-
tributior, of neutrons at any distance from the source. 7he 7-group method was developed.
for the purpose of introducing certain corrections and Improv!mments into the calculations
of the fast neutron groups. 7`ho basic Idea resolves Itseilf to the assignment of the spatial
distribution of the group of fast neutrons with energy E > 1. 5 Mev by the semlempirical metho
of "removal cross sections" with subsequent computation in a diffusion-age approximation.
The authors note that it has been demonstrated that the difference In the results of calculationi
in the age approximation and the exact solution even for water, at such distances from the'
source as justify an age approch, does not exceed 80%. This fact gives rise to the hope
QVrj W4
that the results of the computations described in this article will be favorable. The
refinements described In the paper deal only with the neutron3 with energies above 1. 5
MeV, since it is these neutrons, as a rule, which determine the spatial distribution of the
neutron streams. Both computation methods were applied to the computation of three
varieties of shielding, of rather small thickness, both with and without boron. The purpose
of the Introduction of the boron was to study the problems of the applicability of the diffusion
and diffucion-age approximations to the computation of shielding with different neutron
absorption in the thermal and superthermal regions. These same varieties were investi-
gated experimentally. According to the original intention, the simplicity of the method was
to be expressed In the relatively small number of energy groups. However, the transitiqn
from a larger number of groups to a smaller was natural and, for this reason, 7- and 10-
group systems of constants were developed. In the first sections of the article, the selection
of groups In the 7- and 10-group methods and the neutron arectrum in the 10-group method
are considered. Basic equations and group constants for the 10-group method are presented
and discussed In a further section, after which the results of the 10-group computations
are artalyzed. Only after this are the basic equations and group constants of the ?-group
method derived. The experimental check of the computations was made with a reador
having a water decelerator. Test conditions are desoribed In the article. The authors
Card 3/4
found that both the 7- as well as the 10- 'group method and the selected systems of group
constants way be used to compute the space-energy distributions in mixtures of Iron with
water and lead at the thickness considered in the study. These methods yield datisfactory
results (within 20%) for boron-containing media; for example, in boron steels. In the
present work, a direct experimental confirmation of the greater accuracy of the 7-group
method In comparison witli the 10-group toohnique was thoretare aot obtained.' OrIg. art.
has: 17 formulas and 8 figures.
card 4/4
ACCE'SSION NR: AT4019057 S/0000/63/000/000/0234/0242
Ab-THOR: aroder, D. L.; Kondrashov, A. P.; Naumov, V. A.; Popkov, K. K.;
Turusova, A. V.
TITLE: Heat release In the shlold and body of a reactor
SOURCE: Voprosy* fiziki zashchity* reaktorov; sbornik statcy (Problems In physics of
reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomlzdat, 1963, 234-242
,TOPIC TAGS: nuclear rcnotor, reactor shielding, heat release, heat emission, reactor
heat dissipation
ABSTRACT: A considerable amount of energy is liberated in the active zone of a reactor due
to the long~rango neutron and Yradiation. This excess of energy is particularly important in
the construction of water shielded reactors. Consequently, the following processes must be
considered in the calculation of Leat release: (1)'tradiation in the actIve zone of the reactor;
.(2) ~ radiation arising from the capture of neutrons; and (3) 09-particles from the B10 (nc4W
reaction. The Yradiation thus comes from five process": (a) Flux ofj-rays from the
active zone:
i 9V4 pox,] -Ex
(b) 'Flux of adiation from neutron capture in the shield and body of the reactor;
b 3 Ar*
(E, [ (I + cx,r-) P#xj
'21, 14+-'.jr'
+ Qr1 j4jxj+"d)]
(1) + 4pb (2)
4r@ e-
+ Qlr.) - -E.-
+ are) 2;-,x
x (pgd + + -P, (I + are) pd + it,I.*Ixl
[~Card 2/5
11b (2)
9 (2) -Y 2-:2 IA)* e
E, < + 2j
'vdE3 (I 1k.Ixg e x
x(Iksd+ 7j;kj-CI))+E, [0 +QF4) (jASd*+ IAIXI
(a) Flux of rays from wo racuhuve capture of neutrons
AJ (2 - E3 [(I + ~j) jArxl - Ea [0 + aj) ps (d - x)l
9"V . z -
(d) Flux of brays due to neutron capture in the witer in the space between the shielding;
qg d
A, E, [(I + 'Mjr*) IA#X*4
i_qard 3 ~ 5
Flux of capturedy'radiation in the water In the reactor
I Ar' je-zdE, +ajyj
+d z
e-1 ps I E, [ (I + art) I 1kord I -
H, (I + am' Y. IA,xg + jis d
+C lag E,