KORACHXT-SUT, I.A.t RtIRNOT, B,X,,) otv,,rod,g WZN]M,, A.S,, ss.Toftyushchijr
rvdi's&T-ar,-0G=, L.K... t4khu,rode
CUkLiforst tim and pay standards; for congtraetton, assembly. and
repair operations in 1960,1 Zdiny* noriW i-ratteenki, a& strai-
teltnye, montashnys L remoutno-stroitel'Ve. raboty, 1960 go KoskTa,
Gos.lsd-va, lit-rT PO strott., arkhtt. i atroit.,naterialam. SborzLilc
3. [Kasour7 workJ Kamenuxe rabotr. Ko,.Z (Stone bridgst and pipeal'
Kawnuy* mosty E truby. 1960. 1Z V. (KIRL 13:6)
1. RussLAL (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goaudarstyennyy kouitot po delaw
stroitellatm, Z, TSentrallnore norsw t Vmo-isalsdovatel 0 sIrcys
byaro; OOrgtranostroyK MnisterctTa transportnogo atroitellatira
(for Norachayekly).
(Waos) (Bridas, Stone)
XCRACUTBUT, N.A.; SAM(13Y. T.1o.; RIXMj, T.B.Ir oty.red.; PXVZJOM, A.S.,
red.lsd-vag TOMIU. Ts.L.t~ takhn.red.
CUWOrK tiw& and pV at& adarda for constractiont, assemblyo, and
repair operationa LIX 196c], Minys mormy L rauttianki n& atroitall-
aye. sontashnjv t remontuo-stroitaLtuyv; rabotre 1960 c. Koskma, Got.
isd-va lit-r7 postroit., arkhLto i ttroit.materialas. Sbornik IZ.
(Pilo trivincl $vainyt robAty. 1960. 28 p. (KIU 13 t 64
1. Rmasia (1923- V.S.B.R.J, GosudaretTeaW kositot pa delan stroi-
taltatTa. 2. Mntraltnoys normatiTno-EssledoTatellskoys byura
(Orgtransatro,T) MuLaterstya transportnogo, stroitslOstva (for Kcra-
Che4TSkir, G&TOIlYST),
(Wages) (Pilinc (CiTil ansinsevirz))
FLIVIII;, Vl~hmil lzrailcvich~ 1-c d.
for englnee.-,3; a recc:merp~erd lIrt of literattl~-'
L A z
Unnomika d-lia iilztencrov; :-ekcrzndatal'nyi iI'I-
terntury. Lenivxrad, l)64. 102 p. (F-T f~o 1. , 17%E)
MDRACI"SKIY, t. U.. ML. NAUC~W. sovw.
*AmmfK" ally(MAKNO PA4C 34.
40scow. 0950
"OFACW~5my" T. u.
'Experimental Tnvestigation or 'he RiviVty or Joints In Steel 7ramevorks
or !-'ultiatory Puflding-.11 Sub 19 Jun 51, l'oreaw Order of the labor "ed
gan.ner Construct ion Fnginecrinr inat I=cni V. V. Kuyb.vallev
Diffninrtationa rresentr,d ror setence and enfrBeerirr, derre-c In
SC.' Sur. Yo. 4`0, c) YOY 55
_IIQ~AqMSKIT, ?area likolay'STich, kand.t9kIm.nauk,-,. POPOT. S.A.. kand.
I-Q-Ei-.-nauk, -jaucFny~yrq TIOMTA, K.O.. red.izd-va; KZDTIMKT.
Ljas, tokhn,red.; GILUSOX, PA., tak-hn.rods
[Voing slumimm alloya in. making. construction. elemental, Pri-
Menenie slinninlevfth splavor v stroitelinykh konstruktaiiakh.
Ko~kT,q.. Gosigd-vo lit-rjr po strolt., arkhit. i stroit.mate-
rialan. 1959. I)0 p. (KIRA 1W)
Wnulmua alloys) (Aluidimm, Structural)
KIRSAYOT, Malay, Mikhallcmicht LISSIG, T*JF, imnd.tokArz, nauk, rationtemt;
OJUT, Ir.l., kmad.t#kha.n&vk., rateenstat
MON,94" , -, TOLKOT,.A.a.e
.:-, 1w
-va, MAO (or#*@ tak~fmda
Min& aluxiam altoyg in coustmation; rotund of a lecture]
Primnsuia alludzievykh splayoy v stroitelcatm; konspekt loictaLio
Toronesht Ivi-vo Toronazhskoga univ,, 1960. 55 p. (KIRA 13:61
(Aluninum Alloya)
ACCESSION NAr AT010742. $/2839/63/060/002/001/0047
AUTHOR: horachev, 5kly, T. N. (Candidate of t*chn1csI.scI*nc*s)
TITLE: Study of the strength properties of the aluminum al loys AV-TI AD33-TI
0641 and V92-T under rhigh speeds of load application
SOURCE: ASIA SSSR. InstItut stroltel.Iny*kh konstruktsly. Stroltollny*ye
konstruktsil 1z alyuminlyevy*kh splavov, no. 2, 1963, 41-47
TOPIC TAGS.w alumtnum alloy, aluminum alloy tensile strength, aluminum alloy bond-
Ing strength, AV-TI alloy, A033-TI alloy, D16-T alloy, V92-T alloy, alloy strength
load speed dependence, Kater pendu'lum
ABSTRACT: The observed mechanical strength of materials Is a function of the
speed of appilcation of the load. information In the literature, however, con-
cerning the changes In strength of aluminum alloys under various load apptication
speeds Is very limited. Consequently, the author investigated the strength pro-
pertles :of certain aluminum alloys designed for use In construction (AV-TI , AD33-
TI, D16-T and V92-T). The V92-T alloy samples were In the form of 20-mm thick
sheets; the others'were In the form of pressed shapes with a beam thickness of more
than .14 mm. Tensile strength tests were performed c-t cylindrical samples 5 mm
in diametpr &nd 50 mm In length; bond tests 'were mada, on prismattc: samples with a
Card 1/6
IOXIO mm cross section with a 2.X2 am Incision and distance between supports of 50
mm. ' A total of 130 samples were tested, of which three.-fourths were shock-tested,
whilethe remainder were studied under slow application of load. The dynamic tests
were made on.a type PSVD-1000 pendulum-type test Instrument (Kater pendulum)
(Figure 1),%blebbro-TWierchangeable devices for tonsile-tests of cylindrical
.samples and bend.tests of prismatic samples at not less than two different lCad
(stress) speeds within the limits of the possible rate of fall of the pendulum
.(2 to 5 meters/second). . The test results were recorded according to the final
pendulum position, Indicating ~the effort expended on the destruction of the sample,
with simultaneous photography of the oscillograms reproducing the breakdown pro-
cess. FIgures 2 and 3 of the Enclosure show characteristic oscillogr&ms obtained
with the old of this test arrangement. Static tests for tensile strength were con-
ducted an an IM-AM machine with a deformation rate of 1.3 mm/min and with Inechani-
cal recording of the force-deformat Ion. dl agram. Static bond tests were made on a
.Zpl.f ' (East German) device having a deformation speed of 0.6 w1min and mechanical
recording of the force-deformation diagram. It was found that under shock loads
(stresses) the strength propertles.of aluminum alloys of different types change
dl (forent ly. When test Ing the samples for tensl Is strength, a maximum Increase In
the safety factor (ks) was obtained for alloys of medium strength AV-TI and AD33-
T I , for wh I ch ks 4W I . 25 at f (time elapsing from the beginning of the applica-
t Ion. of Q)o load to the moment"tt reaches its greatest Va lug) 1-3-1-5 micro-
ACC;*-3SICff Im it AT4=742
ceicondB. yor ! higlIi-strength alloy D10-T and 5GU-h&rdMdUg alloy V92-T, the
.4 at r.. " 1,4.2.1 microseconds
stren5th incresse factor vu emaiderablY lower, ar
is only 1.03-1&0'). The ka factors cbtained on the basis of the bend-test results
were close to those for tensile strength tests. The yield point factors ky,
charactarizind the increase in the yield point limit under shook load$, in the
case of the AV-Tl and AD3~-Tl alloys had values close to the k. for
these some alloys; for D16-T and V92-T, the ky factors vere found to be high-
er than the ks (1.15 and 1.36, respectively). Original article has- 2 tables and
6 figures.
ASSOCTATIONt Institut'stroitellny*kh kmatruktsly, ASIA SM (Institute of
Building Constrwtion, Acadaq of Constr-wtion.and Architecture# SUR-
sma=Mv 00 DATE ACQi 17J&n64 ENCLi 03
Card 3/6
Use of drr Lee for clout dispers&I in tho. Arctic. Frobt. ArIct.
no.2:133-139 t57* (MIRL, litiz)
tDrr ice) (Arctic recions-Weather control)
t- , "-IF . f.
14 ~ 4 i" t - 5 ~' ;' f , V-1, SN-elc-516-9-14142
V:T HOR t Sht&l*, V.K., Candidate cf Georraphical Sciercesi 4"g,&;hPvs-
kLy_,~V.G. . Canlidate of ~-hyallco-Vathematlca, Sciences (Lenin-
TITLER An Active Influonce Upon the Weather (Aktivnoye vozdeystviye
n& pagody)
PERIODICA-Le Priroda, 1958,"'Nr 9, pp 85-8B (USSP)
ABSTRACT& A, aurvey is given of American, French ant Japanese expert-
menta and achieTements in rain-making, weather modification
and the warding-off of hail. The effect of the explosion of
hydrogen bombs on the weather is doubtedt as the speed of the
explosion prevents any influence on the teather rjroces~ beyond
an area, of 50 square kn- in the. case of a single bomb. The ef-
fect of remaining ionized dust and other fall-out has not yet
been sufficiently studied. Soviet researih and experiments in
weather modification for the benefit of tgriculture and aviation
is, centered mainly in the JLeningradskiy instittit ekffparimen-
taVnoy mateorclogii /L1FM/ (Le'ningrad Institute of Experi-
mental Weteorology), the Glaynay& geofizichaskaya, observato-
riya, i=. Voyeykova IGG01 (Vain Geophysictl observatory i=i.
Card 112 Toyeykov), the Tsentrallnaya aerologicheffkaya observatoriy&/
An Active Influence Upon the Weather SOT-26-56-?-14/42
TsAG/ (Central Aerological Observatory), the Goauda,ratyenryy
r.&uchno-iasladova.tal-lakly.ing.titut Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo
flota, (State Scientific Research Institutt of the Commercisl
Air Lines) and other organizations. In 1~49, Nikandrov, V.Ya.
with his group succeeded in producing rain from cumulus and
stratc-cumulua clouds in 11 out of 15 trials. The methods
employed are based on the artificial formation of crystalli-
zation; nuclat by the spraying of' Co AgJ and other agents
into clouds to effect & dinintegr&tio"n of the cloud. Dry ice
for crystallization nualei is used mostly. The prevention
of hail formation was successfully tried in 1956. There are
5 photos and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
1. Artifiela! precipitation 41. Mete-orcioa
Card 212
S/169/60PCC/t 11/t 1,9tj 16
Translation fromg Rererativnyy zhurnal, Geofizlka, 1960, No. 11, PP. 171 - 172P
f 144W
AMHORSt Morachevskiy, V.G., Nilrandrov, V,Y&.
TrIME: The Effectiveness of C02-Partieles and Agj-ftme for the Dispersion
of Supercooled Lower Clouds and Fogt
PERIOD Tr. Arkt. i ant&rkt. n.-i. in-t&, 1959, Vol. 228, pp. 13r--145
TE=: The authors report briefly on the mechanigm cf the artificial crystal-
liza.tion of asupercooled droplet cloud or fog bry means of dry, carbcn dioxide ice
and Agl-fume. The appearance of crystals In the c,*.o-.ad causes the diffusion of the,
walter vapor from the droplets to the crystals and leads to rapid growth o&~ the
latt,er, which causes the dispersion process of the cloud and fog. Twenty-five
research flights; were carried out for clarifying some questions of the application
method of AgI and dry C02 during treatment the cloudg and fogs with them, the
flights aerv~d to determining the optimum expenditure of the reagent. The teats
were, perfermed in the Arctic- region of Tadibe-Y&khi. The equipment and facilities
Card 1/~
The Effectiveness or C02-Partittes e-nd Agl-Pume for the Dispersic~n of Supercccled
Lower Clouds and Fogs
are described which.were installed in the aircraft for produlaing the dry C02-
granules, the AZT-fume, and for ph~t,:,graphing the clcud3 treated. Uniform inter-
ne.1 clouda with the vertical thicknesa up, t,:- 500 m were treated. The achemes are
presented ef sounding and flight d-uring the action, and the, r_',~urse or maneuvering
of the aircraft according to the scheme mentioned is described. A ,ompil&t!on
table or the action results from 20 testa la addede On the basis cf the d&4& CL.
tained, the authors conclude as follows; 1) the action of dry C02 upen clTuda &-,d
fogs is ineffective at the temperature of the lsttterhi~her than _4'C- 2) the;
ver~tcal rriaxi== thickness of the cloud capable of being dispersed ty spreading
C02 from one level amounts ';0L 600 M. It Is pointed out that under arctic condi-
tiontr an accelerated process of phase transformations in the clouds. ia, observed
in comparison with other regional this Ls explained by the lower water content
of the clouds. Data are presented which characterize the cloud transformation
process %mtil full destruction due to dry C02 treatment under various meteorolcgi-
c&l conditions. A graph Is given of the dependence of tha.dry- Coaexpenditure per
1-km flight on the cloud thickness when treatnent is, performed from one It-iel.
Card 2/>
5/169/60/)W/'~) 11/0 13/016
The Effectiveness of CO~2-ftrtlcles and Agr-i-,%=e for the Dispersion of Supercooled
Lower Cloudu and Pbgs,
A table is presented of the specific CO dosages applied by varfoue Investigators
In dependence on the cloud thickness. &e results of two tests are described In
detail, which were performed In the Chelyuskin Cape,region, and ccnelusicna are
drawn from the results or all other tests. One of the tests cn 1~he action of A&I
upor, layered clouds in the Tadibe-Y&khi region Iff described more In detail. Micro-
phot,ugraphs are presented of the Ice cr-jatal sawnples in a layered clcud after the
treatment of & supercooled cloud with Agl-fume.
V.A. Sorochan
Translatorts note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 3/3
51169100-rM13 I 1/-j.! 4tj 16
(k4ol /o A005/A001
Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal, Geof izika, 10-60, No. 11, p. 112 , f 145rio
AUMORSC Voskresenskiy, Aj., Morachevskiy, V.,G.
TITIEt The Equipment for the Treatment of Supercoo e louds and Fogs From
an Aircraft
PERIODICAL: Tr. Arkt. I. ant&rkt. n.-i. in-ta, 1959, Vol. 226, PP. 155-161
MrL z An aircraft fume-genemtor and the! unit producing dry- CC~-grarajles
trm-.ediately from balloons, installed in the %ircraft are described. In an intro-
duction, the present generators for sublimating AgI and the units for granulatinE
dry C02 are reviewed. Their dicadvantages and the requirements are considered
which must be met by the modern units. The Agl-rume generator developed by +J-,e
authors In 1956 is described in detail. The rundamental schematic diagraxi and
the technical data of the generator are presented as well as tht thermal bilax-ce
of thot device And the abailut& values of- the, heat consumption In kcal/lincur. The
operational principle Is described or the unit for producing granulen of dry CC,~
-directly from liouid C02 by throttling the Utter through & delivery throttling
Card 11-~d
s/16q/6qpm/U i i/,~ i 4-/U 16
The Equipment for the Treatment of Supercooled Clouds and Fogs From an Aircraft
ring with continuous pressure drop In the diffusar. which leads to the formation
of a solid-p&rticle stream out of the aircraft; the particles are, sphere-shaped
trAinly with a radius or 0.4 - 0.6 cm. The size distribution curve is addel of the
C02-granulea obtained frotr the airborne unit, and the uritt operation, duraLtItor, If,
t~tlxted depending. on the out;pit *.nd the quantity of' the balloons With 11q-,:td' C02
engaged stmiltaneously. The authors a-sa,-me tl-,&t it is expedi,?nt to install tht
developed aircraft fume-generator and the airborne unit for productng dry C02_
granules In the &4 rcraft or ice survey for the purpose of dispersing the lower
clouds and fogs in the Arctic region. V.A. Sorochan
TZ'anslator's note: This Is the full translation of the original RUssian abstract.
Card 212
AUTHORSt Dergach, L.L. . Zabrodskiy,, G.K. . and Kora,chevsK~bl _T_G_
TITUT ;he Results of Combined ravostigations of the St-S,~
r!&1 "us and of Fog in the Arctic,
PERIODICALt. IAvestiya AJmdamii nauk SSSRI, Beriya, geof1zicfxeskay&,
1960, No It PP 107-111t
TEMTt k 1956 summer expedition to the Central kratica
inroatigat*d, thq microphysical structure of clouds and.'fog'. The
present paper reports. the results of simultaneous measurements of'
the water content of atratus clouds and their humidity, temperature,
transparency and the drop-size distribution. Seventy vertir;&l.
soundings were carried out In St-Be Clouds and In fog and
measurements of the drop size were Mfide at height intervals of 20,
50 and 1.00 m.. Some horizontal, measurements of' cloudiness were aigro
carried out. An IL-12 aircraft made 37 f1ights over the shores and
water area of the Karsk Sea,, Temperatures were measured by means:
of & sareened thermometer in, the aircraft v1th an automatic.
reaorder KL-LIA(thia instrument: was used also toT record the &Ir
pressure.). Temperature was measured also (together with. humid-ttyl
Card 1/3
WIN, i.
Tho Results of Combined Investigations of, the St:.-Sc Clouds and of
fog in the Arctic ;J
using a thersohygrometer LO The; water content was found using
za7tser(a instrument (ROM4 Drops were,measured by micro-
photography (Refs 1. with a. magnMeation, of 300-'- A, new
photoelectric Instrument kjk=.~'4(?jg 1) was used to mv&sure the
transparency or clouds in the visible region. The Instrument SIP-3
measured the meteorological vistbUity range, between 26 and 500, a
with an error not exceeding 20% (when its geometrical base was
13 m). The data obtained were: analysed and the resu-Its, are givea
in Ti a 2-6. The vertical distribution of the water :ontent
(q, X'3) and the visibility range (S. m) in fog are shown in
Fig 2. Fig 3 gives the size histograms of the fog drops. The
vertical distributions of the water content (q), the visibility
range: (3) and temperature Ct, OC) for stratus clouds are given. In,
Fig 4 and for strato-cumulus clouds in.Figs 5 and 6 (Fig, 5
inalules, also the effective dimensions of drops). IL, stratus and
strato-cumulus clouds, whose vertical thickness was cf the, order
Card 2/3
The Results of Combined Investigations of the St-Sa Clcuds and of
fog in the kretie
of 200-3.00: mp the drop dimensions were practically conEtant
throughout thet clouds, It is pointed out that, since the aerosol
traps, did not catch the smaller drops (especially In "rarefled"
clouds), the quoted data for stratus clouds and for fog are less
reliable than those for strato-cumulus clouds.
There are 6 figures,. 1 t&bloand 7 rafirencest 6 Savi(,t and,
1 English.
SUBMITTIM February 25, 1959
Card 3/3
red. -
f,.Ya.,, prof
(Problems in atmospharl,-- pijycjca) Fruble..-
ry f'.Z!ki
fery. No.2. 1963. ll,,O
1. Lerdr,-vil. Univervitct.
I-ITYUMNO B.V.; fffj.~ElF-VLlKIY*--V.G.; MINA, F.H.
Evaporation rate of droplets of aqueous solutions of aurface-
active agents. Frobl. fiz. atm. no.2042-150 163. (K7PA- 170)
ACCESSION MR: AT4011375 S12940161100010OZ/atst/0154
AUTHOR: Horacheysitty, Ve G.; Sh(nyayev, B. X.
TITLE: Experimental investigation of the value of the evaporation coefficient for
aqueous solutions of surface-active materials
,SOURCE: Leningrad. UnIveriltat. Froblemy* firiki atmosfery*, no. 2, 1963, 151-154
TOPIC TAGS: meteorotogy, surface-active material. atmospheric physics, evaporation
.coefficient, cloud phyaLco, cloud dtgpersal. fog dLaparxal. cloud
evaporatiom rate. chentcal cloud di~peraat
ABSTRACT: tnvestigationof thekinaticsof evaporation and condensation of aqueopsl
solutions of surface-active materials are of Interest because of thaLr posat-
b 1e use as reagents for the dispersal of clouds and fogs. The authors have used
the T. Alty method for daterm(nation of the evaporat(on rate of pure water (phi I.
(rag, vat. 15, Ita. SZ, 1933; Froc. Roy. Soc,,, vot* 149, No. t04, 1935) (a an expert-i
mental layestigat(on of the evaporatton coeffictenta of sayerct typet, of aqueout
solutions of sur(tct-actIve materials. Descrtptfoo of the appar#tui used, whtch
Involved a force pump, manometer,.and thermostat, Is limited to two. sentences and
a photograph. -The flrgt stop fathe experlmrit was to detarmtne the coeff(crent
of evaporation of' water. F(ve experiments, were madam 9[ving * Mean Yalue,of the C401-0
efftcient CL w 0-0368. wh(ch, agrees weft wIth Atty(t value -a w 0.037). rh[s was.